HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1960.06.27 - 7728Delos Hamlin Chairman 1. Murphy., jr OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Supervisors MEETING J111.10 27 1960 Bee or Cl! led te e rIe r by Chd I Im;Ul Pe i os llama in. InVOC t on cOVeli by Re v edrc rd. K rkman , Iriryt Prl.ytf ri an Church, Royal Oak Cd.! : Mc CJ,,,cril N.T ':,bcit, Menzies, CI a Miller, Cyril Miller, 0' Donoghue , ;1Iii.; p o tte r , an, !I, ld ed. T.,.T1:1- ,II aul t, B chemansky, Schock, Semann, l.le, 2t 1 s •;fl s v ! , 1:i ,y, Ti nsman, Vo 1 , We [the r, Yockey, Al I crton, Alward, POPP P, cknr , Ca ' oun Cad don, Carey, Charto ri s , Cheyz Christensen, Clack, Clark, s , Dir n i J , J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, W. Duncan , Edwards, Elliott, Fart, rout; , ; J.T id j . r; ii, H.41;1 in , Ileac ock , Hoard , Ho Imes , Horton , Hudson, Hul et, Hurs fall , Ingraham, Keph„ L t , I, , is on , Lew i s , Love , Mac Dona 1 d , Ka jer , Marshal 1, McCartney. (77) Quorum Present Moved. ii r supported by Calhoun the minutes et the previous meeting be approved as printed. A suffi cient majority' havins• voted the rotor, the motion carried. ri I miller -• ••• t;••d by Ifs hell the Journal for the April. Session be approved and closed and th ri1 5 ,.ss i on s tin di 1 j ..Jorned . ieiic . sufficient ma jori ty having voted the re for , the motion carried. 33 June 27 , 1000 Meeting called to order hv Chairman Del Ham' in. Pc11. Called : , Lu i•es , Hers fall, Ingraham, Kephart, Knowles, Laht i , Levinson, IA , Love. Dr.ald, , '',-Cartney, McGovern, McPherson, Melehort , Menzies , Ci.a ence Miller, Cyri i Mill. r, 0' Ilk ;J1):::*;:e , Oldenbur Osgood Potter, Quinlan, Rehard, Denier, Rhinevault r Schemansky, Schock, Senann , Sinclair, Smith, Sol ley, Stam,;; , on , Taylor, They, Tinsman, , Webber, Yockey, All erton, Alward, Arc hambauit , Bloc, Bonner, Br ; Calhoun, Cardon, Carey, Clarteris , Cheyz , Christensen, Clack, Clark, Croteau, Cummings , Davis , Dickens , Dohany, J. W. Duncan, B. Duncan, W. Duncan, Edwards, Elliott, Ewart , Fonts, Fri d, Goodspeed, Hal I , Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard. (77) Quorum Present. The Clerk read the request for this meeting which was filed with hi m on June 1.7, 1960. Said request was ordered filed with the Clerk. A. true copy of the same appears in the notice of meeting hereinafter set, forth. The Clerk •-• n id. the notice of this meet n • together with his affidavit as to the mailing of said notice, whicld notice and a f f i dav it are as follows : NOT10E OF REC1 1AR MEETING; To the Members of the Board ( 1 vi of the County of Oakland, SL,. or it' Ci rim NtTICE IS HEREMI j.J; ti- A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Odl•,J1 e r wil I be held at tin- time and place stated in the following request which -I of the Board o ye rvi s ors of the Coun ty of oakland , State of cP.1 led to be hei con tl 27th • day of Jane 1 'It C at 9:30 o'clock ed.; d Time, in the •;,0 rl isors Room in the Court House Office b!i fa \ e c Street , Pontiac, .:11igan for the purpose of transacting such H•sJ as may , • •,:;- before the hoard at •J-1- time. 'in : Delos Hamlin , Chairman Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors" 1 n • s the firs . H;; T the June Ses of the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors. •J di( ; :;:;!„ was ad j col :.111 jec t to the call of the Chai r Signed: Dan i el T. Murphy, Jr. 7 ' • - n Oakland County Clerk-Register of Deeds 7, r Supervisors Continued. june 27, 1.60 t i of Block A of Movor's Addition "An to the Village of Oxford, Oakland . '• (18 Dayton St.). ;'n -• • ; : Lot ,)..:;(sers Plat 128 in the C;ty of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. Also some- times doscHbed as the S. E. '50 feet Lot 16, Block 5 of 3. C. Goodsell 's Addition in the City of Pontiac, Oakland County, (97 Crawford. St.). Lots No. 420, 421, 422 of Baldwin-D;yio dills Subdivision, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Registeoo i;ceds Office (722-722 Kinney Road). Le Bloomfield Hills Addition :iihdiv±sion, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, accf .cing to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (456-8 Har;y). Lot illo-mfield Hills Addition Subdivision, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, acct'cl:;,- to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office. (452 Harvey), Lot 186 Bloomfield Hills Addition Subdivision, City. of Pontiac, 'Oakland County, Michigan, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (386-3861 Bloomfield St.). Lot 9 Crystal Lake Bloomfield Subdivision, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, accord- ing to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County - Register of Deeds Office (486 Colorado). Lot 611 except South 15 feet, being a subdivision of Lots 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 247, 248 and South 1/2 of Lot 246 and West 150 feet of North 1/2 of Lot 246 and West 150 feet of Lots 243, 244, 245 of the Ferry Farm Addition, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (431-435 South Boulevard East). Lot 613 except South 15 feet, being a subdivision of Lots 235, 236, 237, .238, 239, 240, 241, 24.7, 248 and South. 1/2 of Lot 24,6 and West 1.50 feet of north 1/2 of Lot 246 and West 150 feet of Lots 243, 244, 245 of the Ferry Farm Addition, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (451 South Boulevard East). Lot 21. of the Orchard Addition to the City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, being 'located on Outlet S on S. W. 1/4 of Section 29, TIN, R1OE (111 Mary Day Avenue). WATERFORD TOWNSHIP: Lot u, 50 of Harris Park Subdivision, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, according to 11,c plat thereof on record at the Register of Deed's Office for Oakland County, Michigan 4:3* WBITF LAKE TOWNSHIP: Lot 403 Cedar Crest Subdivision No. 4, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (180 Union Lake Road). Let 149 of Marjorie Vesta Park Subdivision, according to a plat thereof as recorded in Oakland County Register of Deeds Office (9144 Mandon Ave.). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby author- ized to execute the necessary conveyances to complete such sales if and when they are sold and that this Committee report back to the Board on the results of such sales, Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Luther Beacock, Chairman J. Wesley Duncan, Maurice J. Croteau, A. Taylor Menzies Paul W. McGovern, Leroy Davis, Duane Hursfall Moved by Heacook supported by Croteau the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 366S By 'Jr. Heacock IN RE: ELIDS FOR DRAINAGE PROJECT AT (:',XTY ERVICE To the Oakland County Board of Supe,-, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Bids for the drainage ditch which runs from the intersection of Telegraph Road and West. Boulevard. through the County - .Service Center and into the Pontiac Creek were opened by the Board of Auditors on June 22, 1960 at 3:00 P. M. The following bids were received: Stanley B. Jones Base Bid $6,800.00 Alternate Bid 4;200.00 Total Hid $11,000.00 Scott Brothers Base Bid only $ 6,400.00 Ray Welch Base Bid $ 4,800.00 Alternate Bid 5,460.00 Total Bid $10,260.00 37 Supervisors. filitltS Continued, lune 27, 1960 The project includes the follown.• Items: of ditch c• culvert under the Grand Trunk Railroad, and I rip rap h located on County property Or Hie `,000 lineal feet of dit ••1, 26i.)0 feet runs &cross the Pontiac State Hospi.tal property to Pontiac. Greek. The state wilt pay $t,00.00 of the base bid of $4,H00.00. The total cost to the Coiuity will. be $,460.00 ter which monies are available in the Utilities Fund. Mr. Chairman, I offer the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of Ray Welch in the total amount of $10,260 covering the base and alternate bids for the drainage ditch project at the County Service Center be accepted and the Board of Auditors be authorized to execute the contract with the low bidder, with the cost thereof to the County in the amount of $,4()0.00 to he paid from the Utilities Fund. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Bnildings and Grounds Committee, and with the concurrence of the Ways and Means Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Luther Heacock, Chairman J. Wesley Duncan, Maurice J. Croteau, A. Taylor Menzies Paul. W. McGovern, Leroy Davis, Duane Hursfall WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE David Levinson, Chairman R. C. Cummings, Orph C. Holmes, Frank J. Vol", Sr. John L. Carey, Arno L. Hulot, Harry W. Horton Moved by Heacock supported by Croteau the resolution be adopted. AYES: Ailerton, Alward, Archambault, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, Carden, Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Christenson, Clack, Clark, Croteau, Cummings, Davis, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, W. Duncan, Edwards, Elliott, Ewart, Fouts, Fr id, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Holmes, Horton, Hudson, Hulot, Hursfall., Ingraham, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Love, MacDonald, Majer, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, McPherson, Moldwrt, Menzies, Clarence Miner, Cyril Miller, OlDonoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Quinlan, Rehard. Remer, Rhinevault, Rowston, Schemansky, Schock, Semann, Sinclair, Smith, Solley, Staman, Swanson, Taylor, Tiley, Tinsman, Voll, 'Webber, Yockey. (77) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 3669 By Mr. O'Donohito IN RE: RELEASING EASEMENT ON BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE DRAIN NO. 2 To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Cl:man, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland acquired an easement for the Bloomfield Village No. 2 Storm Sewer Drain, described as: "Part of the Northeast 1/4 Section 27, Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as follows: A strip of land SO feet in width, the center line of which is described as beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot No. 641, Bloomfield Village Subdivision No. 2 -in the North- east 1/4 Section 27, Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Michigan; thence South 82-48 West 93 feet to a point; thence North West, parallel to the West line of said Bloomfield Village Subdivision No. 2, 456 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of Quarten Road in said township; " and WHEREAS it is the intention of the present owner of the above described property to subdivide the property, and WHEREAS the said drain;i::.•• .so,ement adversely affected the full use and enjoyment of said property and would work a hard -JIH !he owners of said property, and WHEREAS: the Drain CommJ ,.ionr has made AN investigation and recommended the relocation of said drain at no cost to the Couhty, and WHEREAS said drain has been relocated according, to the specifications by the Drain CoMmissioner and Will Ii) the Judson nradway Company, owners of said property, have executed and delivered a new release of right—of-way for the drainage easement and the easement is sufficient to properly maintain th.t portion .4 relocated drain, and your Drain Committee has reviewed this ratter with the County Drain Commissioner and • ;,-• 'am the drainage easement previously conveyed to the County is no longer necessary, NOW THEREVORE BE IT RESOLVED that ti' (',rain Commissioner be and hereby is authorized to convey tr .clease, subject to the approval of the Cori:oration. Counsel, the property above described. adopt i OD 11 70 Moved by 0! Don orh ue s upported by ii Lit Oil be adopted, of c, t and 1.1• ^linute Contionod. Junc 27, 1950 of c..nitun i whose s -ir.Jzatures appear below, 1 move the -!•" et.; sn. DRAIN COMMITTEE I i mar II. 0' Donoghue , Chri i man Luther Heacoc, Wm. K. David. R. Calhoun btryin M. Alward, Donal .d N. McPherson, Mayon Hoard the A sufficient majority having voted t!....ci:or, the resolution was adopted. Mrs . Lew -is cd the annua t report of the S cc i al Welfare Board d by the 1. d of Pub I ic Works - t ENDALLWOOD ARM al;u Gentlemen: of the II'ard of Public W,irks of Oakland County, held on June 14, 1960, construction ti ins ic f ..rmingttyl Dispose :s tk y-Rendallwood Arm and es timates of the usofnined were •emmcd and appi.00d by said Board and ordered submitted to sirs To r apju'oval. -o said resolution, I now submit such construction plans and specifications and estimates df usefulness, 'Harry W. Horton si offered the fel lowing resolution, copies of which were previously mailed to all members of this hoa,rd RESOLUTION PROPOSED BY OAKLAND ',7.0DNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS WITH RESPECT TO !O011iNGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM-KENDALIWOOD ARM. th. Psd;‘: cf Public Worhs ; to this Board construction plans and specifi- - ktm,oaldwood Arm to the Farmin, !;,.-,7;-ge. Disposal. System and estimates of cost and period all. of which ha,,• ! :cu. ai L ocd by the Board of Public Works, '.211w M' IT RESOLVED ti,.i the said vonstruction plans and specifications and estimates C cc -.t :•: ,Ulness be aril -ev-• and tb:.•,o,Inty Clerk is hereby authorized to endorse on said plans and spec ; the fact o c 1. aiJoroAsJ ;iiut return same to the Board of Public Works. Mc, . 1 )‘ Ld the adepti on of the fore,oing i on s support ,I Hall. r . Mali d: hert, cc Miller, Cyril Miller, O'Donoghue, n1 c' ‘,. r Rhinew,L.t, K-wsten, Schemansky, Scheck, Semann, 1. tin, Tjley, linsman, Von, Webber, Yockey, Allorton, ill Ho:: , h:: , , I.lhoun., Candon, Carey, Charteris, Cheym, Christensen, C1-1 i D: C, • - Scas Dohany, J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, W. Duncan, Edwards, Fr id , , , Daild in, Heacock, Heard, Holmes, Horton, Hudson, Hulot, H 1 .m am, Kephart, , : , Le.vi ns on , Lewis, Love, MacDonald, Major, Marshall, vone. (0) !is, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hocking, Johnson, Mitchell. (6) in the following resolution, copies of each pervisors. He called attention to a change not yot executed the said Agreement. on June 14, 19b0, did approve a form of f Oakland and the Township of Farmington System to be known as Kendallwood Arm di it authorize the Chairman and Secretary of t ,1111,i(J.A tO the approval Of this Board of Super- constitutes the only party needed to contract with Kendaliwood Arm by the County as part of the ti the •Hil municipality for approval and 7 • ' . - ;'marl an cy of the Hoard of Public Works 39 Supervisors Minntes Continued. Milo be and tbey aro h , •hy auti-n•i • ••• d, upon approval and execution. of said Agreement by said , • , ,.•(.u.o and doiivz.; on behalf of said County of Oakland, an agreement to be dated june 14, 55.). i. . the County- of Oakland and the Township of Farmington, which reads as to AGREEMENT FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM-KENDALLWOOD ARM This ,n• n !nr made this _(hty of , 1960, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a ,•.ntc,ty corporation. (hereinafter a i. cd TIC "county"), by and through its board of the first part, and the TOWNSHIP OF FARMINGTON, a Michigan township corporation in th,r• nahland, Michigan (hereinafter called the "township"), party of the second part. ii iaa.7ij thc Oakl:ni County Board. of Supervisors by resolution, Misc. No. 3270, adopted August 12, noni..1c• by reolution, Misc. No. 3339, adopted January 24, 1958, did approve the establish- ment nf the Fangton Sewa::e. Diposaf System to serve the Farmington Sewage Disposal District within which district lies all of the area of the Township of Farmington and other areas; and WHEREAS pursuant to the Farmington Sewage Disposal System Agreement,. dated November 1, 1957, as amended by amendatory agreements dated December 22, 1958 and February 9, 1959, all between the County of Oakl ,End ,;,W the Cities of Southfield and Keego Harbor and the Townships of West Bloomfield and Farm- ington, .11nicipa1 corporations in said County of Oakland, the said county acting thru its Department• of Public Works, did - acquire the original Farmington Sewage Disposal System and did finance such acquisition by the issuance of bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corpor- ations to the cmnty in accordance with the provisions of said agreement, as amended (herein referred to as the "Ba-c :n ..r(.mkilt"); and WHEKAS, Act No. 185 of the nichigan Public Acts of 1957, as amended, grants to the board of public works in any county having a i ,:pirtment of Public Works the power to extend any system acquired pursuant thereto; and • WHEREAS the Township Board of -,1,n Iawnship of Farmington, adopted on February 23, 1960, the following resolution: WHEREAS, petitions are being circulated in the Township of Farmington for the construction of sewers to be located approximately as follows in said Township of Farmington, to-wit: Beginning at a point on Ti Mile. Road at the intersection of Middiebelt Road, thence West to a point hereby designated as Junction "A" which is 700 Ft. West of Middlebelt Road thence West 2239 Ft, to Lamuera Drive. Beginning at tin:'. Scaigasi ci aS Junction "A" thence Northwesterly and West- 6529 Ft. in kement. to a pcint on Ofchard Lake Road hereby designated as Junction "D" which is 2020 Ft. South of Twelve Mile Road, thence North on Orchard Lake Road. 2020 Ft. to Twelve Mile Road. Beginning at a point, above described as Junction "B" thence South 300 Ft. to a point which is 2320 Ft. South of the Center line of Twelve Mile Road, thence West and Northwesterly in easement 5029 Ft. to the Kendallwood Sewage Treatment Plant which is 1815 Ft- East of Farmington Road. and for the assessment of all or part of the cost thereof in accordance with benefits to lands in a special assessment district to be established for such purpose; and • WHEREAS it would appear that said sewers (sometimes known and referred to as the Kendallwood Sewage Arm of the Farmington Sewage Disposal System) might better be constructed and the special assess- ments therefor be made by the County of Oakland rather than by the Township of Farmington, inasmuch as such sewers wouldbe connected to the Farmington Sewage Disposal System, heretofore established by said County and administered by the Oakland County Board of Public Works, and under Act 185 of the Public Acts of Michigan cri.rT, as amended; THEREFORE fit 11 RESOLVED, that the said County of Oakland, acting through its Board of Public Works, is hereby requc:-.ted to construct such sewers and to finance the cost thereof by special assessment of benefited. properties, under the provisio ,::- of said Act 185 of 1957, as amended. BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County of Oakland, acting through its Board of Public Works, and this Township sha]l, at an apprcl ,!•,a1n time hereafter, enter into an agreement with respect to the operation and maintyndnee of said sei.rvrs,the making and collecting of charges for connecting to and using the same, and th:: of the application of charges collected upon the liability of this Township under the terms and nrovisions of the. Farmington Sewage Disposal Agreement, dated November 1, 1957, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Public Works has by its resolution adopted May 11, 1960, dered its intention to proceed with the project designated Farmington Sewage Disposal System-Kendall- assess the total cost thereof to the special assessment district designated Farmington District-Kenciallwood Arm Sub-District and described as follows, to-wit: The SF 1/4 of Sec. 9, Farmington Township. All of Sec. 10, Farmington Township, except, the N 174 of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4, also except the E 330 ft of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, also except the E 5 ac of the N 1/2 of the SE I/4 of the NE 1/4. S o '1 'RI' C,1 nucd „Time 27 • I9( "•-n W and S of a line des as beg at a S of the NW cor; th E 132.70 ft; th S tho centerline of Burbank St. to the rear Dartiett St; th S alp said line to a point It 7\ of liii S Sei,. ; 1 ;: line 279 ft N of and parallel to the S Sec. tic to the centerline of id c's.; th S to the S Sec. line. The NW 1/4 of Sec. 14, lfax,'u Township, except a portion des as beg at the N 1/4 roe; th S 0'26 1 40" W irH.44 ft; th N 69'33' W 481.80 ft; th N 0 0 04 1 30" E •1938.40 It to the N See. line; th S 8933' E 494.10 ft to the point of beg. The SE I/4 of Sec. 14, Farmington Twp., except the N 627.14 ft of the E 772.0 ft, also except lots 50 thru 101, 112, 113 and 255 then 258 of Kimberley Sub. The SW 1/4 of Sec. 14, Fitimitipton Township. 1 Tht part of Sec. 23, Farmington Township, lying Ntly of a tine des as beg' on the line 200 It W of th,' 1/4 coo; th S 330 ft; th W to E line of Springbrook th S to the re:ii liFe of lot 1:38; th N'ly and W'ly alg rear line of lots 13:, Then 141 to the W crtot 141; th N to the N See. line. That part of Sec. 15, Farmington Township, lying N'ty of a line des as beg on the E line of Sec. 15 at the centerline of Moneta St. (vacated); th WIly alg the centerline of Moneta Sr. (vii(ated) to the centerline of Hollyhill St; th NWIly aig the centerline of Hol -Iyh;11 St. and Hollyhill St. (vacated) to the W line of Pasadena Park Sub; th N to the E-W 1/4 Sec. line; th W to the E line of the W 98.5 ac of the NW 1/4 of said Sec.; th N 1320 ft; th W approx. 1650 ft to the W Sec, line. Said above described lands include all of the lots in the following platted subdivisions: Kondallwood SiThdivision Kendallwood S.lbdivision No, 1. Kendal] wood No. 2 Kdallwood Suile,s;on. No. 3 SiihOivien No. 4 ii coke Manoi• brooke Manoi .-Htdkvision No. 1 -:,throoke Manor :111Ji.vision No , 2 P.7,A Hill Subdivl ,i-,i SubdivHion Inc tand SubdiN]sizin ;.,:ingland Subdivision No. 1 Spring land Subdivision No. 2 TaMuera Estates Subdivision Supervisors' Plat of Forest Hills Subdivision and part of the lots in the following platted subdivision: Oakland Hills Orchards Subdivision Pasadena Park Subdivision. Springbrook Subdivision No. 2 Supervisors' Muer Estates Subdivision No. I. as well as t'• ir!• lands above described not so platted, all in Oakland County, Michigan.; and WHER1-',AS. cc anitary sewage collecting system now exists within the said sub-district in the Township yf and the extension of the Disposal. System wider the provisions of Act No, 7.1.3 07 7;y Acts of 1957, as :'ri.'O , . tic - purpose and as described in said resolution of the hoard J nit .e .:corks adopted May 11., I is sciwtims hereinafter referred to as the "project" or "KendELL:,:, and . and spec41,,ations and an estimate of cost have been prepared for said project tyy- 0'i(fel.3 Company professional engineers; and is necesy fo'c he county and the township to contract relative to the various matters hen'e I . . 'et forth; TBEREIORE, IT IS HfRi . T. Thc ( heI e3.11 II • ;v.:J. ph- W,REET) BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO as follows: ty, pursuant :d 7h.• provisions of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as :•imetimes ref.eria: ,, as "Act No. 185"), shall acquire said Kendallwood Arm in la: a and spec Ii -!itions praared by- Ciffcla Engineering Company, registered 1 which plans and speifietions are on file with both the township and board of ,3,(1 :y.,,ii identified by- th., of the supervisor of the township and the public , the location cf - •,,q,1:rs are set Forth in Exhibit A hereto attached and part hereof: cc add. that said ki specifications and said locations may he altered if (.1 flute s ruin I i nflod 1 01.0 W0 rks. for and. shall be used for, tbJ, collection and 43. :;(.) cell Thelw ' Kendallwood Arm to i.e said sub-district of the collection •T sp,:cial assessments .4h-d.istr ict espek•ii!lly benefited. thereby, Tte ( a411.1. cost of said system, payable • I all as Provided in. said Hal i be based upon an estimated hollayi or such amended estimated cost as I • • ; nnd•-•• r••1-k.: :• ••. i.• sc.1735. Arr, deficiency in or surplus of the aggregate amoun t . • . . . n • . .1 .: • i .•n•L't 1•.• • ..•n li•• provided n said Act No 185 . ; •.•H. t • • •••• . • h.,.11 ) •-h • .; r necessary for the system. 0 • • !it .u ., . C! ' (C) Ars í (d) On if • t,' o.• provided by Act No. 185 but not exceeding one and 6n, 1 •H id (0 di•• 0 Ti- hip, ' 's be offered, ci with the project. and with the sale of bends 1,(• d;i.c.tly connected with the said project and the ..-+ension of C,at part of the Farmington Disposal . 1 of the !al 3.1.te county system to se r -vc tic. a rming ton the Base Ag t stall continue in full force and effect , and, in partici.: ia r wi t'r ,out limiting the generality of the :J ,.)le to this KendallwcLA Arm insofar as connections, H, service charges, maintenance, maintenance charges, uty shall permit the discharge into said Kendallwood Arm Thine- the county of sewage disposal services to the .j];o and to the use by the county of the public purpose of constructing, operating and Lf-,,'JNT- and extensions thereto. The ,nat:na in said sub-district in the township r of the Kendaliwood Arm for the full term r transportation. therein and ultimate Lon of the township or the county 1:vately owned lands, to pay the above No. 185, and if sanitary sewage. hall pay the charges for sewage disposal ing approved by the governing body of the 'rvisors of Oakland County and properly. public works. This agreement shall and 11.,1: ,••.! Alm .; • nd warrant ,: ! C' the lie deliver( d c.15;1 than highwa,-ys ci d.:-r.:riet shall be .•• smnts thereon the o,n lands the township slid the c ,•,q' thereto. . Z7C ment hecom..• , 1 ,oard or ' c 1•)rd ,• s 0 C vi IN ..........'n , Agreement to be executed and delivered. -tiv eft], . fih .R.nd year first above written. ,V%FLAND its Boar.; of Public Works Chairman -,%,;,•tary TOW.',..-SUTP OF FARMINGTON Supervi.sor By _ Towiislii p Clerk !10 IT 010Th1 1 P".SOLI,TD, d . 1 v-•.• r h iusIher of Horton -571,1 -' M CO [I. tug Board of Public Works are authorized to Agreement as they may deem advisable. The motion was supported by iollow;o4 vote: sors Minutes Continued. lime 27, 1960 Horton, Hudson, Hulot !ngraham, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson, i Major, Marshall, McCary, MrGo .....,Itt, McPherson, MeLchert, Menzibs, Clarence Hiller. :1 r, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, ed, Pef. r, Quinlan, Rehard, Rome r, Rhinevauft, Rows ton, sch, Sinciair, Smith, S,I.y, ::tamau, Swanson, Taylor, Tiley, Tinsman, Volt, Webber, Alle:,,. . Alward, Archamhault, Bloe, Hormel), Britkner, Calhoun, Cordon, Carey, Chartcris, Cheyz, rhr, rensen, ciack, Clark, Grotbau, Cunmiings, Davis, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, W. Duncan, eds, Elliott, Ewart, touts, Frid, Goodspeed., Hall, Hamlin, Heaboek, Hoard. (77) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Gillis, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hocking, Johnson, Mitchell. (6) Misc. 3672 Recommended by Board of Public Works RE: FARMINGTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM-KENDALLWOOD ARM Mr. Horton presented the following Bond Resolution, a copy of which has been sent to each momber of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Horton of the following resolution: Bond Resolution WHEREAS the Special Assessment Roll for Farmington Sewage Disposal System-Kendallwood Arm was nut lined by the Oakland County Board of Public Works on June 1, 1960, in the aggregate amount of and tho ae-sments in said special 'assessment roll against lands in the Kendallwood Arm Sub- :•;:,trict of the fat ii Sewage Disposal District have been divided into ten (10) annual installments, the aggregate a'1; of each installment being $23,700, all of which installments are unpaid as of said Pate. WREREtI ic aggregate amount unpaid on special assessments in said roll, against lands in the sith-dA'H ;et. '.x -eeds the amount of bonds hereinafter authorized to be issued against such roll; and W1RtA..., time Oakland County Board of Public Works has approved this resolution and recommended Is the Board of Supervisors; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as follows: 1. That the bonds of the County Of Oakland be issued in the aggregate principal sum of Two it ,•udred Tort:- Five Thousand Dollars ($235,000) in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of E,:.:,-,•aects against lands in the special assessment sub-district, as assessed on said Special ell for Farmington Sewage Disposal System-Kendallwood Arm, for the purpose of defraying the re':' Cr said Farmington Sewage Disposal System by construction of said Kendallwood Arm, in- clu6iug piisi interest on said bonds tor the period of nine (9) months. The said bonds shall be known as "Oakatid County Special. Assessment Bonds - Farmington Sewage Disposal System-Kendallwood Are and. shall Tat ire on the first day of May, in each year as follows: 1961 S20,000 1967 $20,000 1962 20,000 1968 20,000 1963 20,000 1969 20,000 1964 20,000 1970 2.0,000 1965 20,000 1971 20,000 1966 20,000 1972 15,000 2. That the said bonds shall be dated as of September 1, 1960; shall be numbered consecutively in the direct erder of their maturities from 1. thru 235; shall be in the denomination of $1,000 each; shall hear interest at a rate or rates to be hereafter determined not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable on November 1, 1960 and thereafter send-annually on the first days of May and November of en:11 year. The bonds maturing in the years 1962 thru 1972 shall be subject to redemption at the otton if the county, in direct numerical, order, at par plus accrued interest, on any one or more est payment dates, on and after May 1, 1961. In the event any bonds are so called for redemption, not i(•.:,. thereof shall be given to the holders of said bonds by publication of such notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date Fixed for redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated., in the City of Detroit, Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds. Bonds so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the redemption date specified in such notic^, provided funds are on hand with the paying agent to redeem the same. Said bonds shall have interest coupons attached thereto evidencing interest to date of maturity. 3. That both the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon, shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at such bank and/or trust company in the State of Michigan as shall be designated by the original purchaser of the bonds. Such purchaser shall have the right to name a co-paying agent. 4. That the principal of and interest on the said bonds shall be payable solely out of the collections from the said special assessments in anticipation of which they are issued. S. That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk, of the County of md be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said bonds for and on behalf of ' ounty, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the seal.. of the county 0; that the said Chairman and Cotinty Clerk be and they are hereby aut.horized and directed to the interest coupons to be attached to said bends by causing to be alfixed thereto their signatitres;and that. upon the execution of said bonds and attached coupons, the same shall be the County Treasurer of Che County of Oakland., who is hereby out and directed to Number $1000 Supervisors Minutes Confirmed. JUPC 27, 3960 deliver said bonds and attached coupons to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price therefor. 6. That the estimatcd period of usefulness of the improvements for which such bonds are being is is hereby. determined to be forty (40) years and upwards and the estimated construction period. is hereby determined to be six (0) months. That the Board. of Public Works is hcrebY authorized to sell said bonds in accordance with tI e laws of this state and subject. to permission being granted to Issue and sell the same by the Munici- Finance Commission of the State of Michigan, and the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby- authorized and directed to make application to said commission for permission to Issue and sell said hands as provided by the terms of this resolution. The said Board of Public Works shall in no event ,,rfer for sale more bonds, in principal amount, than the principal amount of the aggregate unpaid said special assessment roll determined by - said Board of Public Works as of a date prier to adwoH ,,ang the sale of said bonds, and said Board of Pub! ic Works is hereby authorized and directed whea making such determination to make appropriate adjustments and changes in the maturity- schedule and numla!ring of said bonds from that hereinabove set forth. 8. That all collections (including principal, interest and penalties) on the said special. assessment roll shall be placed in a. fund to be known as the Kendallwood Arm County Speeial Assessment Roll. Fund; provided that to the extent the principal amount of the assessments in said roll ($237,000) exceeds the amount of the bond principal, the amount of such excess shall be deposited in the fund for the construction of said Kendallmood Arm. ' 9. That said special assessment bonds shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND OAKLAND COUNTY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND-FARMINCTON SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM-KENDAEEWOOD ARM KNOW ALLUN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the County of Oakland, Michigan, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received, -promises to pay to the bearer hereof, from funds as hereinafter provided, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of May, A.D. 19 , together with interest thereon at the rate of per eentum per annum from the date hereof until paid, said interest being payable on November 1, 1960 and thereafter semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each year. Both principal and interest hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the 5 in the City of Michigan, upon presentation and surrender of this bond and the coupons hereto attached, as they severally mature. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date and tenor except as to maturity , numbered from 1 to , both inclusive, aggregating the principal sum of Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ ), issued in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against lands as assessed on County Assessment Roll No. 2 made to defray the cost of the Kendallwood Arm of the Farmington Sewage Disposal System. The principal of and interest on the said bonds are payable solely from the said collections. This bond is issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with the constitution and statutes of the State of Michigan and especially Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended. Said County reserves the right to redeem prior to maturity, the bonds of said series maturing on and after May 1, 1962, in direct numerical order, at par plus accrued interest, on any one or more interest payment dates on and after May 1, 1961. In event any of such bonds are so called for redemption notice thereof shall be published not. less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption, at least once in a newspaper or publication circulated in the City of Detroit, Michigan, which carries as a part of its regular service, notices of the sale of municipal bonds, and they shall not bear interesi after the date fixed for redemption, provided funds to redeem the same are on hand with the paying agent. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner, as required by the constitution and statutes of the State of Michigan, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebted- ness of said county, does not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of. Oakland, Michigan, by its Board of Supervisors has caused this bond to be signed in its name by the Chairman of said Board of Supervisors and by the County Clerk of the county, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signatures of said Chairman and County Clerk, all as of the first day of September, A.D. 1960. COUNTY OF OAKLAND By Chairman-Board. of Supervisors By (SEAL) County Clerk s or s Minutes Con t i n tied . jure 27 , 1960 (COUPON ) ..,t .e On the First day of , , The County of Oakland, Michigan, will pay to 1, ,rer horeof, tho sum of Dollars lawful money of the United States of •r.ri at the , in tiio City of , Michigan, same _ boing the interest duo on that day on its Oakland Connty Special Assessment Bond-Farmington Sewage em-Kondaliwood Arm, dated Sept 'I Number . This coupon is payable solcly Crom special assessments as set forth in the bcnd to which it pertains. - (Uacsimilo) (Facsimile) :7orly Clerk Chairman-Board of Supervisors if That all resolutions and parts of resolutions in so far as the same may be in conflict bevoth, be and the .same are hereby- rescinded. Ir. Horton moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. The motion was supported by Mr. Ingraham, On roll call the resolution was adopted by the following vote: YEAS: Smith, Solley, Staman, Swanson, Taylor, Ti Icy, Tinsman, Veil, Webber, Yockey, Allerton, Alward, aochambault, Bice, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, Cordon, Carey) Charteris, Cheyz, Christensen, Clack, C mianngs, Davis, Dickens, J. W. Duncan,,R. Puncan, W. Duncan, Edwards, Elliott, Ewart, Fouts, Frid, c,ed Hall, Hamlin, Flea cock Hoard, Holmes, Horton, Hudson, Hutet, Hursfall, Ingraham, Kephart, kaowlo , Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Love, MacDonald, Maier, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, McPherson, Melchert, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller, O'Don.-nhu,,, 01.denburg, Osgood, Potter, Quinlan, Rchard, Remer, 4o.novault, Rows ton, Sehemansky, Sehock, riemaiin, (74) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Protean, Dohany, Gillis, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hocking, Johnson, Mitchell, Sinclair. (9) nliso, 3673 By Mr) Horton IN RE: COUNTY WATER SYSTEM Recommended by hoard of Public Works Chairman, I ,dics and Gentlemen: lyilfiM:aS the purpose for creation orthe Department of Public Works under Act No. 185 of the Acts or 1957 as amended, vas to provide facilities and render services throughout the county Awn one or more units of government were unable to provide such facilities and render such services cr when one or more units of government_ desired to have facilities provided and services rendered by moil department for the benefit of its citizens, and WHEREAS the Township Board of West Bloomfield Township feels it is in the best interest of the citizens to have certain water systems operated by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS Section 9, Chapter I. of Act No. 1F5 of the Public Acts of 1957 as amended requires that the consent of the municipality must he obtained prior to the furnishing of such service to in- lividital users within the municipality, and WHEREAS the Township Board of West Bloomfield Township, by official resolution of said Board passed on May ES, 1960, has given its consent to the County of Oakland, by and through its Department of Public Works, to operate a. water system, and to serve individual users within Bloomfield Knolls Sub- division of said Township, and WIRT.EAS the flepariment of Public Works has made a. comprehensive study and report on the described system, and WHEREAS said report has been duly considered by the Beard of Public Works and it is recommended to this PORMI of Supervisors that said system be established as a County system under the Department of PICniie Works, aril WHERrA'-, the service can be rendered to the areas involved with no financial obligations to the county- since all. costs connected With the operation and maintenance will he borne by the individual. users ot said system, NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Board of '-lipervisers of Oakland County, upon recommendation et it , Board of Public Works does hereby establish a ,oun'Y water system to be known as the Oakland County Vo', r -;ysterti, within the Township of West Bloomfield, und'r the Board of Public Works as provided for in A - No, l8.5 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, and BE IT FURTHER RESOEVIO that the Board of Put" lie Works is hereby authorized to take any and all accessaTy steps to acquire, dr-.'iate and mintain said system pursuant to the provisions of said Act No.185, RE IT FURTHER RESOL‘f0, that all costs in connection with the operation and maintenance of said system shall_ be borne by revenues from same. F move the adoption of this resolution. Harry- W. Horton, Secretary Board of Public Works Seconded by Mr. Ti ley. On roll_ call, the resolution was adopmal by the following vote: HAS: avston, Sehemansky, schock, inonr, Smith, Sol hen', Staman, Swanson, Taylor, Ti hey, Tiono,r, Voll, Yockey, Atlerfon, Alward, Ardiambault, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, Pardon, • Charter , christensen, Clack, Clark, Cretean, Cummings. Pavis. Dickens. Dohanv. J.W.Duncan. Supervisors Minutes Continued, Juno ,17, l960 R. Duncan, W. la Si' f !wards, Elliott, H--; Touts, Fri d, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, licai,7eck, Hoard, Holmes, 1k ton. Hursfall, In- ,oham, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Love, MacDonald, Major, Mo.shall, McCartney) MeCo ,, !n, McPherson, Melchert, Menzies, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller, 0'Don01 ,00, oidonburg, Osgood, Potter, Quinlan, Rehard, Romer, Rhinevault. (76) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Hildebrandt, Hill, Hocking, Johnson, Mitchell_ Sinclair. (7) Misc., 3674 By MI'. Horton IN RE: COUNTY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Recommended o Hoard of Public Works Mr, Ch till, and Gentlemen: iffill,A -. the purpose for creation of the Department of Public Works under Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 7 a amended, was to provide iacilities and render services throughout the county when one or more unit- of government were unable to i to.viie such services or when one or more units of govern- ment desired to have facilAties provided and rendered by such department for the benefit of its citizens, and VdIEREAS Ii a Township Board of Axon Township feels it is in the best interest of the citizens to have all 'ewci a e unsal systems in Avon Township operated by the Oakland County Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS Section 9, Chapter t of Act No. 185 of the Public Acts of 1957 as amended, requires tThat the consent_ of the municipality must to obtained prior to the furnishing of such service to indi- vidual users within the municipality, and MIEREAS the Township Hoard of Avon Township, by official resolution of said Hoard passed on May 25, 1960 has given its consent to the County of Oakland, by and through its Department of Public Works, to operate all sewerage disposal systems and to serve individnal users within said Township, and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works has made a study and has concluded that the department can service all of Avon Township to the benefit of the citizens, the Township, and the Department, and the hoard or Public Works hereby recorinends to this Hoard of Supervisors that said system he eol,11 .tihed as a Gotuity system under the Department of Public Works, and WEREAS, the service can be rendered to the areas involved with no financial obligations to the county since all costs connected with the operation and nmintenance will be borne by the individual users of said. system, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Oakland County, upon recommend- ation of its Board. of Public Works does hereby establish a county sewage disposal system to he known as the Oakland County Sewage Disposal System, within the Township of Avon, under the Hoard of Public Works, as provided for in Act No. 185 or the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, and RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hoard of Public Works is hereby . authorized to take any and all necessary stops to acquire, operate and maintain said system pursuant to the provisions of said Act No. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all costs in connection with the operation and maintenance of 'said system shall be borne by revenues from same. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption ef this resolution. Harry W. Horton, Secretary Hoard of Public Works Seconded by Mr. Semann. On yell call, the resolution was adopted by the following vote: YEAS: Yockoy, Webber, Vol], Tinsman, Tiley, Taylor, Swanson, Staman, Sol icy, Smith, Semann, Schook, Schemansky, Bows ton. Rhinevault, Reiner, Rehard, Quinlan, Potter, Osgood, Oldenburg, O'Donoghue, Cyril Miller, Clarence Miller, Menzies, Melchert, McPherson, McGovern, McCartney, Marshall, Major, MacDonald, Love, Lewis, Levinson, Lahti, Knowles, Kephart, Ingraham, Hursfall, Hulet, Hudson, Horton, -mes, Hoard, Heacock, Hamlin, flall„ Goodspeed, Frid, Fonts, Ewart, Elliott, Edwards, W. Duncan, IC Duncan, 1. W. Duncan, Dohany, Dickens, Davis, Cumrdngs, Croteau, Clark, Clack, Christensen, Cheyz, :•-,oteris, Carey, Pardon, Calhoun, Brickner, Bonner, Moe, Archambault, Alward, Allerton. (76) NAYS: None. (0) AHSENT: Gillis, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hocking, Johnson, Mitchell, Sinclair. (7) - Moved hy Cyril Miller supported hy McPherson the Board adjourn subject to the call of the Chair. A. sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mualhv, Ir. Delos Hamlin Chairman