HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1982.10.21 - 7344OAKLAND COUNTY Board Oi Commissioners ETNG October 21, 'f982 Meeting called co order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:35 A.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by John DiGiovanni, Pri-dge of Allegiance to the Flag. .;lied. Aaron, Caddell, Caqney, Calandra, DiGlovanni, Doyen, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, ti..: Kasper. Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore; Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Pic• Price, Whitlock, Wilcox. (26) ABLENT: Jackson. (I) Quorum present. Moved by Gabler supported by Caiandro the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. AYES: McDonald, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Caddell, Cagnny, Calandra, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the potion carried. Clerk read the annual report of the Oakland County Soldier's Relief Commission. (Referred to Finance Committee) Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox appointing LeRoy Cagney to the Oakland County Personnel Appeal Board effective November h, 1982 to fill the unexpired term of Charles Whitlock. Moved by Gabler supported by Calandro the appointment be confirmed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment of LeRoy Cagney was confirmed. John King of Bloomfield Hills requested to address the Board. Moved by Olsen supported by Peterson the agenda be amended. to add the following: PLANNING AND BUILDING - Drain and Lake Level Assessment Report laid over from the September 23, 1982 Board meeting. Also Mr. Olsen moved the rules be suspended for consideration of the Report. on Suspension of the Rules: Moffitt, Kontante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinciff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitik, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Dayon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hota -t, Lanni, McDonald. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on the amendment to agenda: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. $241 ,f S., Mis , fe To ti Mr, Cis (JMCC BUILDING ROOF PEBA1CS aul North .1- men; and cm bAcidm:. and re comn. amount of 's provide, Commis ioaers Minutes Continued. October 21, 1982 •d Board of GomicIssicners •e Lids for repairing the idy this Board, bids were received utOve's Departiiit of (de,. . a ices has reviewed all bids submitted Newton g Crane, Inc,,oF Pootiac, Michigan, the repair work in the o s ore estimated at $800 and a $2,988 conticency should be project cc• •t is en tic to be $33,665 and •ng for North Office Buildined roof repairs is provided in the Improvement I. NOW -is HHI, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1) T1 . , contract proposal of Newton & Crone, Inc, of Pontiac, Michigan, in the adiount of $29,877, to o ic,aed and the contract awarded in Gov!: rrence with the Planning and Buildiag Committee recommendations, 2) Th.. funds In provided in the amount of .-',6G3 to cover the total pro cost. 3) Moe the Chairperson of the Board of (ommi. sioners be and hereby is ...cid and directed to execute a contract with Newton g Crane, Irc., of Pontiac, Michigan on Ls',1 of the County of Oakland. 4) Ti. s this award shall not be effective until the avra • "±AA notii-. d in writing hy the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities . d Ore, 5) TI persuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the financre laimiictee tided i.• available in the 1982 Cap, higarovement Program - Building Fund. - Mr. Chc.rporson, on behaiii of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted. AYES: Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pei-nick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiCiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82319 By Dr, Caddell IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF A THREE (3) MONTH CONTINUATION AGREEMENT HYPERTENSION GRANT To the Oaklard County Board ct Corrmlissioners Mr. Chairpe:iei. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHE'R L'• Miscellaneous Resolution 382006 oF February 4, 1982 accepted the 1981-1982 Hyper- tension Grant ••r the period Novesiir 1, 1981 through September 30, 1982; and WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 182303 of October 7, 182, the Board of Commissioners approved subrdsoion of Hypertensirn Grant renewal application for the period October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS the State Department of Public Health has authorized cortinuation of the current program for the period October 1, 1582 through December 31, 1982 until a new agreement can be finalized . based on review of the County's grant application ars" availability of State funds; and WHEkEAS acceptance of said agreement doe .or obligate. the County to any future commitments. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 11;1 a,' letint d cf Commissioners authorizes the Chairperson to execute the attached continuation ,ih,•mens on beh.• f of the County. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the kinanci Committee, 1 lobe the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMIT-TELE C. William Caddell, Chairperson Moved by Caddell supported by Peterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagmey, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gedry, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (25) NAYS: None. (0) missioners Minutes Continued. October 21 A sufficient majority having voted tint! o resolution was adopted. 343 OE SHBST/TUTF FOR HOUSE ELLA .f334 Mis ifl , I.'! ( Mr. i rctively contros fli morufecture, by the. hi fir c to be so regol. !nd the or, tort .f hard metals and i 'atively sale ana other is a 1 low conten the "armor containing an explosive agent which Crag- ively controlled; and the provision of the bill regulating •id the danger of hard metal bu they are less dangerous than soft metal poi high ments on c. out that lead contel. ) tell; 1/FIFF1is tf ,! niT/ . met j Pvii a of the bill is a very serious concern to hunters according to a spokesman tor the Michi.T.n United Conservation Clubs who claims it would put about 502 of the State's one million licensed iiunters in violation of the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position supporting Subsciteti! for House Bill 4334 providing it be amended to delete the language specifying metal content (pa c - Lines 21, 22 & 23); thus regulating only the bullet with an explosive agent. BE 17 r RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all Oakland County legis- lators and to the lative agent. Mr. Chaiies rson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, ! move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. • GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE . Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Moved by Ccbler supported by Geary the resolution be adopted. AYE F:e , Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cajsi, e, C•!..ndro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, fictrii. cc Moore. (23) NAY: Olsen. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc, 3232.1 By Mrs. Gosling IN RE: OAKLAND LIVINGSTON HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY AND MEDICAL CARE FACILITY AGREEMENT - HOMEBOUND MEALS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Centlemen: WHEREAS a sixth year Agreement between the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) and the Oakland County Medical Care Facility has been proposed for the purpose of catering federal therapeutic home-delivered meals in Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Agreement (attached) shall be effective subject to the availability of funding and shall be in force during the period commencing October 1, 1982 and ending September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS it shall be the Medical Care Facility's responsibility to prepare the meals at their location at 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 in accordance with Food Specifications pro- vided and furnish said meals for the OLHSP. Homebound Meals Program for approximately twenty (20) elderly persons living in the City of Pontiac and surrounding areas; and WHEREAS such homebound persons shall consist of individuals aged sixty (60) years and older and who have been declared by a physician to be in need of home-delivered meals; and WHEREAS OLHSA shall present the Medical Care Facility with a list of recipients of home- delivered meals and shall notify same of additions or deletions immediately; and WHEREAS OLHSA's employees or volunteers shall pick up meals prepared by the Medical Care Facility and deliver these meals to homebound persons; and WHEREAS the Medical Care Facility shall provide OLHSA with a monthly invoice stating the number of meals ordered by OLHSA and prepared by the Medical Care Facility during the previous month; and WHEREAS the meal cost breakdown shall reflect a total price per meal of $3.10 of which Title /11-C will pay only S1.75 per meal with the Oakland County Care Facility offering the remaining $1.35 per meal as an in-kind contribution to the program; and WHEREAS both parties ',nail comply with all other federal, state and local laws, regulations and standards, and any amendments thereto, as they may apply to the performance of the Agreement. I Corm i • ••. ME. CI a i rperson, on beha I f of Inc Heal or and Human .•.• •: a tee, 1 of the forego.e tti resolution, _::irobv an .karize - RE IT RESOLVED that 311J. • Gland Ccua¢• r 'are 1 i , 1 - ttec ri A t t• 1 re vii • n v EE u.e in ivi E lil-C in the, ArlDkInt of S:, :5 and by the 0 c HEALTH AND HU•il COMMITTLC ‘i: Au - • •, Caddell, 344 Commission Continued. October 21, Marilynn F r Hr rperson Copy of A . Medical C rr 3i t.. t : 'mat iarid Livineston Human Servic .•gency and Oat i and Coirt ty File :n i.. • a..t, Clerk's Office, i by Fort i no ' • r?.solut I.a be : ,i• n iv• r:ff Perni. Cagney, Calandr:-. , It ren, Fortin.t ca., Geary, . art, Lanni , tieDoneir, Moffitt, Montant ( m-e, eo. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A suficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT TO HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE By Dr. Caddel 1 IN RE: SUBSTANCE ABUSE. GRANT RENEWAL - OCTOBER I, l582 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 36, 1983 The finanG • amiv lee has reviewed the pr,:r..• I-r•r application and finds: 1. This c: oeGoing grant for the pteei.... of ( ;...ttinr, costs for Substince Abuse programs, and covert a r• oF October 1, i982 the h i•; znier 30, 1 98 3, 2. The fundin• in the amount of $1,5l6,Og/, oi ehich Si ,009,437 is for sub contract agencies; $382,942, 'iv-, eeojects; $11 3 ,685 Administrativ.i Costs; and, $6,318, indirect Cost. A comparison of current program and i•roiee.ii H•o :ram is shown on Schedule I, 3. The Count iarticipate in .• :d m-e:rams, and the County Budget. for the sane period calls for fund ing in the arount of $(...7 ant wi th Schedule II, 4. In addition, various le ai , i,,tubstance abuse cl ientele have been set up and the cost defrayed with eionies from t f • • , •ir • , County and local municipalities as tel as fees char ued for such services cons i stere wi th '•n bed' le !II, 5. Application or acceptance f LI. tt runt does not obi igate the County to any future commi tments Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 rove the acceptance of the fore- going report and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources Committee in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8I45, revised "Federal and State Grant Application Procedures". F I NANCE COMMITTEE C. Will lam Caddel 1 , Chairperson Copy of Financial Analysis- Schedules I, II and lii on file in County Clerk's Office. Misc, 82322 By M. Gosling IN RE: SUBSIANCL ABUSE FUNDING AGREEMENT RENEWAL APPLICATION - OCTOBER 1, 1982 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS according to normal grant procedures, the Finance Committee has reviewed said funding agreement renewal application and referred its report to the Health and Human Resources Committee; and WHEREAS the Health and Human Reource.,; Committee has reviewed and authorized the Substance Abuse funding agreement renewal application in the amount of $1,516,382 for the period October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS this agree rent in the amount (.• • is funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health, Office of Substance Abuse 'Erai ,i • . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED IL:: •.ucty Board of Commissioners authorize the 1983 Substance Abuse Funding Agreement rel. r eal -,:plication in the amount- at $1,516,382. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of thr Eli Tth and Huron Resources Committee, I Rove the adop- tion of the forewing resolution. HEAP TH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson Moved by Gosling supported by Fortino the mo. lution be adopted. 1 PrlecA Vilcox, Aaron, CvdA. Com,1 tiohoief.I MtA h C it majority hay n 3 voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Commissioners A • . Aff Cortinued, October 21, 1582 345 Misc. By Cr. C IN RE: •dh 'fdiR.I I. FUND PP6:LP'Y TAX AND PARKS AND RECREATiON TAX RATE To the Oct • J .,, of ft. .. .irs Mr. Cha tr... O.; : ••••• ; Gent ion n WiRb .c.-Itc has J millacie tax rate of 5.26 mills; a voted .25 mill for Parks and RecreA:tO; Wh,ti.DR the Huron -Clinton Authority has requested the County to ar, !y .2') mill property tax rate; si(••• WH'l the corn: • S T .!,•.1 :squired by Art, 9, Roc. 3 ( . • • JJ• Fi r teflon, the Headlco I. mitation J • ce , f .Jthorized the County fa. i . • : all , Parks and Recreation tax rate at .2 - miil ....cf. Huron -Clinton Authority . s , .26 PIM', and WHFli f Public Act 2l3 of 1981, "Tru.1 in 1. s. hie" Act ••• • the. iazimu I able County. Lax L 5.0596 in .2 the Rail • •• •tifn lax R: c .2405 miti J WHEItAS Public Act 5 of - 182, ''Ti..ih s• ir," act, r oiri the Caret iR oF Commissioners to hold a public It or t I if the ri .ommcJuRd propcfty t te exceeds cif allowable Base Tax Rate of 4.3737 mills,•WHEREAS the County Exe.ctive recommends that the 1982 Chnnloy Cenero. Fund Property Tax rate be set at 3, °'' mill - below the M3XiTHIA allowable Is re • WHERE- 1' i, cF Public hearing was publifshed on Ocihhor 14, 1:.I. regarding the Public Hearing on Pr•,F. • • i)I-- I-ld October 21, 1982; and NH f - i- the armunt of be i383 County P. .6,p tl be rams' ' ation based on the 1932 ac ifetion of $t4,277,365,250 at the recommc %ince ttf, rate. 0, L. . mills, to- gether with the ef, far Parks and Recreation or 2-3,433,7 ,d the .25 mill f h the Huron - Clinton Authic- fl .tt NOW TEfit•FORE 3E IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the various townships and Assessing Officers of the . i ;ties of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to spread on their rc -,tive township or city tax rolls for the year 1992 the following tax rates to be applied to their 1 i32 equalized valuation: 1982 County General Voted for Parks Huron-Clinton Property • -.1 vy and Recreation Authority ----- --4.6391 .2405 Mill .25 Mill Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE G. William Caddell, Chairperson The Chairperson made the following statement: "At this time a Public Hearing is called on the i983 Property Taxes. A notice of the hearing was published October 14, 1982 in the Oakland Press." The Chairperson asked if any persons wished to speak. John King of Bloomfield Hills requested to speak. The Chairperson asked if any other persons wished to speak. No one requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 82304 By Mr_ McDonald IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF naift ,\TE COURT RECORDER 1 AND PROBATE COURT RECORDER II CLASSIFICATIONS To the Oakland CouHiy 31d 2dnatssioners Mr. Chairperson, [Ain., itiement WHEREAS the -tit... I• urt. requires of, and issues certifications for, persons recording testimony and preparin i4 fi Ae.cripts for Circuit, Probate and District Court proceedings; and WHEREAS the tip- of certification used in the past in the Oakland County Probate Court has been "Court Stenotype Reporter" with employees classified as Probate Court Reporter 1 or Pro- bate Court Reporter II, which requires certification as a Stenotype Reporter; and WHEPEAS the Oakland County Probate Court has now requested use of the "Court Recorder" certification and creation of appropriate classifications which involves an employee utilizing tape recording equipment for the recording of Court proceedings rather than using a stenotype machine; and Doyon, Fi • Page, Pati NA( . fn, Price, Whitlock, tIM , sling, Hobart, Lanni, .. (1 ) os Cad • II, It.: antanni, . see, ON #8?308, COUNTY POLICY ON ANNEXATION PETITIONS BY ENTITIES OTHER ssioners REPORT By Mr, r-r IN RE: , THAN Gni: To the Or_ ILL .' • 4.4b 1' e ck:•ria ry: RAER 1 AND PROBATE CORI RECORDER, CLASSIFICAT ,ONS - To 1' Mr, CIA; Resolutii. • VA .11 classificssi, :r fi • s F1' G. ..oarif supported by Per inoff ResoluJ erl s .1 C Recorder II :lag • • Chal•1 rson 4 be adon'sf. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution //82304 was adopted. Mr. Chairp. 1 . 4.4 J41-,2, by Wallace Fa Gati-, Jr., Chairperson, having reviewed Miscellaneof r eports with the recommendation that the resolution be adoj• T1 with the foLfiTili The first WHH • Rs ph a Page 2 to read, "the Hearin:gen such petition will involve gr. .—ian e to the sit As cd. tie Village of Franklin and the State of Michigan in excess of Sl, ofo that such hooring Tai peilLion filed hy an individual parcel ownership will result in Lion of long established intergovernmentl relations and cooperation beFween local com- munities." • Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing report, GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairperson Misc, 823tA By Ms, Eli•b Ft IN RE: LE.ik: :( POLICY ON ANNEXATION PETITIONS BY ENTITIES OTHER THAN GOVERNMENTAL UNITS To the Oak:. Couw Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairp fr: i red Centicmsn: Hd• le' • Jillage of Fr nklin is an incorpord'a inunicipal corporation • [tested within Oakland C ,1 ny been in(Trdo.T• A pursuant to E, •;••., of • go CoLnty Board "g. rvisors and the recoits • a • . dn of the Count .: 1 of Supervisors ri 1.i'vi.F.t.e.e. in . WI:: AS the City of Sou ,T is an Inc: I :do , H I TT ,orniT wi:hin Oakland County havin I en incorporated purs , HL to -titu'. • - .•• . JudTrv,sors on the recommendati,. if the County Board oi yi ' Ti, and sat ' Oakland County is comprised of m•ny ted existiss adjacent to each oth.id Wg :-hese various 1 • •• .nr, Fits have i •Ii for morR y: • . •: have developed doa intergoverimr rg: •: • : Tr.., and coc,pn • n, H. ., Is to the 1 t of the people of Oa: .nd County, that sn• h rostive efforts ia :acd ,. pc • and fir. a digs., zoning tvedt that long-settled boundaries disurbead without comaallng reasons of existtng public iw (12 It -1) tId tt:e mpl Fri - annexa V.I1 ,h th r ar indki ual 1U h, on a petition ntern,overn- Coui CH. men . d I to Cie o 0, 5 and planni , of the tr.-drift red:nations and contedlt. to fr,rerr Wel a Oaklard Lain; • H! • falieves that. settled boundari • aro in the ttr.st .hrt, health, :1 ,-• td p..eple of Oakland County a id ! : to best foster tho 'Forts and r C T • aL'ans between VBriOUS citi ere . d incor- porated and unin.darperd' d wirhin Oaki.-m. County; and WHEREAS the !I - ieundary Corimission charaed by law with the consideration of several criteria upon which it w.11 base. its decision as Lo the grant or denial of annexation, attachment or detachment; and Wtr1R1 i• d Oakiand County B, -d of Commissioners believes that where a proposed annexation petition w111 • i-turb long-s-t ,led :! rH -; between incoraorated municipal entities, the State Boundary Cordid: or should .ive idni it consideration to the effect such change, w.thout a comr pelting reason oi puL'ic ir ,t• tea upon the ability of local governments La cooperate, to zone and Wan the r rip!: 0 hou1d gtve due consideration to the potentidl mi'schief which may result by the .1!. • . lort-settled and uniform boundary line .nd td:e potential detriment Fr the people otr. ,• hg .1 the nmnicipai corporations inv CO NOW IhEha...Cd: d'i_didD that the Oakland County Board f .••1i • k. urges recom- mends to the $'. d -Hon that in itsdeliberation of petiti attachment or I. : m.nt Ld.,A Cl incorporated rmnicipal entities where sd 5 bouncari,• . huic and been settl d t . C C iderab1e per1od of Lime, that the State Boundo -y CommisHan give nrTrte and significant co.u.lc- .on t , the potential for disruption by reason of alLeration (Cr siodificat,cn of such boundaries and s: mificant consider: •ion to the effect of such alteration or modification upon the cooperativ. and dritergovernn-. • t• I relations between incorporated municipalities which have co-existed aloi • • camon settled boundarir for a significant period of time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges such review based upon the public interest in annexation ta_tition 82-AP-1, presently pending before the State Boundary Commission, a petition by individual parcel owners to modify a It line between incor- porated municipalities which has bean settled, established and uniForm for a period in excess of twenty-five (2.5) year' Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Gabler the report he accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Hobart supported by Whitlock Resolution #82308 be adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Lanni the resolution he amended in the first WHEFEAS paragraph on Page 2 to read "the hearing on such petition will involve great expense to the citizens oF the Village of Franklin and the Stare of Michigan in excess of $15,000, and that such hearing Or 0 peti- tion Filed by an individual parcel -ownership will result in disruption of long established inter- governmental relations and cooperation between local communities." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Peterson, Whitlock, Wilcox, Cagney, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olsen, Page, Patterson. (15) NAYS: Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Moore, Perinotf, Pernick. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #82308., as amended, was adopted. Misc. 8232.)1 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: OPPOSITION TO SITE APPROVAL. FOR ERES CORPORAJ1ON To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the FRES Corporation has filed an application with the Departwnt of Natural id ,,,8rL • r lent. . • ....,rfeetly H•,dinq before the haZarilGUS -0A*-,t" • vhich is • Tie for final dite aor. sda- : Hira WI; •ped res WHE the FPES Gorpoiabion, (also evidence ,I by other wob .upplies . we ii It I egency s trarsa !sionors Minutes Continued. Oct.b•r 21, 1982 :es for „ristruction of a h I. te incinerator in Pontiac Township at I-75 and Joslyn • ns iv e r ' 1 '•sis of the site bi. . three • in T • - proximicy . Village of Lel . been extensive :ign.00rnoocis which incluoe uodinesses. Llf r . • nal sit: i ity or rTfie densely ,t1Ji,k1 ,-) hones, !idles have raised serious questions an' I : ale: 'id the fallowing Cc. C. 1. saTi eize of Lhe site. H. to et technical - sso-tifc h , their pret 1: r o ,n 1 nring and Buil ar Lion 4. L • T. fi with c nnit 1 . portation contra aa I. Lion Uni f and enforcement of 6. tirah , 7. On( Lae, d Federal Le•• ..5L2ED that Fl: b land r go on reel -d Dppi , • m•v_. t,. .e,,plication Application r i.r •i• of e ha ;h .1 ' . • urgts the Ha: .:r.I•a• Facil it • ite Approv.i: • •: • ,° PC-• i r •! • : I. BE IT FURTHER RESjLe,tED that j Ci ;Dr .. • .•i •r ••‘: the - State of Mich J ea, local State and F-stre. T •slators, th: „iir a uoti ,uoci. and the Hazardous Was id Facility Site • !Cr .r Pontiac 10,i6E... -2. Mr. Ch.iirperson, or br ii, of mning and Buil . •og Coirmittee. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FLANN/NG AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart. Chairperson Moved by Hobart supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted. AYES! Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandra, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82'2,25 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: MICHIGAN AERONAUTICS GRANT Pii3OGRAM FOR OAKLAND/TROY AIRPORT To the Oakland County Board of ;aim' sioners liii r pia en, I es I af are • iution No,iId I established the 11)82 Capital livrovement Pro-- gram for OL 7Troy- Airport; sad WtfREAS the Michigan Aeronautics Commission has approved this program and a grant in the amount of $5r,000; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Coramission Grant Agreement, Project No. M 63-6-c5, CC, in the amount of $50,000 for installing a Visual Approach Slope Indicator System and taxiway and drainage construction; and WHEREAS the County matching funds are included in the 1982 Airport Capital Improvement Program and no additional County funds are required. and WHEREAS the Airport Corelittee- has reviewed and approved the Grant Agreement and believe it to be in the County's interest to accept the Grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oil land County Board of Commissioners accepts the grant award in the amount of $50,000 from the Michi9.,ri IT-ronautics Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairpi • o the Board of Commissioners is hereby autho- rized to execute the Grant Agreement on behalf of he County of Oakland. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson • int and Li:eI ii I governmenti.! agencies as to asoection communities. iing arount at out-of-county and out-of-state flov T on human health; and there is overwhelming (Tposition by 01 1 Commi Iii:! 55 fon is Gabler Perir• urcriased tt. following c. 17, T1N, •, .ty or / • for /1 I r'rc he A sufficient m• having voted tL , - dr, she resolution was adopted. Misc, By ; !;11 la f tt,:ri • r • TEN hp,_ '•NIT/T TO '0- Mr. Chai Sr !• e 1 bears y _50, ! 78' , , )n 4 ed in L ' a, 1, rc , -00" E.a. lc at to the poini if r , :I , Crair.ty of Oaki .'s name in the cony( a • : - : , e ' . pi e , rict only: and Wit d 1..se rd si. Clair. its non- existing int. •s the SC: h , • ! , rTa t,-;(1t„ NOW TH lii IT ,.:SOLVED tha. .n (, ,I re loners hereby gull. r , -oners be and is hereby authorized to no oo ,• ; id quit claim o- tra c Nty 0, OaLiand. Mr. Cg on, on behalf of He •nnirr. :Td 'Llilding Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resol. on. PLANNiN AND 60iLOING COMMITTEE Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Copy of Ouit Claim Deed on File in County Clorkl.,; office. Moved by Hobart supported by Cagney the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, (23) NAYS: None. (0) Ti sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 82299 By Ms. Hobart IN RE: DRAIN AND LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENT REPORT To the Oakland County Roatd of Commissioners Mr. Chairp Ladies and Gent citron WHl AS your Planning and Ruilding Comidittee has reviewed the Assessment Rolls, as prepared by the Drain Commissioner for the year 1982; and WHEREAS such Assessment Rolls have been prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 19511, as amended, and Act No. 146 of the Public_ Acts of 1961, as amended; and WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level proThcts in the County, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS a summary of such Assessment Roll is as follows: At Large - $11,250.93 Property --S131,701,69 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, that there be assessed, levied and collected for the year 1982 for the purpose of estab- lishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning out, deepening, and extending County Drains and estab- lishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various lakes in Oakland County within and by cl Nfl said dos.ar ty to the Ten /I; • y 1 rii cl im said dos.ar Le-, %m,T ty to the Ten 11;.i c LOis S vii count ice end Counse it COt t rorrepo r too or Mr. Or and srrs'arkr for a local is:, ted, real soicuier, District /11 1 monrer be eon . sr By S -r Mr tsr of and end u r t met; The Che ruerson refer rod I he rose I ut ion t the Gene rol Government Commi ftee There mere no objec 11 so. By Mr. iN RE: To the Mr. Chair and PROGRAM FE GOUt rrd County Be. of Coil, ion cc Ladies Emotion LIHERFAS Oklen. County Crince benefits hove risen WHEREAS the iJoEl rJ Coon ty Board of Commas ions I Million Dollars; arid n in its intOnt to cnntrcl costs; WHEREAS the Dclii: nd County Board oi Comrnisr 'onors wishes t. 'ml iii n ts fringe benefit program for County sep i--. in ii •et ecose .51 .: see r'isnssibl: - f t ''t' : e Oak icr d .': . y txccut is: r recommended 1983 budget s 'ci -: tronr s ri I 5'; r" '. .9, en i ncr .• f 57 1 ,2 (bLr.l+9); and k- nd Court 5: 5 dent i , 2 ft, len iota anr 7 tal assistant in te employ at the both ...........t f S5i9..Ol: sad WI..;.. rHs County has saved considerable money by self- insuring in the areas of workers componsatio: :. mployment insurerice. NOW ThE :1 BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland estahi I sh its own i nhouse dental program for on'. employees. Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption oi the foregoing resolution. James E, tarini, Commissioner, District /111 Chui rper500 referred the reso1 ution to tire Personnel Comsii tEes - There were no objections. Moved by Whi Clock supported by Go'.l irrq tIat a RuIn c Heorinr; on the El ice Brothers Restaurant, Inc. Project be held it 7:90 7,14, on Novemher A, 1982 in the Board of Commissioners Auditorium. A sotficierrt majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The ;rued, ONERS P,ULES ADOPTED JANUARY 15, - RULE X. fnie Ti January 15, 1981, at bottom of ed resolution is cies mote inclusive eVC " Rrinc Mut,,ero majority of t A sufficient m ity having voted therefor, the motion carried. L.Krin_p. Allen Clerk Wilcox rl • • he u••. :t X!, Procedure to coaTi . , •I Jon form by a . , !titan is i . • drd of Commission ..irp: •• , n, ic oF ti Ho' . , : ['strict #8 ••. v n • ri • to , forms"' R, Geary, C, F rl off, orris M. Aaron, jam, A. Doyon, Be, M.D., John Olsen, John H. Peter on, John R. DiGiovanni, Betty Fortino The the referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Patterson supported by Kasper the Board adjourn unLi November 4, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. The Board adjourned at 10:35 A.M.