HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1987.02.05 - 7227OAKLAND COU1s-71( Board Of Cortimssioners MEETING 8 February 5, 10 97 Mc Auditorium, Ch Roy Rawold at 9:35 A.M. in the Courthouse 1, I ,tiac, Michigan. P. Calandra. of Allefj.Lace to the Flag. Roll Called. Susan Koh Perinoff, ';add Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, !dx.m, •_. .1d, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Skarritt, Wilcox. (24) Pao, Price. (3) Moved by !,:::Thtt supported by Doyen the minutes of the previous Neeting be approved as printed. A suffict majority havng voted therefor, the minutes were approved. Moved supported by Susan Kuhn the rules be suspended and the aenda amended as follows (uncif.- 'XVII, 5-day notification): PURL :C !3 Gvision- Fire Dispatch Services for Addison and Croveland Townships • L•artment - One (1) Additional Deputy Position - Lao Eniorcement .A - City of Rochester Hills Prc.f....:1-.or's Office - Use' of Forfeited Funds PLANNING !.:40 LUILDING Dreii Ct!c:missioner - Resolution to Approve Auburn kills Water Supply System ; • on No. 3 Contract and Clinton-OakIrld •,.•:a5c Disposal System Auburn Hn NO. 2 Contract and to Author:ze c issuance of Bonds Drain • ..-iL -/Department, Of Public Works - Evergreen-Farmington Pollution Control ilities, Amy Drain Area Relief System Department of Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section - Quit Claim of Road Right of Way, Orion Oaks Park to Oakland County Road Commission Vote on suspension of rules: Luxon, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPaerson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Rei Id, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. r )A, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (23) NA None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried. Vote on agenda as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the aenda, as amended, was approved. Clerk reiA letter for Chairperson Roy Rewold announcing the appointments of the following individ.. a 1 rv nn l!he EMS Council for terms ending December 31, 1988: ld a. si , H'egate - Richard Kuhn, Jr., Alternate Li Dvl . ate - Angus McPherson, Alternate (14 ihe Chairperson asked if there were any objections to the appointments; there were none, therefor, the appointments were confirmed. inoff /II Chairpersor 1 .nd q.1P 1 practicab ;n th, 9 Commissioners Mi notes Continued, February 5, 1987 Clerk J individual(,: to ••rn Chairperson Roy Rewold announcing .;n; Coordinating Committee for term.. ':.,•„nts of the following in 1987: • ,,sked if t Ay objections to t:iie appontEments. There were no objectIv., .• . ( from Cn -w-i `-'(,ecutive Daniel T. Murphy re .5,y !.rig his veto of Micc( H..' • - • (A: .! on Aging 1-8 - Support of Desigikt ((n). (Received and ,ICi TO BORROW AGAINST DELINQUENT 1986 TAXES puH. In Cod:: which • did on Novemt ,..:. ti.!..Ins") on b....H. •.)! Obligation • ' ; 086 property • . • ... • • , • '0 he (thc, in particult,(., ,•,:•, -rnue is upon the ,•( o the ResolOic! -?,•!.. ••.:. , • :.• tovid burdens. -(be °Aland Coun fled.. H• (-• : • „ •-m s in Hnt liCrt the si-1 1 [ are i .1 al)ow ),/n. of "(,]: i. ok:Lur to (i) sh.•'. o(- oh be • Cl of thE NC • jt.r th:rd not b structur, ail kt the -Unguent •n 1St nor us of the 203 shall Article II be (' h ('Iication is , ' . within 20 d-y - i hereby amender -rer and (ii) shv.:11 ir.)( 1 - ::mended to first maturit ,, t.1 (riaturity, f ! nor more th...1 , ; : . p; ; , ' ' ne Notes. - , wich provi ,i .- P )1e s ty 111. Tb of ; para.:( 1 to 1 "(b) r. 1 bear interest f the first 31, 1987, six •••".Ae that the i-oyment, as 20; c r,, r:,:• HI. • n npealed, the 209 is IT • (d), and the signatel •:- • .!09 is further ,hs of tile 1-01 a particul. r stall maturit• (.4-1i0: :22g on the lir6t maturity date of a ,,,Irticular . o;• maturity date of the Notes of that series as wturity date) to the eAtent, if any, necessary to non a,' of t; • n 204 i lfl 17 1987 state that structured with to the issuanr.: the various si proportion-te to the Note N. Commissioners Minutes Continued. Febru ender . under: "(c ) maturi event b( 1 • o: only .:st on the Notes, be:.. • •• . • .