HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1983.01.20 - 7305Ol4° Li D COUNTY
Board 0; Commissioners
January 20, 1983
Meeting called to order by Lynn D. Allen, County Clerk and Register of Deeds at 930 a.m.
in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053-
Invocation given by Dennis M. Aaron.
Pledge of Allegiance ro the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra; Doyen, Foley, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson,
Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Pape, Perinoff, Pernick. Price, Rewold, Wilcox. 127)
ABSENT: Nona. (0)
Qorum present.
Moved by Calandro supported by Gosling the 1981-1982 Rules be adopted as Temporary Rules.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Clerk called for nominations for Temporary Chairperson.
Dr. Caddell nominated Alexander C. Perinoff. Seconded by Moore.
Moved by Fortino supported by Olsen the nominations be closed and a Unanimous vote be cast
for Alexander C. Perinoff.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Perinoff declared elected Temporary Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
Nominations in order for Permanent Chairperson.
Dr. Caddell nominated Richard R. Wilcox.
Mr. Price nominated Alexander C. Perinoff.
Moved by Fortino supported by Hobart the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The roll call vote was as follows:
Aaron - Alexander C. Perinoff Jackson - Richard R. Wilcox
Caddell - Richard R. Wilcox A. Kuhn - Richard R. Wilcox
Calandro - Richard R. Wilcox S. Kuhn - Richard R. Wilcox
Doyon - Alexander C. Perinoff Lanni - Richard R. Wilcox
Foley - Alexander C. Perinoff Law - Richard R. Wilcox
Fortino - Alexander C. Perinoff McConnell - Richard R. Wilcox
Geary - Alexander C. Perinoff McDonald - Richard R. Wilcox
Gosling - Richard R. Wilcox McPherson - Alexander C. Perinoff
Hobart - Richard R. Wilcox Moffitt - Richard R. Wilcox
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 20, 1983
Morlico - Alexander C. Perinoff Pernick - Ale , irider C. Per:noff
Halsoa - Rickird F. Wilcox Price - Ader C. For.noff
Oi en - Richard R. W:liex il;:!weld - R;ch ad R. Wilcox
- Richard P. Wcox Wilcox - Pic:I:aid R. Wilcox
rcrinoff - Alexander C Pe; ;roil
The result of the roll call vote was as follows:
Nchard P. Wlitex 7
Alexander C.. Far noff - 10
Richard R. Wilcox declared elected Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
Nominations in order for Vice Chairperson.
Mrs. Gosling nominated Lillian V. Moffitt,
Mr. Pernick nominated Betty Fortino.
Moved by Hobart supported by Geary nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the notion carried.
The roll call vote was as follows:
Caddell - Lillian V. Moffitt McDonald - Lillian V. Moffitt
Calandra - Lillian V. Moffitt McPherson - Betty Fortino
Doyon - Betty Fortino Moffitt - Lillian V. Moffitt
Foley - Betty Fortino Moore - Betty Fortino
Fortino - Betty Fortino Nelson - Lillian V. Moffitt
Geary - Betty Fortino Olsen - Lillian V. Moffitt
Gosling - Lillian V. Moffitt. Page - Lillian V. Moffitt
Hobart - Lillian V. Moffitt Ferinoff - Betty Fortino
Jackson - Lillian V. Moffitt Pernick - Betty Fortino
Kuhn, R. - Lillian V. Moffitt Price - Betty Fortino
Kuhn, S. - Lillian V. Moffitt Rewold - Lillian V. Moffitt
Lanni - Lillian V. Moffitt Wilcox - Lillian V. Moffitt
Law. - Lillian V. Moffitt Aaron - Betty Fortino
McConnell - Lillian V. Moffitt
The result of the roll call vote was as follows:
Lillian V. Moffitt - 17
Betty Fortino - 10
Lillian V. Moffitt declared elected Vice Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
The Chairperson recommended the General Government Committee consist of the following
Chairperson - John J. Olsen; Vice Chairperson - Nancy McConnell
Members - Wilcox, Page, Caddell, Calandro, Pernick, Aaron, McPherson
Moved by Moore supported by Olsen the Board concur with the appointments made by the
AYES: Calandro, Foley, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy appointing the following to the Private Industry
EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AGENCY: Gloria Hardiman, 2 year term
COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION: Douglas Hoard, 3 year term; Charles Carpenter, 2 year term
and Edward Revis, 3 year term
REHABILITATION AGENCY: Thomas Deluca, 3 year term
EDUCATION AGENCY: Gloria Kennedy, 3 year term; Dr. David Soule, 2 year term; Elizabeth
Sparklin, 2 year term and Dr, Scott Westbrook, 3 year term
UNION REPRESENTATIVES: Ken Morris and AFSCME each 2 year terms
BUSINESS REPRESENTAT(VES: Edward Barker, 3 year term; Otis Burge, Marty Cieslak, Robert
Conte, Johanna Cothery and Lana Domanski, each 1 year term; Dennis Gilbert, 2 year term; Alice Johnson,
3 year term; Earl (reps, Betty Mapper and Barbara Spears, each i year terms; Dennis Stockemer, 2 year
term; Frank Versagi, 1 year term and Howard Weaver, 3 year term.
