HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1986.03.09 - 5040VILLPCE OF LEONARD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE 1771 GENERAL E SPECIAL HELD ON ELECTION MARCH 10, 1 986 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, AA1CHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 0@@13E,E0ftif 131@g, t: il@, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND ERE G.:: 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Put figures in this column ••••• • 7 ••••• •••••••••••••"i17.......::•:;:.'11H• •••••• "••• •••••.l.........••••••,..;••••‘••••••• • ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••":..:::"••••:• :•••••••••• .:•••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •:• • • was • • • • •••• ••••••....:••••• .••• ••••••••••••••••• • •••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• • ". follwinq named persons VOWS received received TOTA The Whole: number of votes given 'for—the:Office of CLERK Two Year Term - .u(, . '1' • 1„ and they were gilen‘fOr the fdllowing named persons. nD i received 1,1 4k, receiveci (R) , received r‘, 1..' ; TOTAL . . . . . . :•:votes- votes votes - ..VOtes• The Whole number of votes given:for:the office of : TREASURER ::H Two ::Year Term t'.,(....1. 1 , ,. i-",,1.t i.,-,Lit,- ven persons for the following named perso . ' —.. :(1) ; ELEANOR M HAMILTON :I: received: ••••••• :jot, : :;; : ieoeiVedi: : received TOtAL: : the'..Whole4161:76bèrEeif votes given for t: ASSESSOR v.OleS••••• votes Votes : Was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes L. : : : : : votes: received 1.-- : : :,.. 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OF OAKLAND •::•The Board of CativaisetkOf•the.:•:••:.••••. •:•• having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Anua - at the .___. .___ n 1 . Election, held on the_ eighty -six one thousand nine hundred and OUNTY CITY TOWNSHIP OR VIAI Village of .:.•Leorkar:4••• ••: • •••• (countY CITY TOWNSHIP OR VILLA(S) 10th Po:Hereby:Certify": ared::Peter.0110:.: :: ::::.....(•::....., ::::',.... ..: •• : .... ............. ••::::(-1 .• : :" .... : .:: :."" :.• : ::: •.: .:::: .:: : ::: • •• i :: : : • ....... : ,.......: ::. i.. ...: ....... i : .: i : : :: '1. •)•1 "...':: i•:T.: ..... :1:?: :•:•••:•:.: : ,)1( : _ 1 .) 1 .• : :1 : tr• :::: : : •• ) : That ..•Z......,..4.J.L.:,•,. -;',:::,•• 1:!_.•/.1.,,L,••••.::',:......... i.::::',:t..., ' --:,:: -: : !-' 1..e.C"..:,.._j.,...A?: •:: ::: :: ••• : : having received a sufficient:number:of : i: : .. : : , : : .. i : : „ : .. •• : ............. :Votes4S:eletted:::: PREE:I'D ENT •• t:TWEA.....Yea r:::71-•ertri : ' : :: ::: : : : : :. :::' : : : :,•,:: .::: : L....,.... ...:: .: ..... ........:: :: ..••••. :. _. 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CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERb