HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.03.12 - 5011GENERAL VILLAGE :w.ui I OAKLAND: Vuvwxya000SKX.V:490MpcxxxxiOr. COUNTY/ MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION GENERAL VILLAGE HELD ON MARCH 13 1972 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ValftLEgkl, t-.1. ft ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS S.CHDOL. FOR.M—PgINTER5..:OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary at Special Election STATEMENT OF VOTES HREELHL3HEST..:::.i4L2IY:Oarterim)•:: (.Nox VILLAGE COUNCIL (Vote tor Four) • i6).V.111e::01iice af.71d tr.) TI-U- VOTES WfETTE••:' IN:',.NORD5 • • CLARENCE BRA I MOOD FRED C. COLE DENNIS J. HUDSON EM 1 L P LUPU STANLEY $WEET • . . • . . . . cif-4 icte•oj . . . . • • • • • • • •••• • • .1 F.or. .t.h ,:c)ns... • pSRSONS iMCEIVINci THE yOTES: NpttiiRER Qr. v'QTES WRIT.N: IN W.ORET... TOTAL a'inec: 01 !"i I r?. s:CJV0P RIl t11l Ott ihe'v for licirned :persciTs: PERSONS RECEIVINCi ei:•1.2 VOTES NUPOEP.:•.z51- •.v.6T WBUC.'EN ..IN••1..:),RPS • • ;le fot hie r'11 •In given. for 'dm, otfic::4; o PERSONS RECEIViNG. THE VOTES NUMBER :OP VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES •and aqnr1st ibe S ALE OF REA L • • Shall the following described premises being loca€èd within the V11iaf LakOrTon andKthe South - .§.10e of Lake Stroet West of Highway M-2 and described as Lots 3, 14 and S of Supervisor's Plat No 6, be sold at not less. than .1..t.::.fa.117:..itylarket..:•..val:06.a. apora:i :s04::::1.n....acpordente. Charter of the Vi I lage of Lake Orion? • . cce ... . ni a f.,k 6d: NO ;::1•C!, Ori E.O.V Of. .1.11.e vQe veie 1-larked NO 1,111 of: which .no.mt)er . v.-6i es wc..hr; • riiarkcd YES and 1-ta-Oitc-§ received the largest ri :onlber of : .VALLAGE. COUNCIL (2 Year icr dying roit6ived the knae0 umber of VI LLAGgCOUNCIL Year Term) i:6c.c-iive.ci..1.6.,..i6ido.-s...1 ...ritfiA6r:•.6 . . . . Tho.t 1-SS .eiectd- . Irk& . ...icites•:i.s . elected__ hovina: receivd the largest number _having received ale larded: n',,mbe;i: of . NAME 01•P1ROPOSITION • :SALE...OF•::REAL. ESTATE PROPOSITION , Received naving .5tiffitti6 PO:Stied Havincl Having :Received Not Recivd Received Sufficient Net Rec6iyod Passed Defeated Passed Defeated ,,otes was uttir:tent votes vva NA ME OF PROPOSITION none N.?6,ME :or:PROPOSITiON. none : day o ARCH one thousand nine hificcfikd and Seventy-two. ;1. SLi::\:11, • this- - in the ye 1113,..PP 7•770.Z.' k.s CERT IHCATE T T-4: OF NRCIII.CLAN, Uo.NTY OIL the Board of Canvassers a! the . . CPUNTY having AscettcOned and Coin.c.issed ihe Votes of said at the GENERAL VILLAGE _Election, ileM on the one thousand nine hundred gird 5,YAII:trftwei Do Hereby CertiFy Old Determine OAKLAND OAKLIVID :E Th:lt"; (.4r Vi I la j VILLAGA.F.LLAKE : T...),;vns:hip or : 13thiLcit-iy MARCH _ • Thai _ votes:is elecied : That I:: Votes is eecteCi. Thai !ote5 e:ected:. : Thai Voies is eiede.d ,.._ Thai_ votes. is elected _ That votes is eletted That _ vote . dected_ Mot_ having received the lardE.,:,st number of ho.wrtg ieee.reed the lC.4Fgest number of _-he.1:ving :reCeived ih ar16.st timber of ..1Circ:te.s.t.:11.0.i.n6ie-t : having I rit.-K.etved the:.:1a!gest numben Of . • V ILLAGE ..CO.UNC L.(I Year Term) vnfes.is: elected Da Further Hereby Determine: That the folto.vOrigi Propositions or Questions were o&sed..1 defeated c.,s inaica[ed :1*:r hi Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the COUNTY _of OAKLAND TowT1S.hie orVu lizge ri.h4.A\ f1..• BOARD OF CANvASSERS ATTEST; Cl;:fip..( fiCk,esK) Of CANVASSERS.