HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1985.03.13 - 726881 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING March 14, 1985 Meeting called lo order at 10:12 a.m. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac., MTchigad. Invocation given by Nancy McConnell. Pledge of Allegiance to the Elaq. ROI! Cali IT'RESiNT: Aaron, Caddell, Col andro, Deyon, Fort GoSling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn, Stn,an Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConne I I, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarriti, Webb, Wilcox.' .(24) ABSENT: Pacte,- Perinoff, Pernick. (3) Moved by McPherson supported by Moffitt the minutes of the February 14, I985 meeting he approved aS pninted. Mr. No [sun stated the minutes Failed to shbi4 a vote on: his amendment to Resolution 885002 (Children's Village and Camp Oakladd - TRANSFER OPERATION AND CONTROL FROM PROBATE COORT TO COUNTY EXECUTIVE), and the.re had been a voice vote on the amendment. Mr. Nelson requested the Minutes be corretfed Oh pane 12 (prior m) Mr. Price's MOtion to refer the resolution to the General Government Commiu.ce) to t,how the following: "Vote on Mn. Nelson's amendment: A sulficienl iimiority having voted therefor, the amendment carried." Thete wore no objection's to the correction. VOI .e on approval of Ihe minutes with the correction: A !-;ullicieni majority having voted therefor, the minutes, as corrected, were approved. Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt. the agenda, as presented, be amended, and the rules be suspended to add Ihe following items: PUBLIC SERVICES a. She Department - Expansion of the Oakland County Jail N. Community Dey.eipment Division - Recapture of Special ActiVity Jobs Bill Funds (t. Commnnity DeVelopment Division - Options fOT Reallocation of Recaptured Jobs Bill Funds HEALTH AND HUMAN RE SOURCES a. Heal lb Div)sioh Cost -Sharing Agreement - 1985 Acceptance N. Health Division - Preventive Health Block Grant, October 1 1984 through September 30, 1985 c. intitutional and !killing Services Department - Step One Services Proaram Revisions Also, Mr. Latin' requested the Planning and Building Commit tee be the. first item on the agenda and alai. ftem "B" under Ggnom711 Government Committee be deleted. Vote. on 'suspension of the rules: - AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Caiandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassbarger, Hobart, R. Kuhn; S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Lie moo, Olsen. - (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sui'fAcionl Mdjority -haVing Voted thesefor, the Motion' to suspend the rude-5 carried. 82. Commissioners Minute!, Continued. March IA, 1985 Vote on the agenda with Aditions: A sufficient maiotity having voted 1.hereior, the agenda, as amended, was approved. Clerk read letter ,C thardy, .from Many- Pete...rs'orr;, .(Placed on file) Clerk read. .fetter—frOm Chairperson Richard R. Wilc6 .advising the Board that Resolution' 705008, Merit System Role Submission Changes ip Rules 1, 5, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24, dated February 15, 1985, has laid over lln.! 30 days regtrirod, •hd no objections have, been received; therefor, the resolution is tdiiptri.d. (Placed on file) Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointments of Marilynn E Ge ,ning, Marilyn Mozell, Mel ly Dando, Betty Schnelz and Edward J. Walton, Ph.D. to serve on the Care Facility Advisory Council for terms ending January I, 1987. Moved by Stn.an Kuhn supported by Ha ,,sberger the 00nointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted thewror, the appointments to the Care Facility Advisory Council were confi.rmed. Clerk read letter from Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointmentS of Dorothy Webb (Chairperson), W. A. Hassherqer, Anne Hobart, R[Rd E. McPherson, William Spinelli and Captain Carl Marheny to serve on the Oakland County Regional Prison Site Selection Committee. Moved by Webb supported by Nelson tho appointment be confirmed. Mr. Moore requested the Board also consider the appointment of a representative from Pontiac to se rife on the Committee, and he would be willing to servo OS the Pontiac Representative. Mr. Wilcox !n-ated that Walter Moore 's name woOld be added to the persons appointed to serve on the committee if there wore no objections. There were no objections.- Vote on appointment ,,: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Clerk read lelter from. Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of James E. Lanni as Delegate and Betty Fortino as Attennate t.6 the . Area Agency op Aging for terms ending December 31, 1986. Moved by llasherger supported by Sue Kuhn the appointments be confirmed. A stillicient majority having voted therefor, the..appointments were confirmed. Clerk read resolution from Calhoun County regarding the State's conmitMent to Public Health cost shorinu program. (Referred to General Government Comittee) Clerk read reolulion from Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority regarding a quarter of a mill tax to be levied upon all taxable property within the five counties comprising the Metropolitan District. or the year 1985, for the purposes of the Authority. (Referred to Finance Committee) Roger Young address<,d the Board regarding the 52nd District Court, 3rd Division site selection. 85062 By Planning' and Building Committne IN RE: Real Estate' Section (Corporation Counsel) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3rd DIVISION - LEASE. - ROCHESTER HILLS To the Oakland County Board oi Commis ,noner ,; Mr. Chairperson, Ladio', and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County if Oakland is the control unit for the 52/3 District Court;' and WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court is presently in leased facilities in the City of Rochester; and WHEREAS the currer0 lease expires in -May of 1985; and WHEREAS the Ditrict Court must be located within the city limits of the largest city of the contiguous municipalities it. serves; and WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court: must be located in the City of Rochester Mills; and WHEREAS the County advertised- in local publications for such a. facility to lease and has had responses which conform to the needs set forth in such' advertisement; and WHEREAS R. P. Dryden 5, Associates has proposed to build according to County specification S court to be located at Barclay Circle , Rochester Hills; and WHEREAS R. G. Dryden. F., A,;sociates has proposed to lease such facility to the County for use aS the 52/3 DistrICt Cour-L.; with, the termr and conditnons as set forth in the Lease attached to this Resolution For Twelve Dollars and 66/100 (512.66) per square foot, being One hundred thirty-eight Cuss(-niers Minute., Con t Mar, h IS , 1985 . 83 1hOW,VId, seven hundred two dolldrs and %/100 ($138,702.96) per year; and WIIIRLAS1 1.dse [or period of ten (10) years to commence on August 1, 1985, or as ',r1011 11Wren111 ,1 fue LiCiliDy is o nly for cacupancy: and WHEREAS the Facilities Engineering Division has reviewed the plans and specif;tations for said Court and recomluends the same; and WHEREAS [he DelvIrtment of Corporation Counsel has -eviewed and approved the Lease. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the plans, specifiLations and fe&,e for Ihe facility located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills, Michigan, k)r use as the 52/3 Di-]trict Court for a term of ten (10) years to commence on August 1, 1985, or as soon thereafter as 1...he facility is ready for occupancy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directed io execute said Lease on behalf of the County. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the loreqoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Lease on filo in County Clerk's Office. Moved by HObart supported by Webb the resolution be .adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Hobart ,,upported by Webb the lease he amended by deleting paragraphs 27 and 42. IF -:uilliciotut mai'of'ity havinq v6to.d thdrdfbr, the: aMeMMen't :carried. Mr. Rewold stated he would abstain from voting on the resolution because of his association with the Rewold and Son Construction - Company, and although the Corporation Counsel said it's not a conflict of interest for him to vote, he would abstain from voting on the resolution. Dischssion followed. Moved by Hobart supported by Weht.) the Fiscal Note attached to the resolution be amended by subs t. t i in) f. he Following F i -ccl noto: FISCAL NOTE By Finance Committee IN RE: Real Estate Section (Corporal ion Counsel) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3rd DIVISION LEASE - ROCHESTER HILLS To the Oakland County Board of Connissioners Mr. Chairpers.On, Ladies and Gentlemen: Ptirsuont to Rule .1(1 -C of Ibis Board, the Finance Committee. has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1/85062 and finds: I) The proposed lease is for a period of ten (10) years commencing August 1, 1985 or as soon thereafter as the facility is ready for occupancy; 2) The County anrees to pay fixed annual rent or S138,702.96. (based on a rate of $12.66 per square foot for 10,956 square feet or space) in equal monthly installments, adjusted one time by the LIPfor the last five (5) years of the ease; 3) The additional rental. cost For the remainder of 1985 is. $25,391, said funds avail - able in ihe 1985 C6ntingency Account. 4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $25,391 from the 1985 Contingency Account and transfers .said amount to the 1985 District - Court, Division III budget as follows: 909-01 -00-9900 Contingency $(25,391 ) 324-01-00-3658 Division III - Rent 25,39 1 - 0 - • 5) The County will be.ru.:spornsibbe for the payment of utilities costs -, janitorial services, to system (-.01s, real estate•taxe ,, and assessn.-tents and furniture and equipment cost and repair; an additional dppropriation will he regue.sed when Such cos La are made available. 6) 1986 co,;N will be provided in the 1986 Budget-. FINANCE COMMITTFF Betty t'ortino, Minority Vice Chairperson Discussion followed, Vote on amended Fiscal Note: AYES: Skorrif.t, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen. (16) NAYS: Aaron, Calandra FOr[ino, Moore, Price. (5) ABSTAIN: Rwold. (I) 84 Comissioners Minute% Continued. March IA, 1985 A ,,uff;cieni majorily having voted therder, the amended Fiscal Note carried. Moved by Price supported by Fortino the resolution be referred back to the Planning and Btlilding ComMittee. Discussion followed, Vote on motion to refer: AYES: AarOn, Doyon, Fortino, Law, McPherson, Moore, Price. CO' NAYS: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kung, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen. (13) ABSTAIN: Rewold. (1) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. • Moved by Prico supported by Fortino [he lea se be amended in all the WHEREAS paragraphs .where HR. G. Dryden S Associotes" appears by striking 'R. S. Dryden 5. Associates" and inserting 'Rivercresl H ; also insert the appropriate cost of the lease (912:00 per square foot in place of 912.66)and change the total amount to reflect the change. Discusson 1(A lowed. Vote on amondment: AYE'S: Aaron, Fort l e t, Moore, Price.- (4) NAY: Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, -M6040, Nels6n-, 01S0h-, Skarritt. (17) ABSTAIN: Rowold. 0) A sufficient milorily not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Vote on resolution with amended Fiscal Note: AYES: Wilcox, Deyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Skarritt, Webb. (14) NAYS: Aaron, Calandro, FortinO, Law, McPherson, Moore, Price. (7). ABSTAIN: Rewold. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with amended - Fiscal Note, was adopted. -Misc.. 88078 By General Government Committee IN RE:- COUNTY TREASURERS TERM OF OFFICE - SUPPORT LEGISLATION INCREASING THE ONE MILLION POPULATION PROVISION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. ChairnerSoh, Ladie ,, and Gentlemen:- WHEREAS Section 203 el the Michigan Election Law provides that county treasurers in counties of 1,000,000 Or mof.e population shalt begin their new term on the July 1 following the November general e l ect on; and WHEREAS this amendment was adopted by the legislature several years ago at the request of Wayne COunty because that county 'S hoa-Vy tax collection worklodd in the early months of the year was perceived as making it extremely difficult for a new person to take office January 1 and do the job properly; and WHEREAS this law- was on the books long before Oakland County surpassed the 1,000,000 population mark in the 1980 census: and WHEREAS there is no need for a lengthened term in Oakland County to assure a proper and orderly transition in the office of county treasurer. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports an amendment to the Michigan Election Law . that would change the population standard from 1,000.000 to 2,000,000, thus leaving only Wayne County with the lengthened co-unty treasurer term. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators repre - senting Oakland County and to [he County's Legislative Agent. - Mr. Chairperon, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Moved-by Olsen supported by Hassberqer the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart' R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt -, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commi ,i ,,ionor,, Minute!, Continued. tic rd 15, 1985 Misc. 89 079 By General Government Committee IN RE: Board of Commissiencr.-. - RfSOLUTION OF COMMENDATION LILLIAN V. MOFFITT To tho Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, tadie,..> and Gentlemen: WHEREAS from 19731984, Lillian V. Moffitt, ably represented the citizens of County Commiioner District 1115, which includes the Village . of Franklin, and portions of the City of Farmington Hills, and the Town,hips of West Bloomfield and Bloomfield; and WHEREAS during her 12-year tenure on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Lillian Moffitt teas rvcd a,; the Vice Chairperson of the Committee or Organization, Vice Chairperson of Personnel Comilittr.o, as well as serving as a member of the Local and Regional Affairs, Planning and Zoning, Legislative, Public Servi ret and Finance Committeel--,, and has chaired the Manpower Com- mittee. and the Mass Transit. Symposium; and WHEREAS Mollit.C.!:. total commitment to the cifizen5 of Oakland County is further e-xeMplified by her c.;orvice as a member of many Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees, her member- !-,hip on the River Rouge Watershed Council, National Association of Counties Transportation Com- mittee, Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments, Vice. Chairperson of the County Cultural Council, and her dedicated WiViCC to the -Board of Commissioners as the Board's Vice ChairperSon from 1977-1984. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that. the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby unanimously commend Lillian V. Moflitt for her dedicated service to the citizens of Oakland County. Mn. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT. COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Th: ro ,..oluliori.was..unanimously adopted:. . Mic. 85080 By Gonerof Government Committee IN RE: Board of Commissioners - RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION WILL J. FOLEY To the Oakland County Board of Commis!-joners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS from 1983-1984, William J. Foley ably represented the citizens of County Com- missioner Di-;irict 72, which includes the City of W7{0111, Village of Milford, and Townships of Rose, •Mi I ford and Highland; and WHEREAS during his tenure on the Oakland: County Board of Commissioners, BIrl Foley was a member of the Personnel Corral tee, the Zoning Coordinati.ng . Committee, and the Health and Human Reowr,--J:e. Committee, as well as serving on the Salary . Administration Review Subcommittee, the Oakland County Historical Commission and the Lakes Boards within his district; and WHEREAS as a member -of the Board's Planning and Building Committee, Bill Foley brought to the Board of Commksioners his great interest and experience in the real estate business. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby unanimously commend William J. Foley for his dedicated service to the citizens of Oakland County. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson The resolution was gnanimouly adopted. Misc. 85081 By General Government Committee IN RE: B00r7I of Commissioners RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION GEORGE BERTON. JACKSON To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Choitpelson, Ladic.s and Gentlemen: WHEREAS from 1981-1984, Bert Jackson ably represented the citizens of County Commissioner District 1122, which includes the, City of Bingham Farms, Village of Beverly Hills-, and a portion of the Cties of Birmingham and SoUthfield, and a portion of Bloomfield. Township; and WHEREAS during his tenure on the Oakland County Board of -Coma.lissioners, Bert Jackson was a. member of the Public Services Committee and Zoning Coordinating Committee ; and WHEREAS as- a member of the Board's Planning and Building Committee, Bert Jackson brought to the Board of Comml5sioners his vast knowledge of the huilding and construction trades serving as the Vice Chairperson of that Coonittee; and WHEREAS Bert Jackson's commitment to the betterment of the quality of life in cur County continues as he ciontinues to serve on the County Library Board, and as the Vice Chairperson of the Community Devefonment Advisory Council. NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby unanimously commend heOrge Berton Jackson for his dedicated service to the citizens of Oakland County. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foreigoin0 resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE -John E. Olsen, Chairperson The resolution was unanimouly adopted. 85 -86 Comndssioners Minutes Continw-d. Mar ch 14, 1985 Misc. 85082 By Finance Committee IN RE: Prosecuting'Attorney - 1988 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT AWARD To the Oakland County Board ol Commksioners Mr. Chairnernn, Ladies and Gentlemen: WKREM Micellaneons Resolution 88145 requires the Finance Comitt'ee to review acceptance ot all grants thco vary less [han Lell (10) 'percent From the ori -oinal grant application; and WHEREAS the Fini.Ince ComMittee has reviewed said grant, as approved by the Michigan Depart- ment of Social Services, and finds the grant -aard - in the amount of $643,298 for the period January 1, 1985. through December 31, 1985, which is $3,417 less than the original application or .58 reduction; and WI-WRFAS the grant is 83.9Z or $540,131 funded through the State and 16.1% or $103,167 funded by the County as detailed on !he attached scheddle: and WHEREAS the Crlunty portion of the grant consists of $42,55$ in soft match contribution to the program, and '-.,60,612 in operating costs repnesenting the County cash contribution; and WHEREAS the County crnTh contribution i available as follows: 411-01-00-3230 Blood Testing $ 6,550 909-01-00-9900 Contingrocy 54,062 $60,-6-12; and WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to he approved t57 =Personnel Comittee; and WHEREAS acceptance of grant does net obligate the County to any further commitments. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOIVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985 Cooperative ReimbuNownt Prosexutiup Attorney Grant in the amount of $643,298, of which $540,131 is Stme funded. BE IT FURTHER RI SO! that the Chok'person of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be is hereby .nilhorized exeLnte sad (11-ala contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changes 111(1 grant extensions, not to exceed n ton (ID) percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as approved. BE 11 FURTH1R RESOLVED that thk grant contract: has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation Counsel. BE If FURTHER RESOLVED L11.)t the 1985. Budget be amended by the acceptance of thin grallt award, as detailed in Scheduln I. Mr. Chairperson, on hehalf of the Finance Comittee, I MOVe the adoption of the l"oregoing resolution. PENANCE COMMITTEE Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson Copy of Schedules 1 and II on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Fortino supported by Cosilno the resolution be adopted. AYES: talandrO, Poyon, Curl or], Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McCOnnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moote, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Remold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient maiority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85083 By Fiwnce Commit/oe IN RE: Friend of the Court - ACCUTANCE OF •THE 1985 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT AWARD To the Oakland County Board ot Cornissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies-; and Centleirion: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution #84339 authorized the application for the continuation and expansion of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program - Friend of the Count; and WHEREAS the Finance Comittee has reviewed said program as approved by the State of Michigan, DepartMent of Social ServiceS-, and finds the grant program award for $1,487,829 is for pmgram continUation and Lovers the period of January 1 through December 31, 1985; and WHEREAS the total funding for the grant is $1,487,829, of which $1,348,682 or ninety- one (90 pe/'cen1 is Slate funded and $139,147, or nine (9) percent is County funded, consisting of $91,370 in soft match contribution to the program, and $47,777 in operating costs representing the Country cash contrHmlion; and WHEREAS the County cosh contribution is available as follows.: 312-01-00-3380 F.O.B. Grant Match $22,129 909-01 -00-9908 Fodtl-al4Slao Proiect Match 2$,648 $47,777 and WHEREAS or the dilf0-ence of $533,120 botween the program application and award, $159,749 repreents progrwli expansion which is currently under review by the State of Michigan commiioner,, Minule ,, Continued. March 14, 1985 Depdrtment In ml not may he dwardea to Oakland County in the future and $373,371 repre- !.entff, reflud 111et y fHndi0 ,1 tOr r'01/1 i111.101 10 irru9r,--m. WHI.RIM .111 pei,,,oin ,.1 .hange ,i will have to be :approved by the Personnel Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE 11- RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985 Cooperative ReinfLot-,-ment Profir..im Grant - Friend of the Court as awarded, in the amount of $1,487,829 and thal Ihe thaiTpern of the hoard of Commi t s loners be and is hereby authorized to execute said conIrdct. BE IT f7 LIRTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $25,648 from the i985 Federal/State Ploie(.t Mira) no count and transfers said amount to the 1985 Friend Of the Court Budget 909-01 -00 -T)08 Federal/Stnte Project Match $(25,648) 312-01-00-31,;80 F.O.C. Grant Match 25,648 - 0 - and BE IT FURTHIR RESOLVED that he 198$ Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant award, as detail .ed :)rld Schedno I. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changeri and grant extenion, nol to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are consIstent with the grant as approved: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, this Grant has been reViewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation counsel. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future le\iel of service shall be contingent upon the level of Slate Innding available for this program. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance. Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing 01>11111 t FINANCE C.OMMTTE.T. Betty Fortino, Minorty Vice Chairper -son Copy or Schedules I ...Ind II on Mc in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Fortino supported by Skorritt the resolution be - adopted. AYES: Doyon, h.fftino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhr), S. Kohn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Mel sari, Olsen, Rewold, Sknrritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majo'rit'y having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. FISCAL REPORT TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By Finance ConNittee. IN RE: Corporation Counsel - NOTIFICATION OF LITIGATION (Miscellaneous Resolution #85076) To tfiw Oakland County Board oF Commissioners Mr, Choirporon, Lad 11:51 and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 785076 and Ii jilt I) Office of Corporation Counf-.,e1 will notify the Board of Commissioners through written retwol to the 10 rl1HO'. Committee of every lawsuit brought by the County of Oakland and of every legal action filed agoint the County of Oakland, and that such report be submitted On at least a . monthly In i-i 2) Office of Corporation Counsel will inform the Board of CommisToners - through written report to the Finance Committee, of the final disposition of all such legal matters, 3) Fiscal impric.ltiow; to the County will be reported to the Board of Comlissioners with the Orrice ol Corporal ion Counsel ropott ,:. FINANCE COMMITTEE Betty Fortino, Minority Vice. Chairperson Misc. 85076 By Waller Moore IN RE: Corperation Conn ,,e1 - NOTIFICATION OF LITIGATION To the Oakland County Board ot Commissioners Mr. Uslicperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is becoming increasingly involved in a growing number of 10(01 act ions; aunt WHEREAS the Boo rd of sri needs to he informed of all lawsuits brought by Oakland County and all those brought against Oakland County on a timely basis; and WHEREAS Corporation COnnsel's Office maintains records on all pending litigation by and agaln.sl the County of Oakland. . • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby . direct that the. Office of Corporation Counsel notify the Board of Cbmmissioners, throtigh Nritten reiaort to its. Finance Committee, of every lawsuit brought' by the County of Oakland and of every • legal action filed against the County of Oakland, and that such report be submitted on at least a monthly basis. 87 88 Comissioners Minutes Continued. M.H•ch Fit, BE If FURTHER RESOLVED that the Officc of Corporation Counsel be further directed to inform the Board of Comndssioner:;, lhrOngh written rep or t trinance Committee, of the final dispositien• of all such loq.11 matters. M. Chairperson, i IMYVe the adopt tin of the Imegoing resolution. Walter Moore, Commisioner, District ;./7 Lawrence R. Pernicl,., Ruel F. McPherson, „Limes A. Doyon, Hubert Price, Jr.. Betty Hortino, John P. Calandra G. William Caddell, D,C. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Thomas A. taw, Dennis M. Aaron, • Dorothy M. Webb, Richard C. Skarritt, Roy . Bewold, John J. McDonald, D. L. Moffitt, Anne M. Hobart, John E. 01;;en, W. A. Hassberger, J. E. Land Ralph Nelson, Richard R. Wilcox, Marilynn E. Gesting Moved by Fortino supported by Susan Kuhn the Fiscal Report be . aCcepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report wes accepted. Movod by Fortino supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. Moffitt AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A ,,ollicient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85084 By Finance Committee IN RE: Health Division -- 1985 CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT AWARD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson,- Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #81h5 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1184326 authorized the grant application to the Michigan Department of Public Hearth in the amount of $314,806 for the period January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985; end WHEREAS the Finance. Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart- ment of Public: Health and finds the award in the amount of $317,150, $2,344 or .7'4 more than for the same time period; and WHEREAS application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment; and WHEREAS acceptance or this grant will require an amendment to the Computer Services 1985 Budget; said amendment will increase revenues and expenditures by $301,521. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985 CHAMPS Development Grant Award in the amount of $317,150. BE 1.1 FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said qv...Int contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authori:Eed to approve minor changes and grant extenions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as -approved. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office_ of Corporation Counsel. - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended by the acceptance of this grant award, as detailed in Schedule 1. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson Copy of Schedule 1 and II on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Fortino ,iunnorted by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted, AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart; R. Kuhn, S. Kohn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra Doyon, Fortino. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority- having voted therufor,• the resolution was adopted. Nompal Trovef Curren! Proposed Commissioners Minules Continued. March 14, 1985 Misc. 8508'3 By linanEe CoitmatIee IN RE: ManaTimenf and Badnet Deparimea/ - REVISED TRAVEL RATES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, ladies owl Genf klwo: WHEREAS he Board or Eolimissionc.:trs by MiscellaneouS Resolution 117399 adopted Travel Regulations incorporaling fravel reimbursement rates; and WHEREAS those rotes aro continually being reviewed and modified to maintain fair and equitable reimbursemeef of costs; and WHEREAS the curren/ rote' were last modified by Miscellaneous Resolution 081373 for 1982 and have since experienr .ed continual inllationary pressures; and WHEREAS new rates have been developed to offset these increasing costs. NOW TIKREEORF BE. IT RESOLVED that the current daily rates be increased in accordance with the schedule below, !arch rates to be effective April 1, 1985. 89 Lc,d(lirici $40.00 plus tax $50.00 plus tax Breakfast 3-50 4.00 lunch 5.00 6.00 Dinner 9.00 10.00 National or State ConventiOns, Conferences or Seminars ---, .7.--- --.7— Current Proposed Normal Travel lodging Breakfast Lunch Dinner $70.00 plus tax 5.00 6.00 12..00 $100.00 plus tax 6.00 7.00 19.00 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance ComMittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing reselufion. FINANCE COMMITTEE Betty Portico, Minority Vice Chairperson Moved by Fortino supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hassherger, Hobart,. R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen ; RewOld, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, CalandrO, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (20) NAYS: None- (0)• A suffitient majority having \ft Misc. 85056 By Heafth and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Community Mental Health - TRANSPORTATION OF DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS TO DAY. PROGRAMS To the Oakland County Board of CommisSiohers Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the nkland County Community Mental Health Division was forced to eliminate funding for transportation of developmentally disabled adults to its various day programs in 1_982 as a result of reductions in State fund:;; and WHEREAS this action has placed a heavy burden on the parents of clients ln COmmunity Mental Health day programs, inasmuch as the parents are forced to transport their offspring to and from the programs five days a week, year-round, and in many cases over considerable distance: and WHEREAS the Slate Deportment of Mental Health has adviSed that it is unable to provide additional funding to Community Mental Health to reinstate transportation services for developmentally disabled clients of day programs; and WHEREAS the CoMmanEty Mental Health Division has $198,407 of State Department of Mental Health funds in lt$ 1985 budcjet whiCh can be di.rected to solving this transportation problem. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oaklanrf County Board of Commissioners approve County matching funds in the amount of $22,049 for the period of April through December ; 1985, to enable the Community Mental Health Division to use expansion funds allocated by the State in order to pro- vide transportatiOn services for 144 deVelopmehtally disabled adults attending day programs Under the Community Mental Health Division. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution does not bind the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to further funding in the event that funding is not available from the State in future years. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and 'Adman Resources CommIttee:, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMI.TTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson ed therefor, the. resolution was adopted. 