HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1987.10.08 - 7240OAKLAND COUNTY
Board Of Commissioners
October 8, 1987
Meeting called to order at 9:53 A.M. by Chairperson Roy Rewold in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Angus McPherson, Ruel McPherson, Moffitt,
Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Invocation given by Commissioner Hubert Price.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Ruel McPherson tne minutes of the September 17, 1987 meeting
be approved as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson made the following statement:
"At this time a Public Hearing is now called on 'Increasing Property Taxes. Notice of
the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on September 29, 1987. Are there any
persons present that wish to speak on the Public Hearing?"
Daniel T. Murphy, Dr, G. William Caddell, Christie Mitchell, Virginia Bluris, Dennis
Aaron and Mary McMaster addressed the Board. No other persons requested to be heard and the
Public Hearing was declared closed.
Clerk read card of acknowledgement from the family of former Commissioner Alexander
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Roy Rewold appointing Commissioner Ruel McPherson to
fill the unexpired term on the Zoning Coordinating Committee for the position formerly held by
Commissioner John Rowland.
There were no objections to the appointment.
Clerk read letter from County Executive Daniel T. Murphy announcing the appointment of
the following persons as members of the Children's Village Advisory Council:
incumbents: Sue Ann Canvasser, Pearl Matich, Eleanor Mickens, Louise Parker, Andrew T.
Yang, Ph.D., Timothy Patterson
New Members: Reginald H. Butler, Jr. (Tod), Erma Heck, Susan C. Kuhn, Dennis M. McGee,
Andrew E. Ordiway and Tracye L. Walker.
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Gosling the appointments be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
The following persons addressed the Board: Dorothy Eicker, Jean Milton and John King.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Moved by Gosling supported by Moffitt the rules be suspended and the agenda be amended
for the following:
h. P •-. - Drain Commissioner - Soil Erosion Enforcement Plan (Waive Rule XI C
Mel tipi..rcierral)
C. CONL;H'' ital Health - Cambrook Home Transfer, Acceptance of Grant. (Waive
Ruie 2 ......C.. Cut of Sequence wth Grants Procedure)
a. Appiopcionef Funds - Oakland County Road Commission (Waive Rule XXVII
Five Day Notification - Committee met October 7, 1987)
AYES: Lanni, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page,
Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Gosling,
Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (23)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried,
and the agenda, as amended, was approved.
Commissioner Richard Skarritt presented a plaque to Magistrate (and former County
Commissioner) Ralph Nelson,
Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, presented the following 1988-1989 Biennial Budget
OCTOBER 1, 1987
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It is my pleasure to present the County's first Biennial Budget Recommendation,
This recommendation continues the tradition of balanced finances, service delivery and
efficiency, but new ground is also broken.
With the Board's support, a two-year budget and five-year plan is presented. Budget
emphasis is no longer solely on the numbers but also on the why, what for, and how behind the
numbers. The "position papers" which accompany this budget cannot be over emphasized. They
provide a basis on which to understand departmental request and, more importantly, evaluate
Too often, past budgets were treated as events - County's resources were appropriated
and that was the end of it. The budget has not been treated as an ongoing process or a device to
monitor or measure performance.
This Biennial Budget Recommendation provides the basis for continual evaluation and
allows time to carry out that evaluation. It provides opportunity. It is now up to the Board and
the operating departments to avail themselves of the opportunity.
Before going into the details, the departmental effort, particularly that of the
Prosecutor's Office, deserves note. It was and is apparent the departments, with few exceptions,
put great and meaningful effort in their requests. My observation is: greater efforts have been
made than in past budgets.
The 1988 -89 Recommendation is dependent on available revenue which establishes the
budget parameters. (Even with the benefits of economic prosperity, departments are not given the
option of management by more, though some approach the budget this way.) Within the confines of
available revenues, departments have been given maximum flexibility to shape their programs.
The Recommendation is based on the premises of maintaining the current tax rate of
4.6931 mills for general operation and .24 mills for Parks and Recreation. Total resources
(excluding the Road Commission) for 1988 are 263.0 million and for 1989 are 273.2 million. (The
1988 total includes a carried forward amount of $5.9 million and the 1989 total includes $3.4
million carried forward.) Primary sources of the increase are property and land transfer taxes
due to new construction and economic activity and increased state support for expanded mental
health activities.
Against these increases are the loss of $2 million in income from the delinquent tax
revolving fund due to tax law changes and investment strategies and $3 mil/ion in federal revenue
Property Taxes, while only 33% of the budget, comprise the single largest source of
income with $85 million. The remaining $176 million comes from user fees, charges for services,
state and federal sources and interest income.
Expenditures for 1988 are proposed to be $263.0 million with $1.8 million in contingency
and $273,2 million for 1989 with $3.5 million in Contingency. [he most significant increase is
for the jail expansion with $3 million built in 1988 and $4 million built in 1989. Some other
major cost increases include:
Commissioners. Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 302
The Jevenile Court (despite a ,J.ramatic increase in 98 -/) demands an ade-itional $330,800
for juveniles placed in private and state institutions.
The Automated Finger Print Aeatification System at a cost of $304,000 with offsetting
fee revenue is included.
Retirees Hospitalization adds $2.8 million though this is offset by a lower retirement
Greater access to the County's Breast Cancer Screening program at a cost of $397,000 for
1988 and $238,000 for 1989 also is included.
Forty positions are added in 1988 of which 31 are supported by increased re,/enue.
Eleven positions are added in 1989 including an additional District Court Judge and support staff.
(Note: though funds are being set aside for ,the jail expansion, specific staffing recommendations
are not included, said recommendations will be forthcoming.)
For continued implementation of the salaries administration project, to provide a modest
increase and in recognition it is increased employee productivity and employee effort that is
primarily responsible for the economic well being of the County, the equivalent of 5% and 4.5% of
payroll and related fringe benefits have been built into 1988 and 1989 respectively. This modest
increase will help keep pace with other employers and demonstrate it is not solely on the
employees the budget is balanced,
Government is to provide service and this Recommendation maintains that emphasis. The
Human Services of mental health, child care, social services, health care and medical care will
consume 69.2 million in 1988 and $71.4 million in 1989. Law enforcement fueled by jail expansion
will cost $40.7 million in 1988 and $43.1 million in 1989. Time courts, particularly because of
raising defense attorney cost and caseload increases at the district level, will cost $29.1
million in 1988 and $30.6 million in 1989. Public Works and Drain Commission cost increase to
$40.5 million for 1988 and $41.3 million for 1989. Other service activity such as the Clerk,
Economic Development, Parks and Recreation, Computer Services and Public Services will cost $35.0
million in 1988 and $35.6 million in 1989.
Administrative support in the form of accounting, personnel, purchasing, administration
and cash management.comorise.only.six. percent of expenditures.
This Recommendation continues my emphasis on management's efforts to maximize service
delivery. It also invites continual evaluation and understanding of our efforts.
My staff is ready and able to assist you, it is now up to you, the Board, to review the
Recommendation and evaluate its implementation.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel T. Murphy
Discussion followed.
Moved by Aaron supported by Doyon a second public hearing be held for the purpose of
considering the budget.
Discussion followed.
Vote on holding a second public hearing:
AYES: Law, Luxon, McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to hold a second public hearins
carried. The Chairperson stated the second public hearing will be held on October 22, 1987 as
8:00 P.N.
Misc. 87246
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County has numerous funds and the practice of accumulating interest to these
funds vary; and
WHEREAS accumulation of interest to various funds results in under recovery from third
party payees; and
KEREAS sonic func.7, are r..s>quired by law to retain interest; and
WHEREAS some funds generate their own revenue; and
WHEREAS the Airport's revenues are from aviation fund taxes anil user fees; and
WHEREAS it is the desire of the Board to establish a policy for accruing iterost to
various funds.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED interest earnings in all finds not r?quired by law o' fund ad
by separate tan levy be cedited to the General Fund.
BE IT FURTHER RECLVED the Airport Fund be allowed to continue interest accumulation until
such time as the Board deterennes otherwise.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED deviation from this policy only be allowed by Board Resolution.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Luxon, McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 8/247
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #85369 authorized the establishment of a separate fund .
for the insurance program; and
WHEREAS appropriations for the County Building and Liability Insurance Fund contributions
were approved in the 1987 Adopted Budget and were appropriated by department/division; and
WHEREAS a determination has been made relating to the amounts required to establish a
budget for the 1987 Insurance Fund; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee reviewed and approved the 1987 Gallagher Bassett contract;
WHEREAS the nature of the insurance fund allows for the markup of insurance costs to cover
insurance and risk management overhead; and
WHEREAS in 1988, and future years, related Salaries, Fringe Benefits and•Operating will be
charged to the Insurance Fund; and
WHEREAS at some time, funding in the Insurance Fund may be insufficient to cover
administrative overhead and funding by the General Fund will be necessary; and
WHEREAS all insurance obtained on behalf of Oakland County is recommended to be reviewed '
and approved by Risk Management and charged to the Insurance Fund; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1987 Budget be amended to add the Insurance Fund as
detailed on the attached schedule.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Insurance Fund is authorized to pay the 1987 contract ' •
between Oakland County and Gallagher Bassett as recommended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED if at any time, funding from the Insurance Fund is insufficient to
cover administrative costs, then said costs will be covered by the general fund.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all insurance obtained on behalf of Oakland County first be'.
approved by Risk Management.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Law the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, Luxon. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87248
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Budget - 1987 BUDGET AMENDMENTS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: •
WHEREAS recent tax law changes affect the County's ability to utilize tax exempt notes;
WHEREAS interest differentials exist between the rates , on taxable notes and County ... ,
investments; and
WHEREAS the Board appropriated an additional 1.5 million to the Capital Program to provide; ;
flexibility in considering jail financing; and
WHEREAS the Board has chosen utilization of a bond to finance jail expansion; and
WHEREAS such financing has negated the need for the 1.5 million and has provided for
reimbursement of portions of jail expansion previously financed by the capital program; and
and and
• Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 304.
WHEREAS the second quarter forecast has identified certain budget amendments.
- $1.5 Appropriated for the Capital Program. in 1987 not be tranferred at year end.
- $648,000 for jail expansion funded out of the 1985 Sheriff Department's
Professional Services be reintursed to the Genera t Fund out of bond proceeds.
- $396,106 for jail expansion funded by project #0-180 be reimbursed to the Capital
- $3 million in interest income not be transferred from the Delinquent fax Revolving
Fund and the penalty from 1987 delinquent tax penalty be transferred in 1987.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the following budget amendments be made:
Governmental Funds
Land TransferTax $1,2(j0,000
State Income Tax 483,000
Clerk/Register of Deeds 656,200
Treasurer 655,700
Friend of the Court 1,248,100
Medical Care Facility 300,000
Children's Village 320,000
Sheriff 221,000
Total $5,14E-,000.
Governmental Funds
Circuit Court Administration
Clerk/Register of Deeds
Social Services
4-H Fair
Secondary Road Patrol
Salary Adjustment Account
Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account
Intra-Departmental Amendments
$ 52,200
Governmental Fund
Prosecuting Attorney Department
Salaries $ (34,000)
Overtime 34,000
Total -0-
Jail Expansion Operations $ (540,300)
Building Authority 540,300
Fringe Benefit Fund
Budget Surplus (1,100,000)
Hospitalization 1,100,000
Total $ -u-
Mr, Chairperson, or behalf of the Finance Cotftjtte, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be adopted.
AYES: A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon,
McConnell. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
s4'icient nojority havin9 voted therefcr, the rosdltrt'ion 4as adopted..
Misc. 8)249
By Finance Committee
To she Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #87168 of this Board of Commissioners authorized the County
Executive Department of Public Works to receive bids for the residing of the Springfield Oaks Youth
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Activity Center at an estimated cost of $65,000; and
WHEREAS in accordance with the bidchng procedures, bids for the installation of the above
mentioned we rnceived and opened on September 17, 1987; and
wTFAAS 7.he County Execut“tes Department of Public Works has reviewed all bids submitted
and recomnKnns,. 1,na.t the lowest responsible bidder, Payne Hickey, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan, be
awarded a coii te for residing in the amount of $95,899; and
WHEREAS additooal costs including contingency are estimated to be $14,960; and
WHEREAS the total cost of the above mentioned work is estimated to be $110,859 as detailed
in the attached schedule; and
WHEPEAS funding for this project is' available in the 1987 Capital Improvement Program -
Building Section;
bill THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the $95,899 contract proposal from Payne Hickey, Inc. of
Livonia, Nicnen be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds be provided in the amount of $14,960 to cover remaining
project casts;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, is hereby
authorized and directed to execute a contract with Payne Hickey, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan, on
behalf of T.he County of Oakland.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive's Department of Public Works, Facilities
Engineering Division, shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing no later than 10 days from
the adoption of this resolution. The award shall not be effective until the awardee has been
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Award of Contract for Springfield Oaks Youth Activities Center Re-siding
To the Members of the Finance Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the bids for re sidingof the
Springfield Oaks Youth Activities.. Center, reports with the recommendation that the contract he
awarded to Payne Hickey, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan in the amount of $95,899.00. Total project cost
of $110,859.00,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I submit the foregoing
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Angus McPherson the Planning and Building Committee Report
be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Angus McPherson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, Loxon, McConnell,
McDonald, A. McPherson, (22)
NAYS: Lanni. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87250
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #87056 of this Board of Commissioners authorized the
County Executive Department of Public Works to receive bids for transformer replacements at an
estimated cost of $198,000; and
WHEREAS in accordance with the bidding procedures, bids for the installation of the above
mentioned were received and opened on August 12, 1987; and
WHEREAS the County Executives' Department of Public Works has reviewed all bids submitted
and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, Transformer Inspection Retrofill Corporation, of
Royal Oak, Michigan, be awarded a contract for Transformer replacements in the amount of $160,570;
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to he W9,630; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8,1987 306
WHEREAS the total cost of the above mentioned work is estimated to be $190,000 as detailed
in the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the 197 Capital Improvement Program -
Utilities Parking Lots and Roads Section;
NOW THEPIJOPE BE IT RESOLVED that. the $160,37C) contract. proposal from Transformer
Inspection Retrofill Corporation, of Royal Oak, Mich6an be accepted and the contract awarded in
concurrence with the Planning and Building recommendations;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. funds be provided in the amount of $29,6.30 to cover remaining
project costs;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, is hereby
authorized and directed to execute a contract with Transformer Inspection Retrofill Corporation, of
Royal Oak, Michigan, on behalf of the County of Oakland;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive's Department of Public Works. Facilities
Engineering Division, shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing no later than IO days from
the adoption of this resolution. The award shall not be effective until the awardee has been
notified, and has provided proof of liability insurance.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Award of Contract for Transformer Replacements
To the Members of the Finance Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the bids for replacement of
transformers, reports with the recommendation that the contract be awarded to Transformer .Inspection
Retrofill Corporation of Royal Oak, Michigan, in the amount of $160,370.00. Total project cost of
Mr. Chairperson., on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I submit the foregoing
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Jensen the Planning and Building Committee Report be
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Page, Rernick, Price, RewoId, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A.
McPherson, R. McPherson. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87251
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS through Miscellaneous Resolution #85129 the Board approved General Travel and
Mileage Regulations which included provisions that travelers account and submit for reimbursement of
travel expenses within five (5) days of travel completion; and
WHEREAS five (5) days is insufficient time for travelers to submit reimbursement forms,
fifteen (15) days being more realistic.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes a revision to the
General Travel and Mileage Regulations, Accounting for Expenses section to read as follows:
"I) Within fifteen (15) working days at the end of travel...."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake,
Devon, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R.
McPherson, Moffitt. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Be Personnel Committee
IN RE: Comqq...:ty Mental Health - Transfer of Ghildren's Residential Treatment Program
r.J._s -3:r.:tion (87239)
Board of Commissioners
mr, LHies and Gentlemen:
he sonnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, reports with the
recom mendatic.n the resolution be adopted.,
Mr. Choirperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
.. H. tL. Jr..d Human Services Committee
To the Oat, oh County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chair.,JerT:, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board continually seeks to
broaden the continuum of services available for mentally ill children and all residents of the
County, and to unify and coordinate all public mental health care for Oakland citizens; and
WHEREAS in accordance with this principle, Community Mental Health has developed a
proposal to transfer complete administrative and clinical responsibility and all associated funding
for the Oakland County portion of the Community Placement Program of Fairlawn Center, including all
community foster care and residential treatment facility beds currently funded by Fairlawn Center;
WHEREAS placement and continued case management of children in these beds would be the
responsibility of the Community Mental Health Child and Adolescent Clinics, which would utilize
these contracted homes and facilities as alternatives to hospitalization, or as part of the
post-hospitalization service plan for youngsters; and
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health proposal calls for transfer of responsibility and
funding of H4 beds in child caring institutions and 6 foster care beds, along with funding for six
case management positions and five support staff to oversee the program, plus necessary medical and
other support services for the children placed through the program; and
WHEREAS total annual cost of the program would be $3,996,653, requiring County matching
funds amount i ng to 566,933, and transfer of the program from Fairlawn Center would result in a net
annual savings for the County of $236,531 under the provisions of Michigan P.A. 423 of 1980;
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the
proposed transfer ot the Oakland portion of the Community Placement Program of Fairlawn Center to
the Community Mental Health Division, with all associated funding and all FIE staff positions to be
added to Community Mental Health to oversee the program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, i move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Susan G. Kuhn, Chairperson
Report to the Health and Haman Services Committee, Personnel Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - Transfer of Children's Residential Treatment Program Application
In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #86186, revised Federal and State grant
application and reimbursement contract procedures, the Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed
transfer of Children's residential treatment program and finds:
1) This program would transfer complete administrative and clinical responsibility and
all associated funding for the Oakland County portion of the Community Placement Program of
Fairlawn Center, which would result in a net annual savings for the County of $236,531.
2) Total annual costs of the program are estimated to be $3,996,653 requiring County
matching funds in the amount of $66,933.
3) Included in the costs is $316,128 for additional personnel to oversee the program.
4) Transfer of the program is targeted for January 1, 1988,
5) Application or acceptance of the funds does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
G William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Doyon the resolution be referred back to the Health and
Human Services Committee.
A sufficient maority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the resolution was referre,
308 Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - Oakland Family Services Infant Mental Health Project (Misc. 87238)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissic,lers
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution, reports with
the recommendation that the resolution he adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing
John P. Cal andro, Chairperson
Misc. 87238
By Health and Human Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there is a need in Oakland County for expanded mental health services to
high-risk infants and their mothers, to identify Infants in situations of vulnerability and provide
clinical intervention to encourage normal emotional growth and development; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health has indicated the availability of
special grant funding to provide such infant Mental Health Services through Community Mental Health
programs; and
WHEREAS Oakland Family Services has operated a successful program of this type for
several years, known as the "Perinatal Coaching Program", and has developed a proposal for State
funding to expand this greatly needed service; and
WHEREAS this proposal calls for one infant Mental Health Specialist, plus nominal
clerical and administrative support and operating costs, for a total annual budget of $46,424,
which would require $4,642 in County matching funds; and
WHEREAS the proposal of Oakland Family Services - has been- -endorsed by -the --Oaklahd County
Community Mental Health Services Board;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the
proposal for an Infant Mental Health Program, to be operated by Oakland Family Services under
contract with the Community Mental Health Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Susan G. Kuhn, Chairperson
Report to the Health and Human Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - Oakland Family Services Infant Mental Health Project Application
In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #86186, Revised Federal and State Grant
Application and Reimbursement Contract Procedures, the Finance Committee has reviewed the
application for the Oakland Family Services Infant Mental Health Project and finds:
1) This is the first year of this grant funded by the Michigan Department of Mental
2) The grant covers a one-year period with an October 1, 1987, target date for
implementation of the program.
3) Total full-year program costs are estimated to be $46,424, 90% State funded, with a
$4,642 County match required, all funds to be placed in the Community Mental Health Client Services
A) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Calandra the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - Cambrook Home Transfer - Acceptance of Grant
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #87252, reports with
the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the following change:
To add two additional paragraphs to read:
"UI IT LURTHER RESOLVED to create one 11) governmental Case Management Coordinator
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
position in the Counseling and Evaluation unit of Community Mental Health to provide services for
this program, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that future existence of this position will be contingent
upon confAnuation of state funding at the same level."
Mr. Charperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
forego in report.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
this rA: ant application was authorized by the Oakland County Board of
CommissiorEa: Misceegus Resolution 87079; and
has now authorized funding ter the home in a reduced amount as compared
with the or ic re application, in order to provide care for 12 residents in Cambrook House
rather fUn 5, es proped initially; and
i Community Mental Health Services Board has agreed to the modification in this
grant, and se i!'.t .-nds to fund the home through a contract with Judson Center, Inc., requiring
one additral case management coordinator position for the Community Mental Health Division; and
WHEREAS the grant as approved is for $48,786 in State dollars for the period 9/1/87 -
12/31/87 which would require County match in the amount of $1,157 with full year State and County
dollars amounting to $171,144 and $4,626 respectively.
NOW THEREFORE FE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize
acceptance of the grant from the Michigan Department of Mental Health for Cambrook House, as
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - Cambrook Home Transfer
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Lades and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule /I-8 of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above
referenced resolution and finds:
1) The full year amount of the contract award is $171,144 or approximately 22.5% less
than the application amount.
2) Acceptance of the grant requires full year County matching funds in the amount of
3) The transfer of Cambrook Home would be effective September 1, 1987. The one month
period between September 1, 1987 and October 1,1987, represents the transition between the date of
authorization for the program and the beginning of the State's new fiscal year and will cost $6,000
for facility costs.
4) There are personnel implications, to be effective October 1, 1987. Such implications
must be addressed by the Personnel Committee.
5) Acceptance of the funds does not obligate the County to any future commitment.
6} The comparison between the full year award and application is detailed in Schedule A
7) The amount awarded for the period 9/1/87 - 12/31/87 is detailed in Schedule B
id Human Serv Committee
7o I no leE I i no County Boae of Commissioners
Mr. p.. son Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has submitted a grant
application to the Michigan Department of Mental Health for funding to assume responsibility for
(aff&oek. HoL, a licensed residential facility for developmentally disabled adults located in
8) The budget amendments required for 1987 are as follows:
-1-7700-166 -01-00-9340 Mental Health-State Subsidy
3-22200-166-43-00-2528 Reimbursement-Medicaid
4-700-166 -43-0C-2074
4-22200-1 66-43-00-3042
Fringe Benefits
Clinical Services
Client Services
$ !,,5/11
( 1,157)
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 310
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Angus McPherson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling,
'ciobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson,
R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87253
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS an employee has appealed the classification determination of the Personnel
Department to the Personnel Committee; and
WHEREAS upon hearing that appeal the Personnel Committee directed the Personnel
Department to evaluate the employee's specific duties using the factor evaluation plan; and
WHEREAS this evaluation resulted in the recommendation that grade 10 is the appropriate
level for the position and there are no current classifications which are appropriate for the
employee's job at salary grade 10;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a new class be created as follows:
Engineering Systems Coordinator
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 0/T
Salary Grade 10
22,002 23,322 24,642 25,964 27,283 28,603 Reg.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to reclassify position #02196 in the Drain Department, and the
current incumbent to the new class of Engineering Systems Coordinator, with the incumbent placed at
the 5 year step.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the reclassification be made retroactive to April 25, 1987 to
compensate for the five month delay in the forwarding of the audit request from the Drain Office.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandra, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Luxon the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
Misc. 87254
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS on December 22, 1971, the "Oakland County Government Bar Association ° was
certified by the State of Michigan as the bargaining unit for all Oakland County Assistant
Prosecutors; and
WHEREAS on December 31, 1974 a two-year labor contract for Assistant Prosecutors expired.
During the ensuing contract negotiations, there was a proposal from the Assistant Prosecutors to
withdraw from the Retirement System as the Assistant Prosecutors felt that a retirement program
would not benefit them; and
WHEREAS on November 14, 1975, a lawsuit was filed by the Oakland. County Government Bar
Association and the individual Assistant Prosecutors against the County and the Retirement
Commission (Oakland County Circuit Court Case No. 75-132866) seeking to exempt Assistant
Prosecutors from the Retirement System; and
WHEREAS on December 4, 1975, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners passed
Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7352 exempting all attorney members of the Prosecutors Office from the
Retirement System; and
WHEREAS on December 10, 1975, the County entered into a stipulation pursuant to
Resolution No. 7352 with the Oakland County Government Bar Association to exempt all Assistant
Prosecutors from the Retirement System and on that same day, pursuant to the stipulation, a court
order and final judgment was entered exempting the Assistant Prosecutors from the Retirement
System; and
WHEREAS on February 23, 1979, the Oakland County Bar Association was dissolved as the
exclusive bargaining agent by the Assistant Prosecutors; and
WHEREAS on August 22, 1985, a request was made to the Oakland County Retirement
Commission to reinstate all current Oakland County Assistant Prosecutors into the Retirement
System; and
WHEREAS on January 23,1986, the Oakland County Retirement Commission denied a request for
reinstatement referring the matter to the Personnel Committee of the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
WHEREAS considerable discussions between. the Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys, the Oakland
County Prosecutor, and the Personnel Department have resulted in a proposal that the Assistant
Prosecutors again be permitted to participate in the Retirement System; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed this proposal and recommends this Resolution
in the interest of avoldng further dispute and retaining experienced Assistant Prosecutors in the
Oakland County Prosecutor's Office.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, subject to subsequent approval of the County Pension
Plan Committee (MCLA 46.12(a) et seq.) which includes the Attorney General of the State of
1, The Assistant Prosecutors, (I, II, III and IV), Principal Attorneys, and Division
Chiefs currently employed in the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, be admitted into the
Oakland County Retirement System with retirement service credit awarded only for eligible service
time after February 23, 1979, or from their date of hire, whichever is later; and
2- Prosecuting Attorneys appointed or re-appointed after tne date of this Resolution,
subject. to eITArement Commission Rules, be admitted to the Retirement System in accord with the
terms ,,ncliorss to he applied to current Assistant Prosecutors (I, II, III and IV), Principal
Attorneee • Division Chiefs; and
That the Oakland County Retirement Commission Rules No. 16(0) and No. 19(b) shall be
amended tT) reflect the intent of this Resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation Counsel's Office is hereby
authorized to take all steps necessary and proper, including the initiation of litigation, to
effectuate the intent of the Resolution and to protect the County with respect to the admission of
the Assistant Prosecutors into the Retirement System.
OF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the admission of the Assistant Prosecutors, in accordance
with tte intent of this Resolution, into the Retirement System, as well as the final transfer of
the funs necessary to effect this Resolution, is contingent upon the approval and concurrence of
these C.:1(V.S by the County Pension Plan Committee which includes the Attorney General of the State
of MiJirj;:n. If it should be determined that the intent of this Resolution cannot be implemented
for any r.,11son, the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reconsider and/or rescind
this REnoolution in its entirety.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution;
John P. Calandra, Chairperson
Moved by Calandra supported by Crake the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
Misc. 87255
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the attorney classifications in the Prosecuting Attorney department received no
salary increase for 1987 while the decision concerning retirement coverage for Assistant
Prosecutors was pending; and
WHEREAS the issue of retirement coverage for Assistant Prosecutors has been addressed and
recommendations included in a separate resolution; and
WHEREAS the recommended 1987 salary increases for the attorney classifications in the
Prosecuting Attorney department provide for: 1) a higher starting salary for Assistant Prosecutor I
employees; 2) smaller step increases at annual intervals; 3) retitiing of the Senior Trial Lawyer
classification to Assistant Prosecutor IV; 5) and a new non-supervisory class of Principal Attorney
to which five current Senior Trial Lawyer positions will be reclassified; and
WHEREAS the cost of these recommended changes in the salary ranges are below the 4.5%
average cost of wage Increases for 1987 for employees included in salary grades 1 - 21;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the fallowing salary range changes be implemented
retroactive to January 3,1987:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year
Asst, Prosecutor I 29,660 30,587
Asst, Prosecutor II 31,997 32,859 33,721 34,583 35,445 36,306
Asst. Prosecutor III 37,681 39,362 40,843 42,324 43,805 45,288
Asst. Prosecutor IV 48,138 49,516 50,894 52,272 53,650 55,027
(Retitling from Sr. Trial Lawyer)
Chf-Appellate Div. 54,984 55,983 56,982 57,982 58,982 59,981
Chf-Circuit Ct. Div. 54,984 55,983 56,982 57,982 58,982 5,981
Chf-Dist, & Juvenile Ct 54,9E4 55,983 56,982 57,982 58,982 59,981
Chf-Family Support Div. 54,954 55,983 56,982 57,982 58,982 59,981
Chf-Warrants 54,984 55,983 56,982 57,982 58,982 59,81
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 312
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a new classification of Principal Attorney be este5lished at
the to lowing salary range and that five Assistant Prosecutor IV positions be reclassified to the
new classification retroactive to January 3, 1987:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year e Year 5 Year WI
51,561 52,748 53,936 55,124 56,312 775-U1t
Mr. Chairperson, Caairperscn, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I ieve the adoptioi of the fore-
n; resclAion.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Ca1andro supported by McDonald the resoietion be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ob-
Yjsc. E725E.
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Coffimissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Circuit Court requested that the Friend ofidie—Court classificatio:1 be removed
from the Salary Administration Plan grade 21 due to the appointed status of the classification; and
WHEREAS the Persowiel Committee heard this issue and concurs with the Circuit Court re-
quest; and
WHEREAS the removal of the Friend of the Court classification 6oas net change the current
salary ra nge for the Friend of the Court classification;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Friend of the Court classification be removed from
the Salary Administration Plan grade 21 and be included in the group of classes which are appointed
exceptions to salary grade placement-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyou, Dosling, Oobart,
Jensen, R. Kuhn, S Kuhn, Lanni, Lo u , Lukon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson,
Moffitt, Page, Pernick, ?rice. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the nsolution was adoped.
by Personnel Committee
To the Cakiand County Bcerd of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Circuit Court experienced numerous problems related to mail delays and
requested expanded mail service to alleviate these problems; and
WHEREAS prompt mail delivery is essential to the efficient operation of the judiciary;
WHEREAS additional service was provided to the Circuit Court on a trial basis through the
use of emergency salaries; and
WHEREAS the Director of Central Services wishes to provide a permanent resolution to the
need for expanded mail service;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Student position (#00012) in the Printing Unit of
Support Services be reclassified to a full-time Clerk I and transferred to the Mai/ Unit (005) of
Central Services Administration.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John F. Calandro, Cnairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Ruel McPherson the resolution 'oe adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resplution Z3 the Fi.-;auce Committee. Taere were ,]c
three temporary
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Misc. 87258
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Ceninty Clerk/Register of Deeds, Prosecuting Attorney, Treasurer and Sheriff - NEW CLASSES
To the Ral•Tan County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chainpon, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Second Salary Administration Quarterly Report . for 1987 included a
recommend.atTen to create a new class and increase the salary grade placement for Secretaries III
reporting to the Measurer, Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk/Register of Deeds and Sheriff from
salary er.Ae 8 to salary grade 9; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee voted to postpone consideration of the increased salary
grade placement and new class for these secretaries and removed the issue from the 1987 Second
Quarterly Report; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has further discussed this matter and has approved the
increased salary grade placement and new classes for the Secretaries III to the Treasurer,
Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk/Register of Deeds and Sheriff;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that changes in salary grade placement and reclassification
to newly established classifications be implemented as follows:
Secretary III Tsa-Tary grade 8)
(position #02107)
Secretary III (salary grade 8)
(position #02683)
Secretary III (salary grade 8)
(position #02723)
Secretary III (salary grade 8).
(position #01516)
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the
going resolution.
Administrative-Assistant - Treasurer (Salary
grade 9,Reg. 0/T)
Administrative Assistant - Prosecuting Attorney
(salary grade 9, Reg. 0/T)
Administrative Assistant - County Clerk/
Register of Deeds (salary grade 9, Reg. 0/T)
Administrative Assistant - Sheriff (salary
grade 9, Reg. On)
Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
John P. Calandra, Chairperson
Moved by Calandra supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
Misc, 87259
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Second Salary Administration Quarterly Report for 1987 included a
recommendation to increase the salary grade placement for the County Executive Office Coordinator
classification; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee voted to postpone consideration of the increased salary
grade placement of the class and removed the classification from the 1987 Second Quarterly Report;
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has further discussed this issue and approves the change
in salary grade placement;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the salary grade placement of the County Executive
Office .Coordinator classification be changed from salary grade 12 to salary grade 13.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution
recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the following change:
To delete the words "and due to the seasonal aspect of construction
time positions will be needed during the construction season", from the third
#87229, reports with the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 314
And in the fourth paragraph, second line, following the words "three full-time Con-
struction Inspector I positions" insert the words or no more than the number Of positions which
can be fully recovered in permit fees.'
And to delete the fifth paragraph completely which states, "Be it further resolved that
the three PINE positions be created in the Oakland County Drain Office to augment the field
inspection of soil erosion permit sites during the construction season."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Misc. 87229
By David L. Moffitt
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS under the provisions of the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act of 1972 2
the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has been designated by the Board of Commissioners as the
County agency responsible for enforcement of said act; and
WHEREAS due to the increased development and construction underway in Oakland County, it
has become apparent that additional personnel will be needed to protect our environment through more
stringent enforcement of this act; and
WHEREAS a minimum of three full-time inspectors will be needed, and due to the seasonal
aspect of construction three temporary part-time positions will be needed during the construction
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
create three full-time Construction Inspector I positions for the Oakland County Drain Office for
enforcement of the soil erosion procram.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that three PINE positions be created in the Oakland County Drain
Office to augment the field inspection of soil erosion permit sites during the construction season.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
David L. Moffitt, Commissioner District #15
Thomas A. Law, Commissioner District #26
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Drain Commissioner - SOIL EROSION ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL (Miscellaneous Resolution #87229)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #87229 and finds
1) That three (3) governmental Construction Inspector I positions be created in the Drain
Commissioner Department effective October 12, 1987, to enforce provisions of the Soil Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Act,
2) That the annual cost at said positions is $86,550 including salaries cost of $47,583,
fringe benefit cost of $17,367 and operating cost of $21,600 as detailed in Schedule A,
3) That the cost of said positions for the period October 12, 1987 through December 31,
1987 is $19,182 including salaries cost of $10,756, fringe benefit cost of $3,926 and operating cost
of $4,500 as detailed in Schedule A,
4) That the cost of said positions is fully recoverable from soil erosion fees,
5) That the 1987 Budget be amended as follows:
Drain Commissioner
-171-07-67-67.70-EM=2582 Soil Erosion Fees $19,182
4-10100-611-16-00-1001 Salaries $10,756
4-10100-611-16-00-2074 Fringe Benefits 3,926
4-10100-611-01-00-6999 Drain Equipment 4,500
6) That the 1988 and 1989 cost and revenue associated with said positions are included in
the 1988-1989 County Executive Recommended Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandra supported by Jensen the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Calandra supported by Skarritt the resolution, with a favorable fiscal note
attached, be adopted.
Moved by Calandro supported by Moffitt the resolution be amended to be consistent with the
Personnel Committee recommendations.
Mi sc .
By Pc-s
To the Cad
Commissioners Minutes Continued, October 8, 1987
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
S. Kuhn,
Price, Rewol
on resolution as amended:
-rift, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
McConnell, McDonald, A, McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pornick
e. (0)
ent majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended and with favorable
0, was adopted.
oupf N,ari.: of Commissioners
r, Certtlemen:
PEJ6 Misceliare...fiT Resolution #84197 provided for the substitution of former
Commissl, rpmbers of 'Na Personnel Appeal Board for current Commissioner members, who are
appointed by Up- Chairperscr of the Board of Commissioners; and
, YUJIAS there it. no provision for substitution in the case of employee-elected
representatives_ tn. the appeal Beard; and
WHEREAiI. s.ployees nave objected to the hearings being conducted before less than a full
panel, contribut.'rf; to elays in scheduling hearings and creating a backlog of cases.
NOW 1TFRE ,bVL EE IT RESOLVED that an Alternate Employee Representative position shall be
created, to .rpe. e ectod at the same time and in the same manner as the two regular Employee
Representatly ,,s. Ath the proviso that the candidate receiving the 3rd highest vote total shall fill
the alteria:
:_IRHLit RESOLVED that the vacancies in the position of Employee Representatfve that
occur bete' ahnL:.1 election shall be filled by vote of the Personnel Appeal Board with the
specific. coil..;-f.nt of the remaining Employee Representative.
SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners may appoint an
Alternate Commissioner who need not be a former member of the Personnel Appeal Board, and continue
to appoint regular members as vacancies occur.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Doyen supported by Calandra the proposed wording of Merit System Rule ICA,
Section T - Membership of the Personnel Appeal Board - be amended by inserting the word "representative"
after the. words 'A third employee" so the paragraph reads: The Oakland County Personnel Appeal
Board shall be composed of five members. Two members shall be elected by the qualified County
employes who are within the merit system. Two members of the Board of Commissioners shall be
appoilt the Personnel Appeal Board by the Chairperson et the Board of Commissioners, subject to
approve Beard of Commissioners. A third employee representative shall be elected and
de-,A ne ca . as an alternate member to serve only in the absence of a regular employee representative.
In adpniop, the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners may appoint any Commissioner to serve as
an alta--nrt a. on a temporary basis when an appointed commissioner member is unavailable. The fifth
member shaIl be selected by the other four members.'
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Moved by McCoiell supported. by Calandro the resolution be amended by adding a third and
fourth BE IT FUrTH.f:R kl:ILVED paragraph which reads:
"UE :T F.SOLVED that Rule 10A of the Oakland County Merit System be changed to
effectuate these cr,m .r.'.m,ithts. as per the attached proposed language.
BE IT FO.IRER RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this notice
and the attached copies of the current Rule 10A and the proposed changes to Rule 10A to all
commissioners prese n t and absent constitutes official submission to the Board of Commissioners as
required by the Merit System Resolution."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
The Chairperson stated by Statute the resolution shall lay over for thirty (30) days.
the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
one (1) Typist II position be created,
II position is $14,480 for salaries and $5,285 for
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 316
Misc. 87242
By Personnel Committee
iN RE: Central Services, insurance and Safety - CREATION OF ONE (1) TYPIST II POSITION '-
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County's insurance and safety needs have been performed by a small unit in
Central Services for many years,
WHEKEAS this unit has assumed considerable additional duties with the County's decision
to become self-insured for purposes of County liability; and
WHEREAS programs designed to administer and reduce organizational risk rely on complete
and accurate records, files and statistics; and
WHEREAS the current single position allocated to provide Insurance and Safety reception,
secretarial and clerical duties is no longer sufficient to meet the County's needs in this area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) position of Typist II be created in the
insurance and Safety unit of Central Services, subject to transfer under pending reorganization.
Mr. Chairperson, on oehalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John P. Calandro, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Central Services, Insurance and Safety -
(Miscellaneous Resolution #87242)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board,
Resolution #87242 and finds:
1) Insurance and Safety requests that
2) The annual cost of one (1) Typist
fringe benefits,
3) The cost of one (1) Typist position for the period October 10, 1587 through December
3, 1987 (6 pay periods) is $3,329 for salaries and $1,215 for fringe benefits,
4) Due to the reorganization, Insurance and Safety Unit has transferred from Central
Services to Risk Management,
5) Funding in the amount of $4,544 is available in the 1987 Contingency Account; and it
is requested that the said funds be transferred as fellows:
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency
4-10100-111-10-00-1001 Salary
4-10100-111-10-00-2074 Fringe Benefits
Moved by Calandro supported by Moffitt the resolution, vith favorable Fiscal Note
attached, be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, P. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A, McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with favorable Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
Misc. 87241
By Personnel Committee
To the OaAland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Salary Administration Study. Group Reports approved by the Board of
Commissioners for Grades 1 - 15 and Grades 16 - 21 provided for a review and appeal process for
partments and employees wishing to challenge the salary grade placement of classifications; and
V.HEREFS the second quarterly report for 1987 vas submitted to Personnel Committee
identifying the reviews requested and the salary grade changes recommended by tie Personnel Depart-
ment after completion of this review process; and
WHEREAS the second quarterly report also included the Job Evaluation Review Panel
recommendations on salary grade placement of classes appealed to the Job Evaluation Review ?anal;
WHEREAS funds have been established in the Classifications and Rate chan g e fucli to
implement salary grade changes resulting from salary administration quarterly reports
Creation of One CI) Typist II Position
$ -0-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
recommendatTons; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed and approved this report:
NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that changes in salary grade placement and reclassification
be implemented for tee following classifications as shown and that new classifications and
retitling of classes as indicated be established:
Salary Grade
Classification From: To:
Senior 1.sst- Corp, Counsel
0 Cquip Oper II 5 6
Engies--liq Aide II (One position in Drain/ 7 8 Reclassify to a new class of
WOG735l Lake Level Technician
15 16
Ch ...4. •lzsurer Accounting 15 16
ph:k.r, iY. - Newly placed on salary plan at grade 10.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing reseltien. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
John P. Calandra, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
IN Peronkl Department - 1987 Salary Administration - Second Quarterly Report (Miscellaneous
To the Oaklac( oouny Board. of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-'G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution W87241 and finds:
1. Under the appeal Process established by the Board of Commissioners to reconsider the
salary grade placement of classifications and/or the classification of positions, the Personnel Com-
mittee has reviewed the attached 1987 Salary System Quarterly Report and recommends the salary grade
placement ef classifications and the reclassification of positions specified in Miscellaneous Reso-
lution #87241,
20 Sary cost for the period October 10, 1987 through December 31, 1987 is $1,110:
Fringe Benefit ecst for the same period is $228,
3, available in the 1987 Appropriation Reserved for Transfer Classification and
Rate Changes acent (909-01-00-9902) and recommends the transfer of such amounts to the 1987
Division Budges -.5 per the attached Schedule A. FINANCE COMMITTEE
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Angus McPherson the resolution with favorable Fiscal Note
attached be adopted.
Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon,
McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox,
Aaron, (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with favorable Fiscal Note
attached, was adopted.
Misc. 87240
uy Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste operates and maintains the County's
numerous sewage treatment plants and related systems; and
WHEREAS the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste responds as needed to increased
County demand Ter waste water treatment services by expanding and adding facilities; and
WHERES new treatment plants are nearing completion in South Commerce and Commerce
Meadows, and ukpanded facilities will soon be finished in Walled Lake and Milford Township; and
WHEP-.AS :1 position reclassification is also necessary at the Wixom site in response to
revised Mich . n 0e1)artment of Natural Resources requirements; and
cmplete funding for the needed positions is provided from user charge revenues.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following position reclassification and new
positions bo cre6ted in the operations section of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste for the duration of
the contractual agreement:
1, Existing Maintenance Mechanic I position 05590 be reclassified from Maintenance
Mechanic I to Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I, for Wixom Wastewater Treatment Plant.
2. One (1) position of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I be created for Walled Lake -
Novi Wastewater Treatment Plant.
3, One (1) position of Chemist, one (1) position of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator II,
and Two (2) positions of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I be created for South Commerce Wastewater
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 318
Treatment Plant.
4. One (1) position of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I be created for Commerce Meadows
and Milford Township (Childs Lake) Sewace Treatmect Plant S'y sLems.
M-. (:hairperson, on :)ehalf of the Personnel ,I,om.gttee, I move the adootion of the
foregoing resel .dtion.
John P. Calandra Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Financs? Committee
IN RE: Public Works/Sewer, Water and Solid Waste - CREATION OF NEW WATER AND SEWER OPERATION
POSITIONS (di3eellanous Psolution IW240)
To the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule WIG of this Beard, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #87240 and finds:
1) The Sewer, Water, and Solid Waste Division has responded to the increased demand for
water treatment services with new treatment plants in South Commerce and Commerce Meadows, and
expanded facilities in Walled Lake and Milford Township, requiring new staff.
, 2) A position reclassification is necessary at the Wixom site.
3) The associated staffing levels costs are $113,850 is salaries nn 340,914 in fringes
for a total annual - cost of $154,384 (see Attachment A).
4) The requested staffing levels are 100% funded from user fees thereby requiring no
County general funds.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
(Copy of Attachment A on file in County Clerk's Office)
Moved by Calandra supported by Skerritt the resolution, with favorable fiscal note
attached, be adcpted.
AYES: Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, McConnell,
McDonald, A. McPherson, R. Mc7herson, Moffitt, Page, Perrick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with favorable fiscal note
attacied, was adopted.
Susan Kuhn stated through error, the report attached to Resolution #87238 had been
accepted, but the resolution was not adopted.
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Crake the resolution, with a positive fiscal note
attached, be adopted.
AYES Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald,
A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Remold, Skarritt, P-aron, Calandra,
Crake. (21)
MYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution 487238 (with a positive fiscal
note- attached) was adopted.
The Chairperson called a 5 minute recess. The Board, reconvened at 11:40 A.M.
Misc. 872S1
9e Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cowissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS one of the goals of the Oakl:Avl County Solid Waste Manac,emert Plan is to reduce
of solid wistcs for Atimate disposal by toe institution of recycling programs and
WHEREAS annually for the lost several years, this Board of Oakland County Commissioners
hP.S set aside monies to provide county assistance for recycling pilot programs in key
municipalities; and
WhEREAS the Village of Holly has received certain Clean Michigan Fund capital and
operating grant monies to begin a recycling program; and
WHEREAS the Viliaoe of Holly has requested a $15,000.00 grant from this Board of County
Commissioners for their recycling program public education and for the purchase of curb side user
boxes; and
ty cc by rca
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Municipal Solid Waste Board is supportive of the proposed Village of Holly
IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Gommissoners hereby
enty Executive to reimburse the Viliage of Holly up to $15,000,00 for
::..=„penses and the purchase of curb side user boxes 1.uion tdie
on tor those expenses.
this pilot recycling program will be of. to future
tea in Oakland County, the Gaklane Soard of
from the members of the Municipal Solid Oese Pc.are.
os behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I iPC:Vi• ;ofFtI.si of the
foregbia.g reso .m.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Angus McPherson the resoldtion be adopted,
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
po ,
as am. e
sac t
ftbe S.
the Coca
Warn Hills, the City of Bloomfield Hills aid the Township of
aly referred to as the "Municipalities" individually a
C further sanitary sewage disposal improveme:!ts and facilities
on Exhibit A to the Contract fis hcrnirafter r!e i ined) as
fl:nots and extensions to the "Evenel:iie...--Fa(,.: Igion Sewa sAspos'al
to Nit .)'r abate s - Amy 1,1io..11 Sewers" (the Sr.
1elpali't.ieo and thus to promo T0
d and .aL.ilities would likewise
.:ioverning bodies of the Muni ,..ipa -it;e ,.
be most economically and efficienL'i ritok
the powers conferred by Act ::42, Public Acts
,ly Sections. Sa, 5b and St thereof; a.-1
ct 342, the County and the Kna'cipalil i es are authorized td enter
Proie- cots:sting of
fef s and
cst, and
for the acc•
342, and
and financing of the Project as part of the System pursuant to Act
ceiu.fter set forth in full; and
and adoption by this Board of
the cost and period of usefulness
objecti -y
By Pia
Etki• IL
To ti
Mr. (hi::
1.1l e
wel fsne it the
nty Oakland
n that
and by
Micirrin, 1939,
:), a
Zr the .:.onikition, construction and icincin.
tions anif imp:rnvemerts to the existin •st,im of s ,ma!,e
;.Ind related facilities to serve the ivr.:c -:cn--Farmir,00
.Gf.') end f'or the payment of the cost thereof fy the Municipal:Lie'..:
ilnen authorized to issue its bonds to provide the funds n:. 'deie .lor; .r)c
WLALAS there has been submitted to this Board of Commi 0 5 oposed contract
between the -i.:ety„ by are. Through the County Drain Commissioner, County Agency, party of the first
part, and parties of the second part (the "Contract"), which Contract provides
i'on. -ins
a1se been submitted for approval
Commissioners, prelirdnary 0 act specificiations and estimates of
of the Project, a cid
WHEREAS the said contract provides for the issuance hereafter of bonds by the County to
detray part or tne cost of the . •3roject, said bonds to be secured by the contractual obligations of
the Municipalities to pay to tL . Cginty amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on
the here 1 nafter anthcri7ed bonds and to pay such paying agent fees and other expenses as may be
incurred on L. Lount e sa 1 .i bond; and
of Commissioners desires to proceed with the establishment of this
Project in the and the approval and execution of the said Contract to acquire, construct and
finance the Proc.t as provided in said Contract.
: • ..:1 ah•F
, S
.:-.,-Ject does hereby authorne and dt that
under and pursuant to Act 342, as part of.
to be known as the "Evergreen -farmington
Relief Sewers, a Project which sha l l c.
the existing sewage treatment facilitir,.. end sirt
and to be located as shown in E..hibt A to the Cohts:1L
of Sewage
miwens and
tn.;t. the
PreJe,t in t;ir stinml serve the Municipalities; that the Oa r. County Drain Cimmiioner is
:tesigrn,,. Led and aorni:,:H as the "County Agency" for the that the County A!t:incy shall
haT,a the pb;.,rs and utie-. with respect to the Project and System as are provided by law and
at System - Pollution
between the Coonty,
Re WohicipaTties,
Cemmissioners, be and
Praie auto 00 and
Ire Clefty, ie a.s rFi.T.J counterparts as
e:-.ecuted by tho aproprt.ate officials at the
and the pc.ri":
etly providcri
1 n 01 I
to have concludu tfat such
by the Cr.mrty through
ha, 5b and Sc 54h?.4; one
al ,“) of the
Roth &
Commissioners Minutes Continued, October 8, 1987 320
especially by Act 342; and that afl etiigattous incurre:
Project and System, ur l?ss. piherwise authorio-d
solely from funds derived c.'0.71 t'oe Municipalii
prel ird nany. pl ors
ther.eof ard at 40 year!: afd rp,y -cnf as tho pe•
of Commissioners be and f
Control F30111fTE-7—Trii3, 12,ontrac:
by ard threuqt the County Ccleissioner,
parties of the second part, -ohich has L.
the care is re,:ev approved o',c,
directed to exa.:.cute and dci
may laoddrmed ac,visabie, after t -no Certract h
Municivalities, The Contract reads as followsi
THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into as of tho first day of Sciptem (this
"Cohtract"), and between th,? Ode ii' OF OAKLAND, a cchiety O 0-0 she Sto;-a Michgan
(here -inafter sometimes refei.-rec to as tar "Coontf"), by and throuh its i.'rnan Ce,mia's:,.leuer, County
Agency, party of the fl at part, and the CITv p. iiILLS, the CIT't OF BLOWICLD HILLS and the
TOWNSHIP OF DLOOMFIELD, mt,nioipal and towns:cii. cr—pora -:iions located in the County (hereinafter
sometimes collectively referred to as the "Mmrioi;.:Jlities" and ;ndividuaily a "Micipality"),
partes of the second part
th:: Coipt toaiwitt rcpect to the
rd of nomisi•L:rs, sh -al h( rayah .te
.1)1' The
acirtte4 to tpis Eoard
WilLEAS pursuant to Act No. ;sW,
sometixs referred to LI(
majority vote of its fr,l.
system of sewage dispesal
known as the "Evergreen-F
Relief Sewers' (hereinafter
Sewage Dispf.a
as the County- îsency for
by Act 342 (said Drain Comm,ssionei
of Michigan, alr,ended (Ocrinafter
ormiissootr':- of tLe County has heretetore, by
arc.. ti th!:. Pa estabHshed 0 County
o serve the ilepicipalities, said .sfin to be
; Sys,tem Control Facilitie ,: - Amy
tta "System") to serve the Evergrdenhgten
signated the Oakland County Drain Comiosioner
ooties with respect thereto as are provided
t.er sometimes referred to as the "County Agency I);
WHEREAS under and subji.:it the term: . Act 342, the County authoeiziA, tirough the
County Agency, to acquire and cs:,.:_iruct. the imprmtt?,•its to the Syci,s.h: h ,reifercor de ,,-Pd (the
"Project"), the County and ti e MLiffeipalities ethori2ed to o contract, as
hereinafter provided, for the oriquisitien and corstrhe'on of the Prc.j it :.r.eorty and for
financing all or part of the cost thereof by tEe issJance of bonds Ly the Coat y o .iirtineoi by the
pledge of the full faith and credit of the Muric'cialities to pay such cost wiff .: irterest to the
County in installments extending over a period not •:fxceeding forty (40) years, and the County is
authorized to issue such bonds and, if authorized by Liajority cite of the members-elect of its Board
of Commissioners, to pledge its full faith and credit for the payment of such bonds and the interest
thereon; and
WHEREAS there Is an urgent need for such sewage disposal system Improvements iiL: provide
the means of treating and dispoing of sanitary wacie or in the Municipalities in to
abate pollution of the waters of the Miiitiralitics, the Count"i and the State of M1 ,:An (the
"State), and thus to promote the health fad welfare ci the ruii(!itts thereof, which 'a;:ftvements
would likewise benefit t.irle County and is
improvements can be mott 1_ "11:00
the exercise of the plir.1—s a iii
WHEREAS prellinarty ptaa t
cost of the Project and
Clark, inc. (hereinafter sou referrea tu. a:: the Consultiiif„ Ecnerps) and are submitted
hereby for approval by the P;...!.cd of ComiiiissT(Jrv:rs of the County ater 3/b rig been approved by the
governing bodies of the Muh'-iclities and Oaced on file or the office of the County Agency, said
estimates being set forth in Exhibit 13 attached hereto; and
WHEREAS in order to provide for the acquisition and cchstructon of the Project by the
County and the financing of the cost thereof . by the issuance of County bonds, and for other related
matters it is necessary for the parties hereto to enter into this Constrect,
(1) The parties hereto hureby approve and agree to the establishment of the System and
the acquisition, construction and financing of the Project as herein provided, under and pursuant to
Act 342. Each Municipality, by way of compliance. with Section 29, Article VII of the Michigan .
Constitution of 1943, consents and agrees, to the establishment of the System and the location of the
Project within its corporate boundaries and to the use by the County of its streets, highways,
alleys, lands, rights-of-way or other public places for the purpose and facilities of the System and
Project and any further improvements, enlargements and extensions thereof, and each Municipality
T of on' arpTents addi t
y sewers
.!,"1 wh Ich s hc..-`ebv uh
wIry plans which hav2
n file with Fits Pie.1
Auired and
cii pians •"•!•,-:! sp.f
s t rE
11.: • ,‘
,Lft,ns therefrom d ,
/°)1 -
Cc ml ssioner s Minutes Gontinued October 8, 1987
th••••• „ in ereer r.."..r'idence::` and el tectuate the foregoing ...:;•,,u••••:flent h censer t, it
•:.•• such grants of easement, ri qflLf rv f..:ermit or
:ct or of the System, ar
may be permitted on ths- ao'(
' approved by the County A
..-Jrfc.,islc,ns required oy
t.'ne tit,ii 05
of u:,`:-ulf.z.; thereof as sci.
shall take or cause tr.,- be takr.-, all
the issuance eJifj. sale
yrount is icces:::try F 1
,ch s in excess of iurj ,.
f_rf, and. bt: payable
es provided in Exhiht C wuch
rod si:nll be s.,cured secordarilv, if sn
pleie of the full faith anc` of r
maturities the last of which
List of
r more
:.•rt of
,y the
• E•nard
ant, the
nore than forty
1,..roceed to take cn.,fe ostion - 1.1
". bends, enter 1n7„,..., Li. • l-...Alëst
rs, procure from thr. •
co be constructed a ..; ,
• by this Contr„::::. '::!:•• • te
r,s -i'fftates for required. p .3.?„1.,els • c: ;.::C I i -y ball
fbre presentation to the Cow,l..y F. fatter
al in making Hsyment„
,t cill secur: os majnt`±`n, r-d and
adequat-• pffipsrty
be constructed 2ursuant to tin- and
nSa that the County ard the MUN , I '1.. . insured
a provision requirinc that. eval at
tlereof. Ore copy of each pollcy ::1(./. • • :.,..1;jr, of `insurance
r 'feed by the parties h•-:,reto that. the ' s to serve the
property owner dSCrS thereof, it .......... v speciai
amd th.e governi of the Mon wherei n such
by of requiring conrof`tion to and use - Sy tern and/or
. may be needed shall De thac of' t.He where':n such
ty shall cause to he cunstructed ma.L` red, directly or
additional facilities, f: :aunty sh: o obligated to•
than those de si ported ..,:,
to the County their ra:1-•.tio ,- t he total cost
Ler.:ome ayarlable frets othcr c.c.:t for
i on to the liens (,1 ,k.: ".-; in t
the bonds t...d be i5isc.1 funds a.s may
all interu-A payable t H- bond::•:.:rd all
and charge., (i..cludirl. j;k.!
of said bcdds. (such be .tTy, herein•
Lna cost of the Project is hereb Mr -viciWities
set forth in Exhibit C on wly:cli sri s'ocv`... the aditional
assigned to each of the Munidp .:•!t:t`r. foe- •..:e of the System..
11 be made to the County in annm..:1 ins A. whlich shall be
a7-i.or to the day of the month svrc:.'
Coue7y bonds as
ereof, „ Such an annual ilion'ciplity shall
.`Jal and/or non-capi ta 1 i zed infu ., co bonds fall s cue
•nn'ng Ofl such principal matuT - 'c 1 year, and the
Mono' paUty so due and payal, at sufficient,
`gr.allments of the other MuniciW .:ti,..-; 5o c.!.ue ri payu sic, to pay
thus falling due and di I-•.•A th.: I: due and
)1, within thirty days after deT`,:ery of L ? to the
of each Municipality with a compPte schAL:•-: c r
H pr c.pal and
322 Con:1i ssi ()her s r nued, October 8, 1
payment i s
s Cr r.:t
oi the
.eati on
! le
part of
aqui tion.1
tc s C"i d
said Co
the ia t"i t • -I: : ... I .1:- • • t.c.,
na CUC
dalnis of the- •:• C shall •
be dancelle,...
r •••• t o • f the
•Projecms. • • • h,' : me:mated
by flOL :
des gn aac: s. :..:, st:an
therefor by : • ss•
cost, to the or'
• C hat no such
sha I ...a a uthm-i•bc: : ":1"•
than tams I f each
• municipal ty rnaH h .•ss and
agriee ruj that the saTe 1.:es , paid
or i ts payment p roc prn:as: zrr. H ":.c. • 1 h,r. , :,H1 or
Muni ci pal f . the
adoption of sr".-; •1 ''": prior
tO Or as a ce•I I :0;.; • :•.! 14 the has
addi ti ona ,::•• re. : rr s as
last approved. pr • L..: ee
( :he H :!";'• the tül,a " nated
cos-t, then a ny surpl • I ruin a • oe t:c f the
goverr :ng bodies of use...: thea or er- tend the
$55 1 0'!: 'Co D PP1 uPo'l • -7-.....:(11f:Ti T , rr.Hanal.:1 :d..J:.cha:m. CO the
provided. 0.. 7H te; : 1:....tf,;id the tern only
f aethor echy the . I ., • • t amouot df
COO' surplus, used to i ..:: the amount of
bend:,„ coal iabie too L:I": "CrA: rig the
date the surplus funds .. surp fcc - "i mi.) roving,
eni argiog or ex tendi fighe rem, :.:mm:rnm:..ed by • made f.},1 the
Muni el pal i ties, or such: 'Mi.:pi—ay:mi..... , Nil a rpeop. Gni may rely from such
•cash payments where auto.; the v.)yl..im ccl CS of ti •.. Where any such
surpl us i s used to redeem purchase bonds, the shal cawael.. • and the payments
thereafter requi red to be made by the 11uri ci pal ties tr: County 1 be r•s....luced so as to reflect
the resu 1 ti ng savi nc.; of '1 nteres .t ard tho p a yment recHri red to be fia ca (r:ndar year of the
stated maturity of said bonds shall be reduced by the pri nd pal amc:unt thereGG.
('IO) Should a Municipality fr ail for any reason to pay tic., County Lbthe times specified,
the amounts herein required to be paid, such Municipal i ty does here authorize the ..:icate Treasurer or
cash tj,',
tffthef , •
oe requir
1 f the C.
I es tat. !
e r Fj
ni ss Mi notes Conti nuPd .= October 8, 1987
sbur sement of
Cons ti tuti
• to limit. 1 .,c•
,dvanced on account
,rsuant to the affthoriz.,.
i. c::edit for the prompt an.'
year shall levy a 1 ,,
in tax collections, wfll
tefor'e the time of the fol lath
ts annual tax 1 .
imi ted to funds frmd
de and pi ed.ged
due prior to the Thec
,w,ah amount. The a bi 1 c.'
. TY: -:nd. charter 1'iinitht in
LaJ.- t 9G days prior to th
ft. ads
. such
On h,E.r.,1 or
of sn. id
to be lee :
intl fy
that it an
over any tore tory
this Contract
I or any part !
execi to or bec..
tory', tory 1
share of tr-a
i pal i ty ,
sbal I be
hi on or annexat
wry is
sha I 1 by m0:L
proper prop .r.T!
4e a wri tten recc,rw:
representative dc
''fir): bedy of
nt sf.ered
ch , a. iflft.
rovided, then
not make the r e0,10,N14
:j on thereof by th ,r
I ty is
). be
o the
nd of
i I be enti...C:
upon the County herein
estimated cost of • to be
the author/ zat.:' „ cc of
tailited and Pdld 071 11,.f.: not
pen ce and one year t4A.
(34:: t.;,e date of exiciidm by
void. except that the Muni I „my i ii
theretofore incurred ••n::•A; teeth' t C
.,..;peciffeati ons and other engi --!••••• and
et ri on CH' the Project as part of the . thty doe!, hereby agree to
50100 the tol owl oci.j- terms and co n
System be used oil y to servo th.:: d •hl the 0•:.,:n.;ri ot heretofore
no County Board of Carol satoners unless ti,.i area to be (Ned thereby
ween the Municipal i ti es and the County,
into the
t the
Commissioners Minutes r.uei Octrib-er 0 997
of the ..m,,tor-A. J•acc: In
addition, YJ:• .• • to
individto:1 ce.y Tne •: and
• to provide 1 n.,J, : ; . C : as
agent far . •
become :hie :. and ...•s .an ih or
spect ,a (d)
to be pai.I sd Ihe .P.)! • cr .:- inr lie calendar
qua rter ',..inic ,aLtics may •se a ....aclish charges
for sewaDe sia.r • r]. r,aragraph
(t) the nporaIe, martain and use the iand the
tt,:reof in sucM ma••le,- as to •:.•iiiply anc completely with the resrements of
S ft: ether ;I:yeed w1th respect to tte. Project and the System that at ail times during
the opratifm thclic:f by t:inz. C:c.sn:y that it wiL obtaln and mainain in effect adecuate property
damage, puhTh liasllity anc workmen's compeAsation insurance coverirg ail facilities maintained by
the County 5c.:1sr ,ny contract with tho. Muni ,rpalities now or hereafter in effect, All policies and
memorarenns M.urancc shall nrcv -i.:i.h fh-at the County and the Municipalities shall be insured
parties 7j-:-.r-::!1:r,!-.1' and shall contain a. i.,rov .,slon requiring that the Municipalities be: notffied at
least :Sit td dendellatidn tMieof, One copy of each policy and memorandum of insurance
shall be o each of the Municipal': ties.
05) -o- County shall have no obligation or responsibility for providing sewers or sewage
disposal facilIie except as herein expressly provided with respect to the acquisition of: the
Project or as ot:.-:•.• .n..se provided by contract. The MuniciWHties shall 1c,ve the authority and the
responsibility to f-.A.ide such other 112 es and shall have the right to expado the facilities oh
the Project ard the. !:disteim by constructing or extending sewers or related facilities, connecting the
same to the System, and otherwise, improving the System. It is expressly agreed, nevertheless, that
no connn .1 on shall be made to facilities of the County System or of this Project and no
improvem ,-ts, enlargements or extensions thereof shall be made without first securing a permit
therefor" the Count" Agency, Any such permit may be made conditional upon inspection and.
approval of new construction by the County Agency. It is further agreed that the System shall be
used for collection and conv(ance of sarHtary sewage only and that the Municipalities shall take
all necessary action to pra%:.apt entry into the System of storm waters and also to prevent entry of
sewage or castes of such a character as to be injurious to the System or to the public health and
safety. The Municipalities shall be nospomible for removing any infiltrations or inflow entering
the System that is determined to bc cc..ioe..Ove for the Municipalities to remove on the basis of
facilities planning and sewer system a7 -ration surveys conducted by the Consulting Engineers..
(16) All powers, duties and functions vested by this Contract in the County, other than
those relating to the operation and Tointenance of the System specified in paragraph (14) hereof,
shall be exercised and performed by the County Agency, for and on behalf of the County, unless
otherwise provided by law or in this Contract.
(17) The parties hereto recognise that the holders from time to time of thu bonds to be
issued by the County under the provisions of Act 342, and scoured by the full faith and credit
pledge of the each of the fthicipalities to the making of its payments as set forth in this
Contract, will have contractual rights in this Contract, arci it is therefore covenarted and agreed
that so long as any of said bonds shall remain outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of this
Contract shall not be subject to any alteration or revision which would in any manner adversely
affect either the security of the bonds or the prompt payment of principal or interest, thereon.. The
right to make changes in this Contract, by amendment, supplemental contracts or otherwise, is
nevertheless reserved 'insofar as the same do not have such adverse effect. The parties hereto
further covenant and agree that they each will comply with thelr respective duties and obligations
under the terms of this Contract promptly, at the times and in the manner herein SO: forth, and will
not suffer to be done any act wnich would in any way impair the contract of said bonds, the security
therefor, or the prompt payment of principal and interest thereon. It is hereby declared that the
terms of this Contract and of any amencatory or supplemental contract and any contract entered into
pursuant hereto, insofar as they pertaln to said bonds or to the payment or the security thereof ,
shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds,
(18) The County Agency shall prepare, with the aid of its consultants, such convenants,
representations and warranties and have adopted by officials of the County and the Municipalities
such procedures for construction, accounting, payment and operating as are necessary to comply with
the requirements of State and federal law in order to create and maintain the obligations of the
vnilJ di no
'1 be
h the
Commissioners Minutes Continueth October 8, 1987
f:ounty enter this Contract and with respect to the and maintain the bonds as tn .,:-exnmpt hi
er r s, representations and warra.ne ,. an'
rth in certificates or resolutions preparA or the
Jer,2.by agree to approve, exct ,:r. adspt -t
one or more of the provisichi ef thi t.•
a ho or unenforceable in any r ,.:s;:!ec, such
er n(it 4fTect any other provisions hereof ; but
•I i I, tllegal or unenforceable provision has never
shall become effective upon its execution b: • 8 ...nd the
ex a.s is date of publication of the notices requird. by ctinh 55 al Act
within the 45-day period, a. proper petition H.:O„J witn ine Clerk
with the provisions of said Section Et of Act. 342, tnen this
eme until approved by the vote of a majority ot the sloe :r of such
vd: and voting thereon at a. general or special elention Th-k Contract
(At) y-;:pis from the date hereof or on such earlier Hate as shall bd mutually
agr•A.L. huilever, tn4t it shall not be terminated at any time prior to the p.:ymk.-j in full
of t; of and au crest on the County bonds together with ail bend. sr ii i charges
rer: to said bonds. This Contract may be executed in several counterparts. The prsvisions of
this C.ontriict shall inure to the benefit if and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the
parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed and
delivered by the undersigned, being duly authorized by the respective governing bodies of such
parties, all as of the day and year first above written.
By: By:
Mayor County Ora751
(County Agency)
B.ry. By: _
And: And
City Clerk TownshT5'Clerk
Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move adoption of the
foregoing resolution,.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no
Miso 87263
By P1.2.h:ft; arid Nilding Committee
To ti-re [runty Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairper Ladies and Gentlemen:
Ai. the Oakland County Solid Waste Management Plan was approved locally and by the
Michigan No...:ient of Natural Resources on July 28, 1983; and
Act 641, Public Acts of 1978, requires five year updates to county plans; and
41E:!1,Al:. the Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires the five year update to be
approved locnHy and submitted to them by January 6, 1989; and
At Act 641 provides for eighty percent (80%) state matching payments for plan
prepamaMon i the five year update to the extent state funding is available; and
W1HMW, approximately $49,988 in state funds is available to Oakland County for fiscal
year i987-88,
WHiir1,. it is anticipated that a like amount of state funds will be available to Oakland
County for fi .A41 year 1988-89; and
WERE AS the County of Oakland, in the process of preparing the five year update to the
plan, heeds certain consulting engineering services as outlined in the attached Agreement with Camp,
Dresser and McKee; and
WHEREAS the schedule, work scope, tasks and fee in this Agreement have been reviewed and
approved by the Act 641 citizens' Solid Waste Planning Committee; and
326 - -Commissioners MinuteL October
the conti,:
staff sal:.
.rant in
sized st
($153,560) c
proceed witil
authorizes 1
between the. on
shall not
the foregoing r
Anne M. Holier
d Waste
H u-oval.
i.be hereby
services by and
bg ftiering services
I move the adoption of
LAPI;; oi tbai
Moved by Hobart supported by McDonald the resolut
City of Pontiac
st.eit of the Co
ty Service
T would he somipetible with the
it and eel no;
Mali .nc'vski of
County Master liar, arc
areas; and
Limited Partnership (Tr
aid by Tom Lepping, and Donald
to re.plent and reforest selected campus
the K Mart Corportion and Wolverine II
i a berm in said easement
Copy of Agreement Grant of Easement on file in County Clerk's Office. and
The Chairperson referrec
By Plarini a:10 at,Oldiq
IN RE; Department
To the Oakland C
Mr. Chairpersob,
of 9.4.5 acres
Center; and
the resolution to the Fin., le Committee. There were no
unsel - Real Estate Section - EASEMENT FOR K MART CORPORATION
ler of a parcel of property ie
which is vacaEt and is lci.vt!
WHERTS s6.id nertel abots prooerty presently being developed by K Mart Corporation and
Wolverine II Partnerchio i n to a shopping center; and
WHEREAS i Mart Corporation and Wolverine II Linitcd Partnership have recueste6 County
approval for the construction of a landscaped berm, a 42 foot portion of which would be on County
land; and
WHER"...A'.: the Ceui,t wou'd b—efit atom the constreci-on of. the pr000sec term as it would
provide an efr'(.c.7' rear of the dome Improvement Center
which will :or Ling shopping ni_e, iurther, the acre would be
aesthetically f-sdring . h .,:,yHy -:.(pefi; and
to K Mart Corpora
grantiruj a 42
Partnership and di:.
apprevill of this
Mn, sh trw
the foregoing resolution.
s a 42 foot easement for the proposed berm
id County Board of Commissioners approves
nt, K 11 Limited
of Easement upon
ieve the adoption of
Anne M. Hobert, C.L.iiroerson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Moved upperted by Crake the resolution be adopted,
Hdbart . R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxor, McDonald, A- McPhe (iciTI , Page
Calandro, Crake. (16)
•itau,on, Moffitt, Pernick, Skarritt, Aaron, Ooyon, LI/
having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted,
and obtained a permanent easement across a parcel sy Hii[ity in
as Lot 34 of Supervisors Plat No 9, for of
e disposal system as recorded in Lfber 6884, 5(1, 0:i'dand
:e sewer was changed prior to construrtien;
longer needs the atove-cited permTriie
vmni: .the use of their property; and
..-hevrolet owns the subject property aid has rcipTested through his
-e.asiger quit claiming this easement to him; and
Director of County Public. Works- and George And rn, Director
Gf the -n.dmi-c.* Works hereby recommends that this easement be qui claimed back
tO the exis
RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
quit a [.,:rmeat easement to the property owner, John Bowman Chevrolet, Inc., as it is
no longcr r.;:scmd ,le C.Jgnty
ti :11* RESOLVED- that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs its
Chairperson to Claim Deed.
Mr. C.,inperson,'on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing r..501.AVOrL
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted,
R, Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, reConnell, MmiDonald, A, mcph erson, page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Crak.e, Ce .i nr:i. (24)
sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
and, further, the
To •
Mr, (•..:da
sr ioners
nt ems:.
ry sewer easement was acquires: through condemnation across a
.s Chestnut Hills Farms No 1 S:Jtron fcr construction of the
Independence Township Ex,',.e -nsicus; and
ilding permits throughout toe subdivision; and
,Mid,ofed on Lot 24 of Chestnut Hill Farp.s No. I. and said house was
,i,.2rmarent easement for the sanitarv sewer; aol
,(11,er of said house, through negotiation oith Independence Im -.riship
a.fun Counsel's office, has reached agreements g::rcerning the easment
ien of the Township, the County and all su.Legrert owners of saio Lot
Le n the best interest of all parties for Oaklarb County to release the
existHg e:s.fst rs,i .der/owner and simultaneously obtain new easements,
rlESOLVEO that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners the
gui t. la0m7s .::. i:e sanitary sewer easement now extant across Let 24, ELm trios kills
F,.ra No. 1 Subd;‘:i: • :.;;;rnscmit title holders of said lot.
BE IT FUk.liT-.1, ES'::•:.AVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs its
Chlrperson to ewn;-m,:. I Colt Claim Deed.
BE IT F-J.F.R RESOLVED that Oakland County, its successors and assigns, shall be held
harmless by all pr:--;-'-it and future owners of said Lot 24; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 328
existing cJaseme
of a replacement
Mr: C
the foregoing are
.OLVE0 that Oakland County obtain simultaneously with the release of the
u .ts to provide for maintenance of the existing sewer and/or construction
on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
Anne M. libL...rt, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson,
R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Crake, Doyen,
Gosling, Hobart. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87257
By Planning and Building Committee
To the OaAlaxi County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
W.HERES over the course of time, County buildings ware constructed using a variety of
products, some of which are asbestos containing materials (ACM); and
WHEREAS an independent testing company was hired to determine the location and extent of
the ACM's which resulted in a report recommending that the County enter into an asbestos abatement
program that would remove or encapsulate the ACA's; and
WEP.EAS said removal and replacement of the ACM's with - safe materials has been estimated
to cost $927,000; and
fl4ERFAS funding in the amount of $535,000 is available from the 1986 year-end surplus
which would anal,le abatement work to begin at the more critical locations,
NOW 1REFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the aforementioned independent testing company, Asbestos
Management, Inc., be retained to prepare bidding documents for the more critical items on the
abatement program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon completion of said bidding document preparation, the
abatement work be advertised, bids be received, and that a report and award recommendation be made
upon receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hcbart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Angus McPherson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R, McPherson,
Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling,
Hobart, Jensen. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted,
Misc. 87261;
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Wilt-1AS a Breast Cancer Detection Center that may be occupied by as many as 30 persons at
any given time occupies a portion of the basement of the South Oakland County Health Center; and .
WHEREAS in the opinion of the Oakland County Fire Marshal, the construction of this
facility toes not currently meet the fire protection requirements of the Life Safety Code; and
WHEREAS the continued safe occupancy of this facility requires an extension of the
existing fire sprinkler system that serves the building; and
WHEREAS the estimated cost of the fire sprinkler system extension to protect the Breast
Cancer Detection Center is $5,000.00; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the Miscellaneous Remodeling line item of
the Capital Improvement Program,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Public Works be, and is hereby,
authorized to prepare bidding documents for the extension of the fire sprinkler system at the South
Oakland Health Center, to advertise the project for bids, and to report thereon upon receipt and
Ccomissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
tabulation of such bids.
Mr: Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution:
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Rowland the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law,Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page,
Pernick, Price, Reld, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart,
Jensen. P. Kuhn.
NAYS: Non... (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87269
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oak ,ad County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairpe, Ladies and Gentlemen:
INHHTAS Children's Village is planning improvements for a multi-purpose athletic field;
WHEREAS initial plans call for the installation of a 1/4 mile running track, and shuffle-
board courts; ,Tid
..'FE.FT.AS a Children's Village Athletic Development Fund has been established from contri-
butions by individuals and civic organizations; and
WHEREAS this Fund currently holds over $30,000 for this project,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Public Works be authorized to prepare
plans for track and shuffleboard courts.
FE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Purchasing Division be authorized to take bids for the proposed
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the cost of said improvements be paid out of the Children's Village
Athletic Development Fund,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Crake the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, Luken, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart,
Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni. (23)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87244
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the county prepared an Act 641 Solid Waste Management Plan; and
WHEREAS said plan was approved locally and by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources
in July, 1987; and
WHEREAS Act 641 requires a five year update - of the plan; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires the locally approved five
year update to be submitted to them by January 6, 1989; and
WHEREAS Act 641 provides that should the county not wish to prepare the five year update
the municipalities in the county could do so or if they do not wish to, the regional solid waste
management planning agency (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments [SEMCOG] could prepare the
update; and
WHEREAS if the county, the municipalities and SEMCOG all refuse to prepare the five year
update, the Department of Natural Resources would prepare the update and the update would be final
with or without the county or municipality approval; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 330
WHEREAS the county has to file with the Director of the Department of Natural Resources
and each municipality in the county a notice of intent indicating the county's intent to prepare a
five year update to the plan; and
WHEREAS the notice of intent has to also identify the designated agency which shall be
responsible for preparing the update; and
OHREAS Act Ho. 541 provides for a grant program or eighty percent (80%) state funds to
match the local twenty percent (20%) share to effectivelj carry out thu planning resonsibilities
desiatad under the Act; and.
WHEREAS this Board of County ConOssioners recognizes its continuing responsibilities for
countywide solid waste management planning to provide for long-term solid waste disposal in a cost
effective, yet environmentally sound, manner
NOW THEREFORE 3E IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby
authorizes and directs the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to file a notice of intent with
the Director of the Department of Natural Resources and each mcnicipality in the County indicating
the county's intent to prepare a five year update to the county solid waste management plan as
required by Act 641 of the Public Acts of 1918.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive is the designated agency which shall be
responsible, for preparing the update.
, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the initiation of the planning for the five year update is
contingent upon the state providing eighty percent (80%) share of the costs unless this Board of
County Corrrissioners agrees to assume el larger share of the costs due to an insufficiency of grant
f'mr.eds available from the state to do a detailed and thorough five year update to the plan.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Department of Public Works - Update of Oakland County Solid Waste Manaement Plan as
Required by Act 641, Public Acts of liY78 (Miscel1anecas Resolution #87244)
to the Oa'dand County Board of CommissThners
Ci;airperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI -G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Rasoltion #87244 snd finds:
1) Act 641 requires the County to update its solid waste management plan every five
2) The Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires the update on the aforementioned
plan be submitted by January 6, 1989,
The County is required to file a notice of intent,
4) The cost over a two year period for the plan update is to be T12E,000 with the State
providing 80% of this cost,
5) The State of Michigan has indicated that $49,988 should be available in the State
Fiscal Year 1988,
6) The County match (205) of $12,491 is available in the 1987 Sewer, Water and Solid
Waste budget and future funding is inoltded in the 1988-89 Biennial Budget Recommendation, thus no
budget amendments are recommended.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Price supported by Rowland the resolution be amended by adding a third BE IT
FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph which reads:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforementioned 5 year update shall include
recommendations regarding public policy at the State, Federal and local levels of government
increasing public awareness and use of recycling options available including tax incentives and
disincentives affecting the packaging industry which in turn affects recycling efforts."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick,
Price, Reword, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart,
Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
years, years,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
MiSC 87270
hy Public 5ervis Cmmittee
lc the 01:1 ..u: C Ooard of Commissioners
mr. uairr-A.pr„ and Gentlemen:
Shuiriff of Oakland County, by letter of September 18, 1987 has requested
artterity 5 c.i to dispose of recovered stolen property which has been unclaimed for six
months on :.covery, such authority being necessary pursuant to the provisions of Act 54
as amended, said recovered stolen- property to be disposed- or by manner of
pubThs Saturday, October 17, 1987.
THEREF058 IT RESOLVED that authority to dispose of such unclaimed property be and
the same is hereby ants •1 to the Sheriff of Oakland County, such unclaimed property to be disposed
of in the manner prescribed in Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Crate, DOyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
C. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon. (24)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution - was adopted.
Report to the Public Services Committee, Personnel - Committee.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Prosecutor's Department - 1988. ANTI-DRUG ABUSE GRANT APPLICATION
In _accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution . #86186, Revised Federal and State Grant
Application and Reimbursement Contract Procedures, the Finance. Committee has reviewed the
application for the Oakland County Anti-Drug Abuse Prosecution- Program and finds
1) This is the first year of the grant funded by federal funds through the Michigan
Department of Management and Budget, Office of Criminal Justice.
2) The grart covers the period January . 1., 1988 through. December 31, 1988.
3) Total annual cost are estimated to be $178,838 of which 75% or $134,128.50 is grant
funded and 25% or $44,709,50 is a required . County- match.
4) The County match can come from the General. Fund,- contingency in forfeited funds.
5) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc, 87271
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Prosecutor's Department - 1988 ANTI-DRUG ABUSE GRANT APPLICATION
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners'
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986.. established a program of grants to state
and local units of government for the purpose of enforcing state and local laws which establish
offenses similar to offenses established in the Federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et,
seq.); and
WHEREAS the Michigan State Department of Management. and Budget, Office of Criminal Justice
has made these grant funds available to local units.- of government to develop programs in the areas
of apprehension, prosecution and treatment;. and
WHEREAS the Oakland County. Prosecuting.. Attorney.. proposes to apply for said grant funds for
the period January 1 through December 31,1988' to, create. an Anti-Drug Prosecution Unit to be staffed
by one (1) Senior Trial Attorney and two (2) Assistant Prosecuting Attorney III positions; and
WHEREAS the total annual cost of the program is $178,838 which requires a County match of
25% or $44,709,50 and grant funds in the amount of $134,128.50.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED- that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the
proposal for an Anti-Drug Abuse- Prosecution Program, to be operated by the Oakland County Prosecutor
under a grant from the Michigan Department of Management and Budget, Office of Criminal Justice,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services' Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 332
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Rcr4lririd, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandrc, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87272
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: 52nd District Court, 4th Division (Troy) - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CLERICAL ASSISTANCE FO.
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Volunteer Probation Department for the 52nd District Court, 4th Division has
operated under a professional services contraot with Oakland County since 1973; and
WHEREAS the voluma, of cases handled by this Probation Oe:-,artment has increased 700% since
1978 without any additional clerical assistance; and
WHEREAS the need exists for additional c1.2rical support at this time.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve of additional part-time clerical assistance for the Volunteer Probation Department.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and the Finance
Committee. There were no pojections.
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Veterans Memorial Garden
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee having reviewed the above referenced resolution
reports with the recommendation that the resolution he adopted with the following addition:
GE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Veterans' Memorial Garden be placed in the area presently
designated for the new library and should be incorporated in the site development desi9n.
Mr. hairperson, on beha' of the Planning and Builving Committee, I rove acceptance of
the foregoing report.
Arne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Misc. 87156
By Pudlic Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Comissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has no official tribute to the men and women who have served
honorably in the defense of their state and country within the last one hundred and fifty years of
Michigad's statehood; and
WHEREAS the creation of a Veterans' Memorial Garden will serve as this tribute; and
WHEREAS the Sesquicentennial Advisory Counsel has designated $10,000 of the
Sesquicentennial budget for the purpose of such a memorial; and
WHEREAS a juried stainless steel, 20' sculptured piece by the late Oakland County artist,
Donald Snyder, has been selected as the focal point of said garden; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland must contract with the artist's widow,
commence fabrication of said sculpture; and
WHEREAS the fabrication cost of the sculptured piece is $22,000
Veterans' Memorial Garden including the sculpture is estimated not
attachment); and
WHEREAS donations will be sought from veterans' groups, private citizens and the private
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorses the concept of
a Veterans' Memorial Garden.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Board authorizes a contract with Jo Ann D. Snyder to fabricate
and deliver the sculptured piece at an amount not to exceed $22,000.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thatthe total cost of the Veterans' Memorial Garden including the
Jo Ann D. Snyder, to
and the total cost of the
to exceed $95,000 (per
;arden be
the site u€
Commissioners Minutes Continued, October 8, 1987
sculpture is not to exceed $95,D00.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an active effort will be made to solicit funds to offset the
cost of said garden.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson
By Faf-o.e. Umnittee
RF: MEMORlAL GARDEN (Miscellaneous Resolution #87156)
.oe.ntN Board of Commissioners
dies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution i571F,E, and. finds
The site for the Veterans' Memorial Garden should be incorporated in the site
development i'lesigh of the new library per attached Building and Planning Committee report.
2) Thereat of the sculpture including delivery and installation, foundation, pedestal
and paque ls re', to exceed 828,900.
.10 ILie is $10,000 in the Cultural Affairs - Sesquicentennial-Special Projects 1987
Budget dosignate ihr sculpture,
4) There no ';11;—ft 4 ent funds in the 1987 Contingency to cover the balance of the cost
and recommends the trans'er of $18,900 as follows:
4-10100-9C-01-00-9900 Contingency $(18,900)
4-10100-118-0-00-3740 Sesquicentennial-Special Projects 18,90D
Total $
0, William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Hobart the Planning and Building Committee report be
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Calandro the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
To the OuLL
Mr, Ch ,,it
Hobart supported by Calandro the resolution be amended so that it corresponds
and Building Report. (Add: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Veterans' Memorial
o the area presently designated for the new library and should be incorporated in
t design.')
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Moved by Caddell supported by Hobart the resolution be amended to agree with the Fiscal
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland,
Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald. (24)
NAYS None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted,
Discussion followed regarding the Sheriff's Department invo l vement with Royal Oak
Township, Moved by Pernick supported by Doyon that Richard Kuhn give a report at the next meeting
on the involvment of the Sheriff's Department with. Royal Oak Township. There were no objections,
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairpers::.n, Ladies and Gentlemen:
0encral Government Committee having reviewed the request to reappoint Howard Dell to
the Social S.,rdic,:s Board, reports with the recommendation that Mr. Dell be reappointed for a three
year term expiring October 31, 1990.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Moved by Skarritt supported by Susan Kuhn the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Commissioner Skarritt moved the nomination of Howard Dell for reappointment to the Social
Services Board for a three year term expiring October 31, 1990. Supported by Gosling.
Moved by Jensen supported by Moffitt the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Calandro a unanimous ballot be cast for Mr. Dell.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, a unanimous ballot was cast and Howard Dell
was reappointed to the Social Services Board for a three year term expiring October 31, 1990.
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Building Authority - AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (Miscellaneous Resolution #87222)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the above reference resolution, reports
with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Misc, 87222
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Building Authority was established by the then Oakland County
Board of Supervisors by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 4534, adopted February 8, 1966; by certain
Articles of Incorporation for the Oakland County Building Authority, said Articles of Incorporation
being adopted pursuant to and in accordance with Act 31 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1948 (First
Extra Session), as amended, and each of the same have been published and filed with the County Clerk
and the Secretary of the State of Michigan, as provided in said Act 31 of the Public Acts of
Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended; and
WHEREAS Act 31 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended, has
been amended with respect to the powers of the Authority and the County of Oakland and it is
accordingly necessary to amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Oakland County Building
Authority in order to bring said Articles of Incorporation into compliance with Act 31 of the Public
Acts of Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended;
1. The attached Amendments to Articles of Incorporation of the Oakland County Building
Authority are hereby approved and adopted and the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners
and the County Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendments to Articles of
Incorporation for and on behalf of the County, and to retain one copy of the same in the office of
the County Clerk for the County of Oakland and one copy with the Secretary of the Oakland County
Building Authority, to which should be attached certified copies of this resolution.
2. The County Clerk is hereby directed to cause a copy of the Amendments to Articles of
Incorporation to be published once in the Oakland Press and Daily Tribune being newspapers
circulating within the County of Oakland, said publication to be accompanied by a statement that the
right exists to question the Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, as provided in Section 6
of Act 31 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended, said notice to be
in substantially the form attached to this resolution.
3. The County Clerk shall, in accordance with Section 6 of Act 31 of the Public Acts of
Michigan, 1948 (First Extra Session), as amended, file one printed copy of the Amendments to
Articles of Incorporation in his or her office and one printed copy of the Amendments to Articles of
Incorporation with the Secretary of State and the County Clerk shall file one printed copy of the
Amendments to Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of the Commission of the Building
Authority, each of said printed copies to have attached thereto a certificate of the County Clerk
setting forth that the Amendments to Articles of Incorporation are a true and complete copy of the
Amendments to Articles of Incorporation on file in his or her office and which certificate shall
also set forth the date and place of publication thereof.
4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions
to this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.
The General Government Committee by its Chairperson hereby moves adoption of the foregoing
Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson
3 -34
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
ArtiCes and Sections of Articles of incorporation of Oakland Couity
are amended in accordance with Section 10 of Act 31, Rubric Acts of
vS ialemded, to provide as follows:
purl so;-P-Jr which the Authority is formed are as follows: to build, ac-
e, enlarge, lease, operate and maintain a. building or buildings,
recreational facilities, stadiums and the 0e(es701i to or
a-,:iPurtenant properties and facilities necessary 1. 1 n the
- for any legitimate public purpose of the County of L);k;oHd, 1011 1'
iess in connection therewith and incident thermr.n not ''.i'tWen by the
Sod the Incorporating Unit shall have the power to enter into a i'cirrn, -;iit or
:_m.ority will acquire property necessary to accomplish the purpo.-• TtiS
riveted by the terms of the enabling act and lease said prc to till
a period pf not to exceed fifty (50) years, or if the Auto L, sues
may enter into a contract or contracts under which tne
.;.dcperty acquired, in part or in whole, from the sale of the be
;Ai the Incorporating Unit for a period not to exceed iHrsy (50)
St the refunding bonds, which contracts may be either a full faith
of the Incorporating Unit or shall not be a full faith and credit
incorporating Unit. the contract with the Incorporating Unit may also
orpord Unit shall pay all costs and expenses of operation anc maintenance Of
a ..d the •;porating expenses of the Authority, including expenses to the
payment of bonds, and such contract may provide that the of:i
Thereunder tor the payment of any rental required tnerehy snail not
incorporating Unit or any abatement of cash rentals for any cause, ir(,
to .iasualty that resnits in the property being untenantable. The locorpH ..
iurn rights to sublet or assign property leased from the Authority as provide.. in the
ant •aid Ac. 31, as now or hereafter amended.
the purpose of defraying all or part of the cost of building, acquiring,
any building or buildings, automobile jading lots or structures,
i the necessary site or sites therefor, 'dgether with appurtenant
nssary or convenient for the effective use thereof, and furnishing and
(a) atter execution and delivery of a Full fithod credit
se, as provided in Act 31 of the. Public Acts of Itchp -,J , (First
roLy by ordinance or resolution o:.rly adopted by a aajory ,,ete of
'ion of the Authority issue its becitiable bonds to ant'dipation of
I. ncorporating Unit to make cash renal payments the Authority and
such payments for payment of said bonds and the inteiest thereon; (h)
r.a,t of lease which is not a full faith and credit generl obligation of
provided in Act 31 of the Public Acts of Michigan (Firf- F:its:, Session)
..-dinance or resolution duly adopted by a majority vute 5' the elected
07 the Authority issue its negotiable bonds in anticipien of the
ir4.:crperating Unit to make cash rental payments to the At.:Ln(fy and may
s'om p.4ment5 for payment of said bonds and the interest tha.n; in both
sii;;jcct to and in accordance with Act 31 of the Public A.:t Vdchigan
amended. Bonds shall not be issued unless the ,-its.peuty been
to the Incorporating Unit for a period extending beyond the Lit. maturity of
:v1ty shall in arni event be more than forty ;40) years from tne date of the
the Authority shall have the power to issue such other bends as it may he
the general laws of the State of Michigan said bonds to be issued in
cc to the provisions of such other laws. No bonds of the Authority shall
_itrurs thereof in any event until such time as all rights of referendum with
ot any contract between the Authority and the Irorporating Unit shall have
petition being filed or, if a referendum petition ,s' to respect
r v ele-Aion aPproving said contract or the issuance of the bonds as may be
have held and the same approved by a majority vote of the electors of the
Inciorp(iratni.; vetioc. thei eon.
g all bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of the enabling Act under
which the :r7 ,:.or:Jorated shall have been retired, the Authority sl -;.a;1 convey ti I' to the
propeM,' aoon -!..0 P.-:)eunco to the Incorporating Unit in accordance with direijons of the governing
body of ll, fo -fc.,,satiro Unit.
All property owned by the Authority shall be exempt from taxation by the State
or any tax 1.11-1 therein
:ut to
Roy Rewold, Chairperson
Lynn D. Allen, Clerk
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987 336
Section 4. The Authority shall possess all the powers necessary to carry out the purpose
of its incorporation, including the incidental power necessary thereto. The powers herein granted
shall be in addition to those granted by any statute or chanter, and the enumeration of any power
either in these- Articles of Incorporation or in the enabling Act, shall not be construed as a
limitation upon such general powers.
Section 5. The term of the Authority shall be perpetual, or until terminated in
accordance with law and in any event shall not be less than or terminated prior to the time that all
bonds or other obligations of the Authority are paid in full.
The powers of the Authority shall be exercised by its governing body which shall be known
as the "Commission" and shall consist of three members to he appointed by the Board of Commissioners
of the County of Oakland, each of whom shall hold office for a, term of three years, except that the
terms of the comm i ssioners first appointed shall expire on December 31, 1966, December 31, 1967, and
December 31, 1968, respectively. Thereafter each commissioner shall be appointed for a full three-
year term beginning on January 1 of the first year of the term and expiring on December 31 on the
last year thereof. Each Commissioner shall serve during the term for which he was appointed and
thereafter until his successor is appointed. No member at the Board of Commissioners of the County
of Oakland shall be eligible to appointment or membership on the Commission. The officers of the
Commission shall receive a per diem as established by the Commission and approved by the Board of
Commissioners of the incorporating Unit. The Commission in its discretion may authorize the payment
of the actual expenditures of any member incurred in connection with the business of the Authority.
At the first meeting of each fiscal year, the Commission shall select a Chairperson, a Vice Chair-
person and a Secretary, who shall be members of the Commission. The County Treasurer shall be
Treasurer of the Authority. Such officers shall serve until the organization meeting in the
following year and until their respective successors shall be selected. The time and place of all
meetings shall be fixed by a majority of the members of the Commission and notice thereof served
personally upon all members, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the holding of the
meeting. No appointment to the Commission and no election of an officer of the Commission shall be
deemed to be invalid because it was not made within or at the time specified in these Articles. Any
member of the Commission may be removed for cause at any time by action of the Board of
Commissioners of Oakland County. Any officer of the Commission may be removed by action of the
In event of a vacancy on the Commission, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Oakland shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. In event of a vacancy in any office of the
Commission, such vacancy shall be filled by the Commission for the unexpired term. In case of the
temporary absence or disability of any officer, the Commission may appoint some person to
temporarily act in his stead except that in case of the temporary absence or disability of the
Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall so act.
The Chairperson of the Commission shall be the presiding officer thereof. in the absence
or disability of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the Commission. The Treasurer shall be custodian of
the funds of the Authority. The Treasurer shall be the chief accounting officer of the Authority
and subject to the approval of the Commission may employ or designate such assistants as may be
necessary. All moneys shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a bank or banks that have been
designated for funds of the Incorporating Unit. The Commission shall designate all payments to be
made by the Treasurer. The officers of the Commission shall have such other powers and duties as
may be conferred upon them by the Commission.
These Amendments to Articles of Incorporation, upon their adoption by the Board of
Commissioners of said County of Oakland, shall be executed in duplicate for and on behalf of said
County, by the Chairperson of said Board of Commissioners and the County Clerk of said County. Said
duplicate executed copies shall be delivered to the County Clerk of said County, who shall file one
of said executed copies in his office and the other with the Secretary of the Authority. The said
County Clerk shall cause a copy of these Amendments to Articles of Incorporation to be published
once in the Oakland Press and Daily Tribune, newspapers circulating within the County of Oakland.
He shall file one printed copy of these Amendments to Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary
of State of the State of Michigan and one printed copy thereof in his office, attached to each of
which printed copies shall be his certificate setting forth that the same is a true and complete
copy of the Amendments to Articles of Incorporation on file in his office, and also the date and
place of the publication thereof. These Amendments to Articles of Incorporation shall become
immediately effective.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Incorporating Unit, the County of Oakland, has adopted and
authorized to be executed these Amendments to Articles of Incorporation on behalf of said County, a
public corporation of the State of Michigan, by the Chairperson and Clerk of the County of Oakland.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
Moved by Skarritt supported by Hobart the Planning and Building Committee report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Skarritt supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted,
Price, Pew
S. Kuhn, 1.
Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Permick,
RoWand, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, •Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
. (23)
: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
fvhsc. 87223
Uovernment CemmIttee
To the OakLr Cc12r:. ::();J-d of Commissioners
Mr. Cha:rp -, Lc!jef-. and Gentlemen:
:F!!:FRLAS Oakland County Board of Commissioners has adopted amended Articles of Incorpo-
ration for ()Aland County Building Authority; and
such amended Articles of Incorporation include the provision for payment of
a per diem r.H.e to the Building Authority members; and
WHEPiAS the Board of Commissioners_has established a per diem rate of $35.00 per meeting
for its variocs c.:wds: and commissions.
NOW TBIRFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland. County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a per diem rate of $35.00 per meeting for the members of the Oakland County Building
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard G. Skarritt, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #87223 and finds:
1) The Board of Commissioners is establishing a per diem rate of $35 per meeting for the
members of the Oakland County Building Authority,
2) Tde estimated annual cost for the payment of per diem is $1,260 and the cost for the
remainder of 1987 is $420,
3) Funding in the amount of $420 for the remainder of 1987 is available in the 1987
Contingency Account for transfer to the Non-departmental, Sundry-fees and Mileage Account as
4-10100-909-C1-00-9900 Contingency $(420)
4-10100-907-01-00-3072 Non-departmental, Sundry-fees &
Mileage 420
$ -0-
B. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Skarritt supported by Hobart the resolution, with a favorable fiscal note
attached, be adopted.
AYES: Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick„
Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with favorable Fiscal Note
attached, was adopted.
Misc. 87273
By Transportation Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS rapid economic development has contributed to serious traffic congestion problems
on the Oakland County road system; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is aware that the Oakland County Road
Commission is insufficiently funded to meet these new road construction demands; and
d improvement
Commissioners Mirutes Continued. October 8, 1987 338 •
CJT.J.H1tyB.barn of Commissioners is making a concerted effort to obtain
Miehioan, which has benefited from the economic develop -
on MIsce
on the
in the al
of coun
are appropr
the manner:
BE 1
of the Oakland tl(
#87158 will be IC
ate relief Si:n flbkiand. County Board of Commissioners
$5 million of Ton -property tax dollars to the local
etc hutch directly to the cities, villages and townships
usibution of
el, he improp Lad.rno existing state statutes governing the use
have been successfully f ended by the County through the
the funds specified in Miscellaneous Besolution #87158
bpsn Commissioa and alloca t :n1 to the various communities in
Hseellaneous Resolution #37158.
) effectuate the provisions of 1:! in res.Plution. the Chairman .
.ers shall enter into a „,ontract with the Road Commission.
;owing guidelines speoified in Miscellaneous Resolution
funds directly to the local communities may,
, A. Ford censrdotion projects not currently budgeted (e.g. not for
reducing current cr for rout :0 maintenanco
B. .Propos cors,nfion projects should be identified and submitted to the Board of
Commissioners' Traospor , (!fl Ccimmitee for final approval within 18 months of the adoption of
Miscellaneous Resclution #871,
C, Funds must bo sp—t on certified city/village ma,jor streets and county primary or
mile-type roads.
D. Communities n
E. Cemmuhities
to develop projects of
Mn, Chairperson
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Crake the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Pornick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson,
Moffitt, (23)
NAYS: R, McPherson. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 87274
By Commissioner Oames E. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS transportation represents the number one unmet need for service identified by the
University of l'ehigan 's 1985 Needs Survey of Michigan 's 60 and ,)ver population; and
WHE';::: similar studies and data gathering clearly indicate that the transportation needs
of the handic7 -c;pers are also unmet; and
'4HEkl.AS Michigan 's Comprehensive Transportation Act currently puts an $850,000 ceiling on
the amount of money the State Department of Transportation may spend on specialized services to the
elderly and handicappers and thus provides less than $8,000 a year in operating assistance grants
for each bus serving the elderly and handicapper populations; and
WHEREAS the County Small Bus program, due to federal belt -tightening is receiving less
funding and Congress has just appropriated fewer dollars for rural transportation services; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging, recognizing the increasingly
severe transportation crises, has called for a comprehensive statewide transportation system
targeted to serve the elderly and handicapped.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Senate Bill 321 be amended to strike the $850,000 fiscal
year ceiling on expenditures for specialized services to the elderly and handicappers and replace it
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Senate Bill 321 be further amended to appropriate NOT LESS
THAN $6 MILLION in each fiscal year for grants to area agencies on aging to be used for the purpose
of specialized services for the elderly and handicappers under a coordinated service plan approved
by the County Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Commissioner Dist. #11
',heir own funds to supplement those received under this program.
agreeMents with adjacnut comMunitidS and/Os the koad •ommission
community nature,
inalf of the Transportation Committees, I move adoption of the fore-
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 8, 1987
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson:
a_ USDol, 8E-CTA-117, Order Approving Settlement
b. HCMA - Min
c. DSS - Child Support Incentive Payments
- --TT—ITC-- Appointment of Howard Dell
0. Arenac County - (Support) HR1087 & 1278, Federal Funds for Federal Mandates
c. Board of Canvassers - Appointment of Sally Dixon
O. Board of Canvassers - Reappointments
e. Kalkaska - Emergency Planning & CoMmunity Right-to-Know Funding
f. Kakaska (Support) Supplemental Proposal for Health Departments
g, - (Support) Federal Legislation to Preserve General Obligation Tax Notes
0, Mr1; 2r,= - (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
I.EaY (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
j. moiie county (Oppose) juvenile Code Changes Requiring Attorney Referees
1‹, Prr:c,.r. County - (Support) Constitutional Amendment, Minimum 5-year Law Practice
HEALTH & HUMAN SEirrs. a_ Michigan Chemical Dependency Study-Conference
b. Kalkaska - Support Supplemental Proposal for Health Departments
c. DSS - Youth Camps
a, Boy County - (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
ofiroe Couhty (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
a. Randcle Eastern Pipelines figOakland County
••• a, Be ger Report - NEA Grants
USDoL-83-CTA-22, Order Denying Motion in Opposition to Respondent's Interrogatories
c. Bay County - (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
6. Kalkaska - Emergency Planning and CoMmunity Right-to-Know Funding
e, USDOL-85-CIA-117, Order Approving Settlement
A. DSS - Child Support Incentive Payments
g. Monroe County - (Oppose) Compensation Determination for Judges
A. Probate Court - Oppose Juvenile Code Changes Requiring Attorney Referees
Management J; Budget
a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Office Resource's, Inc., Royal Oak
b. Equalization - Industrial DevelOpMent District, SFA Inc., South Lyon
C. Equalization - Industrial Facility Exemption Over 5% SEV, Koppy Corp., Orion
d. Equalization - Industrial Facility ExeMption, Aluminum Blanking, Pontiac
There were no objections to the i''eforrars.
The next meeting of the Board will be October 22, 1987 at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting adjourned at 12:32 P.M.
Lynn -D. Allen, Clerk Roy Rewold, Chairperson