HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1969.09.15 - 7833201 OAKLAND COUNTY
Board Of Supervisors
September 15, 1969
Meeting called to order by Chairman Charles B. Edwards, Jr. at 10:15 A. M. in the Coun
Aa Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by James Mathews,
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Bawden, Benson, Brennan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, Hamlin, Horton, Hough ten,
Kaspr, Mainland, Mastin, Mathews, O'Brien, O'Donoghue, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell,
Richards, Richardson, Szabo, Walker, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum Present
Moved by O'Brien supported by Bawden the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by O'Brien supported by Wilcox the Journal for the June Session be approved and closed
and the June Session stand adjourned sine die.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Lynn D. Allen Charles B. Edwards, Jr.
Clerk Chairman
September 15, 1969
Meeting called to order by Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Bowden, Benson, Brennan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Gibe, Hamlin, Horton, Houghten,
Kasper, Mainland, Mastin, Mathews, O'Brien, O'Donoghue, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell,
Richards, Richardson, Szabo, Walker, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0) Quorum Present
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, Chairman of the Board of Auditors, Frank 2, Irons,
Oakland County Sheriff, and Donald Kratt, Lieutenant, Sheriff's Department:, thanking the Board for their
efforts in making the Oakland County Sheriff's Department the first Michigan law enforcement agency to
own a helicopter. (Placed on tile.)
Clerk read resolution from the City of Hazel Park offering recommendations to alleviate
conditions at the Oakland County Jail. (To be referred to the proper Committee by the Chairman.)
Clerk read letter from Glenford S. Leonard, Project Director of Southeast Michigan Council
Of Governments acknowledging receipt of an application for a Law Enforcement Research and Planning
Office. (Placed on file.)
Clerk read resolution from the City of Royal Oak urging the Oakland County Drain Commissioner
to call a meeting of representatives of the municipalities of the Southeastern Oakland County Sewage
Disposal System to discuss the notice of increases in sewage disposal rates. (Referred to Public Works
Clerk read letter from Lorne G. Olsen, Chairman, Metro-Dome Stadium Building Authority of
Walled Lake, Michigan, requesting the Board to take action to pledge the full faith and credit of the
County as 6 guarantee to make possible the sale of revenue bonds For a stadium. (To be referred to
the proper Committee by the Chairman.)
Clerk read letter from Wilbur R. Thompson, Chairman of Southeastern Michigan Transportation
Authority, requesting a contribution of $37,000 to the Authority for 1970. (To be referred to the
proper Committee by the Chairman.)
Clerk presented letter from the Oakland County Democratic Committee submitting the names of
the following persons to be considered for appointment to the Board of County Canvassers: Vivian Lennox,
Eileen Marz, Fae Weiss.
Clerk presented letter from The Republican Committee of Oakland County submitting the names
of the following persons to be considered for appointment to the Board of County Canvassers: Mrs. Paul
Gorman, Mrs. Zar Reader, Mrs. Eugene M. Griffin.
Sueorvisots Minutes Continued. September 15, 1969
A fihn was la 1 en Rehabilitation of Medical Care Patients.
Mine_ 5l83
By Mr, Sib:,
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 62 of the Public Acts of 1933, as amended, known and cited as the "Property Tax
Limitation Act", provides for separate tax limitations for counties, townships, intermediate school
C istricts and school districts, and such 10061 units of overnment may receive a set millage voted upon
by tha electors of the county in lieu or allocated millau: • h year, and
WHEREAS the aggr , Tot number of mills may not r• acal eighteen (18) mills, and
WHEREAS your Fic.m. r•mmitstee believes that a pecial committee should be established by
this Board 01 Supervisors to study the feasibility ard advisability, of establishing a t millage
pursuant to the provisions of said Act 62 and report their recommendations back to thi 'ax•rd;
NOW THEREFORE FE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, by and through
its Committee on Committees, recommends the appointment 01 members ol the special committee, said
appointments 10 be approved by a majority vot, . of the members elect_ of the Oakland County Board of
Supervisors for the purpose of studying the teasibility and advisability of establishing a set millage
in lieu or millage allocated each year by the Oakland County Tax Allocation Board.
Mr. Chairman, on behali of the Finance Commit:ice, 1 move the adoption af the foregoing
I',',,) lution.
George N. Grba, Chairman
Thomas H. O' Donoghue, Carl W. O'Brien
Delos Hamlin, Fred D. Houghten
Moved by suanorted by O'Brien the resolution he. adopted.
Moved Ly Seaao supported by Brennan the resolution be amended to refer the question of a set
Tillage to the Equalization Committee rather than create a special committee.
Mr. O'Brien requested that the airrsndinent be put in or for presentation later in the
meeting and that the Board proceed with the. agenda.
Misc. 5184
Ey Mr. Mainland
To the Oakland Ccunt• I • Supervisors
Mr, Chairman, Ladies •1„ ' e•. 'l -•
WHEREAS thi •st ,N by Iii cellaneous Resolution Ne. 5041, dated April :, 1969, established
the salary of the Jury 'mord at. in' County at $0,000.00 per year For each IT 'it • r, and
WHEREAS it wars the irssf,Tion of your Committee to recommend to this s, sad to establish the
salary of the Jury Board at S4,000.00 per year for each member and mileage at th , rate Cl 10e per mile
Fe r each member, and
WHEREAS to clarify Miscellaneous Resolution ;15041, your Commattee recommends that said
resolution be amended by striking out the last paragraph of said resolution and inserting the following
NOW THEREFORE IF IT RESOLVED that the salary or the Jury Board of Oakland County be
established at ,34,000.00 per year for each blerber and mileage at the rate of 10e per mile for each member."
Mr. Chairman, on behalf- of the Personnel Practices Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
William L. Mainland, Chairman
James Mathews, James M. Brennan, Delos Hamlin
Dennis M. Aaron, Lew L. Coy, Fred D. Houghton
Moved by Mainland supported by Brennan the resolution be. adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
The Chairman announced that, at a meeting this morning, no bids were submitted for bonds to
construct the Law Enforcement-Jall Complex.
Misc, 5185
BY Mr, Horton
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chaiman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Thc Oakland County Department of Public Works Special Assessment Roll No. 6 has been confirmed
and installment No. 9 has been certified to Inc County Clerk, as required by ACt 1 8 of the Public Acts
of 1957, as amended, and the following resolution is submitted to this Board.
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors, by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3844, did approve the plans,
specifications, estimate of cost and period of usefulness, and
Met iol
Suporvisora Minutes Continued. September 15, 1969 209
WHERES, a special assessment roll, covering all costs involved in the project, has been
confirmed by the Board of Public Works and installment No. 9 has been certified to the County Clerk,
NOW iHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that installment No, 5 or the Oakland County Department of public
Works Special Assessment Roil No. 6 be confirmed by this Board of Supervisors, and
LE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk he authorized to certify ipso-11cent No, S of said
roll to HU igolficer of Farmington Township and to order the collection fr , o the owners of, or
the partite i I t in Ihu lotc or parcels of land, as shown in said Special b •••. .1. nt. to No. 6,
ihe dmount Of ,Gney assesued and oue and set opposite such lots or parcels oh land.
Harry W. Horton, Chairmtin
to Walker, Thomas H. O'Donoghne, Geordie N. Grba
William M. Richards, R. Frank Richardson
MA Ion Ben bon, Jr.
Moved by Horton supported by O'Donoghue that the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Rawden, 'on' ii;, Brennan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, Hamlin, Horton, Houghton,
,• •r, Mainland, Mastin, Mathews, O'Brien, O'Donoghue, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Perrick, Powell,
ha,ds, Richardson, Szabo, Walker, Wilcox. (27)
NAYS: None_ (0)
Motion carried.
Misc. Resolution Nr), 5186
Ey Mr. Horton
To the Honorable Board of Supt- ors
Mr. Chairmc), Ladies ard GetolerLim
TI..• Oakland Count! DP. nt of Public Works Special Assessment Roll No 2, has been confirmed
ard ins: . No. 10 has hoeJ s irMificd fo the County Clerk, as required by Act No. 185 of the Public
Acts of 1)5/, u, amended, and the following resolution is submitted to this Board.
VC' REAS the Board of Supervisors, by Miscellaneous Resolution Ho. 3670, did approve the plans,
srerifications, estimate of cost and period of usetulness, and
WHEREAS a special assebsdient, roll, coverin9 all costs involved in the project, has been confirmed
by the lIdaJrd or Public Oorks and installment No, 10 has been certified to the County Clerk,
NOW THEEFEOFE BL IT RESOLVED that installment No 10 of the Oakland County Departnert of Public
Works pecial •d Roli No. 2 be confirmed by this Board of Supervisors, and
BE IT FM- MFR. RESOLVED that the County Clerk it authori7ed to certify installment No. 10 or
rall to tem • _ssing officer of Farmington lownship and to order the collection from '''n t., of,
or the parties in interest in the lots or parcels of land, as shown in said Special Assessment Roll No. 2
tht . aoount of money assessed and due and it opposite. such lots or parcels of land,
Harry W. Her Chairman
Lee Walker, Thomas N. 0'Dono9InGe, Georsie N. Grba
William M. Richards, F. Frank Richardson
Mahlon Benson, Jr.
Moved bv Horton supported by OH i that the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Eldwden, I . son, Ro onan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, Hamlin, Horton, Houqhten,
Ke r, Mainiab M •tin, H, , It Fri 1, O'Donoghue, Olson, Ratnales, Ferinoff, Fernick, Powell,
M„, Richard• . aho, W. m. r, Wil.- , (27)
NAYS NGiv. (0)
ABSENT: None. (0)
H' VI by Horton supported by. O'Brien that Resolution 5181, Drain and Lake Level Assessment
Report. he taken from the tAL:,,
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Horton supportod by Walker the resolution (45181) be adopted.
A sufficient majority havinu voted therotor, the resolution was adopLed
Misc. 516.7
By Mr. Horton
McEntee reported that the Road Commission ban made forrol at to the Pontiac Township
Board lor fanitary Landfill license in accordance with Pontiac Township's Landfill Ordinance.
Supervisors Minutes Continued. September 15, 1969
Representatives of the Road Commission had appeared on September 10, 1.1.5 le-fore the Pontiac
Township Board. A number of citizens who live along Bald Mountain Road appeared at the meeting in
opposition to the granting of the license. Most of the objection related to traffic oti Bald Mountain
Road, pollution of underground water and operational procedures. Road Commission representatives and the
Pontiac Township Board have had several executive meetings and most of the opposition had been resolved
to the satisfaction of the Township Board and the Road Commission's commitments were contained in the
application for the Landfill License.
After considerable discussion, the Township Board voted 10 approve the Landfill License for a
moo year period. The license provides commercial haulers will not U5C bald Mountain Road mouth of the
mile. Within two years the Road Commission will commence construction of a new access road from M-24 10
the site. Township residents will be allowed free use of the site on a limited basis. The site will be
utilizA in 'ive acre parcels and when a five acre parcel has been Filled, it will Sr. deeded to the
township. The Road Commission will attempt to acquire too parcels of land smuth of the site, a buffer
-tone will 5e created around the site and the Road Commission will provide water in the event a p'op.
owner's well is contamilated.
Because several of the people at the meeting indicated a concern about the hours of operation,
the Road Commission agreed that, the site would not be operated after 6:00 P.M., nor on Sunday. The Road
Commission operation of the site would further be subject to all the terms and conditions of the Depart-
ment or Public Health License which has been issued in accordance with Act 87, P. A. of 1965.
In answer to questions presented by the committee, Mr. McEntee reported that the fees for use
of the site would not be formally determined but as projected, a rate of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton had
been considered. This fee opuld work out to 75c' to 51,00 per cubic yard.
Moved by Horton supported by Grba the report be included in the minutes. There were no
M. Horton presented a ''Letter To The Editor" of The Daily Tribune, expressing appreciation
for the County welfare program.
Discussion followed relative to a perrronent type of rubbish and garbage disposal.
5i 88
by Mr. O'Brien
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairawn, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a resolution was referred to the Legislative Committee by the Board on September 4,
l96,9, and
WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed this resolution and concurs that the Michigan Department
of Natural Resources should lend its assistance in establishing local rules prescribing the operation
of boats, water skis, and other similar contrivances on the lakes in Oakland County, and
wHERFAS your Committee believes that it is necessary to establish such rules to protect the
public safety of the people of Oakland County,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of
Act 303 of the Public Acts of 1967, as amended, approves the request as set forth in the resolution
of September 4, 1969.
Mr. Chairmen, on behalf of the Legislative Committee., 1 move the adoption of the resolution.
Carl W. O'Brien, Chairman
Christian F. Powell, Mary Mead Resider, Lee Walker
Wallace F. Gabler, Jr., Wm. L. Mainland
WHEREAS Act 303 of the Public Acts of 1967, as amended, provides that the State Department of
Conservation (now designated as the Department of Natural Resources) may regulate the operation of
vessels, woter skis, water sleds, aquaplanes, surfboards or other similar contrivances and may, where
special regulations ore determined necessary, establish vessel speed limits, prohibit the use of vessels,
water skis, water sleds, aquaplanes, surfboards or other similar contrivances by day and hour; establish
end designate areas restricted solely to boating, skin or scuba diving, fishing, sensing or water skiing,
and prescribe any other regulations relating to the use or operation of vessels, water skis, water sleds,
aquaplanes, surfboards or other similar contrivances which will assure compatible use of state waters
mnd best protect the public safety, And
WHEREAS said Act 303 of the Public Acts of 1967 provides in Section 16 that local :political
subdivisions which believe the special local rules of the type authorized by this Act are needed on
lakes subject to their jurisdiction shall inform the Department of Natural Resources and request their
assistance by resolution, and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has numerous lakes used for recreational purposes, and
WHEREAS I believe that special local rules are needed to control the recreational uses of the
lakes cf Oakland County,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions at Act 303 of the Public Acts of
1967, as amended, the County of Oakland requests the assistance of the Department of Natural Resources
in establishing special local rules pertaining to the use of the lakes lying within the jurisdiction
of Oakland County.
Carl W. O'Brien
Supervisors Minutes Continued. September 15, 1969 211
Moved by O'Brien supported by Richards the resolution be adopted and that we request the
assistance of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in drawing up rules to be presented to the
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Szabo supported by Brennan that Resolution #5183 be amended by deleting the third
paragraph, and changing the fourth paragraph to read as follows:
"NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board ot Supervisors, refer this matter
to the Equalization Committee of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of
studying the feasibility and advisability of establishing a set millage in lieu of miliage
allocated each year by the Oakland County Tax Allocation Board."
Discussion followed.
Mr. Powell requested that a member of the Board of Auditors speak on this matter. Three members
obi ec ted.
Mr. Robert E. Lilly, Vice Chairman of the Board of Auditors, addressed the Board.
Vote on amendment:
Ti sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vote on Resolution M5183, as amended:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 5189
By Mr. Hamlin
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 204 of the Public Acts of 1967, as amended, established the Southeastern Michigan
Transportation Authority for the purposes of developing plans and recommendations for the acquisition,
improvement and operation of existing bus systems and the consolidation of the said bus systems with
existing commuter rail operations, and
WHEREAS said Act 204 failed to provide any method of funding the Southeastern Michigan Trans-
portation Authority by the imposition and collection of a tax, and
WHEREAS your Regional Affairs Committee believes that said Act 204 should provide for a method
of funding the Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority, and to that end, recommends to this Board
that legislation providing such funding be recommended to the next session of the Legislature,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that your Regional Affairs Committee recommends to this Board of
Supervisors that legislation providing for the funding of the Southeastern Michigan Transportation
Authority by the imposition and collection of a tax, be referred to the Legislative Committee.
Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Regional Affairs Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
Delos Hamlin, Chairman
William M. Richards, William L. Mainland
Lawrence R. Pernick, Philip .0. Mastin, Jr.
Mary Mead Bawden
Moved by Hamlin supported by Bawden the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Kasper supported by Houghten the resolution be amended by adding "that this resolution
shall not be interpreted to support any pending legislation before the House or Senate".
Discussion followed.
Vote on amendment:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Aaron, Bawden, Benson, Brennan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, Hamlin, Horton, Houghten,
Kasper, Mainland, Mastin, Mathews, O'Brien, O'Donoghue, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson,
Szabo, Wilcox. (24)
NAYS: Walker. (1)
ABSTAIN: Olson. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended,. was adopted.
Supervisors Minutes Continued. September 15, 1969
Misc. 5190
By Mr. Grba
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution ;6090 was considered by this Board of Supervisors on May 15,
1969, wherein is recommended that a temporary work camp be established for trusties of the present
Oakland County Jail, and
WHEREAS said Resolution #5090 was referred to the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee
who are presently investigating the feasibility of establishing a trustie work camp,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Greveland Building at Paradise Beach, Dixie Highway
and Grange Hall Road in Groveland Township, and the existing unused dormitory building located on
Parks and Recreation Commission property on Watkins Lake Road be considered as locations for temporary
trustie work camps.
Mr. Chairman, I move that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Public Protection and
Judiciary Committee for consideration and report of recommendation to this Board.
George N. Grba
Supervisor, District #20
Moved by Grba supported by Mastin the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Perinoff voted
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Discussion followed relative to the status of the Law Enforcement-Jail Complex.
Misc. 5191
By Mr. O'Brien
To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
MT. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors is granted, by Article VII, Section 9 of the Michigan
Constitution of 1963, lhe exclusive power to fix the compensation of County officers not otherwise
provided by law, and
WHEREAS Act 154 of the Public Acts of 1879, as amended by Act 163 of the Public Acts of 1967,
provides that the annual salaries of all salaried county officers, by law fixed by the Board of Super-
visors, shall not be diminished during the term for which such County officers shall have been elected
or appointed but may be increased by the Board of Supervisors during their term of office,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that it is the intent of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors
not to raise the salaries of elected County officers during their terms of office.
Mr. Chairman, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Carl W. O'Brien
Mr. O'Brien requested that the resolution be referred 1.0 the proper committee,
The Chairman referred the resolution to the Personnel Practices Committee,
Nominations in order for two members of the Board of County Canvassers. (One Republican and
one Democrat for a four-year term,)
Mr. Mathews nominated Hope Gorman (Republican). Mr. Patnales seconded the nomination.
Mr. Houghten nominated Vivian Lennox, Mr. Di Donoghue seconded the nomination.
There being no other nominations, Hope Gorman and Vivian Lennox were declared elected members
of the Board of County Canvassers for four-year terms beginning November I, 1969,
Mr. Gabler requested that a copy of the petition signed by Hammond Lake Estates Subdivision
residents, presented to the Board on July 17, 1969, regarding installation of a drain under Square
Lake Road, be transmitted to the County Highway Engineer, Road Commission and Department of Public Works.
Moved by Olson supported by O'Donoghue the Board adjourn to October 2, 1969 at 9:30 A. M.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Board adjourned at 12:35 P. M.
Lynn D. Allen Charles B. Edwards, Jr.
Clerk Chairman