HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.02.21 - 4951Fl 11 re-T; i VILLALE O HOLLY - PRIMARY FEBRUARY 21, 1972 VILLAGE OF HOLLY (PRIMARY) Hru FEBRUARY 21, 1972 OAKLAND •XXXXMAMMXXXXXXXAMKXXXXXXXX E NT OF votes "T(',T . ,ber (R) D. JOYCE GARNER receri ,:'t received teceivcci TOTAL V C. 7. es vote's. ","1" cafes The who!e nL,mbe4- of voe iven 1.c— "cIfic cI V LLAGE PRES I DENT d they recPived (R) WILLIAM P -0 ADDIS at (.1ver (RJ BETTY J OL I VER TOTAL VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE TREASURER , VILLAGE ASSESSOR 1".7 C,V,'41(1 (R) GRANT HULET r C.r teceaed Feceived wee c.pven f.or the persons:- receiv?.d Vs,M; vcAes TT A t n.„!rnbef of ye ine o 1-.ci they wer,?. rz7,7 the ['oho:Wulf.; • CIS • received TOTAL votas -.4-ficc. of 'Int"; foilosoiiiig ncd-lerzi ' BERNARD SCANLON .eceived 'IOTA L for fho of ONE YEAR VILLAGE TRUSTEE(Vote for not more than I) --- VILLAGE TRUSTEE(Vote for not more than 3) C.., '.• ;: C I Ird ow no BRUCE DRYER ' HARRY FERGERSON CLEVELAND RIDLEY DONALD RODGERS ST, yoteS s;in,r4 they were For tne 5 : 1; wet and they WCC named pe.rsorii; receiv(i.d whole number of Y0t05 g:veri fo cmd they were oH./en For the FeiJewng earned peooris: received ice of Tf--T of vo'res 9-wen hi:. :rihice cif voter receirvni:d wed The for was he : or recek,.::2d a for the of of vot,i., the whol,:: Hie ottice ci wet and they were given for the TOTAL e-11 F and cgoirt5r the — 01" _ _ C"..=5 we TOTAL VOTES, h vzHtes AL VOTES, bey 0vote.s given ic.:Q .1, 'II vore5 were mod, TOTAL VOTES, Th Board of amvas.sers of COUNTY OAKLAND of I. seventy-two. M h c .vi evod t E-• LLAGE CLERK LEA GE_ TREAS_URER . - V -voto, vote-; VILLAGE ASSESSOR Vi LLA GE, TR USTEE ,(_TW „ .YEAR_ TE_RMS . elt45ti,T9."' VILLAGE TRUSTEE (NO YEAR TERMS) VILLAGE .T13. USTEE _ _(TW 0_ YEAR TERMS) V I LLAGE TRUSTEE (ONE YEAR TERM 0 of _ 1ece.O2c..d. il:Jrnber. - • !•• h h .1A.._TE > ss, OAKLAND PRIMARY_ • VILLAGE OF HOLLY Co,nly , _day uf F_EBRIJARY VI LLAGE_PRES_I_DENT. nber ol ce tIcs v 0 1 S e .ece"yveci the largest rLieded_ ;ecteve:d That. ge,s-t number of FEBRUARY CA, NV SSE RS ....hoving received tho largest number of . Oving feceived the ,..J:rgest n um bet t n Ut ft e t recewe.d