- • s: • • •••• •••:- ••••fnents set forth •• • . : ; h: .•. (1), the s-',..••,•• • . . t -tt :agrapie, ct. .tf ic.! of 401, are t tt. •• s • -.::: .. L • • i .EA%by to Section 401: "(iii) "(iv) aid he in no "(v) 't of the reby amended to rious series are .ent Account prior reallocated among ong the sub-accounts d/or (ii) the deposits ng to the total amount of debt service •tt. . •.- st t ir':H 1.. t. •.e• f F. Souc. on (c: • H) • • .h . is hereby amended in that separate sub-accounts :7 be cs'. . . • •roject Account if and only if the proceeds of the Notes are to be thpc;- Subs e , Section 503 is remaining in 1:e longer be pleOef: tctstd p The firs sea 1:c,o ..,1 of the Resolutions is hereby amended to state that if the Notes are issued and s ci s: • th' freasurer has received certification from the taxi no units of the amow of the Delinquent iaxes (which certification is not reasen7bly anticipated to occur to allow di. ,rikution of the pr. teeds of the Notes within 20 days after t o date of issue), a 1987 Delinquent "It' Project Account shall be established a• a separate and rHf...tinct fund of the County within its gticral fund. Section 601 is further at,,nded, as the •h and last sentences of Section 601 is hereby repealed and as the sixth t.v . of thst he Y -ca is hereby amended to state that m(.!•ts deposited in the 1987 iss-Ifto .1 be expe...:. only (i) for the purpose of funding th 1987 Tax Payment Account , t Ide Section -nd (ii) to the extent permitted by A. ..206, for the purpose of ps• HIg the of the nfs ng of the flutes, The fourth sentence of Section (Y.: of the • cH, ions is hereby amended by deleting the word "borrowed." Subsection (c) of Section 604 of the Resolutions is hereby repealed and rqplaced uith a -e Resolutions is hereby repealed. Subsection (g) of ' on (f), and is hereby amended to state teat any amounts of the Notes, shall accrue to the County and shall no . ni."4 Subsection (c) and 6 "fr-) Pri • (d), • : ‘Y'?!en ordco thi.2r,•(' f 11 ' Commissioners Minutes Continued, February S, 1927 ini••• • 11%, .hall ' Acco,n Credit W. borrow DE Nof.:-: the Treasurer i:uy by or isued pursuant to Article 1'7, included in the Note Resef - .?s of Notes or which othe•ii.s. .s•ries shall not include any :twity date of any series of Nc'..• 1 %I. III." •00 of the Resolutions is .naph (v). ‘,!..t shall attach for iH•• •s, :mounts held in the !..-•••i -'•• • .31ving fund), amounts h a t;-• .A4r,t (until (.1 .1si)ursed to the !,;" the ir- io such accouni.-o. lion is hereby ;•1 oH ng si the dc •• • ;,. • 0, s :Ed to st,-..:••• • :f inn rioinat . f. • !Lc • the of the oficin:J, !s• • such or any ether Note ,.ursuant • siti :• ..!••ii:•! on t' .:jed to .1.hc.: ro. at o than i s tIn th thi Ti be d, 5 ii,d tr,e Scoti a ; the first, and !q• tf• Resolutions is hi•rs:1-: final maturi-q the !' to pay all prinCpai of - at or prior t , Notes shall ,!;;• s; that the y' Pawent Acc:Aint 11.• • !-sy :Alion is ••••• • t in Dr IHT: ••1,•;i-fore in such f. I. .o the , subject tO000tiOo 503, to the final maturity of to incidue the frllowing provision after ▪ ri ▪ the lfs charge -b ,,A - hen too mot.i.b .• undertake el ains as shall be '••• . • -4'" !I' L. the interest on . ; qual fies - • ' ' • ; 0.As,i of the li•tfl-nal R: Code of 1956, , " . • tn , filin: . 1 ! • •1•.;'r ;j. ti : returns with Jo 0 cis'. •s keepini aC: CO all moneys earned in any find .0 • ,.:;(!• or sub-ccount authoriz(:J 1•:: this Re •)lution, and making timeky pivw••[.i a:, ti SI:ates of Amerka ul any po,-,.105l of SUCH e6c.mngs as may be r.qu n one •r L.on i45(t) of the Inter(;61 Revehoe Code of ihe form of ,Aote set forth in Auoeud,A A and AppendC, ano the form of tke fo',:ice of Sale set forth in R •)lution 3, pi the -.;• .,,utions are each nerby e sea t6 account for and reflect each of the ah,ndments set i'uriti abc Mr. CnairpersAl, on beaif of ae 'r:Inafice Coiwitee, 1 Lore resolution, FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted, AYES: McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87003 By Finance committee IN RE: Ci •:•uit. Court Department - "RETRIAL SERVICES PROGRAM - REQUEST FOR ONE (1) LEASED VEHICLE To the 0:7!:1 A County Board of C ,7'Honers Cfwir;:,: c , Ladies and Ci:nt" pursuant to Mis:::Hlaneous Resolution #7393 of: December 8, 1975 the Oakland County Board of (Lmission,rrs pted a "County policy on assignment of County Vehicles"; and 1,V,„REAS the pc:J.%:.: for additional vehicles requires the affirmative recolamendation of the t;le adopt-,,,,I of thc, fwegoing 12 Commissioners --mutes Continued. February 5, 1987 • FfL C. Acc:I hr ow. chi s, 'ocount to the .tsequently to Circuit Ct the Garag• 4 BE r!H Leased Vehic•. additional Account as f)1 Account to the budget and on Leased Vehicles o-' 4-1016u-A1-06-00-6611 1 .1 dolt $ 4100 $ • • Unit- $ (I, 5 e.,'„,ansion of the Cam L-. BE IT PID -(11_VELl that in 1.- tH, Pretrial ' -(jram is discontinued, the vehicle wil .:e Courr./ Mr. (heir 7 on !!:-• If ef the ' ti.;e adoption of the foregoing resolution. G. Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by R. Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: A, McPherson, R, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Rowlan, Skarritt, Aaron, ( Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McDona!,1, (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority hay inn voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 87C" By Finant (.(; IN RE: ( To the G., Mr. Cha ,, authorize Oakland Counsel FJ,.!. FEES - PERINOFF v 0.C. EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT COMMISSION ..aard of -;•Iners as and Geni"): Oakland Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution 8618,:, of Ronald 7„:a.c, Esq., as outside defense counsel in the case of Perinoff Cu:7Assion; and 6 ',,-,:oisr.;ioners appropriated $200.00 to cover, the legal expenses incurred; r, !Air.Rl S this matter has been dismissed, and WEll 51.3 Pol ,id Zajac, has submitted a final billing for legal services totaling $2,818.50; and v!!'• and rec,!-•. 1927 Count:, to M A C(. has reviewed the billing, finds the charges to be reasonable, -TAD that the Fin. Committee .available in the the legal expensf, • in,Ldrred in ti'L 7 e of Perinoff v Oakland which are c),:e and above the 3H1 0.00 apprwiated pursuEnt 13 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1987 BE IT FLIVHF: 1987 Contingency follows: from the ' . Account, as, Mr. Chairperson, on 'aijia,f of th F ,aa a Com resolution. tion of the foregoing Moved by Caddell -upported by Crake the resoluti te , • and Bu. Beard es i=!:d IATION TRANSFER FOR FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS SPECIAL ilers AYES: R. Mahii Calandro, Crake, Deyon, McPherson, (22) NAYS: None. (0) ABSTAIN: Perinoff. Moffitt, Nelson, Pernick, R a, fowland, Skarritt, Aaron,. Caddell, Iing, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, -. ooh, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McDonald, A. (1 ) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. M -i Pay Fi'E IN To I be Mr. Chair!). Prit.Pai'; Projects ia '•, $10,(.1.0 rfl.' _a. the 1987 AchY, Find and Via apriations Act doE lnirig and Building C, Cd Ja . includes funding of '„0( Nbh ()ap -,.. Appropriation Account ;.rovide for review of Special and ,t• in the Facilities Maintenance County Buildings - Special and Opera' Projects; WHIJ'iertain charged or di ,•irtmants/divisions directly benefit from specific projects and may be P(W. TELl BE I. RESOLVED that the 1987 General Ap!• -s Act be amended to include tF , 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Special P4 ost in excess of $10,000 co 11 ror review and approval of the Planning and Bui' a ,az C. , it prior to their initiatlo: "; arl E(E IT (1,1,,THER RESOLVED that Section 21, paragraph (b), be amended to include Special Projects costing no more than $1u,00o; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds be transferred as authorized to implement the Special Projects program. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoptior of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of 1987 Special Projects Budget on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyen, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 870Cr By Persona:. fi ,mmi'aie IN RE: Fa 1 'parf-aient - ia4POTION OF SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN FOR SALARY GRADES 16-21 To the Oa: : d ,o,ers Mr. Chairp:... WHEa..A.. a L(..cni, ! appoic -::_i Phase •-/ • H.:a Study Group to prepare recJi•fead,:.,ai;:.. : a' - „6,;,..Ha_a •b. ai• , )..,y grade 15; and . tha Laoup to the Personnel Committee th , " the v.1. 'c' a, , a .dN,a'a-d for lary gr—a- 1 - modifications, be utilized for thi: group of :a ph WHEREAS tha Study Group a • aecoiwanded that the policies and praacdure::. established for Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 5, 1987 ;n Prc.,...• • for (1!••• •••'•••••• 1 -171. -f 'Oil. 1 .••;•: an • • em comp bec - 14 es tc:i•• 57 'anges 16 - 21 Thase 2 ri.4mum acca41; ;ary ,flary gra 0.T.D sufficient accour.7 :,,laries and fringe benefit budget m, on behalf oi the Personnel Comm' it maximum from the salary end be distributed the adoption of the BE adjustment to the ‘r:^ic ,,.. Mr. foregoing rco tie Misc. 87•7 By Pcr.., :•• IN RE: To the 0,1. Mr. Chairv at the first ;• WHERE Oacement in placement usia in ' BE IT FUR • grade plan be assign, ' --ade PERSONNEL comv.r .EE John P. C,lan,'••-o, Chairperson by Calandro supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. • The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Fiqance Committee. There were no objections. FOR EXCEPTIONS TO SALARY GRADE PLACEMENT FOR GRADES 1 - 15 AND GRADES 16 -21 Cc:.im:ssioners .-sonnet U.,:ee determined to address several pending 1987 salary issues 0:61hittee me e ting in 1987; and is cations listed in Attachment A and B re exceptions to salary grade -rd 16 - 21 salary grade pies which rc.u.—. no 1987 increase; and - rade table for salary cces 1 - iF 0,s increased by 3.35t; and A official salary rat c ,. •(1 3.35T,; T, IT RESOLVED that the 'or the exceptions to salary grade c.hments A and B be . by 3., rSOLVED that two classiftlons not previously placed on the 1 - 15 salary grade levels as follows: fiassification Salary Grade ght of qTgent 8 . .:art Reporter II 7 FURTHER RE:ii..VED that employees in the Park Supervisor and Chief -Golf Course •tions who receive rent -free housing and who are projected to pay incr,.,.sing as per agreement with the Parks and Recreation Commission be ,o ' increase for their respective classifications. IIRTHER RESOLVED that all increases approved in this resolution be effective on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the uti on. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Calandro, Chairperson Moved by Calandro supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. • The Chairperson' referred the resolution to the Finance - Committge. There were no objections. Moved PE Ii Operations cl;•.• portions of receive the ful BE II January 3, 19; Mr. foregoing res:. P. . 3 CONTRA. AND , AND TO AUfKORI THE ph y ayeee • trfnr No 2 ;1:: , • the-• to i pr Sr .ne 1 • The plans and :•r of 40 years i. sioners be and specri and i. the No ' He C.: Dr:. in 'e tor nn -,ontra..., have execut,d .! • — . NA T< ALt.' C' i nc.urr ed I follows: THE Bil.R0 OF CoMMISSIONr CW TY, MICHIGAN, •s ts uch pay ; ng D ed .1 etC- lh Minutes Continued. February 5, 1987 . Fr'S -7AT' r• -r f reterre.4 to T'nship W; as ,,• WTF:J• :..INTRACT E1 OAKLAND CCU , It :41ply System is now known as the Auburn Hills Supply SystA nd it :'Ho:.?.ssary to impi .ove, enlarge and extend the Auburn Hills Tiater S and beti4oen sce sowti ME S ' 1, party of • the reinafter somatimes ac AD „, Commissioners Minute 7 Continued. February 5, 1937 C, ion .-f el Cord County Or.- -Ject there': ,c1 to as U., ..DEaTIU • !..• • ) its financ confer County matters, the c•-?,..nti th."' 51) i; csti tith en prei,,: by Oru,,-A, .. lting enginee F.- - •, ti and the !--, HERETO ACRE .Sys ord. C to the reques-.A.d facilitie part hereo;. ar 5er.1-b ,, approve arv.; . turn Hills Water ,..• The City, - ;. and • f, to thv. • places ftr ;nfl tensions therJ, ar • it agreement and c r A; et right-of-way, license, -n Hills WaL, -‘1/ System Extension No. 3 shai A v!".ich is hereunto att..cf. • • more forth in the prel.: d the -,.• ' villicn plans , be , bc 3-1 ' I , an Coon -. rese,u of tf appro.: resulting in th, of period aus Ince and b this cent :2unty,. by the •le in annual ma1..iriti years from 'he (lat.( :of. 4. The C.durr...; Agency shall-proceed to ta:Ke • • for the Sys to the sale and delivery of said bonds, enter into - cch contracts responsive and responsible bidder or bidders, procure from the contra • .,.(:rs all nece. bonds and insurance, cause the System to be constructed within a J:Jnable do all in acco• , series • of the C! issued • the Cc •: of Commi, said bone and, rd the State of Michi contractors sh311 and the lat . Ause to .1 the public •. 1111 :ured .en days filed with es heri- unl and ,unly its or the and . ty the (1 . ionds shall he autha i A to 17 Commissioners Minutes ContInued [enruary 5, 1987 • riy. Commi ssi oners Minutes Conti nued. February 5, 1987 Ftef • it .at , that if at incl ) which ha.vc an obi as y may be- r;..• hate Ayoncy a wr .• •iC due anc • or:: the •)rs'• f Co!..!n . 20-:oun ..)f :he ens ! tax ,igrees icy Ii any the • i 1 1 „. 1 ty •• Wf , Lu remedies 11. the a• but [LH set fal ii by st: ii r the 1.t..h L V bf: C The Col,: levy that it manner tt•, eveht is whi • • Ci or , such ••—I : n di ction ov,,T h or a f f -1 tory co the 13 ( , '; • : 1bc C • • County • : ff.! "•I • : • ur-n ...-;rnc,1 ...• • , • . f ter, such npor ,• :; ,r ctive, to. • • . (pa . .=one which such terr is ncc or to ▪ ch such tcrri 1.0:-- • City C: unci 1 of the City, by mutual a.nnasa .t and trith 'the written approv.. Lhe Coca i sricy, nfl fix and determine such proper pr ?portionate share. The County AH!,ircy, prior rig such 'betermi nation, functi,ns vested con Hai • in the Commi-siiAers ')Wnuef F-h COUNT1 i t part„ r.-erred tc Oakland 1957, as lies part System by to serve Cepy of EAhibits A and B • n Ma) By: q 87 0 r the , and f rty 1 1 • hat wi11 sec6 or ca.,6,2 to ho s,cured, ikointa tc .• o t unic -•n( cAcess and s hal I be • i nor'eas•ed be rnact, Commi.cionPr( fl( COM 1987 26 of tho this exent shall The last on in WfigSe OILU hond, of may k to reowe, making stg portiore, or exchange bonds or tho following tom; unty OrLs:n bonds, to sell laws of this transfer and Int at •'. Commissioner the bonds at nc' state and to (' exchange of the 16 Des' so will ha inters County Drain ry acome tax.6 Of th i a Prim, He sale .d accrued same. Al] principal :.ed in the Principal set, aside in the provisions . 14. issuance and Dep„,rtment by the Doper• jtj re.s excei•i to tUt of thi hereby which Is a a e th Commissioners r)ntinue,'. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION the bonds described in the wIth .in aen uti Mo '• A Rowland, Skarritt, Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Lu: Doyon, McPherscr, the ra,uution be adop A suffici At majority having voted therefor, the resolution was and 30 file in County Clerk' I mi,t, the adoption 0 , annP '4 Rowla• Law, L' Aaron, 11, . DI- , Hobart, , offitt, Nelson, Jens. A. Mr ..H1PFION OF COURT REPORTER III perform judicial cal salary of a has authority !iument of matters (E( 'emporaiy (/ id l Unit the Public F, Perinoff the resoluti: adoptc... o. (0) y having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. ci be needed for o backlog arid delay H:ths of jud ' 1 resources; and a court reporter assign t one teamp ... January 1, ollaneous 1,a,HA1:ion • • tie 'Y.. of Commissioners added to the 1. 37 Circe itt t for 90 days, effective 1 of he Vi iting duo. .•.sition„ the Court Reporter III position is required , - • 's Mov both tie , pro v. full .t.;•. 11 be received to help offset the cost of intment of a visiting judge be I position #06012 be made a the adoption of the PUBLIC ' ••: 1MITTE Richard D , Chairperson •:iihn supported by Perinoff the re;.e lu in be adopted. The Chairper';on referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and FinAce Committee. There were no objections. ued. February 5, 1987 re call (400) - to year ac foregoi. re Caddell, Calandra Luxon, McDonald, A. McPherson, S. havin9 voted therefor,the resolution was cOopted. ) ADDITIONAL DEPUTY POSITION - LAW EN c for the for the — alt of the Public 7, Committee I Y.° the foregoing r RV1CF.S COMMIT -1E7 Kuhr, Jr., Chairperson and by Richard Kuhn supported by Nelson ution be adopted. red the resolution to the Personnel Committee and Finance Committee. NOS to Tlatino to of the c: forf enhie d (2) ord,r Ac - , -h Judicial Circip -)urt, .nd to Oalc -n(.• 7 received ..::oont (CIL the Law Eni , efforts three (3 forfeite( Account f briefcase ct:• Mr. foregoing reso lairper.s uti on. Commission . rinutes Continued. February S ; 1987 • • n VE0 H• dse 0 1• • t to $7-5. rtflancement of pyrchase and op -ration of tc - ("; 1 igers, three (3) .t.cs, 3nd two (2) hai-id -held on behalf of the Public Services Ccr,h:-:,2, I NIG:ie the adoption of the PUBLIC SERVICF', COMMITTEE Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson • Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted: " The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 87015 By James != IN RE.: Dv•.•'fent - STAFF ASSISTANCE FOR 1-696 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT To the OaL ,a—: •(oT..• ,sHrd of Commissioners Mr. Chairper. nd Gentlemen: .f. aKland County Economic Development Group has identified the 1-696 corridor for assista a. ;;.a.ry special project; and WHHEI• 501 of all businesses in Oakland County are located south of Fourteen Mile Road, ahd WHEREAS the joint Legislation Affairs Committee of the Southeast Oakland County Chambers of Commerce have passed a resolution requesting that the County assign Economic_ Development staff to the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce to plan and implement economic projects in the 1-696 Corridor area; and WHEREAS the Royal Oak Cnamber of Commerce has committed to provide in-kind contributions of office space, :ture, tc;,.Lni .s and support staff for this H. ct;on. NOW MEL!. BE IT In —TLVED that the Oakland County Bo ,v:t Lî Commissioners does hereby designate one full-t me County Economic Development staff membe: be located in the Royal Oak Cha.mber of Commerce to assist in the 1-696 Community Growth Alliance Project and to assist the businesses on the 1-696 Corridor. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James E. Lanni, Commissioner District #11 James A. Doyon, Donald W. Jensen, Susan G. Kuhn, Angus McPherson, A. Madeline Luxon, Dennis M. Aaron, Ruel E. McPherson, John J. McDonald The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals: FINANCE a. Kohl, Sorest, et al. - Legal Service Rate Increase b. 52nd District Court, 1st Div., -Appropriation for Outside Counsel (judge Boyle Appeal GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. Southeast Michigan Travel and Tourist Assn.-Support of State Funding Grants TRANSPORTATION a. Rochester Chamber of Commerce - Traffic Signal Installation OTHERS Management a. b. c. d. Budget Equalization Hills Equalization Equalization Equalization Industrial Facility Exemption Over 5% SEV, Facility Exemption Over 57, SEV, Facility Exemption Over 5% SEV, Facility Exemptien Over 5% SEV, Delta Model & Mold, Auburn ASC Inc., Auburn Hills Troy Plastics, Auburn Hills P-Kay, Inc. Auburn Hills - industrial - Industrial - Industrial :loners Th February 1937 `.Ther. ii b •,101.)