HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1987.03.11 - 7229OAKLAND COUNTY
Board Of Commissioners
March 12, 1987
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Roy Rewold at 9: 35A.M. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson,
Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Invocation given by Commissioner James Doyon.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Moved by Crake supported by Noi[itt, the minutes of the February 5th and bebruary
19, 1987 meetings be approved as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Gosling supported by Moffitt the Agenda be amended as follows:
Under 'Health and Human Services, item b (Institutional and Human Services - Health
Care Access Project Grant Application) by Waiver of Rule X, A.9. (The resolution was taken
to Committees out of sequence with the Grants procedure.)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was amended and the amended
agenda was approved.
Clerk read thank you notes from Arnold Johnston, Julie Law and Norman Caddell,
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Roy Rewold announcing the appointments of the
following individuals as members of the 1987/88 Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical
Services for terms ending December 31, 1988:
HOSPITAL REPRESENTATION (10) Edward Barter, Botsford General
John Karazim, M.D., Crittenton
Ralph Kontry, D.O., Huron Valley
Philip Wojcik, Oakland General
Clare Johnson, M.D., Pontiac General
David Malicke, 0.0., Pontiac Osteopathic
Michael Cervenak, Providence
Linda Thomas, St. Joseph Mercy
Robert Swor, D.O., Wm. Beaumont-Royal Oak
Andrew Wilson, Jr., M.D. Wm. Beaumont-Troy
Asst. Chief Cary Lohmeier, Ferndale Fire Department
Chief Lee BeGole, Novi Police Department
Captain Charles Tice, Oak Park Public Safety
C=missioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 168/
EreqUetwy Ad v I of y (Awn I I 1 C'('
dAltON ()
Cli nOlam F i re Depl .
s E. iu r , boomf ield Twp. Fi re Dept .
NH t L moon, Pontiac Fire Department
ifiiuru.Southf7 ; Public Safety Depillment
r , 11 Trager, P iin Fire Deportment
'-(H011, West blo 1 e dFife Department
,ochemin, (imm nity
Li Jr., Fleet Ambulance
td Rut: If Suburban Ambulance
(Me; 1 Holly Volunteer Ambulance
Moved by Wilcox supported by Moffitt the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
John King addressed the Board.
Yisc. 87046
• Finance Committee
P. Ii.!a't!, ion
- -C 1 1 :city Board of Commissioners
Chait I;dies and Gentlemen:
this contract is for reimbursement of County expenditures at
:o field .v Lies, inspection, complaint responses and administration of the Solid Waste
in Oakland County, with funding made available by the Michigan Department
of • es; and
S reimbursement is in the amount of $15,000 for the period October 1, 1986
.7..hrd September 0, 1987; and
•• • these funds are incorporated in the 1981 Budget and General Appropriations
Act as IlealYh ;•-.i on revenue; and
this contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Oft ice
of Corporation (a. 'use': and
WHEREAS approval of the contract does not obligate the County to any future commit-
NO4 V ,FORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners autho-
rize the 1986/87 Sc Ad Waste Management Reimbursement Agreement in the amount of $15,000.
BE IT FHRTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commis-
sioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Grant Agreement/Contract, on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skartitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution,wa.s adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987 70
Misc. 87047
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this agreement is for reimburseme -at of County ex2enditures attributable to
venereal disease prevention and control in Oakland County, with funding made available by the
Michigan Department of Public. Health; and
IMEREAS reimbursement is in the amount of $4U,000 for the period Ockober 1, 1986 thru
September 30, 1987; and
t'l!ilREAS these funds are incorporated in the 1957 Radeet and Ceaeral Appropriations
Act as health Fivision reveree; and
WHEREAS this reimbursement provides the funding for two (2) eositicrs (Medical Techaolo-
gist 02108 and Typist 11 01394) in the Veserel Disease Unit of the Health DiViSiOH; and
WHEREAS the contihuutfon of 15(2:7e two (2) positions m; eontin2eat eeon the continuation
of the Venereal Disease Reimbursement. Ae,reement; and
WHEREAS this areement has boon letviewed sield pproved as to form by the Office of Cor-
poration Counsel.
WHEREAS approval of the aereement does net oblieate the C:senty to ay future commitments
NOW THEREFORE BE if RESflIVLD that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize
the 1986/87 Venereal Disease Reimbursement A;';reermnt in the mweei of 1.8,00C.
BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized Lo execute said aereement.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Venereal Disease Program Agreement on Cile in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhe the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart:, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarreitt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopts ,I.
Misc. 87048
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and '.lenlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland w;1!; insured by Transit Cesualty Insurance Conpany for
police professioLal coverage; and
WHEREAS Transit Casualty insurance Compony went into liquidation on December 10, 1985;
WHEREAS it was necessary to continue the defense of those pending cases in the absence
of iasurance coverage; and
WHEREAS the Claims Review Committee has reviewed all the Transit Casualty Insurance
cases and made recommendations with reference to legal representation; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel has continued existing counsel or ap-
pointed new counsel on the cases, as reflected in the attached listing.
NOW TP.EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the appointment
of counsel on the Transit Casualty Insurance Company cases, effective upon the date appointed,
as reflected in the attached listing and directs the payment of all reasonable and necessary attor-
ney fees and expenses incurred since December, 1985 in connection with those cases, pursuant to
the Self-Insurance Eroeram.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Law the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Price, Rewold,
Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, I118/
A sufficient majority having voted theiefor, the resoluflon was adopted.
lo the C.• b. . a of Commissioners
Mr. Ctuel-p ,o-.•:. Gentlemen:
bounty of Oakland was insured by Ideal Mutual insurance Company for police'
professional f• •id
Mutual Insurance Company went into receive's:hip on December, 1984; and
1 t was necessary to continue the defense of thosepending cases in the absence
of insurance • -s:.,e; and
Whrbse. he Claims Review Csamdttee hos reviewed all the ideal Mutual insurance cases
and made recor” ee b wilt terlilce to leyi„al representation; and
,.0 el Coipoiblion Gotionel 11,10 continued oxisiiug couw.w i on
pointed new Co.'. i on the c • .s mn ted tfc: in i achod
NOW fHEREFORE bb 11 kr:SOLVED thbt flie 1-ocd of Commissioners approves the appointment
of counsel on the Ideal Mutual Insurance Compai " , of upon the date appointed, as re-
flected in the attached listing and directs the 1 iiment of all reasonable and necessary attorney
fees and expenses incurred since December, 1984 la connection with those cases, pursuant to the
Self-Insurance Program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyoh, Gosling, Hobart., Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon,
McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Price, Resold, Rowland,
Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87050
By Personnel Commitre
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. ChairperLeb, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WILiTtS Merit System Rule 4, Section V, provides for the return of an employee to the
originating I xlment following failure to complete a promotional probationary period; and
• the employee's former position has been filled in the interim thus resulting
in a temporal ovc..:,:f-fiing as provided for in the Rule;
Pfed:i E BE IT RESOLVED that a temporary Communications Installer position, not
to exceed six (6) menths in duration, be created in the Radio Communications Unit of the Deportment
of Central Services to temporarily provide for the overstaffing as required ih Merit System Rule
4, Section V.
