HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1982.02.18 - 7328'‘KLAND CCA, Of Cornr-, MEETING 43 William T. Patterson LeRoy Cagney John Olsen Donald F. Geary LOCALLY ELECTED OFFICIALS Robert Eck James Reid Frank Gutzi Ralph Nelson Robert Ousnamer Marilyn Waldron Pecola burns Alfred Hall Milton Lichterman Gene Cross Joyce Mittenthal Mary FlizAbeth Smith Beverly Sporr Donald Taylor Dorothy Webb Charles Woodhead (ebruary 18, 1982 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 10:20 A. M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by James A. Doyon. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called, PRESENT; Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGlovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Aaron, Gahler. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Moore supported by Caqney the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. AYES Patterson Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Do's' i Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, P (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Clerk read letter from the Department of Natural Resources notifying the Board they are unable to allocate state funds at this time to support the 1982 snowmobile safety program. (Referred to Finance Committee) Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox advising of the appointment of the following persons to the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council for term ending December 31, 1982: COMMISSIONERS CITI7kIt Moved by Moffitt supported by Patterson the appointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox appointing Gretchen Adler, Delorise Kander and Stuart Rodgers to the Oakland County Historical Commission for a three year term ending December 31, 1981s. if If tommi.i.„ioners Minute', Continued. febreary 18, 1382 Moved by Moffitt supported by DOyon f appointments he confirmed. A suffi 1 nt majority havina vetee k , the appointments were confirmed. Clel .•i O•tfi - from Chairperson l 1 ,slerd R. Wilcox appointing the following persons to the Oakland Coen. , • - • Abuse Advisoi•• C...•J• Or Ye. •• October 1,. .. ..." i• rms ending October 1, 1983 . Polly her] . Bet`, Robert Kercorian Maril I, f. ing Bruce Madsen Thy 1_ Kenneth Hempstead Joeph F. Hinjoe Carol Jay Murray Owen McKenzie Diane Vincent Michael Ostrowski Kenneth Wolf, Ph.D. Carl Pardon Peqqy Frank George A. Starret Moved by Moffitt. supported by Gosling the appointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Cleek read loiter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox a, pointing the following persons to the Oakland 1Sounty Employment and Training Council for terms ndl - December 31, 1982: Chairpc r. • r James Mathews and Vice Chairperson, Tom MeB,,Itc.i T/ P1 : Calvin Ford, Marie Johnson, Mary Ellen Wasserberger YOUTI h Ahew=: COVERNF J Wallace Holland, Lillian Moffitt, Walter L. Moore, William T. Patterson, James Reid COMMUHM LASED ORCANIZAIIONS: Hugh Jackson EDUCATIONAL ACENCIES Gloria 1.•Heedy, Liz Sparklin PURL1C ASS ,1-1V77. A -Pt 11( a Rosso slicommrY FDUCATIO .I. e.incy 'y UNIONS L.f.1 1 OR ,ANIZATIONS: K,n Morris, Paul Nielsen, Dorvil Shank APPRENTICE_ ri .urren VETERANS: DeugiaL; Nce•rd M.1 .S.C.: Ci , le surf., HANDICAPPED: 1 o.,b: IF BU ".. Al,•.1 f ,psalis, Marty Cieslak, Lana Demanski, Maynard M. Feldman, Karl Farster, Dennis Silber , Li irc,c(. t••iii , Alice Johnson, Robert Jones, Edward Klim, Wade Kohn, Earl Kreps, Jerome Leher, Tom McMcJ 1 .r III, E•vid Meld, Gary Johnson, Harriett Ratter, Gerald A. Share, Laura Sies, Clyde Troutman, Howe —1 0 • ver, John Wilkerwicz, J. Lyle Winslow EX-01'El° MEMBBF : John Federotf, Jeff Kaczmarek, Thomas Riley Moved by Moffitt supported by Montante the appointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox appointing Joseph L. Schirle, Jr., M.D. as Chairperson and Captain Charles Tice as Vice Chairperson, and the following persons as members of the Emergency Medical Services Council: HOSPITAL: Robert Aranosian, Ii 0., Edward Barter, Bernard W. Bigley, M.D., John M. Dickey, Kenneth H. lish, Jr., Phrri.D., Rosetta Nicaise, R.N., Karen Payne, Alan Oar, 0.0.e Joseph L. Schirle, M.D. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Ronald Nanc. r POLICE DEPARTMENT: Lewis M. f PULIC SAFETY: Charles Tice COMMUNICATIONS: William S. Nekon BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Bei / Fortino, Charles T. Whitlock EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT NURSES . •;OCIATION: Gregg Webb, R.N. CONSUMER: Charlotte Oct. , Arthur Molinar, Stanley J. Guzowski MUNICIPAL ADVANCED LIFE SUPPOf SERVICES: Geoffrey L. Hockman, Charles Lindeberg, Donald Richardson, A.L.S., Rollin G. Tobin, Wendell Trager PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICES: Gregory Beauchemin, John T. Early, Floyd P. Miles, Jr., Richard R. Rudlaff, James Shortt BASIC LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES : Roger Gillespie Moved by Hobart supported by Peterson the appointments he confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. Moved by Pernick supported by Montante the Public Hearing on Lathrup Landing Economic Development Project be rescheduled for March 4, 1982 at 10:30 A. M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.• •fing of the Children's Village • on program; end - at Children's Village and Misc. 82( By m IN RE . To 'if Mr. Ci H. School, i• Commis$innera Minotct Cdntinued. TOT-ruddy 18, 1982 Camp Oakl.: Ni'! eC 0 •••••• ••• •1 'C Commissioners approves the attached , •m. . • . , he of T E I1L liLt I,;. o • • • I • 1 dd County Board of Couriissloners .. • • . I e and is hi' 05 I rized Mr, ChaiFTecson, on bobalf di • •• fa; Unman Resources Comudttee, 1 Move the adoption oF the Tie'egoing resolution. lidos1H HTD • !l a:SOURCES COMMITTEE Marilynn E. Chairperson Copy of Agreement on fife in Th.. -W. ',y• Clerk's Moved by Gosling supported AYES: Berinoff, Bernick, Pe. Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, 01st e, Page, Patterson, (24) NAYS: None. (0) a radelutP„in ea adopted. 'tack, C, cox Cagney, Calandra, DiGiovanni, err FicDonald, Moffitt, lion Canto, Moore, A sufficient majority having voted 01 ,For, the resolution was adopted, FINANCE COMMITIFf EFFORT' by Dr. CadJoll IN Br - C I TIiNC1 in r C P F 'PI - To the Oakland Ccun. rd Mr, Chairperson, F. • The Fr Ea , 1 . This Programs, and cove' The ,• , Public Hea:th Oftihe uf f' • • : S ,, of Drug Abuse consist:pit oith • 1,,,JUJt X, 3. The County participates in Le • funding in the aalouut. of $621,?,Z8, cowsi 4. In addition, various local p. and the cost defrayed with monies from ff. as fees charged for such services consis:c.al 5, Application or acceptance of commitments. THP.Onti 5 EPTEM9ER 30, 1982 ze op.. on and finds: -- For Substance Abuse • which is funded by Michigan is the National Institute .ad the 15i82 County Budget includes 3flCe abuse clientele have been set up ., County and local municipalities as well le Ili, •et, not obligate the County to any future Mr. Chairperson, ON behalf ot the Finar,ce Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the fore- going report and referral of the information uentained therein to the Health and Human Resources Commi t Leci in accordance with Mr 5cr1 lam :ions pseiso f, ion 41 8 revised "fiedemal and State Grant. Application Procedures", FINANCE COMMITTEE G, William Cadddll, Chairperson Copies of Schedules I. IA, 11 and on file in County Clerk's Office, Misc. 82036 By Mrs. Gosling IN RE: SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT APPLICATION - OCTOBER 1981 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 lb the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS with the reorganization oF Substance Abuse programming in Oakland County, State and Federal funding for Substance Abuse will Follow normal grant procedures; and WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed and not the Sub- stance Abuse Grant application in the anmaat 1,292,795, 11or ti e October 1, 1981 Through September 30, 1982; and WHEREAS Thc, Inc i1 Committee has ii . a „Md grant application and referred its report to the Health and Human Resources mm iii' e • WHEREAS the grant .aulication in • :55 :1 of $1,292,795 is funded by Michigan Public Health Office of Substainc irise Services ('.;.7(...9 ,;i 't), and by the. National Institute of Drug Abuse ($524,021), oimibse-viero authorize I [moo the adoptiod f of ii I6 Goamissioners Mira rut o February NOW i-R• • :••,t application fro h. Mr, Che .. • na of the foregoing res h Have by Gosling slot .ted by Montante tic n.. acceprod and the. resolution be adopted, AYLS: Pernick, F Gosling, Hob. , Jackson, NAYS: None, k0) •• .n, Price, Whitlock, W • aix, Cagney, Ealandro, Dc on Fortino, Geary, r, McDenaid, Moffitt, MoatTrire, Uoorh, Olsen, Pattersor, Perineff, (21) A sufficient majority having voted h- ii the report was accepted and the resolution was adopted, Misc. 82037 Ey Mr, McDonald iN RE: AMENGMENT TO THE C'! I' COUNTY GMPLOYEES' RETID.FNENT SYSTEM to the Oakian: County Eearc , :" s Mr_ Chairper • L. lies dr c he Oak Not T• T.HE, ',astern does not provide for a suspension of retiremol ..i:0;.nce , aanl rejurns to 0 fer the County; and lki1KT •o, the Cl : dys,om contains no provision for a certification that a rerirant due to a disJO ility is L qao- a riointel occuprrtion; and WHEREA13 the County ireasurer shouib be hamed the administrative officer of the retirement plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Mar the. Oakland County Retirement System Rules be amended as follows: Arrchd hy inse;Linn • aow tO read as foll-ws, "It a r I. it ii •iro, r• • • • ,. • GGL:bliy, h IL of his ri tirRok• 1 allowance shall Ii' suspended r 1 oril. H p.a f • , h a i oraob. len of such I.': rat payment of his rerireHKN-o, al:oo if< .; •f • '• f•.• • .1 i•f—CnIPOyffief,. AmeT "if tl ri.• ., • • • a, • - a disability . osficiary is engaged ill 0 0• . 1- r ' • : his Final . tior and his disabilitk !if 1 : • C H;• rmissien r. b: ,a .., the amount of his pension shill be , •kh i3 an ,Tmunt w1 ., r„• 1 1ar a • s the, 000unt oarned 13 , his is equal to the amount of his fine., E TaRatioo, ShoRild Hi. ToraliTij r. E later changed, the amount of his pension may be to medic, d ln a like mET-iner," Further amend Section 36 by relqrterin the prcorent existing Paragraph (b) to (e), Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution, PERETJUNLL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Forrine rho Rdurion be adopted, AYLS: Polerson, Priro, Wiluqx, Cagney, Calandi DiGiovanni_ Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moflitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoti, Per nick. (2.3) NAYS: None. (0) ABSTAINED: Whitlock, (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 82038 By Mr. McDonale IN RE: 1982-1933 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL 804, NATIONAL UNION OF POLICE OFFICERS, SE1U, AFL-C10 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: CF old behnty Sherikf's •-i Hirnit, tee County ef Oakland and Local 804 of the National Unior• • Poi Olficors, SF, '2, AFL-,IR„ 1..ve baan negotiating a contract covering sixty-one • (61) Command (The. o el the (c, hi bounty Shera .R•B .roa...ht and , two (2) year agreement has LL ..a ;Tr the period January 1, 1982 through December 31, Brid said apreement has been reduced io writing; and WI-1Ffi ,' Lle airreemont has bece reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends approval of the igreemeot; V 247 Commissionums MinusE • .., • ' . aml the Odkli••I l'. unty - „ iv -, s . • . • :i.- Sh P ' • 1 .... :•• . . • . : • . , •:-Id L •; •• • .14, , • • erif-S '.•• , , :1 .. ., • ' .tby bitpt -A: •md that Nationa• Or . ' . 1 i. :.•• tid L. an is hereby i.esho. ized ' • • , • the Chair , •: : • , : . • to execuL,J .d. , Mr. Cnvirporeon, on hr . •.r the 1 roi I a ommittee, wove the adoption of the fore- going resolhrjOn. PERSONNLL COMMITTEE. John J. McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Summory of Tentative Agreement on file in the County Clerk's Office. Moved by MbOonald supported by Pf1q_eTS011 The resolulion be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 820•. By Mr, McAi • Id IN RE: AMINiMEnf OE IHE DFFiRREEI COMPETION PLAN io the Oakla: I CountsI •.ry • rs Mr. Chairpersai. Imailes WHEREAS by fib .• • s at ion 2802 adopted N. 3, PE! , Re County of Oakland established. a Deforre• . : Plan for the eriefir or (s- empl•• a, . and WHEREAS a r • • ' - available t -- c ineorpost • d in tie Plan which would provide for a Participant in the : Ler retifing it tt a dii; trent btnefit than originally selected; cind WHiREAS it is •• to amend the Dry • ee Comperfaticm Flan. NOW THE LI L• I GLVti) that the • Gount),.D, ' 1 Compensation Plan be and is hereby amended by ins , tlisa EebbLion VII, antiLled °Retirembal enclits", a new Paragraph F which provides 'F. A Partic n bant who has retired and is drawing benefits pursuant to this Section 'Gay, during a period from June to 30. both inclusive each year, select a different form than previously selected as long as the Participant's participation account lasts." The Personnel Coiner too by John J. McDonald, Chairperson, moves the adoption to the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kaspr, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, MoOre, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted iherefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 82040 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS it current Grants Technician position was established to assist in providing maximum County benefit from available federal and state grants; and WHEREAS the County Executive has increasinpiy requested the Grants Technician to research, review and monitor various projects, contracts and proposals which impact on County government; and WHEREAS the downturn of activity in the grant administration area has prompted the deletion of the Grants Technician position, effectivc March 1, 1982; and WHEREAS the County Executive's need for Gont ct coordination and administration and other research and project assistance has incredsod, ' WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has revi this proposal and concurs; NOW TMEREFOGE OR IT RFSOIATD that the cial • -ication of Research and Administrative Aide be created with the following sa•,ry ranee: GA SF F Me. 3 Year 0/T 21 ?f3 77.76 T o TT;1377-17 mo BE IT fitiPaITILE dESOLVED the . :de (I) nesLlen of Research and Administrative Aide be es(ahlished in the County ixecative's Office (wait 001) effective March 1, 1982, RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the current incumbent of the Grants Technician position be reclassified to Research and Adpinistrative Aide, effective March 1, 1982_ NO (P101 1.01 P1 JUDGES' SALAPHIS FISCAL NoIr Py ,71r. IN Pla P11 •• lo the 0 d Mr. Choir OLUTIPM of Gi• 48 Commissioners Minutes', I n Lte ruary 18, 1982 buHalf et the Pesrenro m 1 novo. tre adoption oc the forepoinq .• • :2 T2f oo; • • . namrpersor Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resole be adoced. The Chairperson referred the rofolution to the Finonce Committee. There were no objections. Mr. reed I, C. :IGI.GI IN RE: m To rho nall yhd o.H; Mr, Chairpertri• Rt Oakland and :•D and .f .OrrY SALAfirf, Of f0P,IfHf loners - nlhaeu. rhis hoard reviewed the salaries of employees paid by this County cf (7,5- 07 most norrofnion classifications by 09 effective January 1, 182.; qp De a. Cou nty supploi • DI_ of histrict Court Judcesi salaries ems not adjusted Pf the tire other • '• • ! ohifs were sm. 1: and • ,i arty may lrio a the County supnlenent of Nistrict Court Judges' salaries from the curry ' ' . b r tts ,•26,!i: without rd Inc the. State Standardization Payments for Io • moint ,A POW 'E IT FS, J —' Llsit Lk iounty s , lnontal portion or District Court Judges salaries he . • . Cfective y 1, I,• 2, by CI,' . fr)m $29,290 to $24,E87. F r. Coil( • pier], on kel, 1 • the P(• sie , tel Gr., ,•• ,ttto, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolosiun. PFPG0NN: J COMMITTEE Josin J. McDonald, Chairperson Resolution to fund cur: Fringe. Bench. •, furlfer, mfbra rat merit Gccount rem' S2,9l. From the 19 , to the Icl82 5,11nd District Court Bud, 4alied Lake - ist Division - 3 Judgi 322-01-00-1C01 -2075 -2 'Ii the induce Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous F .,id salary increase•and $2,B52 necessary u C , .yailable in the 1982 Salary Adjustment and .iJor appropriates $12,573 from the 1982 Salary Adjust- dringe Benefit Adjustment Account and transfers said funds is in follows: Salaries 4,1Bi Workers Comp, 12 .0rou1j Life pa ! t I mire n t 6111 1i:ecority 282 Disability P -2'.'2 Unemployment 0J Total Division I 5,171: lldrbsFob 2nd DiviJiie 1 Judre 323-01 -00-10'1 G sirs 1,397 -2071; ‘,J, :, ci Comp. 4 -2 OTC., ( b , , Lie 11 i2U '7 Pi ' el t 20E -Y; 9 !, F. , ' purity of p, -2 ' 1 lity a , -21t2 i ,' C - it 10 :vision 11 1,729 Rochester - 2rd Division - 2 Judges 924-01-00-1G01 2,794 -2075 •li•.'s Comp, 8 -207; (• ap LIve 22 2.2C 1, Lm Hi. ment 412 Social Security I8C Lisabilty 6 tO Unemployment 20 Total Division III 3,450 Troy - 4th Divisimn judges 325 -01 -00-, 4,191 12 83 -2( -2' • 149 Commissioners Ninntns Contirued, February 18, 1982 Total District Court Total Dalary Adjustrett. • -0, Total frinue Benefit Adjustit - • d ,ity Tamtai E,v sicn IV -00-995. FINANCE CCNIMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Perjnoff the report be accepted and Resolution 3820I3 he adopted. : Whitlock, 1,1 loox, Caiandro, DiCiovanni, Fortino, itcharr, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, i'immantn, Moore, Pi Patterson, Perieoff, Pernick, Price. (1E) Caciney, i•oym • ary, Gosling, Jackson, Lanni, Olsen, Peterson. (8) noFficient majori,i havinu voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution #82013 OS adept , Misc. S2.1 By Mr, Mi IN PC: To the O.' Mr. Chair. cour: riurcp,T , iorrrs lu'. in ." rd reviewed the salaries of employee, paid by the County of Oakland Jujusyitd s most ftian-unior classifications by E.02, of January 1, 1932; and WIW2sitAS the County supplemental pi i ion of Probate Judges salaries was not adjusted at the time ether classificatians were incri d for January 1, 19O2; and WiMPRAD the Couaty supplerental port -e of Probate Judges salaries also was not in- creased the previous year at which time most non-union classifications fiere increased by 8.57; and WHEREAS thet adjustment was not vs /c in January, 1981 due to State mandated maximlims; and OHEREAS the County soy now increase the County supplement of Probate Judges' salaries from the current 111,29,233 to 6 maximm of 532,565 without jeopardizing the State Standardization Payments for Probate Judges; 1,Kli0 THEREFORE rEi IT PESOLVEB that the County supplemental portion of Probate Judges' salaries he increased, effective January 1, TI292, by 32,500 from $29,2O3 tr ,.$31,793 Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foree going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE john J. McDonald, Chairperson FISCAL NOTJ By Sr. Caddell IN PI: NISCFLLANEOUS FEmiiOTIDN #82014 - PROBATE COURT JUKES' SALARIES To the Oakland County fie..••.: oF Commiasioners Mr. Chai(person, bail 1 ,p . Centlemen: Pursuant to Rule Xl-f ol this Board, the i'lrince Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution :'.1Y.)14- and Pin!. 510,000 necessary to fund • a.d sJlary increase and S1,675 necessary to fund corretoonding fringe. benefit costs; said fun isailable in the 1982 Salary Adjustment and Fringe Benefit Adjustment Accounts respectively. Further, the Board of Commissioners approprialas S10,000 from the 1932 Salary Adjust- ment Account and S,675 trom the 1982 Frinpn Benefit. Adjustment Account and transfers said Funds to the 1932 Probate Court budgets as follows: Probate Court - Judpes 101-01-00-10C' Salaries . 10,000 -20 7 rkers Corp. 23 Cr .up Lite 78 :ir ment 1;476 12..cial Security - 20, Disability 19 -200 Unemployment l tt Salary Adjust. •i.e. Benefit Adjustment (1G,Eart) ( 1,675) - 0 - 50 Commissioner , Minutes Continued. February 18, 19132 -EE G. ,L r u I., Chairperson Moved by Is mild supported by Farms Ii the report be accepted and Resolutird A... 31/4 be adopted. MEC: WI] - , ( 'land o, DiCiovanni, Fortino, hoary, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Land McDonald, MorMitt, 114 • ot,, Moore, Olsen, Page, Pattersen, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price. Whitlock. (211 NAYS: Cugney, Doyon, Cosling. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution //82014 was adopted. Misc. 82 :!3 By Mr. M. Donald IN A. LAROR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY COURT REPORTETS' ASSOCiAT To the. 1 A ((runt ne ' ; Sommisiiiefiers Mr. Chair, -u . • .••• ! D. -1 COLH•t -tett of the Oakland County Circuit Court has hiss r •det• • .•;ih !re u: •4a. o...-r is porters' cga•cjotic -; and • •••• •••• —...•" ' ) • . • • .•••• 1 3 14•(.. :shed with f. i 11 for the Period January 1, 1 .he't IN n•: ,i• • ,;; a .• (-lent has been in luo.•• :riting; and lisi t A . r r-n. • i•o. , e a m ,Lo agreemerm. ru!uei ,r ,.-iiloyees repre- sented by t;. , • ! appr .-„. ugiemont. NOW flu.' hi IT "do: tb • •••,.-t. -••a. ( he askls .•/ ;al., Circuit Court, the County et ' 4 ! , Lid ' he . id County • • • --a . -C 30Cr.0,tit trud same is here- by approved, and the Chajia. ro•A of this Su ). T, on trei :41f of tHe • curt ' Oakland, be and is hereby authorized t: es -'cute sn•d .a :•• • merit, a capy of whjen is attar!..1 re Mr. son, on I .;,• c •• the PeTSCAlnel Committee, 1 roc••• the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Labor Agreement an fTle in County Ciert's Office. r •. cao b- IN Rt. .1.. t III i . ,• • LABGFJ AGREEMENT: FOR EMPLOYEES REERESSNTEP BY THE OAKLAND COMTY. COURT REPtir-j... i 410N To the Bakland County Coliad • ' O..Mu 'oners Mr, Chairpersi Ladles and fien..1(.4 Fur, tart to sule X1-1 : Board, the financo Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 'a are finds the rin g .r. d C; -it agreement covers the three ,3) year period of January I, IL- -hrough December 31, i 'H. The 1982 period of January 1, 1%2 through December 31, 1'.74-!,2. calls for •-• six percent (C1 incrguisa at a cost of L.22, C.;40 for salaries and 35, b7 tor Fringe benefits, said itiuds available in the 1)(42 Salary Adjustment Account and Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account respectively. The Coo rd of Commissioners appropriates $1::.:/rC from the 19i i=2 Salary As Account and 55,367 from the Fringe Benefit Adjustment :'3 aim and transfers said funds to the 1rj02 Circuit Court Fudget as follows: - Administration Un: Position 311-01-00-1' 1 t1,243 -1, • , • ye 90 -1.: 7 CO leg holiday Siel. t.Lave 4o -Ir .14. Service Increment 147 r Sick Leave '-cr-6 s Comp. -1! t Leave 2 ...: • . • • - Comp. (j. Crotin Life 12 Retirement 233: -21-3 Social Security 19' 51 13 commissioners Minutes Continued. February 13, 13l."2 -7 • .1 • • : Tr—merit Total 311 -05 -(s. ,1 ..rat,en • 1,990 • Aid :skill knit , •, -1'17 -1C19 -1B2D -2C75 -2 2 7 r Total Judicial Total Circuit Court 9lit1-02-013-99!":1 iii 1, 74'1 g4 21 1G0 3,1 1 7 1,1(28.) 