HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.03.11 - 5008VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION CAST CANVASS OF VOTES AT THE ri( GENERAL ELECTION SPECIAL HELD ON MARCH 12, 1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLA.NE).':.COVNTY:::,M!.cHI.GAN:.. MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION : suppLr...M .ANYFAKTURER$ STATIONERS :S 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN The whole number of votes given for the office of :pus. figures in thicoliuniri 11 " and they were given for the following named persons: received received received TOTAL Votes The whole number of votes given for the office of and they were given for the following named persons: received received votes votes received votes votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received . votes received votes TOTAL votes —2 yr. t --41h hrghest -1 Yr. The whole number of votes given for the office of 4v C —high-est erns & I LLAGE dCOUNC — Vote for Fou r••• was . and they vsiere given for the following named persons: received MORRIS W CUCKSEY DENDEL received BETH L. DUMALA JOSEPH M, HODAK EARL STEVENS N I 11, I votes ,Ai tC; 6 received - received '7L received 1, - received e received received • .votes . • received votes _ votes votes received received TOTAL 2.G STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the OF THE .CHARTER OF THE VI LLAGE _Of _LAKE ORION AS .11 PROPOSAL NO.. .1- TO AMEND SECTION PENALTIrg ADOP ED -MARCH 13, 1 967 Shall said S ection be amended to increase the fine for villa ge ordinance violation or,, • i Put figures in this column isconduct in office by an y viflqe officer from one lauad.red..($100) dollars to five undred (S500) dollars, and to add a provision that payment of court costs may be dded to :s a:i•cl penal pealty. .be a : : „„:".• : : : ::••••••••• : (Ind red::: ($500) dollar f: payment )f . "COsitS:,'Hct:i(PitISOniienit for n inety : : : : : : : : : ars or all cf" discretion, excc 1it that an addiitorial penalty c.1 1- misconduct in off ice be forfeiture of office? was• of which number : ... .... . . . ::.Votes Were marked : YES and VOtes :vvere. nijarked: NO TOTAL VOTES. • :•::::::.•:..P.ROPOSAL•i:.NO.:....i•••1?„...:TO::•••:AIIENO:':•$:..c.71:1:011.:::...7. 3. The whole number of Olt:s:.0..r.inj:.j.0(.4iid...0404-it:.#1p • . EFFECT IVE ••: •• • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •-• ••••• 7OVL/1LKE ORION AS • ARCiFIEPi."MARI-E:::13:;.:::7.:1:9677:777.777.77: Shall said Section by amended to require publication of a synops p1 each oidinanc.e passed by ....Council instead of publication of the complete ord nancc was • :V:ot6.:Wei-e•Mark6d .YES rind ..:.:VO:ti:Weie.r.ii:arked.N0::' • TOTAL VOTES, Put figures n this column • "•• • •• •• •:•• "•• • ••••••• • • ••••••• • :•:•••••••..... :•••iPOSAL NO. 5T0, NOMI NJ The..01016.:6001.bPr.::Of.8001•:.0ieb.:f - LAKE ORION..-ASI'ADO.PIFITTRATI.c.fT.:.•:.:.1. 37; 1967..:..... Sh all '•:5;ald Section be amended to :••••••:::: • •••••:•H::•••:•••:.......•::•:•1:•:•::•.:••••••: ••:••••: •••: ••••••.::•:•:•::•••••. :•••:•.• • • :•••••••• i Chanqe Filing deadline for nomination petitions for elective office fron 12 00 Noon on fourth Saturday prec.cdinq date of primary election to 11 00 P M on seventh b. Provide that • a.••.: V•ci.t.6 .r ••:••• - si gns ••• pe t itions••••. ••••.•• ••••••••o F •candida t es•-• • . than the number :••• ••• • .. ••••• • •-•• • • ,••••• • .:•:. ••• • ••••:::•.•••••• si g natures, if • • • dif f erent•• bear the same date, shall not be counted upon any petition, and if bearinq be cc5unted in oider of date priority•••:.-fdir".• only 'so.:many candlddtës as there are. persons to be elected? • .•:• • • :was. votes were marked YES T.QTAC::VOTES; ' ' ritirnbe:r.ot.Voto:.givoij:. for...and. !..:. :LAKE::•::OR:•1::01\r•A$•.:•:Abc.i0fEb:•:••MAilei4::•7i, :.•:1 . ....... . . . . . . . ShalL said Section be amended to delete the following restriction on the Council . h.avi nq to h o ld an e l ection an d secure approva l of a. . Votc •:•. • • : • • •• • .• •.:•: •••. : : . •• ........ • . . ............ ....... . for ........:. .Council to sell y property of a fair market value in excess of Five Thousand ($5,000.0 Do 1 Jars? OGLA-th.il of which number votes were marked YES: $TATIVIEN7.17:0F:::VOTES " - • : The whale number of votes :given for anti against the RESTA 1 ,CT : : ON THE i:COUNC:1:4:.: OF THE :CHARTER OF ' in this column THE VILLAG E OF ::LAKE: ORION AS ADOPTED MARCH j3 11967: sajd_Scption be amended to delete the following restrictiOn_on.. the_ coqpcil; he requirement of having to hold an election and secure approval of a majority vote . ........ of the electors of the village 'voting thereon in order for Council to engage JO 0 bus uiess _ - enterprise requiring an investment of Money'llOO*Ces5 of Twenty-five "as Ni-1/1,4 of which number /4^, votes were marked YES flk.A votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, Thci whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number . votes Were Marked :YES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICIIIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the coUNTY, CITY, 1OW1.1.111, C1k VILLAG having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said ldtiuki"v.; y!LiW V illaqe:: of :L8ké: Or ion UNfl :CITY 1DWNO4I GM viLLA:61: at the General One'thPusand'nine -hOndred.and.:.::. •••• • ... 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Election, held on the 1_2.t.13 day of eighty-four That . .............. having received a sufficient number n• That having received a sufficient number of That . votes is elected That .. votes is elected . having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient riuMber of : having received a sufficient ncirnbet. of thirt : • : : : : ••••••_liaVirig:reteiVed a sufficient itii4n-iht.h..r. of : " That : ": • reePlved.a sufficient puml:?or 9f:: That . . . . . having received a sufficient nu votes is E.Ilected bar of having redeifted a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected hat :.. : : : : . : .: haVitig::recaiVeii :a:SUffieicne:666boi::6i: having ekpkifoo:0:SOffieientfitirob6r. of That L : : : : : • : : • :::: : havirig:reCeiVed:a..•..s(ifficientniiMber VOtes is i cc' ted having received a sufficient number of received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number o votes is elected _ .______ ._ having received a sufficient number of - having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected That votiz.is is eleCted. having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient number o That _ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That tile following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION - PROPOSAL NO 1 TO AMEND SECTI ON 7.2, . Received Passed _ Sufficient votes was - PENALT 1 ES AhloWamindnrd uicie Having NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL NO 2 TO AMEND SECTION 7. 3 Passed 'Sufficient VOteS..WaS.:::. PROPOSALM?...9S. PROPOSITI ON AMENO.. SECT 10 1.• ••• • • •• • NOMINATION PFT1TIONS • Sufficient votes was Having NAME O 7) P.NPOAS11-00 SECT I ON 6. 1 (b) • • .• :•• :::..•••••: Passed Received 261-31.010011.1 Received ReCeived NAME OF PROPOSITION • • •: • . ••••• •PROROSALAO:H5:7.VAMEND•SECTION:•&,.12 ••••• • • • Passed Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Received Having NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Sufficient votes was Witness Whereof, We :bavO: hereunto :Set:: our hands: and affixed:: the ::Seal: the : of Oakland: : Icout.-rv, C111 .:TOWNSHIP 07VILLAGE) : iTOW14111.E OH VILI At..) :this day : of : ::Kar : in the year one thaciSahol nifle 'hundred arid: c' ty-four f ATTEST.; . • • C F(K. I- :13 OA. RD .O C.\NVAS SFS V.AS f2 CHAIRMAN. OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.--