HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.03.09 - 5130VILLAGE OF ORTONV1LLE MARCH 10, 1980 (.':•-,-TT° OF ELECTION) OAKLAND 1 ST/,1 OF VOTES votes votes votes (D) c_R) Judy J. H. Potv in received received received — TOTAL votes vote yr 3 end thee were given for (0) (R) Ruth E. Wood niarnee :person., received TOTAL received WCrS k.Ond they weie given for named- received (D) Pamela K. Reetz received eceived received loc°,7rived received received received received TOTAL vot r-s : Vcnt Q votes k votes votes r The ,401e number of voter given fYI the office of V I LLAGE PRES I DENT - TWO YEAR TERM they v,'ere given for the (D) vOle S Lliriatopher G. Br idgemar7er'7'ci „ received TOTAL umber of vcqes u vr .i Hr the office el V ILLAGE CLERK - TWO YEAR TERM . , was end they were given Hr the foliowmq person: Th e whcAf' number oF vi="5 given For the office of VILLAGE TREASURER - TWO YEAR TERM The whole number of votes for the of V I LLAGE ASSESSOR - TWO YEAR TERM (R) rec6ved received UNEXPIRED TERM (:e.) or !.(e oChce oF VILLAGE TRUSTEE oNE YEAR TERM (Vote for ONE 1 e 0 10 a I ,-eoeived received (D) Glenn R. Kier (R) Elaine R, Thornton ' 1 r e. Cei V 0CI TOTA L Vf.". votes o '6410 le fl UM. he orrice of f...sey were giver, .w'Iole number oc- votes given for fhe office or VILLAGE TRUSTEE—TWO YEAR TERM (Vote for 3) rf e (D.) Dorlaid C. k-. (D) (D) te..• • OF they sA•sere.. sH":•.:3 7.keissons: fece reize OLd (hey were given for the folio -wing norned persons: received received E,,,.cee;vod TOTAL %verc.., given for dc fe110-04-41C1 ncimed e(R) Robert S rgent LRj (R) I STA1 OF VOTES vOteri votes var 1-a ceived received received 'TOTAL votes „ . . I I . . I , cc of reCei votes voie,s votes :•.• : vol. es : : .••• i I i i li 1 : • • i 1 • . . • : • „ :,• :• :: ,• :, , : :• .. , :: :• , :, :• , .. Thewhof number of vraiieifi g iven for the was given for received recei ved TOTAL The -whoTe of votes civeri hdf the office of v o s votE., cc received received TOTAL rho whole cierrib€,y. cd votes g iven for th e o ffi ce of was and they ,iiveire gvon For the fo llowi nq nmineid pe-rsonsi Inc nrter 5..:::.• yen for was and they were q rvssn For rho named persons; received received eived The whole number of votes piven for the office r was ..:nd they were give-fin for the foliviiiitri g named received F receiv ond the,„"were ka no foliowinq ,...oried persons; STATE nF VOTES VOte.i Wei YES C.; o e::.; were Riark,-., and Cdtwo5sed Village Yili age of 0 r tonv Ile 1 0th Ma rch Id on the_ hay Thot vit.-Att.t iS ci V,I_LLAGLE., P 1:1ES PENI - TWO _YEAR_ T.ERM_ :VILLAGE CLERK,- TWO YEAR•RM having. receiv,:..-..!,c.t votes Is elected __ V !-.LAQ.E., TREASUR_ER - TWO_ Y.EAR_ TERM 1 votes VILLAGE _ASSES SlaR 7_ TWO .. YEAR_ TER!'„i.-: That _ votes is elected T I I ha t . having rece-vc!c..t! tke TH't votes 15 el 1 L LA_G_E STE..E 7 ,41-140... Y..EA_R , rwmtper of -stetYmg received the lal ,...F,tst of tf. V_IILAGE TRUSTEE TWO__ YEAR TERM votes VILLAGE TSTE -TWO RUE YEAR , . . _ Hot -. . --- votes is elected "fl votes it eF ected.. votes is elected hovins-3 ievsivecf mit trilber of hav•ith=:.tt re0e7:ived the latclet::st teived That- OF 2:t..1ICITIGL.A.N, ,TNT-',.7 OF OAKLAND. 111; Rort:rci of Canvassers of the_.. _ __Count)! Slak 1 and_ Cit nutiloer having tocelyed the lotw,t0.• I ;Li EllbeC of LLAGE UNEXPI_RED_ ONE YEAR TERM_ . _ _ _ _ _ . havingteceh,ted the h-dr,..iest rulholoer o f • elected__ — _ _ _ _ . _ . votes is elected . vote 5 elected_. . . . : Thal That_ VON:: S is sIeced cine BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS o f March OghtY- .4n.s in the.yearc..iiiiiie CF CL A.TIEST / having received thelort--.3.20 number inJ having rceved the largest numbet r) vciles is elected__ . the L arga-st ek-cted eng mizeiYeid the argest number or' _ umber of 3es t number of having received the crf,tr:...test nur, VOT'7'.5 eleCJOCI ka-vm:13 receHed b s.. sest number or We: have 11,N-ftunto set as hands end affixed the Seal County Oakland y. T n ..