HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1983.04.21 - 7310OAKLAND C::,„ 'ATY Board Of Commissioners MEETING April 21, 1983 Meeting called to order by Chairperson, Richard R. Wilcox at 10:05 A.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph riazi, Pontiac, MI 48055. Invecion i,)ivon by Richard Kuhn, Jr. Pledge of Ailegiance to the Flag. Roil called. PRESENT Calandra, Dayon, Pc. tino, Geary, f,a,;1;ng, Hobart, jeckon, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn: Lanni, Law, McConneII, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pace, Perinoff, Pesnick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox. (22) ABSENT. Aaron, Cadde11, Foley, McDonald, Olsen. (5) Qu rum present. Moved by Moffitt supported by Hobart the minutes of the March 31, 1983 meeting he approved with the following correction: on page 106, Resolution 83080, in this NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED paragraph add a comma after "accepted" and add "subject to a perk being completed within 60 :lays," AYES; Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson. Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Geary, Gosling. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes of the March 31, 1983 meeting, as corrected, were approved. Moved by Moffitt supported by McPherson the Journal for the January Session be approved and closed and the January Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox. Clerk Chairperson APRIL SESSION April 21, 1983 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox. Roll called, PRESENT Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox. (24) ABSENT: Caddell, Foley, Olsen. (3) Quorum•present. REPORT Bv Mrs. McConneli IN RE: MiSCELLONFOUS RESOLUTIOR To the Oakland County board t f Mr. Chairperson, Ladies a , The General iiov-enmam with the recommendation that ; THEREFORE. BE lT RESOLVED pad - the concept of the banning ci forcement and civilians and di Mr. Chairperson, or the foregoing resolution. e having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution OP be adopted with rbe amendment: rne Oakland 1 ..anty '2necd Commission. rimer-pisraing types of whi n create enduc s on,. the Congress of the Orilirm. States to paiss 'inhalf of the General Government. Committee, move Resniution Supporting the Banning of Arrior-Piercing Builer curs NDW- suocort to Lew ED - cceptance of 21, 12'd Commissioners Minutes Continued. Op Moved by Moffitt supported h agenda he approved. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk reed toiank you notes fium Alexander C. Rerlaeff and Oenald F., Geary: (Placed Mr. Page presented the Oakland County Airport Committee bi2Anneal Moved by Fortino supported by Moffitt the report. be received and fi A sufficient majority having irotad therefer, the motion carried, perr. GENERAL GOVERNMENT. COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Vice Chairperson B302.1 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: RESOLUTION SOPPCRTiNC THE BANNING OF ARMOR-FIERCINC BULLETS To the Oakland County Board 0r Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies end WHEREAS the Nat one] Association of Counties' Law Enfortemert Sub-Come Justice and Public Safety Steering Committee did on January 24, 1983 nai,s the at an! iny the Onited States Congress to bar the manufacture, importation, t piercing bullets; and WHEREAS the attached resolution will be brought before the Nationai Association of Counties Annual Conference for adoption; and WHEREAS such armor -piercing bullets have no legitimate use for so vocated for use by local law enforcement agencies except in rare. eirctmis WHEREAS the. Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by It.a 1982, did take the position of supporting a ban on armor-plarclrij e of Michigan. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED thar the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does support the concept of the banning of armor-piercing bullets and does urge the noriare:s$ of the United States to pass such legislation. Mr, Chairperson, I MCVE the adoption of the foregoing resolution, Dennis M. Aaron, Commissioner, District 15 u.Resolution on the Armor-Piercing Rullet WHEREAS certain bullets have been designed specifically for the purpose of armor penetration; and WHEREAS these armor-piercing bullets were intended for police. and military use, hut are available commercially; and WHEREAS these bullets can pierce an auto engine.. block, the side of a house and can go through several bullet-proof vests without losing substantial velocity; and WHEREAS these /millets can pierce the Kevlar bullet proof vest that has been credited with saving the lives of 400 ]:0 ice officers over the past 10 years; and WHEREAS theee bullets endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, public. officials and private citizens; and . WHEREAS law violators use these armor-piercing bullets to diffuse the effectiveness of law enforcement activities; and WHEREAS our Nation's law enforcement officers need and deserve the best protection that we can provide them; and WHEREAS there is considered to be no legitimate use oF these bullets by private cirizens; and WHEREAS the banning of armor-piercing bullets should not interfere with the rights of the legitimate sportsman; and WHEREAS numerous cities, counties and states have passed their own legislation banning :.CC: 5-7 the Crnminel nEhre resolution bin LT sale of armor- men and are not ad- and r22320, adopted Isteher 21, ing bullets in the State Commissioners Minutes Continued, Aptll 21, 1)85 :29 armur-pi.i.csisi ! bullets. THLREGGPiE CU lit that the Harional ion of kohntle, enact legiblatTon with heavy- penalty tfiat sd hen the stinufaccure, imporrc jp- sale of armo, aiercinn bullets, e.xcept authotiited fot siiifety and lational security." cConneit supported by Lanni tie report be accepted. A ::ifflefent majority havir voted therefor, the toport was accepted. Filc,ved by McConnell supported hy the. tesolution be adopted. Moved by Price supported by Meore the rese/ution bs amended in the 3rd WHEREAS paragrap by deleting the wosds 'exceat in to circniastances". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment corvied. Moved by McCohbeli enjaireseed by Tiotfitt tne resolution be amerdcet as fellows- the NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED patticro-a h "r!..-/ the Oakland Conhty Board of Commi5sieners ,cpport the concept of the. banning of armorepiercir types of bullets which create endue danger io law forcement and civilians one does gmj e tge Congre.ss of the United States to pass such iegi ,latien.' A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendmcrt carried. Vote au resolution as amended: AYES: Jackson, R. 1<!-.4', S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, habidh:sun, Moffitt, Pane, Perinoff, Per -nick, ?Tice, Rewoie, Wilco:, Aaron, Caiandto, Doysa, 3artino, Geary Hobart. (23) NAYS: None. (0) (Asian, A sufficient ma ority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 83093 By Mrs. McConneii IN RE: SUPPORT OE SENATE RILL 59 To the Oakland County. Board of Commissioner Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 59 would eliminate the. requiremnt that proof ballots be sent to the Secretary of State and candidates by registered or certified mail; and WHEREAS the Senate Committee on Administration, Rules and Elections has agreed to the cost saving concept of the bill and has accepted amendments specifying ins. of first class mail and requiring County Clerks to verify the proof ballot maiiihg list; and WHEREAS Oak-hand County Clerk/Pegistar Lynn D, Allen supports Senate Bill 59. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports Senate Bill 59. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators repre- senting Oakland County. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, l move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Nancy. McConnell, Vice ChairperSon Moved by McConnell supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calardro, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson. (17) NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Doyon, Fortino. (6) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83094. By Mrs. McConnell IN RE.: SUPPORT OF HOUSE BILL 4194 To the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Eientlemen: WHEREAS the City of Detroit, with a rapidly declining population, operates the water and sewer system serving Southeastern Michigan: and WHEREAS [Sc. ninety-seven communities receiving water service end the teiaa.rty-six com- munities which are. sewer customers in the service area outside Detroit have hod iiaiy little. input into the operation of the water-sewer system even though the population of flgis area is approximtely Moved Comm or Pa ttee. GOVarflUkT1 Crb NcEhersen the Tasolutien bd refet 130 Commissioruft Mioutes Continued, April three times greatcf •han t..hat of WHEREAS in id: otif utere of roe system vf.: u!, • b.frRAS Ft: ! iderribsitilhip on a pint-if-tits...his Board. NOW ThEREEDRE. BE :T Housu 614011. ffs iT FURTHER PE serting Oakland Coonty and oJ Ht. Chairperson, oo Tenalf of the foregoing resolution, Ccifft sent n3 ail leglsiators Committee, ; move the adodtic f 5/Fl GOVERNMENT COMMiTTEE t.nncy MeConnoll, Viet Thaira Moved by McConne>i supported by Cosl:ng t red bact to sefficient a. lot I y having voted therel ior, Lho resolution was General Government Gonn:i.tee. REPORT By Mrs, McConnell IN RE: CONVIRNATION 3. •OJ1T• iri4.ECUTiVE'S APPOINTMENI WitbilaM MOORHOOSE, E'PlVATE iNDUSTRV SOUNCIL To the Oakland Col.:PL/ Nosard of forafssioners Mr. Chairperson, • 1,5,11 , The General C. 1:11 -P1 havinq r•vietqed the County fe...s.imotiveis uppolotmert c f WiiiiAm Moorhens-a to tii- ioaustry Cannel?, reports with madoifirniiiiiiion that the dpipoict - ment be confirmed. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Commiti.Je. i move the the foregoint) report. Moved Ny McConnell supported by Jackson the report. be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion careiled. Moved by McConnell supported by R. Kuhn the appointment of Moorhouse be contirmed, AYES: S. Kuhr, fAhri, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Remoid bicea GosiIry, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, (LA NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyen, Fortino, Geary. (9) PASS: Calandro. (i) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the appointment was not conEireed, Misc. 83095 By Mrs. McConnell IN RE: AMENDMENT TO COUNTY LIRRARY ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissoners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act 138 of the Public Acts of l,917, As amended, provides that, in counties having a population at over 1,000,00D, the Superintendent of the Intermediate School District shuil he one. of the five. members of the Lbrary Board during his or For term of office; and WHEREAS the Superintendent of the interriate School District does not have any con- nection or relationship to the Oakland County library system and WHEREAS the. Oakland County Board of Commissioners believes that ail maimbevs of the County Library Board thou lb be appointed by the Board of CommTs:sionrs. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that Act 138 of tb.c PUL)HC ACES 01 :917, as amended, he amended by striking in Section 2 the figure. '1,000,0" Odd inserting therein "i,500,DDC." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this iigAlution he rrrr'Pirar to the County i s state legislators and the County's Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Genera1 Government Committee, I move the adoptian of the foregoing resolution, GENERAL GOVERNMENf COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Vice Chdirpevson GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Nancy McConnell, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 21, 1983 131 Moved Ly McConnell Kupported by Fortino the resolution he adopLad. AYES; Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Hoffict, ca r t, beison, Reae, Perineff, Feroigk, Price, Rewoid, Willcox, Aaron, Guiandro, Dayen, for-Lino, Geary, Gosliaq, Hobart, thacl<sen, P Kuhn, S. (uhr. (23) NAYS: None. i.0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 23096 By Mrs. Gosling IN RE: AMENDMENT TO OAKLAND COUNTY SANITARY CODE - MONETARY Clifit F1NES To the Oakland. County Board of C.:.--ew -ils.,Ioaers Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and CemLiemeo: VHFREAS Publc. Act 368 il-TH(78 health departments, the approval of the County Commissioners, te a t iflonf-Jz:ry "tor j; Hal-ions of the Public. kealrh Code; -nil WHEREAS such a ogitie.e as opposed te criHna1 actioT, rrhfth is prossertly necessary to effeer corractlors fHp edi ra..:iens'i approach is not suceessfdi:. and WHEEil.AS such a system would have It in Chic corrections mnde withour resorting to court action are aE,:tava less: tiFe-eonsamine. • WHEREAS a system of Nonotary civil linos would provide. flme ad, every attempt would be made.. as I. and In violation would be given ampie. opportunity to correct the violation or the pahlic health hazard; and WHEREAS Ole person in violation ho e:van z.n opportunity to not only appeal Inc in order hut also the Fine itself. NOW THEREFORE RE. IT EtESOLVEll; dv,nt the Oakland Co arty floard of CommIssloners does hereby approve.. an Amendiment to the Oakland County Sanitary Coda which establishes a system of maneary fires for violations of that Code as attached to this resolution and made part hereof and that s,oeh regulation be known as Article X of the Oakland bounty Sanitary Code, BE Ell FURTHER RESOLVED that this system is subject to annuai revIew by the. Health and Human Resources Committee comencing one year from the date the system is implemented. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move tre adop- tion of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES GOMM1TTEF Marilyn E. Gosliag, Chairperson Copy of Proposed Article X of the Sanitary Code on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Gosling supported by S. Kuhn the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gosling supported by Calandro the resolution be amended under Sanitary Code Section 3 HFH by deleting paragraph 1, which reads "Direct the Oakland County Treasurer to add the amount of civil penalty to taxes and other amounts owing the County of Oakland, and upon col- lection, remit that amount to the division." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Discussion followed. Moved by Price supported by Doyon that a Public Hearing on the Amendment to the Sanitary Code be held at 10:00 A.M. at the next Board meeting and that the hearing be a part of the regular Board Meeting. Also that further consideration of the amendment be postponed until after the Public Hearing is held at the next Board Meeting_ Discussion followed. Vote on motion to hold public hearing: AYES: McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Lanni. (10) NAYS: Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Rewold, Wi1cox, Calandra, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Moore supported by Price the resolution he referred to the Finance Committee. : for whittO are not imminent health • ha;iards ant riot -.erioun enugh LO attempt obtairiog a warrnnt but ftwe the poten- tial for being huaith : voluntarily corrected and those imsulth hazares which caa ae. • considered se.ri: and criticaI: aia1 WHEREAS bafore a monotary civil Inc. would be asi.t. it currently Is, tri effect coarse: Lion by the educational WHEREAS before assessing a monetary fine. uhe p ionors t4iriuits Continued. April 21, i983 Discussion foil Vote on referral; AYES; McPherson, Moore, Forinofi f, Fri.c, Doyon. (5) NAYS: McConnell, tloffitt, Nelson, Perniek, Rewold, Wiicex, Aaron, Calandr0, Fort:no, GearY, Gos nq Hobar-t Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. vihn, Lanni, La ,„1. 08) A sufficient majority not haying voted fherefor S motion failed. Moved by Pernick supported by fortino the resolution be referred to the General Coveremen Committee for thelr review and report back to She Board. AYES: McPherson, tioore, Nctisor, Page, Perineff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Calancro, Doyun, Fortino, Geary, Lanni. 04) NAYS: Moffitt, Wikox, Gosling, Honara., Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Rune, Law, McConnell. A sufficient majorlLy havino. voted therefor, the motion carried ane the resolution referred to the. General Government Committee, The Chairperson vacated tile Chair, Vice Chairperson Lillian V. Moffitt took. tne Chair. Misc. 83097 By Mr. Calandro IN RE: CREATION OF ONE (1) PROBATION OFFICER 1 - DISTRACT COURT PROGAT1ON FOR EXPANSION OF THE WORK RELEASE FACItiTY To the Gakiand County Board of Commissionerc, Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and (Sent WDLREAS the Board of Commissioners is currently considering expansion of the Work Facility from a current capacityo venty-eight (78) to ninety-four (94) inifate ,a in order duce the jail population; and WHEREAS maximun utilization of this program as a sentencing option in tbe past has been limited due to the reluirement that inmates have to be employed; and WHEREAS the Court Comunity Service Program under the direction of DisLrict Court Pro- bation offers an additional alternative to incarceration of non-dangerous offenders and par potion in this program does not require that of be employed; and WHEREAS in order to accomplish a 20li: expansion of the work release facility to meet goals of reducing jail population and more fully utilizing existing inmate housing, the hcorporation of the Court Community Service Program Alternative is necessarv; and Wilt 7-5 the Court Community Service Program has already experienced a 34%-. increase n monthly case referral and is therefore unable to absorb any additional cases without increasing their staff assigned to this function. N.CM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Budgeted Probation Officer I position - be created in the Court Community Service unit of District Court Probation, Central Ser -afCC75, in order to at the objectives of the Work Release Program Expansion. Mr. Chairperson, en behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Galandro, Vice Chairperson Moved by Calandro supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. The Vice Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 83098 By Mr, Calandro IN RE: RECLASSIFICATION Of POSITION IN VETERANS' SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Director of Public Services and the Manager of Veterans' Services hove sub- mitted a request to reclassify a vacant position in the Administration unit of Veterans' Services from Clerk IN to Veterans' Counselor 1 and transfer that position to the Pontiac Counseling unit; and WHEREAS Veterans' Services gave up one (1) Veterans' Counselor II position in the Pontiac Counseling unit effective January 1, 1982; and WHEREAS this resulted in a twenty percent (20%) decrease in the counseling staCf of the Pontiac office; and WHEREAS the workload of the Pontiac office increased by ten percent (10) during 1982; and Minutes tontinued. April WFICIAS this reduction in perocierl and cencurront in workload have. made et more difficult for tlso at office to operate rfloca oemy ,cad and WhEIREAS Director of Public Sofeics ast- 'Ii Kcre r •f Veren-arti Son:Moos. have agreed to odhsider the re , ia ,tificdtion of the rce,tg.-fans' focrseldr position in the Pontiac Counseling unit. which shouid become vacant no NOW THEREFORE EC IT RESOLVED hd reeldssifv a vacant pcbitlon in th. Administration urit of Veterans' Services from Cierk lit Vvonis' Counselor i tr io ,fer tiict position to the Pontiac Counseiinp unit; and BE H FURTHER RESOLVED -lin , cit the next vacancy of a Vett:rens' Counselor aositiun occurs in the Pontiac Counseling unit, chili. shall to revie.e.ii,d by the Personnel Committee with con- sideration for reciaseifyinu it to a Cl-Rk III. Mr. ChairpeRsob, on behalf of she Personnel Comateit --ee. mace the adoption of the foregoing resolution, VERSORNEL COMMITTEE John P. falandro, Vice ilhatroerson Moved by Calandro supnortca by Nelson the resolution be adopted, AYES: Moffitt, Moore, NCi5011, Page., Perinofr, Rerrick, Price, Dewold, An ter, Catordro, . Doyon, Geary, Gosling, Jackson, R. Kohn, S. Kithb, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, (21) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient ma]tartty having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Moore requested a Quorum call: PRCSENT, Caldndro, Doycni, Geary, Gusting, Hobart, aacbson, Rd Kuhn, S. Kuhr, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, hoffitr, Moore, Nelson, Page, Berineff, Pc nick, Price, Rowutd. (21) ABSENT: Aaron, Caddell, Foley, Fortino, Olsen, Wilcx- (6) Ouroum present. Misc. 8 -30,99 By Mr, Calandro IN RE: HEALTH - CREAUDN OF PUBLIC REALTh. EDUCATOR 1 POSIT/ON To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, tadiem and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Director of Institutional and Human Services and tido. Health, Division Director have submitted a Request to create a Public Health Educator position: and WHEREAS the funding for this position would come from currently dtke.