HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1982.05.06 - 7333OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING 15 1 May 6, 1982 Meeting called to order F- House Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraih 4.5 :rpersor Richard R. Wilcox at 1017 A. M. in the Court Pontiac, Michiaan. Invocation given by Wallace F, Gabler, Jr. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flog. Roll coiled. PRLSCNT: Aaron, Cdnoey, Calan(lro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kapef, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (26) ABSENT: Caddell. (1) Quorum present. Suzanne H. Wolsey, representative r Co a Lybrand, add . the Board. Clerk read a letter from the it It or Natural Resources r...c.arding the Board's obligation to appoint two per-,oils to a Wt.te Facility Site Approval Board. The Chairperson recommended the appo;nt.ment ,, of Ceonioe Lush r, M. D. and Paul Tomboulian. (Letter placed on file) Moved by Gabler supported by Pernick the appointments be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed. The following persons addressed the Board: Mona Spreen, Bernice Ferguson, Lillian Richards, Mary Corkran. ! ni seo so,,ported by Gosling the rules be suspended to amend the agenda to include the followi • il•.- ; omm t ee -solution on Control Services/Food Services Proposed Reorganization Plannii.g a Building Award of Architectural Services Contract - Law Enforcement Complex - Phase II Public Sere Tornado Warning System Expansion General Go: •eat Parks aria Recreation Commission 10th Member Report on Resolution 1102101, Amendments to the Clean Air Act • Support of House Bill 415435, Regarding Administrative Fees to Cover Property Tax Collection Support of House Bill 1151 IS, Allowance of Ph. D. Psychologists to Certify Patients for Involuntary Hospitalization (Amendment to State Mental Health Code) Support for Substitute for House Bill 4/4150, Amendment to the School Code Dealing with the Collection of School Property Taxes Discussion followed. Vote on motion to sw, W rules: AYES: Whitlock, Wilt. , Aaron, Cagney., Calandra, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, ntDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olsen, Page, Patterson. (20) NAYS: Pernick. Fortino, Moore, PerinofF. (4) A ..erficient nit.r ptl iC fn,lvitrr voh'd therefor, the motion c.orried. Moved by Gabler supported by Olsen the agenda be amended. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. the Pin] ç ire ic form t c with tkrk Pr' .. is, vjdei in tic ' • ii nh.., r ii C. 1L128 F,, Mr'. I, s, rq IN Pt Ti ft flkU. ti t: i rprr Bc cr0 I en i i'd ''I WOE 1 eo cv pr Vtn C slot c chHd p ' P i37 by t flak I and County . . ,. . : ( ttochcd) 'i..US for 0cd, C •... . . . •Cj. publ ic, or fl-'.' . i.. ,tz S nf chool U. in S I en . ' 'f r C Con t i F I'. •' '. ' . o ,i ) ,- (P. F iCOn] "CO 1 I................, . U. U Lid :,uCS . fl, oiL loud vj ho,ji ..... ,,cidi 'on, porrrn. ci r'- ou o,c s I 'F'- the c hi I , C t hc 5, Iii s i , ii i'd •I t is] oi i, 1 ft Cu 1 ty n cent nu i nq F roq'-or .criodit iiiHt cC i ioc to ( 0 r core r,thc, thn en assesmcnt on a yc or]" bee I d p a .'i I e th S p 'obI m wit ho s gn f I cant] y red r p cn IC pc te.d noun oat on eve 1 NOW ThrREi'')RE BE If ft""i' VED that ii. I' . d 1'.'. 'y F ,rd " H ioners approve the requiring a 'r iclic odit oP r thin 'u., .. .•'.s 0 stuc grace ten tiO) in the On ki and C ,unty Hi ci h Pta ti Cr'-.,. ii- F a . C . Mr. ft0;1 cr ii, on ',i..f of . . i, 1'. c .rc 'Oiil ittee, F aove the odop C on of thor For op on I. (fl J[fl[rH AND H'UCAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Mo ii ni, E , if . ' nor, Chn rpc rson OAFL/'ND LOIJIFTY HEA, Th STpTIJS COPE APFIFL[ I - lt'f"iJNIZAS ON cTqTUS NecL Furl I Poer. F , I C1 .. Sf i ,' L.:1 F.......i own o C he rn run i oar or St a tue Requ I a i en sit '-ia C F and County. F" . r Cl .......The C , rr,f Fr' i C ,' Co i r I ci to 'e e' ion' r uride the act ho,' to Co acopt 3 -ti .........................F t F ,' t ions ' P. , 7551 md 251j7 01 As 368 of Iii' Pub] i or Act of 1978, p'. 'rerebo uooLc Lb. .' On 5ocirtv Imnuni7etion Statue Req'iinticn .3 Pr•oiuU'- on of FuI'e. The Oakiar.' Cnuni y ii' a] tic Di ,U.ion may promulgate rules and guide] ines u er iii .....,ilot on 1 ,5 Piirp'i..-' Thi i 'i'j lot ion I'- doe tO IC, Hut the Oak] and County Hea F th Division in its en to rear-icr, F Ste s.'H ccc' I ri,, a Oct ,- r .. . 0 0 a' r control I ace and its genera 1 re s pC., lb ii ty or ' . i r•r the ic a] I i: . . I, f N c it aen s of Oak I a a four t y. Not hi no curtained in this re'i .iri,,n loll fi c')nei '-no, to ,..brc . a- o'- upersede any 'rhe" etOtutor/ or oiiiicni-ioi, rU.iht any morn '555 5CC. F 5 Fr, toted on t, Fine Oat I nO C'iun C PIca] Lb Off cr t F,e deal tic Off I car' ,ju thor I zed representative is charged it h the su thor it on'] lit Cc p .1 y situ err to rca ,hc pro 'isi one of this requ Fat ion and any IC', p rio u1 ge ted under h s icqu 1 at ion ri any tow,, sic i p vi 1 1 Sq's , or or, ty Wi Lb in the jurisdiction of tb' IFIiid County Hesiih L1'visin. ScL en, l I Net; r tie, 2.] Mu', FijI ,iL Icr,/ tudcnt be m g admitted to kindergarten and any new enrollcc From ouUide tInt arid Ci ant, iii on grs I thrcugh 12 in a pub] ic, private, or parochial elementary or secondary school clint np in Oski nd ('ourt/. 2,2 :1 ... F 7 arid ti Studsnit: Ant St. cot errol ied in gr itO 3, 7, and 10 in e pub] ic, private, or pa-' .o.. ueicliLdry or "-c)ndary school operating in OkPacd Cointy, 2,3 !.............ti.' iNc .cdinrni tratior, ci tb-i parenier fly ci orell/ of a spool lie antigen that Clay cause ;,-- -'- eU.eenL 0C _,,tiL..j'Cs against Lhnf poiticuha' diae,cce-c-usin'1 ogenL. 2.5 Ccitil'icj' cm, A written eta nt, °lerrly t in g ft4 data'- at dmi n i strat ion of vaccines covered Lv iii'- lode. 2.5 Inmun :jtion As.'s-oU. The or t of' reviewing by echiol °-: rconr,ei , with the assistance of He,'] ft Di vP..- 1 c 1 -inC the form md content of a or] tten .. :-qji, describing the adnin i strat ion and dates tF'.ree' tin antigens against vaccine-preventable :- ..... 2.6 lnrounitiu i Audit: A random sanipl rig of innnunizut ion r cords of' students enrolled at the 7th- and lOth-urad,'- levels, nst, the antigens to he used, and the manner and frequency of 1 by the Health Officer of Oakland County and shall conform to e nysical condition such the immunization ioo I d ndanger the life .abt a s t a t eme nt. la, fl, bu ri'rg authorities from a licensed b hart d ,i 1 are contraini ,ad Ihe period of time the contraindication tion al mi .r al exemption shall b, sin ) approval by the Oakland Children with teverary medical cont.- ars Hens shall receive the. appro- • the contraindication is no longer ih ! • , A parent or unardian of a student w:.-h 101 . or other objection to to the enforcing authorities a writr. -. • at n a form approved by 7 th Divii,ion. Commissioner Minutes Gontirded. her 6, 1982. 2.7 1: 1 dar ,r . ,n pnblic, private, or parochial • 153 Sec!, i 3.1 An 3,2 Ea h in the h or urri of fro 3i$ At ir ically (dr p :ttildentt, school yirric. Section iV - A Lhe .1:lit will br of g ronl'hniag basis. :1s will be ilr 4.1 Any new antrar schncrl 1,,•• or sl 1 t exc T, • scir Ion • .iIt) inrauni :Hon specif,i if by th Section V - 5.1 The He their admini accepted star , Secti,n VI - 6.1 or he: ph ys i c recifying It in (Alert. Cert... County Health bills pi iate immunir .ton. 6.2 Relicior immun T":-.>7;:i: I -( the Oakland t..tir • , shall nor he admitted •. t school year, Cr allowing year, and a. • F unless such studelts physician or autht . • :fit has received humuni2;tr , • .itrated immunity against vacc , i Division. , will be excluded from , srall also br- .xciuded 7 or '0 slat' he . present to nriate epresentaive of a !_,,ate or in the process- Cr receiving -preventable diseases, as Section Vil - 7.1 The fere a , _ald of the written certification of immunization shall be subject to the approval of the dj.l. pi County F ,r {-vision. Acceptable written certification of immunization shall incite. ie I i , , , •'e, by month and year, of each dose of every antigen re- quired by ride ..A Cowl: F, • • , -,s: ,n, 7.2 A student's .iritten i •ti Tistory shall be incorporated into his or her permanent school record in a form nubject to th ay.--v1 of the Oakland County Health Division, 7.3 When a student transfers another i,chool or school district, this record or a true copy thereof shall be rirairart -d by • .r new school from the former school, Section VIII - ' • ranr,5 8.1 The mm be , e, puperintendent, or principal who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this N ill I on shall be subject to prosecution for a misdemeanor; and if on conviction thereof, shairbe putt shed by a fine not exceeding $200 or by imprisonment for a period not ex- ceeding six (6) months, or by both a fine and imprisonment for each of at the discretion of the court. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense: Section IX - 9.1 T:T1 . m f s o this regulation shall be construed liberally so as best to• preservri :din at- safety; The word "shall" is mandatory, not merely directory, 9.2 0:li i p. dui . ions: This regulation shall apply to all matters relating to immunization, unless pi h.ti;t1 b 9.3 ! 1 ,llty: I any part of this requiation is declared illegal or unconstitutional by a court (.1 .coa.p. LI L jurisdiction, that decision staff not affect any other portion of this regulation which remains, but the remainder shall be in full force and effect. 9.4 Amendment and Repeal: This regulation shall be amended or repealed in the same manner as it was adopted. tl, Moved by Gosling supported by Peterson the resolution be adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 6, 1982 (ii) AYES: . for[ino, Catiir. Moore, Olsen, NAYS: , Whitlock. Wilcox, Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DlCiovanni, • hart, Jaccisson, Kasper, [anni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montano , rn.ck. (25) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Mi e. 82129 By h. s, Gosling 1M TH SUPPORT- OF LEGISLATIVE FT Oil DRIVE FOR INTIFARE REFORM T(. ihe Oak1Tri County Board of Commissioners Mr. thairror •io, Ladies and Gentlemen: Wh•HI.AS the Oakland County Go rd of Corrik loners has -siwn con. --aled support for the quality of Ille in Oakland County by con . i htly •is R hui servo.. • sroorams; and WHEEEAS the i tq ire r t • his to Ts to F, adlii it: ii Dor- ....dr.). Children in Michigan is 38ill higher than the J•I•;• 1::-Ment Of • • . . within 'sclera! •lot. V; and WHEREAS the service dors -,Hi. • ti the Michi hugartment if Health, Education, and Social Services are greatly incr. . • 1 by the cow..i.ut..1 migration .f welfare clients from other states. NOW THEREFORE BE IT 1. ) that the Oakland Ccun )1 Commissioners go on record as wholeheartedly supporting C. . ..lative petition drive statir . that the State of Michigan shall not pay welfare benefits at a tar hiqher than the average of the maximun ADC payment rates applicable to eligible, families of equal sis in the states within Federal Region V. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resoLution be forwarded to all Oakland County legislators and our Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Courmittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson Moved by Gosling supported by Gabler the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. ' There were no objections. Misc. 82130 By Mr, McDonald IN RE: 1982-1983 LABOR AGREEMENT FOP EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL 2437, CASEWORKERS, COUNCIL 25, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-C[0 To the Oakland County board of Comis ,,ioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court, the County of Oakland and Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C[0, have been negotiating a contract covering 77 Casework employees of the Oakland County Probate Court; and WHEREAS a two-year agreemerit has been reached with the Caseworker Unit for the period January 1, 1932 through December 31, 1983, and said anreement has been reduced to writing; and WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends approval of the agreement. NOW THERECORE IA IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Probate Court, the County of Oakland, the Casework Employees, and Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, he and the same is hereby- approved; and that the Chairperson of this board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, [ move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on file in County Clerk's office. Moved by McDonald supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee, There were no objections. Misc. 82171 - By Mr. Mchonald IN RE: LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL 2437, NON-CASEWORKERS, COUNCIL 25, AMERIPIN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO To the Oaklaid County Board or Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court, the County- of Oakland and Local 2437, Council 25, appro. ;1 t • lor the period i.riting; and • :.1-1 recoil:mends tJ of tharri execute. h r going resolutico. r .py I n t: 1-1J if Frobar... r•• • rican Fii• a. ;a, lc II ised; and thri. the ag,horized to 1 h•• • I . Sommlik.ea. 1 ;love the adoption of the fore- Comm i ior-- Mi nut.. C. n May 6, 155 Air ri i • • . -r!C . I. • .Mating a PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Job o J. McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on File in County Clerk's Office Moved by McDonald supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 82132 By Mr. McDonald IN REa 1982-1983 LABOR AGREEMIIMT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL 1905, COUNCIL 25, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND l'S'''CrFAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-C10 To the Oakland Conn- / Board of .4P ianers Mr. Chairperson, • and Gentle!, n; WHERE/r: Cotnty of OsLland, the Oakland County Central Services Probation Division, and Local 1905, [our '1 , American Federasion of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO have been negoriatin. :it t P .f OfficTar • :••loyeesi of the Oakland County Central Service!. Proi ion P' n; WHEREAS a fwo-y 1•T', .• • .• P obation Officers unit for the period January I, 1982 th) ql • aaTd agr ;..ment has been reduced to writing; and WHERUmS sald Agreement 1 is Howed by your Pi •aonnel Committee which recommed approval of the Agreement; NOW THErfEORL BE IT RESOLVED Eh on Agreement Lem •n the County of Oakland, the Oakland Count, Central S• /l es Probation Dr .1 fere:al 190a,C nci . 25 American Federation of State, Counry and Munici, 1 EricToyee, AFL-C10, be and the. same IC I .Dy approved; and that the Chair- person of thi!-. m-d, on behalf c! the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Peronrel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMiTTEE John 3, McDonald, Chairperson Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on File in County Clerk's Office. Moved by McDonald supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 82133 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: FOOD SERVICES DIVISION REORGANIZATION To the Oakland County Board I Commissioners Mr. Chairpc —c . Ladies and (.rflemers: li:EmEi the Direct' TE Central Services and the Food Service Chief have submitted a proposal regarding a reoruani/ation of the Food Services Division; and WHFRUS the reorgdai.;:ation proposal includes (Mn' creation of the new classification of Cook's Helper which more accurately reflects the actual duties being performed by an employee currently clas ,Jified as a Second Cook; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the -reorganization proposal and concurs with the request; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following org I .-loual changes within the Food Services Division of the Department of Central Services be isim otad: I. To downwardly recla ,,sify the Contract Food Servic: Coordinator position to As Food Service Supervisor. 156 Commissioners Minutes ContinHed. May 6. 1982 2. To reduce the First ( position from full-time to .75 funded part-time eligible, 3. To create the nt , , • •I lcation oF Cook's Helper with the following salary range: BASE 1 YEAR PIT SI' ,b;•• S12,310 Rer, t, downwardly rtt.s.l -rs,• 16, and reduce the full-time Second Cook position to .75 irt-time eiigit.. Cook's Helper. 4- To ••re (i) Food Service Worke 1 position or full-time to If funded pact- 5. Tc •'• (2) Full-time Food r. .• • 5.-•1• r I i.lons and to create two (2) ,75Ii atl (1560 hours) part -time ;eJice Worker Trainee positions. 6. To redu,, six (6) fe'l-time eligible • S•e. 11 ker Trainee positions to .75 funded 0560 hce,r ) . -time non-eliill • , Mr. Chaitperson, on bely•if of the Perr,onr, 1 Crnmittee, 1 move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERS.ONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Moore the resolution be adopted. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 82106 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: AWARD OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVtCES CONTRACT - LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLEX - PHASE II To the Oakland Count • Board of Commist.ioners Mr. Chairperson, I ,! and Gentlemen: WHFREAb 0,2 ixcurd of Commi;;sioners adopted. Miscellaneous Resolution 31,181 on November 19, 1981 which it fl, . Consent Juo ..,lient relating to changes to Sc made at the Law Enforcement Ccmiplex; and WHEREAS the Consent Jutt.,e,i, in pars, calls for the enclosing of an existing outside courtyard to an inside area that is and equip ie.'d for u , as an indoor exercise area; and WHEREAS in conforronce with mi ,c •11-Ineoti - -:2 ,,olution 7488, dated March 18, 1976, which provides for the method of selection • s .r. ,, an Architectural Selection Corwitlee evaluated fifty (50) architecteral firms for the pr ject; and WHEREAS upon recortmendation of :he Selection Commit :ee, your Planning and Building Committee he ,-eby recommends the retention 7f the firm of Giffels Associates of Southfield. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED t , it the architectural services contract be awarded to Gifhels ,tes in an amount not t • .;40,000 and that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissiortrs he and is hereby authorized to execute the agreement with this firm on hehalt of the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when the final design phase of this project has been pre- sented to and approved by the Planning and Building Committee, the Department of Central Services. be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the Phase II remodeling of the Law Enforcement Complex and a report thereon be made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson FISCAL NOTE By Dr. Caddell IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #82106 - AWARD OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES CONTRACT - LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLEX - PHASE II To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Porr-uant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #82106 and finds an amount not to exceed $40,000, for Architectural Services, avail- able in the 1982 Capital Improvement Plan - Buildino Section. Further, that no additional funds for said project be allocated until review and approval of the Planning and Building Committee, FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson. (26) NAYS: None. (0) Commissioners Minutes Cc fuel May 6, If:7,2 15 7 A ruflirient ma]ari!y havia Misc. 82i0.. By IN RE: To t' Mr. (,,. • aarefor, the resolution was adopred. Mi .wfllaneous 1 tion Numbers 786 5, 7571 :i! c sin pur .p sirens tg he utili. . i C'lh: aruh,y . . ) Agre nent has requ,arted to participate in the Sir• L:ts/ cf Novi has . ,reed to f y ':venty-Five percent of th.• total estimated cost of OH i teri with the rt Ci d .nt, ( y of No th T Oakland County will r:•rship oi ny id 11 r. r • 2. for tis l• 1 . 1 and the. electrical C , . • • . • , r, , •i • , . unher th° . • ; and WHl-i • , • : wil. r r twenty-five per ei has been the policy prcH .a• r I - i i of Commis' r Misceilaneou: R . alution Numbers /865, 197 1 , • ) •• NOW ,NN . IT w1 0 hat Ole Oakland Cht,. • ! Board of Commiss;,ners authorizes the appropriation c • .l•i u4 !suns t with the attached L.)1.••'*•6 . Oakland County': match. iT •g0. L C, dIr d. Lae expenditure of 6d • appropriation is cri.E.ingent upon the execution of the a ,lched wratten agreement between the un• y and the. City of I,. BE IT El FTNER RESOLVED that: the County Eke— fivr ke and is hereby auth••rized to execute said agreement. BE rf FURTHER RESOLVED that written quart , (1'., • .eports be presented to the Public Services Commi.tee by the Manager of the En, I , !••• . i , 1 Servaccs and DisasLer Control Division and to the balance of the members of the Bo, sd of Tone Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Servcas lwirmittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing rag,01Hr ion. FUBLIC lARVILLS COMMITTEE James C. Lanni, Chairperson Copy or Purchase Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office, FISCAL NOTE By Cr, Caddell IN RE: MISCILANFOUS RESOLUTION 1/82109 - TORNADO WARNING SYSTEM EXPANSION - CITY OF NOVI To the Oakland Count , Board Pf Comissioners Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C or this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 0 82109 and finds: I) The City of Novi has requested County participation in the Purchase of one (1) Tornado Siren, 2) The estimated cost of the Sircn is $10,610, of which $2,652 (25%) is County share and $7,958 (/5%,) is the City of Novi'', share, 3) That $2,652 is available in the 1982 Contingency Account for said purpose. The Board of Commissioners appropriates $2,652, the County portion, from the 1982Contingency Account and transfers said kinds to the 1982 Disaster Control Unit Hue-item for Capital Outlay. FINANCE COMMaTEE G. Wlli'am Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Lanni supported by Calaudro the resolution be adopted, AYES: Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, For Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, REPORT By Mr. Gabler IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION 10th MEMBER. Co the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: As a result of the implementation of Public Act 223 of the Public Acts of 1981, the General Government Committee is hereviith reporting to the On County Board of Commissioners I wi ! • i II hc •. the I . thdt tha P-- and P • , 'IS the • m. n • • Mi . County, ;•. • . h ! i! o 0 1 .CI..r. 1 • on foregoin to rt, .•od id , . . d r iell fall move he d EE jnairperson ,t: Jnendments to the •ing report. Ci ,mi ioners Minutes Continued. May 6, 19E12 Moved by Gabler supported by Moffitt the r A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. REPORT By Mr. Gabler IN PE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ' 101, I--1\II-IMENTS TO THE CLEAN AAR ACT To the Oakland County Board Mr. Chairperson, Ladies Jec r • •, „,• vina Clean Air A• t, Jts wiim0. : . • mti• n th - The Ge a.ral Government 1...mitm. [rives the Gla.i.cnaL i0f,IL.,1RAT LOMI I. .LE Wallaf F. '...abler, Jr,, Chairperson Misc. 82101 By Mr. Calandro IN RE: AMONDMEN1S TO dial. CLEAN AIR 111 To the Oakland Count in' of Commissioners Mr. Chairperton, JIJ Gentlemen: WHRIAS the te an Air Act has rcsulted in • miificant air quail .. • improvements; and WHEFF .Li while the Act has resulted in improi.:ti ts, the Act r , Moii procedures such as those nec . for approving new industrial profcce. and Federal mem. : and approval of State plans, which pie proved burdensome and do not contribute to air ilynn n..at....; and WHErLAS certain deadlines and stnad rd.. are unrealistic for cal • h areas of the County and can only he achieved within the f ,: m•. pecdfied at Crew:n-60u, ,ais for relatively small improvemeni•nd 4:h• f.• the carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide ragJir-ments on n .-Av automobiles are cx- coYiovoly oirinu•ni, and would only hmve p nimm •, i 1 Tid Id-c 1-: f to continue the procedural . ex(• • r io .cadlines and strict singli: standards ain • A imicaily damaging to the nati le and the heavy industrial ! tat • •• in particular and wculd not result in sijnificant or necessarily measurable air quality improvc-lents; and WHEREAS Michigan in particular would be severely impacted if the Clean Air Act is not amended; and WHEREAS House Resolution 5252 addresses the problem areas with the Clean Air Act while not diminishing the purpose or effectiveness of' the Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on record as supporting the concepts embraced in Howse Resolution 52,57 and is calling for the passage of House Resolution 5252, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Michigan's Congressional Delegation. Mr. Chairperson, I love theadoption of the foregoing resolution. John P. Calandro, Commissioner District #24 Moved by Gabler supported by Patterson the report be accepted. A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gabler supported by Calandro the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Page, Patterson, Perinofr, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commi ,••i-riery Minutes Continued. May 6, .1982 Ml By h! L.d.diar IN RE: SUPPORT OF if54cd, ADM!NIS - To the Oakland Coun., •• : • . net-. Mr= Chairperson, Lac:. • .. . 159 FE FEES TO MLR PROPERTY TAX COLLECTIONS WHEREAS House RH; .( 1 rename the present property ax c: Ilection fee to the property tak; adininistrat;,c • •.• a I ,--urately refiecd 'he actual fn,ri. ..el uch fee; and WHEREAS said adwin. p H. ;. • . not only u..dd: to cover t'•! r..c collecting taxes but al ,,o to defray th. • s .1 • •: .• •I r , billion Hc=orAions, and WHEREAS the passage H-o • !s.• . would lesces the cha'nce that the fees could be overturned in the (. •,r •• tho• enable and townships to continue to meet the cost of administering the F• .00s NOW THEREFORE BE IT hl 'ud'O) !hat the Oakian' f dAnty Board of Connissinners goes on record in y =•• .1 Bill and urged thc d •:islature to pass !-iaid hill which would dftvod rdl . . by • ri or.P percent collYction fee to pi-orA'rL dIV t I at te St !I FURTHER RESOLVED td• • cwoies of this resoiuton . an; Oak .: ,• nun y's legislative representatives in Lan! r the House Committee on - it, the M . Municipal League and the county's legislatiw. • . Mr, Chairperson, on behalf or ti General Government. Cd,,nittee, I move tho, adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVE'EMENT COMMITTEE Wallace B. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Peterson the resolution adopted. Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, (.,•, Kasper, Lanni, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Patterson, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. tz:1) NAYS: Ferinoff, Pernick. (2) A sufficient major he having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Eli Eli 15 By Mr. Snbler IN RE,: HOUSE BILL /1'5114, AMENDMENT TO THE STATE MENTAL HEALTH CODE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies rid E;o.tlemer: WHEREAS State ,.Thr-%.-Yntatiye Perry Bullard has introduc:.H ho .-d• Bill #5114 in the Michinah Legislature, amcd. the State Mental Health Code to ald.w ••f the two Physician's certificates for involuntary hospitalization of a kentally ill person o be completed by a doctoral-level psychologist in lieu oF a phy s ician; and WHEREAS such doctoral-level psychologists are fully qualified, by training and licensure, to perform such certifications, so long as the second certificate is completed by a psychiatrist to ensure proper evaluation of organic and other medical conditions; and WHEREAS House Bill #51.14 would help to make up for the shortage of medical and psychiatric personnel in rural counties of Michigan; and WHEREAS the bill would also give :fore flexibility to Oakland County Community Mental Health Services when first certificates for involuntary hospitalization must be completed on mentally ill patients. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports Houso Bill #5114, v:ith. the ,:tipulation that language in section 420 et seq of the bill be amended to require t only the first certificate for hospitalization may be completed by a psychologist, while the ••' :cad certificate must be done by a psychiatrist; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Oakland County's legis- lative representatives in Lansing and legislative agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Gosling supported by Montante the resolution be referred to the Health and Human Resources Committee. CO Comrdssioners Minute Continued. May 6, 1982 AYFS: Gadrev, mciro, Fortlno, Gabler, Geary, (osling: .1 --1 :en, Kasper, Lanni, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, t f tterson, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, • Aaron. (20) NA V:: DiGiovanni, Doyen, Hobart, Perihoff, Pernick. (5) A • ,•:icient majority havimj voted therefor, the resolution was referred to the Health and Human Re - Committee. Misc. 82136 By Mr. Gabler IN RE: SUPPORT OF SUB-•TIT .M. I _s BILL “+150 (H-2) Poi, AMENDMENT TO 0. iri• CODE DEALANG WITH THE COLLECTION Of ',CHOCL :';OL.RTY 2f • Ti, Lbe Oakland County Boat ' •.h I nra oners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies an I (.• ntlemetm WHEREAS Substitut ar House Bill ft4150 (11-2) R-I would ar•:, (h, •...hool 2 to give local and intermediate schoc. •.• tricts the option of collectire. it . . !armor or ot requesting county ti.. 1. • do it for them in the eve -t : • •••:u:hips re- fuse; and WHEREAS many sriali cTties and mos2 tram -hips have consisl otly teru.,et.t Li, Lo.Mlect t7 taxes in the summer, ohich has worked in ccitbi -t Hsri with the state aid to to force anal dut:rigly large number 9f school districts to born -eney so that they c•trt ultd i the Fall; and WHEREAS estimaLes are that in 2 A 1.)31-82 Michigan no. .1 distriuts will borrow approxi- mately $650 mill:on against anticipated property tax revenge and will pay about $80 million in interest; and WHEREAS this legislation would provide a solution to this pr blem by assuring that summer tax collection would be made and that school districts, which do not p for the collection themselves would reimburse the city, township or county treasurer for the entire t. t of the summer collection. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners goes on record as supporting House Bill ii.415,0 (H-2) R- I. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Oakland County's legis- lative represental.:ves in Lansing and the legislative agent. Mr. Ch.sirperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoin. re -•..gtion. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted. AYES: Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron. (22) NAYS: Mentante, Cagney. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioner Fortino reported the Food Ad Hoc Committee Report "Consolidated Food Services Concept Proposal" had been distributed to both caucus. The Chairperson referred the report to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Patterson supported by Gahler the,Board adjourn until May 20, 1982 at 9:30 A. M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried, The Board adjourned at 12:00 Noon. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairperson