HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1962.09.17 - 7702Daniel T. Murphy, Jr. Clerk Delos Hamlin Chairman OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Supervisors MEETING 250 September 17, 1962 Meeting called to order by Chairman Delos Hamlin. Invocation given by the Reverend Howard F. Short of the First Methodist Church, Milford. Roll called. PRESENT: Allerton, Alward, Archambault, Beecher, Bloe, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, James Carey, John Carey, Charteris, Gheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Davis, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Frid, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, WM. Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Love, MacDonald, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Noel, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Roberts, Semann, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Staman, Tiley, Tinsman, Voliz, Webber, Wood, Yockey. (82) ABSENT: Beamer, Johnson, McAleer. (3) Quorum Present Moved by Rehard supported by Cummings the journal for the June Session be approved and closed and the June Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. SEPTEMBER SESSION September 17, 1962 Meeting called to order by Chairman Delos Hamlin. Roll called. PRESENT: Allerton, Alward, Archambault, Beecher, Bloe, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, James Carey, John Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Davis, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, D'art, Forbes, Fouts, Frid, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, Wm. Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Love, MacDonald, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Noel, OlDonoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Roberts, Semann, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Staman, Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Wood, Yockey. (82) ABSENT: Beamer, Johnson, McAleer. (3) Quorum Present The Clerk read the request for this meeting which was filed with him on August 14, 1962. Said request was ordered filed with the Clerk. A true copy of the same appears in the notice of meeting hereafter set forth. The Clerk presented the notice of this meeting together with his affidavit as to the mailing of said notice, which notice and affidavit are as follows: NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING. To the Members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, will be held at the time and place stated in the following request which has been filed with me, to-wit: "A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, is hereby called to be held on Monday, the 17th day of September; 1962 at 9:30 o'clock A. M., EST, in . the Supervisors Room in the Court House Office Building, 1 Lafayette Street, Pontiac, Michigan, for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the Board at that time. Signed: Delos Hamlin, Chairman Oakland County Board of Supervisors" This is the first meeting of the September Session of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors. The previous meeting was adjourned .subject to the call of the Chair. Signed: Daniel T. Murphy, Jr. Oakland County Clerk-Register of Deeds Dated: September 10, 1962 251 Supervisors Minutes Continued. 'September 17, 1962' PROOF OF MAILING STATE OF M1CHIGAN)ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) Daniel T. Murphy ; Jr., being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the County Clerk and Register of Deeds of Oakland County and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for Oakland County and that he served a true copy of the foregoing notice on each member of the Board of Supervisors of Oakland County, Michigan by enclosing the same in an envelope properly sealed, sufficiently stamped, and plainly addressed to such member at his last known address and depositing the same in the United States mail at Pontiac, Michigan on September 5, 1962. Signed: Daniel T. Murphy, Jr. Oakland, County Clerk and Register of Deeds Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of September 1962 Signed; Julia Maddock, Notary Public, Oakland County, Michigan My commission expires November 16, 1964 The Chairman appointed 'Robert. F. Jackson as a member of the Special Aviation Committee. (Replaces Philip E. Rowston) . Clerk read letter from James F. Estes, Housing Director of the Royal Oak Township Urban Re- development Program, thanking the members of the Miscellaneous Committee for their visit to the Urban Renewal Office. (Placed on file.) Clerk read resolutions from the Hillsdale County Board of Supervisors relative to the duties of the Attorney General and apportionment of the Michigan State Legislature. (Placed on file.) . Clerk read resolution from the Wayne County Board of Supervisors relative to the program of Federal Aid to Children of Unemployed Parents. (Referred to the Welfare Committee.) Misc. 4008 By Mr. Levinson IN RE: BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1963 TO DECEMBER 31, 1963 To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; Your Ways and Means Committee herewith presents to the Board of Supervisors the recommended budget for the operation of the County for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1963 and ending December 31, 1963. Your Committee was faced with an especially difficult task this year due to a cut-back in the requested County allocation necessitating- an overall adjustment of $1,949,522.00 from the millage requested in the tentative budget this spring. This meant that proposed expenditures had to be severely cut with the least possible impairment to those County programs vitally affecting the people of Oakland County; the anticipation of every possible receipt projected on an assumption of optimum conditions throughout 1963; and the use of whatever resources the County might have including possible budget balances at the end of 1962. Your Committee feels that the tentative budget represented a reasonable and justified program. We would, in accordance with good budgeting practices, have wished to project anticipated receipts ona more conservative basis. We .feel that more reasonable safeguards should have been incorporated in those programs whose case loads and dollar requirements are dependent upon economic and outside conditions together with possible changes in State and Federal requirements.. However, we have done what we can with funds made available to us and, to the best of our judgment, have balanced the budget with the least possible impairment to those County programs most vital to the people of Oakland County. To this end, we present a Budget which We must label as an Austerity Budget' - The report of the amounts recommended by the Salaries Committee and the Board of Auditors for the salaries portion of the 1963 Budget are included in the recommended 1963 Budget. All but four (4) of the forty-one (41) new positions recommended in the budget have been deleted. This, we recognize,will in many instances, result in lesser service to the public. No salary adjustments have been provided for any County personnel other than nominal and compensatory raises for those elected and appointed officials for definite terms of office beginning JanUary 1, 1963. These officials, due to statutory limitations, did not receive raises in 1962 and in some 'cases for periods longer than this. The recommendation of the Salaries Committee and the Retirement Commission to increase some of the fringe benefits for County employees has been concurred in by the Ways And Means Committee and funds for these benefits are included in the budget. Details of these benefits have been presented by the Salaries Committee. . Attention of the Members of the Board is brought at this time to the fact that there is presently a deficit of $131,667.38 in the Building Fund and it is recommended by the Committee that this amount be automatically reimbursed to the General Fund at the end of the present fiscal year from budget balances, if any, Over and above the amount anticipated from 1962 budget balances earmarked for the 1963 budget and any further excess transferred to the 1963 Contingent Fund. Pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 3931, provision has been made in the Budget to. allocate $200,000.00 of 1963 miscellaneous non-tax receipts for the South Oakland Health Building, which sum; along with a like sum which should be made available in 1964, together with Federal Funds, should provide sufficient funds according to present estimates of the cost of the new Health Unit. The amounts recommended in this Budget for the individual County Departments have been arrived at by reference to the budget recommendations of the Board of Auditors, Department Heads and the Salaries Committee. For the most part the requests of the various Departments could not be met. It i to all membe.r It is fees belong to Mr. CL.! recommended by the tent,iive 1963 Budget, f drastiesAy reducing the Count's operations on flid expansion of present' 'U time of their Corporation en the Summary ,• your Boa salal . at 1E-, ' . prop - Count To -the Honorable Oakland CouLy, (,mend that $6,769,673, to cover the cost of salaric••• eI,xted and appointed officials, which a joint recommendation of the Salaries study and review, including hearings equested and 41 included in tentative P],n;:••••••••n• ;1gs, Thomas H. O'Bonoghue ,,ton, Frank J. \Toll, Sr. COMMIT os,1:'.7,300 for new positions, $90,300 has been forwarded to the .J1 budget recommendation. A to each member of the th:tribution of the total salaries serve Fund. The salaries total is and only 8/10 of 1% higher -than for Emergen,:y Ways and copy of the Board of Su amount to - $370,231 le- - the salarieJ are so:, with I . Budget. Supervisors Minuts. nentir,Aeci, 252 In el of furniture ,z!. under the hea.l n -As thr, • •, of the -. . has bE !u.,T •.;; ary control of purchases :n the 1963 Budget stppert that amount. ture and fixtures, in the expenditures s of this nature, to the Brain and P1 .1 • , : : : , -.ts for which working capitr.1 , : n r necessary projects from - „ , 'n 1 -Lat this policy be cot l'und is $337,669.00 which .• • . . . • . • •.„ • • • • •-n•••• f'ovided for in the Budget., _r: ::%••• • • • ••„- .J,•;•:T.•Tier:.s made for employees re t flin •n :•-•n , • • • " n• • : •• . . .• ••• .• • • . •-•„, ••• .,. • T:.-2asurer's Bond • for the two y(•:.r. tm o • •••• ized by the Board for tl'h :•• • ,•• ..„,„ • • ,,• ,.,., • , 1.• set at $300,000.00. The a- ----------t : • •. • • ; :• ' •;.,ppropriation for the C, -d of Education will be te - n ....tion which are estimated in The t .:,n ••z n - •-• : _ s A: .1 'ative Offices of the County sr, h rec, ns, we have furnished a Y: I n - )_ r( !ipts. (See page 7-10):: various ( aiding y(. County f(r Audio,, its staff, the mely fine cooperation in illage allotted to the rig policie.• -1-e reiterated: Citors submit c;,•rterly• reports d be continuc J lieu of fees and that all the Salaries report as of the 1963 Budget as submitted. SI,' de into the For .; B: 01 inted to a the rate of one half .00 unused sick months, and once reached, reduce s his accumulation below 100 • acclumrlati.ng aployee s their sick leave than 100 sick or for -.)ughout the ...ted State s have at 1 - • bonus days e f I for u •L • accumulated Group in the County's 2 19 (even .:„ • • „ •: . ;: r. These at6 terms 0 c0 '- co-••! ' ' .5 , , .:- ', • , The se recommend- , . . .. , ;•-, al cost to the • Cc mployees hai . . , . ' -.., , . . z.• , . • . • ,' •-.' raises have to, ,.. li ,, , : • :, ;. . • , County sal arie s lli-.,.v: ! . ' : , .,.. ' L• - ,, ' : of County the compulsory • , •-. n : , . ..:, v .. a loss of take home .j • • • • • ! .-: : L,.:,. ...:,,.•:-..j •,,• are about to receive s•,:. L- : ; . ,•,..!•,• school districts and oth: r 'e turnover among their . m.,...:-••• . :.1 , . • .• - • , :p the Personnel • Divi si on o J i :.• . -• . - • . ... - • - - • . ••. ••,•:-. ,.... L.. r-- t• Ly with those ' paid eli....,.:!..;-• ••• ' ,. . -.• :5:. . . ... •,...: : • • . . : ,..•. . :•.; : .,::, . ...: • i:. - ••...: • ,• - no fit s proposed as part of .ve Fund for )nergency case load s, seasonal 1 but which are )fly with the spent to meet tays in the employment were th, . • .,•• . ••-• • •• • a • • ' • ..-.•••••:•yruntenta,1 employe • .,•••. ,.• : •ai• . , . - . especially the Ian • ... ••••••• • • •• .••• •:: • !. • • t.; • .• ,•: • 1 , f...t programs are a,ttam; • • ,.: • .•-• . ,u .S .a . , ,,•ers with whom the Coll:- • • ••• • a • : •5 . .•• • • r i J- PREMIUM L egular employees ;5 ;1 • • 51, . . • ; . , • ...-.• y• • , by the County has been Last;ci ;0. .... :•, ;•• • J.“ 1., • !. used by Blue, Cross-Billie :,• • • , • : ••••• J••••: , • • H•1 1,144 ,th to $7,89, the automotive compap. , -ye b'• • ' • ,• . • • •• .• • for the coverage of his ; •••,•• • •• 5.• , • • E • •t• • I•• .•• ' !:: • the $7.89 the County now p4-, • It is rE • . • :••.• • • .• • • • • • . ; her ward rate* for the • • •,• ,• : . ; h: :.:.•••-al premium for employee spousk • .!.5 • •• ,,5 , . ••• :••••• ; .-urun of its employees who are memb, . • •-:• : : • . 5 ; •••• • There are I , i• • !,•:!- 51.. • • a ; • • , .• • •.• • sly ;:••k • •41.• •nd the $27,000 necessary to '•i:•••••;,•.•1 . • •- • z.. , zation" appropriation in the Salarie activities difficult approval of app rove Salaries P, Length Of Term 3 years Day In INew Teem 1/1/63 Supervisors Minute ( 254 nlaed. September 17, 1 it is recommLnied that the si.ek leave the following section. I. The limitate October to earn • pay perd , II. Starting the 1 it and ael o be giv-, A. or B. If cal. la :a;:sig A review of the sick le not more than 154 coule program in 1963 would this recommendation. The advan a chance to contanu - younger employees to they retire. The plan shout.: to County emnloyees be amended by adding .ck h iv 11 be removed effective accumuTe - es of 100 days can continue kly pay eenod, beginning with the ci over 100 days shall be recorded as of el7y about November 1st) of each year ee accumulation as of that date shall e :irk leave days in excess of 100 the employee is earning as of f .Chat year. .ave days in his accumulation. e,if pay for all unused sick leave •ccumulation, at each succeeding date -earae -f'rom the County employment. oxi;aa .1.y 1300 County employees indicates that s I • -,e.aitler of 1963. The total cost of the in the Salaries Reserve Fund in easement include giving long term employees ,ee lan, giving a tangible incentive for lous employees without making them wait till leave usage and improve employee morale. e 116 E or addia le time o a ords of 100 sick e, and th: : • • cci :•- hoard of Auditors be authorized and instructed to ify their employees of the office hours establish- eedeh provides that the official office hours , 'wept for those positions in certain County on other officially recognized work weeks. a; ,-nded by Misc. Res. 3144.) salary rates jar employees for the year 1963, we have based employees shall devote their entire time to County affairs r established by the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution e Lead --enonsible for reporting all violations of this recommended regulation if approved by your honorable Body. (Misc. Res. 3132) RECOM4ENDED SALARIES I BEGINNING NEW TERMS e 196a The Salaries contact all department in.eee ed by the adoption of 3U are from 8:30 A. M. to 500 P. M., Monn departments and institutd,ee3 where the Lunch period to be 45 minutes. (Misc. In establishing the re-ommr a such rates on the assumption ft• during the work week and hole No. 2971, Further, that eaca, Length. First of Day In Office Term New Term CLERK/REGISTER 2 years 1/1763 DRAIN COMMISSIONER 2 years . 1/1/63 PROBATE JUDGE 4 years 1/1/63 'PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 2 years 1/1/63 SHERIFF 2 years 1/1/63 TREASURER 2 years 1/1/63 COUNTY SURVEYOR . . 2 years 1/1/63 Last Day In New Term. 127.71-7,71 12/31/64 12/31/66 12/31/64 12/31/64 12/31/64 12/31/64 Annual Recommended Salary Of Annual Salary Present For New Term Term $12,500 $13,500 1.2,500* 13,500* 23,500 23,500 14,000 15,000 11,250** 12,250** 12,500 13,500 No salary- No salary- may retain may retain fees fees - *The Drain Commissioner may also be reimbursed from the Southeastern Oakland County Sewage Disposal System. He currently receives $1,200 per year from this source. • -Kierhe Sheriff also receives full maintenance in the County Jail. It is recommended that, with the exception of the County Surveyor, the salaries provided for in this recommendation be in lieu 'of all fees and that such Ceca belong to and are to be credited to the County's ' •General Fund. • • • . . , . . . . • • • • , • , , . , RECOMMENDED SALARIES FOR AFTI.'-fTE :1FFICES , . Last Office • ONE MEMBER-BOARD OF AUDITORS (Ineiumbent presently serving as Chairman) CHAIRMAN-BOARD OF AUDITORS* 1 year ONE MEMBER-SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD 3 years (Incumbent currently serving as Chairman) ONE MEMBER-COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION 6 years CHAIRMAN-COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION** 1 year Annual Recommended Day In Salary Of Annual Salary New Present For New Term Term Term 172711765 $12,000 $13,400 for 1963 14,000 for 1964 14,000 for 1965 1/1/63 12/31/63 None None 1/1/63 12/31/65 10,500 11,500 1/1/63 12/31/68 7,500 1.0,000 1/1/63 12/31/63 2,500 2,500 2.55 Supervisor - Minute- of the the Ho;• -year term as Chairman A”ditor, is to be made by Hoard of :cditors Board of Education Circuit, Court Circuit C e-r-t-Probation Civil P Cle.letie•• :7er of Deeds C..op• .on Service isel Works 3 adopted by the Board ee e• ,Joad Commissioners was e - : • stablished that the salary for t::;, e, that the salary for the ,500 for the year 1963 with the nd Chairman of this body - $15,000 - $7,500 C'jX) - Provided that the offices to be filled by ! set by state Statute and 1963 through December expenses allowable. Oct on -i 13, 1 MFALLI; Same rate 2 MEMBERS Same r,itf- Recommed ject to r, 4 MEMB;ji.:':. No comper 5.1192 Supervisee 3 MEMBERS ' fict, per mil adopted on Sep or 31, 1967. No ions No. 3579, adopted on nts to fill expired terms of Health since October ry 1, 1,oJ through December 31, 1965. of Supervisors. (M.S.A. 4.1153 (3)). y 1, 1963 through December 31, 1965. f Supervisors. (M.S.A. 4.11.53 (3)). be Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors, sub- January 1, lc.1•:i through December 31, 1965. id necessaly allowable. (M.S.A- 1111 be mede by Chairman of the Board of Two year 'tied. comp ,0 se-lion $14.00 per day plus mileage at : rate as esrt, s • H- e- Misc. Resolution No. 3420 as . OF • 7DcET (Joint Recmmendation etee auu Auo:etors - August 24, propriate: e• ke•,;erve tmental EAets I (1, itioi: For New Em,...rgeney S. eiously. •-e• ,A Positions Salaries Reserve Fund Total Departmental Appropriations and Salaries Reserve Fund No,AMOUD __ ______ (), $. - - ' - --- $3,000 $3,000 $387,154 26 - --- --- --- 197,840 22 _. •, - _ - --- 1,500 1,500 153,152 12 '!•• 11 _ • ___ --- --- 65,211 4. , ,•• '8 - --- --- --- 21,53q 46 - --- 3,500 3,500 232,5 ,4 4 1.7, 5 - --- 400 400 18,3.:-e 7 63,--C 1 6,900 --- 6,900 22 * 39 ,( - --- . --- . --- 39,(75 8 43,400 - --- 1,500 1,500 44,900 iRe2,6 177,171 - --- ___ ___ 177,171 17 125,059 - --- 1,500 1 )500 127,559 40 200,039 - --- --- --- 200,039 151 897,057 - --- 3,000 3,000 900,057 7 36,397 - --- --- --- 36,397 7 47,022 _ ___ --- --- 47,022 13 80,690 - --- . 2,000 2000, 90,696 20 143,875 _ ___ 4,000 4,000 147,875 77 . 417,771 1 9,000 2,000 . 11,000 428,771 95 466,941 - --- 8,000 8,0 , 474,941 24 102,754 - --- 1,500 1 -.. ,I I , . 104,254 28 194,558 1 3,900 --- 5,3151 200,459 (16 543,753 - --- --- --- 543,753 --Continued-- Soc.Welfare-Hosp. Soc.Welfare-M.C,Facility a Soc.Welfare-Re7lef Admin. Telephone Ee.J.aea,a 5 Teletype 4 Treasurer 35 T. B. Sanatorium Veterans Affairs TOTaa larie • Reserve Fund Fund 3,400 48,616 759,788 51,000 304,741 1,500 23,454 19,002 2,500 191,655 629,215 5 500 59,172 7.600 ••,400 -- 51,000 1,500 2,500 256 Supervisors Minutes Continue:, September 17, 1962 -o 3ropriated In • lieeies Reserve Fund eeaartne-Aal Budgets For Total. • o- Pce,:nions ,a , Emergenoy Salaries Total Departmental Appropriations and Salaries Reserve *The actual antieipaT-d e. • - .•-• - •, •. '-..ieeons is F a SICK LEAVE $173,328, tut it is c:otiq,... . - ea 4..n. e..•e•ent , R••• • PURSEMENT 20,700 20,700 will receive $133,655 from . oji-e , -OTAL See **There are approximately 12,4 adc' ie.•-O 1.nployees • 77flRVE " 138,300 in this department . who are paid 'Leon! :-:•,,..‘ l'ends. -nh.-L S, • S BUDGET $6,769,673 Mr. Chairman, I move the aa-- eaue of this r,:,-- as • .Oficial recommendation from the Salaries Committee and the Board of Au6:1ers as to the ,':aino . 7. ,,an of the 1963 Budget. 71.E Staoaea, Chairman Alward, Lee H. Clack, Curtis H. Hall art, Virgil C, Knowles, Earl B.Rhinevault 0? AUDITORS hn C. Austin, Chairman Robert Y. Moore, Vice Chairman Robert E. Lilly, Secretary (Budget appears on the following page.) Moved by Levinson supported by Miller the 1963 Budget, including the Salaries Committee Report, as recommended by the Salaries Committee and Board of Auditors, be adopted. - Moved by Ingraham supported by Webber the Salaries portion of the 1963 Budget be amended by increasing the salary of the Prosecuting Attorney from $15,000 to $16,500 for the two year term beginning January 1, 1963 and that $1,500 be,transferred from the Contingent Fund to the Salaries Fund for that ,purpose. Discussion followed. Moved by Hall supported by Rhinevault the amendment be amended to also increase the salaries of the following elected officials: Clerk/Register from $13,500 to $15,000 Drain Commissioner from $13,500 to $15,000 Sheriff from $12,250 to $13,750 Treasurer from $13,500 to $15,000 and the additional $6,000 required be transferred from the Contingent Fund to the Salaries Fund for that apose. Discussion followed. Vote on motion to amend am(ndmc.nt: AYES:- Hall, Knowles, Rhil-eant, Smith, Staman. (5) NAYS: Allorton, Alward, aeehambault, Beec' r, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, James Carey, John Carey,. Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Coolo j , Cummings, Davis, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Ioort,-Forbes, Fouts„Fridabler, Goodspeed, Hamlin,. Heacock, Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson. Wm. H: son, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, Kephart, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Love, MacDeeild, Ma jer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Noel, 0'1... ,. ale, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Roberts, Semann, Slavens, Solley, Tiley, Tinsman, Veil, Webber, Wood, Yockey. (77) A sufficient majority not having voted :therefor, the motion lost. Vote on amendment: AYES:- Alla-etch, Beecher, Bloc, Calhoun, Cheyz, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Davis, Dickens, Ewart, Fouts, Goodoaeed, !-'eacoefe, Horton, Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, MacDonald, Majer,•Marshall, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Co(ebura, 0Ea000d, Rehard, Roberts, Semann, Slavens, Solley, Tiley, Webber. (33) NAYS: aichaeault, Bonner, Brickner, James Carey, John Carey, Charteris, Clack, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, J. W. -.oeeen, WM. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Forbes, Frid, Gabler, Hall, Hamlin, Hoard, Huber, Walla a. ee. :on, Wm. Hudsee, Hulet, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Love, McCartney, McCoy;.:; Melchort, Feoe.les, Mercer, Noel, 0?Donoghue, Potter, Remer, Rhinevault, Smith, Staman, Tinsman, Volk, Wood, Yockey. A sufficient majority not haaiag voted therefor, the motion lost. (Continued on page 259) 200,039.00 36,397.00 143,875.00 417,771.00 16.5000 24,870.00 3,253.00 28,100.00 33,425.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 102,754.00 $ 52,575.00 466,941.00 303,480.00 15,000.00 357,000.00 100,000.00 45,216.00 1,482,696.00 759,788.00 412,300.00 62 9 ,215.00 260,785.00 257 Supervisors Minutes Continued. September 17, 1962 TJMKARY OF BUDGET RECOMMENDATT APPROPRIATIONS YEAR OPERATING BUDCFT $ 384,154.00 $ 28,569.00 $ 412,723.00 229,054.00 40,625.00 269,679.00 63,965.00 2,550.00 66,515.00 $ 28,000.00 28,000.00 ,tment .. 126,059.00 12,565.00 138,624.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 1:y.ter-County Committee 11,000.00 11,000.00 Board 3,000.00 3,000.00 loge 21,954.00 71,530.00 93,484.00 ity Tax Rolls 7,000.00 7,000.00 Yity Treasurers Bonds 10,000.00 10,000.00 189,1.00 23,075.00 212,230.00 0ve 18.9.00 18 900 00 0 NE AND ADMINISTRATIVE _$ 59 000.00 $1,03.00 $ 258,214.00 -----2-1.-- $1,351.2.155.00 Com. Probation 0.c..;0:ncY , functions J:j0-ed, the Court • trt Probate PeoN t; Sala' y TOTAL ('i'ICES LAW 1011(*001-7.NT te CORRECTIONS Di 6 Pr - ;tin; Attorney SI Sheriii 7 s Lake Patrol Teletype Service Salary Resc0 -re TOTAL 1,10j LH'0110f1MENT CORRECTIONS -HEALTH (Non-Institutional) General ReL.:f Juvenile Mi...-:_ntnce (Foster Homes) Oakland Child Guidance Clinic Relief Administration Salary Reserve TOTAL HEALTH ts. WELFARE (Non-Insti- tutAonal) IT;LJUTIONAL HEALTH & WELFARE Aq'Ailance r .00p Oakl.a.md CL. :•. Home (Child Care) Cases Hos Medi,A1 iee Facility Temp:0;., Gases Tube:- Sanatorium T. F., - Outside, , ; Unit 1,ry ReFerve TOTU HEALTH CONSERVATION TOTAL HEALTH AND WELFARE AND HEALTH CONSERVATION $ 151,6 '.00 $ 115,025.00 $ 266,677.00 3,820.00 72,031.00 $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 - 224,909.00 39,650.00 171,975.00 451,196.00 16,500.00 208,493.00 $1,262,938.00 $ 43,400.00 $ 19,880.00 $ 63,280.00 194,558.00 15,025.00 209,583.00 543,753.00 222,075.00 765,828.00 $ 10,000.00 10,000.00 19,002.00 16,200.00 35,202.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 808,113.00 $ 273,180.00 $1,091,293.00 $1,900,000.00 $1,900,000.00 180,075.00 180,075.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 $ 253,741.00 $ 42,350.00 296,091.00 51 000 00 51,000.00 $2,139,575.00 $ 304,741.00 $ 42 350.00 $2,486,666.00 $ 1,000.00 155,329.00 770,421.00 1.5,000.00 1,527,912.00 1,172,088.00 357,000.00 100,000.00 890,000.00 23,000.00 12,900.00 $5,024,650.00 $ 897,057.00 $ 123,700.00 $1,020,757.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $ 900,057.00 $ 123,700.00 $1,023,757.00 $2,635,575.00 $3,221,612.00 $2,677,886.00 $5,535,073.00 Uvenile Division 68,211.00 $ 20,000.00 23,000.00 12,900.00 TONAL HEALTH & WELFARE $ 496,000.00 $2,016,814.00 $2 511 836.00 ATION RiaTIONS ns A Drain (Advances 1962) $ 4,131.00 (-)us Drain Assessments 15,325.00 Road Drain 11,518.00 Drain. 45,473.00 Public Works Commission 1.6,567.C.s0 94,11 15,325.00 10,275.00 16,400.00 00 03 42,000.00 70,000.00 /__.1152.222.9.42g. $ 48,000.00 500.00 58,362,00 5,500.00 $ 112,362.00 .z Lots Construction 70,000.00 :'LAY AND IMPROVEMENTS $ 359,270.00 $ 48,000.00 500.00 IRS T itan Authority $ 528,102.00 $ 528,102.00 $ 528,102.00 $ 525,102.00 oNS tenance ods vduildings Administration 0ILDINCS OPERATIONS $ 205,500.00 22,000.00 $ 227,500.00 $ 401,698.00 21,536.00 423,234.00 $ 205,500.00 401,698.00 22,000.00 65,558.00 AL 697,756.00 47 022.00 47,022.00 1.0 Supervisors Minutes Continued. September 17, 1.952 258 Of ROVEMENT $ 211,24C.00 urniture & Fixtures) 78,030.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 4,131.00 15,325.00 11,51P.00 46,40 55,000.00 187,446.00 105,096.00 15,657.00 2,000.00 $ 443,656.00 $ 211,240.00 78,030.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 Insurance 25,000.00 . 25,000.00 ..tion 117,000.00 ' 117,000.00 (Operations) 9,000.00 9,000.00 ..it 329,000.00 - 329,000,00 205,000.00 205,000.00 NEIITS $ 718,000.00 $ 715,000.00 , HIon $ 197,840.00 $ 40,370.00 $ 238,210.00 21,638.00 22,045.00 43,683.00 on Service 17,948.00 15,365.00 33,313.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 veisity-Oakland 30,000-.00 30,000.00 300.00 300.00 400.00 . 400.00 $ 31,800.00 $ 237,826.00 $ 77,780.00 .$ 347,406.00 ons a.ths Reporting Mich.Tourist Association ,.ANEOUS F• Ai" Balance Recs. , • • ' 1963 Budget 500.00 500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 63,691.00 53,691.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 20,700.00 20,700.00 $ 69,191.00 $ 20,700.00 $4,80A.052.00 $6,769,673.00 $3,960,177.00 $15,536,902.00 $4,299,500.00 147,259.00 _11,222.21±12.2 $15,536,902.00 259 Supervisors Minutes Continued. T] U • • T & Property. C - Dte , a, • .sner Jr • . s n1 anance P,•s. aeeaation ief ••Iations aealth Unit T. ::anatorium Hce,• - a ization J1,12.3 ,', Courts Per=.ennel Turnover Adjustment 200.000.00 500.00 hco. anio 31,00.00 21,000.00 70,000.00 110,000..00 78,500.00 9,000.00 2.2,000.00 143 000.00 10,000.00 75 000.00 ,O00.00 .00 74,(0-'.00 1,000,000.00 146,000.00 550,000.00 825,000.00 30,000.00 120 000.00 $4,499,500.00 OR THE PROPOSED 1963 ANNBAL Idd 00 Less: Allocation for Miscellaneous Non-Tax Revenue for South Oakland Health Building Fund Total Estimated Receipts for the Proposed 1963 Annual Budget (Continued from Page 256) Moved by Osgood supported by Love the Budget be amended by disapproving the $20,700 "For Sick Leave Reimbursement." Discussion followed. AYES: Allerton, Bonner, Ilemute, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Gabler, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, WM. Hudson, Jackson, Love, Menzies, Moore, Noel, Osgood, Potter, Semann, 'Slavens, Smith. (20) NAYS: Alward, Archambault, Beecher, Bloc, Briekner, Calhoun, James Carey, John Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Davis, Dewan, Dickens, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Frid, GOodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Hulet, Hursfall, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, MacDonald, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Roberts, Solley, Staman, Tiley, Tinsman, Veil, Webber, Wood, Yockey, (61) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Moved by Osgood supported by Potter the Budget be amended to disapprove the paragraph in the Salaries Report entitled "Recommended Change in the Amount the County Pays Toward an Employee's Hospital.- ization Insurance Premium." Discussion followed. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Moved by Horton supported by O'Donoghue the Budget be amended by reducing the amount of the County Treasurer's Bond from $1,000,000 to $300,000. Discussion followed. AYES: Allerton, Alward, Beecher, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, James Carey, Charteris, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, Vali. Duncan, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Frid, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudeon, WM. Hudson, Hursfall, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Love, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, Melchert, Menzies, Wecer, Miller, Moore, Noel, O'Donoghue, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Semann, Slavens, Smith, Solley, :siaassn, Tiley, Tinsman, Webber, Yer1ay. (54) NAYS: Archambault, Plea, John Carey, Cheyz, Clack, Davis. Dickens, J. W. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Ewart, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Eulet, Jackson, Kephart, Levin, tes±aon, 'atcDonald, McGovern, Mitchell, Oldenburg, Rhinevault, Roberts, Vol 1, Wood. (27) A sufficient majority having voted tlyr , . , he motion carried. 260 .ff,rence in the cost of a $1,000,000 -D the Contingent Fund, making a s Fund. S 51 on raised by taxa PS 1 (:( Misc. 4009 By Mr. 1.v IN RE: 1 To the 0a.:...?;n:i Mr. Chairm,,I, The .1.105- County of by-taxatic6 , .5 rmi, Officers or' sevt: spread on ,he,,v of their Tc,6T General Fur1 6hoomield Bra: 61 -6 h to the various ;:-(1 townships of Oakland portion of the 1 (--:6'y budget to be raised .uation of $2, - • • , 200.) of the sev6.- -6woships and the Assessing • - 6rized and directed to p6:,: f se hoyal Southf:.-11 . 'ld Water West Liconfeld Wh Tot r.olships Mad : 22,500.H2 4,0. 6,146,402 254,493.55 7 32,258.11 525,043.95 289,828.22 10$,315.55 33 112±21.1205L3.2 O. % $ 219,921.06 519,258.40 116,539.29 157,936.46 121,238.90 4.45..1 493,944.81 2.1.6%; 242,616.14 1.31480 145,813.42 .19725 21,875.04 .79152 87,781.03 it S 3.31619 367,770.40 Nor.0 ii: .15021 16,658.66 H6.6: Hills 6 Supervisors -,tember 17, 1962 mov that $' )A ,, , 1 - , bond and a e Trea; total of $68, , Vote on AYES: Al1 'John Carey, Charteri J. W. Duncan, Wm. Hamlin, HeaccY: Knowles, I Melchert, I Remer, Ithi (80) e Report), as amended: =er, Calhoun, James Carey, vavA, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, -bes, Fout6, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, huh - Jackson, Kephart, , tney , McGovern, . Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Semann, :_'0avens, Voll, Webber, Wood, Yockey. .7 cient majority having voted therefor, the 1963 Budget, as amended, was adopted. 27,1 Falsgton 75,8): 0 r6veland highland Holly • Independence 22,9:: Lyon 7,806o93 Milford 17,580,600 Nov:, 19,128,93 9 Oak-,, 61 7,864,559 CITIES p ,H aant Po aiac Royal Oak Southfield South Lyon Sylvan Lake Troy Walled Lake Wixom Total 'Cities Total County Ridge ) ) ,114 Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of the Aner, Calhoun, James Carey, ute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, -id, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall,. , Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, , Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, dburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, , Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Wood, , , Tile A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. 261 Supervisors Minutes Continued. Septemt 17, 1962 O.4,11 ,ALIZED 17 ' john L. (orE, ATao L. Hulet, ;1 IZED PERCENTAGE 1962 TAX LEVY 537,002.14 67,362.98 1,779,436.87 1,055,090.59 865,673.28 32,209.35 10 28,623,14 350,284.26 46,690.23 121,651.31 1,377.76 143.05 a ;a:flings, Thomas H. O'Donoghue ; W. Horton, Frank J. Voll, Sr. Moved by Levinson supported by Cummings the resolution AYES: Alter-ton, Alward, Ai m ui echer , Blue, John Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, .run , ,31• f, GUMML':ir J. W. Duncan, Wm, Duncan, Durbin, - , ayart, Fca Hamlin, Heacock, Haard, Horton, Hubei Lellecc Hudson, Wm. Huth, Kephart, Knowles, L.Mi, Lessiter, Levan, Levi, =,m, Love, Maall Meichert, Menz:a.a, Ae:cer, Miller, Mitchell, More, Noel, C'Doe Remer, Rhinevault, ',-e)berts, Semann, Slavens, Smith, Solley, StL Yockey. (82) NAYS: None. (0) Misc. 4010 By Mr. Levirroa IN RE: A27,-SHoa -, FOR RED ON DRAIN To the Oakland aoalty Boaee of Supervisors Mr. Chairmaa, Lad ana At the last meeti, of the Board the Drain Committee presented a resolution to the Board to authorize the County to asoiae an apportionment of not to exceed 0.993409% of the cost of the Red Run Drain. This resolution was referred to your Ways and Means Committee pursuant to Rule XVII of the By-Laws of the Board. Since the refeirai of this matter, your Committee has considered the assumption of the recommended apportionmonr County, under the Drain. Code, wtich may be done if 2/3 of the members- elect of the Board of ?1.14-a.uo'-oras vote in favor thereof. On See1ember 13, 1962, the Ways and Means Committee adopted a motiea aeocurring in proposed Resolutior /Kfrn1. This action was taken after a joint session with the Draio. Committee and the County Drain. Coaaasioner and in view of the previous action of this Board in 19 when, under the terms of Resolotion #3192, the County accepted an apportion- ment for the Twelve Town: Re.ef Drains covering drainage coela; ,ssessed for the Detroit Zoological Park and the Rackham Golf Cou,e., located in the Cities of Royal l. and Huntington Woods. The Ways and Committee recommends that the Cz.unty's shalo be advanced in full from the General Fund, and then si a , ceually in the budget .'. or the next fil,e :-ars, and that a sum not to exceed $3,000.00, being 1/ 9 tae amount, be approeiated from the 196 Contingent Fund to reimburse the General Fund. Mr. Chairman, I offer the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED Miscellaneous Resolutieo:1 #.1o9, as presented to the Board by the Drain Committee on September 10, be adopted. BE IT FURTHER. RE,L*LV....D that the apportionm, from the General Fund as ne,.!.d. and repaid from budg , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a sum not to , tingent Fund to reimburse the General Fund. for 1/5 c Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and Me resolution. t by the County for this drain be advanced ar.ureprlation during the next five years; ,eed $3,000.00 appropriated from the 1963 Con- r. amount aOiv•oaal. as Committee, I m-ve the adoption of the foregoing WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE David Levinson, Chairman John L. Carey, R. C. Cummings, Harry W. Horton Arno L. Mulct, Thomas H. 0 1Donoghue, Frank J. Voll,Sr. TOWNSHIPS: Addison Blomfield Farmington Highland Oxford Royal Oak White Lake CITIES: Hazel Park Madi on Heig Lake Wolverine U ..ke TOTAL AT LAI:cjE GRAND TOTAL m . 49.81 30.1 ,-.„ 101,15 1.034.21 30 t4 2022.83 ct 558 .58 $30 . 262 'Ames Carey, John (7-alrey, DohanV, J. W. Du;-,can, tall, Hami.lin,..ecsk, es, Lahti, Less. Menzies, Mercer, nevault, Roberts, Semann, WM. Hoard Levin, Mitch' Slaver , 4011 Wood AUD1TOP 7-) the Oaklz.. Mr. Cnairnlar, 1.ist of 1961. and ,neral prior yei June belo were re .' ip- tion CA TOWNSHIPS: Pontiac Springfield West Bloon CITIES1 Birmirft TOTAL $ 169.63 290.27 5.59 - .38 36,47 04.28 75 $524,37 Tota $ 235.24 361.27 7.69 0 4 .34 71.68 .21 .27 un, James Carey, rckens, Dobany, 4spaed, Hall, • , Jackson, -Ttney, McGovern, :god, Potter, Rehard, , Voll, Webber, Wood, John Car J. W. Hamlin, Kepha -. Melch: Remer, Yocke7. $ 17,43 20.51 276.01 2.58 6.20 273.31 15.73 10.64 19.90 785.10 488.79 5.48 13.60 180.77 1.76 4.52 159.69 12,42 1.89 6.77 4.46 12.08 306,16 353.18 193.30 223.51 ,76 3.77 Supervisors Moved .40 A slu. ,:iajoritv having voted therefor, the report was adopted. 263 Supervisors Minutes Continued. Mi Sc,4012 By Mr. They IN FE: INTERIM REPORT ON PROPOSTIO u sher 17, 1962 :ION OF CITY OF UNION LAKE To the Oakland County a Mr. Chairman, Ladies ,He• • Your Boundaa a- • of the proposed City of said proposed city incluqe West Bloomfield and Clm'a r Your Bounda n Lt the legal description the Committee and the . interested citizens. •:Immittae respectfully reports to the Board that petitions for the incorporation Lake were filed with the County Clerk on August 2, 1962. The boundaries of about four -quare miles of each of the Irmgriships of Waterford, White Lake, Cc. :lat there was a difference between i thereto. A meeting was held with proposed incorporation as well as On the advice of the Corporation Counsel, and based upon legal precedent, your Committee on September 7, 1962, adopted a re:,tition to permit the petitioners to file a substitute petition with the County Clerk within 30 days from ...:_'rember 17, 1962. if such new petitions are so filed, your Committee will review them and make a furL r ,eport to the Board at a later date. Mr. Chairman, I move that the foregoing r ,:port be received and placed on file. O'iNDARIES OF CITIES AND VILLAGES COMMITTEE ..'!cnias C. They, Chairman S. Moore jan F. ea..; , Ea.- Tinsman Moved by They suppa -e.J. us R(!iaai the report be adopted. A sufficient majority ht therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 4013 By Mr. Wm. Hudson IN RE: AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS, RULE XII, SECTION 1 To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to notice given 1-,c, the Board at the last meeting, your By-Laws Committee now offers the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that Rule XII, Section 1, of the By-Laws of the Board be amended to constitute the Aviation Committee as a Standing Committee of the Board. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the By-Laws Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BY-LAWS COMMATTEE William C. Hudson, Chairman John Archambault, S. James Clarkson Elwood Dickens, William, A. Ewart Moved by Mn. Hudson supported by Noel the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority - having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Calhoun supported by Rehard the 1962 Drain Assessment Report, Misc. #3997, be taken from the table. A sufficien , mAj...rity having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Calhoun supported by They the 1962 Drain Assessment Report, Misc. #3997, be adopted. AYES: Allerton, Alward, Archambault, Beecher, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, James Carey, John Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Cooley, Cummings, Davis, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Frid, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, WM- Hudson, Hulet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Jackson, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Love, MacDonald, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Mercer, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Noel, OlDonoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Romer, Rhinevault, Roberts, Semann, Slavena, Smith, Solley, Staman, Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, Webber, Wood, Yockey, (82) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted, Supervisors Minutes Continued, September 17, 1962 Mr. Kephart [resented the 1961 Annt.1 Report of the Oakland County Tuberculosis Sanatorium. 264 Moved by ' t .1upported by Cy:. A suffic.'-...• DAjority hc eport be received and placed on file. ierefor, the motion carried. Misc. 4014 By Mr. Cummings IN RE: LAKE LEVEL - To the Oakland Cou.• Mr. Chairman, Ladit• WHEREAS cause in each ei WHEREAS .,stigat: maintained, and WHEREAS Act, 146 0] Drain Commissioner, NOW THEREFORE HE such assistance as he may be and for recommendations Mr. Chairman, Moved by Cul-mj AMP OAKLAND visors -CilidSOMP Lake owned by Camp Oakland has been lowered by some unknown • and be had to determine how this lake level could be restored and •-lic Acts of 1961, makes provision for such programs by the County that this matter be referred to the County Drain Commissioner for .:.scertain and determine the cause for lowering of the lake be resl :rid maintained. c -:oregoinL re ,7'.,tion. R. C. Cumminc:- Pontiac City Supervisor the resolution be adopted. A .sufficient rn jb- ha therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Cummings supported. by Rehard the Board adjourn subject to the call of the Chair. •A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Daniel T. Murphy, Jr. Delos Hamlin Clerk Chairman