HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.03.11 - 4921LLA,GE CF P=4 ANNUAL ELECT ON MARCH 2, 979 OAKLAND -$ igost; E.- 1 1 March 12, 1979 7 EU:C:1177! T4 V 0'51 TOTALS 11 Yr. Unexpired Term :PRESIDENT - Vote for 1 CR WARI --* Two Year Term .VILLAGE CLERK-Vote for i . Russell Stephen Ernst Stewart U. Katz John B. Lake 7:t : . . . . : • • • . . ; -.? .-________. , . • - 'i =•.------,- 1 V131311,Ati.Y r B20A-RD 3 TYRIUSTTEVS.111 Mary Rita Cuddohy Harold Goodman _ : „ . . • • . : ... . .„.• ....-- -:-- : . .....4-- :,: ....., : • . : : . : , .. • : _..„. •. .„ ; . • • ' William C. Herrick Sharon B, Riley • . : • . : • . . : .. . . . . , ,.....„„_._„.4.... . ! ;: . "H- . . I. . . : • : ft- . : :.. < Vote for 3- 2 Yr. Term ! VILLAGE TRUSTEE . • ;-- ---,: n „ . -.` . . • : . . . ; . . . 3 iWilliam C. Herrick rece4'ed rece.iverj , Sharon B. Riley rece;ved ; l'Stephen Ernst ISte [" yvero :Yo rf,c-riflool. J n RIke recoivod , recei,./ed ary Rita Cuddolly --* receved freceIY:?,-4 rev cod Harold Goodman receFved rcfc.:e`ived. :- votes ff vote te whol 9iven k 4ice or PRESIDENT (vote for not more than 1) cr..s..f rit.cy were cs;ven nomc-,d per•or,z.;; TOT if.: ! a whcje nuror or vote ffpven tor the offie of CLERK (vote for not more'thafl--0 „ pefsons: rerIvrd -0,,,trIbet of. voles Hven 10: fhq Trustees (vote for not,more thri 1) Teter H- Busse]] maaimad _ ftrs whole Th.trd-oer Fc.jrveri for the. office of flatrieC, LIBRARY BOARD TRUSTEES (vote for not more—lhanZli___ 4 F : h 6 61 !E VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN • STATEMENT OF VOTES, „ ,..,. h . , i j • h 1 il d ANNUAL ELECTION I MARCH 12 , 1979 ( PROPOSITION # I PROPOSITION # I I PROPOSITION #1 I I PROPOSITION //IV !.; LI YES LTOTALS• r ,„ • . - J . 1 I . I - - I I "11 I YES NO' 11 TOTALS /Z NO 11 TOTALS YES , NO TOTALS 1-2 R HI ji„ (.) I -I11 t ) 7 vc- 2 5 • .. i , L " 1 . I . . 1 •..- • ! 11 I • ii VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN ANNUAL ELECflON MARCH 12, 1979 STA-i:DAENT OF VOTES, OV JT,1 I.• ii I ;, PROPOSITION # V PROPOSITION # VI PROPOSITION # VII PROPOSITION PRECINCTS NC TS YES N D I NO TOTAtS 1 YES I NO ! TOTALS 1 i _ ___ I !' _ - 1 YES I .. NO TOTALS IYEç I NO TOTALS . . .7 . i j........7__...7i..._._...i _._. ,_.. i_., 1 .._ • i' / • , T / 9 7. i I - I 7 '.—. ! iL .., TOTALS c..,...) (-•-i I: it••- I: ........._. I I / ,_•:5 I. :/'•i • I y: ' .b; • 2 7 -I -2) . • I 1 I• • • - II I! • I . ;IL 11 • I.• • 1 • V1LLACE ANNUAL ELECT 1 ON FRANKL I N STATE MARCH 1 2 , 1979 E OF VOTES, 1 PROPOSITION # IX PROPOSITION #X 1 PROPOSITION # X PROPOSITION # x 1 „PREC INCTS YES NO TOTAU S / YES NO TOTALS - I 1 I z 0 /"Z, iI.II 7; kc.;- h 1 :7, 2_ TOTALS 1 1 PROPOSITION # XIII NO , TOTALS • . i.: . , .• .. , ' • _ I ,, El • I i• VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN STATEMENT OF VOTES, . . . DOCII31.n "vm," FIROS. 0., r:'1. ___......._-__ ANNUAL ELECTION MARCH 12, 1975 I! PROPOSITION # 1 PROPOSITION # 1 PROPOSITION # L . • H F ,, !! YES NO HTOTALS I YES' , NO' 1 !I /4/7 .. _.2 i -3 ''./: I - --r"-' ii! /-14- , . TOTALS ..,_. .11 --) •--, ,/ 19 0 11,....-74 - (.,..) 11 ',.> C, Li. , , • TOTALS 1 YES__ ___NO .iiTOTAkS YES -- L_ 1 1; , 1! I of which number votes were marke-d YES 1 " t and vet were rnar'Keci HO 7-7 TOTAL VOTES, • - Shall Chapter 11 .1 • wOS of vees were morlsed YES Crld number z TO /14 J , • wc.s A .• `>=-2„,.; w!!,„.n !-b nur4-,,r votes were rror'Ked YES anti votes wn=1.P. 71011<e-A NO The v;no le nur.11„,er or vote• 9Iverri ro, ,nd c9cinst PR°ROS M ON - Shall Ch ap er " 2 (1) of the Village Charter be amended to increase from $5,000 to $10,000 the [ value of personal property which can be acquired for public use or disposed of without approval of the electorate? WCS „ ' = - The w'nole number of votes given for and against the PROPOS1T I ON 1 ! I ; • -Section 3-A of the Village Charter be amended tLliacantinue tfte., residency re- llfault restri ct.I an.s_excep-t- 1 defaults to illage of F , • -fa •n • e aRpoi-ntment to I. • r / votes were mcrtsed NO TOTAL VOTES r !; f j. The whole number of votes given for and against the PROPOS I T1ON 111 — Sh all the language . of -Chapter .111, Section 8(a) of the Village Charter be clarified to specify that theP , Village President shall vote .solely in the event of the 3-3 ti'e vote of the Trustees? TOTAL VOTES, t I. was 1 1 or wrncn nurnuer YC%e5 were marked YES and vctes Were rricrri-re-cl NO TOTAL VOTES, Cr which number PrET !M iec.4 Cl The whale number af votes given For and a gainst the PROPOSITION IV - Shall the,lanquage of t: Chapter III, Section 7 of the Village Charter be clarified to define aTt. affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees as four (4) votes? = = WaS of which number voes were marked YES and vctes were rnarl<eci NO TOTAL VOTES, i; 1 -2; The vihole number of votes given for and against the PROPOSITION V - Shall Chapter IV, Section 5 of the Village Charter be aMended to grant the Village Clerk three (3) days to notify candidates of a defective nominating petition, and to•allow the candidate two (2) days after notification to correct the petition? The whole numbe.r of votes given for and against the PROPOSI TION VI - Shal l Chapter IV, Section 6 of the Village Charter be amended to require a candidate for elective office to file his or her acceptance with the Village Clerk by no later than the 28th day prior to the election rather than by the 21st day prior to the election? yc..to5 were marked YES and •vote-s were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes give-n For and againsi to PROPOSITION Vil Sha17 Chopt.r was .f of wIlich number 4 ,! I { Was { and votes were marked NO Section 3 of the Village Charter be amended to provide for newspaper publication of ordinances within two (2) weeks after passa,e and to increase .postina of ordinances from three (3) to four (4) public places in the _Village prior to the ordinance becoming operative? votes were marked YES and vc-3,5 wer e marked TOTAL VOTES, The wfloienumberolvates given for (Inc! ag a inst ale PROPOSITION VIII - Shall Chapter Vi 1 , -Section j of the Village Charter be amended to permit the purchase of goods lesS than $5DO withoOt need -Lb -obtain Sealed bids and to permit the_purchaa_e_of nnrnn goods up_Isa._ alen nins noon a votp Of tha_Counci_l_and_ZD_—_ exclude specified 'services from the bidding procedure? ../h:tcb number votes were marked YES • TOTAL VOTES, THo w.hole number ofvotes given for and against tl-te PROPOS1T!ON IX - Shall Chapter V 1 Section 2 of the Village Charter be amended to increase from $O0 to $1,000 the , amount of construction work the Village can contract for without competitive . . _ bid? E / nI ' ,- - , WO5 /1 .,. ,_ - _,---+. of v‘,1-iick number yot7_,.s were IllarlKeCi YES , and vçc were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, ;. rtt, • ,77, • . . . . • • / , . 5 vofes were rnaciKed YES oC" whicb number , , '• . i''; 2-lc'', VOte.S were morl<ed 7 , A --1 cn- • • . •7 and - vces were m arced NO •,"fr,k, , UI t ..,. cafr wto,io'n rwrnioes 'Wes ..j• • " o vofes were mor'Keid YES 3 TOTAL VOTES, ‘:)r I documents to include recorded materials arl,d_to limit public gt.+91E.Qnts_. to those • which relate soleiy to Village,businessi ii , C cr, ."7,„ • '"7"' • w CS of w"7-lir'ri number , .7-) ',,,,,,r.. mod<ed YES , , end tes were niortced NO TOTAL VOTES, PTIT ; €1G- ii Tri4' Th.. whore number or' votes gven for und against the PROPOS T I ON X - Shall Chapter V I, the 11 : ,: .. cost . of public improvements which can be contracted for without submission of Section 3 of the Village Charter be amended to increase from $500 to $1,000 drawings, profiles and estimates to the Villacie Council? TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against he PROPOS IT I ON •X. I - S ha I 1 Chapter XV . _ . Section 4 of the Village Charter be amended to include recorded materials as a i record of the Villaae? t i. 7 i 1 ' jj 1 '2 7)-2. . r k;.; '• , „ , , • : , 1;, • ' • The whole number elvetes given for and against the : PROPOSITI ON X I I Shal l Chapter XV . . , Section 7 of the Village Charter be amended to expand the definition of public tt .2! ---; ' :"•••••.. ' ,5 PROPOSITION XIII T he whole rro-nbc,,J vc,;-1:g.: given k;rA • e Shall Section 13 be added to Chapter M. XVI of the Village Charter to set forth that with the exception of beer and wine, the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass or for consumtion on the premises is prohibttedwil-MITI—Më–rilIage of Fran . was . _ . . , . : • . . . . . . : . . . . . . : , : . ••" . • . : ,•• : . . . .: . .. . • : i'------,----- : ---• TCJIA L. \/OTES.: of which number 03C/ I LCMVOSSerS C tke OAKLAND_ COUNTY Electlon., litiefid on the 12th day of Ma rch at ANNUAL 7.-ceivejutti en5 nombti )D_RE.SIDENT - One Year Une-)sp red Term CLERK - Two Year r Term TRUSTEE - Two Year Term !nal votes is elected That voiles is elected_ . That e:ected TRUSTEE 7_ Two, Year Term r,Q,,ng receive mmke, of Ti votes is ihat votes is elected.. That votes is :elected_ ... That :ved s ciavirie iresieiv o sutfic;ent rsunb&r I BRARY BOARD TRUSTEE Three Year Term receved TRUSTEE 7 Two Year Te-m Li BRARY -BOARD TRUSTEE.. Threeea :11,e cm_ ccei..-ved Cl Mat_ votes is eiecied, hcv:ng ihat votes is -F_decec.-.1 her of nor of votes is eiected-- v,-,tes is e.!eci-cici.. _ hav!ng ecdv haven ieceIved as That STATE Orr- SS- C 0=TY or Q AKLAND .. •ied arid Cemvaissed the. Votes of said V 1-LLA4.7Oft --FRA4K,L N received ci sufficient riurdb,.. votc.:=s is ..e.ect,-;d_ votes is elected_ NAME OF PROPOcrTION PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPO5M0p4 PR.OPOS I T I ON I Pass-ed Received Having Sufficient votes was - Not NAME OF PROMOt.-1 PROPOSITION I I I NAME OF PROPOS-MON PROPOSITION IV Having_ P ed Sufficient votes was Received 0.7j.'s6lork NAME OF PROPOTION PROPOSITION V Having PROPOSITION V Having PROPOS I T I ON VII Received noving Sufficient Passed – votes was KAMECh7 PROPCMON NAME OF PROPOTION l'ROPOS I T ION X NAME OF PROPOSMON PROPOSITION IX NAME OF PROPOSITION T)POS IT I ON XI NAME OF PROPOSMON Received Passed Hoving,,,Nol__I-7„4- Sufficient votes was — 13efeal.fd Recoived H P 4 t R assed _Sufficient votes was briceerted t-tvin.g ,4o .:7;:...vaWd • Having Received Passed SuFficient votes was Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was, PROPOSITION XII Having Received_ Sufficient votes was Passed -Re4eated PROPOSITION XII I .-N Do Fu rther Here DeformInez That be following Preposi?ions or civ?stion$ were passed at defeatvd as indicated balov,a . . Received PaSS.e.-d Haying N ----- Sufficient votes was —Tar-i-lerfcf.iverd • Received Pas .sed Sufficient votes was 1:\r Havi:ng t :7,1Zej,-TV;:d I NAME OF PROPOSUION Received 147-017-1-i-verf _ac&ok,,c1 oP ssed votes was '- Received . Nt d aurnclent votes wcs —Passed • NAME OF PROFOSMON PROPOSITION VIII Received Passed • • - Having — -T.:Fficient voles was — . ; 1:M-m-t,ed -votes 1T numbc.,:r cff 4 OAKLAND MAIRU 'seventy-nine 7 mbar of V0teS =••-' 71C; C...•-€:`: V ea. a 5 ' • ...'••• „ hclvine roce:ved 51)s-1-icier' n.....:ter , secolveci cz; 51..;fUciesil V 0 eS _hovir,g nE.,celved a 5aific:ierc- number