HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.03.12 - 5054_COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND VILLAGE OF LEONARD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 13, 1978 (DATE OF ELE(TiON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS )09SPCXXXXXXer")000(X3W4:4K174K)04.,94204:XAN MANUFACTURED BY YagtELELIJkY Olgt, tg, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 919 East Kilgore Road e KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election The whole number of voles given for the office of 4 or a TWo Year term wereqIvt.n:16.1;the Iollewinq named person PERSONS RECEIVING THE. VOTES : .::NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITIENAN.WORDS.: Ramon E Bundy (R) The who le number of votes given For the offrte:o as ond t oy:wOie: cjiyerl for the 16116Wina potted liaeröns:,:-: or a :PERSONS:RECEIVING. THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Connie C. Sutherby TOTAL The whole number of voles v(4.6 for the :Offie6: of 0c.:1::.•ttiOY;:Weic:::qIvn fer the : PoRsotO RECEIVING THE vcrt:g$::: Village Treasurer NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Whole 60i-fiber Of YOte§::5,1iietilior the OffiCe Of :::::V•:!11 0::::ET.:fP*7t:00:. • :trm : and they \mete : given: for:the:following: named :persons., PERSONS :RECEIVING THE VOTES : : :I: ::1: NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS: Roneiri J. Rolando (R) STATEMENT OF VOTES The whale number of yates far the off iCer of for a was and they • •were ve n . •' for file fo fl owing ••.:•••.:...".•:•.••••••: • • 7:77 • .•••• ......:. • .. . . . . . . . . . .. • .The. .whoLe . .number of V0105 for . .aqainst the . was of which number "v61-6..s: were markrd YES .,....: and votes were marked The whale number of votes far and against the was • : • of which number votes werE ilvdrkod :YES :: :•vOik...W.O.r..Q:f0.0rL,:••9O ••••••• • •• • 'rma: CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF 111 TC,J T ( OAKLAND S (.:).:17::*.q::V :91 The BOaret of Canvassers : of the:. : (courilyr City own'Th kaVin6:Atcelidirled:dnriiCanyasSed the Votes of said::: Oakl and iIIc Ilage of Leonard 13th davof held onthe one thousand nine hundred and That ---------------- voles is elected That - :votes is elected_ That Votes is ...elected-- That : ,VOtps is elected That - - votes is elected ThOt:.:: votes is elected That ., votes is electecl.,:., .votes is elected:::. That votes is pie:etc:A- I hat otes:is :elettecl: 'iL- eying received sufficient number of Villa ge Pres dent _ _ .r . Village Clerk _VA4-0..qp_T reasufp _ t90 AsSessOr _ _ ./ _ ..V111,11.g.e Truste haviiiq received suffi cient ............. . .......... - having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number o hoVirig:redeived::Miffici :ent ni)mher:e b--11 v illage_Trtus.1:1-e, Lit) Village Trus tee . - .having received sufficient number of - having re:Ce :i.v.ed:"S'Offigienti :06Mber::Of:: having received sufficient number o rece ivedoving ent number of ntnitbdr Do Further Heresy Determine: That the following Propositions or Oueslialls were Ot:itSelH6r:d6f4.6ted as indicated :Received, wo Npt. KeeeiV6d:: : : : Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION : NONE : NesimE OF ,PRoposino!..4 NO NE Roceisod of ..icio.nt Not received Passed Defeated Passed Defeated NAME: OF PROPOSITION Received Received Not••••••• In %fitness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County f Oakland couro.y.. or Village) f-Clauaty, City, Ci Wn 51". f) r ay of_ :lg : in the yearone.ihousand nine hundred and ./ • AlT ) : + 0 6 . : : : „ CL ::F BO/sRl? 01.• ..ANYASSE.li,