HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1973.12.06 - 7551334 OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Commissioners MEETING December 6, 1973 Meeting called to order by Chairman Paul B. Kasper at 8:12 P. M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Henry W. Hoot. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll called. PRESENT: Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patnaies, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox. (25) ABSENT: Dearborn, Walker. (2) Quorum present. Clerk read letter from the City of Rochester regarding Resolution #6502, Distribution Formula for Road Programs and Jail Boarding Fees Based on Population. (Placed on file.) Clerk read letter from the City of Orchard Lake Village informing the Board that the Council supports open hearings and a comprehensive investigation of Cass Lake regarding the abuse and misuse of lake waters as requested by the Cass Lake Residential Property Owners Association. (Placed on file.) Mr. John A. Dent, Civil Defense Director, presented a Certificate of Merit to Oakland County for conducting an Emergency Simulation Exercise, which provided for the test4ng of continuity of govern- ment in natural or man-made disasters. Misc. 6506 • By Mr. Houghten IN RE: 1974 FINAL ANNUAL BUDGET INCLUDING THE 1974 SALARY PORTION OF THE BUDGET To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: As required by State Law, the Oakland County Board of Auditors on October 9, 1973, presented their 1974 Budget recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. In accordance with Board rules, these in turn were referred to the Finance, Personnel Practices and Buildings and Grounds Committees for study and recommendations on the final 1974 Budget. Your Finance Committee, after carefully reviewing the recommendations of the Auditors, the Personnel Practices and Buildings and Grounds Committees, and after conducting hearings with County Departments and other agencies requesting funds, now present our recommended Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1974 and ending December 31, 1974 in the amount of $49,099,224. The Auditors October 9th Budget recommendations of $49,714,108 were reduced by your Committee to $49,099,224 or a net reduction of $614,884. These reductions were effectuated in the following general categories: Non-Departmental appropriations $118,069; Departments and Institutions Operating Budgets $64,350 and Departmental Budget requests for New Positions $432,465, Your Finance Committee's 1974 Budget recommendations reflect an increase of $4,550,167 million or 10.21% over the 1973 Budget distributed as follows: Non-Departmental appropriations 6.95% (1,076,356); Departments and Institutions Operating 10.27% (941,674); Departments and Institutions Personnel costs 12.71% (2,532,137). No detail departmental sheets have been included with this Budget document. Due to limits of time and to avoid unnecessary duplication of costs and because with few exceptions, the departmental detail sheets submitted by the Auditors on October 9th are the same as those herein recommended; depart- mental details as submitted by the Auditors should be considered a part of these recommendations with exceptions as hereafter noted. REVENUES Property Tax Levy: Continuance of present County allocated tax rate of 5.26 mills will provide approximately 2,367 million dollars, 8.357 of the total revenue increase of $4,550,167. Additionally this year, we are able to budget as a result of the operations of the "Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund" a delinquent tax collection - prior years of $500,000. It is to be noted that the 5.26 mills includes a mandatory allocation of .25 mills for the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority and therefore the property tax revenue for general County purposes is actually 5.01 mills or 1.459 million less than the total 30.7 million projected from tax revenues. 2. Non-Property Tax Revenues: (A) Federal Revenue Sharing.: Federal Revenue Sharing is expected to provide $2,850,000 in revenues for the Budget Year. Of these, $1,400,000 is committed to the Building Fund and $1,450,000 for general operations as follows: 335 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 1. State institutions 300,000 2. Library Board 30,000 3. Hospitalization 200,000 4. Law Library 40,000 5, Circuit Court (Court Appointed Attorneys) 200,000 6, Medical Examiner 200,000 7. Camp Oakland 200,000 8, Chapter 20 and 21 Drains 80,000 9. Juvenile Maintenance 200,000 TOTAL $1,450,000 (B) Year-end Balance: In order to meet recommended expenditure requirements, your Committee has included a $400,000 committment of the 1973 anticipated year-end balance. EXPENDITURES 1. Non-Departmental: Non-Departmental expenditures totaling $16,550,814 reflect an increase over the 1973 Budget of $1,076,356 or 6.95%. Major areas of increase are as follows; Data Processing $135,042; Community Mental Health $118,420; State Institutions $300,000; Elections $165,000; Employees Retirement Fund $425,000. (A) Outside Agencies: It is your Committee recommendation that the budgeted dollars allocated to the following agencies not be disbursed by the Auditors without the specific approval of the Board of Commissioners: Comprehensive Health Planning Council; Council of Governments (SEMCOG). The appropriations for the Clinton River Watershed Council and Huron River Watershed Council have been reduced on recommendation of the Public Works Committee to $500 each with additional funds to be appropriated only upon Board approval of specific project requests by these agencies. Funds for the Library Board are to be released by the Auditors only upon approval of the Local and Regional Affairs Committee. Additionally, the $118,000 which the Auditors recommended for the Human Services Agency for Oakland County (0E0) was transferred by your Committee to the Contingent Fund until such time as the special Sub-Committee created for the purpose of studying the structural changes in said agency submits its final report and recommendations. 2, Departments and Institutions (A) Salaries: The Committee recommends a total of $22,645,088, less the $200,000 estimated Personnel Turnover Adjustment, to cover the Personnel portion of the Budget as recommended by the Personnel Practices Committee in the attached report. Of this amount, $1,276,885 is in the Salary Reserve account for anticipated salary adjustments and it is your Committee recommendation that any unused funds provided for this purpose be transferred to the Contingent Fund as soon as possible. (8) Operating: Operating expenditures totaling $10,103,322 reflect an increase of $941,674 or 10.274. Major areas of increase are as follows: Anima/ Welfare $97,170; D.F.O. Maintenance $153,840; Clerk/Register $74,220; Health $41,700; Hospital $85,685; Prosecutor $40,820; Sheriff $131,425. 3. Capital Program: The proposed financing for the 1974 County Capital Program totaling $4,318,459 is made up of the following: Federal Revenue Sharing Committed toward Children's Village $1,400,000; Building Authority payments toward the New Law Enforcement Complex $672,250 and the Fast Wing $236,500; 1/10 mill statutory Building Fund Appropriation of $583,690 and allocation of Miscel- laneous Non-Tax Revenue of $1,426,019. Your Committees are now in the process of establishing project priorities for the $2,009,709 (583,690 $1,426,019) of uncommitted funds. In order to meet the present 5 year Capital Construction Program your Finance Committee has recommended an increase of $583,690 to the Auditors original recommendations. CONCLUSIONS Your Finance Committee believes the projections herein are realistic and the expenditures recommended provide as equitable and efficient distribution of revenues to the many services requiring County support as is possible within the limits of available funds. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Finance-Committee, I move the adoption of the above report and approval of the 1974 Budget as submitted. Respectfully submitted, FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Houghten, Chairman Wilbur V. Brotherton, Henry W. Hoot, Robert F. Patnales, Alexander C. PerinofF, Lawrence R. Pernick, Donald C. Quinn, Jr. SALARIES PORTION - 1974 BUDGET To the Honorable Board of Commissioners The Personnel Practices Committee recommends that the following amounts be placed on the 1974 Budget to cover the indicated Personnel needs. Number of Positions Amount Recommended 1781 Previously Approved Positions $19,911,341 34 New Positions 291,650 Emergency Salaries 50,000 Overtime Reserve 600,000 Summer Employment 200,000 Training and Tuition Reimbursement 40,000 Classification and Rate Change 20,000 Possible Salary Adjustments 1,277,097 Fringe Benefit Improvements 250,000 Children's Village Student Employment 5,000 1815 TOTAL $22,645,088 32 ,303,827 TOTAL FINANCED FROM OTHER SOURCES TOTAL PROJECTED SALARIES COST ROMEIISINIVia 2,6910 SALARIES PORTION -- 1974 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION TO DERARTMENTS (Aucitors rfaccindotf,os /0/4/73 (mc.!itoal t 1072 RdtasJ TC)TAL PERSONNIL COSTS FINANCED FROM COUNTY SALARIES BUDGET i PERSONNEL COSTS 1 I RECOMMENDED in Departmental Bud, ots In !Salaries Reserve Fond T e"1 ! FINANCED FROM DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL Previously Approved New Total County Total Total , Positions Positions Emergency Salaries Budgeted C)THER SOURCES 'Positions Cost Number 1 Amount Number Amount Salaries Reserve 9a a ins Positions 1 Amount ! Airport 10 122,809 . 10 i 122,809 Animal Welfare 13 146,575 13 146,575 1 146,575 Auditors - Administration i 36 464,857 27 391,339 2 20,257 20,257 411,596 7 58,261 Auditors - Central Accounting 81 898,983 77 849,947 849,947 4 49,036 Auditors - Central Services 89 742,394 21 197,342 197,342 68 545,052 Auditors - Data Processing 70 754,523 70 754,523 Auditors - Drug Abuse 10 137,009 5 108,345 108,145 2 28,664 Auditors - Facilities & °per. 250 2,656,470 23 1 274,076 700 700 274,776 257 2,422,194 Auditors - Personnel 23 273,679 21 260,670 2 I 13,004 13,009 273,679 Auditors - Planning 27 354,591 27 354,591 334,591 Circuit Court 57 907,444 56 624,819 1 5,925 5,925 630,744 277,200 Circuit Court - Friend of Ct. 48 525,258 1 42 464,147 464,147 6 61,111 Circuit Court - Probation 43 534,672 42 532,272 1 2,400 2,400 534,672 Civil Counsel 9 183,152 9 183,152 183,152 Clerk/Register 71 576,328 70 565,403 1 5,925 5,000 10,525 576,328 Commissioners 32 305,091 31 302,691 1 2,400 2,400 305,091 Community Mental Health 98 1,280,353 I 98 1,280,353 Co-op. Extension Service 5 44,896 5 44,896 44,896 Department of Public Works 197 2,130,219 - 10,000 10,000 197 2,120,219 Disaster Control & Civ. Def, 4 41,813 4 I 41,813 41,813 District Courts 30 312,494 32 251,594 i 2 '400 2,400 253,594 58,500 Drain Commissioner 60 654,058 26 369,829 369,529 24 284,229 Equalization 46 590,302 46 485,076 485,076 105,226 Health 303 3,623,021 280 3,381,519 1 3,810 3,810 3,385,129 22 242,692 Hospital 213 1,955,359 212 1,931,359 1 16,000 8,000 24,000 1,955:359 Medical Examiner 17 145,562 17 195,562 145.562 Parks and Recreation 61 571,615 J 61 571,615 Probate Court 45 461,918 44 406,968 1 7,700 7,700 414,668 47,250 Probate - Camp Oakland 40 399,155 36 318,309 18,000 18,000 336,309 4 62,846 Probate - Children's Village 117 1,310,846 117 1,295,846 15,000 15,000 1,310,846 Probate - Juvenile Court 149 1,727,534 141 1,627,806 2 22,956 3,000 25,956 1,653,762 6 73,772 Prosecuting Attorney 80 1,095,745 65 909,746 5 69,243 69,243 978,989 10 116,756 Sheriff 261 3,159,337 223 2,734,567 14 117,325 117,3251 2,851,892 24 307,945 Sheriff - Marine Safety 4 61,554 4 61,554 Sheriff - Trusty Camp 11 141,326 10 139,026 1 2,300 2,300 141,326 Treasurer 37 318,620 37 338,320 300 300 338,620 Veterans' Affairs 20 180,668 19 173,736 173,736 1 6,932 , TOTALS 2,690 29,911,341 1,781 19,911,341 34 291,650 50,000 341,650 20,252,991 875 9,658,739 600,000 200,000 40,000 20,000 1,277,097 250,000 5,000 OVERTIME RESERVE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AND TUITION REIMBURSEMENT CLASSIFICATION AND RATE CHANGES POSSIBLE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FRINGE BENEFIT IMPROVEMENTS CHILDREN 'S VILLAGE STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 600,000 200,000 40,000 20,000 1,277,097 250,000 5.000 600,000 200,000 40,000 20,000 1,277,097 250,000 5.000 TOTAL SALARIES RESERVE FUND 2,733,747 22,645,088 TOTAL SALARIES BUDGET Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 6, 1973 336 Respectfully submitted: PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Mary M. Dearborn, Chairperson Bernard D. Berman, F. Jack Douglas, Lillian V. Moffitt, Patrick M. Nowak EMERGENCY SALARIES "Emergency Salaries" amounts are granted to certain departments to cope with fluctuating caseloads, to cover vacation and sick leave absences and to cover repetitive seasonal or special projects. Experience has shown that the hiring of short term temporary employees is usually less expensive than staffing with a larger number of full-time permanent employees to meet peak loads. Often the use of "Emergency Salaries" allows a department to have a roster of "on call" employees available to cope with emergencies. Permission must be obtained from the Board of Auditors, through the Personnel Division, before such funds can be used. DEPARTMENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED Auditors - Administration $ 1,000 0 Auditors - Central Services 500 0 Auditors - D.F.O. 2,000 700 Auditors - Planning 5,500 0 Circuit Court - Administration 5,000 0 Circuit Court - Probation 3,000 0 Clerk/Register 5,000 5,000 Co-op Ext. Service 700 0 Equalization 5,000 0 Health 5,000 0 Medical Examiner 5,000 0 Oakland County Hospital 10,000 8,000 Probate - Camp Oakland 20,000 18,000 Probate - Children's Village 20,000 15,000 Probate - Juvenile 4,000 3,000 Prosecutor 5,000 0 Treasurer 500 300 Veteran's Affairs 1,500 0 TOTALS $98,700 $50,000 OVERTIME RESERVE The creation of the Overtime Reserve, within the Salaries Reserve Fund, allows funds to be budgeted for the payment of overtime without committing the funds to particular departments. Overtime is used only when the work and the time of doing it are assigned by the department head and only employees in certain categories are eligible for overtime pay. The County's computer maintains a running account of the overtime used, detailing it by department and employee. $540,129 was spent for this purpose in 1972 and $456,583 has been spent during the first 8 months of 1973. Also charged to this fund is the cost of Premium Pay for Legal Holidays worked and pay for off-duty Court Appearance by Law Enforcement employees. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Oakland County has traditionally hired college and high school students to perform a variety of routine jobs during the summer months. Summer employees help to fill an employment gap created by annual leaves, usually taken during the summer by regular, full-time employees. The summer employment program lends itself well to seasonal work performed in the maintenance of County grounds, the operation of County parks and repetitive tasks accumulated throughout the year by the various County departments. Currently the County pays $1.75 per hour for the first year and $2.00 per hour for the second year for Summer Clerical help. Summer Grounds help receives $2.25 per hour for the first year and $2.50 per hour for the second year. Placing these funds for Summer Employment in the Salaries Reserve Fund allows the Personnel Practices Committee to oversee summer employment distribution. TRAINING AND TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Placing these monies in the Salaries Reserve Fund allows the Board of Auditors to coordinate, and the Personnel Practices Committee to oversee, training activities, which have become more important as the County seeks to upgrade present employees instead of fighting in the competitive market for the hard-to-get specialists and technicians. The major expenditures from this fund are to finance the County's Tuition Reimbursement Program under which tuition is reimbursed to an employee after he has successfully completed a course which was approved by both his department head and the Board of Auditors through its Personnel Division. CLASSIFICATION AND RATE CHANGES DURING BUDGET YEAR Because the County is a very complex institution which is constantly changing its scope, the duties of many psoitions change during each budget year. With over 2,600 positions, it is not possible to study and report all such changes in time to be reflected in the County's annual Budget, many changes in classification and some rate adjustments must be made during the Budget year. The creation of new classifications and new salary rates can only be done by the Board of Commissioners and these funds can be used only with the approval of the Board. POSSIBLE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS The $1,277,097 recommended for possible salary adjustments is 6% of the total recommended.for previously approved positions, new positions and overtime reserve, as all three are directly affected by changes in salary rates. Of the 1,815 budgeted positions included in this recommendation, the 1974 salaries of 244 positions have already been established as they will be working 1974 as the second year of two year labor contracts. The departments affected are Animal Welfare, the maintenance unit of the Drain Commissioner's staff, the Sheriff and the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney's. The estimated cost 337 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 of 1974 salary adjustments for these 244 positions is $139,938. The 1974 salaries of 387 additional employees will be the subject of negotiations with bargaining units representing the employees of the Probate Court, Circuit Court Probation, and the Hospital. The salary adjustments requests from depart- ment heads for non-represented employees have uniformly stressed the need to substantially upgrade the salaries of middle and upper management type classifications. They have consistently and dramatically cited instances where considerable additional responsibility is expected of employees for only token differentials in pay over those supervised. There is considerable evidence that the flat percentage increases applied to most classifications over the past three years, when combined with the slightly higher increases given to some of the County's lower classifications while holding higher management salaries relatively stable, has resulted in soueeiingmiddle management and technical salaries into a narrow range. The classifications involved are those carrying some of the greatest responsibility for the County's success in its day to day operations. The Personnel Division has completed its annual survey of salaries and fringe benefits paid for comparable job classifications and the Personnel Practices Committee will shortly be making specific 1974 salary recommendations for each of the County's classifications. FRINGE BENEFIT IMPROVEMENTS In arriving at two year labor contracts for a number of the County's Bargaining Units in 1973, the County agreed to provide one of the following employee fringe benefits for 1974. Either: Improved Hospitalization Insurance improved Life Insurance An Income Continuation Insurance Beyond Sick Leave The cost was to be equivalent to the additional cost of upgrading the County's Hospitalization Insurance to the Blue Cross MVF-2 Contract and the choice of benefits was to be the County's. The $250,000 budgeted for this item is an estimated increase in cost of upgrading MVF-2. The cost estimate included an anticipated rate increase and an increased number of covered employees. The Personnel and the Central Services Divisions of the Board of Auditors are presently analyzing coverage and premium information in all three of the above insurance areas and the Board of Auditors will make recommendations to the Personnel Practices Committee as soon as is compatible with the collective bargaining process. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AMOUNT BUDGETED IN THIS RECOMMENDATION AND ANTICIPATED COST AS TIME OF PRINTING Because of the time required to prepare, review, and print the budget, it is necessary to "freeze" the County operation at a particular point in time and to consider all budgetary changes relative to that base. The Personnel portion of this budget recommendation is based on the positions approved as of August 18, 1973 and since that date the Board of Commissioners has approved changes in numbers of positions and classifications which result in a net increase in the projected County-wide 1974 salaries cost of $7,429 more than the costs shown in this recommendation. This amount will be reflected in the next version of the 1974 budget. The Departmental budgets affected are the Sheriff, Marine Safety, Trusty Camp, and District Courts. OAKLAND COUNTY 1974 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY Non-Departmental Appropriations 16,550,814 Departments & Institutions Operating Budgets 10,103,322 Salaries 22,645,088 Less: Personnel TurnoverAdjustment 200 000- 22,445,088 Total Budget to be Finances 49,099,224 Estimated Receipts 20,722,956 Less: Allocation of Misc. Non-Tax Revenue 1,426,019- Revenue Sharing to Building Fund 1,400,000- 17,896,937 Delinquent Tax - Prior Years 500,000 Tax Levy (5.26 Mills on State Equalized Value 5,836,936,760) 30,702,287 49,099,224 REVENUE CLASSIFICATION Alimony Service Fee Animal Welfare Auditors-Planning Child Care (State Subsidy) Circuit Court Clerk/Register Civil Counsel Disaster Control & Civil Defense District Court Drain Commissioner Health Hospital Land Transfer Tax Probate Court Probate Court-Juvenile Maintenance Sheriff Sheriff-Marine Safety Social Services-Foster Care Social Services-General Relief 220,000 105,000 40,000 1,200,000 155,000 1,200,000 42,000 26,000 595,000 120,956 975,000 2,350,000 1,350,000 220,000 250,000 500,000 92,000 5,000 30,000 Social Services-Hospitalization 5,000 State Income Tax 4,800,000 State Revenue Sharing 272,000 State Institutions 6 Emergency Care 850,000 Sundry 175,000 State Reimburs.-Cir. Ct. Probation 100,000 Trailer Tax 70,000 Treasurer 275,000 Use of Money & Property 1,450,000 Federal Revenue Sharing 2,850,000 Year End Balance 400,000 Sub Total 20,722,956 Less:Allocation of Misc. Non-Tax 1,426,019 Fed, Rev. Sharing to Bldg. Fund 1 400 000 Total Receipts 17, 9 ,937 Property Tax Levy 30,702,287 Delinquent Tax Prior Years 500,000 TOTAL REVENUE 49,099,224 1,379,5 00 2,717,720 (T-771,772Y) ( 586,000) ( 137,000) 120,000 1,500 Plan 51,630 6,000 -- 175,000 5,000 3,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 500,000 $1 6,550,814 338 Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 6, 1973 NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS Airport Ambulance Auditors-Data Processing General Clemis Births and Deaths Building Authority Payments Building Fund Capital Outlay Care of Mentally Ill Community Mental Health State Institutions Temporary Mental Cases Clinton River Watershed Council Compensation insurance Comprehensive Health Plan, Council Contagious Cases Contingent Council of Governments Current, Chapter 20 & 21 Drains Election Expense Employees' Hospitalization Ins, Employees' Life insurance Employees' Retirement Adm, Employees' Retirement Fund Equipment Fund Extradition Expense 4-H Fair Premiums Hospitalization of Prisoners Human Serv. Agency for Oak. County Huron-ClOnton Authority 4,000 3,000 612.600 (14l2,600) (2L(L000) 5,50-6 908,750 583,690 115,000 2 285,420 ( 58,420) (1,506,000) L 200 000) 500 300,000 27,126 1,500 499,322 77,800 494,860 170,000 1,346,600 155,000 25,000 2,100,000 100,000 20,000 2,000 20,000 -- 1,459,234 Huron River Watershed 500 Insurance & Surety Bonds 60,000 Jury Commission 16,000 Law Library 45,740 Library Board 38,100 Management Review 30,000 Mich. Assoc. of Counties & National Assoc. of Counties 20,472 Oakland County Pioneer & Mist. Society 8,250 Photocopy Expense 10,000 Real Property Parcel Numbering System Social Security Social Services General Relief Hospitalization Relief Administration Soil Conservation Soldiers' Burial Soldiers' Relief Solid Waste Implementation Frog, S. E. Mich, Tourist Association S. E. Mich. Trans. Authority Sundry Tax Allocation T. B. Cases - Outside Township & City Tax Rolls Township & City Treasury Bonds Traffic impr. Association Utilities, Parking Lots & Roads TOTAL NON,DEPARTMENTAL. APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENTS & INSTITUTIONS (Oper. Incl.Salaries) Animal Welfare 283,145 Auditors-Accounting 1,116,947 Auditors- Administration 458,726 Auditors-Central Services Adm. 238,082 Auditors-Drug Abuse 422,592 Auditors-DFO - Administration 269,618 Auditors-DFO Maint. and Operations 2,755,870 Auditors-DFO - Telephone Exchange 291,858 Auditors-Personnel 388,079 Auditors-Planning 469,461 Circuit Court-Administration 1,724,974 Circuit Court-Friend of the Court 513,797 Circuit Court-Probation 580,672 Civil Counsel 198,342 Clerk/Register 843,848 Commissioners 369,371 Cooperative Extension 74,196 Department of Public Works 19,150 Disaster Control & Civil Defense 56,963 District Court 365,984 Drain Commissioner 394,879 Equalization 551,376 Health 3,770,279 Hospital 2,591,044 Medical Examiner 283,262 Probate Court 477,198 The Chairman made the following statement: Probate-Camp Oakland 496,084 Probate-Children's Village 1,778,671 Probate-Juvenile Court 1,905,272 Probate-Juvenile Maintenance 671,225 Prosecutor 1,143,409 Sheriff 3,781,592 Sheriff-Marine Safety 163,765 Sheriff-Trusty Camp 180,226 Treasurer 444,370 Veterans Affairs 201,986 Sick Leave Reimbursement 100,000 Salaries Reserve 2,392,097 Overtime Reserve ( 600,000) Summer Employment ( 200,000) Training & Tuition Reimbursement ( 40,000) Class. & Rate Change for Existing) ( 20,000) New Positions Possible Salary Adjustments (1,277,097) P.E.P. Program ( 250,000) Fringe Benefit Improvements Children's Village Student [nip. ( 5,000) TOTAL DEPARTMENTS & INSTITUTIONS 32,748,410 TOTALS 49,299,224 Less: Personnel Turnover Adjustment 200,000 GRAND TOTAL 49,099.,224 "At this time, in accordance with the requirements of State law and the By-Laws of this Board, a Public Hearing is now called on the 1974 proposed annual budget for the County of Oakland. Legal notice of this hearing was published in the Oakland Press and Daily Tribune, daily papers of general circulation in the County, on November 30, 1973. The notice was also published in the following weekly newspapers; Southfield Observer, Milford Times, Oxford Leader, Rochester Clarion and Holly Herald. A copy of the budget was placed in the office of the County Clerk for public inspection. in addition, • copies of the Budget have been furnished to all members of the Board of Commissioners." The Chairman asked if any person wished to speak on the Budget. 339 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 The following persons spoke on the Budget: John H. King of Bloomfield Hills Mrs. Constance Fournier, representing Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary Alden Wm, Haydel, Orion Township Supervisor Edward P. Bevis, Executive Director of 0.C.C.E.O. The Chairman asked if any other person desired to speak on the budget. No other person requested to be heard and the Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed. Moved by Houghten supported by Richardson the 1974 Budget, including the Salaries Portion of the Budget, be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Olson supported by Pernick the Budget be amended 'that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners allow the use of one million dollars for matching fund road programs.' Discussion followed. AYES: Richardson, Wilcox, Button, Dunleavy, Hobart, Hoot, Olson, Pernick. (8) NAYS: Vogt, Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Coy, Douglas, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Perinoff, Quinn. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Discussion followed. Moved by Button supported by Mathews the Budget be amended by reinstating a line item that was removed and placing it in the Contingent Fund, relative to $118,000 Senior Citizens Program funds, $78,000 for on-going items, $40,000 for new programs that were formerly delegated to 0.C.C.E.O. AYES: Vogt, Wilcox, Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, PatnaIes, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Coy supported by Hoot the 1574 Budget, as amended, be laid on the table until the next meeting on December 20, 1973. AYES: Wilcox, Burley, Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Mathews, Olson, Richardson. (11) NAYS: Berman, Brotherton, Douglas, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Vogt. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Discussion followed. Vote on 1574 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion of the Budget: AYES: Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Wilcox. (22) NAYS: Hoot, Olson, Vogt. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1574 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion of the Budget, was adopted. Misc. 6507 By Mr. Nowak IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act 156 of the Public Acts of 1851, as amended, provides that the County Board of Commissioners shall have the care and management of the property and business of the County; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners is determined to improve the efficiency of the structure of the government of Oakland County; and Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 340 WHEREAS to improve the efficiency, a County Administrator should be appointed, said administrator having direct control over the following functions, divisions and departments: Accounting, Central Services, Data Processing, Drug Abuse, Facilities and Operations, Planning, Disaster Control, Equalization, Committee Clerk, Reimbursement, Aviation and Animal Welfare; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners presently has the authority to reorganize the structure of the government of Oakland County; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Administrator is to be appointed or removed by 14 affirmative votes of the members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and such position shall not be within the Oakland County Merit System for purposes of appointment and removal from office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby creates a Non- Merit System classification to be designated as "County Administrator." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to improve the efficiency of the structure of the govern- ment of Oakland County, this Board hereby transfers the following functions, divisions and departments to the immediate and direct control of the County Administrator: Accounting, Central Services, Data Processing, Drug Abuse, Facilities and Operations, Planning, Disaster Control, Equalization, Committee Clerk, Reimbursement, Aviation and Animal Welfare. The Committee on Organization, by Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION Patrick M. Nowak, Chairman Moved by Nowak supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. Moved by Nowak supported by Button that the resolution on County Organization by the Committee on Organization be amended by striking out the following language: In the third WHEREAS, the words "County Administrator", "appointed", and "Administrator"; FURTHER, strike: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Administrator is to be appointed or removed by 14 affirmative votes of the members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and such position shall not be within the Oakland County Merit System for purposes of appointment and removal from office. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby creates a Non- Merit System classification to be designated as 'County Administrator'. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to improve the efficiency of the structure of the government of Oakland County, this Board hereby transfers the following functions, divisions and depart- ments to the immediate and direct control of the County Administrator: Accounting, Central Services, Data Processing, Drug Abuse, Facilities and Operations, Planning, Disaster Control, Equalization, Committee Clerk, Reimbursement, Aviation and Animal Welfare." • and in its place and stead, the following language: In the third WHEREAS in place of the deletions stated above, insert the words "County Executive", "designated" and "Executive"; and further insert: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Boarckof Auditors is hereby designated as the County Executive, "BE FT FURTHER RESOLVED that in addition to his duties as Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Auditors, said Chairman is hereby assigned the additional duties to act as County Executive and to that end the following functions of Oakland County government are hereby transferred from the jurisdiction of the Oakland County Board of Auditors to the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Auditors, County Executive, for Administrative purposes: Animal Welfare, Aviation, Central Services, Committee Clerk, Criminal Justice Grants, Data Processing, Disaster Control, Drug Abuse, Equalization, Facilities and Operations, Federal State Aid, Housing and Real Estate, Planning and Reimbursement. Discussion followed, Moved by Olson supported by Lennon the amendment be referred back to the Committee on Organization. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Discussion followed. Moved by Perinoff supported by Mathews the resolution and amendment be tabled for consideration by the whole Board, as a Committee of the Whole, for discussion and consideration of the implications of this resolution. AYES: Burley, Douglas, Lennon, Mathews, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Berman, (8) NAYS: Brotherton, Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Discussion followed, 341 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 The Chairman called for a vote on the amendment. The vote was as follows: AYES: Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Newak, Patnales, Richardson; Vogt, Wilcox, BrOtherton. (16) NAYS: Burley, Douglas, Lennon, Mathews, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Berman. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Button, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Patnales, Richardson, Vogt, Wilcox, Brotherton.. (16) RAYS: Douglas, Lennon., Mathews, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Bermani Burley. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. Misc. 6508 By Mr. Gabler IN RE: RECOMMEND 0.C.C.E.O. CONTINUE AS HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FOR 90 DAYS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County designation of 0.C.C.E.O. as the Human Services Agency for Oakland County terminates as of December 31, 1973; and WHEREAS 0.C.C.E.O. is presently carrying out ongoing programs, under Oakland County's designation, funded by state and federal agencies; and WHEREAS plans to structure and implement a new Human Services Agency have not progressed far enough for implementation by January 1, 1974; and WHEREAS Congress, by continuing resolution, has extended 0.E.0. funding through June 30, 1974, and without designation the Human Services Agency could not continue to provide program services; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners continue designation of 0.C.C.E.O. as the official Human Services Agency for Oakland County for a period of 90 days commencing January 1, 1974, during which time the Board of Auditors and Board of Commissioners will continue working toward concluslon of the inter-local agreement and implementation of the new Human Services Agency. The Human Resources Committee, by Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Chairman Moved by Gabler supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Gabler IN RE: RESOLUTION #6465 - APPROVAL OF YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU GRANT APPLICATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6465, dated Ocotober 18, 1973 refers to five employees; and WHEREAS the correct figure is eight employees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6465, dated October 18, 1973 be amended by deleting the figure 5 employees and inserting therein the figure 8 employees. Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. County Commissioner - 12th District Moved by Gabler supported by Olson the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried, Lillian V. Moffitt, Chairman of the Special Manpower Planning Committee announced that appointments of members to the Manpower Planning Council have been referred to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and will be reported at a later date. Moved by Wilcox supported by Richardson that Resolution #6482, Oakland County Hospital Renovation, be taken from the table. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Wilcox supported by Richardson that Resolution #6482 be referred back to the Health Committee and Buildings and Grounds Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 6, 1973 342 Moved by Coy supported by Burley that Resolution #6488, in re: Auditors Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles, be taken from the table. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Coy supported by Vogt that the "County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles, #7. DEPARTMENT HEADS",attached to Resolution #6488, be amended, by.adding the following, after the first paragraph: "No County passenger car shall be assigned under this section unless it is demonstrated that the department has need for 600 miles of travel per month to conduct County Business." Discussion followed. Moved by Mathews supported by Gabler this matter be laid on the table. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 6509 By Mr. Dunleavy and Mr. Nowak IN RE: ASSESSED VALUATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the 1963 Michigan Constitution provides that real property shall not be assessed at a rate exceeding 50% of its value; and WHEREAS the present State Taw requires the assessment of property at 50% which in many cases will assess properties in excess of 50%; and WHEREAS Representative Daman has proposed an amendment to the General Property Tax Act establishing the assessed valuation percentage at no more than 50% and no less than 46%; and WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners should support such proposal for the ensuing tax year and work to achieve an assessment rate at 45% with a 10% variance; HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports legislation that would establish the assessed valuation percentage at 48% with a variance providing an assessment range of no less than 46% nor more than 50% for this year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners request the Legislators, upon reconvening in 1974, to establish the assessed valuation percentage at 45% with a 10% variance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Michigan Association of Counties for their concurrence. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Dun leavy County Commissioner, District #2 Patrick M. Nowak County Commissioner, District #25 Moved by Ounleavy esupported by Richardson the resolution be referred to the Equalization Committee and the Legislative Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 6510 By Mr. Dunleavy and Mr. Nowak IN RE: ASSESSED VALUATION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS real property values have leveled off; and WHEREAS real property taxes have continued to escalate at a rate greater than property values and individual incomes; and WHEREAS until tax reform and assessment procedures become a reality assessed valuation for the County of Oakland as State equalized should be frozen at the 1973 level; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests the State Legislature to freeze the assessed valuation of Oakland County as equalized at the 1973 level. Mr, Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. James W. Dunleavy County Commissioner, District #2 Patrick M. Nowak County Commissioner, District #25 Moved by Dunleavy supported by Richardson the resolution be referred to the Equalization Committee and the Legislative Committee, There were no objections. Misc. 6511 By Mr. Olson IN RE: PUBLIC ACT 139, 1973 - COUNTY EXECUTIVE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has enthusiastically supported the concept 343 Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 6, 1973 embodied in P. A. 139 of 1973 which allows the Board to establish a county executive form of government; and WHEREAS the county executive form of government will provide greater efficiency and effective- ness in the administration of county affairs; and WHEREAS P.A. 139 of 1973 has been hailed by the Michigan Association of Counties as a pro- gressive step in the reform of county government which will benefit the citizens of the county; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that it is the intent of the Board of Commissioners to take all necessary steps at the earliest opportunity to implement the provisions of P.A. 139 of 1973 to establish the position of elected county executive. Niles E. Olson, Bernard F. Lennon, Bernard D. Berman, Alexander C. Perinoff, Lawrence R. Pernick, F. Jack Douglas, Dale C. Burley, James Mathews Moved by Olson supported by Berman the resolution be referred to the Committee on Organization and the Local and Regional Affairs Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Olson supported by Dunleavy the Board adjourn until December 20, 1973 at 9:30 A. M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 10:55 P. M. Lynn D. Allen Paul E. Kasper Clerk Chairman