HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1987.03.25 - 7230OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING March 20, l'.=',%57 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Roy Rewold at 7:30 P.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Rol (ailed. PRE 1 IC Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Susan Kuhn, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Rue) Mi Nelson, Perin •F, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox. (26) ABSi.uT: P,dcje. (1) Quorum prc..:.r.t. Invocation given by Commissioner Marilyn Gosling. • 7ichard Kuhn, Moffitt, Pledge of Allegiance 10 the Flag. Moved by roffitt supported by Jenspn the minutes of the previous tieetin9 be approved as A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved. Moved by Gosling supported by Pernick for suspension of the rules, and the agenda be amended as follows: SUSPENSION OF THE RULES FOR ITEMS CURRENTLY ON BOARD AGENDA: FINANCE h. Cocoon 'ti Mentpl Health - Sinipered Independence Program - deOsh Associatiou for detorded Citizens - Prokj raii (Caiver ut Ru l e Grants procecure not adhered to) HEALTH AND hliWiJ SERVICES h. Coihainity iiental Health - Supported independence Prograii Associzitioil for Ret;arderl Citi7ens - Proi2 ram Aopliratiou (Driver of iiul X,A8. 6rants Procedure not adhered to). SUSPENSION OF RULES FOR ITEMS NOT CURRENTLY ON AGENDA: a. Corporation Counsel - Peiil Estate Section - City Southfield Lease Extension (Waive Rule XXVII, 5-day notification. Planning and Building meeting held on 3/24/87) TRANSPORTAIION COMMITTEE D. (SaiJpert: Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority (SEMTA) Resolution re: Supporting Municipal Credit Program (Waive Rule XXVII, 5-day notification. Transportation Committee Meeting held on 3/25/87) A sufficicsit majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried, and the 21](:J:, as wended, apnroded. Mr. Skarritt (on behalf of the General Government Committee, and the Board) presented plaques to the following former Commissioners, and former Chairperson of the Board, for their services:) W. A. Hassberger, Dorothy Webb, Betty Fortino, Jack Olsen, and Richard R. Wilcox. John King and Gene Johnson addressed the Board. printed. printed. 90 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 25, 1987 Richard Kuhn presented a commendation to Deputy Sheriff Michael L. O'Dette. David Moffitt requested the Board observe a minute of silence in memory of Delores Littic, fe-r.T7— P.'7xlifield Township Clerk, who passed away March 21, 1987. Mi' l4y • Ii -•• LAYOFFS Association filed suit against the County af - that were effective January 1, 1983 and emur -T, or(ginally dismissed the suit, however the Court of Appeals t for May 4, 1987, legal counsel is required as soon as possible to prepare l'roup repre .,.111-af' the County in this matter before both the Circuit Ccurt. and •-, .:• to continue t h is action, and cost th • 'crial is 7.20,800, this amount has not been budgeted DepartmIT:, UO0 E.11 P'7-SOL4F nakland County Board of Crtomissioners authorizes the Fishman Cro .1) ( ide 1 i o this isofter, 5E IT FbP;l1 th i•I r Cerimicitrs apropria' .• • 7,20,000 from the 1987 Contingency Account : -s ir iSO tIcs 907 Pcrf,ormel :ileparts. t Bud,:et, as s-,.-.2.cified below, to cover the cost co - 11, outside legal counsel: Contingency (20,0,:j Personnel - Legal Expense 20,Con Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Eihahce CosiwIttee, I ;•:ha• —the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE CWTjTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson - Moved by r-ddell supported--by----Crahe---the re-solution be-adopted. AYES: Perhick, Price, Rea 1d. Pool cod, Shari It, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, ling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPee:son, Rod l McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson. (25) (1:)he, :C) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87065 By Finance Committee IN RE. Public Works Department - SEWER, WATER AND SOLID WASTE DIVISION THREE (3) ADDITIONAL VEHICLES To the Oaklarl Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairp,, , Ho•t•s and Gentlemen: t.,:,;nt to Miscellaneous Resolution #7393 of December 8, 1975 the Oakland County Board of Con,... e,1 s adopted a "County policy ad assini:ent of County vehiJes"; and WhEr.C!' po'11cy for additional vehicles requires the affirmative recommendation of the Finance Commil WHE:, . ctian G of this policy ci so s'cates thet U. Firce C.,bmmittee shall recomrend to the Board to,nissioners an appropriation sufficient 1-0 cover rho acquisition cost plus mathly charces for no balance of the ,.:'cent vesr;arit WHEREAS the Oakland County Per lic,rks De:aartme.:t made e req(vest to leese nrec (3) additional vechicles (two (2) pick-up trucks and one (1) aLemoh.flo) from the Oakland C,-i:nty Garage; and WhLREAS the cost of Oe three ve...les, is 2E,(l!GC amou:.t is in the Contingency Account to cover the acquisition cost of the vehicles; and WHEREAS funds arc available in the 1987 Seuer and Water Operations budget to cover tile- monthly leesing charges; and WHEREAS the County Executive has 74.droved The c:,:ansior of the CoLnty C;ff' Fl set NOW EHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize an of the County Car Fleet for the three (3) vehici ,,s roluasteO h't! Ccl ic Wer'.(h BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $25,000 be transfcrred from the Contingency Account to the Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division ahc' sL;bsefp.i2rt1'i to t'rh:, f.,..,:rage to coven° the 2cquisition cost of the three (3) vehicles as follows: rein' ' 909-01-00-H2OC 155-01-U 4-10100-909-01-00-900 Contingency $(25,000) Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 26, 1987 61 4°10100-142-01-00-5998 Sewer, Water & Solid Waste Capital Outlay ----- Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Cnimittee, I move the resolution. the foregoing RI 74ITTEE G. 11 11 on Caddell, Cf;.'.. i.nsoa Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adodtec, AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Coclieg, Hobart, Jens d, Richara Kuhn, SIAS0.0 Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxor, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Hurl McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff. (26) NAYS: Node. (0) .A sufficient majority hovioi votc!d therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87066 By Finance Committee IN RE: Computer Services Department 1986 THIRD AND FOURTH QUARTER DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: . WHEREAS all data proCessinp development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the Computer Services Department Budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department on a quarterly basis with a summary report to the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Computer Services Department has determined the 1986 Third and Fourth Quarter data processing development charges in the amount of $1,048,132 for the budgeted County departments; and WHEREAS these development - charges are for programs which are in conformance with the guidelines set forth by the Computer User Advisory Committee and the Computer Center master plan approved by the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS an appropriation transfer to budgeted County departments is needed to fund these development charges. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED the Finance Committee has reviewed the 1986 Third and Fourth Quarter, Data Processing Development for user departments and finds $1,018,132 necessary to fund the development cost. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Connissioners appropriates $1,048,132 from the 1986 Data Processing Development budget and transfers said funds to the appropriate user departments consistent with the attached schedule. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Wilcox the resolution be Adopted. AYES: Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87067 By Finance Committee IN RE: ADVANCE FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING - CITY OF ROCHESTER HILLS To the Oakland County Hoare of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland Technological Park is anticipated to attract $1.5 billion in private investment and 50,000 jobs to Oakland County, facilitating economic development and generating tax revenues; and WHEREAS improvements to the roads surrounding the Park are necessary, such improvements beginning with preliminary engineering studies; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners, through Miscellaneous Resolution #86255, adopted !.; toordia beginning ir Mr. resolution. Ciiiirperson, Misc. 871... By Financ - TA RE: LEGAL FEE - To the Mn, Chai. VILL EI IT tad c: ioners 92 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 26, 1987 Sep tomb t engine i fan& ,r! t-r pre1 0-nil irai engineering; and i% si., 1,150,000 advance for preliminary rark nal at L .5 million, leaving sufficient en for the County to enter into agreements with the County and the citizens thereof to facilitate and that the County Executive negotiate a contract with Rochi h . , • 1, • fin for a $150,000 advance to conduct preliminary engineering work el . . . • i , f.• oi ,h ,dnds. . at said funds bear an interest of six and three-quarters percent (6.'75%) ED that these funds be repaid in ten (10) equal, annual payments on behalf of the Finance Commi ttee, I move the adoption of the foregoing FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by C:addell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. AYES: •o'ld, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hnbart, J Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, kuel Mc[ ;::,?-son, Moffitt, Nelson, Periroff, PernicK, Prico.. (26) NAYS: Noio, (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted, ition #85055 author) i: d the Probate Judges to retain outside :fon iiYILi:ohy vs. County of 9,kland, the Children's Village lawsuit; i AT of Rodman, Longley and Dahling were retained in this matter; and f am has ninifitted E final statement in the amount of $1,375.84 for services rendered from ,: i, 1989 thriaa ih Ay,ust 31, 1985; and WHEVai this amount been approved for payment by Corporation CGunsel; and WHERL the Probate Cow( has no funds budgeted in 19E37 for legal expenses, NOW THLREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $1,376 from the 1987 Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the 1987 Probate Court Budget as follows: 909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ (1,376) 341-01-00-3456 Probate Court Legal ('pa ac 1,376 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Counittee, 1 nova theadoption of the foregoing resolution. IINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Cnairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted. AYES: Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Adron, Caddell, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, .lensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxor, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Mottitt,Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. legal coun and hi•i. 87069 i-in•oce Committee Health Division SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT ACCEPTANCE To iho Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairpenn, Ladies and GernCemen: HPAK: Miscellaneous Resolution #86186 requires the Finance Commitni:i.i to review acceptance i all grants that vary less than fifteen (15) percc -"n am ni :- igina1 grant application, -nd WHEREAS the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, #86186, authorized application for the Substance Abuse Grant in t of L. the• period October 1, 1986 through Seotember 30, 1987; micl WHEREAS the Finance Committee has r n&-1 said grant as approved hi the Michigan Department of Public Health and finds the grEot rd in the amount of $1,592.621, an amount of $106,011 less than the crane application for the sih - time period; and WhEREAS said program is funded $1 ;592,6,1 by the State, $628,237 i)y is. and ther sources, awl $1,749,174 by fees and collections, for a total 1986/87 program of $3,972. and WHEREAS this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office cf . Corporation Counsel; and WHERE ,(,S applicatioo or acceptance ol the 2cant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Subetance Abuse Grant award in the amount of T1,592,631 and authorizes the appro2riate budget amondment he male. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor chanc,es and grant extensions, not to exceed a fifteen (15) percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as apprnved. Mr. Chairperson, ON bobs If of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. Nillism Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by LU4CN the resolution be adopted. Skarrritt, 811 nix ,Aaron, Crake,--Ooyon,--Gosling, -Hobart, -Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Lair, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Runiland. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87070 By Finance Committee IN RE: Health Division 1986/87 AIDS COUNSELING AND TESTING PROGRAM GRANT - ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies end Gentlemen: WHEREAS Nisccillaneous Resointioo #85186 requires the Finance - Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than fifteeen (15) percent from the on grant application: and WHEREAS the Oakland County Bofrd of Comijssioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #87028 authorized application for the 1E66/67 Aids Counseling and Testing Program Grant in the amount of 9,3 3 ,500 for the period Onto:ion 1, 1n33 thronoh September 30, 1987; and NHEREAS the Finance Committee Has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michioan Department of Public Health art' finds tho pr ins award in the amount of 233,500, the same as the orioinal grant application for the we peciod, and WHEREAS said program is toodod 10 1.) by the State and requires no County match; and NHELAS this grant contratt has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Coroorotion Counsel; aPii WHEREAS apolication or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Aids Counseling and Testing Program Grant award in the amount of $33,500 and authorizes the appropriate budget amendoonts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two (2) .38 funded part -time eligible Public Health Nurse III positions he created in the Health Division Budget - Clinic unit for the time period October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of said positions is contingent upon continued State funding for the program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve ra a, Richard it, son. Rue sa • on, Moffitt, Sus. . Nelson, 94 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 26, 1987 minor chaly s corsisten p•I Mi resolution, bt 'Hi i.. not to exceed a fifteen (15) percent variance, which is sn, on I. if of the Finance Committee,9 'Rye the adoption of the foregoing FINANCE COMM!' G, Wi jam( ii+, Chairperson 11 support A ' JJc:noi• tlYc :r..olu (0) A ffi: 'sit majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. R " • 87071 : csace Cow.: Commi f.. A•1 S sa :ATE() . - 1CIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS - PROGRAM AWARD To. the Oaklada „ J.g .f CO';,: or s Mr. Chairp-r ea, Li.n• Centlem(g.: A N.' : • :neous Rc:olution #86186 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that very less than fifteen (15) percent from the original grant application; and WHERFAS the Finance Cormittee of the Board of Cotnissioners on March 5, 1987 authorized redirection application for the Supported Independence Program - Jewish Association for Retarded Citizens Program in the amount of 6247,697 for the period October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987; 8nd Ul8 REA1A the Finance Committee has reviewed said program as approved by the Michigan Dopartment Of' C at al Health and find' the program award in the amount of 6247,697, the same as the orieihal apo7i • n for thc same tin P neriod; and Aid unurat At .4241,697 by the St cc; $37,960 by 1; id Federal; ,/11,600 by i 1 c • • I and by (a C-unty; for n total 1986187 program of 332,8z; and Uhl : A lid („) roiii rc goirys County match in the amount of $1,11 for the balance of 1987 (May 1 Decembt 1:. ') to be transferred from Contingency Act in , and OH . Ms program conic act has been revieNed and approved as ta Lary' by the Office of Corporation to c. and WHEREA' opl)cation or acceptance of the program award does not obligate the County to any future coriim•nt. NOW IFILPiE01,1 BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Supported Indepeml(ince Program - Jewish Association for Retarded Citizens Program award in the amount of $247,697. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners transfers an amount of $1,760 from Contingency Account to the Community Mentl Health Division 1987 Budget and authorizes the appropriate budget amendments to be made per the attached Schedule I. BF IT FURTHEE RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve iii or changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a fifteen (15) per variance, which are consistent with the grant as approved. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Schedule I (Financial Analysis) on file in County Clerk's OFfice. Moved by Caddell supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted, AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyen, Goal iii (aDmit, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Perinoit, Pernick, Price, Reuold, Rowland, Skarritt, Ii I cox, (25) JAYS: None, (0) A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, lie resolution ivas adopted. Misc. 87072 By Finarey.. cemmittee IN RE: ManH:tiient and Budget. Department EQUALI7A1 !_EL'. FEES To the 6.k .1 -.!- CcJiit!! Board cf Mr. Chaiuoi....n, Ladies and Caaarmi - vkFtu:tio:,..ouri T i. . raut':sed to participate in the cost of defending the 1981 thrr. 0 I ,Jr" •.' 'tore in the City of Royal Oak; and ae• r(Ari.L: • in prst participated with other local units of governmen L, Mich ydn u je GLrial; dud will stand to lose approximately $51,000 interest in taxes for • .-•t i Year period 'f he appeals are lost; and POLOti-ie City of hayal Oak is estimating the cost of defend'n Jase appeals dt $150,000, of the County share would not exceed 7,85% of the total cost or $11,775, whichever is less; and WHEREAS if i..hey are success .,til in defending the assessed value, the balance of the County will share in their and NOW THEETFOr.., Ec IT RESdLVEE tl.at the County of Oakland does hereby agree to pacipate with the City at P ap! Oak in shar':ao oft. ..e estimated costs in connection with the aforamioned property tax aooaa!s heroic the n Tr-ibunal; BE If [Li HER RESOLVED tr,% He beoci of Commissioners appropriates $11,775 from the 1987 Contingency Account and transfer this amount to the 1987 Equalization Division Budget as specified below to cover the County's share of this appeal; $(11,775) 909-01-00 -9900 Contingency 125-01-00-3455 Equalization Legal Fees 11,775 , -0- fir. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted. AYES. Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87073 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Corporation Counsel - i .k'eal Estate Section CITY OF SOUTHFIELD LEASE EXTENS104 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Resolution #83140 adopted on May 19, 1983 entered into a five (5) year lease with the City of Southfield to lease approximately 24.96 acres of vacant property to be used for recreational activities; and WHEREAS if the City of Southfield desired to extend said lease for any period of time after the first five (5) years, they were required to give written notice at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the lease; and WHEREAS the Southfield City Council did so adopt a resolution at their meeting of January 26, 1987; and WHEREAS your Committee has yiveri careful consideration to the City of Southfield 's wish to make improvements to the park property and their request for a long-term lease or convey title on the property, or a portion; and the possibility that the County will, in the future, construct additional facilities on roe property and therefore cannot commit the County to a lony-term lease our divc!st i:Aly portion of the land. NOW THEREFORE L ii RO3CLtC0 that the County of Oakland extend the lease with the City of Southfield or a period of ten (10) years aoinfencing on the 5th day of May 1.5a8R and that the lease extension shall retain the same covehadts add conditions as are contained in the lease dated May 4, 1983, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED ii a in curlsintiOrt on the City of Southfield's investment, in e,:cess of Sixtv-Fiunt Thousand ( he8,000) dollacs, to make improvenents to the land and the County Geni2fiting tnereirom and the County's His ii for a per berm, the County of Oakland will pay to the City of Southfield Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars upon completion of a perimeter berm. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the C.hairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners b€ and is authorized to execute a declaration of Lease Extension in the form attached hereto on behalf of the County of Oakland, and authorizes payment in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars to the City of Southfield upon completion of a. perimeter berm, Mr. G. the foregoirs , on behalf of the Planning and Builqing CONKI1MO, I move tl-R2 adoption of M. Hcbar . Moved by 1-4',!"=""t -th-e-efer' by Perine'rf the iesolutioo be adopted. . • n to the Finance Committee. lhere were no of Corr 551001 Miscellanec -o Resolution #86240 ervice s • , • • County of •1sk . to provide for a ible . • I- se and maintain s on (ALF • • ir-':er A Oakland iS M;shi-snIJi elephoot •.v; funds ol $412,221 to ins ,id ,000 to ocs s recommends that the County purchase this equipment at a substantial cost savings as compared to leasing the b that the Oakland County Board of Comissioners approve the 1 -rid County PSAP equipment consistent with the attached C maintoin t: from Miere.f purchase program ae... FEE 96 Commissioners Minutes Continued, March 26 1987 Committ the ba'- 'ly reports be presented to the Public Services Emergency 'idnagement Division and to to purcic. an ALI controller from another ye es,. i...s- • i , sHlation. arl rsIntenance of this ALI controller r ,: • c . ir, Air oontroller BE, n„f'GLVED that shouid 6 Pl.1/-aP choose another vender to acquire the ALI controller, the ' d •1 responsible to determine compatbility and coordinate the purchase, installstion, - .atonance arrangements. Mr, :,:cson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resollo PUBLIC SERVICES CWIMITIEE Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson Copy of attachments on file in County Clerk's Office. Report Ey Planning and Bui 9 Cofifaittee IN RE: EMS and ..g,ncy Management Division - Purchase of 9-1-1 ALI Controller and PS/IF Equipment To the Public ServiNs Committee Mr. Chairperson, Laci:. and Gentlemen: The Plan al and Buildino Committee has reviewed the above-referenced item and reports uit.h the recoramendali.,n that the appropriate amount of Fundiny COffle„ from the capital improvement program and that thi ctached resolution be adoptdd with the addition of the following paragraph: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should any PSAP desire to purchase an ALI controller from another vender, the County will or for the purcnase, installatioa, and maintenance of this ALI controller up to the Michigan Bell sommunications, Inc. ALI Controller cost RE IT FURTHER RES01.77B that should s PSAP choose dnot`e?r vendor to acquire the ALI controller, the FLAP will be res-snsible to determide cowatibility and coordinate the purchase, installation, and mir.enance err sgements. The P1 r'' ,nd Building Cwamittec Further recommends that a compilation of the equipment costs i - earticipating community be provided for tire Finance Committee to review. Mr. Chalrpc.son, on behalf of the Planninq and Building Ccruittee, I submit the foregoing report, PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson ion al. ;..,ant (Misce the Flea or. Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 26, 1987 97 FiEi 1 Note By 2 more Coamittee IN s. EMS and Emergency Management Purchase of 9-1-1 AL! Conte1er an( To the Oakland County Boar... iE r.06t1' Chairperson, Ladies are Pursuant to Rul .' Resolvtion 087057 and finiai.. i The sit.st to insis year i.ssr• e. $412,2/1 installatiisi . The cost to purcf - 10 year pTi -T 5625,000 equipmes , S) Ole purchas.i, 1 $2,212,000 over a 10 year -ince and PSAP 6:a, ;tr• -: lot EMS/Emci .:Tesi Telephone eoi.tEive: 4-1.,C 17 • "ll scellaneous 9-1-1 eciu40e t • ,f .0 over a 10 TO ',air year ; f d vi 1-1 eq6ipm-..1 . 2;_ad over a 255,000 per year 0LIctenence -dile 9-1-1 euuipricr. n 1 suls io : ' :,vings of attachr..ut), sale for the ptie ,ehae. of 9-1-1 controller yam the Capital TEa-ovclent Program Budget and to be purcha'--1 and maintained through the loads as follows: E.lcht. Fund $(412,271) nn E-1-1 EMS/Emergency (260,000) 3-61500-135-i:i5-00-H:1 0 Tc:Twa 4-10100-177-26i-00-a/50 9-1-1 1 Er-i!:: !ELI, • sins ons Fund 9-1-1 625,000 eiiation 47,271 -u - TAriTcE commITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Jensen -Lf2 report an accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Moffitt tha resolution he adopced. ALES: Calandro, Crake, Doyen, Gosling, ifibut , J011!-Orl, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, LuAon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ri:1 McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution uas adopted. Misc. 87074 By Transportation Committ,6 IN RE: (SUPPORT) SOOTHE ai'ElM MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (SEMTA) RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE LEGISLATURE P.i] LlvERNOR SUPPORT Al! INCREASE IN THE MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL CREDIT PROGRAM To the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the "Municipal Credit Proralo" mas createe by fhe Michigan Legislature to give cities, townships and villages in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties the opportunity to provide transportation service which augments existing SEMTA service; and WHEREAS a majority of trips provided under the Municipal Credit Program are for the direct benefit of the older adult and disabled population; and WHEREAS S2 million is provided annually from SEMTA's general operating budget and the coney is distributed to communities based on population; and WHEREAS the Municipal Credits can be used by communities for any operationel transportation project; and WHEREAS $2 million is insufficient to provide ior even emergency transportation needs in many colthilunities which lack adequate public tritrisporlation service; and WHEREAS in the 1986 budget of the Michian Department of ir.tasportation's Transit Development !+ccount in the Bureau of UrOss and Public 'transportation, because of higher than anticipated gas consumption, money is available for r4anding the Municipal Cr:dit Program, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County li06C(, Of CO'th: io,-;ers supports the SEMTA Board of Directors' resolution requesting •fittt the Michigan Tegislateae and the Governor support an increase in the Municipal Credit Program with funding allocatiid from the Transit Development Account in the Bureau of Urban and Public Transportation in the hrichigan Departaient of Transportation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies ol this reselutian be sent to all Oakland County stet:: legislators and to the county's legislative agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Trahsportation Committee, I move the adoption of the foreoing resolution. T1r41!SPOR1A11011 COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Mj ABUSE - -als in the id heat this .;r1 the private "du or tiff' its at any Oakland County time require substance one ,ram pr• servi for the "dual at substance ,ts .o.„ any one time; Eital 6 hac serve • diagnosis" a(mse/psychi and increase staff .. and L:lna:tted, a funding 'Enservice Training full-year cost, which 9/..) • Emalissioners F' iii Continued. ElJech 26, HiA/ Moved Ly McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution be aneEfed. air oerson referred the resolution to the Genera' no There were He Edict pr EEEE viceld be staffed uith icur . Jchiatric consultants, and sH)por: • all cued N or ct with St. joseph Mercy Hospi ,n tho Oakio nty Community Mental Health PEE.. •d has endorsed the nropewq •to he M H . r Department of Mental Health Iv GE. Opsepa Mercy Hospital to serve this ". • : fic • or; and wp,J , , boon requested in the amount of $1.SEJ,f(18 full-year cost, which • • would roe • ,. • . .• •Ol3; HfS. f• j • . •" m_vED that the Oakland County Board i esra.i. ,ioners approve the St.- -Josep . • - r, :El/Substance Abuse Program Applicai.,,a, recommended by the Community r H- av'• mrd. Mr. • nairperson, on bennlf of the Hca',th and Human Services Committee, I .move the adoption of IsE foregoing resolution. :1"H AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Si. in Kuhn, Chairperson Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Jenson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Li0:son,' McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Pewold, Rowland, 'I' Ii Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro. (25) HAYS: For (0) adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was Misc. 87076 By Lfesf th and Pnraa c_yer : C r, 'a I t.ce IF RE.: Community Ment61 laNd N)UEL 10 '1 'FRAMING ,f(LIECT - PROGRAM APPLICATION is the Oak I, ii Li Goard cf V1c, ChPirp;" tddies ann f;(-nt!ci.len: WIE Pl ES . model inservico lonioihn prop:nal: has been on-going since the fall of 1983 at ne Wayne MeiaZn dE• ,ten . • R ,ard; ohd WI 'J..- Iii (al findi,o•• f•EE incmcut.:1 d measurable increase in the ability of staff to It and prohlelm ,ic perso iCr Ci consequently, also resulted in staff expo- Enc.-LH-4n with fal ir work; sod lesolts have encouraged the Michigan H Cr of l.-untal Health to extend ',aunty Community Mental Health. —vice project would be to ) s, eo. • 'runty Community ' include continued training of theraH . E., sae rri ,11 supervision, Jeminars; and 'cc) von from this tra ig p oj prodoctivi 4e clinical services to ciiHs..w ,iad en ae Oakland County Community: E'r •l proposal to the Michigan Department of Mental a to p Model Project th,ongh a contract with the 'Wayne State School of hecucsne; and WHEREAS State funds have been requested in the amount of !,:,45,000 mold require County match of l,t ,000. uork. w:.ch riencing this projec 1 o WHEGE, Mental Halt' case consul (a Moc, Serm NOV Ser;-• hoar c. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health adoption of the foregoing resolution. BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commi ,ing Project Program Application as recommended by the C , HEALT F TOMAN SERVICoLlel liYEE Susan Kuhn, Chairperson Human Services Cc oittee, I move the di S approve the ental Health Skarritt the resolution be adopted. Moved McDonald Rowlar: 0(100, 910) OT -0- Chairperson Commissioners MinuO,es Continued. March 26, 1981 99 Gosliwao 'oadrt, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, wfson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, iii1cox, Aaron, Calandra Crake. (24) (u) ity having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 6 By Health IN RE: MENTALLY lo the CM- Mr. Cr Cowittee ',Aealth FAMILY FOSTER CARE PROGRAM Board of Commissioners and Csi,t1ciat. Community 'Laïi•1 Health Bodrd approved the application for funds to serve F,ontally ill in the aiiiouot of $301,500 in its 19135/87 request to the State ot which Cf ,600 could be C a.olicaticin was approved through the County's grants and contracts procedure establishao :los #86186; anti kb(o-fa , Mchigan Oepartro:nt of Mental health has air lien tho County that they are willing t. 1.or o:-oirun in the ac. of 5.,I47 ,l73 of which F1,.Ui is to be in County matching funds uhiC. ia o ya-iance greatar than PA; drld WHia iaddciion in the number of bed days on an anoualized basis drops from the request ,.,' Lo•t. c. . .tAs which still allows for some of the current needs to be !riot. bE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland COlinty Uoard - Of CoMmissioners acce 1'1 The State's tiler 1 :zricy to contract for the development of foster care beds to serve mentally ill children. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I cove the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND EUMA11 SERVICES COMMITTEE Susan G. Kuhn, Chairperson Fiscal Note By Finance Commitaoe IN RE: Commurao: Mental Health - Mentally I11 Children's Family Foster Care Program (Miscellaneous Resolution fliec To the Oakland (tanty Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, ioidies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI -G of this Board, the Fioanco Coucitteo revieed Miscellaneous Resolution #81062 and finds: 1) The Michigan Department of Hootai Honith hos approved a Ccwi,iunity Montal Health Division program in the amount of 0147,173 for the period October 1, 1986 through September 30,1987 to develop twelve (12) family foster care beds servinc; intally ill children. 2) Cost of the program for the balance of 1927 (April 1 through December 31, 158/) is T,110,380 consisting of '.'5;108,540 State funding and 21,840 Couoty iaatch. 3) An amount of .i1,840 is avoilable ih the 1 987 Contingency account. 4) The Board of Commissioners tronsfers from Contingency to the 18/ Community Mental Health Division Budget as a grant notch, C 'cakes the following nticlet cijuSci eats: Egpenditures 4-22200-166-09-00-3041 4-22200-166-34 -00-3042 Sources of Reveb 3- :.a00-903-01-00 -9940 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Clinical Services Client Services Total Expenditures Mental Health State Subsidy Contingeocy Total Revenue in FIPANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, N- I lorsen, ) ,ority haviro-) voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, A missioral rec:oa themseTvc• ergoniziA have s the Mi•h and Conifer pro:, , int: - iard of Co in- • dpport and consumers 3 th sikr' chi1. to help : ia IC pois teirr,e7 to Pt IC .• ; • -,!crr,FAT APPLICATION have for nas ' o - irt• rart -Tam and in 1 - • Th 3T t of te: other tl- t ii w e t has a6ieaAy au,m ".ed fundiw.g in the cu or COPSWN — amoAnt Mise By H; IN la: ADMISSTTO. To the Mr, Dia; vi Crimmittee t'. - P 1 (AlI EPHANCEMENT APPLICATIOH -ioners 100 Coruission , - Mr/mites Continued, ivare, aTT, 198/ I ,v KWIP sopeur,;' by Aahph lasPhorsor the resolution (with positive Fiscal Note attass; : • 0•Naoled. ,uhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, taw, 1 .a, McConnell, , Perinoff, Pernick, Price ; Rewold • auland, Skarritt, •. A sot of M• ntal Health has indicated that increased funding in the amount ti ;h' require... no County match; ; • 1 h: 0LVED thot 6.. Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the Pontios ; • : er Provam Eahaocemen . Application as recommended by the Community Mental Neolla Mr, C,1e. •person, on behalf or the Health cod Human Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of tOo ia.a,m,inci resolution. HEALTH AND HumAr SERVICES COMMITTEE Susan Kuhn, Chairperson Moved by Susan Kuhn supported hy 1_60 the resolution he adopted. AYES: Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Lou, on, McConnell, Angus McPherson, Rir McPherson, Moffitt, Per ii Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, C•P! [ii 'on, Gosling. (2'2 ) NA. le, (0) A s ricient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, rsi ,•ners id lever preening uni: has bee , and 1 5 5: - Menti-.1 ,-• .1. f.• • • :v ,•- • ,P to Clln'T -• I' approviE,' • -- v '-nd costly forms of p requirements (.)- u ,•.. ••„, „,••• :11 adults, it is es Screening unit, : Hee; • :.! . „ te -Nspita; physicians in 0ee • • - on t ee •. c-a ti 1 ,1 health statutes for nunity Mental Health by Community Mental J.Errve at an independent ,ved en (Lays a WUK; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Comminity Menta l propos,l to the Michigin Department of Mental Heal Screendg Pr'iorere ,"Eficient to provide for this et and WElt would requirc NOV A Admission/Di: Health Sarvi4 Mr. adoption of ' funds have been requested n of $28,296; rsaVED that the Oaklana -d of Commissione approve the Enhancement applicaJr,a as tea aftmended by the Co nity Mental the Health and HU777 Services Committee, I move the .ervices Board has submitted a funding Icance the budget Of the Pre-Admission tsychiatric component of the program; $254,665 full-yeAr cost, which Kuhn rson ..,ontinited. March 26, 1987 101 uate to Scree is seral' t for this a 24-hour HEALTH AND ac. sravicEs COMMITTEE Tported by Doyon thJ r. solution be .31(4 :(tinn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McCtnno, ,otl, Pernick, Rewald, Rowland, Skarritt, Aro, t• • h (22) . nne, Angus McPherson, Aaron, Caddell, A sufficicnt majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mist: 37079 By Health and H IN RE: Comm: ii CAMBROOK HOMt T To the Oa; • Mr. C•1•-lrin: FLICATION J of Loamissioners d G ntlemen: a group of concerned parents having developmentally disabled children m" • a, .c,•:.o.•m under the name Voice for trio Mentmlly -Hatmlacapped for the purpose of I a -JP,u living environment for mentally disabled persons unable to function ; and hey located a suitable home for fifteen handicapped adults located in "y• j. k!: Lady of the Lakes Church and financially supported tne operation through annual oarage si• • and bake sales; and HHEREC :.-a lembers of the Voice for the Mentmlly Handicapped are becoming aged and ra 'onoer .•, • . • • ..,,:. •,. ae meet the financial demands required by the home, they approached Jusl - I° Center ::-U Community Mental Health to assume administrative and fiscal 'o .,eration of the how; and currently operates under contract with Macomb/Oakland Regional Cen; .h••• t. '5 er tit; developmentally disabled; and only Community Mental Health Services Board has subOtted a funding prop{ ..•i • n • • ,t of Mental Health to allow for the Cambreok House to continue open,. ;g , • • ..hd m, •t1 n ildividi, Lls through a contract with Judson Center; and WILS';b7;:. h.• 1 e ,(n I so niannoc oent coordinator position would be required; and WHEIa.Ys S;af.. rctilested in the amount of !;,220,194 full-year cost, which would require Csurrf:, ch of $5. NOW THEREFORE BE IT Rta0Lv,0 that the Oakland County Board of Comdssioners approve the Cambrook Home Transfer Program /Tplication as retamuminded by fne Community Mental Health Services Board. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health utfd Hunalfi Services Comndttee, I move the adoption of the for000ing resolution. HLAI1H AND HOPAN SL,UICES COMMITTEE Susan Kuhn, Chairperson Moved by Susan Kuhn supported Uy Crake the resolution be adopted. AYES: Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Euf-toh, McConnell, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Hooart, Jensen. (23) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 1 I LI which d wouIc fcchir ID HUMAN aann, Chat T. TTEE. TiO! 102 IffmmIss, coL es Corti nu cs . ica1I [lea 1 th of the Heal th Seovich I soM: • I mve the adoption Sc of thc 1,tx McConn 11 To' 1 a n d 1.4) Mof f tt Calandra, -esolutichn was adopted,. : by IctA,H and the resol McPherson. C., a d (1E-1 . more recs- funds , syper contract for cdse in th • p I 3 Commission, '2 March 26, 1987 103 ' Angus Calane'io voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Pc: sick. R•rnard C'I•MUNITY DE ELOPMENT FUNDS - PROGRAM APRi.j .•i 3M inflation.; home bae••,,: Rmunity Mental Health with funJ, ;,HJ!mtion of the Mr. Cno, developm• home is J en considerable delays in daici seen - of -•be home, and owe small group foster care homes in Commerce Township for sis been approved by the Board of Commissioners, and the first Community Mental •!• -I 'n S•.-.Fc:. • Booed ha:, proposed to the Michigan ii! • !H• ••i.• -- with the cencocrigi ,• C..4—rce Township -- that remainin9 funds for ti!, ig home redirected i other r oldential services for the same developme. J1 , .. • J :ic,Illy. for a planned Respite Care Home for adults ..J.• • mie for medically fragile, developrentally disabled I ndividual - e •ul g , u- ,• (semi-independent apartment) bedl, for persons suited for a • . R.• . . • je.i care - J.. - • L, :1 Haeement when a family is in crisis and can no louger maintain the!, •••R: . r.. Hel- : son or daughter at home; and • " He. proposed Oy the Community Mental Health - Services Board would require no cod i f; o4 matching funds; NOW • • r!. iR II RESOLVED that. the Oakland County Hoard of Commissioners approve the Redirection e --" D)..abled Community Development Funds Program Application" as recoam mended by the eee ii . th Services Board. Mr. Cn--- balf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the adoption of the for. R. resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Larry Crake, Vice Chairperson Moved by Crake supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarrift, Calandro, Crake, Doyog, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 67083 By Health and Human Services Committee IN RE: Community Mental Health SPECIALIZED CARE FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISAHLLOP,RDICALLY SAG ILL CHILDREN -PROGRAM APPLICAI1Of To the Oakland County Board of ComRdssioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Sentience: WHEREAS Oakland County Commafnity Mental Hemlth is currently providinc; limitea services to several medically fragile children k,ho are diggoosed as LID.; and WHEREAS all of these children require .-Istant professional and/or medical supervisio,1 order to sustain life; and WHEREAS personal funds and third party covere-;!e vu 11 not cover the entire cost of the needed supervision; and WHEREAS it is our objective to keep these children in their natural home rather than dfi institution and that their families have indicated a strong willingness to maintain the family unit; and WHEREAS Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Boaro has submitted a funclincj proposal to the Michioan Department of Mental Hei?Ith to partially assist each family in providing the medical and supervisory services required of their chf)n, and WHEREAS State funds have been requested in the amount of 5162,152 full-year cost, uhich Hi ACC Larry Moved by Crafos supported by jenson the resolution ba Misc, By H IN PI PSYCHI , To th MT, C -t diffi.ii dispao if; State r • Fairlawn for Stat.. the cont. faciliti. alsd by •.• Servicf ommittee, 1 move. the 104 Comwiss oners linutes Crartinuee. Marek 2o, loaf aopuld require C • lr m.• a i NOP 111E' • ' 1.. " .,0 foal the Ock'aral County BC.'"0 of Commisvirners approve the 1rzr Ce• a • ()Isar.' ./Modicoet 'ra1 1 fdren (rag. •of Application as rcroffnorfl. hy fNcr Hca 1 ft •• • w !, Che.. . • on behalf of . H: esh to' Hugh,: • fh mm. • •rc,I move the adeoffeh c, the fwa ,• w ir resolution. o •ha k , u: n, McDonalo, Angus McPhersor Price, Rewold, kofvfend, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra C Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (20) At Nene, (0) ' sufficient. ifojority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Hr mar taorvm:: Couvittee MCTC• '1Pit EN . • -1sfeff'. SMHANCEMEN1 APPLICATION fl ri . •0 Cm, •H Joners Health Oivi ifi - - t i ccf"ag psys • I. . , h e dngr-f for th • • ' ending is eHoble to o . t r and f yor os well as in otL 1 WE Coomniii Mental Health an , • e, d dning h 1 staff privileges to be cha ifirn • a -1 • : • -ease 1 care for Cdmmunity Mental Ho a' u 'a te this pl, :au- •f.rking relationsimu dt • • s • :H • . %,tlffrists da•f r,. itvels for those e0p1:-. - • • f paid Communty Mental le i•1 . a proposal to a : e,-, .:t of Mental Health to J0 0. tn, t h: • t prowrams udi 1 • -• h •• • ptychiatrist sala ifs ',ha ltfe (base) to . . • ; : and h d=n requested in the amount. ef ,1 cost, which would requir ft t,• a: 'Crt Cr eK. flf IT i HLIED that the Oakland County ;:.rd . cisa sfloners approve the Psychiatrist Sa:ary Equity Apr ication as recomrmanded by the Crmfdo v - datal Health Services Board. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of thu health and Human adoption of the foregoing resolution, ,.:1MITTEE HEALTH AND HUMAN SEFYI h Larry Crake, Vice Char,- Moved by Crake supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. Moved by Cainnoro supported by Rov4land the resolution be referred to the Personnel Committee for review. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was referred to the Personnel Committee. Misc. 87053 By Personnel Lamittee IN RE: CirH.:„ f.fmdtrict Courts INCREASE Ti: PAYMENTS FOR JUDGES To the OaklfH C.:)unty • •c-i of Commissioners Mr. Chair...Lf. ,h6 Gentiemon: le.gislature increased the salary rates for Supreme Court Justices to $94,000 er. -::5.1iary 1, 1987; and u:.iTh Act 438 of P.A. 1980 established salary ceillfl• of WY of the annual salary of a Justice for Circuit Judge.,; and 88% of the' of a Supreme Court Justice for 00v..1rt and P Judges; and WHEREV: a• Icrahl• total annual 0 1 .u) for Circuit for 1987 is 105 Probate a. -abate Judges nts y J :•nment to ;es; and _LJed payments Probat,; ffective 0 ' District Jud9, incrft Circe', be 1 Judge aent ,ILJ 1986, effec.- ilccrissioners emen: of this Board, the Finance Committee has rev Miscellaneous ewed * Includes ; tory payment toward state statutory caicey Mr. Chair1 r )n, I move the adoption of the forerjoirnj resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jahh. P. Calandro, Chairperson strict Courts - Increase to County Supplemental Payments for Judges P. Resolution 1) C. portion of each Circuit Court Judge's salary be increased from 630,118 to S34,780 retroactive ;;Ie. ty 1, 1987, 2) The cc r of this increase amounts to $76,605, of uhich $65,268 is the salaries cost and S11,337 is the trif, b; dfit cost, 3) The Curt.. ,• Jlion of each Probate Court Judoe's salary be increased from t)31,337 to 1142,190 retroactive 1987, 4) The r . . is increase amounts to $29,0E4, of which P19,412 is the salaries cost and $9,642 is the C • • it cost, 5) The fdrtion of each Probate Court Judoe's salary be increased from $34,295 to $10,530 retroactive J 1, 1987, 6) The co t of this increase amounts to S24,940 in salaries cost reimbursable from the State, 7) The County portion of each District Court JUd2'S salary he increased from $31,337 to 535,190 retroactive January 1, 1987, 8) The cost of this ihcrease amounts Le $51,254, of which P43,677 is the salaries cost and 57,507 is the friroe benefit cost, 9) the Boarc of tommic:.inners find said 'Minds available in the 1937 Salaries Adjustreot account one Fringe Bancrit Adjustment account, 10) The Board of Commissioners appropriates 1153,297 from 1987 Salary Adjustment account and 5-28,536 from the 1987 Frinoe Benefit account and transfers said funds to the 1987 Circuit, Probate and District Courts as follows: 4-10100-909-09-00-9901 Salary Adjustment $(153,207) 4-10100-909-09-00-9906 Frinoe 8Jnefit Adjustment (28,565) 4-10100-.11-05-00-1001 Circuit Court Salaries 65,268 4-100-. 11-05-00-2075 Circuit Court Fringe Benefits 11,33/ 4-1110:1 -J22-01-00-1001 District Court I - Salaries 14,569 4-10100-322-01-00-2075 Disttrit Court 1 - Frinoe Benefits 2,529 IN PE: (Miscell To the Oi Mr. Chai n 11 Probate Court ; Mr. Porinaff r if.I.ed Ms. Hobart state the reason for her "abstention" vote. , 105 Cociaissioner Minutes Confmede. tdruh - . • I . • • • , ! .1 • . I for each 4-1C.0 1-107et _ !-Ht' oefits frcsi ii• ns: ii r., ) Revenue - Probate Court jude ia, . 4-(0100-90E-01-0O-E900 Contift„efej FINANCE COMJITTEE G. Uilliam Caddell, Chairperson Joved by Calandra supporter by Feriforf and del son the resolution (with positive Fiscal Note aLtachod) be adopted. Ii on fo1lowed. 111001 (1, Anus, McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Prunoff, Pernick, Prii Reweld, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Crate, Gosling, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxor). 7t0) NAYS: Rowland, hi icon, Calandro, DoyoN, .iensen. (5) ANSTAIH: Hobart. (I) Ms. (lobar: sal P she had abstained from voting because the County will be required to pay for the Supplement •; Payments and thoy don't need her vote. [ii. ucssion folloived. Corporation Counsel stated that you cannot force a person to vote; therefor the Chairperson stated the Board would worry about the legal aspect if it gets down to the wire.' The Chairperson announced that a sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution oas adopt' •M Misc. 8. By Purr a. ortlis IN RE: - •1 1 Ttrarit 1933 A[ '7 f ,ve •AIIIH FOURTH QUARTERLY REPORT To the 0o! . Hrs.-a of Commissioners Jr. Chairpf tau a 1 bentlumeh: tOR. •: ir ,iry Administration Study Group report apprt-ti • by the Board of Commissioners in December r''' orovid.: far a rovieo and appeal process -for depail, its and euplrt-ees wishing to challenge -Mu ,1 ry grade placement of classifications; id NHEI;Aff the fourth quarterly report for 1 was submitted to Pert-nnel Committee identifying in reviews requested and the salary grade chca_ts recommended by the h rstAinel Depart- ment after completion of this fourth quarter review process; and ONEREAS funds have been astablfsned in thil Classifications and Rate change fund to implemnt salary grade changes resulting froi,1 salary administdation quarterly reports recommen- dations; aA WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed and approved this report; NOW THIERE111a BE IT 11 SCil.VED that changes in salary . grade placement and retitling of classes be impletfieW, for th ollowing classifications shown and that new classifications as indicated oe est.51 61a P.H. Nutrii , • PH. Nutri:', P.H. 05401, and 0 . . . . . - r.......: f n . . . _ . . .... . Retitle to' .. ,..... ... _ .,. • II (pos.. 105403) 10 9 s II (pos. #01641, 00318, 10 10 P.H. Nutritionist III (new class,, Reg. 0/T) 6 14 7 8 10 10 12 40 5 6 7 9 13 H tie leii) Tervices (hew ialist- (pc 107 Commissioner. Mint . • Continued. March 26, 1987 0/T1 'CD thet the EMS and Emergency lana ,.m, is Assistant classification five Assistant - [MS and 1) sister Cont.ol in 19861 which :)as removed ainistrdtion Third Quarterly Report resolution, be placed at the salary Job Evaluation Review Padel (salary grade 14) retroaclave to December k_0, on behalf of the Personnel Comwittee, I move the adoption of the PLUSONWI. COMM -FEL Julio P, Calandro, Chairperson amdment - 1986 Salary Administratioh - Fourth Quarterly Report (Miscellaneous of Commissioners Gent)emen: ST-G of tois Board, the Finance Cummittea has revieDed Miscellaneous 1 process established by the Board oi Commissioners to reconsider the classifications and/or the classificatiOn of positions, the Personnel - attached Salary System Quarterly hedort and recommends the salary grade tions and the reclassification of positions specified in Miscellaneous cost for the recommended sdlary grade placement changes is $25,00 for salaries and $3,822 ior fringe bencfits, 31 Salary cost for the period March 24, 1587 throuc;h Deceirber 31, 1507 is 319,691; Fringe Benefit cc' t •tJ the same period is $5,054, 4) $2T,•.: is available in the 1987 Appropriation heserved for Transfer - Classification and Rate Changes a' • wit (909-01-00-9902) for said purposes, 5) The Board of Commissioners appropriates !.B ,l'.:681) from the 1982 Appropriation Resarved for Transrer - Classification and Pate ChdnfJos acroant add transfers said amount to 19E2 Division, Budgets as per the attached Schedule A. 1- I HrFCIT. 40401 THE c. Ii iur,u I,;drieil, Chairperson Copy of Schedule A co iile Ms Lunacy Clect't Moved by Cialandro supported ny hobJci cesoleTloa (iii CC favorable 11scd1 Note dtbached) be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt, ilelsod, Perinoff,. Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, UrIcok, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, fanni, Law, Lu::cd, (icConnell. (26) 118YS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, thi ,:a resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note attached) was adopted. BE IT FIR (fc•-derly titleo fr.::the 1586 Sald•y ) recommended by tf 15h:. Mr. Chairperson, foregoing resolution. Elsdal Note Fy Tinci(1ce C IN RE: Per Pesoiuti. n To the Oakl Mr. Chairp s Fur Resolution 08 1) salary grade DP'e Committee has 1 , • placement of clussT• Resolution 08701)2, 2) Annual Mi fly iii Ii • ation is pht -; • • s. • .• Real Estate Sertien which 10C Commissioners Minutes Continued. 'iii Rti,LP Ti Mr, C • renarcMr particuiaC cl • 1 —iott •t currently ai r 1 1. Yolt : Ye •t 11 .p increJse in responsibilii , uorklead a„ • tre cie • : • t ction„ Now i-FLt*Isf H• '• S01.),cb that of (1) ro• iLien of iypist I Le created in the Property Nanajevient L I p. n Ccutsel, BE IJ FUF.N. T• 'so:1 V ..0 if resdarch determines that this position can be funded throunh HUD sources that it wi:l 1..• hanyed to "other sources" funded position, rather than county budgeted position. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PChSONCE1_ COMMITTLE John P.• Lalandro, Chairperson Fiscal hote Ely Finance Coaui,t• IN RE: C—por L r - Counsel/Property Management - Request to Create One (1) Typist I Position (Miscellaat te. c T0 the oa;f. 0.; rissioners Mr. Chairici-:.iu. • . J o i•dn: Purm.: • t9l Y: t • f this Board, the Finance Committee has revieued Miscel -Lon(5ous Resolution MC' 1) -1.5. l•r f ,mmittee has recommended one (1) Typist I position be estab7is'ded in the Corporation : cstate Unit. 2) let o• „und this position from March 28, 1987 through December 31, 1987 is 914,442 of which .1;13 • • ey cost and S,3,323 is fringe benefit cost. 3) • . c!ailable in the 1987 Contingency Account. to fund this position for the time period list.o 4) Thu id of Commissioners appropriates 914,442 from the 1•. contingency Account and transfers said ni:scuJ ty. the 1987 Corporation Counsel Budget as spec. lii • 90r.-,H 00-9900 CoJtingency $(14,t42) 11 ePti, 00-1001 Corp, Counsel Salaries 10,P19 115-lL-00-2070 Corp. Counsel ii '105 3. '23 _ 5) In the event that this position can be funded by oth -ci - sc•irtds, the Department of Management and Budqet will transfer back the miionnt of this allocation to the Contingency Account, rINANCE COMNITTEL C. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Calandro supported by Alibus McPherson the resolution he adopted. AYES: Angus McPherson, Rue) McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Remold, Rouland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Lukon, McConndll, McDonald, (25) NAYS: Hone. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with positive Fiscal Note attached) was adopted. Misc. 870F0 By Personrc: CommW IN RE: A !4N!':',RY (OMMHTCATIONS INSTALLER POSITION IN THE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS UNIT OF THE DEPARiMH' CO (If!TM. To the Oak': ommissioners Mr. Chairpel ,!;E:! :.• f.—otlemen: viHr! : -4 : "•-t.ifi Rule 4, Section V, provides for the return of an employee to the originatim. .w .;:g failure to complete a promotional probationary period; and WHEHAS the emi.,;e,oc's former position has been filled in the interim thus resu/Liny in a temporary ove .e ..taffing as provided for in the Rule; ic foudlo Division, total addi transfers enue -Productive Labor fr ,••rating Transfer In )2alaries lringe Benefits (3,680) $ (3,6R0) ( 10 ' ) Mo' Incone/Loss •ar, tc Finance Committee h. reviewed Misceilneous Reserve, which was sia,, month period "uad i? • , • .• ( L p. it • ai (•. ni, Support Services Uith c,.: . U -Clit as neeted, Garaia are c . tin t 'l3,C,80 and will reduce the is positiou, ii thC-' 10R I/ Conielniaency ; ropriates t,10,05"--, from tla , 1507 Contingency Account and aufnications Fund Js folleus: ngency in Transfer Out -Radio 10 iHI COMMIllLE 0, William Caddell, Ctiairperson Moved by Calandra supported by Angus McPherson the resolution Hitt positive Fiscal Pote attached) be adopted, AYES: Fuel McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Stern ti, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobert, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Tuxon, McDonald, Angus McPherson. (24) aAYS: Calandro, McConnell, (2) A sufficient wajority havinf2 voted therefor, the resolution 6„Uth Fiscal Note attached) was adopted, Misc. 81080 By Commissioners Doyon, Price and To: and IN RE: Solid Haste - SITE SELECTION PROCESS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairper ,on, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS members of the Planning and Building Committee participated in a tour of waste -to-enaeyciii ties conducted in consorf with Lie Municipal Solid Waste Board; and the participants of this tour learned aboGt she operation of these facilities which had nc ccrnsidered in the Oakland County Site selection process; and -le of the facilities '.,,ere located in indurttrial -cof6ercial areas; and of energy in the torn of stoma and electricity is r epentant to defray t_;:• •• • . • t Mit; and facilities that were visited the representatives stressed V.IJ importance of Timai.ri :c ii potential to the profitability of the facility; and I in Ill Fp,;Cd seven-couni industrial prope• ty WHERE/is 1 revenue wnils NOW TIO sharing similar to BE IT FURFill legislators and to to , Mr. [hall Miss , By IF is 1 r 1. 1' • iodustriel 6 base; and INF nation and ti Miontaapoli. LYNH D. ALLEN Clerk ROY REMOLD per son 110 Commissionors Minutes Confirmed. in ,, UHF i t 1 iornitani n 'eat sill intovioo Isr Ismai ' e ft PFSoi t H e site sin fiEland itnnity finnicip I Lolio 11 LO ias ility be fi0000/0 ((Hit land County I cou,ois! 1E- ' Planning and • J ,0,-, . ,• the Muni. i :,a1 Solid Waste we oove ttie anoption cn john . 1 ,••• 6hoirue0son referred the 051 00 to fhe were no oij , tions, Comittee, There tOO OF iiTX -BAS1 SHAUING LEc,TsLAilor IN THE MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE onors ire exploding with new comercial and are struggling to maint.ain jobs and tax siio • i 's evident metropolitan areas across the ! rious probss,i ,i., CC s trop • -rho weeith was addressed in the lishment el a • ei •• ! 1 tnd ,,idnesota Plad alloi ! , :,-• jurisdictions in the 'itas area to share 40 , tie growth in Commercial and Minnesota. Plan area shairm 1. t41 million of property tax nrouth and no-preuth 1. I)that legislation n. . .ed in Losing for tax-base Th;t, copies of this resolul • a: .!!, • to all Oakland County state lcg,slative agent. move the adoption- of the toce.•(•ing re.s•T -ionS Ruel E, Mc 1, • A. Doyen, Angus hePli,..!.on, A, F.:;:cline Luxon, Hubert Pri , jr., T. Rowland cohmuniii brctme stagnant The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Commissicner Pernick requested Corporation Counsel review the Statutes regarding voting and make a'. report to the General Government Committee regarding what the Statute says. Yil2 Chairperson said the request uould be complied ihth, In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson: FINANCE a. HI MA - 4 Mill b. DNR - Marine Safety Funding c.. scrioc, - AUQB 1987 Charge U. Michigan Association of Boards of Health - Liability Meeting GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. SETTIA (Support) Increase in State Municipal Credit Program HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES a. SEOTA - (Support) Increase in State Municipal Credit Program b. Michigan Association of Boards of Health - Liability Meeting PLANNING. AHD BUT a. SEMCOC-AWQB 1987 Charges b. Rouge Rescue - June 6, 1987 PUBLIC SERVICES a, DNR - Marine Safety Funding TRANSPORTATION a. Oak Park (Opposition to Additioaal Funds for County Roads) b. SEMTA (Support) increase in State Municipal Credit Program There were no objections to the referrals. The next meeting of the Board will be April 9, 1987 at 9:30 A.M. The Board adjourned at 8:50 P.M.