HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1985.09.26 - 72792.88 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING September 26, 1985 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard S. Wilcox at 9:113 a.m. In the teurtense Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Susan Kuhn. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino ; Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McI?onald, McPherson ; Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olson, Poun, rerinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27) ABSENT; None. (0) Quorum present. Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson • the minutes a the September 12_ 1985 meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approVed. Moved by Rewolgl supported by Hassberger the agenda he approved as presented. A sufficieht majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved, The Chairperson made the folloWing statement: 'At- this time a Public. Hearing is called on Economic Development Project Plan, Comprehensive Retirement Community, Limited. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on September 16, 1985. Are there any persons present wishing to speak on the Public Hearing?" No persons requested to speak and the Publie Hearing was declared closed. The Chairperson stated: "At this time a Public Hearing is called on Econoric Development Project Plan, Jamestowne Properties. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on September 16, 1985. Are there any persons present wishing to speak on the Public roaring?" No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.. The Chairperson stated: "At-this time a Public Hearing is collet" or the Economic rovelopment Project Plan, West End Welding, Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Cialdone Fress on September 16, 1985. Are there any perseins present wishing' to speak on the Public Hearing?" Mo persons .recitiested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed. REPORT By Personnel Committee IN RE: Friend, of the Court COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT EXPANSION AWARD (Miscellaneous Resolution 785259) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85259, reports with 289 Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the addition of the following: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (3) Para-Legal Clerk position and eight (8) Student positions be created in the office of the Friend of the Court for the period September 1 through December 31, 1985 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the funding ceases, the positions will be terminated. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf cif-the Personnel Committee, l move the adoption of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Misc. 85259 By Finance Committee IN RE: Friend of the Court ACCEPTANCE OF 1985 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT EXPANSION AWARD To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resoitition e84335 authorized the application for both program continuation and expansion of the 1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85083 accepted the 1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court continuation program award in the amount of $1,487,829; and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services has awarded the Expansion Program in the amount of $31,209, which includes funding for eight (8) Student positions, one (1) Para-Legal Clerk position, and associated operating costs for the period September 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said program expansion award and finds the award of $31,209 covers the period September 1,. 1985 through December 31, 1985, while the PfP0FPrn expansion application for $159,749 covered the period January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1585, as detailed. in Schedule A; and WHEREAS the total funding for the expansion proposal is $31,209, of which $2i,846, or seventy (70) percent is funded through the State. and $9,363, or thirty (30) •percent is County, funded consisting of $6,303 in-kind match and $3,060 in operating ccists representing the County cash contribution; and WHEREAS the County cash contribution is available as follows: 909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match $3,060; and WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board. of Commissioners accept the 1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Program - Friend of the Court Expansion Grant as awarded, in the amount_ of S31,209 and that the Chairperson of the Board of COmMissioners he and is hereby authorized bo execute said grant contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $3,060 from the 1985 Federal/State Project Match account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Friend of the Court budget as follows: 909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match 312-01-00-3380 F. 0. C. Grant Match $(3,060) 3,060 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended by the acceptance of this grant award as detailed in Schedule B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten (10) percent 'variance, which are com;istont with the grant as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant has been reviewed and approved as to Form by the Office of Corporation Counsel, BE LT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service shall be contingent upon the level of State funding available for this program. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee ; I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 290 Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted. Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be amended with the following addition: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Para-Legal Clerk position and eight (8) Student Positions be created in the office of the Friend of the Court for the period September I through December 31, 1985. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the funding ceases, the positions will be terminated." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb', Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandno, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhh, Lanhi, iaw, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adoptde. REPORT By Personnel Committee IN RE: Department of Management and Budget TRANSFER AND RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) POSITION OF CHIEF - EQUALIZATION P.P. SERVICES ANC DOWNWARD RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) ACCOUNT CLERK II POSITION (Miscellaneous Resolution 1/8525() To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous ResOlutiOn g85256, reports with the recommendation that the resolution he adopted with the following changes: 1) That the classification of Chief-Management and Budget information Systomt and Technology be created with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 year 3 Year 4 Year Or 33,391 35,080 36,9(3 38,810 40,632 NO 2) That one (1) position of Chief - Management and Budget Information Systems and Technology be established in the Budget DiViibh. ' Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel CoMMittee, I mdve the adopljon of the fore- going report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Misc, 85256 By Finance Committee IN RE: Department of Management and Budget TRANSFER AND RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (I) POSITION Of CHIEF - EQUALIZATION D.P. SERVICES AND DOWNWARD RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) ACCOUNT CLERK li POSITION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget is responsible for evaluating and advising policy makers on the overall utilization of resources; and WHEREAS technology is playing an increasing role in the operation of the CoUnty demanding careful and detail review., and WHEREAS: Management and 1Budget is a major consumer of data processing serviCes; adsi WHEREAS data processing cdordination is in Several divisions of Menajement and BD,Iget and lacking in other,divisions; and WHEREAS minor reorganization and downward reclassification can proi....e the heeded coordi- nation and technological expertise and can be accomplished with a small cost savings. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thOt the classification, of Chief, Informatlen Systems and Technology be created in the Budget Division at the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/7 35,902 36,963 38,810 40,632 42-,455 No BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position g1717 - Chief - Equalization Data Processing Services - be deleted. from the Equalization Divisidn and resultant salary and frihge'benafits savings be trans- - ferred to the Budget Division as fallowS:. Salaries Regular . Worker's Comp. Group Life Retirement Hospitalization Social Security Dental Disability Unemployment Comp. Salaries, Regular Worker's Comp, Group Life Retirement Hospitalization Social Security Dental Disabifrty, Unemployment Comp. TOTAL increase/ (Decrease) $ (10,400) (20) (44) (1,715) (645) • (733) • (133) (13) (19) S 10,4(10 44 1,715 6./i5 733 133 13 €9 $ 13,722 -C- Equalization Division (125-01) 4-10100-1001 4-10100 -2075 4-10100-2076 4-10100-2077 4-10100-2078 4-10100-2079 4-10100-1080 4-10100-1081 4-10100--2082 Sub-Total Budget Division (122-01) 4-10100-1001 4-10100-2075 4-10100-2076 4-10100-2077 4-10100-2078 4-10100-2079 4-1o100-2080 4-loioo--2081 4-1o100-2082 Sub-Total 291 Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position #4980 - Account Clerk 11 - be downward reclaSsitied to Typist II. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the report be accepted. A. sufficient majority having voted therefbr i the report was accepted, MoVed by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be amended by making the following changes: I) That the classification of Chief - Management and Budget Information Systems and Technology be created with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T 33,191 35,080 36,963 38,810 .40,632 NO 2) That one (I) position of Chief - Management and Budget Information Systems and Technology be established in the Budget Division. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES-: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kart, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient Majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 85272 By Finance Committee IN RE: Facilities and Engineering Division CONTRACT AWARD FOR SPRINGFIELD-OAKS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #85168, the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for a sewage disposal system for Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 292 the Springfield Oaks Youth Activities Center at an estimated cost of $36,500; and WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedures established by this Board, bids for the installation of the above mentioned system were received and opened on September 9, 1985; and WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed all bids Submitted and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, L. C. Betts General Excavating Company of Holly, Michigan be awarded a contract for construction work in the amount of $66,152; and WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $8,848; and WHEREAS the total project cost is estimated to be $75,000 as detailed in the attached schedule; and WHEREAS funding of $75,000 for the Youth Activities Center is available in the 1985 Capital Improvement Program - Building Section. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: I) The contract proposal of L. C. Betts General Excavating Company of Holly, Michigan, in the amount of $66,152 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee recommendations, 2) Funds be provided in the amount of $8,848 to cover the remaining project costs, 3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute _a contract with L. C. Betts General Excavating Company on behalf of the County of Oakland, 4) The County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division, shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing, no later than 10 days after adoption of this resolution. The award shall not be effective until the aWardee hos been so notified. 5) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $75,00.0 from the 1585 Capital improvement Program - Building Section. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, ChairperSon Copy of Award of Contract for Springfield-Oaks Youth Activities Center Sewage Disposal System on file in County Clerk's office. Moved by Caddell supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted. • AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyop, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn ; Lanni, Law ; McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,. Moffitt, Mobre, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (27) . NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor ; the -resolution was adopted. Mi5C, 85273 By Finance Committee. IN RE; Corporation Counsel SETTLEMENT OF MARCELLA V. COUNTY OF OAKLAND, et al To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed settlement terMS for Marcella v. County of Oakland, et al and finds $237,500 is proposed to resolve said lawsuit; and WHEREAS Corporation Counsel and the Finance Committee have deemed it in the best interests of the County to resolve Marcella v. County of Oakland, et al according to proposed terms. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Corporation COLinsel to execute settlement of Marcella v. County of Oakland, et at for a sum not to exceed $237,500. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $237,500 available in the Law Enforcement Liability Account (4-10100-431-01-00-3451) within the Sheriff's Department 1985 Bffelget for said purpose. Kr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance CoMfta•tee, I riiove the adoption Of the foregoing reSolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. Wifliat• Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhtr the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron-, Caddell, lloyon, Fo r tino, Gosling, flassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, MtPber -SOn, Moffitt, Nelson,. Olsen, Page, Perinoff. (23) NAYS: Prite, Law, Moore. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefbr, the resolution was adopted. 293 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 Misc. 85274 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Drain Commissioner WEST BLOOMFIELD WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM - SECTION VIII WHEREAS the Township of West Bloomfield, by resolution adopted by its Township Board on August 19, 1925 has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the West Bloomfield Water Supply System as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and has proposed that such extensions be acquired and constructed by the county and financed from surplus bond proceeds on hand; and WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Township of West Bloomfield and the County of Oakland if the use of funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the request of the Township; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN AS FOLLOWS: 1. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pur- suant to the provisions of the West Bloomfield Water Supply System Contract, dated cr.> of December 1, 1970, of up to $362,000 as shown on Exhibit, "B" attached hereto, from the surplus Funds now remaining after providing for all costs incurred in acquiring Sections 1 through 7 of the system established by said Contract dated December 1, 1970, to the payment of the cost of West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section VIII the "system"). 2. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County of Oakland through its Oakland County Drain Commissioner as its County Agency for payment of the cost of the system in accordance with the 'provisions of and for the purposes described in said Con- tract dated as of December 1, 1970. 3. That the County Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed plans and specifications, obtain soil bbringS, take cianstrurtietihid5 -and enter into Con1ratts, and takeany• other actions • • necessary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the system. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be. adopted. AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox; Aaron, Caddell, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Lea, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85275 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE; Drain Commissioner EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - BINGHAM FARMS EXTENSION NO. 3 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Village of Bingham Farms, by resolution adopted by its Village Council on August 26, 1985, has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM as shown on Exhibit "A"; attached hereto, and has proposed that such extensions be acquired and constructed by the County and financed from surplus funds on hand; and WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Village of Bingham Farms and the County of Oak- land if the use of the funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the request of the Village; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pursuant to the provisions of the Contract - Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Extension No. 2, dated as of July 1, 1976, and amended by Resolution No. 8453, adopted May 4, 1978 by the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, of up to $21,500 as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, from the surplus funds now remaining after provision for all costs incurred in acquiring the said Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 by said Contract, to the payment of the cost of Bingham Farms Extension No. 3 the "project"), as shown On Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 2. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County of Oakland through its Oakland County Drain Commissioner as its County Agency for payment of the cost of the project in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes described in the said Con- tract dated as of July 1, 1976, and amended as of May 4, 1978. 3. That the County Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed plans and specifications, obtain soil borings, take construction bids and enter into COntractS, and take any other attions neces- sary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the project. a , Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1585 294 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted. AYES; Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhr, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (26) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having vdted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85276 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section LEASE RENEWAL, THE EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF OAKLAND COUNTY, INC. To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland (Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3507, January 30, 1956) entered into a 30 year lease agreement with the Oakland County Society for Crippled Children; and WHEREAS a building was constructed in the area designated as Community Service Area on the Oakland County Service Center General Development Plan; and WHEREAS The Easter Seal Society of Oakland County, Inc. continues to provide services to thousands of disabled children and adults in Oakland County; and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee believes that it is in the best interest of the County to continue this service; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the Lease between the County of Oakland and The Easter Seal Society of Oakland County, Inc. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to execute a lease agreement between the County of Oakland and The Easter Seal Society of Oakland County, Inc. with a commencing date of July 26, 1986 for a period of five (5) years. A copy of the lease is hereto attached. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted. AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart., R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, RewoId. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted Misc. 35277 By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section REQUEST APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF MICHIGAN (ONE) FOR CONVEYANCE OF LAND TO THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND - EVERGREEN-FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act 223 P. A. 1909, as last amended by Act 196, P.A. 1970 provides for the conveyance of State-owned tax-reverted lands to municipal units for public purposes; and WHEREAS such lands are under the jurisdiction of the State of Michigan,. Department of Natural Resources and are available for acquisition under the provisions of the above mentioned act; and WHEREAS pursuant to paragraph 14 of the "Detroit-Oakland Agreement for Use of Certain Detroit Sewers for the Farmington-Evergreen District" dated August 29., 1984, the County agreed to procure for the Board of Water Commissioners the properties necessary for the Board to construct, operate and maintain certain proposed sanitary sewer interceptor facilities; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland desires to acquire Lot 16, except the east 40 feet of the south 80 feet, Northwest Subdivision, Section 35, TIN, RIDE, (Tax Parcel No. 2435-483-010-SPS) for the above described purpose. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section is autho- rized to make application to the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, Lands Division for conveyance of said land to the County of Oakland for a nominal fee as set by the Natural Resources ComMission; and 295 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Oakland shall set up necessary procedures and controls to provide for the proper distribution of funds arising from the subsequent sale of the acquired property in conformity with the above mentioned acts, in the event the property is not used for public purposes. Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. MISC. 85278 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Economic Development Group RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (COMPREHENSIVE RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROJECT) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and .Gentlemen: WHEREAS The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the ''EDC") has recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan. Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") for the Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project. a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its de- terminations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section 8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the manage- ment of the project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Com- missioner's approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly, and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond pur- chaser's commitment has been obtained; and WHEREAS on .,.., 1985, the governing body of the Township of West Bloomfield, Oak- land County, Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and WHEREAS on September 26, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a•s follows: 1. The -Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby .determined to constitUte a public purpose as contemplated by the Act. 2, The Project Plan be and is hereby approved. 3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes. N. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC. The Public Services Committee, by James Edward Lannl, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERV I CES COMMITTEE James ES Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Aaron', Caddell, Calandra, DOyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, OLsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (27) NAYS: None. (0) Resolution declared adopted. Misc.: 85279 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Economic Development Corporation RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (JAMESTOWNE PROPERTIES PROJECT) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson; Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS The Economic Deveiopiment Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC u) has Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1585 296 recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the. "Act") for the Jamestowne Properties Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and WHEREAS the EEC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter- minations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies ali of the requirements of Section 8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the Project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly; and that the proposed method of financing the .Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's comftment has been obtained; and WHEREAS on August 26, 1985, the governing body of the Village of Bingham Farms, Oakland County, Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and WHEREAS on September 26, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to con- sider whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Pct; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, as follows: 1. The Project Pier, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act. 2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved. 3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes. 4, -The. County Clerk be. and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC. The Pubilc. Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves fOr adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, hassbergcri Hobart, R. Kuhn; S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPhersoh,. Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Olsen, Page, Perinbff, Pernick, Price, Remold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox-. (27) NAYS:' None. (0) Resolution declared adopted. Misc. 85280 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Economic Development Group RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (WEST END WELDING PROJECT) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") for the West End Welding Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attaChed hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of COMMiSsioners was based upon its determi- nations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section 8 of the Act- regarding project - plans,-that the persons who will be active in the managekent of the project for at least one (3) year after the projected date of the County Board of Comissioncr's approval, of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the plan properly, and that the proposed method of financing the Project 15 feasible and a bond purchaser's commitment has been obtained; and WHEREAS on September 18, 1585,. the governing body of the Charter Town -ship of Milford, Oakland County, Michigan, also approVed the Project Plan; and WHEREAS on September 26, 1585, this Board of CommiSsioners held a public hearing to consider whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following suCh public hearing and its review of the Project Plan,, concurs in the determinations of the EDc with respect thereto: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF OALAND, as follows: 1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act. 297 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved. 3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes. 4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this • resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC. The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC, SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted. AYES; Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kohn, S. Kuhn Lanpi, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (26) NAYS: None. (0) Resolution declared adopted. Misc. 85264 By Public Services Committee IN RE: Community Development Division GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FUND To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Community Development Block Grant funds have been set aside. jp a_Cpritingency Account over the past several years: and WHEREAS this account has been used to facilitate the accounting process for processing year-end closing transactions, provide a reserve fund for cost overruns and to grant supporting funds to communities for new construction of assisted housing developments; and WHEREAS funds from this account have been expended over the past several years for eligible HUD approved Assisted Housing Projects, with the approval of both Citizens Advisory Council and the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the purpose of this resolution is to establish a Contingency Account for potential cost overruns pertaining to Oakland County CDBG funded activities and discontinue expending funds . from this account for approved Assisted Housing Projects; and WHEREAS the setting aside of these funds has resulted: in a five year accumulated total of $448,155.54; and WHEREAS this present fund balance points to the need for establishing a• maximum account balance and a procedure for allocating the amount that is in excess of the established maximum; and WHEREAS the Contingency Fund Subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Council recommended to the Council that a $200,000 maximum Contingency Fund Account balance be established and to distribute the excess balance of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the• local level . for the 1986/87 program year (reference attachment); and WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has approved this resolution by a unanimous vote. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes a maximum $200,000 Community Development Contingency Fund .Account balance and approves the distributing of the excess balance- of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the local level for the 1986/87 program year. Mr. Chairperson,on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Copy of attachments on file in County Clerk's Office. FISCAL NOTE By Finance Committee IN RE: Community Development Division GUIDELJNES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FUND (Miscellaneous Resolution /85264) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution /85264 and finds excess Block Grant Contingency funds totalling $248,155 have been allo- cated to municipalities as part of the ComMunity Development Division 1986 Budget request. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson 298 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, i985 Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted: AYES: Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (25) NAYS: Norio. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was adopted. Misc. 85281 By Health and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Probate Court OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET FOR 1985-86 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr: Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of Act 280 of the Public Acts of 1975, Oakland County is required to develop and submit a plan and budget for the funding of foster care services to the Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services, annually; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Probate Court - Juvenile Division and the Oakland County De- partment of Social Services have developed the attached foster care services budget as required for the State's Fiscal Year, October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986; and WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed this budget and recommends its submission to the State Office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize sUbMtssieri Of the 1985-36 Oakland County Child Care Fund Budget to the State Office of Chitdren and Youth Services; Department of Social Services. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. • HEALTH AND HUMAN: RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson Copy of Budget on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Doyon., Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,- R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra,: (26). NAYS: None. (0) • A sufficient majority having voted therefor,. the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85282 By Health and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Health Division E.P.S.D.T. (EARLY PERIODIC. SCREENING. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT).- GRANT APPLICATION - OCTOBER 1, 1985 . THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 To theOakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Early Periodic. Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (E.P.S.D.T.) program commonly referred to as "Medicaid Screening" was established in Oakland County in April of 1973; and WHEREAS this program is funded entirely through the Michigan Department of Public Health under contract with the Michigan Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS subject grant covers a period from October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the County Executive'S Office to apply for Early. Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment grant renewal in the amount of $714,639 to be funded by the Michigan- Department of Public Health. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human. Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson REPORT TO THE HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE By Finance Committee IN RE: Health Division 1985-86 E.P.S..D.T. GRANT APPLICATION The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds: 1) This is an on-going grant in the thirteenth (13th) year, 2) The grant covers the period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986, 299 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 3) Funding is $714,639, and is 100% State funded, 4) The grant application requests $413,455 for salaries, $167,036 for fringe benefits, $79,572 for operating expenses, and $54,576 for indirect costs consistent with the attached schedule, 5) All personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee, 6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the fore- going report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources Committee, in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application procedures. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell,.Chairperson Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 85283 By Health and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Health Division REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION - CALENDAR YEAR 1985 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS under an agreement between the State of Michigan and the Oakland County Health Division, the Oakland County Health DiVisien is designated as the authorized representati-Ve of the Departments of Commerce and Public Health to conduct annual mobile home park inspections required by Section 17 of Act 4l9, P.A. 1976; and WHEREAS this agreement provides for funding of environmental health inspections, follow-up inspections and environmental health complaint processing; and WHEREAS inspections and evaluations will be conducted in accordance with the Department of Public Health policy; and WHEREAS reimbursement is based on the Oakland County Health Division's calculated rate per hour for environmental health services multiplied by the number of hours provided for direct environ- mental health services; and WHEREAS the maximum amount available to the Oakland County Health Division under this agreement is $17,292 or approximately 65.7% of the estimated costs to be incurred; and WHEREAS estimated revenues from this agreement have been included in the 1985 adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Board Chairperson to sign this reimbursement agreement covering the period from January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985 on behalf of the local governing entity. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson Moved by McConnell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold; Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaroh, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. McDonald stated an objection had been received from Judge Michael Batchik regarding Resolution #85243 (Central Services/District Court Probation - CHANGE MERIT RULE I TO INCLUDE ALL DISTRICT COURT PROBATION EMPLOYEES IN THE MERIT SYSTEM). Mr. McDonald recommended the resolution be referred back to committee for further study. Moved by Calandro supported by Perinoff Resolution #85243 be referred back to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 85284 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Personnel MERIT SYSTEM RULES, SUBMISSION OF CHANGES IN MERIT SYSTEM RULE 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 4P (NEW), 26 TP the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section IV, Subsection A of the Merit Sys tern Resolution requires that all changes; SECTION Ili A.1. NEW 1- Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 300 in the rules and regulations of the Merit System shall he submitted to the Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Board and shall become effective thirty (39) days after such meeting unless objection is received in writing by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the objection shall become a matter of business at the next meeting of the Board; and WHEREAS it has become desirable to make certain changes in the wording of Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), 26 as spelled out in the attachments to this resolution including the current and proposed wording; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed and approved these changes at its meeting of September 18, 1985. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this notice and the attached copies of current Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), 26 to all commissioners present and absent to be considered as the official suhydssion to the Board of Commissioners of the described changes in Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), and 26 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. MERIT RULE #2 - SALARIES CURRENT WORDING SECTION VII/ B.-. 3. d. d. Shall be held to the established County schedule of Annual Leave accumulation but shall not be held to the maximum accumulation schedule. Such employees- may not take a con- tinuous vacation of more than the maximum accumulation allowable an employee eligible for overtime with their length of service under Rule 23. NOTE: This subparagraph refers to maximum accumulation only, and not to the rate of accumulation. Employees exempted from payment of overtime shall still be held to the .rate of Annual Leave accumu- lation based on their length of eligible - County service as described in the rate table contained in Rule 23 - "Annual Leave." PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson PROPOSED WORDING. SECTION VIII B. 3.d. d. Shall be held to the established schedule of Annual Leave accumulation hut shall be allowed a higher maximum accumulation than employees who are eligible for overtime, as shown in Merit Rule 23. Such employees may not take a continuous vacation of more than the maximum accumulation allowable an employee eligible for overtime with the ...,ar,ie length of service under Rule 23. NOTE: This subparagraph refers to maximum accumulation only, and not to the rate of accumulation. Employees exempted from pay- ment of overtime shall still be held to the rate of Annual Leave accumulation based on their length of eligible County service as described in the rate table contained in Rule 23 - "Annual Leave." MERIT RULE #9 - SEPARATIONS FROM THE COUNTY SERVICE CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDINC SECTION III A. SECTION III A. A. Such separations can only occur when an A. Such separations can occur under any of the employee has exhausted Sick Leave accumulations, following conditions: Annual Leave accumulations, Worker's Compensation • Leave or authorized leaves of absence without pay; or, in the case where an employee cannot verify by doctor's statement a physical or mental disability properly covered by Sick Leave and has exhausted Annual Leave accumulation and/or authorized leaves of absence without pay. SECTION 111 A.2. NEW SECTION III A.L. • An employee has exhausted Personal Leave accumulation, Annual Leave and Annual Leave Reserve accumulations, Sick Leave Reserve, abthoriaed Leave Without Pay, or Worker's Compensatien exhaused or does not qualify for Short Teri disouilit benefits. SECTION 111 A.2. 2. An employee is collecting tong Term Disability Benefits. This separation can occur regardless of whether an employee has leave bank, and it shall be the responsibility of the department head to evaluate . the likelihood that the employee will return in a reasonable time in licht of the ricer's of the depart- ment and the contribution the employee will be able ' to make upon his or her return to work. A separation for this reason does not affect the eMployeesl eligibility for long term insurance ben0Js. CURRENT WORDING SECTION ill A. 3. NEW 301 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 PROPOSED WORDING SECTION III A.3. 3. An employee cannot verify by a doctor's statement that a physical or mental disabilityi is properly covered by income disa'bility iN- surance or the use of their Sick Leave Reserve ! bank, and the employee has exhausted Personal Leave, Annual Leave, Annual Leave Reserve and authorized leaves of absence without Fly-. SECTION III Note between D and F. NOTE: Granting of leaves of absence without pay are not mandatory on the part of the Department Head (see Merit System Rule 13, Leaves of Absence Without Pay). SECTION III F. F. Separation because of insufficient leave time to cover absence from work will not effect the employee's entitlement to income continuation benefits under the County's temporary disability income protection plan for employees. (See Aetna Group plan booklet titled "A Temporary Disability Income Protection Plan for Oakland County Employees" in your Merit System Rule Book or contact the Personnel Department for a copy.) SECTION VI A.I.a. a. Any accumulated unused Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and Sick Leave should be noted on the separation papers so that the deceased's last paycheck will include payment for this time. (See Rule 2, Section VIII, "Overtime Pay" and Rule 24, Section V, "Pay- ment for Unused Accumulated Sick Leave.") SECTION VII.A.3. 3. Use of earned accumulated unused Sick Leave. SECTION VII A.4. NEW SECTION VII C. C. Unused accumulation of Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and Sick Leave existing'as of the official date of separation shall not be used to prolong the official period of County service. SECTION VIII D.I. 1. One-half payment for all unused accumulated Sick Leave as of the .official date of separation. SECTION VIII E.I. 1. One-half payment for all unused accumulated Sick Leave in excess of seventyl-five days as of the official date of separation. DELETE NOTE. SECTION 1.11 F. F. Separation because of insufficient leave' time to cover absence from work will not effect the employee's entitlement to income con-- tinuation benefits under the County's long term disability benefit. SECTION VI Ala. a. Any accumulated unused Annual Leave, Annual Leave Reserve, Compensatory Time, ad Sick Leave Reserve should be noted on the separation papers so that the deceased's last paycheck will include payment for this time. (See Rule 2, Section VIII, "Overtime Pay" and Rule. 24, Section V. "Payment. for Sick Leave Reserve.) SECTION VII A.3. 3. Use of Sick Leave Reserve. SECTION VII A.4. 4. Use of Personal Leave. SECTION VII C. C. Annual Leave, Annual Leave Reserve, Compensatory Time, Personal Leave.and Si c k Leave Reserve shall not be granted for rhe purpose of prolonging the official period of County Service. SECTION VIII 0..1. 1. One-half payment for all Sick Leave Reserve remaining-as of the official date. of separation. SECTION VIII E.1. 1. One-half payment for all Sick Leave Reserve remaining in excess of seventy-five days as of the official date of separation. MERIT RULE #12 - RE-EMPLOYMENT TO MERIT SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT OF FORMER COUNTY EMPLOYEES SECTION IV B.4, SECTION IV 8.4. 4. For Sick Leave - See Rule 24, 1X,A. For Sick Leave Reserves - See Rule 24a, Section VII A.1. SECTION i B. B. With the exception of covering time off from work of a pregnant employee, for.the immediate pre- natal, birth and immediate post-natal period under the provisions of Rule 21, Maternity Cases, the fact that a Leave is nossible under theSe regulations does not mean that the requested Leave must be granted. A SECTION I B. Withthe exception of covering time off from work of a pregnant employee for the imme.diatetp_rernatal, birth and immediate post- natal period under the provisions of Rule 21, ' Maternity Cases,' and 10 days allowed each year for illness. The fact that a leave is Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 302 CURRENT WORDING Leave of Absence deprives the employee department of the services of an employee, who it is assumed is needed if the department is to properly do its job. Leaves of Absence Without Pay, except in the case of disciplinary leaves, should be considered as a privilege and the best interests of the department and the County service must be the determining factors jn whether such leaves are granted or not. SECTION II A.3. 3. Does not learn Sick Leave.* SECTION II A.4, 4. Does not get paid for Legal Holidays occurring during the Leave. SECTION ti A.5. 5. Has no time deducted from his or her Annual Leave, Sick Leave or overtime actlimulations to cover the time off on the Leave of AbSebce Without Pay SECTION II A.6, 6. Remains a member of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement plan but: SECT/ON 11 A.6.c. c. The Employee does not earn credit toward the Service Increment Plan or credit toward the rate of Annual Leave accumulation for the period covered by the leave. MERIT RULE 1113 SECT-1ON H A.b.d. d. Must pay any group hospitalization premiums falling due during any month in which the employee has not worked at least one day. (Such premiums are normally paid by the County for full-time em- ployees.) Employees on such Leaves should contact the Payroll Unit of the Accounting Division. SECTION II A.6.e, e. Because the Retirement System grants a full month of credit if an employee is on the payroll for ten days in a calendar month and a full year of credit if an employee is on the payroll for ten months in a calendar year, the effect of a Leave of Absence Without Pay on the accumulation of Retirement Service Credit time depends on the timing of each individual Leave. SECTION II A.7. 7. Will retain full coverage under the Em- ployees Group Life Insurance Plan. For all Leaves other than for sickness or compenSable injury, the employee must continue to pay his or her group life insurance premiums' and the County will continue to pay the premium for the term portion of the employee's Group Life Insurance. SECTION II A.7.a. a. If the employee does not return to active County employment by the end of his authorized Leave of Absence Without Pay, his or her Group Life Insurance Policy is terminated, and in addition the employee is not eligible to exer- cise the following termination rights for one year from the time he or she went on leave: PROPOSED WORDING possible under these regulations does not mean 1 that the requested leave must be greeted. A Leave of Absence deprives the employees deperr- went of the services of an emnloye., '-J1io it assumed is needed if the department is to probenlyi do its job. Leaves of Absence Without Pay, ex- 1 cent in the case of disciplinnry leaves. should 1 be considered as a privilev and the hest inter- ests of the department and the County service must be the determining factors ih whether such leaves are granted or not DELETE Change to SECTION Ii A.3. Change to SECTION Ail. 4, Has no time deducted from h1s or her Annt: Leave, Annual Leave Reserve, Personal Leave, or Sick Leave Reserve accumulations to cover the time off on the Leave of Absence Without Pay. Change to SECTION II A.5. Change to SECTION 1 I A.5.c. C. With the exception of the first 10 ap- proved leave without pay days per year, an em- ployee does not earn credit toward the Service Increment Plan or credit toward the rote of Annual Leave accumulation for the period covered by the leave. Change to SECTION II A,5.d, Change. to SECTION 11 A.5.e. Change to SECTION 11 A.6. Change to SECTION II A.6.a. 303 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 PRESENT WORDING SECTION II A.7.a.l. (I) The right to refund of the employee's contribution. SECTION 11 A.7.a.2. (2) The right to convert the paid-up portion of the policy to another type of policy. SECTION III A. A. To cover time off because of personal 'Finest beyond that covered by earned Sick Leave with pay. SECTION III A.1. I. To be used when the employee has exhausted (his or her) accuMulations of earned Sick Leave with pay, earned Annual Leave and earned Compen- satory Time, SECTION ill A.4, 4. Full Group Life Insurance coverage will continue for the life of the Leave whether the employee continues to pay his or her premiuMs for the policy while on Leave or not. SECTION III A.4.a. a. The County will continue to pay the premium of the Term portion of the Group Life Insurance Policy while the employee is on this Leave. SECTION III A.4.b. b. While the employee's over-all Group Life Insurance coverage will continue without the payment of his or her premiums on the "Paid-Up" portion of the policy, the paid-up value of (his or her) policy will not increase without the pay- ment of such premiums. SECTION III B. B. To cover time off because of a compensable injury beyond that covered by pro-rated earned Sick Leave with pay and Annual Leave with pay. SECTION III G.2.b. b. Employees on leave to attend National Guard or Reserve training encampments (Usally called "summer training duty") will continue to accumu- late Sick Leave and Annual Leave time as they normally would if they had been working during this period of time. MERIT RULE N14 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITH PAY SECTION I C. C. Effect of Court Appearance Leave on Annual and Sick Leave Employees on Court Appearance Leave will continue to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave, as if PROPOSED WORDING Change to SECTION II A.6.a.l. . The right to refund of the employee's con- tribution, if the employee has- made such con- tribution toward a paid up life Insurance policy. i Change to SECTION II A,6.a.2. 2. The right to convert the paid up policy, if any, to another type of policy. SECTION III A. A. To cover time off because of Personal Illness beyond that covered by Personal Leave and Sick Leave Reserve and for which the em- ployee is not receiving Short Term or Long Term Insurance Benefits. SECTION III A.I. I. To be used when the employee has exhausted his or her accumulation of Personal Le a ve, and Sick Leave .Reserve. An employee may use up to a•- total of 10 Leave Without Pay days per war for illness • as provided under Merit Role 24. In order for an employee to use in excess of 10 Leave -Without Pay--days in ascalendar year it would be necessary to have first exhausted all accumulated Annual Leave and Compensatory • Time in addition to the Leave bank listed above. ; SECTION III A:4. 4, Full group term Life Insurance coverage paid by the County will continue for the I i lve of the leave. If the employee is also paying premiums on a paid up policy, the paid up value of his or her policy will not Increase unless the employee elects to continue the payment-. of such premiums. DELETE DELETE SECTION 111 B. B. TO cover time off because of a clinpen- s-able injury beyond that covered by Personal Leave,. Sick Leave Reserve and Annual Leave. SECTION III G.2.b. b.. Employees on Leave to attend National Guard or Military Reserve. Training will con- tinue to accumulate Annual. Leave and will have the training- time credited toward the earning of Personal Leave as they normally would if they were working during this period. SECTION I C. C. Effect of Court Appearance Leave on Personal Leave and Annual Leave Employees on court appearance leave wiil con- tinue to accumulate Annual Leave as if they were 304 PROPOSED WORDING SECTION 1 C. continued Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 CURRENT WORDING SECTION 1 C. continued (MERIT RULE !ilk) they were at work. No time will be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave accumulations while on approved Court Appearance Leave. SECTION ill C. C. Effect of Jury Duty Leave on Annual and Sick Leave SECTION III C.1. I. Employees on Jury Duty leave will continue to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave, as if they were at work. No time will be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave accumu- lations for the time served on approved Jury Duty Leave. SECTION ill C.2. 2. If the employee should become sick (as described in Rule 24 "Sick Leave") while serving on a jury and is unable to appear as a juror, the employee will be paid for that day or days and the time deducted from their Sick Leave accumulation. MERIT RULE #17 - WORK CONNECTED INJURY OR ILLNESS SECTION IV B.1.a. a. No deductions shalt be made from the employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave accumu- lations to cover this payment from the County. SECTION IV B. 2. 2. An eligible employee still unable to return to work within the time limit described in Section 1, above, who continues to receive Worker's Compensation payments, shall be paid by the County, the difference between his or her regular salary at the time injured and the payment made under the provisions of the Com- pensation Act, and the prorated amount of time involved shall be deducted from first, the employee's Sick Leave accumulation and if it is exhausted, the Annual Leave accumulation. SECTION IV 8.2.a. a. An eligible employee off work due to an injury or illness deemed compensable by the Worker's compensation Commission shall continue to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave at the normal rate for as long as he or she re- ceives payment from the County under items 1 and 2 above. SECTION IV C. C. Because there may be p delay, while the insurance company is determining if the injury is compentable, the employee shall receive full salary payment from the County, until the first Worker's Compensation check is sent. if the injury i5 later determined non-compensable, this time will be deducted from first the employee's Sick Leave accumulation, and if it is exhausted, from their Annual Leave accumulation. at work and will have the time credited toward earning of Personal Leave. No time aiii be de- ducted from the employee's Personal Leave or Annual Leave accumulations while on approved court appearance leave. SECTION III C. C. Effect of Jury Duty Leave on Personal Leave and Annual Leave SECTION 111 C.1. 1. Employees on Jury Duty Leave will continue to accumulate Annual Leave as if they were at work and will have the time credited toward earning of Persona t Leave. No time will be de- ducted from the employee's Personal Leave or Annual Leave accumulations for the time served on approved Jury Duty Leave. SECTION III C. 2. 2. If the employee should become sick (as described in Merit Rule 24, "Personal Leave") while serving on a Jury and is unable to appear as a Juror, the employee must cover the time ill by drawing from Personal Leave, Sick Leave • Reserve, Annual Leave, or Leave. Without Pay. SECTION IV 8.1.a. a- No deductions shall be rode from the employee's Personal Leave, Annual Leave or Sick Leave Reserve to coyer this payment from the County. SECTION IV B. 2. 2. An eligible employee still unable to re- turn to work within the time limit described in Section I above, who continues to receive Worker's Compensation payments, shall be paid by the County, the difference between hit or her regular salary at the time injured and the payment made Older the provisions of the Compensation Act, and the prorated amount of time involved shall be de- ducted first from the employee's Personal Leave and Sick Leave Reserve Accumulations and if they are exhausted, from the Annual Leave accumulation. SECTION IV- B. 2.a. a. An eligible employee off work due to an injury or illness deemed compensable by the Worker's Compensation Commission- shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave at the normal rate and shall have the time credited toward the earning of Personal Leave for as long as he or she re- ceives payment from the County under items I and 2 above. SECTION IV C. C. Because there may be a delay while the insurance company is determining if the injury is compensable, the employee shall receive full salary payment from the County until the first Worker's Compensation check it sent. if the in- jury IS later determined non-compensabie thi5 time will be deducted from the employee's Per- sonal,Leave and Sick Leave Reserve accumulations and if they are exhausted, from the Annual Leave accumOlation. 305 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 CURRENT WORDUNG When notification is received by the County that the eligible employee received a payment from the lnsurartce company, this amount will be deducted from their next County paycheck, even though the time covered by the insurance check is different from the time covered by the County paycheck. This is continued until any overpayment is made op and may result in the employee receiving only partial pay from the County for a time after he or she returns to work following a compensable injury. MERIT RULE #21 - MATERNITY CASES SECTION I# A. A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit System Rules covering Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Accumulated Compensatory Time and Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant employee for medical examinations and treatment during pregnancy. SECTION III A. A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit System Rules covering Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Accumulated Compensatory Time and Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant em- ployee for the immediate pre-natal birth and immediate post-natal period, for a length of combined leave time not to exceed ninety con- secutive calendar days from the date the em- ployee first leaves for this purpose. MERIT RULE #22 - ELIGIBILITY FOR FRINGE BENEFITS SECTION I A.2, 2, The earning, accumulation and use of Sick Leave. SECTION I A.13. NEW SECTION II 8.1.a. a. Earn and accumulate Annual Leave and Sick Leave on a pro-rated basis each pay period; based on the ratio of the number of hours they worked compared to the normal 80 hour pay period; SECTION II 8.1.b. b. Use Annual Leave, Sick Leave and Death Leave off with pay only to cover their normal working schedule of working days and hours. 54110N II 8.1.e. NP,f SECTION II B.I.f. NEW PROPOSED WORDING When notification is received by the County that the eligible employee received a payment from the insurance company, this amount will be deducted from their next County paycheck, even though the time covered by the insurance check is different from the time covered by the County paycheck. This i5 continued until any overpayment is made. up and may result in the employee receiving only partial pay from the County for a time after he or she returns to work following a compensable injury. SECTION If A. A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit System Rules covering Personal Leave, Sick Leave Reserve, Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant employee for medical examinations and treatment during pregnancy. SECTION Ill A. A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit System Rules covering Personal Leave, Sick Leave Reserve, Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant employee for the immediate pre-natal, birth and immediate post-natal period, for a length of combined leave time not to exceed ninety con- secutive calendar days from the date the employee first leaves for this purpose. Employees eligible for Short Term Disability will receive disability income payments subject to the terms of the disability income coverage and may use the methods listed earlier to supplement the disability income payments or for periods not covered by these payments. SECTION I A-2. 2. The,earning, accUmulat•on and use of Personal Leave. SECTION I A.13. 13. Short-term and Long-term Disability income programs. SECTION fl a. Earn and accumulate Annual Leave on a pro-rated basis each pay perlod; based on the ratio of the number of hours they worked com- pared to the normal 80 hour pay period. SECTION II B.I.b. b. Use Personal Leave, Annual Leave, Sick Leave Reserve and Death Leave off with pay only to cover their normal schedule of working days and hours. SECTION If B.I.e. Receive 20 .hours (24 days) of personal lave each year (half the five receiVed by a full- time employee). SECTION II B.l.f. Receive four (4) hours of floating holiday time each year. Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 306 MERIT RULE #22 -(ELIGIBILITY FOR FRINGE BENEFITS) Continued: CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING SECTION II B.1.g. SECTION II B.I.g. NEW Have full traditional h4tith. Muf.ihte coverage available with the County paying 50 1:: of the premium and the employee paying 51:M SECTION 11 6.1.h. NEW SECTION II B.1.1. NEW SECTION II B.1.j. NEW SECTION 11 B.1 .k. NEW SECTION 11 B.1.I. NEW SECTION II C. C. Unless spelled out differently in the rule applying to the individual fringe benefit, em- ployees made eligible tinder this rule shalt be eligible for fringe benefits from the first day of eligible County employment. SECTION II CA , NEW SECTION 11 C.2. NEW SECTION 11 C.3. NEW SECTION NEW SECTION li C.6. NEW SECTION 11 6.1.h. Have full coverage under the County dental plan available with the County paying 50%1 of the premium and the employee paying 50%. Em- ployees are not eligible for dental benefits until one (1) year of service has been completed. SECTION IT 6.1.i. Have an amount of life insurance equal to 11 times an amount equivalent to one-half of the annual full time salary for the classification. Employee contributions (If any) are also based on one-half salary. SECTION 11 B.1.j. Earn retirement credit based on the actual number of hour worked. SECTION II 6.1.k. Not be eligible for long term disability insurance. SECTION II B.1.1. Be eligible for short term disability but the benefit is computed on an amount equal to one- half of the annual full time salary for the classification. . SECTION II C. C. Unless spelled out differently in the rule applying to the individual fringe benefit and with the exceptions noted in points I, 2 and 3 below, employees made eligible under this rule shall be eligible for fringe benefits from the first day of County employment. SECTION II C.1. 1. Employees are not eligible for dental benefits until one (1) year of service has been completed. SECTION 11 C.2. 1. Employees are not eligible for Short or Long Term Disability benefits until six months of service has been successfully completed. SECTION 11 C.3. 3. Employees receive no Personal Leave days until.six months of service has been successfully completed. Employees are then credited- with the appropriate Personal Leave Time. SECTION II C.4. 4. Employees receiving Short Term Disability Income benefits shall continue to have time spent on disability credited as time worked for the purpose of maintaining their benefit date, shall continue to earn annual leave days and retirement credits and shall continue to receive those paid benefits they would otherwise be re- ceiving if they were at work. SECTION II 5. Employees receiving Long Term Disability 307 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 MERIT RULE #22 - (Eligibility for Fringe Benefits) Continued. (SECTION il C.6. Continued.) (SECTION II C.5. continued.) Income benefits who are not separated from County service shall no longer have the time spent on disability credited as if they were at work for the purpose of maintaining their benefit date, shall not earn annual leave days or retirement credits, nor he credited with additional personal leave days and shall not receive any other paid benefits from the County. These employees may elect to maintain their health care and dental insurance through the County group plan provided they continue to submit prompt payment for such benefits. SECTION 111 8.1.a.(3) 3. An employee may use up to a total of ten days of Leave WIthout Pay each calendar year without affecting his or her benefit date. SECTION III B.1.a.(3) NEW MERIT RULE #23 - ANNUAL LEAVE SECT1ON I DEFINITION OF ANNUAL LEAVE Annual Leave is absence from work for which the employee is paid just as if he or she were at work. Annual Leave is earned and accumulated each pay period at a rate dependent on the length of the employee's County service. When Annual Leave is used, and the amount of Annual Leave that is taken at one time, are at the discretion of the employee's Department Head within the limitations of the employee's accumulation, of necessity, the welfare and convenience of the County and the continuation of the services the department renders must be the foremost con- sideration in allowing Annual Leave. An Annual vacation is the most common use of Annual Leave, although it may also be used for personal business, to cover a period of illness after Sick Leave , has run out and many other uses. SECTION III A. A. Annual Leave shall be earned and accumu- lated by pay periods, according to the following chart. LENGTH OF ELIGIBLE DAYS OF COUNTY SERVICE ANNUAL LEAVE (SEE RULE 22) EARNED* MAXIMUM ACCUM. Per in 12 From Through Pay Months 0 1 Year .383 10 Days 15.0 Days 2 Yrs. 4 Years .459 32 Days 18.0 Days 5 Yrs. 9 Years •574 15 Days 22.5 Days 10 Yrs. 14 Years .689 18 Days 27.0 Days 15 Yrs. 19 Years .766 20 Days 30.0 Days 20 Yrs, 24 Years .842 22 Days 33.0 Days 25 Yrs. Remainder .919 24 Days 36.0 . Days of County Service * While the amounts earned per payperiod do not appear to add up exactly to the amounts earned in a twelve month period, the computer which does •he accumulating automatically corrects for this, once a year. See also Section II B of this rule SECTION 1 DEFINITION OF ANNUAL LEAVE Annual Leave is absence from work for which the employee is paid just: as if he or she were at work. Annual Leave is earned and accumulated each pay period at a rate dependent on the length of the employee's County service. When Annual Leave is used, and the amount of Annual Leave that is taken at one time, are at the discretion of the employee's Department Head within the limitations of the employee's accumulation, of necessity, the welfare and convenience of the County and the continuation of the services the department renders must be the foremost con- sideration in allowing Annual Leave, An Annual vacation is the most common use of Annual Leave, although it also may be used for other purposes such as personal business and to cover a period of illness after Sick Leave Reserve or Persona/ Leave have run out. SECTION III A. A. Annual LeaVe shall be earned and accumu- lated by pay periods, according to the following chart. LENGTH MAXIMUM OF ELIGIBLE DAYS OF ACCUft. (Days) COUNTY SERVICE ANNUAL LEAVE El 1g. N/Eiig. (SEE RULE 22) EARNED* 0/1 0/T Per In 12 From Through Pay Months 0 1 Year .383 10 Days N/A N/A 2 Years 4 Years .459 12 Days 18.0 36.0 5 Yrs. 9 Years .574 15 Days 22.5 45.0 10 Yrs. 14 Years .689 18 Days 27.0 54.0 15 Yrs. 19 Years .766 20 Days 30.0 60.0 20 Yrs. 24 Years .842 22 Days 33,0 66.0 25 Yrs. Remainder .919 24 Days 36.0 72.0 of County Service * While the amounts earned per pay period do not appear to add up exactly to the amounts earned in a twelve month period, the computer which does the accumulating automatically corrects for this, once a year. See also Section II B of this rule. 308 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 ** The maximum accumulation is based on one and one-half years worth of Annual Leave earnings. When the maximum accumulation of Annual Leave is reached, additional time spent in County Service, while an employee's Annual Leave accumu- lation is at the maximum, will not earn Annual Leave, either for immediate or future use when the employee's accumulation is below the maximum. SECTION IV E. NEW SECTION V - EFFECT OF SICK LEAVE ON ANNUAL LEAVE SECTION V A. A. Employees on Sick Leave (with pay) shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if they were on the job. SECTION V B. B. If an employee has reason to use Sick Leave during a period of Annual Leave usage, and if such Sick Leave is used to cover an illness of the em- ployee and if such Sick Leave need is documented by a physician's written statement to the Department Head's satisfaction, such time may be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave accumulation instead of from their Annual Leave accumulation. SECTION VI NEW (Note: existing Section VI and subsequent sections to be renumbered.) SECTION VI Effect of Death Leave on Annual Leave. SECTION VII Effect on paid legal holidays on Annual Leave. SECTION VIII Effect on Leaves of Absence without pay on Annual Leave. SECTION IX Payment for unused accumulated Annual Leave on separation from County service. *0 The maximum accumulation for employees eligible for Overtime is based on one and one-half year's worth of Annual Leave earnings. The maximum accumulation for employees not eligible for over- time is based on 3 years worth of Annual Leave earnings. When the maximum accumulation of Annual Leave is reached, additional time spent in County service, while an employee's Annual Leave accumulation is at the maximum, will not earn annual leave, either for immediate or future use when the employee's accurmilation is below the maximum. SECTION IV E. E. Employees: not eligible or overtime for whom Annual Leave has been Diaced in an Annual Leave Reserve Bank may draw from their reserve subject to item "A" above. (NOTE: At the time the maximum accumulation was applied to "non-overtime" employees, all banked annual leave days in excess of two times the annual earnings rate was placed in the Annual Leave Reserve. This allowed all "non-overtime" employees one more year to accumulate annual leave and schedule vacations before reaching the accumulation maximum.) SECTION V -EFFECT OF PERSONAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE RESERVE ON ANNUAL LEAVE SECTION V A. A. Employees utilizing Personal Leave or Sick Leave From their Sick Leave Reserve Bank shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if they were on the job. SECTION V B. B. If an employee has reason to draw from his or her Sick Leave Reserve Bank during a period of Annual Leave usage and if such Sick Leave Reserve is used to cover an illness of the employee and this usage is documented by a physician's written statement to the Department Head's satisfaction, such time may be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave Reserve instead of from his or her Annual Leave Accumulation: SECTION VI - EFFECT OF SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE ON ANNUAL LEAVE A. Employees receiving Short Term Disability Income Insurance payments shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if they were on the job. B. EMployees receiving Long Term Disability Income Insurance payments who remain on the roll as a County employee shall not accumulate Annual Leave. Change to SECTION VII. Change to SECTION VIII. Change ta SECTION IX. Change to SECTION X. 309 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 MERIT RULE #23 Continued. SECTION X Effect of transfer of an employee from one department to another within the County service, on Annual Leave. Change to SECTION Xl. COMMENTS ON RULE 24 and 24a The new fringe benefit program completely replaces the current Sick Leave program with Personal Leave (in conjunction with short and long term disability programs). As a result, Merit Rule 24 - Sick Leave has been extensively revised to describe the accumulation and use of Personal Leave. Employees with Sick Leave days in their bank when the new plan takes effect will have those days placed in a Sick Leave Reserve bank. Merit Rule 24a - Sick Leave Reserve describes the circumstances under which the Reserve may be used and its cash-in value. It should be noted that this is essentially the same rule that was in effect regarding Sick Leave usage and cash-in prior to the implementation of the new plan and is only new insofar as it no longer discusses the additional accumulation of Sick Leave, only its use. MERIT RULE 1/24 - SICK LEAVE SECTION 1 - DEFINITION OF SICK LEAVE A. Sick Leave is an absence from work for which the employee is paid just as if at work, because the reason for the absence is covered by the pro- visions of this Sick Leave plan and the employee has accumulated at least as much Sick Leave as required for the absence in question. SECTION il - ELIGIBILITY FOR SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION AND USE SECTION il B. B. All employees eligible for the Sick Leave plan shall begin their accumulation from the first day of eligible County employment. SECTION II B.1. NEW SECTION II 8.2. NEW SECTION !II - RATE OF EARNING AND ACCUMULATION OF SICK LEAVE Eligible full time employees shall accumulate Sick Leave as follows: Days Sick Leave Earned per Pay Period in Twelve Months 13 NO MAXIMUM LIMITATION SECTION I - DEFINITION OF PERSONAL LEAVE Personal Leave is an absence from work for which the employee is paid just as if he or she was at work. Personal Leave is provided pri- marily to provide income protection for the employee whose personal illness or incapacity is such that they are not able to work, but they have not yet met the required waiting period to qualify for the Short Term Disability plan. Personal Leave may also be used for, but is not limited to, personal business, vacation, care of ill" family members and medical or dental exami- nations and treatment. SECTION II - ELIGIBILITY FOR PERSONAL LEAVE SECTION B. All employees eligible for personal leave will receive this benefit as detailed below. SECTION II B. 1. 1. Full time employees will receive five personal leave days upon completion of six months of service, Part-time.eligible employees will receive personal leave days as described in Merit Rule 22,'Section 11, B. i.e. SECTION .11 B.2. 2. Full time employees will receive five additional personal leave days upon completion of one year of service and following the com- pletion of each year of service thereafter. Part-time eligible employees will receive per- sonal leave days as described in Merit Rule 22, Section 11.B.I.e. SECTION 111. - ACCUMULATION OF PERSONAL LEAVE SECTION 111 A. A, Employees may accumulate up to a total of fifteen Personal Leave Days. Once the maximum is reached no further Personal Leave Time will accumulate either for immediate or future use when the employee's 'accumulation is below the - maximum. Maximum Sick Leave Accumulation .5 0 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 MERIT RULE #24 (SICK LEAVE) Continued. SECTION III B. NEW SECTION IV - USE OF SICK LEAVE SECTION IV A. A. Sick Leave may be used only with the permission of the employee's Department Head. This provision shall apply to all other sections of this plan. SECTION IV B. New Language - Existing Section IV B is being relettered and revised below. SECTION IV C. New Language - Existing Section IV C is being relettered below SECTION IV B. B. Each County Department Head shall be responsible for reviewing employee requests for Sick Leave and determining their validity. The Department Head shall refuse to allow use of Sick Leave when, in their judgement, there is insufficient evidence to support the em- ployee's claim, or where it is believed that the employee has not exercised reasonable effort to promptly notify the Department of the absence. The employee may be required to submit a physician's statement in order to justify the use of Sick Leave. SECTION IV C. C. Employees unable to work their shift shall notify their Department Authority or designated representative as follows: SECTION IV C.1. T. 10 department operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no later than. one hour be- fore their normal work shift begins if directed to do so in writing by their Department Authority, or no later than one-half hour before their normal work shift begins , if not directed otherwise by their Department Authority. SECTION IV C.2. 2. In departments where the Department Authority or designated representative is normally on duty to receive such calls, no later than one-half hour before their normal work shift begins. SECTION IV C.3 3. In departments where the Department Authority or designated representative is not normally on duty prior to the beginning of the normal work shift, as soon as possible after the beginning of their normally scheduled work 310 SECTION III B. B. Personal Leave days have nO cash-in value. SECTION IV - USE OF PERSONAL LEAVE SECTION [V A. A. Personal Leave may be used on l y with the permission of the employee's Department Head. This provision shatl apply to all other sections of this rule. SECTION IV B. B. Uses of Personal Leave with advance per- mission of the department head include, but are not limited to, personal business, vacations, scheduled medical and dental examinations or treatment and supplementing Worker's Compensation or Income Disability Insurance payments. SECTION ll/ C. C. Persona/ Leave may also be used without . advance permission of the department head, for personal illness or incapacity over which the employee has no reasonable control, or the ill- ness or incapacity of a family membes and the employee is the only person available to render such care. Change-to SECTION IV C.1. 1. Each County Department lead shall be responsible for reviewing employee requests for Personal Leave under part "C" nd determing their validity. The Department Head shall refuse to allow use of Personal Leave when, in their judge- ment, there is insufficient evidence to support the employee's claim, or where, it is believed that the employee has not exercised reasonable effort to promptly notify the Deportment of the absence, The employee may be required to submit a physician's statement in order to justify the use of Personal Leave under part "C". Change to SECTION IV C.2. Change to SECTION IV C.2.a. Change to SECTION IV C.2.b. Change to SECTION IV C.2,c. DELETE DELETE 311 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 MERIT RULE #24 (SICK LEAVE) continued. shift or in any case, no later than one-half hour after the work shift begins. Change to SECTION IV C.3. •Personal Leave may not be used before it is credited to the Personal Leave Bank and no more time may be used than what is available in the Personal Leave Bank. SECTION IV D. 0. Employee must submit their "Request for Approval of Sick Leave" forms to their Depart- ment Head in writing as soon as possible after Sick Leave usage. These forms shall be for- warded to the Personnel Office for review and shall provide the employee with a receipt copy to show that the Sick Leave was requested. SECTION IV E. E. Sick Leave shall not be granted for a period of more than five successive work days unless the employee submits a statement from their physician, to the Department Head, that the Sick Leave is necessary_ The Department Head shall forward this statement to the Personnel Department along with the "Request for Approval of Time Off". SECTION IV F. F. Sick Leave may not be used before it is earned. SECTION IV G. G. Sick Leave may be used for the following purposes: SECTION IV 6.1. I. Acute personal illness or incapacity over which the employee has no reasonable control. a. See Rule 21 for the uses of Sick Leave in maternity cases. SECTION IV 0.2. 2. Absence from work because of exposure to contagious disease which, according to public health standards would constitute a danger to the health of others by the employee's attendance at work. SECTION IV 0.3. 3. Medical and Dental Examinations or treatment SECTION IV G.4. 4. The care of the employee's ill minor dependent children, spouse, parents or guardians, if the em- ployee is the only person available to render such care. Such usage is not to exceed two days for any one illness. SECTION IV 0.5. 5. To supplement Workers' Compensation payments. a. See Rule Fl - "Work Connected Injury or Illness". DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE SECTION IV 0.6. 6. With the advance permission of the Department Head, an employee may use two days of accumulated unused Sick Leave for personal business in each calendar year. The use of such days as personal business days is not cumulative and days not used will continue to be treated as Sick Leave Days. NOTE: This change shall apply to all non-union em- pluyeesandto those union employees whose collective bargaining agreement provides for this benefit change. DELETE. Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 26, 1985 312 SECTION V PAYMENTS FOR UNUSED ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE A. Payment while still a County employee: I. The number of Unused Sick Leave days in each employee's Sick Leave Accumulation shall be recorded as of the end of the 22nd payroll period of each year, and each employee having more than 100 days shall have a choice of: a. Receiving one-half (1/2) pay, in cash, for Sick Leave in excess of 100 days, OR b. The right to keep the days in ex- cess of 100 in his Sick Leave Accumulation. 2. The annual cash payments will be paid at the rate the employee is earring at the end of the 22nd payroll period. 3. Those employees electing to keep the ektra Sick Leave Days will again have the option of cash or days for all Sick Leave time in excess of 100 days, at the recording time each succeeding year. B. Payment when separating from County Em- ployment for reasons of death or to become a re-tit-ant MeMber of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System. I. An employee separating from County Employment for these reasons shall receive one-half pay for all unused accumulated Sick Leave. a. Payment shall be made at the rate the employee is earning at the time of separation. b. This payment shall not be included in the computation of final average compensation (F.A.C.) for re- tirement benefit purposes for em- ployees initially appointed to eligible County Service (See Rule 22) after December 31, 1977. c. Section V,B,1,b, shall apply only to non-represented employees and to represented employees whose labor agreement provides for this change in benefit. d. Employees whose labor agreement does not make specific referente to elimination of the provision in B.l shall continue to be governed by the provisions which were in effect prior to this rule revision. C. Payment when separating from the County for reasons other than Retirement or Death, 1. Any employee separating for these reasons shall receive one-half pay for unused accumu- lated Sick Leave in excess of 75 days. a. Payment shall be made at the rate the employee is earning at the time of separation. D. Payment when separating from County Em- p/oyment for the reason that the emploVe has reached the age of 65 years and not eligible for retirement. I. Any employee separated from County employment for that reason shall receive 3/2 pay for all unused accumulated sick leave. a. Payment shall be paid at the same rate the employee is earning at the time of sepahation. DELETE DELETE 313 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 CURRENT WORDING SECTION VI -EFFECT OF SICK LEAVE ON ANNUAL • LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE SECTION Vi A. A. Employees on Sick Leave with pay shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave and Sick Leave just as if they were on the job. B. If an employee has reason to use Sick Leave during a period of Annual Leave usage, and If such Sick Leave is used to cover an illness of the employee, and if such Sick Leave is documented by a physician's written state- ment, to the Department Head's satisfaction, such time may be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave Accumulation, instead of from1their Annual Leave Accumulation. C. Legal Holidays which are counted as days off with pay by the County, shall not be deducted from an employee's Sick Leave Accumulation when they fall during a period of Sick Leave Usage. SECTION VII - EFFECT OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY ON SICK LEAVE A. Employees shall not accumulate or use Sick Leave while on Leaves of Absence With- out Pay, except as described in Rule 13. SECTION VIII - EFFECT OF TRANSFER OF AN EMPLOYEE FROM ONE DEPARTMENT TO ANOTHER WITHIN THE COUNTY SERVICE ON SICK LEAVE A. A transferring employee's unused accumulated Sick Leave shall transfer with • ihem. No money shall be transferred. from one salary budget to another to cover this. SECTION IX - EFFECT OF RE-EMPLOYMENT ON SICK LEAVE SECTION IX.A. A. Former employees, who return to County Service, must start their accumulation of Sick Leave as new employees. However, at such time that their prior County Service is recognized by the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System, the unpaid Sick Leave Accumulation they had at the time of sepa- ration shall be reinstated, less any Sick Leave for which they may have been paid at separation. SECTION IX. B. B. Employees who leave the County Service to enter the Armed Forces of the United States under the provisions of the Selective Service Act, who are members of the Armed Forces and are called to active duty, or who enlist in the Armed Forces during a declared national emergency shall, upon re-employment by the County, have available any unused Sick Leave previously earned, less any Sick Leave for which they may have been paid; provided that such re-employment takes place within 90 days after discharge or re- lease from active duty in the Armed Forces whichever is later. SECTION X - EFFECT OF DEATH LEAVE ON SICK LEAVE PROPOSED WORDING Change to SECTION V. - EFFECT OF PERSONAL LEAVE ON ANNUAL LEAVE. . Change to SECTION V A. A. Employees on Persona/ Leave shall contIntle to continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if they were on the job. DELETE Change to SECTION •V B. B. Legal Holidays which are counted as days off with pay by the County shall not be deducted from an employee's Personal Leave accumulation when they fall during a period of Personal Leave usage. DELETE DELETE Change to stcTroN vi - EFFECT OF RE-EMPLOYMENT ON PERSONAL LEAVE. Change to SECTION VI A. A. Former employees who return to County Service must start ,their accumulation of per- sonal leave as new employees. However, at such time that their prior County Service is recog- nized by the Oakland . County Employees Retirement System, all personal leave accumulation they had at the time of separation shall be reinstated. Change to SECTION V1 B. B. Employees who leave the County Service to enter the Armed Forces of the United States under the provisions of the Selection Service Act, who are members of the Armed Forces and are called to active duty, or who enlist in the Armed Forces during a declared national emergency shall, upon re-employment by the County, have available any unused Personal Leave previously earned; provided that such re-employment takes place within 90 days after discharge or release from active duty in the Armed Forces whichever is later: Change to SECTION Vil. - EFFECT OF DEATH LEAVE ON PERSONAL LEAVE NEW NEW NEW NEW Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 26, 1985 31h CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING. SECTION X A. Change to SECTION VII A. A. Employees who are given permission to use A. Employees who are given permission to use Death Leave during a period of approved Sick Death Leave during the period of approved per- Leave usage shall not have the time spent on sonal Leave usage shall not have the time spent Death Leave deducted from their Sick Leave on Death Leave deducted from their Personal Accumulation. Leave accumulation. MERIT RULE #24a - SICK LEAVE RESERVE (NEW) , NEW RULE 24a - SICK LEAVE RESERVE NEW SECTION 1 - DEFIN/TION OF SICK LEAVE RESERVE - Sick Leave Reserve is a Leave Bank established for those employees who had Sick Leave remaining in their Sick Leave Bank as of the date the County implemented Merit Rule 24 - Personal Leave. An employee may draw from his or her Sick Leave Reserve if the absence is covered by the pro- visions of this rule and the employee has the required amount of Sick Leave in the reserve to cover the absence in question. NEW SECTION 11 - USE OF SICK LEAVE SECTION It A. NEW A. Sick Leave .may be used onfy_with the per- mission of the employee's Department Head. This provision shall apply to all other sections of this Rule. SECTION 11 B. B. Each County Department Head shall be re- sponsible for reviewing employee requests for Sick Leave and determining their validity. The Department Head shall refuse to allow use of Sick Leave when, in their judgement, tnere is in- sufficient evidence to support the employee's claim, or where it is believed that the employee has not exercised reasonable effort to promptly notify the Department of the absence. The employee may be required to submit a physician's statement in order to justify the use of Sick Leave, SECTION II C.. C. Employees unable to werk their shift shall notify their Department Authority or designated representative as follows in the same manner as is required in Rule . 24, Section IV C.2., for use of Personal Leave for personal illness or inca- pacity. SECTION fl D. D. Employees must submit their "Request for Approval of Sick Leave Reserve forms to their Department Head in writing as soon as possible after Sick Leave usage. These forms shall be forwarded to the Personnel Office for review and shall provide the employee with a receipt copy to show that the Sick Leave was requested. SECTION II E. E. Sick Leave shall not be granted for a period of more than five suCcessive work days unless the employee submits a statement from their physician, to the Department Head, that the Sick Leave is necessary. The Department Head shall forward this statement to the Personnel Department along with the "Request for Approval of Time Off". NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 315 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING NEW SECTION II F. F. Sick Leave may be used for the purposes de- scribed below. An employee is not required . to draw from the Sick Leave Reserve but may use other types of Leave to cover absences fur the reasons enumerated below. An 'employee may he .required to utilize Sick Leave .ReserVe under certain provisions of Rule 13 - Leave Without Pay and Rule 17 - Work Connected Injury or illness. NEW swum Ii F.1. 1. Acute personal illness or incapacity over which the employee has no reasonable control. NEW SECTION If F.1:a, a. See Rule 23 for the uses of Sick Leave in Maternity cases. NEW SECTFON rr F.2. 2, Absence from work because of exposure to contagious disease which, according to public health standars would constitute a danger to the health of others by the employee's attendance at work, SEETION.1.1-F.3 . 3. Medical and dental examination or treatment. SECTION tl - F.4. 4. The care of the employee's ill minor dependent children, spouse, parents or guardians, if the employee is the only person available to render such care. Such usage is not to exceed two days for any one illness. - SECTION II F.5. 5. To supplement Workers' Compensation payments. SECTION 11 F.5.a. a. See Rule 17 - "Work Connected Injury or Illness''. SECTION 11 F.6, 6. To supplement Short Term or Long Term Disability. Income Insurance benefits SECTION III - PAYMENTS FOR ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE RESERVE SECTION III. A. A. Payment while still a County employee: SECTION II f A. I. I. The number of unused Sick Leave days in each employee's Sick Leave ReserVe . Accumulation shall be recorded as of the end of the 22nd payroll period - of each year, and each employee having more than 100 days shall have a choice of: SECTION III A.1.a. a. Receiving one.-half (1/2) pay, in cash, for Sick Leave in excess of 100 days, OR SECTION III A.1.13. b. The right to keep the days in excess of 100 in his or her Sick Leave Reserve Accamu- lation. SECTION III A.2. The annual cash payments will be paid at the rate the employee is earning at the end of the 22nd payroll period. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 316 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 MERIT RULE #24a Continued. CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING SECTION lil A.3. 3. Those employees electing to keep the extra Sick Leave days will again have the option of cash or days for all Sick Leave time in exce ,i of 100 days, at the end of the 22nd payroll each succeeding year. SECTION III B. B. Payment when separating from County' Employment for reasons of death or to become a retirant member of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System. SECTION III 8.1. I. An employee separating from County Em- ployment for these reasons shall receive one- half pay for all unused accumulated Sick Leave in the Sick Leave Reserve. NEW SECTION III 8.1.a. a. Payment shall be made at the rate the employee is earning at the .time. O1 separation_ NEW SECTION III 8.1.b. b. This payment shall not be included in • the computation of final averge compchsation (E.A.C.) for retirement benefit purposes for emplbyees initially appointed to eligible County service (See Rule 221 afterDecember 31, 1977. SECTION III 8.1.c. c. Section III, 8,1,b, shall apply only to non-represented employees, and to represented employees whose labor agreement provided for this change in benefit. SECTION. 111 8.1,d. d. Employees whose labor agreement did not make specific reference to elimination of the provision in 8.1.b. shall continue to be governe by the provisions which were in effect prior to that particular revision. SECTION HI C. C. Payment when separating from the County for reasons other than Retirement or Death. SECTION 111 C.1, 1. Any employee separating - for these - reasons • shall receive one-half pay for unused accumulated Sick Leave in excess of 75 days in the Sick' Leave Reserve. SECTION 111 C.1.a. a. Payment shall be made at the rate the employee is earning at the time of separation. SECTION III D. D.. Payment when separating from County Employment. for the reason that the employee has reached the age of 70 years and not eligible for retirement. SECTION III 0.1. 