HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1976.04.29 - 7463205 Oi"' 1' LAND COUNTY Bocirc.; Of Commissioners MEETING April 29, 1976 Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman, 'Bernard -F. Lennon at 9:45 A.M. in he Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson. (25) ABSENT: Houghten, Perinoff. (2) Quorum present. Clerk read letter from State Senator Daniel S. Cooper acknowledging receipt of resolution. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Gordon L. Hobbs, Director of Federal and State Coordinatinat ion expressing his appreciation of serving the County of Oakland for the past eleven years. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from William M. Spinelli, Deputy County Executive requesting the Personnel Committee of the Board of Commissioners and the Personnel Department to review the positions of Director of Animal Control and Director of Disaster Control and Civil Defense. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Genesee County Board of Commissioners supporting House Bill 5108 which makes the Board of Commissioners the public employer of the Circuit Court employees. Also, Genessee County urges the legislature to amend House Bill 5108 to include Probate and District Court so that the County Board of Commissioners will be the public employer For all three courts. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Genesee County Board of Commissioners urging the Michigan Legislature to pass Senate Bill No. 590 which will raise the basic grant to Counties from 35; to 652 per capital for the provision of Public Health Services. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Council of the City of Berkley declaring its opposition to Senate Bill No. 1191. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from Peter J. Cristiano, City Administrator, City of Southfield regarding a lease the Board of Commissioners have entered into with the City of Berkley for use of a portion of land located at Greenfield and Catalpa in Southfield, for recreational purposes. Clerk read letter from Terry L. Bell, Chairperson and Ernest J. White, Co-Chairperson of the Tanglewood Neighborhood Association, Southfield regarding the land located west of Greenfield between San Quentin and Catalpa in Southfield, being bulldozed by the City of Berkley. The Tanglewood Neighborhood Association requesting the Board to the grounds to its original use and purpose. • The Vice Chairman referred the letters from Peter J. Cristiana Terry L. Bell and Ernest J. White to the Public Services Committee. • Mr. Roth objected to the referral. Discussion followed. Mr. Roth withdrew his objection. Moved by Pernick supported by Page the Supplemental Agenda he added to the regular Agenda. 210 Commissioners Minote ,., Continued. April 20, I97 (, . A sufficient klajortty having voted therefor, kttt;oe carried. . R. Eric Et.eickel, Director of Parks and Recto vtatior: pre t.entd a film on the County Parks. Dr. Montanto presented the following Execio Hvet it.tet:-.1..ation from Governor WI lam G. MJ 11 i ken, WILLIAM G. MILIIKEN GOVERNOR OF THE• STATF OF MICHIGAN Presents thk Executive Declaration in Observance ol An 28, 10/6 as Thn le nth Anniversary ot the Oakland County Par o- and Recreation Commission. Eleven ywrs ego the Mtchigan State Legislature passed Public. Act 261 whi=h nermjlted COhn I F er to crf .ate county park sys!cms. The citizens of Cakiand County, in November of 1966, endorsed this concept by approving a m.illage to develop and illaintain t:t county-wide per cyst (iii. The Oakland County Perks and Recreation Commission was duly established n. fulfill that objeotive. Since that time, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, toether with its , manaement and staff, ha ,:t developed six outstanding parks which IF 2,300 acre,; for year -around recreation. The Oakland County Parks and Recreatton Commi.ssion, fully committed to laiboing whoIeome outdoor entertainment to all its reaidents, also It?ainlaito ,, an extensive mobile recreation prooram. The Oakland County Park', and Recreaton Commission continues to demonstrae it,, determi - nation to provtdo an out ,“andinu parks sy5tem by iestallinq wove -action swimming pool tor tht..• enjoyment ot first td kind for Michicon. made poskibld through a Stale Recreation Dond On the occasion or iN tenth anniversary, the State el Michiqah ((Ii iends the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commistijon, and the citizens . ol Oakland County tor their outstanding efforts to provide recreational facilities for the community. Given on this twenty -seventh day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred seventy - six and of the Commonwealth one hundred -fortieth. William G. MHLIken /s/ - Governor Jamets Damman Lieutenant Governor The Vice ChairMan, Bern8rd F, Lennon stated the Board would take item S under the Genera/ Government Committee, as the next item of buiness. There were no objections. msc. By Mr. Button IN RE: RESOLUT100 OF COMMENDATION 1.0. DOROTHY ROWLEY To the Oki and County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, tadios and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Dorothy Rowley was ,.;%...Jorn in as one of the f in Jury Counissioner in Septcmilt(o. of 1963, at which time the 1,1 fice ot III,- Oakland County July Comi ,.,jim pl .r,co ,;,;(-(t ,,nw Or lof 1ow•1 /tm-Yi i I d nd Prl",mittlY 11,AMO .110 being processed ior District abd Circuit Court jury duty; and WHEREAS Dorothy Rowley has tong been active in community and government. service having served in the Havel Park Women 's Club, Business and professional Women 's Club, member of Eastern Star, and the Planninn Commisson of Lire City of Haze/ Park, and was Editor of the Hazel Park News. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby comrwnds Dorothy Rowley for her dedicated public service, in the interest of all of the citizens of Oakland County and extends best wishto, lot her continued success and a happy retirement. Dated it pontlac, Michigan, this 29th day ol April, 1976. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS All' c.lFidOl C. Perino'ff, Chairman Bernard F. Lennon, Vice Chairman The re.!solation was unanimously adopted. Moved by Pa/.ter ,,op supriored hy Daly the minatos of the April 13, 1976 and April 15, 1976 utti Hut be approved ii i uii etd • A icnt i y ittt; vttt t ht•t•tt t , tile mot Commissioners Wnutes Continued. April 29, 1976 211 i n. 7 5 H y mkr. tN RE, 0P',-)AliC, Of COUNTY-WU OKI ALIOCT,TION•dLAN AND INDIRECT COST FOR OAKLAND COUNTY. thrr Oal,Lnd y Loa ,d 0f C c r s Mr. IlhaH ,, allowaH and contrac and Seat A'. the F-el.,-,,"1 les certain principle to he lollowrd detrrminihn 1-e-o.,1;.,.:s r Hster ,sA by State and 10cr I goveraiments wider gran! I Ff with the Ei-dcral WUREAS these tuHnciplc. And policy.- :a.lidelinos are set forth in Federal Management Croular FMC 74-4;anti WHE9FAH, a pl;-dl Fri al ott ion oi support the distribution of any ictrit costs related to I. Fl -:oTams is C 1equ1fem,-,h1, set for ft in the circular; and parrdiant to C -Fr I I 111(1)0' III III tm #7104, this plan has 1)0101 responsible for revenue of .vpro,,..imatoy 556,000 ii 19/5 uTlfl , I IuO ManPower Program; and WHEREAS: add i t iona I now: ).111 arc /wing held wit h oi her gov('r nmeilt.:r1 .-Agenci es; and Will in cicoord.lnce tn t h FMC 711 I, it is u,.,,..essary that the IF he updated annu,-,11y; and WHEREAS the firm al Plante and Moran has indic.-iled that they con rwrlorm this uF.,dw .nq for an amount not to exceed $1 9,000. NOW THE BE IT RESOLVED AS NOLLOWS: (I) That the Finance Committee recommends that the updating of this plan be undertaken. (2) That the Chairman or the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of Oakland County with Plante and Moran C.P.A. Firm located in Central Park Plaza Building, 26211 Central Park Boulevard, Southfield, Michigan 48076, not to exceed the sum of $19,000. (3) That pur ,.ivant to Rule XI -C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of 519,000 available in the Contingent Account of the 1976 Budget, said amount to be transferred to a Now .Appropriation-Cost Allocation Plan. Mr. Chairman, the finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, its Chairman rroves the adoption of this resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Bernick, Chairman Moved by Perrick supported by Gabler the resolution he adopted, . Discussion follo,:ved. Moved by Hoot supported by Dearborn . the resolution be referred back to the Finance Committee. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be amended to read, "that the contract be awarded thru a competitive bidding process incorporating a two year contract with a second year bid option hased on the contractor doing ail work, or secondly, utili7ing the service of -a trained County employee". Vote on amendment: AYES: Pernick, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino. (I C) NAYS: Casper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Roth, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on main motion: AYES: Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy,- Nowak, Pare, Patterson, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Butt(Fn, Dunleavy, Gabler, Casper. (15) NAYS: Olson, Pernick, Simmons, Wilson. Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot. (9) A sufficient rojority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. MLse, 7527 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: 1976 EQUALIZATION REPORT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Commit:too on Equalization respectfully reports that it has carefully examined properties and compared assessment rolls of the several Townships and Cities within the said County, assessed for 212 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 the tirid I1.vFtiquii 1 He ddd inq to or (te•ur t -rug I remi 1. he V eel in cid. (h.?. es rrE.rt. inil r •arF1 •n i I un I I it'd', el 1 :••••••. ••t he Ceir Jti - i /a Hici tri .,.:•':i hiut of t • in (=rind Cr.H • Lire. 1 .i"P".•Counnii In b ein1. 1 , tic:rifler - d ii Hhrr• ( he at h icm I 1,11. 11 1,, I hr 1.1.-ioiityi E qLeIi t 1 en Iii the. ye..-ir 1 1 1-/c). 11 F. 1. tinin.:P 11e eri r111,1 r-151,W. /f.',111. (11, 1.11 .....lid 1< 1.1 y he y Ii iii resiii. lien in 11,• t FiLl riii . HI 1..e •t• . 11,11.1 F, Jr . iill I 4. iiiihei t 1:t in , Jr. Kr t H E 111edli, RI chard P. fi ICOS, Daria 1 . 1,11 i I REF. NO , 1 ATICIISDN TP 5 28,4125239 $ 0 $ 28,4123739 . 2 5 -5 17.3 7W-,' $ 208.1.130,40 A 3 A 21.,17,4".0 5 ,, 3L''.'.7 ,“'IELEJ 1-0 S 399560637',:i A 55,944F9 45 $ 455,55152534 7.2,1'5q4 1,1 4 = _ . c 4 '%'e 31.137 T'op $ 4237023790 A 0 S 42,7037590 0.5',IS377 1,,:': E. E._ 5 Cri,E.R•:°.E TWP S 131,921,950 $ 0 $ 131-5,-215950 23713725 37 1-0 S E....45,576 37170 5 0 s 24,37237371.7. 037977 > 7 ....: .:.zh.:. A:V":: TwP $ • 637430455 s 0 $ -,7,-,:::33735 1.06977 - 1, r•-1.: . -0 , 8 iv,! V 'fr 5 36,419,550 S . 0 $ 36,,-37375 0.5771 _ _ 9 1i.iEN37ENCE -11,..P A 11154643750 S 0 $ 111, ,5,9170 377E751 , 10 1'71. 7137 A 3937223700 A 0 A 79,922:,902 7..c.M7 3700 _ Il M1PORD TWP - $ 58,065,625 A 0 A 58,55,625 1.00 _ 12 N9Y7 TWP S 4,521,300 S 0 $ -4,521,30 0,C7:70 ,, . . .. .. .. - ,• ----,: 13 .1:11.K1_,PNC TWP S 56,069,200 A 0 S 5,05 2 37370 C,„,-337 3751.: 14 11T:fl:.• TM, S. 100,71,302 5 0 $ 100,7153700 19733 , _.... ,,,L.• 15 0 -;,,,I,RD TwP 5 52,044,300 s ' 0 1 5043737 037:251 16 903153 71,53 $ 115173,115 5 0 5 737113,i75 1.1211,7q 17 2.17.2.E TWP A 263737,252 i 0 A 268,20 0371375 1.1; 18 '5713A3 CAK TWP S. 28,3300 s 0 s 2T366,30.2 037521 37-7 19 S:UT332 1372 s 147,38,7H37 S 0 $ 1 ,5.7533,737 2.33770 20 3.,,.7.1-.53IELD TW? 'S- 35,9 4=73751 .5 . . 1,37,902 A 37.335,453 0.59292 21. L•E3740P,D 7WP A 316.6345200 A . - 0 A 316,634,e0 5.32176 22 wEST SLmFLO THE $ 513,940,70-9 A 0 $ 313,94037700 . 4377903 1.00 23 wHITF LAKE THE $ 98,741.300 A 0 $ 98.741.530 1.56407: 3730• ASSESSiNG CIISTRIC,T 5 :.., FOR REAL P RE?? ERTY BY I Si-f PS IN cl A,KL A.7-47 Cr-J...NTY c, , ., 1'376 _. VA1 UATTON AMaINT ADDED li A.1..1.n-F-T ,144 EQUALIZED EQUALIZING , = , AS ASSESSE7 OR DEDUCTED AS E:',J.LIZED PE,',.,7 :7,(7s FAcTC, 1976 ASSESSED AND ECIJALUED VALUE 5 '7HcwI\G THE PER 91S7R1E1UTiON OF THE TOTAL EQ1D:1LTZE VALL,= TOTAL 2,400,523.341 S 57,582,798 s 2,457,926,137 35.38134 2 9,72 38, - 12B, , • CM NJ 0 a 1976 ASSES SEC AND EQUAL Z ED \iLl..7E SHI-,WING THE PEP.CENT AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOTAL ,c1OUI.LI 1.ED VALUE FOR REAL PP.C;PFP,TY BY CITIES IN OAKLAND cO!.-3TY NO A SSESSING VALUATI O N AMOUNT ADDED AS ASSESSED OR OcD.JCIFn • AS E;' EQUAL PFRC ENT AGE-S CITY S 7899979800 2L-1.7 CITY S 193 If.)2,000 3 L D S CI? s 731 155 4 CLAS:Pl. TY S65 T 6 .32 5 F :4 CITY .6 f CTY $ 392.4 7 F CITY $ 110,155 8 CITY S89 9 -:7!',7,7N 17-)S CTY $ 49,757 10 . K .ARBOR CT( $ 11 L VLG CITY $ ,625 12 H7,TS CTY 3 93,7:4.',),40C 13 N(.2RiLv LLE CITY S 17,191.250 14 NC.,", ! TY $ 12F 15 7- CITY $ loe 16 YC.Ar.r. L“E CTY $ 23 v488,900 17 CTY $ f 7 C1 C 18 I'Y $ 35 LIL23 $ 19 Rf.YF.-.5TER CITY S 50, 5.07,60° 20 • Rtn aL ir;AX CITY $ 1382,387 ,q0C S 21 SCUTHE 'ELL, CITY $ 705,4CY3,1 D0 S 22 !;.T.RJTH LYON CITY 19,775 ,a1;)!T. $ 23 SYlVAN LAKE CITY $. 24 TIDY CITY $ p425 $ 25 WALLED LAKE CITY $ 24 y650?25° $ 26 W.IXOM CITY S 048,053 $ TOTAL CITIES $ 3833,3153A3 $ TOTAL TUNSH t PS $ 2,400k5?3,3.41 A . TOTAL REAL PEOPERTY $ 233,838,704 S o $ 79.,997030',) 1.7529 10C, o s 3 3. 5,-471,257 $ 87556,038 $ 0 $ • 0 3 72 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 o S 0 3 O s 0 $ 0 s 0 5 0 3 O $ O $ 0 $ 0 $ C.n $ 19 ,7 0 5 0 5 527- O -5 0 $ 14,037,295 $ 3 1 847,352,65e 6U01816 573827E6 $ 2 r 457 .p105,172-7 32,.'32134 717420,391 3 305725 5 7 .95 100.COCCYCI I. 0,70q14 29.175 54209 0 005B0 11 176 ASSESSED. AND ECUAL7ZED VALUE SHC,iI%C, THE $-,CFY;Tflr,F nisTRIBLITION OF THE TOTAL F0UALT7.E3 VALUE F1-1 PEQS01. TOWNSHIPS IN OAKLAND COUNTY VALU AT 1:3N AS ASSESSED AMOUNT 6077E3 AIR DEDUCTED 4ALUAT7DM AS E2UALI7E3 2 Ls 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18• 19 20 2/ 22. 23 2 a ASSESS10C E1ISTPICT 538611190 PCINTAGES 1.976 0QUALTZTV: FACTOR A 41701500 'N,O) A400 T"tP DL0OME1910 T TNT COMFPCE T P C RCVELA0 T 10 LAO) TOP HCLL T'w2 1 oOEPENCTN:E T YON TOP M ILPETE. Twp 407201: 7W2 TOP 1!.: TOP XEO-srL TOP PO NTIAC TOP POSE T,IP goyAL 066 TOP SOJTHFIFLD T P SPP S10,-F TELD ToP WATERECRO TNT WEST 81,MFLD "PAP WHITE LAKE TOP $ 6,143,050 20,057,250 15,351,153 • 2,817,025 150442,800 3,329,600 • 4,711,360 • 3,628,a50 7 ot12'2.,850 • 9,2C6,400 55-9,700 3,387,650 . • 9,526,450 6,324,7C-3 5,818,436 1,960,65C • 2,065,950 4,133,950 • 4,5'24,479 • t 211654,233 A 10,180,875 6,154,450 a s 6,143,050 3 s 20,057,:250 C A 15,351,17s0 3• 4 2t81717,25 O S 15542Es:::713 O S 3,329,600 O .4 4,711,360 t, ,., s 5p626,240 O i- 7,020 400 O A 6.129,850 O S 9,2S6,410 O A 559,700 :11 4 3,3871650 3 4 97526,450 O A 6,324793 . 0 4 5,8187.- 3 4 1,943 s 5.73 0 S 2,0 ,S,8.q5C 0 A 4,38,980 0 $ . 4,924,475 3 A 21,654,200 3 A 10,180,275 O s 6 :1-64,4 J,.87373 2.18340 0,40067 2,.26755 0.4?7.7357 0.67010 0,605 1.112.30 0,,871.71 1.22223 ig3 D.27f)213 O 25186 3. 0iAO 1.=44803 087677 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,-00 1,,00 I.3C 1.00 1.1D 1.00 1,00 I.00 1.. 00 1.0C' 1,,00 1,00 TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 17179377718 0 S 171,9 -1.'7,71"4 24.45490 1976 F,OUALTI,INC, FACTOK 1„OC 1,00 1.08 1.00 1„(10 1.00 1,00 '1.081 1,0Q 1,80 1„03 1,00 1.00 1,02 1.08 1,00 C,00 1,30 1,00 0 S 1976 ASSESSED AND TONAL 12E0 VALUE SI-1 6 17, 'NC R 9 ;CE ,NTAGE DISTP.MTIC1N OF TH8 TOTAL ET211A17:7ED VALUE PERSCNAL DRCPERTY BY CITIES IN bAKLANG CeiNTY AMOUNT ADDED UR DEPAICTED ASSESSJNG DISTRICT 1 BERKLEY CIT'o. FITRGHAM CITY BLMFLO HILLS CrY 4 I21',!i80'4 CITY 5 Ff.qc1W CITY 6 F.A.Rm ,,I.1TN HIS CTY 7 FERNALE CITY 8 HALEL R6217 CITY 9 HUNfl.3TN N,T.S CTY 10 KEEI50 '24794 CTY 11 LAT 3334 YLO CITY 12 MADTS71N CITY 13 NORTH1i7LLE CITY 14 4071 CITY 15 OAK: DARK CITY 16 OR13 'I•4r7 LAKE CTY 17 RLEASA-IT ICC 18 PONTTL CITY 19 RDCHESTER CUP( 20 ROYAL OAK CITY 21 SCUTHFIELD CITY 22 SOUTH LYON CITY 23 SYLVAN LAKE CITY TPOY CITY 25 WALLED LAKE CITY 26 ° WIXOM CITY TCTAL CITIES • TOTAL TOWNSHIDS TOTAL PERSONAL PRCR.$ VALTIATTON AS ASSESSE:3 4,458,700 11,755,280 3,465,390 557,553 67112:33 257301 7 2013 197274153 77727/750 95375CD 647,600 1/334.753 327319773.'7: 46'77850 197740 7 3C 177 5:04 7 710 2037 47'7;3 175067553 136,357 23C 6,814,800 33 7 6617730 10371r:7578:J0 3 7 449 /70C 550/550 69/3277113 3/0217973 15,111/530 531y1-46706 17179377 7 18 703,083,764 CAT ISO AS EDIATITETI 4,.453,700 11,760,299 3,465,390 5,257i,650 6,191,73 25,301:203 19,883.6:10 7,727.153 952,503 647.609 1,3542/53 32.319,300 464,850 1--3,740,500 17,9:04,710 7,13,43 19506,5:10 136,557,2 50 6,314. •W: -3,445,303 . 553,353 69,327,110 3,0a1,973 15,111,500 0 S 531.145v -36 0 S 171,937,716 0 5 793,353,734 EZ:11AL17ED I1.871("ENTAOES 1.67267 3,59860 2.82 .(89 1,09'712 3,111562 0.09211 5.13984 4,59679 3.35612 2,80772 2.54660 -3..1000 ,1 0-.21428 19,34416 0.96927 4.78772 14.67760 947160 0,077':31 9: 5311 2.1 4 752 75..54520 24,45480 100.00300 i7FF. NO I 1976 r)119TRI3ljTILN 57 ASS ES SEC , EQUAL I LLD AND TRUE CASH . VALUES BY T .I.',WNS KIL PS IN OAKL AND C DUSTY V ALUAT AS EQUAL 77.571 ',ALLA 1I0 5: ASSESSED 1, 5 ASSESS INS El STP !CT 600 16712 TwP v!_•,• r BLOC M 157 TI.D• ag A.PrN TiOP Tro) ANI9 TWP F Ti4P HCLLY 1-49 M EL .i..CRO T'AP NC•d TWP OAKLAN:: TWP OR T TWP TWP 25. 1:72 TWP R0 11 4_ Tw3 Rey AL C AK TIPID SOUTPFIEL3 TWP S PRI!9:119FIELT) TWP AT ER FflRD 799 5 BEST BLMELD TkP WHITE LAKE -n:tP REAL Eir ATT 289•41292.1E 201191309457 399,606,310 42 PO3 645 131,921,2 52 24,576 22 ,7. 611,438,935 36.419 551 117 ,466,255 39022,90.2 58,06,5, 4,521, 39c) 56,069,712 100,715,502 5290449 303 1/.17391 IT: 2,597931i9 .8 2.1 .386, T .' 1 497, 39R, 00 ,- 35,9479 551 316.6349 921) 3139940975:8 99,740, ICC PERS7N AL PPoPFE: TY 6.1439050 20905797.50 15,351.150 29817902. 159942,802 i,323,600 4,711910 396289250 7,820,400 691299350 9920.40 559,700 393E7,655 9-95 1 9450 6,3249793 598109436 1.060980 2,0659950 4913:1 9' 4,024.479 21,65992C-2 • 6,1849450 TOTAL 34 .5 55 2E3: 229.187.650 414,957,540 147,364 -,750 27 ,;05 72,151,295 41,27,900 119;285 .350 1,750 ,rE:7 5,081.000 5-9 ,456,850 11C),242.' 252 58,369,093 76,991,611 58 ,-1487 ,-353 70,452 , 73195379046 9 3,97 2 338 ,17'-'-,4,0101 324,127,575 106,906.250 0 F. AL ESTATE 299412,239 708,130,4 ,7:D 455,551,234 42,2“5'2,5'40 131,9219050 24,576,090 67,430,235 19,9729000 59,365,25 4,52.1,7m 56,o0 ,?,2n 100.715.800 S39044,1900 71:91719175 26,0859200 299386.9 172 14 7 9398.0E6 179385,451 316,6349900 313.940.700 98974198°0 DPRSC-54. PROPERTY 6,143,0 5,0 20,057,250 15,351 7 ,817,025 15.0 '2998900 3,329,600 4,71; 760 3,97.9,250 7,5152, 40:o 6,72404 5 0 9 , 559,705 3,3 57.• 9,526,4 90 6,3749 7 9 3 "S92,151 9 4 19 19960,950 2.0629960 49138,950 4,924947', 219•659200 1O9180,75 69164,450 TOTAL 349555.739 22391E79650 470002,434 45,7199615 1479884.750 27,5O5,600 72,19•295 11 =79825,170 5 7 .309391 5 7690611 429309.932 176,2E4.500 1249121.575 104,006.250 0 S.9 6 0 9110,'7 '. 379 •1.1 41 943 972.99 r:::1 C, `9r.: I 713; 91039500 134,724935'7 109162 9003. 101 ,21:3, 710 220,4-84,50 ,3 ;73P3 0.06 753,583,222 58 ,31)7,7 7 2 60 .905951:49: 301,0749.:1'7 84.614 • 6.78 5 ?3 648 .243,1 204'9812 CE TWD TOTAL TOTAL T9WN'1914 TPS 2,4.009523,341 1 719937, 9 7 2 .461 ,059 29457.9069137 171,93 7 ,719. 2 9629,5439855 59.254967,71.0 5E4KLEY 78,997,803 8IP.IN6HA4 CITY 193,162,0C3 8 -4 0LEI: HILLS CTY 50,791,75E :LA6SCN CITY 650892,639 ISO 779 cls.p 4ip-,GT CITY HL ,, :TY 5E12,442,600 7 ::.k0003 CITY 11001'55,757 CITy 89,44106,7,0 will LTY 49„757,4-13 51 A7 F7. CTY 120120,310 VLG CITY 38,589,,I25 01SCN HGTS CTY 193,040,400 NO41vITLE CITY 17,731,717 NflvI CITY 128,574,2:: :74K cITy 160,259,F53 1_,KE. :TI 23,453, 010 PLAH3-ANT 4 DG CT? 18,395,700 P34TIAC CITY 350,83III0200 401EL 7,TE6 CITY 50,807,600 kCY/L, CaK. CF7y 382,387,4C0 011cc 705,405,I13 SUOIT, 1YC5 CITY 190775,820 SYLVAN LAKE CITY. 13,091,90: TRCY CITY 527,550,47 7 WALLED LA:11 CITY 24,650,25C *IxCla CITY 56,0417,053 TOTAL CITIES 3,833,5151,3E3 TOTAL 1151IPS 20400,523,341 TOTAL :flUNTY . 6,253,838,704- 4,458,700 83,456,500 11, 76ci7.10, 37465,10 64,256,845 5,215,660 71,14-6,753 0-;1,730 25, 711,112 -43 7,727,75 07,L661 6 47 1'7CO 12,7,7,9 113 32,319,300 225,359,700 464,850 19, 140,6C.0 148 3 1.7,504,711 ,5.47 .,V;2. 19,902,253 1.736,357,7::-3 44757 OT 57,422,400 53,661,70. 4 16,04'7,633 3,449,170 23,225,111: 55C,55C 17,642,45 6932T,1 13 27,712,223 15,111,500 71,159,553 551,146,345 4,354,461,409 171,937,718 2,572 -,451,059 703,083-, 2, 936 22 ASSESSING REAL DISTRICT ESTATE PESCSAL P2OPEQTY T,7,TAL 1976 0ISTII3 7 15'5 CF ASSESSED, "fl!.JF CS v10'5 3Y CITIES IN 15L .650 c"-.1NTY vALUAT1n60 AS ASSLSSE:7 VALUATI1N AS 1719 7..Y;r4 vAUJF. MT, 0 — . 03 E-..._ .,-, _ 5 , , 4E41.. PERSfl,;AL -.7.7 6, 79,--7 97,F23 4,47271 83,..4156,503 1.f.:6,913,000 7 193,1.52 ,:".,..•: 1 7 ,:7-0, 2 t . 204912,.20 4,4'763 66,863,012 3,465-,090 55,729,102 I -39,456,23 7.-. 74,459,63;! 5,,153,61 7 9 ,712,261.1 159,424,576 777 7 -9,167 6,1:01,73 6 ,'.,,0q0,605 - J7?,I73,2i_3 ::-- 2 5,301 ,10C, ,,17,743,800 .5,15,487,600 11,1.5'.,7,2 1C,P..,45 -,:-; 130,037,70 260,375,43:0 > 7,727,751 07,169,351 194,135,70 - _ 49,757,4C0 9053,5071 90,710,900 l'il,.',2i,j ,.) — L2,3--:,),300 647,00j 12,767,900 25535,H: , 3 8,569,625 1,334,753 39,924,37,9 79,249,739:.-- 193,046,40 32,319,13 225,39,700 -,5::),71, .---.7 - 17,7HL,2 ,w, 45.4,.0 16,46,IDD 34 , 49 „; , ..._ , ... ..:: 1:2 1 ,57,o- ,;: 'I' 74 7 ,+ C. , C, ,.;. 7.48,3 i.74., nr 110904,71... 17,1j101., J',6,32':61.i 7 1.3,4.-. 2:4,12,30-2 4 . -; ,:, 1.3,395, 7:0 3,5..0-,,..,7. 190402,253 .39 ,s5 .,:14.,530 350,850,L3 136,357,200 4370187,40G ,3,74,374,300 50,307,61L1 6,314,03 57,627,430 115,244,80 387,3:,.:i7,c--7 33,661,700 41.6,049,600 B32,119c,703 . 705,403,0-71, 103015,0-10 808,548,900 1,617,17,80:7 190775,83 3,449,300 75,225,100 45,4S0,217, 13,091,900 550,550 13,647,450 77,20-0-7,0- 527,530,475 . 59,527,113 • 506,857,535 1,793,715,1 7 3 24,650,253 3,061,97:: 27,712,223 55,474,446 56,345.,053 15,111,500. - 71,159 0 553 142,319,176 5,847,352,658 5 3 1,1'0-,0 6-6 4,378,4c8,704 8,156,997,408 7,457,906,,137 171,937,715 2,629,843,855 5,259 ,657.710 795 0:330-7 14,7116,655, ESTATE PRI-PC(1'7y TDTAL TcTAL 5.... PRI-PC(1-.7y TDTAL TcTAL 219 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 Moved by Pornik supported hy Roth the report if adopted. A-YE'.: McDonald, Moffitt., Monmcnte, Murphy, Nowak, Ri o Pep. Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, De;Irbo?n. Douglas. Dun easy foil ir Lennon. (23) NlYS: None. (0) PrIO LL Roth, Hmmoue ,, C/ill or, It II • to, icool 10 II having voted iherefor, the report w,ls adopted. Misc. 1528 By Mr. PerniCs IN RE; REVISION 10 COUNTY CAR POLICY To the Oakland County Be,l..0 of Lommissioaers Mr. Chairman, 1.11ies aed Gewlemen WHFREP.', porsimnt to ilisce/ldncous resolution 41393 of December 19, lTj. he Oakland County Board of Gonmis -:.iohrs adopted a "County Fe,1;(:y on AtIllirperit of County Venicies" WHF'.FA'. the 001fty for J,dditional vehicles requires the alfirtiotive lecomrwrdation of the County Executi, nnd the :.:pproval of the Flinaoce Committee; and WHEREf..s the p1 icy a ,:c.) states that the F]rine Committee shall recommend to the Board ol Commissioners an apurc)ptItIon sufficient to cOver the acquisition cost plus monthly le.lse charges for the balance of the current year and WHEREAS Ilwre are outside agencies which have in the past and are presently leasing cars from the Oakland County Garage; and WHEREAS rho Oakland County Board of Commissioners has no budgetary control over these out - side agencies; and . WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation has made a request to lease two additional vehicles (pick-up trucks) from the Oakland County Garage; and WHEREAS the. Finance Committee feels that Section "G" of the County Car Policy should not . apply in this instance. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize an expansion of the County Car Fleet for the two vehicles requested - by Parks and Recreation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an exception he made to Section "G" of the County Car Policy and that the funds necessary for the acquisition of these two vehicles be taken from the 6arage fund. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. AYES: Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Ounleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald. (22) NAYS: Olson. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7529 By Mr, Pernick IN RE: STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARING ON STATE EQUALIZED VALUE FOR COUNTIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Act 106 of the Public Acts of 1960, as ;mended, the State Tax Commission will meet in the City of Lansing at the Seven Story Office Building on Monday, May 24, 1976 to hear representatives of the several counties pertaining to the State equalized value for each county in the State; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the Chalrman of the Committee be authorized to appoint a sub-committee of four (4) members, with the other members of the Committee being alternates, the Equalization Director and Civil Counsel to appear before the State Tow Commission on behalf of the County of Oakland; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Act 106 of the Public Acts of 1960, as amended, the following- shall be appointed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to represent the County of Oakland at the hearing of the State Tax Commission to be held in the City of Lansing on Monday, May 24, 1976. Four members of the finance ComMittee, Equalization Director Herman W. Stephens and Civil Counsel Robert P. Allen. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R, Pernick, Chairman, sieves [he adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Simons the resolution be adopted. A ...lit A sufficient m ority having voted therefor, the resolution -was adopted. 220 CommilonerF-. Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 REPORT By Mr. Button IN RE: MISCEALANECUS RU,OLUTION 11450 - PAYMENT D(- DUN INCREASE TO NATIONAL A5SOCIATION OF COUNTIES Tr: Ihe Oakland row)fy F,c,or4.? 01 1...,,miciocicrs Mr. CH,•LIinn, Geniiec:en: It tweec IL ,,,omdtg:,1• !..!!!rnhli(tee, hy R!!!!!!!! A. ligtLon, Chair411,. Mi!,cellanvous Rai , On:iiend,"+1 'WO I ha t I 1`,.C, I t 1 ii 11(11 1 iti I ft CC/ Gi NI OAI GOVI RNMENI COMMI Till aohe, t A. But ton. Cho rm,io By Mr. bit or: IN RE: FAYMENT Oi DUES ILA.REASE 10 NATIONAL fC:ilAGLATLON Of ColINTit ,:, Ti the OAT 1 And COonty N,. r of Mr. Chdiroon, .And Gonflewn wm ou, Bu jq,1 Ife County Oakland pr's It for payment of dues to the National A ,,,.):iatiun ii Our“I: in tin' Y; ,4P.., 00; and WHENEA5, the of Coenio ,;• requetcd that the County of Oakland remit S/0,1L).00 its payment cf duo'-.; and WHEREA your Cu±,mittee ce..ommends paywent ot the 1970 National Aociation of Countie' dues In the amount of ',i10.19.0U- NOW THERLEORE. BE IT FISOIVED that the Oakland County Bm:Ird of Commisioner hereby appr .oves and au(horize ,:. thc, payment if thc :9/6 im.,mbership dues in the ,Imoura of $10,919.00 to the National AssociAion CountiL ,,. Mc. Cha.irmAn, thR Gneral Government Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoinc., r"eso.lution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Robert A: Button, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr_ Pernick 1N• RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION P7450 - PAYMENT OF DUES INCREASE TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES To the Oakland Lounty Bwrd of Commissioners Mr. thirmae, Ladies and Gentlemen: Purcuant to Pule X.1 -f. of his Board, the Finance CommitIemi finds the sum of $5,444 avail- able in thc P376 Contingent fund Budget and 56,4/5 in the Non-Departmental Appropriations - NACO dues of thy 1976 Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Wilcox the report be accepted and resolution 107450 be adopted. AYES: Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaroc, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald; Moffitt. (20) • NAYS: Button, Gabler, Hoot. (3) Dunleavy. (I) A sufficient fllajority haying voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution /17450 was adopted. Misc., T:,30 1.3 Mr. Batton IN RE: RESOLUTION It CCMMENDATION AND HONOR - ADAMS-FRATT LAW LIBRARY To the Oakland County Foard of Commissioners Mr. cAlairman, and Gentiation: WHEREAS the Oakland County Law Library has neen servicing faithfully the citizon ,i of Oakland County since the Library's beginning in 1904 and is now the largest public law library in the State of Michigan ontaininq Over 40.000 volumes; and WHEREAS the Law Library's urowth in size and depth of legal and legal-related- materials has brought it to the attenton. of the business, legal and government community in the metropolTtar areas: and • WHEREAS thc Oakland County taw Library, because of its pFesent status and the expectation for continued growth may ne(ome oni, of the finest public law libraries throughout the United States; and WHERE AC Clark Adams, farmer Michigan SupT-ame Court Justice, former Circuit „Judge, former member of the State Legilatore, Legal Advisor ro a Michig-an Governor and now retired; and Philip Pratt, a !cumer Oakland County A!,.sistant Pro ,,ecutinq At former President of the Oakland County .Bar Associatien, former Ejrcuit Court Judge, recently elected to membership in the Fellows of the American Bar Toundation, and presently a-United States District Court Judge, have personally played significant roHs.in the growth of the Oakland County Law Library; and WHEREAS. the Honorable Clat.k J. Adams and It)norable Philip Pratt exemplify the degree of excellence in legal jutkerudence found in the Oakland County Law Library; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 221 WHERE AF., the 0,11,1and Cr,unty Boakh 01 cicvii oaees cummends these two native ,,ons who hive_ brought hone. tecoyelien ,e tie ct Oat.,land County NOW THIRFF0RE 3E IT RESOLVED thM effective May 5, 192&, the Oakland County LAW library shall be knu.,,,n as thr Clark J Addis -Philip Pratt Oakland County taw Library t o WITNESS WHEREOF-, sii.' have hetennte at our sign.-,tures and caused the or the County of Odtiond to be lftise,t this 79t1: da y ot Ap r i, )(0, Alexthnder C Pei inoff. Chail mar Oakiami County Rbard 0F commisioners Bernard F Lennon, Vk_c Chairman Oakland Cc:unty Board of Commis ,.1oper The resolution was unanimously adopted. Misc. 7531 By Mrs. Foriro IN RE: SUPPORT OF SENATE PILL 1237, REVISION OF SOCIAL. WELFARE ACT Tc, the Oakland teuwy Board of Cemmissioners Mr. Ch,:-Lrnian, (adios, and Contlern: WHEREAS Sent.' Bill Ilv.F.,„F incerpor,4tes into many existing policies and Gorrects rmny of the de t c eric i edict u real in," problems ii the cu rrent Social Welfare Progralt, and wHERfAs your has reviewed the above Bill and recommend!„ that with ihn following amendments the 8111 he SECTION FAL I' up- 1/i, Line 2 - Recommendation -BOARD IS PlkOVI DO) AN OPPORTUN1 TY EOR REVtEW '30 DAYS BEFORE IMPITMENTATION Of Illf CONTRACT.. SECTION /I Patf. 10, Lines 9 and 10 - RecoomiemWion SHALL BF A COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF COUNTY DIRECTORS AND COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS- WHICH SHALL INCLUDE REPRESENTATION FROM EACH COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF 400,000 OR MORE." SECTION 125, Pa_ge ;4, tines Sand 6 - Recommendation THE DEPARTMENT SHALL REQUIRE THE. 0,1110 TO COMPLETE A NEW APPLICATION AT THE TIME OF REDETERMINATION." SCE:110N 158, Paoe Lt6 - Recommendation that the• following Section Le Added as (1!,). THE 6ERABTMENT MAY REOIRE MORTGAGE SECURITY ON REAL PROPERTY FOR EXPENDrTURT THAT ARE MADE IN THE FORM OF MORTGAGE PAYMENTS OP LAND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ON THE HOMESTEAD IN LIEU OF THE PAYMENT OF RENT. THIS CLAIM SHALL. 6E. REIMBURSED FROM THE ESTATE- OF THE RECIPFENT OR AFTER THE DEATH OF THE SURVIVING SPOUSE._ OR, IN ANY hilt NT ON TEif SALE OR TRANSFER Of THE PROPERTY." SECTION 172 (c). Pagc 50, Line I - Recommendation ''AND 1. FUTL-IIME STUDENT REGULARLY ATTENDING A SCHOOL, COLL1GE, OR UNIVERSITY TOWARD A DIPLOMA OR DEGREE, OR RfGULARLY ." SECTION 176 (2) .Page:"12, tine 20 - Recommendation 754-Tri TO EXCEED 150: OF THE ESTABLISHED COLINTY MAXIMUM." SECTION 176 (2), Page 52, Line 21 - Recommey.daLion "GRANTED BY THE COUNTY DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE." NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Coultuisioners supports Senate Bill 1237 as amended above and recommends its adoption to the State Legislature. The Human Re5ources Committee by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman,•moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Dearborn the resolution be referred to the Human Resources Committee. There were no objections. misc. 7532 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: FAMILY FOCUS PROGRAM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Cha;rman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by family Focus; and WHEREAS E.Amily Focus is a volunteer agency in Oakland County which is dedicated to helping famil/es who arc experiencing problems of child rearing; and WHEREAS Family Focus provides a var i ety of serv i ces to abusive families and generates community action towar&.; treatment and prevention; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board at Commissioners approve and endorse the basic concept of tho Family Focus Service Prouram. BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such approval ancl. endorsement not preclude the County of Oakland fI om approving and endorsing other programs providing similar services or from providing such services itself. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman,- moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Button the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, 222 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 REPORT By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 47507 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies Gentlemen: The Human Resources Comwrite, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No, 7507 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman. "Mise, 7507 By mrs. Fortino IN RE: TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland Coun t y hoard of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: • WHEREAS the part -time position of Hospital Pathologist hay been vacant since January I, 1976 due to the retirement of Dr. Woodruff; and WHEREAS the 'unctions of this position have keen provided since that time by Dr. Woodruff on a contractual basis at a lower annual cost; and WHEREAS these services include signing for licensure as Director of the Hospital Laboratory, checking smears, making [tJe studies and performing up to 16 autopsies per year and WHEREAS the Pathologist's time shall con%ist of a minimum of two days per week serving a minimum of 10 hours per week plus the time required to perform autopsies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the.Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve a line item transfer ai thin the 1976 hospital budget of $12,000 from the salaries Iine item to the pro- fessional services line item to provide for the continuation of such pathology services on a contractual basis. The Human Resources committee, by Betty J. Fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Betty U. Fortino, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 117507 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - HOSPITAL PATHOLOGIST To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Reid XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $12,000 aVallable in the Salaries portion of the 1976 Hospital Budget. Said amount to be transferred to the line item 7 Professional Services. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the report he accepted and resolution R7507 he adopted. AYES: Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, POTPICk, Price, Roth, Simmus, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, For Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, MeDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (25) NAYS i None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and resolution #7507 was adopted. Misc. 7533 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: RAISING In STATE LIMIT FOR HOMEBOUND MEAL SERVICE To the Oakland County Board of Commi.ssioners Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee reviewed on March 23 and April 27, 1976 the report of Oakland County Nutrition Public Hearings. held in October, 1975;• and WHEREAS your Committee deforminod that the In Slate imposed limit. for homebound meals restricts meeting the need for meal services in Oakland County; and . WHEREAS the Federal regulations under Title VII of the Older Americans! Act limiting the percent of homebound meals to IR of total meals served was lifted with the States permitted to make final determination; and WHEREAS the State of Michigan elected to stay with the 1011 maximum. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners request the support of the Oakland County State Legislators to seek relief from the State imposed limit of In with regard to the homebound meals program for senior citizens. The Human Resources Committee by Betty J. fortino, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 21, 1976 223 Moved by Fortino supported by Patierson the resolulion be adopted. Moved by Murphy supported by Montanto the resolution be amended alley the woluk 'io seek relief From the State imposed limit of' to read "25" with f.egard to the homebound meAls program for senior citizens. Disrussion followed.- Mrs, Fortino requested that Lynn Schuneman, Son ior Citizen Deportment Heud, Ooklond- Livingston Htiman E;c1-viLe Aqt,ncy be allowed to address the Board. There were no objectiowr. Lynn Schonemon Addressed this Board. Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. Misc. 7534 - By Mrs. Fort inc IN RE: NUTRITION PLAN DEVELOPMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the report of Oakland County Nutrition Public Hearings held in October, 1975 was presented to the Humon Resources Committee OH March- 23, 1976; and WHERE/6 your E,umaittee reviewed ti,o rindiggs .tglin oh April . 21, MG and moved to recommend that the U.IhtLfid County floavd td -doifrOcilc -d,"\mIcOmc'n! ,d a 11.111 lt) eradicate malnutrition in OahlAnd County; and WHEREAS said plan could best he developed by rvpretritativps Crow a horrid I .1110 5 oil agoncleq working in the nutrition field including the Oakland County Health tivislon, Oakland jolt - United Community Services, Oakland Intermediate School District, Cooperative Extension Services, Community Mental Health Services, the Department of Social Services, the Oakland-Livingston Human Services Agency and the Area Agency on Aging; and WHEREAS the above named agencies would function as a Nutrition Commission; and WHEREAS the Commission would present its plan to the Human • Resources Committee within 120 days of its formation; and WHEREAS such plan would include specific proposalo for prioritized action based on documented nutritional needs in Oakland tounty together with recommended funding sources to implement these proposals. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommend the prompt format ion of a Nutrition. Commission as described herein. The Human Resources Committee, by Betty J. Forti.no, Chairman the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Button the resolution be adopted .. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7535 By Mrs. Fortino IN RE: FREEDOM FROM HUNGER AS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee recently reviewed the report ot Oakland CounLy . Nutrition Pull 1:, Hearings held in October, 1975; and WHEREAS your Committee recommended that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the concept and recognize that each of the citizens of the County of Oakland and each citizen in the United States of America is entitled to enjoy freedom from hunger during his lifetime as one of his basic human rights. NOW THEREFORE BC IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners endorse the concept out herein. The Humon Resources Committee, by Betty J. Fortino, ChaiTman, moves the adopt 1011 of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Betty J. Fortino, Chairman Moved by Fortino supported by Murphy the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Fortino the second WHEREAS paragraph • be amended to read: "WHEREAS your Committee recommended that the Oakland County Board of CommissiOners endorse the concept and recognize that each of the citizens of the County of Oakland and each citizen in the 224 Commoners Minute's' Continued. April 29,.1976 United States of America is entitled to enjoy freedom from hunger when they have put forth all personal effort." • Vote on are A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. vc,tu on rention, a amended: A ufficient miority having voted therefor. the resolution, as amended, was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron . IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #75C18 - ESTABLISH ONE (I) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland Couhty Board ot Commissioners •Mr. • Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chain-ion, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7508 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL. COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7508 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: ESTABLISH ONE (k) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has been utilizing a part-time etployec for emergency. relief since 1969 in the communications unit; and WHEREAS the need for the position continued to increase to where the employee Was working extensive hours and the Department was exceeding its available emergency salaries; and WHEREAS the Personnel Department advised the Sheriff's Department of the fact that no position was available, nor were emergency salary funds available, for retaining the employee, and that the use of the part-time employee must be terminated; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department complied in August, 1975 but have since that time, because of workload, spent over S16,000 in overtime to adequately cover the communications operation; and WHEREAS the 1976 projected necessary overtime expenditures for the Communications Unit of over S16.000 will more than cover the annual cost of one (1) additionat budgeted Police Communications Agent position and should actually result in a net savings to the County; and WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has assured the Personnel Committee that communications unit overtime costs, on an annual basis, will be reduced by at least $14,000 of the projected $16,000 amount if the additional position is granted, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (I) new budgeted Police Communications Agent be established for the Sheriff's Department with the understanding that the cost of the position will be more than offset by reductions in overtime expenditures, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that due to the significant savings in overtime expenditures, the $7,005 cost for the remainder of 1976 be transferred From the Overtime Reserve Fund to the appro- priate benefit accounts and the Sheriff's Department SalarieS Budget. . The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By M. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 117508 - ESTABLISH ONE (I) NEW POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AGENT POSITION IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $7,005 available in the Overtime Reserve fund in the 1976 Oakland County Budget. Said amount to be trans- ferred to the 1976 Sheriff's Department Budget - Technical Support area - Communications Unit - Line Item - Sa/aries - Regular. FINANCE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Per nick, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution 117508 be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (24) NAYS: Hoot. (1) A.sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and 'resolution 1/7508 was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 29, 1976 Misc. 7536 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: PRIORITY SALARY AND CLASSifiCATION CHANGES To the Oakland County Board of Cognissioners Mr.. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS numerous requests for equity salary adiostmnts have been pending or rl considerable period of time; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee, in recommending the salaries portion of the 1975 hudget on December 19, 1974, indicated to the Board that inequities existed in and between certain on classi- fications and recommended, that these problems be reviewed when collective bargaining contracts for 1975 were settled; and WHEREAS agreement was not reached on most collective bargaining contracts until very late in 1975; and WHEREAS your Personnel Committee initiated the. review of pending departmental salary and classification change requests on February 9, 1976 and are now reoommendinq only those changes determined to be of the highest priority in order to hold down costs within available funds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that salary rate ahd classification changes be approved to he effective April 15, 1976 in accordance with the attached list, and that the increased cost of 510,573 for the remainder of 1976 for the affected budgeted positions be transfetred from the • Classification • and Rate Change Item of the 1976 Budget to the appropriate departmental salaries budgets. The Personnel Committee,. by Dennis M. An Chairmah, moves the adoption al the foregoing resolution. PERSONNC1 COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron., Chairman SUmMARY OF 1;,ItI-10N511 ComMITTEE RECoMMENu4TioNR ON rl r,4 3 cr. DEPARTMENT/U. PRTORITY SALARY AND CLASSIVICATIoN CHANCE REQUESTS 3 -. tvil 1 §. COST OE m , AS APPROVER TN cp,71mT111,,E UN APRIL 12, 1976 1 114IE In' NO. OF M-\'-- COST 0. UCOn. m RuQur.ST POSIT -IC/NS RE- REcom- 2. INC. $ INC.AT m .conx. :.715. - 12 1 31 - DIIPA SALARY '“._14 OMEN CURRENT QUESTED MENDED FOOT AT MAN. PER ;H.:- ;MIER RUO- OT7HER c . ,-, OR 1'IRIoN AR.i, C/A;-IS CLASS TTTLE BUD SOURCES MAXIITT 1,,AXIMITM 1.1AXT ,IUM NOTPS mAximum ro ,,.!Tic)N LF.i00 SOURCII.S , I'D snuRc7s m - Ap'21. NI 011-,..-or of A.Ildif:i ,Le, 1 24 ,465 28,015 25,410 1.9 q ,,,-, 474 s-0 ,-= .-r ', St`11:01" A,I 1,0 r 1 (18,475) 21,192 19,019 A 2.9 -II .;.;: ;88 _. = c iv X Del. Tax Supv. 6, DP Cour. 1 18,367 19,019 19,019 3.6 YI,' f-,,-) 4I)5 ca N Ci;:cf Pr:,,,;ectitors Invest. I 17,605 20,866 18,397 4.5 /9 ...; 74'2 565 > ml , -- Adm. A,;;-;1.-„IovoT-i:(; Cc. 1 17.388 19,000 17,769 7.2 CII 772 - t...) k.0 -:)1; \;:- II ''''' ';'; ), Child We1Iarv Worker Supv. 5 1 17,388 18,200 17,769 2.2 181 1,1133 I,i :,60 8II5 r" ,..b :, X Vol:Intcer Coordirator 1 17,388 18,200 17,769 2.2 381 181 272 --.1 as I1: .1 .; .:u X Gener:".I Maint, Fcreman 3 16,301 17,500 16,845 1.3 1 1,6 1,672 1,165 FAC:L..: L-. L I:1 Y Custne.ial Operations Supv. 1 16,301 17,500 16,845 3.3 5,4 ,5-- 388 1 -,CILil;IIIF 5. OP X Maintenance Planner II / (16,301) 17,500 16,845 B 3.3 744 5„ 388 DR.Y3E 130v,1, Y C1'.;;271st Lab Supervisor 1 15,758 --- 16,800 C 6.6 1,012 1,112 744 I.: Supt. of Child. Village 1 15,758 16,500 16,500 4.7 712 712 522 r.“.1TivS Z. OP Y. Y4Intenalre Foro7an II 3 14,997 16,000 15,497 3.3 501 -,1:::3 1,071 >1 UronInds Maint. Foreman 1 14,345 14,800 14,823 3.3 678 341 CP Y. Mr[Intu-,ao::o Ferel= 1 1 14,345 14,800 14,823 3.3 478 ..-q 341 0I1.IT17 -" 1(20 5 11n 4.rter=ze Planner I 0 --- 14,800 12,823 D --- --- --- X Garage Fcvreman 1 14,020 35,122 1 -1,823 5.7 801 :7 -- 573 ; F COST OF TYPE Or NO. OF MAX. COST Or RFC01114, i ]1Dp9: POSITIONS 'RE- RECOM- % INC. „S 7 MU. AT RITOMM . 4 /15 - 12/3 - OTHER ClIRR ENT QursTN) mENnyt) Fool AT m!,;• H1- 13 rw-1( !J'!')- c'l iffy. - 4)1. .. -;:-.; ... C1,Ass _ TITLE _ BUD. SOURCES MAXIMUM MAX NUM MAX) MUM 80:125 . MAX MUM im. • 17 •• U so.: 1(117. , ; :! if..D .7!(:!.1,:15 g .-N X .-,0! ”;:11.er I --- 13,041 13,041 E ___ ___ o z 1.'.onAi N Adm.. Asst.-Probate Court 1 (14,889) 14,889 14,889 F 0.0 0 0 0 z c , a .1:1'237 X Housc,<ciTing Supervisor 1 11,73 --- 12,000 2.2 263 263 188 0 n 0 -:,; i ,.',H ,-,: : 1,Hrk For k-rmln TT 5 11,411 L2,000 12,000 5.2 -.;i,) 2.,-.)',) 2,102 = . X Clwmist Assist:ant :,1,411 --- 11,645 C 3.8 43 10 c . m a_ X District Court Adm. 3 (11,194) 13,500 12,000 G 7.2 806 2,418 1,724 > ml 7 l'i-Le iYci.icinl Sec. 3 (21,085) 12,135 12,135 R 9.5 1 ,3)50 * * n - Y 6,,=:-7!rilv Shift: Colder IT 1 (11,042) 12,02 11,542 I 4.5 -00 200 357 IV ua - SE.curity Shift Leader I 4 (11,042) 11,542 11,292 I 2.3 290 1,000 714 - -...€ 1:421.1(28 Z. 0 1' N. Custc.:i -inl Work Foreman I 2 10,650 11,000 11,000 3.3 350 700 300 S RFC. Y. Assis=ant Pool Manager 1 --- 10,376 10,376 E --- --- --- X Circ-iii.„. Court Records Clk. 6 ( 9,346) 10,759 10,759 J 15.1 1,411 8,478 2,328* 0,7-Call Duty Pay (5) 7,280 8,370 8,320 K 14.3 --- 1,040 74 7 CM ,!.. '.-= }:LTH. X Chil.:! ?sv7Matrist-0511 26.25 35.00 30,00 L 14.3 CC.J.. :-7777.". ifl..T6. X Psychiatrist - E1111 26.25 30.00 30.00 L 14.3 ,.(- Ply. Consultnnt Spec. 26,25 30,00 30,0D L 14:3 COST SM.-NARY: • 25,031 1202241 10,573 30139 BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR . _ Present 20,214 21,300 22, 23,415 Proposed 21,192 22,260 "1 310 0 INC. AT 4 YEAR 2 1 6 rour- 2 (-)TFS 0 Present Proposed 17,715 18,367 NEW CLASS 9,0T9 18,367 ), DP Coor. Present 16,110 17,063 17,715 Proposed 17,715 i8,167 19,019 7:1 3.6 n 15,758 16,500 o 3 00 PRESENT AND RECOMMENDED SALARY SCHEDULES roR SALARY AND CLASSIFICATION CHANCES AS APPROVED 5Y PERSONNET. COMMITTEE ON APRIL (2, 1 Ad-•..inEstrItive AssE JuvOnile Court LOUd ',!c!Ifnrc rior S..!perYiser to-hinteer vla17:tel.lar.cs 71r7ar. c-7,er,risor ?1 ,,--.e7 II r.hemis - Lob SupL. oi V1114v,e Present 14,997 15,659 16,301, 16,953 Proposed 15,672 16,364 17,035 17,716 Present 16,301 16,845 17,388 Proposed 16,660 17,216 17,769 Present 16,301 16;845 17,388 Proposed 16,660 17,216 17,769 Present 16,301 16,845 17,388 Proposed 16,660 17,216 17,769 Present .14,997 15,649 16,301 Proposed 15,697 16,165 16,845 Present 14,997 15,649 16,301 Proposed 15,497. 16,171 16,845 Present 14,997 15,649 16,301 Proposed 15,497 16,171 16,845 Present 15,758 Proposed 15,600 16,200 16,800 Present 13,802 14,454 15,106 Proposed 14,452 15,134 15,316 .LC3 -41 2.2 2. ') 2.2 3,3 3:3 • 4.7 0 POOT- 7 1NC. AT \SS 1 BASF 1 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 vITAR CATT(1N Y7 AR NpTr.s N E 13,474 14,148 13,368 12,716 14,134 13,444 13,041 13,474 13,041 13,474 , .0 rt a o. F. 1,0 Cu us 11,041 11,085 Present Proposed 10,433 N •FW CLASS 11,7i7 12,389 Secretary Present NEW CLASS Proposed 12,13 5 71.AT RATE Present 14,345 14,997 Proposed 14,S2 -1 15,497 T.1 3..1':crinc70•F ,7)reman Present 12,369 Proposed 12,800. • • .:7yrlit I Present 12,389 Proposed- 12.800 n' - I Present Proposed 12,800 Present 12,063 Proposed 12,754 13,693 14,345 14,148 14,823 13,693 14,345 14,148 14,823 LASS 14,823 14,020 14,823 Asst.-Proat0 Court Foro7.e.7-: IT Present NEW CLASS Proposed 12,281 12,933 13,585 14,237 14,899 Present 10,433 10,759 11,085 11,411 11,737 Proposed 10.661 11,000 11,353 11,667 1 2,000 11,085 11,411 11,-657 12,000 Present 10,759 Proposed 11,314 Present 10,977 . • 11,411 Proposed 10,977 11,411. 11,845 11is=1..• Present NE .W .CLASS. Proposed - 12,000 -17-IAT RATE Shift Lea.der .T1 Present Proposed 11,542 -71AT RATE NEW CLASS Cu 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 Y.F.AR - • --- Present- N 0 C LASS • Prepesed 11.292 7661 RAJF • 2 306. AT FOOT- (.1 CD La On 0 0. 30.3 C 14.3 I Present 10,650 711.,A7 RATE Proposed 11,000 .7711.AT RATE Present NK 0 GLASS 9,Sr1t 10:176 . ..• —, -- ..• c[erk Pri.-si.'n L:" N 1 0- CASS 1---- .- - -, Plmr,,,,T , .,,'., ': • 9,45 9 ,k'i: ' ... • :..', 1.1,1-=:::H. litY V:Iv Present 140 per week . Prpoonser! T60 per week. .-H r - cmr Present' 216.25 per hour Props,j -• Present 26.23 per hoer Preposd 2-12.70 nor t1enseit;:nt Epecittlist Present 26.25 per hour Propose ,.1 30.20 per hoer i.r.rrease.. are sh-own for new (t_lsses, they re ,preset. the 17C7CaSta ,: th0. current 010 7:00: 0^, PERSONNEL COMMTTTEE ,;Ai,ANY P„ECOMmrT"0,11J055 APPENDIX A A - Utilize an Auditor TTI position •II ReclAssiCy Mol.utc.00noO rosition No ,i}>ecirly Hmont • — No 1,,o7iti11.0 by whc 11 1111 ,15111001 IC w110 1 I >101 100 h1 ie; E Ncw "Other Sorvo," posiUon to he lined on ;•!:Irt-t kip bash; • - UttiLzo vacant Supv. !loots! lien1 pol,.ition With Nn • identical salary range • - Utilize one District. Court Tochnical Aide pluition from oJell or thc • Court Divisions H Utilize three Jodfoi! .i-;,..rol'ary 1 positfoo: d1nu:g7 Cc;AI. • $3,150 to be fund,,d by posit!on 1n 5uL>r (!,• and Adoption from Social. Wyror I to Chi1d Vtlfore.. Worker II al, approximate annual ssvins of $3,600 I - Utilize one Scurity 1111 car position far Socur:ty Shift Lender TI :o1 ,1 Security Officer positions for Security Shift Leader I . J - Utilize six Counter Clerk pcsitions; employes to be placed at base s ,:-ey.) . new classification resultil7 in a 5.n incre;',se upon approval and a 5 .158 cost per position for•the renal Oar of 1976 • K On a rotating basis, one Lieutenant is assigned eaoll wea to he or-7311 an On-Call Duty Poy oF $19 is paid - the request is for $150 tet - - the annual cost from $7,220 to $8,320 L - Part-time classificatoos pold on per hour basis .panui;uo3 salnu!w sJauo!ssEwwo) I-. Commi!>sionetm Minutes Ccntinne.d. April 29, 1976 Moved by Aaion .i.tpDorted y MoMtt the resolution be ado!>ted. The Vfte (hi en referred the reolntion to he Finance Comigittee. There were no PfP00.1 n- A P, ML:f.i[lijiffl l',FnHCIHON - ;,CCEPTANCE Of -11-k 1976 COOPERATIVI RLIMBURSEMENT GRAN1 PCSI.CUiORH To PI,- Ookl,inc of 1. .mimissioners Mi. Chan, EA,iic, and n: Thc r,, , LY Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman. rarwrl -,, its concurrence with the Board of Co a Mach LI. 1976, in adopting Mk:,11ne.ous N,.solution 117461. The ly Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, toove:-; the ac.,-;ept,Ince of the foregoing reporT. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman "Misc. 7461 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCLPTANCT IDE TIT 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE To the Oakland County E:oard of Commissioners Hr. Chairman, LadieE and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellans. Resoluti ,m /1 738--... 1976 grant application was wade for renewal of the Cooperative Reimburem‹.11. frogrr), Prosecutor's Office; and WHEREAS grant funds in the amolnt of S236,851 fleccr been aw,irded to the County of Oakland and required County matching funds arc e.:,!,!rmined to be 58,8')0 In-Kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Ccmittc,e, om,rmrm- the said grant award be accepted: NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED th.H. thw C.r)unty of Oakland hereby accepts the grant award for Lhe renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Fro,]raril, Proecutor's Office for the period January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 in the amount ol $236,65L The Public Service Committee, 'Dy Hubc,ct Pt ice, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SEEV$CF, COMMITTEE Hut,ert Price, Jr., Chairman" See Pages 99, 100, 101 and 102 for copie of Agreement. Moved by Aaron supported Hy Simmons The report be accepted, A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. REPORT By Mr. Aaron IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ,71460 - ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commiioncrs Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlomen: The Personnel Commitiec, by Dennk M. Al,.01;, Cliii Ii, air, riqi n i it a ctmifttri-eiWr With Ihn Board of .Commissioner act ion et fitii-r-11 0, 1976, in AdOW ing ///4()0.• The Personnel Commit(oe, hy Dennis M. Aaro Cftlirmari, ,lc:,-11(atic, a I 110 foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTFL Dennis.M. Aaron, Chai.rman "Misc. 7460 By Mr. Price IN RE: ACCEPTANCE or THE 1976 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT - FRIEND OF THE COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Cha i rman, Ladles and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 7381, 1976 Grant application was made for renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend of the Court; and WHEREAS Grant funds in the amount of $256,096 have been awarded to the County of Oakland and required County matching funds are determined to be 54,650 in cash and $8,400 tn-Kind services; and WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommends that said Grant be accepted. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Grant award for the renewal of the Cooperative Reimbursement Program, Friend of the Court, for the period January 1, 1976 - December 3 1., 1976 in the amount of $256,496. The Public Service Commiitee,. by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman moves the adoption of the foreqoit19 resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Hobert Price, Jr., Chairman" Sec Pt, r'., 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 i-To(1 98 for copies of Agreement. Moved by Aaron supported Imy moffiLt the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Commis-sioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 Misu, 7537 By Mr. Aaron ' - IN RE: DELETION 0.1 ONE (1) MA1NTENANC1. TAOODER POSITION 0:j..'.A,) AND CREATION or grit (I) fYPIS1 1 POStTION (C.E.T.A.) To the Oakland County Board of C(.mnissioners Mr. Chairman-, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Division's Park teet PrOiCtC( funded by the Public works and Er.oriemic DeveIopment Act of 1965 - Title X created 132 Maintenance Laborer nosT1ions; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Division's participation in the Title X C.f.T,A. Program has placed an extreme work load on the clerittll staff makinri it necessary to request modification in the Title. X Program; ,N-Id WHEREAS this position would not affect the grant's budget, and the clerical position would be serving the Title X project, NOW THE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Title X Maintenance Laborer poirion be deleted and one (I) Typist I position be created in the Parks and Recreation Division with the understanding . that the salary and fringe benefit costs for this position are to be paid from the Title X C.E.T.A. funds. The Personnel Committee, by Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas ; Ounieevy, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonaid, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (21) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7538 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: DELETING ONE (1) CUSTODIAL 1 C.E.T.A. POSITION IN THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS DIVISION AND ESTABLISHING ONE (I) CHILDREN'S SUPERVISOR I C.E.T.A. POSITION IN CHILDREN'S VILLAGE - HUMAN SERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Children's Village utilization of part-time staff (at the present rate) to maintain minimum services will far exceed the twenty thousand dollars allocated for Emergency Salaries for 1976, and WHEREAS due to C.E.T.A. funding, the Facilities and Operations Division of the Central Services Department has been it a sufficient number el positions to fill its present needs; and WHEREAS the Facilities and Operations Division is able to transfer a vacant Custodial. 1 C.E.T.A. position to Children's Village - Human Services without curtailing services, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (I) Custodial I C.E.T.A. position be deleted from • the Facilities and Operations Division and that one (I) Children's Supervisor I. C.E.T.A. position he established in Children's Village - Hyman Services for the balance of the C.E.T.A. grant funding. The Personnel Committee, by Denns M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dennis M. An Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Moffitt the resolution he adopted. AYES: Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montonte, Murphy, Nowak. (25) NAYS; None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Daly IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 77456 - COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS - PHASE I To the Oakland County Board ol COmmissioners Mr. Chairman, tesdies Ond Gentlemen: The Planning and Building ComOttee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 7456 with the recommendation that the resOlution be adopted. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman 23:1 23,4 Comr-jsin-ners Minates Continuf,d. April 29, 1976 ''MI s 7 14 56 By Mr. Daly IN RE: COUP.THOU'A COMPL1X ALTtRATIOW: - PHASE i To the Oakland County Boaco ot Mr rhair,--ian, .-)nd Gc.ntlemen: 'WHEREAS rh, cc cc. lIt er of the Probation Division, Criminal Jo-.,tice Plann;ng and Puf.c.h0,-..,iiffr Novth Office BuHdnq i, the nonths of Vot.,,,--nary and March: and WhEREA, such r.,-Tocatic“, allfm F. trw cxparr,ion of ,,pacu thc. AuditioQ, Propk,rty Man/3ol,ent rH P,..,r,Ine I., and wiltREW: ;Fp.. c i 1er I. forrK--1 Irs I he M,3interam. c and Opr_•-rit c,6 (,1 /.7.0 NO,O1 THENI,FORI PE IT RPALCED that 517,200 00 he and is herehy appropr7ated to thc 1lepitHmu,n1 c,f Sery,ce ,, pertor!, Lhe r,ecessary Courthou. alterations, ds per the attached o ,,tinlat,-,,,„ Thc.t PIrmninr..„: and 1..ommitte.c., by Patricia K. Daly, Chairmi,,n, move ,.-, the adoptic ol the r.g5 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mf. IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RES0tUTIDN .7456 - COURTHOUSE COMPLEX ALTERATIONS - PHASE f To the Oakla,w County Bar- of Cnmmissoner Mr. She Ladies end Calticmen: Pursuant to Rule TIC of this Board, the finance Committee finds the sum of 917,200 available.in thc, Proposed 1976 Building Fund-Miscellaneous Rcmodeling - 1976. . FINANCE COMMIT.TEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman See Pages 81 and 82 for Cost Estimates. Moved by Daly Supported by Roth the report be accepted and resolution 57456 he adopted. AYIS: Page, Patterson, N:,nick, Roth, Simmons, Wilcw., Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Goble r, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson. (22) • NAYS: Dunleavy, Fortino. 2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the reportwa accepted and resolution #7456 -was adopted_ • Misc. 7539 By Mr. DalY IN RE: LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION To the Oakland County Board of Corwni ,,sioner5 Mr. Chaimilan, Ladies aml ("entlemen: WHEREAS the Nkland County Road Commission has agreed to leaso approximately 350 square feet of offic,i, space at the rate of One (S1 ,0C) Dollar per year, to the County of Oakland for a satellite Treasurer's Oft cci at it ,. :n;iding located at 31001 Lah-,er Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan; and wHFREAS such Jr csasurer's Office would. be a convenience For the payment of taxv!: to thc c141:ens of South Oakland County; And WHEREAS your Committec ri:_ommonds that the County of ()Aland enter into such lease. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RISO[VTO that the County of . Oakland ogrocs to loao. approximately 350 .<,quare feet of oflice space on the ground floor of the Oakland County Road Commission Building located at 31001 Lahser Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan, for a term of two (2) years at an annual rate of One ((1.00) Dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman or the Oakland County Board of CoMmissioners be and he is her to execute a Lease in the form attached hereto on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman LEAS E THIS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this _day of , A.D., 1976, by and between the OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION, rtt called "6:7., addres ,, is 31001 tahser Road, Beverly H ill a , Michigan, and the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Mi. hH:lan Constitutional Corp- oration, hereinafter called "Lessee", 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, WJTNESSETH: WHEREAS the Les.,,,or the owner of the promises known and designated as 31001 Lahser Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan, which Hr a part of 1,!rnds owned and used by the Lessor as offices for the Oakland County Road Commiien, and Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 20, WHFRE,S Lessee desires to lea ,-,e approxim,-.:tely H gwfre feet 1-..4 elfin it.. 161 the purpose of providing a satoll:te 0 1 1rse o the Oaklad Soup Tre,asurer, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS 101 LOS'S 1H=:: Les...or ions hereby let and rise o the Lessee, subject to the tera ,s and condltions hereinaft ,f-,r 350 square feet o'fir space on .,he qround floor of its building located at 31001 f,leverly Hills, Mictiio, for a te ,m of two t2i years commencing on the fir.st day or Kay, ending on the r's yet May, 1978, for the ,fium of One (51 00) N.:I far per year. The Lessor tho preml co,J 0 a. Laser to provide All fwa:, And oher N.flephonv service, whial a herR:n -ifor- provided for 4. Lessor ,-,1rEms to provide two employee irk 1' ',puce', so designated for ihe exclusive use of the employee., ol tRe Oakland County ir,..asurr',,, ()Niro, 5. l e ssor to provide thr and/or ‹..irecrorics iro;ide arid outside the building indl ,:..8ting ffe direction ,f“-td location ciA the '-a..' Ii; County Trasorr Officu. 6. The agrees to permit the f..r,sf:;ee to <;(? Lessr's cci Y. Lesser agrees to provide utiLty space to how:.cf date procesing is not to he consid(fred a t,art of the 350 scit6fsre feet, but addiiion61 ',pace in tiff aener:J utility area. 8. t.f.,sor .i.gr-ffes to provide a service counter built to the specification ,, of the Lessee. 9. k“;sor ;woes to provide two telephone line', or the use of the Lesr-ee until time. as a dmew..ioual Sy5tHH3 n ; all en i the building. IT If.; MUTUALtY A6REED between the parties hereto riot i fh(' Dallond County Road Commis ,,ion shall not be held liable for any theft to loss by the County of Oakland or ihe Ookland County Trocr,“1.1 as a result of this Agreement, IT IS l'URTHER MUTUALLY AGREED that the parties her' to may renew this Lease for a like pofiod and for covenants which may be mutually agreed upon by the parties, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and date first above 'ehy .:.frni. and covvr.,y to the Le.ssee: as long ,fe,, the !ease ,"v1r,.,.e.menf ariula' ira c• fec t the right of inqro.,„,.; and t„,--fress to heal as 1001 1.. alo,er peso.'" iy ft If , Michi t,.-:••soR to pr(,vid,ii ii woiptfluivice rail tasted jail servir.cf At dO additional written. WITNESSES: OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION By: Chairman COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Mfthigao Constitutional Corporation By: Alexander C. ForinoRf, Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) c.s COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this • . day of , A. U. 1976, person:111Y appeared --Ytfl-Td-717--say that he is the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Road -Commis..ionor and as such .has of his signature to the foregolnu Lease, and that said instrument was—jutted and soi3Oed in behalf of said Oakland County Road Commission, Notary Public, Oakland Couoty, hichigal My Commission Expires: STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) On this day of , A.D., 1976, personally appeared Alexander C. Perinoff and did say that he i r. the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Oakland and as such has affixed his signature to the foregoing Lease, and that said instrument signed and sealed in behalf of said County of Oakland Not Public, Oakland County, Michigan My Commission Expires: . The Vi cc' Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committeo. There were HO OhiOCIIHUH,. Misc, 7540 By Mr, Daly IN RE: APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR RENOVATIONS AT THE FIRST AND THIRD DIVISION OF THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies ifrd Gentlemen: WHEREAS additional workloads at the first and thlrd Division of the 52n1 District Court has created severe problems in wOrking conditions and work flow; and WHEREAS your CoMmittee has reviewed sOch conditions with reprewnlaiives of the Court and have agreed that certain renovations are necessary to the efficient operaLiOn or the Court; and • 236 Comm.iv.ioner s Minute Continued. Anvil 29, 197( WHERE/6 alterRT.(J6 ;)re nece ,,sary ir. ,,oundpn-.)of imp ,:ourtrooms and providing ',,uitable workr,,-4 cond;rion ,, foT empi's NOW THLREFORl,' BE IT RESOLVLD that $12,000.00 he and is hereby allocated to the Deparrment of Central Servces to terhnirir he necy-ssary District Court alterations, as per the attached cot. C stimates. The PlAnnnq me BH;1,hn,/ Coimlit.tee, by Patr•ick C, 0,11y. Chair-wan moves the adoption of tOEI forewIl ClASP COU47,' EXECUlIVI PROJEC1 • 'hi' 1011o0iug P IiiL ins total funding 01 356,000 i.or the expansion of the ':32nd District Court in Wailed I.e Milford, and Rochter or approved during 1974 and l':F/5: ilior, 6864 7, 1974) - $16,000 - Furniture Resolution 6996 (1 ,51 .,' 20, 1975) - $19,000 - Wal l ed Lake Alterations Scale en /149 (Jar.: 3, 1975 ) 321,000 - Rochester, Millard, and Walled Lake Alterations Al the present tif;w, the County has twn leoses with the City of Walled Like, ono with a lc,ase rate of S1).680/ycr xv n ii expiring on June 30, 1980, and the other with A lease ...ate of $4,104/ sear ard expirinq on Junc 30, 1977. The ,Y;econd lease covers the Hse of the City's Council Chamber i)nd land lease for the portafie building installed adjiAcent to the Municipal Building. Under the 1:irst lease, approxariately 3,500 square feet of floor area is involvd, and the second lease covers 840 -,vivare leer of bn:Mdinq area (part-time use) and about 1,620 square feet of land area. At Rochester, tne lea5e coc..t is 331,572/yoar and expires on May 31, 1980, and covers 5.507 square feet of floor area The ..yort, (1rluirally planned has been bas+cally completed at all locations and the funda alloca:'.ed used. Additional items have been requested at both loca6ons, whfth the four judges are necessary it they are to do their work properly and efficiently, The extra work requested I:sted below: Walled Lake (Ist .Divsion) '':',oundproor does 1r Council Chamber $ 550.00 (regueted by the City) 2. Furnture for Court Officer 500.00 3. Renovation of Clerical Area 3,600.00 4. deutilaticia in Vestibule 250.00 5. Court 011 car Office Alterations 400.00 6. Secretarial Area Wall Alteration 400.00 7. Parking Strippinq (requested by the City) 400.00 8. Blacca:.d for Council Chamber 100.00 Cant i 600.00 _ TOTAL S 6,800.00 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTIf Pati r, Daly, Ch.Airman DEPARTMENT OF CVNTRAL FACfLIltES ENGINCFRINC GIW,S1014 ADDITIONAL FUNDING - 1)1 -..!PAC: COURT FXPANSION April ?I, 1976 Pr1 boar, (ltd Dlvi loll) I _ We,-. wall For Civil Division in Suite 7 2, But Boards 3. Shelving 4. Glass Shield over Counter in Clerical Area 5. Sofa for Lounge 6. Carpeting for Clerical Area 7. Miscellaneous Courtroom Corrections Contingency $ 750.00 100.1)0 300.00 500.00 550.00 1,600.00 550.00 450.00 TOTAL $ 4,800.00 Summary Wailed Lake Rochester Construction Supervision TOTAL The original $56,000 was used and expended as Furniture (both locations) Walled_ Lake Alterations • Rochester Miscellaneous $6,800.00 4,800.00 400.00 $12,000.00 --------- shown below: $21,000.00 23,500.0W, 10,000.00 1,500.00 TOTAL $56,000.00 Includes work at Milford Slides showing the present condition of the court. facilities at both locations will be available for viewing and all four judges have been invited to attend the Flanning and Building Committee meeting on Apr' 22. The vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Commissioners Minutes Conti ntutd. April 2E1, 1976 7E41 By mt. Da i y 1 A : WA I.) CIN 1-LIL CWIMUNI L.T;I FFLOCriL tto Oahlt •J :t.upty r1u.• F • N • im• P1 III. P. ...'1: fl :i7411 , oo January re' ih •eleeour• t 01 ''.• h , " :id () • IL . t I kiny whi 1 15 • •,guaru WI , Pi ..atd t eon el !.eovire II bo II' II i rud i 10: pew i ta qu : ; pmen pH rchare d undor /he Grant g r , uL-c r secur• , / :I 11 bo obta i auc 1 II c:-.0101IA0 1 C 1 I , i rt.! anothoi •••nd 1,(H1:.:J1 srLcc is now tu.t.: ilah1e 1n the •• ut1 ::tate .a1 Jquad etoe, ausl Ifs: repoit writing MOM, ta CI P011.' 1 ommunitaticu- ra:umu. au —t NUe.er THEiTER.iRT OE ir tht•t the fthit.. 'eou Hcrs . totuworli 1 and is horeby authcrizod to receive h 1 dt: reiocaHon of thz them il; s :hadeianecar:on room and that a report thereon ho made to thiJ Koare p. eceipt t:erci tbeila' ion el: sach bias, BT IT itURTHER RE:101_1!ED friar tne amount ol -,4.000.(19 I., pd ih hrroh allocated to the Department i. PIP 101 1.,ervices to cuver the immodiato furnifure phFchavrt and ai her covis ihat will he incurred in corpletinc drawings aud icr,' iv' 01, hid/. The Manning eend Building Committer., by P3tricf K. Daly, Phil ii, novos the Jelopl ion 01 the foregoing resmItition. PLANNING [Ni) BOLDINf, l0MM1Y1-1-1.. Patricle K. Daly, Chaierwen OAKLAND COUNTY DOF.CUT 1 VE. - T)EPARTP!,AT Of CENTPAL SfKV1t.f.1', - IAKILIIIEE rnmaRING DIVNION SHERIWS DL; ARTMEAT - COMMUN:CATION ROOM RELOCATIUN . PROJECT 76-17 REVISED - APR if 27, 1576 By memcm: dated December 24, 19)1 , 3nd January 27, 1976, (copirs atlached), hci 11 precn requested this oi:ice La work with his stc,ff on relocating the exisling ocaintolicat ion room nem is present location on the first floor to the lower love,, Thr- reasons foe the relecHuion orp follows: (1) Provide hettar security. (2) Provide Uettor efficiency for thc commonicaroun oporatior. (3) Provide additional area needed for new equipment already on order. (4) Provide .AdiLiGnal area to allow for future expansion to nlet the immediate space needs Or this operation. Resolution 7411 adopted by tIm County Board of Corgriissioners (at Janutery 8, 1976, approved he acceptance of a ciraut in :he amounl of S332,231 Fcderai, $18,458 State. ard $ff:,459 Conwy rundv ar a total of S3Ah1 11.7 iii Corimunici:tion Orproverwn n in the Drau0Then/. r[4- grJui n ,-e1)111 ,;1 vJas arvoved and 1)111 1115 111 ordored whith scheduled to he received in Julie ef Ibis yore', the glan1 • riel„.„, include any feriding 101 alterations or hnilding chango ,w ApproHmam-ly ',6n,noo ot •hie. gl,1111 reprevented now equip:110:0 and/or modilicaoionv io onHipmuni whieh I ho lotaied u, iho COP tral communication raom. The present. communecmicue room 1 mlks tioor atoa ior Ihe [low 11)111 111110111 The present operation involveJ 11111 rooms twalling ahoal 415 tgaaro fee! 01 area. The use Ill these rooms after the communication operation is relocated has not 111 Ii Ilealizod. (see dttached heriff's frn.-mo &led Mord ,. 18, 1976.) The drea into 1,..hich [he opurafion will be relocated was used for the Road Patral Squad Room (575 squaro ftel,) and Report Writing R001 -4 (30ll11 square feet). Since LAO majority of the Boat:, patrol Officers now report ta serbstationt, thio• larne of an area is no longer needed, Slides and druwings showing the' Rresent and proposed areas will bc available for review.' Presently, there ara five peoplo per shift normally involved with the communication operation as listed helmw: 1 - Tephone Operator 1 - LE 1N Poertor 2 - DkTat:-hers 1 - Command Officer When lie new equipment is installed, the dispatchers presently operating at Groveland will be transferred to this cetitral location making vix 111 'I pa- chit. Thu Sheuiff's Deportment is proponq Lc) reqest an addliioni0 three people per s ,ilt ((wo telephone operators and one Commuriiralin Shilt Supervisor) phis have one Road Patrol Office as- inned to Commineication OH a temporary 1)151 h) opt coordinator. Tho pr.:tevent area would be to/La I ly indequato for the 1.1111 191111111 and number of P00111,' proposed Iu he involved in this operation. The pyreiiii,lar,y, cost estimate fur thih work is $20,000 for the alteration and relocation work and about' for new furniture requested (se h memo dated March :)). Our analysis of the furniture request, however, indicates that only about $2,900 wouik cover immeNJIate furniture needs (soe ii jiIirir,',t datha April 20, 1576). This request involves only the Communication Room relocation. At this 1ink7!, it is requested the following action be taken: (II Approval of the project concept and authorization to complete the Drawings and Specifications and receive. bids. Allecalton of 54,000 to cover the immediate furniture purchases and other costs that will he incurred in completing the Drawings and recek/ing bids. After firm bids are received, the project wifl be brought back to the Committee and the Commissioners for approval and the remaining funding. Representatives from the Sheriff's Department will be available to answer any specific questions on the present and proposed communication system. 2".=7 th , LI 1— I-1 C) •I! I .t -k i'• Ci Li- C I V) 1 A) A, A 01 ! If I h.- L.. Cl LC: CI) C) Cr1 - CD U. 1-,:r , 0 Li Li :0 III 4,41. ; . • - , • ,.- _ ! • I " ' " • '• C) LC) 141 Oi LA_ 1. ; I • 1 C. (11 X) , C.) CL I_ I 1 C.) U, CL If ;NI 4 CI -Cr) k Ii r C". C.} rt. I I If 238 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 i , = - - ; 1,1 ) I L r— kr,r- r_2, . 1_0 cr) IX 1 LI • Cr LIII I ' CI) 4 C. 1 NJ 1 1,1 LI) I 1.: 51? IL 4-- • The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee- There were no object one. • Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 239 7 '34;. By Ms-. • tti I r•tt •t I N Hi s i on , , I : I !icon h tuti.try I. iriinrt it for t Ito ii,•i•iou 11,-1 11) ut Act No. Lo"€ ol tin!. tilli: t t. .:1 rit:t-strntstit i pet •••••• V11 h Iii•••tuif i And t•t ,itni y and tOtE AS the .. i i lloiard h./ GE, i 1 i , 1 I •-•iv ijed `ne- tt-in :• ifiC ',Ii1)11W it 01 t , ••• u. f : • i it >t I h.C. 0.4 triO, a i f; havinq I C C,`"1 f , lu ii. ti he i 1 1 beiar- intcrest at a tat::: É ...I 107 and .cih not. be ......ub;ect to redt€Tptpu tt ty; and ti Di Board deerp.-. € t chisel le sO net tarry to frail this Board resolution conser€tir.ci to thc fili-tiitgri of the full I sith '€nd ete€dit of the c•oi..iiit or. the aforesaid bonds; and WHEREAS Lii: a d drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and tHretc€re it is in the best interest of the County of 0:.41and that said bonds be sold. NOW THEREFOU gf IT REOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: I. That pur€-.uant to the autherition provided in Section 474 i Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as aftwnw* the Oakland County Board of CommRsioners does h ,€reby irrevocably plcdge the full faith and credt of the County of Oakland for thc prompt payrKJ0 ii the principal of arid intere s t on the salt' Drain Bonds., and doe €; agree that in the event any puHlic corporal ion o ,,,:c!,wd shall lail or neglect to account to the County Treaurc-r of the County of akland lor tlw amount: of any special asseswent installment and lot', xest, when then the •m(AirI therck:f slid 1 hu immedialy advanced from County Funds, and the County Treasurer i directed to imlnediAtely sake such 1(lvancemenl to the extent necessary. 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of Oakland advances out of County Funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shall be the duty of the County Trcasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pur:.sue an remedies permitted or authorized by law for the rimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all re€:.olutions and prts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 moue the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNiNG AND BUILDING COMMITTFF Parick. K. Oily, Chairman ADOP1L0: YEAS: Pat tor , Pr i( R0( Ii , immon,, I, ox, Wi kon, Aat Hui eu,, DI y , Dearborn, Dun It-tavy , Fort inn, C,ahler, Hoot., , Lrnnon, Mi•Donit Iii, Mot lilt, Mon/ ituii. Mui lily, Nowak, Page. (23) . NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Perinoff, Douglas, Houghten, Olson. (4) I 09 1.1, 128- 1,1. 344 L1. 1 ea. 1 ea. 143 a. y. 1....0,15p 5,15 91.3.30 rm. 60 69, 552. 95 z. 500.20 9. 60 6.500, 00 3.30 1.50 104, 100.40 50, 401_ 40 64, 552.95 3, 50'), 1, 344. 30 6. 000. 00 $214. 401, 3434 55 Z32 53 35.00 7,445 55 275.33 103.03 537.03 432,00 65.700. DC 3,903.311 20. 00 15: 3.32 2, 00 5.30 6.30 10.03 5.03 • 102, 400,00 97:600. 00 55,003. 00 2, 584.00 7, 903, 15,203,00 0285,130.00 955. 09 310.36: 150. 00 3, 922.40 650.00 244. 00 1,412,03 185, 000,00 1,13003 21 2,33 51,728,00 239.06 40. 542. 50 40, 042, 01; 159, 173 ;0 5, 550.73 3_ 563. 77 E.:, 25,33 3, 502_ 36 15,303,73 19, 303, 53 $333. 733, 33 4, :77D oa 5.33.P. 2204.1 ,0 4. 30 I40. 735 3,30 310.37 3.00 93, 9.50 6, 051, 50 10 02 500, 30 4,33 . 209. 00 3.25 97. !-La 5.00 3, 344 25 6.00 336.30 5- 00 • 04000 5, 55 1, 421.02 38°. 59 HO, •00, 315.02 733. 10 55..00 10, 0D2. 70 Engineer BID TABULATION- ,47730T41 E'437 ON DR A PN 014075PI40 - 0110 1511FAVZ.11F, 100)00 17,11. P.13,00' Tr.N1171`.11-.5 CITY OF TROT, OAK:3.410D COUNTY. 01004. P3633, S Cia el,. Inc. 0321 Fe•-,ek.,, M.ch. 44310 Dividing Datep June 4, 1 g75 Angelo rafracte Cornpary, 11460 She rneee.r Oetrait, Michig41. 48213 Marroittelli Contracting Corp. 07-510 NootSUon Rorno1,4s, M-,thigarl 48174 Cona;rUC.:10,,. Co. 04450 Novi Road 115".5v;. 401:152 Do)ro,',Lxcoaitng 0,,enpary, P 6242 Wyn, run rig DetrOJ, 04tchl4ar. 4327 1 SECTION A 1. 14i-0" Cu' Sewer 14e, APPeronte Pe about I 5..0" Opro Cut 9e-yer Z. 12' • PP" s'1' I " P, •C,a14. 3. Steel She P11374: 1-5eadwall, corepnlePc 54,eepiug, whalers. cot,. 4,-4...ge eePion. eon, fill 0 'or'" riiiiina• 4. 8- Wa`.er 5. Concrete or F...p-Rap Slope Prolec;iun 6. PL,-00,55 11,91H.L• B,dg, TOTAL - 5ECTPON A 500-11 711,7_AVE171_ 01103 1,51 101-7.N1N,1.11, 11,1PP. 7.1,1171,11T 1. Remove CE'" Payer-, en! 295 5. y. Z. 'Remove Core 00-"•50.1,19Pot.Ci.rel, ISO I. f. 3. Soc ,.Ccr.,57 ,51e and Gutter 4. Earth ESteavatioln 1. C. 637 c. y. 53 0. y. 50 0. f, 4, 50 4.50 5,50 3.00 5. Spi5-Cra 4a- 57e•dcroutting 6. Ditching rt:1 0 , , , 0 f. , tr• rm‘-: , W 0 0 f 11 Lt] —LT 1.4 Ci ;. tf.C. CC n.) O rt; 0 0 ta. uq . m — , 0 M., Lf1 X t t• 0 I., fit 2. N „ T M M . 6. 0 P.1 mmissioners Minutes Cont i nued. April 29, 1976 • 0 , o — I f4; 4 g 4 e • ..., , ,, „ , ,•-• 0 ',:.: fg g g 2 "•.:; g `,7.: 2 ":; :i.- ,F., , ,:, ,, , 0 u r 2 '''i —7 °'' •,- ; ..: , 4 a- ei 6 .. Ci ;.-,. w rp n n .0 0 ,, , n 0 ,...2 a T• . 0 -0 T1 N N 0 , U CC 0 0 0 0 0 ,00 00C 0. M000. . . . . . '.., 7. Z 4 .. 0„: u.:, . . . ...-, 4 ...,7 k.: C. in 241 If; .4' cn .17 a 0 0 0 es 0 0 0 na a 0 0 P• — a N . m a — r%. . r, - CC It Ci Ch N itt tO N NON Ci , N , . • • • • • r" F L 9.• T . E t- . '... ; u . 0 c'U , • (7 1 C. 1,7 • . 0 . E0 ° • 0. u • 0 0 0 ,73 • 14_1.3 0 0 0 G C7 G fr. G 0 .47 o 0 *$.86, 550,15 o • g g r g g 0 0 , 0 r.f 0• 0 0 , ;!n 7 o 4; , 0 , A g Li, e, A M 0 M n t r 0 k." 9. !a* c0 CI 242 Commissioners MinuLc—, Continued. April 29, 1976 0 n n m o g 2 g g CONSTRUCTION PHAC:. 1 II I $ 398,000,00 $ 8,050.00 $ 202,444.00 4. STAKING & LAYOUT 500,,00 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 EROTHERTOr DRAIN 24:3 $669,094.00 2. ENGINEEPTN5 DESIGN $ 45,096,00 RESIDEr F.Z.:CINEER $ 304„00 SOIL 801 EGO $ 400,00 SOIL & MEMRIAL TESTING $ 800.00 $ 46,600.00 3. INSPECTION $ t3,400.00 5, PUBLISHING DAIY,Y TRIBUNE $ 150.00 MICHIGAN CONTRACTOR $ 150.00 BOND BUYER $ 650.00 950.00 6. BOND PRINTING 600.00 "/ RIGHTS-of-WAY $ 10,000.00 • 8. BOND COUNSEL $. 5,500.00 9. FINANCIAL CONSULTANT • $ 4,600.00 10. ACT 347 PERMIT 440.00 11. DRAINAGE BOARD MEETING COSTS 600.00 11A. BOND PROSPECTUS .$ 3,000.00 12. CAPITALIZED INTEREST ($800,000 x 10% x 4 months) $ 26,670.00 13. CONTINGENCIES $ 31,699.93 TOTAL F.STInATED COST $813,653_93 ___g_ScCARE LAKT U r r p Trj C,1 0 U th,e,-.,5, „T BROTHIF, R.ToN DRAINAGE LINT T',3 ry. a 8 TON(; LAKE ROAD. 17 iN 0 TnA•T ROAD 1! ... 20fl ;•; fCiF,IA,( !,11 - 4 ROTHER:1'0N DRAIN ROINT; fl IC; RI: AVE R ROAD l• 1J BROTHERTON DRAINAGE DISTRICT LIMITS 1-11.- 1 dLlt1 4 /1. ,••=•-• G; • n••••;• 1 , , .• 1 • Cilv of Troy Count V of 1,),1 k nd n-0 ) • 115147, I . 6 7 8 17, 1n-6-1Y0007. 1•.H 244 Comrrioners Minute ,; Continueri• April 29, 1274 STR I CT MAP NORTH AITORTIWIENT mITHIxroN DRAIN " Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 19)6 2/6 MiSC. 7!)43 By MT. Daly IN RE: YOUTH ACTIVITY COMPLEX - AMENDMENT TO MISCELLANEOUS RESOOJTIOR /457, SPRINGFIELD OAK5 PARKS AMENDMENT TO AREEMENT To the Oakland County Pcv,r0 of Ccmmissioner Mr. Chairman, Ladiee and Gentlemen . WHEREAS February 19, 1916 fhe OaktAnd County Bom .d of Commisionei5 adopted Resoluuiou 7457 SprinHfied Oaks Earl, Amendment to aweement d,oed the lith day of April (Misce/Irtneoos R!.!.olution '984, April 11, 1972) between the County of Oakland ,-.tnd the Park•and Recreation Comm!,.•.ron for the opetotion of 'ho Youth Activity Complex; and WHEREAS your Committee recotimends that said Amendment to :icireement he amended pecifyirin a maximim of $50,000 per year subsidy by the. Gourity. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Miscellaneous Resohition 7457, Amendment to the lqrt ,elilent dated ilfit ci;.3y of April A.D., 1972 between the County of Oakland and the Fark and Recreation ComMis- sion for the operation of the faith Activity Complex be amended to include "rot fa oxreed thecefore. ltem shali redT The County and Commission shall make an annual rev rim of revertile ,-; clerir,rated and erpenses incurred n the operaticn of the Complex. II the oxpenses exceed the revenues, the f>tunty appropriate a muf:tial agreed amount in the County budget to subsidize a portion NOT 10 EXCEED '60.000 of the deficit. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported. by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. AYES: Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffilt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Fa/lei-ion (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7544 By Mr. Daly IN RE: SUPPORT OF SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 5439 - MEDIUM DENSITY ROADS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Substitute House Bill 5439 would rev -n the orioritie of the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund distribution to governmental unirm so that for the first time, county roads serving unincorporated villanec, -tote park, suburban developments and resort communities would receive highway used funds in amounts greater than those amouwt, allocAtvd for the averaoe rural rood-;; and WHEREAS the bill would ,terve to balance the State's transportation expenditures by recognizing a heretofore overlooked and neglected section of the State's road network; and WHEREAl', the Oakland County Road Commission urges support of the legislation, and have Stated that the inaetment of said legislation will increase the County's share of the Motor Vehicle Highway funding by approkimately 5476,000 per year, NOW THEREFORE. RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby supports Substitute House Bill 5439. BE IT kURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the County's Legislative Agent and the County's Legislators. The Planning and Building Committee, by Patrick K. Daly, Chairman, moves the adoption ar t- the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Patrick K. Daly, Chairman Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7545 By Mr. Price IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO FILE APPLICATION AND ENTER AGREEMENT TO CARRY OUT PROVISIONS OF FEDERAL GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Lad ins ahd Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution P7322 dated October 14fh, 1975. The County or Oakland declared it intent to continue to be designated as an urban County under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS this law run, designed to consolidate many of the categorical grant programs into one Block-Type Grant Program placing responsibility and authority with local officials as to community needs and priorities; and Oak I,nd Is I thr 246 . Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976- WHEREAS the County of Oakland ha', .eceived a grant amount ct-f Y2,819,000 ;n federal fund ,', to he di.s.tributed among ft;ity-,,,iy.. (46) partibpating ,rnits c,f government .. and WHERUS there it not County fund ,; required liar tIiI runt: lud WHEREAS the Coneky of. Oakland most Me application For this grant awird pr:oi f ,) His Sili 1976. Now 111E1I,J0W Ill1r P.5...01V:1 that ! Ii IF appl :r cat ill or Co11.11,(111i TnIc i t I. I 9 7 Li Puhl iCitf.t.0 till resoi to. ion. Rd ICE S COMM! HE1h,'TF P, ice „Fr , Cho Moved h‘,. Ptice ,a,Hported by Aafon the 1 -,,s(,intion he adopted. AYES: Fott,, Simelons, Li lam, Aaron, Buttgn, Daly, L.),,-,.n.Horn, Fortino, riAlot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, M,'Jfitt. Montant, Murphy. Nowak, Page. P.tIteron, Pernick. (2()) NAYS: Nor. (0) PASS. WILSON, HUT. (2) A sufficient majority hirving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7456 El or. Price €N SHE DEPARTMENT'S AS'ASTANCI: tN TRAFFIC CONTROL. AND SECURITY ASSIC.NMEN-1".; Al THI PONTIAC STADIUM To the Oakland County 13gurd of C.c .:mmi ,ssioner-, Mr. Chairman, tadiel, and Gru-ittemon: WHEREAS the City of Pontiac, by and through its Department el Police is required to provide police officers for traffic cod ,:ecurity assignment during activities at the Pontiac Stadium and reasonable times immediately before and after such activities, and WHEREAS the City of Pontiac, acting by and through the Departrwnt• of Police-, may need assistance, and lf such need arise, may request The Oak uhd County She Department to supply patrolmen to in traffic 3nd t.ecurity asi ,jnments at the Pontiac Stadium; and WHEREAS the Counts is agreeable to provide the number of officers that the Oakland County Sheriff's Departiwnt may have avalable for such purpo ,es for the concideration hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED THAT the Oakland County BrKTrd of Commisioners approves the execution of the attached agreement consistent with provisions cf.mtaind therein. Mr. Chairroan, the Public Services Committee, lhrFicsi Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of this resolution, PORtIC SERVICES COMMIT -T[1 Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and enterod—Cm.o thi day of , A. 0. 1976, by cod between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporutin, hereinafter called "County", and the CITY OF PONTIAC, u Michigan Municipal Corporation, hercin,fllei called "City"; WHEREAS the City or Pontiac, by and through it; Department of Police is required to provide police cilficern for traffic and security assignments during activities at the Pontiac Stadium and reasonable times immediately before and after such Activities; and WHEREAS the City of Pontiac, acting by and through the Department of Police, may need assistance, and if such need arises, may request the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to supply patrolmen to assist in traffic and security assignm,.-.ntt, sit the Pontiac. Stadium; and WHEREAS the County it. agreeable to providc the number of oflicers that the Oakland County Sheriff's Department may have sivallable for such purposes for the consideration hcreinaftgr set For NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promses of the parties hcletc,, it is agreed as follows: 1. The County, during activities at the Pontiac Stadium and reasonable times immediately before and after such activities, will provide, upon the request of the City, patrolmen to assist in traffic and security assignments at the Pontiac Stadium and in the vicinity of the Pontiac Stadium. 2. The City Olall'pay to the County for such services the sum of $12.85 per hour for each deputy furnished by the County. 3. The City shall supply to the Oakland County patrolmen at its own expense, all the necessary flares, barriers, barricades and other devices to be used in traffic control and security assignments. 4. The County shall hill the City for such services at the Department of PoUce, Attention; Chief of Police, 110 East Pike, Pontiac_, Michigan 48W, on a monthly basis at the end of each month, and Inc City shall pay each hill within fifteen (1s d.y after the dale ot fit IT irq 5. The County, through its Sheriff's Department, by letter addresed to the Chief of the Department of Police, will de ,,ignatc an officer in the Oakland County Sheriff's Department who shall be net by the City as to The number of officers dcred by the City. Such not may be by telephone or in writing. ,l.y iigher Iii,e, It , 1.11.11 r11,11) , 510,10, I .1,1p ,)T1 i Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1976 6. ihis c.ontract shall be effective through December. 31, 1976. the City may reri ,?w said contract for one year period', at ratr2s c...;fah'ished by th County by notifying the Co,._;oty of inintion s relies at least 45 days prior TO the e.;,(pirtion date, Said notice is to be. sent to The Oakland County Executive and the Oakland County Sheriff, and he. It provided (.urther that either party hereto may elect not to renew same contract by giving notice thereof to the opposite party at least 45 days prior to the expiration date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parries hefeto have set their hands the day and aa;n :(bovn wr I t n . OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE By baniet T. Murphy, County Isecmriv OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Alexander C, Perinorf, Chairman 247 WITNESSES: OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF By: Johannes F. Sprecn, Sheriff CITY OF PONTIAC By: -- By: Moved by Price supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted. AYES: Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Pcrnick, Price. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7547 By Mr, Price IN RE: APPROVAL. OF APPLICATION FOR POLICE ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Oakland County government has long supported improvement of law enforcement services; and WHEREAS proper training of personnel is recognied as being critical to improvement of law enforcement services; and WHEREAS in support of the provision of train1ng for law enforcement personnel the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution 6960, accepted the grant award and dedicated $4,485 in matching funds for the current 1975-19/6 Police Instructor Training Program; and WHEREAS the program is eligible for continuation funding at a level reflected in the attached Budget and Finance Committee Report. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby authorize filing an application for LEAA funding of the Oakland Police Academy Instructor Training Program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dedicate cash matching funds not to exceed $4,180; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authorizing this application and dedicating matching funds in no way obligates the County of Oakland to fund the program in subsequent years; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the Board of Commissioners considering the acceptance of this Grant, if approved by the State, the Administration shall provide a report on the efforts to recoup that portion of the County match attributable to non-county residents participating in the Oakland Police Academy Instructor Training Grant Program. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC .SERVICES COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Chairman "FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr, Pernick IN RE: 2ND YEAR APPLICATION FOR THE OAKLAND POLICE ACADEMY - POLICE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING GRANT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2nd year Oakland Police Academy Police Instructor Training Grant application. This is an on-going grant that was formerly administered By the Oakland Community College. It was understood that subsequent funding In the 1st year grant would he State Funded. Due to the economic climate, the State had redefined its Funding policy relating to training grants. As in the 1st grant year the County will be required to fund 5'% of the total grant amount. This grant covers the 15 month period of July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977 in order to bring its funding consistent with the States fiscal year. The total program requirement. for (he 15 TOTAL Cash Counly State recto 4,180 ( ) 80 7%.,240 83,600 000' 248 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 29, 1 1'W month grant period is The fundioq requirements for trw 15 months are FUNDING SERVICES: 7/7c1 - 9/77 (P) w..mIths) Oakland County S under no ohl igatHn to continue tunding this progrm for a third grmiii year. The Finance Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the fore - going report; further, that this grant application be referred to the Public. Services Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE rence R. Pernick, Chairman" Moved by Price. supported hy Simmons the resolution be adopted. AYES: Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Hut o r On Dearborn, Dunleavy, For Ciabler, Hoot, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patlerson, Pornick,. Roth. (23) NAYS:. None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 7548 By Mr. Price IN RE: LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ADDISON TOWNSHIP To the Oaklard County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and .Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Department to enter into contract agreements with Tov4nships for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Services; and WHERE/t!,, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 1/7335 provided a Standard Annuai Cost of 519,57i per deputy and a standard contract period ending June 30, 1976; and WHERT.AS irle Township of Addison wishes to enter into such an agreement for one (1) regular deputy for the porrof& of Law Enforcement Patrol Services for the period of May 1, 1976 through June 30, 1 976. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorites the Oakland County Sheriff's Detain truant to enter into ,71 contract with the Township of Addison tel one (1) regular deputy for the annual contr:)c.; price of $19,571 for the period of May 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976. The Pub! it. Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chirwn, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICE1> COMMITTEE Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman n' .• 7 C.. -= - $1,620.92 S1,620.92 $1,630,92 $1,330.92 2 ,-; '!..!_onths of Conrantrrd 1.2atroL:zan . »yr.,. • 77,s,777,,,,nr-7, ..L.17,6 IT Scdulo o 0x:tract Costs Addison To=ship (Coven-nen-7a:- T.-fit) of Total Monthly Patrc • Aff,.V A "I r, A r M=ti,Z7„:7. fl DY) 250 07,41 Iri M'rll-..arrtiru:sL ;',prH 29, 1976 rhe [•, i FH.! .1, 'Cr I r H.L.• ; n.,•C . There 11, rb. r“) I i Cnf hi kv hi.P= IN pE:F . L T . t 19/.. inp trr)Nomic my.,,ovAh. OA1 Mt . C ha i r man , t ad i e- =:,=-.(= (:,;,=y,:=vi ,. Pt .,.:==i,Jk on q):,(1.6 ,wp ie.d ( I . LW , • HCH 01 i.,/bot C. Pt rpe t o :•(=,-11-4 I r th(? provic..;ns irA!hH-,4 end WHr.PJVI- Oakitum: 1110 ha- ....-Tidittted Summer Programs for :.onomiclly f'SPEDY) th-w summert.,; and WHERLA''. cd Labor has rb,cntly notif-:ed Oakland County of its 1976 SPEDY atlocarion in the amcmint ft,';.12,'Ye0; and WHERlAS ,n /H /hr. continued high ratc :1 , unemployment in Oakland County, pirticularly among econorricalii yi.titn, it Inn recobvIcndatien of the County Executive end Ole tlanpower Advisory Coticit Oakland County's 1976 SffDY proctram be operated at an enrollment levol ,.4reater than th , 19/(., nr ,gbaii, End Ifl-IERi-A5 a tot.tH 197b SUM' budget of C 1 .6 million is recommended; with such fonds to ho made up from th, 1076 SPEDY i.Olocation plus lettovr fund5, from Oakland County's 1975 SPEDY pbonr.lm and such additionat fund os needed to be drawn Irom County's FY'76 CETA Title I youth progr,m budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED th.a/ tilt' Oakland County Board of Commissioners aulbori7eb the -filing of Oakland County's 1976 SPEDY program applitition/ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board ol Commissioners authorizes the wttdhli.'ihment oF the 1976 SPEDY prograth budget at a maximum of million, The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chilirmon, moves the adoption ni the foregoing resolution. POEM IC SERVICES COMMITTEE Huhert Price, Jr., Chairman Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the rescflution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, But Daly, Dearborn, Dunlevy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kaper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therelc.r, /he 1.11 "Cl', adopted. The Vice Chairman VII Ated the Chair. Betty J. ropLino looi , the Chair.. Misc. 7550 By Mr. Lennon IN RE: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM FOR SENIOR CITIZENS To the Oakland County Board ot Commi ,;sionerc Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlettlen: WHEREAS many senior c1tizens of Oakland County who are receiving social security benefits Or are pension retirees are still employable and wish to augment their fixed incomes within the legal limits; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland would benefit greatly by utilizing the talents of the avail- able senior it by moans of a summer employment progr,,:m similar to the Student Summer Employment Program approved by this Board; and WHEREAS the Summer Employment Program for Senicd - Citizens would be open to all eligible Oakland County residents who wish to supplement their fixed incomes, have reliable transportation and can pass certain precribed skill tests, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorize an appropriation of 5100,000 for the implementation f d 1.177 pilot program to provide County summer employment to eligible senior citi7ens receiving social -,.'cur ity benefits or pension payments, Mr. Ch,)11-mmt. I move the adopt 11111 of the Uric I'll,: resolution. Belnard Lennon, Commi ,;sioner - District 7/18 Moved by Lennon ,wpported hy Patiorson the re-,ollition he referred iii (he Pin,witv.' komliikee the Peronnel Committee. There were no ob6ectiowi. The Vice Chairman returned to the Chair. Commissioners MinuteS Continued. April 29, 1976 Misc. 7551 By Mr, Hoot IN RE. NEW MERIT SYSTEM POSITIONS - DI RI Of ON CONTROL, DIRECTOR OF DISASTER CONTROL AND CIVIL. DEFENSE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, tadie5 and Gentlemen: NOW THEREFORE El 11 RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commiionc.J- With the provisions of Public Act 139 and the Oaidand County MeriE. Systeia, eYablkh the po...itiwr. of Dirtor of Animal C:mtrei and DIrector of Disaster ControI and Civil Defense ns Ccunty Mr position ,:.. Mr. Chairman, I —,pecttully reptic ,:t that I hi ma tT(,i he of orri.d Iii ihe Por ,,onnel Re ,,pectfully Hen ry id_ Hoio, 111-: Vice C. ha Merl r1•Ierred I hi 11 ; omii I in I hi' Ft' ;I mel Ciminni, I '1`. 1111'1 • V.101 .;• objection ,,. Misc. 7552 By Mr. Price IN RE: RE-ASSIGNMENT OF Ii ASTER CONTROL FUNCTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS an effective disaster control program must be an on-going, wide-ranged plan incorporatinq the coordintion of available public service agencies; and WHEREAS this function can best he performed by an existing county-wide public service agency with county-wide ccmmunications capability. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the existing department of Disaster Control he nholished and the responsibility for disaster control he placed with the Oakland County She Department, Mr. Chairman, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner - District 78 Mary M. Dearborn, Commissioner - District 1122 The Vice Chairman referred the resolutionto the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7553 By Mr. McDonald tN RE: RESTRUCTURING OF COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS To the OakInnd County Board of Commissioners Mr. Charman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the composition of the Bonrd of Commissioners has changed mainsull DI the recc.ni election held to !ill the vacancy creoted by the resignation of Mr. Lew Coy; nod WHEREAS the Comittee structure was originally based on a 15-12 nojority; and WHEREAS in the past all Committee structures were based on the make -up ot the Full Board; and WHEREAS the full Board membership is now composed of 14 Democrats and 13 Republicans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee make-up be restructured to fairly represent and reflect the make-up of the full Board of Commissioners as has been the past practice. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. John J. McDonald, Commissioner - District #27 The Vice Chairman referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 7554 By Mr. Pernick IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY CITlZEN-EMPLOYEE GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS citizens and employees of Oakland County have extensive exposure to the many services of Oakland County Government; and WHEREAS these citizens and employees possess the ability to translate their contacts with Oakland County Government into positive suggestions for the (1) improvement. or existing servico delivery systems, (2) creation of programs to !wet the unmet needs of Oakland County Citizens. and (3) elimination or merger of programs that are no longer needed; and WHEREAS significant savings in government operatng costs and improved employee morale May result from such a suggestion system; and WHEREAS many progressive businesses and governments utilize suggestion systems to generate Ideas to improve their operations; and WHEREAS THE Oakland County Board of Commissioners seeks to mobilize the valuable resourco of employee and 6tizen talent to improve the operation of Oakland County Government, 252 foromi$..loners MH-intes Continued. April 29, 1976 NOW IHEBEFORE Bf. IT RU,OLUTO that the Oakland County Board of CommissiDners anthorice and it that a study tA.' tindert ,:..kn to develop a r,ompcehensive, eff.ective Oakland County Citizen - Fmployee Government improveient Sy,trem; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tima OH not LO er:eed 30000 be allocated For professional 5ervice ,„; needed to desiir a t,y..-t.cTi that will of this resolLit.lon. Mr, Chaitn, I 'nov ethe.ad ,:,,ptin of the ' resedu;ion. n(e P Pernftd, Comii•t,ioner - Oktrict :NO The Vice Chaircian 5,4erred the resaalun the finance Comtlitter, and iho Geiliii 1 &worn- meni Comuitte. The Findrice. Ci,mmittee it II be the hoimittec lo report hack to the Board_ rhero wry , no objections_ Porsti,olt o Buie IX 6), I varehy 0ive Notico Of Intent to di<xharge from the Personnel Committee at the nexi. Boald oct in Miscellanec,us Pc-solution No. 7524, pertaining to the elimination of the Budoct p ltto of Federal and State Aide Cocadinatoi'. Betty J. Fortino, Commisner - District 1,15 Moved by Daly supported by Patterson the Board adjourn to Nov 6, 1976 at 9:30 AM. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 12:10 P.O. Lynn D. Allen Bernard F. Lennon Clerk Vice Chairman