40 151 A2C.317 15 Court Reporter III 20,307 Salary Adlustrcnt (22,940) Fringe Benefit Adi. ( 5,367) - C- this contract shall be incorporated in the 1983 and Ile itii • o: Hay Sici, Leave Service I•crement Gthcr Sick Leave Worker's Comp. Death Leave Worker's Comp. flreup Life Retirement Social Security Disability Unemployment Further, the 1983 and i935 portion of 1985 Final Budget. FINANCE CCJIMITTEF S. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by McDonald rupported by Perinoff the report be accented and Resolution #82015 be adopted. (1 5: Cacney, Calandro, DiCiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, riesling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (2) NAYS: lone, (0) A sufficient rajorit ,/ having voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution I/82015 was adopted. Misc. 02016 5y hr, Vc0c,naid IN RE: 1982-1985 TEMTAT1VE LACOTi AGREEMENT Fr)R SAFETY DIVISION EMPLOYEES LOCAL 129, TEAMSTERS To the Oakland Count , Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: . WHERFAC rehfesentaiives of the County of Oakland and• Teamsters Local 129 have been negotiating a contract reverin9Safety Officers and Building Safety Attendants in the Safety Divisinn of the Central Services Department. and WHEREAS a two (2.) year tentative agreement covering these employees has been reached with the union For the period of July 1, 1981 through June 3C, 1983 and said agreement has been reduced to or and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee Las reviewed the Labor Agreement covering employees represented by Local 1273, Teamsters, and recommends approval of the Agreement; NOW THE-F.:El-TY BE '7 RESOLVED that the attached Agreement between the County of Oakland and Teamsters Local ifN he snd the same are hereby approved and that the Chairperson of this Board, on hekalf of the County ol Dafland, he and is hereby authorized to execute said agree- ment, a copy of which is attached hereto. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONMEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office. FISCAL NOTE By Er. Caddell IN RE: HISCCLLANFOUS RESOLUTION 7 1,2016 - 1932-19133 TENTATIVE LABOR AGREEMENT FOR SAFETY DIVISION EMPLOYEES LOCAL 129, TEA1STCES To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners Mr. Chairperson,.Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI -C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Continual. Fel-ire -ivy a, • in t' r • • hs an esti of 82, !scoont and tfe portion in ti IL ad- he -1 -1 -1 7 2,Pki 200 133 67 3,36 1 666 12,2'57 167 31 SE 21,31-2 BE IT DEPARTdENT Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff net Human Serv. Inst. F. Human j e and S23, 73 • i982 Safety .s' iS in •• Ekeefi: .at ollows: !--1.11J1 • ' H-rim the. • •••• Tv ust ent Account and tr. ni -s said s to the :kr. • ; Sa.aries Holiday Annual L: . • • floatir ;,,iiday Sick. Leave Service I -rement • iher eave "e . 's Comp. 2eitir•ment Social Security Disability Unemployment Total SEA .. k• :Avision 591-02 -Ok-sk' . Salary i justment (6-.(32) g95-02-00-• Fri :'• • nefit Adj. (23,373) Further, the 1083 portion af this contract wL I. ipcorporated in the 1983 Final Budget. FINAIT,E COMMITTEE C. 111am Caddell, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Jackson the report be accepted and Resolution 182016 be adopted, AYES: Calandro, Olfliovanni, Fortino, Geary, Osling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McHondid, N)FfILt, Montantc, Moore, Olsen, Page,, Patterson, Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Cagney. (2.0) HAYS: Doyon, Perinoff, Perrick, Price. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report ens accepted and Resolution //92016 was adopted. Misc. 8201 By Sr. FirD:- t -Id IN RE: :!'". • Fr 's DE2ACTMEHT T eNRCEMENT IMPLEMENTATION Ti) the Oaklai. County Board Q iscier. Mr. Chaim,: c—r, Ladies and C a -liamin: onkland Can e. hp ; ocreed to enter into a consent judgement to certain changes in 1' •• Jail Ccrip., • to irplesa. he consent judgement certain persornei changes. occurred 'within the nt, the1001 c. I Care Facility, and Community Oct'I alth; and Ill .AS the Personnel Committee has reviewed this implenk.-Itetien proposal and concurs with the requc t, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following classification be created with the following salary range: the Oakland II She ri If's sNysIcIv ' / It FACT 2 YfAj 3 4 ii ,: 7 YEAR Off -,,7 ElfRTHEi :'. OLVED that the followic. full-time new positions he established: NO. u DiV'F.Y-l?) 1 POf' IT:: NS Corr, ie.' ''cin Sctentir: F . ,ies ' • Oi ',-- :..-n g ; u r-A Corr. Ser ices Detention F2. :lit ies Clerk III Sheriff's Office Sher if f ' s St if 1 Detention Officer—A Corr, Services Inmate Services 2 Jail :r mate Worker Medical Care Jail Infirmary 1 Physician's Asst. Facility 1 Clerk II Community Mental West Oakland Cfklf Clinic I Clin. Esychologist 11 Human Serv, health BE IT FURTHEE RESOLVED that Community Mental Health's Professional Services line item be increased by $9,232 for the period '2/20/82 to 12/31/32 to fund an increase in the Staff Psychiatrist's sorvjoes rr (4) •, rr I,F,„ -1, or„ of the mefsonnol 'ttoe, 1 move the! cc on oF the 7-1(31 v*-7-1- ol if PkiEorm Expense S 16 3 r 4-101;1)-1 Loifiries- Regular !131 Polidav I , ' Arroal Leave 2 141 "1 amEIvio I:011day 7 . leave 14,1!'• ick Leave 1,1J01 t eove Comp. 15) it . 1 6 Life _ $77 iZCtie'l 2.i=3,243 ' leouritv 31,232 am; cleel 933 Ioyment Ins. 1,3611 P- ) Rental 1,49C Tr Jisportation 99 Capital Outlay 2 ,Oi ) Total Detention facility '70t 31 -1” -) Total Inmate Services Sheriff's OFfice 4-10100-431-01-00-16.61 Lolartes S12,668 Holiday 613 fI.nrual Iesve 823 Floatimo Holiday -119, Sick L: .ws 456 -1017 Other fie 1 Leave 44 -9019 Worker's Comp. 29 -1020 Death Lee-.'r 15 -2675 Worker's aomp. 485 -2696 Stoup Life 113 -2977 Retirement 2,435 -2078 Hospitalization 912 -17-10100-433-20-00-ludi Soimries $ 26,544 -1!: Holiday 1,295 Armual Leave 1,727 -In floatin<E, Holiday 123 hick Leave 956 -11,7 OfLar Sick Leave 96 al! ri c! Jr's Comp. -7 „s! Leave 31 - I .fiirld-r's Comp. 1,018 hrov,a Life 247 Retirement 5,109 ; M•:).51) tal iztion 1,911 Social Security 2,066 Disability 62 -2022 Unemployment Insurance 123 I ,370 Commissioners Oloutn , : -• 'aruary 19, 1992 53 f19194/ITTEF John J. McDonald, Chairperson FISCCL 103 Ly fr. 1H 7.Er ETET • - 1 9P 2015 - L9F.PIPF -1 C COHSENT Juncm,„m - imPLuENTr%TioN To e —oissioners men: this Roard, t9- Finance 01 to has reviewed Miscellaneous Re o I ut or J. I o) 3;6,066 1 st I t • : - with the Court Consent dndomont jos serraio oh oi qd Es ter the addition o1 33.7 pod, 1 : I Gaol to I E i • ,01 0 crd /4, >0 For operatirs coat For two t Leo es with radi. wi!: IC C sary In accordance with Section G- Fleet expansic ! - : I j County lard r Vefjcic Polio-. said Funds arc available in tn rs tmental Court Jo ndt E: Account, 71.e ! :on, appropri,J :i"-j,sf1! Erom the 1932 Co -r Consent Judgment Account ond troo I.a a' to the appre , line-itr ‘: as follows: Sheniff-Detentl Ja I a., Inmate Services Medic d ries 1iday Li 7 1,020 247 5,124 1,51 7 2,072 77 ADOPTION OF NEW REVENUE BOND ORDINANCE Misc. 82041 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: REPEAL ( To the Oakiar" Mr. Chairper r, HHANCF NO. 23 AND loot CS an: 54 Commissioners Minutes Continued, February 18, 1082. 4 -10100 S s,ennrity 936 ty 29 L sployment lasuranee 59 TtDtal She r 'I • •• -flay .730 Ni fabaal I -1(d. S,ck -101: 0t1, ,r1 Group L f Retirement Hospitalization Social Security Disability Unemployment Insurance b asiG . 2 Total Medical Care : Lility , .'. 953 92 G5 Community Meptal .Hea2tb. 4-1C/D0•.. • .1 .H-00-3528 Tn ..• Mental Health Fr L 4-1 ,10-edlh-02-00-0 81 7, Community Mental Health Court Consent judgment Further, it is arm:,.. • %aid that upor fin:1 implementation of this Conse--d - Judgment, it will alleviate the majority Or the trtsutrde,cized overt ii; ,urrently being utilized la tha jail operations as reoorted [0/ Cho Department I Hi-ina.r.jer,er r anc 'Tr ITTEE r. TIElims Caddell, Chairperson Copy of Schedule A on file in County Clerk • Mee Moved by Mcronald supported My Patterson the report be accepted and Resolution 1182018 be adopted. AYES: DiGiovartri, Do Ion, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Cagney, Calandra. (24) HAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accedated and Resolution #82018 was adoptd. • in factors and it is now ne:e:-.a: • to revise the financing of the Oakl Lc-drior • -R. Sif .: ,sa i System so as to :Ilan,- the maximuw rate on and to re- vise the maturity scl: Thiie of the revenue bonds to be issued by the County of Oakland to finance. the acquisition of -aid F iee• '• m-seribed in the Aracrdi-e ,' Ha. 3 to the Contract for Services, dated as of February 1, !, Lv,•••,• ti: CounCy of Oakland ;.••1 Hti. To of Orion, pertaining to said System, which AnonTmert. Hc. - Contract for Servitos is submitted herewith; and 1,11EPiAS the Revonte S ad ordinance, heretof..-,:: adopted on Sententher 7, 1981, as Ordinance No. 2 1$, pertaining to the Oar .1A -C. ion Sewage Disposal System, should now be repealed and a new revenue bond ordinance should I bLtpted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT b, SOLVED that th,. f: Ordinance be and the same is hereby adopted: OFT AN ORDINANSE 7.-1 RI sE•st. I.. i Nit NI'd FIF: THE ESTABLI2 ME iT, OFEPATICN AND MAINTENANCE. OF TH , H 9 A. P/SPOSA.. IN ciP of' IT(.rdJAND IN SAID COUNTY; Ti FaTY.I :• A( . rifl,N Cl Nti,' 'd I 1-•• • (de^!Ti 41 TO SIXISS;,4G iEW,BE Di I: 'OaeL FAC !LIT! ES AS A PAR: CI - D EEri; TO PROVIDE FOP uri A^r([ :ALE Of REVE uN 70-NEC -- DEFRAY 'NE COST THEREOF; TO FmOv IDE [ 4tif PETIFEMENT AND eatbdtli II( OE 1,14ID BONES; AND TO PROVIDE FUR OTHER MA1TERS RELATIVE TO SAID SYSTEM AND SAID BONDS. - • Conimiseioners TO. Eeptember .1 led. February ld, idN2 tau. • cee County of Oakland, as adopted on nce or in the Fords to be issued hereunder, except .t• a .--heawm.• nhe subdivi -• ° to mean the County oc Cafiand, a roliticel Tt . ' ° mrtr . • . • ndil be •, 3e. • to mean ant. ',and of Lomeas 3.rac sai me • • Cali • • 1 .ler'.••• a • beds: : The terrai. e• • .• -o -r• )), 'she enected• • orty actine, puree- ,tet , • • • nir -iblic deats n hiniar of M•, , as . • dad, (ac -eine (or an optienp. ..•• • ••:• ft n , (d) The teen 'fad 0. Li o 0 ;le that name established by tie. County purse or te Executive. fe) The term "r,tirTht corporatie-R ,•Nell 'a . ••atreed to neti 1: nob f or I' Township of Oakland °i. the County, or . aft. 0 tnei ia mf -i:e •tc lindts facili- ties ot 1 istere or ar e im Tr the district are located se•t teaed or will contract with thn• Hcat with •es:.•• a . the are o• • • :ayment For i., oe• 'Ystem. Each public corporP•iot le- .ten 'escrit• e --ms • •i n •s el r i oa . " 11 c , •ne :trued tc mean ' dna dt ORE'. eude• e. • •••r se i oh, (• . O. " rdi sJ ini•i im-ieiteen the -6 as S . •rie.m t . 1" cd, at , 1 lih 2 tui - i°,; " ° resptetil•••-ii„.„ . ' 1 , 1981, s ., •,e„, „, e neots t• •1 a. . ,elivered heretcHre aee reconEiri tad al: adc. ted and Hided ••••:,• La ete-e- • c ten AMENDMENT iR• °•• SEIniAtTiF, jIOr STEM C:• •° Addi fr ta al° "many 1, l'• t.de Leian, in Icier) sub'. • . toielly as fi I lows: pea,Nr .„ i;EWAtt. nirosAL CONTRACT FORH. es rode and entered into as of the hit ry, / . .I ard benwrxel •tee• fc oii OF fitciR:°, a Michigan county corporetion, ectine ounty eae,eurice and :,t3 n•tnent of tylitic ',forks, party of the r°:tst pit (herelrafter so ri' Li referred to as the '3 -).aty" and the 'Der • -tment of Public °. taa 1 .einallIR OF RMON, a nichigar township corporatier located in the runty of haniand (heteinafter referre to as the 'Township') • party of the seeiand part, 3li ° •'i• 'aaate of nlichigar. 01-1 CPA' (mea t y i s pr esen tl y ,a ,6),; in relaryine out eroceedinne pursuant to Act No. cd, - the pjeni yan taa iie Acts of 1r,3, as ameeded, to finance, censtruct ard operate a sanitary „ an cxtLesi• -. CC the Paint Creek. Interceptor (herein sore:imes called the "Interceptor") in. de ClintoneleFir.• • e .esposal (herein sonietimes aal'ad the "System"), a sewaga di -t sal syttnel . • •,• tiro, fount; otx•anant to Act Itc, 1H ef the Michigan Fubhic Acts of 1()57, as •e-• •e, an m r- rdo•ntly •••,..antsea -nd enlarged by the feunty pursuant to Act No. 342. of tte , ,ane,ir ecta or IOOta, as amended; and fhAS the contract and amdceaments among the County and the Tcen ,hip and other Units ef °t, tin County pertaining to IXe. Faint Creek Irterceptor in the Clinton-Oakland raewade hiam•a) o•: permit the a000 ; the Township to acquire addit -ial sewage. disp.-al facllitie 3.• •.(1 A . i• ,í and conndcf° i.• to said Interceptor and System 'thin the detailnaied se,cy ,ce -. cis 'hereof; ant ut'tind the Toweeein hove entriiei into the Oakland-hrion Eeiteige 'I •-] System Contr eaied Wj 01: ?1)1 ,)kU;t ! i, A 'nden' No. I thereto, dated as of January 1 , d 1, ac t • - 2 thcract . , e Anaust 1, 1"281, (herein collectively with this Amendmet n • . 'Conte °i4fli,t'A tee Ceunty, acting CAJCSI.):, I-Ira vested in it 'odor tbe 1 revisions of Act No, 1, Fuhlic Acts of Iiehigan of °L:. . d ae,xa-Ld, has established and irtr•lef to Finance the aerleinition of the Rhakiand-Orion feea CistelY (hereinafter referred to as the "Oaf'and-ia°en System") for the purpese c• eoliect;nn, transportinc and disposing 1 sanitary sewage etea..rite- free, the areas and in tba tacilitiet substartially as shotT nin Exhibit "A" to said Conti - f r Seevices attached hereto; and ha FE X.5 the fount aas obtained construction bids for and has raf'•.i .ta!;ally completed corstructien the facia;i -i ci the said hakland-Orion Systee (herein ,aeoet;ries referred to as the "Brodie - t:') arid 3 final • imi ate of cost. Nas been preno,rne -rich estimate of cost is set forth herein et f-hifit I. attaci- hereto and by this reference mi a part hereof; and • iesed on thr estimate. of costs and a shortemira ea the revenue bond maturity schedule, thsre has tern prepared a schedule of payments to be made by the Tewnship to the County pursuant le, the Contract for 'diet-vices, as amended, which schedule of payments is attached hereto as Exhibit "ft' and by this reference made a part hereof; and • WHEREAS other amendments to the Contract for Services are proposed as herein set forth. Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the ceveniante of each, the parties hereto agree as follows: Exhibli 'Tia and Lehibit "C", hereunto attached are hereby each apt—ewe' pnd adopted and any and all references to Exhibit “Dfi or Exhibit t'CR in said Contract fer Servico.e, as amended, rks" shall be construed to mean the 4 ) •rfr .•nt by eeid Act lo,I and responsible. 1. d - 2 CREEK INTER0E5-TOR SEWER '1 " 5 IsTPTC1 LI MI TS SECTION CP ESN _ „PO. CARPEri'rf Lalx4 OAKLAND- -.. --,/----);,...it _.,1. , / ORION . i 1 s /DISPOSAL ( iii" \l, L-\ SISTE M \ i l• / _ N ii ,.,..J., F \•-,•!•-• f- _- _....1 _s11y_!.21_,,„_ :11._ , , ... _ _, c___ : 1 0 - ,Ti•• li„,„21,,TigftatT n ionurn Ni nutnn. tont Fehruary a.• uniet to r.f. F.• • kit "B" and E.-,x_h t "C`' 11,Icof maturities ••F the r. . a ,. le tit. it from0 to ,P • s • • fu rther amei Aded. to bn issued by the County in the amount r:hit "C" hereunto attached, is CrNatract For Services as hereto-- As ,*. hareby, the Conic aat for Ca...t.ie and are-Jment- sh-ii ,e Nod re-ain in fell fbrce and criect as tl in providart, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Ar nr•nr- I v ; • : . c.a cured rd delivered by their respective daiy authorized officers,a as of tie •!,• • :- c •..-r fir: ah se wri tte n COUNTY Of lAKLAND on Tai,i) cf the Irak' and-Orion Sinwane Disposal System By I:our ty 'executive TOWNSHIP OF OR ION Ey rv sor And OAKLAND- ORION SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM EXHIBIT "A" JULY 2 c!,, 1580 j 57 Ccmm.lssinnorc, Minutes ContirtR:d. retruary 10, 1932 SFOSAL SYSTEM EST L.HAT OF COST Coritrection Cot Cootc,:etod S Project fleve,loput: Coctsulcinr, 7-tro--e-r Soil sor: Lez:,1„ flci private users and Towship Con,3ultant Bclad Prospectus Pond Pri.,:tin-e, Publication County Services -- Project Development: Engineering Paserl?.et Acquisition Consraction Inspection • Administration Soil EYO'ai0O Permit • Administration, Orion Tonship Capitalized Reserve Contingency $1,097,113.00 144,000.00 12,000.00 11,312.00 3,000.09 8,550.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.03 90,000.00 135,000.0 120,000.00 38,000.00 2,450.00 10,000.00 325,000.00 102,575.03 Total Project Cost $2,100,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of Usefulness of this facility to be forty (40) years and upwards. JOHNSON AND ANDERSON, INC. Al A I p By /! f , EXEIBIT "6" (Revised S/1/81) February 1, 19S2 19 1 9 1 58 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 13, 1982 OAKIA‘JD-DJ:rON E0-t43OS 1) 141A1 SYSTDt Schile oi Ar, IPaY[tft!Itt- Cr ire: enr. Juoe 1 100,02, 00 1 •,00 .00 200,000.00 200,090.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 Total $2100-,000.00 In addition the Townshlp shall pay on June 1 and Pc.• • 11).•1: 1 to t112, Cowl.2y interest on the unpaTd instalipents Cd H at.t,to at the 1-2A-0 ot which Interest is dun on the revenue lone , 17 the County plus paying agent fees and othE'r bond. administrat.on Costs payable by the County. EXHIBIT "C" February 1,19,82 (g) The term "Project shall he construed to mean the facillties of the lL-iHpn-Ir-ps Sewage Disposal System and retsEed facilities to he acquired purusant to this ordinance. (h) The turm "psguir( '" shall be construed to include acquisition by transfer, purchase, construction or by any old (i) The tare' "1:kin-Prion System" and "System" shall be construed to mean Oakland-Orion Sewage Disposal Systert, as hert fter describee, and to include all plants, works, instrumentalities and properties (as the same straii from time to time exist), used or useful in connection with the providing of sewage disposal facilities and services in Orion and Oakland by the County as extensions of the Paint Creek Interceptor end the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System now existing and as herein described. (j) The tern "district" shall be deemed to refer to the service area of the Oakland-Orion System which is hereby established and is described in the Contract for •Services hereinabove set forth and by this reference made a part hereof. (k) The term "revenues'" and net revenues" shall be construed as defined in Section 3 of Act No, 95, Michigan Public Acts of 1933, as now amended, (herein sometimes called The Revenue Bond Act"). Section 3. The Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland herehy confirms the estab- lishment of a sewage disposal system to serve the district in said County as described in the Contract for Services and to which has been given the name "Oakland-Orion Sewa,c7o Disposal System" and the district to be served thereby has been given the name "Oakland-Orion Sewage Disposal District", which 19 19:- 19 1 991 1992 1993 1 (-) 1995 1996 1997 , wio the N Is not Oortrac. now a p hag and prOv i si enS n-• sun 'n the Fraser ereaftc -no ti • se:el-annually dre on n . ,rst In each year as VOte I ; demption pr Payment dat: par value t to-wit: rued ir years and upwaros — . .. ; • • • . , u :. ' . 1 , , . s . sthrate of Two Million ' - b k• • I . . the issu , . .• . . . . . , 1 : - • .1., P200,000 290,000 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 It 11'1177. 1.• Le subject to re- In any order, on ead one or more interest "d for redemption 'hall be redeemed at the ,a!u„ in nccordanre with the following schedule, after July 1, Ia: lab prior to July 1, 1993 after July. 1, I I! lot to maturity. , . nes to be redeecnd by publicati :r te l.. ; : ate fixed for redemption at lease ' ' lk b. troit, ichi !en, which cntries as ( , bond 'I led, that where any 1 1 . i I • • 1 c F.r ball h. i by registered cr iHed CS :. 'to aister holder thereof t the ad- dress shown ,hc recistras u. ,.L :.e shall be mail d rot less than thirty d` lays orior LH ! . a ' for 1.-ncmpf on, Ronde so called for re.... oti a shall not bear ire r , after the :ate - ar redemption, pr elilsid Pun's ;re on hand with the paying agent to re, Th. ef said It al. .a Ll ir at ilab, ,e )111 !- oojeble in lawful money of the Unit America u h 1. u. er f. .tpa h !i"ics as paying agent under Federal or dP a aid end is di: .!;:, the origin n the bonds, upon presentation and surrend a id hcnd The Chaln!! n a 1; dof Comm ,,.' he County Clerk of Oakland bounty Hal sci bonds h t half of the Cod. (re: ectively signing and counter- signing the , : : Ceanto c County shnli , 'ix the seal of the County thereto. The Chairran d o' ' <,nd the County Clerk of Oakland County shall execute the interest .1 be ntta,' said tends by causing to be affixed thereto their facsimile signatures. T1 Irca of tl County of laekinnd shall deliver said bonds and attached coupons to the pu H ti- • e. he r determined by the County Executive and Department of Public l'Iorks of o Cl H C rn , a! n s af the nurcaase price sherefor, same. a: ef sald It , America u, ized 91 0,1 • hall - acts e ther he part - corp. on tl e ex- nen Lr: t.tenao red in as it is tI •;ecutive or ••'hni wise esse t n I Thal I (t in It • d col lc, • oei'ormi.. • ti I f Sect Lin 12 County -tion t on ltre. '.tS t cludinn Ow au Sm .h is the irtained to with the forth ion oil I pro- rat in 3( for sea.. Oak 1 ens • Service. arid any an , which rat, Firm or cot, ri;e_ - ion, pui 13. CI. I thereon, led ilens are etif. by each pub!ic cohoratior, The sufficient to ! r fc• and of the Fran.- the CI inton-Oaklah principal of all the creation of a . and to pros idc f-• and that char! 90iau aniounts. System, as lessee, anC rates for services furni Or- H n,•aces. thereto is or vices Cv , or to an., ian •k -ices fri .a. i lie oy each put ho P Ordinance:, Contract ' .r • adopted, are le .ire' fi-ed and esii-v I.- the system ••ins. / instr 'era to ip -a ro • , .upiers nd. Charities ed to the for S rd inances to as the moans by nty or to any person, I be a lien noes adopted - c,ilculated to be ,f he adminis-e.71on of the System I-' the Paint Cs el.: Interceptor and •oyment of the ite?.- t h n the as r he fore- or' ( nty is h the Sy ,em and c th. r iOno. cm ti.L at ci to t. mode an..' finctions to be per • do red to rit.t in tic,. a to earl Count and 1 LI or created lic Wortl. Board of Comm and CnnLi to o' r aaf ter tho I L- each [ •1 ,' ty Or i. I1 •; Ilinutn ,, Cornea-a. Refreory 11 ,, le82 reld• Syst. t ) inn with, e or th• r zedeert due ." or " e" (1/2 . cori If ' • cc ,- 1 d sum fono el ' , s . ' i• • .nhti ant of breads: r . I 1 s ease el r .. standing bon ••' a" -., snail he cal! • in said fun; a fi - therefor not , amour' of. int, .