HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1992.03.08 - 4869VILLA G E OF CLARKSTON CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX ANNUAL AT THE El GENERAL SPECIAL ELECTION Li HELD ON MARCH 9, 1992 (1)Alt OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY UNDO thi1tUt L ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON ANNUAL ELECTION-MARCH STATEMENT OF VOTES, 1 PRECINCT NUMBEI4 ‹; 1 li 0. . —i on 1 0 ' 11 —il 1 1 , O. _i. 1— 1 1 --1 -1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 -17-- 1 _ I , I I - I 1 _ - II s-77_ 11 — 1 .P. G Received Not Received Fieceived Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Having Not Received Haviing Not Received Received Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was ufficert votes was Sufficient votes was aufficlent votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Having Received Received Passed -- Defeated Passed Defeated Passed - - Defeated Passed Defoaled Passed Defeated ICOURri, ch.V.TWTIl 1r OR VILLAGE) this 1 in c year one thousand nine hundred and t-'• A ,f,-,, day of CH AI RmAN. Uf MTV. curl'. T9IRMINIP OA .ILLAVG1 March ninety-two BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: C6A) BOARD O F CANVAS:4E IRS. That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected - That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected . That having received a sufficient DUIllber of ' - votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of vdte5 is elected That , having Tgceived a sufficient number of votes is electid _ J.1 _ having received a suffic.ent number of votes is elected That , having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Forthet Hereby Determine: That the folloWin9 Propositions or questions were passed r:;it defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 3_ NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NArge oF PROPCISITION 6 NONE In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ;-Incl 4rfiXed tne Seal of the County of Oakland Jd_ d -AIL / • ,?1,1117,4, JP; ..A641410 (UVL (13 Jux t'r-rs oF BOARD OF cANVASBeRS, C STATE OF ATICIIIGAN1 COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of tr.e Ss- votes 's elected That V(.7NS is efected That votes is elected That votes is elected votes is eiecled That Do Hereby Certify ar irtermine That VI,10=G_E R.,-Two year term exp!ring April 11, /LI VILLAGE TRUSTEE - Two year term expiring April 11, 1994 havir g received a SO/Mei-It rlOrntyp.r of 1LLAGE PRESIDENT - Two year term exptirin9 April 11, 1994 ( T.7:751.--/, hd."1/1._ having received a sufficient number of ILLAg_CL._ERJ:=3±11_yr term wiring April 11, 1994 LtAN,4tA VILL,G TREASURER — Two yea ) L. expiring April 11, having received a sufflient riurni)er of 1994 having received a sufficient nurnocr of 199Li having received a sufficient number of erm expiring April 11, 1994 1 • / f ) / ,Z VILLAGE TRUSTEE - Two year termhixpiring April 11 having receivcd a sufficient number of , 1994 having received a sufficient rumber of VILLAGE TRUSTEE - Two year term exp!ring April 11, 1994 That votes is elected That votes 4 elemd That — - votes is elected — having received a suffic%!nt number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION mEnn••• COUNTY of OAKLAND (r Qwn-re, cry, rOwn s)Ii.. VILLAWE) (cNYv r, T9W146n110 V:LL.ACIC? having Ascertained arid Canvassed the Votes of saic; - VILLAGE OF CLARKSTRN 4Cce404,,, ITt. Tww•41014.- VS %a' ILLAY. 9th at the ANNUAL Election, held on he MARCH day of one thousand nine hundred and NINETY-TWO That having received a sufficient number of voles is elected _having received a suf-fcient ;lumber of votes is elected That ,liaving received a suffscient number of votes is elected laying received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient numixr of vote6is electedi r having received a sufficient number of votes is elec.:led That having ieceivcd a sufficient number of That That That votes is elected Tnat •- having received a sufficient number of I votes is elected That havirg received a suffic:crt numoer of votes is electez., 4•43 STATEMENT OF VOTES VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON ANNUAL-ELECT ION-MARCH 9, 1992 _ Two Yea r Te rm 7 Put figures 11 The. whole number of votes given for the office of VILLAGE PRES I BENT - Vote for One in this column ' —7- was , . ., fr.,____(t , r IA-A A -Ali f ) A 190 1.--1-4, _.." , 1 and they were given for the foilowin g named persons: (R) SHARRON CATALLO received to-Vi.L_L ,,..L.14 cLua 5,___r_g_, _th_A____. votes _.... r) Ai,,,_QA__,(4__ received votes received votes TOTAL votes ,1 04, . - -, Two Year The whole number of votes give for the office of V I LLAGE CLERK - erm Vote for One WU I 7 .--' dA.LJ -at A trii-v--- ) and they were given for the followin g named persons: (R) JEANNE SE' ANDER MILLER received (J41-14 1,11,f)--Vf a-V1-0 -42 -2-1)--1-1A— votes I) 0 7 r_ () .ik:-.0E-) received votes received votes 1 TOTAL votes ' / / 2; Two 'ilea r T e whole number of votes given for tne office of VILLAGE LLAGE TREASURER - term i Vote for One I was i A I I 1 3 0...L-kr- and they were given for the following named persons: , (R) ARTEMUS M. PAPPAS received fk _ 4.4,,1 4 c„ttij----42Vfr,,7--, 2 ti e7L. -4 votes f l received votes I received votes TOTAL VOWS c . ' The whole number of votes given for the office of Two Year Term VILLAGE ASaESSOR - lint , fnr On il was 1 ) 1 "_ and they were given for the fa lowing named persons: (R) DOUGLAS ROESER received ..7u,/,,,,x_ ia-1-4 votes IT 6'1 received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes , I received Votes received votes l' , rn-rAl ontom ) rs. 1 243 received 0103 received Votes i received received votes votes received votes received votes TOTAL V otes STATEMENT OF VOTES Vote for Three put figures The whot number of votes given for the office of VILLAGE TRUSTEE -in this Whim Two Veer Term was 1 / I , and they were given for the following named persons: f I WILL IAM K. BAS I NGER received 0 ERIC HAVEN received "In.. ., Atif di j_ri CL.1,74,61 1.--c-- votes , Doti I N I C, MAUT I received 6 xA votes / t) I TOTAL .,..L.-V= votes R Aio The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given foi the following named persons: received VOWS -- received votes received votes I received votes received votes I received votes received votes TOTAL votes , The whole number of votes given for the office of WeS and they were Oen for the following nerned persons: received votes received votes , received votes , I received votes received votes , received votes , received votes