HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.02.20 - 4950V I LLAGE OF HOLLY FEBRUARY 20, 1978 WAIT, CT t!! OAKLAND ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxx; /; ; -- 4 .•: ST rL:T OF VOTES AIF'S P,41::TY —CE CT OR WARD Nn"' TOTALS Li n . .• . : . . . : . . i . . : :••• i • :• : S r the Democratic . , Vilia_ge President vF,r-k Fr.kr, / — Parmer J. Downing =7.: r f1?. C' Village Clerk - TOTAL Of • Villa9e Treasurer they were Villaae President be I • ' VOTES,WRRITTEN --.?"7,P 7m rt , James L. Herrington -:::i whole iirwriber. given by the Repub 1 i can TOTAL Pitity for candidates For File Ace of TOTAL by 1,1-,e Democrat i c ()TES WR!::!:r:.! L Linda Sue Mishier Jane Stone Darlene G. Waller 4, whoie \Fen by the Republican Village 3- Pos---Ii—er TOTAL •wboh Ivolet,,,,j_iven by the Democratic the vOTES werrr 07)7, 71,71 they were 9...c.::4) for th e TOT. of votes c.iVen b y the Republican The W11 e they were 9' Village Assessor , : / Norman L. Marcum Ardith Ann Regan • Four Yr. Term - Vote for Three Village Trustee 4, Donald D. Rodgers 5. Douglas Williams ....... the Republican • IC, !": -r- Village Treasurer , , . Debris E. Husted Village Assessor )Y the Democratic 4. Faye Tripp Democratic Four Yr. Term - -Vete -foi--Tliree - Village Trustee vva:: TOTAL by the for TYe wooie • • VOta.5 by the OF VOTES they were .. .1t.r. V. f-or he office of NURA5R or VOTES WRUTEN was TOTA, L :er-i by the • office =of NUMEER OF VOIES WRiTTEN N WORDS Ike vcies 'MC P.1 -or tr onci they wer, ; M..0=ARER OF 'VOTES WRTITZN .z fl,n.,rrni-Ler of voles given for and agerinf he WhiCil rmm be5- TOTAL VOTES : The wh.c of VO TOTAL VOTES, !,rnber ctnd against the •••.:"•::..; 'were mr:Ir!<ed YES ves FTIOrk' ed NO P. TE CHIGA. oF Oakland Monday the February dred and seVQ0.:LY_-_Q 20th Rep_ublican y for the office of 0700 -tce ----11-1-4149e—Trea-s-uFef hoving received sufficient number of vote.s is nominotet, Village Treasurer , -r the office of having received sufficient number of votes is commuted ;tat candidate by the That by ti-te P - I tor the office or by the the office of That by the That candidate by the = of ice cL Thoit___—.-- cciiidiclote by the_ i-st7vtrig received sufficient number of vot es is nom i nated rs.,,i4t,7 for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is elected • for the office of . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated _ Qemoc ra t c PE A , __Rep ub a ry_ A _ L17-1 Demo ra_ti_c having received su:'....c.irtrit number o't votes V:i 1 a_ge Pres i dont " 4,1 having received so'fci ,ot number of t/-otes nomtnat:,,! HI the office 7j - President having receved sufficient riumb,e , of,otes s nominate r the office of ____ a_ga _O I e_r_k Ti .iDemp.crati_c Rept.t1511 ca rt - havi na received sufficient number of votes is onrmmratmd 1 I _C e_r_k. .fluving received number of votes is nominated having rec&ved sut.l:cis!.! number of votes is nominated eofficeoLs____ViltA5QS5CT -, havnng received sufficient number of votes is nom,notn T. for the office of ULaga. Asses Rci _ . no ece, ved su4't-_-tent nJrnber of votes T om;rioter cancLdcze by the Democrat i c p,ov the ofice of Vi age _Trus tee - -- — That r- having received sufficient number of votes s nctrrinat: condi ciclie by the flemgc„ra_. e office of . V i Tr.usteP,_ havng received sut-kcient number of votes IS nominated D,111°c.ra. Ac the office of Village Trustee having received sufficient number of votes is rtomnat.td ,fOt the .„office That , hovmg rece]ved sufficen nLimber of votes is nom nofecl candidate by artiy fey the fAce of.. VI. Lage_ Ir_us tee_ That lo 9 .V;) 4 - lloving received sufficient n,Jmbef of votes Is -tmitated candidate by 1../„4,, .Repub i_can_ pcior for the office of VI I lag e Trustee having received sufficient number of votes ;s nominated can dote by the _Party for the office of 7 ! 'Z ..RgPltb_l_i_gpft iz To -.- candidate by the-o cap That ... . ._.hevinci received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That_ by the having received sufficient number of votes is elected Party for the office of That_ flaying received sufficient number of votes i5 elected by the 'y r the office of - having rece i ved sufficient number of votes i s el ec t s .1 That . having received sufficient number of votes is elected T. 4 !Dy the efffice votes is "ft. tho office of_ y feff the off of belying riiiIceived sufficient number of vob9s is rpm for the et,ffice of I-laving received r vo7es s nr,r1 11. ill cif .-uceiived sufficient Cumber of votes ist nominiititcd received sufficient fiuttiiber of votes- is nominated N - ----- having re,:ve.d. ,suftic;ent votes 5 nbmirmied hey r-Ig received sufficient number pi votii:t:s r the office of _ . b c, eryt. s the office 01' ----- having votes -is ivr5 received. vol'es hey sq recei-ved suificieni -et c s is ,r-Forniclid received sufficium sein snominated' Port), for .0-le office of •eit:tions were passed or cmce NONE NONE NONE iridiCeg•ed bek7W1 HaVir157 votes WCIS Sui4iciero votns v Socien votes wos 3 HeLswiarkeF ATTEST CLERk 0 r.;OARD CF CANVA5SERS. -1 )-4/ ( 0, haiirrig receiived nuittber of Votes is nomiliatied -P0.-7"47 ficr the -office of -- su fitf::c -kent votes have hereunto set our hands ord Sear County of Oakland _ or Vi lago) (Coon ty, City Townsh p or Vi !lo go') February _ Hine huncirciid and___savent_y_—_e 3rnRFt: OF