HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1982.08.08 - 5122VILLAGE OF ORTONV I LLE MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1982 (D) '.,-:.erry Borst 2. (R) CLERK TWO A TREASURER 2 (R) _Ruth E. Wood - vOTE TTjA. WORDS )TAL 2. (R,)_ Christopher G. Bridgeman e-7 TOTAL and they were given for the fo PERSONS PECEIM ndMed Persons: NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTIN IN WORDS 1. (11) given for the office of TRUSTEES for THREE year terms (Vote for Three 1. (D) Donald C. Puglise 2. (0) 3. (D) (R) Rpbert J. Sergent 5. (R) Elaine R. Thornton € CHARTER AMENDMENT I .Sh_aLL the V i 1 La.ge Char_t_er_b_e amended t_o confer to the Village Er.e_s_i dent the right_ to_ vote_ on tfte_Yillage _Counci 1 , _ra_the_r_ than HIP ri,cfht to_vote Ln the event_of_ [ L cBARTE.R AMEADMfNT_LI Shall the Village Charter be amended to provide for appointment, by the president with the consent of the Council, of the Village treasurer, and assessor, and to provide for the election of a village clerk by the village council, such officers to be registered electors of_the_vijlageand, further _ amended to grant discretion to the Council to combine the offices of clerk and assessor? R n TOT L. VOTES [FE or _QA LAND_ County flLd ond.. Con ,,,cNised _ _Qenera 1 . •-4 OrKr-i -- eJ ..g h ty7 two one _ _Oaktand__ ..0_1 'age—of _ar_tony Lte • • • '.:: / March.' sufficient voiis iiieffiiciiids Lage_ As..se'sr - TWO YearTerm Vil lage Trustee \ - Two Year Term Village Trustee - Tv() Year Te ,r7 hiciv vt.n.:(1 ; f of siu 4iciern cif Vii lage Trustee - Two'Year yerm — - !heceived Qt. 2=Lif-h. n:.J711ber Of tsf. CHARTER AMENDMENT I CHARTER AMEOMENT I I N or CHARTER/AMENDMENT I I I the year ore hundk7icli and ATTEST_ Ti \c, lage President - Two Year Term v7,1e5 is V i 1 lage Clerk - Two Year Term s:scec Viilage .Tçei.rIQ Year Term Tho, Mrchi CLERK 01 C-0/1--,M) Oir IAN' hc.; ono th,.? CI-JAR_TE.R AM.ENTIM.ENT__LLI, Shall the elected officers of the Vi DaDnyille be etected on a non-parti san_b_as is? be]. TOTAL VOTES County General The Eic:',-ord ot HIE.? Oakland Village of Ortoh nfilie . .....:, . tk, .8th March _ _gh t y nc:r _ dent - Two Yea r-TeFm 1hal V Ll lageTrus.tee TIAio Y-ear Term ._...__.._ . Number of ,••,>;", t COUht,,Y Oakland March eighty-two • NA-^,4F. OF 1,P,OPO5MON4 CHARTER AMENDMENT II NAME 7'S PC •7710N CHARTER AMENDMENT 1 CHARTER AMENDMENT I I I ...41.F,5-?okbiggeeti ..... • STATE OF L,•.7: OAKLAND " ,H"of hovingreoeveo number of vof VJ1 aae : Clerk 7 Two Yer_ Term vf . , I age Treasurer Two Year _Term : Vi Ilage Assessor_ - Two Yea r Term cOMveO im.,.;mbe.r- of vc.qes ac_Tr.US:t.p_e Two Year Term Tree - Two rmber of ()•