„ii,ai Health Division resources through deletion of a vacant- Clerk it position and reduction of a Laboratory . Technician I position from full-time eligible status to .60 funded nert-time. eligible. status: and WHEREAS the deletion of a vacant Clerk li position and reduction of a Laboratory Techni- cian 1 position from full-time eligible status to .60 funded part-time elidible status will not impair the Health Division's ability to meet its organizational and community commitments; and WHEREAS creation of a Public Health Educator position will assist the health Dc-vision in more fully meeting its organi;:tatiaoal and community commitments. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to delete one todcant Clerk II acisition in the Word Er-messing Unit, reduce one Laboratory Technician 1 position from full-time. to .b0 funded part-time eligible status, and to create one Public Health Educator 1 position in the Health Education unit of the Health Division. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee: I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Calandra, Vice Chairperson Moved by Calandra supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold. Aaron, faiandro, Devon. Geery. Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, 21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient malority having voted therefor, the resolution was adonted. Misc. 83100 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICE SPACE FOR COMMISSIONER'S STAFF AND RELOCATION OF THE. INSURANCE AND SAFETY UNIT To the Oakland County lion rd of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies ahd Gentlemen: WHEREAS the. Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolutions #82361ii and #83090, has :.rance //it:riff/ Commfiisiorers minutes Cont.inued. April 2i, O)dicatad their ipsent to appoint staff to ascihi :she Board to rhelr otlieatEior under and WH/E7lE=.5 a total o, 1,300 square feet of off?ce space wi ll; alt;mateiy be needed tcc house • this stair': a)- WHEREAS it is desicabe to have the staili locataa 1h coos proximity to the Board •fYlces, aod HEREGS thc vacant space adiacent to the lreasurer' CIff/oe is incafficient to s these total needr.: and WUREAS /t. is .-a./..,scary to movt. :Me loceraoce Safety square fee1. in the foLd Th. rhe. /c/r/i to tta WHEREAS such a 5j6•• in that bovine the insurance and Sc.ta-Ea- Je/././in close promlty rei the Per. Division; and WHFREA: aii the above work wiii bo t'onc Han-hoe-- by the lif lT RESOLVED that hereby of hantrai •aavicc • Unit the G....-,urth the ,:ipace adjacent to th,/i. -:-/•ea..icr/er l s Office Sr/ the 3E. IT FL/PC:HER that furrilture for crc staff' wIil t needed from the Miscellaneous capitoi Octioy line item in No Ntbudget. Mr. Chairpercor, eh hohalf of thc:. 71anning and Bill/Ling Coiir/ittee, I move the ach.•./...ion of the for-loin,, resolution. rl_A;,NIN6 AND BUILOING COMMITTEE Anne -1, Hobart, Ghairporsoe Moved by Hobart supported by Pay e thc !ic —Jint./011 adopted. Moved by Pacie supported laySus.anKuhn tIle ri/cs he sspc.idio for the Board to act on the AYES: Nciison, Page!, Perinolf, Pernick. Price. Rowoid, U/icox, Aaron, Gaiandro, Doyen, Fortino, Coary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lan/di , L8w, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Motfitt, Moore. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion corried. Moved by Page supported by Moore the resolution be amended in the HOW THEREFORE OE RESOLVED parac/raph by deleting $31,000 and Insert 518,600 and odd the following: "such Funds io be appropriated to the I983 Capital improvement Program -Miscellaneous Reifocioiing". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carriod. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution :V;; arrended: AYES: Page, Perinoff, Perniek, Price, Rewoid, Wilcox, Aciron, Calandro, Doydia. t Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, LAW, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, M:. Moore, Nelson, (23) NAYS: Fortino. (i) A sufficient majority having votod therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. . The Chairperson returned to the ChaEr. Misc. 83101 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: CONSULTING SERVICES FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN To the Oakland i.lounty Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladiee and Gentiemehi WHEREAS this Board approved the propoi,ed Act W Solid Uaste Manacjement Pido on Adqust 26, 1982; and WHEREAS consideration of the proposed plan by municipol;fies appears to be well underway with approvals already secured; and WHEREAS to avoid any further delay/i,, it It essential to wintoin momentum towards hnpie - mentation of the proposed pion; and WHEREAS Camp, Dreser and McKee, inc., ,i,COM) have prepared a contract with a detailed scope of services and tasks dated March I6th, 1383, to to the necessary cohsdlting engineering and financial advisory servicas for the first stops toward impiementation; and is ovailoB o -ad ,/ he. ijained in icc and the Accountlpg Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 21, 1983 WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee at this rtecc ri,muasg•o the citizens Solid Wdste Planning Committee (SWPC) to cocanct an advisory review of Oleie fl -nitsssan con suiting services; and WERFAb the SWPC through its six persons subcommfttee has ti neon this advi5ory rev6aw ahd hgs stated the scope of services and tasks are, for the part, respohslye to their recongien- dations; and WlihREAS the proposee :entrant consisis d Mdster oroemcnt severing all the work to be hone with a seri , of Subagreements to be -c" -I to ti 1(0 ,;:colltfiri of the entire wori . ssidde and to account for ahticipatec char:gas in the nroject as it flt.voltfd.. NOW THERFTORE 6E, IT RESOLVED thdt when. two-thirds of thd mted ,i,alltios in Oaklahd County It ave approved the ptopo5ed Act 641 iv iii 'Aast Manac.:c.flent Pln the. Chdittfe:ior of the Oakland County Board of Eemaissionets is hereby rather cc--: ohs( directed to execute el;- to It Mdstet Agretment for consulting services by and between the County of Oakfaud and Camp, Dressed and McKee, ci BC IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maxhmum fee for this work, irciu,ling subsontractcus. shall not exceed $465,878 with the Cemp, Dresser and McKee, Inc. port on of H-,e fee not %,,,secong $13,32,088. BE IT FURTHEB RESOLVED that to expedite the implementation of the hastem Agreement, the County Ex2cutive is hereby authorl7ed and directed to execute Sehoofeements to the Master Agreement as needed for orderly progress of the. work. Mr. Chairperson, or behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I cove the ciaopton of the foregoing resolution, PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobatt, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted. 2. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hohort, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson Page. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 85102 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION - UNBUILDABIE EXCESS COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY, RECOMMEINDEUSATE OF LOT NO. 566, "CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES HO. 1 SUBDIVISION", WATERFORD TOWNSHIP To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr_ Chairperson, Ladle and Gentlemen: WHEREAS during the construction of the Clinton-Ookland Sewage Disposal System - Waterford Township extensions, the County of Oakland acquired title to certain parcels eh tand and WHEREAS Lot No, 566 of "Crescent Lake Estates No. I", a subdivision of Part of the North- west 1/4 . of Sectton 28, iliSinan 3 North, Range 5 to-it, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Liber 51, Page 18 of Plats, Oakland County Records; and WhEECEAS it is not necessary that the County of Oakland retain ownership of Lot No. 566, and the Property Management Division recommends that Lot No, 566 be sold, retaining the necessdry easement for said sewer system; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee recommends that the above described Lot No. 566 be sold. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby direct the Property Management Division to sell Lot No. 566, following. the procedures set forth by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners in Rule X-E, A and 2. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. foam .o. or ore Mloutes Continued. Aprit 21, 9'03 T1 83 Ry 0 . Hobart. PROPERTY MANAGEMEC LI V S OH- F-EXCP-iS. OCiJO I f_Wi'ILIL PROPERTY. RECOMMENOCD SAtiE OP LOT NO. 666, 'CRESCENT LOKI ESTi'ilES NO 2 SUBDIVlSiON", WAIIFTD TOWNSWP To the Oaldand County Board of CohiLlioners Mr. Chairiacirson, Ladis and C,-fl ,'EFn: WHEREAS durig 'O r iLl• ion of the Clihton-Oaklard Sewags Dlspoai System - Township extensions, -F. hfi aaid WHEREAS Lot No_ :..- • ort N.. , 2. a c--)1 Part of the- lia;th- wet>t 1i4 01. Section 28, Town Couaty. Michigan, according to iiihe Piat there-a: a: .a tibt— f;•-..!and Ceahty Records; aind WHEREAS it is not reca'y Ockis:.:: i rein ovnert,hip 3f Lot No, 666, and the Property Ponagement. Div skin recomire-nui, that Lot No, 656 Pe sold, retaining the ahtst,aRy easeent for sa]d sewer ',,ystaw, and WHEREAS the r'ienn:nc, and Duildinq tonsil lee recotrciends that the above dais(Eribed Let Flit 666 be sold. NOW THEREFORE EtE. IT RESOLVED that- the Board or Compti7“sionar hereby direct the El-ape:fry. Management Division to sell Lot No, 666, following the procedurEits set forth by the Oakland County Board of Commisloners ir Role X-E, 1 aria 2, hr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and buildihg Committee, I mco.,e the. adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDIN COMMITTEE. Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Geary the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Rewold, Porn, Calararo, Dovon, Fortino, Seers., Cos:Ing, Jackson, B. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nol-roo, Page, F:rinoff, :23) NAYS None. (0) A suffieent majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83104 By Ms, Hobart IN RE: OPPOSITION STABLEX PLANT AND DISPOSAL Stift To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ledles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the disposal site lies on a highly permeAbIe ground ion and over an aquifer that provides Or connects to the water supplie$ of many thousands of peosie: and WHEREAS there appears to be ecinfcart potential for contamihaL,•.:n c the qroune water supply for the area surrounding the proposed trootment facillty and disposu1 site desplto the proposed clay liner barrier; and WHEREAS it is a procedure that has not withstood the test of Lime that conclusively proves the safety and viability of tho process; and WHEREAS fire and other emergency protection facilities are inadequate to handle a toxic catastrophy; and WHEREAS the bulk of the material that is to be disposed at this proposed site Is transported from outside of Oakland County. NOW THEREFORE Be IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland recommends that the Stabiex Plant and Disposal Site not be approved. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move tne adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R, Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelsor, Page, Fernick, Price. (23) NAYS: Perinoff. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, ero hinuto: C.)c co;eP - Bk dv f1 :e t3FBkAPO (Idea (Id I BPi.sh-I OP - ky kJ 'lOB t-s uaki .31d Uooj Pa•o .1 of (o:k so Mr Chrt:v . kaa r' •.oe tLF1f(C Lkw- P lard Crty Ir-r or sod -t err Is .j r4k ate aoc.ru: k.::t 0. r: har /ao, 7'7t sod P66-" cor-k;;. ted:rrr -rut- (I.,, . .-rr-rre oh O tote r: rrok.eoIrr ,Hcn a o es t•':. U ,. :rrd Ct:. 0: ::rrokr) (Ia: H.. •t -:5 n:. Wl-tF'(AS L<O.V >k.o- ... --.. -- a. h -c; to; 1k;. • ;>-iy e o:..1(I k.-. '.-;-.d sO C-net -. os hove. kt-t : Bk- ...:j' I rot ott;, pay ;orn . root err (P.. Ceurty t'r,.trtV rer p:torer rI, the. r:.O: to the 0-rearsot :0 05. r0'ti:1O k('t 0 005.50 (tt sO Ir'k WHEkFri rtrr: Ciry (h hOSt Is;: Lbs dOtcItOd sO class Aare.c.err ' -aoL: -0 to pOt c.i- .-' (I' n I st one WPFr'-F/sP :.. 0: Ct- of 'levi ha;; .rproed r;- :00 Lvltr.y iJ l000erit Ike.. 'alsO tOOt :)t 00 '- srI '(I FlAP crvrr;i ,I,-r HP icr -oath-- s nd-srrt so:;.:.. sIn- Ci- of rt--sk -qrac-. ti:et G:kie.nk Corer'y ;0 r-,0 r-n nel it 50 s0v ;rr;rc:s rca W --0 rsr-.poso Pie to, t.'cr r;aInt r;ncn: ad t.h o trrcar scoot; acti -s roro purchtss-d ridor ;h s-roe (111W iIorttc-OfiE. PC V V.P3I.VCC Or-vt k4 PoLl to (&Oc:s t -°a.i ok Conso to .uUe.csi rhe approprAtre or of 6 rPt6b. so sr-tonI Jse; to ;J--d :' -.. Oak and f(>:5( 50t• PB C FURTHFR PCSOCVCD that. '1:; -s.-:;:soiakturo of this optropc0 t .IO 0 IsO. t.5r 'tk.'(. il ror-cution of to sHack--no or co ;rr.rt P-st c's, 'Pc C 000-f onci (ho Coo: sOt fOci B IT BUFTI-" F ;:LPCLVEO I oh Ito Coos-:ty c-outset hr end : k-torch-c so thou izo-d to...... - id srgrees:,00t - Ft. IT BUPTHIF PESOLVPM that SOIt Cost ---r1.,:rt (ItIOftIS(: roçrero I eto so, too I., Ito. tAPt it P,-rvices Corrrsi:t.en Icy oh'. ktarsapc.r ol th-: tI ;eoCs k'tr--tkrst S.:',-A( 00, ,trd Ui'a.:ti..r Cocs rr; I cord to the k-lance of It-se enr1r:c a of the Board of Lororal oru-r - Mu, Plarpororoon. on hhast of the Frbkis P-'vscn- Porrriit0 snow- thr adeot or ni (I forertoing resoletion PUPoIC SPRtJHPS C'iMMrkTpE - L-snn CPa opsor 000 Coot of Purchar;e Aqrseresnt on like in (cura'y Cos1s OChitc'. t4OVEOU B-1 Lent' i topper Ic-P 1 p Ca endue (ho rosol ' ran ho crc--oP rho thai rpe son mInts P the ra' 01 ott ion to the I- ironer- Cocimi ttee - rho e. wore no oh J( CF OOO Mic 8ttiOE By Mr Lanrc IN Ilk: CHIt 11111. Vl I DkkTHC_JOB TBIAINIFiC HFCAPTtJRE AND REI.0CIt110N Co the Oak I end County Board tI Comm, so inner s kIn. CPa I - person • Led Ha and V nt 1 orson (IFICREAP the GaLl and County Board of Porerni :s tuners key Mi sck I anenu' Re-ok Or on to t:.-c6 and &BB;o appl loP far and 050 Jrntod the dt I afrO: ion as I knee pon;or by th U. a Dopnr tecUt (0 tator to admi o.k 51cr the. provi 5 on' oh H Com1..roloeois iv;; Eorploymcnt end Tra ink nq A I of IP/ .5n-J the Conprn'hr'na er Capt oyeent rend Trrc ink op Act rrarendrrents of 1978, -end WHEREAS the Oakland 'ounty board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No 81261 approved Cundlig to subroc:iiesots for On-The--duke Training in the amount of S1,1 5k656h5 in title till it, occordanco o;cth Attachment A; and WHEREAS thr FicoI year 1963 On-The-i-b Tracninq Procedures and Contr:r-t Statement, of Work,srrppro-eeI by the Oakland Counts Public S-rvices Committee on July PC, 19132, and signed by the CPa rpes on of the Board of Commi as ione-rs, cal Is for o recapture of al -: Iscat ions from tubre; i pi ents not nteotirrg '-l-reir obligation requirements for the second quarter in accordance oAth Attcheent B, Item Iki {A3 NOW TH[REFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board f Comioioners approve tb-: recapture of CHIt Title VII funds from subrecipients, in the amount of $H6,2d8.99 in LrCC(rrd.(rrS -with Attachment C. BE. IT EIIP-TMEF. RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board -of Comn'ks ircoor S crpproo'o rho' cation ok recaptured CETA Title VII funds to subrecipie.nt;, in tIe. cttreonI Ct S1262l59° it 05505 - dance wrIk dttccctnrunt P. GE IT FUPTHER FESOL 'iEtc 11,50. or rtttn -,urtcr Pp r5pi-rt, 1or cvi ow H prrfrcre.snce. tb- 3ectiveo, ;-till En--ouboitted to the.- Ptrbl it Se-vice's Cc:rnsitle.e asP (Iso Oak-Irs -id k0Oity Board of C.co mIssioner a. Mr Chairperson, on behalf I lIre Puhk it Pervcno Committee, i mr-v - the aokopti-ar r0t tht foregoing re-oslution. tWIrL C °ERVICES COkIMITIFF Lanrri , Chair çers- 0 CommissIohers Minute.. riontinded„ 2i, 1 983 CPY of A, Ei, C and D, and Appropriation/Planned Experditur .i in tounfy Cionkis moved by tarn: r.F.1 by Jackson to. reseIution be. adopted. AYES: Wilitex, &imam, Liao, Geary, CiecJinq, Hobart, jackson, R. Kiinn. S. Kuril. Lanni, Law, McronneII. McDondld, MeRf . on, ' ho son Page, Reweki, ifl9) NAYS: Boyer, Moore, 0 ..r :111 PrIee, (4) A sufficient majority Sinving voted ' i.a.aafor, rhe tc,oiution (las aciopted. Mr. Lanni request item 'Cd hprc Service:, :Ai.pro I of Titie VI! On-The-Tob Training Contract Exceedini:j 0:3,UCO.00 --,.L- 'or ....loaf, inc.) r --.ed hack to Cormittou. There were no objections and the resolution was roleN -ed back ro H?.' 'CServices tiommiltue, Misc. 81107 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - JOBS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Comtiii:...:.hritigis Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and ft.earl. WHEREAS the Oakland Coarry of Coroaissi3nerf. ir its to Pilvai a hiAn• unemploymot within the C. eetpiished an Oaklami (Misc. Res. 29501 - :980) H.:aaomie Deveiopmni Div WHEREAS these. agerciob nncourage:i ,oti...ttm-c.et of soh., dd. .0.hich w ;11, i n u me , credosome i,70? nc , s . -et cl-s current reeit, fp..., jobs County over the next decade wii. iotm t,ome - 30,000; and WHEREAS to meet these: i. is determined t "04 o.naraiI business dist. aciim and xparision strategy includiag tech.:log./ must be devplob.---d fer the CoL:n:( Cc ieo.sive and targeted marketing mde oparationoi, and tn6L these be deveioad in noripony with ongoing regional economic proidr.smsi aind WHEREAS the County currentiv not: have in rre. crrgpeehensive strategies nas the mechanisms to markot and promote the many Aytintages of the County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland Eiognty Board of Commissiorors transta from contingency and appropriate S500,000 to a project lire item in the County for Economic Development to be utilized by the County Executive in conjunction ,21 -± new jobs throughout Oakland County to be developed by the County Executive dr.. a City .evie and approva! to the Oakland County: Board of Comr :I i 0.., ill BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED that the County L,c.Iffibe only expend from said funds those amounts to be used or titrategy development prior to r.vieu,i approval of said ,idiegy by the PubMic Services Committee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any contractual relationshiu deveToped in corrion with strategy implementation be presented to the Pubic Service, Gi.,.iwiffee for their a4Tro.iJ1. BE.J URTHER RESOLVED that, beginaing with (he ephoidavol of- an adopted ti..r:-.1-egy, the County Executive report to the Board of Commissioners quo -tei-Iy on the staia.is of the :Ehis Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED rhat the County Executive the. designated person reehnnsib:e for the program and that the G500,000 he appropriated in a budgel with County Fs,,eutive responsIble for the administration and the direct: expenditures of the Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Pubhc Services Committee, i ,cievie the adoption of th.e foregoing resolution.. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ohiections. Misc. 83108 By Mr. Page IN RE.: 1983 EQUALIZAJION RETORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the EquaWtatior Division of the Department of Management and Budget has examinod the assessment rotis of the several townships and cities within Oakidnd County to ascertain — the real and personal property in the respective toNnships and has heen equalIy and aniHrmly assessed at true. eash vaiue; and WHEREAS based on its findings, the Equaiizarioh Divisien ha , pre.- l.tcici 0. the. Einance Committee the 1983 Equalization Report which equalizes thc aforepr.cHi)nc,i v.i;hati D . adding- to or deducting from the valuation of the taxable property in the sevn.-al town.--hips ana cities an amount that, in its judgment, will procinc. a sum whirn represents the tru. asieh vPlue ther .:c;fi ond PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Cnairperson -Moved by Lanni supported by Rewold the resolution he adopted. Commissionemi.i Mloutes Continued. April 21. 1983 WHEREAS the Finaeco Committee in accord:ad-cc with Ruie 'A:: of the Board of Commssioners adopted jantmory 20, i983, has reviewed thei fiatlio.•• reciammea1al-ros of the Equalization Division and conducted hearings to provide i'OF itimi-Jvgrion icto ttin ego: Heathen process; and WEREAS the. Equalization Factors 1' -n the agtacbc I r rt aro the result of thc. feta- go1rig process and are for information putooen... wow THERBFGRE BE IT gEgoli tl ft htffend County U.. -dor Ctimmissionert. .idont. the 1583 Equalization Report and authcaireir co-Li/Hof/len by tne eh,.noonson of ini4 sher that it be entered on tie County iiaasads end del ffic asrpropriote offal of the pier tn.voship co city. 6E. IT FURTHER RESOLVED Firm:tuna Ceimmai/ue ri4ANCE COMMITTEE Robert W. Page, Vice Chairperson Moved by Page supported by Pewo1d the reselntiog fez adopted, AYES: Aaron, Calandro, boyon. Fortino, Geary, Poeling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonaid, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Petrick, Price, Rewole, Wilcox, (23) NAYS: None. (0) - A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted- Mk. 83109 By Mr. Page . _ . . . . _ -14 ii;E: STATE B-0Akb OT E(011 -ZA:O4 HEARtNG ON STATE EQUALIZED VALUE roK COUNT To the Oakland County P,c,rd ':emalitsLoners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and cenienen: WHEREAS pursuant W prOViiOnS of Act. IOC of the Public Acts of es amended, the State Tax Commission will meeo in the City of tansdng at the taw Building o- Oonday, May 23, 1983, to hear representatives of the several counties per to the State Equalized Value for each county in the State.; and WHEREAS Your Committee. recommends that the Chairperson of the Committee be authorized to appoint a subcommittee. of four (4) members, with the other members of the Commttee being altefnutes, the Equalization Manager, and Corporation Counsel, to appear, if necessary, before. the State Tax Commission on behalf of the County of Oakland. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Act 106 of the Torbic Acts of 1960, as amended, the foliowino shall be oppoirite.d by thc Oakland County Board of Comoissiencirs to represent the County of Oakland at the hearing of the St-te TP:t Commission to be head in the City of Lansing on Monday, May 23, /583: four (4) members of the Pinence Committee, Equalization rianager, Herman W. Stephens; end Corporation Counsel, Lack C. Rays, Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE. COMMITTEE Robert W. Page, Vice Chairperson Moved by Page supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. AYES; Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 83110 By Mr. Page IN RE i AWARD OF CONTRACT - NORTH OFFICE BUILDING REMODELING To the_ Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution Pe2256 of September 9, 1582, the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for the remodeling of the North Office Building; and WHEREAS in accordance WI lb bidding procedures established by this Board, bids were received and opened April 12, 1583, for construction work; and that a factor of 1.0 acs&ssed for lovi Township ond (Fut it directs the fkalt.arimiTt rhsci/iument and Budget, Equaiiaatien iiyr to appeAr before. the State dex TrIbMal to mainstaie tfe etitdased value Di- properties which arc not uniformity assessed as a rusnit of loco: Board of roview action in Novi 'township, Mr. Chairperson, on CnItia/f of the Finance Commttee- I move the adoption of the feregoing resolution. Low, Aaron. Li West Bloomfield, Michigan. ;Id Commissioners CO ti Continued. April 2l, WHEREAS thu CoonL,, fzetintivets: Depdr-meu% if C.eiri 2erviees has revioried ail bids sob- mitted dnd recommends 0.. bidder, Mars construction wouk in the ami-,ant of S42,350.00; WHEREAS total prnj-ct cost is estimated ro a• -.113,700 as detailed in the attachee schedule, and WHEREAS lunding for North 011 ice Ii on: varodcling is provide:A in the 19S3 Capital improvement Prograii-Hiscellaneotis Remodeling. NOV bIlHE.C"CiitE BE ET RESOLVED as foiiows: Trot tlo contract proposal oC MrS Buildlng of West Bloomfield, '.ichin, in the amount of 2L2:.,330, he accerted and the tiontract awarded in coacurrence with the Piannina an Puilcling CommitIee A.cerinoldaiHrins, 2) That funds hi provided in Ibe amount of S53,700,O0 CO cover the totai project cost, 3) That the Chairperson of rhe <<ci of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract oith the Mars Building Company, of West Bloomfield, Michigan on be- half ol the County of Oakland, 4) That this award not he effective until the awapdee has been notified in ivriting by the County btecutiv.'::: ;..deibr of Gerftrai Services, Facilities hrigineerng That pnrsuan: in C.oie Xi-C of this Round, the Finance Committee finds S!---3,7 -:0 avail- able in the 1953 capif,1 H,"r7..',7FIC,it. Program. - Building Fund - Miscelianeous Remodeling account. BE I FURTHER RESOLVED that an accounting of the funds spent on this project be submitted to the Finance Committee upon the completion of this project. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the FiranceCommittee, and with concurrence of the Planning and Building Commlttee, I nova the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMWTTEE Robert W. Page, Vice. Chairperson Moved by Page supported by jackson the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed, Moved by teen i supported by Fortino the resolution be amended to change the anion it dilocated from 393,700 to 542,390, Discussion foilowed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moore, Pecriuk, Price, Aaron. (I1) NAYS. Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Reweld, Wilcox, Calandro, (10) A sufficieni majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried, Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Costing, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Calandto. Doyon. (17) NAYS: Fortino, Nelson, Aaron. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 83111 By t''T. Page IN PE: AWARD OF LIES INSURANCE CONTRACT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS in accordance with the Insurance. Bldding Procedures established by this Committee, bids were let tor Life., Accidental Death and Disability insurance benefits for County employees; and WHEREAS one acceptable hid wds received by the County for said insurance coverage: and WHEREAS in review or said bid, it. is recomriended that the County accept bid Proposdi I from the Aetna insurance Ccopfly (per the attached bid sheet), which is a -continuation of the. current: coverage, until such time aa the Personnel Department and Personnel Committee have completed their review of the County Fringe Benefits for employees and makes their recommendations or if curtain employee union contract provision inquire the current Life. Insurance to be modified; and WHEREAS this Life Insurance contract will be or a month to month basis for the r-rainder of i983. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that. the Board of Commissioners authorize accepiancis tt Proposal I as submitted by the Aetna Insurance Company for Life, A.D. t D. insurance Ccor.:.ajo on a month to month basis for the remainder of 1583. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Department and Personnel Committee <<vi ecu the Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 2I,i 141 currenE Cringe liehetits dna mate m er i.00d as revie Lain lie catii i Chairperson,. oo bohalf of the rir rosalutirn, o this Pioard on any benefit modification Cosnlittera, I move the adoption of the in S EiNANCE OMMVTIETt Robert W. Pacio, Vioe Chdirpers Moved by PaTa supported by Rawoid the resolution be adopted. Gosling, Hobart- jacild, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Page, Fedrick, Pri NAYS: None, (0) Kuhn, S, Cohn, deanni. McConheil, McDonald, McFnerson, Raweld, 4iicoxt Aaron, Calandra Boyori, Fortino. (21) A shifficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted Misc. 831.2 By Mr. Ear.w IN RE: PL'illEW Of YORKINC CAPITAL - COUNTY'S PROPRIETARY INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE FONDS To the Oakland bounty kaFaial of Commissleaers Mr. Chairperson, tadies and qdritio•eo: WHEREAS Public AE, 72 of the Public Acts 1980 require a local unit of government to submit a plan to the State Deportment ot Treasury for elimination of a deficit condition; and WHEREAS the St,I4- it:co:merit of Treasury has interpreted this act to apply to each individual fund of a local unis at i lovesrment; and WHEREAS fro State Dcpartment of Treasury has further defined the dct to involve cash deficit and fund equisy deificits and WHEREAS a. review of the 1982 year end report indicates that the Garage Fund and the Com- munications- Fund have cash deficits, and WMEESAS the combined fcti of all the lasernal flovenmental Servico Fuhtis _ufficient ...working capital available te. ledividnal deficits. NOW THEREFORE BE It RtSOLVED that the Gpkiand County Board of forgdissioners aufheri7es the transfer of 5700,000 in working capital to the Motor Pnol /fund and t150.000 lo workino capita\ se the Communications Fund; such funds to be transferred frem fariiisies arid Gparafions Fend. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move adoption of the totegoing reso- lution. ViNANCI COMMIiiiTEE Robert IJ. Ego, Vice Chairperson Moved by Page supported by Gosling the resolution he adopted. PM/ES; Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kunn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron Ealandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83113 By Mr. Price. IN RE: RETENTION OF OUTSIDE EOUNSC1 FOR INTERPRETATION OF OPEN MEETINGS ACT To the Oakland County fk)ard of Coraiissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Eentlamen: WHEREAS on March 17, 1983, the Republican Caucus of the Oakland County Board of Com- missioners held a closed caucus; and WHEREAS the Prosecuting Attorney did rule on April 19, 3983 that there is an ambiguity in the Open Meetings Act, Act 297 of 1976, as to the right of the Republican Caucus to hold a closed meeting; and WHEREAS the Attorney General on May 2, 1979 did rule (Opinion f15298) that partisan caucuses of a county board of commissioners are "public bodies" and are within the meaning of the Open Meetings Act; and WHEREAS good public policy and protection of the rights of the minority require a definitive ruling. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the retention of outside counsel selected by the aggrieved to seek summary inagment on this issue with said counsel to be selected in accordance with the males of this board or Commissioners. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner District 8 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. Theme WerC no objections, Moved by Lam-,i su,DcorLed by jdc.k.,( dle rules he st: led for c:nsider8tLcd of r.he letter. Ii Minutes Contj April 21, 1983 3irman of the It Job i for Ricnard Wilcox to sijn Mr. Lanni fead a letter dddressed o FriH, CoorrintInq Souneil Ad requested the aoerd the letLer on benalf of th, Board. Secc,nded by Mrs. Coslinc. Discussion So Mr. Moore. ,-d.cinested Lhr Bodrd odjourn cit ii May 5 Vote or adjournment: AYES McPherson, Moore, Pernft.k, Price, Aarci.w. boyn, Fortino. (7) NAYS; Jackson, R. Kuhn, S, Kuhn, and McConnell, McDonald, Muffltt, Meson, Page, Rewold, Wilcox, Calandra, Gosling, Hobart. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion to adjourn failed. Vote on mot.,on To suspend AYES R, Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lorn;, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, W:ices, CaIdr Hobart, Jackson. (10 NAYS: McPherson, Macre, Nelson, Fernick, Price, Resold, Aarnr, Doyen, Fortino, A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion faiied. The.. Chairperson referred the letter to the Public Services Committee. There were. is objections. 83)14 By itsCa;andre IN PE7 SENA-T'E SILL i42 To the Oakland County Bourd of Co.. i Mr. Chairperson, and Gentlemen; WHEREAS Senace Bill 142 would require projects funded und/or aided by the Eaconomit. De- velnpment Corporation of a locality to pay the prevoiling wi•ge rote in arca; and WHEREAS the industrial and commercial enterprises that avail toe alone 1:.o an Economic Developmert Corporation are generally small new r,x3ncerns; and WHEI-1 said enterprises are genraMy not in manulacturd9; WHi.:TRFS tiaid industry gencraHy nays less then fte prevaWn9 . wage 1-.:de and would net be able to surv .,e if the higher rate called for in Senate Bill 142 were. merdo.—.;i: and WhERfh. requiring hiqher wager, and more red tape would discouragio eronemic dovelcoment and would run counter to the expressed goal of economic development and diversillication; and WHEREAS the prevailing wage rate in Michigan is considerably higher than that of esher states and to reed ía the ii:gher rate would place these concerns at a competitive. disadvantd:,e to the detriment of the Michigan economy, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners oppoe Senate Bill 142. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thc a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County' 'ii Legis- lative Agent, the Michigan Association of Counties, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Michigan Manufacturer's Association and the State Legislators Doe represent Oakiend County. Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, John P. Calendro, Commissioner District 24 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 83115 By Mr. Cuiandro IN RE: REVISION TO LYON TOWNSHIP SHERIFF PATROL AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into patrolling contracts with the townships for the purpose of providing patrol services; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 032002 establishes such a contract with the Township of Lyon; and WHEREAS the iost breakdown of such services includes an operatinq expenso of 33 per mile in the 1982 contraet yedr and Sc per mile in the 1983 contract year for transportation; and WHEREAS the estimated annual transportation cost per officer is S7-,260 in i382 and $7,920 in 1983, of which 52,650 per officer is allocated directly for fuel costs; arid LQm-tv,.rs Eontiflued, April 21, I983 WHEREAS t:,,Lt prntte.6Lre.ri Ih,j;.1,L1 .:1;,re. that patrt :,r1Ip of Lyon he abent frori: the ptatrA :.7 pc...f. day Inn en o thE2 th.Ignt:ited facility. in WHEREAS LhIs ett:Ic.• L-L ,Ips to Township 6R reducing :)avrol hours In LIn in ip :or ptrol thy have cf,ritr.,:„;:_,:, NOW THEREFORE BE IT BLISOLVED that. tt ,- comfai tne -• red u", the curcent the 7ovLL7 of Lyon by the sum -uf '-.;219 per ,.yr .I-cor Inc ft,e v,QvIoe 1, 1987, t..eqo Mar(r.E. 1, 193, Lrd BY tee non7 S2,640 per offIcr ItO foriod of Mrch I, :1,133, through Fei,rgary 28, BE IT FUR711EB RESOLVED that ttir,. Towni.,hip of Lyon provide all fuel nec,essary to continue patrol activities in the township area, Mr, Chairperson, move the caption of the foregoing resolution. John P. Calandro, Commissioner, District #24 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee, There were no objections. Moved by Jackson supported by Moffitt the Board adjourn until hay 5, 1983 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:50 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairperson