HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1974.06.16 - 7514OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING May 16, 1974 Meeting called to order by Chairman Richard R. Wilcox at 10.0B A. M. in the Court Honse Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan_ Invocation given by James Mathews. Pledge of Allegiance. to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Berman, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Hough ten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Perlitioff, Pernick, Ouidn, Richardson, Vogt, Walker. Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Brotherton, Dearborn. (2) Quorum, present. Moved by Pern1ck supported by Button the minutes of May 2, 1974 be approve A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried. Moved by Houghten supported by Pernick the minutes of April 25, 1974 be aproved as prirted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion parried. Clerk read resolution from the OCCEO Governing Board !hat Oakland County be encouraged to move with deliberation regarding the Inter local Agreement in conjunction wich Livingi,ton (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolution from the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority rcbuescing that one- quarter 01 one mill be spread on taxable property in the County. (Referted to the total Government and Equalization Committee.) Clerk read letter from State Representative Melvin L. Larsen acknowledging receipt of resolution regarding the Boer's opposition to MYSfS (Michigan Youth Services Information System:). (Referred to the Human Resources Committee.) Moved by Burley supported by Quinn that the items on the Supplemental Agenda be. abpeoved in accordance with Rule XV and that the rules he suspended in accordance with Rule XI-E for consideration of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, Local Government and Equalization Committee and Special Manoower Committee- A sufficient irialority having voted thereior. the motion carried. Miscellaneous Resolution No, 6677 Submitted and recommended by the Board of Public: Works RE, FARMINGTON SEWAGE. DISPOSAL SYSTEM - 10 MILE ROUGE .ARM Submitted by Mr. Patnales Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Board of Public Works of Oakland County held on April 22, 1974, estimates of the cost and period of usefulness for the Farmington Sewage Disposal System - 10 Mile Rouge Arm and an Agreement between the County of Oakland and. the Township of Farmington (now City of Farmington Milk) pertaining to the acquisition of the )0 Mlle Rouge Arm, were reviewed and approved by said Board and ordered submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval. Pursuant to said resolution, I now 5ubmit such estimates of cost and period of usefulness and such Agreement. Robert F. Patnaies, Chairman Mr. Petnales offered the following resolution: Resolution proposed by Oak laid County Board of Public Works with respect to Farmington Sewage. Disposal System. - 10 Mile Rouge Arm. WHEREAS the Board of Public Works has suBmitted to this Board as or cost and per lot of usefulness for the lO Mile Rouge Arm, to the Farmington Sewage Disposal System which have been approved by the Board of Public Works; and 162 C printed_ 169 • Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Fuhjic Works has approved a form ot Agreement to be dated February 1973, between the County of Oakland and the Township of Farmington (now City of Farmington Hills) pertaining to the extension of the Faiwington Sewage Disposal System to be known as 10 Mile Rouge Arm, and the financing thereof, and did authorize the Chairman and Secretary of the Ranted of Public Works to execute said- Agreement subject to the approval of this Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the said Agreement has been approved and executed by said Township and ratified and adopted by said City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said estimates of cost_ and period 01 usefulness he approved and the County Clerk is hereby authorized to endorse thereon the fact of such approval and return same to the Board of Public Works. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Public Works he and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalt of said County 01 Oakland, said Agreement to be dated February 1, 1973, between the County of Oakland and the Township ot Farmington (now City of Farmington Hills), which reads as follows: AGREEMENT FARMlNGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - 10 MILE ROUGE ARM This Agreement made this 1st day of February, 1973, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan county corporation (hereinafter called the "county"), by and through . its Board of Public Works, party of the first part, and the TOWNSHIP OF FARMINGTON, a Michigan township 'corporation in the County of Oakland, Michigan (hereinafter called the 'township"), party of the second part. WITNESSET H: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors by resolution. Misc. No 3270, adopted August 12, 1957, as amended by resolution. Misc. No. 3339, adepted Januafty• 24, 1958, did approve the establishment ot the Farmington Sewage Disposal Systetil (herein called the "System') to serve [he Farmington Sewage Disposal District (herein called the "District') within whlch District . lies all ol the area of the Township of Farmington and other areas; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Farmington Sewage Disposal System Agreement, dated November t, as amended. by amendatory. agreement s dated December 22, 1918 and February 9, 1959, al] between lhe Court of Oakland and- the Cities of Southfield and Keego Harbor and the Townships of West Bloomfield and Farmington, municipal corporations in said County of Oakland, the sold county acting through its Depart- ment of Public Works, did acquire the original Farmington Sewage Disposai System and did finance such acquisition by the issuance of bonciti, in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corp- orations to the county in accordance With the provisions of said Agreement, aS amended (herein reterred to as the. "Base Agreement"); and WHEREAS Act No. 185 of the Michigan Public Acts of l957, as amended, (herein referred to as "Act No 185") grants to the Board of Public Works in any county having a Department of Public Works the power .a extend any system acquired pursuant thereto; and WHEREAS it is necessary to extend said System in said Township of Farmington under the pro- vlsions of said Act No. 185 by the construction of certain sewers and related facilities (hereinafer sometimes referred to as "10 Mile Rouge Arm' or as the 'project") generally described and located as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a pa 'I hereof for th.e purpose of collecting and disposing of sewage or within that part of said township shown un Exhibit and to finance said 10 Mile Rouge Arm by the issuance of the bonds of the county in anticipation of Ole collection of amounts to become due to the county from the township as hereinafter provided: and WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Public Works (hereinatter suoetimes referred to as the "QPW") has obtained plans and specifications for the construction of said 10 Mile Rouge Arri, and an estimate of the cost and of the period of usefulness thereof prepared by Pate, Hirn and Bogue, Inc., registered professional engineers, which estimates are attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof, end WHEREAS no other -municipality in the District will be affecled by the construction of said • ID Mile Rouge Arm at this time; and WHEREAS in order to acquire said ID Mi/e. Rouge Arm, it is necessary that the county and the said township, parties hereto, enter into this Agreement: THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO, as follows: 1 The plans and specifications for said 10 Mile Rouge Arm, and the estimate of the cost and the period of useluiness thereat, as prepared by the regis'ered prOfessional engineers, are hereby approved and adopted in the form of Exhibit "B". The said 10 Mile Rouge Arm shall consist of sewers as above described and located as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" and shall be designed and used solely For collecting and disposing of sanitary sewage or in that part of said township which is described in the attached Exhibit "A". The said plans and specifications and estimate of cast and period of usefulness shall be submitted to the Board of Coruissioners of said county, together with a resolution approved by the Board of Public Works of said county providing for the issuance of bonds by the county as hereinafter provided. ard if such resolution be approved by said Board of Comriissioners. then the DPW shall proceed to issue said bonds and to acquire said 10 Mile Rouge Arm. The said aroleo shall be divided into sections by the DPW for purposes of acquisition. construction and the letting of construction contracts. Section 1 of the project consists el lose facilities shown on Fxbibil "A" as no ,,i4 in existence and•Section 2 of the project consists of those facilities shown on Exhibit "A" now to be constructed and financed by the county. Section 1 of the project is hereby conveyed, ass1qned and 1:ransferred Lo the county by the township without cost .ancr free of any obligation to reimburse to :he township or any other penson, firm or corporation any money on account of the cost of Section 1. Deeds, bills of sale or other documents required to effectuate and complete the transfer to the county of Section I will be executed and delivered by the township at the request of the Board. The said plans and speciFications and the said lbcations of the sewers may be altered if approved by The Township Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 170 Board of said lownshIp ond by (he Eoard of Public Works. 2. Said ID H, 'e Rourie Atmt hefng an extension of that part .of the laihtlirgtan Sewage Dsoosa' System heretofore constrocted and betnb a part of the ultimate county' system tG serve Foritinuton Sewage Dtsposai Dfstric= , the prof,,'siens of the Base Agreement shall continue in fu i: 1..)1(e. and he applicable to this 10 Mile Rouge Arm, and in particular without limiting the dereraiHh of the foregoicst, 'rich provisions shall be appldt.able. •to this 10 Mile Rouge Arm insofar as connections, connection charges. service to individual users, service charges, maintenance, maintenance charget. operation and imitations on use are concerned. Neither the township nor the county shaL permit the discharge of sewage into said IC Mile Rouge Arm in violation of said Base Agreenent. Any regd . • rules or regulations requested, required or imposed by Federal or State agencies or authoritit. lattive to the 10 Mile Rouge Arm or the Farminglen Sewage Disposal System, and the acquisition, finahf..iuq, operating or malntaining of the same in connectfon with grants, loans, environmenta= protection oh el her Federal or State concerns now or hereafter in effect sh.all be deemed to be incorporated herein and ;n the Base Adreement and shall be fully complied with and met by both the county and the township in fuit cooperation with each other. 7. the township consents to the use by the county of the public streets, affnvt,, =ands add rights of way in the township for the purpose of constructing, operatfng and maintaininh, the /0 Mile Rouge Arm and of any improvements, enlargements and extensions thereto. The township reaft itms its covenant and warrant that all sanitary sewage originating in said township shalf be delivered only to the System, int tbding extensions thereto, for transportation therein and ultimate disposal. tands (other than highways) owned by Or under the iurisdictior of the township or the county within the township shall be liable, to the Sollle extent as privately owned lands, if sanitary sewage emanates theret.rom. to pay the charges for sewage disposal services with respect thereto. 4 . The township shall 13 ,iy to the county the capital cost of said 10 Mile Rouge Arnf Stuh Cap 50 cosh shall he deemed to be the estimated cost shown on Exhibit "B" until the actual cost has be(,,n determined aid set forth on is revised Exhibit "A". If the actua/ cost shall he less thaH the estimated cost. then the surplus from the sale of bonds therefor shall be used lu redeem bonds by c all prior to maturity or to purchase bonds on the open market, and in such event the .bonds so retired shall be cancelled and the ultimate liability of the township shall be reduced by the principal amount of the bonds so refired and cancelled and such amount shall be credited upon the installments payable by the township, as hereinafter provided, in =nverse order of the maturity of such installments. As an alternative the county and township may agree by resolution adopted by the Board, the Boatd ot Commis - sioners and 0-5, Township Board to expend such surplus to extend the Arm or the Systen in the township. If the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, then the rema=n ting installments payable by the township shalf be inbreased proportionately, to as to provide full recovery of the actual cost by the confy. The term H napLal cost" as used above shall include all items of the type shown on Exhibit "5" ana amendment to t Exhibit '1 B" agreed to by the parties. S. lhe township shall make payment for said project to the county, subject to he prov:5jons of paragraph 4 above, in annual Instaliments as set Forth on Exhibt "C" attached hereto dna hv this reference. made a part hereof, together with interest on the balance from time to time rewaininc unpaid at the rate per annum payable on the county bonds such instHlments and the interest Inereott being due and payable thirty (30) days before the due date of princlpal and interest on the c000y bonds. If any insta/Iment or interest is not paid when due, then he aognt thereof shall he subject to a penalty, in addition to interest, of 1/2 of for each month or fraction thereof that the sane remains unpaid after its due date. • The township may pay aH or any part of any installment in advance of its due dale together with accrued interest thereon to the date 01 payment. In addition tnere shall He payable by the township from time. to tillte an amount sufficient to enable the county to ntteet its curtent Obligations for paying agent's ices and other expenses related 10 said bonds. 6 The township does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt payment of the aforesaid obligations and shall each year levy a tax (which shall not be within any statutory or charter limitation) in an amount which, taking into account estimated de/iaquencies in tax colleel icns. will be sufficient for he prompt payment of any amount failing due before the ti=tte of the following year's tax cofiecrion, unless at the time of making such annuab levy there shali be cash on hand (j provided for in paragraph (2), Section 12, of Act No. /85) earmarked for the payment of the cuffeat obligations tor whfc.h the Lax levy is to be made, in whma case the annual tax levy may be reducdd H, that amount. Funds for which credit may be so taken may be raised in any manner provided in sold paragraph (2), Section 12, of Act No. 185, as now exist/nu or hereafter amended, The township agrees that It w=11, at the time oF making each annual tax levy, set aside from other funds an amount Mq1,16: to such princlpal installment and interest tailing due before the next year tax collection and thaf If will from time to time no sufficient funds therefor by une or more of the methods set forth in safd paragraph (2), Sect of-t 12, of Act No. 185. 7. The county shall, upon adoption nil a bond resolution tgt its Board of Cohmissioners, issue Its negotiable bonds with annual principal maturities in the same adtdn =s as the annua fnstallments payable by the towrsnip, to defray the cost of said project. The safd bonds shall pledge be full faith and credit of the county in addition to being payable from the amounts 10 be paid to the county by the township pursuant to this Agreement_ Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of said ALI No. 185 and the applicable general statutes of the state, where not in conflict with said a( A. B. This Agreement shall become effective upon being approved by the Township Board of the township, and by the Board of PublIc Works and Board of Commissioners of 0k land County and properly executed by the officers of the township and of the Board of Public Works. • This Agreement sha i 1 terffonate when the Base Agreement terminates. 171 Commissioners Minutes continued. May 16, 1974 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to he executed and delivered by theirrespective duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year tirst above written, By COUNTY OF OAKLAND Secretary By its Board of Public. Works TOWNSHIP OF FARMINGTON• By By Chairman Supervisor By . . :Township Clerk FARMtNGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TEN MILE - ROUGE ARM ESTIMATE OF COST 36" Tunnel. Sewer 420 ft P. :i 179.00 S 73,500,00 30" Sewer 2,060 L.F. '101 42.00 111,700,00 24" See,er I,005 L.F. 33.50 53,767.00 21" Sewer 7,145 LE. .4 32.50 250,712.50 18" Sewer 13,675 L.F. 4. 35.00 478,029.00 15" Sewer 13,150 L.F. (5) 34.50 453,675,00 12" Sewer 1 ,3 06 L.F 25.50 35,67.50 /OH Sewer 5,730 0 F :l-z) 32.00 183,360100 16" Force Main 1,200 L.F. ,, 25.00 30,000.00 12'1 Force Main 440 L.E. ,,,' 18.00 7,920.00 /0" Force Main 210 E.E. •i, 14.00 2,940.00 24" Casing Pipe 340 OF. 4 139.00 45,900.00 Manholes 169 Ea. (d) 568.74 9,I17.50 Pumping Station 0 1 Ca. ,..,_. 45,000.00 45,000.00 Pumping Station .52 1 Ea. ,i, 250,000.00 250,000.00 Pumping Station /1;13 I La. 270,000.00 270,000.00 Construction Total items 1 Lbru 16 $ 2,390,125.00 Engineering 206,745.51 Administration 59,753.1 3 Legal /2,600.00 Financial 6,600.00 Soil Borings 7,500.00 Easement Acquisition . 200,000.00 Inspection 71,703.75 Contingency 221,197.77 Purchase of Existing Systems .329,774.54 Sub-Total 3,506,000.00 Less Cash on Hand ... ......,........... ..... ....„ 1,000,000.00 Capitalized Interest 294,000.00 Bond Issue 2,800,000.00 hereby estimate the period of usefulness of this facility to be fifty (50) years and upwards. LAURENCE H. PATE, P,E, EXHIBIT '8' FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TEN MILE ROUGE ARM • Schedule of Annual Principal Maturities Year Principal Maturities Year Principal Maturities Year Principal Maturities May/ May 1 MflY 1 1974 -0- 1964 $ 90,000 1994 $ 125,000 , 1975 -0- 1985 75,000 1995 125,000 1976 -0- 1986 75,000 1996 J25,000 1977 -0- 1987 75,000 1997 1211,000 1978 • -0- 1988 75,000 - 1998 150,000 1979 $ 50,000 1989 75.000 1999 150,000 1960 50,000 1990 100,000 2000 175,000 1981 50,000 1991 100,000 2001 1715,000 1982 50,000 1992 100,000 2002 175,000 1983 50,000 1993 100,000 2003 200,000 2004 200 goo 52,800,000 EXHIBIT "C" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the officers of the Board of Public Works are authorized to execute and deliver such number of original copies of said Agreement as they may deem advisable. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE By Robert F. Potholes, Chairman 0 0 0 0 0 FP S a, 0 MIE41,1./.1.99 asitegs. znssa. .1,11.4.¢44.1=1 FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TEN MILE ROUGE ARM G7029 CORM. emardes. anerneeem azzeteml. DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING SEWER (SECTION PROPOSED SEWER (SECTION 2) 'PUMPING STATION FORCE MAIN EXISTING FARMINGTON INTERCEPTOR EXHIBIT "A" Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 Mr. Patnale., moved the adoption of the foregoing resolutiOn: The motion was suppered by Mr. PerinW. Or rol? call the resolution was adopted by the following vote: -YEAS. Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox', Berman, Burley, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot. Hcughten, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patnalus (22) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Brotherton, Button, Dearborn, Kasper. Richardson. (5) Misc, 6679 By Mr, Nowak IN RF: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS ON PROPOSED COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACItiTY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Buildings and Grounds Committee and he Health Cerimittee held a imint meeting on Apr .11 30, 1974 to receive and consider the Oakland County Medical Care Facility building plans, as presented C. he Facilities and Operations Divi5ion of the Board of Auditors; and WHERLAS the Buildings and Grounds Committee accepted the said plans for the Design Concept as amended, from 42,000 square feet to 43,000 square feet: and WHEREAS the Health Committee concurs with the Buildings and Grounds Committee action in accept icy rain plans for the Design Concept, as amended: and WHEREAS the Buildings and Grounds Committee recommends approval and authorization to receive bids on the proposed County Medical Caro Facility plans as accepted by the Buildings and Grounds and Health Committees on April 30; 1974; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Fabilities and Operations Dilsictin of the Board of Auditors he and they are hereby authorized to advertise for and receive bids on the proposed County Medical Care Facility plans as accepted by the .Btfildings and Grounds Committee and he Health r Lommilice on April 30, 1974, The Buildings aid GrofindS COmMitteg, by Patrick M dowak, Chairman, and with the cork_urrem_e of the Health Committee, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Pa/fick M. Nowak, Chairman Moved by Nowak supported by Mathews the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. . AYES: Pernick, Quinn,.RiChaedson, We Wilcox, Berman, Burley, Button. Coy, Douglas. Dunleavy, Gabler. Hobart:, Hoot, Houghten, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante. Ncm,rak. OLson, Patnales. Perinolf, (23) NAYS: Vogt, Kasper. -(2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resoluiion was adopted REPORT By Mr. Nowak IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION - COST ESTIMATE. FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Buildings and Grounds Committee, by Mr. Nowak. Chairman. reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6657 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman "Misc. 6657 By Mc. Nowak IN RE: COST ESTIMATE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentiemen: WHEREAS the Inspection report of the Oakland County Hospital as made hy the Michigan Depart- ment ot Public Health, dated March 13, 1974, liSts certain huilding deficiencies; and WHEREAS your Committee has considered a cost estimate for improvements to the Oakland County Hospital and recommends the following, which is based on correcting the Majority of the deficiencies as listed in said inspection report; Exterior brick repair, tuckpointing and waterproofing S 62,i65.00 0927 building) 2. Exterior painting 15,964.00 3. Interior painting and plaster repair 32,460.00 A. Emergency electrical generator - 100 MV 30,000.00 5. Ground exist inn electrical outlets 3,500t.00 6. install covers over cast iron radiators 10,205.00 7. Miscellaneous 5,252.00 Estimated Cost S159,546.00 10/ Contingency 15,954.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $175,500.00 1/2 173 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the cost estimate of 5175,000.00 for correction of the herein listed building deficiencies in the Oakland County Hospital. The Buildings and Grounds Committee, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the ,adoption of the foregoing resolution. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chafrmanu COST ESTIMATE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL The following estimate is based on correcting the ma]ority of the deficiencies listed in the Michigan Department of Public Health's March 13, 1974 inspection report of the Oakland County Hospital: I. Exterior brick repair, tuckpointing and waterproofing (1.927 building) S 62,165.00 2. Exterior painting 15,9E4.00 3. Interior painting and plaster repair 32,460.00 4. Emergency electrical generator 100 KU 30,000.00 5. Ground existing electrical outlets 3,500.00 6. Install covers over cast iron radiators 10,205,00 7. Miscellaneous 5,252.00 Eslimated Cost S159,546.00 10X Contingency 15,954,00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $175500,00 Itpms not included in the above estimate because of extensive costs are: • I, Additional electrical outlets for patient's rooms. 2. increased ventilation for patient's rooms, nurses stations, kitchen. etc. 3. Installation of night lights for patient's rooms. Additional lavatories for patient's rooms. 5. Additional storage area for hospital equipment and supplies. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE t KISCELLANEW$ RESOLUTION - COST ESTIMATE FOR IMPROVEMENT TO OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman., Ladies- and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $50,000.00 available in G.P.O. 19714 Operating Budget and $125,500.00 to be derived From the General Fund Unappropriated Surplus Account. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. flOughtern. Chairman Moved by Nowak supported by Patnales that resolution 6657 be adopt Discussion Followed. AM: Quinn, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Burley-, Button. Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy ., Hobart, Houghten, Lennon_ Mathews, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Perinotf, Pernick. (20) NAYS: Vogt:, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Montante. (5) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT' By Mr. Nowak IN RE' MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 06676 - INVESTIGATE FEASfBIliTY Of ACQUIRING WOODS IDE MEDICAL, INC, FOR POSSIBLE MEDICAL CARE FACILITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chal'rman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Buildings ahd. Grounds Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution r/6676 with the recommendation. that. the Board of Auditors and the Facilities and Operations Di-vision be directed. to enter. into: negotlations. with WoodsIde Medical, Inc. without making any offers and report findings back to the Buil"clings and: Grounds Committee an.d this Board. The- Buildings and Grounds Committee, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman "Misc. 66.76 By Mr. Wilcox IN RE: INVESTIGATE FEASIBILITY OF ACQUIRING. WOODSIDE MEDICAL, INC. FOR POSSIBLE MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES To the Oakiand County- Bpard of Commissioners Mr. Chairman-, Ladies- and Gentlemen: WHE..R.EA5. as Chairman. of the Oakland County Board. of Commissioners, I received a communication in lhe form of a- letter from Woodsjde Medical, IncorponaIed offering, !their institution for sale; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is most interested in meeting the Hospitat needs of its people: and WHEREAS possible purchase of sajd institution offers the possibility of meeting this need with great savings to the taxpayers of this county. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposition of purchasing Woodside Medical, Inc. be referred to the Flu' dings and Grounds Committee for immediate investigat3on and report back to this Board of Commissioners. Richard R. Wilcox, Cneirrrai Moved by Nowak supported by Patnales the report be accepted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carrred. Moved by Nowak supported by Patnales that resolution d6676 be adopted. A- sufficient ma3ority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Mr. Dunleavy requested that Claude A. Trim, Springfietd Township Supervisor be allowed to address the Board. There were no objections. Mr. Trim addressed the Board relative to a lack of communication between the Oakland Couniv Parks and Recreation Department with the Springfield Township Board re: Scheduling of concerts at Springfie1d-Oaks Park without conferring with the Township Board for their approval or disapprovat. REPORT By Mr, Button IN RE MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION i/.6655 - SENATE BILL 868 - LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlerfwn: The Legislative Committee reports Miscellaneous Resotution .“3655 with the recommendatIon that proposed legisIation as contained in Senate. Bill 868 be opposed and that Miscellaneous Reso1utitq ..6655 be adopted. The Legislative Committee, by Robert A. Button, Chairman, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman 'Misc. 6655 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: SENATE. BILL 868 - LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS To the Oak3and Coonty Board o[ Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there is presentiy pending in the Michigan Legislature, Senate Bill No 868: arrd WHEREAS Senate Fill No. 868 removes the right of local ietjis3ative bodies to object to the renewal application for Liquor Licenses 11 with the Liquor Control Commission; and WHEREAS the local units are ch,r1rged with the responsibility of protecting their citizens and are in the best positions to determine whether the renews l of at license wil1 create safety problems within their focal units; and WHEREAS the removal of such approvaI interferes with the local units control of Liquor Licenses within their corporate boundaries and their ability to protect their citizens; and WHEREAS the County of Oakiand believes that the local units of government should have the right to approve the renewal of Liquor Licenses within their corporate boundaries; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes the passage ot Senate Bill No, 868 for the reason that. said Senate Bill further 11 1! its the authority of local units of government. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of The foregoing resolution. 1an V. Moffitt, Commissioner- Distr3ct ttEl" Moved by Button supported by Mofflt.t. the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Berman that resolution •6655 be adopted. AYES: Richardson, Vogt, Waiker, Wl 3cox. Berman, Burley. Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleav ,,, Gab1er, Hobart, Hoot., HoughTen, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews. Moffitt. Mont ante, Nowak, Olson, Patnales. Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn. (25) NAYS: None (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolLition was adouted. 175 Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 Misc. 6579 By Mr, Button IN R.E. SUPPORT OF AMENPMENT TO HOUSE BTU_ 5516 - CIRCUIT COURT REPORTERS SALARIES To the Oakland County. Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS the original bill House Bill 5516 would set a minimuM salary for Circuit Court Reporters of 516,000.00, with the County paying the entire amount; and WHEREAS the House of Representatives adopted an amendment that specifies the salarv or Circuit Court Reporters wi/1 be determined iiby the County Board of Commissioners" and strikes out the balance of the bi/i increasing their minimum salary to $16,000,00; and WHEREAS your Committee recommends that the amendment remain in House Br ii 5i6t NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissionerii, hereby supporls House Bill 5576. as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Legislators be requested rot to remove this amendment_ The Legislative Committee, by Robert A, Button, Chairman, moves the adoption ofthe foregoing resolution. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Robert A. Button, Chairman Moved by Button supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Quinn IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION •16651 - APPRAISAL FEES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Local Government and Equalization Committee, by Donald C. Quinn, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6651 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE Dona id C. Quinn. Chairman "Misc. 6651 By Mr. Mathews IN RE: APPRAISAL FEES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been requested to participate in both the cost of litigation and in obtaining an appraiser for a current property appeal filed on behalf of Northland Center with tHe State Tax Commission; and WHEREAS the County of Oak/and wiI1 stand to use subsLari1lal amounts ml Eax dollars over a three year period if the appeal is lost: and WHEREAS the City ol .Southfied and the Oak Park School District have decided. to obtain an independent appraisal at an estimated cost. of Ten Thousand (S10,000.00) Dollars, and WHEREAS the City of Southfield and the Oak Park School District have agreed to share the LOSt of the appraisal and such other costs exclusive of attorney fees; and WHEREAS if they are successful in defending the assessed value, the balance of the County y.ril1 share in their efforts and investment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland does hereby agree lb participate smith school districts, cities and townships in the payment of appralser fees and other costs exclusive of attorney fees in connection with property tax appeals before the Michlgon State Tax Commission or ftie State Tax Tribunal as initiated by taxpayers. BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED that rhe County's participation snail be iimited to Hts proportionate share of the costs, The Loco/ Government arid Fc4(16ration Committee, by Donald C. Quinn, Jr., Char mien, moves the. adoption of the foregoing resohtion. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE James Mathews. Vice Chairran" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE - M#SCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION !/6651 - APPRAISAL FEES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentemen. Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee tinds funds available for Oakland County's proportionate share of the cost ot the independent appraisal of Northland Center in the Contingent Account of the 1974 budget_ Such funds are to he appropriated In an amount not to exceed 9.63/ of the final appraisal lee or 5J,000 00, whichever is less, FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman 175 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 Moved by Quinn supported by Moffitt that resolution iii6651 be adopted, Discussion lallowed. AYES: Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Burley. Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy. Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, •Houghten, Kasper, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Ferinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson. (23) NAYS: None, •(0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted, Misc. 6680 By Mr. Quinn IN RE HOUSE BILL. 5504 To the Oakland County Board of CommiSsioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cormissioners has urged the adoption of House Pill 5504, and WHEREAS House Bill 5504 is presently in the Senate Taxation Committee; and WHEREAS there is a proposed amendment which reads as follows "Amend House Bill 5504 by striking out page 2, line 9, after the word i'provided" the balance of lines 10 and 11 and inserting the following: 'Property shall be assessed at 49/ in tax year 1975, and 48/ in tax year 1976 and thereafter in accordance with Article IX, Section 3, of the Constitution. For purposes of equalizarion only a range of 50/. and 48/ shall be allowed far tax year l975 and a range of 491. to 471 for tax year 1976 and thereafter. IF the level of assessment of any assessing unit is between 491 and 48/ in Lea year 1975 ii shall be at 481 in tax year 1976. If the level of assfitment in an assessinii unit fails below 48/ in tax year 1975 it shall be equalized at 49/ for tax year 1975, bn tax year 1976 and stmteeding tax years a local assessing unit that is assessing in the rane of 487 to 47J sha/1 be raised to 48/ the next following tax year by equalization. Any local assessing unit, with a level of assessment below 47/ in any tax year after 1975 it shall be raised to a level of 48/ by the equalization process.' Page 2 line 16 change 1964 to 1975. WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges and continues its support of House BM 5504 with the above amendment; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the adoption of House Bill 5504 and supports said bill as proposed to be amended as set forth above; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners continues is support of the concept as set forth in Miscellaneous Resolution 6509. The Local Government and Equalization Committee, by Donald C. Quinn, Jr., is Chairman. muve$ the adoption of the foregoing resolution. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND EUALIZATION COMMITTEE Donald C. Otlinn, Jr., Chairman Moved by Quinn supported by Walker the resolution be adopted. Moved by Dunleavy supporied by Walker the rules be suspended for immediate Gonsideration, AYES, Walker, Wilcox. Berman, Burley, Put ton Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, HCAJ, Houghten, Kasper, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante. Nowak, Patnales, Perinoff, Quinn, Richardson. Voc;(. {'.22) NAYS, None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 6681 By Mr. Kasper IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT - NEW CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARIES To the Oakland County 'Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the needs of the Parks and Recreation Commission for part-time and summer empioyees have changed with the utilization of mobile recreation centers and the contracting . out of food and beverage service; and WHEREAS these employees are paid only from Parks and Recreation funds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following classifications be deleted: Bartender - Banquet Counter Help - Concession Bartender - Lounge Dishwasher Busboy - Lounge Waiter/Waitress - Banquet Cook - Concession Waitress - Lounge BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following new classifications and hourly salary ranges hp es(ahlished: Student Summer Clerical Help From[ To; From . Ino 177 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 Base I Year 2 Year 7 Year Program Specialist II - P. ef R. $5,00 S .25 55.50 Program Specialist I - P. & R. 4.00 4,25 0.50 0.75 Program Supervisor - P. e,- R. 3 25 3,'..,:0 3.75 4.00 Recreation Leader - F. & R. 2 75 3.60 3,25 3.50 Gardener - P. 0 R. 3.00 0.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the follow;nq hourly salary range be adjusted Manager's Aide - P. 0 R. Prom: Base l Year 2 Year 3 Year To: 53.25 $3.50 $3.75 S4,00 The Personnel Practices Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Paul E. Kasper, Chairman Moved, by Kasper supported by Button the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc 6682 By Mr. Kasper IN RE! NEW CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY - ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chal-rman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS in addition to the usual summer employees it is possible to employ students of Administration who will be supervised by the County and monitored by their college during their temporary employment with the County; and WHEREAS such students will bring specific applicable academic ba(kground to the County and will be required to develop and carry out specific projects during such employment; and WHEREAS it is the ntentjon to experiment Niih rot more than four such P05 it during the summer of n 974, to be paid from Summer Employment Funds; and WHEREAS it appears that such employment Warrants a higher salary than paid for Summer Clerical Help and Summer Laborer Help; NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that the Classification ot "Administrative Iriern" be established with on hourly salary range of: Base I Year $2.50 $2.75 The Personnel 1PactIces Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, MOVQS the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Paul E. Kasper, Chairman Moved by Kasper supported by Lennon the resolution be feferred to [he Finance Committee. There were no objections, REPORT By MT, Kasper. IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS- RESOLUTI-ON- T .6652 - MINIMUM WAGE LAW To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; The Personnel Practices Commiftee, by Paul E. Kasper. Chairman, ceports Misceifaneous Resolution No. 6652 with the recommendati.on that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Paul E. Kasper, Chaiman 'Misc. 6652 By Mr Nowak IN RE: MINIMUM WAGE LAW To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1974 amendments to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. effec -Hve May i, 1974. include the employees of local government under the provisions of this act for the First time. and WHEREAS one of the provisions of this act is the setting of a minimum wage; and WHEREAS the County has onfy two cfassifications below the required m[nimum wage, bcdh of which have been at their current rates for the last five years[ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary rates be adjusted effective May I. 1974 Base 6 Months $1.75 Per HOUT 52.00 Per Hour 2[00 Per HOUT 2.25 Per Hour Si .75 Per Hour $2.00 Per Hour 2.0C Per Hour 2,25 Per Hour Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 178 The Personnel practices Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, moves the adopien ni he foregoing resolution, PERSONNEL. PRACTICES COMMITTEE- • Patrick M. Nowak, Vice•Chairman'' • FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 1,66.52 - FUNDING FOR POSITIONS 'COVERED UNDER NEW MINIMUM WAGE LAW To the Oakjand County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to R1_11e X14. of this Board, the FinAnce Eommittee finds the slim of $23,241.00 available in the Salary AdjustrLent line item of the 1974 Oakland County Budget and $4,122,00 is avail- able from other sources. Funds in the amount of $10,E75.00 be appropriated to Summer Employment line item of the Salary Reserve Budget and 512,36.00 be appropriated to the operating departments as follows: loci, as,, Increase • Auditors-Accounting 22R Equalization 229 Auditors - Central Services 6-.) Health I,374 Auditors - Data Processing Hospital ,i16 Auditors - D. E.° 458 Probate Court 1,ft.03 Auditors - Personnel 458 Probate-Juvenile Court 916 Auditors - Planning 229 Prosecuting Attorney 96 Circuit Court 458 Sheriff 456 Clerk/Register 1,374 Sheritf - Marine Safety Commissioners 229 Treasurer 911: District Courts 916 TOTAL 12,366 FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Moved by Kasper supported by Douglas that resolution ,:6652 be adopted. AYES! Wilcox, Berman, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hocd , Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Monfante, Nowak, Olson, Ratnales, Perinoft. Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Walker. (25) NAYS, None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resol nt.on was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Kasper IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION :6665 - SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER AND ASSISTANT CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Practices Committee, by Raul F. Kasper, Chairman, reports MM:,ceilaneou Resolution No. 6665 with the recommendation that the resoiut ion be adopted. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMFITLE Paul E. Kasper, Chairman REPORT By Mr. Nowak IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION :6665 - SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER AND ASSISTANT CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER To the. Oakland County Board of Commissioners • Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The BuiLdings and Grounds Committee reports that it concurs with Miscellaneous Resolution :/6665. The Buildings and Grounds Committee, by PafricT M. Nowak, moves the acceptance of the foregoing report BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman ''Misc. 6665 By Mr, Kasper IN RE: SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER AND ASSISTANT CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Genflemerm WHEREAS the. Security Unit of the Department of Facilities and Operations has grown from three employees In 1967 to the current staff of 24; and WHEREAS the size of this unit wii? increase even lurther due to requests for' security coverage from the Airport, the Parks and Recreation Department and the Depart iRent of Public Works: al ,d WHEREAS the work of the Security Unit has broadened to include. a considerable amount safety work in cooperation with the Central Services Division; and 179 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 WHEREAS the position of Chief Security Officer is about to become vacant due to retirement and the position of Aesistant Chief Security Officer Is vacant due to resignation; and WHEREAS a comparison of the current County salaries for these positions with the salaries of comparable positions in other County Departments and in private employment indicates that current County salaries are too loW to attract replacements with the quantity and quality of experience and training required; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the to] towing. salary adjustments be. applied to these Classifications: ,L-Laslif. Chief Security Officer: Base I Year 2 Year 3 Year From: $11,000 $11,500 512,000 To: 15,700 16,200 l6,700 $17.200 517.700 Assistant Chief 'Secur'ity Officer From: $10,900 To: 13,700 514,200 $14,700 515,200 515,700 The Personnel Practices Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, moves the adoption of he foregoing resolution, FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION' - SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER AND ASSISTANT CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed and concurs with the Salary Adjustments proposed in subject resolution; and further, that the necessary funds will be derived from Non-Budgeted Sources. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D Houghten, Chairman Moved by Kasper supported by Richardson the report be accepted and Resfolution 6665 he adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Olson supported by Burley the resolution be referred to the Public Protections and Judiciary Committee. Mr. Gabler moved that the resolution be iaid on the table until a time certain. No support. Mr. Kasper requested that Daniel. T. Murphy, County Executive and Chairman of he Board of Auditors be allowed to address the Board or this subject. There were no objections. Mr. Murphy addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Mr. Lennon moved the previous question. Supported by Mr. Quinn. Mr. Gabler moved the referral be laid on the table. No support. The Chairman stated those in favor of calling the previous question, say Aye, and those opposed, say No. The vote was' as follows: AYES! Berman, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart,. Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Pernick, QdLnri, Richardson, • Vogt, Wilcox. (23) NAYS: Walker. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Chairman called for a vote on the referral. The vote was as follows: AYES: Burley, Douglas, Hoot, Pernick, Walker, Berman. (6) NAYS: Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Houghten. Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Houghten, Kasoer, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante y Nowak, Parniales, Quinn, Richardson. Vogt, Wilcox. (16) NAYS: Hoot, Mathews, Olson, Quinn, Waiker, Berman, Burley. 7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the. resolution was adopted. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Paul E. Kasper, Chairman!' • Commissioners Minutes Contineed, May 16, 1974 i8C REPORT By Mr, Kasper IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOMION 66666 - PROBATE COURT JUOGf:S SALARIES To the Oakland County; Board of Commissioners Mr. Ch-airman, Ladies and ;Gentlemen:. • . The PersOnnei Erect ices Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6666 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Pea C. Kasper, Chairmarf "Msc, 6666 ; By Mr. Kasper IN RE; PROBATE COURT JUDGES SALARIES To,the• Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the annual salary rate of a Probate Judge in Oakland County has been the maximum allowable by statute, $35,000.00, of which $15,750.00 is from State funds and $19,250,00 is from County funds, and • WHEREAS Act 21 of the Public Acts of 1974, which became effective March 1, l974 raises the total allowable annual salary rate to $36,330.00 and the•amount from the State to $16,348,50, salary adjustments of 3.814; and WHEREAS the amount required from County funds to raise the total annual salary rate to the new allowable maximum rate of $36,330.00 is $19,981.50, a 3:8/ adjustment; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the annual salary rate paid from County funds towards the salary of a Probate Judge he increased to $19,981,50 effective March 1, 1974. The Personnel Practices Comm.ittee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, moves the adoption of them foregoing resolution, PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Paul E. Kasper, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION ti6666 - PROBATE JUDGES SALARIES ADJUSTMENT • To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman,. Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of 31,856.00 available in the Salary Adjustment line item of the 1974 Oakland County Salary Reserve Budget. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred 0: Houghten, Chairman Moved by Kasper supported by Richardson that resolution o6666 be adopted, AYES: Coy, Douglas, Donleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, MoffTtt, Montante, Nowak, Pafnales, Pernick, Richardson, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Button. (1 .9) NAYS; Hoot, Olson, Burley. (3) ABSTAIN: Hobart. (I) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted. Misc. 683. By Mr. Richardson IN RE, TERMINAL BUILDING RESTAURANT LEASE AND CONCESSION AGREEMENT RENEWAL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen; WHEREAS by Miscellaneous. Resolution No. 5298, dated February 19, 1970, the Cdunty of Oakland leased' to Transcontinental Airlines Systems, Inc:, 2,580 square feet in the Oakiand-Rodtiec Airport Terminal Building to provide food and beverage service to the general public and WHEREAS the present Lessee, Rinke Enterprises, Inc., successor corporatibn of Transcontinental Air/ines Systems, Inc., added at its own expense, 2,976 square feet : bringing the present total leased area to 5,556 square feet, and - WHEREAS Rinke Enterprises, Ire, desires to renew the lease for a term of ten (10) years; and WHEREAS your Transportation and Aviation Committee has reviewed the terms' of the new lease and recommends that the County of Oakland enter into a lease with the Rinker Enterprises, Inc. in accordance with the terms of the lease which is attached hereto. ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to enter into a lease with Rinke Enterpr;Ses, Inc, said lead to he For a term of ten (10) years at the rate of Ten Thousand ($10,000,00) Dollars per year, and a perbentage rent as specified in the lease. ; The Transportation and AviatIon Committee, by E. Frank Richardson, its Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. TRANSPORTATION AND AVIATION COMMITTEE E. Frank Richardson, Chairman 18} Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 TERMINAL BUILDING RESTAURANT LEASE AND CONCESSION AGREEMENT_ THIS LEASE AND CONCESSION AGREEMENT, made and entered into on the day of by and between THE COUNTY OF .OAKLAND, a Mlchigah Constitutional Corporation, 'hereinafter. • referred to as 'lessor, and Rinke Enterprises, Inc, , a Michigan Corporation. •Oakiand County. Michigan hereinafter referred to as "Lessee." WITNESSETH WHEREAS •the Lessor operates the Terminal Building on the Oakland-Pontiac Airport • located in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, and State of Michigan, hereinafter called the 'Airport. and WHEREAS the Lessor owns and operates a Terminal Building designed to provide facilities for the purchase of food and beverages, for the general public; and WHEREAS the Lessee is desirous of engaging in a restaurant operation and represents itself to he capable of furnishing food of high quality and at reasonahle'erices aed to that end is desirous of obtainiddg certain rights and privileges Incidental thereto and hereinafter set forth, which rights and privileges the Lessor has power to grant; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements herein .contained and other valuable considerations, the Lessor does hereby lease and let unto the. Lessee, and Lessee does hereby hire and take from the Lessor, certain premises, facilities, rights, services and privileges in connection with the Airport Terminal Building as follows, to-wit: ARTICLE I - LEASED AREAS Lessee is granted the use of 5,56 square feet,/ more or less, .• OF space in the terminal . Building on the Oakland-Pontiac Airport, described as follows: I, Dining Room Area . 3538 square feet 2. Kitchen Area 469 square feet 3. Basement Storage Area 198 square feet 4. Storage Area - 420 square feet 5. dower Banquet Room Area 931 square feet . • TOTAL AREA 5,556 square feet Lessee shall serve and dispense quality foods and beverages with adequate portions, ard at prices comparable to those maintained at other high quality restaurants in the Pontiac area ARTICLE II - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CONCESSION - DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND NEWSSTANb FACILITY, The Lessee shall have the right in rhe Terminal Building to operate a -restaurant facility serving food and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, coffee shop and newsstand facility in the dining room area. The items permitted to be sold at the newsstand facility shall include items generally sold in general merchandise concessions in airport terminal buildings including, but not limited to news- papers, periodicals, tobaccos, greeting cards, postcards, gifts, books, jewelry, toys, photography supplies, drugs, cosmetics, soft goods of type commonly sold at such concessions, including handker- chiefs, neckties, scarves, gloves, and stockings, perfumes, and other items as may be mutually agreed to between the Lessor and the Lessee, from time to time.; provided that Lessor, acting through its Director of Aviation shall have the absolute discretion to prohibit and control sale of printed matter which it may consider not to be desirable for sale at such location. IN-FLIGHT MEALS Lessee shall have the right to prepare and sell in-flight meals for con- sumption aboard aircraft when and il ordered by airlines or corporate-owned aircraft, provided that nothing in this base shall be construed to give Lessee any exclusive right, francHlse or privilege with relation thereto, it being understood that the operators of said aircraft are not restricted by Lessor to dealing with Lessee. In connection with the preparation and sale of in-flight meals for consumption aboard aircraft, the Lessee shall, at all times, comply with any and all federal, state and local statutes. ordinances, rules and regulations, and shall at its own expense secure any and all necessary permits and licenses from federal, state, and local authorities, as the case may be, prior to the service of' in-flight meals, ARTICLE Ill - METERING The Lessor will provide water and cause metering to be provided tor electricity and gas. the Lessee shall pay its own electric and gas bills at the regular establshed rates charged by Detroit Edison Company and Consumers Power Company on separate meters in addition to the rentals herein provided. Lessor will supply heat at average temperature of 72 0 during winter season and- circulating fresh air when heat is not required, at Lessor's expense.. - WINDOW WASHING Lessor will at. 'its cost provide for washing of all windows on the outside only in Lessee's area at periodic intervals, and not less than six times per year. ARTICLE IV -OBLIGATIONS OF LESSEE Any additional equipment necessary for the proper operation of the restaurant in addition to the equipment furnished by the Lessor in the Inventory attached hereto, shall be purchased by the Lessee who shall pay the cost of maintenance of such equipment and who shall not the Director of Aviation of all such additfonal equipment commingled with the equipmend furnished by the Lessor. It 'is further agreed that ail of the Lessee's equipment which may be purchased or added shall be of high quality, safe, fire resistant,•modern in design, attractive. in appearance, and shall harmonize with equipment furnished by:the -Lessor_ The Lessee's equipment shall be approved by the Director of Aviation before installation on the premises, It is further agreed by the Lessee that the service road to the ThadThg• dock, and the dock, are to be used in common with others; service trucks or automobiles may park for unloading puncoses only. and then - be removed. immediately,' MAINTENANCE OF EQULPMENT The Lessee agrees, at all times, to maintain and keep in first- class condition, at the Lessee's sole expense, all equipment furnished by the Lessor, including equipment owned by the Lessee. If Lessee fails to do so, the Lessor shall hire the iT.aintenance Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 1Pt2 performed, and chrqe the Lessee for the total Eost of sugh work. I A- paid by the tenth of the fol t.m.i month. it t,to ; 11 bc r-c-d c = tar cont. . . . t : . Except ttte, here n spec i . :tr. h t t urn lurrtith t pMeit•• r 1 i; , , LIF ! ii1r1 May bEt requ i red r-ct: t t ec/tt 1fl r S ha remain ssee ev,„, j c:h hc: jnst 611f. f or property furnished b ./ tesor • in addition to prooerty rnhd y lesor ender the terms • this agreement immediat - ;, vest in L. or after its, installafidn. Title to alt lixtercE shall be vested in. t.,..--sc.tr and shall r....t,t:111 in thd ledsed oremisxs at the (ancidsion dl tne lease_ agrees to k.cp its ;A:onal propeity used crt •hcht leaser! lree and clear of all liens and in thte eve rd. that any claims of lien arc fieet uriainst r.ach propf.,ty to remove the same within rinct.ty (901 days atter he same ma .,/ he fi .led ur to prc .vde Lesi,or with d bond in sufficient m-cur,t ii on terms act.eptaislo to Lessor, guarantdeing the removal ot such Her :es:see aqrces that ii w:tt adopt and usc decorating sthemes nd watits in Indrmor/ with the design and architectural trear:Tqnt of the Ferminai •nilding nC miii Italbmit the same, including any proposed chanr..ies wherein, to ti.. ot Aviaticr for actproval pror to instai1afidn. ElECTRICAL AND .PLUMEWL. CWINGES Lessee shdil oh 'n prior ..10proval from the Lessor before installing at their expense in tcssee's areas any equipment which will require new electrical or plumbing connections or chance,: in those installed in said areas as of the initial date 01 this contract. DECORATION AND REDECORATION Lessee shall at their soie expense do any and ill redecora;ing of the Lessee',, areas oiher than the in decorating, provided that redecoration shall be under- taken itn a manner approved by lessor acting through the Director of Aviation_ Initial decoration and all subsequent redecoration shall be subject to approval of Lessor. HOURS OF OPERATION Lessee shall keep the Dining Room open for breakfast, lunch and dinner service to the public at least on the average of ten (10) hours per day. seven . (7) days per week with adequate service to meet public demand, in no event shall the hours 01 operaiion . he curtailed to an extent that the service contemplated under this contract shall he diminished. However, subject to weather conditions, winten season, or air traffic conditions, the hours. of operation of the concesson way be adiusted by mutual agreement of Lessor and Lessee. Lessee shall, at all times, comply with the Federal Pure Food and Drug Laws and other applicable laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Michigan, County of Oakland, Town- ship of Waterford, and all applicable health rules and regulations, and the rules elid regulations governing the operation of the Airport. LEY:E.E'S MANAGER Lessee. shall at ail times retain an aclive, quaiiried, competent and experienced to supervise the concession operations and dutherized to represent and act ior the Lessee in matters pertaining to the day-by-day operation of the concession, LESSEE, EMPLOYEES AND SERVICE Lessee's service shall be prompt, clean, Lourteous, ettictent and sufficient in. quantiti. tes:see shall at all times provide personnel sufficient to operate the leased facilities on a standard equal to that maintained by comparable restaurant operations at comparable locations. lessee's employees shall be clean, courteous, efficient and neat in appeaance. All restaurant employees shoil wear uniforms, Lessee shall not employ any person or persons in or about the Lcssee's areas wha shaH use improper language or act, in a loud or no or at improper manner, Upon written not by the Lessor to the Lessee that any person employed by Lessee at the Airport is, in Lessor's opinion, disorderly, unsanitary, or otherwise unsatisfactory. the Lessee shall, within t.wenty- four (24) hours, remedy the situation to Lessor's saiistattion and failine that the employee shall bc removed irOm Service at the Airport and shall not -again he trained or employed by Lessee at the Airport without consent of the Lessor, TRASH AND GARBAGE Lessee shall provide at its soie expense a cone- 'etc and drcper ariapcjcment for the adequate sanfary handling and disposal, away from the Airqort, ol all :rash, clarhaqe, and other refuse caused as a result of the operation of the t.oncession. Lessee shall provide and use S;!,".-=hic covered metal receptacles of all garbage. trash, and othet refuse On or in connection wit'h the Lessee's areas_ Piling of boxes, cartons barrels or other similar items in Or' about Ote aloresaid premises is forbidden_ Such obtigetions shall he performed al he sole Lost of the Lessee. f....7.psTs BORNE EN LESSEE. Except as hereinabove provided, Lessee shall bear at its o.tyci expense al1 costs ol operating the concession, including any and all taxes, and except as hereinabove plovided, shall pay for and obtain all permits and licenses required by authority of law in connection with the operation of the concession ; including the Class "C'' Liquor License. Lessee shall pay for gas and electric current at the rates applica6le for such services, aii in additio;: to the rentals otherise provided For herein, Lessee shall pay all taxes and assessments levied or assessed on the leased premises ,ind the Lessee's personal property located on said premises, PUBLIC- ADDRESS SYSTEM Lessee shall permit the installation in its premises of Lhe aicpari public address system and the reception within its premises of FliOt anocuncements and other inlotmatidn broadcast over that system, RECORDED MUSIC Lessee may at its sole expense, provide reLorde.d mesft subject to approval at the Director of Aviation. ARTICLE V -REMODELING Lessee agrees that it will cemcde/ the banquet room area in the basement of the terminal building, such remodeling shall be completed not later than one (1) year after the execution of lease.. Lessee agrees that the remodeling of the banquet roam area will be done in accordance with the plans and cpecii"icaiOnS approved hy the lessor. Such approval by the lessor sHall be in writing, 183 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May i6. ARilIGLE. VI IP( PRICE (TONTROl In entering into this font_esion in !he Tor•iinal• Building at (he Oaklani:—C.mti..). Airport, the Lessor has for- os rn Tind pro,iding the puklic anu rho air traveler oilh :Ta..ilitigs of hiuh qualir.y.. To ae)omplish his, )he Ite()see) Ser and dispense high guailt4 adequate portions and at prices t:oTparabie to those maintaireq at other high goniiy cestauraw.)• in Oakland County. The Le,ne's initial price, quall:y 0111 portlon schedules wiH be suHec( to approe.-31 by the Lessor prior tc: (f)ct beginning or opera: cm. nnd al a(0: Lime thereafter. ARTVGLE VII -TERM 1.);s().a 51J,i1 has:.., fell authority /c use said p .remises or tax: Hities and to exercise the ciptx, .)nd prkn ik ,:es set forth herein (or a term of ten (10) years r.ommenc- int: on the date. c: ,he execution a Ihis Lessee. ,fnil have flm anfion to re this Lease prior to the expiration th.er),-of for a period of five (5) year- upon the some terms and coPiitlerifi, Notice of election to renew hereunder by Picks Enterprises, Inc. (in- its heir's legal repr-o ,.i7ntaiives, successors, and assigns) sho11 he in writing and given to the Director of Aviation at le)s .,) (601 days before the expiration of thi ,; lease. - Lessee shall have rhe option to a second renewal of this Lease prior to the expiration thereol for five (5) upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties hereto. ARIlllIE Vill -RENT Lessee, in consideration of the leasing of the premises lacilities, rights, licerst-, yo:;rvices and privileges, and the performance by Lessor of the covenants and agree- ments herein )rovided to be performed by , hereby covenants and agrees to pay rent to Lessor, as - follows; MINIMUM RENT Commencing with the date of the execution of /his Lease, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor a minimum rent ,xnnually of Ten Thousand (510,000.00) Dollars. Up to one-halt (1/2) of the annual rent may be deducted as credits until the Lessor's share of the costs or the restaurant addition and banquet room area remodeling cost is paid. In no event shall the total cost to the Lessor exceed Forty Thousand 040,000.00) Dollars. The parties agree hereto that the Lessor' participation in costs shall be ilmited to construction of the walls, roof, floor, utilities, hearing and air conditioning of the restaurant addition heretofore completed pursuant to Article V ot a lease dared the 27th day of February, 1979 and the lower banquet room area remodeling referred to in this Lease. Parties further agree that any cost beyond Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Collars for all ot the refwdeling herein referred to shall' he financed solely by the Lessee, PERCENTAGE RENT Except as hereinafter otherwise provided in this Lease, For each and every year or fractional year during the term of this Lease and any extension thereof, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, in addition' to the Minimum Rent, a sum of money (herein referred to as Percentage Rent) computed 'and determined by deducting the Minimum Rent for each respective year or fractional year frori a sum of money computed upon the following respective percentages of Lessee's (01 'ml Gross Receipts during such s o arer fractional year: Rood 81d Non-Alcoholic Beverages {_excluding sales by Vending Machines ...q2eraEed bi_anyone other than tmx,-.)..e: ()ross Receipts up to 6100,000 5/. at Gross Receipts over S)00,000 to $300,000 7/ of Gross Rcdeipts over 6300,000 Alcoholic Beverages 87 cA Gross Receipts op to $100,000 9/ of Gross Receipts over $100,000 to $200,000 10/ of Cross Receipts over $200,000 Merchannisejexcluding sales by Vending- Mach:nes operatech-or yone other than Lesec 8/. of Gross Re-' eipts from Tobacco products, newspapers, magazines; Vending Machnes pperated b:L other than Lessee Lessee shall pay to Lessor as additional Percentage Rent one-ha if of the net amount received by Lessee froM third parties in payment for the privilege of operating such vending machines. Any provision of this Lease to the contrary notwithstanding, the Percentage Rent hereinabove provided to be paid in this Article will be adjusted as provided by the following formula: if any year of this Lease, or fractional year, the total amount err lved at by applying the percentages set forth above is less than the told] dollar amount of the Minimum Rent provided to be paid for such year or fractional year, the dollar amount by which it is less shall be. paid by the Lessee to the Lessor not Rarer than the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and at the end of each three (3) month period thereafter. All Percentage Rent provided to be payable hereunder for a year or fractional year shall be payable quarterly not later than the thirtieth (30th) day follo)qing the end of the first three (3) months of operation and•the end of each three (3) month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Lessee to Lessor with such payments. Lessee shall furnish to Lessor annuaNy, ith1n ninety (90) days after the end of any year or fractional year, an aucilt certified to by an olliLer of Lessee, showing Lessee's Gross Receipts during the preceding year, the amount of any cumu- lated prior deficiency in Percentage Rent, and the net Percentage Rent, if any, owing hereunder for such year Provided that if at the end of any quarter, it be determined that Lessee has paid tor said year to such date, a greater sun: than would have been payable under the provisions hereof for said' portion of such year, Lessee shall have credit for such excess payment against the rental, including minimum rectal, subsequently falling due, Lessor shall have the right at any time within two (2) years thereafter to have the books and records of Lessee audited during. reasonable hours_ Any additional Percentage Pen( found due by such audit_ shall be paid to Lessor within thirty (30) days and shall bear interest at he rate 0f Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 184 seven (7) percent per annum From the date such payment was due until paid; and if Lessee has overpaid such rent, Lessee shall deduct such excess trgm the real next raliing doe. Lessee shall maintain records of its Gross Receipts al a piashi accessible to the Lessor. Such records shall be maintained for a period of at least tr.,•nty-seven (27) monfhs followfue fha end of the rent year and shall he made available to Lessor. acting throuWA Bireot(r or Aviation, or audit 2r review On request during usuai business ho ur • The term "gross receipts", as used herein shall be construed to mean, ion all the purposes hereof, the aggregate amount of all sales made and services performed, but not to mr. uhe.sales tax due or paid the Michigan Department of Revenue. . DEPOSIT Lessee hos deposited with the Lessor the sum of One Thousand, Too Hundred fifty Dollars ($1,2)0) as a security deposit. ARTICLE IX -SALE OF LIQUOR BY LESSEE In consideration ol the terms of the.Agreement, the County agrees to make appfication to the Michigan Liquor Control Comilssion to incitide the Lessee as on additional Licensee on its Class "C" Liquor License for the Oaklana-Pontiaa Airport. • It is agreed between the parties hereto that the Lessee shall acquire no right, titre or 1.nterest in or to the said Class "Cll Liquor License. It is agreed that if, for any reason, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission refuses to add Lessee as an additional licensee on the Lessor's Class "C" riatfor License, Lessor may at its option and on thirty (30) days notice to Lessee, cancel this Lease. It is further agreed by the Lessee that upon termination of the Agreement for any reason, the Lessee, its successors and assigns, shall reassign to the County, its interest in the Class Liquor License, or to such party or parties as the County shall designate. Prior to 5uch reassign- ment, the County agrees to pay over to the Lessee its original deposit Jess amounts due and owing to the County at the time of such reassignment. ARTICLE X -DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES the premises leased to the Lessee are partially damaged by fire, explosion, the elements, the publfc enemy, or other casualty, but not rendered untenantable, the same shall be repaired with due diligence by the Lessor at its own cost and expenset If the damage shall be so- extensive as to render such-premises . untenantable. but capable of being repaired in thirty (3 0 ) days, the same shall be repaired with due dflipence by the Lessor at its own cost: and expense and the rent payable herein shall be proportionately paid up to the tirag of such damage and thereafter cease untif such time as the premises are fully restored. In the overt rhe premises are completely destroyed by fire, explosion, the elements, the public et-cry or other casaaitY. or so damaged that they will remain untenantable for more than thirty (3(i) days, the Lessor shall be under no obligation to repair and reconstruct the premises, and commission payable herounder shall be proportionately paid up to the time of such damage or her and shall henceforth cease until such time as the premises may be fully restored. If within twelve (12) months at the time of such damage or destruction said premises shall not have been repaired or reconstructed. Lessee may give the Lessor written notice of its intention to cancel the agreement in its entirety as of the date ot such damage or destruction. Lessee shall be responsible tor damage to the premises, including the breakage of Oass. caused by the acts of its agents, errpfoyees, patrons, or other perf,on5 under its d]recHan and control. Lessor and Lessee agree that each forteiis any right of action that it may tater acquire against the other of the parties to the agreement for loss or damage to its property or to property H which it may have an interest, where such loss is caused by fire or any of the extended coverage hazards and arises out of or is connected with the leasina of the premises. ,ARTICLE . XI -FIRE AND EXTENDED COVERAGE INSURANCE Lessees shall procure and keep in force fire and extended coverage insurance upon their leasehold improvements, business fixtures, equjpment, furniture and furnfshlngs to the full insurable value thereof and shall furnish the Lessor with evidence that such coverage has been procured and is being maintained in full force and effect. ARTICLE XII -INDEMNITY The Lessee does hereby covenant and agree to indemnity and save harmless the Lessor from all fines, suits, claims, demands and actions of any kind and nature by reason of any and all ot its negligence in conducting operations and do hereby agree. to assume all r[sks ip the operation of its business hereunder and shall be solely. responsible and answerable in damages for any and all accidents or in to persons or property caused by the negligence of Lessee. its employees and agents. Lessee shall maintain with insurance underwriters satislactory to the Lessor a standarg form policy or policies of insurance in such amounts as may from time to time be approved by the Lessor protecting both the Lessee and the Lessor against public liability, products liability, liquor I iability and property damage. Lessee shall promptly, after the execution of this agreement, Is such policy or policies for Person Injury growing out of any one occurrence in Inc sum of S250,000 per person and $500,000 growing out of any one casualty and Property Damage of $250,000 per occurrence and $260,000 aggregate_ Lessee shall furnish a certificate from the insurance carrier or carriers showing such insurance to be in full force and eftect during the term of this contract, or to depos;1_ copies of the policies which give this coverage, with the Lessor. if certificates are provided, a thirty (30) day notice of conceilation shall be given. ARTICLE Xill -INSFECT1ON The Lessee shall allow the Lessor's authorized representatives access to the premises leased to Lessee, at ail reasonable houi s. for the purpose of examining and I nspecting said premises, for purposes necessary, incidental to or connected with the performance ol its obiigations hereunder, or in the exercise of its governmental functions. The Lessee agrees that the Lessor's Director of Aviation is authorized, at any time, to inspect the Lessee's operation For cleanliness, condition of equipment, prices, euantjty and qtkaRt., 185 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May IA, 1974 of Food, services drd hours of operation. tf not satisfactory, the Director of Aviation - shall notify the Lessee, in writing, to corree; any unsatisfactory conditions immediately. If the condit on is not corrected within a reasonable period of time alter not the Lessor may terminate this Lease by a thirty (lAl day wrirtno notice of .ncellation. Air CLE -AS:lIMMENT AgO l'ITTINC The Lessee shall not assign, transfer sublease, pledge, hypothecate, surrerder ar othetwic endumber or dispose of this Lease 'or any estate created by this Lease, or any interer.,:, ir an? part ion of the same, or permit any other persdn or persons, company or corporation to occupy these premises, without the written consent of the Lessor being first obtained. All the covenants, stipulations and agreements in rhis Lease shall extend to and bind the he legal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties he ART PLC XV -SIGNS The Lessee shall have the right to instadl or cause to be. ins±alled and - Operate appropriate. signs in said Terminal Building and near the entrance(s) to the Airport on Highland Road to advert/se the said re st.;turan t and concessions. The cost ot such ins taltati on and operation shall be borne by Lessee. Lessee shall not erect, install, operate or cause or permit to be erectec, I nstalled or operated in or upon the premises herein, the Terminal Bujiding, any sign or other si -milar device for advertising withoot first having obtained the Lessor's written consent thereto. AL1. XVI -REDELIVERY Lessee will make no unlawful or offensive use of said premises and will at the expiration of the term hereof or upon any earlier be /hereof, as hereinafter provided, quit and deliver said premises to the Lessor and those having their estate in the premises * peacoably, quietly, end /n as good order and condition, reasonable use and wear thereof, fire and unavoidable cause excepted, as the same now are or may hereafter be placed by the Lessee or the Lessor. ART$CLE: -HOLDING OVER In the event Lessee shall hold over and remain in possession of the premises herein leased after the expiration of this agreement without any written renewal theteol such holding over shall not be deemed to operate as a renewal or extensi .on of this agreement, but shall only create a tenancy from month to month which may be terminated at any time by the Lessor on giving thirty (30) days notice. ARTICLE XVIII -NON-WAIVER Any waiver of any breach of covenants herein contained 'to be kept and performed by Ole Lessee shall not be deemed or considered as a continuing waiver and shall not operate to bar or prevent the Lessor from declaring a forfeiture for any succeeding breach either of ihe same condition or covenant or otherwise. ARTICLE XIX -DEVAULT It is agreed that if the Lessee shall neglect or fail to pay rent p romp t. I as specified in this Lease, and if there is a failure to pay same for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, then this Lease shall be subject to cancellation and become void and the rights of the Lessee terminated hereunder at the option of the Lessor, Ii is further agreed that should the Lessee be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent according to law, the Lease shall become voci. It is Further agreed that if the Lessee shall neq/ect or fail to comply with any of /he conditions and covenants of this Lease for a period in excess of thirty (30) days after written notification from the Lessor through its Director of Aviaton, then this Lease shall be subject to can /ati on and become void, and the rights of the Lessee,. terminated h'ere un der at the option oL Lessor. ARTICLE XX -GENERAL PROVISIONS The Lessee shall furnish good, prompt and efficient service adequate to meet all the demands for its service at the Airport. Le' soe shall furnish said service on a fair, equal and non&scriminatory basis to ail tdiers thereof. Lessee will not on the. grounds of race. sex, religion, or national origin discriminate. or permit discrimination. against any person or group of persons in any Tanner as referenced in Part 2i of the Regulations of the office of the Secretary of Transportation (D.O.T.); it is further under- stood and agreed that the lessor shall have the right to take such action as the federal Goverrmnt bay direct to enforce this obl igat ion. Lessee shall charge lair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory prices for each unit of sale or service; provided that the Lessee may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts. rebates, and other similar types of price reduction to volume purchasers, This Lease shall be nonexclusive and subordinate to the provisions of any existing or future agreement between the Lessor and the United States, relative to the operation or maintenance ot the airport, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to the expenditure of Federal funds for the development of the airport. The Lessor reserves the right to further develop or improve the landing area of the airport d5 It sees fit, regardless of the des:res or vews of the Lessee, and without interference or hindr8.0ce. The Lessor reserves the right to take any action it considE!rs necessary to protect the aerial approaches of the airport against obstruction, together with the right to prevent the Lessee from erecting or permitting to be erected, any bujIding or other structure. on the airport whic.h, in the opinion of the Lessor. would limit the usefulness of the airport or constitute a hazard to air- craft. ARTICLE XXI -PARAGRAPH HEADINGS The paragraph headings contained herein are for convenience in reference and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Lease. ARTICLE XXI.' -INVALID PROVISIONS In the event- thaq any provision herein' contained is held :0 be invaiid by atly court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not at led the remainder of the Lease. Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 ?PS AFicu XNH INTI.PLTTTION OF LEASE Nothing of this Lease shall be construed or interpreted in any manner whaLsoa,or a: limiting, relinquishing, or waiving art m right., 01 enjoyed hy Lessor in Ihe Aith.ort Property, or in any manr(a . waiving or limiting its cPritrni •wer the operation. maintenance, etc., _I Al pert property or in deroqation of such governmental rinh;s as Lessor possesses,. except a , i- specifically provided for herein_ ARTIEtE XXIV -NC TI. Notices to lessor, provided or in hi greement shall t.,e sul iert if in writin and mail? d, prepaid, addressed to Airport. Terminal It:wilding, Directca iii' iv a or to such other add ,, as --oa have been do inn, in writing from ti ;le to time and notines to lessee shall be dee)a0 sdfliciant if in or and mailed, postaqe prepaid, oddressed to Ray Rinike, 651 Kingsiey Trail, Bloomfield Hi is, Michigan, 480i3. • IN WINESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year -First above written. WITNESSES: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, Lessor RINKS ENTERPRISES, INC.. a Mi ,:fligan Corporation. Lessee By: Raymond P. Rinke, Presiden By: Pamela J. Roe, Vice President Moved by Richardson supported by Gabler the resolution he adopted. AYES, Dougias, Ounleavy, Gabler, Hobart. Houghlen, Kasper, Lennon. Mathev4s, Molt; Mont ante Nowak, Patnales, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Vogl, Walker. W€Icox, Burman, Burley Rdi ,;?.?? Coy. (22) NAYS! Hoot. (I) A sufficient maturity having voted IhereIor, Inc resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mrs, Moffitt. IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION a5671 - GRANT APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRi•t,INING ACT OF 1973 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Special Manpower Committee, by Li/Han V. Moffitt. Chairman. reporis Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6671 witn the recommendation that ;he resoiution be adopted. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V, Mufti'? . Chairman 6671 By Mrs, MorIM IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT OF l973 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Charman, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS Title i of the Comprehensive Employmen; and Training ACT 01 1973 providea to ellqible Prime Sponsors who have filed approved Title I Grant Applicalions with ;he. DepaliBt. Labor, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Comm€ssioners Sc Miscelianeoas Resoiution 5546 riled a Notice of lnIsiertli to Apply for Sponsorship to carry out the provisions at the Comprehensive Emoloyc,:ent and Traininy Act ot 1973? and WHEREAS the Department: of Labor not ified the Chairman cri he Oakland County Board ol Commis- sioners on April 8, 1974, that Oakland County has been designated as an eligible Prime•Suunsor ahder I he Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Planning Couri;:i; has recommended the? the Oakl,.Inu CO'' Board of Commissioners Hie a Grant Application on or before June 1, 1974 for ?he Cou?prehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, Title I fiscal 1975 funds in the awour“ equal to Oakland ti.0,?o?,,i allocation as determined by the Ii. S. Department of tabor, and WHEREAS the Specia? Manpower Committee concurs sri On the recomatendat ions of the Oak', County Manpower Planning Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oak and County Board of Commissioners Li a Cita??? Application on or before June 1. 1976 for the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act ol i973, Ti?le I flscal 1975 funds in the amount equal to Oakland County's allocation as determined by the U. S. Departaaent of Labor. BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED that Richard R. Wilcox, Chairman of he Oakland County Board 0; Commissioners, or his successor, be and he is hereby authorized to act as agent for the Cuwily at Oakland in making and execut'ing applications and all other necessary documents for The Comprehers•vc FmuloymenI and Training Act of 1973, Title 1 fiscal 1975 Funds. The Speciai Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves 11,e adoption trl r u,' loregoinq resoluI on SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moll 'Si, Chairman" Approved as to Form: 187 Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #667i - GRANT APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. ACT OF 1975 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed subject resolution and recommends that Oakland County file for a . C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application in an amount.equal to Oakland County allocation Has determined by the Department of Labor. The Finance. Committee has further determined that such grant will not require any soft or hard match on the part of Oakland County. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 116672 - PROGRAM TRANSITION SCHEDULE AND PROJECT OPERATING PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V, Moffitt, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6672 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman "Misc. 6672 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: PROGRAM TRANSITION SCHEDULE AND PROJECT OPERATING PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the fiscal year 1975 funding for Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 should be allocated consistent with the Comprehensive Manpower Plan; and WHEREAS the detail of this allocation is set forth in the Program Transition Schedule and the Project Operating Plan of the Comprehensive Manpower Plan; and WHEREAS the Special Manpower Committee concurs with the recommendations of the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the detail of the Program Transition Schedule and the Project Operating Plan. The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 116672 - PROGRAM TRANSIT1ON SCHEDULE AND PROJECT OPERATING PLAN To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed subject resolution and recommends that Oakland County file for a C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application in an amount equal to Oakland County allocation as determined by the Department of Labor. The Finance Committee has further determined that such grant will not require any soft or hand match on the part of Oakland County. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Button the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 86673 - MANPOWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6673 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 "Misc. 6673 By Mrs, Moffitt IN RE: MA9POWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM To the Oakland County- Board ef Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Planning Council and the Special Manpower Committee have received and accepted th report entitled, The Oakland County Manpower Program, Management Structure and Service Detivery System"; and WHEREAS this report includes the recommendations that the Oakland County Beard of Coralfa- sinners establish an independent department to administer manpower funding and policies of the Boatd, C,E.T,A. and the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS this report includes the recommendations that manpower services he delivered throuqh performance contracts consistent with the policies of the Board. C.E.T.A. and the U.S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS the Special Manpower Committee concurs with the recommendations of the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissieners accepts. the report entitled, 'The Oakland County Manpower Program Management Structure and Service Delivery System", as part of the Oakland County Manpower Plan. The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman' FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr, Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #6673 - MANPOWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners• Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed subject resolution and recommends that Oakland County file for a C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application in an amount equal to Oakland County allocation as determined by the Department of Labor. The Finance Committee has further determined that such grant will not require any soft or hard match on the part of Oakland County. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Dunleavy the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 116674 - MANPOWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6674 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. SPECIAL. MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman "Misc. 6674 By Mrs, Moffitt IN RE: MANPOWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Planning Council, and the Special Manpower Committee have received and accepted the report entitled, The Oakland County Manpower Program: Management Information System; and WHEREAS this report includes a recommendation to accept the U.S. Department of I...abor forrmJ for manpower functions and reporting as contained in Forms Preparation; and WHEREAS the information system will include format to evaluate service delivery contracts negotiated between Oakland County, the prime sponsor, and Manpower service delivery agents; and WHEREAS this evaluation will include a Client Record File for a time period consistent with C.E.T.A. provisions indicating the status of each client entering the manpower system; and WHEREAS this data system will be evaluated in conjunction with the County's Accounting and Data Processing Departments for feasibility of establishing a partially or fully automated system; and WHEREAS this system will not include model forecasting but a market survey technique to identify short term labor demand and direct manpower training activity; and WHEREAS the Special Manpower Committee concurs with the recommendations of the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council 189 Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the report entitled, 'tithe Oakland County Manpower Program: Management Information System", as part of the Oakland County Manpower Plan. The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman" FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Houghten IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #6674 - MANPOWER PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM To the. Oakland County- Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed subject resolution and recommends that Oakland County file for a C.E.T.A. Title I Grant Application in an amount equal to Oakland County allocation as determined by the Department of Labor. The Finance Committee has further determined that such grant will not require any soft or hard match on the part of Oakland County. FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Mathews the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 6684 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: MANPOWER PLANNING COUNCIL STATUS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution fi6466 and Miscellaneous Resolution 7/6501, applied for and received respectively an Operational Manpower Planning Grant in the amount of $75,000.00; and WHEREAS as a condition for awarding the grant to Oakland County, the United States Depart- ment of Labor required that Oakland County establish a Manpower Planning Council consistent with the requirements set forth in the Inter Agency Cooperative Issuance (ICI) 72-2; and WHEREAS on December 20, 1973 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners established a 25 member Manpower Planning Council to oversee the preparation of the Comprehensive Employment and Train- ing Act (C,E.T.A.) Plan and Budget for Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council's Status Report and Recommendations of April 24, 1974 were forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the report entitled "Oakland County Manpower Planning Council: Status Report and Recommendations" dated April 24, 1974. The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 6685 By Mrs. Moffitt IN RE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR SUMMER 1974 MANPOWER YOUTH PROGRAM FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the U. S. Congress is presently considering a supplemental appropriation measure to fund a 1974 Summer Program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth under Title ill of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (C.E.T.A.) of 1973; and WHEREAS these funds will be made available to "eligible summer sponsors" desiring financial assistance for a 1974 Summer Program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth; and WHEREAS the Government of Oakland County qualifies to be designated as an 'eligible summer sponsor"; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Labor has notified Oakland County that its allocation for a 1974 Summer Program for Disadvantaged Youth will be approximately $567,100; and WHEREAS the 1.1.S. Department of Labor regulations for a 1974 Summer Program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth, as published in the May 13, 1974 issue of the Federal Register, require "eligible summer sponsors" to file a Notice of Intent with the U.S, Department of Labor on or before May 31, 1974. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners file a Notice of Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, 1974 190 Intent to Apply for the designation as Prime Sponsor for C,E,T,A. Title Ill Funds in the amount set forth by the Department of tabor to administer a 1974 Summer Program for Economically Disadvantaged Youth in Oakland County, The Special Manpower Committee, by Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL MANPOWER COMMITTEE Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman Moved by Moffitt supported by Douglas the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 6686 By Nr. Nowak IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Emergency Medical Service- hat proven to be an effective life-sating community service for people in many communities throughout the Nation; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland has in the past proven its leadership in providing needed services for its citizenry; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland would seem to he the logical administrating and coordinating unit of government for such a service; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners is desirous of providing this most valuable and needed service to all of its citizens; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners through its County Executive and appointed task force on Emergency Medical Service intensify its investigative efforts with regard to EMS, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon ascertainment of the most viable means of funding and administrating such service that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners create 8 new department to be named the Oakland County Emergency Medical Service, Mr, Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Patrick M. Nowak, Richard R. Wilcox, Robert A, Button, Anne M. Hobart, Paul E. Kasper, Joseph R. Montante, Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Lew L. Coy, James Dunleavy, Fred D. Houghten, Robert F. Patnales, Lillian V. Moffitt, Richard V. Vogt, E. Frank Richardson Donald C. Quinn Movedby Nowak supported by Quinn the resolution be referred to the Health Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 6687 By Mr. Gab)er IN RE: MONTH OF MAY ANTI-BUSING MONTH To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS sound and good judgement declares that the use of "busing" to achieve racial balance is not right and proper; and WHEREAS further said use of busing is not in keeping with sound educational practices; and WHEREAS nuMerous cities of our County and State, i.e. Royal Oak, Sterling Heights, Dearborn, Warren, Hazel Park, Taylor, East Detroit, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, Allen Park, Ferndale, Berkley, Fraser, Madison Heights, Livonia, Farmington Hills, Wyandotte, Riverview and our sister County of Macomb have declared the month of May "National Anti-Busing Month"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEDthat the Board - of Commissioners of Oakland County declare the• month of May "National Anti-Busing • Month' to reflect the sentiment of the majority of the citizens of this county and that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign such a declaration. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Commissioner-Dist. -//12 E. Frank Richardson, Richard V. Vogt, Moved by Gabler supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gabler supported by Lennon the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. • AYES; Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox, Berman, Coy. (16) NAYS: Mathews. (I) 191 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 16, H974 A sufficient majority hoviriq voted therefoir. motkIn call ied. Discussion followed, Vote on resolution, A sufficient majority hav -ng votp heretort the resoMtion wa$ Otic,Ptedk Misc. 6688 By Mr Donleavy IN RE OPPOSITION TO REGIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT AS PROPOSED TO REPLACE SEMCOG To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Genflemeut WHEREAS It is in the be in of the cAtizenis et Oakland Lounty L a ma i ut ii I hp I r' tot; itt government autonomy ; and WHEREAS Metropolitan Fund, Inc. has proposed and advocates, nec the seven-Loonty reel ii orttonization now known as the Southeastern Michigah Council of .Governments (SEMCOG). hecofte ieye? of government to be known as a reOpnal gpvernment UPH and WHEREAS a regional government would rake, away responsibileties and dUEi.e-S of toe awve:: men.. and end:ancjer individual' citizens rfpnLs act pre,rogatiyQs.1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oaktand County 'Board oV CommIssionelks corrrrosori nit elected representatives of ail 01 - the people pt Oakland County, hereby opposes the re:Ili:wail tort!' ot govf!rnmen1 as proposed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ci.rLified copies of the foregoing resoltrt.ion be forwarded to the County's Congressional and Skate I Legsilatobs urging them LO oppose any proposed legislation lb.:: ostabishes another form or level of government. Mr Chairmah. I trove the adoption of the Foregoing resolution, James W. Dunleovy, Commissioner -Div 4 Moved by Denleavy supported t)y Vogt the roso .luton be referred to [he Local Cove sin Fqualizattion Committee, There mere na object ions. misc. 6689 By Mr. Ferniok IN RE: DISTRICT COURT JUDGES SALARIES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr Chairman. Latdes and Gentleirten:' RESOLVED that the County of Oakland re7instate the County port ion 01 the Salar.,, pad liv .JsitIqe cc the 52nd District Court to the 1973 levet tawrence R. Perhtick Commissioner - Dist. .Iit0 Fred D.tHoughterm Commit,sloner Ors! . 6 Moved hy PE2rric.k supported by Vogt the resolution he referred to the Per Pic.]ci i c es, Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 6690 By Mr Lennon IN RE. TRANSFER OF SECURITY UNIT TO THE OAKLAND C,OUNTY BOARD Of COMMCSStONFRS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners ftc Chairman. Ladies and GentIpme: WHEREAS the Secur0_,,, unit of the Departs“ 01 faciliHs=t and Opetuions has qiutvn imtmi employees in 1967 io the current staff of 24; and WHERLAS [he ylze of this unit will increase even L.Jrther duu 1.0 the reotiest for SQ ,,H.j; ity kokerage from the Airport, the Parks and.Recreation Department apd Department of Public Works: and WHEREAS the work ol the Security Unit has broadened ro include a considerable amount ot 5alfi:ly work in co-operat i on with the Central Service Division and WHEREAS the Security Urir't Is a purely miiitkary on arid WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff is the chief tam eotereemunt agent ol Oaklano County; arid WHEREAS the Secpirify•Unit could be eskabShed. as it training ground tor Sheritt Cadets.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Protection and Judictary comm[ttee invest irate the possibiliLy ot transferring the Security Unit to the Oakland Lounty Sherlti Departmctnt and rnstblIsh an appropriate training and upgrading proOramt. Mr Chairman, I mcii,e the 8(topticio of the foregolnu rekolui ion and d!;Is [•at it Lre ,derren o lhu Public ProteOlon and Judiciary Bernard F Lennop. CommIsskortec - Dist. ID Moved by Lennon supported' by Coy the resoiuon h reforrivd ihe Public Protection tend judiciary Committee. Moved by Richard!;or Ihe resolution also by referred to the Put limps and Grounds Mr_ Lennon stated that he had no objections. Mr. HoughTen obje.Led to the referrals. Commissioners Minutes Continued, May 16, 1974 :92 The Cnarrman stated those in favor of sustaining the objection vote "yes" and those opposed vote "no". The Chairman stated it would take 14 votes to sustain the objection. AYES: Hobart, Hoot, Lennon, Mathews, Montante, Bernick, Quinn, Berman, Coy. (9) NAYS: Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox, Dunleavy. (7) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not referred, Moved by Pernick supported by Mathews the Board adjourn until June 6, 1974. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 1245 P. M. Lynn C. Allen Richard R. Wilcox Clerk Chairmen