Commissioners Minutes Continued, January 20, 198i; 3
Moved by Gosling supported by Fewold the appointments be confirmed.
AYES: Fortino, Geary, COSIIM4, Hobart, Jackcen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, Moffitt. Nelson, Olser, Page, Per all. Pernick, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell. (20)
NAYS: Deynn, McPherson, Moore, PrIce, Aaron. YJ
PASS: Foley, Caiandrp. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk read letter from Cheiipern,oa Richard P, Wilcox reappointing Alexander C. Perinoff as
Commissioner member of the inter-County Highway Commission.
Moved by Rewold supported by Caddell the appointment be confirmed.
Mr. Perinoff withdrew his name from consideration.
The Chairperson announced he would make a further recommendation at the February 3, 1983
Board meeting.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox appointing the following persons to
serve on various lake boards:
Richard Kuhn, Jr. - Big Lake and Independence Lake; Anne Hobart - Lake Ona; Roy Rewold
Indianwood Lake.
Moved by Nelson supported by Susan Kuhn the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk read letter of thanks from the members of the Board of Commissioner staff.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox appointing Anne Hobart and Nancy
McConnell to serve as Commissioner members on the Personnel Appeal Board.
Moved by Olsen supported by Caddell the appointments be confirmed.
Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the appointments be referred to General Government
Committee for further consideration.
AYES: Foley, Fortino, Geary, R. Kuhn, Law, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Aaron, Doyon. (12)
NAYS: Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (15)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Price supported by Doyon the appointments be . referred to Corporation CoUnsel for
a written opinion on the validity of two appointments from the same political party.
AYES: Fortino, Geary, McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Foley. (9)
NAYS: Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (17)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on appointments:
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (17)
NAYS: Geary, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Foley, Fortino. (10)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments of Anne Hobart and Nancy
McConnell as members of the Personnel Appeal Board were confirmed.
Clerk read letter from Richard Wilcox appointing the following to the 1983 Community Develop-
ment Advisory Council:
Robert Eck, Ruel McPherson, Alfred Hall, Milton Lichterman, Joyce Mittenthal, Ralph Nelson,
John Olsen, Robert Ousnamer, William Patterson, James Reid, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Donald Taylor,
Marilyn Waldron, Dorothy Webb, Bert Jackson, Michael Dornan, Dorothy Gibbard, Jane Downing, Walter
Howell and William J. O'Mahoney. Also John Olsen was appointed Chairperson and Mary Elizabeth Smith
Vice Chairperson.
A suffic.c havIng voted therefor, the appointmenfs were. confirmed. )T.. sr
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 20, 1 .981
Olsen supported by Moore The appolntments be confirmed.
Clerk read letter of appreciation "tram the City of Madison Heighioa for the valuable. service
of the Oakland County Hotline Library. (Placed On
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. a
the Solid Waste Planning Committee for a lerm ending January
tlng Ronald S. Baker s2c-ye on
to replace Richard
Moved by Perinoff supported by McDonald the appointment be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment of Ronald S. Baker was con-
Clerk read resolution from the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in opposition to the
State takeover of the Court System as propesed in Senate Bill 946. (Referred to General Government
Clerk read resolution from Montcalm County Board of Commissioners withdrawing its member-
ship in the Michigan Association of Counties as of December 31, 1982. (Referred to General Government
Clerk read letter from D. H. Hoard announcing the appointment of Percy G. Kidd to the
Oakland County Soldiers' Relief Commission for a period of three years. (Placed on file)
Clerk read letter from former Governor William CI. Milliken acknowledging receipt of
resolution regarding Ctinton Valley Center. (Placed on file)
The following .,arsogs address the Board:
Daniel T. Murph,., OaI land County Executive.
Jones Thee Reid presented the Board with a resolution from the Pontiac Democratic Club.
(Referred to General Government Committee)
John King of Bloomf'iold Hills. (Mr. KingIscomments regarding the Holly Landfill were re-
ferred to the Planning and Building Committee)
Lillian Richards, Harry Jones and Ken Hurst.
The Chairperson declared a 18 minute recess for the General Government Committee to meet.
The Board reconvened at 12:23 p.m.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyen, Foley, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
By Mr. Olsen
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee recommends the appointment of the following Commissioners
as per the attached sheet.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Copy of Committee Membership on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Olsen supported by Calandra the appointments be confirmed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 20, 1983
AYES: Costing, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Molfirr, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Wilcox, Aaron,
Celandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Geary. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
By Mr. Olsen
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed the Amendments to the Board Rules,
recommends approval of the attached amendments,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John Ey Olsen, Chairperson
Copy of Amendment to Board Rules on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Olsen supported by McConnell the report he accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Perinoff the 1983-1984 Board Rules, as amended, be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro,
Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Geary, Gosling. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1983-1984 Board Rules, as amended, were
By Mr. Olsen
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed the vacancies for the hoards, commissions,
committees and councils below mentioned, hereby recommends - the filling of those vacancies.
Airport Committee_ 1-Year Term Ending 12/31/83 Alexander Perinoff
Robert Page
James Lanni
Building Authority 3-Year Term Ending 12/31/85 Charles Sharer
Community Mental Health Services 3-Year Term Ending 12/31/85 Anne M. Hobart
Board Robert Swanson
Jean Chamberlain
Barbara J. Reader
Election Scheduling Committee 1-Year Term Ending 12/31/83 C.-Elaine Skarritt
Floyd Cairns
Stephanie Sass
Parks & Recreation Commission 3-Year Term Ending 1/1/86 Lewis Wirt
Richard R. Wilcox
Road Commission 6-Year Term Ending 12/31/83 Fred D. Houghten
SEMCOC 1-Year Term Ending 12/31/83 Daniel T. Murphy
Alternate - Patrick Nowak
Robert Page
Alternate - John Calandro
John E. Olsen
Alternate - Lillian V. Moffitt
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Rewold the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino the appointments be confirmed.
Commit.sioners Minutes Continued. January :10, 1933
Moved by Aaron supported by Foicy the question be divided and vote separately on each
committee appoinimeot.
A sufficimat ma•lority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr 0.O nominated Alexander Perinoff, Robert Page and James Lanni as members of the
Airport Committee for terms ending December 31, 1983.
Moved by Fortino supported by Nelson the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carrfed.
The roil call vote was as follows
Jackson - Perinaff. ...•Th I r:ni Per inoff - Perinoff, Sage, Lanni
P, Kahn - berinoff, Page, Lanni Farnick - Pdrinoff, ''''9, Lanni
S. Kuhn - Perinoff. P.,:, lanai Price - Perinoff, :-.age. Lanni
Lanni - Periroff..:..aqr.., i ,nni Resold - Perinoff, Pa.:..e, Lanni
Law - Perinoff. Pane, L.a.n.11 Wilcox - Perinoff, Page, Lanni
McConnell - Periroff, Pip, lanai Aaron - Perinoff
McDonald - Perinoff, Pac.tz.. irdli Calandro - Perinoff, Pa ne, Lanni
McPherson - Parinoff, PA ,2', L.-tini Doyon - Perinoff, Fa
Moffitt - Perinoff, Paa ,-, lanni Foley - Perinoff, Fair, Lanni
Moore - Perinoff, Pace, L,rini Fortino - Perinoff, Fe at, Lanni
Noison - Ferineff, Fijo, L.inni Geary - Perinoff, Page, Lanni
Olsen - Perincff, P„..ge, Lanai Gosling - Perinoff, Page, Lanni
Page - Fcrinoff, Pace, Lanni Hobart - Perinoff, Page, Lanni
The result of the roil call vote was as follows:
Perinoff - 26
Page . . 25.