BE IT FURTHER RI:LINED that if the temporary overstaffing is. not resolved within this
time period, the County Ex: snall be granted the authority to reassign and reclassify the
employee returned to the P,[ oti-at of Central Services into any vacant position, of comparable
pay, for which the employee i .. qualified.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Angus McPherson the resolution be adopted,
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ob-
Commissiones Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987
Misc. 87051
By Personnel Cortee
IN RE: Corpor.•t• on Counsel/Property Management
To the Oakland Count- Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, .dn., Gentlemen:
W10 .=,LL the Department of Corporation Counsel includes a small Real Estate Section
which is phy•M .Lity separate from tire main office of Corporation Counsel; and
WIlL:• the Real Estate Section is responsible for HUD related counseling of residents
regarding subsinized housing and for managing the County's portfolio of property and easements;
WHEREAS Rent Estate Section activity hds incroased noticeably in the fast few years,
particularly in the counseling of couaty fesid(mts involved in HUD fora:closure isnuesi and
WHEREAS the co-op student and temporary emergency salaries clerical support currently
assigned to Property Management cannot her pace with the increase in responsibility and workload
and can no longer meet the clerical support needs of the section.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) position of Typist 1 be created in the Property Management
Section of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED if research determines that this position can be funded through
HUD sources that it will be changed to "other sources" funded position, rather than county budgeted
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Rowland the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ob-
Misc. 87052
By Person-neL-----C•r. ee
IN RE: Personnel Peportmc
To the Oakland County Board of Coomissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentic.,•n:
WHEREAS the SolaL Ad: lnistration Study Group report approved by the Board of Com-
missioners in Decemiber IciS5 provid•d for a review and appeal process for departments and employees
wishing to challenge the salary grade placement of classifications; and
WHEREAS the fourth quarterly report for 1986 was submitted to Personnel Committee
identifying the reviews requested and the salary grade changes recommended by the Personnel Depart-
ment after completion of this fourth quarter review process; and
WHEREAS funds have been established in the Classifications and Rate change fund to
implement salary grade changes resulting from salary administration quarterly reports recommenda-
tions; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee -has reviewed and approved this report;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that changes in salary grade placement and retitling of
classes be implemented for the following classifications as shown and that new classifications
as indicated be established:
P.H. Nutritionist I
P.n. Nutritionist II (pos. #05403)
P.H. Nutritionist IT (pos. #01641, 00318,
05401, and 01865)
Library Technician (pos. #02293, 03338,
00889, and 03268)
Library Technician (pos. #02140)
Salary Grade
From: To:
9 8
10 9
10 10 P.H. Nutritionist III (new class
Reg. 0/T)
5 Library Technician I (Retitle
5 6 Library Technician Ii (new
class, Reg. 0/T)
Retitle to:
Admin. Asst - F,H. Admin Svc 13 14
Veterans Counselor I 5
Veterans Counselor II
Veterans Counselor III
Veterans Counselor IV (pos. #02588 & 00817)
Veterans Counselor IV (pos. #03302)
10 11
Veterans Counselor Supv (retitle
Veterans Transportation & Opera-
tions Coord (new class, No 0/T)
EMS Communications Open
Asst. Food Serv Supv
(pos. #03325 in Sheriff Corr)
5 6
4 Shift Supv-Food Services (new
class, Reg. 0/T)
Safety Officer (pos. #02250)
Safety Officer (Pos. #02)22)
(0 HiS recomf
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 1
Classification SALARY CRAIN'.
1 ;itl le:
IW ntifiratrirn f is Specialist-
fifsrty (new cif, Reg. 0/T)
Lf.1• 4mth - Safeti (new class,
ta r C/T)
rit.; the EMS and Emergency Management A: r :cant classification
it - EMS and Disaster Control in 19:,,) which was removed
[IL' rd Quarterly Report resolution, be placed at the salary
iihition Review Panel (salary grade 14) retroactive to December 20,
Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption ,r the fore-
going resolution.
John P. Calandra Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Ciabe the resofution he adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. Thete were 119 Oh-
Misc, 87034
fly Personnel Committee
IN RE: Probate Court.
IC) the OaRlan • .--Linty Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson.. Tr.:lies and Gentlemen:
P1if.1... the change in control over Children's Village several years ago resulted in
• • Manager - Foster Care and Institutions position and classification; and
the incumbent, Don Rolph, lost his position and ra71..ry reVeliand was eventually
placed into a Child Welfare Worker Supervisor position at consid.••8t'y lower salaly; and
the Probate Court. has during the budget pitct far the Last several years
requested a mar:%.8.8:!t, level position to provide administrative rt:iets
WhEl riAS the Probate Court, the County Executive and representative for Mr. Rolph have
met to find an €1.1 (table solution to the Probate Court's 8dministrative needs and Mr. Rolph's
situation; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has urged the Personnel Department to explore an equit-
able solution to In • Rolph's situation.
