HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.03.10 - 5091COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF_ OAKLAND e GENERAL ELECT ION MARCH 1 1 , 1974 VILLAGE OF MILFORD C ANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON MARCH ii, 1974 (DATE Or ELECIION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Ic GENERAL GENERAL MANUFACTURED BY r If .ELECtION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS • ..SCHOOL ..OFF I CE: FORN:1711:RE: AND :.r.S11.P.P. • 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN :PtcIqi. by :F.Fir#1 1`.±1.0, M-.;3:97 CANVASSER BOOK: :SpieCify:mihether SpecIol Elect-16n : 11 STATEMENT OF VOTES :The whok number o' vetis giveil for tlic off ice of COUNC I LMEN:(Vote :::fQr incirt more :then fa):c.,.. Threeyecir.16.tin::.: vas . . C " . . . ". . ". " " " : Cl rileY. Wer0: !yell rel. 1.11,i.t svuij opmed .p9rsorrs: r: pERsoNs RECEIVING THE VOTES NulvkBER OF pTES WRITTEN IN )4/C3RI:)5 JEFREY DEAN JAMES GRAY JACK H. PARK PAUL PLOTZER 'TOTAL (viat:4,.far. not moret 1-re le :num bey of votc4...:, given for the office oi COUNC I LMAN / . : Wrzle :,-,Tiven for the ow:hq nomecf,iierson5: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES LeROY CAGNEY NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL he:vyliok:-: number of votes given for the Office of for o .Ye.o! term W0.5 ono Ih.ey .,yere giv6n for the following no:ned:oersons: PERSONS RECEIVING TH.I: VOTES 1 :NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN wORDS:: wim;e intiniker of votes given for the office Of ror o they „von fot the followin.g:nornerj:pe.rspini PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTEs NUMBE TOTAL V LLAGE OF MIL ORb F STATEMENT OF VOTES, :MARCH 1 qd;.:14;:3010ft HARTER PROPOSAL ::CHARTER ..PROPOSA L HARTM PRO:P.OSALi: NO. I NO. 2 YES . . YES . NO ...•.YES: • .NO• TOTALS V I LLAGE OF MILFORD GENERAL EL MARCH 11, 1974 COUNC I LMEN 3 Year Term • .. •• • . . . . . Year Term. • ... ....JOTA LS.... of which number L. VOTES \!.(DT ;:•n of which nkirilb6e votes were :marked YES votes were mar 3zed NO STATEMENT OF VC)TES The whole nurnb.er o vete :f.....n :aid agoiiist rhe CHARTER PROPOSAL NO. Should Section 5.3 of the Charter be amended to establish the Second Monday in February as the specific date for the holding of primary elections rather than the old State primary election date, which has been abolished? •• V.:1:1.iii.;•.:5; votes were marked YES and votes WOIC :marked NO The whole number of votes for and against the CHARTER PROPOSAL NO, 2 , Should Section 11 2 of the Charter be amended to formally: allow the Council by unanimous re solution of those present at the::.meotin9to Waive competil.Ve bidding where :thoyfeel no adyantage.tothe Village would result? The whale .nurnbei. ntes for and aga inst ilia CHARTER PROPOSAL NO. ._ShCidid.:.Secti on: 3,4 of the :Charter be amended.. to • provide...:that• the President and-eaCh.-0OunCJiMan- s hal: receive as remuneration for his service to the Village the sum of $15.00 per meeting, not to exceed, $500 per year, rather than the present $7.50 Per meeting WC* of which numbot: ores were marked YES and .votes Were .marked with a maximum of $375 per year TOTAL. \i'0 • loan _Counc Iman_ COLinc arnan Ye.at _I: CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION TATE.. OF ..34.ICniO4.'x.N.. : • .OAKLAND. OAKLAND Tpwi74111t: py To*.osnip 0,• viltuon) heIvio9 Ascertai0éri and:Canvassed the Votes 6f :5did Vi LI MI LFORD : ....Eiecfber, held in the :.11th dav cif MARCH " one thousand Nine l.iuncired bed sOVOnt.Y.t.f9P Hr.rebY CerfThIV and Deteraiiine CCNIJN:TY. Ilie • • :-.•COUNTY. BOWL:Lb. V: c s.s e r . of. ',he,. at the _ GENERAL Thoi votes Is Thot votes That voLs is elected._ votes is elected_ _ That vote, ;s elected__ That_ is votes, is elected__ That _ votes is elected.. That votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected .. havinq uece sod tie ki.iqest .iwzrbdr tece.ived tile largest nuinber cit ._having received the largest : number : 1 lianfin4.r.et6ive.8 .the received the :Far:gest irumber of _ hcrvincj :received :thoilarge.st :noinber :d re't iV.e .c-j!fiie:largess(riumbee:of •:1-itiVing:p.:?Coiv08 the largest number cii hav-Ing received the Idt0,6st: noinber:of .:11:aviric;:recElivec the tai.6sti:ournbor :Of: Do Further Hereby Determine; 'hal rlie following Preposilions ot OlieSti011$ were IDassed or di#1e,(.1ted as indicated below: •NAME OF PROPOSITION CHARTER PROPOSAL NO I Received • • • •. • .F-ia i j ulficient votes was Passed : Having NAME or PROPOSITION CHARTER PROPOSAL NO 2 • • •• • • • • • •.: : • .:.••• • • ••• • • • •• •••, ---•••••••••--- • -.:1.1.4ficient iyatos . as Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION CHARTER PROPOSAL NO 3 • .. Having •• NIC.)f Su • • • •-• ••• ,iff•crefit Defeated Wié WhereGf, We hove hereunto Set:::Our:handS:::and: affixed the Seal: of the __ ________County Coun ci Vui c g e in the yea f one thousand nine hundred and 0,61(lánd C, 7:y .,."1"1.5V111g!li g day oF .March , i ILI c.ie . • • CI IAIFSMAN. ••••‘' BOARD OF cANvAssEps.:. CLERK OF OARt) CF cAN S. ATTEA