1. Any employee separated from County employ- ment for that reason shall receive 1/2 pay for all unused accumulated sick time in the Sick Leave Reserve. CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 317 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 SECTION III D.1.a. • a. Payment shall be paid at the same rate the employee it earning at the time of sepaiaatio SECTION IV EFFECT OF SICK LEAVE RESERVE ON ANNUAL LEAVE AND PERSONAL LEAVE SECTION IV A. A. Employees utilizing Sick Leave Reserve. shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave and shall have the time credited toward the earning of Personal Leave just as if they were on the job. SECTION tV .B. B. If an employee has. reason to use Sick. Leave Reserve during a period of Annual Leave usage, and if such Sick Leave Reserve is used to cover an illness of the employee, and if such Sick Leave Reserve usage is documented by a physician's written statement, to the Department Head's satisfaction, such time may be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave Reserve- Accumulation, instead of from Annual Leave Accumulation. SECTION IV C. C. Legal Holidays which are counted as days off with .pay by the County, shall not be .de- . ducted from an emplbyee's Sick Leave Reserve Accumulation when they fall daring a period of Sick Leave Usage. NEW SECTION V. - EFFECT OF DEATH LEAVE ON SICK LEAVE SECTION V A. A: Employees who are given permission to use Death Leave during .a period of approved Sick Leave Reserve usage shall not have the time spent on Death Leave deducted from their Sick Leave Reserve Accumulation. SECTION VI - EFFECT OF TRANSFER OF AN EMPLOYEE FROM ONE DEPARTMENT TO ANOTHER WiTHIN THE COUNTY SERVICE ON SICK LEAVE RESERVE SECTION VI A. A. A transferring employee's accumulated Sick Leave Reserve shall transfer with them. No money shall be transferred from one, salary budget to another to cover- this NEW SECTION VII - EFFECT Of RE-EMPLOYMENT ON SICK LEAVE RESERVE ACCUMULATION SECTION VII. A. • A. Former Employees' who return to County service and have their -prior County service recognized by the Oakland County EmployceS'• Retirement System shall be entitled to rein- statement of all Sick Leave Reserve Accumulation they had at the time of separation, less any Sick Leave Reserve for which they may have been paid at separation. SECTION VII A.I. I. Employees who leave the County Sergice to enter the Armed Forces of the United $taLps CURRENT WORDING PROPOSED WORDING 318 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 NEW SECTION VII A.I. (continued) under the provisions of the Selective Service Act, who are member, of the Armed Forcs and are called to active duty or who enlist in the Armed Forces during a declared national emergency ] shall, upon re-employment by the County, have available any unused Sick Leave Reserve pre- viously earned, less any Sick Leave Reserve for which they may have been paid; provided that such : re-employment takes place within 90 days after i discharge or release from active duty in the Armed Forces, whichever is later. MERIT RULE #26 - LEGAL HOLIDAYS CURRENT WORDING SECTION VII A. A. Effect of Legal Holidays on Sick Leave SECTION VII A.1. 1.- Legal Holidays failing within a period when an employee Is on Sick Leave (with pay), shall be counted as the Legal Holiday off and shall not be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave Accumulation. SECTION VII C. C. Effect of Legal Holidays on Leave of Absence SECTION VII C.!. 1. Employees on Leaves of Absence Without Pay shall not get Legal Holidays off with pay and shall not accumulate equivalent time off with pay for such Legal Holidays. SECTION VII D. D. When an employee transfers from one Depaftment to another within the County Service, the unused Compensatory Time accumulated as compensation for Legal Holidays shall be treated the same as unused accumulated Annual Leave. (See Rule 23). SECTION VII NEW PROPOSED WORDING SECTION VII As Effect of Legal Holidays on Sick Leave Reserve SECTION VII Al. • • 1. Legal Holidays falling within a period • - when an employee is utilizing --Sick Leave Reserve - l• shall be counted as the Legal Holiday off and shall not be deducted from the employee's Sick ] Leave Reserve Accumulation. SECTION VII C. C. Effect of Legal Holidays on Personal Leave SECTION VII C.1. I. Legal Holidays falling within a period when an employee is on Persona! Leave shall he counted- as the Legal Holiday oft and shall not be deducted from the employee's Personal Leave Accumulation. SECTION VII D. D. Effect of Legal Holidays on Leave of Absence. SECTION VI-1 0.1. 1. Employees on Leave of Absence Without Pay shall not receive Legal Holidays off with pay and shalt rI.Cq' accumulate eeuivalent time off with pay for such Legal Holidays. Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted-. The Chairperson stated that pursuant to Merit System Rules, the resolution' will lay over for 30 days. Misc. 85285 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Central Services/Safety Division CREATION OF ONE (1) P.T.N.E. BUILDING SAFETY ATTENDANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the South Oakland Health Center conducts clinics and classes after regular work hours; and WHEREAS there have been incidents that threaten the safety of Health Center employees and of the public; and 319 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 WHEREAS there have also been incidents of vandalism to the building and grounds; and WHEREAS the Safety Division is charged with the responsibility of providing security for all County owned or leased properties and for individuals on such property; and WHEREAS the Safety Division does not currently have sufficient staff to assign- to the South Oakland Health Center, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) governmental P.T.N.E. (1000 hour) Building Safety Attendant be created in the Safety Division of Central Services and be assigned on a permanent basis to the South Oakland Health Center. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Webb the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Health and Human Resources Committee IN RE: Institutional and Human Services CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution #85260) To the Personnel Committee • Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185260, reports with the recommendation that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi- bilities and reporting relationships are desimable. However, the Health and Human Resources Committee expresses no opinion as to salary levels or personnel classifications. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson Misc. 85260 By Personnel Committee IN RE: Institutional and Human Services CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the administration and operation of Children's Village were legally recognized as a County Executive function on February 14, 1985; and WHEREAS this has placed control of Children's Village under the Director of the Department of InstitUtional and Human Services; and WHEREAS the Director and Superintendent of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services have reviewed current practices within Children's Village and have identified needed changes and improvements; and WHEREAS, they have proposed a reorganization of'Children's Village involving new classes, changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the division and a new position; and WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed the Children's Village Reorganization and recommends that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi- bilities and reporting relationships are desirable; and WHEREAS these changes are proposed to improve the quality of care and treatment to ChiIdren's Village residents through a new team approach, to recognize increased responsibilities and to provide needed services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following changes be implemented: 1. Delete the current classification of Superintendent of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services and to upwardly reclassify the position (1/03303) to a new classification of Manager-Children's Village with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T Supt. CV Program and Treatment 33,219 -3-47,872 36,525 38,177 39,829 No Manager - Children's Village 36,775 38,628 40,450 42,273 44,095 No 2. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services and to reclassify the position (#01333) to a new classification of Children's Village Special Services Coordinator with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T Supv.-CV Treatment Services 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No CV Spec Serv Coord 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No 3. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center and to up- wardly reclassify the position (#02274) to a new classification of Administrative Assistant - Children's Village Operations with the following salary range: Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 28, 1985 320 Supv. Juv. Oct. Center Admin As Operations Base l Year 2 Year3 Year 0/1 _ 23,546 24,526 25,712 IT:T-- 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No 4. Upwardly reclassify one (I) Child Welfare Worker II position (#03198) to a new classi- fication of Chief-Children's Village Intake Team with the following salary range: Base 6 Month 1 Year - 2 Year 3 Year 0/1 Child Welfare Worker II 21,560 2-27,779 23,999 26,479 28,271 T; Chief-CV Intake Team 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,203 No 5. Upwardly reclassify one (1) Child Welfare Worker. Supervisor Position (300823) to a new classification of Chief-Children's Village Program- Team with the following salary range: Child Welfare Worker Supv Chief-CV Program Team Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1 29,044 3C,172 3173-6717 Ex 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208 6. Create one (1) new position in the existing class of Recreation Specialist with the following salary ranaa: Recreation Specialist Base i Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year D/T 14,052 I5,290 16 528 17,70 19,005 Reg. 7. Adjust the title of the department director from Director -Human Services to Director- Institutional and Human Services. 8. Alter the organization structure, reflecting the elimination of functional repOrtihg relationships with the Probate Court and to reflect the transfer of certain positions within the division to produce a new team approach to village management as shown in the attached organization charts. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John McDonald,. Chairperson FISCAL NOTE By Finance Committee IN RE: Institutional and Human Services CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution #85260) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentleman: Pursuant to Rule XI-C. of this Board, the Finance Committee hos reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85260 and finds: I) The Director of the Department of institutional and Human Services and the Superintendent of Children's Village. Program and Treatment Services propose a reorganization of the administration and operation of Children's Village, involving new classes, changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the Division and a new position, according to the attached- schedule, • 2) It is further proposed to adjust the title - of the department director from Director- Human Services to Director-Institutional and Human Services, and: to. update 'organization charts to reflect current functional reporting relationships as well as a new team approach to village management, ' (see attached organization charts), - 3) Salaries and Fringe benefit costs for the proposed reclassifications and new position are estimated to be $40,746 annually, per the attached schedule, 4) $10,533 is necessary to fund the reorganization as proposed for the balance of 1935 (September 28 through December 31, 1985); said funds available in the Children's Village Division 1985 Budget; therefore, no additional County funds are required. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Organization Charts and Attachment EMI on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt that Attachment B-1 to the Fiscal Note be amended by deleting the dollar figures that apply to the new classification of Director-Institutional and Hyman Services (the bottom line showing the increased salary and increased benefits should he deleted). A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: LYNN D. ALLEN Clerk - RICHARD R. WILCOX Chairperson 321 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McFlteron, Maui I MCOrt.', [10111, ORYP,Puq, Perinoll, Pei rick, Price, Remold, Sknctiii, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted the the resolution, as amended, was adopted.' In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals: FINANCE • a. HCMA - 1/4 Mill Request for 1985 b. MAC - Federal Legislative Status Reports c. Valentino vs. Sheriff, Notification of Hearing in October Session d. Oakland County Executive vs County of Oakland and Probate Court Dismissal GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. MAC - Federal Legislative 'Status ReportS • b. Community Mental Health - Vacancy on CMHS Board c. MAC - Legislative Status Reports, September, 1985 . d. Oceana County - (support)" SD 327 & 323, Amend Publie General Liability Laws e. Ingham County - Redefine Separation of Powers f. Clare County - Fiscal Relief FTOM Act 150, Juvenile Corrective Confinement g. Arenac' County - (Support) SB 327 8 323, Amend Public General liability laws h. Representative Hertel - Acknowledgement of Resolution - i. Kalkaska County - (Support) HB 4529, Partial Return of Oil and Gas Severance Tax HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES ss -6. - -Oakland County Executive VS - COUhty of Oakland •& 'Probate •Court, Dismissal • b. MAC - Legislative Bill Status (Health Programs 9/85) • c. State Public Health Department - Annual Report 1983-84 PUBLIC SERVICES • F. Department of Commerce - Economic Development. Seminars c. Animal Control - Letter of Complaint d. Valentino vs. Sheriff, Notlfication of Hearing in September Session • PLANNING AND BUILDING a. Road Commission - Oakland Township Resolution Supporting Increased Tri-Party Funding OTHER REFERRALS: Historical Commission a. Holly Township Hall on State Register of Historic Plates Friend of the Court & Prosecutor a. DSS - 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program • • • Parks 8 Recreation a. DNR - Land & Water Conservation Fuhd Application Management & Budget a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Raleigh House, Southfield • b. Equalization - Hearing on Non-tmpoirment - Industrial FaciLlties Exemption, Westend Welding; c. Equalization - Hearing of Non'Impairment-lndustrial Faciljtes Exemption, Proto-Vest • d. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, GMF Robotics, Troy • e. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, Thomas Bradley Tools, Southfield f. Equalization - Transfer Commercial Facilities Exemption, Royal Oak Moved by Gosling supported' by Webb the referrals be approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board mould be October 10, 1935 at 7:30 p.m. The Board adjourned at 10:38 a.M.