NOW IN.. EFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a new temporary position. and classification be created
in the Judicial Atti,t.nistrative Division of the Probate Court as follows:
Plat-Rate 0/T
Special Assistant - Probate Court $42,455 No
(Exception to salary grade table)
If 77 FURTHER RESOLVED that the position be created for two and one-half years or until
Mr. Rolph re_ires, whichever occurs first at wnich time the classification and position will be
BE II° FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer Mt. Rolph into the new position and to red-line
Mr. Rolph at $42,455 (plus service increment.) For the two and one-half years or until he retires.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
lohn P. Calandro, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Cemittee
IN RE: Prob ..; Court - Request to Create a Temporary Position and Classification of Special
Assistant - ::)bate Court (Miscrllaneous Resolution #87034)
To the Oaklii. • Csunty Board of Limmissioners
-Mr.ChaiTpe -adies and (ie.t_umen:
• eant to Rule XI-C of this Board, Lite Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution IV and finds:
1) The Personnel Committee recommends that one (1) temporary Special. Assistant -
Probate Court posftion be established in the Probate Court - Administration Division for a maximum
period of 2 1/2 y.srs.
2) ,cost to fund this position from March 14, 1987 through December 31, 1987
is $46,460 of which $34,160 is salary cost and $12,300 is fringe benefit cost
3) $46,460 is available in the 198/ Contingency Account to fund this position for
the time period listed above.
4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $46,460 from the 1987 Contingency Account
909-01-00-9900 Contingency
341-01-00-1001 Probate Court S
341-01-00-2070 Probate Court Fringes
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987 74
and transfers said amount to the 1987 Probate Cour( lItnIgi.it as specified below:
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution with favorable Fiscal Note
attached, be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, Jenson, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell,
Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficientmajority having voted therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Creation of Risk Manager Position and Salary Range (Miscellaneous Resolution #87036)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, hsving reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #87036 entitled, "Creation
of Risk Manager Position and Salary Range," reports with the recommendation that the resolution be
amended by adding an additional BE. II' FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph stating that the nominee for the
position should be confirmed by fhe Board of Commissioners. Further, in the fourth BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED paragraph, the word "selection" which appears at the end of the second from the last line
should be changed to ---nominee--
Mr . Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Comm
going resolution.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc. 87036
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County hoard of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is self insured for general liability, errors and
omissions and other risk exposures, as a result of the inability to obtain insurance coverage;
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, in Miscellaneous Resolution #85339 and Miscellaneous
Resolution #86124, rec ognized he County's add it ional risk exposure on behalf of County elected
and appointed officials and employees, etc.; and
WHEREAS Gallagher Bassett Services, Incorporated has provided, under contract, a three
volume report with recommendations and procedures tor risk management including provision of a
multi-million dollar claims reserve, a claims payment system, and t_h . for a County risk manage-
ment system, coordination effort; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has established a claims payment procedure and Claims
Review Committee in Miscellaneous Resolution #86276; and
WHEREAS review of the County's exposure for health and dental benefits for employees,
including funding mechanisms and benefit plan modifications, has not been completed, and such study
could result in considerable savings for the County; and
WHEREAS a Risk Manager position is needed to direct and coordinate the County's entire
risk management program.
NOW THEREFOR LE IT RESOLVED that the classification and one (1) position of Risk Manager
be created at a Director's level and excluded from the Merit System as to method of appointment
or removal from office at the following salary range:
$54,864 56,896 58,926 60,959
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the placement of the Risk Manager position into the County
organizational structure shall he held in abeyance until the position is filled and appropriate
placement is determined jointly by the County Executive and the Board with input from the confirmed
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson and Majority Vice Chairperson (with the
Minority Vice Chairperson as alternate) of the Personnel Committee and the Deputy County Executive-
Operations will serve as a Selection Committee.
tier, I move the adoption of the fore-
Ficials clasOfications listed on Att a chment, . A are excluded
plans and receiyed no 1987 ihc_ta ,7-; cci
the salary grade table and for cleced official salary rates
Commissioners Minutes Contin March 12, 198/
ETHEL FI 0, l Committee has reviewed the minimum deslred T..rlifications
id directed the Selection Committee us•• tin. • qualifica-
the Selection C6mmittee forward its candie_te(s) to the
.J1(.1 the County 1,:ecutive for final selectica and if they
receiving the rt • ,mmendat ion from the Selection Committee,
the r'ersonnel Committ.
If of the Personnel ceemittee, I move the adoption of the fore-
.hdni P. Calandlir, Chairperson
(Copy of 'Exhibit I. on filoin County Clerk's Office)
fiscal Note
By Finance
IN BE: Cr ,
To the Oakla
Mr. Chairper
Manoger it ion and Salary Range (Miscellaneous Resolution #8/(l'l6)
of C vi -airs
nd Gentli,[
ale XI 0 this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Committee recomme nds the creation of a Risk Manager position at the
Director le. I • al:iry range of $54,864 to $60,959, the placement of the position in the
organt:eati• ,,• . id in abeyance,
'If $62,179, $45,720 in salary and $16,459 in fringe benefits, would be
nece:,:sary to :o•ad I .! • [run April l, 1981 through the remainder ,1 th0 yenr,
suff ici. it firrn11-.; in (bc County Building cc I liii ty limairance Fund
to cover the solar:: f IL cost ol this position far - the r: o).!1 r of LI-R, year,
4) Tho i• -C oc,r!..t esioners directs the frepartmcalt d ht at and ftdgcl to trans-
fer $62,179 -- b cNC Cori and -Liability..J..n:riace to the appropriate 1987
Division Budget to cover the (.crrt of the Risk Manager position once or placement is
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Gosling the report he accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted,
Moved by Calandro supported by Taw the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note attached)
be adopted.
by the Board r I
"selection" which api-
lell tprirted by Costing the resolution be amended by adding an additional
Pais stating that the nominee tor the position should be confirmed
vi Awther, in the fourth BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the word
at the end of the second from the :ast line should be uP •I to "nominee'!
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried,
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, Angus
McPherson, Ruel 'McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, 1 1,,v8c, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient riviority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended (with favorable
Fiscal hate attached) was (optcd.
was 335% cf
S ii'1;tt;OLVED that the salary ranges for the appointed official classi-
fications listed in etachment A be increased by 3.35% effective January 3, 1987.
BE IT F•THER RESOLVED that a new performance appraisal tool and pay-for-performance
program be developed during 1987 for officials appointed by the County 'Executive with the objective
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 111, 1881 76
of implementation of a new pay-for-performance program for the 1988 budget year.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel (ommittee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Copy of Attachment A on file in County Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: 1937 Salaries Recommendation for Appointed Officials (Miscellaneous Resolution 187032)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #87032 and finds:
1) The Personnel Committee recommends that twenty-four (24) appointed officials who
are excluded from the 1-15 and 16-21 salary grade tables, receive a salary increase of 3.35% effec-
tive January 3, 1987,
2) A transfer of $52,844, $41,936 from the SalJry Adjustment Account and $10,808 from
the Fringe Benefit Adjustmeat Account to appropriate Division Budgets is required to cover the
cost of the increase to the Governmental Funds,
3) The Board of Commissioners appropriates 841,936 from the 1987 Salary Adjustment
Account and $10,908 from the 1987 Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account and transfers said amounts
to the appropriate 1987 Division Budgets as specified on Schedule A,
4) The increase for the Director of Computer cervices in the amount of $2,846 ($2,259-
Salary, $587-Fringes) shall be absorbed by the Computer Services Fund.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Page the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note attached)
be adopted.
AYES: Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn-, Lanni-, Law-, Itixon-; McConnell, Angus McPherson,
Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A suficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
Misc. 87030
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Personnel Department has reviewed the summer program and discussed the
summer classification rates with departments; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed the recommendation and concurred with the
proposed increases; and
WHEREAS the Student classification rate is also recommended to be increased by 3.35%
to equate with the Summer Employee Level I classification which includes summer clerical jobs:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Summer Employee Level I, Summer Employee Level
IV, Summer Employee Level V, and Seasonal Program Specialist I and II classifications be increased
by 3.35% as shown below:
Jet Yr. Ret. Yrs. 1st Yr. Rel, Yrs.
Summer Employee Level 1 3.50 3.75 3.62 3.88
Summer Employee Level IV 3.95 4.55 4.08 4.70
Summer Employee Level V 4.45 5.05 4.60 5.22
Seasonal Program Specialist I 5.25 6.25 5.43 6.46
Seasonal Program Specialist II 6.25 7.25 6.46 7.49
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Summer Employee Level II and Summer Employee Level III
classifications which currently pay the same rate, both be increased as follows:
1st Yr. Ret_ Yrs, 1st Yr. Ret, Yrs.
Summer Employee Level II 1:-8-0— 3.95 4.00 1,.25
Summer Employee Level III 3.80 3.95 4.00 4.75
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to increase the Student classification salary rates by 3.35% as
the 1987 Fr
Account and
1987 DiViSiGd Bin,
5) Th.,. i
Student positions,
Governmental f
increased ft iii
Commissioners Minutes COW limed, March 12., 198/
rRom 10
1 Yr.
: edent !O 3. -l -fo 3.88
(eairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committio , I move the adoption of the fore-
going resoluJ n.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
hy Financ C ailttee
IN RE: 1 e Department - Summer and Student Salary increase (Miscellaneous Resolution #87030)
To the Or out y Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chair at n ladies and Gentlemen:
nt to Rule Xi-( of this Maid,. the Eittince Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
R eso lution :0 ., and
mmi .t• c has fiaammme,de9 that the base salary rate fel the Student
Ohoar to $3.62/hour and that the one (1) year salary rate he
geriod Mare!' 1 1 P 1'17 through Pcicen ,r Si, 1987 tor the 104
184, ir inge 1 Feit coat for the i- ,eriod is $1,144,
1 in tio. 19 1 . ry Adjustment Account and $1,144 is available
. to lu, the increase,
a pp ro p r J ,,es $15,184 from the 1987 Salary Adjustment.
• fit Adjustment Account and transfer said amounts to the
to the increase for the 104 Governmental funded Student
he 19 Special Revenin and Proprietary Funded
respective funds,
the salary i! f-ir Summer Level 1,
ile the sales)/ rates for Summer IV, V aii.1
Level II, i :;' Lycra : 7. ,
benefit co-
il', be al
. 1
• o by 3.
ry cost for ti clod Marcl 1, 1987 toe.- 1, December 31, 1987 for the 173
Governmental funded positions Is $17,659, frim.• hinefit cos. lo 1.1 -te same period is $1,236,
17,659 is available in the 191 Salary Adjuii ..cati Account and $1,236 is available
in the .1.987 Fringe Benefit Adjustm:nt Account te fund th: in: oise to the Governmental Funds:
, 9) The board of Ccimu-b ioners appropriates $17,(i i0 from the 1987 Salary Adjustment i Account
and $1,236 from the 1987 Fringe Beni0it. Adjustment Account and transfers said amounts to the 1087 Non-
Depart-rental Eurrrer Employ-ant line itua tulovi to fund the increaseifor the 173 Government Funded Stagier posit ions:
Salary Adjustment
Fringe hene.111 Adjustment
Summer Employment
$(17,' ')
10) The salary and fringe benefit cost for the 557 leecial Revenue .•nd Proprietary funded
positions amounting to 544,905 will be absorbed by the riii-ptr , • funds.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedules A and 1', on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Calandro supported by Angus McPherson the resolution (with favorable Fiscal
Note attached) he adopted.
AYES: Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson,
Wadi McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal. Note
attached) was adopted.
To the I air •ire Board of t aimmissioners
Mr. es and Gel1.1men:
a labor agreement covering the Prosecutor's Investigators assigned to the Oakland
County Prosecuto has been negotiated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees, AFL-CIO Local 3075; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987 78
WHEREAS a four (4) year agreement has hoen reached with the Union for the period
January I, 1987 through December 31, 19 ('0 aid id id agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel (-mil t.'t •. r eviewed the agreement covering employees repre -
sented by the Union and recommends ,i;•rc al of the agreement;
NOW lilitcl'FoRE BE IT EF.:3L'vEti that the agreement between the County of Oakland, the
Oakland County and Local. 3075, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em -
ployees, AFL-CIO, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Chairperson of this Board on
behalf of the County of Oakland he and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement a copy of
which is attached hereto.
Mi. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore -
going resolution.
John P. Calandra Chairperson
Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on file in County Clerk 's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN PE: Personnel Department - 1987 -1990 Labor Agreement for Employees Represented by the American
Federation of State, County motif Municipal Employees, AFL -CIO Local 3075 (Miscellaneous Resolution
To the Oakland County Board el Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemea:
Pursuant to Rule Xl -( of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #87033 and finds:
1) The agreement for the four year period, January 1, 1987 through December 31, 1990,
covers 5 governmental funded positions and 2 special revere. furHed tositions,
2) The first year Coviinmental Fund cost is .di iner ..sd•of $10,807 above the 1987 Prose -
cutor Department Budget; of which $8,578 is salary in• r .0 mni .2,229 is fringe benefit increase
The first year Special Revenue -and cost is du f- ,166 above the 1387 Prosecutor Cooper-
ative Reimbursement (rant.; of wl I Lli,386 is salary inert • d;a $880 is fringe benefit increase.
Cot increases for the remainHo : . 3 are estimated in Sclo lule A.
3) is ayaidit iH in the 1 987 Salary iiHnstment Account, $2,229- is available
in the 1987 Frin,. Linefit Aajn.H.H a ccount ti fund the increase to the Governmental Funds.
4) The Board nil Ct slit • lomiirs appropriates $8,578 from the 1987 Salary Adjustment
Account and $2,229 from the Ilk: . fngs Benefit Adjustment Account and transfers said amount to
the 1987 Prosecutor Budget as detailed below:
4-10100-909-01 -00-99111 Salary Adjustment: $ (8,578)
4-10100 -909-01 -00-9906 Fringe.kenefit Adjustment (2,229)
4-10100 -416-01 -(10-1001 Salaries 8,578
4-10100-416-01-00-2070 Fringe Benefits 2,229
5) The increase to the 1987 Prosecutor Cooperative Reimbursement Grant will be absorbed
by the Grant.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Luxon the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel
McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro,
Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficientmajority having voted therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
Misc. 87031
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS representatives of the County of Oakland and the Fraternal Order of Police
have been negotiating a contract covering Safety Officers and Building Safety Attendants in the
Safety Division of the Central Services Department; and
WHEREAS a four year (4) tentative agreement covering these employees has been reached
with the union for the period of January 4, 1986 through December 31, 1989 and said agreement has
been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the Labor Agreement covering employees
his, flu f'„,ord, Lhe FLnunce Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
reamouf ler
on s.
nd $41,
as det fl.fed in
1987 will be paid in 1967,
is a salary increase and $16,367 is due
odule A,
1 1;8'7 Soinry Adjustment Account and $16,367 is available
I January I, 1986 through December 31,
h2.185 from the 1DII Salary Adjustment
meut Account and traa cm- said amount to Account and $i6,if
the 1987 Safety B 5
4-11 .LW-1 1,P-0-101:1
4-10100-182 01 0020'5
Ad is
y - F
Commissioners MinuLes Coil L sued M,ss 5 12,
represented hi LT ,
ff. 131f
and the FT
of thit P
going resolution.
-nd,1 Or di o Is i 2 r)..)CcHIIMU))(1)))). . ;)1 1 )) ) of is Agit -Pen
F IF TT RESOLVED tin.lz the ,Att;Ichs.! t; -lent between tH. Cotinty of Oath ad
of Police '; and the same ace is f., •pproved ;Ind thc Cha)r.: m
-sty of afkland. he and bereliv authta.: 1 to execrts,
• to ,..-eto,
n, on beh, if of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreemialt on lite County Clerk's Office.
198b-89, FraH'Tnal
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: - r cy Division
luteion # 1 /
To the Oa(!
Mr, Chair p.•
Resolution #8
• 1,
1989 covers 43 go-
2) U.:
to a correspoudie
in. the 1987 F:-.T
it rm
of Police (Miscellaneous Tabor
G, Will -i. La ( du e 1 Chairperson
Moved by ('alandro supported by Wilcox
tached) be adopted,
the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note at-
AYE: Lanni, Law, LUKOM, McCo
Nelson, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland,
Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn.
NAYS: None. (0)
mell, McDonald, Aligns McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt,
1,knuriff, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon,
A sufficient majority hay
Note attached) was adopted,
g voied therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal
Misc. 87053
By Personnel Cot
IN RE: Circuit,
To the Oakland Crh
Mr. Chairperseu
to $94,000 of:! •
salary of a
C Justic•
Le & District Courts
Boar(, if. Commissioners
s and Gentlemen:
the state 1egislature increased the salary rates for Supreme Court Justices
e January 1, 1987; and
1 Public Act 438 of P.A. 1980 established salary ceilings of 92% of the annual
me Court Justice for Circuit Judges and 88% of the annual salary of a Supreme
riot and Probate Judges; and
lif,x 1 mum allowable total annual salary for Circuit Court Judges for 1987
Pf'obate judges is $82,720; and
-ff.-id portion of the Circuit, Probate and District Judges has been
) for C;rcuit Judges, $40,530 for Probate Judges and $46,530 for District Judges;
reimburse fo(
$18,070 for each
1, 1986, and to
the State provides standardization payments to local units of government to
,ts of government toward their local contributions to judicial salaries; and
Public Act 214 of I'. A. 1.986 increased judicial standardization payments to
cult judge and to $18,805 for each Probate and District Judge effective October
4,095 for each Circuit judge and $25,075 for each Probate and District Judge
Circuit Court Judge
State Portl-n
County 'p r at
1A-• 11'
40 ,-.0
, ,0
Distilct Court Judge
i ire Portion
ty Supplement
established the 1986 Capital Improvement
the Oakland/Troy Airport with the at
Airport Capital Improvement. Program
of acquisition the
the attached exhibit
La hereby
the adop-
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 1987 SO
effective September 1, 1987;
NOW TBITil:GRE. BE IT RESOLVED that the County supplemental salaries for ru4es be in-
creased effective S :unary 1, 1987 to the maximum local supplement permitted by law of S34,780 for
Circuit Judges, $42,190 for Probate Judges and $36,190 for District Judges tor total anaual salaries
as shown on the next page:
(as of It 1 1, 19861 (effective Jan. 1, 1987)
*Includes $6,000 mandatory ixiyment Lowdrd state statutory salary.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by McDonald the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution lo the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 87054
By Planning-- and --Building Committee
IN RE: Department of Corporation Counsel - Real Estate tin
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution No, 86219
Program for improvements of Oakland County Airports; and
WHEREAS the program included land acquisition
assistance of a Michigan Aeronautics Commission Grant; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a
authorized by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 87041; and
WHEREAS the County funds are included in the 1986
no additional County funds are required; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has authorized negotiations for
land, has reviewed and approved the terms of the purchase as set forth in
believe the purchase to be in the County's interest;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes
purchase of the subject property on the ter mm; and conditions agreed upon.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairnerson of the Board of Commissioners
to execute any necessary documents on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move
Lion of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson
Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Caddell, Crake, Doyon, Hobart, Jensen, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having, voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87055
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County lease to the Oakland County Employee Credit Union was amended on
in the amount of $50,000 for land reimbursement at
Michigan Aeronautics ,Commission grant
agreement in the amount of $50,000 for land reimbursement at Oakland/Troy Airport, acceptance of
which was
April l7,
of exp
1 1
for COP.
Resolution it
of Credit :
approved by
and specifdid
pansion do
and specifi•
Commissioners 'Ii nues Contibucd. March
lilesolutten #8161 to include allitlenal
C t i Ilsr-ous Resolution 1886101. ti
Hon a (ications for the ••. sai•
as -1 t• s not . • flict, with the long -
fitti the purpose
I, ii
nt, Master
,tne Oaklond County board of Commissioners approved the p-es rad specifications
the Oakland County Employees Credit. Union on November 6, I by Mis(ellaneous
the Oakleftd (ittuty Employees Credit Union propose- to increase the SiZO
pflASion and a revised plans and specifications pr••g crod; anti
fAe lease ! ouii that any plans And additions to td Credit Union must he
At of Commis;.ttontff:; and
the Planning and Building Committee reviewed the revised cult It )I 115
- the expansion of the Credit Union and has determined that t o revised exa
it,ictt with the longsrantte Service Center Master Plan; And
the Planning an• Building Committee recommends approva! of the revised plans
Credit Union -
"person on behalf of the Plaroing and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing lisolution,
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Luxon, M,Ctuaell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Had McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Page, Perflia, Pttv. • • I. l.a Aaron, CitAtlelI Calandra Crake,---Doyort,-Hohatt, Jensen,
Richard Kuhn, Su.•.r Kuhn, :.i ii,, draw. (23)
NAYS; Noce. (6)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted,
Misc, 8/056
By Planning • A tililny Committee
IN RE: Det..1••me: of Central Services
To the Oakland G, aty Board of Commihsiouers
Mr, Chairperson, 1.Ai ,s and Gentlemen:
Wire' all 30 of the County-owned liquid filled transformers have been checked for
the presence of i'id
WilltAl five of these transformers have been found to contain PCB in quantities con-
sidered hazard , ••••. ,:avironmental Protection Agency (El A) S(dMiardF; and
WP . the continued safe occupancy of County bit -fittings requires the removal and re-
placement of tl offending transformers; and
1,4h,tAS the removal of PCB filled transformers could become Jaw in the near future;
it is in the County's best. interests to remove said transformers of our own
volition catL• • s.ta eing. ordered to do tic and
yci •: the Transformer 16 07 a ii.• i• s ore estimated to cost $198,000; and
fuadfng for th: to is available in the Utilities Section of the Capital
Improvement Pi
BE IT RESOLV . that the Department of Central Services he and is hereby
authorized to bidding documents for the Transformer Replacements and to report thereon
upon receipt tqd : 'edition of such bids.
, • . • tirson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing i 3olution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Doyon the resolution be adopted.
11, V: M
Pernick, Rew.H.••. 7..:)141 ,
Kuhn, Susan I I, to.'. , Law, Lu..
McPlcio in, Rue] r er'
' Aro, Craki Dr- A,
Nei •• •n, Page,
f, Jenh ,n, Riehard
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued, March 12, 1987 8'
Misc, 87057
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Emergency Management Division
To the Oakland County sd of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, I,- Lc. and Gentlemen:
cj'e Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution #86245
(August. 21, 0. ;, afproved the Final 9-1-1 Service Plan for the County of Oakland to provide
for a county-. ih• s-1-1 system; and
WhEl.te under the plan, the County ol Oaklind is responsible to acquire and maintain
c Safety A • -ring Point (PSAP) Autemoift Location Identification (AU) controller anL
0,e land County l• AB equipment through a Icaso arrangement with Mioninan Bell Telephone Company;
WHEREAS the 1987 County Budget contains funds of $412,2/1 to install and S292,000
to maintain the leased equipment; and
WHEREAS a request for proposal process recommends that the County purchase this equip-
ment from Michigan Bell Communications, Inc. at a substantial cost savings as compared to leasing
the equipment.
NOW 'THEREFORE BE 15 RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve
the purchase of PSAE ALI controller and Oakland County ['SAP equipment consistent with the attached
program and budget summary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED rhat written quarterly reports be presented to the Public Ser-
vices Committee by the Manager of the :m icy Medical Services and Emergency Management Division
and to the balance ef the members ot U s of Commissionesrs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thoic hould any PSAP desire to purchase an ALT controller from
another vendor, the County will pay for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of this ALI
controller up to the Michigan Bell Communications, Inc., ALI controller costs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should a PSAP choose another vendor to acquire the ALI
controller, the PSAE will Ire respoeible to determine compatibility and coordinate the purchase,
installation, and maintenance arranionts.
Mr. Chairperson, on boLoit. of the Public Services Committee yc l move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Richard B. Kuhn, Jr, Chairperson
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Angus McPherson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance ComTititee. There were no ob-
Misc. 87058
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS he County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #6961 of January 23, 1975
declared its intention to become designated as an Urban County under the Federal Housing and Com-
munity Development Act of 1974, as amended; and
WHEREAS this act was designed to consolidate many of the categorical grant programs
into one Block Grant Program placing authority and responsibility with local officials as to com-
munity needs and priorities; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been designated an Urban County and continues to
participate in the Community Development Program and by Miscellaneous Resolution #84211 of July
26, 1984 entered into cooperative agreements with 48 units of government for this purpose; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been allocated for planning purposes a grant amount
of $3,597,000 in federal funds; $556,751.46 of County Program Income and $17,609.25 of Community
Program Income that equals a total of $4,171,360.71 of funds to be distributed among the 48 partici-
pating units of government and public hearings have been held by each community and the county
concerning use of these funds; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has recommended approval
by a unanimous vote of 8 members (1 member absent of a quorum) of the proposed Community Development
Block Grant Allocation Summary of Proposed Activities; and
WHEREAS there are no county funds required for this grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Com-
missioners is hereby authorized to sign and file an application for 1987-88 Community Development
Block Grant funds under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended,
in accordance with the attached Summary of Proposed Activities.
Hns.o.. Kuhr,
Mist - 8 70su
By 1 :blic
IN ii.
To thi Or.
Mr. Chairjo
eilit tee
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987
reon on behalf Li lu I7bl o. Sr.!' nommi ee • ue.)5v e tc.' L., (10 pi L);1 Itt
the foregoin :l t ,,
t r person
srted by Lanni the resolnl o be adopted.
ilding Committee
• son, Ruel Mtilloacoon, ; itt, Nelson, Page, Peru irk, Rewold
f; 1. tdro, Crake, ti ii, 6:.i• Ling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn,
nor I
No, • .
A ifficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopteit.
486185, "Revised Federal and State Grant Application
and Reimburi it ......I 1:o,esa :.", requeces that: graut awards that vary more than 1)% from
application a• l o:ov• h: 1 • ti, ,ommittee; tunl
. • 01_010:2; through Miscellaneoo 1 lotion #86249 on August
21, 1986 appitis• •H • re ,,efo 't ni Al. Ctinip's 1986/87 Small Busiees. et - 'Ts 0rant Application
in the amount.
.11 a: r r I riienL ol COfflillef(C has approve o aa award of $37,000
for the perit , 1i her 30, 1987, which is $18,000 or 24% less than the
- -application „ • i. . .td
iii tch of $87,119 is contained in the 1987 Budget., thus
no additional af, and
ae, Rienue funded Entrepreneurial Specialist position must be
created w:it:h tbretv.:1 of the i: see 1 Committee; and
grant ; 1- Sion has been approved as to form by the office of Corporation
3 1 f1 BE IT i1f1OliV1J) that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts
the 1986/e: .i..1 1 iiu ness C6nter• in the amount of $57,000 and the Chairperson of the Board
of COMMiSESO ” a he s'eirtorized to execute the agreement.
h' HER R! 1)1.\.fl that our (1) Special Revenue funded Entrepreneurial Specialist
position be i •• •.. t the 1 onomic Development Group Small Business Center Unit effective March
30, 1987 thrt-ir • : ;imber s, 1987, and the (aintInuation of this position is contingent upin
further grant
Lt. IT F. HER RESOLVED that future level of service shall he contingent upon the level
of state funding available for this program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution,
Richard D. Kuhn, ii., Chairperson
Moved ty Richard Kuhn supported by Crake tile resolution be adopted.
'c person referred the resolution to the Finance Committee and the Per
Committee. There 'iere no objections.
1. RE ''• 1 ..a. i/11 oy Airport -• Michigan Aeronautics Commission Grant Program (Miscellaneous Reso-
1 .tiii •
To the Oak .3 (2onity Board of Commjtioners
Mr. Chair5rel.:. adies and Coin,
11 1 Inning and -,t ;. Committee, 1 iiu.. reviewed the above -referenced -item, reports
with the recce.-,alUation that it -ion be ado
. Chairperson, on b,a of the and Building Committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Anr,e M. Hobart, Chaim .e r•
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987 84
Misc. 87041
Tra n. i••••
IN RE: Ailrport
To the c-aity Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperr ti -dies and Gentlemen:
CeAT Miscellaneous Resolution No 86219 established the 1986 Capital improvement
Program for imlaiments of Oakland County airports; and
it program included land Acquisition at the Oakland/Troy airport with the
assistance of a B:chigan Aeronautics Colmhission Grant; and
ti the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Commission grant
agreement in th -mount ct S50,000 for land reimbursement at Oakland/Troy Airport; ahd
. the County funds are included in the 1960 Airport Capital improvement Program
and no additi .:•irity tunds tire required; and
i3e Airport Committee has reviewed and Approved the Grant Agreement and believe
it to be in ti;- ( Hnty's interest to accept the Grant.
NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakiand County Board of Commissioners accepts
the grant award in the Amount of $50,000 [rum the Michigan. Aeronautics Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board ot Commissioners is hereby
authorized to execute the Grant Agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Transporlintion Committee. I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Oakia4A/Troy At - Michigan Aeronautics Commission Grant Program (Miscellaneous Reso-
lution #8104I)
To the OnLlal:a County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairper3o,. lAdirs and Gentlemen:
F ,-qt_ to Rule XI-O of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #8/041 ..16 finds:
1) CiI::eud County is in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Commission grant agreement
in the amount of $.0,000 for land n o at Oakland/Troy Airport,
2) Thu Michigan Aeronautics Commission grant agreement in the amount of $50,000 for
land reimbursement is part of the 1986 Airport Capital Improvement Program as approved by Miscel-
laneous Resolution #86219,
3) The grant reimbursement agreement has been approved as to form by the office of
Corporation (ounsel.
4) Acceptance of this grant award does not obligate Oakland County to any future com-
mitment, and no additional County funds are required.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt. the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Angus McPherson, Ruel . McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Bernick, Price,
Resold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen,
Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissicners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee having received Mr. Charles Schaefer's letter of resig-
nation from the Oakland County Building Authority, reports with the recommendation that Mr. Donald
J. Grevengood be appointed to fill the unexpired term ending December 31, 1988.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move acceptance of
the foregoing report.
Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson
1,Cli 1,
Kuhn, 1..arin
T. t
Mr. enale t •
S .)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, liPs/
Moved by Skerritt supported ley Calandio the report ne ;JC«VAH.
Moved by a -rim. supported by Calandro that Donald J, (, . • . Hwinted te the
Oakland Count. tilt I . Authority to till the unexpired term ending ni •..t • ' , . •;
t•, i son , • her r not f , Pa , CI Pr i c i ci I Rowirtnd,
ototk e .. l• , Jensen, 'Richard Kuhn , ion
( 24.)
maority tiiving voted therefor., the motion carried and Donihd J. Grevengeod
appointed t le. Oakland County Building Authority lot the unexpired It ending December 31,
The Chairperson vacated the Chair, Vice Chairpersoa Nancy McConnell took the chair.
• nars
Improvement Act of 1966 has been utilized throughout the state
to make dal!
• • • :•• n. , generally been concider ,,d a good piece of legislation, it
does have (Alt, , m i • no provision for abolishing lake boards that have served their
pur p o se and t , regl: III in existence; and
session of the Michigan legislature a bill providini,", (Ivo methods
of abolisJ h.; :t F.. introduced, passed the House but was not considered hy the Senate;
FOIL similar. to the louse passed bill in the previous. •! ion, which
had a u ;(• :,- -I the tJsand County Board of Commission. :s, will 01Cu I• introduced
In m
tr R, c• tit:: the Oaklar, County e' Caanmissioners supports
• • •; s • , tide 1Jarcir • s. • „. a no L. u.
al this dirtion I. : ntr to all legislators lrom
Oakland Count sc Csaii r't 1 -. d Laiivi agent,
Mr. Chs ri• • o. , on behalf of the General Government Comudttee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Richard C, Skarritt, Chair-petson
Moved by Skarritt, supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Peranoff, Per nick, Price, Resold, Rowland, Skarritt.,
Wilcox, Aaror, ddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn,
Lanni, Luxon, Mc onncil, Angus McPherson, Rued. McPherson. (25)
NAYS None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. .
(• de- -7 , • • n:,.lent Committee
To • t y Eoard ot G . tone
Mr. bair :Ts •••••• -YU
•vernment Committee and the Transportation Committee of the Oakland
County Bo s• I ns,i s s • h• se reviewed the package of transportation-related bills which
Senator Fesi
rhe Fessier bills in relation to the critical transportation
F the state, the General Government Committee and the Trans-
tt of 1•.3-irelalnon C•;Th may incl. le, hut not be limited to,
to • Lye matching funds from the
state for
. es,
J ar,„ ay. , : ., • is s• Fr distributed to
the county, iount. i•. hl • manner.
4, .:,1 local revenue opt - 1 F , cities, villages
and townships; ee. Ca,.: can only be implemeated by a vote of an elcara-1 body or a vote of
the electors in that jurisdiction.
Commissioners Minutes Continued, March 12, 1987 86
5. Provide state financial support tor trunk lines necessary to meet Oakland County needs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT Ri-c 01 tH ti h. Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports
the a recer-mseriation of the Genecal Covernmen' aad the Transportation Committee as outlined
OF IT FURTHER iil -sOLVED that toples of this resolution be sent to all legislators from
Oakland County and to the cooni:'s legislative agent-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson
Moved by Skarritt supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Hobart supported hy Molfitt the resolntion he amended in the 2nd WHEREAS paia-
graph, under #5, by adding the word "additional" before "LEUll't, lines" so the paragraph would read.
5. Provide state financial support for additional trunk linos necessary to meet
Oakland County needs..
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried,
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Nelson, Page, Perin off, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra Crake,
Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Mc( onnell, McDonald. (18)
NAYS: Pernick, Price, Rowland, Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson.
A sufficient majority having voted thwtHm-, iho a; amended, was adopted.
The Chairperson returned to the Chair,
Misc. 87062
By Seryi -. . C-mmittee
IN RE: Community Mental a•.. •cit --
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health Board approved the application for funds to serve
mentally ill children in the amount of $301,500 in its 1985/87 .request, to the State of which $4,600
would be County match; and
WHEREAS: this application was approved through the County's grants and contracts pro-
cedure established by Resolution #86186: and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health has notified the County that they
are willing to approve a program in the amount of $117,173 of which $1,840 is to be in County
matching funds which constitutes a variance greater than 115; and
WHEREAS the reduction in the number of bed days on an annualized basis drops from the
requested 25 beds to 12 beds which still allows for some of the current needs to be met.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept
the State's offer of money to contract for the development of foster care beds to serve mentally
ill children.
Mr. Gi na on behalt of the Health and HUMilH Services Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Susan G. Kuhn, Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ob-
Misc. 87063
By Health and Human Services Committee
IN RE: Department of Institutional and Human Services
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: ,
WHEREAS Oakland County is required to appropriate money each year to the Resident County
Hospitalization Fund through the local branch of the Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has given a grant to the Michigan Human
Services League to administer a pilot program in an urban area to demonstrate that an insurance
fund can be developed and utilized to create accessible health care, both inpatient and outpatient,
for low income employees of small business firms that do not have health insurance as a benefit;
1:.°PtLfwud, March I
intec En 1 O't ,)irc.t ":111 n:-Ei'll IP-E ,2 Ot
t the
.11O1 toques,
i or t n uni
, En the
dent County
• • ioners state I I S
all count y
t cb: E. pi_ lot pro jec ;
5,[ s wider
Pi Ii.•
..as Olivarez L„,
c 1 CJEcvni(En,....,r::
T lie dEs e 1 I LE jec 1
E s 1 h con
rileffEr he remainder
tha health Care Access
ve been declared and
under Miscellaneous
adoption of
taat apinaval 1 ihe approval of the
s and their written . a • h. i r• tag fld (jmnirg Ii I I i C i-
Iitititut it :in el E ' , • -. U.• • 1 A.. 255 of 1982 to
for Conera' A- . • : , : 'and County could
angement with the
on bohalf of the Health • ni Unman Servic s I move the
lug resolution.
SUSdil G. Kuhn, Chairperson
of Commissioners
hn. revi
elution the Department of is•tEr• nent and Budget.
(1 1'21s ) .
.dud • an • • ven a i to the Mitfliirin Human Services
I. •: that. au tilenrance fund can
,ef health care for low income
Eve tan ' f lea • a benefit.
Ith Cal e Access t ject ...II) grant cover the period January
I by rIo of the Resident County Hospitalization fund, with
1.12 .1 I 'S General Assistance fund and a combined matching
• tka agree to participate in the pilot program will
it County Hospital program capped el the level ex-
ately . • , ding pilot implementation. The County experienced
A. indigent hospitalization cost not reach the $2,104,216 in tuture
years, the Count, woLid not be required to fund at the level of $2,104,216 but rather at the level
of actual cost.
Mihn supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted.
McConnell, Ai.,
kewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon,
majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
new with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a ,
b. (ft- t- Resi.ara •M• i s ATP. 'it Plan PubJic
-infion of Par,E
Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 12, 1987 88
a. MAC - Criminal Justice Policy Boalds
Thomo.e Butger-Federal Airport Reauthorization Legislation
Management & E: --
a. - Revocation Hearing - lodustrial Facitities Exemption, Ralco, M.H.
b. EquAi.,y,- :on - Appeal of Denial, Detroit Broach Cutting Tools, Rochester Hills
There were no objections to the referrals.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be March 26, 1987 at 7:30 P.M
The Board adjourned at 11:05 A.M.
Clerk Chairp, • . •n