HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.03.08 - 502810018)613 OAKWTD (NAM OF : C 01,11.47. ?".4N COUNTY, MICHIGAN MARCH 12, 197 VILLAGE OF LE ONARD GENERAL ELECT1ON CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION VILLAGE: :Dr.:LEONARD: • HELD ON .March .197 1•:.,..• • (DATE Of ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY Vg(111LEO1Y LLtft ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURE RS SCHOOL FORM PRiNTERS OFFICE.:: til:NfrOOE::.:A111:.#:::: $11)Pniff 919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General,. Primary or Special Election .RATEMENT::....O.F:VOTEk VILLAGE OF LEONARD NARCII 8 1.971 for a Year term The whole number of votes given far the office of village Pre.-711-d, ent was ._... . . -- - , ...._ , , .---__-- .. ... , , and they were g iven Ft1v-. e following named persons: . ... PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRflIEN IN WORDS Edward 3. Porter (R) :.E. Cecil Leistma,n whole number of votes given for the office of Village .Assessor for a 1 Year t erm ...____ _ _ fr sr • an. t -Ley were given for the following named persons: 2,7x2s Lawrence Va.nRyn lik<3 .Robert Zerwiek . _ . 9x4.John Dou glas 3,43eK TOTAL he whole number of votes/given for the .c,rfi -,70—F- Village Clerk .. for a Year term:. • • • • • .• . ••• • .. •••• . • . . • •••• the . ..... . . ... .. .......... . ........ • • •• • •• • • • • •• . .. . .. . . ...(iiid ...th 6,........w..:Cia: 1 ei.i.Ni.e.il .1.0.i.:th.e.:101•10W.i.ii.'4...ii.oinO.d:•0.0r.On14•••:: . ,. , • •• ••• : '. •••-• •••• •••••• • ,•• ::••:•• • :••• :•:"•• PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES •••• ••••••: ••• •:•:::-..... 73: NUMBER OF VOTES :WRITTEN :IN woRos Linda Douglas .._..... . . _ Clara Schcal.1 Phyllis Al thous e Thelma. Flynn 5. Thelma Haynes 6 Linda Porter :TOTAL :11 ,__Year 1 ml11 The hoIe number oF votes givenfor the office aid::the..Y::Were:giVen for the fallo wing named persons :PiER§Pils.E'etNtt461.14: Y:EWEs : HoviBER.:T.3.F..ivp•TE WRITTEN IN :WOR ma A. Flynn Phyllis Aithouse e Trustee r07-6te ..-fOr 3 The whole miniber::Of:v:Otes Offipe:a . . . and they were given (or the following named persons: miso.Ns: lq.CEpitHo THE yous : UMBER OF yipTEs;:yrioTTEH IN wpRns: John Flynn Ramon :Bundy (R) .David .........: ........ Calvin . •Sche<ii. •: . • County (County -Cakx-rzolembiogai having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said at the__ held on the _ one thousand nine hundred and . _ Do Hereby Certify arta Determine That _ Edward_ 3. _Porter . votes is e lect ed.. The Board of Canvassers of the ia 8trx :Thai Votes is elected. That:L votes is elected That votes is 'elected Thot:L :votes:is:elected. That votes is elect:A . That votes is dected That :Vates is elected votes is elected Thai votes is ekcted_ Linda Douglas Village Clerk Eleanor M. Hamilton __............... _____......._ Village Treasurer .......____._. . ........ _ . N.. YartRyni...... VillageTrustee NYcar2:ept. Eugene Reeves Village Trustee -Two Year Term Ramon Bundy - -------.. _Village_Trustea: Lawrence YanRyn Village Assessor Two Year Term Received •aying;:•...........,•••••••••:••.,•••••••••.• •Sufficient votes Not eceive Passed . as Defeated NONE Having Sufficient vofs was ot.... ••••::Poss0J.:'y :Defeated: ONE Awav4m737.7?..opalzw.444....q1.... 154teUiRi;;i BOARD OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DET RMINATION T.A.TE oF Courry• Oakland _ _ •. ••••• County of Loiard .do .of iarcn u ...naYing ::ie.t0iiied theElargest number of received: the:latgest::nurnber: Of hovinq received : : : . fh0::la.r.geSt. number of having received the largest number of having VOC[• the largest nUirib:er:of having : : : "••• reCeivedlithe,:lar4eSCOUrn:beriOf:: hdy.iii.4.466iytfiflio:latgeSt...nuin6er 'Of:: _hoving rec&ved the largest number of havincj received the largest number of . . . . .having receivLd .t he larqet . Do Further Hereby Determine That lhQ following Propositions or Questions were " ..NAME .OF: PROPOSITION OOSSed :Eadi:defeated: :as ,i:f..14icatd::::belaW;::: NAME OF PROPOSITION NA ME OF :PROPOSITION: :NONE: Received . " i Suff icient votes was Not KoCeivea Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal (7-Q:burity.40.0,4xTmsxstteisx: this: of _ in the yea: One: thousand21,irie hundred:itilid,E County March .ATIESE ^..7.7-7.77:C'E!.RK: OF tIOARP OF CANVASSERS