HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.03.10 - 5043V I LLAGE or iromikb GENERAL ELECTION MARCH I I 1974 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION GENERAL HELD ON MARCH I I , 1974 (DATE OF .:.ELEcTION):: AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS -----X=XXXXXUACXXXPOCXXXXXXXXXLM) :OAKLAND • COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY tg, ...:EtfC.TIPN:1:sgpptr:imANgFACT4RERs.: STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election PUT FIGURES : IN THIS COLUMN : •otefo not more:t"hen•-1•)••• • T• w• •o Yzo.a.-r-- 'Term ••••1?.f.ES ::••••••••:...• • .• • • • • :••••• The :Whole niiMbeebf:Vates given!:fOi: the office of was ,:; :?7 ' .. . 7 ' and they were grven::for ....ffie::follOwirignamed:::persokisz.::: (D) JULIUS ••• : : , L TERRY : received received received .• CLERK The whole number of votes given For the office of was and they Were given for the following named persons: received received ....._. . . received TOTAL ) HAZEL BU GREEN votes: Vote for not riore than 1) TREASURER • votes wo Year Term The was -e and they were given for the following named persons: eceived received received • • Th whole number of voles given for the office of • • ••• • ••• •• • • ••••••.....:•••::.:•::.• :•••••••• •• ••• .• :••••• wo Year Term :...was..:. and the- y were given for the following named persons: / received received received votesii received received received received . . received votes votes received received received ..yOteS . . . :VOteS • PUT fICIURESUI 1114::COttliAli • • The :Wha:16::number : Of votes :given : For the :OffiCe of was and they were aly:en :for the :following nanied:Persont: :•.: Votes •.::•.• : ' '' • • votes votes received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of as and they were qiven for the following named persons received received received votes TOTAL The whole number of votes 'Vert for the office of was votes and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office 0 (Vote for not I.ofo.e.4... than and they were given for the following named persons: (R) EUGENE A MALLLA •• • RONALD.......ROLANDO : (K) ROBERT L. ZERWICK ...• : • .. : :..:.... • . :VdteS received rexeived received votes votes received votes received votes received votes recoived vote received • - votes received votes TOTAL votes CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION Oakland ouNTY : The Board of Canvassers of the -- County / Oakland (i-...."...,;;;t-y",—e.:.,',-;--;.,.-7-1----.-ii."Ii - - — y, >u a...lip a, I age) ', County, City, T awnshi having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Vill f L d _ _ _ ..... _ age .o eonar (County, City, Township or -V-illgge .; . i .1 t..h ._ _ _ davo L March one thousand nine hundred and .-7s.e.v.e.n..tY --f_omr. Do Hereby Certify and Determine F haVincl;:reCel..e.d lcirqst riP1 P! That_ votes is elected___._Clerk_/ Year _Tong ___..having received thelargest number That. votes is elected That- votes is elected_ r . . Treasurer 2 Year Term having received he::::Tat.gest number of - having received:,thelcogest number having rc'ceied:the largest number oF • • • • • •• votes is efected:.,... " That votes tS ,elected:: That votes i:s::eleeted:-: : : votes is elected.... :That.7 _As_sessslr__Z..._Year_ Term. Trustee 2 Year Tdrm Trustee 2 Year Term having receivedthe largest number of aving ‘- 7 7 ..7••'' :t0Oéjs...,6J the largestnumberof avinq rO:c.:e: of he icirgest numbei of votes is elected_ having received the largest number of • • • avinq rnceived the largest number of Civina,:teceiVed the largest number of votes is elected . . . . . . iaVing::teCeived the ,:largest number a votes is elected_ _ votes Is etecteci... hay I ec6i .ved: the idtpst: number al::: That__ - . - - - - - - • .- - - - - --having received the largest number of votes is elected • - •- • - • • - - - - -- • .• • • - - • •- • - - - •••• • • • :•• •••: • ••• • : • •:.:: • ..1••••••::::::: • :received • the...large:sr number of • •• • . . •That •having reeeiVed::th.e.:fargeit:nUinber.:Of.': .the.::largest...inumbeti.af •. . . having reLeived the largest number of That .. votes is elected having received the largest : number 0f having received the largest number of :11ii..:.Wilineif..WhireOti: We .hai.e....hereUnta...Set.::.O.iii....lianas..:end affixed the Seal • " in • ."" • .... :••••••.::..:.....:....:•:••.::. • .the _ . . . . . . .thousand nine hundred and yty04r . :CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF COUNTY*: • CANVASSERS: ATTEST) . _ . . . CLERK.OF tiOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS.