HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1982.06.17 - 73362 19 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissi•ners MEETING June 17, 1982 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:30 A. M. in the Courthouse Auditorium_ 1200 Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Mikigan. Invoratiai given by John C. °ken. Pledge or Allegiance to the Flag. Roll culled. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGlovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Petersen, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Kasper, Ferinoff. (2) Quorum present. Moved by Peterson supported by Patterson the minutes of the previous meeting be approved ,J5 printed. AYES: Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson. Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, tortinn, Gabler, Geary. (2 10 NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The following persons requested to address the Board: Rudy Serra, Sheriff Johannes Spreen and County Executive Daniel T. Murphy. Misc. 82182 By Dr. Caddell IN RE: ELIMINATION OF LONG TERM ADVANCE AND RELATED RESERVE to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County Board or Supervisors, in 1968, authorized advances to the Airport Fund in the amount of $433,475.70 For Tehanuar construction; and WHEREAS the original resolution contained no provisions for repayment to the general fund; and WHEREAS such advances were fully reserved indicating a lack of intent to recover these funds; and WHEREAS future capital improvement needs at the Airport make it highly unlikely that the Airport operation will accumulate sufficient funds for repayment in the near future; and WHEREAS the auditing firm of Coopers and Lybrand recommended in their report to the Board of Commissioners that long tern advances should be considered permanent contribution if there is little likelihood of repayment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the write -olf or the long term advance in the amount of $433,475.70 to the Airport Fund against Ihe pstablished reserve in the same amount. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson 220 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June. 17, 1982 Moved by Caddell supported by Peterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, MonLante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGlovanni, Boyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82183 By Mrs. Fortino and Ms. Hobart IN RE: PROCLAMATION - MOLLY BRENNAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has good reason to be extremely proud of the accomplishments of one of its citizens, Molly Brennan, a 1982 recipient of a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University in Great Britain; and WHEREAS Molly Brennan, a graduate of Waterford Mott High School, has maintained an excellent record at Michigan State University where she is currently a senior majoring in computer engineering and has for the past two years been named Michigan State University's top computer engineering student; and WHEREAS in addition to her academic excellence, Molly Brennan has attained three "Big Ten" records and has been named twice as an All-American track star at Michigan State University holding a world track record; and WHEREAS Molly Brennan exemplifies the best in American young people and her achievements have been recognized by the State of Michigan through its proclamation of "Molly Brennan Day." NOW THEREFORE, 1, Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners joined by Commissioners Betty J. Fortino and Anne M. Hobart, do hereby proclaim commendation to Molly Brennan for her outstanding accomplishments, both academically and athletically and extend to her best wishes for continued success in her studies at Oxford University and in her bid for becoming a meaber of the 1984 American Olympic Team, Attested I.o this 17th day of June ., 1982, at Pontiac, Michigan Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners Betty J. Fortino, Anne M. Hobart Moved by Fortino supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The Chairperson vacated the Chair. Vice Chairperson Lillian V. Moffitt took the Chair. Mr. Pernick presented Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox with a "Helping Hand" award received by the Probate Judges for their work with Juveniles, The Chairperson returned to the Chair. REPORT By Mr. Gabler IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO THE HURON-CEINTON METROPOLITAN AUTHORITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissionems Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee, by Wallace F. Gabler, jr., Chairperson, recommends the appointment of James Clarkson to the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority for a six-year term. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Lanni the Report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Gabler nominated James Clarkson to the Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority for a six year term, Mr. Pernick nominated Charles R. Shafer. Moved by Peterson supported by Aaron the nominations be closed. Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1982 221 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Discussion to The roll call vote was as Follows: Jackson Lanni McDonald Montante Moore Olsen Page Pernick Peterson Price Whitlock - Clarkon - Clarkson - Clarkson - Clarkson - Clarkson - Shafer - Clarkson - Clarkson - Shafer - Clarkson - Shafer - Clarkson Wilcox Aaron Caddell Cagney Calandro DiGiovanni Doyon Fortino Gabler Geary Gosling Hobart - Clark on Clur it - - Clar.on - Clarkson - Shafer - Shafer - Shafer - Clarkson - Shafer - Clarkson - Clarkson The result of the roll call vote was: James Clarkson - 16 Charles R. Shafer - 8 James Clarkson declared appointed a member of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority for a six year term. REPORT By Mr. Gabler IN RE: NOMINATIONS FOR NACo DIRECTORS -AT -LARGE (MICHIGAN) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee, by Wallace Gabler, Jr., Chairperson, recommends that the names of Hubert Price, Jr. and Lillian Moffitt be submitted to the incoming NACo President for consideration in the minority appointments of NACo Directors-at-Large (Michigan). Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the forenoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Jackson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gabler supported by Whitlock the names of Hubert Price, Jr. and Lillian Moffitt Lie submitted to the incoming NACo President for consideration in the minority appointments of NACo Directors-at-Large (Michigan). AYES: Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Catandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling. Hobart, Jackson. (21 ) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the names of Hubert Price, Jr. and Lillian Moffitt will he submitted to the incoming MAC° President. Misc, 82185 By Mr. Gabler IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL 5328 TO the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS substitute for House Bill 5328, which would create an emergency release mechanism to eliminate county jail overcrowding, raise$ a number of serious concerns that make the bill un- acceptable; and WHERLAS House Bill 5,28 seems to he clearly unconstitutional in that it permits both Judges and Sheriffs to commute prisoner sentences when, in fact, only the Governor has this power; and WHEREAS the bill is possibly unconstitutional in another area; that being the 1978 Headlee Amendment to Article IX, Section 2.9 which prohibits state-mandated new or added costs to local governmental units without a state appropriation being made; and 222 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 11, 1982 WHEREAS hou ,,,e Bill3.8 seems to ignore the fact that Ox cour (ins chin ( land) ate cI 11 y (Tri";•:11 i Ij der Li-lint-ill COM td Which prc I • ,pf26 I or !Li; iciuld Le III WI" ICJ VII Hi provisions ''i.• till !)32.8; , d WHEREAS Hotr;e Bill 3 appears to be miAireci.ed in that i, .i• ,A,a, those prisoners who have been sentenced and .• 1-H-Jitute only about one -third of the jail's pcpulation instead of addressing a program to re - or manage the 15 :1 r -0-sentenced pot ii ' • and WHEREAS blank , t r • • • of prisoners a' is cribed by House a II , 28 is not the proper solution to the jail over , 'Hr., problem and it ciri -inly is a dis‘aervic.aa to our citizens to out prisoners back on the 51 0. i• maturely. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ,J.OLVED that the Oakland County Board or Commissioners go on record as opposing House Bill 53 28. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators representing Oakland County and lo the County's Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL.. GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Gabler supported by Jackson the resolution he adopted. Moved by Whitlock supported by Gabler the resolution he amended by adding a new WHEREAS paragraph between the first and second WHEREAS paragraph to read "WHEREAS House Bill 115328 compro- mises the discretion of the Court by providing legislative remedies in matters of pre -trial release; and" A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Whitlock supported by Gabler the resolution be amended by adding a new WHEREAS paragraph between the 3rd and 4th WHEREAS paragraphs to read "WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor and Sheriff both have spoken in opposition to House Bill #5328; and" A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. . Discussion followed, Moved by Price the resolution he referred to Public Services Committee. No support. Moved by Aaron supported by Gabler the rules be suspended to vote on the resolution as amended. Discussion followed. Vole on 'lotion to suspend rules: AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni. (23) NAYS: None. (0 ) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Moffitt, Kantante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni. Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended was adopted. • Misc. 82185 By Mrs. Gosling IN RE: IMPROVED PREGNANCY OUTCOME GRANT EXTENSION - JULY 1, 1981 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1982 TO the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chai rperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the current Improved Pregnancy Program Grant terminates June 30, 1982; and WHEREAS as a result of certain program efficiencies and modifications during the grant year, approx i mately 510,988 will have been unexpended at the conclusion of the grant year; and WHEREAS participation in the Improved Pregnancy Outcome project has provided the Health Division with valuable learning experiences and great opportunities to work more closelywithcommunity Be' 1 Year 2 Year 17,. 0/T Reg. 3 Year 20,363 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 1/, 1982 • 223 a ge tic ies or ,d advoc.a tn r ip ve d se rvic ••;., ' ' Heal t 1. v s es ° s p i • . n ion o the r _ i e n invol ',fed s( !, • nd !I • "aye learned from Improved Issalth nurses are already Michio if • n•( ,* I ' • • f ,yr, al ifs ufilizat=on of unused fur • 1-1 oateri • -., i , r i iO.i / ‘1, • sf 'ramming; and on v,=11 • u s)rned Ey current far an.-] inI. ing unit with no addi. • ,•s U :r nesitlo s I, Ni •Ii i :410' a jRPnOlVlO th:t the Oakland County Board of C=. ,n, • , ,• • approve the utili?ation ot• • •• • • .o a ii. It amount of S10.588 provided under the Imprf.:- Pregnancy Outcome Grant for stp=1 mi 's to be used in the Field Nursing Unit of th. A..ssiti .. Division for hnproved Pi of. OHICtl, tsnching tools in various school and coAnunify settings throughout all of Oakland • Mr. irperson, ou behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foresesira.; =esolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Marilynn E. Goslinc, Chairperson Moved by Gosling supported by Peterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiCiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82186 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: ALCOHOL HIGHWAY SAFETY EDUCATION REORGANIZATION To the Oaklond County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Alcohol Highway Safety Education Program is funded by a grant from the Michigan Deportment of Public Health Office of Substance Abuse Services for the period October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1582; and WHEREAS additional operating revfn s are obtained from fees for services rendered; and Will referral rates have decru, • f drgmatieally in recent months resulting in a decrease in the amount 01 fees collected; and WHERBA in order to ovoid a deficit in the current fiscal year the Department requested to reorganize the work and make certain per= .nnel changes: and WHEREAS the Personnel tomittee has reviewed the proposed reorganization and concurs with the recommendation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Lo reorganize the Alcohol Highway Safety Education Unit of the Institutional and Human Services Administration Division in the following manner: 1. Delete two (2) Alcoholism Educator positions. 2. Create the new classification of Substance Abuse Educator I with the following salary range: 3. Create one (1) Substance Abuse Educator I position and one (1) Auxiliary Health Worker position. 4. Retitle the Alcoholism Educator classification to Substance Abuse Educator II with no change in salary range. 5. Retitle the Senior Alcoholism Educator classification to Supervisor-Substance Abuse Education with no change in salary range, Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Health and Human Resources Committee and the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misu. 82187 By Mr, McDonald IN RE: AMENDMENT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners Miscellanesous .e.solution No. 82037 adopted February 18,1982 224 Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 17, 1982 amended the Oakland Cgniity L WHERFAe tb, be amerul ° the eft,. ; • e' Re ,if, ns '''"ystem: anc' Ret! • P. •ystems requires that ti i a •solution #82037 will apply- only to members placed on disability retirement after NOW P.1.1 Ii: 1! if E ()LA I) that Miscellaneous Resolution a2037 be amended by inserting a new Sec. 36B to r• •1 t I cc Vend h, ;ire.i a new Section 24.1 to i( gd as folio 'If d refirant t. re-employed by dig coun'a, p:,glein of his r ,iremcnt allowal 'i Lill be ! •urtng the period of such em- ployment. bp' b 11 Ii In of sbgh employment, I: :gilt of h ,i• r allowance shall be resumed with chanw h re- rq 6 1- by ih.er,ing a new (b) to read as ! "If the Chairman reports and certifies to the C.4 ,,l.:;sion tht 1 disability beneficiary is ef•-•.. 'n a gainful occupation, paying more than the di f' • ,!• e between his final compensation and his, d, as pension or disability retirement allowarm , , ind if the Commission concurs, the amount of his pension shall he reduced to an amount which, tr ':her with the amount earned by him, is equal to the amount of his final compen- sation. Should his . enings be later changed, the amount of his pension may be further modified in a like manner. This S, i.tion 36 (b) shall apply only to memb. is placed on disability retirement on or after the effective us,te of this amendment to the Oakland 0 anti Eiliployees' Retirement System. Further amend Section 36 by relettering the pra •it ii t inc Paragraph (b) to (c). Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore- going Resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John J. McDonald, Chairperson Moved by Mcbonbld ii pin Iii by n)riino (he 'resolution be adopted. AYES: Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82178 By Mr. McDonald IN RE: 1982 - 1983 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' UNION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen= WHEREAS representatives of the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees' Union have been negotiating a contract covering certain employees: in the following departments and divisions: Drain Commissioner, Central Services-Maintenance and Operations and Laundry, Public Works-Sewer, Water and Solid Waste and Parks and Recreation, Human Services-Medical Care Facility and Community Mental Health, Public Services-Animal Control, and SheriFf's Department; and WHEREAS a LW) year agreement covering certain employees in these departments and divisions has been reached with the Of County Employees' Union for the period January 1, 1982 .through December 31, 1983, and said agreenent has been reduced to writing; and • • WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends approval of the agreement. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees' Union, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the Chairperson of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE , John J. McDonald, Chair:Person Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on file in Coonty Clerk's Office, FISCAL NOTE By Dr. Caddell IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 1182178 - 1982-1983 AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' UNION fo the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution il82178 and finds the proposed contract agreement for the two (2) year period, January I, 1982 through December 31, 1983 covering 156 County budgeted positions in the. Sheriff Department, Drain Office, Animal Control D1vision and Medical Care Facility and 388 Other Source positions in TUTAL GENERAL FUND 36 32,004 8,065 40,069 TOTAL BUDGETED FUNDS 156 124,843 30,284 155,127 991-02-00-9991 995-02-00-9995 TOTAL 1124,11 13) ( (1! ,: 225 Commissioners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1982 Parks and Recreation Division. Community Mental Health, Maintenance and Operations, Laundry, SOLOS and Water and Sewer Divoiico. Further, ihe , Committee finds: 1) ihe total 1i0 ed cost for the period January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1982 is 1155,127, of which 1125,8q3 is salary cost, a six percent increase, $30,284 is for associated Fringe Benefit 2) That the Financ.e Committee finds $124,843 available in the 1982 Salary Adjustment Account and $30,284 available in the 1982 Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account, 3) Further benc.fit changes are outlined in the attached agreement and require no additional rending at this time, 4) That the Board of Commissioners appropriates $124,843 from the 1982 Salary Adjustment Account and $30,284 from the 1982 Fringe Benefit Adjustmert - Account and transfers said amounts to 'he 1882 Divisions' Budgets as fdllown! No of France Dept. Division Unit Account Pos. Salaries Benefits Total Sheriff Adm, Services Admin. 432-01 1 1,051 246 1,297 Civil 432-05 2 1,833 432 2,265 . Correct. Serv, Adm:n, 433-01 2 1,661 394 2,055 Detention Facilities433-10 1 746 177 923 Trusty Camp 433-15 1 1,033 261 1,314 Food Serv.433-35 9 7,162 1,920 9,082 Protective Serv, Investiga.436-05 2 1,888 444 2,332 P&trol 436-15 1 917 216 1,133 Comm. Insp. & Gov. Serv. Tech, Serv. TOTAL SHERIFF NET 438-05 2 1,712 405 2,117 Traffic 438-30 1 994 234 1,226 Records 439-30 7 6,397 1,808 7,905 Marine Safety 439-35 1 813 192 .i.,. _ . . . . . . . 30 26,207 6,449 32,4 :t Drain CommIss. Admin. Main t. 611-10 6 _5,797 1,616 7,413 TOTAL DRAIN COMMISSIONER 6 5,797 1,616 7,413 Public Sorvices Animal Control Kennel 178.05 5 Road 178-10 8 TOTAL HEALTH FEND 13 2,949 758 3,707 8,317 2,096 10,413 11,266 2,854 14,120 Health & Dietary Inst.Serv, Medical. Care Fee. & Food 163-09 12 8,403 2,226 10,629 Hcrise- Keeping 163-13 12 9,281 2,740 12,021 Nursing 163-35 80 61,992 13,844 75,836 Activity & Rec. 163-45 3 1,897 555 2,452 TOTAL MEDICAL CARE FACT_ FUND 107. 81,573 19,365 1-00,93-8- 5:diary 226 Commissioners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1982 Thut shc coiJt. of the Other- Source positiors be absorbed by Gt1er Source funds ds 5h1lci4u; Fund di Farku & Recreation Community Mental dealtU Maintenance & Operations Laundry SOCSOS Water & Sewer TOTAL No. Fes. duos. its 37,402 9,597 4 .,,. 99 70 101,815 24,320 126,135 193 174,200 46,970 221,170 18 5,478 737 6,215 J. 872 245 1,117 67 _6 7,083 18,1,45 55,228 388 j 850 100,214 4E 11.164 u = Fur ther, the 1983 portion of this agreement shall he incorporated in the 1983 Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by McDonald supported by Montante the resolution be adopted, AYES: Olsen, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Hobart, McDonald, Montante, Moore. (16) NAYS: Page, Caqney, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Jackson, Lanni, Moffitt. (8) A ,011ficieni majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82163 By Ms. HebaFt IN RE : CAKLAND AIRPORT'S FUND - TRANSFER. OF 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1982 Capital Improvement Program contains $250,000 for improveaents of Oakland County airports; and WHEREAS the Airport Committee has submitted a 1982 Capital Improvement Program for the Oakland/Troy Airport in accordance with the Airport Master Plan consisting of: 1. Install Visual Approach Slope Indicator System 2. Lower Detroit Edison Lines West of Airport 3, Construct Eighteen (18) T-Hangars 4. T--Hangar Site Work 5. Engineering and Inspection TOTAL $ 40,000 7,000 310,500 109, 1110 6. PROPOY:D FUNDING: •Fl Aeronautics Commission Grant $ 50,000 Airport Funds 183,885 1982 Capital Improvement Funding 250,000 TOTAL WHLREAS the Michigan Aeronautics Commission has approved this program and a grant in the amount of $50,000 as part of its fiscal 1982 capital program; and WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the 1982 Airport Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS these capital improvements are required for the safety of the Oakland/Troy Airport and generate revenues to cover the cost of the operation and maintenance of the airport system; and WHEREAS these capital improvements will be under construction during the summer months of 1982. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a sum of $250,000 be transferred from the 1982 Capital improvement Program to the Oakland County Airport Fund. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Commissioners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1982 227 FISCAL NOTE B/ Dr, C. IN Rl: ti 1.111ANEOMS FULOLUTION 7/82163 - OAKLAND AIRPORT'S FUND - TRANSFER OF 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS To the Deklari County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI' C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1182163 and finds 5250,000, Airport Improvement Fu: I., available in the 1982 Capital Improvement Fro9ram; said funds to be transferred to the Oaki•ad County Airport Fund and utilized in accordance with the Airport Master Plan as reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Patterson that Resolution 4'82163 be adopted. AYES': Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. Resolution #82163 was adopted. Misc. 82164 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: 52ND DISTRICT COURT, 1ST DIVISION (WALLED LAKE) PROPERTY, PARCEL NO. 17-34-277-044 - EASEMENT GRANT TO THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the City of Walled Lake has requested a twelve (12) foot permanent easement across parcel No. II-34-277-044 located at the 52nd District Court, It Division, 1010 W, Maple, Walled Lake, Michigan for the purpose of inegress and egress to businesses located in that complex; and WHEREAS the County Division of Facilities and Operations has recommended that the County grant said twelve (12) foot easement to the City of Walled Lake; and WHEREAS the granting of said easement will alleviate the traffic flow problem generated by existing businesses and planned development of the property located southerly of the District Court facility; and WHEREAS the granting of said easement will not adversely affect the operation of the District Court. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners that the Chair- person of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute said easement on behalf of the County of Oakland. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Easement Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office, FISCAL NOTE By Dr. Caddell IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 7/82164 - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 1st DIVISION (WALLED LAKE) PROPERTY PARCEL NO. 17-34-277-044 EASEMENT GRANT TO THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution /782164 and finds no funds are necesary for said project, FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Cagney that Resolution #82164 be adopted. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution 7/82164 was adopted. 228 Commis one r' Minutes Continued, June 17, 1 982 Mici . By Ms. ' IN RE: To the Cak - Mr. Enairr c !hEARMINCTO, County BG• • LISPOSAL SYSTEM . inners 176, r 30, 1 am ,'Sd n Jur I'. 1963, the City of ge L re ir, by it I-G. y ,!! and th • ionic rd. k, 1 ,9;11rd of Public Works entered in .E, r.,T • , ••e,am, nt It , r e oinh• . a. di rrict; and i s' 9 t• . 1 . ,r w; throi. •N it ic I .•doners, Filed with the U.S. Di , • . , ani koaion tto Urder to aow tcdse wh/ all •• ;ntract customers of the Board 0i,lCitI rs or the City of D...;:roit should not be r . to enter into contract amenmni. . • ta ling provisions mandated by the Settlement Agreen-dt, dated July 19, 1978; the Awn •T t.a• • i Judgment, dated August 26, 1980; and by the provisions of Public Law 92-500 and Publi, i• o 9. • '7. applicable to user charge systems and sewer use ordinances, and a proposed amen,' k :ra•t-.at having been attached to said Petition; and WHERE'. an Al cil 15, 1982. the U. S. District Court ordered the City of Detroit, acting through its Bi rd or Water Commissioners to draft contract amendments for each suburban customer of the system a istent with the exhibit attached to the aforesaid Motion; and WHERE, the U. S. District Court also ordered that the duly authorized legislative body or agency of eact suburban customer or the City of Detroit shall implement the requirements of the Amended Judgment and Rate Settlement Agreements by adopting and approving such amendments as binding and lawful contractual obligations of each such suburban customer. and that such action shall be Laken so that the amendments shall be in full force and effect on or before July 1, 1982. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED .that the "Amendment No, 2 and Amendment No, 3 to Sewage Disposal Agreement, City of Detroit - County or Oakland (Evergreen - Farmington)" is hereby approved and the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to sign said amendments. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Amendment No. 2 and Amendment No, 3 on file in County Clerk's Office, Ms. Hobart requested that the Resolution with Amendments - attached be referred back to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Ms, Hobart requested that Items D and E under Planning and Building Committee on the Agenda (Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System and Southeastern Oakland County Sewage Disposal System) he referred back to the Planning and Building Committee. There were no objections. Mr. Moore gave notice of intent to Discharge the General Government Committee of con- sideration of Resolution 1182160 - Amendment of Commissioners' Rule XX (Night Meetings) at the next Board Meeting, Misc. 82189 By Ms. Gosling IN RE: SUPPORT OF HJR "BB" To the Oakland County Board ot Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State legislature has recently approved a temporary 10. increase to the State income tax rate; and WHEREAS such temporary tax increases have historically set a precedent for permanent rate changes; and WHEREAS HJR "BB", if approved by 2/3 of both bodies of the legislature, would place a constitutional amendment on the November, 1983 ballot to amend Sect ion 7 of Article 9, to wit: EFFECliVE FOR A STATE INCOME TAX YEAR COMMENCING ON OR AFTER OCTOBER I, 1982, A STATE INCOME TAX SHALL NOT BE IMPOSED AGAINST AN INDIVlDUAL AT A RATE OF MORE THAN 4.6% OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S TAXABLE INCOME UNLESS A RATE IN EXCESS OF THIS LIMITATION IS APPROVED BY A MAJORITY OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THIS STATE VOTING ON THE QUESTION. and WHEREAS it is unconscionable to attempt to solve the State's budgetary problems by con- tinually increasing taxes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby surports the passage or HJR. "BB" and strongly urges the State legislature to adopt this legislation imediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to all Oakland County legislator', the Governor, members of the House Taxation Committee, and our Legislative Agent. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Marilynn E. Gosling, Commissioner District 1114 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Commissioners Minutes Continued, June 17, 1982 229 Misc, 32190 By Ms. Fortino IN RE: ABOLITION OF OPTIONAL UNIFIED FORM OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairperson ; Ladies and Can omen WHEREAS Act 139 of 1073 provides in Section 23 for a procedure whereby the optional unified form of county government may be abolished; and WHEREAS a period of more than four years has passed from the date the optional unified form of county government bee sire offecrive in the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS the implementation of the optional unified form of county government in the County of Oakland has increased the cost of operations and created an unnecessary and expensive bureaucracy; and WHEREAS the implementation of the optional unified form of county government in the County . of Oakland has not improved the quality of government services, nor has it significantly added to the ability of the Ceunty to define public policy in an efficient manner. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners for the County of Oakland hereby abolishes the optional unified form of county government in the County of Oakland and elects to he governed by the general county law of the Slate of Michigan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the abolition of the optional unified form of county govern- ment in the County of Oakland be submitted to the electorate of the County at the General Election to be held November 2, 1982. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Betty Fortino, Commissioner, District 15 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. Dr. Montante objected to the referral. Discussion followed. The Chairperson declared a 10 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 11:50 A. M. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock_ Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Kasper, Perinoff. (2) Quorum present. Discussion followed on the objection to the referral. The Chairperson stated it takes 14 votes to sustain the objection. An "AYE" vole will sustain the objection, a "NAY" vote will refer the resolution. AYES: Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, Gabler, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Mon -tante, Olsen, Page, Patterson. (17) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Moore. (8) 'A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the objection was sustained and the resolution was not referred. Moved by Patterson supported by Geary the Board adjourn until July 1, 1982 at 9:30 A.M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 11:10 A. M. Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairperson