HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1971.04.27 - 7586N Twp TWP ( IMP 'ON TO, TwP :,,ENCE TWp Lu TMP MILFG TWP NG,1 OAKLANL, TWP ORION TwP OXFORD TWP PONTIAC TWP ROSE TwP ROYAL GAK TWEI SODTHFIFLD TWP SPRINGFIELD TWP WATERFORD TwP WEST 6LMFLD TwP WHITE LAKE TWP 15,460,710 119,,4F0 0 235.• 60s ,0 sr-0 .1 5 3, ir 5 3. ' 536 3 1. $ 119 LAND COUNTY 3 ard Of Commissioners MEETING April 27, 1971 Meeting called to order by Chairman William H. Richards at 10:04 A.M. in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan. Invocation given by Christian F.Powell. Roll called. PRESENT: Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Patnales, Ferinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox. (25) ABSENT; Gabler, Horton. (2) Quorum present. Clerk read card of thanks from Reta Erickson. (Placed on file.) Clerk .read resolution from the City of Clawson opposing the increase in jail boarding lees.• (Referred to Legislative. Committee.) Clerk read letter from the Department of Nature Re by the county of each control structure on all inland lak7::. arcs regarding an inspection to be made • ru-red to Public Works Committee.) Moved by Daly supported by Pernick the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 5677 By Mr. Szabo IN RE: 1971 EQUALIZATION REPORT To the Honorable Board of Commissioners Oakland County Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Committee on Equalization respectfully reports that it has carefully examired properties and compared asscs ,:msS rolls of the several Townships and Cities within the said County, assessed for the year 1971 arn' c Hallzed the same by adding to or deducting from the valuation of the taxable property in the severs:1.1 fowrr,blps and Cities so assessed, such an amount as in its judgment will produce relatively an equal cad unitom valuation of the taxable property in the County. The Equalization Factors listed on pages 1 thee 4 of the attached report are for information purposes only and are not required by statute. The Committee has conducted hearings to its findings and recommendations. We here- with submit the attached report with the recommendation that it be adopted by this Board as the County Equalization for the year 1971, 1971 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZED VALUE SNOWING THE REAL PROPERTY BY TOWNSHIPS IN OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE F. Chairman Her!' h,rt•.•, Vice Chairman, James Mathews Jza, ,lies E. Olson Fr.., U f.acLu, Richard R, Wilcox DIT-IRI!:U.ION OF THE TOTAL EQUALIZED VALUE FOR ASSESSING DISTRICT VALGATION AS ASSESSED AMOUNT AODED OR DEDUCTED VALuATION AS EQUALIZED EQUALIZED PER EQUALIZING FACTOR 15.480,7flO 1. 310,5 , ",6' • 13,9c.1,? • 6L.,e 3 30,67,,'"00 26,0 Hi, 150 3 • 11,7 3 20,U 112,521, 18,456,900 210,514,9a) 166,9 ,t8,B50 • 54,912,450 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 • 4.759,766 3 0 0 0 3,128,418 0 • 1,530,366 0 3 0 0 3 0 210,51.i,g10 166,948,850 54,972,450 0.3615 2.8'? 1.00 1. -0. 1.00 0.530' 1.00 1.154, 1.00 5.5 1.00 0.32973 1.00 0.61173 1.00 0.57661 1.00 1.00 0.52991 1.00 0., 49 1.14 0.c /0 1.00 1.00 L. 38 1.00 1.12 1.1/ Cl5 1.00 0.31214 1.13 0.t,7051 1.00 1.6451B 1.00 0.43392 1.00 4.44922 1.00 3.92498 1.00 1.29741 1.00 TOTAL TOWNSHIPS $ 1,724,257,088 6,918,570 3 1,733,175,668 40.74709 1971 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZED VALUE SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOTAL EQUALIZED VALUE FOR REAL PROPERTY BY CITIES IN OAKLAND COUNTY 1971 EQUALIZING FACTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.41 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.48 1.00 1.00 1.26 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ASSESSING DISTRICT BERKLEY CITY BIRMINGHAM CITY BLMFLD HILLS CTY CLAWSON CITY FARMINGTON CITY FERNDALE CITY HAZEL PARK CITY HUNINGTN AIDS CTY KEEGO HARBOR CTY LATHRUP VLG CITY MADISON HGTS CTY NORTHVILLE CITY NOVI CITY OAK FrRK CITY 0 ,[-D LAKE CTY PLET RDG CTY P0N7r.0 CITY ROCHESTER CITY ROYAL OAK CITY SOUTHFIELD CITY SOUTH LYON CITY SYLVAN LAKE CITY TROY CITY WALLED LAKE CITY NIXON CITY VALUATION AS ASSESSED 61,986,850 16116229380 • 52,876,800 • 41,605,950 • 50,940,250 • 95,193,550 60,919,171 38,766.590 • 7,479.770 • 30,672,400 • 144,3121500 6,248,600 56,782,250 152,803,530 17,73:,e900 lao.„7,100 30,7:0,9 300 304,8!,7 ,30 A 524.90 75 • 8,243.'0 • 9.87310 • 258,664,4 70 A 13,399,294 0 AMOUNT ADDED OR DEDUCTED 0 • 17,058,439 0 10,356,259 0 0 2,999,328 0 0 • 2,762,634 A 0 • 135,210,075 0 0 A 0 0 A VALUATION HAS EQUALIZED 61,986,850 Al 161,622,380 52,876,800 58.664,389 50,940,250 A, 95,193,!.'5° A' $ 39,7 S 30,6L A[ $ $! A 1 1:3,398,151 17,706,900 A • 315,490,175 30,776,900 304,957.830 524.907,775 8,243,800 9,873,200 258,664.470 13,399,294 30,397,000 EQUALIZED PERCENTAGES 1.45732 3.79975 1.24314 1.37920 1.19761 2.23777 1.67569 0.91141 0.17585 0.72111 3.39280 0.21742 1.334.'75 0.311 ,,T!, T.4 TO 0.19381 0.23212 6.08122 0.31502 0.71464 TOTAL CITIES TOTAL TOWNSHIPS TOTAL REAL PROPERTY $ 2,321,536,277 1,724,257.088 4,045,793,365 198.783,1-,5 8,918,570 207,702,305 2,520,320,012 1,733,175,658 4.253,495,670 59.25291 40.74709 100.00000 ASSESSING DISTRICT ADOISON TWP Avon; TwP .°6461110 TWP 'panUI4UO3 SOlnUN SA@LIO!SS!WW00 1971 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZED VALUE SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOTAL EQUALIZED VALUE FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY BY TOWNSHIPS IN OAKLAND COUNTY 1971 VALUATION AMOUtlf ADDED VA1'•,-ION t :.104i.:0 EQUALIIING AS ASS7S6ED OR P -11,-TFO AS F.7::''': 77'... 17 17,-,,C.PS FACTOR $ 2,;-55 $ 0 $ 2 - ,-*c S 1.00 % 2C..44fl $ 0 S - • " . 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1, , • •-:) $ 0 $ 1 , . - : 1.00 $ 16 -.1 . 1..., $ 0 $ ',. ..: . 1.00 TWP $ 26.2 10 $ 0 S :' • ,2 u :..;4 1.00 •,. % ) TwP $ 1,.,. -,17.0 $ 0 $ , 1S0 .--:. - 1.00 TOP 1 4,- ,,, ',0 $ 0 $ 4, 16v '0 1.00 $ 3 r . -4 $ 0 5 1.00 IN6:'%"•:' ', 3 TWP $ 6,21 -1,,'5 $ 0 $ 6,:1' 1.00 $ 4,2 .,.,.,0 $ 0 $ 1 - - 1.00 w - •wc T ' $ 7,61' ...' S 0 $ - ,;. - • 1.00 N", TWD S 0 S. 0, ,.-.-- 1.00 ,k TwP $ 3v 3 3 , : '0 5 0 $ 7,, :1 1.00 $ 10. , ':5 5 1...i.0 1.00 110 ' .4,1 I' WP $ 6 v '6,4,j -. 5 0 $ ' '.6, 0.721 - 1.00 .,1 ,- TWP $ 5,217,--) $ 0.6Iewl 1.00 ROSE -, ' $ 1,2 1---'1 $ 0 $ /... 0.14313 1.00 TwP $ 2016..-' $ 0 $ 2,--,.' :-. - 0.34513 1.00 SC - .-,_:• TWP $ 2,0' .) 5 0.35200 1.00 S, • ., : :1 Jp $ 4t: '. i ' $ 0.,54743 1.00 ',5'....x S. 0 $ 4.60209 1.00 WEST 44J TwP $ 6, ,: $ 0 S 6,304,,:.. 0.74601 1.00 WHITE 1..• 7 -7P $ 5, 2' 2 $ 0 $ 5,490, ''1, 0.64919 1.00 TOTAL TGWW;HIPS S 198,422,768 0 198,422,768 23.48107 1971 ASSESSED AND EQUALIZED VALUE SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOTAL EQUALIZED VALUE FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY BY CITIES IN OAKLAND COUNTY 1971 EQUALIZING FACTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 /.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ASSESSING DISTRICT BERKLEY CITY BIRMINGHAM CITY BLMFLD HILLS CTY CLAASON CITY FARMINGTON CITY FERNDALE CITY HAZEL PARK CITY HUNINGTN WDS CTY KEEGO HARBOR CTY LATHROP VLG CITY MADISON HOTS CTY NORTHVILLE CITY NUVI CITY OAK PARK CITY ORCHARD LAKE CTY PLEASANT ROG CTY PONTIAC CITY ROCHESTER CITY ROYAL OAK CITY SOUTHFIELD CITY SOUTH LYON CITY SYLVAN LAKE CITY TROY CITY WALLED LAKE CITY WIXOM CITY VALUATION AS ASSESSED 5,077,360 16,104,960 S 3,028,600 6,505,500 8,102,700 36,874,300 • 10,134,685 8'20,040 707,725 1,380,880 34,066,700 349,010 10,815,590 27,157,870 642,374 1,916,300 • 235,422,400 5,950,925 3.7,448,680 85,334,200 5,043,900 574,500 76,872,930 0.456.705 AMOUNT ADDED OR DEDUCTED a a 109,203 0 25,712,000 VALUATION AS EQUALIZED $ 5,077,366 $ 16,104,960 $ . 3,028,600 $ 6,505,500 • 4,102,700 $ 36,874,300 $ 10,134,685 $ i 820,040 707,725 • 1,-4pnoiao $ 38,0.'76,700 $ T•'0, I, 010 $ : 27. s 577 $ n01: • 23'1' $ ! 51950,925 $ 37,448,680 $ 85,334,200 5,043,900 574,500 76,8721930 6,456,705 • 25,712,000 EQUALIZED PERCENTAGES 0.60085 1.90584 0.35840 0.76985 0.95886 4.36366 1.19932 0.09704 0.08375 0.16341 4.50476 0.04130 1.27990 3.21382 0.08894 0.22677 27.85956 0.70422 4.43163 10.09833 0.59689 0.06799 9.09704 0.76408 3.04272 TOTAL CITIES TOTAL TOWNSHIPS TOTAL PERSONAL PROP.$ 620,788,840 198,422,768 819,211,608 25,821,203 25,821,203 $ 646,610,043 $ 198,422,768 $ 845,032,811 76.51893 23.48107 100.00000 1971 OISTRIBUTION OE ASSESSED, EQUALIZED AND TRUE CASH VALUES BY TOWNSHIPS IN OAKLAND COUNTY VALUATION AS EQUALIZED TRUE CASH VALUE VALUATION AS ASSESSED 'parlUI1UO3 SOMUN SJOUOISSIWW00 ASSESSING DISTRICT ADDISON TWP AVON TWP 6LC.OMFIELD TWP -WP CH :48 TWP EA ,-HINI5T':', TAP TAP 7 ,4 LY INUEPENCE TWP LYUN TI MILFORD TAP NOVI TAP OAKLAND CAP ORION TWO OXFORD TWP PONTIAC TAP ROSE TWO ROYAL OAK TAP SOUTHFIELD TWP SPRINGFIELD TAP AATERFORD TAP WEST BLMELD TWP AHITE LAKE TWO REAL ESTATE 15,480,730 119,622,450 310,540,680 22,555,892 74,618,525 235,350,850 13,961,35U 34,505,761 24,526,000 60,640,340 22.539,725 30,426,900 3,134,900 30,673,900 55,6511920 20,070,150 48,747,225 11,772,200 20,013,200 112,521,300 18,456,900 210,516,910 166,948,650 54,9721450 PERSONAL PROPERTY 2,264,235 20,583,000 14,872.880 1,855,805 16,483.200 26,562,400 1,866,150 4,186,050 3,973,654 6,215,615 4,219,620 7,613,000 240,431 3,033,500 10,730,275 6,094,900 5,217,326 1,209,540 2.916,462 2,974,500 4.626,100 38,889,150 6,304,025 5,490,950 TOTAL 17,744,965 140,205,450 325,413,560 24,421,697 91,101,725 261,913,250 15,827,500 38.691.791 28,499,654 66,355,955 26,759,345 38,039,900 3,375,331 33,707,400 66,382,195 32,165,050 53,964,551 12,981,740 22,97,662 115,4M800 749,44,0(03 173.2 .-.2,875 60,63,400 REAL ESTATE 310.5 .:0,6S.) 2,16;=S,000 3,13:,900 30,67 .:' 55,551,92 29,1': 48,747, 20,013,70(3 112,521,300 18,456,91.7, 210,514 t rn 54, Q7 PERSONAL PROPERTY 2,264,235 20,5:43.000 14:•( 16, 6,215,635 4,2 ',62) 7,613,000 240,431 3,013.500 1(3,730,275 6,094,900 5,217,325 1,209,540 2,916,462 2,974,500 4,6 r->,163 38,8 ' 5,. :35;3 TOTAL 17,144.965 140,205,450 325,413,560 24,421,697 91,101,725 261.913,2 50 38,091,791 28,499,654 66,855,955 26,759,345 42,299,666 3,375,331 33,707,400 66,382,195 35,293,468 53,964,551 14.512,126 22.929,662 115,498,800 249,,,000 60,465,400 TOTAL 35,4;.9,950 280 ri-^,`,“;(7' 650,42 31,63,C00 77,3133,582 56,999,308 133,711,7 10 53.518,0 8413, 67,4 1.32,71-1..:(q0 ' 3.((0 , 02 06,16e),0-n0 498/1,1:0 TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 1,724,257.088 198.422.768 1,922,679,856 1,733,175,658 198,2,708 1,931,593,426 3,863,1E5,052 TRUE CASH VALUE VALUATION AS ASSESSED VALUATION AS EQUALIZED T OT A L PERSONAL PROPERTY TOTAL TOTAL ASSESSING REAL DISTRICT ESTATE REAL PERSONAL ESTATE PROPERTY 1971 UISTRIBUTION OF ASSESSED, EQUALIZED ANO TRUE CASH VALUES BY CITIES IN OAKLAND COUNTY 1,733,1/5,658 4,253,495,670 BERKLEY CITY 61,986,850 BIRMINGHAM CITY 161,622,380 31-'-1D HILLS CTY 52,976,800 CLAM ,ON CITY 41,605,950 FA 'INGTON CITY 50,940,250 FE N -LE CITY 95,183,550 HAZEL PARK CITY 60,919,171 HU _HGIN WDS CTY 38,766,590 KEEGO HARBOR CTY 7,479,770 LATHRUP VLG CITY 30,672,400 MADISON HOTS CTY 144,312,500 NORTHVILLF CITY 6,248,600 NCVI LILY 56,782,250 OAK PARK CITY 152,803,530 ORCHARD LAKE CTY 10,625,517 PLEASANT FOG CTY 17,706,900 PONTIAC CITY 180,260,100 ROCHESTER CITY 30,776,800 ROYAL OAK CITY 304,657,830 SOUTHFIELD CITY 524,907,775 SOUTH LYON CITY 8,243,800 SYLVAN LAKE CITY 9.873,200 TROY CITY 258,664,470 WALLED LAKE CITY 13,399,294 WIXOM CITY 0 TOTAL CITIES 2,321,536,277 TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 1,724,257,088 TOTAL COUNTY 4,045,793,365 5,077,366 16,104,960 3,028,600 6,505.500 8,102,700 36,874,300 10,134,685 920,040 707,725 1,380,880 36,066,700 349,010 10,815,590 27,157,670 642,374 1,916,300 235,422,400 5,950,925 37,448,680 85,334,200 5,043,900 574,500 76,872,930 6,456,705 0 620,788,840 198,422,768 819,211,608 67 1 064,216 177,727,140 55,905,400 48,111,450 59,042,950 132,057,850 71,953,856 39.586,630 8,197,495 32,053,280 182,379,200 6,597,610 67,597,840 179,961,400 11,267,891 19.623,200 415,702,500 36,727,725 342,306,510 610,241,975 13,287,700 10,447,700 335,537,400 19,855,999 0 2,942,325,117 1,922,679,956 4,865,004,973 67,064,216 177,727,340 55,905,400 65,169,689 59,042,950 132,057,850 81,410,115 39,586,630 3,187,495 32,053,280 132,379,200 9,596,938 67,597,640 179,961,400 14,139,728 19,623,200 550,912,575 36,727,725 342,306,510 610,241,975 13,287,700 10,447,700 335,537,400 19,855,999 56,109,000 3,166,930,055 198,422,768 1,931,598,426 845,032,911 5,096,529,481 134,128,432 355,454,680 111'610,800 130,339,778 118,085,900 264,115,700 162,620,230 79,173,260 16,374,990 64,106,560 364,758,400 19,193,876 135,195,660 359,922,800 28,279.456 39,246,400 1,101,825,150 73,455,450 684,613,020 1,220,483,950 26,575,400 20,895,400 671,074,800 39,711,998 112,218,000 6,333,860,110 3,863,196,852 10,197,056,962 61,986,8 5 0 5,077,366 161,622,Pi0 16,1041960 52,876,8'93 3,028,600 58,664,-9 6,505,500 8,102,700 36,;'?4,300 71,7 1 5,430 10,134,15 38,(66,590 7,479,770 707; 30,672,400 144,312,500 36,0h6,00 9,47,928 349,010 56,782 1 250 10,615,590 152,803,530 27,157,870 13,388,151 751,577 17,706,900 1,916,300 315,490,175 235,422,400 30,776,800 5,950,925 304,857,830 37,448,690 524.9079775 85,334,200 9,243,600 5,043,900 9.673,200 574,500 258,664,470 76,872,930 13,399,294 6,456,705 30,397,000 25,7121000 2,520,320,012 646,6109043 Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 27, 1971 Moved by Szabo supported by Houghten the report be adopted. Discussion followed. 125 AYES. Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Rcu Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richares, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Daly. (24) NAYS: Coy. (1) uer, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, ,sca, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT By Mr. Brennan IN RE: AFL-CIO CONTRACT FOR ,A1•40DIAL, GPO NC AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES OF THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS DIVISION OF TI - COUNTY AUDITORS To the Oakland Coin'y S -•i sioners Mr. Chairman, Lad:e.. rd Pursuant to C. of this the Finance Corn , ilatee has reviGkmd the recommendation of the Personnel Practice 1.-qwittee, and f l,c funds availle within the :;:r ...ent appropriations for this Contract as a 5, 'r. was anti( in the Operation' : and the balance of the cost is anticipated to be made up throucu. areas in tht. Blildine Operat . .ns Budget. FINANCE COMMITT:E James M. Brennan, Chairman REPORT By Mr. Mainland IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 5613 - AFL-CIO CONTRACT FOR CUSTODIAL, GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES OF THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF AUDITORS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Practices Cormittee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, Chairman, reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5673 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. "Misc. 5675 By Mr. Mainland IN RE: AFL-C10 CGNTRACT-FOR CtS:foilAL;- GROUNDS AND --INTENANGE EMPLOYEES OF THE FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE OAKLAND COUN'IY BOARD OF AUDIP.:;',S To the Oakland County Beard of Comtjssioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland, the Custodial. Grounds and Maintenance Employees of the Facilities and Operations Division of the Oakland County Board of Auditors and Local 1998, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, have been negotiating a Contract covering employees of this Division; and WHEREAS an Agreement has been reached and reduced to writing; and WHEREAS said Agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Practices Committee which recommends approval of the Agreement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Agreement between the County of Oakland, the Custodial, Grounds and Maintenance Employees of the Facilities and Operations Division of the Oakland County Board of Auditors and Local 1998, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and they are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto. The Personnel Practices Committee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, the moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE William L. Mainland, Chairman AGREEMENT FOR CUSTODIAL, GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES ON PAGES 112, 113, 114, 115 AND 116 OF APRIL 13, 1971 MINUTES" Moved by Mainland supported by Daly that Resolution No, 5673 be adopted. AYES: Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 5664 - HOUSE BILL 4399 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Gentlemen: The Legislative Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, Reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5664 with the recomendation that the resolution be adopted, 126 Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 27, 1971 "MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 5664 By Mr. Szabo IN RE: HOUSE BILL 4399 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Sec. 211.10d of the Compiled Laws of 1948 provides that the Board of Commissioners may waive examination as to qualifications for a supervisor, assessor or director of an equalization department who has had five (5) years of experience; and WHEREAS House Bill 4399 makes such waiver mandatory; and WHEREAS the Equalization Committee determines such mandatory provision to not be in the best interest of the people of Oakland County; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes House Bill 4399. The Equalization Committee, by Albert F. Szabo, Chairman, moves that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Legislative Committee.'' LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Szabo supported by Bawden that Resolution No. 5664 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 5663 - HOUSE BILL 4302 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Legislative Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, Reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5663 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. "MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 5663 By Mr. Szabo IN RE: HOUSE BILL NO. 4302 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS House Bill 4302 provides far reimbursement by the State to local taxing units for revenues lost due to the exemption of tools, dies, jigs and fixtures; and WHEREAS the provisions of House Bill 4302 would be beneficial to local taxing units; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports House Bill 4302. The Equalization Committee, by Albert F. Szabo, Chairman, moves that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Legislation Committee." LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Szabo that Resolution No. 5663 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Pernick, Chairman, Legislative Committee IN RE: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 5662 - SENATE BILL NO. 88 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Legislative Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, Reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5662 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. "MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 5662 By Mr. Szabo IN RE: SENATE BILL 88 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Senate Bill 88 requires the County Equalization Director to tabulate tentative recommended equalization ratios and estimated multipliers necessary to compute individualized state equalized valuation of real and personal property and provides that such tabulation be published in local newspapers; and WHEREAS such listing and publication would be valuable to non-resident owners of property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports Senate Bill 88. The Equalization Committee, by Albert F. Szabo, Chairman, moves that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Legislative Committee." LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Aaron that Resolution No. 5662 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Ole resolution was adopted. Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 27, 1971 127 ORDINANCE NO, 10 By Mr. Fern IN RE: ORDlila tO AMEND THE TITLE •P C''INANCE NO, 9 CONTROL OF LAKES AND WATERWAYS IN OAKLAND COUNTY To the Os Is,.. County Board of Corm', rs Mr, Chairman, ,dies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland on March 4, 1971, adopted Ordinance No. 9, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the control of all lakes and waterways within the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, except those lakes and waterways under the control of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority and Big and Little School Lot Lakes"; and WHEREAS the Legislative Committee recoraends that the title be amended to read as follows: "An Ordinance to provide for the control ot all the lakes and waterways within the County of Oakland". THEREFORE, THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND ORDAINS: ORDINANCE NO. 10 1. An Ordinance to amend the title of Ordinance No. 9 as follows: "An Ordinance to provide for the control of all the lakes and waterways within the County of Oakland". 2. All Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. The Legislative Committee, by Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing Ordinance. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Lawrence R. Pernick, Chairman Moved by Pernick supported by Mathews that Ordinance No. 10 be adopted. AYES: Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards. (25) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted. therefor, the Ordinance was adopted, Misc. 5678 By Mr. Mainland IN RE: ASSISTANT COORDINATOR OF RESEARCH, TRAINING AND CLINICALSERVICES To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Psychological Clinic of the Juvenile Division of the Probate Court has expanded its functions in recent years to include services to other County Departments; and WHEREAS the job of supervising the thirteen full-time and up to twelve part-time staff members and coordinating the activities of the Clinic has also become larger and more complex; and WHEREAS the Clinic now has a second staff member with a Doctorate in Psychology and the related academic and professional qualifications required to assist in the leadership of the Clinic; and WHEREAS an existing salary range now exists for a Psychologist position with similar qualifications and comparable duties in a different County Department; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classification of Assistant Coordinator of Research, Training and Clinical Services be established at a salary range of Base $17,325; one year $18,375; two year 519,425; three year $20,475, and four year 521,525. The Personnel Practices Committee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE William L, Mainland, Chairman The Chairman referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 5679 By Mr. Mainland IN RE: CREATION OF NEW JOB CLASSIFICATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all County salaries are set by the Board of Commissioners on the recommendation of the Personnel Practices Committee; and WHEREAS the growth of the County has made it necessary and desirable to create the following new job classifications and salary ranges to adequately describe and compensate three existing positions which are completely paid from funds other than the County salaries budget: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year Keypunch Supervisor 7,140 7,455 7,770 8,085 8,400 Sewage Treatment Operations Foreman 11,550 12,075 12,600 Executive Hostess 7,500 Flat Rate and WHEREAS the total increased payments to employees in the three positions will be approximately $800.00 per year; and WHEREAS changes in the classifications and salaries of these three classifications will not cause further inequities in the County's salaries structure. 197-0 Salary Range Min. Max. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE William L. Mainland, Chairman ProposesL 1971 Salary Range Min, Max. 128 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 27, 1971 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing job classifications and salary ranges be and the same are hereby approved. The Personnel Practices Committee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE William L. Mainland, Chairman Moved by Mainland supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: Harrison, Houghten, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Patnal es, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Aaron, Barakat, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin. (20) NAYS: Kasper, Olson, Bawden, Brennan. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Misc. 5680 By Mr. Mainland IN RE: RETROACTIVE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS 573 of the County's 2,225 positions have received retroactive salary adjustments as the result of Collective Bargaining between the County and its five bargaining units; and WHEREAS the 113 additional County positions listed on the attached pages are directly re- lated to the bargaining unit positions, either because they are in the same or similar classification or because they have a supervisory relationship over bargaining unit positions; and WHEREAS it appears equitable to your Committee to adjust the salaries of these related positions in keeping with the salaries of the bargaining unit positions; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed 1971 salary ranges shown for the 113 positions on the attached pages be made effective January 1, 1971. The Personnel Practices Committee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. 9,000 10,000 8,600 9,500 9,300 10,800 New Class 11,500 12,000 10,000 11,200 9,000 9,400 6,900 7,300 6,300 6,700 5,400 6,000 5,200 5,600 6,100 6,500 New Class 9,800 11,400 12,000 13,000 12,500 14,500 9,800 11,400 15,500 16,500 14,000 15,000 12,500 13,500 9,550 Flat 9,550 Flat 15,500 16,500 13,000 15,000 13,500 15,000 13,500 15,000 14,000 15,000 13,500 14,500 13,000 14,000 13,000 14,000 12,500 13,500 12,000 13,000 12,000 12,500 12,000 12,500 12,000 12,500 10,000 12,000 ANIMAL WELFARE 1 - Chief Deputy Dog Warden 1 - Asst. Chief Dep. Dog Warden CIR. CT. - FR. OF COURT 3 - Court Service Officer - Fr. of Ct. CIR. CT. - PROBATION 3 - Probation Officer Supervisor 1 - Probation Officer III 13 - Probation Officer II 4 - Probation Officer I OAKLAND COUNTY HOSPITAL 3 - Custodial Worker III 9 - Custodial Worker II 8 - Custodial Worker 1 1 - Seamstress 3 - Second Cook PROBATE - CAMP OAKLAND 1 - Program Director - Camp Oakland 1 - Sept, - Camp Oakland 1 - Social Worker 1 PROBATE - CHILDREN'S VILLAGE 1 - Asst. Dir. - Child Care Institutions 1 - Supt. Children's Village 1 - Senior Psychologist 2 - Clinical Psychologist II 1 - Clinical Psychologist I 5 - Children's Supervisor III 1 - Recreation Supervisor PROBATE - JUVENILE COURT 1 - Senior Psychologist 3 - Juvenile Court Referee 1 - Casework Supervisor 1 - Supv. - Protective Services 1 - Clinical Psychologist II 0 - Social Worker II 1 - Supv. - Foster Care 1 - Supv, - Intake Services 1 - Clinical Psychologist I 1 - Social Worker I 6 - Child Welfare Worker III 1 - Volunteer Coordinator 1 - Admin. Asst, Juv. Court 1 - Traffic Referee & Intake Invg, 9,800 10,800 9,200 10,100 10,800 12,800 13,350 Flat 12,800 Flat 10,600 12,250 9,750 10,175 7,600 8,000 6,950 7,350 5,950 6,550 5,950 6,550 6,405 6,825 14,350 15,350 10,600 12,250 12,850 13,850 13,350 15,350 10,600 12,250 16,350 17,350 14,850 15,850 13,350 14,350 9,650 10,450 9,650 10,450 16,350 17,350 13,850 15,850 14,350 15,850 14,350 15,850 14,850 15,850 14,350 15,350 13,850 14,850 13,850 14,850 13,350 14,350 12,850 13,850 12,850 13,350 12,850 13,350 12,850 13,350 10,850 12,850 10,800 11,300 11,840 12,840 11,840 12,840 10,300 12,300 10,300 12,300 11,270 11,770 11,270 11,770 9,735 11,235 9,735 11,235 8,635 9,035 8,435 Flat 17,500 19,000 16,500 Fiat 15,250 Flat 14,500 Flat 14,500 Fiat 14,500 Flat 14,500 Flat 12,300 13,800 7,800 9,000 7,035 7,665 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 27, 1971 129 1970 Proposed 1971 Salary Range Salary Range Min, Max, Min. Max. FF„..TING ATTORNEY 10,000 10,500 AUPIT(2 - E OPERATIONS 11,000 12,000 -C man New Class 1 - Mai -tea:%re 9,500 11,500 1 - Cn,t-J;a1 Supv, 9,500 11,500 1 - Heating Pla•, Supervisor 10,500 11,000 0 - Maintenance Fereman II 10,500 11,000 1 - Shop Foreir.a.. 9,000 10,500 2 - Mainterarea Foreman I New Class 1 - Asst. Co ,,todial Operations Supv. 7,850 8,250 3 - Custodial work Foreman II 7,700 Flat 3 - Custodial Work Foreman 1 SHERIFF 15,500 17,000 1 - Uhdersheriff 14,500 Flat 1 - C... am 13,500 Flat 1 - ,nt 13,000 Fiat 1 - ef Detectives 13,000 La'!" 1 - CH. 1, D. Technician 13,000 FlLt 1 - Chiar- Jail G.Jard 13,000 Flat 1 - Chief Col.ft 'tiarviue Officer 12,000 12,500 1 - Trusty Ca,iip 6,800 8,000 1 - Drivers' Lie. Exam. Supv. 6,700 7,300 I - Head Cook The resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 56" 1 By Mr. Fe rds IN RE: i -ALIT TO DISTRIr.f COURT LEASE - DISTRICT COURT FOR 52nd DISTRICT, FIRST DIVISION To the Oa': aryl County Board of Chseissioners Mr, Chairr., Ladles aee -,•rtle -Yn: WHEREAS the Coui:ty of Oakland executed a Lease to the City of Walled Lake dated July 17, 1969 to provide facilities for the District Court for the 52nd District, First Division, Oakland County, Michigan; and WHEREAS it has become net•esL.ry to amend said Lease; and WHEREAS your Committee hes re,:iewed the proposed amendments as set forth in the amended Lease, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and recommends that the County of Oakland execute the amendeit NOW THERA.E. BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland agrees to the terms amending the original Lease dates July 17, 1969 with the City of Walled Lake in accordance with the terms of the Amended Lease, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, for certain facilities to be used for the District Court for the 52nd District, First Division, Oakland County, Michigan, and that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby authorized to execute such Amended Lease on behalf of the County of Oakland. The Planning and Building Committee, by Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the Foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman LEASE THIS LEASE made and executed this 17th day of July, A.D., 1969, between the CITY OF WALLED LAKE, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the COUNTY desires to acquire the use of a Municipal Building to house the District Court for the 52nd District, First Division, Oakland County, Michigan, including court room, offices and the incident Court facilities, and the CITY is willing to acquire and construct said building through proper arrangement with the Walled Lake Building Authority, a public corporation organized under the authority of Act 31 of the Public Acts of Michigan for 1948, First Extra Session, as amended; and WHEREAS the site for said building is upon the western portion of land now known as the City Hall premises of the CITY, and upon which site the said building will be constructed in accordance with the schematic drawings prepared by Patrick H. Corcoran, Architect, of Franklin Village, Michigan; and WHEREAS as a prerequisite to the issuance of Revenue Bonds by the said Walled Lake Building Authority, it is advisable for the parties to enter into a firm Lease whereby the CITY will lease from the Building Authority the said building, and lease the same to the County; NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO, for and in consideration of the agreements and covenants of each party and moneys to be paid as rental, as follows; 1. The CITY will, on or before August 19, 1969, enter into arrangement with the Walled Lake Building Authority to provide for the cni•struction of the building on the site described in the preamble hereto, to be constructed and complete.' ier use on or about April 30, 1971, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the afceesaid Architect. COUNTY to approve plans and specifications. 2. In considenation of the rentals and other terms and conditions herein specified, the CITY does hereby let and lease to the COUNTY the building to be constructed and the site upon which it is located, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for a term commencing on the 1st day of May, 1971, and ending on a day five (5) years from the date of commencement. 130 Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 27, 1971 3. The annual rental to be paid by the County shall be $5.50 per square foot, payable on the 1st day of May, 1971, and quarterly each quarter thereafter or on a pro-rated basis agreeable to both parties. 4, The City, at its own expense durir f the within Lease, shall maintain and keep in repair the building and site, which shali Cy iaeme to include light, water, heat and other utility services, cleaning, janitorial and caieal,:i i ,cmi insurance premiums for fire and extended coverage except telephones, 5. The COUNTY, at is own expense, shall furnish such furniture and incident furnishings and equipment as it deems advisable, and which shall be maintained and repaired by' the COUNTY and remain in its ownership and possession. The COUNTY will also provide carpeting, drapes, an' s other built-in items as shown in Exhibit B: and these ...hall remain in th ,. COUNTY's csrlEsship and possession, The CITY at the end of this lease shall 1 ..Ye tb right L... i:r ..i.s.. en hewn on s•ttached list at their value at that time or at a larm ,-.E am. mutual!, 6..?r,ed s • h -•nc ((iUNTY and CITY. 6. The COUNTY covenants and ,:r•Jetas that it will rm.t thr use ot the It_ :d 1.memises in any manner that will substantially increase the rate of losaran,e thereon, or for 6,-kt fiu;i;Lise that will result in a violation of local, state, or federal laws, rules or regulations now or hsreafter in force and applicable thereto, and shall keep the CITY harmless and indemnified at all times against loss, cost, damage or expense by reason of any accident, loss, casualty or damage resulting to any person or property through any use, misuse, or non-use of said premises, or by reason of any act or thing done or not done on, in or about said !..;:nct premises or in relation thereto. 7. The COUNTY further covenant thal. if it continues to b.: •i.. Di5trict Control ',Jilt with reference to mid 52nd District Court, First . it will re-new this lease upon the s:s,,o t...rms and conditi ,i Circe for a renewal term of five ( ) years and, secondly, if still the LHLi_sict Control Unit, for -- rslewal term ef five (5) year'3. 8. The '• -sehold rights, duties and obligations of the COUNTY as specified in this Lease, shall not be a iic ••tr sub-let in whole or in part wi thout the written assent of the CITY, such assent shall not b-- withheld if the COUNTY is required to remove the 1st Division of the 52nd District Court to another municipality in said District, 9. The CITY, its agents or employees, shall have the right at all times of entering upon the leased premises for the purpose of inspecting said properiJ and determining whether all of the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions herein contained are being complied with, 10. Should the Walled Lake Building Authority b unit -• to construct H proposed building to be leased hereby, this Lease shall Le terminated and ot no :urther effect; o"i.nwise the CITY covenants that the COUNTY, upon compliance with the terms o' rhi. Lease, shall _m may peacefully and quietly have and hold and enjoy the leased premises for the terms herein provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Walled Lake, Michigan, by aulhorit/ of it's City Council dated August 5, 1969 executes the foregoing instrument, CITY OF WALLED LAKE, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, By Wendell C. Kellogg Its Mayor, and Eileen B. VanHorn City Clerk COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, By hairman and Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of its Board of Supervisors. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND)ss On this day of , 19_, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared , and Lynn D. Allen who, being by me duly sworn, did each for himself say that they are the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, the corporation named in and which executed the within Lease, and that said Lease was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Supervisors by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5136 dated 7-17-69 and the said and Lynn D. Allen acknowledge said Lease to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My Comm. Exp: Moved by Edwards supported by Coy the resolution be adopted. AYES: Kasper, Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten. (25) NAYS: None (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. WITNESS: Ruby I. Lewandowski Frank E. Hamilton Misc. 5 6 iie By Mr. E , _ IN RE: oAr FINAL PLAN!. To the eak_ Mr. Chairs,- , L 'LPL of Gilbert W. S County Heal_. WKr.E which dr. tinba CANTY HEALTH ( 5400, pri•s: Commissirners Minutes Continued. April 27, 1971 131 •tDDiTION APPROVAL OF SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS AND AUTHORIZATION OF cners 'issioners employed the firm e, for the proposed Oakland Associ ..tc, sb,mitted the Schematic Drawings _y your Committee, and 'irm of Gilbert W. Savage Arch:I-a.: - and Associates be authorized to pr. wi.h Specifications for said Oakland Jii.•-; Health Center Addition. Nraii THEREFORE BE IT Kr.OLVEU Drawineb as submitted by (Silbert W. Savage At eh L:sociates Le and the same herd.' FR iT FURTHER :4'..i.OLV 7 D Lb. Gi t W. Savabe • Asa...•.ciii 'es be authorized to prepare Firal Plans and f..tione c Hs Oakland e tiaeit.h Cent.r i'4.elitibn, said Final Flans and Specifications to be ........ • 11! i;'d or apprs. BE IT FURTHER Coul ty a a• Auditors be directed and authorized to enter into and execute a. • L.n- mt not $40,000.00 with Gilbert W. Savage Architects and As call for the : ti.paration of Final Plans and Specifications for the Oakland County Health C.a....lir The Planning s in r•a.mitfee, by Mr.. Charles B, Edwards, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoir:„ t• PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman Moved by Edwards supported by Harrison the resolution be adopted. The resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 5E,U By Mr. EdwEs IN RE: MARBLE Ftw31.1M ON "R ,!PTi To the Oakland County ie. , af Mr. Chairman, Ladies and WHEREAS the ma-Lie (.-J1 =h , Courthouse is shifting end creating a dantierous condition, and WHEREAS the Board of i•ai .t..rs, Depertbsit 01 F oil tics and Operations, has been negotiating with Smith, Hils.:hme,a and Cr/ili. ,ign bed •o.Li.g fications for rehangino the marble and corrections to faulty rinf em (.a s... c and ti• H rinse-Hi ills he., - a ad to perform the work for $.22 ;000.00 plus $3,000.00 mir,• aid centingencies; ,1 -bat the Beard of Auditors be and is hereby authorized to enter into a Contre-:. witi% aue• reylls in an amount not to exceed .$25,000.00 for the preparation o• ;•!a, an • fit the rehanging of the marble and the correction of the roof problem- on the Cou .sh•.....:.. The Planning and j Committee, by Mr. Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoire; ion, PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE. Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman The resolution was referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. Misc. 5684 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM To the Oakland County Board of Comissioners Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Federal funds may be available for the funding of an Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should apply for available Federal funds; and WHEREAS a Grant. Application Form must be filed with the United States Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance Administration; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute the n(.•.i.,sary applications for any Federal Grant Funds that may be available for an Oakland County Narco;:ic. Enforcement Team. The Public Protection and judiciary Committee, by Mr. Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC PROTECTION AND JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. ..,mm:ssioners 132 Commissioners Minutes Continued, April 27, 1971 AYES: Lennon, Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 5685 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN OAKLAND COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING FACILITY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS Federal funds may be available for a feasibility study for the construction of an Oakland County Criminal Justice Training Facility; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland should apply for available Federal funds; and WHEREAS a Grant Application Form must be filed with the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized to execute the necessary applications for any Federal Grant Funds that may be available for a feasibility study for the construction of an Oakland County Criminal Justice Training Facility. The Public Protection and Judiciary Committee, by Mr. Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC PROTECTION AND JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Mainland, Mathews, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Simson, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon. (20) NAYS: Richardson, Wilcox, Brennan. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 5686 By Mr. Aaron IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR PART B OF PLANNING FUNDS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS there are funds available for the Law Enfbrcement and Criminal Justice Program; and WHEREAS to qualify for said Grant, it was necessary to file an application on or before April 20, 1971; and WHEREAS the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners filed said Grant Application on April 20, 1971 to reserve the County's rights to obtain a Grant; and WHEREAS your Committee believes it to have been in the best interest of the County of Oakland to file said Application, and now recommends that the Application with the letter of intent attached thereto, be approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOIVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, on behalf of the County of Oakland, approves the filing of an application with the Office of Criminal Justice Programs and the letter of intent, a copy of said Application and letter being attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Public Protection and Judiciary Committee, by Mr. Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC PROTECTION AND JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Dennis M. Aaron, Chairman Moved by Aaron supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. AYES: Mathews, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Bawden, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Edwards, Hamlin, Harrison, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mainland. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Barakat gave notice that, at the meeting of the Board on May 6, 1971, he will make a motion to discharge the Local and Regional Affairs Committee from further consideration of Resolution No. 5669 relating to Michigan Bell Telephone Company service increase. Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 27, 1971 Misc. 5687 By Mr, Barakat IN RE: AMENDMENT TO RULES FOR C'',-,-i!uZATION AND PROCEDURE To the Oakland County Board of Cellmissicners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleeet: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adjourned to a date and time certain; and WHEREAS frequently when convening on the day and time, the meeting does not commence at the time designated; and WHEREAS certain employers require that their ervile:,,.a who are members of this Board of Commissioners return to their place of employment as soon as •--ible alter the meetings; and WHEREAS it would promote more efficient operation c; the Board of Commissioners and better utilization of the administrative staff; and WHEREAS the meetings should commence at the time so designated; and WHEREAS Committee meetings are often started late and should commence at the time designated; and WHEREAS after a Committee quorum call, the time a member enters and leaves the meeting should be noted in the official minutes of the meeting; and WHEREAS after a quorum call, the time that members enter and leave the Board of Commissioners meeting should be noted in the official minutes of the Commission meeting; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rules for Organization and Procedure of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be amended to provide that the Chairman shall call the Board of Commissioners meetings Lc order promptly at the time designated. BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Rules be amended to provide that Committee Chairmen shall call the Committee meetings to order at the time designated, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board shall note the first time a member enters a Commission meeting and such time shall be recorded as a part of the official minutes of the meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee Clerk, after a quorum call, shall record the time members enter and leave Committee meetings, said times to be recorded in the official minutes of the Committee meetings. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Joseph L. Barakat The resolution was referred to the Committee on Organization. Mr. Perinoff objected. Moved by Daly supported by Lennon the Board adjourn to May 6, 1971 at 9:30 A. M. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Board adjourned at 11:27 A. M. Lynn D. Allen William M. Richards Clerk Chairman 133