HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1992.06.11 - 7155150 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING June 11, 1992 Meeting called to order at 9:40 A.M. by Chairperson Larry Crake in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick,Price,Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf. (27) ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum present. Invocation given by Commissioner Thomas A. Law. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Moved by Pappageorge supported by Schmid the minutes of the May 21, 1992 Board Meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved. Moved by Pappageorge supported by Ferrens the rules be suspended and the Agenda be amended for the following: PUBLIC SERVICES e. Department of Public Services/Circuit Court Probation Division Student Intern/Case Aide Grant Acceptance (2nd Extension) - (Waive Rule X.A.9. - Grants procedure not adhered to, expedition requested by Administration) ITEM NOT ON PRINTED AGENDA PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Central Services/Radio Communications - 800 MHz County-Wide Communications System - Rochester Hills City Property Contract. [Waive Rule XI A- Request the item be considered with Planning & Building Committee items for purpose of taking immediate action) AYES: Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried, and the agenda, as amended, was approved. Clerk read a thank you note from Commissioner Ruel McPherson: .1 • Clerk read letter from Chairperson Larry Crake announcing the appointment of Judge Robert C. Anderson as Circuit Court's representative on the Community Corrections Advisory Board for term ending July 20, 1993. There were no objections to the appointment. • • — The following persons addressed the Board: Pamela Ortner Mukavetz, Marilynn Burton Ristau, Roger McDaniel, Tara God, Sherry Clair, Shirley Clancy, Judy White, Gisela Lendle King, Billie Ireland, John Phillips, Ruel E. McPherson. The Chairperson stated the order of presentation of the Standing Committees will be changed, and the Planning and Building Committee will be the first reporting Committee. There were no objections. ITEM ALREADY ON THE PRINTED AGENDA: 151 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Misc. 92119 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: COURTHOUSE SECURITY MEASURES UTILIZING METAL DETECTION EQUIPMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Courthouse Complex is a 271,000 square foot structure built in the 1960's to house hundreds of employees and serve thousands of the public; and WHEREAS numerous measures to provide Courthouse security such as a restricted staff elevator; duress alarms; special personnel; locks; restricted parking; bomb threat procedures; tornado alert procedures; and exterior lighting, to name a few, are already in place; and WHEREAS the Circuit Court, the Probate Court, and other elected officials have requested a review of the aforementioned measures; and WHEREAS the aforementioned review indicates that additional security measures such as minimizing the number of public entrances, deletion of unnecessary entrances, installation of metal detection equipment at public entrances, installation of additional card access entry locks, and providing additional staffing as required to monitor the public for weapons entering the Complex during business hours would enhance the present security measures; and WHEREAS such potential security measures are more fully described in the Plan for Courthouse Security Measures Utilizing Metal Detection Equipment dated May 27, 1992; and WHEREAS the one-time cost of equipment and facility alterations has been estimated to cost $37,000; and WHEREAS the proposal includes the implementation of security services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Department of Public Works and the Sheriff's Department to implement the Plan for Courthouse Security Measures Utilizing Metal Detection Equipment, a summary of which is attached, at a cost not to exceed $37,000 for equipment and facility alterations and annual operating costs for security services to be determined. Mr. Chairperson on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE John Olsen, Chairperson Copy of..Summary... of Security Improvements on file in County Clerk's Office. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and Finance Committee. There were no objections. Mr. Olsen stated that Resolution #92110 had been vetoed by the County Executive because of an addition the Board had made to the Contract and the City of Rochester Hills had objected to the change. Mr. Olsen presented the following new resolution and contract (as was originally negotiated) Misc. 92120 By Commissioner John E. Olsen IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICESJRADIO COMMUNICATIONS - 800 MHz COUNTY-WIDE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM - ROCHESTER HILLS CITY PROPERTY CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by MR 80281 on December 13, 1990, awarded a contract for the construction of an 800 MHz County-wide communication system; and WHEREAS such a system involves the construction of radio communication towers at various locations throughout the County; and WHEREAS one of the planned tower sites is to be located in the City of Rochester Hills at 1000 Rochester Hills Drive, Rochester Hills, Michigan; and WHEREAS the Radio Communications Oversight Committee, created by MR 91247 on December 12, 1991, has negotiated a contract with the City of Rochester Hills for use of its property.in exchange for the use by the City of the tower for the City's communication; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed and approved the aforementioned contract; and WHEREAS MR 82176 requires that all intergovernmental agreements be approved by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the attached contract with the City of Rochester Hills and authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute said contract in accordance with MR 82176. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this contract shall also be signed by the County Executive in order to be consistent with other system tower site contracts which do not involve other governments or government agencies. Mr. Chairperson, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. John E. Olsen, Commissioner District #17 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 152 Moved by Olsen supported by Pappageorge the resolution be adopted. AYES: Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92106 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: ROAD COMMISSION - APPROPRIATION FOR DRAIN ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY ROADS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner as County Agency operates the Southeastern Oakland County Sewage Disposal System to provide sewage disposal services to 14 municipalities in Southeastern Oakland County; and WHEREAS the revenues of the SOCSDS consist of rates paid by each municipality for the treatment and disposal of combined sewage and storm water, based on the volume of sewage and storm water which is contributed by each municipality; and WHEREAS effective July 1, 1991 the Drain Commissioner has revised the storm water allocation formula for the SOCSOS to more accurately define the contribution of storm water from each municipality in the SOCSDS and has determined that a certain portion of the total storm water flow should be allocated to the Oakland County Road Commission for the drainage from county highways; and WHEREAS based on an engineering study performed for the Drain Commissioner, the Oakland County Road Commission, on account of the drainage from county highways within the SOCSDS, is responsible for 1.4056% of the storm water flows generated from the SOCSDS in an average year; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner and the County Executive recommend that the annual cost of treatment for the storm water generated by county highways be funded by the County of Oakland by appropriating funds from the General Fund, and that these payments should be recognized as appropriations by the County of Oakland to the Oakland County Road Commission; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #91284 appropriated $44,092 for sewage treatment costs for the period from July 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991; and WHEREAS additional appropriations will be necessary for the cost of treatment and disposal of storm water flows from county highways when such flows are combined with sewage flows in calendar year 1992 and 1993 and thereafter; and WHEREAS the appropriation for calendar year 1992 and 1993 is estimated at $91,464 and $96,164 respectively. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize the appropriation of funds for the purpose of treatment of storm water draining from county highways. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92106) By Finance Committee IN RE: ROAD COMMISSION - APPROPRIATION FOR DRAIN ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY ROADS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92106 and finds: 1) The cost for treatment of storm water contributed by county roads in the Southeastern Oakland County Sewage Disposal System (SOCSDS) is $97,690 for the calendar year January 1, 1992, to December 31, 1992. 2) This cost is partially offset by credits for anticipated storm water overflow into the Detroit River ($6,226) for a net annual cost of $91,464. 3) The estimated cost for 1993 is $96,164. 4) Funds are available in the General Fund Contingency account in the amounts of $91,464 and $96,164 for 1992 and 1993 respectively. 5) In 1992, $1,270,800 was appropriated in the General Fund to an account titled ''Current Drain Assessments" for assessments and maintenance on county roads. 6) Appropriations and expenditures for 1992 and 1993 in this account will move to a new account titled "Road Commission - Drain Assessments". 7) The 1992/93 General Fund (10100) Budget is amended as follows: General Fund Appropriations (4-10100) 909-01-00-9900 Contingency 901-01-00-9108 Drain Assessments 901-01-00-9121 Road Commission-Drain Assessments 1992 1993 $( 91 -,W64-) ($ 96,f64) (1,270,800) ( 630,000) 1,362,264 726,164 $ -0- $ -0- FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson 153 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Moved by Olsen supported by Ferrens the Fiscal Note be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Fiscal Note was accepted. Moved by Olsen supported by Ferrens the resolution be adopted. AYES: Caddell, Crake, Ferrans, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop. (26) NAYS: Johnson. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Report (Misc. 92108) By Personnel Committee IN RE: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - CREATION OF ONE (1) 1,000 HOUR PTNE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson Misc. 92108 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - CREATION OF ONE (1) 1,000 HOUR PTNE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT To the Oaklano County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Economic Development Division is currently staffed with two Loan and Finance Officers to provide services related to the County's Small Business Administration 504 loan program; and WHEREAS the size of the Local Development Company (LDC) loan portfolio continues to increase in number of loans and value; and WHEREAS the mandated servicing of the existing loans has increased, which in turn takes time away from new loan acquisition which produces revenue; and WHEREAS the Economic Development Division has obtained funds from LOC to reimburse the County for the cost of one (1) part-time non-eligible Technical Assistant; and WHEREAS acceptance of the reimbursement funds does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners create one (1) part-time non-eligible Technical Assistant position funded at 1,000 hours/year in Community and Economic Development/Economic Development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if sufficient funding to cover the full cost of this position is not available in the future from the Local Development Company, the position will be deleted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92108) By Finance Committee IN RE: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - CREATION OF ONE (1) 1,000 HOUR PTNE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92108 and finds: 1) The Local Development Company (LDC) is experiencing a substantial increase in the number of loans and value provided to the County's Small Business Administration 504 loan program. 2) The mandated servicing of the existing loans has increased and not allowed for new loan acquisitions, which would produce more revenue. 3) The LDC has offered funds to reimburse the Economic Development Division for the cost of one (1) part-time non-eligible Technical Assistant, which totals $14,500 for the remainder of 1992. 4) There is no cost to the County and acceptance of these reimbursement funds do not obligate the County to any future commitment. 5) There is a request to create one (I) part-time non-eligible Technical Assistant position to be funded at 1000 hours/year in the Economic Development Division (192-01). Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 154 6) This position will be deleted should funds become unavailable in the future from the Local Development Company (IOC), 7) The following budget amendment is recommended: 3-10100-192-01-00-2119 Economic Development Fees $14,500 4-10100-192-01-00-1001 Salaries 11,400 4-10100-192-01-00-2076 Fringe Benefits 1,100 4-10100-192-01-00-4898 Office Supplies 2,000 Total FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Gosling supported by Millard the resolution be adopted. AYES: Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92109 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - MOTOROLA CONTRACT CHANGES - FIELD UNITS AND OPTIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, in Miscellaneous Resolution #90281, authorized the acquisition of a county-wide 800 MHz radio communication system from Motorola; and WHEREAS the original contract specified 868 field units; and WHEREAS a reduction of forty eight (48) mobile units and twenty-two (22) portable units is requested based on review of current equipment features, departmental needs, and availability of options; and WHEREAS, features on current equipment (rotary select and encryption) were omitted from the original contract; and WHEREAS cost reduction options include wattage reduction of mobile units without compromising coverage and use of converta com consoles; and WHEREAS equipment upgrades for safety and time efficiencies include rapid charge substitution and telephone interconnect; and WHEREAS the Radio Oversight Committee recommends the purchase of 798 field units and option changes consistent with Schedule A for a total reduction of $86,694 to the original contract (of which $38,462 was recognized in Miscellaneous Resolution #92079). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commlssioners authorizes the contract change consistent with the recommendation from the Radio Oversight Committee. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I recommend the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92109) By Finance Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - MOTOROLA CONTRACT CHANGES - FIELD UNITS AND OPTIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92I09 and finds: 1) The recommended contract change reduces the currently authorized project from $6,166,603 to $6,118,372, a reduction of $48,231. 2) No amendments are proposed at this time as 1992 Budget amendments will be recommended with the Third Quarter forecast. 3) 1993 Budget Amendments will be recommended during the Budget Review Process. 4) Any additional contract changes will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for approval. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Olsen supported by Serra the resolution be adopted. AYES: Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 155 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Misc. 92121 By Finance Committee IN RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION - HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ACT GRANT ACCEPTANCE - FISCAL YEAR 1992 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the United States Congress enacted the HOME Investment Partnership Act, Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (P.L. 101-6251 in 1990; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland, being designated as a participating jurisdiction by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has been awarded a fiscal year 1992 HOME grant in the amount of $1,410,000, and WHEREAS the County intends to use $1,19B,500 (85%) of the HOME allocation for rehabilitation of homes owned by low-income persons and allocate $211,500 (15%) for non-profit Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO's) to rehabilitate homes for low-income persons; and WHEREAS no County match funding is required for the fiscal year 1992 HOME grant, however matching funds of 25% may be required in subsequent years of the program; and WHEREAS a County match of $425,000 has been included in the 1993 Adopted Budget for the program; and WHEREAS a detailed 1992 Fiscal Year program description of the County's plans for the HOME grant has been prepared and included per federal regulation purposes (Attachment A); and WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has unanimously recommended approval of the HOME grant and program description; and WHEREAS this grant has been reviewed and approved by the County Executive's Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the 1992 Fiscal fear HOME grant program in the amount of $1,410,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service, including personnel, will be contingent upon the level of Federal funding available. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve amendments and extensions up to a fifteen percent (15%) variance from the award, consistent with the agreement as originally approved. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of ...Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Attachment A on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens. (27) NAYS; None (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT (Misc. 92122) By Planning and Building Committee • IN RE: AWARD OF CONTRACT - STEAM TUNNEL REPAIRS (91-10) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the bids received for the above- referenced project on June 4, 1992, reports with the recommendation that the contract be awarded to Hayes Excavating Company, Inc., of Detroit, Michigan, in the amount of $174,365.00 for a total project cost of $210,000.00 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE John Olsen, Chairperson Misc. 92122 By Finance Committee IN RE: PUBLIC WORKS/FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STEAM TUNNEL REPAIRS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, by Miscellaneous Resolution #92078, the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Executive's Facilities Engineering Division to receive bids for steam tunnel repairs; and WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedures, bids for the above mentioned project were received and opened on May 19, 1992; and WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Public Works has reviewed all bids submitted and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, Hayes Excavating Company, Inc. be awarded a contract for construction in the amount of $174,365; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 156 WHEREAS the total project cost including related capital and operating is estimated to be $210,000; and WHEREAS total project costs exceed the original cost estimate of $150,000 for the project due to discovery of a greater degree of tunnel deterioration; and WHEREAS funding of $150,000 is available in the 1992 Capital Improvement Program - Utilities Section for Steam Tunnel Improvements and $60,000 is available in the 1992 Capital Improvement Program - Utilities Section for the Paving Program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows; 1) The Board of Commissioners authorizes the transfer of $210,000 from the 1992 Capital Improvement Program - Utilities Fund #40200 to the Project Work Order Fund #40400 to establish the Steam Tunnel Repairs Project. 2) The contract proposal of Hayes Excavating Company, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan in the amount of $174,365 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee recommendations. 3) Funds be provided in the amount of $35,635 to cover the remaining project costs. 4) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Hayes Excavating Company, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland. 5) The County Executive's Department of Public Works - Facilities Engineering Division - shall notify the selected vendor of this award, in writing, no later than 10 days after adoption of this resolution. The award shall not be effective until the selected vendor has been notified. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by McCulloch the Planning and Building Committee report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Caddell supported by Palmer the resolution be adopted. AYES: Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling. (26) NONE. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92123 By Finance Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/LEASED VEHICLE OPERATIONS - REDUCED FUNDING FOR TWENTY-EIGHT RECLASSIFIED VEHICLES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #92091 directed the Department of Management & Budget to reduce departmental line-items affected by a change in vehicle designation from "Overnight" to "Shift" use categories for twenty-eight (28) vehicles identified on Attachment A; and WHEREAS Attachment A has been updated on Schedule 1 and finds twenty-seven (27) vehicles designated as "Overnight" category vehicles; twenty-three (23) Governmental funded, four (4) Special Revenue & Proprietary funded, and one Garage Pool vehicle assigned on a trip ticket basis; and WHEREAS funding for twenty-seven (27) is included in the 1993 Adopted Budget and the change in vehicle designation will affect the variable costs (gas, oil and grease and maintenance expenses) associated with the operation of County vehicles in the appropriate departmental line-items; and WHEREAS an expense based on 2,400 average personal miles per year per vehicle will be allotted to the appropriate departments for those occasions when it will be cost effective to use personal vehicles; and WHEREAS a change in designation from "Overnight" to "Shift" category for the governmental fund department vehicles will reduce Governmental departments leased vehicle allocations $13,481, increase personal mileage allocations $8,566 and returns $4,925 to Contingency; and WHEREAS a change in designation from "Overnight" to "Shift" category for Special Revenue & Proprietary department vehicles will reduce leased vehicle expenses $3,103 and increase personal mileage allocations $1,488. Savings of $1,615 will be recognized in the respective fund. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the following 1993 Budget amendment consistent with Schedule 3 for Governmental Funds: 1993 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ 4,925 4-xxxxx-xxx-xx-xx-6610 Leased Vehicles (13,481) 4-xxxxx-xxx-xx-xx-3574 Personal Mileage 8,556 $ -0- -- a 157 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Schedules 1 and 3 on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. AYES: Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92124 By Finance Committee IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN SERVICES/COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH - PROGRAM YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Community Mental Health Division has an amended budget as of February 29, 1992 of $32,101,355 of which 58,041,382 is County funded and $24,059,973 is supported by other sources Including the Michigan Department of Mental Health (MOWN) and medicaid; and WHEREAS adjustments in MDMH and other revenue sources resources dictates an overall expenditure reduction of $1,014,222; and WHEREAS a portion of these adjustments include a $39,960 increase reflecting State funded expansion to facilitate residential placements of developmentally disabled individuals; and WHEREAS the adjustment would reduce the County matching payments by $75,059, however, these funds will be retained in the CMH budget to fund other needs within the mental health system, making the actual reduction $939,163. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners amends the 1992 Community Mental Health budget, as detailed on the attached schedule. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of $75,059 be assigned to the CMH Appropriation Contingency account (#4-22200-166-01-00-3210) to be spent on programs recommended by the Community Mental Health Board and approved by the Board of Commissioners' General Government Committee. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of attachments on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92125 By Finance Committee IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - 1992/1993 MINORITY - LOW INCOME COMMUNITY HEALTH PROMOTION GRANT ACCEPTANCE Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #89105, the Health Division applied to the United Way to operate a Minority Low Income Community Health Promotion program jointly with the Macomb County Health Division; and WHEREAS the application requested funding in the amount of $35,426 for Oakland County for the period March 1, 1992 through February 28, 1993; and WHEREAS the United Way has awarded the County a grant in the same amount and for the same time-period as applied for; and WHEREAS grant funds will cover 100% of program cost, no additional County resources are required; and WHEREAS acceptance of this grant requires amendments to the 1992 grant budget increasing both revenues and expenses by $20,426 as detailed in the attached schedule; and WHEREAS the United Way requires no signed agreement for these funds, however does require progress reports which will be provided by the Health Division at the required intervals. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the 1992/1993 Minority - Low Income Community Health Promotion Grant from the United Way in the amount Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 158 of $35,426 and authorizes the necessary amendments be made to the 1992 grant revenue and expense budgets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should grant funding cease, the positions funded by the grant will be eliminated. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Law the resolution be adopted. AYES: Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92126 By Finance Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/PARKS AND RECREATION - RADIO COMMUNICATION RATE AND REBATE REQUEST To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in the process of implementing a new radio communication system to improve and increase current usage by users; and WHEREAS the new radio, financing, and infrastructure costs of this system are currently being charged back to the users; and WHEREAS this charge has increased the Parks and Recreation budget from $27,940 per year to $117,288 per year; and WHEREAS this increase was not previously reviewed or approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission which exercises fiduciary responsibility over the Parks and Recreation budget, which includes millage monies voted on by the taxpayers of Oakland County feels that the increase in the radio communication charge is excessive. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes that the radio communication rate of $27,940 per year be charged against the Parks budget and maintained until a new fee structure is recommended and adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a refund in the amount of $29,722 be transferred back into the Parks and Recreation Commission budget for those payments already transferred at the new 1992 rate for the period January 1, 1992 through April 30, 1992. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1992 Biennial Budget be amended and the following transfer be apprOved. 1992 General Fund: 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 General Fund Contingency 4-10100-901-01-00-8675 Operating Trf-Out-Radio ($89,348) 89,348 $ -0- Central Services - Radio Communications Revenues: 3-66000-138-40-00-2295 Leased Equipment ($89,348) 3-66000-138-40-00-8101 Operating Trf-In-General 89,348 $ -0- Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 92127 By General Government Committee IN RE: DRAIN COMMISSIONER - SUPPORT FOR SENATE BILL 936 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 936 would create a regional water and sewerage authority which would replace the City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department as the provider of wholesale water supply and sewage services to southeastern Michigan; and WHEREAS the provisions of Senate Bill 936 will replace the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners, whose seven members are appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor of the City of Detroit, with a regional assembly that will be directly elected by the governing body of each city, township and village that receives water supply and sewage services from the new regional authority; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 936 will provide fair representation for all of the municipal 159 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 customers of the regional authority since the representative of each city, township and village will vote in direct proportion to the volume of water purchased or sewage delivered for treatment to the authority; and WHEREAS the passage of Senate Bill 936 will assure that wholesale water supply and sewage treatment services, which constitute a vital part of the public infrastructure of all of southeastern Michigan, will be managed and operated by a fully representative regional authority that will be able to provide wholesale water and sewerage services on a cost effective basis. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that THE Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports Senate Bill 936. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators from Oakland County and to the County's legislative agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson Moved by Skarritt supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gosling supported by Pernick the resolution be amended by changing the "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED" paragraph to read: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators from Oakland County, to the County's legislative agent and all legislators from the affected counties." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Law, McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pernick, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause. (24) NAYS: Price. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted, Misc. 92128 By General Government Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES-OAKLAND/PONTIAC AIRPORT - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION GRANT ACCEPTANCE - LAND ACQUISITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Federal Aviation Administration grant allocation, Project No. 92-1-3-26-0079-1392, in the amount of $805,500 for acquisition of property located within the Runway 27L Runway Protection Zone (RPZ); and WHEREAS the project consists of acquisition of approximately 5.14 acres and 8 homes; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Transportation shall act as agent on behalf of the County in the administration of this project; and WHEREAS the County's match is considered to be in-kind in the form of reimbursement for previously purchased land and no additional County funds are required; and WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the grant subject to ratification by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and believes it to be in the County's interest to accept the grant; and WHEREAS the attached contract has been approved in accordance with the County Executive's review process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the grant in an amount not to exceed $805,500. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve grant modification up to fifteen (15) percent which is consistent with the original grant agreement. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92128) By Finance Committee IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND/PONTIAC AIRPORT - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION GRANT ACCEPT- ANCE - LAND ACQUISITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution W92128 and finds: 1) The FAA has approved Project No. 92-1-3-26-0079-1392 in the amount of $895,000 for the land acquisition in accordance with the airport Master Plan as adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. 2) The County of Oakland has applied for and been awarded the Federal Aviation Administration grant for land acquisition in the amount of $805,500; the County's matching requirement is $89,500. Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 160 3) The County's match is considered to be in-kind in the form of reimbursement for previously purchased land. Therefore, no additional County funds are required. 4) The Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the grant subject to ratification by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and believes it to be in the County's interest to accept the grant. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Skarritt supported by Olsen the resolution be adopted. AYES: McConnell, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92129 By Personnel Committee IN RE: INSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN SERVICES/MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - HOLIDAY PAY FOR CONTINGENT NURSES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Medical Care Facility is requesting approval to pay part-time non-eligible Contingent Staff Nurses and Contingent Licensed Practical Nurses time and one-half for hours worked on six major holidays; and WHEREAS the Facility is in competition with area hospitals for contingent (temporary) nurses and is having difficulty scheduling contingent nurses to work on major holidays; and WHEREAS a survey of area hospitals shows they pay contingent nurses time and one-half for working major holidays; and WHEREAS the Medical Care Facility's contingent nurses do not receive time and one-half for working the major holidays because they are part-time non-eligible employees and not currently eligible under the Merit System to receive holiday pay; and WHEREAS approving time and one-half pay for contingent nurses will improve the Medical Care Facility's ability to schedule contingent nurses to work major holidays; and WHEREAS the proposed time and one-half pay rate for contingent nurses is less than the holiday pay rate for full and part-time eligible employees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Medical Care Facility to pay part -time non-eligible Contingent Staff Nurses and Contingent Licensed Practical Nurses time and one-half for hours worked on the following six major holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Marilynn Gosling, Chairperson The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 92130 By Public Services Committee IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - CONTRACT FOR CROWD/TRAFFIC CONTROL AT THE MEADOW BROOK MUSIC FESTIVAL - 1992 SEASON To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Olympia Arenas, Inc., the operator of a summer facility on the campus of Oakland University referred to as the Meadow Brook Music Festival, has requested the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to supply Patrol Officers for crowd and traffic control for the upcoming 1992 season; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has agreed to supply such Patrol Officers on an availability overtime hourly basis, the number of man-hours to be determined by the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland shall be reimbursed for such services by Olympia Arenas, Inc. at the hourly overtime rates for the 1992 season, as was established by Miscellaneous Resolution #91181. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the execution of the attached contract consistent with provisions contained therein. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by McCulloch supported by Millard the resolution be adopted. REVENUE (3-10100-436-01-00 2531 Reimbursement of Salaries 1992 1993 Budget Budget $2,833 $6,497 161 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 AYES: McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, McConnell. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Report (Misc. 92111) By Personnel Committee IN RE: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT - CONTRACTED PATROL FOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. Misc. 92111 By Public Services Committee IN RE: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT - CONTRACTED PATROL FOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contractual agreements for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners through Miscellaneous Resolution #90042 approved a contract for Patrol Services with Parks and Recreation for a Deputy II position, two Deputy I positions and fifteen part-time non-eligible Parks Deputies (funded for GOO hours each); and WHEREAS the Sheriff Department in conjunction with Parks and Recreation is proposing a contract for services per the attached agreement for one (I) Sergeant position (which is an upgrade of the Deputy II position) two (2) Deputy II positions; and fifteen (15) Parks Deputies funded at 600 hours each. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Sheriff to enter into the attached agreement with the Parks and Recreation Commission for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services at the specified rates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Deputy II position #4361601788 in the Protective Services/Contracted Patrol-Park unit (436-16) be reclassified to a Sergeant position relative to the implementation of this contract. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office. Fiscal Note (Misc. 92111) By Finance Committee IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACTED PATROL FOR OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION To the Oakland County Board oT Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92111 and finds: 1) The Resolution authorizes the Sheriff's Department to continue providing law enforcement patrol services to Parks and Recreation. 2) The contract upgrades one Deputy II position in the previous contract to a Sergeant classification which requires the review and approval of the Personnel Committee. 3) The total contract funds one Sergeant position, 2 Deputy I positions and 1'5 part-time non-eligible Parks Deputies. 4) The annual revenue from the contract is $263,372 in 1992 and $276,354 in 1993 which is an increase from the 1992-1993 Biennial Budget for revenue and expenses due to the reclassification of the Deputy II position as summarized on Schedule A and detailed on Schedule B. 5) The annual cost of the reclassification is $3,913 in salaries and $1,205 in fringes; the partial year cost for 1992 is $2,833 (effective date of 6/13/92) and the anticipated cost for 1993 is $6,497. 6) Approval of the contract does not commit the County to any future obligation. 7) Due to the reclassification of the Deputy II position to a Sergeant classification, the 1992-1993 Biennial Budget is amended as follows: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Marilynn Gosling, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 162 EXPENSES (4-10100-436-16-00 1001 Salaries 2075 Fringe Benefits TOTAL EXPENSES $2,166 667 $2-833 FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson $4,967 1,530 .$6,497 Copy of Schedules A and B on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Gosling supported by Wolf the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Gosling supported by Wolf the resolution be adopted. AYES: McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, McConnell, McCulloch. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 92112 By Public Services Committee IN RE: SHERIFF DEPARTMENT - CONTRACTED PATROL FOR CAMP DEARBORN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contractual agreements for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services; and WHEREAS the City of Dearborn has proposed a contract between the County and the City of Dearborn for law enforcement patrol services for the period June 15, 1992 through September 7, 1992; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department in conjunction with the City of Dearborn is proposing to contract for services per the attached agreement for one (1) Deputy II, four (4) Deputy I's, and ten (10) Part-Time Non-Eligible Park Deputies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Sheriff to enter into the attached agreement with the City of Dearborn for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Service at the rates included in the attached Schedule A. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Service Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92112) By Finance Committee IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - CONTRACTED PATROL FOR CAMP DEARBORN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Reso- lution #92112 and finds: 1) The resolution authorizes a contract for a second year with the City of Dearborn providing law enforcement patrol services at Camp Dearborn from June 15, 1992 through September 7, 1992. 2) The estimated cost to provide patrol services to Camp Dearborn for the requested twelve (12) week period is $107,172 in 7992, which is summarized on Schedule B and detailed on Schedule C. 3) The estimated cost to provide patrol services to Camp Dearborn for tiie requested twelve (12) week period is $111,992 in 1993, which is summarized on Schedule B and detailed on Schedule D. 4) The rates for 1992 and 1993 are recommended as consistent with Schedule A. 5) Approval of this contract does not commit the County to any future obligation. 6) The future level of service including the added PINE Park Deputy positions and Sheriff's overtime is contingent upon contract renewal. 7) Approval of the proposed contract increases the 1992-1993 Biennial Budget as follows: 1992 1993 REVENUE (3-10100-436-01-00) Budget Budget 2531 Reim. of Salaries $4,700 $4,900 EXPENSES (4-70100-909-01-00) 9900 Contingency Moved by McCulloch supported by Serra the resolution be adopted. $4,700 $4,900 FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson 163 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 AYES: Millard, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson. (25) NAYS None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT (Misc. 92131) By Personnel Committee IN RE: CIRCUIT COURT/FRIEND OF THE COURT - CONTINUATION OF FUNDING FOR FIVE (5) PTNE STUDENT POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Marilynn Gosling, Chairperson Misc. 92131 By Public Services Committee IN RE: CIRCUIT COURT/FRIEND OF THE COURT - CONTINUATION OF FUNDING FOR FIVE (5) PINE STUDENT POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Friend of the Court Division is scheduled to delete twelve (12) Student positions and fourteen (14) General Clerical positions on June 30, 1992; and WHEREAS the deletion of these positions was to take effect six months after full implementation of the optical imaging system; and WHEREAS the optical imaging system has not been fully installed due to equipment delays; and WHEREAS the Friend of the Court must continue some Student positions to maintain the paper caseload file system for a period of time after the optical imaging system is fully operational, and to scan case files established prior to the installation of the imaging system; and WHEREAS salary favorability exists in the Friend of the Court salaries budget to accommodate the cost of this request. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the continuation of funding for five (5) part-time non-eligible Student positions in Circuit Court/Friend of the Court Division through December 31, 1992. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 92132 By Public Services Committee IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/CIRCUIT COURT PROBATION DIVISION - STUDENT INTERN/CASE AIDE GRANT ACCEPTANCE (2nd EXTENSION) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the original application for the Student Intern/Case Aide Grant (Probation Enhancement Grant) requested a funding level of $69,140, to cover the period October 1, 1991 through September 30, 1992; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections awarded funding in the amount of $23,948 for this grant, which was adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on Februpy 12, 1992 to cover the period October 1, 1991 through March 31, 1992; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections extended funding for this grant in the amount of $7,983 for the period April 1, 1992 through May 31, 1992, as approved by the Board of Commissioners on May 7, 1992; and WHEREAS additional funding in the amount of $7,983 has been awarded to the County from the Michigan Department of Corrections to cover an extended period of June 1, 1992 through July 31, 1992; and WHEREAS the attached contract was prepared by the State prior to the County's acceptance of the April 1, 1992 through May 31, 1992 extension, thus reflecting both periods (4/1/92 - 5/31/92, $7,983; and 6/1/92 - 7/31/92, $7,983), which totals $15,966; and WHEREAS having already accepted the $7,983 for the period April 1, 1992 through May 31, 1992, there only needs to be an acceptance of the additional funding of $7,983 for the extended period of June 1, 1992 through July 31, 1992, which now reflects a total award (10/1/91 - 7/31/92) of $39,914 (see attached schedule for details); and WHEREAS the additional funding for $7,983 is approximately a sixty-seven percent (67%) variance from the original grant award for $23,948; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 164 WHEREAS the grant award contract has been reviewed and approved as to legal sufficiency by the Office of Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS this program is 100% state funded and does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the extension of the 1991-1992 Student Intern/Case Aide Grant (Probation Enhancement Grant) in the amount of $7,983, for a total of $39,914. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service including personnel, be contingent upon the level of state funding available for this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve amendments and extensions up to fifteen (15) percent variance from the award, consistent with the agreement as originally approved. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92132) By Finance Committee IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/CIRCUIT COURT PROBATION DIVISION - STUDENT INTERN/CASE AIDE GRANT ACCEPTANCE (2nd EXTENSION) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92132 and finds: 1) The original application for the Student Intern/Case Aide Grant (Probation Enhancement Grant) requested a funding level of $69,140, to cover the period of October 1, 1991 through September 30, 1992. 2) The Michigan Department of Corrections awarded funding in the amount of $23,948 to cover the period of October 1, 1991 through March 31, 1992. 3) The Michigan Department of Corrections extended funding for this grant in the amount of $7,983 for the period April 1, 1992 through May 31, 1992, for a total award of $31,931. 4) Additional funding in the amount of $7,983 has been awarded to the County from the Michigan Department of Corrections to cover the period of June 1, 1992 through July 31, 1992, for a new total of $39,914. 5) The attached contract reflects an award of $15,966, of which $7,983 has already been awarded and approved by the Board of Commissioners (5/7/92) to cover the period April 1, 1992 through May 31, 1992. 6) Therefore, only the remaining $7,983, which covers the period June 1, 1992 through July 31, 1992, needs to be approved by the Board of Commissioners. 7) A schedule comparing the grant application and the grant awards (original and extended amounts) is attached. 8) This grant is 100% State funded and does not obligate the County to any further commitment. 9) Future level of service, including personnel, will be contingent upon the level of State funding available for this program. 10) The following budget amendments are recommended: Revenue 3-27374-179-01-00-2185 Expenses 4-27374-179-01-00-1001 4-27374-179-01-00-3409 4-27374-179-01-00-3574 Grant Revenue $7,983 Salaries Indirect Costs Travel $6,516 500 967 $7,983 $-0- Moved by McCulloch supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 165 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Misc. 92133 By Public Services Committee IN RE: ANIMAL CONTROL - RENEWAL OF CITY OF SOUTHFIELD ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 339 of 1919 as amended (the Dog Law): and WHEREAS the City of Southfield is seeking renewal of animal control services on a five-year agreement basis; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and Budget through a financial analysis have found that the Oakland County Animal Control Division is in a position to accommodate the City of Southfield's request; and WHEREAS County and City officials have reached agreement with respect to the scope of services and compensation; and WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 100% of its costs incurred in rendering services to the City of Southfield. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the attached agreement for animal control services between the County and the City of Southfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners are herewith authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the County. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Report (Misc. 92054) By Public Services Committee IN RE: CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - PROVISION OF PSYCHIATRIC CARE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson : Ladies and Gentlemen: The Public Services Committee, having reviewed the above-referenced resolution on June 2, 1992, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted, as the committee originally recommended to the Board on March 19, 1992, with the balance of funds resulting from the elimination of the dual appropriation to be earmarked for developmentally disabled and mentally ill respite care services, provided by Community Mental Health, upon filling of the Staff Psychiatrist position at Children's Village and that the Fiscal Note be amended in Paragraph 4 accordingly. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson REPORT (Misc. 92054) By Personnel Committee IN RE: CHILDREN'S VILLAGE-PROVISION OF PSYCHIATRIC CARE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution on April 8, 1992, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Marilynn Gosling, Chairperson Misc. 92054 By Public Services Committee IN RE: CHILDREN'S VILLAGE, PROVISION OF PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, on December 12, 1991, amended the 1992 Budget to authorize the creation of one PINE governmental Staff Psychiatrist position (16501-07219) in the Administrative unit of Children's Village; and WHEREAS an appropriation was authorized for salary and fringe benefit costs in the amount of $32,153, providing for 800 hours of service at $37.12 per hour, which is the base step of the corresponding salary range; and WHEREAS concurrently, $57,000 of the Appropriation Contingency account in the 1992 Community Mental Health budget was earmarked for contractual arrangements with independent psychiatrists to provide psychiatric services at Children's Village at the hourly rate of $74.41, resulting in 766 hours of service; and WHEREAS several independent psychiatrists, due in large part to the ever-rising cost of malpractice insurance, have expressed their interest in filling a PINE position with an hourly rate Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 166 commensurate with the four-year step of the Staff Psychiatrist salary range of $45.94 per hour; and WHEREAS a $8,164 increase in appropriations in the Administrative Unit of Children's Village will be sufficient to accommodate the PINE Staff Psychiatrist position (16501-07219) at the four-year step of the corresponding salary range for 800 hours of service; and WHEREAS this additional appropriation will provide more hours of psychiatric services (800 hours vs 766 hours) at a lower hourly rate than the current contracts provide for and will enhance the quality of these services rendered to the residents of Children's Village and/cr their parents as assigned by Children's Village; and WHEREAS the $57,000 or balance thereof, in CMH reserved for independent psychiatric contracts should instead be earmarked for respite care within the Community Mental Health budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes a change in the salary level of the PINE Staff Psychiatrist position (16501-07219) from the base step to the four-year step of the salary range for the Staff Psychiatrist position as follows: Staff Psychiatrist 16501-07219 Salary June 15, I992-Dec 31, 1992 Base Four-Year Step Step Change $16,230 $20,083 $3,853 Annual Base Four-Year Step Step Change $29,700 $36,752 $7,05-2 1,340 1,948 608 2,453 3,565 1,112 $177516 $227031 $4,461 $32,153 $40,317 $8,164 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Children's Village Administration be authorized to fill the Staff Psychiatrist position (16501-07219) in accordance with appropriate hiring practices per the Merit System Rules as adopted in MR 4606 and subsequent amendments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all independent psychiatrists currently under contract to provide psychiatric services at Children's Village be provided written notification of contract termination, in accordance with the termination provisions as stated in the contract, in a timely manner commensurate with filling the PINE Staff Psychiatrist position so that no disruption of psychiatric service occurs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of the $57,000 in the CMH budget for psychiatric services at Children's Village be earmarked instead for developmentally disabled and mentally ill respite care services, provided by Community Mental Health, upon filling of the Staff Psychiatrist position (16501-07219) at Children's Village. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE John P. McCulloch, Chairperson Fiscal Note (Misc. 92054) By Finance Committee IN RE: CHILDREN'S VILLAGE, PROVISION OF PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #92054 and finds: 1) The above referenced resolution deletes the dual appropriation in the 1992/1993 Biennial Budget for Children's Village psychiatric services by increasing the funding for the PINE Staff Psychiatrist position in Children's Village from the base rate to the four-year step, removing the contractual funding in the Community Mental Health (CMH) budget and transferring any remaining balance to respite care services in CMH. 2) The PINE Staff Psychiatrist position in Children's Village be increased to the four-year step. 3) Community Mental Health contract with Children's Village to provide psychiatric services to Village residents through the Village's PINE Staff Psychiatrist position. 4) The balance of funds resulting from the elimination of the dual appropriation, equalling $26,439 in 1992 and $48,836 in 1993, be returned to the respective contingency accounts, so that all programs have equal access to these funds. 5) The 1992/1993 Biennial Budget be amended as follows to reflect the contractual relationship: 1992 1993 Community Mental Health Expenses 4-22200-166-11-00-3042 CV Sys. '$ 5,714 $ (16,683) Children's Village Revenue 3-29230-165-01-00-2434 Psy. Eval. $ 36,614 $ 40,317 Expenses 4-29230-165-01-00-1001 Salaries $ 3,853 $ 7,052 4-29230-165-01-00-2070 Fringes 608 1,112 $ 5,714 $ 6,164 Contingency 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 $ 26,436 $ 48,836 6) Miscellaneous Resolution #92054 be amended as follows to correspond to the contractual relationship as specified below: a) Replace the seventh (7th) whereas with, "WHEREAS this contractual relationship Fringe Total 167 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 between CMH and Children's Village for psychiatric service will facilitate access to State mental health funds."; b) Replace the fourth (4th) resolved paragraph with "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Community Mental Health contract with Children's Village to fund the Village PTNE Staff Psychiatrist position to provide psychiatric services to Village residents." FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by McCulloch supported by McConnell the reports be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the reports were accepted. Moved by McCulloch supported by McConnell the resolution be adopted. Moved by McConnell supported by Jensen the resolution be amended to agree with the Fiscal Note. (Delete the last WHEREAS paragraph, and the last BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph) Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Schmid, Wolf, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Jensen, Johnson. (7) NAYS: Oaks, Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Serra, Skarritt, Aaron, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Caddell supported by Pappageorge the Fiscal Note be amended to agree with the resolution. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to amend the Fiscal Note carried. Vote on resolution (with amended Fiscal Note attached): AYES: Obrecht, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernitk, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Krause, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Oaks. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with amended Fiscal Note attached) was adopted. The Chairperson declared a 5-minute recess. The Board reconvened at 11:20 A.M. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Oaks, Obrecht, Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf. (25) ABSENT: Krause, Moffitt. (2) Quorum present. Roger Smith presented a "Status Report Update" on Solid Waste, Chairperson Crake stated the meeting was open to discussion for any questions the Commissioners might have regarding the Solid Waste Plan. A question and answer session followed. Moved by Palmer supported by Serra the Solid Waste Plan be referred back to committee. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Bishop supported by Price to strike the Waste-to-Energy System from the plan and at the next meeting explore if we want to extend the contracts. Moved by McPherson supported by Serra the amendment be amended by changing the "Waste-to- Energy" (WTE) to "Incinerator." A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment failed. Commissioner Bishop stated he would like to change his amendment to "strike the Waste-to- Energy incinerator" from the plan. Discussion followed. Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 168 Commissioner Millard called for the previous question. Seconded by Skarritt. The vote on calling the question was as follows: AYES: Olsen, Palmer, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Schmid, Serra, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Oaks, Obrecht. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the previous question was called. The Chairperson stated a 'yes" vote will delete the WTE-Incincerator from the plan, and a "no" vote would leave it it, AYES: Pernick, Price, Serra, Bishop, Ferrens, Gosling, Law, McPherson, Oaks, Obrecht. (10) NAYS: Palmer, Pappageorge, Schmid, Skarritt, Wolf, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McConnell, McCullocn, Millard, Olsen. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion to delete the WTE-Incincerator from the plan failed. Chairperson Crake stated any further questions the Commissioners might have should be taken up directly with Roger Smith in Solid Waste, and at the next meeting, the Board will vote on which plan to adopt. Misc. 92134 By Commissioner Ruel E. McPherson IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY 641 SOLID WASTE PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS almost $15,000,000 of taxpayer's money has been utilized for the development of the Solid Waste Plan, including over $1,000,000 that is to be paid to now-withdrawn incinerator vendor Westinghouse, and $159,900 for a public relations campaign; and• WHEREAS there has not been a sufficient favorable response from the County's 61 local governmental units to requests for approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement; and WHEREAS much of the opposition to the solid waste plan appears to be premised upon the County's proposed implementation of the Waste-to-Energy incineration component of the plan; and WHEREAS the solid waste plan also, however, includes plans for recycling and composting; and WHEREAS a report was made to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the "Final Report, October 1989, Material Recovery Strategies for Oakland County," prepared by Resource Recycling Systems, Inc. would, if implemented, allow plans for recycling to go forward. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees to stop any further consideration of an incinerator for Oakland County, and to fully implement the "Final Report of the October 1989, Materials Recovery Strategies for Oakland County," prepared by Resource Recycling Systems, Inc., including subsequent modifications reflecting current state-of-the-art otherwise consistent with its conceptual scheme. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Ruel E. McPherson, Commissioner Dist. #9 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee, the Public Services Committee and the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 92135 By Commissioner Marilynn E. Gosling IN RE: PETITION FOR AMENDMENT TO PAROLE BOARD STATUTES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS for the past two years, Southeastern Michigan has been ravaged by the most heinous crimes of a paroled rapist -- a parolee who is representative of a justice system which has gone awry; and WHEREAS Michigan's Prison Parole system has fundamentally failed to protect innocent victims from known criminal psychopaths; and WHEREAS our current system of granting parole, and the parole board itself, is in need of immediate restructuring and constricting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby urgently request the Michigan State Legislature, through the amendment of the statutes governing parole, take action to insure that the safety of Michigan's citizens is not jeopardized by the early return of violent felons to our communities; such action should include restructuring of the Parole Board to provide more diverse composition and the elimination of Civil Service status for Parole Board members; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a moratorium be placed on granting parole to anyone imprisoned for violent crime, while this amendatory legislation is being formulated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor, the LYNN D. ALLEN Clerk LARRY CRAKE Chairperson 169 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1992 Legislators representing Oakland County, the Michigan Association of Counties, the Prosecutors' Offices of Oakland. Wayne and Macomb Counties, and the County's Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Marilynn E. Gosling, Commissioner District 114 Donald E. Bishop, Donald W. Jensen, Donn L. Wolf, Thomas A. Law, David L. Moffitt, John E. Olsen, Charles Palmer, G. William Caddell, Richard G. Skarritt, John P. McCulloch The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson: GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. MAC - Autopsy Legislation b. MI Automobile Theft Prevention Authority - ATPA Legislation PUBLIC SERVICES a. Chief Judge Richard Kuhn - Community Corrections Membership b. MI Automobile Theft Prevention Authority - ATPA Legislation c. Voorhis/Robertson Justice Services - List of Services OTHERS --Corporation Counsel a. MAC - ADA Public Meeting Notice Requirements There were no objections to the referrals. The next meeting of the Board will be June 25, 1992 at 9:30 A.M. The Board adjourned at 1:05 P.M.