Lanni - 24
Alexander C. Perinoff, Robert Page and James E. Lanni declared elected to the Airport
Committee for terms ending December 31, 1983.
Mr. Olsen nominated Charles Shafer as a member of the Building Authority for term ending
December 31, 1935.
Moved by Fortino supported by Parinoff the nominations- be closed and a unanimous vote be
cast for Charles Shafer.
A sufficient majortv having voted therefor, Charles Shafer declared elected a member of
the Building Authority for term ending December 31, 1935.
Mr. Olsen nominated Anne M. Hobart, Robert Swanson, Jean Chamberlain and Barbara J. Reader
to the Community Mental Health Services Board for 3 year terms ending December 31, 1985.
Mr. Aaron nominated Celeste Miller, Sheriff Johannes Spreen, Michael Braun and Dennis
Moved by Fortino supported by Aaron the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The roll call vote was as follows:
R. Kuhn - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
S. Kuhn - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Lanni - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Law - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
McConnell - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
McDonald - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
McPherson - Miller, Soreer, Braun, Aaron
Moffitt - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
.Moore - Miller, Spreen, Braun, Aaron
Nelson - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Olsen - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Page - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Perinoff - Miller, Spreen, brann, Aaron
Pernick - Miller, Sprees, Braun, Aaron
Price - Miller, Spreen, Braun, Aaron
Rewold - Hobart, Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 20, 198 7
Wil -ox
F:. .5
- Hobart,
- Hobart,
- Milier,
- Miller,
- Miller,
- Hobart,
- Hobart.,
Chambetlain, Reader
Drnun, An
Chamtoirlain, Reader
SFr it.h,nun, Aaron
Sraon, Aaron
Sprern, B raun, Aaron
Sproen, Braun, Aaron
Swanson, Chamborlain, Reader
Swanson, Chamboriain, Reader
Swanson, Chamberlain, Reader
result of the roil call vote was as follows:
Hobart, Swarmon, Chamberlain and Reader - 16
Miller, Sprcen, Braun, Aaron - 10
Anne M. Hobart, Robert Swanson, Jean Chamberlain and Barbara J. Reader declared elected
as'members of the Community Mental Health Services Board for terms ending December 31, 1985.
Mr. Olsen nominated C. Elaine Skarritt, Floyd Cairns and Stephanie Bass to the Election
Scheduling Committee for Ono year terms.
Roved by Fortino supported by Moore the nominations be closed and a unanimous vote he cast
for C. Elaine Skarritt, Floyd Cairns and Stephanie Bass.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, C. Elaine Skarritt, Floyd Cairns and Stephanie
Bass declared elected as members of the Election Scheduling Committee for one year terms.
Mr. Olsen nominated Lewis 'dint and Richard Wilcox as members of the Parks and Recreation
Commission for 3 year terms ending January 1, 1986.
Mr. Aaron nominated Betty Fortino and Don Deni.
Moved by Doyon supported by Moore the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The roll call
S. Kuhn
Porn ick
vote was as follows:
- Wint, Wilcox
- Wint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- Fortino, Deni
- 'dint, Wilcox
- Fortino, Coni
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
'dint, Wilcox
- Fortino, Deni
- Fortino, Deni
R. Kuhn
- Fortino, Don'
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- Fortino, Deni
- Wint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Fortino
- Fortino, Doni
- Fortino, Doni
- Fortino, Deni
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
- 'dint, Wilcox
The result of the roll call vote was as follows:
Lewis 'dint - 17
Richard Wilcox - 16
Betty Fortino - 10
Don Deni -
Lewis 'dint and Richard R. Wilcox declared elected as members of the Parks and Recreation
Commission for 3 year terms ending January 1, 1986.
Mr. Olsen nominated Fred D. Houghten a member of the Road Commission for a 6 year term
ending December 31, 1988.
Mr. Price nominated John DiGiovanni.
Moved by Perinoff supported by Olsen the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The roll call vote was as follows:
Reoold - Fred Hanghten
- Fred Houghten
- John DiGievanni
falandre Fred Honehten
Doyen - John DiCievannl
Foley - John DiClovanni
Cortino John DiCratvadni
Geary - John It:Giovanni
Gosling - Fred Houghton
Hobart - Fred Houghton
Jackson - Fred Houghten
R. Kuhn - Fred Heughten
S. Kuhn - Fred deughten •
- Fred Mr:t
- Fred Hi
- john DiGeivanni
- Frel H(J
- john D
- Fred Ho',
- Fred Ho,
- Fres:: P. t
- Jenn OiB:ev.snr
- John FiC -..vanni
- Jahn DiCiovanni
Gommissioncr:, Minutes Continued. January 20, 1983
The result of the roll call vote was as follows:
Fred lionghten - 16
John Dildicvanni - 10
Fred Houghten declared elected a member of the Road Commisston -for a 6 year term ending
December 31, 1988.
Mr. Olsen nominated Daniel T. Murphy, Delegate, Patrick Nowak, Alternate; Robert Page,
Delegate, John Calandra, Alternate; John E. Olsen, Delegate and Lillian V. Moffitt, Alternate
members of SEMCOG for a 1 year term.
Mr. Aaron nominated as Delegates Lawrence Pernick, Walter Moore and Alexander C. Perinoff
and Alternates, William J. Foley, Dennis Aaron and Ruel McPherson.
Moved by Moore supported by Price the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson stated the persons nominated by Mr. Olsen would be voted as Slate "A" and
those nominated by Mr. Aaron would be voted as Slate "8".
The roll call vote was as follows:
SLATE "A": Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Wilcox,
Calandro, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (.16)
SLATE "B": McPherson, Moore, Fernick, Price, Aaron, Doyen, Foley, Fortino, Geary. (9)
Daniel T. Murphy, Robert Page and John E. Olsen declared elected Delegates and Patrick
Nowak, John Calandro and Lillian V. Moffitt, Alternate members of SEMCOC for 1 year terms.
Misc. 83001
By Mr. Doyen
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 500 of the Public Acts of 1978 amends Act 66 of the Public Acts of 1977 and
provides in part as follows:
"Sec. 1. The —governing body of a county. ..by resolution may authorize tts
treasurer,.. .to invest surplus funds belonging to and under the control of the
....county as follows:
(p) in certificates of deposit, savings accounts or depository receipts of
—.a credit union which is insured by the national credit uni•on administration.";
WHEREAS the County Treasurer requests the approval of the County Board of Commissioners
to invest County funds in these investment securities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to invest
surplus county funds in the following investment securities: certificates of deposits, savings
accounts or depository receipts of a credit union which is insured by the national credit union
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James A. Doyon, Commissioner, District 1110
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissrs Minutes Continued. January 20, 1983 9
TO the. 0a,,I.,_te:d County Boars of
Mr. Chairperson, 1,,)dies and
t4HEREAS the Youth ProgriAnE +r,iPT(Ted throu0 the- Probate Court has achieved
nationwide rcognition Mr Oforts the youth a >rr County; and
WHEREAS the demand for YouiIi A::c:sEance services on the Probafe Court has increased due
to the economic and socHal thc. S.J.te. of Michig6r1; and
WHEREAS the Oak Park Schoo sri cooperation with the City. of Oak Park has joined
in the Youth Ass tncu Progra of this C,urty; ;,a;(1
WHEREAS additiowli srfcs jun11 arvices are needed due to the addition of the Oak Park
School District and due to increased caseloads and demands for services in the Avondale School District,
the Oxford and Brandon Districr and the Royai Oak School Djtrict.
NOW THEREFORE BE 17- RESOLVED that three additional child welfare workers be hired for use
in the Youth Assistance Programs of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the. foregoing resolution.
Dennis M. Aaron, Commissioner District #I9
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and the Health and
Human Resources Committee. There were no objections.
The Chairperson announced the .following appointments to the Zoning Coordjnating Committee:
January - June, 1983: Anne Hobart, Chairperson, Bert Jackson, Ralph Nelson, Alexander
Perinoff and Ruel McPherson
July - December, 1983: Roy Rewold, Chairperson, Lillian Moffitt, Richard Kuhn, James Doyon
and William Foley.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Jackson the Board adjourn until February 3, 1983 at 9:30 a.m.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Board adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson