HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1964.04.28 - 7751OAKLAND COUNTY Board Of Supervisors MEETING April 25, 1964 Meeting called to order by Chairman Poles Hamlin. Invocation given by blowy: Case, Bloomfield Township Supervisor. Roll called. PRESENT: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Moe, Brewer, Hrickner, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Curimngs, Davids, Davis, liomete, Dewan, Pohany, J.W.Duncan, Mn. Duncan, hirhin, Edward, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Horton, Rudson, Hurstall, Jackson, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Laurie, Lessiter, Levinson, finley, Mainland, Marshall, HcAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, O' Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patnales, Perinoff, Potter, Potthoff, Rehard, Benner, Rhinevanit, Seeterlin, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Stephenson, Tapp, Taylor, Ti Icy, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Voll, Webber, Vockey. ABSENT: Cooley, Ewart, Ingraham, Julian, Levin, McAleer, Wood. (7) Quorum Present Moved. by Dehany supported by Michrina reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be waived. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Clerk read the request for this meeting which was filed with him on April. 14, 1964. Said request was ordered filed with the Clerk. A true copy of the same appears in the notice of meeting hereafter set forth. The Clerk presented the notice of this meeting together with his affidavit as to the mailing of said notice, which notice and affidavit are as follows: NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING- To the Members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, will be held at the time and place stated in the following request which has been filed with me, to-wit: "A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan is hereby called to he held on Tuesday, the 25tlislay of April, 1964 at 9:30 o'clock A.M.., EST, in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the Board at that time. Signed.: Delos Hamlin, Chairman Board of Supervisors" This is the third meeting of the April Session of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors. The previous meeting was adjourned to April 25, 1964. Signed: _David R. Calhoun Oakland County Clerk-Register of Deeds Dated: April 20, 1964 PROOF OF MAILING STATE OF MICHIGAN)SS COUNTY OF OAkLAND) David R. Calhoun, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the County Clerk and Register of Deeds of Oakland County and Clerk of the Board of ,riuiorvisers for Oakland County, and that he served a true copy of the foregoing notice on each moil or of the Board of Supervisors of Oakland County, Michignn by enclosing the same in an envelope properly sealed, sufficiently stamped, and plainly addressed to such member at his last known address and depositing the same in the United States mail at Pontiac. Michigan on April 20, 1964. Signed: David R. Calhoun Gakl.and County Clerk-Register of Deeds Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Apiil Signed: Julia Maddock, Notary Public, Oakland County, MiHil,:„in My commission expires November lb, 19f1. 649 ,ca it ta5 t thc •• ills Brewer, , Sylvan Lake City ices wi.1.1 be renewed on his S s o n , Day s , Win Duncan • For b e s , Smith, Pontiac r0,11, Me 1 elle rt , Reiner, Tinsman c!i;i on Dt ,tican, Durbi n, flursfall, MoCart ney , r;.,1 ,A1,12ATION.. ..... ...... Ti 6.50 SuperY i sors Iinirtrs Cont mulled . Apr i 1 2;'-',„ 1961 Clerk read anno ntment of Troy C it.y• Snot! rv i tier Lames F. Care c (Replaces Robert J. Huber ) CI orb ad tter from Lc v in ex pro Supe.rv i s or • for 11; s ,•1 so ry ices t oak I and Count y, return as a member of lhis Board_ (P1aeil 011 IJ 1-0 ) Clerk read re s i gnat on of Charles IT Edwa rds , • . a.s a member of the Board of Public Works for the te rm e.xp I ring at noon [anita r I „ .1.965. The ye ,n1,11 on was accepted. Ci rk read letter from Delos Ham 1 iii, Chai rman ioconiinending the appointment of the to! lowing as members of the Hoard of Pull ic Works : Hugh C. Allerton, Jr. tor the term expiring at noon January I, 1965 rep lac i rig Charles B. 1•,ilwatxls, Homer Case for rite e Xp r 'Eno; at noon ,lanuary 1 , 1966 rep lac i rig David R. Cs 1 lion Mov nid by John Carey supported by Seeter.L ni t he ;:ippoi ntment s he approved A s id; fic tent majority having voted there for, the mot ion carried Clerk read resolution from the Ci ty of rip i tigharn favoring state :legislation defining the powers of investment by public empl oyei• • • t - irk iricet- systems. (Referred to Leg i slatire Committee Clerk read letter from the M a t ing Control. Committee approving a grant of $20,000 f or Oakland County' s 11964 mar i no in cement program. (Placed on I'll e ) Cl erk read letter from Albert Scott , cca end ing Secret ary- of the West Eight Mile Community Club Inc relat lye to the petition to i ace: .••eate the City of Medgar Evers . (Referred to Boundar -i es Committee ) The Cha I rman appointed the to] low inc Corinth I ees : STANDING ' '' it.964-1 905 AUDITOR GENERAL . ...... . ian „ Kennedy, Ta.ylor AVIAT.WN... • . ... • — • • • • • • • • • . (5 Laurie , Rehard, Seeterl in, Turner, Pontiac City Superv rsor, Robert 0. Felt. ox-officio, Ralph A. Main, ficio BOUNDARIES OF CITIES AND VILLAGES . . T i Day ids , Dewar], Le_ ssi ter ., Tapp fill ILDINGS AND GROUNDS. .. — • • • • • • . dleacock, .Y.11 e rton, Cherz, J ,W. Duncan, Hurs f all , McGovern, Oldenhurg, • _ „ . . „ „ BEI-yids „ Ewa rt .41c i Da., Moore C J '1•ASE So ; • •' Lout s 5 RIO nevaul t e pi unison, Pontiac City Supervisor COuPl1i•'...1.1VE EXTENSION SMV10E........ . . y, 'Bac hi rt , Campbe I hemute , Sol ley COP.M..Y COORD LNATTNG ZONING AND PLANNING f;eo.1.• • detiburg, Scoter) ; n, Edw. Lai ru , Alternate (Citizen .RIVEN ILL . . . — . „ ..... . — g etl.Ment Research ) , McGovern (Government ii Pt ant, i rig ) T rav is (Physical lafive) inedy, Marshall, Mitchell, Patnales, LEW SLAT1 . . „ , „ „ „ , f ,..•• Ert,art Ma i n land, Miller, Per inof Slavens LOCAL T1NES. . ...... . . „ ssito r, ey, Menzies ytAftxj. „ .... „ „ „ . „ „ . . .... W. ;60. Camp h j)1eidi• ..... . ...... , , ..... I i• th.• t i• e , i an, Pottho f f , Tapp iii, on „ , „ , , ..... . . . , „ „ „ • c ca se (They^. • Davi s Hal .1., .McAv-ey, Tinsman 1 _ ...... . . . • — ... .; . s , Durbit Hudson, Kephart ., Knowles, Menzies Ti ti , r ; 3A.L1A101(1.1.TNI, „ , , , 3,- : i 1ciii -a, SI .1 ..‘z! s , Turner, Pont i ac City Supervisor 111. „ , , . „ . „ . „ „ , s a in; Patna les , Turner • • • • , • • • • • • n jahn Cat .••••:•, Doliany, Edwards, Horton, 0 7 DO110011.1.(7;, Vollnic ia Cr. Yoekey j • Cha rtorts, I. W. Duncan, rdwa.,ril, ,Michrina , Mitchell, 651 Supervisors Minutes Continued. April 28, AIRPORT ZONIsdi HOW RULE mainland, Moore, John H. King (Repuel3 ,.in: ••lips (Democrat) HUMAN REEATIONS.........................Case, Stc l :v-v,,s, Dr, J. Russell Bright (Democrat), Dr. Otis FOITUNO ThC,nafi Fowler (Republican), Arthur W. Saltzmar RENOVATION OF TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM AND MEDICAL CARE FACILITY STUDY.........Heacock, IIwtii, Robert P. Allen (Corporation Counsel), Dr, Bernard D. Berman (Acting Director, Health Department), James W. Hunt (Director, Juvenile Court), Robert E. Lilly (Board of Auditors Secretary), Daniel T. Murphy (Chairman, Board of Auditors), George Williams (Director, Social Welfare Department), Anthony Wodek (Business Manager, Tuberculosis Sanatorinin) USE OF DOWNTOWN COURT HOUSE PROPERTY....Levinson, J. lit Duncan, Heacock, Osgood, Pontiac City Supervisor OAKLAND COUNTY CAUCA VALLEY ALLIANCE ....fobs Bata in, Vincent McAvoy, James Seeterlin, Clark J. Adams (Circuit Judge), George H. Catlin (Detroit Edison), James Clarkson (First. Federal Savings of Oakland), E. M. Estes (Pontiac Motor Division), John Fitzgerald (Pontiac Press), A. C. Girard (Goinnuality National Bank), Walter Reuther (United Automobile Workers), James M. Robbins (Jim Robbins Company), D. B. Varner (Oakland University) There were no objections and the Conuittees were approved. Misc. 4307 IN RE: RELEASE OF DRAIN EASEMENT-BALDWIN BRANCH Cl' ROYAL OAK DRAIN (ROYAL OAK CITY) By Mr. Potter To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland acquired an easement across Lots 1 through. 8, inclusive, and 110, 159, 245, 293 and 379, Droadacres Subdivision in the City of Royal Oak, for the Baldwin branch of the Royal Oak Drain, and. WHEREAS the above described property was acquired by the William Beaumont Hospital, and WHEREAS William Beaumont Hospital is adding an addition to its present structure, and WhERIAS rho easement as above described is where the addition to the hospital is being constructe,i,iod WiEFFAS such easement is a cloud on the title of the property, and WHEREAS William Beaumont, Hospital has relocated at its own expense and given the County a new ease veiit for that portion of the Baldwin Drain, and lfEREAS your Drain Committee has reviewed this matter with the Drain Commission, finds that the Drain Easement previously conveyed to the County is no longer necessary and should be conveyed to William Beaumont Hospital, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to the William Beaumont Hospital for the following description: Lots #1 thru 8, inclusive, 010, .i!15, #245, #293 and #379 of Broadacres Sub- division, City of Royal, Oak, Oakland. Ceiiiify, Michigan according to the Plat thereof as recorded in the Oakland County reoid , MR. CRAIRMAN, on behaJf of the Drain Comiittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE L. Curtis Potter, Chairman James Clarkson, Joseph Forbes Leroy Davis, William K. Smith Moved by Potter supported by McGovern the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority' 14rving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Nil so. 4309 By Mr. hall IN RE: MEMORIAL DAY AND INPEPENDENCE DAY To the Oakland ConiGy Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies ard Gentlemen: mirREAs 'Saw at Day, May 30, and Ituicei .odidice Pay, July 4, both fall on Saturday this year, and WHEREAS the County's policy as to hoLida:,.; falling on wcekonds makes the following Monday the official holiday for holidays falling on Sididay, but makes no official substitution for lei idays fatling en Saturda), oit.1 MMREAS the state and redcral governments arc considering Friday, May 29 and Friday, July 3, as of holidays this year and other municipal governments are also granting an alternate day off, S j ;.; it CCM ' ondat 3 on p n I! I the o O ., P. al 146 •• t I E !ago .1.1414 Ar•,.1.1 --11los AS i.1.4:4.-•:‘-!,1 1964 VALU AT ION 19 (41 NUA1.17..E'T AS Eon rzru 1•11AL, 1Z :LNG E00 .1,•;',C,•4 ,111 1 .1 . I' '13111 2. ' . 10.10.54 2.1 0 000701.0 1 . I3C.1.6737(4 1 9 47._ •188 .1710 2 .3087Y-7 2 9 • 1 ; •.; • - 74 1. - .-311 2120 1 ' it ; 1124223 ' •• 7 77( 410 1' 1-3 .-2. 7 L7 1 •1 " 1..1. • • ' — 1 60' • 2.1 :.11 ; 447 2 , - • • . • ( J.. 2 13 1 3' • 1. 3' I 40 . ' ' '1 ,.. 330 42,593,037 :1. :17 77 _... ; ' ,2e 1 101,201 ,171 4 .3 7711 1 1.5: . - 1 1 ,3.00 23,011 .986 Is •1' 1 1 3,1 . 004,050 32,1.33,049 1 . -. • ' 7 . -1... ; 23,931, 780 27,432,285 1.1 --,5 ', 1.14 ,4 .1,1 ,15 1,1 "3 1.•.n .- 03,375,700 9. ,4/-15, 119 4 .0401'3 1 .•17 -0 -1 :17 1 . :•-11 1 .- '77 20,07.'2,7185 4411882,737 .1 .9 -2 1 1 1 ' • 313.231 22,095,340 27,71 0,051 1 .1'10 I. 1 . •.' 1 •14 I : k • i I . - 1...:7319 2,320,400 4 ., 32,2h2 0 , '. :••• '• 00 3 , •• 37517.;0 1. -1 227242 9050,920 17,0041747 0.77307 1 . 96.: 2- 581 68,330,600 70,279 „(313 3.20660 I .11 i 31011 I .1266 -003 4Gout i nued ) 0.4' .144.774 - :172 051' Super:: i Fs • to , ('pt 4,1 Tc• • •••. I unto -, Cent inued. April 20, 1'04 -109r II 101111 ,0 IT RESOLVED that the County r tl ,••• of Its offices as th... a ho . , : Fridays and that thr C• •,1!1 • ..•5 l•C, granted these with pay ; . 441 of the act III 1 1101 d ay s, ,1 •4 :,•••• 1.1,0 are red days in 4,0- • E of be -.ranted equal ti me of f I h pay a ; 5 nient to the i ,:•1 e • , • , 1 t d .01 I Cad 1 of the So 1 or ins Committee, 1 the u1otoit of the foregoing t e,sn lu t t1 SALAILI ES COMM I TT] T: Curti s H Hal I., Marv n M. Wa.1..lace it ilIt•••,- 11,1111C1‘ Kepi-tart, , A 1111 33 A 4'44r14 -4 or Mertz .s ly Hal I supported Icy Hudson the reso1kit i on be adopted. A sufficient ma j o cityhoi up voted therefor the resolu•tion wcts adopted. MI se By M. . [N t. • " • If • •••11••: T!' REP ORT FOR 1.064 T t. 1' :15 si 4 4 sots . 6 4: •se • a 6,40 11 : lazat i on respectful 1 y reports E-11 t. it has cs. 0 ; Ic examined it roll s of the several_ tet.,--.44,1;•. 4o1 'it H4d,. the said 1 '1,1 . and have equal ized. the Icc, ing 4. 'dieting from 1 ,6opert5 n the several town all h • a 1 ••0 • such an it wi D. produce relatively an equal and.ui.J • t. itt, or the taxable a,:. cord I ng to the report as shown bel ow dlialt the sane with I t be adopted by this Hoard as the County II:qua] izati on for I he year 191 -,4 $ 2,„!-11,100 $ 4,850,770 26,945,070 62, h7,121 85,741 ,625 .I 1-132 .12,5 6,70 9 ,403 1_6,01 7 ,1(•_) 31,30 40,6 57,435 85,1' '•'... 16; 3 2,1:19,775 3 , 971 ,03. 2 5,051 ,025 13,320,744 13, 0111 , 035 14,, h Id 25,076,193 4..1 8,106,05.5 10 , 24: '•-• 740 18 ,056„390 • : . 11) 19,070,857 3 • •10 „ 5:00 8,738,980 0 • I1 711 12 . 23,721,272 • 0,4 ▪ 50 677,762 [0,57(,91,1 0... 1,112. ▪ 700 . ;4,309,470 - 0.3; 3, 744,4S7 7,732,543 .37,100 ,8 40 57,479 „I:318 , 5/•-!3 ..500 (4,401 , Sr_16 0. 056 50,10'1,1 435 U 4,573,125 4. 37,2 1.7 •. 1 '0 66,838 ,082 2 • ..- ;3" - . 111 '435 22,759,2935 0. , 790,356,408 34 0.' 75 fl' 7 1 • •3 ' 0 . .: 0. 3.0.5 -1' lot Potter, Tot,t1;o , Tiloy, T (•-1) rnt voti .1 Poch- rt Irovo LS, .1.1,I1 iwA11 Act- of 1909, as amended, :,:sii oilera to the Board of detail ed. stotemitat, of the proc eiiiiflC'5 of timi s O53 Sn porvi stirs M auto .5; 11; 0111. I 11115, d . Apia 1 ilts„ 1 I ),04 1963 I a« ,.1 ;!!!!TALIZING EQUAL [ZING CT Att rb' ' 1i 9 g • 1 :•: 1 . ; I: TAM !IP FACTOP • .... ..... . • . , _....... I c • • t . ,.11 I I,1' ••19 L.`,...1 . . . ! .! !!!!•,, ! •'(•!,1 il .•!! - • !': i !.! 14 Plcai:ant Ridge 0 ,1, ;1; If' if - , ! ,l, • •• I` .1 9— e J,i I , 2: : ! Pik 2C• -I! ,4 7 . I I 'I • 1 . 20 - ! '• ' •••• I so oi 1. f i c Id 1.- . ' 1 1 . 7 " n • t." I • 570i Soo!h Lyon I, , ! ; . - b• t 0 . ... ,-; .• c I .i•hil3502 Sylvan Lake 5 „ , • o.. i ,-.I! 2.1 ; i• ; • "•:- 2.06.1'5 1 !9 Troy 7' , - 1.1.5 i ' , .)•b• ! !! 1, , -: •i l : : .1 .2C: - ' - 0144- wa I led Lake •-•- . ! It 1 .5 •4;5 " 370 kii X0111 , , -, , - n . • • • TOTA1, 1:11 -1 TOTAL GOI.INTs! , I TOE C Fouts, Roy IF . Goodspeed !!!I ohio t Harold 1. Romer Moved by Geo:I ; f • .co-oct od by Ile I Chit 111 111(1 re p or !. lii USSi on fol AYES; Al lortot, Cane Charteri s Cl; Dint. sao, Burk Ill, Falk:tip 1 , ! 1 11 , Jackson, Kt:idled:. <l\\ 01 McGartace , ; ••• Osgood, ['at no P iey Stephenson , To pa , NAYS: Hamlimm , Mi 11 er„ A suff ie. lent majority 09 • Campbell., joitios Carey, John Care)" s ,Itwan , Poliany, J. IC. Duncan. Win „1, Heaccek, Hort on, Hudson, ir • Levinson , Tinley „ Mainland, , Ma-ore, OP -Donoghue, vault, 1'"!•!!!!!onlin, Slovens, 11 13 ,1,1!!!r„ Yockey. (75) the report was adopted. Ai so . 4310 Ily Mr. Hall IN RE: 19f! I .112 REIVOliT C;• To the ea 13 ;tia ) ty 11otos' '• Mr Chai raw!, ; • n ;pi!' ViblEREAS Soc tsi on 2 1- (31.5 .A. 9.125) requires the ; Sive. rvi. sox s of accurato aI I work too , ml,:ht of way Fad •I''; •1 lam, -bear Comm it t co on Roads and l'i• Board of Oak 1 =Lmi con" r and act as F.: r!. ••••!.. ! • I.ORE B4 IT 117,II0i1:111 ; ••• ! 1 ...if 1• t: loinrd, cm I stiI ic pc!l t, s a IF i3,! 1904, and Secretary who shall be pa ; Law) of the NC 1 • Ti :3. 'Fliat, the a Road Commi s LOtlois he ra1 gad a Mr. Choi rman, on ha-h:- it ot the, foregoing re so tut ion, Poe cc! c‘c• 1- he 1:31th day of Apr i 1, OF t bo aTproveHi. required l'• I ow. OIL' Board a '; v ve the adoption_ of ROA PS AN i I I!: .1 •"!!•!,•:•• •!. , Jr. ro port , and a P. Ni oho s as 7'.. whose salary IV (County Road 1- if , A , 9 Cii;t 1.1•.'"F El I't-iI tat A11.11111• of the lioi I o.f c',oun ty .; • in . • , eo. ;-,-; !in the records of the Board of Supe rv.i so rs ;• publ. ,ta TI I Pont si ae Pro Moved by Hal 1 s 1 11; Imlitir Is the re sol lit ion 1.13 A n'-`11 /' I.' IA Ill Tom-it:I St VA 111r, VOted OW , the I c so I was adopt ed . i r ye s et) t Aiwa ; I County Tuberculosis Sanatorium. i sc. 4.3.I I ily Mr. Lev nson I N lItRE.NOVAT I ON 1,5 •5J Oak] J.JJ j 'Si', 1 , i. Alrit ' J.11! PLANS ANTI AUTHORIZATION FOR RIPS l'7C.13.1 051S Sanat. 0 ri UM and ! tan fai ities, which of the Board an! are J C.:rent of Heal th ,J;j , fa cation and eligibility Inc. for such ly dictate 1he..1- of this in •Ji IF I Eon 0 V at IT I an • si ;••••e of Cli- • thi • Da.s;Ii i i e51 `m• ; Ii!. • ha:- pit al as well as , and ;he Count y to proceed 510 ,000 , and 5. e : „ '00 11C h ii va • :• LILLI;-;P1 il III I: '1iIIII I %. idacrcn with this •• 1011,11•As t rurd in Ii 1:1 t • j D 01'1. n-;`, Ulla I Cho for 1,1 (1.1 it 'Ihat it author :•• J: :5 advert this Pea:a: a IN-re finat it r• i.ca t ons necessary ••J and ;I: c. a i J1 .• 5 • ; i ..mands Committee a be s•uce j•• •i!; -.L.:5 .s as report back to .1! !!„ii f,ii and Means and Is • resolution. move OD" ; • „ • ; i Noll e 0 • 011 F51 J Conti nue . A,n! i aas, 1Di:A mov ir;,atOld t . •I SL.I.Ver0i nle A sufficient majority haviog voted therefor. the met • and placed on file. NOW [e P . That lite la I Jae: . s ; cat I tyr•,• be n.pprs , Harry . Us•yc ,, Associates, Inc. is Commi tree a , 7.0myt1T1TIE JJr) ., C. HDah Iehany is F. OH —.burg I t. [10 15.C.11.1tun 1 ••• : I`Ci, „ F' I • ; • 5 ! , 5 ii• ;trey, ,E,01-ng e , ,, • ,•,.•i Pyt • W. ITnnca.n,• •!„.. t ; , ; •• •• • ••:;. 1.;; •LiL I Heacock, c;.•ft.., ; ; ' .c. J.: jr•e! , Levi nson, •• •-m11 !m ,a, f'n : „ i , Retiard Not Icr, .!--.7teph on ;.•;on [app, Tayitor„ Ti.ley, Tinsman, A sit 1-Licit-Jilt m,. j era ty having -voted therefor , the re t ion was adopt ed. : OVAL OP PLANS AND AuTflow z AT ION TO PROCEED „MI • . 1 fl . 'I PC ['Old OS is Sanatot um and "I s) 'Ica I • • J5. I I j ; • • sDi• • - • • e t. • l• .!!'. l Ij . i• t on 01! these two facI tics , which ha' 5'5I j et:1 H .• ! (lot siNA se• I al J.. , est s• .5-Jouri tt ees of the Beard and are o.i..recissit JistVt.... 10p trti S,.k „ 0(4.) 655 - it ity has been further aggravated ! igait Depa rtment of !heal th t s have authori zed and • tasi s with the 'More imperative 1 Voll • Sr. Li rri it Ai 0 !•••:.... • '• , • :• I •• : • .1 1 ci De 1 03 Hard in as cilia I VII an for hi s It Seems HAMM , that rulacrs S5 mon could he ! at i on :i s de a I niod for the e on f ited iiCi pre o i se ly . WC ri Cc'. • 1•: t • , •••• .ti• • • 0 •• • • ..•••• t: • 1. e o few- ..1 • • : . • • ••5 so rap tit Supervisors Minutes Csefinuel. Acr.1 by tho to ! ! tIsf 01 thts i:Oa! \O-IEP CAS est mnated cost of NO‘I• TH! Pin Lao er ns LI n of ihe Iii LT I- ba 1 ancos on haud Mr. Ch 1 he ;.....dopt, I on of t WAYS Al.; b Day 1 Lev John C. Ca rev, Thomas 11 . O'D a. . 14,:rry W. Horton , •-ed p Ions and smeci1 cat i ens which indicate the • di 0 plans and Spec ii eat i OILS prepared by the County ,ok ho completed by County work forces under the super- DCC for th I s purpose he appropr in fed from ..rid iliti "di rnii,53 and Grounds Com:in t tees, I 111OVe ;ICS AND GROUNDS CO;,IMITTEE •;•,.c.ock , chai rman C. Al 1 c rt on, Jr C. thigh .Doh any : Loy Donean, Duane Hursfall W. fleGovern, Lou i s V. Oldenburg by Levi hit tho Ic solution be adopted r. Uric AYES: Alf orlon Carey, Case, Charter s Dune,an, -Durbin , Ech.fa Hort o n : Hen-.sr, Hut''- loll Linley, tit tt he Ii, ore , 0 t Rerncr, Rh I a tul t , Travis, Turner, Voll, NAYS: None ( 0 t , FlIrt , prt, , McGovern Pal ,•a! Sail - (7b. lames Carey, John ate. Cowan, Donau, J.W. Duncan, , !fall , Hamrin, He,acock, trio. lessiter, Levinson., Michrina, Miller, l•••r, Potthoff, Rehard, I.:. Taylor, They, Tinsman, A suf- f icient major 1 y ha vi rig voted there for, tn. on was. adopted Moved by OsP-ood at Li Seete i F. in that the Sp. .• al County Buil ding Cowan ttoe be abolished since the p irpese • •.• which i t -, .0; established has been accomplished , 4 still ii joriity ltOVlllt o • •1 he.re toe, the moti On carried . Moved by i:••ekey su1 i cirr1 by d that 11e Spec lal Water Committee he •iholl shed since it -en is t ht the water cdi the iiuu ci pl i t the County can be adequat ely supplied r• l• at by the City o f De trot t ci al-mu:hi coittra,,t !C Lae Oakland County Department of .Public Works. A yitt Ii, tent major I_ ty ha.ving 'cot (id therefor, the mots on carried. ent Misc. I •i"? By Ii: IN RI,: PONT 1 AO Chni Press on wet I_ done 10" ni.o..• I son .- he .Ocred into our T S ike •o. .!ives OM' Chaint: BETA I! VI; T. ' 1 I.( have received a. copy- of Edital -ial that appeaTed in The Pontiac re rd of Sop': rv I sots and our very co•pable Cha rman for a job Ii 1.3.1-:e to move that tlt.i a edi tori at rd a copy he sent to th.o editor. it be cast and a standing ovation 1 4 96 --- • at (Ina te ' • • • 01 :•1 tsvc boon in capable ail I i• ' " • ": • "I 1 (20 r : • • • •- t he i r e:srmuta- ,,, , . : • . • ti : County s a whole . ha s coil • , I .1 „ hy. lot the-, :-. Iii it audic2c, the a, •,- r ; are coiraiaiit13 , . taridly as Oahlao! ',IA- 1 , Aur proportions. 6.56 Supervisors Minutes Continued. April 28, 1964 In the not too distant future, Oakland Gountyts population will. pass the million mark. Sntly wo are more than three-quarts of thu way there now. This moans our county here in Michigan has more popuhtion than a half dozen whole states. Delos Hamlin is to he conatulated warmly on the fine leadership he has shown. A shrewd, conservative administration has suci:essively mot and f,ced new problems as they arose and solved them promptly and efficaciously. Obviously ti.... to have been a. few- controversial matters, butt in these cases the leaders have never indicated any dispoition to thrust things down their compatriots throats or play the parts of dictators. County home rule is probably just over the inmiediate horizon, despite its setback in the le,.iliture and we can enter that new phase of government with the satisfaction and knowledge of a ••ood job well done under the old plan which sufficed for a small community but which is rather ,t6liquated in the light of today's developments here, We have warm pi aiso for Mr. Hwnlin and the balance of his fine board." The resolution was unanimously adopted. Moved Hy Dohany supported by Horton the Hoard adjourn subject to the call of the Chair. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. v; R. Calhoun Delos Hamlin Cicih Chairman