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September 21, IBI32
Meeting cal 0d to order by Chairperson Richard 0. Wilcox at 9.40 A.M. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, l200 N. Teir,-Iph Fnr.Y.U1, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Jdmes A, Doyen.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roli called,
PRLSLNT: haddell, Cagney, Calandro, Doycn, Fortino, GaLler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart,
Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price,
Whitlock, Wilcox. (23)
ABSENT: Aaron, DiGiovanni, Kasper, Fattrsco. (4)
Quorum present.
Moved by Montante supported by Jackson the journal for the June Session be approved and
closed and the june Session stand adjourned sine die,
A sufficient majority havinh voted rberefor, the motion carried.
Lynn 0. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
September 21, 1982
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox,
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiCiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary,
7,osling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson,
Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENdb None. (0)
Quorum present.
Clerk read letter From David L. Wahl, Controller of Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority
regarding their tax levy for 1383 to be assessed in their five-county taxing jurisdiction. (Referred
to Finance Committee)
Clerk read letter from Lucinda K. Keefer, Lake County Clerk reyarding House Resolution 5260
which Sets up a Trust Fund for Payment in Lieu of Taxes, and reQuesting the Board pass a resolution
supporting the House Resolution. (Referred to General Government Committee)
Clerk read latter from CHairperson Richard R. Wilcox-advising of the appointment of the
following persons to serve on the Oakland County Substance Abuse Advisory Council for terms ending
September 30, 1984: Polley Harley, Rohert Kercorian, jaJIGS Lvans, Mary Griffiths, Jay Murray,
Diane Vincent, Kenneth Wolf, Pn.2., and Pegyy Frank. Also the appointment of Pr. LaMoine L. Matz
to fill a vacant positron for term ending October I, 1983 and redesignating Mrs. Carolyn Laney to
serve as Chairperson of the Substance Abuse Advisory Council.
Moved by Peterson supported by Pernick the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, triemotien carried and the appointments were
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 21, 1582
Misc. 82283
By Mr. Lanni
To the Oakland Count ,' rd .• iipmeissioners
Mr. Chairperson, :Rj e a ,
WHEllEe ..ae Commun. .7 velopment Division has operated a r • , cirovement Program for
housing rehabil.t: iion since 1 '76 a order to rointain and improve rig.- r rtial neighborhoods; and
WBFReEi.. the intent of the Community Development giock. Grace ogram is to assist low and
moderate income persons; and
WHEREAS an analysis of housing needs in OaklaH :9 indicate that 1.9 persons of the
total number of owner occupied housing units are occupied by low r moderate income persons and in
need of home improvement repairs; and
WHEREAS an onalyis of housing needs in Oakland Courml: . • :Ice .eS that 10,4 J.' the
total number of rental occupied housing units are occupied by low aad moderate income and in
need of home improvement repairs; and
WHEREAS local conmunities within Oakland County have requested assistance from tne Community
Developrrent Division to meet commercial rehabilitation needs; and
WHEREAS the County has available $3,042,300 in Home Improvement Program funds to utilize for
a leveraging prograc and
WHEREAS the Federal government has encouies.: participants the Community Development
Block Grant Program to develop financial leveraging is,-rangements with the private sector; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissiiners will approve all guidelines for the
leveraging program; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council unanimously approved the
attached recommendations for approval to the Board of Commissioners.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County adopt the basic concept of financial leveraging
as recommended by the Community Development Advisory Council and as outlined in the attachment. And
that the Community Dovelowlent Division be directed to develop a specific program and guidelines to
be reviewed and approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
The Public Services Committee by james E. Lanni, Chairia in, moves the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni,
Copy of recommendations for approval on file irr County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Whitlock the resoiution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Peterson,
Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling,
Hobart, Jackson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82284
By Mr. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of OAKLAND (the "EDC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Amended Proiect Plan for the Lathrup Landing
Associates Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Amended Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS on August 23, 1932, the governing body of Lathrup Village, Michigan, approved the
Amended Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on September 9, 1932, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to con-
sider whether the Amended Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as outlined by Act 333, Michigan
Public Acts 1974, as amended (the "Act").
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, as follows:
1. The Amended Project Plan, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, be and is hereby,
determined to constitute a public purpose as outlined by the Act.
2_ The Amended Project Plan be, and is hereby, approved.
3. The EDC be, and is hereby, authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the financing thereof by the Issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, Moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Exhibit A, Pi, C, 0, F and F on file in County Clerk's Office;
of Oalti .1 the for prc
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Corns; Oslo; Minutes Continued. September 21, 1982
...A by Lanni supported by Whitlock the resolution Be aide .
t McDenJid, Moffitt:, Monta , Moore, Olsen, Patio, , hs • " , s
Price, Whit it ., Wilco- • A, Caddell, Calandr( , DiGlovanni : rion. Fortino, Cat.
Geary, Gosilr . Hobart, 7.ssrton, Lanni. t,
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Mr. L
To LI:: Ca
Mr. Chairp,n
7: (lorporatltsd Act,. hetn9 Act No, S' Public Acts of rchigan,
1974, o5 ar i:. • P: ,d ,vides a means by which this phrpose -and Intent may be acoch,.;• re; and
a ,c•:- (V -Ientine Office Complex Pro)ect) to alleviate the aforethid As.•:tions
and acco;ipi: b -• ; la • boon in by the Loon omic Development Corporation Gi County
of Oaklasd (•, •• :• r d'• r. . to as the "Corporation"),
ion, in conformity with Ai: • tie Public A Ls of l• amended,
projecc a; t • . projec. Inc I cc Complex
issioners for its doom.
D I d/ this A rj ;.h onerh of Cal ts jo• : as follows!
Iched hereto, a c bh the
- ehr •• m. • : it '. • d Irojech Area will nct A gnificantiy
affected by tis 'tojcat itstuar st i• A • - Ah ,i• • devoted to crJmmerLda: :e.t.a and, there-
fore, the Prc District Area j b•.• m, cd • • f. • as and boundaries coterminous with the
Project Area ; Jr ' or ye( d. ihr. -; -shed.
3. 1 ,y s that: eitihteen (18) residents, real pidateid-ty
owners ; or rup i.. ii7 .3b1 .nmorits 1:.•s. d within the Project District Area, and, therefore,
a Project Citi2 • . totti:Jil shJll not be :Jrmed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. ! Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to tt r ry of the Board oi the Corporation.
The Public services Committee, by James F. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Exhibit A on tie in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Patterson, Perinoff, Peterson, Price, Whitlock,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGlovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart,
Jackson, Lanni, McDonald. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82236
By Mr, Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a Resolution from the Board of Directors of
the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a project area and project
district area for the Valentine Office Complex Project, and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Economic Development Corporations
Act, Act 338 of 1974, as amended.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, as
Fe llows:
I. Donald Schlitt and Robert SecontIne, Being representative oF neighborhood residents
and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, are, hereby appointed to the Board of
has design,:
Project) to
Commissioners Minu' Coot
Id in
I: his
resolution to tM
The Pul
foregoing resolution,
i hereby di
f fro
••ac, Lyy
to provide four certified cores of this
moves for adoption of the
NumUers 6546
Ceps 'to'.
1971 no the
Lim or
X dated August 19,
Misc. 82227
By Mr. Lanni
To the Oakii,
Mr. C.
1582, idef
Lion Numbers 82208
inian (Attachment A-I);
and 82209 de a P7;:s (Sq,0 19,12,-
James F, Lar
Mc • d by La sts Led by
Whitiock, Wi'
Hobart, jacii
he resol at Ion
•dro, D 7-
Pernick, P
an, Fortifp,
, Geary, Gosl
A sufficient majority having voted therefor ; the resolution was adopted.
State of Michigan Departmeut of Educat
Vocational Ht... :an pecial Governor's Non-Finan; : .1 Grant funds 1 ,,r %'•' itinty is $387,017.00
(Attachment. and
WHEFLAS the prime sponsor staff has received and scored 3 proposals from potential de-
livery agents in accordance: with the established criteria as approved by the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 82166 dated June 3, 1982; and
WHEREAS the prime sponsor staff recommends that a minimum of 50% of the cost for the non-
occupational classes be applied directly to remedial training; and
WHEREAS the Employment and Training Council, on September 13, 1982, recommended and con-
curred with the selected program delivery agents as designated in Attachment B by majority vote (YES-I3;
No-2; Abstain-/).
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves funding
of S5,066,145.00 consisting of $4 ;679,128.00 planning , funds and FY 32 carry forward balance from the
Department of Labor and $387,017.00 from the State of Michigan as port of their Non-Financial Agree-
ment to be contracted with the selected program delivery agents as designated in Attachment A-2 and
Attachment Fi<
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that those approved agencies that made application, but were not
funded, be given assistance when applying for future funding.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a written quarterly report for review of performance objectives
will be submitted to the Public Services Committee and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby
authorized to execute said contracts.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James F. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Attachments A-1, A-2, and B on file in County Clerk's Office
Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Gosling supported by Peterson the resolution he amended after the sixth (6th)
IHEREAS paragraph by inserting the following:
"WHEREAS the House of Representatives has recently passed additional training funds for
that the preliminary
Commissioners Minutes Continued, September '/ 313
1 billion doll on a national h.:•
1.1117 . "j several cies - ,•.• -Jai non-occupational training have not been funded
because of the. • •. •t short•i- :• , an-i trMnian funds; and
.4tbel.'s3 new fundinc aould h. ri%tiy applied to technical and non-occupational training
in agreement with tna ranked litr ssSacnes to this resolution; and"
Discussion fellowed.
Mr, tha: Harold McKay, Manager of Employment and Training be allowed to
answer several questicas regarding the resolution. There were no objections.
Moved by Price supported by Moore the amendment be amended in the last WHEREAS paragraph
following the words 'new funding by inserting in the ,a roe of technical and non-occupational
Discussion followed.
Vote on the amendment te the amendment:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment carried.
Vote on the amendment as amended:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment as amended, carried.
Discussion followed.
Vote on the resolution as amended;
AYES: Moore, Olsen, Page, PPtterson, Perinoff, Per nick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper,
McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (2)i)
NAYS: Peterson, Whitlock, Lanni. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 82283
By Mr. Lanni
To the On County Board • • fiiii -iioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and a; men:
WHEREAS the Oakla :•-i - i Board of Commissioners by Miscellanc it Resolutions No. 6946
and 8383 applied for and was eran ai the designation as Prime Sponsor Li/ U. S. Department of
Labor to administer the provisior of the Comprehensive Employment and TrF.ning Act of 1973 and the
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978; and
WHEREAS Applicant Services is the name given to that activity which recruits CETA appli-
cants and determines their eligibility; and
WHEREAS the FY-83 request for proposal for Applicant Services can only be lot for bid once
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has approved the allocations for the other CETA program
activities and the determination -has been made as to how many enrollments are required for each
activity and each program deliverer; and
WHEREAS budgetary and time constraints make it imperative that most FY-83 enrollments be
accomplished within the first six months of the fiscal year; and
WHEREAS this goal can only be realized through the uninterrupted flow of applicant
services; and
WHEREAS thc. Oak! and County Board of Commissioners through Miscellaneous Resolution No. 82209
set aside a planning allocation for applicant services; and
WHEREAS the Employment sod Training Council has reviewed and recommended this resolution
unanimously on September 13, 1982 (one member short of quorum).
NOW THERLFORE OE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners will allow the
twelve agencies funded under Applicant Services during FY-82 HEsugh Miscellaneous Resolution No. 81386
to continue to provide applicant services as described within FY-82 Applicant Services Statement
of Work through November 30, 1982.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVLD that no monthly expenditure ey an applicant services agency can
exceed one-twelfth of their conthined FY-82 applicant services allocation for Titles 11-B, C, 1V-YETP
and VII, as indicated on Attachupnt A, and an additional monthly five percent For administration.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any expenditures and enrollments occurring on or after
October 1, 1982 will be credited to each applicant services agency's FY-83 contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the the of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby
authorized to execute said contracts.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James L. Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 21, 1982
Copy of Attachment A on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Geary the resolution te adopted.
AYES: Pat cr.E.a, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, WhItiock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Cagney. Calandre, Dio•—• 9ayon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni,
McDonald, Molfitt,
NAYS: None.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82
By M:.
To the Cia9 and County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chaim !o'er, Ladies aod Gentlemen:
ei! • 1A.S -he OakIand County Emergency Operating Center (E9C), ;mpohent . the Divisfon
of foierhLy ic avices and Disaster Control's eisaster control a: • • , rm. de , e by Federal
Public '2 Act 490 of the Public Acts of 197h, is the prim , a r E. ta :Ions for
communici tons and coordination of emergency services forces to respond od recover em emergency
or disaster occurrences; and
Will the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepted federal financial assistance
in 1929 end l973 for the pianning, design, and construction of the Emergency Oper.,,ting Center (FOC);
WHEREAS the 09;kland County Board of Coed 55)-s
the relocation 0 5 the 0: ':land Countif Emergency mr , •
s Resolution 82146)
at ion ("2"COM)
Center from Wi 9 Hospit 1 in Royal C - ,9 of ye• . at I ester Control and an
appropriation a' ci9.. crC er thi re , .defing/rera v.t on costs;
WI :1 ,..., 0: h6s - not:, •-y ihe Michigan Department of
State Police tl, ! ;1... jency Nanegerent Age. y (FEMA) f., . are available for the modification
and furnishing i : ;i •:. ' Operating Center (1. C) to reia , "0"COM; and
WHRia a grant application will 9va the County of Oakland 55 ;000 in
already apprepriatJi togniy Keids.
Nei,/ ICC a; 1. .9EVED that the Oakland Count/ iierd of fjomm1s cners author s
the filing of a f, at a ..i.c:zion to the Federal ME Agency ;a the pur of
securing funding :a.- the redifiiii icit and furnishing of the OE -el Counii Si ajtci., Operatin g; Leiter,
consistent with the attached grcnt application (in part); and
BE IT FURTHER EFSOLVEG that the Oakland County Board oE Commissiontirs authorizes an appro-
priation of $5,900 consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the the of the Board of Commissionel . is authorized to
sign the application;
AND BE IT FURTHOR RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports b: prni • hted to the
Public Services Committee by the Manager of the EMS and Disaster Control Divisica ar.• to the balance
of the members of the board of Commissioners.
:The Public Cervices Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
• James E. Lanni, Cnairperseon
By Dr, Caddell
The Finance Comnittee has reviewed the proposed grant application and findsi
1) The Board of Commissioners adopted MiscellaneouF Resolution 82146 which approved the
relocation of the Oakland County Emergency Medicaid Services Ctn ,runicci a Coordination ("0"COM)
Center from William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak to the Civ .ion of : • nd Disaster Control,
2) Miscellaneous Resolution 82146 appropriated $10,C00, tr.: estimated remodeling/reno-
vation cost for relocation of "0"COM equipment in the 1932 Capital 11-J.,J;ovement-Misce1laneous
Remodeling Account,
3) The Michigan Department of State Police has notified the County of Oakland that
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds aro available for the modification and furnishing
of the -Emergency Operating Center (FCC) to acceitodate the relocation of ''(ICON,
4) The grant covers the period July 1, 1902 through Deceaber 31, 1982 and is in the
amount of $11,800,
5) The grant ag.;lication amount represents fifty percent (50%), or $5,900, State/Federal
share and fifty percent (50'), or $5,900, County share,
6) The grant agalIcation includes Fifty percent (50K g) of the cost, or E5,000 of the
remodeling/renovation cost for the relocation of "0"COM appropriated by Miscellaneous Resolution 82146,
7) The grant application includes fifty percent (50%) of the cost, or $900, of the EOC
8) Application for or acceptance of this grant does not obligate Oakland County to any
ComRassioners Minutes Continued, September 21, 1382 315
future County commitnice.i.
Mr. Chain, -•8n, on bchalf of the Finance Committee, mirve the acceph.anm of the to • inn
-°. pis; ara cc itne information contained thLrein to tr pi ic Services in
a.me with Miscelii ecaus Resolution 8145, revised wf'n• ...al and , i• ''2unE APPlication Pric hu • "i
li-ai1c:CE e :
Ci. S • • , Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be ndopted,
AYES: Perinotf, Perhiok, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, WlIrmax, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney,
Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyor, Fortino, is,abler, Geary, Gosling, nhart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald,
Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority. having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82230
Ety Kr. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairpersicn, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sheriff - of Oakland County, by letter dated August 31, 12 has requested
authority from this Board to dispose of recovered stolen property which has f• a unclaimed for six months
or more after recovery, such authority. being necessary pursuant to the provis hs of Act 54 of the
Public Acts of 1953, as amended; said recovered stolen property to be dispose i 'by manner of public
auction to Sc held Saturday, October 9, 1932.
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that authority to dispose. of such unclaimed property Sc and
the same is hereby granted to the Sheriff of Oakland County, such unclaimed property to be disposed
of in the manner prescribed in Act 54 of the Pubic Acts of 1959, as amended.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted,
AYES: Rernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Cakandro,
DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt', Montante, Moore,
Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82291
By Dr, Caddell
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Finance CorRattee has reviewed the proposed 198:3-1985 Computer Services De-
partment Master Plan as prepared by the Department of Computer Services; and
WHEREAS said Master Plan details the services provided by the Computer Services Department
for the period 1923-1985; and
WHEREAS said plan includes retaining the services of an outside management firm.
NOW THEREFORE GE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee has reviewed the 1983-1985 Computer
Services Department Master Plan and recommends entering into a three (3) year contract with the outside
management firm containing provisions as outlined in Option 11, merged staff, deleting two (2) outside
management firm positions and creating two (2) county positions,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said contract include a mutually agreeable cancellation clause
and that said contract he renewed annually for the 12 months January 1 through December 31 for the
three years, 1983, 1984 and 1985.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, DiGiovanni,- Doyon, Fortino,
Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page,
Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (24)
NAYS; Cagney, Calandro, Lanni, (3)
- "Legal Counsel -L.- j $ i3sd County requires "outside
Civil Counsel sad .. L by a m .[karity vote of C..) unsel
the med.:,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 21, 19 02
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. L
To the 0 ' Caont
Mr. Chuirtm. Ns
• initiated against the Drald tommissioner and County by
one of its t.up paj.,3 •E... .aa ,:atument and backpay; end
',id. L. .. is . •• . :$ immediately address and answt ' such charges and Le[gin to pre-
pare for the lit.pEs c a ...It old
WHEIREAR the 03 .it3•• Liduty Civil Counsel's office nis .rs re retaining the [[ (-dices of an
outside legal counsel with s,es.ionfed knowledge and expertise in I• relations rel and
WHEREAS the estinx j cost of said legal counsel
NOW THEREFORE BE it [RESOLVED (Mut the Oakland feunty eo• Pd ther[H,sla3 f_ edshorizes the
office of Civil Counsel to retain said outside legal courd • 1 at a —up N. os $T,500.01
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Rule N.' •C cJ th • i .h, th- Fit. J Committee
finds 7,300 00 availehle in the 1982 Contingency Acc)not ,nd that sd of [ 31..••[-e ioners appro-
priates. $7,500.00 from t[.,,t, 1932 Contirees y Account and transfers i lunds to the. :932 Drain Com-
m i ss ioner - profe ssid.- .7 Services Lin , • m Budget as foliows:
990 .ncy $(7,
611-01-00-"te08 Proiessional Services
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 - •ei the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Fortino, Gabler, Geary,
Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Peterson. (2B)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSTAIN: Whitlock, Doyon. (2)
A sufficient majol'ity having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
My Dr, Caddell
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #82273, Authorization for
investment of Surplus County Funds, reports with the recomerdation that. the resolution be adopted
with the following anendment:
in the NOW TNERFET," BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, line 4, following the words "obligation
repurchase nr,s2es.ers," insert the word --and--;
in the same p ne ,•••• .ine 5, following the words "States banks," change the comma (,)
to a period (.) ,[us cLiutc the reminder of the sentence which reads---and mutual
I unds compia of invest:rant vehicles which are legal for direct investment by local
units of gioNt [na,mIlt in Michigan.--
Mr. Chairpe:son, move acceptance of the forego 3 rep, • t.
G. WilliPti Carlo 1, Chairperson
Misc, 82273
By Dr. Caddell
To the Oakland County Eloard of Cornissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen,
WHEREAS Act 7I7 of the Public Acts of 1932 amends Act 500 of the Public Acts of 1978
provides in part as follows:
"Sec. 1 The...governidg of a county, „.by resolution, may authorize its treasurer,.
to invest surplus fund In on' op to and under the control of the,..county as follows:
(e) In United Btates aovernment or Federal agency obligation repurchase agreements.
(e) in bankers' acceptances of United States banks.
(t) in mutual funds composed of investment vehicles which are legal investments by
Commissioners Minutes Continued. iieptember 21, 1982 317
unit, . • eirnment 111 Michid
cunty rce, mists tl-e. rc I the County Erard of Commissioners
Kr irivet h•nd-, itru,
hcri t invest
s eer t ol federal
agency a: s re r an mutual
• ft.nds cf ml 8.: of ve • L y• icn a: C..' tS of
goadarnmie' • Mir:: ai.
, r rar CC Committee by [Jr. G. Will lam person, moves the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
G. William 11, ChaJrperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Whitlock the report be aceeicted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the mecion carried.
Moved by Caddell supported by Jackson Resolution 1182273 be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Gabler the resolution be amen/Luc in the 14,0W L'iF5RE BE IT
RESOLVED paragraph, on 4, following the words "obligation repurchase adjfeements," in; i ft the word
In the same paragraph, line 5, following the words "States banks," change the corrola (,)
to a period (,) and delete the remainder of the sentenc, . which reads "and mutual funds composed of
investment vehicles which are legal for direct investment by local units of government in Michigan."
A officieat majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Do on . ion as amended:
W .cm. Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cauncy, Calandro, Dibiovanni, Devon, Fortino,
Gabler, Geary, Cosi Inc :Cart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page,
Patterson, Periroff, N; rink, Peterson, Price. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having . voted therefor, Resolution 1132273, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 82293
By Dr. Caddell
To the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners
Mr. Chairpers ,:n, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WULi'Ah the Finance Committee hut reviewed the proposed 1983 -1935 Computer Services Depart-
ment Master 1•1 • s prepared by the Department of Computer Services; and
WE the Computer Users' Advisory Committee (CUAC), after extensive examination, has
recommended 1 Master Plan for . application development for 1583-19'65; and
WHEfLA: the Master Plan details the services provided by the Computer Services Department
for the perlou •-•135; and•
Wets [I • Master Plan details the establishment of the Office Systems Methods and Procedures
unit to obtain frrtk.r E," rigs through work simplification and a comprehensive and coordinated use of
office autow(-icr: t(i'da ,logy; and
WHEREAS Master Plan outlines the combined Oakland County and SCT staffing levels, and
reallocation of st, ff, and
WHFREAC. CUAC has recommended Option II merged staff; and
WHERA tft. Master Plan includes limitations on budgetary growth for the Computer Services
Department tor 197i- 196:, period.
NOW ILIC:iSsORE PE It RESOLVED the Finance Committee approves the attached 1933-1985 Master
Plan for the Department of Computer Services.
BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CUAC shall be responsible for further detuilinG of the Master
Plan and establishing project priorities within given resource and cost-benefit analysis procedures
adopted by CUAC and the Fiimuilce Committee.
BE IT FUR1li :d 1i.VED that the Finance Committee &!. • • oyes the creation of the Office
Systems Methods and frochcJ7f, en it in the Computer Services I , rtment Cb outlined in the Master Plan;
BE IT FUF -hc that the Finance Commit -Li ..emmends Option 11 Merged Staff for
Professional ServicL• , dB. i:d11r.ation of stuff as cutlio iri -id • Plan.
BE IT Fhk .i:S 'C'LVLD that Oakland County int,: hi: to gi •lua .y replace the outside vendors'
staff with Oakland 1. ri 'tilted personnel,
BE IT Fljr'! .k haeLVED that the specific level of resoirced for the Department of Computer
Services he reviewed and ,r, roved during the appropriate annual budgeting process.
the adoption of the foregoing
, tot rp.e.rseri
operations for )Id
these operatione wheit
the Department of
I . rations, which
Department of
of inventory
of the foregoing
Coods loners Minutes ContIntiod, September 21 ; 1982
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance 2-mdrit
Copy of Mas.-- Mon on tile in County Clit,kic
by I iiteil support ,. I r o .son the resolution be adopted.
r: con, Ca , •
,Mu P id
m), Lanni. (2)
, , i.dy, DiGlevanni, Doyon, Fortino, .o y, Gosling,
Mortanto, Moore, Olson, Page, Hatted Hobart, je
Peterson, Pi•l.
A sufficier, •ajority having voted the the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 82; a4
By Or C
IN Rl:
To the a:.
mr , ceair • •
basio; dnd
ountv o
Lade_ ,
thr Ft
• i ners
:'.e reviews the various operating departments on a quarterly
the riper iions of the internal service and enterprise
ad . ha developed a monthly statement of
3 tatemicio of inventory and inventory turnover for
WHEREAS the I . 1.d.iso has reviewed said reports and t-..
Management and Dud.... r Ire ra:orts tor ali ti.: internal and mote
includes statement a 4 :a(,.! :A oiventory turnover.
NOW THF ,I IIOR6 OE id RES0LVED that the Committee recoil
Management and audgi.t prepare the gonthly statement . perch 'eon, iflcia 1 .
and inventory turnover fer ail applicable internal service . and enterprist
Mr. Chairperson, en behalf of the Finance Committeo, I move adopt
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted,
Moved by Oosli: • apported by Perin off the resolution be amended in the 41 -h WHEREAS
paragraph and the NOW THLInf 1 ,11,C, SE IT RESOLVED paragraph by deleting the word "recommends" and in-
serting the word "requires".
Vote on amendment:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried,
Vote on resolut as amended:
AYES: Aaron, ( Canney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Dcyon, Fortin
Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Laani, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Pn•
Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (27)
NAYS.: None. (0)
GLhler, Geary, Gosling,
itterson, Perinoff,
A sufficient maiority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 822.99
By Mr. Gabler
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, taa , di end Gentlemen:
WI-C• ,
Legislators oppo ..
County; and
. Oditland County Board of Commissioners has requested that Oakland County's
bliGation of Public Act 438 of 1980, the Judicial Takeover Act, to Oakland
WHEREAS Si, t bill 946 would o: •omplish rho same objectives as Poklic Act 433 and extend
takeover to the. Prob..: .n.. District Court:. . nd
WHEREAS Sir .;. Bill 946 contain', LII of to y..• nd would I. i• 'die same, if not
greater, detriments to ipdicial efficiency . nd inno t • -;qt-e -, which i. n and improve justice
while deterring increased costs; and
WHEREAS the State Department. of Management add Budget has indicatto) dhat the increased cost
319 tommisoners Minutes Continued. September 21,
in • ,, . million, excluding additional support
county property and would mandate
costs in api : a t of I a ,fld
1: ; ei ea of ILi .ion, ution and rcim.:
control, le: . I , Bas of c , • . ; of tbe removal of in„ ntives to
improve ripe! t «rid
•ci detcrmira]Aon and/or -a -ton of any benefits to either
users of „ r the taxpeyecs under .e.ri„ !.3iH „.,46; and
( (]1 Circuit Bench and the Apaociation of County Clerks have opposed
further State pi , ' s; and
' . . • t met its commitments for pubiic health finarcing, state income
tax payments, - ;tdsbation takeover, Inc 41.6%, return to Iocal government, etc(, whiie
creating numero. 3 to avoid its responsibiiity under Article IX and mandating addi-
tional costs on lo
NOW THEF . ,f ESOLVLD that the Oakland County Board oh Commissioners vigorously oppose
Senate Bill 946,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners urge Oakland County Legislators in
particular and taM legislatcrs in general to oppose Senate Bill 94.6,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be fomorded to all Michigan Legis-
lators, the other Michigan Coanties, the Michigan Association of Counties, and the Michigan Association
of County Clerks.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution,
Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson
Moved by Gabler supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Price supported by Fortino that the resolution be referred back to the General
Covernment Committee,
Vote on referral:
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed
Vote on resolutioni
AYES: Caddell, Caiandro, Doyon, Gabler, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald,
Moffitt, Montente, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron. (19)
NAYS: Cagney, DiGlovonni, Fortino, Geary, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
„.e The Chairperson vacated the Chair. Vice Chairperson Lillian V. Moffitt took the Chair.
Misc, 82296
By Mrs, Gc.
To th,. b., County Board of Commissioners
Ei irpierten, Ladies and lent]
WHEREAS Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1573 provides that no otherwise qualified
handicapped individual in the t(...tcs_shall, solely by reason of a handicap, be excluded from
participation in; be denied Lem E. .; of; or be subjected to discrimination under any program or•activity
receiving Federal financial assis( rice; and
WHEREAS Oakland County uovernment is a recipient of Federal funds; and
WHEREAS one of the requirements of Section 504 regulations is that equal opportunity efforts
be ongoing to assure the recommended "self-evaluation" (paragraph $4.0c) and the required "transition
plan" (paragraph 84.22e) will continue to refiect compliance; and
WHEREAS input from handicapped citizens and others Familiar with the needs of these citizens
and the requirements of the law are essential for successful continuing compliance and public awareness;
WHEREAS the National Association of County Officials recormends that all counties comply
with the spirit as well as the letter of the law.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners creates a "504
Technical Assistance Advisory Council" of eleven (II) persons who are Oakland County residents, each
to serve one (I) year terms with reappointment permitted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive appoint a Section FO/i Coordinator for Oak-
land County to sere as a permanent, non-votinq member of the Council by December 1, 1582.
BE IT F' s RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
appoints Council m ,ders and Council Chairperson, subject to Board confirmation, and that consideration
i; .: iaben Ethan nyir r-•: !a, • a: :
ffm, iow r•
, one (1)
-, and
arrissioners Minutes Continued. Si •mrirluer 21, 1982
.. • • • , r: rts to BE IT fi . ! •
the .• •, a sf Commi. • . • . . • s • a.. .
cover lil Council ar
BE IT r s dLC 1 prepar. .1• mid ifs rurctions, same Lobe
approved by the Bonrd 01- r ,si -•
Mr. Chairperscr, on behalt of the Health and Human Resources Commii;te
of the foregoing resolution.
Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairper
Moved by Gosling supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted,
Moved by Pi-sterson supported by Patterson the resolution be amended in the Sod BE. IT FURTHER
RESOLVED paragraph, last line after the word 'and and before the word 'minorities', insert the words
"that representation include".
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Cagncy, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Kasper,
Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, 'Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock,
Aaron, Caddell. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
. Misc. 82297
By Mrs. Gosling
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Centlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) desires to continue providing
comprehensive services for the older adult in Oakland and Livingston counties through its multi-
purpose centers and homebound programs; and
WHEREAS these services, which are available to persons sixty (60) years of age or older,
are made possible through the Michigan Department of Social Services from Title XX cf the Social
Services Act; and
WHEREAS this program is directed toward providing an alternative to institutionalization -
through health information and referral, home management and :counseling and socialization services; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Department. of Social Services which contracts Title XX monies to
OLHSA, the Oakland County match requirement for the period October 1, 1932, thru September 30, 1983,
has been eliminated; and
WHEREAS the OLHSA is requesting that Oakland County increase its direct contribution to the
program to $83,497 from a previously authorized combined level of $79,281 in order that no significant
reduction in program he experienced; and
WHEREAS the increased funding request for the 1982-83 period will not require a future
increase in the currently budgeted $90,000 OLHSA line item.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland Coir:s - . • lanmissioners authorize the
release of funds in the amount of $83,497 for he purchase of -. • • :er ent renewal for the period
October 1, 1982, thru September 30, 1983, for the Oakland Livir •.! Hui ::11 Service Agency.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Rcaources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution. •
Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson
Moved by Gosling supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted.
The Vice-chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee, There were no objections.
Misc. 82298
By Mrs. Gosling •
To the Oakland County BoaMd of Comlissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies On Gentlemen: .
WHEREAS the health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by Oakland
Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) on behalf of the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child
Care Program (known as 4C); and •
i move the adoption
Commissioners Minutes Continued, September 21, !082 321
:_Bnitf. a hsa fa iermino l rR of the Oakland County Community Coordi-
nated Child —.i • ashi •hu - bould con Ii
••; th , ei ;raininn, :1 on and technical assistance to child care
providers in: . to ri. : • ..gthen f J 0 and
III- it e: the 4C. Ccsdi ', • -ouph the 1.d.-la•d Livingston Human Service Agency, is requesting
that the amount ol $6,903 bp act.ue:ized for the st Briar:ram for the period OctoRier 1, 1932, thru
September 30, 19 and
Tidi the requested count of $6,503 represents an annual decrease of $217 from the
previous fundi s leRail; and
WNE JAS the fund's • :es , for the /982-83 period will not require a future increase in
the currentfy budgeted $90,060 n. ,A. or item, and
WHFREAB the requested • Naunt is a portion of the total needed for local match for the State
agency purchase of service agreement through the State 4C Council; and
WHEREAS PC will be securing the balance of monies needed from other community resources,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize re-
lease of up to 56,503 to the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child Care 640 Program for the period.
October I, 1982, thru September 30, 1583.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson
Moved by Gosling supported by Patterson the reGolutk'n he adopted.
The. ViceChairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
The Chairnemson retunned to the Chair.
Misc. 82254
By Ms. Hobart
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS on January 22, 1979. the County of Oakland conveyed to Vincent F. Bowler, the
following described premises:
Lot 42 and South 30 feet of Lot 43, Bloomfield Sites, a Subdivision of part of the southeast
quarter of Section 11, T2N, PIPE, City of Bloomfield Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, according to plat
thereof as recorded in Liber 71 of Plats, Page 21, Oakland County Records. Subject to restrictions of
record. Subject to easements of record, Containing 1.35 acres,
WHEREAS, said property was sold subject to soil conditions; and
WHEREAS the County oh Oakland was aware and had in its possession a report from a soil
engineer indicating that the property had adverse soil conditions; and
WHEREAS Vincent F. Bowler did institute legal proceedings for the recision of said sale
on January 25, 1982; and
WHEREAS the major allegation in said lawsuit is that the County of Oakland had a duty to
disclose said soil conditions; and
WHEREAS Vincent F. Bowler, in consideration of .the return of all monies paid by him, would
discontinue said lawsuit and deed the property hack to the County of Oakland, and
WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the County of Oakland pay back any and all monies
paid by Vincent F. Bowler to the County of Oakland.
NOW THEREFORE OE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland does hereby agree, for and in
consideration of the discontinuance of the above referred to lawsuit and the conveyance of the above
described premises by Vincent F, Bowler to the County of Oakland, to pay back any and all monies that
Vincent F. Bowler has paid to the County of Oakland for the above described premises.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of Oakland County Civil Counsel be and is hereby
authorized to enter an Order in the above referred to lawsuit to effectuate the agreement in this
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
By Dr. Caddell
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule hl-C of this Board, the Finance Cemmittee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #82254 and finds that no County General Funds are necessary; said funds to come from the
Further, the County shall appropriate the necessa /
due or said property, said funds available as follows.
- e,' P. - Sewer and Water Funds
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 2d, 1982
D.P.W. Sewer and Water Funds and Land Sales Fund s folios -i
- D.P„W. - Sewer and Water E ,
- Land Sales Fund
d- payment of the Property Tax
Moved by Hobart supported by Caddell the resolution be .idopted.
Moved by
C' eel u]ported by tortino the Fiscal Note he amended to include the closing
costs or $93.92, and this amount be added to the total.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution and Fiscal Noten as amended:
AYES: DiCiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni,
McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Patterson, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (19)
NAYS: Calandro, Montante, Perinoff, Pernick, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted here for, the resolution with Fiscal Note, as amended,
was adopted.
Misc. 82299
By Ms. Hobart
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the Assessment Rol is, as prepared
ho the Drain Eommissioner for the year 1582; and
WHEREAS such Assessment Rolls have been prepared and submitted in accordance with the pro-
visions of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1951, as amended, and Act No. 146 of the Public Acts of
1961, as amended, and
WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the
Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level projects in the County, a copy of which is
attached hereto; and
WHEREAS a summary or such Assessment Roll is as Follows.
At Large -
Property - $131,701.69
NOW THEREFORE BF. IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State
of Michigan, that there be assessed, levied and collected for the year 1982 for the purpose of estab-
lishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning out, deepening, nnd extending County Drains and estab-
lishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various lakes in Oakland County within and by
the several political subdivisions, the aggregate anount of $142.552.62, which sum represents the
total amount of assessments for said year u, which are contained in the several Drain and Lake Level
Assessment Rolls heretofore determined by ,e said Oakland County Drain Commissioner.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Drain and Lake Level Assessments for the Year 1932 on file in County Clerk's Office.
The Chairperson announced according to Statute, the resolution shall he laid over for
30 days,
Moved by Price supported by Moore. the Board rescind the action taken on Miscellaneous
Resolution 1132258 - "MANPOWER LEASE", at the September 9, 1982 meeting.
Discussion followed.
The Chairperson stated an "AYE" vote will sustain the motion to rescind 'action taken.
The vote was as Follows:
AYES: Doyon, For Geary, Moore, Per nick, Price, Aaron, (7) -
NAYS: DiBlovanni, Gabler, Go.,ling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt,
Montante, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Cagney, Calandso„ (19)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion was not sustained.
on to
existing be. •
the best int, e - • P
best foster :H s a , • •ivt
incorporated i. en:hcornorat
WgEs , •ti Ciaklud
shown which word justify the
bf • •!e• the Village of Frank; ii ;- • d Lee Ci ,
o •n,..-g-porotion in 1553, and L .:L ., such boundif •/
mel y 12 are one half Pile Road in an e.ast-wc,, nirecti
For annexat
Village of
County, and
filed by an i
relations ar
in lrpo ed mun
sent iv
M wfil result
I communities;
Board of C...fmmi
titles should
Board of C ,MtflI
V and waif .
Si c.
r al
g beEore floe State rlegrfl-ry Commission a petition (AP-82-1)
s who ore owners of a int - • 20.14 acre parcel within the
LO the City of toeihII:, d;
Sit en s,i nvoi s ez:.ose La the citizens of Oakland
State of Michftan, and that such hearing on a petition
n disruption of long established inter-governmental
rs believes that long-settled boundaries
compelling reasons; and
Lelieves that settled boundaries are in
f Oakland County and serves tc
Lions between various citizens and
; and
believes that no such rationale has been
tablished and uniform boundary linc•
that such boundary line was set as • time
m straight line running talon-, -- • .roxi-
n. and that the alteration of such a les ••
'inutes Continued,
Oak in
recorr is
dation of
m eon!. rated nuni•Hpalities existing adjacent
to each ot ,
developed i.e
people of
planning COO ,
citizen: of
I• thud int,
•l County.
ion, on
iota. ;t.etenm(Tit , here worked in harmony for many years and have
Pnmentol eftorts and cnoperation, which is to thc betterment of the
such cooperative eFForrs include police and fire assistance, zoning and
y of traffic regulations and controls to foster the well-being of the
Si tect and uniform boundary line would work to the great detriment of the people of Oakland County and
to the municipal corporations in southern Oakland County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges and recom-
mends to the State Boundary Commission to act in such a manner as to discourage such private petitions
as might serve to alter long established boundaries between incorporated municipal entities and to
avoid the establishment of any precedents to the disruption of established boundaries.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes the annexation
petition AP-82-1, presently pending before the State. Boundary Commission and recommends denial of such
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Lillian V. Moffitt, Commissioner, District 615
Richard R. Wilcox, John H. Peterson,
Marilynn E. Gosling, John J. McDonald,
Paul E. Kasper
Moved by Moffitt supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee.
Mr. Aaron objected to the referral.
The Chairperson stated it takes 14 votes to sustain the objection; and an "AYE" vote
will sustain the objection.
AYES: Doyon, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Moore, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Aaron. (9)
NAYS: Fortino, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olsen,
Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Gourley, Calandro, DiGiovanni. (16)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained, and the
resolution was referred to the Planning and Building Committee.
Mr. Pernick requested the resolution also be referred to the General Government Committee,
There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes atleued, r
Pk),./tscl by r supese by Pt,gc the Board ad ourst until October 7, 7:00 P.M.
A suMcieet ifeljor(ty veted therefor, Sfts Pot toe cart ,t,da
The Pord zAjourned
leb •