HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1960.05.26 - 772521 OAKLAND COUNTY
Board Of Supervisors
May 26, 1960
The Hoard met at 2:00 P. M. in the Veteran's Memorial Building, Detroit.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Delos Hamlin.
Roll Called: Allerton, Alward, Hloe, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Christensen,
Clack, Clark, Croteau, Cummings, Dickens, J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Edwards, Fouts, Goodspeed,
Hamlin, Hill, Hoard, Hocking, Holmes, Horton, Hudson, Hulet, llursfall, Johnson, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson,
Lewis, MacDonald, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, McPherson, Menzies, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller, Mitchell,
OlDonoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Quinlan, Rehard, Romer, Rhinevault, Schemansky, Schock, Semann, Swanson,
Taylor, Tinsman, Vold, Yockey. (60)
Quorum Present
The Chairman announced that the Board would meet as a Committee of the Whole.
Misc, 3655
By Mr. Semann
To the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Your Legislative Committee respectfully reports to the Board that three major proposals of the
County's 1960 Legislative Program, namely, D.P.W.-Drain merger, amendment to Lake Level Law and 50/50 welfare
matching, although presented to the Legislature by several of our County Legislators, were not acceptable to
the Legislature in this, an election year.
D.P.W.-Drain Merger. The proposed. D.P.W.-Drain merger, which was originally discussed last year,
was submitted in the House and proposed to merge the duties of the Drain Commissioner with the County Depart-
ment of Public Works. Under the proposed amendment all functions of the Drain Office would be carried on
under the direction of the Deputy Director in Charge of Drains, Several hearings were held on this bill
(House HiI1 102) in the Committee on Towns and Counties in the House. However, opposition from Drain
Commissioners throughout the state, as well as the reluctance of the Legislature to remove the Drain Commdssien-
er's office from the list of elective offices of the County, were both najor factors in influencing the
Committee not to report the bill. out.
Lake. Levels. The amendment to the Lake Level statute was a very important and complicated piece of
legislation. The bill itself (House Bill 73) was 59 pages long. The intent of the amendment was to clarify
the assessment procedures and permit the Drain Commissioner to charge back to the benefited properties the
cost of new structures which are needed to retain water when lake levels are set. At the present time, the
County Drain Commissioner has 11 petitions awaiting action. Thia amendment was approved by the House but
defeated in the Senate when the Committee on State Affairs refused to report it out. Several hearings were
held in the Committee.
Welfare Matching. The County again this year backed legislation to have the State share equally
the costs of welfare expenditure's. However, due to the fiscal chaos whieh existed in Lansing during the
last session of the Legislature and the lack of decision as to Whore the State would obtain additional
revenue, the Legislature refused to increase the State's share to the requested 50%. This bill was handled
by Detroit.
Legislation needed due to New Census. It is anticipated that the 1960 census figures for Oakland
County will show a population in excess of 685,000. The 1950 census was 396,001. Many of the laws which
have been adopted by the Legislature in the past few years have been limited to counties with certain
population limits- For this reason your Legislative Committee this past year made in conjunction with the
Ways and Means Committee a thorough study of the various laws which affect Oakland County. As the result
of this study several amendments were proposed to the Legislature.
Fiscal Year. Under an act adopted by the Legislature in 1943, the State provided that the calendar
year ending December 31 shall be the fiscal year of most of the counties, Only Wayne County has a different
fiscal year which ends November 30. The Act adopted in 1943 provided that all counties having a population
up to 500,000 would have the calendar year as the fiscal year. In order that Oakland County could maintain
its fiscal records on the calendar year basis it was necessary to have this Act (Act 174 of the Public Acts
of 1943) amended. This was accompliahed by Act 67 of the Public Acts of 1960.
Medical Examiners. Several years ago Oakland County was instrumental in securing a law which
authorizes the County Director of Health to appoint Medical Examiners. These Examiners have duties formerly
assigned to elected County Coroners. This system of Using Medical Examiners who are licensed physicians has
worked out very well in the County. However, the original Act (Act 143 of the Public Acts of 1945) provided
that such Medical Examiners could be appointed in counties having a population of up to 500,000 people. Act
95 of the Public Acts of 1960 has set the population limit at 1,500,000, thus permitting Oakland County to
continue this procedure.
City Supervisor Membership on County Board. Due to the increase in the number of cities in Oakland
County, the number of members on the County Board of Supervisors has been steadily increasing each year.
tnn.ncy ;Hod
a rOg.1-, 1
n,n .1 ..„:1 .s H 116t ic lie-: ,ii
the •t ,orney (ren , eal ruled that the 1'1'
ana sunee t Y.ime, lad been paying Circtlt.
the state r d Ile balance by the Countye Ti
Juidae,s salael-• by the ..ninctmirl- A; 6 1
slo I,
there is
ir Miruies Continred. May 26, 1960
.eitute set up a formbla for cidy ci a ntetion on tic. Board. Under this formula the Board presently
m •,lbers of which 5 0 al city super• i ,•er .. The 24 tn,wr:hip supervisors are representatives on the
eirtne or the Michi-••n Constitution ,,•••n h pet ii 1' a I io,mship to have one representative. City
(lees or the County Board are select d by tht and based upon a population formula which
tution permits the Legislature to ee'e up. A-t ef the Public Acts of 1960 sets up the following
- 7,500 - 1_
7,501 - 15,000 - 2
15,001. - 22,500 - 3
2n,501 - 32,500 - 4
32,501 - 50,000 - 5
50,001 - 75,000 - 6
Plus 1 for each additional.. 25,000 or fraction thereof
According to population estimates prep-,.rtA by the Regional Planning Commission, it is expected
o[" th cities in Oal,lafd County will •cl.,1.in the present membership on the County Board with the
=ii.. cities of Oak and Senate. fl where one additional supervisor will be authorized if
How population estif,itcs. Thus the County Board should have 85 members when the
other amendments wure tnacted into law this year as follows:
r Treasurer to Retien Act /73 of the Public Acts of 1960 permits the local
tax deadline to mai:e il: return to the County Treasurer. Previously there was
;Nee physically impossihtm; lor the local tax collector to return taxes the day after
or Cost of Care. of Mental Patients in Private Hospitals. Act 117 of the Public
•-es that. the C:snnty Haiti have e 'edit for time that mentally ill patients spend in
is end that this er• 1.t. shall be aH.,lied towards the County's first year of care. This
al nee:I a the State Oil where there a final at of commitment. Under the present law
aity is responsible to pay for the care of mental patients during the first year of their care but
ii is to this amendment the Comity did not reeenve credit for costs of hospitalization of such patients
]. • ior to the:Le actual admittance to a state institution. In many instances, there is a delay before a
petin:.nt le a.ni,ted to a state institution due to crowded conditions. In these instances the County has
t,ermeed ir e••L patients to be eared for at private institutions and has paid_ for their care from an
is set up in the budget by the Board of Supervisors.
flp Planning. The .:',Oslature adopted enabling legislation to permit townships to
fe - up planenn• ,DitmAssions. The in'% law, however, did not permit the Township Board as a governing
body of a •• ,t -t. to t,ake final. ie...isions in matters if the planning commission approved a proposal.
the law as Ai-, previously este.1, would he permitted to override the planning
iing commassion disaperoved a matter before it. Act 1.0 of the Public Acts of
y ,n, immedlen:e effect, authorte:'t Township Beards to review all decisions of the
1..• n dl. .„ le,T tecame d•
C ems
the t'card will recall the discussions relative to
was considered last fall. The 1954 Legis-
.or Circuit Judges at $22,500. A year later, in
unconstitutional. Oakland County at that time
a total salary of $23,500 - $12,500 being paid by
loture this year removed the ceiling on Circuit
PHleic Acts of 1960.
After discussion of this proposal with
opposition to an increase in fees and your Legis-
not to submit this amendment during the present
-Tlient Act. After the Board proposed an amendment to
:tteli.•:,ni of sewer connection charges, your Legislative ,
hat such an amendment would not be workable. Your Committee found
•i: by have to be restricted to connection charges where there was a
-,ioAd not assist townships in helping to finance future sewers. Your
it would. be in the be ,•' interests of the County not to submit the
lnacted into Law
to the 3 major prop
ve Program were
the B.eed next
r ,..dJmnt
n:,sellf.nt to ; • Vi
ation petilni!
to earlier in this report, the following portions
law during the present Session and should be held
r of Deeds.
'el vote of the people on incorporation and annex-
u- procedure fen of drain-at-large costs between city and township where ,
e ion or ineorpe , a t township terr i tory.
her Acts approvc 1 by the Legislature during the present. Session are of interest to
the County.
e-emits the Board. of SuperviLbs to provide for a second Probate Judge.
!,et ,•• n tm.:1s the Cennny Dfain Comm . -.-•Hner e:na•nd up to $500 per mile or fraction thereof
or 1 ef H ceet a drain Elid • of ext 1' ,l;:;: therec: in any one year for maintenance and repair
S neer o sorshiS Corg, May 26
ti out. obta hit ai t
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alp H. od
. 'These iciiro act. • •
o• ....co . to toliats1, :•.
ii rig c-i pc: .
putt_ c
to Po inado In September rather than
t 1 evy in the year voted any tax
grd prepaid plans of fife, health, medical.,
.•, I codes by re letenCe .
ats for joint purch.a.se and operation.
lee ,' 1.11.2d. a .
cal and
and ,
• 1 , • t1 -1 S i thin or partly wi thin
to accept Indemifil'.. insnrancri in
mi rid r was ro quit r t . urnish a
Iv the County Pram n r and
the State Tax Cam,' 1, on and
o appoint a third Cour,i,;sioner.
5 -years expo ii in the
heard , the in i s
Far: ts and row: ea.; for the
or lus disseua in writing
ica Clod or delivered to the
• illI do away with the delays
Lioate Tax Commi a si on. This proposal,
by Mr . Al gc: :apt „ former Supervisor
ecatmi tte e
ct be given to property
•poi-tt,d :.-.•
o-rdi nation
of fire ex
suthoraze t!
•drptg- ploi
report to the Boa ••
• IS Of rea,I es • c. I
rod ur cid •••..
in pnyAl (
o•xf '1,
ill •
,enate approved a bill which would
,•.ious State agencies as being
i r County . This bill
,11 h and El I za.beth Lake Roads
Ccator. However, this
hOtel in the House. Members
mod .I.-, :ling this property
piece of property5
particular item be
the temporary housing
as introduced with the
11, housing project
o , it was not
.• . 11,4,e t r , when the
naii on wim ill
f • jeots and a .:s-gro.-t to sus-
in doing so, die Legislature
renewal progran, The Federal
' ,361 ,075 to Royal Oak
a permanent l ow rent housing
Aro wi IJ permit the orderly
x!ship an : onfusion in Royal
gc @nom.] .. Ll • d • • fa, , ,ii nd c,•11 a ly
n in thif. pi 11,1
RoYal I dip , vital to the
1 Igf ," Imimi,EIL a planned and
Laps a. s lature was
I 1 : on • t j if dn di co ti on year and
oons i der the County?s total Log is-
Is wflich were wi thdrawn, we find
o of the tlountyl s 1960 Legis-
move that the forego ing report be cocci ved
It I
I. .Ingraliam
, Cyri 1 'ii ler
Supervisors Continued. May 26, 19b0
Moved Semann supported by Marshall that the report be received and placed on file.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motd.on carried,
Mr. Levin: en reporied that the Ways end Menrs. Buildings and Grounds and Special County Building
re.ut:on at the authorizing the placing on the ballot the question
for 4 years to complete the Co:,rt Wuse project, The campaign will be rather short due
-ked for an expression of opinion U .,. the Board members,
Moved by Carey supported by Volt that the Hoard, meeting as a Committee of the Whole, give informal
approval. to the proposal.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
ived by Cummings supported by Hulet the Committee of the Whole rise and the meeting stand.
A --o!-ficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Delos Hamlin