HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1973.03.11 - 4920ViLLAGE OF FRANKLIN GL:•:ERAL ELECTION MARCH 12, 1973 VET MARCH 12, 1973 (DATE 01 ELECTION) OF OAKLAND X XX XXXXXXXXXXX XXTM XXXrrUkX*XX KM)( X X SCHOOL FORM PR1N URER...' r NITU R. E. Order by N. M-397 CA .300K Spe7ify Lether Gener-1.3[., Prrnrity or Special Election GENERAL HELD ON -CLERIC'TVote fo-r- not mote thari -17---E7,7Tio ' ELLEN S. STECKLEY 4 - 0 4 2 2.7 assessor (Vote for not more than I L.7-R OF VOTES WRO-119,1 0, R. DUNCOMBE 1-.4:Med Per,,CMS', PERSC: PETER C. BERTELSON VIRGINIA S. DEBENHAM _ C, WILLIAM GARRATT DAVID KLE IN , PHILIP A. PRICE ”.1)T V22, n !2:22 0 14 !C e -4Fq : 01 A L -,...4TRUSTEE ote for not more than 3) 6. Two 6,rro \,,!LLAE Cr F ELECT MAR H , 1973 CT \NK 1_ IT F VOTES, 0Pr4. CHARTER AMENDMENT No, 1 CHARTER CHARTER PROPOSAL AMENDMENT AMENDMENT LOTS 79, 80 and No. 2 NO. 3 171 through 18 PRECINCTS YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO TOTALS 1 2 ... • STATEMENT OF VOTES, PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER VILLME OF FRANKLIN OENERAL ELECTION MARCH 1 LAEAG E or FRANKL GENERA)._ ELECT I ON MARCH 12, 1973 cAnd / 0 nd iH PROPOSAL - LOTS 79, 80 and 171 through 183. May the V i 1 1 age of Frankl in acquire the real property hereinafter described by negotiated purchase at a price and on such terms as may be determined by the VI 01111C IL or Ihrough_einin_ent_domal-n-- - — -- proceedings authorized by the Village Council? Lots 79, 80 and 171 throu_gh 183 inc 1 us ive, of Frank) in Vill.age Subdiv is accord_ing- to _tile plat- — thereof recorded in Liber 14-3 of Plats, Page 38, Oakland County Records and that part of Lor53 of Supervisor's Plat No. 8 2 which_ plat is recorded in Li ber /6 of _P_Iats Page .25 OakLand County -Records-, which is not a part of the plat of Franklin Cemetery. _LIBRARY_ PRCIPDSAL Shall a tax not to exceed one mill be levied to operate the Franklin Library, Inc. as a free public -11-15-rary althin fife .VITTage of Fran-kTin? -FT,T.-3, VC.7.; lurnbe 7-,ked YES VON=5 Wefe Errati<ed NO TOT OT E • . : . . nunibel- otj ro.nd CHARTER AMENDMENT - PROPOSAL 3 h WO5 '/Qte5 were "L'IC.,crked NO . : ,.7Ti t CHARTER AMENDMENT - PROPOSAL I !rts (1) To acquire by purchase or lease, personal property of a value not to exceed 000 for any_public _ use or purpose within the scope of its powers and to hold, manage, control, sell or otherwise disppse of the same without approval of the electorate. TOTAL VOTES ot and citttst the CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL 2 04) To acquire by_gift real or _personal_property of any value for saay_publio use_or_purpos_e. with_ia the_ scope of its powers and to hold, manacle, control, sell or otherwi5e_ di_s_pc/Sa_ Of ...s_ama without_ approval of the electorate_ (1) To acquire by purchase, or by lease if the annual rental exceeds $1,000, any real property unless the same shall have first been approved by two-thirds of the electors voting thereon at any senerat election, TOTAL VOTES •• • De votes votes seliadtdd ihat I hot votes is eil ,cted Thot hottingreciitivecT the icirciest number -of Itiovino \te.id ilkirilb•a. haying reccHved the nunttet its• OF PRO::.!71•:.2,:! passed or de..e-at,:.a.d as rndi ,.-.:arcz:r..-1 If, We hove. let AK LARD ,..Loy of MARCH • seventy-three COUNTY BOA:7,i;) E] OAKLAND Lormn-s: OF COUNTY OAKLAND cll A,CerfC141,,-;:j C.Md Convosse,-1 VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN, GENERAL 12th MARCH trie. Election, he.I.4 , " on seventy7 three e thousand nine . hundre-d and the liard of Corivosseis Ci . 5C01 S e V I LLAGE CLERK - 2 Year Term receni-.E0 That . Vir.)s ,::..deCted V I LLAGE /0.SES$OR - 2 Year_ Te_rm novino tc,ticeivLu the lc_ having received c aose iiiint.er Egttvin g teceiveci the largest nuribei' vcites .Tern .••• • voles _TRUSTEE - 2 .Year _Tern CiVCd the i(-trgE.-st n-urftbr,t of TRUSTEE - Year Term ho-ving CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL - 1 !c), NAME OF CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL - 2 NAME OF PVJPOSHION CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL - 3 CLERK OF [I.:- CisNVASSERE One tr: _ amest cur:" PROPOSAL - LOTS 79, 80 and 171 through 183. Hovina . •DS.SCO Hilt N. N_ LIBRARY PROPOSAL r-tns,Lng, • NTY CNLNcr Y ct OAKLAND COUNTY OAKLAND The Boc_Ird of Convassezs. the ndC -61e Votes said VI LLAGE OF FRANKLIN ect;on, kcd--1 MARCH •:rn d seventy-three GENERAL i-led..by ond Detemine voi.es elecfed Thal_ _ vates N Pd-ed . That _ ;5 -elected That votes is elected_ votes Is cdeci-ed Tk-sd- votes 'fl,a t Thc.Tt vetes That vç-f - keih-cteci havwc; ,,.ece-wed the (.1r.cie1 the 5 htwq- • _hovina kr-gesi nun:6er lovHg received the ICeSt nut Le theNThtN1nihi:-11;00" tvnc recene 12 e recelyea 7-he havrici rece;yea theic..-Irge:„; r.s.4 or OF PRO:7CW:ON •-ru F..). ss N,64,11.-: CO' i!ON NONE VO:".GS ',NOS -- .Defected tied.. seventy-three • f'_,`p itpteunte SG: _or OAKLAND r _Ivy of MARCH - Cc. the yeat:-F.:67c, uieed A the Seal geDARO C A 1°4 V .4