90 Commissioners Mitinte Continued. March 14, 1985 FISCAL NOTE 8y finance CommitMdc IN RE: Community Mcntal Health - TRANSPORTATION OF DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS TO DAY PROGRAMS - (Micelloneous Roololion 1/85056) TO the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, ladies and Gentlemen:. PuP.ivant to Rule XI-C of thiS Board, the Finance ComMitten has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85056 and finds: 1) In 1982 a reduoion in State funding eliminated the transportation for developmentally dkablod 21 The Community Mental Health Di -Q1 ,.;ion has $198,407 of State funds available for trans - portation, 3) The mine, month (April-Docember 1985) cost of this program is 3220,452, consistent with the attached schedule, 4) The County match for this program would be $22,045 (10fl 5) Funds for this program shall be transferred as follows: 4-22200-166-24-00-3747 Adult Activities $ 3 8 .62 5 74-00-3042 Jewish Voc. Service , 72,900 76-00 -3002 New Horizonl, 108,927 Sub Total TIKW 3-22200-903-01-00-9340 M.A. State Subsidy (198,407) 4-10100-909-01 -00-9900 Contingency ( 22,045) Sub Total $(220,452) - 0 - FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Schedule I on rile in County Clerk's Office. Moved by McConnell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Skarriu, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Poi -tine), Gosling, Hassberger. (20) NAYS: None- (0) A.sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85086 By Health and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Health Division - COST-SHARING AGREEMENT - 1985 ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board oi Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS under the cost-sharing agreement between the State of Michigan and the County of Oakland, the State is to share in the cost of providing certain required and allowable public health services; and WHEREAS such cost-sharinq agreement is specified. by the Public Health Code and has been in effect for six (6) years; and WHEREAS the agreement fur 1985 specifies an amount of $2,097,938 or 171 of net allowable cost for required services and In of not allowable costs for of services; and WHEREAS e•Stimated rovenupi: from the cwit-sharitig agreement have. been included in the 1985 adopted budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED- that the Oakland County Board of Cofamissioners authorize the Board Chairperson to sign cost -sharing agreements and amendments covering the period of January 1 ., 1985, through December 31, 1985, on behalf of the local governing entity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the signing of this agreement does not waive any nigh ft of the County of Oakland as W itt rights and remedies under the Head lee Amendment and Public Health Code. Mr, chairperson, on behalf .of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the In resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy' McConnell, Chairperson Moved by McConnell .:d_ipportod by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen. Price; Rowold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,. ;_lalandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commisioners Minotes Continuod. March ih, 1985 Misc. BIM ./ By lit ti and [1111W)11 kt'.-.11"Cf. Committee IN [IL liii It D#vi':;Hri - PREVENTIVE HEALTH BLOCK GRANT - OCTOBER1, 198h THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 To the Oakland County Hoard id Commisioners Mr. Chairner ,,on. Ladies and Kantlemen: WHEREAS the Michigan DePartMent of Public Health has made aVailable to the Oakland County Health Division, Preventive Hot! tit Funds in the amount of 532,772 for FY 84/85; and WHEREAS thee funds are to he u sed for exnanded or enhanced preventive health services and are not to be used for supplanting existing resoUrces; and WHEREAS iheso funds are mit expected to be available beyond the current FY 8h785 period; and WHEREAS the Health Division proposes the following expenditures: I. 5 1,„210 in ctolien! and supplies to develop an enhanced audio/yisual and video capability for Health Division sarvicei.. 2. 516,389 to enhance and expand Employee Assistance Program activity throligh September 30, I985. 3. $1 1 ,173 for enhancement, and coordination -of Risk RedUction Health Services offered through the Health Division and/or other community resources; and WHEREAS the amount of $32,772 is totally state funded and doss not obligate Oak! and County In any luluve expenditures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve Pre- venLive Health funding in the amount of $32,772 For the expansion and enhancement of the audio/visual and video t.inbility of the Health -Division., expanded Employee ASsiStance Program activity and coordi - nation Of Risk Reductiont Services. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Handy McConnell, Chairperson Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be- adopted. AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Lbw, McConnell, McPllrsOn, Moffitt, Nelsen, •Olsen, Price, Skartitl, Webb -, Wilcox, AarOn, falahdro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, HasSberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (20) HAYS: None. (0) A sofficint majority having voted therefor, the rnsoletion mat adopted: Misc. 85088 By Health and HoMan Resources ComMittee IN RE: institutional and Human Services Department - STEP ONE SERVICES PROGRAM REVIS1ONS To the Oakland COunly. Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Stop One Services Unit of the Institutional and HuMan ServkeS Department was or established to provide alcohol edutation and screen1rig and assessment functions and was the only such program in Oakland County; end WHEREAS over the year's employee assistance program ni and TreatMent Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) grant. Functions were added to this 0171H.; and wirREAs foilOwing ehactmont of new drunk driving legislation in Michigan, PA. 309, additional priVate ,creOninq and atasessment and edOcation prop r ants have been developed; and WHEREAS the institutional and Hbrmn Services Department now intendS to discontinue pro- viding screenlng and assessment and cdtictioual prorams for cost efficiency reasons and avoidance of possible duplicatioat and WHEREAS personnel providing the Screening and assessment function are proposed for transfer to the Oakland County District Cott -tit Probation Unit. with funding to be provided by revenue generated Iron screening and assessment activity; and WHEREAS thg. educe inn component is proposed for transfer to a private non-profit sgbstance abin:.e agency with milltiple loCations which can provide these' services at a lower cost; and WHEREAS Ihr EmpJoyee Assistance Program can be—continued gt .current leves without an additional counry appropriation by translerring this fUnction to the Health Division; and WHEREAS the TASC grant program can he continued as a function of the Institutional and Human Services Department and will remain nnchange.d at the present tine. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that: personnel providing the Step One Services screening and assessment function, including one (1) Substance Abuse Educator I position, one (1). Substance Abuse F-ducAtor 11 no-it ion arid one (1) Typist itpcisition, be transferred to the Di s trict Court Probation Unit dud both Subsim,e Abtv,e Educator pOsitions be reclassified to Probation Officer II, as shown on Attachment A with continuance of said positdons contingent on sufficient supporting streening and assessment revenues; and BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employee Assistance Program be transferred from Step One Services to the Heafth DiVision includjng the reclassificatiOn and increase in fuhding of one .6 funded Public Health Educator ft position currently in the Health Education and Nutrition Services unit, to 1.0 (full-tiw) Substance Abuse Educator II position; and 9! 92 Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 1 11, 1985 RE If FURTHER RESOLVED 111,11 be alcohol education function ot Step One Services be trans7 terred 0) a privte now-profil substance abuse agency currently contracting with the Health Di .vision and further that one (I) position m.sociated. with this function, titled Supervisor-Substance Abuse Education, be deleted as shown in Attachment A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the remaining positions be deleted from Step One Services as shown below end in At A: One (I) Sub s tance Abuse Educator li One. (1) Auxiliary Health Worker One (I) Clerk III Iwo (2) Typi ,,t II Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the lloalth and Human ResourceS Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy McConneTI, Chairperson Moved by McConnell supp(Aied by. Fortino the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson re Fr the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 85060 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIRE MENT SYSTEM: ELIMINATION OF AGE 70 CEILING FOR ACCUMULATION OF CREDITED SERVICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies .and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the current provisions of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System provide For separation from County employment upon the attainment of age 70; and WHEREAS the current provisions oF the Retirement .System prohibit accumulation of credited service for any County employment beyond the age of 70 years; and WHEREAS such a policy unfairly impacts County employees age 70 and older who are capable and desirous of working beyond that age and are prevented from so doing; and WHEREAS such a policy unfairly hmOcts COunty employees who work beyond the age of 70 years and are prohibited from accumulating Curt her credited service; and WHEREAS County employees age 70 and above, capable and desirous of continuing their employ- ment, ire, a valuable asset Co Ole County; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission has approved and recommended changes to the Retirement System which would permit County employees to continue their employment beyond the age of 70 years under certain circumstances and to continue to accumulate credited service beyond the age of 70 year's. NOW THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED that the provisions of the 08.kland County Employees' Retire- ment System are amended to provide as follows: DelinitiOn,' Section 2. (s) Delete, Sec Section 17. Membership Terminates: Section 17. Except as otherwise provjded in this Rpsoiution, shall any member leave the employment of the CoUnty 'or any reason except for retirement and death, he shall thereupon cease In) be a member and his credited service at that time shall he forfeited by him. In the event he is reemployed by the County, he shall become a member of the Retirement System, Should this reemployment occur within a period of three (3) years from and after the date he last separated from County employment; his credited service last forfeited by him shall be restored to his credit;, provided that he returns to employees savinOs fOnds the amounts he might have withdrawn therefrom, together with a regular interest compounded from Oe date of withdrawal to the date of repayment. Upon his retirement or death, or the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which he attains age 70 yearS, whicheVer occurs first, he shall thereupon cease tel be a member. fxtensions in Counq. Em_pkTmentt . Section -0+. U;). Any member may be continued in County employment beyond his at of age 70 years:, provided, that such continuance (1) shall not be granted for More than one year at any One time, (2) is requested in writing by the member, (3) is approved by his Department Head, and (0) is approved by the Dimmission. The ComMission shall require evidence, s,itisfacrory to the Com- mission, indicating the' menial and physical fitness of the member to perform the duties of his no,;ition. If he has eight. (8) or more years or credited service upon leaylny County employ.mon't, he shall be retired with a retirement allowance provided in Section 25, subject to subsection (b) in this section. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ihese amendments Lo the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System are effective . , 19 Mr. Chairperson,-on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued. March 14, 1985 FISCAL NOIF Fly iiiii Commiueo IN RE: Odkidnd County fmployee.,, th.:Iiromen4 Cpmmission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' REFIREMENT SYST1M: ELIMINATION OF AGE 70 CELINC FOR ACCOMWATION OF CRED/TED SERVICE OliScellaineous Resolution 10105060) To the Oakland County Board of Comiltissioners Mr. Chaitperson, Ladios and CeptleMon:- Pursuant to Rule XI -C of his Board, the Finance Committee hat reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1785060 and finds that the proposed amendment to Retirement System, Sections 2, 17, and 24, will have no fiscal impadt. on the 198; Budget.. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson. Moved by Cal andro supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Olson supported by Webb the resolution be laid on the table. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Ca[mTdro supported by Gosling the Board reconsider the action taken. on Resolution U85061 at the FehrUary 28, 1985 Board meeting. AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyou, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (20) NAYS: None. (0) PASS: Olsen. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Calandro Slated "at the last Board meeting, the resolution was amended in the first AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED par'EJgraph to have the funds for four College Intern Positions he transferred from the Probate Court Child Caro Fund to come from contingency. That paragraph from the Amended resolution, if it was deleted, wodid properly qualify us to apply for the 50ijjI Funding. That is my motion - to delete this paragraph from the amended resolution." Amendment sunported by Mrs. Gosling. A. sufficient majority having voted the the amendment .carriecl. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,- Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold; Skarritt, Webb, Wilcex, Aaron, Galandr6, Doyen-, Fortino, Gosling, HassIberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient mojority haying voted therefor,. Resolution #85061, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 85066 By Public Services Committee IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division - TORNADO WARNING SYSTEM EXPANSION - CITY OF SOUTHFIELD To I: Iii: Oakland COOnty Boa rd of Cornissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 7865, 7971 and 8664 nccepied federal grants to defray a portion of the cos -LS in purchasing sirens to be utilizod within the Oakland County Tornado Warning System; and WHEREAS he County share Of the costs will remain at twenty-five percent as has been the policy previously established by the BOard of Commissioners by various Miscellaneous Resolutions whereby local units pay seVenty-five percent and the COnnty twenty-fl ye percent with the County being re-sponsible for the maintenance and electrical costs for the sirens purchased; and WHEREAS the City of Southfield, per the attached Purchase Agreement, has requested to participate in the Siren System; and WHEREAS the of Southfield has agreed to pay seventy-Five percent of the total esti- mated cost of one siren; and WHEREAS consistent with the attached standard agreement, the City of Southfield agrees that Oakland County will retain oWnership of any sirens and will be responsible -for the maintenance and the electrical costs for said siren purchased under this agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Conbissioners authorizes the appropriation of $3,758.-00, consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenditure of this appropriation is contingent upon the execution 01 the attached written ngreeEpent between the County and the City of Southfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County ExeCtitive be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement. 93 9 ii Commissioners Minutes Continued. Mardi 14, 1985 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public Services rommitlec by the M:tnager or the Friergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division end to Ow balance of flie members of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Clmfirper ,ion, on behalf of he Public 'Services Coruittee, I move the adoption of the Ioregoing nesolution. PUBLIC SERVICES. COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Copy of Budget Summary and Purchase Agreement on file in County Clerks Office. FISCAL NOTE By Finance. Committee IN RE: ENS/Disaster Control Division - TORNADO WARNING SYSTEM EXPANSION - CITY OF SOUTHFIELD (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185066) To the Oakland County Board of COmmissioners• Mr. Chairperson, Ladies aq CentleMeh: • Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this BoaTd, the Committee has reviewed Miscellaneotts Resolution 1/85068 and finds: 1) The City of Southfield has requested participation in the siren system through the purchase of one (1) tornado siren ., 2) Estimated cost of the siren is $15',032, of which $11,274 (752) is the City of Seuthfield !Thalw: and $3,758 (257,) is County share, 3) Consistent with past agreements, the County will retain ownership of the sirens and will be responsible for maintenance and electricni costs for the sirens, 4) $3,758 is available in the 1985 Contingency Account, said funds to be transferred to the Disaster Control unit line-if.eM lOt C4iVal Outlay a5 follows: 909-01-00-9900 Contingency 1 77-05 -00-5998 Capital Outlay 5) Further-, the Finance Committee finds that costs for maintenance contracts and electricity will be ongoing (annual). FINANCE COMMITTEE G. WillUam Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by fortino the resolution, with Fiscal Note- attached, be adopted. AYES: McConnell, McPherson-, Moffjtt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Nassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was adopted. Misc. 85089 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Sheriff's Department - EXPANSION OF OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL To the Oakland County Board of Commiioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of ComMissioners is operating under a Consent Judgment which requires that the general population of the Oakland County Jail shall be no more than 450 inmates; and WHEREAS when the Oakland County Jail was hui1t in 1972, it was designed so. thi:at additional prisoner cells could be created in the lower level garage area; and WHEREAS the basement gatage ored could be relocated and that space identified to provide more cells; and WHEREAS one of the greMest needs is for a women's facility which includes a I levels of e.catrity, including housing fOr females assigned to work releae:. NOW THEREFORE • BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Coilimissioners supports the concept of expanding the Oakland County Jail through renovation of the garage parking .area and cOn - ,.;truction of a women's facility and further authorizes a study and architoctual plans - to complete said projeot. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resOlution. PUBLIC SERVI'CES.COMMITTEE James F. Lanni,.Chairperson. Moved hy Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the reolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. 3(3,758) $ 3,758 Commisionors Minutes Continued. March 14, 1985 Misc. 89090 Ry Public ServLs..e!; torgritlec IN Rf: Comunity Developiwid Division - RECAPTURE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITY JOBS BIEL FUNDS To the Oakland ConlOy Board of Commi-,,,ioneto.; Mr, ChAirper,,on, Ladiy!, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County ,)(- 0,11,.Lnid by Miscellaneous Reolution 1183169 allocated a grant amount of 92,137,000 in Federal fund ,. lo 46 participating communities as a result of the "Emergency Jobs Appropridtion Bill of 1983," Public Law 98-8; and WHEREAS eight participating communitic. welt allocated. Special Activity funds totaling Sg96,100 of the grant amount of 52,137,000 in addition to their formula allocation; and WHEREAS thi' Community Developmc.nt Division's Jobs Bill Status Report as of December 31, 1984 for Part II, Special Activities ittcl1cate5 both the Hot,/ movement of some of these projects and the lack of current documentation evidencing the fullillmeng. of projected - jobs associated with the project; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution 1185073 of February 28, 1985 established a Recapture Proce!is and Criteria for the Part 1.1 Special Activity funds; and - WHEREAS the Community Development Division, in compliance with the Recapture Process and Criteria, ha!:, reviewed and evaluated the project documentation and recommends recapture of the Special Activity Jobs Bill funds as specified in the attachment; and WHEREAS -the Oakland County- Community. Development Citizens (Advisory Council recommends approval of the recapture of funds as out in the attachment by unanimous vote. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the Recapture. Of Special Aciivi-ty Job's Bill funds as specified in the attachment. Mr. Chairnor ,,on, on behaTf of the Public Services Commitlee, I move the adoption of the Forct-goilig reolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson - Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, HassberDer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, (21) NAYS: Non. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolUtion was adopted. Misc. 85091 By Public Sot-Vices Commilteo IN RE: ComMueifj., Development Division - OPTIONS FOR REALLOCATION OF RECAPTURED JOBS BILL FUNDS TO tho Oakland County Board of Commis-ioners Mr. Choirporwn, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution l$83169 allocated $996,100 of Jobs Bill Special Activity lunds to eight participating communities; and WHEREAS Ihe Community. Development Division!s Jobs Bill Status Report as of December 31, 1984 fir Poll 11, Special Aciivitios indicates both the slow movement of some of these projetts and the lack oi current doGnmeniution eviduncing time fulfillment of projected jobs associated with the project; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution 05073 of February 28 ; 1985 establiOted a'1983 Emerq-ency Jobs Di 11 Funds Elecapture•Process and Criteria; and WHEREAS the Community Development. Diyision, in compliance with the Recapture Process and Critevia, reviewed and evaluated the project documentation and recommended - recapture of Jobs Ni funds in the amount cml $96,927.50; and WHEREAS the Oakland CoUnty Community Development Division has prepared three numbered. options reflecting different methodologies that may be used for reallocati.on of the recaptured funds (attach- ment); 0" WHEREAS. the Oakland County. Connunity Development Citizens .Advisory Council recommend approval of Option number li oi the attachment by a 9 to 5 vote. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of CoMmissioners approves- of Option. number III of rh,p attachment for - the. reallocation of recaptured Jobs Rill funds In the amount of $96,927.50. Mr. Chairpep;on, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption . of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Copy of Option I, II ;Ind III on File in. County Clerk's Office. Moved by Lanni i4upport.ed by Olsen the resolution be adopted. 95 96 Commissioners Minute., Continued. March IN, 1 .985 Moved by Olsen supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution. be amended under Opt ion 111 as follows: Under ril .;t pOragrOpn amend it 1 ,1 neod "Stall will notify ail 48 participating communities ih writing al ...." on page 2 of Option Ilf change. the Maximkim Possible Points and Evaluation Items to add 20 points - Bonus points for those colmlunities that did not previously receive special activities Jobs Bill funds. ihe total MaximuM Possible Points after the. 20 points is added will be changed to 120. A sufficient. majority having Voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Fortino supported by Lanni to support Option AYFS: Aaron, DOyon, Fortino, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (5) NAYS: flOffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McPherson. (1 4) PASS: Price. (I) A sufficient majority not, having voted tho-refor, the motion failed. Moved by McPherson supported by 1LoyOn th.at 20 points be considered in evaluating, based on high unemployed areas of communities. Mr. Kuhn suggested it would be more appropriate for 10 points to be put on the high un- employment areas. Mr. McPherson- requested Ills motion be changed to show 10 points in place of the 20 points in his original amendment. There were no objections. • Vote on Mr. McPheron's motion For 10 points to be considered in evaluating high unemploy- out! ii AYES: Price, Webb, Aaron, Down, Fortino, R. Kuhn,- Ss Kuhn, Lanni, McPherson. (9) NAYS': Nelson, Olson, Rewold, Wilcox, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Law, McConnell, Moffitt. (11) A sufficient majority not hav.ing voted the the amendment failed. Vote on resolution. as amendod: AYES: Olsen, Price, Rowold, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson. (17) NAYS: Fortino, Lanni, MC.Pherson. (3) A sufficient maIority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 85092 By Lawrence R. Pe.rnick IN RE: Board of Connissioner - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AND FEDERAL DEFICITS To the Oakland County Roard of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the proposed foLk.ra I budget calls for the total elimination of the $5.6 billion Revenue Sharing Program as part of the federal deficit reduction effort; and WHEREAS the Michigan Association of COOnties and the National Association of CoOpties are in agreement that the Revenue Sharing Program is the most cost-efficient federal assistance program for local unitS of go nicrnmenT dnd that retention of the- Federal Revenue Sharing Program is the number ono priority of county governments: and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees that reduction of the federal deficit is essential far the economic health of the nation; and WHEREAS reduction of the federal deficit can be accomplished in several ways, some of which are: a spending freeze at present levels for all departments, agencies. and other elements in the federal budget; a shared Or reduction of all federal expenditures; a priori-tization system allowing all affetted agencies to haVe input in-VP the selection of program cuts; also revenue modifications, such as, the- renewal of the tobacco tax, the institution of a minimum tax on individ-- uals and businesses currently earning substantial amounts but, paying no federal income taxes, and the elimination of certain tax she - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports a Free-ac on all federal spending aL present levels or an across'thesboard reduction of all federal expenditures subject to prioritizati-on by the affected agencies. This action is favored in lieu of the total elimination of high priority program, such as, general revenue sharing. BE Ai FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' also supports the following- fedora] deficit. reducing revenue modifications; renewal of the tobacco tax, imposition of a minimum tax on individuals and busAnesses earning substantia/ amounts but currently escaping all federal income taxes, and the elimination of tax shelters and tax loopholes which favor special interest groups. Commi ,:tsioners Minutes Continued. March i4, 1985 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution.be forwarded to the President of the United Stateti, Mi...higan's. U. S. Senator', and the Congressmen representing Oakland County, Mr. Chairperson, 1. jtove thc.-adoptiou 0E the foregoing resolution. Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District 20 James A. poYon , Walter Moore, Ruel E. McPherson, Dennis M. Aaron, Hubert Price, Jr., W. A. Hassberger The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were • no objections. Misc. 85093 By Betty Fortino IN RE: OPPOSITION TO THE FLIMINAT[ON OF DEDUCTIBILITY OF NON-BUSINESS STATE AND LOCAL TAXES FROM INCOME SUBJECT TO FEDERAL. INCOME TAX To he Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS he United States Congress, .through amendments to the 1981 Local Government 'Assistance Act,. directed the U. S. Department .of Treasury to undertake a study of revenue sharing and several related issues, which included the elimination or. partial elimInation of the deducti - hility of non -business state and local taxes from income subject to federal income tax; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Treasury, in a separate action, including a provision f -or cliEdnation of all or part of the deductibility of state and local taxes in their recommended Federal Tax Simplification Plan; and WHEREAS the fede_ral government, as part of their rationale for this action, is row con - sidefing deductihilIt.y provision in. the Internal Revenue Code as a S30 billion sobsidy of state and local governMents; and WHEREAS the vimary purpose of this provision in the Internal Revenue. Code, which allos the deduction of state and local tax From income subject to federal income tax, is to avoid tax on taxes or double taxation of U. S. citizens; and . WHEREAS ihe impact: of deductibility on the decisions of state and local governments to raise or lower taxes is minimal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland . County Board of Commissioners opposes the olimibation of all or any part - of the state and local tax dedUctihility provisions in the Federal Interna l Revenue Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we convey to the President and the Congress our position that this deductibility provision in the Internal Revenue Code protects the right of U. S. Citizens against double taxation and does not constitute a subsidy to state. and local governments. Mt-. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the - foregoing resolution-. Betty Fortino, Commissioner District fS Susan Kuhn, Ruel McPherson, Nancy .McConnell, Dennis M. Aaron, David L. Moffitt, Thomas A. Law, Hubert. Price, Jr., Marilynn Gosling, James A. Doyon The Chairperson rererred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 85094 By Rtiel E. McPherson IN RE: GREAT LAKES WATER - ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPENSATION FORMULA IN THE EVENT WATER IS DIVERTED FROM THE REGION TO the Oakland County Board ol ComittissInners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Governors of Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, •WisconSin, New York and Pennsylvania and Ihe Premiers of the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario recently signed the Great Lakes Charter; end WHEREAS the Great Lakes Charter was designed to make it known that the states and provinces bordering !hese bodies of water intend to manage and protect this valuable resource; and WHEREAS the Charter specifically gates that "diversions of Great Lakes water should not be allowed ir individually or cumulatively they would have any significant adverse impacts on lake levels, in -basin uses, and the Great Lakes ecbsystem;" and WHEREAS legal precedents make it clear that the U. S. Supreme Court will not sustain uni - lateral water embargoes, thus it is reasonable to assume that at some point in - time water diversions- will Lake place. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the Great Lakes region to e ,;Lablish a compensation formula based- on cost per cubic gallon to provide adequate revenue for diverted water. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this revenue be used for reconstruction of water mains and sewers on new construction of water -related projectS such as harbor development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the aforementioned 97 98 Comud ,isioners Minutes Continued, March 14, 1985 Governors and Promicr ,.. Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoOtion ol ihe foregoing resoluCion. Reel E. McPherson, Commissioner District 119 James A. Doyon, Commissioner District #10 The C-hairper ,-,on referred [he re$olution to [he General Government Committee. Mr. Olsen objected ro the relerral. The Chairperson s[a[ed that fourteen (14) AYE votes are required to sustain the -objection. Thc vote. was as fotfow[[ Rewold, Webb, Calandro, Hassherger, Hobart, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen. (9) NAYS: Wilcox,. Doyon, fartino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Law, McPherson ;- Nelson-. (8) A sufficient majorily not having voted [herefor, the objection was not sustained and the reOlntion was referred to [he General Government Committee .. Moved by Go::,ling supported by Moffitt he evening meeting scheduled for this date (March 14) be cancelled. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Motion carried- Ii d(J-01 -(1.1WO wift Rule XX[1, the followin9 referrals were mode by the Chairper -son: GENERAL GOVERNMENT: (,1) Areawide W.Iter Quality Board-Membership PLANNING AND BOTLDTNG (,1) Road Comuiiodoe - Mailbox Damage (b) Cooperative Extension - Commi ss 1 DoerS and Legislators Day (Parks and Recreation) PUBLIC SERVICES —To) Ponti.-1c-Opposition to Regional Prison REGIONAL PRISON SITE .SELECTION COMMITTEE (aMichi In Department Of C-Orrectl-cls Information OTHER REFERRALS HISTORICAL COMMISSION: Michigan Historical CoMmission - Sesquicentennial Workshop INSTITUTIONAL E, HUMAN SERVICES: U.S, Department of Justice-Juvenile frainjng Programs (Rest to) MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET.: Equalization-Commercial Fatilities Exemption, Gayles Chocolates, R.O. Egtialization-Commercial Facilities ExeMptiOn, J.H. Investments, R.O. Egualiation-Industrial Facilities Exemption', Holly Township COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Caltural Council- Resignation of Dianne L. Dish PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: Peronnel-Heal[h Care Cost Containment Program PARKSAND RECREATION: Cotwetlive IxtonLiion-Commi.-.sioner t, Legislators Day (lThrf.,, K Rec) PLANNING DEPAR1MEWr U. S: Reporlmonl ol Agriculture-Soil ConseTvation Map TREASURER: Michigan Department of Treasury-County Treasurers Payment of Claims There were no object ions [o the referrals The next. meeting ..r the Boar.(1 will he March 28, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. The Board adjourned at 12:37 p.m. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox chatrperson Clerk