HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1967.12.19 - 7795P.
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(replaces Robert F. Patnales)
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John J.
Board Of Supervisor
.1 2Sii
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called to orde. r by Choi man Delos Ham I
I • •••• id 'd ven by Homer Case , Bloomf ie Id T'}ij p Su pe rvi so r
W i lc ox. (IC)
Q1.10 Pr, sent
Cle•-i read the request for this meeritn ,. which. ,was filed with him en November 1.!! , 1967.
Said .p, . as ordered. fi led with the Clerk . A true c opy of the same appears in the notice of meeting
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..,porly sealed ent.1 y stamped,
and deposi t. lug the same in the United
Subscribed and sworn to
Signed: Julia Aaddocl
My commission exp .; r- s
bun D. Murphy
Oak] and County CI e rk-Regi ster of Deeds
lay of N..in ember 1967
Liunty, Mich igun
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Supervisors Minutes Continued. December 19, 1967
Clerk read resignation of Robert P. Allen as a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission.
(Received and placed on file.)
Clerk read letter from The Legal Advertiser and Ferndale Gazette-Times regarding publishing
of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. (Referred to Ways and Means Committee.)
Clerk read resolutions from the Board of Education of the Lake Orion Community School District
and the Orion. Township Board opposing the proposed expansion of the Oakland-Orion Airport. (Referred
to the Aviation Committee.)
Clerk read cards of thanks from the families of Howard J. Boil, Arthur Mitchell, Emery Miller
and Mrs. Hugh G. Allerton, Sr. (Placed on file.)
Clerk read card of thanks from Mrs. Howard 0. Powers. (Placed on file.)
Mr. Hudson presented a Master Plan Report for the Oakland-Orion Airport.
Misc. 4798
By Mr. Hudson
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mi. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland acquired ownership and operation of the airport now known as
the Oakland-Orion Airport, and
WHEREAS to provide for its needed expansion and continued development the County employed
the engineering services of Robert G. Peckham to make a study and furnish a Master Plan for said
Airport, and
WHEREAS Mr. Peckham has completed his recommendations for updating the Oakland-Orion Airport,and
WHEREAS such recommendations have been presented in the form of a Master Report and accompany-
ing Airport Lay-out Plan to your Aviation Committee, Ways and Means and Buildings and Grounds Committees,
WHEREAS your Committees have reviewed and approved said plan and believe it to be in the
County's interest to accept said report and lay-out plan for development and expansion of the Oakland-
Orion Airport,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Aviation Committee, with the concurrence of the Ways
and Means Committee and Buildings and Grounds Committee, recommends to this Board of Supervisors that
the 1967 Master Plan Report and Aviation Lay-out Plan for the Oakland-Orion Airport, a copy of which
is attached hereto, be approved.
Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Aviation Committee, and with the concurrence of the Ways and
Means and Buildings and Grounds Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Wallace B. Hudson, Chairman David Levinson, Chairman Louis F. Oldenburg, Chairman
John N. Doherty, R. W. Lahti Willis M. Brewer, Homer Case Chas. B. Edwards, Jr., Wm.K. Smith
Seeley Tinsman,Harry W.Horton Sydney Prid, Duane Hursfall
Howard O. Powers Rolland F. Webber
Moved by Hudson supported by Ingraham the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Mastin supported by Lyon the resolution be tabled until the Board can be furnished
with the 1964 report and compare the two.
AYES: Bachert, Bailey, Beecher, Gharteris, Golburn, Dewan, Duncan, Eldridge, E. Fisher,
Forbes, Fouts, Frid, Ceralds, Hursfall, Lessiter, Linley, Long, Lyon, Mastin, Melchert, Miller,
Mitchell, Nelson, Peterson, Reid, Schiffer, Schwartz, Shepherd, Tapp, Taylor, Valentine, Wahl. (32)
NAYS: Bingham, Brewer, Bryant, Case, Cline, Doherty, Edward, Edwards, Gabler, Gallagher,
Grisdale, Hagstrom, Hall, Hamlin, Horton, Hudson, Ingraham, Jones, Kephart, Kramer, Lahti, Levinson,
Mainland, Maly, McAvoy, McDonnell, Melstrom, Oldenburg, Peasley, Potter, Powers, Remer, Rhinevault,
Rusher, Slmson, Slavens, Smith, Solberg, Tinsman, Treacy, Van Arsdel, Webber, Wilmot, Woods. (44)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Hudson requested that Mr. Robert G. Peckham, Aviation Consultant, be allowed to address
the Board.
Mr. Peckham spoke to the Board.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Ingranam supportod by .rialy - mat item if-b oe
A suff .ient ma,jority 1 irig voted ii re for, the mo f'd
ati on c-c Aipervisors,
the t1 I 12! rtaining to
serial propertY uaemptiOflS,
It • •I [liii i ty requin Ii nit s
ons for th
disabl( • t
cost of
'1,TiS at
tomari iy used i n
Moved by a supported by Maly th, report L ‘,11.1- tee' .
1 291
sy.rc7rvl sors Mire`t"" C -"II" 4 DeCC1111-`1',.'
. 'CA
Your 1. c ivr nn oconuriend s that support 1, • • '•o) the following resolutions
received from o
The Sue
expedite td • pl i g ct
of each pc all mayors
councils ?mil:tar action
of the coin n.od adjoining counties
Moved by Ingraham supported by Maly that this Board suppor
A ufficioet majority having voted there e -isr,
.•c rvat. i on 15 , artmont o
'• Li. • • r_ orS
orru, ;• • (:),1 • IVA
th p, • opile
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3' i( L,•;:,. • IL:, ive Con..
exceptin. " -id .
t C the I. • c:;. !_ature be .
the exemption from payment of •.,
A. To provide for
incorporating therein z':13..
R. lo kfro
C. To prov
for blind persons , Li r.r‘•
B. To p : er, idc: for r' iii
revenue duo to e: . en s for
ide for ri.
applications fc *pt.-ions to
the rate of $5 Ot_ for each_ such
F. To provide for the
the operation of a household of
G. To provide for f eC
due to the exemption of tools, ,
H. To lo-ovide fe,
due to the gr air
I. To p•;.•,j foe r.
revenue due to e:i,..;•-mpti on c f 1,0 tc,
U. To knovide foi
a householder re siding in H:1
Moved by Ingraham siippor
and "E" be sui.
the at i term, with tb • -1 on of Sections "B"
A suf 4.. ient majority having voted there for, the motion carried .
Also from the Seventh. [)rtrict Icerislatree Committee , a re solution re : Return of full Intangibles
Tax revenue to local government :
cell,. ,• Tax has hi storically been allocated by
the State Le..- • re, to ii. in, ..
t. i. . . Lii
returned to the bul;.
S • • , ! :.3•Vcrrume5
extent that a, ctior ,:.(, i s clear
provi ded our re side, t
request that the I :
Intangibles Tax rc ••
to local governmii
tlr . Chv I :i haif o • • .
I move that the it • , Ott and r•• e t. be L.:
County of Oakland bk c. ted in it s ern Li.... kg.
intangibles revenue
IL fund and
decade to the
. .e is to tic
ocati on
y00,1 •• Supervisors,
k for rrS of the
IT di:,
L. Mr ikrnl, Philip 0. Mast in, Jr.
; inn S.
A suffI,i. i ma jority hay therefor, the motion car, ed.
1', 0
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I- 11 I S1J71-1.11:LO
Initial Service Area ;
ne S e
ten s, Clarkson,
Fri d, Gabler.
Kramer, ter ,
011 M r
Wahl, Walker,
Per mei - ,
tl• • :•• .• :- Public Work s
C 1 i lic ,
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Sch i ill
hbe r ,
at the •
C, dated December,
the Clinton-
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Exhibit H and
on No. 4701, acici 9ed on
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1, 1907
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on prior to
their re specti v
to said Agreement
ank- account to be
herein authorized . interest
•id i s payhi e from the proceeds
tI siLly in the fol lowi lig: term:
Sup .' : ; r• 1304
• - ' •• , • • • as a whole ,at the opt
. • • 9 .., . 9 • • • • : • .V •••.• t, • •• 9,••• . i979, Bon] t called for
plus a pt •-trium on each
bor. •. , •-, , - • 9 t - • : . t - 1 • fo -1..9,9:,cr schedule:•
1 .1t
I Wc,
To the. C'Stsilind County Boa ,
Mr. Chaidiaal, Ladie s and
County Commissioner
of, aloi t '
pursuaai s said A..
co1le .xes re--
grant e shall ex
delivered there s ,
of any such not .
3, as amended, autbori7es thp -.1 of
I. ' sue. its • I •on
-4nte coill is., •
sued or
d :flr the payment
David s
S. Jaa , ark :
Howard ,
tZ F,alpn C.
re soluti
the r.
C..mmittes, whose the Re
Moved by
A suffics
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, and
:ted to and
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rt,T to
approved by
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acquire :la;
auive; re
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Wallace B.
B. W. 1,,ahti,
the sus,
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Tc: , Y. 01,1a
ChLa, H.
Duane Hursfall,
Rolland F. Webber Ho
i root
Witnesses • NOSTON
Moved by MoAvoy
A sufficient majority
Misc. 48(-
1.9, 1967
ion was adopted.
Misc. 4809
By Mr. Levinson
IN RE: 01.'-77,1ND-0BION AIR]
To the OaRland County Bo;
Mr. CI si s,, adies and Ger j
day has approved tro master Plan for the Os.af
Moved by . 1 ..;.s;:.a ,ted by ',a... 7 r. adopted,
ryant, Case, Charteris, Cline, Doherty,
cal, Hall, Harlin, Horton, Hudson,
Maly, McAvoy, McDonnell, Mel strom,
, Rhinevault, Rusher, Schiffer,
a, Walker, Webber, Wilmot, Woods. (56)
tin, Nelson, Sehwartz, Wahl. (9)
, Lj
its Executive Committee, has approved or
the same has been recommended to this
.f the Detroit Metropolitan Area Regional
tn Council of Governments, a regional
F: the areas in the six counties of Macomb,
included in any governmental unit beyond
Supervisors Minutes Continued. December 19, 1967
AYES: Bachert, Beecher, airgham,
Duncan, Edwards, Forbes, Fouts, Ca)).ar, Gala
Hursfall, Ingraham, Jones, Kramer, a. ;roon,
Mitchell, Oldenburg, Peasloy, Peterf , a, Pc'Te
Simson, Slavens, Solberg, Taylor, Tinsman,
NAYS: Clarkson, E. Fisher, Frid, I
adopted, A sufficient majority having voted therefor, thc I.:solution was
Misc. 4810
By Mr. Levinson
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oakland considers it necessary that a
Marine Safety Program be conducted by the Sheriff of said County a-r the year 1968, and
WHEREAS Act 303, Public Acts of 1967, provides for Staa' aid to counties conducting a marine
e county's estimated authorized
ety's authorized expenditures
safety program on a reimbursement basis of a sum equal to 2/3 of
expenditures for the calendar year but not to exceed 2/3 of ta,
actually incurred for the calendar year, a
WHEREAS this Board adopted the 1 'a County Budget •;a• Octeber. 2, 1967, including in said
budget the sum of $34,000 under the captian ''NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS-MARINE SAFETY PROGRAM"
for personnel compensation, subsistence and marine law eri,:.,(ae equipment costs;
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that this Board reeaea: tae State of Michigan Department of
Conservation Boat and Water Safety Section to author , n,naursement to the County of Oakland of
a sum equal to 2/3 of the county's estimated autha • --aa tures for personnel compensation,
subsistence and marine program equipment costs fel eeelar year 1968 but not to exceed 2/3 of
the authorized expenditures actually incurred for S. i P aciar year. Such reimbursement to be paid
to the County subsequent to the close of the calendar year;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to
establish a restricted marine program account, and to deposit therein all sums hereby appropriated
all of which is to be used solely for the payment of salaries, subsistence and equipment costs of the
Marine Safety Program in the County of Oakland for the year 1968.
Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and Means Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
David Levinson, Chairman
Willis M. Brewer, Homer Case, S. James Clarkson
Thomas H. O'Donoghue, Howard 0, Powers
Seeley Tinsman, Harry W. Horton
Moved by Levinson supported by Schiffer the resolution be adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 4811 •
By Mr. Levinson
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is a participating local governmental unit in the Detroit
Metropolitan Area Regional Planning CADIT•... H.C1, and
WHEREAS the said Commission, on naommenda„an of
will approve a change of boundaries of said Commissao, ;nid
Board of Supervisors,
Planning Commission, under the new name of the Southea
planning commission, is hereby established to include all
Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne and taa e
the boundaries of said six-county area which becomes a member local government as provided in the By
Laws of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, a regional planning commission.
Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Ways and Means Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
David Levinson, Chairman
Willis M. Brewer, Homer Case, Seeley Tinsman
Harry W. Horton, Howard O. Powers
Moved by Levinson supported by Case the resolution be adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Supervisors Minutes Continued. December 19, 1967 1310
Misc. 4812
By Mr. Levinson
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
At this time, I would like permission to present a motion to this Board, and to preface my
motion with a few brief remarks.
A recent edition of The Pontiac Press called the attention of its readers to the fact that
OUT Chairman of this Board has served as a Supervisor of this County for the past 25 years, and as
Chairman of this Board for upwards of 12 years.
During this period, our County has undergone many changes, shifting from mainly rural to an
urban area. The increase in population has taxed the ingenuity of our officials in keeping pace with
all the problems that this change has presented.
Suffice it to say, that we have been most fortunate in having as Chairman of our Board, a
man who is not only well qualified, but has given unstintingly of his time and resources.
I believe, as the editorial suggested, a day should be set aside to honor our Chairman. If
the members of this Board are in accord with these sentiments, 1 recommend the adoption of this motion
and its inclusion in the minutes of this meeting, to proclaim January 26, 1968 as a County-wide
"DELOS HAMLIN DArr, and ask for a standing unanimous support of the Board.
David Levinson
Birmingham City Supervisor
By a unanimous vote of the Board, the motion carried.
Nominations in order for two members of the County Airport Committee.
Mrs. McDonnell nominated Philip B. Peterson. Mr. Potter nominated Wallace F. Gabler, Jr.
Mr. Powers nominated Elbert M. Wilmot.
Moved by Clarkson supported by Hursfall that nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairman appointed Lee Walker, Rolland F. Webber and Vincent J. McAvoy to act as tellers.
The Chairman announced the result of the ballot vote as follows:
Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. - 48
Elbert M. Wilmot - 43
Philip B. Peterson - 19
Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. and Elbert M. Wilmot declared elected members of the County Airport
Discussion followed relative to expenditures of the Grand Jury.
Moved by Walker supported by Edward that appointments to be made by this Board be postponed
until the next meeting at 10:00 A. M.
A sufficientinajority not having voted therefor, the motion lost.
Nominations in order for Member of the Board of Auditors.
Mr. Brewer nominated Robert E. Lilly. Mr. Mastin seconded the nomination.
Moved by Potter supported by Gabler that nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairman announced the result of the ballot vote as follows:
Robert E. Lilly - 55
Robert E. Lilly declared elected a member of the Board of Auditors for three years beginning
January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for Chairman of the Board of Auditors.
Mr. Levinson nominated Daniel T. Murphy. Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Daniel T. Murphy.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Supervisors Minutes Continued. December 19, 1967
Daniel T. Murphy declared elected Chairman of the Board of Auditors for one year beginning
January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for Dog Warden.
Mr. Levinson nominated F. Hugh Wilson, D. V. M. Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nomiKL:ic 1 closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of th'- Beeed for F. Hugh Wilson, D. V. M.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
F. Hugh Wilson, D. V. M. declared elected Dog Warden for one year beginning January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for one member of the Board of Health.
Mr. Levinson nominated Duane Hursfall. Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominat. be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the titri for Duane Hursfall.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Duane Hursfall declared elected a member of the Hoard of Health for five years beginning
January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for two members of the Beard of Institutions.
Mr. Levinson nominated Walter M. Coon and Joseph Forbes, Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Walter M. Coon and Joseph. Forbes.
A sufli•ent majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Walter n. Coon and Joseph Forbes declared elected members of the Board of Institutions, for
three years beginning January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for three members of the Board of Public Works.
Mr. Levinson nominated Daniel W. Barry, Alexander C. Perinoff and Howard 0. Powers, Mr.
Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Daniel W. Barry, Alexander C.
Perinoff and Howard 0. Powers.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Daniel W. Barry, Alexander C. Perinoff and Howard 0. Powers declared elected members of the
Board of Public Works for three years beginning at noon January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for one member of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Mr. Levinson nominated John H. Huhn. Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for John B. Huhn.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
John B. Huhn declared elected a member of the Department of Veterans Affairs for three years
beginning January 1, 1968.
Nominations in order for one member of the Building Authority.
Mr. Levinson nominated Harry L. Lapham. Mr. Charteris seconded the nomination.
Moved by Edwards supported by Forbes that nominations be closed, the rules suspended, and
the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Harry L. Lapham.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Allen as Corporation
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w.:)uld be
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, ea ti en
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the call of the Chair.
I me
Supervi s .• I 3.1 2
Delos Harailin