HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.03.12 - 5141(',11:WERALH LLAn' 1E 1 ECT ON VI LLALE OF ORTONV LLE MARCH L3, 1972 GENERAL VILLAGE OAKLAND MOOKXXiXXXN)0( XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (rr c.t.nd they vv.t.,-e- (R) DONALD A. ,• .:• for the named persons:. received receiven 10 t-t,[ BARNS votes votes votes who !rsr ounbssr of iven r05 he crffre VILLAGE CLERK (2 Year Term) votes t cv (R) ROBERT M„ SHERMAN, SR, rece,ver, votes rtt• YL)T,s votes (R) LARRY J. BURNS received (R) ROBERT W. SUTTON received received votes ; votes V, „. STATEMENT OF The whole number of voles q vc,T1 for the ofice of \II LLAGE pREs DENT (2 Year Term sroo Yen for the Fc‘diewin.1 ro:nei persons: — (D) MARILYN J. PALSHAN received - received . . • • • • •• • • - . TOTAL .yhoe votes ittrir the office VILLAGE TREASURER (2 Year Term d they w,.n.e lor the foliowincl named persons: received received TOTAL / Th,i whole number of votes qi -fiVILLAGE TRUSTEES (2 Year Term)Vote for Three they wnwe p i von fo r the rel;owin y nonlea peeson received received •,0. received received recei,ed Votes - votes votes votes votes; votes received reeeJved (R) RAY H. LONG Yed AL they were cjiVell or f 0 I I 1'1 C.:, r1C1 =-• ST,- flue the oilicc- of VILLAGE ASSESSOR (2 Year Term ?he Ihewn named peun : 9 El : recr received received T (MT A k number of co-foe yen Or the office of They were given for the following name.? ve:e5 1, ! 1:e w.hee number or votes .0 r the they were given for the .Foltowino nari)ed p' err ree ei Ye receiv -1- ; ; — vofes ; votes votes votes cay were g iver, tOt tne i'caowinig named pefsons: received received received TOTAL votes 1: voter, 1: voi es VOi OS I i 4 ; ;I 1-1S red ;hey foHowinc; /ecelved received -!! votes 11 TOTAL. received votes 11 votes d V TOTAL vorF:: errnber of votes given for f.he The. .."1-,.t.-; vt-)tes vote, votes vol STATEN.ENIT OF VOTES 4 The whoie numbe-t; of votes given for the office di wos tt. Lore number ;en ior :CE ci cad they were divert r .ne recetved TO17 ::s,L 1: e rwthbor of votes dny;ert ic,` the oFfice ci WC5 The whole. was -numie.e.rci vr:ytes f;4 vert for or tney were given For the totTlec:: vot,tts VOtit::: 11 W 555 and they ,Nere g lvan [or Ike flokowing ncorc.--!ci rece,ved receiv,tt:tr race: ye: TOTAL .1-Ur +1'311,7,03 esei ortci a9a.inst the_ .... wc:=. end_ %.oles we 'nark CT STA T T TOTAL VOTES_ vc-Jte5 given lea cm,: which numkor____.. .--otes Vol"e5 werf, NO TOTAL VOTES. ele(ced VILL4GE PRESIDENT ..(.2 YeAr_ TQT51) VILLAGE CLERK (2 Year Term) Thor -. _ t)( 119 - - V! rIg the lor.:-.7:05.t VILLAGE TRUSTEE (2 Year Tem) r of 1••i,C•t.- • 7 on hovn ni&nOed thy -Mut That _ votes Thco. r C rIe rc111.OFO 1 :U11151511 t Thot the to-rt.:::i e STA_TE OF MICHIG AN, Co-r=s7I-1 01. OAKLAND COUNTY The Boa ,.:1 of: Caw,'asseJs of the 4. OAKLAND P., :-..fatIvQssed the Votes GENERAL VILLAGE 13th _day o f_ MARCH C.,) !s. Fri be!' of oF of stote.s TI-10 _ votes o cm That _ votes is That_ _ v()Ies Ti Fla; --- votes 15eiectod VILLAGE_TREASURER_(2 Year-Term) _ VILLAGE_TRUSTEE_(Z_Year_Term) VILLAGE TRUSTEE (2 Year Term) ho 9 ived the tcii-g.ast number of rite largest nuirthei of J.V1kLAQR . (2 Year Term) votes is votes is ::)ec_t-eid votes is cooled of vCiteS hat _ vc.,te-s is elected_ .. . TFidt _ V0t0S hovivig Inrgest . _ eiecied... stitste eli.t,..:;ed _having received the arest ntinliee.;_ii ..hoving received the crgesr mJrni...)er -111(tti iici7eit- COUNTY in thousand nine It?.reuntoCur hdr“:15 ond aRix.ed or OAKLAND of__ MARCEL _ seventy-two. BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF COUNTY c•',;--.{VASSER:. That _ _ _ teceive.el the ktFgest Thdt votes k ehsictd . hi.:0141‹.1 Yeceivcd t11, knr9est keying received the .drgest number 0 -re _having d1.9esi- number e= ; received the idtqesf rn