•—t are . eItainal maturing en 11 b t ! Ea of the system with r, the riatat sZchteen (18) mentas from ua tiza determining the arnunt on hand, moneys in the reserve shall be core •• pledgee, in any rase where moneys are available. for thr -bin 1 tion of Ixan., , ee used instead to purt"..se bonds on the open market at the bes , rio or nrice s obt. ireti !ut nct in excess of the then resi, pt ion price. When the principal amount owl: upon any hrnd si riduced to the amount of the mterve therefoe, then the principal of suel herds shali be paid from s_th reserve. In respect to tht allocation and use of moneys in said •d rod Interest Redemption Fund, duc. recog- nition shall be qiven as to priority rights, if any, bet.feon different issues or series of outstanding bonds. the Contract For Services between the County and Orion provides for the creation and main- ienance hy Orion of a replacement Fund and a surplus fund and for the use or each of said funds in connection with the Syetem and with the obligation of the public corporation with respect to the System. No disbursements shall be made from said Peceivine Fund except to the special funds as above aroviced. Section 16. In the event that moneys in the Receiving rund are +rsufficient to provide for the current requirements ot the Operation and Maintenance Fund or the Ford and Interest Redemp- tion Fund, the County shall cell upon the public corporations as frovir ' ir the Contract for Services to mi ke. payment, to tie Caunty to the extent of any deficit' th ..-in. Any amount so trans- ferred shall come from the r •e. mt fund and surplus fund created by each public corporation pursuant to the Contract for rvief • :election 17. 1..7 1 rx ys ill the several funds of the Cystem, „ ecept those in the Bond and Interest Redemption I, shn,1 be held and danosIted as reouirrn by ti . Revenue Bond Act by the County- Treasurer of On 1 .and County. Ail moneys from tire tn reue in iln• fnid and interest Redemp- tion Fund (including ideerve moneys) shall 1.• tor, in hand u1• h che ik or trust company at which the principal and in ri •i en the herein 6'.,•1 ' ••• 1.c)11. . . r:".•! payable, Moneys in the Bond andinterest Rederpti Curd, over and dee fik se heir.. ta. for the payrent of the next maturing principal and ir,ereet, and ree-‘,1 n :::V/ other fa.re. nary be Invested as authorized by law. In the event of any such in .r• srnen1 . the ' • representing the z ,e shall be kept with the fund from which such purcl : • wa nede ano 'torume therefrom shall • "me a part of such fund. Section 18. The L aty hi ••1 • ru • . , and ecireet, with tic. • 1 ,ki holders, from time to time, of the bonds herein roposed to hi. 1 uad, that it ',Orli puncoidally perform all duties with in: 's her •i• ;1/4) of th ear, and i dof ed- cd il• ! there shall ae.110 it the mhoriainf - rest P'.: ii : f• r Jr a c Inusly There is 1,nnd v time ily a tional "la an at- nt t I II 1 exclude f . tf 113W(.; ; ;...; 1 -1:1, 1 t,5-12 , • i 1 r .j it ; — • ., so carried I cndy s : . or ! i n • _f 1__nds the pro - o o ile wv that 1 wi! an" ; ." •:' HE; r- {0 • ' ';.• 3 ; . r ude rez•mients on ; F this ntdeteta tanding, 1 1ncludes • .1; 03;/'• t t !ed. „ • -Ina I : • Arn st shah bE 31"1 SI!!)1 . F. For Se.-\• and on 1- in i • •t. loca t e!! • • 1" to•I IF ond a' , i ni.otion clus -sr/ P.•••i! - the. - ' ---,or ion 2 °. The tonds stant jai ly in the f:•I lowing fol..), .• t'- • rid;s r•n n•. cc • , . 0 ; lOusand • la o jec. iieretor : tit. • !• . •!.do : •••: . --- ,se or 1 ;•..-.r• . ••: ! • :• •• r• .• :•, . ••• . : tem, - or ;Inv eth!..!r 1! • -•.• • I acto.: - stem, al I have. • .. • :-• , • .1!• • a • t her -zed ; - torpor..., •,:o. ir • •t•i .• !.;!.!••i or ex- aaan ted the r! f • ' I • ..; • :`ci• U/cc the roinity in . ii Ipurse ilit 1 :,•;• L ::••n ••• a 11, lo st he in del oul t tny ments to the Opor•,t ion •edempt ion Fund, ,••••H b.( the Municioal Fitionce ! her state corrimi -:, ii • Agency as shall have Jur s - o issue such add i bonds '-ha I I con Li Lute a con - !ors porrtrtI rt BE: i • suance theriaoc. d coupons herein authorized to he issued shill be sub - IN [fl STAT C:t AMERICA ! or 11C1-11 (IN -‘1 OF OAKLAND OAKLAND -ORIB11 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM i'VENI1E BOND Nurnbe r 1:=5,000 KNOW ALL 11111 PRES11.1-P--1, that the. County of Oakland • Michigan , hereby acknowl edges 1111101,1-1,1 Jinif tor v,1111 ,- reCI` 1 ',Jed to the Lea r!-r hereof (or if this bond be od N tho r n-.'cli.i.orod no dor Pnrcto1 I:11(3 'MI • I 11OF I n (Ply ol lu I y I H I , ins • n• .V n • 0 :.'. rate i• f per centurt per arourri F rom ti o hereof unt i 1 pail . i! • hr cr!, p le •••• ie •T3 and tFiereaf ter !...or,••••-•:• •,1 1 .• •1 •:•• '-ii.' -slay o F .tv,.....![•• ye::• whi.th r het: ipa 1 .! interest are 'o 3 -1e1 v • • f reverui • - It ! •.ez • 1,, Pr . and id d rest aI e 1,0-0/PcI in itir.! • • -,neyI tne ••• • :; : <3;; t pa y ino anent , in the nf , -!ir at the opt I the 1.1 •!•• -•• co -raY 1A-1ti in the of ' T77-'7-1-7.— ,) upon nra.sentatLn and :AI: r o s iond and the coupons hereto attached as they !-over y riature.„ This bond is -!ine of a sarie!. bands of like date r :izzent as t , atitri r.! rat.creol consectitiv,1 "n the d r '-'-alt FutU'itoa .11 -t ing the pi- • um of i Hundred Thoid. •••ri nor •F F!?2,1 , ' 3SW d by . 1)unty of 1' in fol. 1 c •••1 ti e ton cc cd ci of tf•• : !li chi • t dot, 3-14H ti, i. hi . Ac , amended) , and •• . •1 o1 • ! ! oi , aid County .•n the. day of F I .ry, .• • (Jelraying part of the cost of ti-- icqui•t,it ion of the 0111 id -Or ieri C . ..do• is!. in •••• IA (aunty pursuant to a Eca. • r-, rehrudry IF-, lob n 10, 11,1 ' C t Of Or ion „ herein cal led the putel ic on, s bond de ' r h • • • • •• ' sot -- • ,.• • . . .rcorat. lc 1, • .•, • aid nolddivc. are sublect 1aur ler, '-q" anp ohh or mord t I and accrued interett p dpi I ' -wit: r doly INF.3 • .; - ma fur ty. ' to oe redeemed, /ay out` 'Cat ion . ixedi for re ' rt, t tse dines in s. ' -1' , Clichiaan, NI .ch s nart 1 - : : : ; , i . pro : tNt C cv bold s 1 , te certific - ...defect t H nrr - in. : ; a dctice shd. : a : - - • . • ; 'dal let - • 1 :ti 1 Lcv. r " d , tends dre on rand wit . •d-le pay i prt to hcadS the TOW5 Idrocr, . adnd , ati .• Cr- ad, • r I t to c odu,•- at from- Lii, t art intenar ,, pr.mxid ensl wh, • II ir it to or..: • ownship, as me ' • • • ..u-suant • that at all times while any ntfeot the tonsrsof for 'Fars. •-rvices f irnished by tr.. a . rses of 1 aserve the upda and tho p. 00 p0 le, and for the said ordina , and ....aired by "..,•1 . • •:..doce, T.he .........r et for Ser ices so as This h(n.• -• • .e 1 .-.1.3ced as to principal only in . na. name et the holder On the hooks of the. 1.i. vs. L... .-nr ; and - reui otration the back he: -.of by a. ,:7F ... •r of said payir : . rd .d :•. ter no tr ens, sr shall be ...i1 unless made tNnan the said . ad lI kewise : yd. ..t, r...reof. - d .1 ty by del IC "1 te 1.• res.• ..,•. I y re'- istrar idn to the bearer. idap. 1 . • the rn • r •:" shall not . tt ad bt , • tetst ion. It . P.. Psd• r ied, re( . se . fred that aII. s, cood it W e end things re- qui red to exist, e • a.d perforrned, p ee. adb ' to snd in the ,ssuance ot tne bords of this series, existed, In ..• hd. pen- I and have , - r doe. time, Form and manner as required by law. IN 11111NES' ,s 1 • .1., the County or Oakland, Michigan, by it Board a-F Commissioners has caused this tn ., to he d in its name by its Chairman and attested by its County Clerk, and its corporate- - al to he d • • ...tea hereto, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to .he executed with the Fe . le signatur of said Chairman and County Clerk, all as of the first day of June, A.O. COUNTY OF AIKLAND By Boar C ha i roe ATTEST: County Clerk. (SEAL) (couroN) Number I' Commissioners On the f.rst day of , A.O. 1 .3 , the County 0 I= oar I. at , Et sr 7-tan, sill pay to the bearer hereof the. sum of Doi lars . i .w. ul mont i c ' .,P -i , :. t : t of America., at in the of , r•.j, , - •-nt, c•• . 'l. ,..., .: ....- .....- Folder, at in t . of ••• rat Inc rn d .. h , . "hp .. t• : tsrest due on , that d• , : , Sakl...:.ar.er, ..ew,..• i..c '..I ' . • t ni Resent' .. a t, No , dated June 1, 1982. _— This ccupon is not a gentdol obi i :i. tiG0 0I said 'deunty, is pe!able soialy from certain revenues In Whose Name Registered 2,FFIcat oh raying Alert i nu 1 liii ruled I h 10 1/ I:3 : I I1I'32 , In the bond to which ta's oertares, and I A • '•!,. d provisions h a ssloners • 2, . .•• ••r -ho sale of the buiss heinain tFe r tie., ;-•: ! • ' ced in the .1,- c• • •• • la ! m . '• • :he Jion cif said ea,•-ed ,:, which ' r. I • por, ,r immedi H diasur ,w- nl . t• instruction Iinvaste . , • r2 lilt , • r. or at. coormaiac prosI•t-i ' • 1 urmn auth( •':,“" by t.;•.- - - •. •, , From said l',•fu sheli T.rst E , transfaer • . •in• ape oat oast • raemium ane e c!! Iit-rest r1; the Counts/ ated here', r h,rance of o r c' the project bereird. :ire described la, any engineerira, ard shall be paid or . • Cly upon authorization of the tour scant ef PctI ;. oivided, that •I • County Executive and Department authorize tr.. ta-J r aly ,nrch h• r constnum. it, lat,rt. untr ••1 :re tried pith it • , : e .ymer . H.. -re contri.car wl • h is price ,: • Aorks and the hallo e will be rent ... _From k' r• b••.•,-: f the sale ReA,2!, ! .1 , • .• In . r I ' ; r, m • -1 ar ,I I yet or . :1 2 , ncL u.d until thp t, ci, r- Mr, '• of Hi:f: .•!, • • • ••• A such issuance, and the. County- Execut . and -ra arm., • Etairro Wor,. nre hereby tar* • ad directed to make nih lIcation to said .a • ; . • Aroval. Section 23. I ly -hi •: bie: .• .sce of the proceeds of tha -;rc f the bonds herein ierbovisoi, remaining airs - ,,J• hmelkt...in of the project, nay to CI: tm t Df Three Hundred Fifteen jhwu„aw I Dollars (S31S,000' bc for the impsovement, enlareemen. e it , .r ietension of the System, sau. u 11 be arprov::1 .he rh Finance Ptnmission, an remaining balance shall be raid Hilt . lo into the 3-al • .' ie. .: Redemption . ind and the sarah -hall be used only for the payment, ion, or purcisyh• at nr• , re on ti-. ,3 . f market value of said bonds. Any bonds so acquirt h . ;ct, redoin.,Ice• or ',era •-• s shall bs aid shall not be reissued and credit shall be e . ,•n .ursuant to the Dontrac r Services in reduction of the payments due to the County on account , such bones. n 24. This ortinanct oall be recorded in the minutes of the —.sting of the Board of Commission - which it was adcir ..., as soon as practicable. niter its :e •a, which record shall be authr• .icated by the sigm•At•-• of the Chairman of the Board of Corm -...ica•rs and County Clerk of said 'curity, and shall be published once in the Oakland Press, a newspaper of general circulation :within the said County. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Section 25. if any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held invalid. the same shalt r).t affect any other part this ordinanco. Section 26. That sealed pre:nasals for the porca:asu of S2,100,000 Oakland County "Oakland- Orion Sewage Disposal System Fovenue Bonds", to be datei fihr.. 1, 19132,abe received at a time and on a date to be later determined by the County Executive. and Department of Public Works, and that notice thereof ho published in accordance with law in The Bond Buyer, which notice shall be substantially in the following form: OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE b2,100,1:107 MINTY OF OAKLAND, I- 'Alt OF MICHIGAN OAKLAND-ORION SEOP.[IF. DISPOSAL SYSTEM REVENllj DONDS [1.21 11 59 for the purchase of the above bonds will be received by the undersigned at the office of Jha Oakland County Deeartment of Public Works located nt No. 1 Public Works Or Pontiac, Michiyan 1iI054, on the day of , 1982, until o'clock .M., Eastern Time, at which titre and place said bids will be publiry opened and read. Sealed eids witl also be received, in the alternative, on the same date and until the same time ty on agent of the undersigned at the office of Bendzinski & Co., 1318 Buhl Building, Detroit, Michigan, where they will in Itbneously be publicly opened and read. Didders may choose either location to preseot bids and o mt. Fa.t.h chocks as above provided but not both ldcations. The bids will be promptly submitted to f'. Oakland County Executive .ractrbr estis,ti„ roved' 'or payee c prmject. There is f, OOD as a reserve in •,:ely other -ap ,-"us lye and Depart- Works shall not err first rtnent of Public •-ed representa- -r ,c, show the aol•.: t of Coav ir,S i Oner... 'antinsed. February 1 •, 65 (r.n •• thl•• • s to . incipal only) of Cl.. denomination ty from 1 upwards and will bear 'hereafter. .as 701 ° .(;0,00 0 0 I! raent de, plus, "11 Bona's if:, at ft, • r Prt ,i• ti 000( . 'ir),000 00 , Ono- • I. ta rer • Jr' ti on 'ire t 1..iy- iisen tor • aciemption - uly I, l• a• - luly 1. • • 'p Pe given by Ls .' • . art ora in a r• - Detroit, Cr h •h : alas .- • , f 'onds. and in c -••• rhq -sri•a r•iird/ ( ti.led roil to ••!:, •••ei,.: id holdcr :V; Y oil not ben , in e et: after the ric.s lallau the payiri ad: oa redeem the or bonds there. sf I ri 199° thru 109/. stmll ,. in any order, on ,d accrued inr. same. rest at a ratt ( rata hDi ex ading multiples i•F l/- or all i 1a11 . V • ' ••. en( a m •aium . • to ) percent less thah all • ,s.t Id !1...•1 • • •• t • T. • , located ir iiI• -• 'it tan . a ci lii, 1 .:. or., a . i rtedby • r • !•," , . . r!• • ..)-tra may • • ace,:e •„, may be I orta ted - • ,• ' i • d, auayil at!. as payi -r r eider 4 ma • ,e . a which located or is !hi i! rtes. lam . of allich sholl • r0m aei ica 1 tii• ag-ir•igned, a 10 5 501 r-l• • '• • . r',Ct 9;!, F, tile Acts of Michigan, • - of th: 1. t.alr t coo e of deft-, ing the cost of • rstac tire i a' 1 The bonds are self-liquidating aliaatior cf fr (.6k 01 cf,-• public eorearation and no not inlebtedne • , erginty or of ai )r ution, udthPa any canstitatiehsl, :.ry ler lir!' . The bonds are payable, on a parity with .ba •• •nai a anb• o• i• ual ••• whii.t • / le is u , sit forth in said Ordinance, solely from tli •c , cf s,.d ! re, of the CourTv cf Gehl a. and any additions thereto, ant a statutory fi -• t. lien on sai: itaichues has be i • tetliallisa by said Ordinance. The county has covenanted and agreed to fix pied maintain at al' ti, •sdi', any of such bonds shali be outstanding siie rates for services furrished hy the Oakiand-arica System as shall be sufficient to provide for a •-•••mn af the necessary ixianses of administration of a d System, of the principal and interest op •••a bonds when due, t•• tain the bond reserve count therefor, and to provide for suits o • E Tendifures and 'Hass or said System as are i i• ,a F.:0/ said Ordinance. There is appram• . -om the bond prbea al.. to the fd)nd and Interest Rect iption 'fund a reserve of 6325,000. The iowie 1 of Orion has reven ,ated and apreed in a Contract or Services, as amended, to operate and maino in the facilities of the Oak- land-arion System, as lessee, and to establish and maintain a replacement and surplus fund in cennectiori therewith dnd has in said Contract for Services, es amended, agreed to pay for sciwage dispcsal services from the System in amounts adequate to pay principal of and interest on the bonds, to retionish and maintain the reserve in the Bond and interest Redemption Fund for the bonds and H rid idce expenses of administration of the county and the proportionate costs of operation, mairi mid. • . rid sewage treatment throuçh the existing county sewage disposal facilities to which l•aa-Or on System will be connected. : For the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued of equal standing with ds lcrein described, as to revenues of said System, reference is made to the above described p r. FAITH: A certified or cashier's check in the amount of S42,000, drawn upon an incorporated pak or trust iicripany and payahle to the order of the Treasurer of the County of Oakland must iecompany each lid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder, to be forfeited as liquidated d • • if such bid be accepted and the bidder falls to take up and pay for the bonds. No interest sha I ha allowed on the uood raith checks and checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be promptly resurred to each bidder's rep -. ientative or by recistered mail. The good faith check of the successful bidder will be immediath eashed and paymert for the balance of the purchase pricr of the bonds shall be made at the co- • , ANARD OF BONDS: The bonds will be awarded ro the bidder whose bid produces the lowest interest cost computed by determining at the rate or rates specified in the bid, the total dollar value of o . Fliftfwr iniffra.;ftior with respect to sdlid kends gay be entained from Bendzinski ii 'i Wylsoie, I Puhl Building, Detroit, Mislailar, TelePhotle Els ALL Bins, Is dhould be plainly marked "Proposal for BwiElend-'71rion suften Revenue FC. ;0'..!h I':.`31 conf 1 i COI ,o r tHFilq 1.(F execute ,Ind fic!fiv: rvictf ,; it; tlf , form ne Commideionerd minutes Continued, Behr:dry 1 leRg t -' • ) I :.r 's fdwi . • . r Apr therefrom any I ha. co, L:fio •• . •• 1 C;. 10100 of Dickinson, cuan,•,.,a cdf 5,tr ii . icr 8 cOp: opinion will he i• or. Cr• Iri•••lr. of which all 1.• Vin•nlile:: without experke at the delive - • county will W..: 1 [€1 50 to the :mtg..' ,,,ro•:, mi. oi losing cd.J.,,anot• ir 1 ud n a rt 17 . , will • • • - - red :t the tit of for fl !livery by tw..lve o'clock noon, Eastern_ Time, on the • tkia ttrst husincos day thereafter 11 said day :s rot a I. n that day, fr any titre thereafter until delinuny of tid• ..-.)e( !:fti•t, in writing, on the und. -sl , in :• 'Eft tin deposit. Payment to iln b(J w I be r. c in no late of delivery of the bonds shall be wdld by the purcha ..7 • at PANIFl. T. County Executive, 0,i. •en I county, and resolutions or parts thereof, insofar as Jr sees: nay be in CHAIRMAM lf ROAM .r.)1 thi oon' • • au' •• be and he n. ! zec end directed ; .I. ewage Di . .• e. •1. trio for itie I I • If WIZIMP 01 ,• I the ItJfi to forward the Forewimt m.:7 ce of sale and to the Municipal hinarace Comm a 5 on for it , published in The Board Pgyer, as r''-r ired Or' to and time ta be chosen by the County Em-ec i Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Blann .:, Foregoing resolution. •e and he is E. n jorized and directed Cut or for per. L.:: • lc issue said bonds and that the said for.. Jpor approval, be a as to offer the bonds the-rein described on a Liilding Committee i move the adoption of the PLANNING AND BUIL)1NC COMEHTTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Moore the resolution be adopted. AYES: Eoyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Mcbonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, (7I.Isen, Pane, Patterson, Ferinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Cagney. Calandre, DiGlevanni. (24) 11/I'S: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. D204: 3y Mn, lkilatt IN RE: ail. CLAIM DEEDS OF . 13-27-102-015, 111.7,-35 -457 -011 and 013 -35 -457 -012, WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, TO U/APT) OF OAKLA1D (:!MTY RC,AD FOOMISSIGNER',: To the Oal.land County board of wmrissioners Mr. Chailw It lies and Gentlemen: N!- 5, .........wis /113-27-102-015, 17-35-457-011 and 13-35-457-012, Waterford Township, of land were • juired by the County of Oakland for the purpose of public road right-of-way; and ty land acquired f3r pt rpo5es of public road ri9ht-of-way should he held in the name of the Boar , • Oakland County Pead Comnissioners; and H it is desirable that there be consistency in title to properties used for specific hurposes; Wilt lAS your Planning and Building Committee recommends that these parcels of and be deeded to the Board of Oakliand County Road Commissioners so that the records, jurisdiction and responsi- bility be kept in a consistent marner. Commissioners Minutes Continacd. February l (f., NO'd TRo*Nr• lf IT frSOLV5' .• yt the Oakland rourty Board of Commiss,ioners authorize its Chair- net .. execute Quit Ci. o• f parcels :aPi-27-102-015, #13-3fa-457-01I and 5'1 i -35-45i-012, ' Tawnship, to 'I. . •••:. •Adesfor et said parcels of lond to fro Soard of Oakland Commissiorers, yh• o:.1 -nd. Mr. Chairpersen, on bo,-• it -d the Planninu and Duii ir•i Committee, 1 rove the adoption or reaping resolution. PLANNIN ' NILDING • r.d Anne. R. lig rt, Chaireer:•n Copy of Ogglit Gloim reeds on file in founty Clerk's Office, Moved by Hobart supperted by Alit/ocla the resolution be adopted. Ai'EC Fortino, Geary, riesling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, IdeDonold, Naintoutc, Moore, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, °rice, qhitlock, Cogney, Calandra Dovanni, Cloyon. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. C-i2:grg Mg. If.,1•N IN :,h ,dj.17.ArTION TO FFTEIVE BIDS AND INITIAL FUNDING FOR MODIFICATION TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COP.: . - I• -"mrS I TO tie daflond C000 ,. ot Commissioner... Mr. Chairperson, s .51d Gentlemen: WHERfAS the •pard of Commissioners od!.e,e1 Miscellaneous Resolution r'31381,on Novenbar 19, which approved be Consent Judgement re':ting to chances to bo made at the Dafband County Law Enforcement Complex, and WHEREAS a portion of the Consent Jddpcment provided or the installation of sgoke detectors, cell lighting and a tio-way voise agtuatnad s:oo guniration system for moritorinu cell block areas; sod • WHEREAS funding of thrs project is listed in the proposed 1 ,--Ja2 Capital imprbamm.nt Program; and :rAri initial start-up funds are required for electrical design, blueprint reproduction, specific i . printinp and acilerrisinp. d.HIFORF 1 IT • ' UAff: that preliminary fundirn of Slr,000,F0 5c and is hereby allocated la the Department 0 . tencada Services to cover the cost of design and administrative costs nec. sary to initiate t! is project. BE IT FURTHER. USOLiaFa that the Department of Central Services be and is hereb7 authorized to receive bids for the electrical, cgramunication and fire alarm system for the is Enforcement Complex and a report thereon be rade to this Roard after receipt and tabulation of such bids. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Flannipg and Ruildinc Comvittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PLANNING AND BUILCIAC iuja' TTEE Anne M. Hobart, Cnoirnor5 • FISCAL NF OF 3y Pr Cod dr.: 1 1 IN RE, NISCELLANEOUr 9frOLUTL.dI : - ALFIWRIZATION TO RECEIVE RIDS AND INITIAL FUNDING FOR MODIFICATION TO THE fAl4 rtnO•flyri.Nii. - FHAS•11 I 10 the Oakland County 5oard ro rnmliasioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and rentlemen7 Pursuant to Rule Xlar of tnis Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous resolution 7.152023 and t-inds S14,000 necessary to fund design and adrdnistrative costs for this purpose. the Finance Committee rinds 214,000 available in the. 1982 Cupital Improvement Program- Building Fund for said purpose. FINANCE COMMITTEE C. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Peterson the report be accepted and Resolution /722023 he adopted. AYES: Geary, (osling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonaid,tdoffitt, Montante, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Nerinotf, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Aitlock, Wilcox, Cagney, Calandrn, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino. (24) NAYS: None. (0) it A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution 02023 was adopted. mete, .1 •, fommihniuners Minnree eons ii,, 1E, LEASE OSOL1 - PUMP1N FACIHTiFS unty Board of Com, i• lt ens Mr, ad e' and Centl.•. .)e hoard of iii ••• a( . Resolution !,I81405-, or Decembe( 3, 1981, wr ch • ( :r t, rovided h( m.t line a . ' .1•%o1 ine meterna systems to be install(. Cent, -.(1 Garage ar- •. ,ite : • .ma lm.orm,:rip; and Ishi p has . •-• •.o lease their ..11ities, which consists of a pump and stor • n.e ail , 1*( Crunty •. • . r SE.0C; ani •••,(re,Fir.. a I.. m-cod to alh. ! the County to install their automated or behalf be authtm gasolint ; ag ••. Mr. Chairp.r.• ie rhairp-r•J , of the Board of Commissioners hereby leJsc ecreemeat for the u11li201 ion of the Avon Township of the Planning and Building Committee, move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Lease on File In County Clerk's Office. FISUL 11 1 By , rh IN I MlFF.FlANFOUD REFOLUTION ,)'82024 - AVON TOWNSWP LEASE - GASOLINE PUMPING FACILITY To I'•• 1 Cou": Board or Commissioners Mr, • •.• . 1, 1.- ies and Gentlemen: ,e xf-C ol this Coard, the Flranca Eommittee hasr 1 /11 1 1 'cellaneous Pc!, or ..ria finds S Inecessury for said lease agreement; sald a[nourt available in the 15 Bu: nr.mount. r, the Finance Committoe finds funding for the installation of the automated metering syt n has been previously arprorriated by Miscellaneous Resolution 01405 and requires no Further a( riot,. FiNANCE COMMITTCL IE. William Caddell, Choir person Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the report be accepted and Resolution #82024 be adopted. IMF ' • ling, Hobart, vasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Partc, a, crinoff, Pernick, n rson, Price,. Whitlock, Wilcox, Cauney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary. (24) NAY); None. (0) A sufFlicient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution //22024 was adopted. Misc. 8El,cm.' By Mn. h. lurt IN RI : ti 1' 'OR ANTI-ORCANLEG CRIME OFFICE SPACE To the Orkh.ad County Board of Crtinissioners Mr. Chairo .8 ., Ladles and hentlemen: Wll'I•. employees of Anti-Organized Crime presently situated in the Courthouse will have to vacate LE: premises to permit necessary remodeling work; and there is inso"icient office space in (:)ny County Building; and Emplre PropeTtir.s, a Michigan Co-partnership will remodel existing office space to meet Art' r , rized Crirt: te.. .ds. and WF7 ' the County Fxddalmve F,taff recommends the leasing of office srace located at 31 Oakland !enue, Pontiac, kichigan for a period of twelve (12) months beginning February 1, 1982 and ending .• num : 31, I90 3 at a cost of $1,1(6.74 for the month of February 1 982 and $1,166.66 for the balanct. of the lease term (11 months). SOW 111E:T":1 FE IT EIDOLVED that the Chairperson of the Del land County Board of COM- missioners I taa(by authorized to enter into a lease l'or office si -ma.e w.th Empire Properties, a Michigan Co-p,rtnership, P.D. Box 377,TI;, Pontiac, Hichiaan to hou.e. ;he Anti-Organized Crime at a cost of SU.,D30.90 per year, which amount is to include all custodial, custodial supplies, Heat, electric and maintenance. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I rove the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Lease on file in County Clerk's Office. ft Or ar transterr • id : ?t. r:;iievred h i - 1 a-A„: funds Li . f• ,cy 'acount and ..; CI? ;I( 69 -I .-)P ANTI-nctaliFid AEIME OFEICE SPACE a, .p i•• IP, 1?8"2 I Uudget, , Chairperson si y Peterson the lease be amended by aaleinq the following: Empire Properties and the County of Clard, bearing date of : AYE' Patterson, )1 It Misc. 220 7 y " • ) . 1!•.4 cit 10 1' • To the Cal Mr. Cha I ig W' It''' I'' Lr..q.pr a .c. n 1 t 1-(1 n ullber, the Al.“-1l:. will he incorporated ir tfe FINPfd . ! Moved by mf L suppnrted by Patterson the report be ace qtad and Resolution #82026 be adopted. Ilth of aforci 1 c alterations m ($2,0U0.001 Roi may he terminated by the tessci .s . time during the m !„moviecd the Lessor is reimbur:: .F pdcial office Cost for special office alterci bei a Two Thousand •iFficient erifigrity having voted therefor, the amendment carried. • Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montarte, Moore, Olsen, Page, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro,.Geary, Gosling. (1 5) Siovanni, Doyen, Fortino. (5) P cfficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and Resolution 482026 as amended, was adopted. 'L/\C E OFFICE BUILDING is :aers by Miscellaneous Resolutions 869(i (adopted . ••• •.. i A .•a. e.•-• d.• tri - 30, 1:12) and :3297 (adopted December 15, 1977) app •• • :• • , . ;......0 be Place Uuildirq, located at 1.1-10 S. Saginaw, Pontiac, Pit! i q. , r . , • .,•• )1 w i WhhhEAS the , icc c , a ,esires to enter into a lease with New York Life Insurance acmpany, a few York ri. se. ion, fur ffice space consistino o# 12,iil i3/1 square feet, comprising room numbers 600, iid nd 777 of a ceptain building For en as the Pontiac Place Office Building, Si tuated at 140 S. :a..inaw, Pontiam, Michigan for a period crf one year commencing November 1, 1921 and ending Octotm# 31, i922, at a rate at S129,063,00 annually, and paid in equal monthly installments of $10,:155.25, in advance, on the first day of each and every calendar month during saiI term. MOW THERCSORI. CC_ IT USSOLVED that the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners agree to lease rooms 600, 723 and 777 in the premises known as Pontiac Place Office Ruildino at a rate ef S10,255.25 per month t r an area of approximately 12,54 square Feet for a period of one year commencing Mrve -1. r ' .1 ending October $1, 1982. BE hi. F ) that the Chairperson of the Board of Rommissioners be and is hereby authorizen 0 e ate said lease in accordance v.:Ith the terms of the lease, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. Mr: Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PLANNING AND 3UILD1NG COMMITTEE Anne M. iilobart, Chairperson Copy or Lease on file in Counsy Clerk's Office Minutes Fentinusd. sehruitv ib, i9U2 DiVISHF C! - MtNTIAC PLACE OFFICE BUILDING Hi . • ' - 1! Movod hy Meistrt supported lotion • .1', be adopted. AY1 Perinof go tuctson, Kusoor, • r, Price, 11 Lunni, Fernicf, ! andro, z. mattecsen, (•113) of Manage- and t: Nanaqement •th the CUST OF LAW filfORFEMEHT SERVICES AUGMENTS - TOWNSHIP DEPUTIES - -mission r Gehl !.. r "e • :.• . it the Sheriff Ltrol iN ' APR , 1 men!. du ,r'd 1,1 A sufficient, majority havidc voted dt r lor. the r•:••:t oas accepted ur was adept-nil. Li( 1 annual to he bit' L Cheirt foregoing resolutirc. thBt ti-v, rcal monist lt• • ' be established as the Tic fscra yoar Appll 1, 15,o iTi oe harsh 31, 1933, such cost • alS of the Public Services Corn '• I 111.1111We the adoption of the GURLIG SEll'!;.GS COMPTTTEF domes E. tonal, Chairperson Mcen t. by Lanni s •utort.:, .)./ Fortino the resolution be adot• I. UMERFAs t. Al so a... the annit I I: • ... . . . . . i. .. .., • .1 - ni . " year April I„ '. i.. •v t. ui ••- i ! .• ic .i I, 1 . . thro at the median — /•. li .:, 1 . su h • .st ,o be _II' . l• tt • increment ,. is A. sufficient majority havinn voted therefor, the umendment carried, Vote on resolution as arended: Kasper, Lanni, Mcrionald, Moffitt, Hontante, Moore, Olsen, rage, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, lqilcox, Caddell, Cagney, DiGlovanni, Dr yon Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Jdckson. (22) NAYS: Calandro. (1) A sufficientumajority having voted theref)r, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 220114 By Mr. Istinei IN RE: ' OF 1 RACT OVLRTIME. RATE hOR USE OF SHERIFF DEPUTIES To the Di s d County l• • • - ta•ds Mr. [hail. an, Ladies ..n, ' • • m-um Whd-1,Atii it is tic, • , • Y !nd County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff Depsirtmetit to enter into cs,c • ,t• u• ,ts with various cominunitics and organizations for the purposes of providing deputi, t trisjit. ...id security assignment for various activities and events; and WHEREAS the Sheriff Depar. Lent provides assistunce on an overtime availability of Sheriff aanlissioners Minutes fontirned. ...!raary IS, ISS.2 Deputies .•• rorluired, such o ,s . • s. ' it ['lied back to . r • community or or anis z atsa., at rrrsi established t -••, a:rod pioners;• such rates f I a -.-r: t ebl jS l.• m : . :,xecutive's De. • . p • ri.s. • ',41?-: Uudget, consiz:psn: lac schedul: . D:)si 7'1'9E:FORE BR i - 'ESSlis:• Jr ' reerL, OVerti. • 1 • 4,3C he establishEP tb- E.uriv rate charged fm - -:rof •;eirrt: iss3 - ti. purpos- t:• gal ss,..(ity assignisp —: At .,nttacted for. These ra: 2S oould ve( •io rs-die(1 Jangsr •, • "s. thrha j• Dassenber 31, 1' PE IT FURTHER RES01... that eacs . 1 ti .iterc L ....sr the St.-riff Departae t • y or DroanizatiOn must be approved by the of sssi• hers prior to implemeni. t• c• . agreement. If the comunity is under contractuai ',or Sheriff Law Emgrca tr. PAT't 1 SerViCes, the review and approval of the County Executive's Departvent of Management .nd Padget shall suffice t:rior to implementation, Mr. 1hairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Corarittee, 1 move trie adoption of the I oregoing resolution. SLIWI(fS GOMM'S James E. Lanni, Chairperson Movea by Lanni supported by hrice tfFt.i,..1.:tion be adopted. Moves! by 'rice. supported by Remick the resolution ta amended to provide the hourly overtime rate for tha. si t-ar at the base rate, and the 2nd year to be at the inedinn rate. further, the Resolution LT n -en.iee to provide For A two year ecntract. A nun cleat majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vete on resolution as, amefidea: AYES: McDonald, Aoiiitt, Mentante, MOCre, Olsen, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, ch, Whi.lock, Wilcox, Cacirlell, Cannes!, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Esr.risrr (23) us... _ (1) - Pape. (I1 A •rafficient majority havino voted therefor, the resolution, as amehded, was adopted. kisc. i320I By Mr. Lanni IN PE: CETD 7ITLEf !HD toff VI Fl E 3ECAPTOSE/PEALLOCATIOI: FY--MI To the Daklasd County Board 1 loners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Sentli •• 7 WERFAS the Oakland Coon s ri;drd ot Commissioners Im 'miscellaneous Resolutions No. 654iS and 3383 applied for an , was orantec the designation as Prips. .ponsan By the ii. C. Departrent of Labor to .g) ini tim pr. isiens Or the Comprehensive [rot Trainino Act. of 1973 and the ComprO(ns.ve [rip : •imeri. and Training Act Amendments Ii Li ..or a Sestersber 30, 1381, Public Service Ems,oyment terr..nated by federal legis- lative act. a iL both CLIP, Titles 11-0 and VI; and 14lds•::Di `ederai mandate these titles are requires: to he sirsrprially closed out by March 31, IESs. and ilakland County has been recognized by the Derartnent Pi. Labor for outstanding achievemont 'or placement or PSC. participants (Attachment siSs), and LiLpS certain subrecipients have exceeded budgets sod others have considerable. un- expended funds to be returned to the Department of Labor (Attachment "D"). NOlii Ili:FR.170U 99 IT PESOLVEC that the Oakland County Moard nf Commissioners approves the reca2ture of unexpended funds urrh..ir CETA Titles II-D and VI (iiolunr; 2) and allocate from those Funds to subrecipients (Coluirm 3) the funds necessary to cover prooram costs through September 30, 1921 in accordance with Attachment "9". BE IT fURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioaers be and is here- by authorized to execute sale modifications. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Cosoittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLiC SERVICES COMMIFTEE James E. Lanni, Chairperson Copy of Attachnents "A" and "9" on file in County Clerk's Office. Moved by Lanni supported by Patterson the resolutior be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Caeney, Calandro, DiGlovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Denny, Gosling, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni. (21l) NAYS: None. A sufficient majoritv haying voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. had ler Octeber End Ti been re , , foroolne run ! mni t tog , ! ted Fe lin, IV YETI", i Year funds that adoption of the Br. dn Misc. By lir. IN RE: To the Mr. La)or Co; •ri approve 1Fli.ATMN ii!rent fren and c. Eview of perfortsdice erld Pointy Board of rommi. os the Board of Bommissioners he and ent. ices rtimmiftge, move the ddoption of the will he sobmit BE IT F authorized cc ei foregoing re. P Attnchrti on file in Gown ,/ rlerli !co . Pttrinoft, Porn :eh, Peterson, Pr For (teary, Goslirri4,. Hobart, odepted. riaiority hovine voted thoretor, For title 11 HOW reviition for edtionnl it COMM V Park ' domes E. Laimti, hi sup inorted Iny Peterson the rnsdiutIon he adoptede f' Wilcox, McDonald, Mo Moore, Olsen, rage, Patterson,yerinoff, fddrnich., Betervon, Fri , Whitlock, DifliovEnni, Poyon, Fortlno, Geary, htiisling, Hobart, H 'ior, Lanni, A sufflelont niajority having voted therefor, the resolution eati, adopted. Hy IM CosALLTP ei I Servi, Budget animal per dad fi board a d Commiss.ohcro Minutes Ceatiered, February iti, :Nedp L.,7M0 haary t 1 wino ; • roffirrittee HN of : lo. Ll• ILE I, . L'entia e refe.rot I 1 :e the • Lift. INTAKE I•' • h.. • A sunriciert maioritn havinp voted thereSor, the motion carried. - ANIMAL RaltREiE i•ot. 'S ALEC ; • . 'Ii , pers lanai Control Division eaHnisters the: provisions oC 1' /1 rivision renders services to local Enrisaiotions on Purc; 1 c f.! loan! Control Diyis. a Dn'i the Heaartme-t of Management au ai 1 through .g. ilysis that n t- :t ice of S4,57 for disposal of disposal of lip_ apiedin, and a unit price oi J . 1 an Pre 'a r ; nd tk - Hntl Cohrty would reccpen 100. of its costs for disposal and RFC"' ''y that th.. Oah.lano County Board hf Commissioners approves the attache . a 1_ •itc...t by the . • lland rmunty Animal Control Division and approves the establ. ithhtt of a goit , ( etk.„57 tor ' dead anieeis and unit price of $5.05 for dispooe, of live scroll enimols, pail a unit price r S7,06 per day h ' fd ad care- RE IA PURIFIER PLBOLVIRO that the County Cxec: t:ve and Chairman of tin ha nard are herewith anti-" tizot Lc, sign the agreement on tehaif of the County, Mr. Chairperson, on hehaif of the Public Services. Committee, move the adoption of the 'ore nins: resolution. PUBLIC f,REI:lC.B.S COMMITTEE James i I • •ni, Chairperson Copy of Agreenont on file in the County Clerk's Olf e. Novrd by Lanni supeortrd fav Whitlock the resolution be adopted. AY Moore, Olsen, r , P.tterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, 1, Calandro, if nni Doyen, kortino, Geary, Gosling,'Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Mcp.c, I .1,fritt, Mortar e. ;25) MIC,S. None. (0) . A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution WaS adopted. Misc. 1320'9 By Hr. Lanni IN PI: Dit'sliAl Coil' 'CT - CITY OF CLAWSON To the col 'e• Ci un ' of Commissioners Ur. Chairei on, u, • , d h atlemen: - nal lard County Animal Control 'Division administers the provisions of P.A. 335 of 191'3 ot thee (o " Don Law); and Wilk:;; 'he •°1: ,O Control Division renders services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of Service Con Wheis h. Etc r 'and County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and Budget havc d • sa ;in t through a cost analysis that a unit price of 94.57 for disposal of dead animals and a ., 't prica of $5.05 for live small animals be charged, and WHEREAS the government of Oaklang County would recover 1000; of its costs for disposal. NOW THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the attached agreement ror services rendered by the Oakland County Animal Control Division and approves the establishment oF a unit price of $4.97 for disposal of dead animals and a unit price Of 033 05 for disposal of live small animals. BE IT FURTHEE RESOLVED that the County Executive and Chairman of the Board are herewith authorized to sinn the agreement on behalf of the County. Mr. Chairperson, or behalf of the Public E;orvices Committee, I move the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES CONAMITTEL James E. Lanni, Chairperson Copy of Agreement on Clio in the County Clerk's Office. Moved by Lanni supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. .i OF LPIL SMALL .1PALE have d FC I lye 1Tve other co drice Division Irtr Pr. iralrperson, rethlurion. hrnd (:0,Inty wo.!)1 recover I -ontrydl Divisier cl Counry Board ( the Public, his sees to to ',:roves a unit \nimdi Certrol trove the adortion of the forety. ni sdpnort ion he adopted. 051. Mc Mist> C J./11 , tterton, Porl-olc, Pernk..h ;io.varni, Doyoo, Onnt,an!, ncore, hone. (WI n, Price, Whit'ock, Wilcox, Caddell, 0rsI pc, Hobart, Jackson, Kasres, Lanni, Cy r t2;) havino aoihal tharefa , ii an,1 the Janie. e F. Ltolni, Ctc;rperson P sufricienr havine voted therefdr, ,f.he resolution 1 L.flT CONTRACT WITH JOY , INC. OF lAZEL FARK FOR rouspc qt. ldp ..'LI' • To the Pal Mr. Chair (ire i ii it rE±lai.t.i ; DecelJ6c ioners ,0s.b the Community Develr .rent Frivision pan not for pess''.. ••-aporation *a in the City < I '1.• Port Since s have been acquired as r.> Lilikated Hodrr 1 with TRY, Inc. funds for which expired iral. use Fundinq • • ; NO',1 '> 1)1. i approve the J-•' •. • notrac' Hr, ir, n, on Foreqoing resclutir• Copy of Aqreement on ii silt for calendar year 1982, but only to . and ty Board of Commissioners does hereby il"•. Pit 1 IC 1> r‘,tonmi ttee, move. the adoption Of the rlhCiJC. `,',ERVICES COPtliTTEL Jaites C. Lanni, Chairperson e in County Clerk's 1Mce- rent cue the ch. thh I cii d,r Moved by Lanni supported by Peary the resolution he adopted. AYEY'3: Patterson, Perinoff, Ferrick, Peterson, Frice, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, Pitliovonni , Doycn, Fortino, Geary, c.osling, Jackson, Kasper -, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Poore, Olsen, Page. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A suFricient majority havinu voted therefor, the resolution was adopted'. mmirsioners nethorin move the adoption of time fore- I ill Chairperson accept thi Mr, Chairi poinq reed C. We. cJve.iii by Caddell out.' nrted by Calandro the rota he adopted. AYEF: Pernicli., Pet rtlne, Geary, Coal lop, tterson, Perinof None. ;on, Pelee, Wilecx, Caddell Oct , Jackson, Casper, Lanni, •ray, Cal •-ald, Po DiGiovanni, Doyon, Montante, Moore, Olsen, ndro , niersn too, Coptiri.nd ovnd by Cade,1.1 aurparted by AYEh: Perinoif, Pnraieb, Pete Dibiavanni, Poyor, iieary, pos lore, Olsen, Pane, PatLeren, IPPi Bone. (P) arson the resolution be adented. ion, Price, Whitlock, qilcox, CrsddeV, Cociney, Calandra ainai, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Mcnoneld, Moffitt, Montante, Cbicient bavine cited therefor, the resolution was adopted, To Line Pal fos , tv , CommiTsvioners Mr, Cbairi .a.cl : • filo to ty Cultural Affairs Division appiled for a rim grantthrouph the hicht or. I • , for i ..• 0r to to provide a Visual Art. Pregrafil for inmates at the Oakland County Jail and i a 'cate, iP 01 facility; and the grant wiil provider part-time visual art inr,tructor who will conduct two (2) liour art sohsions twice a viciel, Co , a Period oF lii weeks; and LJV:1EAS trio rtm:n''-irrrr't award is for $1,.,i0D, the some as the ccrant application arid covers the period january 21, through Pay f:, 192 .:,; and liPIPPEAS the mini-grant award ±5 I POP Mt A funded and requires no County marching funds; and 14HEDFAS the accentaree of thja riinisaiani does not obligate the County to any future commitment. THEREPOBT PP 'T 1MhOLVF.D the liakland County Board of Commissioners accept the Di ,S00 (Irani, award from the Pichinen Counci1 for the Arts, Mr, Chairpersice, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the forgo inn resolution, FINANCE COMMiTTEL C. William Caddell, Chairperson A sufficient majority having volae therefor, the resolution was adopted. The Chairperson referred an cuclif Prinors on the Sheriff's Deartmert to the Public Services Committee. There were no isbinctions, BE IT ' •Lorting PESOLVEF our Li Ind County CJI8TY! we move Dirt let. ;,11 istrict Moved by Lanni supported resolution. suspended for iia.dedl Lion :all the McDon:31d, Daterton, Whitlt ,ck, feancy. Calandra, Fortiro, Geary, Foslinn, Jackson, Kaeper, Lanni, fe, Olsen, Pabe, Patted -tor, Perinoff. (16) Price, 1,1ilincet„ Caddell, Doyon. doldart, Moffitt, 'Tore, re.rnick. (9) A sulfifient majority bovine voted therefor, the or !loved L' ucr supported by Caid.iney the resolution be adopted. Dischesior Followed, love. Ly 'n cc supported by Moore the resolution be referrer to the General Government Committee. Votn nu 1: AYlifi FT ,licox, Diffilcvdnni, Deyoo, Fortino, Gosling, Md. .irt, 11cDonald, fioffitt, Moore, ferino•d, Pernick. (13) 'oh, Caddell, Caidney, Calandra, Geary, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Montante, Olsen, or con (1211 The Cnairperson stated it taJes 16 vetes to refer and a sufficient majority not having voted )e. the motion failed. Hr. Price appealed the docisian of the Chair rebarding the referral, Diseussion followed, The fbeirperson stdtee those in favor of sustaining the the Chair say "Nay" and those opposed say 'Aye', He vote was as leilows. AYESi Geary, Got] inn, Hobart. (3) NAYS: Whitlock, Wilccot, Caddell, Cdeney, Cdlandro, 01E:levant-id, Goyon, Fortino, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, MoCritt, Hontante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Bernick, Petersor, price. (2d) A sufficient. majority not havine voted therefor, the decision of the Chair was sustained. Discussion followeJ, Moved by Moffitt supported by Moore flint resolution he laid on the table. AYES. Wilcox, PiGloyanni, beven, Avery, Goelioe, Moffitt, hoore, Derinoff, Bernick, Price, (1() Olean, NAYS: Caddell, Cauney, Calandro, Fora: doe, Patterson. Peterson, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Montante, ient majority not havire) voted therchor, the motion failed Commissitd ,-dd Mdritec • --tH•,e.th t ,dte ur „, • , -dr Lino, Cttatty., G,Dsdi ire!, Hobart , , • • ' •• .• Paee, It: tefdt ,on „ Pe te r con , t t!itY A rtelfie:ent f , tLvine voted thereFor, the tdt.s.utior wcs dedted, Moved ird,i ftcpporte by Geticy tile Board adjeurn uldt1 raitch 4, 11)82 at 9:0 P-M. A sutfieint Elorlty Iltwinct vot:d therefor, the Emtion carckA. ;he !oard dditd1rned dt 12:20 Pit Lynn Allen 1;C. P.WI1COX -... • Clerk