HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1985.05.09 - 72711 3 14 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING Kly 9, 1985 Meeting co1i0d Mi order by Chairperson Richard R.- Wilcox at 9:45 a.m. in the Courthouse Auditorium, t200 N. Telogrdph hoed, PrintiC, MI, Invffeation given hy W. A. Hassbergev. Pledge of Allegiance . to the Flag. Roll rolled. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, (Art inn, Gosling, tlasf-dDerger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn, Simon Kuhn, Lanni, Lae, Mf..Counell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, .0.1sen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Cdloudro, Moore. (2) Quorum fn re . Moved by Caddell supported by N.edson lho minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A faillir-dent moforitv havinn voted therefor, the motion fdarried. Moved my Rewold faipported by SUall Kuhn the roleF: be suspended to add the following items to ;he agenda: PLANNHAG AND DUILDMG commaur . . Gokland rounly Airport Committee 1984 Annual Report b. OoklandiPaoliac Airport - Waterford Township Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement Ooklond/Doldiac Airport - Wdterford Tounship .Wattr.rmain Easemew. Agreement d. Miscelldueou ResoliMion /1850n6 - Drain Commisioncr - Establishment of a Lake Level kir Sylvon Lotto and Otter Lake 0. Drain Comili.,',ioner - Clinton Oaldand Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township Ext. No, 1. Dro.i.n Commissioner - topecrefirowo Roodi: Wafer Main ExEcns,ion g. Corporation Counsel 0.e.al F._,Ll[e Division) - 52nd District Court, 3rd Division Leae h. flerill's Deportment - Award ol Architectural Services Contract for Garage Parking Are:f Renovoion and runde Housing Facility AYP-f: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Hel5on, Olsen, Parte, Perinoll, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hossbere0r, Hobart. (2/1) NAr..i: None, (0) A ,,tiffir.ionl majority having voted therefor, Oe motion to suspend the rules to amend the ogefida corried. Vole on ogendo as amended: A sufficient mfority having voted therefor, the agenda, as amended, was approved. Clerk road letier l*om Doniel T. Murphy announcing the' appointments of the -following oersoer: t nJ serve ou fhe rulhurol Council: . Mary Lilty, replacing Dorothy ZMCII, term ending December 31, 1986 rhYlff'f repfilc 7 lig Diane Dish, term ending December 31, 1985 Moved In,' Gosling supported by Webb the appointments be confirmed: A snllicient rmjority having voted therelor, the appointment were confirmed. • 135 Commissioner.. Minutes Continued. May 9, 1985 Clerk read letter from A. Stewart Francke of General Motors Corporation thanking the Board Ion . ,,eridi Mi 0 COW/ of re!-;0Iut urn regarding I lie . Saturn Corporation,. • (Placed on file) Clerk read letter from Deputy Drain Commissioner David J. Snyder regardinganotico of re.- cuipt of potiEion Irom the City ol Pontiac requi..e,ting the location, establishment and construction of OH intra-county diain be located in the bimits' ol•the. City or Pontiac. (Referred to Planning and Building Committee) The following persotf!, addressed the Board: . Linda A. Diaz„ Irene Anhonder, Shirley M. Houck and CoMmissioner Thomas Law. RUM- Pp/ Personne1 Coimittec IN RE: Computer Service!, - 191:Y5 "CHAMPS"PROKRAM (Miscellaneous Resolution #85096) To the Oakland County 13(111d of Commisionen, Mr. Cho i rperioll, Ladies ;Ind Gentlemen: The Personnel Cormiltee. having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolutlen e85096, compute, Service5 Department - 1985 Implemeniation or Comprehensive Health AnaiT:Jis Management Planning System (CHAMPS) Program, rormrt!, with the recommena!liion that_ the requested two (2), Dale Analyst/Programmer II positions be created in the User Service!, Division of Computer Services. Mr. Chairperr,on, on behalf of the Persennel Colallitt .O.C, I move the acceptance of the fore- 11j report ;Irld recommend ilia! Misin I l000linli Reolution #85096 he adopted, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Mi!,c, 85096 • By finance Committee IN RE: Computer Services Department 7 1985 IMPLEMENTATION Of COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT PLANNING SYSTEM (CHAMPS) PROGRAM TO the Odktond County Board 01 ceiiimiirmeF ,; Mr. Chairprirori, "adios dnr1 WHEREAS Mi-icellaneous Reolution <18)1252 authori,!ed the acceptance of CHAMPS development grant award in the amount. 01 $85,000 lbrit the Michigan Department of Public Health for the period July 1 Ihru December 31, 1984; and WHEREAS $68,800 ol iii grant was dc-=,ignated Ion data process programming development of which $17,384 000 expended for such purpose; and WHEREAS the development or CHAMPS is 1 oint venture between the Oakland County Health 1)1 viol <ni dnd Coqiuter Set.victe, Department; and WHEREAS Mi!;cellano0cr, hliol iii ion 4<850811 authorized acceptance of the 1985 CHAMPS greet ,1WAI .0 in kin <<lilIllinil <1 '.1317,150 01 which Y.501,521 i dei,ignated for implementation of program element'; Hr the area!, ot Pei ,ioielel Preventative Health Servicet,, Environmental Health Services, Health Edi_ication !led Nutrition Service!, and Admini!Jratien; and WHEREAS additional pcimonnel and/or contractual services are reqUired to accelerate Ihe implementation of CHAMPS program !Et a cost of $301,521 consistent milli the attached schedule: and WHEREAS liii i the second year. nil 1 four year program; and WHEREAS the County is not obligated to continue said program if funding coase!,,; and WHERLAS all pel-,onnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee. NOW THERMIEE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize Computer Services Builpel be aliKPiOed by $301,521 0 ,, Follows! 3-63600-181-01-06-2355 Special Revenues and Proprietary Fund (30),521) (1-63600-182-02.-00-1001 Salaries 53,410 4-63600-182-02-00-2074 fringe.!., 15.,627 4-63600-182-01-00-312.8 Profw;siow.11 Services 242,484 Mr. Chairper ,;on, on behalf or the Finance Committee, i move (he. adopt ionof the foreoing •tai luf i n) FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Schedule 1 on tile IH County Clerk'.r, Office. Moved by Caddell supported by SI.:rritt the report be accept.e.d. A sulficfent majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Caddell !aipported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Perinoff. Price, Pewold, Shorn Ii, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddo/1, Doyon, Fortino, Goolinq, Hassbereer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, (22) NAYS: NIMO. (0) Comnii ,,sioners Nimites Conlinund. May 9, 1985 A I d cierit sojiri Fy haviuq voted Inerefor, the resolution hins adopted. Misc. 85129 Ey IN RE: Manage:now and Budr!el Departmont - REVISED TRAVEL REGULATIONS To the Oakland Comity Boni -! oF Commissiolwri, Mr. Chairperson, Ladict, and Gent well: WHER1A5 he Doa-rd of Commissioner ,. by Mice! Lrnrouc Res -OW:ion 27384 adopted traVel rogulotions incorporating travel reimbursement 171.e',: nod WNER[AS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellanooti ResoiOtion 285085 modified the travel reimbursement effective WHEREAS modification 01 the Travel Reulation procedures is also desirable to slop! the reimburt..ement traces ,t and reduce paporwork while maintaininq adequate financial control. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approve the modified Travel Reuntotioo proc,echires to be elfective April 1, 1585. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf ot the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foreooing resolul . FINANCE COMMITTEE G.- William Caddell, Chairperon OAKLAND COUNTY TRAVEL AND MILEAGE REGULATIONS GENERAL REGULATIONS The follcminn Travel Regulations govern all Travel Reimbursement wade by the County: 1. [he County, Executive is rosponi,ible For approval, interpretation and enforcement of iheskt- Regulations for employees.;--non-counly narsonnel and thh Chairperson. of the.. 6.01".0. gf C.g.PTis.,sjonrs. The Chairperson ol the Board of Comnii .sioners 5 responible for all elected officials, excluding the Chairpe1-,on. 2. Compliance the re ,,ponibility of the individual traveler. The. indiv i dual traveler's denartmeni head shall determine the need for travel, if funds. are available and approve such travel. 3. No individual other than the County Executive. Chairperson . of the Board of Commissioners or Moir designee ,„ have the authority to establish 4wcial rates, certify any expenses for p a yme nt or approve any waiver-, which do not conlor-m with these Regulations. If a department or individual re' guests a waiver of Ihos,Ti regulations he of she most i-Aibmit on explanation to the County Exouutive, Chairpert,on of iho. Board of Coliimioners, or their deinnec. • Im In the event [hot a conl-eroncc , (and/or covention -r different- locQtions, the trav e ler will attcnd the session closest to his/her work ,Aation, work schedulepermitting.- 5. Travel should be node by the most direct or cost effective route. If an employee travels by an indirect route, the extra cost shall be borne by the •traVeler, under most circumstance-s. 6. Ni will bo charged to Ihn County by individual travelers. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1. TRAVEL APPROVAL - A "Roguest for Travel Approval" Form (145 -1) must be completed and ,a_ibmiLlod to the Accounting Division ten (10) working days before the trip if any of the folImNing conditioir A. Travel expenses are expected to exceed 5100.00 B. Airline Travel is involved. C. Out-of-state travel is involvod. Tho MB-1 roum i S t ci ,.how all expected expenses . A copy of the conference program or meeting is to be ,ittached. GROUP TRAVEL - One MB-1 Form may he used whon a number of employees trave l under the following (..oinlizion: A. Lmployeei; travel at the '.AMG time and to the some location. B. Reuitration and other fees are. at .the same rote. C. Those empLoyecnr, participting should be listed. Note: Same applie to MB-2 Forms. 3. TRAVEL BY A PUBLIC CARRIER - Upon receipt of an- MB.-1, the Accounting Division will locw,.ild a copy of the d6culmoit to ilic Purchasing Division. The PurChasing Division will make all public co,iver reservalioirt,. The 1'11N:hosing . Division will explore available travel options and copmmoicoy thow opliow: to the pro ,;pective traveler. AdditiOnal lodging or tra'n'sportation expense incnrrodii oninr ri lake Avantauo of availablc travel promotions shall be permissible to the extent <crc is air overoll rt!duct ion in I. ravel Once travel arrangements have been finalized, subse- goonl must be approved hy the County Ekecutive or de s ignee . , TAAVEL BY pRIVATE TRANSPORTATION A. When toveling by a privately owned vehicle, the traveler will he reiinbured at the County e.xtdblkbod Mileage 'Rote. B. When two or more people travel by private vehicle together, only one expense 15 reimhurseable tor the vehicle. 5. TRAVEL BY COUNTY OWNED VEHICLES Out-of-stotn inte of County owned vehicles must receive the approval of the County Executive or de!=,ignee. 6. LODGING - Expon ,w!, will be allowed at the single occupant rate. Should lodging be 136 1I' C'ommi ss Iccec5er'- iii auto', Gout Hued-, Kr), 9, 1985 shared by mole than r.OUnly liovcer, the reimbursement will reflect a proportionate amount of the bill , based on nook, .)I per':ow, ocd opy nft he TOOM, /. MEALS A. Whrn A traveler is entitled to o full day's meal allowance, the amount expended for any particular meal i , left M) the dM,cretion eel the troveler. Whenever meals are included ln regHtration let-, /he traveler shall not charge for [heel particular meal The cr.)tit of Acoholic keverageK is 'tot reimborsablo. B. The traveler will not he reimhursed lor non-county personnel except as required lo conduct County business Relmhursemeut will be at established rate ,,.. 8, MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE - ir the travel is by other than public uarrier, the maximuM allow- duce -will he the co, 1.01)1 it,hed miledge, plu.. lodging dnd weak, or the current lowest air Care whichever is the lesser onlouni.. 9. DAYS ALLOWABLE - Days allowed will be actual travel time needed and time at destintien no-cessary to carry out the County business. 10. PERSONNEL EXPENSLS High; iw,urance, alcoholic beverages, cleaning and pKessing clothing, and slmildr personal expenses are not allowable. ACCOUNTING kOR EXPENSES f. TRAVEL EXPENSE voucurRs - Within five (5) working days at the end of travel, a linal accounting ol the ;Actual expenswt will be submitted with appropriate documentation on the MB-2 form. Send lornm M) the Accounting Division. 2. DOCUMLNTATION - ExpenKeK not SUbstanliafed by required receipts will not be reimbursed unleKs this requirement is Kidived appropriaLci by Cho County Executive or his designees, or the Clmlirper ,:on ol the Board eel Coiluti ,,%ionerL. Receipts required, hut not limited to: A. Air Travel P. Lodging flan,,portdlion i.e. taxi. car rental etc., in excess of 7O U. Registrdtion Fees E. Guest i erects i9 11- $25 I'. Parking 7, WFICAY TRAVFL - If a County employer is required to travel 2-5 days a week and if be/she incurs the same expense daily (e. g. lunch), one MR-2 FM'ITI 11lay he submitted for the wee.k. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT The County wilt reimburse individual for use of peronal transportation in the conduct of County business. The Individudl Car Mileage Report (lorni W-3) is Me be used to rocluest reimbursement for mileage. The request for reimbuisomcni must'. he mdde wi item five days or the end of the month expenses were incurred. All claims must be signed by the individual and 'countersigned by their supervisor. It Inc their responsi- bility that the request is accurate and complete. For purposes ol determining mileage refmhUrsemont, the hallowing shall apply_ A. IT IS REQUIRED that County Travelers on oFfftial business driving petsonally-oneel cars be properly licensed by the Slate of Miehigab and be adequately protected by personal liabliity 'mid property flamow ireutrdnre di their Own expen5e, B. WORK l'iTATION must be specklied. Conert .tIly work station is meant to be norma't or regular Liation ccl wrk. C. POINT TO POINT - All litiet..vin must be shown from point to point. Vicinity mileage Irre.,Kdry For the rondurt ccl officidl hin.iness iK all.mohle and must be supported by a listing of the Vim CI y itinefdry. D. FROM - TO - if travel is direct, state the place travel began and to where you traveled Oh if you returned lo your or-lc:011a' place of bertinnlng, add "and return" (2) - If your travel to several destinations during your trip, lit. nearest City, Vi'tlat.To or Township and addresses stopped (3) occasionally you may require more than one line for a trip, but one tine is recommended. Do. Not abbc eviate. the locations from and to where you traveled must be written out 11.11 ,r.eports must oe legible. Do not w,tt word such ds "vicinity" or "area." E. PARKING COUCH - Reimbnrsemonts leer parking charges are allowable, receipts musl he alt ached. F. MILEAGE COMPUTATION - Reimbursement ut County mi leoge will he based Dfl Olficial Hialiway W1W., C. CHARGES. NOT REIMBURSABLE - Gasoline, tubricat.ion, repoirs, antfteeze, toNage and other similar expenditures. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. MEALS Allowancw, he hosed on the following schedule: • Breaklasi - When bAnIldneeS prior to 7:00 a.m. and extends beyond 8:30 a.m.. Lunch - When Irdvel commenc'es mxtior to II:30 a.m. and extends beyond 2:00 p.m. Dinner - When trilvel commence.s prior to 6:30 p.mo and extends beyond 7:00 p.m. 2. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES WHICH ARE REIMBURGAUE: REGISTRATION FEES - For conventions and meetings for indlyideals atten.dir9 as official representatives ol the cOonty. A prograri, literature or receipts mul ,,t be attached sbowing whelher or not meak are incladed. Coinmissiipwrs Minutes Continued. May 9, 1985 138 NARKING 111S - Receipts. Are. regnicod when expenses exceed ;3.00 IAXILAB • Receipts Arc required when expenses exceed $10.00 CAR RENTAL AlloWakte only it it is more advantacteous for county besires. Explanation And receipt required. TE1TGRAM - ChArges ore Allowhie when necessary for ofEicial businesis when letter Will not solfia. Lull oxpidnelion rod, date :place, person telegrammed ond nature of hosines. fEtAP1ION111 - Charges di-C.' Allowable when nec.essary for official business and for one call home iit Ease id c)vern i ith L I rave . GRAlUITIES A. WAITER - the NlXitITIM daily [ins for meals allowable will he 15?.. B. OTHER GRATUITIES - Other customary gratuities actually paid may be allcmed only upon pronl or leasonAhility. TOLL DPI Dots AND ROADS, PLUS FERRY BOATS - Receipts ore required_ SCHEDULE OF RATES NORMAL TRAVEL (1 Meal And Lodging Lodqinh ; 50.00 plus Tax Breakfast 4.00 Lurch 6,00 Dinner 10.00 NATIONAL OR STATE CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCE OR SEMINARS JO Lodgini; $100.00 plus Fax Breakfast 6.00 Lun(lt 7.00 1 -4.00 /\11 RAlES (2) .25 per mil.o MAXIMUM RATES The rates es€alhlished herein for travel represents the maximum aliowaly1e and not the trii!•ii moved by cadde11 supported by Webb [he resolution he adopted. AYES: Lunti, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moilitt. Nelson, 01Sen, Rape, Pecinoff, Bernick, Rewold, SkArritt, Webh, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, dassherger, HohArr, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (211) NAYS: None. (0) A suffiLlent majority having voted therefor, he resolution WL'in adopted. Misc. 85E:10 By FTindirre 11onmi1m..e IN RE: Computer .Services DeOataient - 1985 FiRST QUARTER DATA PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER h.) the Oakland Courtly Board of Commisisioncrs ME. Chairperson, Lad1es And Gentlemen: WHEREAS All dAtd processing development cost is incrporated os at single appropriation wl;Iiin the Computer Services Oe[M.rAIWOf Budget and then An amoonn equal to the actual eXper,c is rot', lent-ill m) the user deportment on a gudavrly basis wi[h a summary .report [Cr the Finance Committee Ahd WHEREAS Ihc OAkland County Computei Services 000artment has determined the 1985 First d.“,1 prucyinq development alai-vs for 1he budgeted County departments; and WHEREAS !hese development (Jiarges are For progroms which are Le conformance v.dth the huideline% set lorlh by the Coliputer User Advisory Comittee and the Computer Center master plan opproved by hr financc Committee; and 511111 PEAS funding For uhiti pl00essin9 development is contained in die 1985 Computer Services Soneral fund Budget; and WILFREAS An oppropriaitiou transfer to budgeted County departments is needed to hind these develoomeni charges. HOW illERFFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Finance Committee has reviewed the i985 First Quarter Data Processing Development for user departments and Finds $5/35,760 necessary to fund the development car; F. Said funds are avAilAble in the 1985 Data Proces!,ing Division Data Processing development appropriation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commksionors appropriates ;545,760 From the 1985 11'0E1 Plocc%ssing Developiwn/ budget and tragsfets said funds to the appropriate user departments con - sistent with The Attached schedule. Mt. ChA1rperson, on behalf of Lhe Finance Comm;ttee, I Move the adoption of the foregoing sesolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G tRill lao Caddell, Chairper-son Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 9, l985 Moved by Caddell .,upported by Moifi!l. ihe resolution be adopted. AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skacritt, Wrbb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassbercer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, tanni. (24) NAYS: None— (0) A sufficient maiprity having voted thoPefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 8513I By Finance Committee IN RE: Facilities and Fnuinecritut DiVi()F1 - CONTRACT AWARD FOR PUBLIC WORKS GROUNDS CHEMICAL STORAGE BUILDING Ti the Oakland County Board uI Commissionet -s Mr. Chairperson, ladies and- Getttlenen: WHEREAS by Miscelfaneow; Resolution 035016, the Board ol Rowissioners authorized the County Executive's Department iii Central Services -to receive bids for a Public Works Grounds Chemical Siomnie Building al an estisoted cost el $23,000; and WHEREAS in aci,orditurte with bidding procedures estabtished by [his Board, bid$ were received and opened March 2B, 1985 or construction work; and WHEREAS !be County Cxecutivets Department of Central Services has reviewed a l l bids sub- mitted and recommend that ihe lowest responsible bidder, General-Electrical-Mechanical, Inc. be awarded a contract for construction work in the amount of $20.510; and WHEREAS additional cosis ,,re estimated to be $600 for Consultant Fees, .50C1 for Admini ,,- at Ice Costs, $1,000 for Maintenan(4! Charces . and $1,890 (82) for Continuency; and WHEREAS tAte total project. cost -is- estimnted•to bco$24,500- as detailed in the attached schedule; and WHEREAS funding of $24,00 for the Public Works Grounds Chemical Storage Building is available in the 1985 Capitol iwromrient Pio9rom-Misacliaflous Remodeling. - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1) The contract proposal of General-Electrical-Mechanical, Inc, in the amount of $20,510 be accepted and tdie contract awarded in conrmrrence with the Planning and Building Committee recommencUtions, 2) Funds be provided in thu amount yf $3,990 to cover the project costs, 3) The Chairpctson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed . to execute a contract with General-Efectrical-Mechanical, inc. on behalf of the County of Oak/and, 4) These awards shall not be effective until the awardee has been not in writing by the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division, 5) The Board of Cormi 05 ioners appropriates $24,500 from the 1985 Capital Improvement Program-Miscellaneous Remodelin9 for said project. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf. of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE q. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt. the resolution be adopted. AYES: McDonold, McPherson, Mollitt, Nelson, °ken, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, 'rice, Rusi-uild, STarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, 11asberer, Hobart, R. Win, S. KUhn, Ldllfli, McConnell. (28) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient matority havinq voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mi ,;e. 85132 By Finance Committei , IN RE: Facilities .-.tnd Fnqineering Division - CONTRACT AWARD FOR NORTH HEALTH CENTER OFFICE REKODFLING 10 !he Oakland County Board ol Mr. Gtilirner ,-;on, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Hy Misceiloneous Resolution e-85.021. the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive hitt ,t, for Office Remodeiinq of the North Health Cell For al an estimated cost 01 $37,000; and WHEREAS in aurora:Ince with bidding procedures ostablished by thi-s Board, bids were received opened April 8, /98E., lor consiruction work; and WHEREAS Ihn County Expiutive's Department ol Central SOI-ViCP lies reviewed all Ili(k 'dthmitted and recolmmIlds that the lowest re iwnsiblo bidder, Mansoor Constructors and Builders be awarded a c.on- lmict or (onstruciion work in the amount of $33,823; and WHEREAS additional costs arc estimated to be $2,000 for Consultant Fees, $500 for Adirt;-5- ,rative Costs, $1,000 or Maintenance Chm -ge!, '.;6,500 for Furniture and Equipment, and 54,577 (10) h)r Continuoncy; and WHFRLAS the total project cost is estimated lo be $88,000 as detailed in the attached t,dtedule; and Cominton , t., Mfnute Pro ilirlll. Miy 9, i985 150 WHERLAr, funding of $48,000 ku- the North Health feeler Office Remodeling ii avat 1lable in 1')8,) rapita1 11111trovnment 1rogram -Miticellaneou5 Remodeling. NOW 111LRLFORF. BE IT RESOLVED as €) The tcnIracl proposal of Manoor ConslrucLorn and Elm tiers in the al ,,anut o1 1333,423 anJtonted oiul the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Buildinct tow- mimeo rec,mmendal 2) Fund., be provided in the atmount of $14,517 to covr the remain proiec.t. ts , 11;) the C1 -1,Ct perr.on of the Board of Comtaissioner s be and hereby is tLitii zed end di eck,d In oxe( ,i (cm! roc wi€k M,1nsotn Ct)o ,,t ructor,i ned Dui Idc.1-5 en behalf of the Cou,,ty ()di( lit I, writing hy Pcogram. oIiti Iii Thor,.c tw.tards 'dial1 not be effeCtive tint1 the•awardee has been notified in the Lotinly ExeTetive 1 :, Deportment or Central Se rvices, Facilities EagineerInq 5) The Board of Comini'-1 ,,ioner:i appropriate:a $48,000 from the 1985 Capital Improvement Mn. ChdttpetP,on, on i..whnir or ti n' Finance. Committee, 1 move the adoption of the i'oro.going FINANCE COMMITTEE H. Wi 1 firm Faddef 1 , Chai rper ,-;on P,I,)ved hy CaddrIl %upporled by Nelson the re-.ottition be adopted. AYES; McPheron, Nekon, Olsen. E 1ntje, Perinoft, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Liebb, Wiftnx, A n on, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Habefger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McCurnwiF, McDohald. -(2.0 NAYS.r None. (0) A ..nliiuient makuily having votod therefor, the resolution was adopted. [Ii ne O'„,W PP1',01MIH Coutmittee IN RE: Di .11-ict CoOrl - SALARY ADJUS1MLN1 FOR DISTRICT JUDGES (o ihn OatJand County Board of Coitimisionor,; Mr Ladio:, and 6rilt[em: MCLA 600:165 providef, that a Dit.itrict Judge ci.,)y be compensated in an amount equal n cl iFs aubcd1 ;diary al a inr,Ilue ol the Supretne Court; and WHER1 AS oll,.(live January I, 1985, the salary of a Justice of the Supr eme Court incre ased LII 57/, /1111 and WOIAL/V.; effect ivit J,606Ary I, 1985, the maximum sal.ary iii 01011110 for a District Juritio ic) 'A8,3/6; ,m,1 WIIERLA5 the niximull Curtly ,;upptemenial ,,alry allowable roE a District Judgc iricr(..o5ed !row 11,;28,f190 0 , $29,916; and WHEREAS (he Jtidit:ia1 Skindardization Payment for ru District Judgc.. increased front S11.395 to r,,;1,96 11: And wiirRrA the do 1111111 Comil)il.Iee reviewed the County Supplementa: portion of tho Andne ,,1 ,11,1ri,t-, and conctir that an upward Idj1.1:it-Tent is in order. NOW IN uron RI_ If HFSOLVUO Ihdl the Count), ,,upplemnhtal portion of the saii:iry of p i III 529,806 frtiu 528,1390. IT IAMTAER RESOLVED tha€ Iho ,„Oary lit retroactive to January 1, 1985. Mr, Chirpci-,o6, III behall ol the PC1-(MITOt COMMI{I.2e, I MOV(' the adoption ol the I orcnoine 11,01 ill 11111. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved Jy Mcpou.)id ,atpportod by 1111011 ii Jho r(..olutiou he adopted. Fit. ii tIl l n I n 11 I l I t.! I C'ti I El' I ..oluliun to the Finance Commiitee. There Worn no ohject1ons, Mi i. - 37351113 My Por ,,onne/ C,WHIT.tiQC IN PC.: II I 1111,111 Court - SALARY ADJUSTMENT EOR PROBATE JUDGES' [ht., OFt I old Corm y 50, rd ill CtI,rir,ii';dlrtner', Nil . arid Gout 1 onwn : WHERLArl, MCLA 600.555 provjdus ihat a i'rohate Judge may be componstod in an amount ,,qual oi aannal Ju.,tine or lire' l:Alprome Court; and Wilt MIA', elle ,f1ve Jcinuary 1, 1985, the ,,olory lieu ice of the 5unreme Court incn'easod L i $/7,/00, .-1nd WHEREAS eltecliva Jainnafy 1, 1985, rho MilHilM.FM salary silowatble for a Probate judue. crox,i ,{1 , ; .WHIRFA!', the m.iximum -Cocint'y furided or Ihe,salary allowable for a Probat-e Judne ittnr..ed troni ",:,36,/190 to 515,9111 (01- tof,-11 maxi1 mum allowable ..,alary of 568,376; and (Aft, Conl inured. Hay 9, 1985 WIllRIAB Ihe Jill iii ',1,01d,Irdi/aLiOn rily0W61 kir a Probate Judge increased (row S11.395 m) $11,965; and Will RE /i> the Per..ounel fommi.11nr has reviewed (he COnnty funded portion oF the PrebJtie inducts' solarie, and ((Auto' that in upward adjustment is in order. NOW THEREFORE BE II RISSOEVED that the County funded portion cml the salary of a Prohatc Judge he increased to 935.806 from $34,490 for a total maximum salary 01 $68,216. BE IT TIIRTHIR RESOLVED that the salary increase he refrooctive to January 1, 1985. Mr. Chairprh.on, on Bohal! of the Por.C.onnel Committee, move the adoption 01 trio uarret resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperon Moved By MLOonald supnoried hy Nelson the resold! n he adopted. ml TB' Chairperson rederted the resolution to the finance Committee, There were no objections, 85135 By Personnel Cempli€Iee IN RE: SHERiFF'S DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATiON To the Oakland County Bpard of Commis!,ionerb Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Geritlemen: WilERFAF1 the sialutnly 'and contractual leslyonsikilitieJ of the Sheriff's Department ht"-.)ve increased steadily ovel recent years; and WHERLAS the Shnrilf's Department phopostn. io meet thec; increased responsibittics in a most Fi(iflni (Jr, f ofle-tdave manner, ahd WHEREM in order hl meet Ole goals a)f thy new Shelfff's Department administration several pro(lr.w and personnel changes are necessary; and WHERE/V.. the proposed changes can be accomplh.hed with an overall cost s,avinqs to the Department; NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Eollowing perRonnel arid program changes he 00e in Deportment: 1 . Delete Ihe classification and position of Dire ton of Corrective Setyices trom the Corrective St;Tvices Iii vi ion . On €he Community Inspection and Government Services nivisioe and transfer all posit1ohs Le othet divisjons as outlined on the attached charts-. 1. Upgrade one (1) Captafn, Position PI497, to Captain -Chief of Staff with a fiat rate salary of S-40,13-2, no overtime. and tranfer the position to the Sheriff Office. Create one (1) new classification and position entitled Corrections Staff Assistant in the Sheriff's Office with the following talory range; Bose 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/3 31:490 32,6-23 33,757 34,889 No Retitle the Jnif Pcotjram Coordinator classification and position in the Inmate Services ml Coirec [hi"e-rvire .5upel.vi5or -I111110te Setvftes. Delete one (I) Adil 1 hu H Wum i km 1 PoitiOn #00gr,06, from the inmate Services Unit of CorrèOl_ive .S-hrrvices, dud expand the salary, range of the existing Jail fnmatp Worker clasification as Follows: Base 1 Year 2 Year.3 Y.t.2.at 4 Year 0/T 19:690 : 20i,-0-143 21,045 22,09/ 23,202 Rec. /. Upwardly K.,- (2) Detee[ive Sertfont_po-,-;i1Ions from the'Invetigations Unit of Protectiva Servires to lip., rr,k of Liculenanl o6d Xion7o5 to !he Pet rim! Unit of Protettive Ji!d position. lumber 01002, lo the Bok.nli.m Unil mIt .C,f1r!l'C.1VC Mr. Chairpersou, on hehall oj the Percounel Committee, f move the adoption et the Ferewing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chatrpext-,on Moved by McDonald .;upported by Olsen the resolution be adopted. Ole Chaitpers.00 relerred the resolution to the fInance Committee. There were no obFectfens. 85136 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Chldren'sVi ll,uu - ADJUSTED WORKWEEK SCHEDULE To the Oakland County Board of Commissiene Mr. Chairperson, Ladhn, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Merit Sy ,,telti Rule 2, Sdclion VIII, A.?. provides far on adjw:ted worl,.w .eek schedule without requiring overtime pirovni for those di vi'. which have received approvdl from the Board ol Commissioner-. and the Cpunfy Executive; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners and the County Executive approved a Children's V11lat_4e proposal to implement a 11/day", 40/hOhr (11/40) workweek tor clerioir Of iLs employees for a ,six mouth trial period wil.h iri,11 period beginning in September, 1984; and Commissioner', Miputes Coolinned. May 9, 1981) ' 142 WHE RE•Alt the Chi 1 dren III I 1.rqe iiir.I roryffine Department wish to eva I ud to further the impact of the modified or C'.ciu'(Itile on the operation ol the ChHdren's VilIage prior to mak/nq more long rip ret-Tmletutaii tons; NOW THEREFOR'. BE IT RLSOLVED thdt. (he Children's Village bc autheriad to continue through Notttamiher t, 1985 the II/day, 40/hour (MO) workweek as pemitted in Merit Rule 2, Sect :on VI I. for Ihe four Chihlren's Supervisor III positions at whict time the Children's Village iii11 report back lit [fin Personnel Committee with recommendations for the rULUre. Mr. ChatirperstJu_on he1TElf of the Personnel Committee, I rove the adoption Dr the foregoinE: resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairpersen Moved hy McDonold LifE 101 on ry Wehh the resolution he adopted. AYES: Nelson, Olson, Rope, PerinolE, Pernick. Price, Rewotd, Skarria, Webb, Lticos Adron, Caiddc.lt, Doyon, or 110, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart; R. Kuhr, B. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell McDonaild, McPherson. (2 3) NAYS: None. (0) • A sullitleut tridlotity [loving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mise. 85131 By Personnel CoMWINee IN RE: Prohate Court. - RECLASSIFICATION OF JUDICIAL SECRETARY/COURT CLERK, DELETION OF CLASSIFICATION, AND CREAIION or ADDITIONAL STUDENT POSITION to the °A land County Bodrd or Corn liii 55 iSO n' Chdirperson, Lodies dnd Cpnlirmient WHERE/1'f.) with the recent retirement olthe Chief Judge's Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk, the Probate Court 'HEfimiited a request in rec.la ,,s/Fy position 1O 1098 from Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk to Judicial Secretory; dnd WHEREAS the Prohnte Coutd proposes lo [ill ttaid position at the Judicial Secretary level .. and incorporate present Court Clerk dillies wilir existing levels Of s -tall; and WHEREAS the Prohale Court has also requested that the savings resulting Iron the above reclassilicotion dpalied toward [he Funding oi an additional Student position to perfOrm backup (teriedl 'unctions Icir the Chiel Prohale Judge dnd the Court AdMinistrator's office during the ;turtling hours ol onerdtion; dnd WHEREAt, d Student Is ly dvailoblo in the alterner to assist the Chief Probate Judge's Indicid 1 Secrefdry with odutine typing, hockup phone 01r1 olfice coverage, and to respond to cchrtropm needs in this hiqh hmi NOW tHIREFORE Rt IT RESOLVED Ihdt position 1:"01098 in the Judicial Administration division Flohdle Court ho rei lossilied Front JudicId I Secretary/Court Clerk LO Judicial Secretary. BE 11 [URTIILR RESOLVED that lhe classification of Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk be deleted I rom (aunty eldssifir.PO ions. BF. IT 11IRTUR RtSOLVE0 that 011(1 . (1). additional from Iron of Student be establihed id the Inditldl Administrdtion division of Ihit Rrobate Court. Mr. Chdirperon, on burl I. al 1.1Rt Personnel Committee, I move the adoption ol the: Ic.)Fegoing ii it PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. MC.Donald, Chair-net-5:m Moved hy M[DolTild supported hy Webli the resolution he ddon(cd, The Choirperson referred the resolution to the Financo Committee. there were no ohjections. Misc. 85138 My Pci-,oH11,A Commilke 111 RE: SUBMISSION OF CHANGES IN MERIT SYSTEM RULE 13 the Odkldrid County Bodrd all Commissioners Mr. [Julies dnd Gent 'omen: Will RI Se(tior IV, Btihsecliou A. al the Merit System Resolution requires that 011 changes in ttlit dnd requldl ions ol the Merit System shdll he submitted to the Board of Commissioners at a reguldr meeting (ii ihe Bodid dnd shdll beTotile etdective thirty (30) days after such meeting unless ob - jeolion is received in writing by ihe Chdirperson of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the oh- if'1-011 shall become d mdlt er ol business a( the next meeting of the Bodrd:, and Will it hds become lesirobte to ddd o moor Suhsectjon 3 10 Section 111 ol Merit Rule 13 - Ledve ol Ahsetnat Without Pdy - LV, spelled out in Ihe ottdchment to this resolution: And WHIRIAS yoni Pei sonnet Committee hds reviewed and approved these chddqes At its meet inq of Mn rtli 20, ILTS1), NOW THERFFORI PC IT RESOLVED ihtit the reatHng ol this notice and the distihution ol this RULE TITLE I.EAVE NE AlA.flENCE WErflOnT l'AY I RULE NUMBER ON .PAGE 0, PROPOSED. WORDING SECTION TO BE CHANGED 1---7,,„„ A. n PRESENT WORDING flt3 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 9, 1985 notice and the attached dIfl..A1W1 -11. labeled 'Troposod Changes in the Merit Syr- tern Rules" to al: Com- missioners prescnil and ahseat a ho considered os the official submission to the Board 017 Comm.issioners ,r tine deScrihed changes in Mcrit Rule 13_ Mr. Ghairperf.ou, on heitalf ,r the Personnel CoMittne, I move the adoption of the foreqoinc:j resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson REASON ATTACOMENT A During the I98t, hndgel review proc.ess the Ilealth and Personnel Departments explored various stalling afternatfves to pmtvide the Heaith Department anifotiwts with the maximum staffing Flexibility in order to net repui red budget reducJions. The Healrh Department lett they could met_t some of their objectives .Thrgugh voluntary leaves of aLsenge without pay. However, they ore hampered by restrictions in the Merit Rules. The time limit's or current types of leaves are insufficient and there aro no provisions for adwinistrlation initiated leaves witheut poy. Further, the deolth Deportment felt qmphoyees.would he refucJant to volunteer for leave without pay it they had to exhausl all sick leave und annual leave accumulations, u pre-requisite .fri)r most cOle- piles of leave without pay under the curtenf rule. The Personnel Dersoament in the proce%s of drafting major revisions to Merit Rule 13 - Leaves of Ahsence Without Pay. However, Ilue,ft chaungs not be complete, including administrative. reviews .u.nt intormatignul reviews with union fnutgos, in time to [wet the needs of the Health Department. With the vacation season hut a re.w weeks away, Ilua Health Department Feels it can hest achieve its staffing objectives through voluntary In' we ii II flu' spring and stimMer months_ This proposed .change would, if moved quickly, provide the fiexibilty The a-dminisTrative -- leave without pay kir budgetary gr orgonf(ati(mal purposes, although initiated by in department head, would .uAt k-f.fvardize an or status in that it would require the de!--,iqnated eirnoieynm.e SF,igned agreement to the leave. In prJicAicAs departments would most: likely solicit volunteers. The adtrdhistrutive leave nar unauthorized absence is merely formalizing past practice. It, in effect:, provides k)r docking un el,ployee for Linb . off work for which the empioyee. has not follevg2d Merit Rule provRiow, kff ie,e ziuthorization. Merit Rules are clear that paid leaves- (sick leave. annual leave) aro authorized by specifi( colt am or advance notice repro 10.1101W. PROPOSED CHANGE IN MERIT SYSTEM RULE PR . None I J. Admini,nlal ive lnav Without Foy ror Rudgpt.lry Of 1:i4an1z.:1....iouo1 prposef-; 1. let em- IF by the chfpdtlment head. . Reuu]loi the do!,..ignated tsAl..fied .g.a.reement to gcs or lonve, lOin I mini t. 1 rlrn,nx .1 Minn 120 cr. 1 unthvr (Llyt; Mi 12 morith por Thu e,qp 1 oyer n.;110.1 I not uu eciL; red in t,"1:f h I (filVf Limui:I.1 I (.11)101 hit rttn S in s a pIel 014 LI I Mm to In hi CommiLsioners Minutes Continued. May 9, (985 144 Moved by McDonald iaipported by McPherson the resolution be adopted. The Chaitperoui Ltiled that pursuant to Merit System Rules, the resolution shall las ever or 30 days. 85139 By JOhn J. McDonald, CommiSsioner District P27 IN RE: P1RSONNEL. - COUNTY SUPPORT FOR OPPOSITION 10 PUBLIC ACT 312, 1969 (COMPULSORY ARBITRATION) To rlie Oakland County Board of Coumissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentleman: WHEREAS Public. Act 312 ,r lU69, compulsory arbitration, has resulted in many decisions that Have been detrimental ML H10. eliort io provide public safety services throughout the State of Michigan; WHEREAS Lime has romc to effect change in legislative provisions that substantially in- fluence public safety operations; and WHEREAS communities committed lo initiating those improvements are joining together in a cooperative effort 10 s tore an elfective collective bargaining process at-the local level. NOW THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County agrees to join this cooperative effort and support Ihe project hy authori4ing the expenditure of 520,000 to accompljSh its goals.• Mr. Chairperson, I move /he adoption of the foregoing resolution. John J. McDonald, Commissioner District i'27 Moved by McDonald supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted. rh, Chairpetson relerred the resotution I the Gen•ral Government Colynittee. and the Personnel Commilreo. There wore no objections. misc. 8 ,.:0 )fo By Planning and Building Committee : IN RE: 52/2 District Court -- REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (REAL ESTATE SECTION, CORPORATION COUNSEL) to Ihe ()Aland County .Board of CommissioncTs Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/2 District Court; and WHEREAS [he current Lease Tor the 52/2 District Court premises, expires on December 31, 1985; a nd WHEREAS ftis Committee voted agaTnst renewal al a Lease or the. existing premises. and WHFRFAti it is rii'O.i'','.dl' Iii sedure promises for said Court; and WHEREAS the Facilities Engineering Division has prepared the attached spocjfications for such a Le.ili[y; and WHEREAS the Deparinmni of Corporation Counsel -has prepared the .attached •Request for Pro- posals lo Design and Construct or Renovate Existing Premises for the 52/2 District Court; and WHEREAS It is neressary lo advertise and recejve proposals Tor the design and construction an reuovalion ol existing premistd; For said Cowl; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Corporation Counsel is authorized to advert ise for and receive proposais for the design and construction or renovatdon of existing premises For ihi' 50/2 Dint riot Court utilizing the attached Request For Proposals and Specifications. PLANNING AND 'BUN...MG COMMITTEE Anne. M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy ol Request Tor Proposals on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved hy ttot.atrt supported by Richard Kahn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinotf; Pernick, Price, Rewo1d, SkarritLI, Webb. Wilcox, Aaron, Caddel Ooyori, Fo;fino, (0osling, Hassberger, Hobart., R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Mt..Connell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sullicjent maiorily having voted thitok.ir, the resolution mai:, adopted. Misc. 8514i By Plonhina and Buildin0 IN 11L; C.I)Vpoldt;,:f1 Counsel (Real Estate Division) - LEASE RENEWAL WITH THE OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY TREASURER 011-ICE SPACE. To the Oakland County HOdfd of Commissioners Mr. Chairper,,en, oil 1 rn,n1i1 Gentlemen: WHCREM the County ol Oakland by Resolution 9429, dated June 5. 1980, renewed a lease. for approxinLiteiv 350 sguate feet of ()Mice space at the Oakland County Road Comission Building, 31001 Lahser Rood, Beverly Michigan, Inc he Oakland County Treasurer, for a term of five (5) years comilwnciug on [he liP,1 day ol May, 1980, and terminating on the 30th day of April, 1985; and [4f, Commissioner Minoi01, Conlinged. May 9, [985 51-I PEAS the Oakland County It ii desires NA provide a sateilite olfice and the rental of said of et spate woidd ho. io the hest interests of the puhfic; and NOW THEREFORE BE. If RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners renew said !ease For a term of five. B) years, For the sum ot One Dollar ($1.00) per year, commencing on the lirst day of May, 1985, and terminating on the 3(11 ii day of April, 1990. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the Chailperson of the Oakland County Board of Commtssloners Its authorized to execute a declaration Eif lease renewal with the Oakland County Road Commission on liehalf Ed. the County of Oakland, a copy of said lease is attached hereto and made a part. [hereof. Mr. Chairperson, on hehulf of the Planning and Building Committee• I move the adoption of Hui ICA-CtgOinq resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. MtharE., ChuirpersOb c.py r 1 in its Cesord y Clerk's ()I lice. Moved hy Hoharl supported by Perinoff [he resolution be adopted. AYES. Paqe, Perinoff, Pornick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, FOrti no, Gosling, Hossherger, Hohart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen. {23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted theretor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85142 By Planning and building Committee IN RE: CocperEftion Counsel (Real Lsidio Division) - AGUTMENT TO EXTEND AND MODIFY LEASE - 52nd DISTR/C1 llOURT, 3rd 010351 (IN To lhe Oakland County Board of Comisiopers Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Denilemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution Ni. 9430, adopted hy the Oakland EJlunly Board Comidissioners Eat their meet it he td on June 5, It)80, the County of Oakland leased promises con- sisting 01 approximately /079 Eiquare lee( of space in a huitdinq known Jnd dnsignated as 520 Pine in [he Ci[y of Rochesfer, Michigau lor use by the 52nd District CoUrI, 3rd Division; and WHEREAS the lease was ror period of five year',, begnning on June 1, 1980 and ending on the 31,1 day ot May, i985; WHERLAC, the Dicccift.{ Court 'whit be located within the city limits of the larctest city of the contiguous iffneicipaliiies i1 serves; and WHEREAS the County advertised For a facility to be located in the City of Rochester Hills, Michigan; And WHERLAl$ the Board of Commissioneus, hy Miscellaneous Resolution No. 85062, adopted at Ihoit of Match 14, 198E.j, apptved a lease for the 52nd District Court, 3rd Division for a term ,d 1'it (10) yeurs rommencing AMIC1c,C I, I985, ()I is soon iheroarter as the facility fs ready for occupancy; and WHEREAS tho County ol Odkland desires at Ehis time to enter foto an Agreement to Extend and Modify Hut Existing Lese on a month-to-monlh hasis beginning June I, 1985 and ending July 31, 1985 al a rate ol F.Fghl Thousand, Light Hundred, Forty-Eight and 75/100 ($8848.75) dollars per month, payable in advance int the tirst day a each month. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED lhai the Oakland County Board el Commissioners EdEttee to lease Suites 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, and Suite 3 of the APHOX in the premi ,tet, known as 530 Pine in the CiL,„! ol Rochc!..tel for the 3.rd Division tI the 52nd Di!:tricl CUCIF1 jI d rate or $8848.75 por month Ira; an area of Jpprxittotely 70/9 square feet CAT a month-to-Nonth 1.1.--;H commencing June I, 1935 and end inn on the 31s1 day ti July, /985. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihai [he Chairperson rd the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby Juthoriied it nxectile said Lonw in accordanee with the terms of the Lease ,. Chairpet-,on, on helt,i I I of the Planning and Building Comffdttee, I move the adoption of !he foregoing iesofulion. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, ChairDerson FISCAL NOTE By Finance CoMmillec IN RE: Ciirpora[ion Counsel (Real [stale Division) AGREEMENT TO EXTEND AND MODIFY LEASE - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3vd DIVISION To the Oakland COLIIIIy I.3ord of Commi!isinert, • Mt. Choiroct-,on, Ltd it,', and tlentlemon: PnJ!,ttant to Rule XI' C Beard, the fin.ance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185142 and finds •the Nuul 01 57,810 (rent,. $5,956; utilities $2,91 10 necessary to fund the additional cos/ tor 52nd District Court, 3rd Division lease extension and modificat[on For a 146 Umiirolod. May 9, 1985 Iwo month period beginning Lunn 1, and ending July 31, 1985, ftlt 1 hei the Bound oi Cotimtist-il'oners Qppropriares 57,870 from the: 1985 Contingency Account and Iranslnms said .1MOUPt ttt the 1988 District Court, Division Ill budget as flows: 900-0 -00-9900 Coot ingency $(7,8 /O) 82 11-i) 0068 11 Division III - Rent 7,8 70 FINANCE COMMITTEE G. Will lam Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hoholi supported by Pei-iv:oil the rules be sttspended for hamediate consider.ation 01 Ihe ret,oluti0h. AYES: Pertnoll, Pnreick, Prico, Rewold, Skattitt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyen Fortino, h.osliog, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, Olse Page. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sulticieni majority havin9 voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Hobart support(n1 by Skarrilt the resoluti.on be adopted. MIS: Pernitttk, Price ; Rewold, Skorrift, Webb,tWitcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, liasbertier, Hobart, R. Kuhn_ S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoll. (23) NAYS: NOrio.' A tillicient majority having voted .therefor, the resolutrion was adopted. REPORT By Plannintt and Building Committee . • IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY it COMMITTEE 198/i ANNUAL REPORT To I he 0:1k kind Com E y Board srI Colmiissioners, Mr. Chairperson, Ladiet; and Gentlemen: The Planning a.nd Building Committee, having reviewed the Oakland County Al rm)ft Committee 198/1 Annual Reperl, report-, with the recommendtt'aion that the attached report Le accepted. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the acceptance ol the h,Mtgoi rig report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Report on file in County Clerk's Office, Moved by Ibk.ari supported by Golintj the report be accepted. A suilicient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Mist:. 851l13 Hy Planning dnd Bullding IN RE: Oaklond/Penti, Airpoyl - WATERFORD TOWNSHIP SAN TARY SEWER EASEMENT AGREEMENT To the OaRtand County Boald of CommIsttionetts MI , Chairpet -t-,tnt, tddies and Gentletim:nt WHERLAtit the County of Oakland has property at 6500 Highland Road, Waterford Township, Mfthigan, known nr. [he Ookland/Pontioc Al port and WIlillilIPI the Charter Township of W.Iit.1 lOrd, 5200. CiViC Center Drive, Drayton Plains, itt mnplestilig An easeawrtl on County propeTly at the Oakland/Pontiac Airport or th' purporr at in- siallin, ope.ltatintt and maintaining al saniLavy WWPr. line.; and WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the easement request. NOW THEREFORE RE IT REOLVFD that the County 0 Oakland Beard of Commissioners authorlzes the Chailperson ot the Board Oi COmmissionerti to execute an easement agreement with Waterford Township in considerallon ol One Dollar ($1.00) for an casement for the purpose of .Sanitary sewer instal-tafion, operation and maintenance. Mr. Chairperson, on behdlf oh the Planning and Building .Committee, 1 move the adoption of 1Iw loreloing tesolotion. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved Hy Hobart supported hy Nelson the resolution be adopted. 157 CoMmissioner,, Minmos Continued. May P. 1985 AYES: R'mold, Skarriti, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, [loyal), Fortino, GOsiing, . Hassheruer, Hobart, R. Kohn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, HcCOnne/l, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinofl, Pernick. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A so] hut wilority having voted therefor, the resolution oas adopted. Misc. 85155 By Planning and Building CoMmiltee fN RE: Oakland/PoilLiac Airport - WATERFORD TOWNSHIP WATIRMAIN EASEMENT AGREEMENT To he Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has property al 6500 Highland Road, Waterford TownsHiP, Michigan, known as the Oakland/Pontiac . Airport; and WHEREAS Ilie Charter Township 01 Waterford, 5200 Civic Center Drive, Drayton Plains, is reguestinq an easement on County property at the Oakiand/Pontiac Airport for the purpose of in- stalling, operating and maintaining a watermdin; and WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the easement request. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland Board of CoMmissioners aitthori?.e the Chairperson or the Board or Commissioners. to execute an easement agi .eement with Waterford Town- ship in consideration ol One Dollar ($1.00) for -an casentent for-the purpose of watermain installation, apeTation and malntenonce. Mr. Oairperson, on behalf of Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved hy Bohai! ,,opporfed by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Rowold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Peel 00, Hassbergr, 11,aharl, R. Bohn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnotl, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pe.rinoff, py.rg i c k, Price_ (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficicalt having voted thereloi , the resolution was adopted RETORT By Planning and 1101 1(111)1] Committee IN RE: Drain Commissirnier - THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LAKE LEVEL FOR SYLVAN LAKE AND OTTER LAKE (Miscellaneous kasoluti0U /1115056) io the Oakland County Board if Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent. The Nanning and Building Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185056, Drain Commissioner - The Establishment ol a Lake Level for Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake, reports with the recommendation that said resolution he adopted. Mf. Chairperbon, on behalf 01 the Planning and Building. Committee, I move the acceptance 01 the toregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson 85G46 By :Thomas A. Law, Commissione!- District ././26 IN RE: Drain CoJAHissionor - THE. ESTABLISHMENT OF A LAKE LEVEL FOR SYLVAN LAKE AND OTTER LAKE To the Oakland Colmty Board ol Commissioners Mr. Chairrwrson, Ladies and Cent 10:1)011: WHEREAS Act 146 ol the Public Acts of 1961, the Inland Lake. Level Act, establishes a procedure for fire establishment or A legal lake level for inland lakes in the State of Michigan; and WHEREAS Sylvan Lake dnd (Mier Lake, approximately 539 acres .in size, located within the Township ol Watellord, City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keer10 Harbor, and City of Pontiac are public inland takes; and WHEREAS the establishment of a lake love] for Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake under the pre- vision,.; of Act 156 of 1961 would provide For the protection of the public health, welfare and safety, and would conserve the oat ional resources of the state, and would preserve and enhance property Vn OUP . drmind Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake; and WHEREAS potiti6ns have lien received from freohOlders owning lands abutting on Sylvan Lake and Oltor Lcil.:e in numbc1 - cyJ'al to I1.10-Olird5 (2/3) of the freeholders owning lands abuttinn Sylvan Lake and 01 Iii Lake; and WHEREAS the petitionel., maintain that the seasonal variation of inflow and evaporation br other losses, coa6ined with a lack ol suitable control over outflow west of Telegraph Road, causes low water lerick on Sylvah Luke dnd Oiler Lake 10 a degree and extent which is harmful To the interests ot the peiilionerb. 148 Colimissinnors Mintitns Continued. May 9, 1985 NOW THTREFORT Pk IT RISOLVEI) that this Board of Commissioners, for the protection of public safety and lo pina,erve the lho state dnd to protect the value or properties dpoupd sy l v.m are! (It tot , it expedient to determine, establish and maintain the normai lake level of Sylvan dnd Otter Lakes within the Township of Waterford and the Cities of Keeco Harbor, Sylvan Lake dnd Pont id( , Oakland County, Michigan. pursuant to the provisions of Act 146 of the Public Acts of [961, as amended: and If FURTHER RTSOLVED that th , Oilier, of the Prosecuting Attorney institute in the Eircuit Court or Hut' County of Oakland. by 'flown - Complaint, d proceeding to establish a level for Sylvan and Otter Lake4,, And • (ff IT ruRTHER RESOLVED that the propertie-, in the area of improvement will hcnefit and shall bear the antivo (u,st of tho pr(ii(u•t; that the Commissioner prepare A Special Assessment District for the area of improvement as prescrihnd in Ael 146; and that the cost of maintaining the level of said lake shall he borne ..by the henefited pliTwrties in the area of improvement. Mr, Chairpors(.,n, I Move the adoption 01 the foregoing resolution. Thon,ar A. LOW, Commissioner District 1l26 Moved by Hobart snppprted by Pernifiu the report be accepted. A solificient majority having voted therefor, the rerxiart, was accepted. Moved by Hobart supported by Perinoff the wsolutkon be adopted. AYES: SEarrill, Webb, Wilcox, Cnddell, Doyoh, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kohn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Mr:Pherson, Nekon, Olsen, Rage, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (22) NAYS: None. (0) i A sullicinnt majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.. Iii IC. 85145 By Planning and Bufkling Coliimittee IN RI 1 Drain Comissioner - CLINTON -OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - OR ION TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS NO, 3 To he Oak fond County Board 01 loners Mr. ChnirPerson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Charter Township of Orion ((lie "Township"), by resolution adopted by its Townshio Board OH February 6, 198/1, 11,,1-, ihdicd[ed th..1( it 1=4 in need of certailt extersiOns to the CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM to be known as (IN ION TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS NO. 3; and WHEREAS on febinmiry 6. 1984, thc Townhip requested the transfer of $854,000 from surplus lunds In Finance the acquisition oi Orion Township Extensions No. 3, and approved. the preliminary plan, eiitimates and period 01 1i,0101nei. Ihel eo f a nd the acgniuftion and construction - thereof by the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS Ihis Board of CommLi,ioners opprovod and authorized the transfer, pursuant to the nroyfu,ions of the Contract - Clinton-Oaluldnd Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township Extensions of up II $854,000 to the payment of the cost of (ho Orion Township . Extensions No. 3 by Misc. Resolution No. 8140311 im Tobruary 73., 1984; WHEREM on April 15, 1985, On, Township Board of the Charter Township of Orion adopted a resoluthm opproving Exhibit "A!! (Revised). dnd !fil" (Revised) to be substituted in place and stead of the Exhibits "A" anul "B" attached (Cl ifs resolution apnroved on February 6, 1984; and WHERFAS on April 15, 1985, the downi-dlin Board of the Charter Township of Orion adopted a resolution requesting thisi BOard tit -CrAlptissioners pursuant to the said iContract dated as of May 1971, Ill iipprovr Iho 1;-;1111.er of up io $481,000, additional, from the surplus funds row remaining after pro- viding k,r all co',fs incurred in.:acquiring said Orion Township Extensions; and WHEREAS all cost ocT.11 rtri in acquiring said Orion Township Extensions are provided For and A nrpl 10, (1111, now exist in an i-wount in exc. a <A81,000; and WHEREAS ii witi ildvAllIcluouw: 1 111,1 Chiiirtor Township of Orion and the County of Dukland if (his Board (, 1 Commisijounrs so approvrn, Exhihit "A" (Revised), and the estimated, of 9',335,000 as Ike total br1',t ilierei)F as set Forth on Exhibit "B" (Revised) in accordance with the request of the Township; Anil WHEREAS the Odkland County Drain ComMissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution. NOW THEREFORE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY. micior,AN, a. Follows: I. That !his Douird ot Commissioners does hereby approve- and authori2e the substitution ml limo 1511111! I', "A" (Revised) and "B" (Revised) in the Forms attached hereto, in place and stead of Exhibits "A° and "B" alloched io this Board's resolution adopted on February 23, 1984 regarding the Orion Township FXi0J1',;(7W; No. 3 Oho ''pro toot''). 2. Thot IhiN Buard or Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pur- %nani to ihe provisions of tho.Contract Clinton-Oakland Sew.Eigo. Disposal. System - Orion Township Exten..inns or up io $1181,000, additional to the paymont of the cost of Orion Township Extensions No. 3 (1114, "111 -11H.C€"). which dddit ionai funds aro hereby transterrech from the fioncl and Interest Redemption • iiG€k5iiu lL 0111 _ RC. :;:-Tirawitiflumumum' IIINCONET, ROUTE OF SEWER elAto MAIUNTAm RECREATION AREA RinItitrnstanli", UlL111 Juhrhlawuji Mum., ........ "_•=. tr7:1 Io' „ EY SANITARY SEWER, CARL ANG-ORION SEWAGE POSAL. SYS rEki = 1 149 Conlinutld. Huy 9, f985 tund to the Con,,Irnclion Fund lot the urn not 3. MM. Ihe- OakInrid County ruin Commiy,ioner rue unty Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed puti>urn oNtrin coil borings, tetko construction bids and enter into contreici, rind lake any othi'J utNiens neec.iisary end tuscirterrLrul to acquisition and construction it the Orion Timnt;hin F.xterv-,iorri- No, 3 i%ret k.,1.1.11 in the new "AH (Revised) end "B' (Revi ,-,ed) E-Aitpehed Mr. Chatrpci,on, on hehali at the HLinting and Building Committee, I move the adoptionof the foTeq6€nq re-solution. PLANNING AND BUUDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Cnirperson Pr) 6 Iii U) Z Z 0 co " w (75 _J1 Z yJ LL_1 <1 <1 F- 0 co X CD W ZCL 0 (f) 1— a T z 01 ---t z ;.,,; (9 <1 0 Lii F- (1) Z CD biE iREVIS(D) EXHIBIT "A" ColoHnued. ftly 9, 1985 150 CLINTON-OAKLAND SHAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ORION TOWNWIP EXTENSION NO. 3 ESTIMATE OF COST CONTRACTED DL VICES CONSTRUClION 1!,-inch Sari tury !.,ewer I5-Inch !,anitary Sewer Tunnel 10-inch tanIUtry '.)ewer 10-inch ':,anitary Sewer Tunnel 8-inch Sanitary Sewer • . 8-inch tanitary Ii,ewertlunnel 6-inch House Lead & Riser Standard Manhole Drop Manhole 9,147 L.F. 0 3 40.00 S 4„18 L.F. P . 163.00 5,603 L.F. 0 29.00 r 530 L.F. 0 130.00 66,300.00 2,340 L.F. 8 27.08 63,1:-,i.CO 185 L.F. 6 112.00 20,908.00 772 L.F. 0 20.00 15,a=0.00 60 Ea. 8 1,170.00 70,200.00 6 Ea. @ 2,266.00 13,56.00 Totai, Construction Cost S 921,225,00 CONTRACTED SERVICES - PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Lngineering• S 109,000.00 Consul ti eq Engineer 3 100,000.00 Soil Borings 9,000.00 Legal Services S 5,000.00 COUNTY SERVICES - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Encjineering & Administration • S 78,0nn.M RiOt-of-Way 3 75,080.00 Construction Inspection • 55,000.00 Soil Erosion Permit (Act 347) 3 2,670,00 Contingency S 90,105.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 51,335,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of usefulness of thit facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. ORCHARD, HILT/ & IctLIMENT, INC., ;e7 7,-` / Dated: March 5, 1985 EXHIBIT-'D" (Revised) Moved by Nohort ',Iippoilod by Su'iarl Kohn he resolution be adopted. AYES: Wohh, Wilcox, Aarn, Doyen, itirl no, Goi Imp, Hassberger, Hbbart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McDonuld, McPher ,,on, Nelson, Ols,on, Pdf.;e, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Re01d, (23) NAYS: Nhe. (D) A 11,Ivini . voted therefor, [he resolution was adopted: 151 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 9, 1585 Misc. 65146 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Dtain Commissioner - LAPEER-BROWN ROADS WATER MAIN EXTENSION To the Oakland Comity Board of Commksioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent€cmun: WHEREAS the Charier Township oF OriOn (the "Township") by resolution adopted by its Township Board on April 15 , 1985, d copy ci which is attached hereto, has indicated that . it is in the need or certain extensions to [he Orion township Water System to be known as Lapeer-Brown Road Water Main Extension, a-, shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and has proposed that such extensions be acquired and constructed by the County Agency and financed from hinds on hand and funds to he derived by the issuance and sale or speciAt :assessment bonds by Ihe Township; and WHEREAS the TownAip Board or the Charter TownJlip of Orion approved by resolution on April 15, 1985, a fof-m 01 contract her acquisition and constructi€on of such Lapeer-Brown ROad Water Main Extension by the Oakland Cotmty Drain Commissioner as County Agency, such contract being in the harm attached to such resolution; and WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Charter Township oh Orion and the County of Oakland if this Board ni Commissioner out1eri2et, the Oakland County Drain Connissioner to enter into and per- form such contract in accordance with the request or the Township; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution .. NOW THEREFORE .BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as Follows; I. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and outhorise the Oak land County Drain Commissioner as i[s County Agency, to undertake, execute and perform such contract to acquire and construct such project in accordance with the provisions of and for the .purposes described in said contract. 2. ThaI the County Agency is hereby authorised to take construction bide and enter into contracts, and [ake any other actions necessary and lacidental to construction of the Lapeer-Bro,in Road Water Main Extension. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. CONTRACT TO BUILD LAPEER-BROWN ROADS WATER MAIN EXTENSION This Contract. between Hie Oakland County Drain Commissioner of the County of Oakland, Michigan, hereinafter referrni k) Ihe "County Agency" and the Charter Township of Orion, a body public corporate, hereinafter referred to as the "Township". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Charter Township or Orion, Oakland County, has by resolution adopted on Sep amber 17, 1984, determined to issue and sell its special assessment bonds to finance (part of) the cost of an extension oh ifs water distribution system, located Within a part of rhe geographical area oh said Towohip and designated by said Township as the Brown and Lapeer Roads Special Assess- ment Disrict No. I (the "District"); and WHEREAS the Township has represented to the County Agency that the description of such extension io its water distribution system (1 .1e "prc6ect") to he located in the District is as set forth on Exhibit A (doted "March 1985") ottnched hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and [bat o seriont; need 1-er such project in said District can be addressed by immediate construction of said improvements shown on Exhibit A and that the aggregate estimated cost of construction of said. Harovements (exclusive of Pro act Management costs) is $719,289 as set Forth on attached Exhibit B (dated February 22, 1985) which be this reference is hereby made a part. hereof: and WHEREAS the County Agency is willing 16 construct and inF,tall, at this time, said project in accovdanem with.the plans and €€pecifications therefor prepared by' the engineers for the Township at on estimated co'.t. as set forth and shown on Exhibit B, provided the cost of said improvements is advanced by the Township 10 the County Agency as provided herein; and WHEREAS the County Agency is wiilinq to provide Project Management in connection with such construction or ttg• project: at An extimaled cost of $163,711 as se ..1. forth in Exhibit B, provided that the cost or said Project Management is paid To -the .County Agency by the Township. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES NERETO, as follows: 1. Plans and ,,pecifications for [1-1 - location, establishment and construction of the pro - ject shown on Exhibit A. as developed, prepared arid approved by registered professional engineers in the employ of the Township are hereby adonted and approved and identified by the in of the ag'ent . for the Conn [y Agency and or the Supevvisor or the Township. 2." Thu! Facilities conttituling the entire Brown and Lapeer Roads Water Main Extension the pro(ec1)•and generol location eil.hin ale Township are shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached heNalo and by thi€; reference ha nwde a port hereof. iho Brown and Lapeer Read Water Main Extension is hett€,O .ter .C.WIctilIR-n referred to At the "in-oiect". 3. the County Agency ood tiw Township hereby approve and adopt the estimate of the total cost or the project in the amount -;el forth on Exhibit it at hereto. Alter the execution or this contract by the County Agency and the Township, the County Agency shall take the following steps, subject to [he receipt from the Township of the payments as provided in paragraph 10 hereof, 10-wit: Colgaissioners Minutes COniinaed. May 9, 1985 152 (ni Ink, all necesbory tile, Hi blain fonslruclion kids lo t the pmoicel (concurrently with onto. ,gc.itto liii tafk 1 , ti .1 biir ,lstt'. (ii ii'ii M 1..14 7i r. 11 •i Mil I 1 ,01 1,, hidders lcrr he pr)ject. (h) Alter the exeunt ion of construction contracts, the County Agency shall cause the project u) he constructed and in ,,tolled in a(oonlance with the applicable plans and specifications within a reabonoble fime nod do dli cght.0r hiPT, regoiled N. he horeunder. lhe County Agency 41nil cnobe nil CWiip000!, mnterials, labor, supobvision and le- spectiou necessnry thereior In he provided nod shall topso a good and workmanlike job to be done and Perktmmid, except Mont. the County Agcnfy ,,haft pot br , ohlignted hereby to acquire or fUrnish the rights-of-way, easements or any interest in lauds in which said project shall be located outside of he rights.oiti-way if the jownship or county conds, not to ()Halo permits or approval* ueeessar -) the constmogion nod installation of the inrjeft. 6. The Township shall acquire or fureill /he rights-of-way, easements or any interests in lands outside or 1-(1(1 righis-of-woy necessary for sohh project, ob .tain permits or approvals neces- to the cow,truction dild installation of the projett, and, in addition, the County Agency snail tcot be responsible for the peuformnfice and furnishing of all administrative, legal and profe5sional dnd all proceedings, notiots ond meetings required to estAblish the District, cf:eate, levy and collect special dssesi,mcnis therein and iL,,tie ankl sell special assessment bonds therefor in ec:conihriiici wi It Act 188, Public Acts of Michigan, .1954, as amended. 7. The Township shall be responsible for and furnish such engineering services as shall Ii,' vwcw.,:dry to Iii io lie project ond prepare For constructlon, and the County Agency shall be re- bpolisitile for and furni.,h such engineering sorvikes ns shall he necessary to construct, instali and nwet he project . 8. It i ,., understood and agreed by the par1 ion, hereto that the project is to serve the Township and out the individual property ownef'S and users tb0-6tif. AtC.Ortlingiy -,: the Te'sponsi.bility of requiring connection lo and use of the locilities or the project and of providing such additional facilities herefor, is may be needed, holl he Ihnl cii the Township. The County Agency shall m..)t he obligoted to ciiititiire or construct any facilities other than those designated in paragraph 2 hereof. 9. The County Agency hereby agrees that it will secure, or cause to be secured, pod main- tdincd doting !he peTiud if coworuction adequate property damage and public liability insurance covering nil incTlii in', lo he constructed pursunnt to this contract. All policies of ins.urance provide Ihot thc Cmoniy Adency and the iicwiilcip -Anil he insured parties thereunder coil shall contain 0 provision requiring Ihnl the fownship be notified at least ten days prior to cancellation rhc.rof. On.L copy of ineli pulfty of insorbtuce stbill he filed with the lowoship. 40. The Townhip shall pdy 1:.() the County AT.'Ll(1..y the entire cost of the project, ifw rerm con ,Arued 1Jo include ail items of cost or the type set Forth on to - hibit "B" ml Inched Iftlreto ond any other items of cost ot" a slid lam nature as may be set forth in any roviion Exhibit. "B" :igreed to Icy the parties hereto, incurred by the county in acquiring and constructing the jun)ject. The cosi of the pro j ect will be paid by the Township to the County in in- ftw noun of ":150,000 lo he paid upon execution of this contract. and prior te the infe wIwn ,-.polpicted bid 1clm .1 dud ,,peci1i.culion ore received and accepted by [he County Agency. (2) lhe hAloitcc cf ftw co ,:t of the project (estimated riclw to be 5833,003) prior to amlvd in ccfrislinntiou copirocts. Shown on Cxhiltit I T" theschedule cii installment payments to be made by the Township, Ilich schedule will hi , c,viwd nnd when construction bids ul-e. received. II. Thc. County Agency ,holl toll fy [he Town:Miu, by writton communication actcnossod to its rcastono., M nun ilcrin.lii I M thn nom puyntont- due hereunder. lho Towni;hip hereby covennets nod norees, not 1,-,s than lent (In) days niter receipt ob such net to remit to the County Agoncy !,nrricioni fund'n N/ idly ,mtount when due. 'Me ohliqatiom, of the Township to reimburse the County Agency shall Ice 11/1-dicobH k) nil obligations nod contracts incurred OF entered into by the Cciunty Agency to constrnct c,mploto Ihe ,lily part thereof. whether incurred or Qxecut.ed nt one I;me m- more Ilion liwe. It is a-,sumed th.:11 the aggregate amount of ail inial;ment payments will reptbisenl the co-,l of the. project. If the Township shall taii to make any oT such payment ,., when due, the Counly Agency bu.,l I have no obligation Mn proceed Further with acquisition or construction of the. pro]ecl. The Toww.hip sholl hold the County and the County Agency harmless from any and all I till lily on ,cdc;oIiitl of the projt-cI acquisition or construction whether or not the project is tommeaced or completed. 12. After colmil ellen of the project end payment of all costs thereof, any surplus remaining lrom the pyrtents received Irom thefownship .bholl he returned to it or, ln the at said 111,)y ho w,cd 01 i.hi• reque',t or [he Township for ony• purpose permitted by Act No. 188 of the Michigan Public ‘01 • 195 11,',.v, amended. All moneys pi!id by the Township to Cnunty shall be 1 ,1vested hy the County fluency through Ihe Connty,Treasurer only a'_:; pe.rmitted by Act No. 20 of 1943, ac amended (MCLA 129.91) .md AcH Nu. 367 of 1982, nitiended (MCTA 129.11)). The earnings from such investment shall occruc. I() I Ill i vod1 I if the Township but shnll be retained and reinvested by the County Agency throuqh Cunnly 1 co.p;1.1 -or for he clurAtjon or this Agre -ement and returned to the Township upon (cmg)letion ot ihe Proiecd porfainnl tO !his ertiurl 12. 13. !Lille pnyments received Irom the Township are fort any reason insufficient to complete ih vtith Iho plans and .g)ecilicalious therefor, the Counts Agency shall, 153 Commisioners Minutes Continued. May 9, 198') necessary, ,•iithmil to the lownship a reque',1 lor payment of The addilion:31 amount dee with an explan- ation in wTiting I Inn re.r,on.. and nced therelor and ol the amount n(...s.-arv to provide funds lo complete the project in which ow:I -It the dutie ,, and obligations of the County Agency and the Tovmship as expressed and set forth in thi ,, contract shall be applicahl( to such additional payment as well as the original payment, it being at all times fuily recognized and agreed that the paysients to be made by the Township, in the manner specilied in paragraph 10 of this contract, shall be based upon the aggregate amount of the actual and final proicCt cost, 14, The Township does hereby agree to promptly and timely pay its obligations expressed in this contract out of the proceeds of the Brown and Lapeer Roads Water Main Exterlion Spetial Pe,,..5essment Bonds and other funds lawfully available for such purpose. 15. The Townhip consents to the establishment and location of the project within its corporate limits and conscrli ,, to the use of the trees, all eye and public places of the 1 oww5hip for the location, core.truction, repa-ir,.. replacement, flntninnt emi nnnce and use of the project. After completion, the project shall he maintained and operated by the Township. 16. The County Agency shall not be required to provide any Water system improvements for said area shown on Exhibit A other than those herein and therein described, nor shall it be required to provide any water mains, hydrants, tunnels or valves. or wells which are connected with or adjacent LO the District desigrtat-ed by the Township to bin served by the herein der...cribed project other than thoe shown on ExIlihit A and in the plans and specifications heretofore approved by thin partie's hereto. 17. The Township shall give the County Agency necessary 'permits or delegation. of authority for construction of the project-. • 18. The parties hereto hereby covenant not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, to be employed in the perlormance of this contract, with respect to his hire, tenure, terms, conditions or priviloges of employment, or any matter direct.y or indirectly related to employ- ment, because of his-race, color, ..refigion,.. national origin, or ancestry, an.d to .require a similar covenant on the part of any subcontractor employed .in the performance of this contract, 19. This contract, shall become effectiVe-upon approval by the legislative body of the Township by the County Agency, and by the Board of of Oak and County, and duly executed by the authorized officor ,-, of the Township•and by the County Agency. This contract may he executed in several cotinterparts, all or which shall constitute a single. instrument.. 20.- The provisions of this contract shall be in full force and effect and binding upon the succesors and assigns of the parties hereto, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed this day of Thin elfective date of this contract shall be , 1985. COUNTY OF OAKLAND By its County Agency BY: Drain Commissioner of Oakland County CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BY: JoAnn Van Tassel, Supervisor BY: Katherine E. Jacobs, Clerk ,\ \a \5_ ,\\ ...................................... .. SILVER BELL RD .... . ...... LAD I i 1 WM r —1 P/LL AG E 6WEEN MOSItt HOME PARK- 12" W iti 6" w EIFICI4111. P0 2 0* 1:11t My '), Cc tli H I GH H DR LAPEER-BROWN ROAD WATER MAIN EXTENSION ORION TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN I 54 EXHIBIT- OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN_GOMMISSIONER, l'e-17:old J. tued-ers, P.S. #1492- 155 CowntHs4mwr,, Miro.11 Gc311[Inu,d. Ntly 9, 1985 LIFER-BROWN ROAD-WATER MAIN EXTENCAON ORION TOWNiSHIP, MICHIGAN PJIMATI OF CO' T CONTRACTED SFRVICI_S - 00NSTUCTION CO-inch Water Main 16-inch Water Main I6-inch Water Main lonnel 12-inch Water Main l'(.1-inch Water Main Tunnel Standard Hydrants 16-inch 6.0. & W. 12-inch G.V. & W. VT Relief Valve A Well 3,913 1...10 (a 6,750 LE. 409 1..F. 6,150 L.F. 190 F. F. 35 Ea'. 4 6 1 Ea. 0 44.00 35.00 • 113.00 2F,00 100.00 1,E,00.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 900.00 5172,172.00 236,250.00 46,217.00 1.5.750.00 1000.00 56,000.00 16,000.00 12,=. - 5719,289.00 Total Construction Cost CONTRACTID SERVICES PROJECT MANAGEMENT Consulting -Engineer: Contract Admin. It Field Staking Cunstruclion tegal• Services CO1INTY - SERVICES - PROjECI MANAGEMENT En9lrieering A AdminvAration - Construction Construction Inspection Continrncy 70TAI. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 25,000.00— $ 2,500.00 $ 25,200.00 $ 40,000.00 S 71,011.00 $,8E$,000,00 Dated: February 22, 1985 EXHIBIT CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BROWN AND LAPEER ROADS WATER MAIN EXTENSION Schedule of In5tallment PVments . ExeCution of contract between County Aclency and Charter Townshin of Orion 2. Prior to award of construction contract $833,000.00 TOTAL $883,000.00 EMIBIT "C" $ 50,000.00 156 Commissienei-. hinnies toniinund. May 9, 1985 Moved hy Hobact suppeited by Rewold the resolution he adopted. AYLL7 Aaren, taddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kr,ho, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McCenneTI, McDenald,- McPherson, Moflitt, Nelsen, Oien, Pane, Perinofe, Row' d, Skarritt, (2.4) NAYS: None- (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 8515] By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Corporation COUri..itH (Real 1 .L':;tate.Division) - 52nd- DISTRICT COURT - 3rd DIVISION LEASE lo the Oakland County Board ol Cemmit,sinners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:. • WHEREAS the County of Oakland advertised and received proposals for the lease of facility in the City el Rochester ktr use e 52nd District Court - 3rd Division; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building -Committee_ reviewed the proposals therefor: and WHEREAS the Board of Cemmissjoners by Miscellaneous -Resolution #85062 passed an March 14, 1 985, approved the awarding of said lease kr R. G. Dryden /7 Associates; .and WHEREAS Commissioner Roy Rewold at the Planning and Building Committee meeting and the Board of Commissienors meeting disclosed that he is principal in Frank Rewold g Son, Inc., which had made bids kr Iwo of the proposer-,, and ahstnined from voting in the committee and at the Board level; and WHEREAS Frank Rewold C Son, Inc., has subsequently been aWarded a construction contract by R. G. Dryden I. Assocjates for said facility. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners acknowledges that CeMmissiehor Roy Rowold is a principal in Frank Rewold t Son., Inc.„ and further titgl= said con- struction coog)any has been awarded a censtruction contract by R. G. Dryden & Asociates to build the 52nd 1.11,1 id Court - 3rd DiVki011 which R. G. Dryden C Associates shall lease to the County pursUent le Miscellaneow, Reselution 1/lI506? lOr a noriod of lull Years. Mr. Chairpersen, on behalE III the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of he tenecjoiilll . PLANNING AND BUILDING. COMMITTEE Anne M. Hohail, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supporte:d hy Caddell the reselut-jor be adopted. AYES: Aar011, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, 5. Kuhn, Lanni, taw, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page:, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Went), Wilcox. (24) NAYS: None. ([(1) ABSTAIN: Sewold. (I) A snlIi.' mint ma y hoviani voted I lie ro o r , tho r,'.soletinn sJ,iIs adopted. W;I/18 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Sheritfls Departwnt - AWARD OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR GARAGE PARKING AREA RENOVATION AND FEMALE HOMING FACItITY To !he Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladie,; and Gentlemn: WHEREAS on April 18, 1985 the Oakland County Board of Gomrtissioners, by adopting Miscellaneous Resolution 1/85089, approved the concept ol obtaining an architdct to design the renovation of the ye ms parking area in lbe jail [or male prisoner housinq ,d the addition of a facility for feivale prisoner housing; and WHERTAC, the Planning and Building Committee authorize .d the formation of an Architectural felrr.t inn Cemmittec le evaluate gualifled consultants interested in designing this project; and WHEREAS in cenlermance will' Miscellaneous Rwgoltition //7488, dcill)ted on Marei 1 8, 197(1, which provides or the method ot soleciion at aN.:hilects end engineers, the Architectural Selection Cemmittee evolnakut twelve (12) arehitoclurol fi.rms for this project; and WHEREAS upon recommendation oC the Selection ComMittee, your Planning and Build.ing Com- mittee reiemouend ,, the retention if he Firm ol Kenneth Neumann/Robert Greager and Associates in colloheration with Ilenniugson, Ducham and Richardson; and - WHEREAS Funding in the amount Of $75,000 was approved for this portion of the project, by the Beard of Commissioners, on April 18, 1985. NOW THCRIJORE BE IT RESOLVED that an architectUral sei'vices contract be awarded to the lirm if Kenneth Notimann/Roberl Greager and Associates in collaboration with Henningson, Durham and Riehardsoe, le provide the pru-dsign s-ffv.ices lilt the narking . garage renovation and addition fod- femal Inntsing, in an iniount not ka exceed $80,585 and th3t the Chairperson of the Board of Corkmisioners be ,Ind is lwreby authori/ed In execuln the agreement with this firm on behalf of the County. 157 CoHER! OM' !, Millie, Coil l id. May 9, 1985 • nE FT 1 PR Flit II r;01. vc l It in add iF -lona I $5,585 be arid is hereby appropr liii ed from he 19115 Copi iii (I1110 "q " 1,1[1col.p:, 1;:,•Cmuk, n—i n Mil) ict hi '• pii0-.0 i! d,Thign oi liii pi pieil. Ht If fORTHIR RPALVED that OH additionai $1,646.11 be and is hereby aopyopriated tropi the 1585 (;apild1 improvement Progiam-Miscelleitt)us Re.modeling tine-item ui pay for published advert .' - ments lov consulting services. Mr. Chairpepson, on ha-hall or the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoptioB of tHe foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Cheirpersen Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the rtil be suspended for immediate consideration nt the resolution. AYES: Caddell, Doyou, Fortino, Gosling, Hoyabcirgeh. Hobart, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelon, Olsen, Page, reCinoff, Pen ink, Price, Rewold, Skurritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (22) NAYS: Non.. (0) A sulticieni majority having voted therefor; the motion carried. Roved hy lirAmrt supported by Taddell the resolui ion be adopted. AYES: boyon, Fottino, Gosling, ILLImrt, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, Oise'', Page, Perinolf, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Wobh, Wilcox; Aaron, Caddell. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sul ficien1 majoi•ily having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. . Misc. 85149 By Public Services Commiliee IN RE: Sheritfls Department - ONE (I) ADDITIONAL POSITION - LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES — SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP To the Oakland Comity Board el Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Lodies and GeeTtemot: WHEREAS if is the policy of the Oakland County Boamd of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contract agreements with townships for the purpose of Law Enforce- ment Patrol Services; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of COmmisBioners by Miscellaneous Re$.01ution 28504q (p;tablished the standard ennual cost of $53,613 per deputy for Che contract period April .1, 1985 tiPrough March 31, 1986; and WHEREAS the Township of Springfield wishes to enter into such an agreement for the addition of One (I) full iiMe deputy for the put'pOse cif Law Efliorcenept Patrol Services for the ten (10) month period Jone I, 1989 through March 31, 1986 end renewable annually thereafter at rates established by Board. NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED that. the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the chairperi,on of the Board .ind the Oakland ConntY Sherill to enter into an agreement with the Toi.4nship ol Springfield tor the uddition cli one (1) ifeputy for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services at the annual cosl or $53,613 for the ton (10) nwith period June I, 1985 through March 31, 1986, con- sistent with ihe terms of Ike attached agreement. Mn, Chairporon, on ItenalF ol the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the Iii regoing resolul ion. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE XIM0'; E. Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Hastdtc-;r the resolution he adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objection Hi-c. 85150 By General Government Committee IN RE: SENATT. BILL 27 (SUPPORT) CREATING THE MICHIGAN EXPORT DEVELOPMENT .AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners Mr. the Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a steadily incroasing international trade delicil is a persistent national economic problem; and WHEREAS The present stale•of the Mdchigan economy creates a need for businesses in this stale to expand export development activities; and WHEREAS there. is a need 10 a,;sist Lcall businesses- in Michigan to compete in the export marked; ,JTiti Mintilet, Continued. May 9, 1985 158 WHEREAS tenate Rill t,1 would create the Michigan Export Development Authority: WHEREAS aid Authotily wontd lostnr expert trade activities and estiAlish a ..ot.tEce of quarantectd tundtng lot stwAll and ittedinm-si/ed cowponies,: and WHEREAS in, ren-,ed nrodNction lostered by expanston or trade activities will creatc new jobs in Mitidligan; and WHEREAS the Michigan txport: Development Authority would be self-financing and would not: obtuse a drain on Lhe Stet's General Fund. NOW 1HEREFORE BE IT RFOI_VED that, the Oakland COunty Board of Commissioners goes on record as supporting Senate Bill 2/, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be -sent to all legislators IvoM Oakland County anti to the County's, Letlislattive Agent. Mr. ChairpetB.ton, on behalf of he General Government Committee, i move the adoption of the loregoing recAlution. GENERAL. GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olson, Chairperson Moved by Olsen supported bY Webb the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gosling, HaSsberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. KOhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, When, Page, Pen tiff, Pernick, Price, Remold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sittlicient majority having voted therefor, the resolution waS adopted. Misc. 85$1j1 By General Goveruwitt Committee IN RE: Board of Comittiss.ioners - RETENTION PERIOD FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMITTEE RECORDS To the Oak and County Board of Commiss.,ioners Mr. Chairper ,ton, Ladies and Genitemen: WHEREAS there is no statutory requirement tor maintaining tho Board of Commisionet.,' adirinktr.Ative and c.ommittee Ii ill.; and WHEREAS the Board or CoMmissionersl Administrative Office can no longer accommodate the over-increat,ing I IIJIiII>O I ot records; and WHEREAS the CoOnty's record retention capabilities arc being fully utiliced. NOW THEREFORE BE IT. RESOLVED th,lt the Oakland County Board of ComMissioners does hereby determine [hal all rec.ordt, and rifts etAablished and maintairTA for the Committees and the.Com- miBsionert, by ittt Board 'Hair be retained by the County Fore period of six years except for the minutes of the Board of Commihsion6rt,' sTandjng and special ad hoc committees and subcomirdttees. BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that oLl such rolained records upon attaining the age of six years -.hail he disposed of in accordance with Sited:ion 399.5 MCL, as amended by Act 59 of the Public Acts or 1955, ;.11111 by Act 68 of the Public Acts 01 1959, and all rules and regulations of the Micnigan Slate Archives. Mi. Chdirpert;on, on iit'hal F of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the loregoing re ,„oltition. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson. Moved by Olsen ,,upported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gosling, Hassberler, Hobart., R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnc11, McPhQrson, Nelson, Olsen„ Page., Perinotl, Pet -nick, Price, Resold, Skarrilt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyen, torrino. NAYS: None. (0) A cortlicient maioriry having voted therofo, the resolution was adopted. 85t52 By Health .1nd Human Resources Committee IN RE: Coutionnity Mental Health - RESIDENTIAL SERVICES EXPANSION FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CLIENTS To the Oakland County Board of Gommishioner ,; Mr: Chirperon, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County CoriBmnity Mental Health Services Board has made requests, ILO the Michigan Department if Mental Health to Mransfer fisca I responsibi.lity for two Costet care .homes from Maromb-Oaklond Regional Center, along wi .t.11 day programming. and other ancillary costs for developmentallt, disabled residents ol the home, .ite; well as one Case Management Coordinator position to oversee services provided Icy the homes; ond WHEREAS the Comquiity Mental- Health Services Bo rd has alsb requested expansion funding fror the State to support a Matetitent out ,tof-ceurty of one client who needs very specialized. residential care not avaitable in Oakland County: and WHEREAS Michigan law now rr2quires that the County pay ten percent of the cost of otteration or the two loster tare home', tto long as !bey are adminitered by The State, but the homes becoffiO a t ?2) I 59 tomist;ionert Mittulet; Continued, Mdy 9, 1985 100 porcont Slate lipanaiot obligation whaat they an tranferred to County Community Mental Health Services Board tesponsihifity: And WHIJOAS !he MiLhigan Depart mrft! ol Ment.t11 fl(!,-tAth hat, Approved the tot -09010g request, in luil, find he: made .folficient funds available for their implementation in the amount of 5179,47/2 for fU 85, whiah rognitaftf County Imo thing Nfld., of 5u't,903; and wHLKEAS Iwo losEcr cars o homet propw,cd for transfer to the Community Mental Health Services Board meet the satittfactior (d the focal units of government in the aream where the F -1(.3,1 orc located.. NOW THEREFORE RE If RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board. of Commjt-m,ionelt, approve the proposals of the Community Mental Health Services Boat-d in nusiurle fiscal respenikility fSn. ttt.;o ['osier core homes And make one out.-of-County placement of a developmentally disabled client, as further descrihed in the appended narrative. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihdt matching funds authorized for those programs, in the amount of $5 903 for liscaf year 1985, And one additional. Case Management Coordinator position be approved for ftte Comulilmulli i.y Mental Health Oivit; ion to oversee the added residential services, Mr. Chairperson, on beha 1 I of the Heal lb and H LIM Resource:, Commi ttee, 1 move the adoption III the [OrOT'n inq 1011 III <1111. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE WIOCy Chairperson MriveA by McConnell supported by Sut;an Kuhn the resolution be adopted. the Chairperson referred the resolution lo the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Mituc... 85153 Byt -Health and HUfl4.1H Resources Cddmidtittee IN RE: Community Mental Health - MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL NO. 4367 Ihe Oakland Conely Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Eddies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS [he Micihigan Hofyte or Repreentatives is currently considering Hous.e.Bill 4367, which forgive,' all 01111111 111' in [he State of their ohliqation to pay ten perceof of the cost of resi- dential services provided to county residents by the Michigan Department of Mentt:11 Health, as required in the State Mental Health Code: and WHEREAS much, fOr(liVne ,,,, 00.1.11.(1 extend Inc all years through September 30, 1938 and fvould cdncel 1111111 11111 invoicce, to OAddand County in the amount- of $2,286,.000: and WHEREAS impleMentalfon ut Michigap• HOuse Bill 4367, if enacted, would also require a upplemerlial appropriation ia the menial Iteoltth budget of the State. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE-SOLVE D -that the Oad land County Board OE Commissioners endorse Michigan House Bill 36/ dnd nfige its adoption by the State,- as well as the adoptfon of a supple - mental mental he,ilth Appropriation by the State .to allow implementation of the House Bill. BE -IT 11111] HER RESOLVED that copies ..of this resolution be forwarded to the Oakland County LI-li Jet vi deiegoljon 101 their conmiderdlion. Mr. Chairpulson, on bmliii I III flvd Health .and Human Reonrces; Commjttee, I move the adoption 01 the hIr(.1V1ifig HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTE1 Nancy McConnell, Chairperson Moved by McConnell dupporied by Webh the ta.td:,olulion he adopted. the Chairperson referred the resolution lo the General Government Committee-. There were no objection, in accordance with Rule KXtl, the bIll 10011111 referrals wore made by the Chairperson: GENERAL GOVERNMENT . a, Arenac County - Separation of Power h. Calhoun County - Separation of Fewer c. OceAna County - Support. (A SR 4 t•, 5, Health Programs d. Oceona County SB 36, Oppote. Amendments to Property TAX e. Calhoun County f- Sit 36, Oppotto Amendments, to Property Tax I. Michigan Norihorn Couttlhe - Oppoge Mandatory Full-time Probate Judges Ill Al HI AND HUMAN lifddOURCLP a. ChildrenL, Viltage - WAteittold't, letter ot Intent to Rcuew Lducational Agreement PIANN[NG AND BUILDING a. UMTA Suhurban pHblic trattif Conference PUBLIC SERVICES a. Pontiac - TIsn"u-jet- 50th District Court • to Couoly PRISON SITE SELECTION COMMITTEE lroy Opposifion to State Pridon Site in troy OTHER REEERRALS Progtom EvellnAtion a, NAC0 - County General Fund Budget DOIA in NACo Survey of Counties Comndst,ionei ,. Minute .. Continticd. May 9, iN85 160 OTHER REFtRRA1S Cimtinned Mananement .ind Budget a. Fquali/ation Ctcrt ial Eacilit I. Exemption, Nyco Co., Southfield b. Funali/ation - Ccigitication of Lquali/ation Directors . c, Ipiillnnit iii -Ii ilijif acilities Lx0motion, Rochestpr Hills -.(Slogan) 0. Eguolitalion - lcdutArial Eat.ilitiv', Exemption, Rochester 'Hills (Brzezinski) e. Equaliiatiou -lii. tel L.1.cilities•Ixemption, Rochcster Hills (Harris) I. hgualizalion - Fndw,lrial Exemption, Rochester Hills (Lewl_tu Histbrical Commission .1. Historical - ot Fairgrove Ave., Historic District Moved by 1010.0 1 el by Lanni the referral' be approved A sufficient maority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 851S4 By Mr. Lion IN RE: ',WINN 11 Ii:. OLTROI1 AND CANADA TUNNEL. CORPORATION TO ALLOW TUNNEL ACCESS TO RESPONSIBLE MOTORGYEI ISIS TO 11)0 DAlaint Comity Rodid ol' Commissionots Mt. ChaHwi.,on, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS in March oF this year the Detroit. and Canada Tunnel Corporation closed rhe tunnel to all motorcNclists; and WHEREAS there iwcIn recent documentation of severat tunnel accidents involving drInking modorcyi:li Ts and there 0, no question That irrosponsTble motorcycle operators should nor have access In the tunnel; and WHEREAS a blanket han on tunnel End., by motorcyclists is. a serious disservice to the LoUt majority ol bikers who have demonstrated a high level of responsibility; and WHEREAS even weli -cespecTed motorcyclo clubs, such as the Blue Knightt;, with a membel ship of nearly 8,000 taw -enlotcni.ronl people in the Ifiiitn0 Iitates, Canada and Ausrralia, is now [in red H-sam lie 1115 ihe nutlet. NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED (hot [he Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the tunnel operatoto, to o ,,tahlish a policy allowing access, to the tunnel by those bikers who have de ,Bon - t,Irated tan,pow.ihifity whih - denying access Ili those who have not established their credibili -ty. BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this rosolut.ion bc sent to the Michigari Congressional deleuatital. Mt. Chairperson, 1 move 11R „adoption of the loregoinu resolution. James E. Lalani, Comnissioncr District tll Iho Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government ComMittee and the Planning and Buildinn fhere wore nO obiections. MI. Nol ..on dthiounced a Public Hearing wilt bo held May 23, 1985 at 8:00 0.m. on the Economi ,. Developarint "Main Stcoei Shoos Project, Rochester ". Misc. 8!_itYj By Commi ..t..ioners James A. Doyonc, Betty Fortino, Dennis M. Aaron, Alexander C. Pertnoff, john J. McDonal ,'. Ralph NeD,on, StP,Ar G. Kuhn and (Wel E. McPherson IN RE: Circuit Court and Probate Court - SEATING FOR COURT AREAS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mt, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there dro no e at hip locilities in the Circuit and Probate Coact arises tor ,.,,driessc -, speclatort,, attorneys and their clients; and WHEREAS wilnw,ses, ore ruguirod Iii be sequestered in trial prodecidinps; and WHEREAS Ihe lack of seating Facilities has catt8ed delays in certain trials becatd:e wi;nessec could not he Found. NOW 11-Hi RLFORF. HE. IT RESOLVED thal the D0partment of Facilities and Operations be directed lc. provide in LiiAliii',11“1 Probate Court Areas, Mr, Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Commissioners Betty Fortino, James. A. Doyon, Dennis M. Aaron, Alexander C. PerinoFF, Susan G. Kuhn,- John J. McDonald, Ralph Nelson and Ruet E. McPherson he Chotrpor .,on referred dhe resolution to the General .Government Committee. There were no objeci iot Mr. Law read a rn -,0111r. to) 1 el frniii Wit Ploomijcid "10%,/fiShip ro,:kirclinr; c.ni n:•1-inc; .3 di I cli nI i i c I tiVOT 1 Ii uw ill ii Wdinil€. Like (:,:msing 0 toil t iii I heolt..F1 hOxi rule ii ul [ii spa il tJos.JodJjuqj xo_:1{m11 pivq -D! U.D1 -a ouAl 'ar .o a,0:11 ;u pouillo!po •)))1Iaqi le 961 Aewq ][!m p_mo2 Jmj) jo bij!loom pcou 3q pODUROUUL! 1O10(131 —,i1oH31g0 ou 'AUM1JUd00 Iii 1)01 ogi poc uilJedao svom s ..DDJnosoji umnH pue ii !U '3::)11!1ulop Guippop FEW fiurouu[] cfl p[a!julocio Isom WOAJ _13.11U! plAU uo!111 ,10sa:J o41 p0AJOJOJ xoAl!m—d T11 II) 11,10dAtflq3 'WO NOJ 110'Ll ,...".A.101) 1C11 :EMJ iO4' .S3130 ..1)11101 0j. pop ro:u d ripo.m.id tan! 101! j :d put.? L 1-'M 011 I.ioU5 111 ho ifh"Plp 0144 13333.:11 01 Poi) Cold ,•,;•..),3ro;!.•ow pou •-g.1 Ada ,,o...inpo-:)crid 3111 )111."- ;11110 ".llIlLIOJ 31 jn.1E.'0 0:0 11 J3 11311 11] ) JO 311 1W L., DJ thilOD U ICfl ,o11IIIC)I. 1.1s lu Pi..;tilc,0 rd •-,oti • thim•L-H.,(1.•fd 3 I rind AJOr10:1 p110111.20 '<RH 4.(1 WUOUtI"Wm AALI3I)_€;A130. IL) t> II p01 11,1f11 IMP 331 ilLIIj LIolfi Auw -1131111!i1111j siouo!mmo) 191