HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.02.20 - 5119X:KXX.XXXX:X.KX).KXXX.?<.XX'XKXX'XAXXK MN FEBRUARY 20, 1978 T OR PARTY CE C' F CA. FO: T7NAm TOTALS 1 ST .r , 1 Trre whole number- of Democratic PaTty fo.- er...,.7.ii4rftes for the office of ft. 0P given by rb Republican ofilciidcrtes for the, °Rice- of er 4 loer of votes oven by the Republican condidiotetr for the office of- e itiorriber of V fhft Democratic Party fn., ccii".,:lit-fres for the tes ENT OF VOTES Village President ns: TIEN if Village President vOTU WRITTU Robert W. Sutton TOLAi The whole- number- o Village Clerk they ofe-iyeribythe Democratic Pc5 fly for condicicitefr lot the office of To fill vacancy) SO it 5 VOTZ•7; Lois L. Thibault Villaae Clerk they vvere Cto fill vacancy) Village Treasurer ney we !TN IN wORDS Republican voies gb- Village Treasurer :and they were give, rr.: fc1;ov.•:•,•-•; .% Ruth Elaine Wood R•-:j Democratic he who TCTiF The who':••,e- g's2en by the Republican Village Assessor , _ — ! . , NUMS.ER OF. VOI`ES WRITTEN 0:0 ,•4(.0;;T:.; r `,..1077.S "`•.4tRn:TE.N• 1.•-•4 WORDS Donald A. Barns Dennis Hoffman Peggy A. Piddington 4, Robert J. Ruddy VOTE'S wErriE:N Village Assessor •:•••:•••••1'.!-:4 VOTES WRITTEN N WORD',3 -• ; • 7— : 7;!••P ••:::-:•,enby the Democratic TwO 37.7—Term - Vote for Three Village Trustee NumzeR •t4 wORDS Republican PW6—Yr. Term - Vote for Three Vi 1 lage ; - T iie whole mbet vo'25 1Dy f the office of NUMYFR OF VOTES wErriEN 0.4 WORDY -d the yope.,s vn by the TrOT F VOTES by the the office of persons: NUMRER OF VOThF -- 7 - 'q't WORDS 'oe whole votes given by thr:t 1,or (ianclicicrtes 6 the office (.4 OF VOTES WRIFTRNN WORD5 ; To NOMSER OF VOTES WR1111,4 woREJS z by The T :, ::• ior the oh K-Te of N.-OM:J.7MOF votri,.; r.-10 The Tfti: vo.'79s qver C. - WCIS y‘rhic.h. ; STAT :N• T OF VOTES •eye nnd TOTAL !oi riUrriber a. TOTA L L $ weie rr ,.::Led YES were- ras TL VOlES. Oakland C} Monday sevent y-eight. D.:1 V iLL t ()/ _H CAN OAKLAND of the County cc ri n.-itaisers Canvassed the Votes at the Februar y 5. 20th moving recie.ik;e6 sufficient Villa ge President number of votes is eomincted cast,d'd!atitt, b y the.. Rernocit TI _ not candidate by the_ D er )crac Tr...s2t- c,:-.Pmz.:•-ii.;;-., by the , D\emocrat lc "It ; ' t'• by the I •rty for the office of__ nvo-i by the . having received sufficient number of votes i5s elected Party for the office of "rh id Republican by me, üemoJat.i. _ candi date by th, Democratic ,i,-_,odtd,Itie by t-he_R_sQul ican TF-iat A eariaidciiet dy the _Demo_c_r a t _ _ _ Democratic the na,nng it cti receive, s,i eat noifiber of -votes is rIOMi noted Villa ge President received sufficient number of votes i 5 nOminwed :e of V i I la ge Clerk Hying feceved sufficient number of votes s nominated • rpr f.h e office o f Villa ge Clerk havina received sufficient number of votes is nominated Village Treasurer rece i ved sufficient number of votes is ri ,ominatefi Village Treasurer having received sufficient of votes s nemiroc„.' Fice of ,Vii_lge_A5_5..es.sof !loving received sufficient number of votes - Irorty for the office of. Village Assessor Republican cone!tdate by the That 'by the having received sofficent number of votes is -,Pr9=rty for the office of Vi la.gg Trustee havmg received sufficient number of votes is tiontittoLeisj office of Vi] a g e Trustee _ having receved suffic i ent number of votes is nomino ed Villa g e Trustee having receivec' number of votes is naminm -.,) of \Li I I. age _Trustee,. _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Village Trustee _ haying receiv ed sufficient number of votes is nominated Village Trustee , haying i-c-eved sufficient number of votes is nom;nated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominai vil rpr the office of _ „. .having received suff;cont number of votes is electez! Party for the office o Inc the r the office of cte.d a 4010 by 41,4 Rap ub_l_Lca n, canclii7.,:ate by the-, rc.(4,PAriklic,n ;hat J/ candidate by thet. Rte_PY1?1..kOn_ _ That_ _ candii.:;ate by the b P:ice of tlo office et That by the_____ That _ by the That havin g received suffic i ent number of votes is eeciffi. :w the office of_ having received sufficient number of votes is electe d for the office of__ _ _ hav i ng received 5ufficient number of votes is elected having received sufficient numbEr of votes is erected .hav i ng received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the That candidate by the for ttf, oRce u f . hovin g received sufficient number of voes is nominated Vurty for the oft'ice Of having received sufficient number of votes is 0omin0red 1--thVh1-0 received sui(iber--, number of vc-tes s nominated the oiiice sri vinc ii_7'..Ceisea sufficient votes j_s nornirscted having cecei-H sufficient numf.,.-1- of votes iS riam:nated votes :s nominated ci:4Lice of__ receiveci sufficient nu ,..f:er si votes is nominclted. the-office of rf,,ce.i ved (H erd çf votes :7, 7„ nom i no t e d the oFfice of__ ___—__- hovmg receHred votes is nom:oc.ch...”.1 f 101' the „. haying .,e(:-..everi sufficient number of votes :s nomi.neted . hoeing received sufficieni. number of votes s non noted ,71:r-fice ncvrng received !i,,i.f:c.ient number of votes rs nor:lin-cited. _ haying received ...:..,,ftno:ont rwmi..T of votes s norrlincrmd hcr,i ng sufficrct votes is naroinoftd havtng received nun",i.:mr o f cif,,e.t it nombleTed c rent itiljfribiri' of vote s Hs nominated ow naymg recs ';.y of NONE. NAME Or 77 ,77'.1 NONE NAME OF NONE Havi HCSVjI NOt MP47r::1Y,'<.1 Porno,.„; , votes W5 .5 =t, S-wfidenf votes was r. reoT:N.:3 tie Seat f_____Etbxuary seventy-eight. 80ARD 10,11.Z.V1X-21 li.;TTEST , / k.,A4TE Cr