HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.03.08 - 5121VILLAGE OF ORTONV I LLE MARCH 8, 1976 ANNUAL ELECTION MARCH 8, 1976 ELCTCt OAKLAND (,;',XX.XX XX0-5,KKX A KA A NINXiX XX XX XXX,>.4 XXXX votes voles received Robert W. Sutton (R) d Marilyn Considine Odrite—i VILLAGE CLERK (Vote for not more than one) r7-7' votes votes . was and ihey were- i'01.10Wing nOrmi:d persons: reconved votes : received Karen L. McArthur (D) Ruth E. Wood (R) ;ece,ved v-r:es received received TOTAL votes - For the office of VILLAGE ASSESSOR (Vote for not more than 1) Ronald D. Richards (R) _ rece.ived received received: received re Ce r C.7,7 e received received .,-.77) 44, j -tar / votes 1: :14 votes votes TOTAL STA T F T OF VOTES Th0 whole number ci votes dive.n for the office of VILLAGE PRESIDENT (Vote for not more than 1 and they folicwv;ng. named persons: T:DTAi r:- ehole i vOtO-S given for the office of Kay A. Williams (R) received TOT L . vo,tcs !Ike, whole number of voles given for the office or VILLAGE TREASURER (Vote for not more than 1)M /, end they 9ivef-t for ThEi, roilowing named persons:- € hod they were q Fven Tor The reHowing noired pF,tscms, (Two Year Term) c.q votes given for t6, ofice oF VILLAGE TRUSTEE - Vote for Three (3) David C. Borst (R) Glennden R. Pletcher (D ) vot votes for :•:.e150115: whole receivii-ct 10 L Tr—a A t vc: hro Otf iCe oF .1,DF VOTES fhey . I Peggy A. Piddington (R) 0 ,=• • . Hr the oFi ice of. V0105 given for th.2I;CO of he-r were cvt..-..q1 for the fc.,.-liovvinci votes I; vok,s Fere -.4hey error given For the folio -wing ncirn€:-d ye Ved vi,7;=1 I E.r:d votes cen or the office of receoi rec.e:ved raw va-es VC S TAT iF - vc) IN 7'6 he whole nornbev at cores given far the Was and they were given for tke: foilr'wino named persons: rece;ved yeceived received C at and they were ttcenfoi the foNowino named person: received received TOTA L L tea whole number of vot-Ers given for the office of trey were given for the folicr rece wj- C- Irs ‘rr-erkf.i TOT. Al 7 4 , wh o le num ber 04 votw ui Cu the °like of cii•ers for the f.:::i2sionoi, riort-nec they V5 to' 2 whole nurnbei = for the °Rice or and they were given for the following named persons: receiver:I .; TOTAL STATE IN )TES nt.it-nbe.!' of The the in5t the ._ c: wee. nic1<ed NO TOTAL of vfch number TOTAL VOT votes is electec:_ . _ TRUSTEE - TWQ__YEAR TE.RM That__ ss•rs of rile...- Annua __Election ; he seyenty7,six i I la9e of Ortonv i 11 the votes Is sSkSCSO _ j CLERK vistas is elecle.a_ That _ That votes -is TREASURE R voles is eictoec'i• ASSESSOR That SI 1151 01 having aiv ssd this r ost vistas is .e.ect-eki.-- 7 . in 0,i. - - - is>rec_te. That_ . votc,s is elected. TRUSTEE - TWO YEAR TERM TRUSTEE - TWO YEAR TERM flCiviIiq rec•lveci vies! ilura _ _ hciv votes :; eiec!c-a _ That -- -- votes is erf-:,-cted.._ I! V rryt:,) c.?.! 11Q i nC..1 Coun ty Oakland , y oL es! That ........ est votes is 105511 €d volesis alectea_ haVing teceived thelort-,3er. votes 71 31-QT- votes is eected That_ .:,Ct• ext. oF teceivtz.td the ic,rgeFf. votes ncit . having rec.F.-ived. the imgetit number of vo!et, elected . nuyirrq received ine largest number or .1-toving received the largest number QJ Ivz,ving received the r hawing receiv.ed the kyrt.:test number of having received the ransjest number or hr W;t-,tt.t. '"e have hereunto set tet..it- hands end affixed the Seal .1! ty Oakland . 10th day c-= March in the year one thousand nine hu ndred and sev.e_nty_rsi CMAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF t1.0,e0(D OF COl.N.I Y AT