HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.03.11 - 48361919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS CANVASS OF VOTES AT THE 11 GENERA Li SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 12, 1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS .5.:TATIO:NER:S.....:AND PRINTERS STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of voys given for the office of V I LLAGE CLERK Two Year Term - Vote for One Put figures in this column was votes and they were given for the following named persons: CAROL BRAGDON received received received TOTAL vo.tesE ... The whole number of votes given for the office of v LLAGE TREASURER - Two Year Term - Vote for 0 A and they were given for the following named pers4ris: votes ; :votes: JOHN C. BROWN received received eceiVed TOTAL votes .The.Whole nbmber of votes given forithe office of .V ILLAGE ASSESSOR and they were given for the following named persons: LC Alk. 7 received . votes received votes I was i • • TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of V I LLAGE TRUSTEE - Two Year Term - Vote for Three': , / / and they were given f the following named persons: KATHERINE F. BECHARAS received ,f;-. CHARLES S. BROOKS ANTHONY j.. COTE KATHRYN P HAGAMAN MART IN F . WALSH 1 ROBERT H I Mil.gRMAON received / received received received received R ' `CL 11_1 received received received votes received Notes TOTAL received votes otes 2,G STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the ADV I SORY PROPOS I TI ON Put figures in this column Do you favor the V i 1 lege Council considering the paving of al I _pub] ic roads located within the Village of Bingham Farms provided that the costs of such paving be .paid . . from the general funds of the Village and that no specific tax shall be levied therefor? votes were marked YES and .:votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the of which number votes were marked NO CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION COUNTY OF ....The ...BPard:•Of••Canvas:SerS•••pftbe•::::.• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• Count y•••••••••:::.::•••••••.: ••••••••••• • Oak I and •• • • ••• •• • •••-r••• •••••• • ••• ••• • • ••••• • • • • • • •• •• •• • • ••••• • •••(COUNTY••••••• CITY V.11.J.,%G • • : . •.• • ••CIT TP. 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NONE Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was : 'SEAL: Witness : Whereof. : We :ttaye hereunto set :pl.:1r hands and :affixed:::the:::Seall: of the :: :: :: : : 1. iltiqt.y.: : : of : :_1:16.k.1 and (,...., ,.,•,...r.r.......f.i...re71.1.5,...,.,..,s!4.P....13F1 11-1..ip.O .1: : kcaliNTV, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR V1LLA(M) A " ..„,:.: :77-1,.. , : " : : :.,:._ .. ma th : : : : this '.- : z5-• „te.:/).:,,ket.: 1,1,-1,,L_ day QT. " Mar ch " : _ " : injtiO:voor.. one thousand nine hundred and i : i i 0 ighty:7f9u r :••••••••,&••••/; . . : • .-4•::•••• BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST' !E.RIS .OF :BOARD OF CANVASSERS. :BOARD OF CANVASSERS. :QHAIF1MA