HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1964.06.22 - 7753Cal hp un Delos Hamlin Chairman David R Clerk OAKLAND COUNTY Board N Supervisors MEETING June 22, l004 000 Meeting Invocati led to order by Delos Hamlin, Chairma given by Heiner Case, Bloomfield Township Superyis Roll called: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Bloe, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Da:yids, Demute, Demean, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Win. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hag.strom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Ingraham, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, MeAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore,0 1 Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Vatnales, Perinoff,Potter, Potthoff, Powers, Rchard, Remer, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tiley, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Poll, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockey. (78) ABSENT: Brickner, Edward, Ewart, Horton, Lahti, Mainland, Menzies. (7) Quorum Present Moved by Yockey supported by Lessiter the minutes of the April 14, April 20, April 28 and May 28 meetings be approved as printed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Marshall supported by Ingraham the Journal for the April Session be approved and closed and the April Session stand adjourned sine die. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. JUNE SESSION June 22, 1904 Meeting called to order by Chairman Delos Hamlin. Roll called. PRESENT: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Bloc, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Demute, Bowan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Boacock, Hudson,Hurstall, Ingraham, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Nichrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, 0' Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patna Lea, Perinoff, Potter, Potthoff, Powers, Renard, Reiner, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tiley, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Poll, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockey. (78) ABSENT: Brickner, Edward, Ewart, Horton,Lahti, Mainland, Menzies. (7) Quorum Present The Clerk read the request for this meeting which was filed with him on June 9, 1964. Said request was ordered filed with the Clerk. A true copy of the same appears in the notice of meeting hereafter set forth. The Clerk presented the notice of this meeting together with his affidavit as to the mailing of said notice, which notice and affidavit are as follows: NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING To the Members of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, will be held at the time and place stated in the following request which has been filed with me, to-wit: "A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan is hereby called to be held on Monday, the 22nd day of June 1904 at 9:30 A. M., EST, in the Court House Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the Board at that time. Signed: Delos Hamlin, Chairman Board of Supervisors" 661 Suprvisors Minutes Continued. June 22, 1904 This is the first meeting of the June sr f the Oakland County Board of Supervisors. The previous meeting was adjourned subject- to t I u' the Chair. SiLttcn, Ita‘id R. Calhoun Oakland County Clerk-Register of Deeds Dated; Jane 10, 1964 PROOF OE MAILING STATE OF MIC1IICAN1 ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) David R. Calhoun, being first duly- sworn, deposes and sa-y that he is the .County Clerk and Register of Deeds of Oakland County and Clerk of the Board of Suliel -vsors for Oakland County, and that he served a true copy of the for notice on each meMber zf the Board of Supervisors of Oakland County, Michigan by enclosing the same in an envelope iveperly sealed, sufficiently stamped, and plainly addressed to such member at his 1.1 huown address and depositing the same in the United States mail at Pontiac, Michigan iii ihhe A, 1964. L. Calhoun 0 County Clerk-Register of Deeds Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10t4 day of Signed; lul a Maddock, Notary Public, Oak] aLd i. st . Michian My- commission expires November 16, 1964 Clerk read cards of thanks from the families of Floyd Cromer, Don R. MacDonald, Ransford Bromley and George Burt. (Placed on file) Clerk read letter from the Jackson Counts Veterans Office rcla Cromer. (Placed on file) Te to the death of Floyd Clerk read letter from the Supervisors Inter-County Committee relative to the Refuse Disposal Plan for the Detroit. Region. (Referred to Miscellaneous Committee) Clerk read communication from the Health Committee in regard to approval of a septic tank permit in Bloomfield Township. (Placed on file) Misc. 4310 By Mr. J. W. Duncan IN RE: RESOLUTION HONORING R. CLARE CUMMINGS To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS R. Clare Ciamnings retired from this Board in April of 1904, after serving, 27 years as one of the City of Pontiac representatives on the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, being appointed in 1937, and WHEREAS during all of these years, his conduct in public 11.fe and private life has been most exemplary and that of a good and faithful public servant dedicated to the welfare of the community as well as to his fellow man, and WHEREAS R. Clare Cummings served as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Oakland County in 1944 and 1945, was a member of the Ways and Means Comaiitey from 1939 to 1904; Planning Commission from 1949, when first organized, to the present time; The Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority from 1 945 to the present; was Chairman of the County Coordinatin4 Zoning and Planning Committee from 1951 to 1964; a member of the Special. County Building Committee from 1952 to 1960, and has been a. member of the Auditor General, juvenile Affairs and Salaries Committees; and WHEREAS R. Clare Cummings, being born in the nearby Village of Franklin and a lifelong resident of Oakland County, was graduated from the Birmingham High School in 1903, became a teller in the Citizens Bank in Holly, later came to the City of Pontiac in 191.2 and went into the insurance business, and in 1934 was one of the original iciaidels of the Pontiac Federal Sayings and Loan Association and is presently Chairman of the, Beata of that multimillion dollar financial organization; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Pail and County Board of Supervisors, at a regular session on June 22, 1964, that a Certificate of Merit 1.0 awarded to R. Clare Cummings, former Pontiac City Supervisor, for his long years of distinguished service to Oakland County; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in grateful 1.ia ,-nation of his service to the County and his endeavors in the public interest, and in order that he might receive the honors due him, we, the members of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, hay. this 22nd day of June A. D. 1904, unanimously adopted this resolution and have authorized the County Clerk to affix the Seal_ of the County of Oakland thereto and to present a certified copy of this resolution to R. Clare Cummings. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Special. Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. SPECIAL COMMITTEE William A. Ewart, Chairman J. Wesley Duncan, David Levinson The resolution was unanimously adopted. Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22. 1904 662 Misc. 4317 Hy Mr. Heacock IN RE: ANNUAL REPORT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE To the Oakland County. Board of `irpervisers Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Genti-men: In accordance with :.•••f-i•I 4 of Rule XII of the By-Laws, your Buildings and Grounds Committee has made its annual inspect Li C-inty-owned buildings and grounds and respectfully presents its report in connection with tile ; Your Committee is to report that from standpoint of maintenance, appearance and cleanliness the buildings a.,H surroundiw: grounds prcs,nt a highly satisfactory condition. The interiors in general are in condition and the completion of the major renovations at the Tuberculosis Sanator i ii usl Medical Co!_ Facility will fairly well modernize these two units. The exteriors of many of the oldei buildings require considerable work to maintain them in a satisfactory manner. A portion of this work is in progress this season. Major effortJ e'i•:• the past two years by the Grounds Division of the Maintenance Department especially in the devecpmeit of the Service Center area in terms of new landscaping and modern- ization of old Landscapina, reflect not only in beauty and appearance but in lessened maintenance cost. This is a part of a. long- i.e; overall plan of development which will be taking place over the next several years. In connection with this program, your Comanittee wishes to commend the many public spirited citizens, including some members ot our own Board, for them - gifts of trees, shrubbery and equipment. Letters of appreciation have been forwarded to these The inspection of your Committee this year vivid :y disclosed the acute need for the County to provide additional quarters for the various departments and institutions of the County and the fact our present building. program is not f,--eping pace with these needs. The Board of Auditors has been forced to reopen No. 1 Lafayette St i.--. for the housina of the Veterans, Cooperative Extension and Planning Departments- It will be for other departments to follow suit in the near future. These temporary moves have in mx,f instances reflected in inconvenience to departmental operations and in increased renovation and operational. costs. By recent action of this Board we are presently engaged in the renovation of the Tubercu- losis Sanatorium and Medical Care Facility . which will not only modernize these two units hut will go a long way toward providing the necessary number of beds for a more comprehensive sub-acute care program. Progress is proceeding in a satisfactory manner at the Medical Care Facility. Recent developments leading to strong possibilities Inc securing Hill-Burton monies at the Tuberculosis Sanatorium have presently delayed preparation of architectural drawings. This development is being closely followed by your Committee, the Board of Auditors and the County Engineer. Work. on the first units of the. Children's Village under our Federal Grant has been started and should, according to present construction schedules, be completed this year. A current study prepared by the County Engineer and Auditors covering the building program needs of the County over the next 5 years and indicating the need for even more comprehensive plannina is now under study by your Committee. A special report on this subject can he expected. Mr. Ch,airman, on behalf of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, I move that the foregoing. report be received and placed on file. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMIT= Luther Heacock, Chairman Hugh C. Allerton, Jr.. Edward Cheyz, J. Wesley Duncan Duane Flursfall, Paul W. McGovern, Louis F. Oldenburg Moved by Heacock supported by Hursfail the report he received and placed on file. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion. carried. Misc. 4318 By Mr. Heacock IN RE: COUNTY OWNED LAND-AUTHORIZE SALE OF To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WEEFEAS the County of Oakland has title to a parcel of property - in the City of Ferndale, and for some years the dwelling thereon was used to house indigent persons, and WHEREAS the building is vacant and has fallen into disrepair, and WHEREAS the Social. Welfare Board advised the Welfare Committee at its neeting on May 26, 1964 that there is no foreseeable use for said dwelling for we purposes, and WHEREAS the Welfare Committee ad)pted a resolution recommending that this property be referred to your Buildings and Grounds Committee for sale, if it is determined to be of no further use to the County, at the appraised value, and that the proceeds from such sale be credited. to the Indigent Housing Fund. and WHEREAS your Buildings and Grounds Committee be that it would be to the best interest of the County to sell this property and place the same on the tax roll of the assessina district; NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Board of Auditors and Buildings and Grounds Committee be authorized to sell the property) described as: 06i Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22,1004 The West i.et of Lot 30, Badder Hi ht Subdivision, City of Ferndale, Oakland County, t't thereof recorded in Libor 10, page of Plats, Oal„Thid Ceh0ty P. Office in accordance with the by-Laws of th- Board of ardrvisors; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk of the Beard of Supervisors be author- ized to execute the necessary conveyances to complete the transfer of said property; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any proceeds from dispos]tdon of said property he deposited in the indigent Housing Fund, Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BUILDINGS AN) GROUNDS COMMITTEE Luther heacock. Chairman Hugh G. Allerton. Jr., Edward Oleyz, Duane Hursfall J. Wesley Duncan, Paul W. McGovern, Louis F. Oldenburg Moved by Heacock supported by Oldenburg the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted thvrefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4,09 By Mr. Heacock IN RE: SALE OF ACREAGE To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board, by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 4028, has previously authorized the sale of certain surplus lands, including the 18 acre parcel herein d en bed, and WHEREAS said parcel has from time to tine been advertised for public sale with no offers received, and WHEREAS th2 Oakland Park Methodist. Church of Pontiac, Michigan, has agreed to purchase the same for cash at a price of $1600.00 per acre, which price is not less than the appraised value of said parcel, more fully described as follows: Part of tho South 1/2 of Section 18, TIN, RIPE, City of Pontiac. Michigan, described as beginning at a point N S6' 15' 20" E 290.36 ft. from the South 1./4 corner Section 16, thence N 01' 44' 40" W 842.26 ft., thence N 06' 15' 40" E 167.69 ft., thence S 63' 44' 20" E. 656.93 ft., thence S SO" 40' 20" E 342.30 ft., thence S 01' 41' 10" E 641.09 ft., thence S 67' 57' 50" W 644.31 ft., thence S 01' 44' 00" K 920.22 ft,, thence 5 86' 15 1 9 0" W 309.45 ft., to point of beginning. Reserving an easement over the North 33' for Kennett Road. Containing 18.00 acres. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that this Board authorize and approve the sale of said property to the Oakland Park Methodist Church for the sum of $1800.00 per acre; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary conveyances to complete this sale. Mr. Chairman, en behalf of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Luther Heacock, Chairman Hugh G, Allerton, Jr., udwgrd Chey6, J, Wesley Duncan Duane Hursfall, Paul W. McGovern, Louis F. Oldenburg Moved. by Heacock supported by Allerton the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4320 By Mr, Clarkson IN RE: AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW'S RULE XVIII To the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section XXI of the By-Laws provides for notice of amendments to be given either orally at a preceding. meeting or by written notice not less than 5 days preceding the offering of the amendment; and WHEREAS on June 15, 1904, written notice of amendment to By-Laws Rule XVIII, and changes in the "Schedule of Dates for Tax Procedures" necessitated thereby, was mailed to all members of this Board by your By-Laws Committee, and WHEREAS your By-Laws Committee recommends approval of the amendment and changes in tax procedure dates for the reasons set forth in the written notice of amendment, a copy of which is attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that Rule XV111 be amended to delete present Sub-sections (d), (e) and (0 and substitute therefor new Sub-sections (d) and (e) to read as follows: (64 Supervisors Minutes Continued. June i'.., 1964 .(d) PUBLIC BEARING .01f BUDGET AND PASS APPROPRIATE, RESOLUTIONS Tho Chairman of the Board still ie flard Meeting on first Monday in October for the purpose of a Public licarini;' 7'i! ire At the close of this hearing the Board shal.1 consider .rnd act upon the fitf,'el at 1 pass api•i-•priate resolutions. The Auditors and and Met.u ,. Committee shall, d; I a t. veof prior to this meeting, transmit to ilu- membei•-ii of Ihe Board their aCptii i,:o•eddations on said budget_ (e) HEARING ON NEPORT OF COMMITTEE 0A LOCAL TA!VES-SPREADANC TAXES There stall he a ::111.ar at lip of this Board on the first Monday of October of each year for the pnipi.;_n of 0.•aftw.ting a hearing en the report of the Covolittee en Local- Taxes and 1 -1 0 - tL.- i:pread of the taxes covered by the report. BE IT FURTHER RESoIVET, iI 5t the "Schedule of Dates for Tax Procedures" be amended to delete present items 20, '21 and 22 and substitute new .t;Ins 20 and 21 to read as follows: 20. THIRD MONDAY IN SUMMER - It it .o ing of the October Session of the Board of Supervisors final. date for filing by Praia Cemmissionor of certification of Drain Rolls and amounts to he spread at-large on the County, Townships and Cities with the Board of Supervisors. (To be fixed by resolution of the Beard of Supervisors.) 21. FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER - Board of Supervisors to approve the budget and pass the incident appropriation resolution. (MIL 37, MSN 7.55 provides that this shall be done during the October Session of the Board.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that items 23 through 29 in the "Schedule of Dates for Tax Procedures" be renumbered as items 22 through 2F-- Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the By-Laws Conimittee, J move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. BY-LAWS COMMITTEE James Clarkson, Chairman LeRoy flat its William A. Ewart John B. Michrina, Ralph S. Moore Moved by Clarkson supported by Pavids the resolution he adopted. AYES: Allerton, Alward, Bachei‘t, Bloc, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charterds, Cheyz, Clarkson, Pavids, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbiin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall , 'Ingraham, Julian, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinsimi, Tinley, Maier, Marshall, McAvey, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, O'honoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patnafes, Perinoff, Potter, Pottheff, Powers, Rehard, Renter, Rhinevahlt, Secterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, It Icy. Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Volt, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockey. (77) NAYS: None. (C) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4321 By Mr. Salley IN RE: RATIFY NOMINATION OF WALLACE CRANE AS CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Board, meeting as a Committee of the Whole, en May 2S, 1.904, took action and confirmed the nomination by the Civil Defense Committee that Wallace Crane be designated as the County Civil Defense Director at a salary to be set at .-i,000.00 per vear for the remainder of 1904. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Civil Defense Committee, I move that the Board accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, as adopted on May 2S, 1964, and hereby confirm and ratify the action taken at that time relative to the nomination of a County Civil Defense Director. CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEE Alex R. Salley, Chairman Vance C. Fouts, Earl B. Rhjnevault Betty Stephenson, Victor Woods Moved by Sol Icy supported by Fouts the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Crane addressed the Board., Misc. 4322 By Mr. Potter IN RE: BROAPACRE DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section 395, Chapter 17 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1950, as amended, provides that: 06,5 Supervisors Minutes Continued. Juno I.904 "The county drain commissioner may rolinqiiish jurisdiction and control to a township, city or village of any county drainage district upon which there is no outstanding indebtedness or contract tiati -lity and which is wholly located within the boundaries of a township, city or viila.•,•,nd theri;,t; thi., county drain commissioner shall he relieved of, and the towri:1.1 [_, city or LI all assume, the maintenance. juris- diction, :dntrol and operatied thoreof and ia ure operation shall be financed• in the madnor as is provided for specil asse-.-mont, districts within such town- ship, city er village,: Provided, That such pr.-. --ling shall have first boon approved by a majority of the members elect of the count .0 board of supervisors and by the resolution of the governing, body of the township, city or village in which such drain is located", and WHEREAS the City of Clawson has, by resolution dated February IS, 1964 formally petitioned the county drain counissioner to relinqnish jurisdiction of the Hroadacre Drain, a. county drain, and WHEREAS the aforementioned Hroadacre Drain lies entirely within the territorial limits of said City- of Clawson, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pu•alant to the provisions of Section 395, Chapter 17 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 195o, as awo1%.4, the county drain commissioner be and ho is hereby authorized to relinquish jurisdiction to the Cit ., of Clawson of the aforementioned Broadacre Drain and the drainage district therefor. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE Curtis Pot-r, Chairman fames iilliam T. Duncan, Joseph. Forbes Howard 0. Posers, William K. Smith, Leonard Terry Moved by Potter supported by Michrina the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4323 By Mr. Potter IN RE: JOHN M DRAIN To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section. 395, Chapter 1.7 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1950, as amended, provides that: "The county drain commissioner may rolinquish jurisdiction and control to a township, city or of any county drainage district upon which there is no outstanding indebtedness oe contract liability and which Is wholly located within the boundaries of a township. city or village, and thereafter the county drain commissioner shall be relieved 01, and the township, city or village shall assume the maintenance, jurisdiction, control. and operation thereof and its future operation shall be financed in the same manner as is provided for special assessment districts within such township, city or village: Provided, That such proceeding shall have first been approved by a majority of the members elect of thc county board of supervisors and by the resolution of the governing body of the township, city or village in which such drain is located", and WHEREAS the City of Clawson has, by resolution dated February ib , 1964 formally petitioned the county drain commissioner to relinquish jurisdiction of the John M Drain, a county drain, and WHEREAS the aforementioned John M Drain lies entirely within the territorial limits of said City of Clawson, NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 395, Chapter 17 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, tho county drain commissioner be and he is hereby authorized to relinquish jurisdiction to the City of Clawson of the aforementioned John M Drain and the drainage district the Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE Curtis Potter, Chairman James Clarkson, William T. Duncan, Joseph Forbes Howard 0. Powers, William K. Snth, Leonard Terry Moved by Potter supported by Rehard the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4324 By- Mr. Potter . IN RE: WATER LEVELS OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WATER LEVEL OF SAGINAW BAY AND RIVER To the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors Mn. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the waters of Saginaw Bay- and Rivor and the adjoining waters of Lakes Huron and Michigan are of vital importance not, only to the people of Hay County, but to all other communities Supervisors Minutes Continued. Juno :22, i964 606 located on oe adjacent to their shores and whereas au:: great reduction in either quality or quantity of these walers is a direct threat to the future :,nd I:ell-being of its peoples, and l:ilLELAS lowering of the water levels ot :• Huron and Michigan to an all-time low record as of thi date is a direct threat - to our welfare and economy by the impairment. of water supplies, sewage facilities, shipping and commeree, navigatiena channels, recreational developments, wildlife and many other items vital to our continued was of life and existence, and WHEREAS it is a well-known fact that the levels of the Great Lakes rise and fall in cycles of high and low water and over a period of time regains a normal level and this would be somewhat true for the future except that man has changed this by alterin,o , the flow of water hy deepening the shipping channels throughout. the Great Lakes to r,ke advantage of the St. Lawrence Seaway's twenty- seven foot draft and further there is a diversi(-1 of the waters of Lake Michigan to the Mississippi water shed for the purpose of disposing of scwagr• wliiiii all result in more waters leaving the lakes than nature can replace by precipitatiesi. This abnormal drain of Lakes Huron and Michigan running unchecked will. result in a now record lei,' at the bottom of each succeeding cycle, so that conceivably in time there would only be a series of channels between Bay City and Detroit, and WHEREAS through the joint efforts and cooperation of Canada and the United States the level of Lake Superior, the lar gest body of fresh water in the world, is regulated as to the amount of water allowed to flow from it to the other Great Lakes and as a result is still well above any record lows, which leads to a conclusion that a similar program might be feasible and practical for • Lakes Huron and Michigan as a solution to a problem; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Supervisors approve a study and survey by the joint action of the United States and Canadian Governments, to seek a solution to the control of the levels of the wafers of Lakes Huron and Michigan, in the best interest_ of all concerned by placing regulating devices at certain strategic points in the connecting channels between Lakes Huron and Erie or wherever the study would indicate the best cost versus benefit ratio, FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all our representatives in the United States Congress and Senate, to the State Association of Supervisors, Governor George Romney, Michigan Department of Conservation, Economic Develepnient and Health, Dow Chemical Company, Wickes Marine Terminal, Defoe Shipbuilding Company, and any other appropriate persons, agencies or organi- zations who could lend vital assistance to this project of preserving one of the last of our great natural resources, fresh water. To paraphrase our late President of the United States, "This can't be done in a month or a year or five years, but let us begin .J' Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE Curtis Potter, Chairman James Clarkson, William T. Duncan, Joseph Forbes Howard 0.Powers, William K. SMith, Leonard Terry Moved by Potter supported by Davids the to he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted ti,... C5 the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4325 By Mr. Potter IN RE: OXBOW LAKE LEVEL. PROJECT To The Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS this Board, by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3973 dated June 2.5, 1962 directed the Drain Commissioner to establish the level of Oxbow Lake according to the provisions of Act No. 141' of the Public Acts of 1901, as amended, and WHEREAS the Circuit Court of Oakland County, upon recommendation of the Drain Commissioner established the level at 942.75 feet above mean sea level, and WHEREAS the Engineers retained by the Drain Commissioner have submitted a report including plans, specifications and estimate of cost, and WHEREAS all rights-of-way necessary to construct a dam and appurtenances thereto have been acquired in the name of the County of Oakland, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: I. That the plans, specifications, and estimate of cost be accepted and approved; 2. That the Special Assessment District established by the County Drain Commissioner be accepted and approved; 3. That the County Drain Cominissioner shall apportion the cost of the project to the benefited properties in the district, as near as may be, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 7 and 9 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1950, as amended; 4. That the County Drain Commissioner he authorized to advertise for and to roceive construction bids for the subject project; 5. That the Drain Commissioner he authorized to award the construction contract to the contractor submitting the Lowest bid and who, in his judgment, is responsible and capable of performing such contract; . 6, That the Oxbow Lake Level project be financed by the issuance of Lake Level Orders payable over three (3) years out of monies received in payment of the special assessments to be levied in the years 1964, 1905 and 1900. I 07 Supervisors Minutes ConTinued. June 22, 1904 Sr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Committee, resolu I move the adoption of the foregoing DRAIN COMMITTEE Curtis Vetter. Chairman James Clarkson, William K. Smith, William T. Duncan Joseph lorbes, Hoi,.-ard O. Powers, Leonard Terry Moved. by Potter supported by Laurie th • e..s.-1ution bc adopted. A sufficient majority having voted the the resolution was adopted. Misc. Hy Sr. P,iL-r IN RE: LOV,Ei. AND MIDDLE STRAITS LAKES LEVEL PROJECT' To thy County Board of Supervisors Sr. CLaii,:sti ladies and Gentlemen: whEELAS this Hoard by Miscellaneous Resolution No 341 dated April 16, 1.96 directed the Drain Co'llThziS',/h.0 to eStabilSh . the levels of Lower and Middle Straits Lakes ac,ording to the previsions oi Act No I4o of the Public Acts of 1 06l, as aria-tided, and WHEREAS the Circuit Court of Oakland County, upon recommendation of the Drain Commissioner established the Level at 930.70 feet above mean sea level, and WHEREAS the Engineers retained. by the Drain Commissioner have submitted a report including plans, specifications and estimate of cost, and WHEREAS all rights-ofsvay necessary to construct a dam and appurtenances thereto have been acquired in the naine of the County of Oakland, NOW THEREFORE HE. IT RESOLVED: 1. that the plans, specifdcations, and estimate of cost be accepted and approved; 2. That the Special. As District established to the County Drain Commissioner be accepted and approved; 3. That the County Drain Commissioner shall apportion the cost of the project to the benefited properties in the district, as near as may be, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 7 and 9 of Act No 40 of the Public Acts of 1956,as amended; 4. That the County Brain Commissioner be authorized to advertise for and to receive con- struction bids lop the subject project; 5. That the Drain Commissioner be authorized to award the construction contract to the contractor zting the lowest bid and idio, in his judgment, is responsible and capable of per- forming 6. That the Lower and Middle Straits Lakes level project be financed by the issuance of Lake Level. Orders payable over five (5) years out of monies received in payment of the special assessments to be levied in the years 1904, 1905, 1906, 1967 and 196S. Sr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Csmrimittee. 1. move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE' Curtis Potter, Chairman James Clarkson, William K. Smith, William T. Duncan Joseph Forbes, Howard 0. Powers, Leonard Terry Moved by Potter supported by. Rehard the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted_ Misc. 4327 Hy Mr. Potter IN RE: UPPER STRAITS LAKE LEVEL PROJECT To the Oakland C.rels Huard of Supervisors Mr. Chairman. Ladie• and Gentlemen: witt.R.i.t.4 this hoard by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3941 dated April 10, 19.02 directed the Drain Cemmisicy-or to .o.ablish. the level of Upper Straits Lake according to the provisions of Act No 146 of the Public of 11161, as amended; and WHEREAS the Circuit Court in Oakland County, upon recommendation of the Drain Commissioner, established the level at 930.SO feet above mean sea level, and WHEREAS the Engineers retained by the Drain Commissioner have submitted a report including plans, specitications and estimate of cost, and WHEREAS all rights-of-way necessary to construct a dam and appurtenances thereto have been at in the name of the County of Oakland, NOW THEREWRE RE IT RESOLVED: I. That the plans, specifications, and estimate of cost be accepted and approved; 2. That the Special Assessment District established by the County . Drain Commissioner be accepted and approved; 3. That the County. Drain Commissioner shalt apportion the cost of the project to the I enefited properties in the district, as 11.2,1 as may be pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 7 and 0 ot. Act No, 40 of the Publde Acts of as amended; Supervisors Minutes Continued, June '2, 1'4,4 PIe- 4 Ti.,' the County Drain Commissioner he authorized to advertiso for and to receive const rife t I IL 1 fv.r the .subjeet t; the Drain C01 n1111.155 lii'!'Let ized to award the censt ri,LC I. jell COW CACI 1,0 trio contractor submitting the lowest hid and who, in his judgment, is responsible and capable of performing. such contract; O. That the Upper Straits Lake Level Pic Ht he financed by the issuance of Lake Level Or payable over one (1) year out of' monie!, in payment of the special assessnents to be levied in the year lq64. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Commit-it, e, i move the adoption of the foregoing reiSOILItj OM. BRA I N (C TILE Cin-ti • Poi Ler , Chairman • •k son i am K. Smith, Ni 1 I imm T Duncan or Howard 0. Powers, Leonard Terry Moved by Potter supported by Miehrina. the resolution be adopted. A sufficient ma jority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mi sc . 432, By- Mr. Potter IN RE: SCOTT LAKE. LEVEL To the Oak] and County. Beard of Supervi rot s Mr. Chai rman, Lad i es and Gentlemen : WHEREAS a, petition directed to the Oakland County 'Board of Supervisors has been filed as th. the County Drain Comm ss otter requesting that the said Board take such procedures as are necessary to establish and maintain the normal. of Scott Lake Located in. Sect ion 14 of Waterford Township. Oakland County , M ich i ear WHERE IS said petit ion ha.. • i gned by a number of It equal to at least two- thirds the number of freeholders ..!yn ladds abutting said lake, and WUEREAS an amount of $1 .•LIO has been deposited with said Drain Commissioner to cover the cost of peel in In;,ry enginecrin• . surveys and report. and Off in accordance with the provisions of Aot . 146 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended, thi s isa ci has the autho! 1 I fo to proceed wi th e • tablishment of such Lake I evel, and !'ie. Drain Committee has considered. the maild.fir and believes it is for the best ifots-•-t. and J•alth and welfare of the County to have said lake Level established pursuant to the •.ro- aid Act No. 46; NOW THEREFORE BE It RESI'Lk KB: I. That the Board, for protecti On of the public he well and safety) and the coservation of the natural resofiniii, of the State and to preserve property values around the lake, plu••ii.wit to the petition heretofore filed, deems it expedient to determine and establish the normal he] flit and level of Scott, Lake located in the Township of Waterford, Oakland County, Michigan, pt. ...chant to the provisions of Act No. L46 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended; 2. That the Prosecuting Attorney) through the office of the Corporation Ceunsel, institute in the Circuit Court for the County of Oakland, by proper petition, a proceeding. to estahl ish the level sought; 3. That the property in the area of the improvement will benefit and shal I bear the entire cost of the project; 4. That the Drain Commi sad one r e stah 1 ish a Special 'lace ssment, Di at as prescribed in said Act No. 146; 5. That the cost of maintaining the level of said lake shall he borne by the benefited properties. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Drain Comiittee, T. move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. DRAIN COMMITTEE, Curtis Potter, Chairman James Clarkson, Leonard Terry, Howard 0. Powers Joseph Forbes, William K. Smith, William T, Duncan Hovel by Potter supported by Seeterlin the rose] uti on he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Mi sc 4: By Mo. I , s N RI, iLl_ENIT-1963 EQUAL l'ZAT ION COMM fl TEE REPORT To the C I Land County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Ladies and Gentleimm: WHEREAS this Board of Supervisors, by Miscellaneous Resolution #4Lb3, dated April 30. 1903, adopted the Equalizatdon Report for the County of Oakland for 1963, and WHElif-'',S the as s si rt rot I for the City of Southfield for the year f903 in the amount of $115,451,590.00 as appealed to the State Tax Commission, and WU: BI He State ]m•.x. Commissi on has increased the vs I nation of the City of Sonthfie Id for the year 1 1 t,f! S3,430,i ,45.00, making the assessment toll for the City of Seuthfiefd for the is Ii Supervisors Minutes Continued. Juno 20, 1964 year 1001 to be a rota! at 5121.0 12,g3'5.00, and WHEREAS it is now necessary to amend Miscellaneous Resolution ,•:4161 to reflect. the change in valuation as established by the State Tax Commission, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Miscellaneous Resolution No. 4101 be amended to road as follows: "City of Southfield $121,012,235 S.P.'6.019,279 =,44534:l 1.525-,47fl-41 1.0J72011 Total Cities $1,1.44,27l:1,151 S1,452,133,611 05.02730: Total County $1,533,367,306 $2,202,625,500 100,0000l:". Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Equalization Convittee. I move the adoption of the foregoing rosointion. EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE Vance C. Fouts, Chairman Edward Bloe, Donald Melchert, Harold T. Remer Roy F. Goodspeed, Clark H. Hagstrom, Seeley Tinsman Moved by Fouts supported by- C 1,...,1 • the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4330 By Mr. Miller IN RE: APPROVING FOOD RULES AND REGUATIONS To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS your Health Committee has had under consideration, certain food rules and regu- lations as draid.ed by the Oakland County Health Department, which rules and regulations govern the processing, handling and sale of food in Oakland Countv. and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board at Health adopted the rules and regulations at a meeting held on May 20, 1964, and WHEREAS this Committee fee is that the public health, welfare and safety of the people of this County and their best interests can be served Ni apprcval of these rules and regulations by this Board and immediate effv.:: Na given to such rules and regulations as provided for hy Act 306, Public Acts of 1927, as aneudid; NOW THEREFORE PE IT RESOLVED that the Food Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Oakland County Board of Health on "lay 20, iqo4 be approved by this Board and become effective immediately in accordance with Act 306, Pill my Acts of 1927. as amended. Nr. Chairman, on behalt at the Health ConmM.ttee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH COMMITTEE Cyril E. Miller, Chairman William T. Dunan, Thomas C. Ti Icy. Lave H. McCartney Duane Hursfall, Clarence A. Durbin, Earl B. Rhinevault Moved by Miller supported by Durbin the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Miller suggested that members interested in changes in the Rules and Regulations attend the Health Committee meeting on the third Wednesday in July. Moved by Rehard supported by Miller the resolution be referred back to the Health Committee for a report at the next meeting of the Board. A sufficient majority- having voted therefor, the motion carried. Misc. 4331 By Mr. Levinson IN RE: ADOPTION OF RECIPROCAL RETIREMENT ACT To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Act No. of the Public Acts of 1901, known as the "Reciprocal Retirement Act" being Sections 4.l001-5 M.S.A., provides a method whereby a member of one "reciprocal retirement system" with 5 or more years of service may, upon transfer to another "reciprocal retirement system", within a .5-year period, through a process of tacking of such combined services, maintain his retirement rights under the respective systems invlved so as to qualify• for a pension from each of the systems upon his final_ retirement in accordance with the conditions and procedures at said Act; and WHEREAS the Act provides that the County of Oakland may by majority vote of its governing body, namely,' the Oaktand County Board of Supervisors, ceme within the provisions of the Act, and WHEREAS the Oakland. County Employees' Retirement Commission deems the adoption of iii i s Act to be to the Nest interests of the County - of Oakland and its employees under the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System; Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22, t904 U70 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board elect to have the provisions of Act. No. of the Public Acts of 1901 made applicable to its employees undoi. the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System as provided for in Section 4.1003. Subsection (2) of said Act; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Section. 4.1003, Subsection (3), a certified copm . of this resottition be filed with the Secretary of State by the County Clerk within 10 days of its passage by- this Board. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Oakland County - Employees' Retirement Commission and the Retirement Committee, 1 move the adoption of the fc;..nfo 1 ng resolution. RETIREMLJ COMMITTEE • Delos Hamlin, Chairman David Levinson Moved by Levinson supported by Mitchell the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Nominations in order for Oakland County's representative on The Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority. Mr. Ingraham nominated James Clarkson, President of First Federal Savings and Loan of Oakland. Mr. Seeterlin seconded the nomination. Moved by Cheyz supported by John Carey that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and the Clerk be instructed to cast tliatinanimous vote of the Board for fames Clarkson. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. James Clarkson declared ctected as Oakland County's representative on The Huron- Clinton Metropolitan Authority for a six year term expiring May . 1;, lq70. Misc. 4332 By Mr. Brewer IN RE: ENKE NAMES To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the question of naming of lakes and changing the names thereof has from time to time been before this Board and various County departments, and WHEREAS there appears to he no statutory authority or responsibility for naming and changing the name of lakes, and WHEREAS your Roads and Bridges Committee is of the opinion that this matter is of sufficient importance to the County of Oakland to warrant legislation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the matter of lake names be referred to the Legislative Coirunitteo for study and appropriate recommendation, Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Roads and Bridges Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ROADS AND BRIDGES COMMITTEE Willis H. Brewer, Chairman Homer Case, Edward Cheyz, Curtis H. Halt Vincent J. McAvoy, Howard 0. Powers, Seeley Tinsman Moved by Brewer supported by Tinsman the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4333 By Mr. Brewer IN RE: SPECIAL STUDY COMMITTEE FOR COUNTY TRAFFIC SAFETY ORGANIZATION To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Board of County Road Commissioners is of the opinion that conditions in Oakland County warrant the creation of a County-wide traffic safety organization and has recoimnended that your Roads and Bridges Committee consider the creation of such an organization, and WHEREAS Section 029a of Not No. 300 of the Public Acts of 1949, as amended, provides as follows: "Sec. 029a. The board of supervisors of any county- may create a county traffic safety . organization to cooperate with governmental units and officials thereof in the solution of traffic safety problems in the county and to appropriate such stmis as it shall deem necessary for the creation and support thereof and to prescribe rules and reglations relative to the duties of such organization and with respect to the expenditure of any such appropriation." and. 161-IEREAS your Roads and Bridges Committee has considered the matter and concurs in the recommendation of the Board or County Road Commissioners, 671 Supervisors Minutes Continued. one 2 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a Special Study Committee, the membership of which shall be selected from among persons having special interest or knowledge in traffic safety problems; HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Special Study Committee so appointed shall investigate and report its recommendations as to whether or not this Board of Supervisors should create a county traffic safety organization in accordance with Section 029a of Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of 1949, as amended. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Roads and Bridges Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ROADS AND BRIDGES COMMITTEE Wi [[is ti . Brewer. Chairman Homer Case, Edward Cheyz, Curtis 11. Hal I_ Vincent J. McAvoy, Howard O. Powers, Seeley Tinsman Moved by Brewer supported by Choy: the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4334 PROJECT NO. APW-MICH.-227G RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR INCREASE IN PLANNED TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS By Mr. Brewer MiEREAS under the terms of Public Law approved September 14, 11162, the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to aid in financing construction of specific public works projects, provided the proposed or planned total expenditure of the public body for its capital improvement projects is increased by an amount approximately equal to the non-Federal funds required to complete such public works projects; NOW THEREFORE hE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 1. That as of the date of filing of an application by the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan (hereinafter called Applicant) with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Government, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of nine bridges, the applicant had a capital improvements program or capitat improvement budget for the fiscal year during which construction of t1h.e proposed project is expected to occur; and that the total expenditures for capital improvements in said plan or budget was S2,67,000.00 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1963. 2. That, in the event that said Federal grant is approved by the United States of America said capital improvements plan or capital budget. will be increased by 3232,100.00 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1963 for a total increase of S232,100.00 in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects (exclusive of Federal funds). 3. That said increase in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improve- ment projects is approximately equal to the non-Federal funds required to complete the public works project for which the application is to be submitted. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the authority provided by Section 19, Chapter IV, Act No. 253 of the Public. Acts of 1909, as amended, and Section 12, Act No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, as amended. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Roads and Bridges Comnittee or the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ROADS AND BWITCES COMMITTEE Willis M. Brower, Chairman Homer Case, Edward Cheyz, Curtis H. Hall Vincent M. McAvoy, Howard O. Powers, Seeley Tinsman Moved by Brewer Supported by Michrina the resolution be adopted. AYES: Allertnn, Alward, Bachert, Bloc, Bretwr, Campbell., James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Demote, Dcwan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hngstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Ingraham, julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, tinley, Maier. Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, M l ithel, Moore, 0;Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patnales, Perinoff, Potter, Potthoff. Powers, Renard, Romer, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Sol toy, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tiley, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Voll, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockcy. (7S) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 1964 072 Misc. 4338 PROJECT NO, APW-M1C11.-4l1G RESOLUTION PROVIDING- FOR INCREASE IN PLANNED TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOP, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS By- Mr. Brewer WHEREAS under the terms of Public Law 87-058, approved September 14, 1 962, the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to aid in' financing construction of specific public works projects, provided the proposed or planned total expenditure of the public body for its capital improvement projects is increased by an amount approximately equal to the non-Federal funds required to complete such public works projects; NOW THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: I. That as of the date of filing of an application by the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS of the County of Oakland, State of Michigan, (hereinafter ca Lied Applicant) with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United. States Goverawient, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of a storage and equipment repair garage, the applicant had a capital improvements program or capital improvement budget for the fiscal year during which construction of the proposed project is expected. to OCCUT; and that the total expenditures for capital improvements- in said plan or budget was $2 5 102,100.00 for the fiscal year endin: P.:cember 31, 1.903. 2. That, in the event that .,,11 federal. grant is approved by the United States of America said capital improvements plan or capital budget will be increased by $98,000.00 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1903, for a total. increase of (:1 ,000.00 in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects (cxcLc-i•- of Federal funds). I. That said increase in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects is approximately equal to the non-Federal funds required to complete the public works project for which the application is to he submitted. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the authority provided by Act No. 283 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Roads and Bridges Committee of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolntion. ROADS AND BRIDGES COMMITjEF Willis M. Brewer, Chairman Homer Case, Edward Cheyz, Curtis H. Hall Vincent J. McAvoy, Howard 0. Powers, Seeley Tinsman Moved by Brewer supported by Michrina the resolution be adopted. AYES: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Bloe, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, WM. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Ingraham, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Molchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, O' Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patnales, Perinoff, Potter, Potthoff, Powers, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, solley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tilev, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Voll, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockey. (78) NAYS: None. 1(1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4330 By Mr. Brewer IN RE: MEMORIAL FOR FLOYD E. CHIMER To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: A nun whose life following World War 11 was devoted to helping other veterans and their families, Oakland County Veterans Affairs Director Floyd. F. Cromer, passed away on May 27, 1904, at the age of 49 at his home, 1249 Featherstone, Pontiac, Michigan. Floyd Cremer served as Veterans Affairs Director of the County from 1960 until his death. As Director, he saw that veterans received proper medical attention and fitting burials when necessary. He saw that their surviving familcs were provided for. An Air Force ginner, he was badly wounded in the European Theater. From then on, helping other veterans and their survivors became his lifeTs work. He made frequent trips to Washington, D.C. on behalf Cl veterans where now legislation and changing policies were concerned. Floyd was past commander of Cook-Nelson American Legion Post and present commander of Disabled American Veterns, Pontiac Memorial Chapter No. 101. He also was commander of the County Council of Veterans, legislative chairman of the Michigan Association of Veterans Counselors, agent for the Michigan Veterans Trust, Fund and a memher of Jimmy bey Amvets Post 12 and Bemis Olsen Post, 113. The Pontiac Memorial Day As was formed in 1950 by Floyd Cromer, Mr. Chairman, I move that the foregoing memorial be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Supervisors and that the County Clerk be instructed to forward a certified copy thereof to his surviving wife. VETERANS COMMITTEE Willis M. Brewer, Chairman LeRoy Davids, Vernon B. Edward Robert F. Patnales, Robert J. Turner The resolution was unanimously adopted. 673 Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22, 1964 se . 4337 -- By Mr. Levinson IN RE: PURCHASE OF SITE FOR SOUTH OAKLAND HEALTH FtLILITY To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a survey of potential sites fee the proposed South Oakland Health Facility by the Oakland County Planning Department, under the direction of the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Auditors in cooperation with the Health Committee and the Health Department, has developed that the best site for the future construction of this facility would be a 29-acre site now owned by the Berkley School Hoard on the west side of Greenfield Road he Ten and Eleven Mile Roads, with approximately $20 feet of frontage on Greenfield and 1590 feet on Catalpa Road, as more fully described below: Oakland Gardens Subdivision 31 Page S Lots I through S4, 202 through 22, 300 through 325, 397 th:dk.:n 4112, 494 through 51.9, and Woodland Gardens Subdivision Liber 37 Page 40 Lc !s 133 through 15S and 219 through 231. and WEREAS the Berkley School Board has offered to sell said site at the same price they purchased it for in 1931,_ namely $352,000.00, and WHEREAS the Buildings and Grounds and Health Committees recommend the purchase of said site at this time, in which recommendation your Ways and Means Committee concurs, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Auditors, in the name of the County of Oakland, be and are hereby authorized to purchase from the Berkley School Board the above described property for the sum of $352,000.00; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds for said purchase be advancod from the. General Fund of the County to be repaid from the following sources: J.. $1.00,000.00 - 1964 miscellaneous non-tax revenues allocated to the Building Fund 2. Such other funds as shalt from time to time become legally available for this purpose. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Wdys and Means Ceratjttee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. - WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE David Levinson, Chairman John L. Carey, C. Hugh hohany, Charles B. Edwards, Jr. Thomas H. OiDonoghue, Frank J. Vdll, Sr. Frank F. Webber, Fred L. Yockey Moved by Levinson supported by John Carey the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Moe, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Chdyz, Clarkson, David a, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Ingraham, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessitor, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, O'Donoghuc, Oldenburg, Osgood, Patnales, Potter, Potthoff, Powers, Rehard, Romer, Wlinevatilt, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Salley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tiley, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Volt, Webber, Wood, Woods, Iockey, (77) NAYS: Perinoff. (l) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 433S By Mr. Levinson IN RE: COMMUNITY MENTAL HI-OATH BOARD PER DIEM AND MILEAGE To the Oakland County. Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS on September l6, 1903, by Miscellaneous Resolution 421b, the Oakland County Board of Supervisors established a County Community Mental Hoalth Services program and, subsequently, members composing the County Community Mental Health Board have been selected, pursuant to the terms of Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1963, and WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health Community Services has, under date of March 11, 1964, issued Official Rules and Regulations governing. eligibility of community mental health services to receive state grants under Act 54 Public Acts of 1963, and WHEREAS Section 10.34 of such Official Rules and Regulations provides that per diem costs and travel_ expenses of members of Community Mental Health Boards shall be eligible under state grants at rates authorized by the appropriate Local governmental authority or authorities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with the authorization contained in Section 10.34 of the Michigan Department of Mental Health Community Services Official Rules and Regulations, the members of the Oakland County- Community. Mental_ Health Board shall, in pursuance of their ditties, acting on such Board, receive the stml of $15.00 per diem and, in addition, the established county mileage rate. Supervisors Minutes Continue-J. Anne 22, 1904 074 Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the has and Means Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. WAYS AND _1,1FDAS COMMITTEE David Levinson, Chairman John L. Caney, Frank F. Webber, Fred L. Yockey Thomas H. 0' Donoghue Frank J. Coll, Sr., C. Hugh Dohany Charles B. Edwards, Jr. Moved by Levinson supported by John Carey the resolution be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted the the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4339 By Mr. Levinson IN RE: SHARKEY DRAINS To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Inter-County Drainarre Board for the Location, establishment and construction of the Sharkey Relief Drains under the provisions of Chapter 21 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of Ninhigan of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a. petition filed by the City of Warren in Macomb County and the City of Madison Heights in Oakland County on November 16, 1961; and WHEREAS the said Drainage Board for the Sharkey Relief Drains by resolution adopted on March 11, 1964, authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,460,000 in anticipation of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against the City of Warren in Macomb County and the City of Madison Heights and the County of Oakland in Oakland County as the share or each such public corporation in the cost of said drain, said special assessments having been theretofore duly- confirmed by said Drainage Board, and WHEREAS said bonds are to be designated the Sharkey Relief Drains Bonds, are to be dated April 1, 1964, will bear interest at a rate not exceeding:3; and will be subject to prier redemption at times and prices specified in the said resolution of said Drainage Board authorizing their issuance, and WHEREAS Section 526 of Chapter 21 of said Act No. 40, as amended, provides in part as follows: It any public corporation fails or neglects to account to the county treasurer for thU i.OiiLii of any installment and interest, then the county treasurer shall advance the ami,dut thereof from county funds in the following cases; (1) If any bonds or other evidence of indebtedness have been issued to finance a project, the petition for which was filed after June 6, 1961 in anticipation of the collection of the installment and interest pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the board of supervisors has previously acted, by a resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of its members elect, to pledge the full faith and credit of the county for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds or evidences of indebtedness, or (2) If any bonds or any other evidence of indebtedness have been issued to finance a project, the petition for which was filed prior to June 6, 1961. in anticipation of the collection of the installment and interest pursuant to the provisions of this chapter."; and WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and necessary to obtain from this Board a resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of Oakland County on the share of the aforesaid bonds issued in anticipation of assessments against the City of Madison Heights and the County of Oakland, and WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the public health and therefor it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be so sold; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY IHE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN: 1. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 526 of Chapter 21 of the Drain Code, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland does hereby irrevocably pledge and agree that in the event either the City of Madison Heights or the County of Oakland fails or neglects to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the amount of any installment and interest for the Sharkey Relief Drains, when due, then the amount thereof shall be immediately advanced from county funds, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advance- ments to the extent necessary; 2. That in the event that, pursuant to said advancement pledge, the County of Oakland advances out of county funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shahl. be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf oi the County of Oakland, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid. 3. That all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. 07 5 Suporvlsors Minutes Continued. lniiir 22, 1904 Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and. Means Connittee and the Drain Committee, I move the adoption of the for0L:eir;• resolution. WAYS AND MEANS COMAITTEE ORAiN CG,NITTEE David Levinson, Chairman Curti- Pcttor, Chairman John L. Carey, Frank J. Voll, Sr. James Clarkson, William K. Smith Fred L. Yockey, Thomas H. OlDoneghue Howard 0. Powers, Joseph Forbes Frank F. Webber, C. Hugh Dokany William T. Duncan, Leonard Terry Charles B. Edwards, Jr. Moved by Levinson supported by Michrina the resolution be adopted. AYES: ;Merton, Alward, Hachert, Bloc, Brower, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Demute, Dowan, Dohany, J. V. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessitor, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Mcichert, Mercer, Michrina, Mitchell, Moore, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, Patnales, Perinoff, Potter, Potthoff, Powers. Rehard, Reiner, Wiinevault, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Tapp, Terry, Ti lay, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Voll, Webber, Wood, Woods, Yockey. (74) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 4340 Hy Mrs, Mitchell IN RE: MEMORIAL. FOR GEORGE H. BURT To the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: On Saturday, May 10, 1904, Mr. Ch'.arge H. Burt passed away at the age or 74, at his home, 955 North Cass Lake Road, Waterford•Towaship. Mr. Burt had devoted many years of his life to the general welfare of his fellow citizens of Oakland County, at during the depression years with the Economic Recovery Administration. He subsequently served as the state-appointed member of the Social Welfare Hoard and Director from its inception in 1939 to 1_958, and as Director of tlie Department of Social. Welfare from 1_958 until his retirement. because of ill health on January 1, During these many- years of pub ire service, Mr. Burt always had uppermost in mind, the alleviation or want and need of others, He was always willing and eager to help lighten the burden of those fellow citizens less fortunate than he. A measure of the loss to the County may be gained from the following extract from a Local press editorial: "Our area loses an estimable citizen and a long-tinm devoted public servant in the death of George H. Burt....His passing will be deeply mourned by all who were privileged to know him." Mr. Chairman, I move that the to memorial be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Supervisors and that the County Clerk be instructed to forward a certified copy thereof to his surviving wife, Mae. WELFARE COMMITTEE R. W. Lahti. Chairman Hugh Charteris, J. Wesley Duncan, Vernon H. Edward John h. Michrina, Elizabeth W. Mitchell, David P. Wood The resolution vas imaninously adopted. Misc. 4341 Hy Mr. Brewer IN RE: MEMORIAL FOR DON R. MACDONALD To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Den R. MacDonald, former member of the Oakland County Hoard of Supervisors, passed away on May 0, 1904 at the age of 72, after a long illness. Mr. MacDonald of 2345 Ferndale, Sylvan Lake, came to Pontiac in 1908, finishing Pontiac Central High School in 1910. A charter member of the Village of Sylvan Lake, he served as president of the village for three years. He was a member of the school. board of Daniel Whitfield School, a member of the West Bloomfield Township Board and justice of the peace or the township. He served on the Oakland County Board of Supervisors for LO years, from November 1948 until 1904. He served on the County Department of Veterans Affairs from January 1954 until May l964, was Chairman of the Veterans Committee or the Board of Supervisors from 1951 to 1q04, a member of the Roads and Bridges Committee in 1952 and was Chairman of that Comoittee from L953 to 1004. He also served on the Hoard of Public Works from June 1957 until May 1958. He was also a member of the former Township Expense Committee in 1.950, now known as the Local Taxes Conoittee. Active in civic affairs, he was a past president of the Pontiac Lions Club and Past Comiander of Cook-Nelson Post No. 20 of the American legion. A member of the Pontiac Chamber of Commerce, he also belonged to Elks Lodge No. 810, Veterans of foreign Wars, and was a charter member Surervi Lit:s. Continued. June 22, l464 Oh and pa ' L.,%.4midore of the Oakland lou..t• Boat Club. Mr. MacDonald was a member of Pontiac Lodge No. 24, AN, the Consistoro ll.••1.•.• She!, and first Presbyterian Church. He was president of the Pon R. MacDernitl„ iei., ;it- C.mqiny and during World War II was named rubber salvage administr:.•r for Oakland County for trc leii Dieduction Doard. He leaves his wife, Althi.t.sri a blether, John A., of Pontiac. Mr. MacDonald was a zcalcos i,ocker for the betterment, of the arc's and welfare of his follow nk4i. No call on his services for a worthy cause ever went unanswered. his engaging character lnuf von a host or friends and made him a. sought-after companion in recreational and sports pursuits, and his passing. will be deeply mourned by all “Lo kit.-v him. Mr. Chairman, I move that the fcio'cln; Si....! upon the minutes of this meeting or the Board of Supervisirs and that the Csidt:. ,o forward a certified copy thereof to his Atthea. CMIITTLE tiLiis M. Brewer, Chairman cci ii. Edward, Curtis H. Halt The resotution was unanimously adopte .l. Moved by Tiley supported by Davids that Resolution i/4292 (tncorporation of Medgar Evers C he taken from the table. A sufficient majority not haying voted therefor, the motion lost. Miscellaneous Resolution No, 4342 Recommended by the Board of Public \srks IN RE: CLINTON c.).KLi'D SFAI,ACE DISPCl•it SYSTEM The fctldlng resolutii• ..ffered by 4r. Rehard: RI 501: ESTABLIShitC THE CLINTON OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SISTEM WHEREAS nertain area in the County of Oakland, as set forth on Exhibit "X" hereto, by this reference made a. part hereof, are in need of facilit4es for the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage, and WHEREiS the most practical and desirable method of providing such facilities is to construct a system e! •rewers consist ii • lianks, arms and laterals through said areas in said county, includd -eors and ti. it •ip l:ro i• noivi or hem.-,lop carted and operated by the County as pant of 1..• Mfg Wati im,rd , lmsp.'sat System, Lahe Orlon Sewage Disposal System and MSU-Oakland '-twagd Disposal System. and lo coPnect the same to 'ho City of Detroit sewage disposal . and i%i4:0::.AS the establishment of said sewage disposal system will protect the public health and welfare of the citizens of the County of Oakland to he served thereby, THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Oak land County, Michigan, does hereby approve of the establishment of a county sewage disposal system for the purpose of collect4ng and transporting sanitary sewage from the areas set forth on said Exhibit "X", hereunto attached, to the City of Detroit for treatment and disposal; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the presently established county sewage disposal, systems in said areas, known as the Waterford. Sewage Disposal System, Lake Orlon Sewage Disposal Systom and MSU-Oakland Sewage Disposal System shall at an appropriate time be merged into the county sewage disposal system established hereby with such protection and preservation of the obligations of outstanding contracts of this coialty with respect thereto and or the rights of the holders of outstanding countv bonds as is required by law; RESOLVED FURTHER that the Oakland County Board ot: Public Works is hereby directed to submit to this Board for approval plans and specifications for the first project or projects to be undertaken as part of said system and also contracts with the several public corporations in respect. to the construction, operation and of each project and with the City of Detroit in respect to the transportation and treatment of .•In.lary sewage collected in said system; t7.SOLVED FURTHER that said se,aii • disposal system shall be known as the "CLINTON OAKLAND SEWAGE SYSTEM" and that the LiitriC7 to be served thereby shall be known as the "CLINTON OAKE12.0 Sleilt-E, DISPOSAL DlSTRICT"; that b I.strict shall consist of the areas in the County of Oakland set forth on said Exhihit 1W", heisto attached; RESOLVED FURTHER that all resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict herewith, at her rescinded. Mr. Rehard moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. The motion was supported by Mr. Case. On rott cat' the resolution was adopted by the following vote: YEAS: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Bloe, Brewer, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Ciheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Pewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, klriG Ihnican, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Hag strom, Hall, Handin, ileacock, Hudson, Hursfall, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, Linley, Maier, Marshall, NcAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Minhrina, Miller, Mitcholl, Moore, OiDonchue, Oldenburg, Patnales, Perinoff, Potthoff, Powers, Rehard, Reiner, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Slavens, Sotley, Steild.nsen, Tapp, Terry, Ti Icy, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Volt., Webber, Wcois. (70) NAYS: Non... (0) Demum ,oart, Goodspeed, Horton, Ingraham, Lahti, Mainland, Menzies, Os:iioe.i, 1oi:.M.4-, Smith, Wodd, Yei (1.5) 077 Supervisors Minutes Continued. Juno 2', 1004 Miscellaneous IL solution No. 4343 Recommended by iii.' 12oard. of Public Works RE: EVERGREEN DISPOSAL SYSTEM - SOUTHFIELD-ROUGE ARM Mr. Rchard presented the Agreement and. the plans and specifications and estimates referred to in tho following resolution, a copy ef which Agreement has been sent to each member of the Board of Supervisors. The following resolution was offered by. Mr. Rehard: RESOLUTION PROPOSED BY OAKLAND COUNTY HOARD OF PUBLIC. WORKS KMTH RESPECT TO EVERGREEN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - SOUTHFIELD-ROUGE. ARM WHEREAS the Board of Public Works has submitned to this Board construction plans and specifications for the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Southiield-Ro0,:c Arm and estimates of cost and period of usefulness thereof, prepared by Spalding. Belle Let registered professional engineers, add of which have been approved by tie Board cf r.10lic Works, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Hoard of Public Works on April 23, ls4 , did approve a form of Agreement to be dated April 15, 1964, b'tweei the County of Oakland, the City of Southfield and the Village of Bingham Farms for the ext,m, of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System to be known as the Southfield-Rouge Arm, and did authorize the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Public Works to execute said Agreement suhject to the approval of this Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS the above mentioned municipalities constitute all of the parties needed to contract with the County for 100% of the cost of the project, NOW THEREFRE BE IT RESOLVED that the said construction plans and specifications and estimates of cost and period of usefulness be approved and the County Cl(n1( is hereby authorized to endorse on said plans and specifications and estimates the fact of such approval and return same to the Board of Public Works; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Public Works he and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of said County of Oakland, an Agreement to be dated April 15, 1964, between the County of Oakland, the City of Southfield and the Village of Hingham Farms, which reads as follows: AGREEMENT EVERGREEN- SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEN SOETHHELD-ROVCE ARM THIS AGREEMENT made as of this 1.5th day of April 1004, by - and between_ the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan couniy corporation (hereinafter called the "county"), by and through its Board of Public Works, party of the first part, and the CITY OF SOT TBFIELD and the VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS, municipal corporations in the County of Oakland (hereinafter called the "munici- palities"), parties of the second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Supervisors hi' resolution Misc. No. 3209, adopted August 12, 1957, as amended by resolution Misc. No. 3435, adopted October 13, 1055, did approve of establishment. of the Evergreen. Sewage Disposal System to serve the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District within which district lies part of the City of Southfield; and WHEREAS the Oakland Cov.)jy lcard. of Supervisors by resolution Misc. No. 4115, adopted March 0, 1903, did enlarge the Evergredu Sewage Disposal District to include all of the Village of Franklin and all of the Village of Bingham Farms within the area to be served by the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, and WHEREAS pursuant to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal. System Agreement, dated November 10, 1958, as amended by amendatory agreements - dated December 22, 1058 and February 9, 1959, all between the County of Oakland and the Cities of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Lath rug Village, Troy and Southfield, the Village of Westwood (now Beverly Hills) and the Townships of Bloomfield and Pontiac, municipal corporations in said County of Oakland, the said county, acting thru its Department of Public Works, did acquire the original Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and did finance such acquisition by the issuance of bonds in anticipation of payments to be made by said municipal corporations to the county in accordance with the provisions of said agreement, as amended (herein referred to as the "Rase Agreement"); and WHEREAS the Village of Bingham Farms has entered into an agreement with the county, with the approval of the aforesaid municipal corporations who are parties to the Base Agreement, by which the said village agrees to pay - its proportionate share of the cost of such acquisition of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System and of ti a• operation f:tid maintenance thereof in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Base .`g.:1-'.-t,nt; and WHEREAS Act No. IS5 of the Michigan Acts of 19'7, as amended, grants to the board of public 'works in any county having a Department of Public Works the power to extend any system acquired pursuant thereto, and WHEREAS it is necessary- to extend said s ewage disposal system bv construction of the so-called Southfield-Rouge Arm (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Arm") in said City of Southfield under the provisions of Act. No. U.SI of the Michigan Public Acts of 1957, as amended, for the purpose of collecting and disposing of Sewage originating within that part of the said district located in said municipalities, and to issue bonds to finance such Arm in anticipation of the collection by the county of amounts to become due under this contract between the county and the municipalities, parties hereto, whereby these municipalities agree each to pay a certain sum towards the cost of such Arm; and WHEREAS under date of June I, 1962, the county anti the City of Southfield entered into an Agreement providing for the construction by the county of an extension to the Evergreen Sewage Supervisors 'I flutes Continued. hme 1 2, 1964 67S Disposal System thereof by the said (-icy ik,ch said pursuant to this agreemilt and said. delivered bv the parties hereto, a LI entire') 1962; and WHEREAS no other municipality in the to participate at this time in the constructici WHEREAS in order to issue boni- . parties hereto, sttci a o.m• WWII:AS Deoari% it of has obtained plans, specif ations 6 by Spalding, DeDeciser t..• As ikiates, i:a%e route of said Arm, n estirm ma' a part horeof, and wE:,•6 map i 1%, :•f. THE PABTIES HERETO, as follows: -Peue Arm as prepared by Spalding, ••by approved and adopted in the form 16- %.• and the .-stimate of cost thereof is approved 1-. forth on Exhibit A hereto attached. The said Arm set forth and generally shown on Exhibit B hereto estimate of cost shall be submitted to the county board of supervisors, to,(.ether with an erait!icii or resolution approved by the Oakland County Board of Public Works, prei fr the issuance ‘9 bnnds by the County as hereinafter provided, in an aggregate principal sum n“t exceeding the ame,.,-• the capital cost as hereinafter defined. If such bond ordinance or resolution shall be a.%-i.:1%.1 by said beard of supervisors, then the DPW shall proceed to secure bids for the construction of :he project, to secure bids for the purchase of the bonds, to award the construction contracts and to issue the bonds, and shall cause the project to be constructed within a reasonable tivai thereafter. 2. The said Southfield-Rouge Arm therei:i :.,;..t ,mies referred to as the "project") is designed for, and shall be used for, the collection tfanspoMation of sanitary sewage only. Said project may be di.dded into sections by the DPW fj,r the purposes of construction and the letting of constructi.'n contracts. 3. Said Ari, 1 ,yinig. an extension of that part of the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System heretofore constructyJ and being a part of the ultimate county system to serve the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District, as enlarod, the provisions of paragraphs 3 thru 5 and 11 thru 1S of the Base Agreement shall continue in 1..1! force and effect notwithstanding this agreement. The said Arm is designed so that by proper ext.. ilsiens said Arm will serve the westerly parts of the Citv of Southfield, located in the Evergreen. Sewage Disposal District and the areas in the Village of Bingham Farms, now included in said District, as enlarged. Properties within said city or said village to be served by said Arm shall. be connected to the Southfield-Rouge Arm or to the Evergreen Interceptor only upon such terms and conditions as are prescribed by the city or by said village, as may be appropriate, in addition to the terms and conditions prescribed in the Base Agreement. No areas not in said city or village shall be served by or connected to said Arm except by agree- ment of the parties hereto in writing. The county or the city or village shall not permit the discharge into said Southfield-Rouge Arm of any sewage in violation of the Base Agreement. 4. Each of said municipalities shall pay to the county, to cover the capital cost of the Southfield-Rouge Arm, a sum equal to that produced by applying the following percentages to the capital cost thereof, to-wit: City of Southfield Village of Bingham Farms Total 100.00000% The term "capital cost" as ab•e(i used, shall include all items of cost set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and any chaiins Eiv•reto and any ether or items of cost, of a similar type or nature, as may be set 1 .....:t;1 in any revision of A agreed to by the parties hereto, incurred by the county in accuiring and constructing the Aril.. 5. The amount to be paid by each municipality - shall be divided into 30 annual installments numbered in direct order of their maturities. The aggregate amount of each installment as to each municipality and the division thereof between the municipalities are set forth in C hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Said installments shall be due in consecutive numerical order on the first day of April in each year, beginning with the year ii;co„ and all amounts thereof from time to time unpaid, shall bear interest from the date of the bonds to be issued by the county, at the rate of 6% per annum until paid, payable on April 1, 1965, and on the first day of April in each year thereaftor. If the amount of interest due on April 1 of any year on unpaid installments, shall be collected by the county in excess of the amount of interest which the county shall be required to pay upon its said bonds prior to the next contract principal installment due date, then any such excess in the amount so paid after deducting the annual fees and expenses connected with the payment of said bonds, shall be credited pro rata to the munici- palities in accordance with the several amounts of interest paid by them in such year, which credit shall_ be applied on the next interest becoming due. If any municipality shall fail to pay any installment er when the same becomes due, then the amount thereof shall be subject to a penalty, in add •t] -- 1-o interest, of 1/2 of I% for each month or fraction thereof that the same remains unpaid the duo date. %•.%: iundcipality may pay i advance of maturity all or any part of an annual iustailment by ,-Lcing to the counte issued in anticipation of 1 :fad for the payment of the entire cost part of the entire Arm to be constructed se that this agreement, when executed and and supersede said Agreement dated June I, IT I The plans As,wciate..; initialed by the parties hereto i and adopted in the amount of $ shall. consist of sewers located approxim, attached. The said plars and specificai oiewage Disposal District, as enlarged, is S-uthfield-Rouge Arm, and ecessary that the county and the municipalities, (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "DPW") of cost for the construction of said Arm, prepared ofessional engineers, and a map showing the approx- , is attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference Leia Exhibit H and by this reference made a part 679 Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22, 1964 payments to be made under this contract, of a like principal amount maturing in the same calendar year, with all future due interest coupoos ei:aeli.1 thereto. le rued interest upon the amount so paid upon any installment, and accrued inti -c.'st ti 3O the bor.,: surrendered, sh.111 be adjusted to the date of surrender and any difference shall be paid in .es :qt. surrendered bonds and coupons shall be canceled. b. The percentages mentioned in paragraph 4 above shall be computed upon the estimated cost until the actual cost has been determined. If the actual cost shalt be less than the estimated cost, then any surplus from the safe of bonds therefor shall be used 7urchase such bonds on the open market, and in such event !he aggregate installment from the munipalities in the year or in each of the years in which the benils so purchased mature, shall be reduced by the principal amount of such bonds and each municipalH3 shall be credited in accordance witi_ its percentage as set forth in paragraph 4 hereof. bonds so purchased shall he canceled. The estimated cost above referred to shall be that set forth in Exhibit A. herCe a. revised prior to the issuance of bonds. If the actual cost shall be greater than the estimated c :r. then the additional amount shall be allocated between the municipalities in at with bc percentages set forth in paragraph 4 hereof, and the several then remaining installments for eatn municipality shall be increased accordingly. 7. Each municipality does hereby pledge its full faith and credit for the prompt payment of the aforesaid obligations and shalt each year levy a tax in an amount which taking into consider- ation. estimated delinquencies in tax collections, will be sufficient for the prompt payment of any amount falling due before the time of the following year's tax collection, unless at the time of making such annual levy there shall be cash on hand (as proYdded for in paragraph (2), Section 12, of Act No. 185, Public Acts of 1957, as amended) earmarked for the payment of the current obliga- tions for which the tax levy is to be made, in which case the annual tax levy may be reduced by that amount. Funds for which credit may be so taken, may he raised in the manner provided in paragraph (2), Section. 12 of said Act 185, Public Acts of 1957, as now existing or hereafter amended. 8. The county shall issue its negotiable bonds to defray the capital cost of said Arm, which bonds shall he secured by the full. faith and credit pledges of the several municipalities under this agreement. Said bonds shall be issued pursuant to the provisions of said act and the applicable general statutes of the state where not in conflict with said act. 9. The provisions of this agreement shall not be modified or terminated so as to impair the security of any bonds issued by the county upon the full faith and credit pledges of the municipalities. It is hereby- declared that the terms of this agreement insofar as they pertain to the security of any such bonds, shall be deemed to be for the benefit of the holders of said bonds. 10. The City of Southfield consents to the use by the county of the public streets, alleys, lands and rights-of-way in the city for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining the Southfield-Rouge Arm and of any improvements, enlargements and extensions thereto. The city and village reaffirm their covenant and warrant that all sanitary sewage originating in their respective units shall be delivered only to the Evergreen Sewage Disposal System, including extensions thereto, for transportation therein and ultimate disposal. Lands (other than highways) owned by or under thc jurisdiction of the city or the village or the county, located within the Evergreen Sewage Disposal District, shall be liable, if sanitary sewage emanates therefrom, to the same extent as privately owned lands, to pay the charges for sewage disposal services with respect thereto. 11. This agreement shall become effective upon being approved by the legislative bodies of the municipalities and by the board of public works and board of supervisors of Oakland County and properly executed by the officers of the municipalities and of the board of public works. This contract shall terminate when the Base Agreement terminates. This agreement, when bonds of the county have been issued and sold hereunder, shall entirely supplant. and supersede the Agreement dated June I, 1962, between the county and the City of Southfield pertaining to the Southfield- Rouge Arm - Section 1, and said latter Agreement shall thereupon terminate and be canceled and the entire project therein described shall thereafter be constructed, financed and operated as a part of the project herein described. Any payments made by said city with respect to said Section 1 shall be reimbursed in full. to said city out of said bond proceeds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed and delivered by their respective duly authorized officers, all as of the day and hear first above written. COUNTY OF OAKLAND HY ITS HOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS By Chairman By Secretary CITY OF SOUTHFIELD VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARMS By By Mayor President Hy By City Clerk Village Clerk 1! ii It tI Engineering . . . Administrative . . . Lei:1-al and Financial . Inspection . . Contingency . . . . Easement Acquisition. Soil Borings, . . . . . . . . . . . Sub-Total Capitalized interest .5% for 15 me. Total Cost 1 :11•7 1(;08 1 069 1 970 1971 1 972 1973 1 974 1975 1 970 1977 1 973 1979 qcj 1930 1193 3 Ili 1984 l 0_7 1900 1901 992 1 993 1994 Supervisors Minuts Continued, Juno 22, 1964 080 42" 30" 24" 21" 18" 15" 12" 10" ioles $ 7,004 14,891 3,550 6,08'0 7,800 8,074 8,785 2,3 03 iS 13.11 1 lin. 1 It /I Standard Man Special " Sewage Meter t7 11 EVERGREEN S12..'.Gli hISPOSAL SYSTEM SOUTIIFI:L1-1:01:GE ARMS. ESTIMAH: OF COST sown r $ 29.50 '1 .60 9 7.40 16.70 12.4 3 11.45 12.05 13.30 500.00 550.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 Construction Cost. 224,313.00 321,043.60 234,270.00 116,000.20 97,110.00 92,447.30 A LI 30.25 37,270.90 I 9,000.00 I 00,650.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 $1 .375,51 7.25 $ 08,300.00 34,400.00 14,000.00 ;4,400.00 00,38.2 .75 50,000.00 2,500.00 $1,649,000.00 111,000.00 $1,700,000.00 I hereby estimate the period of iisefulness of this facility. to be forty (40) years and upward. Spaiding, DoDc ,.1@.! and Assoc. Inc. By: V. B. Spa].' EXIIIBIT "A" Total Princ i pal -- 30,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 5.0,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 55,000 00,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 75,000 75,000 30,000 80,000 80,000 SS,000 "0,000 03,000 1 00,000 $1,700,000 EVERGREEN STAVAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SOUTHFIELD ROME ARM BOND MATURITY SCHEDULE Principal_ Payment Southfield --- $ 29,261.30 29,201.36 34,1313.25 30,015.15 39,015.15 .390315.1 5 43,-9 2.04 43 .1- 43.2.04 48,7/08.94 43,763.94 53,045.33 5.3,045.83 3$,3'2.72 58,52 9 .7" 6.3,309.02 :.,399.69 v-,270.51 %.,.1 .53.40 23. 151.40 73,030.30 73,030.30 73,030.30 32,907.20 87,734.09 9 9 ,000.99 97,537.38 $11,71 6,606.58 Exhibit Principal Payment Bingham Farms --- $ 733.64 73$.64 S61.75 084.85 984.85 984.35 1,107.90 1,107.96 1,107.90 1,231.00 1,231.06 1,9 31.06 1,354.17 1,354.17 1,477.28 1,477.25 1,600.38 1,600.3S 1,723.49 1,723.49 1,346.60 1,840.00 1,909.70 1,969.70 1,909.70 9 ,092.30 2,215.91 2,339.01 2,402.12 $43,333.42 (4-24-04) $ Mr. Rehard moved the adoption of the foregoiiig resolution. The motion was supported by Mr. Durbin_ oSJ Supervisors Minutes Continued. June 22. 1904 On ro1.1 call the resolution was adopted by- the following vote: YEAS: Allerten, Alward, Bachert, Kee, lireWC.F, Campbell, James Carey, John Carey, Case, Chartrls, Cheyz, Clarkson, Davids, Demute, Dewan, Dohany, WM. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Hagstrom, Halt, Hamlin, Heacock, Hudson, Hnrsrall, Julian, Kennedy, Kephart, Knowles, Laurie, Lessiter, Levin, Levinson, binley, Maier, Marshall, McAvoy, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Mercer, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, OJDoneghue, Oldenburg, Patnales, Perinoff, Potthoff, Powers, !Oland, Berner, Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Salley, Stephenson, Tapp, Terry, Tinsman, Travis, Turner, Voll, Webber, Woods. (71) NAYS: None. (0) ABSENT: Brickner, J. W. Duncan, Edward, Ewart, Goodspeed, Horton, Ingraham, Lahti, Mainland, Menzies, Osgood, Potter, Wood, Yockey. (14) Nominations in order for member of the T. B. Board of Trustees. Mr. Hall nominated Walter M. Coon of Farmington. Mr. Hursfall seconded the nomination. Moved by Levinson supported by Rchard that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and the Clerk he instructed to cast the unanimous vote of The Board for Walter M. Coon. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Walter M. Coon declared elected a member of the T. B. Hoard of Trustees for the term expiring 12/31/66. Nominations in order for member of the Department. of Veterans Affairs. Mr. Brewer nominated Douglas H. Hoard. Mr. John Carey seconded the nomination. Moved. by Levinson supported by John Carey that nominations he closed, the rules suspended, and the Clerk be instructed to case the unanimous vote of the Board for Douglas H. Hoard. A sufficient majority- having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Douglas H. Hoard declared elected a member of the Department of Veterans Affairs for the term expiring 12/31/65. Moved by Cheyz supported by Renard the Hoard adjourn subject to the call of the Chair. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried_ David R. Calhoun Delos Hamlin Clerk Chairman