HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1987.11.19 - 7243OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING November 19, 1987 Meeting called to order at 9:33 A.M. by Chairperson Roy Rewoid in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, Angus McPherson, Rue] McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox. (21) ABSENT: Law, McConnell, McDonald, Rowland. (4) Quorum present. Invocation given by Commissioner G. William Caddell. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Moved by Jensen supported by Angus McPherson the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved. Moved by Gosling supported by Pernick the rules be suspended and the agenda be amended for the following changes: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES a. Community Mental Health - Model In -Service Training Project - Grant Acceptance with Greater than 155 Variance (Waive Rule XXVII 5-day notification. Health and Human Services Committee meeting held November 18. Expedition Requested by Administration). b. Children's Village - Amendment to 1981/88 Waterford School District Agreement (Waive Rule XXVII 5-day notification. Health and Human Services Committee meeting held November 18. Expedition requested by Administration). AYES: R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyen, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules and amend the agenda carried. Clerk read letter of condolence from Branch County Board of Commissioners for the volunteer firefighters who lost their lives in the Milford training fire. Moved by Skarritt supported by Gosling the letter be received and filed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The following persons addressed the Board regarding the problems of smoke from leaf burning in Oakland County and the respiratory problems resulting from it: Mary Margaret Pacene of Waterford, Jill Naeger and Linda Farms of Sylvan Lake. They also presented petitions signed by residents of their area, and letters from Doctors regarding The respiratory problems of Mrs. Naeger's SOH, 394 Mr. Doyen requested this information be referred to Health and Human Services Committee. 1here were no objections, 395 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 Misc. 87305 By Finance Committee IN RE: VIDEOTAPED RECORDS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS IN OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUI1 COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan by Administrative Order 1987-7 has authorized as an experimental program the use of videotaped recordings as part of the records of a case; and WHEREAS one courtroom in each of the Sixth and Ninth Circuit Courts have been designated to participate in the experimental project; and WHEREAS specific guidelines shall apply to this experimental program as outlined in Administrative Order 1987-7 (attached); and WHEREAS Chief Judge Kuhn ha..; selected Judge Lippitt to conduct this experimental program for the Sixth Circuit Court; and WHEREAS the court reporter position assigned to Judge Lippitt is currently vacant and shall remain vacant during this project; and WHEREAS the cost of the recording equipment is not to exceed $70,000; and WHEREAS the vacant court reporter position will result in an estimated annual savings of $42,500 in salary and fringe benefits. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners concurs with Administrative Order 1987-7 authorizing an experimental program which utilizes videotaped recordings as part of the records of a case. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Court Reporter III position remain vacant during this project and the 1988 -1989 Biennial Budget be amended to reflect the transfer of funds from Circuit Court - Judicial Administration Salaries to Circuit Court - Judicial Administration Equipment Rental line items to cover the charges which are to occur during those years for the equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds are available in the 1987 Contingency Fund to cover the cost of the equipment need to implement this project not to exceed $70,000 and approves the transfer as follows: 4-10100-311-05-00-5998 Misc. Capital $ 70,000 4-10100 -909-01-00-9909 1987 Contingency $ 70,000 Mr. Chairperson. on hehalf of the Finance Committee. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G, William Caddell, Chirnerson Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Page,Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87306 By Finance Committee IN RE: Computer Services Department - 1981 THIRD QUARTER DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all data processing development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the Computer Services Department Budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department on a quarterly basis with a Summary report to the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Computer Services Department has determined the 1987 Third Quarter data processing development charges in the amount of $383,008 for the budgeted County departments; and WHEREAS these development charges are for programs which are in conformance with the guidelines set forth by the Computer User Advisory Committee and the Computer Center master plan approved by the Finance Committee; and WHEREAS an appropriation transfer to budgeted County departments is needed to fund these development charges. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Finance Committee has reviewed the 1987 Third Quarter Data Processing Development for user departments and finds $383,808 from the 1987 Data Processing Development budget and transfers said funds to the appropriate user departments consistent with the attached schedule. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued, November 19, 1987 396 Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES; Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was z\doted. Misc. 87307 By Finance Committee IN RE: Computer Services Department - RE-ALLOCATION OF COMPUTER SERVICES - OPERATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHERF.` the adopted Computer Services - Operations allocation is based on an estimated usage by depn's; and WHFPE!: toe actual volume of work processed varies from this allocation; and WN a re-allocation of Computer Services - Operations line item requires no additional 4.:Mation. NOP ,F1EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Computer Services - Operations line item be reallocated per the attached schedule. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I recommend the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. AYE: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritl., Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cra"(e, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 8730E 3y Finance Committee IN RE: Risk Management - 1988 GALLAGHER BASSETT CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairper Ladies end Gentlemen: WHE;H,, the Department of Risk Management and Gallagher Bassett have negotiated a 1988 Contract for :sN Management, Loss Prevention and Claims Management and has proposed such agreement to the Finance Committee. NOW TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board approves the 1988 contract for services with Gal!agher Bassett and authorizes its execution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Proposed Agreement for Services (Revised) on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Page the resolution he adopted. AYE: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, N. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87309 By Finance Committee IN RE: Community Development Division - EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (EGS) FUND ACCEPTANCE FOR HOMELESS SHELTERS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of 0o.kland, by Miscellaneous Resolution #.87286, authorized the Community Development Division to file a 1987 application for Emergency Shelter Grant funds in the amount of $56,000; and WHEREAT , HOD by letter October 23, 1987, transmitted to Oakland County a grant in the amount of $56,000 for The fiscal ye“c 1 Cfl7, to be used within 180 days upon date of grant award; and WHEREAS the grant award is 'co he included in the total Community Development Block Grant Previously awarded May 1, 1987 by way of Miscellaneous Resolution #8/115 in the amount of hrinOng the total v.,ard to 1:3,565,000; and 397 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 WHEREAS the grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioner accept the 1987 Emergency Shelter Grant in the amount of $56,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1987 budget be amended per the attached schedules. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of thc foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Proposed Budget Amendment schedules on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Price the resolution be adopted. AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87310 By Finance Committee IN RE: Community Mental Health - SUPPORTED INDEPENDENCE PROGRAM FOR MENTALLY ILL ADULTS - CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS application for State funding for a Community Mental Health Supported Independence Program of residential services for mentally ill adults was authorized by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners as part of the total CMH proposal to the Michigan Department of Mental Health for expanded services in fiscal year 1986-87; and WHEREAS the State has now authorized implementation of this program enhancement for Community Mental Health, which will provide supervised, semi-independent apartment placements for 24 chronically mentally ill adult residents of Oakland County, together with necessary day activities and clinical support care; and WHEREAS the proposed expansion would be accomplished through a contract with Adult Learning Systems, Inc., an organization experienced in managing Supported Independence programming; and WHEREAS total full-year cost of the Supported Independence Program would be $391,968 net of the residents SSI income ($87,335 start-up budget for the balance of 1987), requiring no additional County matching funds inasmuch as the start-up costs are 100% State funded; and WHEREAS County match required for the program expansion, for continuation in fiscal 1988, would be $6,765 for the clinical support component of the program only; and WHEREAS acceptance of the funds does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the proposed Community Mental Health Supported Independence Program for mentally ill adults, provided that the contract with Adult Learning Systems is reviewed and approved by the Risk Management Division and authorizes the following amendment to the 1987 Budget: Revenues 3-22200-166-01-00-2589 100% State Funds $87,335 Expenditures —77=-166-44-00-3042 Client Services 87,335 $ -O- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1988/89 Biennial Budget be amended as follows: Revenues 1988 1989 3-22200-166-01-00-2589 100% State Funds $231,481 $240,741 3-22200-166-01-00-2589 90% State Funds 44,467 46,245 3-22200-166-44-00-2528 Medicaid 3,562 3,104 1279,510 $290,690 Expenriitures 4-722-26-6=T66-44-00-3041 Clinical Services $ 40,657 $ 42,283 4-22200-166-44-00-3042 Client Services 235,043 244,445 4-22200-166-44-00-4832 Dry Goods and Clothing 8,752 9,102 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (4,942) (5,140) 12797510 $290,690 $ -0- $ -0- Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 398 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE 8. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. AYE: Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87311 By Finance Committee IN RE: Health Division 1987 -88 TB OUTREACH GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies coo Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1/8086 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than fifteen (15) percent from the original grant application; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #86186 authorized application for the TB Outreach Grant as an ongoing grant in the amount of $27,230 for the time period October 1, 1987 through September 30, 1988; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart- ment of Public Health, and finds the grant award in the amount of $27,230 the same as the original grant application for the same time period; and WHEREAS said program is 100% funded by the State; and WHEREAS application or acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment; and WHEREAS this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by Corporation Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the TB Outreach Grant in the amount of $21,230, as per the attached schedule and authorizes the necessary amendments to the 1988/89 Biennial Budgets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Liixon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87312 By Finance Committee IN RE: Cultural Affairs - LATCH KEY PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Michigan Council of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts offers local communities funds for cultural programs under the Local Testing Program; and WHEREAS Oakland County has been offered $2,000 per year in 1986, 1987 and 1988 to establish cultural programs for after-school latch-key programs; and WHEREAS the $2,000 received by the County for 198/ was not budgeted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1987 Budget be amended as specified below to account for the 1987 latch-key reimbursoments: 3-10100-118-01-00-2293 Latch Key -Revenue $2,000 4-10100-118-01-00-3448 Latch Key - Expense $2,000 $ -0- Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson 399 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 Moved by Caddell supported by Luxon the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Rernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Report By Finance Committee IN RE: BUDGET (1988) - ESTABLISHMENT OF DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Committee recommends the establishment of the date and time of the required Public Hearing on the 1988 Budget (contained within the document entitled The Oakland County 1982-1989 Biennial Budget and General Appropriations Act) to be held on Thursday, December 10, 1987 at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Chairperson, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Wilcox the report be accepted and the time for the public hearing be established. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and the Public Hearing will be held on December 10, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. Misc. 87302 By Health and Human Services Committee IN RE: Department of institutional and Human Services - COMMUNITY COORDINATED CHILD CARE RESTRUCTURIN (Non -Grant Process) To the Oakl .oh County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairpe, 41, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHELEAS the Department_ of Social Services first granted Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA) money to conduct a Community Coordinated Child Care Program in 1974 for which a 25% match was required; and WHEREAS in fiscal year 1987-1988, an award of $24,696 will be given for 4C services in Oakland County and will require a match of $6,174; and WHEREAS for the past two years, Oakland County Board of Commissioners has contributed $11,041 through OLHSA to conduct the 4C program; and WHEREAS other 4C agencies throughout the state have found that they have a better working relationship with business and industry for whom they act as a consultant and referral agency when their agency is freestanding; and WHEREAS the Department of Social Services (DSS) has decided to terminate the grant to OLHSA and give the grant to an independent Oakland County's 4C program with the Wayne County 4C Agency acting as the fiduciary agent for this fiscal year pending incorporation of an Oakland County 4C Council; and WHEREAS there is a need to increase the number of licensed day care slots from the current 11,000 to 34,000 for ages 0-4 and approximately the same number for ages 5 -9; and WHEREAS there is a need for training of day care personnel to improve the quality of care rendered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the portion of the 4C grant for the months of October through December of 1987 3 $11,041, as recommended by the County Executive for the calendar year 1988, be transferred to the Oakland County 4C Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OLHSA's request of $11,041, as recommended by the County Executive for the calendar year 1988, be transferred to the Oakland County 40 Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County 40 Council report to the Health and Human Services Committee on a semiannual basis as to the number of day care slots available, the number of training sessions conducted, and the number of people trained as well as a report on their monetary status. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITiEE Larry Crake, Vice Chairperson Fiscal Note By Finance Committee IN RE: Institutional and Human Services - Community Coordinated Child Care Restructuring (Miscellaneous Resolution #87302) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI -G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #87302 and finds: Commissioners Minutes Continued. November lb. 1982 400 1) The Community Coordinated Child Care (4C) Program is no longer a rrocram of the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA), but is aat an inda?endont Oakla .a, County 4C Program. -Mt: liayno Couiity 4C Agenci iE at'tin.j as the fiduory agent for the 198 -/a8 fisca year pending incorporation of an Oakland County 4C Council. 2) Oakland County has appropriated funding for tThs ;Bnovam, through the OLHSA budget, aCe a::Iount of :SL, 1 for 19F.:7. $11,Cafl for 13C :,wd 511,483 for 1989 has been sct cci c r1 tha 19 C:ennial Budget Recomendaticr. 3) The '2udget is to Le amended by transferring S2, AG from the OLHSA bueet to the Oakland County 4C Cowic.'.1. Likewisc, the 1c8S189 Bienrial budget is to be amended by transferring $11,041 for 1988 and Ill ,4c3 for 1989 from tin c OLHSA budget to the Oakland County 4C Council. F1HAiiCE CC,MMITTEE C. William Cad.dell, Charperson Moved Cj Crake supported 5y Angus McPherson the resciution (with a positive Fiscal Note attached) be adopted, AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Pxwold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron. (20) Bio(S: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with a Positive Fiscal Note attacBcd) was adopted. Misc. 87313 By Health and Human Services Committee IN RE: Community Mental Heal tin - MODEL IN-SERVICE TRAINING PROJECT - GRANT ACCEPTANCE WITH GREATER THAN 15% VARIANCE To the Oakland County Board of Counissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS application for State grant funding to establish a "Model In-Service Training Project" for Oakland County Community Mental Health clinical staff was authorized by the Oakland County board of Commissioners under Miscellaneous Resolution #87076 in the amount of $45,000; and WHEREAS the State has now authorized implementation of the project, though at a reduced funding level of $30,000 full-year cost ($7,500 for the balance of fiscal 1987); and WHEREAS at the State authorized funding level, the Model In-Service Training Project will require County matching dollars in the amount of $750 for the balance of the fiscal year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the proposed Model In-Service Training Project for clincal staff of Community Mental Health Services. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Larry Crake, Vice Chairperson Report to the Health and Human Services Committee Py Department of Management and Budget IN RE: Community Mental Health - Model In -Service Training Project - Grant Acceptance with Modification The Department of Management and Budget has reviewed the acceptance for the Model To-Servicc Training Project and finds: 1) The Michigan Department of Mental Health has approved funding for this program at a full-year cost of $30,000 (90% funded by the State, 10% funded by the County), which constitutes a !-ICTZ variance from the application amount. 2) For the remainder of 1987, the cost of the program is $7,500, requiring County matching dollars in the amount of $750. 3) A comparison between expenditures -aI revenues and application versus award is attached. 4) Acceptance of the funds does not obligate the County to any future commitment. 5) There are no Personnel implications. 6) Finance committee action is required. In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution M186, Revised Federal and State Grant Afplication and Reimbursement Contract Procedures, this report is being submitted to the Health and Human Services Committee. M:vaC by Crake supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted. The Chairpdrson referred tile resolutiou to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. 401 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1907 ution 1187145 authorized Oakland County to enter into an agree- .eict to provide the framework for administering a continuing Oakland County Children's Village; and ltation requires a ix-hour day; and ishes a student :teacher ratio of 11:1; and icr ratio in the Auto Shop and Consumer Education classes has :1 since the start of the 1987/88 school year due to increased emphasis on occupational tr,in -r!, and WHEREAS past agr ,,,kgt have included a contingency amount of $10,000 for hiring teacher aides if class size exceeded th. agreed upon 11:1 ratio; and WHEREAS this cont;ngency was never utilized and was therefore removed trom subsequent agreements; and WHEREAS to alleviate the current student: teacher ratio that tar exceeds the 11:1 contractually agreed upon ratio, it is proposed to hire an additional teacher aide at Children's Village School beginning January 4, 1988 for a total cost of $3,107 for the remainder of the 1987/88 school year NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes an amendment to the 1987/88 contract with the Waterford School District to include an additional teacher aide at a cost of $3,107, thereby increasing the contract amount of general fund dollars to $746,511. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTCE Larry Crake, Vice Chairperson Moved by Crake supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 87315 By General CovernmC. (Aminittee IN RE: (SUPPORT) 0 L FILL 4980 REQUIRING PHYSICIANS AND HEALTH FACILITIES TO TEST FOR AIDS IN CONJUNCTION WITH CU. ROCEDURES To the OaklarW •oard of Commissioners Mr. Chairpers L.ui.vs and Gentlemen: WH&: ' h)use Bill 4980 adds three new sections to the Michigan Public Health Code with the intent of )viding greater public protection against AIDS; and WHEREAS the bill would require physicians and health facilities which provide artificial insemination, blood transfusion or organ transplantation services to test either the donor or the donated tissue, sperm or blood for the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the virus associated with AIDS: and WHErLIS House Bill 4980 further provides that if the test results for blood or organ tissue were r- :tive the transfusion or transplant could not proceed unless both the reci pent and the person p ,rlorming the procedure knew of the test results and agreed in writing to use the sample or specnicn; and WHERD,S the bill also provides that sperm donors who donated on a regular basis would have to be tested at least every three months and if a donor tested positive his sperm could not be used for artificial insemination; and WHEREAS if hB 4980 is enacted, physicians or health facilities who violate the statute will be liable for damages in a civil action. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports House Bill 4980. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators from Oakland County and to the county's legislative agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 HUVC the adoption or the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Donald W. Jensen, Vice Chairperson Moved by Jensen supported by Hue] McPherson the resolution be adopted. AYES! Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron. (19) NAYS: None. (0) Misc. 87314 By Health and Human Services Committee IN PE: Children's V - .'Hirk01',ENT TO 1987/88 WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT To the Oakland Count: b..-)rd 4 Cw-mi'ssioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladir WHEREAS Mr ment with the educational program for WHEREAS Nor ,h tcrz WHEREAS the contract WHEREAS the student: fluctuated between 17:1 and Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 402 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87203 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Employment and Training - REQUEST TO RECLASSIFY ONE (1) POSITION AND DELETE THREE (3) POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairporsco, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREP.s an June 25, 1987, per Miscellaneous Resolution 1/87163 certain personnel changes were made wit! .i Ue Employment & Training Division due to a reduction in federal J.I.P.A. funds for Program Y:,q . 1987; and WHEREAS the recent vacancy of a supervisory level position has allowed the division to realign staffing; and WHEREAS enrollment in specific programs has been reduced as recruitment referrals have not been high enough to sustain current staffing levels; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to make the following personnel changes within the Employment & Training Division: 1) To reclassify position #02597 from Supervisor - Employment & Training Administrative Services to Budget Analyst III 2) To delete three (3) SR positions - 1 Employment & Training Technician I (#02044) and 2 Clerical Trainee (#05837, #05838) 3) To retitle various units and transfer certain positions as reflected on the attached organization charts BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete the classification of Supervisor Employment & Training Administrative Services from the Salary Schedule. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Calandro, Chairfleraun Fiscal Note By Finance Committee IN RE: Employment and Training - Request to Reclassify One (1) Position and Delete Three (3) Positions (Miscellaneous Resolution #87303) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #87303 and finds: 1) The reduction in program year 1987-1988 will be $31,244 in salaries and $9,837 in fringes for a total reduction of $41,081; 2) A Budget Amendment to the 1988-1989 Biennial Budget has been presented to the Finance Committee incorporating these changes. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Calandro supported by Gosling the resolution (with a positive Fiscal Note attached) be adopted. AYES: Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with a Positive Fiscal Note attached) was adopted. Commissioner Calandro stated that due to the number of questions that arose regarding the resolution, the resolution should be referred back to the Personnel Committee. The Chairperson referred the resolution hack to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 87316 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste - SOLID WASTE M,\NAGEMDiT PLAN UPDATE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste management plans; and WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979, filed a Notice of Intent to prepare such d plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and 403 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 wrD , thi - —1 with the adoption of Miscellaneous No. 82228 on August 5, 1982, adopted a s .ce m. nagement plan; and WTI! ' it ndired by Act 641 of the Public Acts of 1978 that the County prepprc a 5 year plan 'encl..- t&LLAS the la,; ,irm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman has provided legal counsel for develonwnit of r• rnrrent plan; .nd WHL it is the of office of Corporation Counsel that the law firm ol Dickifcca Moor, '1,-N••.,1 1 and fra__Hfr be retained as legal counsel in order that continuity be maintained; and WHEkEAS the Planling and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recom- mendation. NOW THEREFO:. IF RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board or Commissioners be and -- I. • by anthorized prid directed to execute an agreement for lenal services pursuant to the upda .. i • a- plan by and between the County of Oakland and Dickinson, Wrinht, Moon, VanDusen and Er FE IT FU . (hJ tLVED that thr ci:,.tive date of agreement snail he „lanuary 1, 1988. It II FU THE ..:LVED that the is •In..:1 fee for legal services fon the period covered by this resolution shall not ....:ceed the sum of r. uj.. U.00. BE IT FURTHER RHOLVED that the (1 ) 1 ,nd County Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to act as the County's repres,a.ative with respect to the work performed under this agreement. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and But Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITIEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted, AYES: Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Crake. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87317 I Planni "ing Committee : • 1.5 : ,- • e ,d Solid Waste - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN L':;AL SERVICES FROM JANUARY 1, TO ott To the Oakl Hard of Commissioners Mr. Chairp(cr • L ' • and Gentlemen: W1 1 ,1';': Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste management pl r and f;/ this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979, filed N.tice of Intent to prepare such a plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; • WHtt 'IF this Fir rd. with the adoption of Miscellaneous No, 82228 on August 5, 1982, adopted a ccunty soli , wr , management plan; and Wit' GAS th with the adoption of several miscellaneous resolutions ; the most recent being Miscellanee,s ;olution No. 86344 has employed the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman for legal services necessary for the implementation of the solid waste management plan for the period ending December 31, 1987; and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the office of Corporation Counsel that the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman be retained as legal counsel in order that continuity be maintained; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recommendation. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement for legal services by and between the County of Oakland and Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of agreement shall be January 1, 1988. BE IT FUR] HER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for legal services for the period covered by this resolution shall not exceed the sum of $25,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to act as the County's representative with respect to the work performed under this agreement. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, i move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 404 Moved by Hobart supported by R. Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, 8, Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, P. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87313 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste - MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE BOARD FINANCING PLAN (Fast Track) SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES FROM JANUARY 1, 1988 TO DECEMBER 31, 1988 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and GentlervA: WHEREAS Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste management plans; and WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979, filed a Notice of Intent to prepare such a plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous No. 82228 on August 5, 1982, adopted a county solid waste management plan; and WHEREAS the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman has been acting as legal advisors to the Municipal Solid Waste Board, which Board is created pursuant to the implementation plan of Act 641; and WHEREAS the Municipal Solid Waste Board is currently involved in the plan of financing for the implementation of Act 641; and WHEREAS as part of the plan of financing, it will be necessary to negotiate certain utility contracts with public and private entities referred to as the "fast track" activities; and WHEREAS the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman has a special expertise in the field of said negotiations; and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Municipal Solid Waste Board for Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman to perform these functions; and WHEREAS the cost et- said functions shall be reimbursed from the funds generated by the financing pursuant to Act 641; and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the office of Corporation Counsel that the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman be retained as legal counsel in order to provide the legal counsel requested by the Municipal Solid Waste Board; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recommendation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement for legal services required for said "fast track" activities between the County of Oakland and Dickinson,Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of agreement shall be January 1, 1988. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for legal services for the period covered by this resolution shall not exceed the sum of $24,750.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to act as the County's representative with respect to the work performed under this agreement. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution/ PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Crake the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, [Axon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 81319 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Department of Public Works - Solid Waste - APPROVE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR INITIAL VENDOR PROCUREMENT EFFORTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution 87213 on ce.11:,mr,-r 3, 1 qP 7 , (M. unC - profe• .cy also callea NOW Commissicne Agreement f Dresser & M(. BF shall not e; with MiscO which created t: Mr. Cha, the foregoing reso 405 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 te ad , ,.• 0 funds on behalf at the Muni ,Mpal Solid Waste Board ) , • ts of t-track'' :tivities which will he of kdt r • n an S McKee, Inc. for :orwrice 01 d H the, a iast-track" activities Hurts," D that the Chairirs:in of the Oakland County Board of . Co herehy author' (.1 -1.J directed to executo the attached ices by and ft n the County of Oakland and Camp, consulting engineering services that this cost skt ,..:11 be k a "System Cost" in accordance VI, adopted on A ..-.u‘st S, 1910, and paid for by the participating • Intergovernmcntzl Agreement for the Disposal of Solid Waste li Waste Board, bch,,lf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of that the roaximum tee for PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted. AYES: Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Bernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart. (20) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 87 . By ti; 10 IN SE. Cd. . I .1 Estate Section - QUIT CLAIM OF PERMANENT EASEMENTS, VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION, IH To the OF" • - , • Mr, Chairs , ,•• [ rno men: , I,akland obtained permanent easements across Lots /4, 76, 77 and 78 of Asses • L. o,,1 Addition to the Village of Lake Orion, and part of Canadaiga City ,c ef constructing and maintaining a sewage disposal system in the Village of Lakc 0: WHENE..\ . iens, Inc., has purch.aseO these lots for development of a shopping plaza; and WHERE . 1er..1-0 of sris area e existing sanitary sewer location would not be consistent w i. or lor (ley, •i•lci a ng plaza; and WHEREA, .. C . i. ..• :. ha- a j ,ed to relocake this sewer and dedicate a new permanent easement at it p e fLo di, quit claim of existing easements; and WHERE 5„, H J„ Rot & Clafk, Inc., Village Engineers, and Frank Naglich, Chief Engineer, Na' r, Department of Public Works, Oakland County, recommend the quit claim of easements in , - • .-- new permanent as and relocation of the sanitary sewer. NOW ;. RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the quit claim of . s. exc 1,an9e fur • new permanent easement and relocation of the sanitary sewer and agrec. f.,•1 The County of Oakland harmless, and turther directs its Chairperson to execute the necessy C :uments to effect the same. Mr. Chairpa, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution he adopted. AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxor., A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted theretor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued, November 19, 1987 406 Misc. 87321 By Public Services Committee I F rAmmAnty Develout DivisioI - SOHTH OAKLAQ SHELTER CONTRACT FOR THE HOMELESS io the Oofrlcrd County Mord of Cummissioners Mr. Chair[,. r LE,dies and !„..oiftmen: Lb Cl. homelev,ne. . a s.erious and growing nationEl, state and local problem; and A the Congrey. of the United States, recognizing this problem, passed the Stewart B. McKinney Assistance Act, which was signed into law by the President of the United States on jily 1987; and WHERFA - Oakland County is entitled to a $56,000 Emergency Shelter Grant ([SC) Program formula allocaton from said Act through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and WHEREAS all requirements for receipt of said funds were satisfied by the County through approval of its Comprehensive Homeless Assistance Plan (CHAP), both by HUD and Oakland County Board of Commissioners Miscellaneous Resolution 87286, and further by submission and approval of an Emergency Shelter Grant Application and supporting documentation; and WHEREAS the receipt of Emergency Shelter Grant Program funds allow the County to contract with subrecipients to provide overnight shelter, shelter furnishings, food, emergency medical services, transportation to overnight shelters, and similar services to the homeless; and WHEREAS the County wishes to enter into the attached Contract with the St. Vincent DePaul Society in the Archdiocese of Detroit, Oakland District Council, the fiduciary for South Oakland Shelter (SOS) as a provider of such homeless services in the County's Community Development Block Grant areas; and WHEREAS this Contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Citizens Advisory Council recommended approval of this Contract by a roll call vote of 15 to O. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairperson of said Board to execute the attached agreement with St. Vincent DePaul Society in the Archdiocese of Detroit, Oakland District Council, the fiduciary for the South Oakland Shelter (SOS) for the sum of $56,000. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Chairperson Skarrit FINANCE Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Crake, Doyon, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson: a. Royal Oak - Support Sheriff's Request for AFIS Positions b. Royal Oak - Support Sheriff's Request for NET Positions c. Ferndale - Support Sheriff's Request for NET Positions d. Ferndale - Support Sheriff's Request for AFIS Positions GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. Iron County - (Support) HR 4412, Gas Severance Tax b. Iron County - (Support) HB 4906, Forest & Mineral Resource Development Fund Board c. Iron County - (Support) State Funding of Courts under Act 438 of 1980 d. Iron County - (Support) Enforcement of Hunting Laws e. Iron County - (Support) Supplemental Proposal for Health Departments f. Iron County - Request Title III Emergency Planning & Right-to -Know State Funding g. Genesee County - (Support) Funding for Title III Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know PUBLIC SERVICES a. Royal Oak - Commitment for 21 Mobile Data Terminals b. U.S. Dept. of Labor - CETA Audit Report No. 05-3-209-03-345 Denond for Repayment c. Genesee County - (Support) Funding for Title III Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know TRANSPORTATION a. MDOT - 1-696 & Orchard Lake Road interchange Public Hearing COMMISSIONERS a. Bulger Report - Washington Developments b. MAC - Legislative Alert OTHERS (Corporation Counsel) a. U.S. Dept of Labor-CE [A Audit Report No, 05-3-209-03-345 Demand for Repayment Clerk LYNN D. ALLEN ROY RLWOLO Cnairporson 407 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 19, 1987 There were no objections to the. referrals. The Chairperson announced the next meeting will be held on December 10, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. and the first meeting of 1988 will be January 7, 1988 at 930 a.m. Moved by Wilcox supported by Luxon the meeting be adjourned. There wore no objections and the meeting was adjourned at 10:2.5 a.m.