HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1986.03.09 - 4998GENERAL El SPECIAL ELECTION AT THE IDCJIJULEOLY t t4 VILLAGE OF LAKE ORI ON VOTES CAST HELD ON MARCH 10, 1986 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES The'whole number of votes riiVen for the office Of was and they were given for the folloVving:named pqrscii”: received .received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was --- and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of - — was -- — and they were given for the following named persons: received : votes received received votes votes : " :TOTAL votes : 3 fri:itlh:6:t 7 2: :VC)t:6 for F;o0 .174.th: 6470 I% The whole nurnber of votes given for the and they were given for the following named persons: MORRIS CUCKSEY received DOUGLAS L. DENDEL received 1 . votes . LENORE KELLY received '' 7 votes D—.._._. M c B R I D F: received 4-- 4.--tL- .1 .... . ,. ... PATRICK J. MeEV I LLY, JR. received , .' ,.? ,... I , i -;ii., . ,, „: f .: .-. ,( ' ,' -- ...,',.. ... -,votes '• ',-. t'' % l i --.7 :/e,',..::-:'-',.1 ,:- ..'....' -.:—.1--C.,— f A t. . f. f.,:-...' .: ..• " recewed 1 4 .. -, ,..i i •) i ., .. f..' .1 .7-„,. 4 g, -7-, "., ,:- votes HARRY K. STEPHEN EARL STEVENS received I i --"., ?, -,, '''' i.-- 1.' I . . . , a , v ,.... f i 1 1 .4......i.,...,,...,A,,: .- itis.......A :: „.,....c .5„,.. .1,....L 1.. c...... votes STANLEY SWEET received -..-/---:,F .... '17: f , . - • , i / "..' votes received received received TOTAL 2-G Put figures N in this column STATEMENT OF VOTES PROPOSAL NO.1-TO AMEND SECTIONS 3.2, TERMS OF Thewholenumterofvotesgivenforandagainstthe OFFICE, 4,9, SURETY BONDS, 5.3, PRIMARY ELECTIC REGULAR ELECTION, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VHLLAGE OF LAKE ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH 13, 1967. Shall Sections 3.2, 4.9, 5.3, and 5.4, be amended, extending Councilmen's terms to four (4) years (rather than two (2) years) for the three (3) candidates receiving the highest number of votes, and two (2)1 years (rather than one (1 ) Yea for the candidate receiving the fourth highest number of votes; providing a maxi um term of four (4) years (rather than two (2) years) for Village officials ' bonds; providing that Village elections be held each even numbered year (rather th each year); and providing for transition to four (4) year and two (2) year terms an at an election in 1987? ‹,/ was EL-LrAk)L12 (,)(14„,( _,/j/ num A,X4,1 il y of which ber votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO cJ TOTAL VOTES, PROPOSAL NO. 2 F TO AMEND SECTION 6.3, FIRE Thewholenumtwofvotesgiveoforandagainstthe DEPARTMENT, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH 13, 1967. Shall Section 6.3 be amended to permit the current Practice of the Charter Township of Orion providing Village Fire Department services1,-funded by a Township-wide millage, and •to permit alternate methods of providing Village Fire Department services, if necessary, of entering into a contract: with another entity, or of establishing, organizing and maintaining of a Fire Department of the Village, or a combination of such means, (rather than current provisions, which are limited to a Fire Department organized and maintained within the Village administration divisibn and the requirement for appointment of a separate Willage Fire Inspector)? ofwhichnumber votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6 4' STATEMENT OF VOTES 1 1 3 — IU IIV-9T—TAAAILUN, I Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the intMscMumn SECTIONS_3.5, 3.6, , and 9.8, RELATING TO 1 1 THE BOARD OF REVIEW, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH 13, 1967. ---i—T Shall said Sections be amended to be consistent with current State law which requires the Township to provide Board of Review services, by repealing entirely 1 Sections 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8, which mandate that the Village provide Board of Review services? i 1- , I, ____71___ -2 i 1 II . 1 .----1.-W-AD ,--- 6----t__Q__, , , .• , vvas i i r of which number c--- VI- ----,:n ..,.._ /---- V votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, ? Y pff0p0sAL 07 -4-- 0 AMEND SC] JUN 97 , OLLECT 0 The whole number of votes given for and against the OF VILLAGE TAXES, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE1 OF LAKE—DTFON—A-S—ADUPIEu MARETI—I3, 1967. Shall said Section be amended, to be consistent with current State law, to provide for the collection of increased amounts of penalty and interest on Village taxes - paid after August 31, at rates which shall be up to the maximum amount authorized by law, (rather than a maximum penalty of 4% and interest at the rate of one-half (1) of one (1) per cent per month) with the specific amounts to be established by 11 ordinance, which shall be duly adopted and effective prior to the due date of - 1 1 the tax in question? --ati (AAL1// ,j 6)--) 0) was ---,-- 11 , of which number (7'(11 ... 1 1 1 votes were marked YES ,.. \ :._.1,„_, and votes were marked NO ., '7) TOTAL VOTES, ] 6 4' STATEMENT OF VOTES PROPOSAL NO. 5 :... TO AMEND SECTION 9.14, Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the in this column , COLLECTION OF VILLAGE TAXES, AND SECTION 9.15 DELINQUENT TAX ROLL TO COUNTY TREASURER, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH 13 1967. Shall Sections 9.14 and 9.15 be amended to adjust the date the delinquent tax roll must be transferred to the County Treasurer by providing for the Village If ----1 r , l Treasurer to retain the tax roll and receive paymervt of Village taxes for a longer" ! period of time, that is, through the last day of February, (rather than the first 1 I day of the preceding November) and for the Village treasurer to return unpaid In I real property taxes to the County Treasurer for collection on the first day o f March (rather than the first day of the preceding October)? 1 i r was Caal --0, , , ! 1 of which number 1 K•j hl I) r votes were marked YES . 1 I — 1 and 4.1.1k - _ votes were marked NO : TOTAL VOTES, i _ „_. PROPOSAL NO. 6 ..-- TO AMEND SECTION 10.1, GENERA' Thewholenumberofvotesgivenforandagainstthe POWER TO BORROW, OF THE CHARTER OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH 13, 1967. _ Shall Section 10.1 be amended, to be consistent with current State law, to permit the Village to pay an increased amount of interest on bonds, up to the ._ maximum amount allowed by law and the Constitution,:, (rather than limited to a maximum of six (6) per cent) provided, however, no bond shall bear interest at a rate higher than 1% above the highest rate paid on a bond of the County of Oakland issued during the 12 month period immediately preceding the date the interest rate 1 1 on the bond is determined? , 1 I was i" " 1---0------ ' ,Li 7 )' of which number Li.,-.C.I), AUA, votes were marked YES i v : d '22,1S and -,....f , . ,. votes were marked NO .....} --) TOTAL VOTES, 6-P The Board of Canvassers of the — County of COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSN.IF.,9R.VILLA .:Oaktend•:•:• : DU That That votes is elected That — votes is elected votes is elected That _ votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number Of _having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of _ having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF -COLINTy OF'• OAKLAND OAKLAND > SS. having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Annual at the Election, held on the one thousand nine hundred and ghty -s i Do Hereby Certify and Determine •V•11:14ge. of :•.La.k.e..OriOn: • •.• ...• I.COUNTY,-CITY,'TOWNS1•111. ON VILLAGE) ' 10th • • dayof • • -Ma .rch. • • ': .. • • • . •• • •• That VILLAGE COUNCIL votes is elected - Two Ykar Term having received a sufficient number Of _ having received a sufficient number of , 1:1 :1 That VI LLAGE COUNCIL Np Year Term votesiselected .; That (: • - having received a sufficient number of VILLAGE COUNCIL - votes is elected ( p Year Ter , That _ votes is elected V I LLAGE/ COUNC IL having received a sufficient number of One Year. 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Passed Received NtleRfaeteggIVA Having Sufficient:VO In Witness Whereof, We the County have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seai Oakland of Having Received Passed as-flmt4.1: Having Not Received That votes is elected having received a Sufficient nun) :having received a sufficient number Of That havin eceived a sufficient number of ier of votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected having receiVed•a sUffieient :number of That votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of having iec&vedIa sufficient number of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 PROPOSAL NO. 1 NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL NO. 2 NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL NO. 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL NO . NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL NO. 5 NAME OF PROPOSITION (cotNrv. CITY, TOINI,ISHW LACE) (COL, CFTY. this , day of Ma rc in the y,,eiar one thousand nine hundred and eighty -six :•-r; ATTEST: CHAIRMAN. Th cAA ERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CHAtRMAN OP BOARD or CANVASSERS. 5-G