HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1983.09.22 - 7320313 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING September 22, 1983 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 7:48 P.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Ruel McPherson. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Rpil called_ PRESENT: Caddell. Calandro, Dioyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, WElcox. (23) ABSENT: Aaron, (;cFn-y, New, Reiveld. (4) Quorum present. Moved by Olsen supported by Moore the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority havinq voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Moore supported by Olsen the Journal for the June Session be approved and closed and the June Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairperson SEPTEMBER SESSION Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox. (24) ABSENT: Geary, Page, Rewold, (3) Quorum present. Moved by Olsen supported by Susan Kuhn the rules be suspended and the agenda be amended to consider the folloing runLic SERVICES COMMITTEE -------------------------- Sheri f( Rid Petrol - Act 416 - Grant Renewal Application - October 1, 1983 Through September 30, 1986 Vote on suspension of the rules: AYES: Fortino, Ogling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, taw, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley. (24) NAYS: None. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 314 Commissioners Minutes Continued. SeptQmber 22, 1983 Vote on E.:genda vsdth amendment: A sufficient majority hvi.ijvoto.d therior, thu amended, wa5 approved. Clerk read letter rern lid sic County Boi.Ird of Commisioners in support of House Bill 4816 (increasiner the recording fees for Register of Deeds instrument 0. (Referred to Generol Government Committee) Clerk read resolution from Calhoun County in opposition to treating'of school retirement payments as a return of state remenues to local government. (Referred to General Government Com - mittee) Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox requesting confirmation of the appoint- ment of Mark Wollenweber of Huntington Woods to the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council for a term ending December 31, 1983. Moved by Nelson supported by Olsen the appointment be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment of Mark Wollenweber to the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council was confirmed. The following persons requested to address the Board: Dietrich Bergman. Dr. Martin Anderson, Leonard Watchkowski and John King. Misc. 83260 By Mrs. Gosling IN RE: AGREEMENT WITH WATERFORD SCHOOL MSTRICT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. .Chairperson, Ladies and CenfJemcn: WHEREAS the Waterford School District provides for the staffing of the Children's Village School, including teac hers a: lvi COS at the Camp Oakland Work Education program; and WHEREAS providing a qoality education for youngsters in care at Children's Village and Camp Oakland is an essential service to the children residing therein. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the attached agreement with the Waterford School District. BE Ii FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to sign the neces-sary document. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Comadttee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Marilynn F. Gosling, Chairperson Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Gosling supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Foley, Fortino. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83261 By Kr. McDonald IN RE: CONTINUATION OF THE TWO (2) STUDENT POSITIONS CREATED PER MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #83028 IN THE COUNTY CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Clerk/Register of Deeds implemented a computerized and file system as of January I, 1983; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1183028 created two (2) Student positions in the Register of Deeds .Division of the county Clerk/Register of Deeds Department through August 31, 1983; and WHEREAS the implementation of the computerization of land and other documentary rec ,Dtids has necessitated the reassignment of two of the five employees of the Tract Index Section to input data into the. computer; and WHEREAS additional clerical support is necessary to provide relief to the remaining. staff to alleviate the burden of the increased workload and provide additional hours of service to the citizenry; and WHEREAS an extension of the two (2) Student positions is desired; Commissioners Mintitcts Continued. September 22, l983 315 NOW THEREFORE- BE IT RESOLVED that the two (2) Student positions be created for a period of eleven months beginning October I, 1983 and ending August 31, 1984 in the Register of Deeds, Tract Index Section. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the tore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Moore the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Einance Committee. There were no objections. REPORT By Planning and Building Committee IN RE: RESOLUTION #83258, SUPPORT TO EXPEDITE EVERGREEN/FARMINGTON SANITARY SEWER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed Resolution 1/83258, reports with the recommendation the this resolution be adopted with the following amendments; In the third WHEREAS, to change the words "Drain Commission" to "Drain Commissioner" and also to insert the word "technical" between ''under " and "review." In the fourth WHEREAS, to insert the word "prompt" between "WHEREAS" and "favorable" and also to add the words "a grant is awarded" between "if" and "prior to September 30, 1524." In the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to insert the words "and others" between the words "Farmington Hills" and "in requesting." And In the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to add "the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MONO" between "State Senator Jack Faxon" and "and all Oakland County legislator Chairperson, on behalf of the -Planning' 'and"Building"Committee; 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Misc. 83252 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE; SUPPORT TO EXPEDITE EVERGREEN/FARMINGTON SANITARY SEWER PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the completion of the interceptors and relief sewers in the Evergreen/Farmington Sanitary Sewer District in Oakland County are crucial to provide non-failing sanitary sewer service to existing system customers and to allow service to be extended to non-served portions of the dis- trict; and WHEREAS, at prevent, problems are being encountered within the existing sections of the district because of limited district outflow capacity, inadequate internal system capacity, and be- cause of excessive inflow and infiltration problems; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commission has proposed solutions to the above described problems - and those solutions are currently under review by the Michigan Department of Natural Re- sources; and WHEREAS favorable actions by the MDNR will set the stage for ultimate approval of Federal and State funding for the necessary project (75% and 5% respectively) if approved prior to September 30, 1984. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland joins the City of Farmington Hills in requesting assistance of its elected and appointed State officials in gaining expeditious handling and approval of the Evergreen/Farmington Sanitary Sewer Project at .every turn possible. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be sent to Governor James J. Blanchard, State Senator Jack Faxon, and all Oakland County legislators and the county's legislative agent. Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner District 15 Moved by Hobart supported by Foley the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Hobart supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the amendments contained in the Planning and Building Committee report be adopted, A suffitiont majority navOiq voted titer , the resolution, as amended, was 316 Comnissioners Minutes Continued. September 22, i9f3-:i A silt idol majority having it therefor, the amendments carried. Vote on r....to/ution as amended: rtycH Hc.h. Taekson, R. Kohn, S. Mihn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, 0' inn, moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Cernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Ca also. neyo Foley, Fortino, Gosling. f2inf NAYS: None_ (0) hr. Pernick requested copies of the resolution be sent to all communities affected by this resolution. There were no objections. Misc. 832 1:6 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: FUNDING FOR INSTALLATION OF SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM - itiCH STREET OFFICE BUILDING To the Oakland County Board ot Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentler&n: WHEREAS the fourth Street Office Building was broken into two (2) times in July of this year, resulting in equipment losses of approximately tiiii,000.00: and WHEREAS there is currently no for this building: and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has approved the concept of installing an electronic security sy..1.m at this building, to thwart future kisses; and WHF.,.EAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed this problem and agrees that an electronic security system is riended. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that ST ,550.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department of Central Services to cover the cost of the electronic security equipment needed to protect the described property. . Mr. Chairper son, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson FISCAL NOTE. By Finance Committee IN RE - MISULLAREMS RESOLUTION 383255 - FUNDING FOR INSTALLATION OF SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM - 4TH STREET OFFICT BUILDING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C. of this Board, the Fiance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution !./83255 and finds $1,550.00 necessary to hind this project; said funds available in the 1983 Capital Improvement Program-Building Fund-Miscellancoos Remodeling Account. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted. AYES: Jackson, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nome. Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Price, Wilcox. Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution with Fiscal Note attached was adopted. Misc. 83262 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT, DESIGNATION OF GRANT RECIPIENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, LadieJ, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the government of Oakland County was chtesignated on May 26, 1983, by the Governor, the Job Training Partnership Act Service Delivery Area for the balance of Oakland County (excluding the newly formed consortium of the City of Pontiac and the Townships of Independence, Orion, Pontiac, Waterford and White Lake); and WHEREAS the Job Training Partnership Act requires the County Executive, n the Chief Elected Official, and the Private Industry Council to execute an agreement to carry out the. pro- visions of the Act; and WHEREAS the. law further requires, as part of such agreement, that a "grant recipient" and Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 22, 1983 an 'administrative entity" be designated; and WHEREAS the Job Trainlne Partnership Act requires cuncuNence between the Private Industry CouneT1 a-nd the Chief Elected Official on the designation of the "orant recipient" and the. 'adminis- trative entity" f.see attachment A); and WHEREAS :r is the County Executive', recommendation, and the newly cera.itied Oakia County Private Industry (tIcS 5 ccli c1i vored on Jaly 20, 1983, without opposition, Le d Oakland County as the Job fraininq Partnership A grant recipient and to have the Emplc lx, Training Division of Oakland County serve as the administrative entity. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Onkland County Board of Commissioners concur, with the County Executive's recommendation that the government of Oakland County be desienat:d as tne "grant recipient" and that the County's Employment drd Training Division be design.elted 'adminis- trative erfity'' !or the purposes of carrying out the provisions of the Job Trairino Partnersl-Tp Act. 11E. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board ol Commissioner's recommend ro the Oak- land County Private Industry Council that the. action of this resolution be contained in It between [he. Chief Elected Official and the Private Industry Council to be submitted to Lhe Governor as part of the Service Delivery kea plan. BE IT- FURTHER RU,OLVED that the above-referenced agreement between the Private industry Council and the County Executive and any expenses pursuant to that agreement shall require approval of the Public Sru-vices Committee and the Board of Conmissioners. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted. Mr. Kuhn stated there should be an amendment to the resolution, and he would like the resolution to laid over until the end of the Public Services Committee reports until he could obtain the wording for the amendment. There were .no objections.. Misc. 83263 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY HELD FY SHERIFF To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 'Sheriff of Oakland County, by letter dated August 25, 1983 has requested authority from this Board to dispose 01 . recovered stolen property which has been one for six months or more after recovery, such authority being. necessary pursuant to the provisions of Act 54 of the Public. Act's of 1959, as amended: slid recovered stolen property to be disposed of by manner of public auction to be held Saturday, October 15, 1983. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that authority to dispose of such unclaimed property be and the same is hereby granted to the Sheriff of Oakland County, such unclaimed property to be disposed of in the manner described in Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 832 64 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: INSTALLATAON OF JAILTRAC SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the .1i1 Study Subcommittee has identified the management information needs of the Oakland County Jail operations; and WHEREAS the County Executive through the Computer Services Department has prepared extensive requirements analysis in cooperation with the Sheriff's staff: and WHEREAS the Jail Study Subcommittee has examined the Computer Services Department's recom- mendation to implement the JA1LTRAC System; and WHEREAS the cost of JAILTRAC software it $55,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Jail Study Subcommittee recommends the installation 317 318 Commissioners Minute ,, Continued. Hatembox 22, 198 -3 of the AAILPAC Systom 1 iail mirOijelri(%ni_ informt:on requireme-nts. 1..q. IT FURTHER thai an .(1ditjonal oppropliation be made to Computer Service:, ,,otr - warc line Hew in an ainOuni" to enahe ihe JAILTRAC. Mr. CU,.:iiiprg ,;.on, on of ihe PAlic MOVE' the adoaton as 1.he foregoing re ,,oIgtion. It 5PJ CE S COMMITTEE Ii as F Lanni, [hairperson Kovcd si Liii suppoi.td by Siu!. Kuhn the. resolution he adopted. The Chairper5on referred thc re ....olotion to tlw Finance Cor,:mittee. There wern no objection Moved try Lanni supported by Perinoff the rile, be. supended for consideration of : the rese - lution "Sheriff Road Patrol - Act 41C - Grant Renewal AppiicJion October 1, 1983 throuqh Seotembev 30, 1984." AIET,: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Ne.l'son, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Caandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. REPORT TO PuBLic SERVICES By Finance Committee IN RE: SHERIFF ROAD PATROL - ACT 416 - GRANT RENEWAL APPLICATION OCTOBER 1, 1983, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 To the Oakland County Board of Commiioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladier.:. and Gentlemen - The Finance Gorl.tiittee has NV owed [he proposed grant application for the supplemental Road Patrol Proqtam - Art 416 of 1978 and find'-. 0 This iv the iy.th year of Act 416, 2) This program rover'; a net ied October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984, 3) The program calls for total funding of 5609,189, State funding of 3544, 335, through legislative appropriation, pending court decision, and County funding of S64,854 (535,000 ovextirie and $29,854 increased program cosi), 4) Application for or acc.,:Ttance of these funds doe.,, not obligate Oakland County to any future County commilmerq for continn.,,tion of this print is;. Mr. Thctirpri,on, on telmal I of the Finance Coliffilittee, I move the acceptanc ,., nit the fore,.0inq report and reflial of the information contained therein ua the Public Service COVOMit:KCQ, in accor - dance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised "Federal and Stain' Grant Applration Procedures." FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Misc. 83265 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: SHERIFF ROAD PATROL - ACT 416 - GRANT RENEWAL APPLICATION - OCTOBER 1, 1983 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 To the OitkIgnd County Boo rd of Commissioners Mr. Chirperson, Ladies and Grit lean: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has reviewed the Oakland Count Sheriff Department'!:; application to continue the "Public Act 416 of 1978" program and finds said pvogram to be in conformity with the mndates of the law and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the State of Michigan and the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice Programs to expeditiously process said app1ication and provide the necessary funding a ,. required by the prcrgram presented by the Oakland County Sheriff Department to continue the sixth ye,Ir of the. program; and WHEREAS this grant application calls for total funding in the amount of $609,129, State funding of S544 ,335, through legislative appropriation, pending court decision, and County funding of $64,814 (535,00(1 overtime and 529,854 increased program cost) for the period October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984 to continue soid program. NOW THEREFORE BE It RESOLVED that the Oakland C.onety Board of Commioners hert...by autho - rizes the Oakland County Sheriff Department to reque ,,t State fundnq under Fublic Act. 416 and con - tinue the program as spcifically deltnete.d in said Grant Application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff Department continue to present quartcTly progress reports to the Public Services Committee. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUSLIC SERVICES COMTTE1 James E. Lanni, Chairperson 1 by Lanni upporied by Periroff the -until an he adepted, Muv Commissioners Minutes Continued. St.:raitlier 22, 1083 319 „Vt. Law, Mc Cannel , McDona!ri , Rci" he i-sen iitfitt, Moore , Nei son, Olsen, i not t , Cathie . landto, ISafrin. Fairy, Fortune, SoslOny, Mob :1r t. ft k son , R. Ku hit. S. Kuhn, (23) His None. (0) A sufficient majority naving vated therefor, the resolution was adopted. The Coairpgr3.on stated the re Recipient and Administrative focily en on Toh Irajning Partnership Act, Designation of Grant -,:ould be considered at this time. Movedby Richard Kuhn ,ttipported by Lanni the resolurien be amended by deleting the last BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraphs and adding the 681lowing two (2) new paragraphs: "BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ail contracts negotiated under the. Job Training Partnership Act contain a clause that will hold harmless the County gf Oakland from all liability resulting Item so audit that disclosc misexpenditure of funds or noncompliance with the terms bf a •ontract by the subcontracting party, and RE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners receive, through the Public Servire: Committee. written programmatic and financial status reports from the CEO/PIG on an as-need:-.d haTi.t. but not 10s than quarterly." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resomrtion a-attendedh AYES: Law, McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Fertnoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Dayton, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S, Kuhn, Lanni, (24) NAYS: None. .(0). A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #83262, as amended, was adopted. Misc, 83266 By Dr, Caddell IN RE: 1983 SECOND QUARTER FORECAST BUDGET AMENDMENT To rhe Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladles and Centtement WHEREAS the Second Quarter Forecast prepared by the Department of Management and Budget indicates that forecasted revenues will exceed the 1983 budgeted revenue estimates by approximately $1,306,653; and WHEREAS this forecast further indicates that total expenditure projected on the basis of current spending levels will bc approximately S194,i25 under budget appropriations; and WHEREAS the financial forecast also indicates specific areas of expenditures when it is projected that over-expenditure conditions exist, as outlined in the second quarter forecast detail and that these areas may require additional appropriations for such expenditures in order to comply with Public Act 621 of 1978 and the 1983 General Appropriations Act which states that "at no time shall the net expenditure exceed the total appropriation For salaries or operating expenses respec- tively for each division as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioners'; and WHEREAS specific budget adjustments will be recommended in conjunction with the Third Quarter Forecast; and WHEREAS the forecast also identifies potential additional expenditure needs during the current fiscal year; and WHEREAS a review of the charges by the Computer Services Department to the various user departments indicates that a budget adjustment is necessary to bring appropriations in line with actual operating charges. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 1983 budget be amended as follows; Reygnue,_ Land Transfer Tax 279,000 Health State Subsidy 145,000 Child Care Subsidy 208,000 Clerk/Register of Deeds 165,000 Child (Are-TeAc.he.r':-, State Aid 200,127 Medical Care. Facility 140 000 1,T-33,127 rex Salary Adjustment 82,100 Fringe Benetit Adjustment 213,400 Contingency 94,627 1,133,127 320 Commissioners Minutes Continued. September. 22, 1983 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the vatiow,, appropriations for computer services operating cc he amended in accordance with attached schedule A. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Schedule A 1983 2ND FiT2A8:12FR FORECAST BUDGETED DEPARTMtNT COMPUTER OPERATIONS B-DGET 1983 RTD-YFAR ADJUSTMENT3 (ACCOUNT #6360) (1) Ad just men Division Adopted Amended Decrease/ Fund mud Unit D:ime Budget Budget 12.ncrease_ 10100 122-01 Budget $ 39,446 $ 85,246 9(25,800) 123-01 Accounting 350,071 444,071 (94,000) 123-55 Alimony 219,070 190,070 29,000 124-01 Purchasing 13,944 2,944 13,000 125-01 Equalization 170,999 126,999 44,000 12Y•01 NeimburAemnt •8,437 71,9$7 (13,500) 132-01 i3,(ry /6,680 12,480 4,40ti 133-20 Dist. Gt. Probation --- 8,337 (8,357) 145-01 Planning 8,073 4,073 4,000 181-01 (6362) Clemts 1,037,480 923,967 113,513 212-10 County Clerk 267,140 305,140 (38,000) 213-01 Elections 41,466 7 .009 3 '",457 311-01 Circuit Court 231,546 203,546 28,000 312-01 Friend of the Court 56,143 83,143 (27,000) 322-01 52-1 District Court 68,620 66,020 2,800 32:3-01 52-2 District Court 36,695 59,137 (2 2 ,44.2) 324-01 52-3 District Court 56,377 52,777 4,100 325-01 52-4 District Court 77,794 74,094 3,700 341-01 probate Estates 23,95 57,156 (33,671) 433-t0 Sheriff 195,585 210,585 (15,0001 22100 162- Health 136,044 179,044 7,000 32100 163- Medical Care Facility 9,174 7,174 3,000 TOTAL $3,174,969 $3,174,969 9 -0- (I) Except Clemis which is Account 46362. Copy of Second QuarterForeciast on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. AYES; McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Petinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro f Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanai, lam. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83267 By Dr. Caddell IN RE: REQUEST FOR POSITION UPGRADE IN ACCOUNTING DIVISION FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department employees handle a significant amount of money as a result of jail bonds posted, prisoner's personal accounts, prisoner housings billings, etc; and WHEREAS the Outside Audit. Firm has recommended coordinating all the accounting of said monies under the Department of Management and Budget - Accounting Division: and WHEREAS the County Executive and the Sheriff mutually agree that taid• function is necessary; and WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget-Accounting Division currently has one vacant Commisoncrs Mindtes Continued, S,.*pt ,2mh(.1- 22. ]9*: 321 Account poiLlon awiiT,A0 ,- for said purpfr..(.!., and WhflFA': the c.omp'iexity asspnrAen;: ,,upervisory re.sponsihilitY requires a Accour:F.11.= I 5OJ 1 1-0.) rpcoolod-.1 ilsO. , vacant Accourt eel 1i posion ih this payrol1 Ii' upgcadcd to an . IV pc,. Jifid trallierred tO ZA. SherilI Depar7ment Accountin Unit within the. Accourtinr hi NOW THEREFORE PT If 01 Ol010 that effective October I, 1983, one (1) Account Cler4; II p(y,iton (,101630? he upgrTJE.: Accountrir IV poi ton tor the purpose of coordinating the accounting actvity within tr., Sheriff Department. BE IT FURTHER RI,:,,AVCD that. a ocw unt, Sheriff 1)(4!,artmlent Accounting, he establiMA within the. Accounting DVI..HOP and said he trcrsferr ,A to /his unit- 6F IT FURTHER RESOLVED ihat pursuant to Rule XI-E of this Board, the Finance Committee rPcommondc. the' upgrading of said Aem.otnit Clerk II position to an Accountant IV po ,itIon effecti4e October 1, 1983 Jirid trarr,fcr sad ro ,-iition to a new unit entilied Departmerit Accounting" within the Accounting Division, at a cost of $11,821 for the rerilainder of 1983 (consistc,mr with Attachment A): said funds available, 56,865 within the 198$ Accouhtibq Division Budget and $4,956 in the 1983 Contingensi Accouat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that S6,865 ho transferred from the i983 Accounting Division-Pay- roll Unit to a new Sheriff Department !Anit and that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $14,956 from the 1983 Contingency Accourt and transfers sail amount to the 1983 Accounting Division- Sheriff Department Unit as follows: 990-02-00-90 Contingency (4,)56) /23-30-00-1001 Selaries (4,875) 123-30-00-.}074 Frin ge. Benefits (1 ,990 ) 123-70-00-1001 Salaries 8,692 123-70-00-7074 Fringe Benefits 3,129 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ••• • FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Ccidell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee- There were no objections. Misc. 83268 By Mr. Olsen IN RE: SUPPORT OF NACo's EFFORTS FOR PASSAGE OF S1426, THE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING REAUTHORIZATION RILL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS over the pest ten years Oakland County has received $30,896,141 in Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and has applied this revenue to 15 different categories of the county's operating budget; and WHEREAS Law Enforcement has been the chief beneficiary of the federal funding with a total of $15,487,888 over the last 10-year per and WHEREAS other major departmental recipients of the federal revenue sharing funding since 1973 include: Management and Budget - $5,442,194, Health Division - $1,848,000, and Prosecutor's Office - $1,817,695; and WHEREAS the current county budget anticipates $3,235,249 in Federal Revenue Sharing Funds which will be applied equally to Law Enforcement and financial administration. NOW THEREFORE- BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, recognizing the vital need of federal funding as a budget supplement, joins with NACo in orging the passage of S1426. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent immediately to the Congres- sional delegations representing Oak1nad County and to NACo. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 322 Commissioners Minutes Conlineed. September 22, Ev riovernmeat IN F MIY>CF1..LANfOOS RESOLUTION 'T:iliPPORT OF SENATT tIll I./.15/ AND HOUSE GE REPRESENTATia!S Bill !, tOtAt GOVERNMENT 0011 (Pill ACT To the th!,..1.-.-,nd Cnunty Reard of Commissioners chairpet,en, I ,Air. and Gentlemen: The L toinranient Coivttee, bv Aohn F. Olson, Chairperson, havIt-el Ayier..:-g Miscel- laneous Resnlutien .si3;.='4, reports vtith the ..:it-tn.n...intion that the resolution .9 Mr . (h. tt-1i.roi1, on hcrI il the Isne 1 (love rnmen t Comm i t zee , I move cco p 5 5CC 0 < the foregoing report., GENERAL GOVFNMENT COMMITTEE John E. Olsen, Chairperson Misc. 83224 By Hr. Aaron IN RE: SUPPORT OF SENATE BILE IPt78 AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- BILL 32361, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AN ACT To the Oakland County Board of Commisioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: tiHEREAS the Local Government Anti-Trut.t. Act of (983 (2.I578) has boon introduced in the United States Senate which Atould extend immunity From the anti-trust laws to cities, count:es and other local (overnmcnt, unitk imiiar to that of -lion currently applies to states; and WHEREAS recent United States Supreme. Court rulings that cities are not autoratically im - mune from anti-trust liability in the exercise of their regulatory powers, including but not United to zoning, fr.:inchising, licensing and the establishment of wonopoly public services, as are states; and WHt.RLA legi Hation in the Nouse nb Representatives such as house ;.e ,olution 113361 and House Resolutiol 91 would prohibit the courts from awarding treble state k or local governments fir violation if anti-trust metters. • • NOW THERUORE. BE iT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does support • •• • Senate Bill I/1578 and House Bilis .22981 and i73361 providing immunity from anti-trust liability as now enjoyed by state governments.and urges the. Congrest: of the United States of America to quickly pass kui_h BE IT FLIRT-HER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwatHed to Sendtors Donald Riegle and Coll Levin, to our Representatives in the House of Representative and to Senatpr Strom Thurmond (k.-S.C.), Pepresenteiive Henri Hyde (R.-Ill.) and Representative Hamiton Fish (' -NY.) and to the National Association of Launties. Mr. Chairperson, i anve the adoption of the foregoing resolution. , . Dennis M. Aaron, County Commissioner District 19 Moved by Olsen supported by Perinoff the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. Mr. Price requested that,YcopY of the resolution also be sent to U. S. Representative Bob Carr. Seconded by Mr, Perinoff, • The Chairperson requested the Clerk add Mr. Carr's Name to the list of persons receiving the resolution: Vete on resolution: AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Costing. Hobart, Jackson, N. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majOrity having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83269 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: REQUEST FOR OPERATIONAL IUD COST ANALYSIS FROM SEMTA ON PROPOSED CHANCE IN TRANSPORTATION SERVICE To the Oak! aridCounty Board of Comminsioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladios and Dint it.' WHEREAS SLMIA-bas deterittined -to make major cuts in mass transit service in Oakland County, effective October 17, 1983; and WHEREAS. Included tn,thkese . cutbacks is the elimination of the Commuter Rail and major cuts r 11 I -- A sufficient majority having voted therefor,- t ion carried,• e sari L. Iiuri . 7 ,983 in large and small bu rvice in Oakland County ., and WHEREAS :he sub] Is 1 iie teen apprisod of the criteria for serv by -route basi,: and WILLBEAr• it appears ;hat iov such .) forma toa d lead to a het and re,olvinq of SEMTA's exEsting financlal Th. ;'!...F;)1-1 BE IT RESOLVED r; n:. the Oaltinhd ,r .5 that the sfMTA tO I provide -kis Mci d with opernf.i[ral end ....ntst analysi ition, reduction. or elimination of transportation service as per Attachment A Mr. Chaitperson, I move the adoption of the Foceqoihd reolution. Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner District L3 Nancy McConnell, John J. McDonald, Prot q:' B. Jackson, Ralph H. Nelson, Thomas A. law, Richard D. Kahn, jr., Susan G. Kuhn, Marilynn E. Gosling, lames E. Lanri, john P. Calandro, C. William Caddell, D.C., John F. Olsen, Betty Fortino, Hubert Price, Jr., Walter Moore, Lawrence R. Pernick, James A. Doyen Moved by Moffitt supported by Jackson the resolution bo adopted, Moved by Moffitt supported by Lanni the rules be suspended for immediate consideration oi the resolution. AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Ofseri. Perinoff, Fernick., Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyoi-- Epley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, (24) NAYS: None. (0) Discussion followed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Moore, Nelson. Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, riesling, Hobart, Jackson, H. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Not (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 83270 By Mr. Lanni IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF AN OAKLAND COUNTY TRANSIT AUTHORITY WITHIN THE SEMTA NETWORK To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Oakland County entered into an agreement with the Southeastern Michigan Trans- portation Authority (SFMTA), Mincellaneous Resolution /17838, March 3, 1977, for small Lies service, OCART, which SEMI-A merged into tho connector system and WHEREAS the OCART program was established as a priority service for senior citizens and handicapped persons; and WHEREAS SEMTA has sharply reduced transit services to Oakland County because of its $16 minion deficit, including elimination of the commuter rail and reduction of large and smdll bus services; and WHEREAS there is a definite need for mass transit services in Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Federal Government has a per gallon gasoline transit tax which is collected for mass transit and distributed through the Urban Mass transit Authority (UMTA): and WHEREAS th..... State L: p1 requested that SFMTA and D-DOT merge their operations in order to eliaanaTe n .,;-esive and duhlicative operating costs, which hasn't happened. NOW THEFGFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County establii,11 it own transportation authority within the SFMTA umbrella to noke application for state and federal capital and oporatimj revenues. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a request be made for a proportionate share of capitE:11 revenues within SE,MTA, State, and Federal UMTA monies, and that such funds be earmarked for an Oakland County transit authority, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no further Oakland County capital assets and revenues be con- verted to cover operating deficits, engineering, or construction costs for the entire SEMTA region. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James E. Lanni, Commissioner District Moved by Lanni supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. c'ait• Unit Mr its Continued. September 22, Tho Chdirperu.on referred the fe'.,;olorinn to the Planning and Building Comfidrtee. Mr Pnrjrrr ll :j cl to t. iv... refer Ilan Chairperson stated that it takos lonr9con (14) votes to sustain the ohjoction and a "Yes" votP. would not refer and a "No" votto taould refer. Vote on saistining the ohiP(tion: AYES: Pprinoft, PeTnick, Price. Aaron, Doyon, Foley, R. Kuhn, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore_ (10) NAYS: Nelson, Olsen, Wilcox. Caddell, Calandra, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, S. Kuhn, tanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald. ( 4) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained and the resolution was referred to the Planning and Building Committee. Misc.. 83271 By Mr. Calandro IN RI; SUPPORT OF III E CONCEPT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CREDITS FOR BUSINESSES AS PROPOSED IN MOUSE BILL 4550 AND SELiATP RILL. 288 To the Oakland County Board ot Commi ,,sioners Mc. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen! WHEREAS House Rill 4550 and Sendfe Bill 288 would incorporate definitions trom provisions of tine research and davOoprrient r.redit against the federal inc_ore tax in order to establish a similar credit against the Michittpn Single Business lax; and WHEREAS according to provisions of these FrlIc,, a business could claim a cl -cdt worth 25 percent of new research expenses - incurred in Michigan in excess of those established Sy averaging normai or basic re ,,at!attch expenses for the previous three years; and WHEREAS the diverication of our business base and the attraction of hinh technoloqy industries is a. top economic devolopr.ent rtroritv in Oakland County and the State of Michigan; and WHEREAS the of this legislation Ali help further these objections: and WHEREAS nroposc. 1 ,gislation such as Norse BM 4540 and Senate Bill 286 is a small step in tfig: right direction toward changing Michigan's reputation as an undesirable place in start or expand NOW THEREFORE BE If RESOLVED that the Oakland County 60.1rd of Comwissioners ,,,)o on r,a ..4d as supporting the concept of House Pill 4540 and Sent Bill 238 for its potential economic men', impact. DF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution bY to all members of the :_tate Legislature from Oakland County and to the County's Lertiniro lvi Ancrt. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing res....laljon. , John P. Calandro, Commissioner, District l'24 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee- There were no objections. Misc. 83272 By Mr. Calandro IN RE! OPPOSITION TO LEGISLATION COMBINING AMENDMENTS IMPLEMENTING THE WAYNE COUNTY CHARTER WITH AMENDMENTS TO ACT 139 Cr TNT P111)1 IC ACTS OF 1973 To the Oakland EtnInty Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairfttrson, Ladies and Centlewnl! WHEREAS while Oakland and Wayne are the state 's two largest counties with both having the county form of government, thP similarity between the two neighboring counties for all practical purposes SCCAM to end here: and WHEREAS Oakland County opted for the county executive form of governm,ent in 1974 under the provisions of the newly adopted state law known as Act 1?9 of the Public Acts of 1973 ad re- quested and had rnocted som amendments to Act 139 as the rc,•.: fur change became apparant Cr the years; and WHEREAS Wayne County voters adopted their charier which provides for a County Executive on November 3, 1 98 , and numorous bin ,t implementing the charter have been introduced in the legis - lature with many MOre to come later: and WHEREAS Oakland County, hiving existed under Act 139 for nearly ten years, has its countv executive form of government in place ;.111(1 will seal changes in the law if the Board of Co9.19issioners determines that a 61t)nufa is needed; and WHEREAS Wayne County, in contrast, i5 just beginning to put the pieces to9etr. and will be seeking a constant flow of legislation in the coming years to implement its charter; and WHEREAS Oakland is a growth area, having expanded its population from 907 ,8i in l970 to 1,011,793 in 1980 while Wayne is losing people, going from 2,668,751 in 1970 to 2,331,891 in 1980; and f,25 193:3 Commissioners 6inytes Contlnucd. l3entemher (III RIO On! 1. wi!h its influx of new •ft 5, in(e bnifjii a .ound 1--ix base while Wayne witt ils las ft geopl e ri h (e.g .•1,afehi n5 it . Ia ef:.h.riorate and ?!-LWrit.-r h 1 f.:OUTEL , admirA]e li,cal re,;uonsibility cver ydars while Ole r V.iyna Couri:•d A tomissioncis h.As expe- rienced ever in. raas/ng yauedad del:(i:e that r! u -sitate botro.Jinq at high ntereot rates to avoid payless WHFRti6 to c,,,offvx the dilin t differences in the opetating formats butwegn Oakland County and Wovne Coumyno cr..3,-0,, diRficulties. NOW ffirRlFORE Br IT RISCW.'0 tha: Oakland County Board of Commissioners take- a position opposinq any leei ,.laion that would combine amendments implementing the Wayne County Charter with amendments to A,1 BE IT FORMER P.F',OLPID hat ,opies of this resolntion be sent to all members of the State Legislature from Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, / move thu adoption of the foregoing resolution. John P. Calandro, Commissioner District 24 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 83273 By Mr. Calandro IN RE: REVISION TO LYON TOWNSHIP SHERIFF PATROL AGREEMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Centlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into patrolling contracts with the townships for the purpose of providing patrol services; and WHEREAS Misceilareous Resolution 1182002 establishes such a contract with the Township of Lyon; and WHEREAS the cost breakdown of such services includes an operating expense of per mile in the 1982 contract year and 36.: per mile in the 1983 contract year or transportation; and WHEREAS the estimated annual transportation cost per officer is 07,260 in 1982 and $7,920 in 1983, of which $2,640 per officer is„ allocated directiy for fuel costs; and WHEREAS current prot.edirre for fuelinu require that the patrol cars utilized in the Township of Lyon he absent frots the patrol areas for 1.5 hours per day in order to fuel at the county designated facility in Milford Township: and WHEREAT this situation hos created hardships to the citizens of the Township of Lyon hy reducing the patrol hours available in the township for patrol and for which they have contracted. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes a fueling site within the Township of Lyon. BE lT FURTHER. RESOLVED that the estimated installation costs of $19,620 be shared by the County and the Township with the costs being allocated as follows: $10,058 by the County for bhe "Gasboy" fueling system, $9,450 by the Township for the storage tank and installation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fueling equipment will be leased to the Township of Lyon For the sum of $1 per year for the duration of the patrol agreement and that subsequent patrol agree- ments shall contain the same provision. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. John P. Calandra Commissioner District 24 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee and the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Pernick supported by Boyon the Board adjourn until October 6, 1953 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 9:14 P.M. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairperson