HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1985.12.31 - 8108OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
District 1 Richard R. Wilcox
District 2 Richard G. Skarritt
District 3 Richard D. Kuhn, Jr.
District 4 Anne M. Hobart
' District 5 Betty Fortino
District 6 Ralph Nelson
District 7 Walter Moore
District 8 Hubert Price, Jr.
District 9 Ruel E. McPherson
District 10 James A. Doyon
District 11 James E. Lanni
District 12 Susan C. Kuhn
District 13 Robert W. Page
District 14 Marilynn E. Gosling
District 15 David L. Moffitt
District 16 Roy Rewold
District 17 John E. Olsen
District 18 Dorothy M. Webb
District 19 . Dennis M. Aaron
District 20 Lawrence R. Pernick
District 21 Alexander C. Perinoff
District 22 W. A. Hassberger
District 23 Nancy McConnell
District 24 John P. Calandro
District 25 G. William Caddell, D.C.
District 26 Thomas A. Law
District 25 John J. McDonald
Richard R. Wilcox - Chairperson
Marilynn E. Gosling - Vice Chairperson
Lynn D. Allen - Clerk
5 '
Decembor 2,1981
Board Of Commissioners
January 24, 1985
Meeting called to order by Clerk, Lynn D. Allen at 9 1.t7 A.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium,
1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Richard R. Wilcox.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddel), Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
ABSENT: Perinoff. (I)
Quorum present.
Moved by McPherson supported by Susan Kuhn the agenda be approved as presented.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
Moved by Rewold supported by Calandro the 19a4 Rules of the Board of Commissioners be
adopted as Temporary Rules.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried.
Nominations in order for Temporary Chairperson.
Mr. Wilcox nominated Lawrence Pernick. Seconded by Mr. Rewold.
Moved by Rewold supported by Wilcox the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be
cast for Mr. Pernick.
A sufficient major'ily having voted therefor, the motion carried and Mr. Pernick was unani-
mously elected Temporary Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
Nominations in order for permanent Chairperson:
Mr. Rewold nominated Richard R. Wilcox.
Mr. Ooyon nominated Hubert Price, Jr. .
Moved by doh,irt supported hy Aaron the nominations he closed.
. A sufficient imincity having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The vote was as follows:
Aaron - Price McDonald -.Wilcox
Caddell - Wilcox McPherson - Price
Calandro - Wilcox Moore - Price
Doyon - Price Nelson - Wilcox
Fortino - Price Olsen - Wilcox
Gosling - Wilcox Page - Wilcox
Hassherger- Wilcox Pernick - Price
Hobart - Wilcox Price - Price
R. Kuhn - Wilcox Rewo3d - Wilcox
S. Kuhn - Wilcox Skarritt - Wilcox
Lanni - Wilcox Webb - Wilcox
Law - Wilcox Wilcox - Wilcox
Commissioners Minutes Continue I. January 24, 1985
The vote totals were
Richard R. Wilcox - 18
Hubert Price, Jr. - 7
Richard R. Wilcox declared elected Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
Mr. Wilcox introduced Lew Whit of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Mr. Wint
introduced Ralph Richard, the new Manager of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Nominations in order for Vice Chairperson.
Mrs. Hobart nominated Marilynn Gosling.
Mr. Price nominated Betty Fortino.
Moved by Nelson supported by Moore the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority havinn voted therefor, the motion carried.
The vote was as follows:
Caddell - Gosling McPherson - Fortino
Calandro - Gosling Moffitt - Gosling
Doyon - Fortino Moore - Fortino
Fortino - Fortino Nelson - Gosling
Gosling - Gosling Olsen - Gosling
Hassberger- Gosling Page - Gosling
Hobart - Gosling Pernick - Fortino
R. Kuhn - Gosling Price - Fortino
S. Kuhn - Gosling Rewold - Gosling
Lanni - Gosling Skarritt - Gosling
Law - Gosling Webb - Gosling
McConnell - Gosling Wilcox - Gosling
McDonald - Gosling Aaron - Fortino
Marilynn Gosling - 19
Betty Fortino - 7
Marilynn Gosling declared elected Vice Chairperson and escorted to the Chair.
The Chairperson announced th( following persons to serve on the General Government Committee:
Chairperson - John E. Olsen, Majority Vice Chairperson - Richard Skarritt, Minority Vice
Chairperson - Ruel McPherson, Members: Wilcox, Page, Calandro, Nelson, Pernick, Aaron.
Moved by Pernick supported by Moore the appointment; be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Clerk read letter from the Michigan Department of Management and Budget announcing the
reappointment of William M. Burg of Royal Oak to serve as a county representative on the Michigan
Veterans' Trust Fund Committee effective January 1, 1985 for a term ending December 31, 1987. (Placed
on file)
Clerk read a letter of thank; from the members of the Board of Commissioners staff for the
Hudson Gift Certificates given them at Christmas. (Placed on file)
Clerk read letter from Richard R. Wilcox announcing his appointment of Commissioner
Richard G. Skarritt to serve as County Representative on the Lake Boards for Charlick Lake, Duck Lake,
Tomahawk Lake and Woodruff Lake, and requesting confirmation of the appointment.
Moved by Calandro supported by McPherson the appointment be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment of Richard Skarritt was
Clerk read letter from Steve Saunders thanking the Board for the support given him during
his stay here as Jail Administrator. (Placed on file)
The Chairperson declared a recess For the General Government Committee to meet.
The Board reconvened at 10:37 A.M.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 24, 1985 3
By General Government Committee - John E. Olsen, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
mr. Chairperson. Ladies and Cook:nen:
The General Government Commitlec recommends the appointment of the following Commissioner-
as per the attached sheet,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
G. William CAddell -Chairperson, Robert Page- Majority Vice Chairperson and Betty Fortino -
Minority Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: Hobart, Lanni, Gosling, McConnell, Nelson, Rewold, Perinoff, PernicR, Doyon.
John E. Olsen -Chairperson, Richard Skarritt - Majority Vice Chairperson, Ruel McPherson -
Minority Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: Wilcox, Page, Calardro, Nelson, Purnick, Aaron
Nancy McConnell -Chairperson, Susan Kuhn -Majority Vice Chairperson, Dennis Aaron- Minority
Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: McDonald, Gosling, Moffitt, Webb. Fortino, McPherson
John McDonald -Chairperson, John P. Calandro- Majority Vice Chairperson, Walter Moore -
Minority Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: Gosling, Law, Hassberger, Moffitt, Doyon, Price
Anne Hobart -Chairperson, Roy Rewold -Majority Vice Chairperson, Alexander Perinoff - Minority
Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: R. Kuhn, Webb, Hassberger, Skarritt, Doyon, McPherson
James E. Lanni -Chairperson, R. Kuhn-Majority Vice Chairperson, Hubert Price, Jr. - Minority
Vice Chairperson
MEMBERS: Olsen, S. Kuhn, Law, Webb, Fortino, Moore
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Calandro the persons named to serve on the various committees
be confirmed.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffiit, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
By Ganr7.1 Gov2rnment Crmmittce - John E. Olsen, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemer
The General Government Committee, having reviewed the vacancies for the boards, commissions,
committees and councils herein mentiored, recommends the fif!ine of those vacancies as listed.
AIRPORT COMMITTEE (One-Year Term, Ending December 31, 1985)
Robert Page, Jrilles Lore', Alexander P(irinoff
PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three-Year Terms, ending January 1, 1988)
Lillian V. Moffitt, Jean M. Fox, Pecky Lewis
ROAD COMMISSION (Six-Year Term, Ending December 31, 1990)
Richard Vogt
Cal andro
- Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Moffitt, Fox, Foley
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 24, 1985
Deleriat Aliornaie
Daniel-Murphy la I >h Ne 15011
Robert W. Page Marilynn E. Gosling
John E. Olsen Nancy McConnell
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Nekon the report be ac,.,:pLed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Mr. Olsen nominated Robert Page, James Lanni and Alexander Perinoff to serve on the Airport
Committee for term ending December 31, 1985.
Moved by Olsen supported by Price a unanimous ballot be cast for the candidates nominated
to serve on the Airport Committee.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried, and Robert Page, James
Lanni and Alexander Perinoff declared elected members of the Airport Committee.
Mr. Olsen nominated Lillian V. Moffitt, Jean M. Fox and Pecky Lewis to serve on the Parks
and Recreation Commission for three-year terms ending January 1, 1988.
Mr. Pernick nominated Michael Boisvert, William Foley and Harold Cousins.
Moved by Olsen supported by Price the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The vote was as follows:
Doyon Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
Fortino - Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
Gosling - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Hassberger- Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Hobart - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
R. Kuhn - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
S. Kuhn - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Lanni - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Law - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
McConnell - Moffitt, Fox. Lewis
McDonald - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
McPherson - Boisvert, Foley, Cousins
Moffitt - Moffitt, Fox, Lewis
Lillian Moffitt - 19
Jean M. Fox - 19
Pecky Lewis - 18
Michael Boisvert - 7
William Foley - 8
Harold Cousins - 7
Lillian Moffitt, Jean M. Fox and Pecky Lewis declared elected members of the Parks and
Recreation Commission.
Mr. Olsen nominated Richard Vogt to serve on the '-',cod Commission for a six-year term ending
December 31, 1990.
Mr. Pernick nominated Rebecca Peterson of Ferndale.
Moved by Olsen supported by Caddell the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The vote was as follows;
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 24, 1985
Forlino - Peter !-.0H Nelson - Vogt
Gosling - Vogt Olsen - Vogt
Hassberger- Vogt Page - Vogt
Hobart - Vogt Pernick - Peterson
R. Kuhn - Vogt Price - Peterson
S. Kuhn - Vogt Rewold - Vogt
Lanni - Vogt Skarritt - Vogt
Law - Vogt Webb - Vogt
McConnell - Vogl Wilcox - Vogt
McDonald - Vogt Aaron - Peterson
McPherson - Peterson Caddell - Vogt
Moffitt - Vogt Calandro - Vogt
Moore - Peterson Doyon - Peterson
Richard Vogt - In
Rebecca Peterson - 7
Richard Vogt declared elected a member of the Road Commission.
Mr. Olsen nominated the following as members of Southeastern Michigan Council of Government,
for one-year terms en:ling December 31, 19115:
Delegates: Daniel Murahy. F-lobert W.• Page and John E. Olsen
Alternates: F.aloti .elson. Marilynn E. Gosling and Nancy McConnell
Mr. Pet-nick nominated the following:
Delegates: Lawrence Pernick, Ruel McPherson and Hubert Price, Jr.
Alternates: Betty Fortino, Walter Moore and Dennis Aaron
Moved by Olsen sunnerted La/ Hassberger the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Aaron requested the vote be taken as 'Slate A and 'Slate B".
The Chairperson stated if there were no objections, the vote would be taken as follows:
Slate A would be the candidates nominated by Mr. Olsen
Slate B would be the candidates nominated by Mr. Pet-nick
There were no objections and the vote was as follows:
SLATE A: Cdsiing, Hassberger, Hobart, R. 611.1n, S. Kahn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Vilcox, Caddell, Calandra. (19)
SLATE B: McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino. (7)
Slate A having received sufficient votes, the following were declared elected members of
Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments:
DELEGATES: Daniel Murphy, Robert W. Page and John E. Olsen
ALTERNATES: Ralph Nelson, Marilynn E. Gosling and Nancy McConnell
By Zieneral Government Committee, John E. Olsen, Chairperson
To the Oakland County board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Cenerafcivernalent Comnittce, having reviewed the proposed rules for the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners, hereby recommends the readoption of the present Rules for the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners, adopted January 19, 19E4, as amended, together with the attached amend-
ments as the permanent Rules for the Oakland County goard of lZommissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
A. The Standing Committees and membership thereon shall be:
I. Finance Committee 12 Members
2. Planning and Building Committee 10 Members
3. Health and Human Resources Committee 9 Members
4. Public Services Committee 9 Members
5. General Government Committee 9 Members
6. Personnel Committee 9 Members
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Jantlyry 24, 1985
IX. Committees
A. The Standing Committees and membership thereon shall he:
I. Finance Committee 12 Members
2. Planning and Building Committee 9 Members
3. Health and Human Resource.. Commiltee 9 Members
4. Public Services Commit 100 9 Members
5. General Government Committee 9 Members
6. Personnel Committee 9 Members
IX. Committees
C. The first named member ef any Committee shall be the Chairperson, and the second named
member shall be the Vice Chairperson. In the temporary absence of the Chairperson and
Vice Chairperson, the member next in rank in the order named, and so on, as often as
the case shall happen, shall act as Chairperson . .
IX. Committees
The first named member of any committee shall be the Chairperson, and the second named
member shall be the Majority Vice Chairperson, and the third named member shall be the
Minority Vice Chairperson. In the temporary absence of the Chairperson and the Majority
Vice Chairperson, the Minority Vice Chairperson, and then the majority member next in
rank, in the order named, and so on, as often as the case shall happen, shall act as
Chairperson . .
To provide liaison with the Management and Budget Department and all divisions thereunder.
To plan ways and means of financing the County activities, . .
The Finance Committee shall also recommend, each year, . .
(New paragraph added)
The Finance Committee or its designated staff shall have access to all budget and
financial documents or data which are to be available to the Board of Commissioners
by law or by the General Appropriations Act.
To provide liaison with the Department of Public Works, including Sewer, Water, and
Solid Waste Division, Planning Division, Property Management Division, Aviation
Division, and Parks and Recreation,. .
To provide liaison with the Department of Public Works, including Sewer, Water and
Solid Waste Division, Planning Division, Aviation Division, and the Real Estate Unit
of the Corporation Counsel, and Parks and Recreation, . .
PROPOSED BOARD RULE: (No content change—renumbering of paragraphs in Rule X, Section E, as follows)
Buildings and Grounds
To once each biennial term inspect all County-owned buildings and grounds . .
1. If there are no statutory restrictions on the sale, it may be conducted as follows:
(a) The County Executive, with the concurrence of the Planning and Building Committee,
(b) All sales of land shall be made in one of the following ways:
(I) Private Sole: The County Executive, with tht concurrence of the Planning and
Building Committee, . . .
(2) Public Sale: The County Executive, with the concurrence of the Planning and
Building Committee.. . .
(3) In the case of limited use parcels . . .
(4) Whenever the requirements of (a), (0, or (c) above have been fulfilled . .
(c) The Planning and Building Committee shall be vested with the authority . .
(d) In all cases, the Committee may withdraw any land authorized for sale . .
2. All new construction and all alterations of existing structures . .
3. The County Executive shall advertise for and receive bids .
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 24, 1985 7
Liaison with the Deportment a Public Services unless provided for elsewhere in these
Rules and the Prosecuting Attorney, the Sheriff, the Circuit Court, District Courts,
Circuit Cutul Probation, Oil riot Court Probation, Friend of the Court, Local Law En-
forcemen1 Agencies, 1_w Library, Refet-Lnrp LI'Jirory, Community Devalopment Council,
Private Industry Council. Cultural Council, Economic Development Corporation. Local
Development Corporation, and the Disaster Control and Emergency Medical Services Pro-
grams . . .
Liaison with the OT-pa-t--tTitrent of Public Services unless provided for elsewhere in these
Rules and the Prosecuting Attorney, the Sheriff, the Circuit Court, District Courts,
Circuit Court Probation, District Court Probation, Friend of the Court, Local Law
Enforcement Anencies, Law Library, Reference Library, Community Development Council,
Private Industry Council, Cultural Council, Economic Development Group, Economic De-
velopment Corporation, Local Development Corporation, and the Disaster Control and
Emergency Medical Services Programs . .
Regular meetings of He Board shall be held the second and fourth Thursday of each month
at 9:30 a.m. with the exception that there shall be a right meeting held in Mprch, June,
September, and Novemher starting at 7:30 p.m., leaving the setting of that meeting to the
discretion of the Chairperson of the Board and except as determined by a vote of fourteen
(14) members of the Board of Commissioners. A special meeting between meetings adjourned
to a fixed date . .
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held the second and fourth Thursday of each month
at 9:30 a.m. with the exception that there shall be a night meeting held on March 14, 1985,
May 23, 1985, July 25, 1985, and October 10, 1985, starting at 7:30 p.m., except as de -
termined by a vote of fourteen (14) members of the Board of Commissioners. A special
meeting between meetings adjourned to a fixed date
The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners may refer any matter arising between meetings
of the Board to the appropriate committee or committees for recommendation thereon, and he
shall report all such referrals to the Board at its next meeting as a matter of New and
Miscellaneous Business. Such referrals shall be valid unless altered by a vote of fourteen
(14) members at the meeting to which they are so reported by the Chairperson.
The Chairperson of the Board of Commis -loners may refer any matter arising between meetings
of the Board to the appropriate committee or committees for recommendation thereon, onto
the appropriate County department or agency for required action. He shall report all such
referrals to the Board at its next meeting as a matter of New and Miscellaneous Business.
Such referrals shall be valid unless altered by a vote of fourteen (14) members at the
meeting to which they are so reported by the Chairperson.
xxv. The administrative staff of the Board of Commissioners shall be under the Board of Com-
missioners and shall report to the Chairperson of the Board.
XXV. There shall be an Oversight Committee which shall be composed of the Board Chairperson,
Vice Chairperson and the Chairperson of each Caucus. The duties and responsibilities of
the Oversight Convittee shall be those established by Miscellaneous Resolution 03090 and
administrative planning and oversight of the Board of Commissioners' administrative
functions. The administrative staff of the Board of Commissioners shall be under the Board
of Commissioners and shall report to the Chairperson of the Board.
Moved by Olsen supported by McConnell the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Rewold the rules adopted January 19, 198 11, as amended, tpgether
with attached amendments be adopted as Permanent Rules for the Board of Commissioners.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. January 24, 1985
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, (25)
NAYS: McPherson. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the rules, as amended, with attached amendments,
were adopted as Permanent Rules for the Board of Commissioners.
Misc. 85001
By Mr. Doyon
To the Oakland County Board of Commis ,,inners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS General Motors Corporation is seeking a location for production of the new SATURN
automobile; and
WHEREAS they require a site with between 400 and 750 acres in one contiguous parcel; and
WHEREAS the City of Pontiac is the County Seat of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS General Motors Corporation has aided in the economic development of downtown Pontiac;
WHEREAS the Clinton Valley Center is located within the City limits of the City of Pontiac;
WHEREAS the site of the Clinton Valley Center is in excess of 400 acres; and
WHEREAS there are existing utilities, roads, and railroad accesses on the property site.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on record
encouraging Genera? Motors Corporation to locate within Oakland County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners encourage General
Motors Corporation to seriously consider the site of Clinton Valley Center as a location for the
new Saturn Plant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Roger Smith, Chairman of
General Motors Corporation, Governor James Blanchard, Senators Carl Levin and Donald Riegle, and
Congressman Bob Carr.
Mr. Chairperson we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James Doyor, Commissioner District #10
Walter Moore, Commissioner District 7
Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner District 8
Betty Fortino, Commissioner District 5
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee and the Public
Services Committee. There were no objections.
Clerk read letter from Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of Commissioners Betty
Fortino and G. William Caddell to serve on the Computer User Advisory Committee for two year terms
ending January 1, 1987 and requesting confirmation of the Appointments.
Moved by Rewold supported by McConnell the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the confirmations were confirmed.
Copy of Referrals made by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox are on file in County Clerk's Office.
The Chairperson stated the next meeting of the Board will be February 14, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
February 14, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:57 a.m. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI 48053.
Invocation given by David Moffitt.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Per nick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (24)
ABSENT: taw, Page, Perinoff. (3)
Quorum present.
Moved by Pernick supported by Nelson the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as
A sufficieni majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Rewold supported by Hassberger the agenda be amended and the rules suspended to
add the following resolution to the agenda:
FINANCE COMMITTEE - County Executive - 1984185 Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA)
Contract Award
Also the rules be suspended to comply with Board Rules for the following items on the agenda:
FINANCE COMMITTEE - Treasurer's Office - Authorization for Administrative Fund
Treasurer's Office - Approval of Notice of Sale
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE-Children's Village - Reopening of "B" Building/Creation of 7 Children's
Supervisors, I Program Supervisor, and F Child Welfare Worker 1
Vote on suspension of the rules .
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vote on approval of the agenda as amended:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda as amended was approved.
Clerk read letter from Department of Natural Resources regarding funds for the County Marine
Safety Programs for 1985. (Referred to Public Services Committee)
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointments of the
following individuals to serve on the Zoning Coordinating Comnittee for the terms designated:
Anne Hobart, Chairperson Roy Rewold, Chairperson
Dorothy Webb Alexander C. Perinoff
W. A. Hassberger Richard Kuhn, Jr.
Ruel McPherson James Doyon
James Doyon Richard Skarritt
Moved by Moore supported by Rewold the appointments be confirmed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk stated several letters had been received regarding the transfer of operation and
control for Children's Village and Camp Oakland from Probate Court to County Executive. Each
COMMissioner has been given a copy of the letters, therefor the letters would not be read.
Judge Barry Grant requested permission to address the Board prior to the Public Hearing
regarding the Transfer of Children's Village. There were no objections.
John King addressed the Board.
The Chairperson made the Following statement:
"At this time a Public Hearing is now called on the Transfer of Operation and Control of
Children's Village and Camp Oakland from Probate Court to County Executive. Notice of the Public
Hearing was published February 6, 1985 in the Oakland Press. Any persons wishing to speak should
give their name to the Clerk, and each person will be limited to 5 minutes. The Public Hearing is
now open."
The following persons requested to speak:
Norman R. Barnard (Chief Judge of Probate), John King, Eugene Arthur Moore (Probate Judge),
Edward Jones, John J. O'Brien (Probate Judge), Ismail B. Sendi, M.D. (Director of Fairlawn Center),
Barbara Consilio (Probate Court Administrator), Darlene Berent, William F. Foley, Kirk Graham,
Robert Zack, Melvin Louis Graham, Barbara Cash, Yvonne Graham, George Robinson, Steven Roland,
Wallace D. McLay, David W. Monroe, Cecelia Wright, Catherine Roland and Janice Morganroth.
The Chairperson asked if there were other persons present wishing to speak. No one requested
to speakandthe Public Hearing was declared closed.
The Chairperson declared a 20 minute recess. '
The Board reconvened at 1:05 p.m.
Roll call.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: Page, Perinoff. (2)
Quorum present.
Misc. 85002
By Health and Human Resources Committee, Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Declaratory Judgement in Civil Action 1183-257283-CZ, dated December 7, 1984,
Judge Hilda Gage has determined that the power to decide whether Oakland County child care institu-
tions will be under the operation and control of the County Executive or the Probate Court rests
with the Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS Sec. 13 (k) of Act 139, P.A. 1973, as amended, provides that under the authority
of the County Executive, the Department of Institutional and Human Services may be established and
shall supervise county human service programs including hospital and child care institutions.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to and in accordance with Sec. 14 (a) of Act 139,
P.A. 1973, as amended, which provides for and describes the manner in which the Board of Commissioners
may transfer a function from one department to another, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does
hereby transfer the operation and control of Children's Village and Camp Oakland from the Oakland
County Probate Court to the County Executive Department of Institutional and Human Services.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Hobart the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Nelson supported by Rewold the resolution be amended as follows:
In the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, 3rd line, 3rd to last words "Commissioners
may . ." amend to read "pursuant to the discretionary powers provided by statute".
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 11
Mr. Nelson also presented the following as a memorandum:
Administration Responsibilities of County Executive
Judicial Responsibilities of the Plobate Court
1. Hire, Fire and Discipline start
County Executive would take full responsibility of this function for the Village staff.
Advice and input from the Probate Court would be sought for hiring of top-level management should
vacancies occur.
2. Determine Program Content
The Board of Commissioners would continue to be the authority that authorizes
programs and the resources allocated to Children's Village with the advice and input of the Probate
Court and County Executive.
3. Building Utilization
An administrative function to be performed by the County Executive pursuant to the
Board of Commissioners authorization, with input from the Probate Court.
L. Type of Treatment Programs Available
The Board of Commissioners would continue to be the body that authorizes treatment
programs, with input from the County Executive and the Probate Court. This includes such program
policy as length of stay.
5. Determination of the Placement of a Child Within a Certain Program
Responsibility for the placement would remain with the Probate Court Judge with
jurisdiction of the particular child. If a change in a child's program is strongly recommended by
the professional staff and immediate implementation is indicated, a temporary change in the child's
program can Be made, contingent upon prompt written notification, i.e. by the end of the next day
the court is in session, to the judge with jurisdiction over the child. The Probate Judge would then
approve or disapprove the change. Further, any such change would have to be allowable under the
statutes, court rules and law in effect at the time of any such change.
6. Responsibility for the Decision Determine Release
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision.
7. Responsibility for the Decision Concerning Weekends and Visitations by Parents,
Relatives, etc.
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision.
If the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff
under the County Executive's direction.
8. Responsibility to Decide When the Child would be Detained and Where the Child Would
be Detained
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision.
If the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff
under the County Executive's direction.
9. Responsibility to Prepare Budget
The County Executive would prepare the budget with input from the Probate Court.
10. Responsibility to Decide Whether the Child Would Receive individual Treatment and What
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision. If
the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff under
the County Executive's direction.
11. Responsibility to Decide Whether a Child Would Receive Group Counseling
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision. If
the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff under
the County Executive's direction.
12. Responsibility to Decide if the Child Would Attend School, be in a Co-op Program, etc.
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision. If
the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff under
the County Executive's direction.
13. Responsibility to Decide if Parents Must Receive Counseling
Unchanged from the current practice, with the Probate Court making this decision. If
the Probate Court has made no decision, the responsibility would be that of the operating staff under
the County Executive's direction. However, the County Executive would have no authority to order the
parents to receive counseling or other treatment absent a court order which would be obtained from
Probate Court.
Mr. Nelson moved the resolution he further amended by adding another paragraph to read:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attached memorandum indicates the authority being transferred to
the County Executive, and the powers remaining with the Probate Court". The memo also be corrected
in the heading and paragraphs I and 2 by adding "Camp Oakland" after "Village"; in oaraoraoh 4 add
"through its budget" after "treatment programs" and in paragraph 6, change the word "determine" to
Discussion followed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Moved by Doyon supported by McPherson the amendment be amended under Memorandum item #1
by striking "top-level Management" language and continue with the rest of the clause.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment failed.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Price supported by Moore the resolution, with amendment attached, be referred to
the Health and Human Resources Committee..
AYES: R. Kuhn, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino. (10)
NAYS: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen. Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (15)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Moved by Price supported by Aaron the resolution be referred to the General Government
Committee in order to be consistent with Board rules.
AYES: Law, McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn. (9)
NAYS: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (16)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, S. Kuhn. (15)
NAYS: Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn. (10)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85003
By Health and Human Resources Committee, Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Probate Court Clinic has identified a specific group of delinquent offenders
likely to commit additional delinquent acts if handled under the traditional approaches for this
age group; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court after considerable study believes that the two factors that
distinguish this group of children from others of similiar age and circumstances are subnormal
parenting and little opportunity for these children to build a sense of self worth; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court has developed a specialized approach known as the "Repeat
Offender Project" to try to reduce the amount of repeat violations in this age group; and
WHEREAS by transferring three existing Child Welfare Worker II positions from Probate
Court-Field Services-Casework unit to the In-Home Care portion of the Child Care Fund, the Repeat
Offender Project can be funded with less cost to the County while continuing the three Child Welfare II
positions with Oakland County Merit System status; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this project be established and funded as a Child Care Fund-
In-Home Care component.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the State of Michigan disallow the costs of this project
as eligible for inclusion in the Child Care Fund, or the Probate Court decide to discontinue the pro-
ject, the three Child Welfare Worker II positions and funding for the positions shall revert to regular
Probate Court positions status with full County funding and the 60% of the Child Welfare Worker Super-
visor funding shall be transferred back to the Alternatives to Secure Detention Project of the In-Home
Care portion of the Child Care Fund.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Aisc, 85004
By Health and Human Recources Committee - Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
IN RE: Probate Court's Children's Village - REOPENING OF BUILDING "B"
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board's budget action of December 8, 1983, deleted funding for seven (7)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 13
Children's Supervisors at Children's Village from the 1984 and 1985 budget representing the full-time
staff complement for Building "B"; and
WHEREAS the above deletion resulted from the temperary 6osing of Building "B" on August 9,
1983, caused by a reduction in the Village's overall resident population; and
WHEREAS the Village's "B" Program has remained closed to this date, but that a current and
peojected upturn in resident population now fully supports its reopening.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Health and Human Resources Committee recommends to
the Personnel Committee reinstatement of the positions and funding for seven (7) Children's Super-
visors to enable the reopening of Building "B" and alleviate attending problems therein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Health and Human Resources Committee recommends to the
Finance Committee approval of the estimated costs of $3,100 for capital outlay and telephone service
of $1,400 for reopening "B" Building.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Health and Human Resources Committee further recommends to
the Personnel Committee authorization of one new position for a Child Welfare Worker I and one
position for a Program Supervisor.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85005
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Probate Court-Juvenile Division - 1985 SANCTUARY FUNDING - 1985 DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sanctuary provides shelter, counseling and crisis intervention services for
runaway youths; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee recommends that the work of the Sanctuary
continue to be supported in part by Oakland County; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has previously approved inclusion of
$9,999 in the 1985 budget for support of the Sanctuary's programs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize dis-
bursement of up to $9,999 to the Sanctuary in accordance with the attached agreement between the
Sanctuary and the Oakland County Juvenile Division with the understanding that the rate may be
changed to reflect changed costs of operations.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McConnell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Isuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. 20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85006
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court, the County of Oakland and Local 2437, Council 25,
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, APL-C10, have been negotiating a contract
covering 77 Casework employees of the Oakland County Probate Court; and
WHEREAS a two-year agreement has been reached with the Caseworker unit for the period
January I, 1984 through December 31, 1985, and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends
approval of the agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Probate Court, the
County of Oakland, the Casework Employees, said Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation of State
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Felaruary 14, 1985
County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the Chairperson
of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute said agree-
ment, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections
Misc. 85007
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court. the County of Oakland and Local 2437. Council 25,
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10, have been negotiating a con-
tract covering 190 Non-Caseworker employees of the Oakland County Probate Court; and
WHEREAS a two-year agreement has been reached with the Non-Caseworker unit for the period
January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985 and said agreement has been reduced to writing: and
WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends
approval of the agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Probate Court,
the County of Oakland, the Non-Caseworker employees, and Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the
Chairperson of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Collective Bargaining Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85008
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel-Merit System Rules, SUBMISSION OF CHANGES IN MERIT SYSTEM RULE 1, 4, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners ; Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section IV, Subsection A of the Merit System Resolution requires that all changes
in the rules and regulations of the Merit System shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at
a regular meeting of the Board and shall become effective thirty (30) days after such meeting unless
objection is received in writing by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the
objection shall become a matter of business at the next meeting of the Board; and
WHEREAS it has become desirable to make certain changes in the wording of Rule 1, 4, 7,
14, 20, 22, 24 as spelled out in the attachments to this resolution including the current and proposed
wording; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed and approved these changes at its meeting of
February 6, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this
notice and the attached copies of current Rule' I, 4, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24 and proposed changes in Rule 1,
4, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24 to all commissioners present and absent to be considered as the official sub-
mission to the Board of Commissioners of the described changes in Rule 1, 4, 7, 14, 20, 22, and 24.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued, February 14, 1585
1 5
B. Ho provisions covering the manner of
selection, appointment or removal from
office or limitation of political aclivity
shall apply to:
1. B. 7. Those serving in temporary or part-
time County positions. (Employees whose
appointments are for less than 520 hours in
a twelve (12) month period.)
B. No provisions covering the manner of
selection, appointment or removal from
office or limitations of political
activity shall apply to:
I. B. 7. Those serving in temporary or part-
time County positions. (Employees whose
appointments are for 1,000 hours or less
in a 12 month period and empooyees in
the classification of Student.)
A. Department Heads can elect to fill a
vacant position in their department on a
temporary or emergency basis by the
appointment of a part-time non-eligible
employee. This appoitment is not to ex-
ceed a total of 520 hours in any 12 month
Period. The appointina department shall be
responsible for assuring that part-tire non-
eligible employees are separated prior to
exceeding 520 hours of work. Any part-time
non-eligible appointee exceeding 520 hours
shall be terminated immediately by the
Personnel Department.
VIII. A. 1. None
VIII. A. 2. None
VIII.A. 3. None
iffff.C. 3. While persons may receive more than
one part-time non-eligible appointment,
the total hours worked from all such
appointments may not exceed 520 hours in
any consecutive 12 month period.
The Department Head may elect to fill a vacancy
with a part-time eligible employee. Such
appointments should be made only in those
circumstances where oermanent part-time help is
required on a year-round basis for the most
effective and efficient utilization of personnel
and where it is anticipated employment would be
for more than 520 hours in a calendar year
A. Department Heads can elect to fill a
vacant position by the appointment of
a part-time non-eligible employee.
VIII.A. I. A part-time non-eligible appointment
shall be defined as an appointment of
personnel not to exceed a total of
1,000 hours in any 12 month period and
where the employee is not eligible for
fringe benefits (see Merit Rule 22)
and does not acquire merit system status
(see merit Rule 7).
virr.A. 2. Department Heads shall be responsible
for assuring that part-time non-
eligible employees are separated prior
to exceeding 1,000 hours of work. Any
part-time non-eligible appointee ex-
ceeding 1,000 hours shall be terminated
immediately by the Personnel Department.
vtri.A. 3. Employees in the classification of
Student shall be considered oart-time
non-eligible employees regardless of
the number of hours worked. Students
are not eligible for fringe benefits
and do not attain merit system status.
VULG. 3. While persons may receive more than
one part-time non-eligible appointment,
the total hours worked from a!1 such
appointments may not exceed 1,000 hours
in any consecutive 12 month period.
The Department Head may elect to fill a Vacancy
with a part-time eligible employee. Such appoint-
ments should be made only in those circumstances
where permanent part-time help is required on a
year-round basis for the most effective and
efficient utilization of personnel and where it
is anticipated employment would be for more than
1,000 hours in a calendar year. Employees who
do not actually work more than 1,000 hours in any
calendar year following the year of appointment
shall lose merit system status and eligibility
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
IX. C. None
for fringe benefits and any continued employment
shall be deemed part-time non-eligible.
C. Empleyees in part-time eligible positions as
of March I, 1985, shall continue to be granted
those fringe benefits and other merit system
privileges available to those employees
working more than 1,000 hours within a 12
month period but less than full time. Part-
time eligible employees under this provision
must work mere than 520 hours in each calendar
year and remain continually employed in order
to maintain their merit system and fringe
benefit eligibility status.
NOTE: The change in definition from over 520 hours
to over 1,000 hours within a 12 month period
for part-time eligible employment shall apply
to all non-represented and those represented
employees whose labor agreement provides for
this change.
D. None
B. Eligibility
3. Only those employees appointed full- .
time or part-time eligible are
eligible for Court Appearance Leave.
B. Eligibility
2. Only those employees appointed full- :
time or part-time eligible are
eligible for this type of Leave.
A. Employee Eligibility A. Employment Eligibility
2. Fringe Benefit Eligibility 2. Fringe Benefit Eligibility
Applicants must be eligible for fringe Applicants must be eligible for
benefits, in accord with Merit System fringe benefits, in accord with
Rule 22, at the time of application Merit System Rule 22, at the time
and at the time the reimbursement check of application and at the time the
is to be issued. (Employees on leave reimbursement check is to be issued.
of absence without pay and employees (Employees on leave of absence
working less than 520 hours in a year, without pay and part-time non-
for example, are not eligible for this eligible employees, for example,
benefit.) are not eligible for this benefit.)
B. Eligibility
3. Only those employees appointed for 520
or more hours in a twelve month period
are eligible for Court Appearance Leave.
B. Eligibility
2. Only those employees appointed for 520
or more hours in a twelve month period
are eligible for this type of Leave.
D. Students and employees appointed to part-
time non-eligible employment, do not serve
a probationary period and are not eligible
for merit system status. Time served as
a student or part-time non-eligible em-
ployee shall not be credited toward merit
system status for any classification.
A. A.1.1 employees whose appointments are for
520 hours or less, or work within a twelve
month period shall not be eligible for
_ these fringe benefits.
A. Part-time non-eligible employees shall
not be eligible for these fringe
benefits. Employees appointed as part-
time non-eligible who exceed the 1,000
hour limit shall not become eligible
for benefits retroactively or upon
exceeding the. 1,000 hour limit. The
type of the appointment (e.g. part-time
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
II. A. I. None
II. A. 2. None
B. All employees whose appointments are
for more than 520 hours of work within a
twelve month period shall be eligible for
these fringe benefits, with the following
I. Those employees whose appointments are for
more than 520 hours in a twelve month period,
but less than full time shall:
Personnel Department Note:
Employees working more than 520 hours but less
than full-time must check the provisions of
individual benefits as outlined in the benefit
booklets included with your Rule Book or avail-
able through the Personnel Department to deter-
mine final eligibility.
For example, such employees are not eligible for
the dental benefit nor are they eligible for re-
tirement credit for a calendar month in which
they work fewer than ten (10) days.
1 7
ion-eligible)—TTT govern fringe
benefit eligibility.
IF. A. 1. Department Heads shall be responsible
for assuring that part-time non-
eligible employees are separated prior
to exceeding 1,000 hours of work. Any
part-time non-eligible appointee ex-
ceeding 1,000 houto, shall be terminated
immediately by the Personnel Department.
A. 2. Employees in the classification of
Student shall not be eligible for fringe
benefits regardless of the number of
hours worked in a 12 month period.
Time served as a student or part-tire
non-eligible employee shall not be
credited toward fringe benefit eligi-
bility for any classification. All
employees appointed for more than 520
hours in a 12 month period shall be
required to make Social Security con-
tributions regardless of their fringe
benefit eligibility status.
13. Full-time or part-time eligible em-
ployees shall be eligible for these
fringe benefits, with the following
1. Part-time eligible (see Merit Rule 4)
employees shall:
(No change for remainder of section)
Personnel Department Note:
Part-time eligible employees must check the pro-
visions of individual benefits as outlined in
the benefit booklets included with your Rule Book
or available through the Personnel Department to
determine final eligibility.
For example, such employees are not eligible for
the dental benefit nor are they eligible for re-
tirement credit for a calendar month in which
they work fewer than ten (10) days.
• B. Employees whose appointments are for
more than 520 hours in a twelve month
period, but less than full-time shall
earn and accumulate Sick Leave on a
pro-rated basis each pay period: based
on the number of hours they worked com-
pared to the normal 80-hour pay period.
(coveted in Rule 22, Section 11.8. la.).
Moved by McDonald supported by McPherson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson stated that pursuant to the Merit System Rules, the resolution shall lay
over for 30 days.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Misc. 85009
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Probate Court has six (6) Child Welfare Worker II - Assistant County Agent and one
(1) Child Welfare Worker II - County Agent positions which are paid directly in part by the State of
Michigan and part by the County; and
WHEREAS employees in these positions are appointed by Probate Judges and do not have status
within the County Merit System; and
WHEREAS this situation has caused repeated problems regarding the incumbents' lack of oppor-
tunity to compete for competitive examinations for promotion, management's lack of flexibility regar-
ding work assignments, the need for special considerations for this group in tabor negotiations, and
an increase in administrative detail required involving payroll and attendance; and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan provides an option for these employees to be full County em-
ployees with the County receiving a grant to partially offset costs; and
WHEREAS the net total additional cost to the County for converting all seven positions is
currently estimated to be $23,949; and
WHEREAS the County and Probate Court negotiating team reached agreement with AFSC&ME, Local
2437, with respect to the effect on employee benefit dotes, application of seniority in layoffs, and
Merit System status, should the Board of Commissioners approve reclassifying the seven (7) positions
to full funded County positions supported by State Grant funding: and
WHEREAS said agreement made no commitment LO the union which would dimish the Board of
Commissioners' authority to establish or reclassify these or any other positions; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and supports the reclassification
of the seven (7) positions; and
WHEREAS in another areaof concern the work demands upon the counseling staff at Children's
Village have diversified and expanded to the point where additional full-time Child Welfare Workers
are needed to perform counseling functions; and
WHEREAS the transfer of two (2) Child Welfare Worker II positions from the Foster Care
Adoptions unit of Probate Court to Children's Village would allow the positions to be supported in
part with State of Michigan Child Care Fund monies with reimbursement estimated at $27,270, to more
than offset the remaining costs of the County Agent, Assistant County Agent reclassifications noted
above; and
WHEREAS the transfer of an additional Child Welfare Worker 11 position from the Alternatives
to Secure Detention unit of Probate Court to Children's Village would provide additonal needed
counseling in residential units at the Village.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that six (6) Child Welfare Worker II-Assistant County Agent
positions and one (1) Child Welfare Worker II-County Agent position as identified below be reclassi-
fied to Child Welfare Worker II:
03609 Child Welfare Worker II - ACA Casework
00429 Child Welfare Worker II ACA Youth Assistance
01130 Child Welfare Worker 11 - ACA Youth Assistance
03125 Child Welfare Worker II - ACA Youth Assistance
01147 Child Welfare Worker II - CA Youth Assistance
02767 Child Welfare Worker II - ACA Foster Care and Adoptions
00904 Child Welfare Worker II - ACA Intake
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that three (3) Child Welfare Worker 11 positions be transferred
from Probate Court to Children's Village as follows:
03133 348-03 Foster Care and Adoptions 165-10 Child Care
01053 348-03 Foster Care and Adoptions 165-10 Child Care
03388 347-10 Alt. to Secure Del. 165-10 Child Care
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following classifications be deleted from the County Salary
Child Welfare Worker 1 - Assistant County Agent
Child Welfare Worker II - Assistant County Agent
Child Welfare Worker 11 - County Agent
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the seven (7) reclassified positions shall remain in the budget
contingentupon continuation of Stare funding at the same level. Should the State grant for these
positions be eliminated or reduced, the continuation of the positions is subject to Board of Commis-
sioners' review and approval.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 15
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85010
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Children's Village/Re-Opening Building "B" CREATION OF SEVEN (7) CHILDREN'S SUPERVISOR 1,
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board deleted from the 1984 Budget seven (7) Children's Supervisor positions
designated to operate Building "Er" at Children's Village; and
WHEREAS the seven (7) Children's Supervisor positions and supportive funding were excluded
from the 1985 Budget: and
WHEREAS the seven (7) positions represent the full-time staff complement for Building "B";
WHEREAS the above deletion resulted from the closing of Building "B" on August 9, 1983
because of a reduction in the overall resident population of Children's Village: and
WHEREAS a current and projected upturn in resident population supports the reopening of
Building "B"; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has recommended the addition of one (1)
Child Welfare Worker and one (I) Program Supervisor to the staffing of Building "B"; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed staffing requirements for Building "8" and
has determined that seven (7) Children's Supervisco r positions are necessary to properly staff
Building "B" and that additional counseling and program planning services are desirable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that seven (7) Children's Supervisor 1 positions be established
for the purpose of reopening and operating Building "B" in Children's Village.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Child Welfare Worker I and one (1) Program Supervisor-CV
positions be established to intensify program planning and counseling for the residents of Building "Bu.
Hr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Children's Village - REOPENING OF BUILDING "B"
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XXII of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 85010 and Finds:
1) The Children's Village Division has requested $179,210 for nine (9) positions ($174,710)
and operating expenses ($4,500) to repair Building B, consistent with the attached schedule),
2) Building B was closed on August 9, 1983 due to a reduced population and seven (7)
positions were deleted from the 1984 Budget,
3) The current population level at Children's Village supports the need for additional
4) $179,210 is available from the 1985 Contingency, said funds to be transferred as follows:
165-10-1001 Salaries $131,283
-2074 Fringe Benefits 43,427
-5998 Capital Outlay 3,100
-6750 Telephone Communications 1,400
909-01-00-9900 Contingency (179,210)
165-10 -6310 Building Space Cost Allocation $ 43,018
Non-Departmental-Vacant Space (43,018)
- 0 -
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
space, space,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Misc. 85011
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the Court Reporter 111's of the Oakland County Circuit
Court has been negotiated with the Oakland County Court Reporters' Association; and
WHEREAS a four (4) year agreement has been reached with the Association for the period
January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1988, and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the agreement covering employees represented
by the Association and recommends approval of the agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Circuit Court,
the County of Oakland, and the Oakland County Court Reporters' Association be and the same is hereby
approved, and that the Chairperson of this Board on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby
authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85012
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the recent vacancy in the Manager of Community Development position provided an
opportune time for the Director of Public Works to re-evaluate the responsibilities and salary
ranges of the two top positions in Community Development; and
WHEREAS the Director of Public Works feels that the present salary range for the Manager
of Community Development is too high with the recent decrease in staff size and responsibilities
due to the transfer of Property Management; and
WHEREAS the Director wishes to shift certain responsibilities from the Manager to the
Chief of Community Development Operations to allow the Manager more time to focus on certain 1985
goals; and
WHEREAS these changes would require the Chief of Operations to supervise the Commercial
Assistance Program, the Office Leader, and certain day-to-day operations and would formally identify
the Chief of Community Development Operations as responsible for divisional activities in the ab-
sence of the Manager; and
WHEREAS the Director proposes to increase the salary range of the Chief of Community
Development Operations to compensate for the additional responsibilities; and
WHEREAS the proposed changes in salaries results in an overall savings.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the salary range of the Manager of Community Development
be decreased as follows:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T
From: 471C3 43,183 Z5,006 46,825 14,648 No
To: 38,628 40,450 42,273 44,095 45,917 No
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to increase the salary range of the Chief of Community Development
Operations as follows:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T
From: 357E01 32,024 IT:Wd. 31071 36,272 No
To: 31,001 32,766 34,525 36,250 37,954 No
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 21
Misc. 85013
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division and Drain Conmission - COUNTY OF OAKLAND, WASTEWATER
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS on July 23, 1981 by Miscellaneous Resolution 1181232 the Board of Commissioners
approved Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations for the Southeastern Oakland County S.D.S.;
Evergreen-Farmington S.D.S. and Clinton-Oakland S.D.S. dated July I, 1981; and
WHEREAS on August 6, 1981 by Miscellaneous Resolution 1181279 the Board of Commissioners
amended said Wastewater Disposal Standards and Reeulatl'ons, dated July 17, 1981; and
WHEREAS the definition of non-residential customers has been changed to include schools,
churches and municipal buildings as non-residential customers, by the Detroit Water and Sewerage
Department letter dated November 15, 1994 and it is necessary to again amend the Oakland County
Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments to said Wastewater Disposal Standards
and Regulations dated January 1, 1985, are hereby approved.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold sueported by Hassherger the resolution be adoped.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Pernick, Price, Rawold, Skarriti_, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 35014
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division and Drain Comnission - HURON-ROUGE SEWAGE DISPOSAL
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS on November 19, 1981 by Miscellaneous Resolution #81397, the Board of Commissioners
approved the Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System, Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations, dated
October 1, 1981; and
WHEREAS the definition of non-residential customers has been changed to include schools,
churches, and municipal buildings as non-residential customers, by the Detroit Water and Sewerage
Department letter dated November 15, 1984, and it is necessary to amend the Huron-Rouge S.D.S.
Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments to said Wastewater Standards and Regulations
dated January 1, 1985, are hereby approved.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted,
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. (19)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85015
By Planning and Building Committee
TO DECEMBER 31, 1985
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste
management plans; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979,
filed a Notice of Intent to prepare such a plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 82228 on August 5, 1982,
adopted a county solid waste management plan; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of several miscellaneous resolutions, the most recent
being Miscellaneous Resolution No. 84018, has employed the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon,
VanDusen and Freeman for legal services necessary for the implementation of the solid waste manage-
ment plan for the period ending December 31, 1984; and
WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the office of Corporation Counsel that the law firm of
Dickinsth, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman be retained as legal counsel in order that continuity
be maintained; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recominendatIon.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commis-
sioners be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement for legal services by and
between the County of Oakland and Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of agreement shall be January 1. 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for legal services for the period covered by
this resolution shall not exceed the sum of $50,000.00, as per the attached schedule of fees.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized
and directed to act as the County's representative with respect to the work performed under this
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85016
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Grounds Unit of the Facilities Maintenance and Operations Division uses several
chemical compounds for its fertilizing, insect, weed and rodent control programs; and
WHEREAS fire codes, environmental protection laws, and MIOSHA safety requirements dictate
storage requirements for such chemicals; and
WHEREAS storage facilities meeting those requirements are non-existant; and
WHEREAS a storage facility meeting all codes, laws, and other requirements can be built
as an addition to the Public Works Building; and
WHEREAS a Chemical Storage addition is estimated to cost $23,000; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the Miscellaneous Remodeling line item
of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby
authorized to advertise, receive bids, and report thereon after receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85017
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there is a need for more holding capacity at the Jail; and
WHEREAS Oakland County entered into a Consent Judgment on February 23, 1982, and Article VII
of said Consent Judgment requires that inmates in cell block areas be afforded one hour per day of
exercise in the open air for each day that the temperature in the ce l l block areas exceeds 80°F; and
WHEREAS the existing jail was built to 1968 standards and such construction impedes the
efficient operation of existing staff by restricting visual observation; and
WHEREAS there is an outdoor area of approximately 630 square feet in the vicinity of the
existing holding cells which can be enclosed, illuminated, heated, and ventilated with relative ease
"1717--- Commissic
thereby providing holding for an additional 23 day-time prisoners; and
WHEREAS the construction of an additional outdoor exercise yard in a portion of the
existing receiving yard would make compliance with the aforementioned Article VII possible; and
WHEREAS visual obstructions can be eliminated by the installation of security glazing,
wire mesh enclosures, and other related equipment; and
WHEREAS the construction of an additional holding cell is estimated to cost $55,500 and
the construction of an outdoor exercise yard is estimated to cost 582,800 and the installation of
security glazing and related equipment is estimated to cost $61,700 for a total project cost of
$200,000; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the Jail Remodeling line item of the
1985 Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby
authorized to advertise, receive bids, and report thereon after receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
In accordance with Section E of Rule X of the Board Rules, your Planning and Building
Committee has completed its biennial inspection of County-owned buildings and grounds. Many buildings
were visited in 1983 and reported in the 1983 Annual Report. The balance was handled on several tours
made throughout 1984. On March 13, 1984, Children's Village was inspected. On July 3, both the
Pontiac Market and Administrative Annex I were visited. On July 31, a tour of the Youth Activities
Center was made during the annual 4-H Fair. The August 14 Committee meeting was held at the South
Oakland Health Center at which time that building was inspected. On August 28, both the Medical
Care Facility and Executive Office Buildings were toured. On September 4, the Health Center Annex
and the Mental Retardation Center were viewed. On October 2, the 52nd District Court in Walled Lake
was visited. The tours were concluded on October 16 with inspections of Administrative Annex II,
Central Garage, Central Heating, Central Stores, and the former Dry Cleaning plant. In general,
County facilities were found to be clean and in good repair. Minor defects were brought to the atten-
tion of the appropriate staff and corrected immediately.
Although there was no single major job, 1984 was nevertheless a very active year with
several smaller projects either being undertaken or being finished. The installation of new handicap
toilets in the Royal Oak Market; the remodeling of the Administrative Annex I; the new Courthouse
alarm system; and repairs to the courtyard retaining walls were also projects authorized in 1983 and
finished in 1984.
Utility-related projects completed include the installation of a new duct bank serving
Computer Services; the partial demolition of the Powerhouse chimney; the reconstruction of the North-
west parking lot; connecting the Trusty Camp to a sanitary sewer; the repainting of the water tower;
and the construction of a wheelchair path around the Medical Care Facility. This latter project was
partially funded by a donation from the non-restricted patient donation account.
Miscellaneous remodeling projects include the expansion of the laboratory in the Medical
Care Facility; reroofing the Health Center Annex; and landscape furniture for the South Oakland Health
Center. Remodeling to expand the Prosecutor's record storage was also awarded in 1984 and is expected
to be completed in early 1985.
Jail-related projects include the installation of a TV system funded by the inmate welfare
fund and the complete reroofing of the jail and its wings.
In related activities, the Facilities Engineering Division furnished environmental assess-
ments for 65 community development projects in 48 Oakland County communities. Engineering services
were also provided to the Airport Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission for construction
projects at various locations. New T-hangars were built at both airports and the Glen/Oaks Mainte-
nance building and the new Independence/Oaks Nature Center were each completed.
Progress continues to be made in energy management. Since 1977, energy consumption has been
reduced by 37 percent in the Service Center facilities. At the end of 1984, this reduction has re-
sulted in cumulative savings of approximately $6,000,000.
Ongoing projects include investigations and reports concerning several projects at the Jail,
Springfield-Oaks, and the Third Division of the 52nd District Court.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 23
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Hassberger the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Mtsc. 85018
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: 52/4 DISTRICT COURT - LEASE (Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Hr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/4 District Court; and
WHEREAS the current lease for the 52/4 District Court premises, which provides for 10,089
square feet of space, expired March 1984; and
WHEREAS the City of Troy is desirous of leasing office space for the 52/4 District Court
for a term of five (5) years commencing on the 1st day of March, 1985, and ending on the 28th day of
February 1990, in the total sum of Three Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Eight
Dollars ($385,838), subject to adjustment as provided for in Section 4, b, plus conference room
rentals; and
WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed and is recommending a five (5) year lease agreement
between the County of Oakland and the City of Troy.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Com-
missioners is hereby authorized to execute the necessary lease agreement, a copy of which is
attached, for the 52/4 District Court facilities in the City Hall, City of Troy.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Copy of Lease on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Rewold supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick. (19)
NAYS; None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85019
By Planning and Building Committee
WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP - S1DWELL 12-24-401-001 AND PART OF 12-24-426-326 (Real Estate Section -Corporation
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS 1.04 acres, more or less, in White Lake Township, described as:
Part of the southeast quarter of Section 24, T3N, R8E, White Lake Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, described as: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 184 of Fox
Bay No. 4 Subdivision, recorded in Liber 127, Pages 1 and 2, Oakland County Records,
thence south 35° 28' 35" east 330.80 feet along the easterly line of Lots 183 and 184,
of said subdivision, thence along a curve concave northwesterly, radius 438.60 feet,
chord bears north 460 13' 48" east 32.68 feet, arc distance of 32.69 feet, thence
along a curve to the right, radius 370.00 feet, chord bears north 52 ° 45' 03" east
111.40 feet, arc distance of 111,133 feet, thence north 140 43' 59" west 170.00 feet
along the west line of Lot 145 of said Fox Bay No. 11 Subdivision to the northwesterly
lot corner, thence westerly to the point of beginning, containing 1.04 acres, more or less,
which disposal has been recommended and authorized by R. Eric Reickel; Manager, Oakland County Parks
and Recreation Commission, in correspondence dated November 16, 1982; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 84129, dated May 10th, 1984, authorized disposal of said
property; and
WHEREAS the current use of the property is vacant and unused; and
WHEREAS the property has been appraised At $11,000 by James M. Fuller, MBA, MAI, ASA, and
$12,800 by William E. Hoover, SRA, ASA; and
WHEREAS any monies realized from the sale of the property after cost of sale have been
deducted shall be deposited in the General Fund of Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and
WHEREAS Robert E. Shell and Kay M. Shell, his wife, of 3150 Sashabaw Road, Drayton Plains,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 25
Michigan 48020, has submitted an offer of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00) and included
a Two Thousand Dollar (Certified Check) ($2,000.00) deposit for said property; and
WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission Board reviewed and is agreeable to the offer
from Robert E. Shell and Kay M. Shell, his wife; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the "Offer to Purchase" form.
NOW THEREFORE BE If RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby autho-
rizes the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute the necessary documents for the sale
of said property to Robert E. Shell and Kay M. Shell of 3150 Sashabaw Road, Drayton Plains, Michigan
48020, for Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00).
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Ocyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted.
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the present method of how vendors
do business with Oakland County.
WHEREAS the review included: (I) bid list maintained by Departments and Divisions, (2) re-
porting services, and (3) newspaper solicitation to secure commodity bids or requests for proposals.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Purchasing Division shall develop and main-
tain a master bid list.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED all goods and services procured for Oakland County shall be obtained
either through the Oakland County Purchasing master vendor bid list and/or appropriate procedures
currently in operation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the msolution was adopted.
Misc. 85021
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists approximately 1,000 square feet of vacant space in the North Health
Center; and
WHEREAS the remodeling of this area into useful space will alleviate overcrowding in the
Clerical Support and Epidemiology Units; and
WHEREAS this remodeling will also facilitate access to the Health Division's Crippled
Children's program by handicapped clients; and
WHEREAS such remodeling is estimated to cost $37,000; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the Miscellaneous Remodeling line item of
the 1985 Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby autho-
rized to advertise, receive bids, and report thereon aFter receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Vice Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued, February ILI, 1985
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, boyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (18)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85022
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development. Program has as an objective the provision
of decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded opportunities principally for persons
of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency has carried out over the past several
years a Energy Conservation Program of weatherizing homes and energy education workshops; and
WHEREAS a successful program has been carried out cooperatively between the two agencies
since 1978; and
WHEREAS the cooperative program makes it possible to assist low income, elderly and handi-
capped persons in meeting energy needs through conservation methods utilized in the existing Energy
Conservation Repair and Installation Program and through energy education workshops; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council recommends approval of
the agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute the attached agreement with the Oakland Living-
ston Human Service Agency for the implementation of: 11 Energy Conservation Repair and Installation
at a sum of $25,000 and; 2) Energy Education at a ;um of $25,000 and not to exceed a total budget of
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by McPherson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (18)
NAYS: None. (o)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85023
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Program has as an objective the provision
of decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded economic opportunities principally for
persons of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS the Charter Township of Royal Oak is a participating unit of government within our
CDBG entitlement program; and
. WHEREAS the Charter Township of Royal Oak has prepared an economic redevelopment plan for
(7) seven blocks of urban renewal land along Fight Mile Road; and
WHEREAS the township and the county Community Development Division staff have prepared a
grant application for technical assistance requesting $60,000 for consulting services to implement
this redevelopment plan; and
WHEREAS this grant request is directed towards a special HUD CDBG Secretary's Discretionary
Fund, which is not part of the county CO6G entitlement grant or any county budgeted funds; and
WHEREAS federal procedure requires that the Oakland County Community Development Division
submit this grant application to the Department of HUD on behalf of the Charter Township of Royal
Oak; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council unanimously recommended
approval of this grant application submittal.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Executive be authorized to sign and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
file the attached application for a Technical Assistance Grant for $60,000 from the Secretary's
Discretionary Fund on behalf of Royal Oak Township.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Grant application on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (18)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85024
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #8581 autho-
rized the management reorganization for the Animal Control Division; and
WHEREAS the management reorganization includes, in part, engaging a licensed Veterinarian
to carry out County responsibilities under various Michigan laws; and
WHEREAS Susan J. Alexander, D.V.M. was engaged by the County for the period ending Feb-
ruary 28, 1985; and
WHEREAS it is in the interest of the County to renew the contract with Susan J. Alexander,
D.V.M.; and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division and Department of Management and Budget have researched
the services performed by the Veterinarian and have found that additional services could be performed
with cost savings to the County; and
WHEREAS the Veterinarian and Animal Control Division concur on these services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorized the
renewal and revision of the attached contract with Susan J. Alexander, D.V.M.; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and Chairperson of the Board are herewith
authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Contract on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85025
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 339
of 1919 as amended (the Dog Law); and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division renders services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of
Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #83327, dated
November 17, 1983, established a unit price of $5.17 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit
price of $5.62 for live small animals; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through a cost analysis that these fees should be increased to a unit price
of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price of $5.76 for live small animals be
charged; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 10n of its costs For disposal.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a unit price of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price of $5.76 for
live small animals be charged to municipalities purchasing Service Contracts with the Oakland County
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Law the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85026
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 339
of 1919, as amended (the Dog Law); and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division renders services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of
Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 1183328, dated
November 17, 1983, established a unit price of $7.57 per day to be charged for board and care; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through a cost analysis that this fee should be decreased to a unit price of
$7.54 per day to be charged for board and care; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover lOn of its costs for such board
and care.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a unit price of $7.54 per day for board and care to be charged to municipalities purchasing
Service Contracts with Oakland County Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services CommIttee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85027
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1183204, Procedure for Acceptance of a Gift Donation from
Private Sources, established written procedures for the acceptance of Gifts from Private Sources; and
WHEREAS procedures require that any gifts of a value greater than $10,000 requiring Board
of Commissioners' Approval; and
WHEREAS such a gift donation has been offered to the Sheriff's Department by the E.S.C,A.P.E.
Program (Enroll in Sheriff Crime Prevention Accident Prevention Education Program); and
WHEREAS the Sheriff wishes to accept this donation (detailed items listed on Schedule I); and
WHEREAS it is recommended that a Crime Prevention Fund be established to deposit the cash
for purposes of crime prevention expenditures and to record future donations from private sources; and
WHEREAS it is recommended by the Public Services Committee that we accept this donation and
quarterly progress reports be submitted to this Committee on the status of the Crime Prevention Ac-
tivities involving the Sheriff's Department.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the gift donation, as identified by the attached
Schedule I, be accepted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Crime Prevention Fund be established to record future
donations and expenses following all County procedures.
The Public Services, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the foregoing
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by McPherson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 29
Misc. 85028 •
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1181115 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #84301 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health in the amount of $222,171 for the period October 1, 1984 through
September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health and Finds the award in the amount of $222,171, the same as the application for
the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is ICIn funded by the State, and application or acceptance of the
grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant in the amount of $222,171.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule 1 and II on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85029
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 118145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10 percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #84302 authorized the application to the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health in the amount of $705,306 for the time period October 1, 1584 through September 30,
1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department
of Public Health and finds the award in the amount of $703,106, $2,200 or 0.3% less than the appli-
cation for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 100% funded by the State, and application or acceptance of the grant
does not obligate the County to any further commitment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
E.P.S.D.T. Grant in the amount of $703,106.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Copy of Schedules 1 and II on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Price, Repoold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino. (18)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
The Chairperson vacated the Chair. Vice Chairperson Marilynn Gosling took the Chair.
Misc. 85030
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Parks and Recreation Division - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL VEHICLE
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladles and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7393 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners adopted a "County Policy on assignment of County Vehicles"; and
WHEREAS the policy for additional vehicles requires the affirmative recommendation of
the County Executive and the approval of the Finance Committee; and
WHEREAS the policy also states that the Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of
Commissioners an appropriation sufficient to cover the acquisition cost plus monthly charges for the
balance of the current year; and
WHEREAS there are outside agencies which have in the past and are presently leasing vehicles
from the Oakland County Garage; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Division has made a request to lease one (1)
additional vehicle (stake truck) from the Oakland County Garage; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee considers that Section "G" of the County Vehicle Policy should
not apply in this instance; and
WHEREAS the County Executive has recommended the authorization of the acquisition of one (1)
vehicle and the expansion of the County fleet.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes an expansion of the
County Vehicle Fleet for the one (1) vehicle requested by Parks and Recreation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an exception be made to Section '0" of the County Vehicle Policy
and that the funds necessary for the acquisition of these vehicles be taken from the Garage Fund, such
funds recovered through monthly lease charges.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85031
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners approved the Oakland County Solid Waste Plan; and
WHEREAS the plan has been challenged in the U.S. District Court; and
WHEREAS the Firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman was retained to implement
the plan and, as such, possesses the necessary background to best defend the challenge in Federal
Case No. 8273670, Weber vs. County of Oakland, et. al. for a fee not to exceed $7,500.00 as passed by
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on November 18, 1982, Miscellaneous Resolution 482342; and
WHEREAS to date, $16,493.78 has been expended in legal fees as authorized by Miscellaneous
Resolution #83239 and #84030, consistent with the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS $365.53 is requested for a Final billing for services rendered in said lawsuit; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney fees charged to be reasonable for services
rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $365.53.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $366 available in the 1985
Contingency Account to cover said cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $366 from the 1985
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Corporation Counsel Division - Legal Expense
Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(366)
115-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 366
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by McConnell the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85032
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Budget Department - EQUALIZATION LEGAL FEES
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Xerox Corporation has caused the County of Oakland to incur sizeable legal
expenses through litigation before the Michigan Tax Tribunal; and
WHEREAS the difference between Xerox Corporation's contention of State Equalized Value and
Oakland County's approximately $30 million for 1980, 1981, 1982, and while a motion is now pending
before the Court to inc1ude an as yet undetermined additional amount for 1983 and 1984; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland, through its attorneys and with the cooperation of the Cities,
Townships, and School Districts involved, have prevailed, thus preserving for all units of government
in the County of Oakland over $1,652,000 in tax revenues; and
WHEREAS the outside costs incurred to date for appraisers, attorneys, CPA's statisticians
and expert witness fees has been collected from all units with the exception of two school districts
who have refused to pay their fair share; and
WHEREAS legal action is outstanding for the pending case of discrimination and exemption
issues, and the Xerox Corporation has appealed the case to the Michigan Court of Appeals; and
WHEREAS other manufacturers and leasing companies have observed our efforts and determination
in defending ourselves successfully and this may act as a deterrent for future harassment; and
WHEREAS $394 is requested to defray final expenses for outside appeals to the Tax Tribunal
for the period October I through December 31, 1984, consistent with the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the estimated legal fees reasonable and recommends an
appropriation in the amount of $394.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners finds $394 available in the
1985 Contingency Account to cover said cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $394 from the 1985
:COntingency Account and transfers said amount to the Equalization Division-Legal Expense Account as
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(394)
125-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 394
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule on file in County Clerk's Office.
The Chairperson returned to the Chair.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Caddell,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn. (16)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85033
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Board of Commissioners - LEGAL FEES - METIVIER vs JOHN R. DiGIOVANNI
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS former Commissioner John R. DiGiovanni found it necessary to defend himself by virtue
of his office in a court suit; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
WHEREAS Act No. 508 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires that the Board of Commissioners
shall employ an attorney to represent Elected County Officers in court in cases which involve an
official act or duty of the County Official; and
WHEREAS a settlement by jury verdict has been reached against Mr. DiGiovanni in the amount
of $35,000 plus Interest and taxable costs for an estimated total of $53,000; and
WHEREAS to date $9,692 has been appropriated for legal fees in said case consistent with
the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS final legal fees in the amount of $8,376.80 have been submitted to the County; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney tees charged to be reasonable for services
rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $8,376.80.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $8,377 available in the 1985
Contingency Account for this purpose.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $8,377, as the final
billing, from the 1985 Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Board of Commissioners
Budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency ${8,377)
511-02-00-3456 Legal Expense 8,377
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule or Legal Fees on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Cos ling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85034
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS former Commissioner John R. DiGiovanni found it necessary to defend himself by
virtue of his office in a court suit; and
WHEREAS this case was dismissed with prejudice, but later overturned by the Court of Appeals
as tieing dismissed without prejudice, this allowing the plaintiff to refile said claim; and
WHEREAS plaintiff refiled case in the Macomb County Circuit Court; and
WHEREAS a settlementby jury verdict has been reached against Mr. DiGiovanni in the amount of
$35,000 plus interest and taxable costs for an estimated total of $53,000; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel has been authorized to negotiate a settlement of the jury
verdict; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel has reached a negotiated offer of $44,000.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $44,000 available in the
Provision For Pending Litigation Account for this purpose.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the offer of settlement
of said suit in the amount of $44,000 provided said offer is accepted by February 13, 1965, by the
parties, and payment of said amount from Pending Litigation Account.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no further offers of settlement shall be made by the Board of
Commissioners in this matter.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Connittee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Cioyon, Fortino,
Gosling, R. Kuhn, Lanni. (13)
NAYS: McConnell, McPherson, Moore, Hassberger, Law. (5)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution failed.
Moved by Moore supported by Doyon the Board reconsider the vote on the resolution.
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Doyon, Gosling, Lanni, McConnell. (14)
NAYS: Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Law. (3)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Ooyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Lanni. (13)
NAYS: Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Law, McPherson. ((i)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not adopted.
Misc. 85035
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissionels
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Probate Court requested two Probate Court positions be excluded from Merit
System coverage; and
WHEREAS in an effort to secure an independent and unbiased opinion, on November 14, 1984,
the Personnel Committee moved to request Corporation Counsel to obtain an outside legal opinion re-
garding the exclusion of positions from the Merit System; and
WHEREAS charges for this outside legal opinion have been received in the amount of $500; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney fees charged to be reasonable for services
rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $500.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $500 available in the 1985
Board of Commissioners Budget for this purpose.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85036
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS ad valorem real property taxes are imposed by taxing units within the County of
Oakland, Michigan (the "County") on July 1 and/or December 1 in each year; and
WHEREAS a certain portion of these taxes remain unpaid and uncollected on March 1 of the
following year at which time they are returned delinquent to the Oakland County Treasurer (the
"Treasurer") who is to collect the delinquent taxes, plus interest and property tax administration
fees, on behalf of the various taxing units; and
WHEREAS the statutes of the State of Michigan authorize the County to establish a fund, in
part or in total from borrowed proceeds, to pay local taxing units their respective share of delin-
quent real property taxes in anticipation of collection of those taxes by the Treasurer; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the County has adopted a resolution establishing the
Oakland County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund, pursuant to Section 87b of Act No. 206 of the Public
Acts of 1893, as amended ("Act 206"), which fund has been designated as the 100% Tax Payment Fund by
the Treasurer; and
WHEREAS the purpose of the 100?, Tax Payment Fund is to provide a source of moneys from
which the Treasurer may pay any or all delinquent real property taxes which are due the County, any
school district, intermediate school district, community college district, city, township, special
assessment or drainage district, or any other political unit for which delinquent tax payments are
due on settlement day with the Treasurer or any city or township treasurer, and the Treasurer has
been directed to make such payments by the Board of Commissioners of this County; and
WHEREAS in order to make such payments with respect to 1984 delinquent taxes, it is de-
termined that it is necessary that the County issue its "General Obligation Limited Tax Notes,
Series 1985" in accordance with Sections 87c, 87d, 87e, 87f, 879 and 89 of Act No. 206 and on the
terms and conditions set forth below; and
WHEREAS the total amount of 1984 real property taxes, together with property tax adminis-
tration fees returnable to the Treasurer pursuant to subsection (6) of Section 44 of Act 206, which
will become delinquent and be returned to the Treasurer for collection on March I, 1985, (the
"Delinquent Taxes") has RIDE yet been determined but will be determined at a later date;
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
101. Issuance of Notes. The County shall issue its General Obligation Limited Tax Notes,
Series 1985 (the "Notes") in accordance with this Resolution and Sections 87c, 87d, 87e, 87f, 87g
and 89 of Act 206, payable from the Delinquent Taxes and the other sources specified below.
102. Aggregate Amount of Notes. The Notes shall be issued in an aggregate amount not to
exceed the amount of the Delinquent Taxes plus an amount not to exceed fifteen percent (I 94 of the
amount of Delinquent Taxes. The exact principal amount of the Notes will be designated by the Treasurer
after the amount of the Delinquent Taxes, or the amount of Delinquent Taxes to be funded by the issuance
of the Notes, has been determined.
103. Proceeds. The proceeds of the Notes shall be deposited in and used as the whole or a
part of the 1985 Account and the 1985 Note Reserve Fund in accordance with Article VI below,
201. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order of the Treasurer, the Notes may
be issued in accordance with this Article II. Al! reference to "Notes" in Article 11 refers only to
Notes issued pursuant to Article H, unless otherwise specified.
202. Date. The Notes shall be dated March 1, 1985, or such later date (not later than the
date of actual Issuance of the Notes) as the Treasurer may specify by order.
203. Maturity. The Notes shall be due and payable as follows: not less than 3lA nor more
than 50% of the amount of Delinquent Taxes on April 15, 1986; not less than 2011i and not more than 37%
of the amount of Delinquent Taxes on April 15, 1987; and the balance of the total principal amount of
Notes issued on April 15, 1988. The exact amount of each maturity shall be determined by the Treasurer
when the amount of Delinquent Taxes is determined by the Treasurer, or when a reliable high-low esti-
mate of the Delinquent Taxes is available to the Treasurer so that the Treasurer may certify that the
maturity limits set forth above will be satisfied. In determininc the exact amount of each maturity
the Treasurer shall consider, among other pertinent Factors, the anticipated collection of the Delin-
quent Taxes, arbitrage restrictions, and the impact the maturities selected may have on the market-
ability, rating and/or qualification For credit support or liquidity support for, or insurance of, the
204. Interest and Date of Record. The Notes shall bear interest payable October 15, 1985,
and each succeeding April 15 and October 15, until maturity, which interest shall not exceed the
maximum rate of interest permitted by law on the date the Notes are offered for sale. Interest shall
be mailed by first class mail to the registered owner of each Note as of the applicable date of record,
provided, however, that the Treasurer may agree with the Registrar (as defined below) on a different
method of payment.
The date of record shall be September 30 with respect to payments made on October 15, and
March 31 with respect to payments made on April 15, provided, however, that the Treasurer may desig-
nate different dates of record prior to the sale of the Notes.
205. Fully Registered Notes. The Notes, subject to Section 707 below, shall be issued in
fully registered form both as to principal and interest in substantially the form attached as Appendix
A. Such fully registered Notes shall be registrable upon the books of a note registrar to be named
by the Treasurer (the "Registrar"). The Registrar so named may be any bank or trust company or other
entity (including the County) offering the necessary services pertaining to the registration and trans-
fer of the Notes. The Notes may be authenticated by the Registrar if so ordered by the Treasurer.
206. Denominations and Numbers. The Notes shall be issued in one or more denominations or ;
denominations of $1,000 or any multiple of $1,000, as determined by the Treasurer, and shall be nuftered 1 from one upwards in such order as the Treasurer shall determine.
207. Transfer or Exchange of Notes. Any Note shall be transferable on the note register
maintained with respect to the Notes upon the surrender of the Note together with an assignment exe-
cuted by the registered owner or his or her duly authorized attorney in form satisfactory to the
Registrar. Upon receipt of a properly assigned Note the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver
a new Note or Notes in equal aggregate principal amount and like interest rate and maturity to the
designated transferee or transferees.
Notes may likewise be exchanged for one or more other Notes with the same interest rate
and maturity in authorized denominations aggregating the same principal amount as the Note or Notes
being exchanged. Such exchange shall be effected by surrender of the Note to be exchanged to the
Registrar with written instructions signed by the registered owner of the Note or his or her attorney
in form satisfactory to the Registrar. Upon receipt of a Note with proper written instructions the
Registrar shall authenticate and deliver a new Note or Notes to the registered owner of the Note or
his or her properly designated transferee, transferees or attorney.
Any service charge made by the Registrar for any such registration, transfer or exchange
shall be paid for by the County as an expense of borrowing, unless otherwise agreed by the Treasurer
and the Registrar. The Registrar may, however, require payment by a noteholder of a sum sufficient
to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with any such registration,
transfer or exchange.
208. Book Entry Depository Trust. At the option ofti/eTreasurer the Notes may be deposited, '
in whole or In part, with a depository trustee designated by the Treasurer who shall transfer ownership I
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 35
of interests in the Notes by book entry and who shall issue depository trust receipts or acknowledg-
ments to owners of interests in the Notes. Such book entry depository trust arrangement, and the
form of depository trust receipts or acknowledgments, shall be as determined by the Treasurer after
consultation with the depository trustee named by the Treasurer. The Treasurer is authorized to
enter into any depository trust agreement on behalf of the County upon such terms and conditions
as the Treasurer shall deem appropriate not otherwise prohibited by the terms of this Resolutlon.
The depository trustee may be the same as the Registrar otherwise named by the Treasurer,
and the Notes may be transferred in part by depository trust and in part by transfer of physical
certificates as the Treasurer may determine.
209. Redemption. Notes maturing in 1986 and 1987 shall not be subject to redemption
prior to maturity. The Notes maturing on April 15, 1988, may be redeemed in whole or in part on
any date or dates on or after April 15, 1987, at the option of the Treasurer. Notes so called
for redemption shall be redeemed at par value, plus accrued interest, plus, at the option of the
Treasurer, a premium of up to 1% on each note, computed as a percentage of par value, if redeemed
on or after April 15, 1987, but prior to maturity. If the Treasurer elects to offer the redemption
premium on the Notes the Notice of Sale and the Note form shall be changed accordingly.
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a Note outstanding in a denomination
larger than the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as
the amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations. In the event that less than
the entire principal amount of a Note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the Note to the
Registrar, the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the Note a new
Note in the principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Notice of redemption shall be sent to the registered holder of each Note being redeemed
by first class mail at least 30 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, which notice shall fix
the date of record with respect to the redemption if different than otherwise provided in this
resolution. Any defect in any notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings.
Notes so called for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided
funds are on hand with a paying agent to redeem the same.
210. Discount. At the option of the Treasurer, the Notes may be offered for sale at a
discount of not to exceed n or such lesser amount as may be authorized by the Treasurer.
211. Public or Private Sale. The Treasurer may, at the Treasurer's option, conduct a
public sale of the Notes (after publication of the Notice of Sale attached to, and as provided in,
the separate Resolution approved by this Board), after which sale the Treasurer shall either award
the Notes to the lowest bidder or reject all bids. The conditions of sale shall be as specified
in the Notice of Sale, and the Treasurer shall be empowered to make any change in the Notice of
Sale as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be necessary or appropriate.
The Treasurer may alternatively, at the Treasurer's option, negotiate a private sale of
the Notes as provided in Act 206.
212. Execution and Delivery. The Treasurer is authorized and directed to execute the
Notes for the County or to.execute the same by causing a facsimile of the Treasurer's signature to
be affixed, provided that if the facsimile signature is used the Notes must be authenticated by
the Registrar named by the Treasurer. The Notes shall be sealed with the County seal or a fac-
simile of such seat. If permitted by law, the Notes may be delivered without the actual or fac-
simile seal of the County and signature of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer is authorized and directed to then deliver the Notes to the purchaser
upon receipt of the purchase price, which delivery may be made in the discretion of the Treasurer
at one time or in parts at various times. All of the Notes with the earliest maturities shall be
delivered prior to any Notes with later maturities. The Notes will be delivered at the expense of
the County in such city or cities designated by the Treasurer in the Notice of Sale or otherwise.
213. Renewal, Refunding or Advance Refunding Notes. If at any time it appears to be in
the best interests of the County, the Treasurer, by order, may authorize the issuance of renewal.
refunding or advance refunding Notes. Such Notes need not be approved by prior order of the De-
partment of Treasury unless so required by such Department as provided by law.
301. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order of the Treasurer, the Notes
shall be issued in accordance with this Article III. All references to "Notes" in Article III
refer only to Notes issued pursuant to Article III, unless otherwise specified.
302. Date and Maturity. The Notes shall be dated as of their date of issuance and shati
mature on such date or dates not exceeding one year from the date of their issuance as may be speci-
fied by order of the Treasurer.
303. Interest. The Notes shall bear interest payable at maturity at such rate or rates
as may be determined by the Treasurer not exceeding the maximum rate of interest permitted by law
on the date the Notes are issued.
304. Bearer Notes; Note Registrar. The Notes shall be payable to bearer at a paying
agent or paying agents designated by the Treasurer, and shall be substantially in the form attached
as Appendix B. At the option of the Treasurer, the Notes may be issued in registered form, in which
event Sections 207 and 208 shall apply to such Mates.
305. Denomination and Numbers. The Notes shall be issued in one or more denomination or
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
denominations of $1,000 or any multiple of $1,000, as determined by the Treasurer, and shall be
numbered from one upwards in such order as the Treasurer determines.
306. Redemption, The Notes shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity.
307. Sale of Notes. The Treasurer is authorized to sell the Notes at a private sale,
and is authorized to designate a marketing agent, placement agent or dealer to assist in the place-
ment of Notes Issued pursuant to this Article. If required by the Purehaser of the Notes, the
Treasurer shall prepare or cause to be prepared and disseminated a placement memorandum or offering
memorandum containing such information as the Treasurer deems relevant in connection with such sale.
308. Execution and Delivery. The Treasurer is authorized and directed to execute the
Notes for the County or to execute the same by causing a facsimile of lne Treasurer's signature to
be affixed, provided that if the facsimile signature is used the Notes must be authenticated by an
authenticating agent named by the Treasurer. The Notes shall be sealed with the County seal or a
facsimile of such seal. If permitted by law, the Notes may be delivered without the actual or
facsimile seal of the County and the signature of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer is authorized and directed to then deliver the Notes to the purchaser upon
receipt of the purchase price, which delivery may be made in the discretion of the Treasurer at one
time or in part at various times. The Notes will be delivered at the expense of the County in such
city or cities designated or agreed to by the Treasurer.
309. Renewal Notes. The Treasurer may by order authorize the issuance of renewal Notes.
Renewal Notes shall be sold and the proceeds applied to the payment ef the principal of the Notes
to be renewed, and shall not be subject to the approval of the Michigan Department of Treasury.
in the order authorizing renewal Notes, the Treasurer shall specify whether the Notes shall
be issued in accordance with this Article ill, in which event the provisions of Article III shall
govern the issuance of the Notes, or whether the Notes shall be issued in accordance with Article II,
In which event the provisions of Article 11 shall govern the issuance of the Notes, provided that,
If Notes are to be issued in accordance with Article II, the order must provide for and shall govern
with respect to;
a. the aggregate amount of the Notes;
b. the date of the Notes;
c. the denomination of the Notes;
d, the maturities of the Notes, provided that the final maturity shall not be later than
May 1, 1988;
e. Interest payment dates, provided that interest must be payable annually, semi-annually
or at maturity; and
f. whether some or all of the Notes are subject to redemption and, if so, when.
310. Mandatory Repayment of Notes. Notwithstanding Section 309 of this Resolution, on or
before each Mandatory Repayment Date the Treasurer shall repay From the 1985 Note Payment Fund and
1985 Note Reserve Fund (as defined below) principal of and interest on Notes or renewal Notes in an
amount sufficient to assure continued maintenance of the tax-exempt status of the interest on the
Notes. For purposes of this Section 310, "Mandatory Repayment Date" shall initially mean the date
twelve months after the date of thc original issuance of the Notes or the date on which the repayment
of Notes described above is first made, if earlier, and after such date shall mean the date which is
twelve months after the last Mandatory Repayment Date or the date the next repayment of Notes de-
scribed above is made, if earlier.
311. Supplemental Agreements and Documents. The Treasurer, on behalf of the County, is
authorized to enter into so many or all of the following as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be
necessary, desirable or beneficial in connection with the issuance of Notes under this Article ill,
upon such terms and conditions as the Treasurer may determine appropriate;
a. A letter of credit, line of credit, or similar instrument, providing backup liquidity
and/or credit support for the Notes;
b. A reimbursement agreement, revolving credit note, or similar instrument, setting forth
repayments of and security for amounts drawn under the letter of credit, line of credit or similar
c. A marketing, placement or dealer agreement designating a marketing or placement agent
or dealer and prescribing the duties of the marketing or placement agent or dealer with respect to
the sale of the Notes.
The expenses, fees and charges of any kind payable in connection with such instruments
shall be paid as provided in the instruments.
312. Revolving Credit Notes. If the Treasurer enters into a revolving credit agreement
(the "Agreement") pursuant to Section 311 above, such Agreement may call for the issuance of one
or more revolving credit notes (the "Revolving Credit Notes") for the purpose of renewing all or part
of maturing Notes issued pursuant to this Article III. Such Revolving Credit Notes shall be issued
pursuant to this Article III, but the Treasurer may, in the Revolving Credit Agreement, agree that
the Revolving Credit Notes shall be subject to the following:
a. They may be issued in bearer form or registered form so long as the form of the Note
does not disqualify the interest on the Note from exemption from federal income taxation.
b. They may be dated as of the date of issuance or as of a date certain specified in the
Agreement, provided that no principal of any Revolving Credit Note shall be considered outstanding
unless and until a loan or advance is made under such Revolving Credit Note pursuant to the Agreement
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
c. They may be subject to redemption at such times, upon such terms and upon the giving
of such notice as may be provided in the Agreement.
d. Interest on the Revolving Credit Notes may be payable on maturity, on prior redemption,
monthly, quarterly, or as otherwise provided in the Agreement.
e. The Revolving Credit Notes may mature on one or more date or dates on or before May I,
1988, as provided in the Agreement.
F. The Treasurer may, at the time of the original issuance of Notes pursuant to this
Article III, execute and deliver one Revolving Credit Note in a maximum principal amount not ex-
ceeding the lending commitment under the Agreement from time to time in force (and may substitute
one such Note in a lesser principal amount for another in the event the lending commitment is re-
duced) provided that attached to such Note is a schedule on which loans and repayments of principal
and interest are evidenced and further provided that the making of a loan and the evidencing of such
loan on the schedule of any such Note shall constitute the issuance of a renewal Note for purposes
of this Article III.
401. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order, the Notes, whether issued
pursuant to Article II or Article III above, may be issued with interest rates that vary during
the life of the Notes, not, however, exceeding the maximum rate of interest permitted by law. The
order of the Treasurer shall provide how often interest rates shall be subject to recalculation
and the formula or procedure for determining the variable rate. Such formula or procedure shall
be as determined by the Treasurer but shall be based upon any one or more of the following indices:
A. Publicly reported prices or yields of obligations of the United States of America;
B. An index of municipal obligations periodically reported by a nationally recognized
C. The prime lending rate from time to time set by any bank or trust company in the
United States with unimpaired capital and surplus exceeding $40,000,000.
A procedure for determining the variable rate may involve one or more of the above indices as
alternatives or may involve the setting of the rate by a third party municipal bond specialist.
provided such rate must be within a stated percentage range of one or more of the indices set
forth above.
402. Supplemental Agreements and Documents. The Treasurer, on behalf of the County, is
authorized to enter into as many or all of the following as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be
necessary, desirable or beneficial in connection with the issuance of Notes with variable interest
rates, upon such terms and conditions as the Treasurer may determine appropriate:
A. A letter of credit, line of credit, or similar instrument, providing backup liquidity
and/or credit support for the Notes;
B. A reimbursement agreement, revolving credit note, or similar instrument, setting
forth repayments of and security for amounts drawn or advances under the letter of credit, line of
credit or similar instrument;
C. A marketing, placement or dealer agreement designating a marketing or placement agent
or dealer and prescribing the duties of the marketing or placement agent or dealer with respect to
the sale of the Notes;
D. A put agreement allowing the purchaser of the Notes to require the County to repur-
chase the Notes upon demand at such times as may be provided in such put agreement.
The expenses, fees and charges of any kind payable in connection with such instruments
shall be paid as provided in the instruments.
403. If the Treasurer decides to issue the Notes on a variable interest rate basis the
form of Notes attached as Appendix A or Appendix B shall be altered accordingly. If the Notes are
offered for public sale the form of Notice of Sale attached as Exhibit A to Resolution 3 below
shall also be altered to reflect the variable interest rate option.
501. Issuance of Multiple Series. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order
of the Treasurer, the Notes may be issued in two or more series designated General Obligation
Limited Tax Notes, Series 1985-1, General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series 1985-1i, and so on
with subsequent series being designated with succeeding Roman numerals. The Notes of each such
series shall be issued according to this Resolution in all respects (and the word "Notes" shall
be deemed to include each series of Notes throughout this Resolution) provided that:
a. The Notes of all series may not exceed in aggregate amount the maximum aggregate
amount permitted under Section 102 above;
b. Each series may be issued pursuant to Article II or Article III (with or without the
variable interest rate option provided in Article IV) and different series may be issued pursuant
to different Articles;
c. A series may be issued under Article II for only one or two of the annual maturities
set forth in Article II with the balance of the annual maturities being issued under Article II or
under Article III in one or more other series, provided the minimum annual maturities set forth in
Section 203 above shall be reduced and applied pro rata to all Notes so issued; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
d. Notes of all series issued pursuant to Article II above may not, in aggregate, mature
in amounts or on dates exceeding the maximum authorized maturities set Forth in Section 203 above.
502. Notes Secured Pan i Passu. IF the Notes are sold in multiple series pursuant to this
Article V, each series of Notes shall be secured pan i passu with the other by the security described
in and the amounts pledged by Article VI below, subject to the following:
a. Separate sub-accounts shall be established in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund for each series
of Notes, in to which shall be deposited the amount borrowed for such Fund for each such series, and
each such sub-account shall secure only the particular series for which such sub-account was created;
b. Separate sub-accounts shall be established in the 1985 Note Payment Fund ard all amounts
deposited in such Fund shall be allocated to such sub-accounts as follows: one sub-account shall be
created for all Notes issued pursuant to Article 11 of this Re,olution into which shall be allocated
that percentage of all deposits to the 1985 Note Payment Fund eetial to the percentage that Notes
Issued pursuant to Article 11 bears to the total Notes issued under this Resolution) and one sub-
account shall be created for all Notes issued pursuant to Article 111 of this Reso1ution (into which
shall be allocated that percentage of all deposits to the 1985 Note Payment Fund equal to the per-
centage that Notes issued pursuant to Article III bears to the total Notes issued pursuant to this
Resolution), provided that if the various series are issued at different times sums deposited to the
1985 Note Payment Fund prior to the issuance of any series shall be subject to re-allocation among
the two sub-accounts upon the issuance of such series to achieve the required balance between the
sub-accounts established pursuant to this subsection 502.b., and further provided that if Notes are
issued in any series for one or two annual maturities under Article II, but not all three, the
Treasurer shall upon issuing such Notes, order the appropriate adjustment to allocation among the
two sub-accounts to reflect the particular cash flow requirements of such series; and
c. The amounts in each sub-account established in subsection 502,b. above shall secure
only the Notes issued under the Article for which such sub-account was established until such Notes
and interest on such Notes are paid in full, after which the amounts in such sub-account shall be
added to the amounts in the other sub-account and used as part of such other sub-account to secure
all Notes and interest on such Notes for which such other sub-account was created until paid in full.
503. Note Form and Notice of Sale. If the Notes are sold in multiple series pursuant to
this Article V, the Treasurer is authorized and directed to make such changes to the form of the
notes approved by this Resolution and the form of Notice of Sale approved by separate Resolution be-
low, as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be necessary to reflect the issuance of the Notes in
more than one series.
601. 1985 100% Tax Payment Fund. There is hereby established the 1985 100% Tax Payment
Fond (the "Fund"), of which the funds and accounts set forth below are a part.
602. 1985 Account. The Treasurer shall designate a portion of the proceeds of the
original issuance of the Notes (not to exceed the Delinquent Taxes) to establish Fund Account No.
of the County (the "1985 Account") and shall apply such 1985 Account to the payment of the Delinquent
Taxes In Accordance with Act 206.
603. 1985 Note Reserve Fund. There is hereby established the "1985 Note Reserve Fund",
Into which the Treasurer shall deposit the balance of the proceeds from the original issuance of
Notes (excluding accrued interest and premium, if any).
All money in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund, except as provided below, shall be used solely
for payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes to the extent that moneys
required for such payment are not available in the 1985 Note Payment Fund. Money in the 1985 Note
Reserve Fund shall be withdrawn first for payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on
the Notes before other County general funds are used to make the payments. All income or interest
earned by, or increment to, the 1985 Note Reserve Fund, due to its investment or reinvestment, shall
be deposited in such fund, provided, however, that any and all amounts in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund
in excess of 15% of the face amount of the Notes initially issued under this Resolution shall be
transferred on receipt to the 1985 Note Payment Fund and used to pay the principal of, premium, if
any, and interest on the Notes next due. When the 1985 Note Reserve Fund is sufficient to retire
the Notes and accrued interest thereon, it may be used to purchase the Rotes on the market, or, if
the Notes are not available, to retire the Notes when due.
604. 1985 Note Payment Fund. There is hereby established the Fund Collection Account
No. of the County (the "1985 Note Payment Fund"), effective as of March 1, 1985, into which
account the Treasurer is directed to deposit promptly on receipt all of the following payments re-
ceived on account of the Delinquent Taxes:
A. All Delinquent Taxes collected on and after March 7, 1985, and all interest on such taxes;
B. All property tax administration fees on the Delinquent Taxes once the expenses of this
borrowing have been paid; and
C. Any amounts which are received by the Treasurer from the taxing units within the County
because of the uncollectability of the Delinquent Taxes.
605. Pledge. The following moneys are pledged to the repayment of the Notes and shall be
used solely for repayment of the Notes until the Notes, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes
are paid in full:
A. All amounts held in the 1985 Note Payment Fund;
B. All amounts held in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund; and
C. All amounts earned from the investment of moneys held io either the 1985 Note Payment
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
Fund or the 1985 Note Reserve Fund.
606. Limited Tax General Obligation. In addition, this Note issue shall be a general
obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit which includes the limited tax
obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional and statutory limits and its general
funds. The County budget shall provide that if the Delinquent Taxes and any other pledged amounts
are not collected in sufficient amounts to meet the payments of the principal and interest due on
these Notes, the County, before paying any other budgeted amounts, will promptly advance from its
general funds sufficient money to pay that principal and interest.
If the amounts pledged under Section 605 are not sufficient to pay the principal and
interest when due, the County shall pay the same from its general funds or other available sources,
as provided in this paragraph, and may later reimburse itself from the Delinquent Taxes collected.
The County shall not have the power to levy any tax for the payment of the Notes in excess
of its constitutional or statutory limits.
607. Security for Renewal, Refunding or Advance Refunding Notes. Renewal, refunding or
advance refunding Notes shall be secured by the same security securing the Notes being renewed, re-
funded or advance refunded. The moneys pledged in Section 605 for the repayment of the Notes are
re-pledged for repayment of the principal of and interest on any renewal, refunding or advance re-
funding Notes issued pursuant to this Resolution. Furthermore, such renewal, refunding or advance
refunding Notes shall be a general obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit
which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional and
statutory limits, all as more fully provided in Section 406 above.
608. Use of Funds After Full Payment or Provision for Payment. After all principal of,
premium, if any, and interest on the Notes have been paid in full or provision has been made for the
payment of such principal, premium, if any, and interest by investments of pledged amounts in direct
obligations of the United States of America in amounts and with maturities sufficient to pay all such
principal, premium, if any, and interest when due, any further collection of Delinquent Taxes and all
moneys in any fund or account of the Fund, and any interest or income on any such amounts, may be
used (i) to pay any or all delinquent taxes for a year other than 1984 which are due and payable to
the County, any school district, community college district, city, township, special assessment or
drainage district, or any other political unit for which delinquent tax payments are due on settle-
ment day with the Treasurer or any city or township treasurer or (ii) for any other proper purpose
within the County's 100% Tax Payment Fund.
701. Expenses. The expenses of borrowing in connection with the Notes shall be paid from
the property tax administration fees collected on the Delinquent Taxes, from any funds in the Fund
not pledged to the repayment of these Notes or from any funds in the ION Tax Payment Fund not
pledged to the repayment of any other notes.
702. Application to Department of Treasury; Exception. The Treasurer is authorized to
make application to the Department of Treasury on behalf of the County for an order permitting this
County to make this borrowing and issue the Notes. If the Treasurer deems it appropriate, the
Treasurer is alternatively authorized to apply for an exception to prior approval of the Department
of Treasury from the Department.
703. Bond Counsel. The Notes (and any renewal, refunding or advance refunding Notes)
shall be delivered with the unqualified opionion of bond counsel chosen by the Treasurer, which
selection may, at the option of the Treasurer, be for one or more years. The cost of this legal
opinion and the printing of the Notes will be at the expense of the County, but the expenses will
be paid, as provided in this Resolution, from the County's lOge, Tax Payment Fund.
704. Complete Records. The Treasurer shall keep full and complete records of all de-
posits to and withdrawals from each of the funds and accounts in the Fund and of all other transactions
relating to such funds and accounts, including investments of money in, and gain derived from, such
funds and accounts.
705. Chargebacks. Delinquent Taxes not paid or recovered at or prior to the May 1987 tax
sale shall be charged back to the local units in such fashion as the Treasurer may determine, and
the proceeds of such chargebacks shall be deposited into the 1985 Note Payment Fund no later than
April 15, 1988.
706. Investments. The Treasurer is authorized to invest all moneys in the 100% Tax Pay-
ment Fund in any one or more of the investments authorized as lawful investments for counties under
Act No. 20 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1943, as amended.
707. Bearer Notes. If any series of Motes may be issued in bearer form without interest
on such Notes losing the federal income tax exemption, the Notes may, by order of the Treasurer,
be so issued. In such event the Notes shall be payable at a paying agent designated by the County
Treasurer, which paying agent may be the County itself, and the forms of Note and Notice of Sale
shall be changed accordingly.
708. Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Notes. In the event any Note is mutilated, lost,
stolen or destroyed, the Treasurer may, on behalf of the County, execute and deliver, or order the
Registrar to authenticate and deliver, a new Note having a number not then outstanding, of like date,
maturity and denomination as that mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed.
Coemlssioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
In the case of a mutilated Note, a replacement Note shell not be delivered unless and
until such mutilated Note is surrendered to the Treasurer or the Registrar designated by the Treasurer.
In the case of a lost, stolen or destroyed Note, a replacement Note shall not be delivered unless and
until the Treasurer and the Registrar shall have received such proof of ownership and loss and indem-
nity as they determine to be sufficient, which shall consist at least of (i) a lost instrument bond
for principal and interest remaining unpaid on the lost, stolen or destroyed Note; (ii) an affidavit
of the registered owner (or his or her attorney) setting forth ownership of the Note lost, stolen or
destroyed and the circumstances under which it was lost, stolen or destroyed; (iii) the agreement of
the owner of the Note (or his or her attorney) to fully indemnify the County and the Registrar
against loss due to the lost, stolen or destroyed Note and the issuance of any replacement Note in
connection with it; and (iv) the agreement of the owner of the Note (or his or her attorney) to pay
all expenses of the County and the Registrar in connection with the replacement, including the trans-
fer and exchange costs which otherwise would be paid by the Counts.
For purposes of this Section, "Registrar" shall be construed to include the paying agent
appointed with respect to any Notes issued in bearer form.
709. Arbitrage Covenant. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution or other
resolutions previously adopted, the County covenants with the purchaser (within the meaning of
Sections 1.103-13, 1.103-14 and 1.103-15 of the Income Tax Regulations prescribed by the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue) of the Notes, that the County will make no use of the proceeds of the Notes
which, If such use had been reasonably expected on the date of issuance of the Notes, would have
caused the Notes to be "arbitrage bonds," as defined in Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954, as amended, and all rules and regulations relating to such Section.
Rate Maturity Date Date of Original Issue
The County of Oakland, Michigan (the "County"), acknowledges itself indebted, and for value
received, promises to pay on the date specified above to or its registered assigns shown as
the owner of record of this note on the books of as note registrat (the "Note Registrar")
on the applicable date of record the principal sum of Dollars, upon presentation and
surrender of this note at , together with interest thereon at the rate per annum
specified above payable on October 15, 1985, and semiannually thereafter on the fifteenth day of
April and October in each year to the registered owner of record by first class mail. The date
of record shall be September 30 with respect to payments made on October 15, and March 31 with re-
spect to payments made on April 15.
This note is one of a series of notes of like date and tenor, except as to maturity
, numbered from 1 upwards, aggregating the principal sum of Dollars
($ ), issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes
of the State of Michigan and especially Act No. 206 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1893, as amended,
and a certain 1985 Borrowing Resolution (1984 Delinquent Taxes) adopted by the County. The proceeds
of this series of notes will be used to make payments to all taxing units in the County for the 1984
real property taxes returned to the County Treasurer as delinquent on or before March 1, 1985, and
for the purpose of establishing a 1985 Note Reserve Fund in an amount of $
For the payment of the principal of and interest on these notes, the following amounts are
pledged: (1) all of the collections of the 1984 real property taxes due and payable to taxing units
in the County, including the County, which were returned delinquent on March 1, 1985, together with
all interest on such taxes; (2) all of the property tax administration fees on such delinquent taxes,
once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; and (3) any amounts which are received by the County
from the taxing units within the County because of the uncollectability of such delinquent taxes. In
the event the foregoing amounts are insufficient for any reason to meet the prompt payment of the
principal of and interest on these notes when due, the moneys in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund shall be
used to make such payment.
In addition, this note is a general obligation of the County secured by its full faith and
credit which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional
and statutory limits, and its general funds. The County, however, does not have the power to levy any
tax for the payment of these notes in excess of its constitutional or statutory limits.
Notes maturing in 1586 and 1987 shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. Notes
maturing on April 15, 1988, may be redeemed in whole or in part on any date or dates on or after
April 15, 1987, at the option of the County Treasurer at par, plus accrued interest to the redemption
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a note outstanding in a denomination
larger than the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as the
amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations, in the event that less than the
entire principal amount of a note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the note to the Note
Registrar, the Note Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the note a
new note in the principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 41
Notice of redemption shall be sent to the registered holder of each note being redeemed
by first class mail at least thirty (30) day s prior to the date fixed for redemption. Any defect
in any notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings. Notes so called for
redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided funds are on hand
with a paying agent to redeem the same.
This note is transferable on the note registration books of the Note Registrar upon
surrender of this note together with an assignment executed by the registered owner or his or
her duly authorized attorney in form satisfactory to the Note Registrar. Upon such transfer, one
or more fully registered notes with denominations of $5,000 or any multiple of $1,000 over $5,000,
in the same aggregate principal amount and the same maturity and interest rate, will be issued to
the designated transferee or transferees.
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required
to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of the notes of this series, exist,
existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Con-
stitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, has caused this note to be executed
In its name with the facsmiile signature of its Treasurer, has caused a facsimile of its corporate
seal to be affixed to it, and has caused this note to be certified by the Note Registrar, as the
County's authenticating agent, all as of the Date of Original Issue set forth above.
The undersigned certifies that this note is one of the notes of the issue designated therein issued
pursuant to the Resolution described therein.
as Note Registrar
Authorized Signature
Date of Issuance Maturity Date Rate
The County of Oakland, Michigan (the "County"), acknowledges itself indebted, and for
value received, promises to pay on the date specified above to BEARER the principal sum of
($ ) Dollars, together with interest on the same from the Date of
Issuance set forth above at the Rate per annum specified above payable on maturity. Both principal
of and interest on this note are payable upon presentation and surrender of this note at
(the "Paying Agent").
This note is one of a series of notes of like tenor, except as to date, amount, maturity
and interest rate, numbered from 1 upwards, initially issued in an aggregate amount of
($ ) Dollars, all or part of which amount may from time to time be renewed at maturity
by issuance of new notes of this series, issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with
the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan and especially Act No. 206 of the Michigan
Public Acts of 1893, as amended, and a certain 1985 Borrowing Resolution (1984 Delinquent Taxes)
adopted by the County. The proceeds of this note and other notes of this series will be used to
make payments to all taxing units in the County for the 1984 real property taxes returned to the
County Treasurer as delinquent on or before March 1, 1985, for the purpose of establishing a 1985
Note Reserve Fund, and/or for the purpose of providing funds to pay principal of other notes of this
series on maturity in order to renew the obligations represented by such notes.
For the payment of the principal of and interest on this note, the following amounts are
pledged (except to the extent previously used to pay principal of and interest on other notes of
this series): Cl) all of the collections of the 1984 real property taxes due and payable to taxing
units in the County, including the County which were outstanding and uncollected on March 1, 1985,
together with all interest on such taxes; (2) all of the property tax administration fees on such
delinquent taxes, once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; and (3) any amounts which are re-
ceived by the County from the taxing units within the County because of the uncollectability of such
delinquent taxes. In the event the Foregoing amounts are insufficient for any reason to meet the
prompt payment of the principal of and interest on this note when due, the moneys in the 1985 Note
Reserve Fund shall be used to make such payment.
In addition, this note is a general obligation of the County secured by its full faith
and credit which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable con-
stitutional and statutory limits, and its general funds. The County, however, does not have the
power to levy any tax for the payment of this note in excess of its constitutional or statutory
lt is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note exist, existed,
have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution
and Statutes of the State of Michigan.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, has caused this note to be executed
in its name by its Treasurer and has caused a facsimile of its corporate seal to be affixed to it,
all as of the Date of Issuance set forth above.
By: (facsimile)
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling that Resolution 05036 be adopted.
AYES: Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Massberger, R. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #85036 was adopted.
Misc. 85037
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The County Treasurer, pursuant to Section 87c, Subsection 2.,of Act 206, is designated as
Agent for the County, and the County Treasurer and the Treasurer's office shall receive such sums
as are provided in Section 87c, Subsection 3, for the services as Agent for the County and to cover
administrative expenses.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, ! move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni that Resolution #85037 be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Price. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #85037 was adopted.
Misc. 85038
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
If a public sale is held, sealed proposals for the purchase of the Notes approved in the
1985 Borrowing Resolution (1984 Delinquent Taxes) shall be received up to such time as shall later
be determined by the Treasurer, and notice shall be published in accordance with law, once in at
least one of, the Bond Buyer, Michigan Investor, or Detroit Legal News, each of which is a publi-
cation printed in the English language and circulated in this State, which carries as a part of its
regular service, notices of sale of municipal bonds. The notice (the "Notice of Sale") shall be in
substantially the form as that attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
SEALED BIDS: Sealed bids for the purchase of General Obligation L.mited Tax Notes,
Series 1985, of the County of Oakland (the "County"), Michigan, of the par value of $
will be received by the undersigned at the office of the County Treasurer, 1200 North Telegraph Road,
Pontiac, Michigan 48053 until Michigan Time, on , 1985, at which time
they will be publicly opened and read.
IN THE ALTERNATIVE: Sealed bids will also be received on the same date and until the same
time by an agent of the undersigned at the office of the Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 43
1158 First National Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226, where they will be publicly opened simulta-
neously. Bids opened at Detroit, Michigan, will be read First, followed by the alternate location.
Bidders may choose either location to present bids and good faith checks, but not both locations.
AWARD: The notes will be awarded to the successful bidder at a proceeding conducted by
the County Treasurer approximately thirty minutes after all bids have been opened on that date.
NOTE DETAILS: The notes will be fully registered notes of the denomination of $5,000
each or any multiple of $1,000 over $5,000, as designated by the purchaser; will bear interest
from their date payable on October 15, 1985, and semiannually thereafter; will be dated , 1985;
will be numbered from I upward, and will mature serially on April 15 in years and amounts as follows:
PRIOR REDEMPTION: Notes maturing in 1986 and 1987 ,hall not be subject to redemption prior
to maturity. Notes maturing on April 15, 1988, may be redeemed in whole or in part on any date or
dates on or after April 15, 1987, at the option of the County Treasurer at par, plus accrued interest
to the redemption date.
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a note outstanding in a denomination
larger that the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as
the amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations. In the event that less than
the entire principal amount of a note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the note to the
Note Registrar, the Note Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the
note a new note in the principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Notice of redemption shall be sent by first class mail to the registered holder of each
note being redeemed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Any defect
in any notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings. Notes so called for
redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided funds are on hand
with a paying agent to redeem the same.
INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS. The notes will bear interest from their date at a
rate or rates specified by the successful bidder, not exceeding % per annum, expressed in
multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of 1%, or any combination thereof. Interest on the notes of any maturity
shall be at one rate only, and the difference between the highest and lowest rate of interest bid
shall not exceed four percent (4%). A discount of not to exceed % may be bid on the notes.
NOTE REGISTRAR AND DATE OF RECORD. has been selected as Note
Registrar for the notes. The Note Registrar will keep records of the registered holders of the
notes, serve as transfer agents for the notes, authenticate the original and any re-issued notes
and will pay principal and interest to the registered holders of the notes as shown on the records
on the applicable date of record. The date of record shall be September 30 with respect to payments
made on October 15, and March 31 with respect to payments made on April 15.
PURPOSE: The notes are issued for the purpose of establishing the 100% Tax Payment Fund
of the County for the 1984 tax year and for the purpose of establishing a $ 1985 Note
Reserve Fund.
PRIMARY SECURITY: The notes are primarily secured by: (1) all of the collections of the
1984 real property taxes due and payable to taxing units in the County, including the County, which
were returned delinquent on March 1, 1985, together with all interest thereon; (2) all of the property
tax administration fees on such delinquent taxes, once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; and
(3) any amounts which are received by the County from the taxing units within the County because of
the uncollectability of such delinquent taxes.
NOTE RESERVE FUND: In the event the primary security is insufficient to meet the prompt
payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on these notes when due, for any reason,
the moneys in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund shall be used to make such payment. All moneys in the 1985
Note Reserve Fund shall be used solely for payment of principal of and interest on the notes or for
the purchase of notes for which the fund was established. Moneys in the 1985 Note Reserve Fund shall
be withdrawn first for payment of principal of and interest on the notes before other County general
funds are used to make the payments, When the 1985 Note Reserve Fund is sufficient to retire the
notes and accrued interest thereon, it may be used for purchase of such notes on the market, or, if
notes are not available, to retire notes when due.
general obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit, which shall include the
limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional and statutory limits, and
(The following paragraph is optional and will be inserted in the Notice of Sale if the
note issue qualifies for insurance.)
NOTE INSURANCE: has issued a commitment for
municipal bond insurance covering the notes. All bids shall be conditioned upon the issuance effective
as of the date on which the notes are issued, of a policy of insurance by guaranteeing the payment of
principal and interest on the notes. Each note will bear a legend referring to the insurance. The
purchaser, holder or owner is not authorized to make any statement regarding the insurance beyond
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
those set out here and in the note legend.
AWARD OF THE NOTES: For the purpose of awarding the notes, the interest cost of each
bid will be computed by determining, at the rate specified therein, the total dollar amount of
all interest on the notes from , 1985, to their maturity and deducting therefrom
any premium or adding thereto any discount. The notes will be awarded to the bidder whose bid
on the above computation produces the lowest interest to the County. No proposal for less than
% of par, nor less than all the notes, will be considered. Each bidder, for the convenience
Tqm-gie County, shall state in his bid the net interest cost to the County, computed in the manner
above specified.
GOOD FAITH: A certified check, cashier's check or bank money order in the amount of 2%
of the par value of the notes drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the
order of the County Treasurer must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of
the bidder, to be forfeited as liquidated damages if such bid is accepted and the bidder fails to
take up and pay for the notes. No interest will be allowed on good faith deposits. The good faith
check of the winning bidder will be promptly cashed, and the amount received therefor will be cred-
ited against the purchase price as of the date of delivery. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be
promptly returned to each bidder's representative or returned by registered mail. In the event the
notes cannot be issued or delivered for any reason, the County will pay back to the successful bidder
the principal amount of the good faith check without interest.
LEGAL OPINION: Bids shall •be conditioned upon the unqualified approving opinion of Axe &
Schwartz, attorneys of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, approving the legality of the notes, a copy of
which will be printed on each note, and the original of the opinion will be delivered without ex-
pense to the purchaser of the notes at the delivery of the notes.
DELIVERY OF NOTES: The County will furnish notes ready for execution at its expense at
Detroit, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, or New York,-New York. The usual documents, including a
certificate that no litigation is pending, affecting the issuance of the notes, will be delivered
at the time of delivery of the notes. If the notes are not tendered for delivery by twelve o'clock
noon, Michigan Time, on the 45th day following the date of sale, or the first business day thereafter,
if said 45th day is not a business day, the successful bidder may on that day, or any time thereafter
until delivery of the hates, withdraw his proposal by serving notice of cancellation on the under-
signed, In writing, in which event the County shall promptly return the good faith deposit. Payment
for the notes shall be made in Federal Reserve funds. Accrued interest to the date of delivery of
the notes shall be paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery.
CUSIP NUMBERS: Cusip numbers have been applied for and will be printed on the notes at
the expense of the County. The printing of incorrect Cusip numbers or the failure to print the
Cusip numbers on the notes shall not constitute cause for the purchaser to refuse delivery of the
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Further information may be obtained from the Oakland County
Treasurer at the address specified above or from John R. Axe, Brad S. Rutledge or James Van Loozen
at Municipal Financial Consultants Incorporated, 300 E. Long Lake Road, Suite 300, Bloomfield Hills,
Michigan 48013, telephone number (313) 540-0567.
ENVELOPES: Envelopes containing the bids should be plainly marked "Proposal for General
Obligation L;mited Tax Notes."
C. Hugh Dohany
Oakland County Treasurer
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb that Resolution #85038 be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (16)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #85038 was adopted.
Misc. 89039
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #82236 authorized hiring of outside legal counsel to defend
the County in a race discrimination suit; and
WHEREAS to-date authorized paid legal services total $50949, consistent with the attached
schedule; and
WHEREAS an additional $7,016.01 is requested for legal services rendered from July 1984
to October 31, 1984; and
WHEREAS attorney fees include charges for depositions, motions, attorney time and trans-
cripts; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney fees charged to be reasonable for services
rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $7,016.01.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Cemmittee finds 57,016.01 available in the
1985 Contingency Account to cover said cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $7,017 from the 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Corporation Counsel Budget-Legal Expense
Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(7,017)
115-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 7,017
- 0 -
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Spore, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (17)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85040
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Budget - POSTAL RATE INCREASE
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the U.S. Postal Service has scheduled a rate increase effective February 17, 1985;
WHEREAS the financial impact of the announced rate increase on Oakland County's Governmental
Funds amounts to $39,862 for the balance of 1985; and
WHEREAS the individual departmental budgets and the Printing and Mailing Internal Service
Fund budget need respective appropriations and amendments to reflect the postal rate increase and
adhere to the requirements of the General Appropriations Act.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $39,862 from the
1985 Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the proper departmental budgets as detailed in
the attached schedule.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Estimated Revenue and Cost of Sales budgets of the Printing
and Mailing Internal Service Fund be amended, per the attached schedule, to reflect the postage rate
increase effective February 17, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (16)
NAYS: Nelson. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85041
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland Ccunty Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Village of Beverly Hills has filed a civil complaint in the Oakland County
Circuit Court naming as defendants George W. Kuhn, the Oakland County Drain Commissioner and the
Atchison Relief Drainage Board; and
WHEREAS the Village of Beverly Hills makes a series of allegations in its complaint that
the actions taken by the Drainage Board for the Atchison Drain were improper and unlawful; and
WHEREAS the Village of Beverly Kills seeks to obtain a permanent injunction against the
Drainage Board to prevent the collection of a special assessment against the Village of Beverly
Hills for its share of the cost of the Atchison Drain Project; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 7985
WHEREAS the Corporation Counsel Division has been advised by the Home Indemnity Company
that no insurance coverage will be afforded Oakland County under the terms of its liability policy;
WHEREAS the Drainage Board for the Atchison Drain believes that the legal position taken
by the Village of Beverly Hills i5 without merit and that the lawsuit brought by the Village of
Beverly Hills should be vigorously defended; and
WHtREAS the Drainage Board for the Atchison Drain recommends that the legal firm of
Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen & Freeman be retained by Oakland County to defend the pending
litigation initiated by the Village of Beverly Hills; and
WHEREAS the Corporation Counsel Division concurs in the recommendation of the Drainage
Board that outside legal counsel be retained to defend the interests of Oakland County and the
Atchison Drain in the subject litigation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the re-
tention of the legal firm, Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen & Freeman to defend Oakland County
in the pending litigation initiated by the Village of Beverly Hills regarding the Atchison Drain
Project, in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $2,500 from the 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Drain Commissioner budget-Legal Expense
Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(2,500)
611-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 2,500
70 -
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell. (16)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85042
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #84246
authorized the application for grant funding in the amount of $188,500, for the period November 1,
1984 thru May 31, 1985, from Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA) for a planning study to
examine the feasibility of privately operated public transportation services in the County of
Oakland; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscelianeous Resolution N84258,
authorized and directed County Executive Daniel T. Murphy to file the above-described grant appli-
cation, to execute a grant contract, to execute such affirmative action assurances and minority
business policies as are required by UMTA for purposes of the above-described project, and to pro-
vide all other pertinent information requested by UMTA in connection with said project; and
WHEREAS UMTA awarded the grant, and the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution
#84314, accepted the grant in the amount of $188,500 with an 80%-20% match, UMTA funding, $150,800
and the County matching $37,700; and
WHEREAS the County Executive was authorized to receive bids for the hiring of a Planning
Consultant and report said bids to the Finance Committee for its recommendation to the Board of
Commissioners for the Contract Award; and
WHEREAS the Evaluation Committee has reviewed all proposals submitted and recomMends the
Urban Nobility Corporation, Washington, D.C., be awarded the contract for consulting services sub-
ject to the approval of UMTA in the amount of $126,640; and
WHEREAS funding for the consulting firm is provided in said grant; and
WHEREAS the Corporation Counsel has reviewed and approved said contract.
1) The contract proposal of Urban Mobility Corporation, Washington, D.C., be accepted, and
the contract be awarded to said corporation subject to the approval of UMTA, in concurrence with the
Evaluation Committee's recommendation,
2) Funds are provided for said contract in the UMTA grant,
3) The County Executive and the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's
are hereby authorized to execute said contract, which is subject to the approval of UMTA.
4) The award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by the
County Executive.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 47
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino. (18)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wi!cox announcing the appointment of the
following individuals to serve on the Oakland County Substance Abuse Advisory Council for terms
ending October 1, 1986:
James Evans, Mary Griffiths, Joan Ziegler, Sandra S. Wolf, James Neubacher, Ed.O.,
Sandra Schiff, Louise Churches, Nan Taylor.
Moved by Gosling supported by Nelson the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of Betty
Fortino to serve as the County's representative on the Scott Lake Board.
Moved by Nelson supported by Skarritt the appointment be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointment was confirmed.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of the
following persons to serve on the Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services for 198511986:
Chairperson - Joseph L. Schirle, Jr., M.D. and Vice Chairperson - Charles Tice.
HOSPITAL RESPRFSENTATION: Edward Barter, John K.)razim, M.D., Philip Wojiak, Joseph L.
Schirle, Jr., M.O.; David Malicke, D.C.; Jody W. Schottenfels, Ellen Al-Sarraf; Ronald Krome, M.D.
and Andrew G. Wilson, Jr., M.D.
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Delegates; Thomas A. Law and Walter Moore
Alternates: W. A. Hassberger and Betty Fortino
CONSUMERS REPRESENTATION: Arthur Molinar, Charlotte DeRoven, Milton B. Stuecheli
MUNICIPAL ALS SERVICES REPRESENTATION: Gary Whitner, Charles Lindeberg, Rollin G. Tobin,
Donald E. Richardson, Jr., Wendell Trager, Robert J. Lamson.
Miles, Jr., and Richard R. Rudlaff
Moved by Webb supported by Nelson the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Misc. 85043
By Mr. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections has planned two regional prison sites in
Oakland County; and
WHEREAS the Michigan legislature has recently appropriated funds for the planning and con-
struction of such sites; and
WHEREAS Michigan's need for additional prison capacity is urgent; and
WHEREAS the regional prison would require 30 acres to house a 500-bed, medium security
prison; and
WHEREAS Clinton Valley Center is presently state-owned land, which is close to hospitals
and transnortation and zoned for instirntinnal use.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985
location of at least one medium security regional prison site on the north section of the Clinton
Valley Center grounds, contiguous to County property.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolution to all
Oakland County legislators, our Legislative Agent, and Messrs. Robert Naftaly and Jim Curran of the
Office of Management and Budget, Lansing, Michigan.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption uf the foregoing resoiotion.
James E. Lanni, Commissioner District #11
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no
Misc. 85044
By Mr. Moffitt
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Probate Judges and the present administration of Children's Village and Camp
Oakland have historically demonstrated a sincere commitment to the development of programs, pro-
cedures and policies at Children's Village and Camp Oakland, and to the welfare of the children
residing there; and
WHEREAS the experience, expertise, and commitment of said present administratioo and the
Probate Judges is a valuable asset to the operation of said facilities, and enhances the welfare
of the residents of said facility; and
WHEREAS this wealth of experience, expertise and commitment should be formally available
through regular procedure to the County Executive to assist his administration of said facilities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a Children's Village and Camp Oakland Administration Advisol y Board, which Board shall be
appointed by the County Executive and shall be comprised of the Director of Institutional and
Human Services, Probate Court Administrator/Probate Juvenile Register, one Commissioner from the
majority party, one Comnissioner from the minority party, and one citizen member, and Children's
Village Superintendent/Manager; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Children's Village and Camp Oakland Administration Advisory
Board shall have the responsibility of recommending and evaluating programs, procedures and policies
to the County Executive for the enhancement of the facilities operation and the welfare of its
residents, and shall meet at least once in each month.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
David L. Moffitt, Commissioner District #15
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Health and Human Resources Committee. There
were no objections.
Misc. 85045
By Mr. Moore
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services is encouraging public assistance recipients
to enroll in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's) as a cost containment measure; and
WHEREAS HMO's provide services through designated clinics, hospitals or contractual providers;
and WHEREAS an HMO service delivery area is based upon the assumption that patients have regular ;
access to transportation, their sales promotions are based on this assumption; and
WHEREAS public assistance recipients frequently do not have access to reliable public or
private transportation.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommend to the • Michigan Department of Social Services that future contracts for medical services through HMO's
require the provider to include in their promotional literature a map showing the location of
primary and secondary health care services available through the HMO; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all public assistance recipients shall be provided with this
literature at least thirty days prior to the effective date of coverage, and shall have the oppor-
tunity to withdraw from enrollment within ten days after enrollment without interruption of Medicaid
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the Foregoing resolution.
Walter Moore, Commissioner District #7 •
Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner District #8
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Health and Human Resources Committee. There
were no objections.
Clerk Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 14, 1985 49
Misc. 85046
By Mr. Law
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 146 of the Public Acts of 1961, the Inland Lake Level Act, establishes a pro-
tedere for the establishment of a legal lake level for inland lakes in the State of Michigan; ahd
WHEREAS Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake, approximately 539 acres in size, located within the
Township of Waterford, City of Sylvan Lake, City of Keego Harbor and City of Pontiac are public
inland lakes; and
WHEREAS the establishment of a lake level for Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake under the pro-
visions of Act 146 of 1961 would provide for the protection ot the public health, welfare and
safety, and would conserve the national resources of the state, and would preserve and enhance
property values around Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake; and
WHEREAS petitions have been received from freeholders owning lands abutting on Sylvan
Lake and Otter Lake in number equal to two-thirds (2/3) of the freeholders owning lands abutting
Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake; and
WHEREAS the petitioners maintain that the seasonal variation of inflow and evaporation
or other losses, combined with a lack of suitable control over outflow west of Telegraph Road,
causes low water levels on Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake to a degree and extent which is harmful to
the Interests of the petitioners.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Comeissioners,.for the protection of
public safety and to preserve the natural resources of the state and to protect the value of
properties around Sylvan and Otter Lakes, deems it expedient to determine, establish and maintain
the normal lake level of Sylvan and Otter Lakes within the Township of Waterford and the Cities of
Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake and Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, pursuant to the provisions of
Act 146 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney institute in the
Circuit Court for the County of Oakland, by proper Complaint, a proceeding to establish a level
for Sylvan and Otter Lakes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the properties in the area of improvement will benefit and
shall bear the entire cost of the project; that the Drain Connissioner prepare a Special Assessment
District for the area of improvement as prescribed in Act 146; and that the cost of maintaining
the level of said lake shall be borne by the benefited properties in the area of improvement.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Thomas A. Law, Commissioner District #26
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were
no objections.
A copy of the Board referrals made by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox is on file in the
County Clerk's Office.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be February 28, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Board Of Commissioners
February 28, 1985
Meeting called to orde r by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:52 a.m. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by James A. Doyon.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
-Webb, Wilcox. (24)
ABSENT: Susan Kuhn, McConnell, Perinoff. (3)
Quorum present.
Moved by Rewold supported by Skarritt the rules he suspended to add the following resolutions
to the agenda:
a. Memorial Resolution - Donald R. Geary
b. Memorial Resolution - John H. Peterson
Also, the rules be suspended to adopt the following resolution which did not comply with the
adopted Board procedure:
b. Camp Oakland/Youth Assistance - ACCEPTANCE OF 1984-85 SKILLMAN FOUNDATION GRANT FUNDS
Vote on suspension or the rules:
AYES: Hassberger, Hohart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyen, Fortino,
Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient maInrity having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Vote on agenda with additions:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, presented the "STATE OF THE COUNTY" message.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of the
following Commissioners to serve on the Management Salaries Review Committee:
Roy Rewold, Marilynn E. Gosling. John J. McDonald, Lawrence R. Pernick and Richard R. Wilcox.
Moved by Nelson supported by Webb the appointments be confirmed.
AYES: Hobart, R Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyan, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
The following persons addressed the Board: Wallace E. Holland, Bernice Ferguson, Erma Bradley,
Hortense Reddy, Eddie McDonald, Ethel McCluster and Linwood L. Flack.
Comuissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, ;985
The Chairperson vacated the Chair. Vice Chairperson Marilynn E. Gosling took the Chair.
Misc. 85047
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commi-,sioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolliiion #B145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1184330 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health in the omount el $286,359 for the period January I, 1985 through December 31,
1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department
of Public Health and finds the award in the amount of $3 04 ,833, $18,474 or 6.5% more than the appli-
cation for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 65':! or $197,133 funded by the State and 35% or $107,700 funded by
sources other than County dollars and application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the
County to any further commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985
Family Planning Grant Award in the ,Imount of $304,833.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, (21)
NAYS; None. (0)
PASS: Calandro. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85048
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - 1984-85 WIC GRANT AWARD
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 118145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1184332 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health in the amount of $637,494 for the period October 1, 1984 through Sep-
tember 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health and finds the award in the amount of $612,805, $24,689 or 3.9% less than the
application for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 100Z funded by the State, and application or acceptance of the
grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1984-85 WIC Grant Award in the amount of $612,805.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to
form by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
Commksioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985 52
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairper ,,on. on 5uhaif iii the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. Wiliiam Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I and 11 on file in County Clerk Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85049
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 118145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (ID) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #84303 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health in the amount of $130,200 for the period October 1, 1984 through
September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance C(monittee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health and lied the award in the amount of $135,700, $5,500 or 4.2% more than the
application for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 100 funded by the State, and application or acceptance of the
grant does not obligate ihe County to any further Commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel change's will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1984-85 Services for Crippled Children Grant Award in the amount of $135,700.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporal ion Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule 1.
Mr. Chairperson, on hohalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule 1 and It on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85050
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - 1984-85 HYPERTENSION GRANT AWARD
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneons Resolution #8I45 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 1/84280 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health in the amount of $62,901 for the period October 1, 1984 through Sep-
tember 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department
of Public Health and finds the award in the amount of $64,500, $1,599 or 2.5% more than the application
for the same time period; and
Commissioners Minutes Con[inued. Fehniary 23, 1985
WHEREAS said program i., locr, limded by in Stale, and application or acceptance of the
grant does not obligati- the County to any hirtlit.r commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel channe,, will Ihtvt, ((I he approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED th,“ the Oakland County Boa,rd of Commissioners accept the
I984-B5 Hypertension Grant Award in tilt: amount of $64,500.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED [hat the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant cmitract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ihat the Chairperson of thi Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extension ,;, not to exceed in ierr percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhat this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Om 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule F.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the finance Committee, [ move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule 1 and II on rile in County Clerk's office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron,
Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Ha.;,;berger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85051
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - 1984-85 SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT AWARD
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 48145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 4/843f10 authorized the grant application to the Michigan
Department of Public Health, Office or Substance Abuse Services, in the amount of $1,428,044 for the
period Octoher 1, 1984 through September 30, 19851 and
WOEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
nerd of Public Health, Office of Substance Abuse Services, and finds the award in the amount of
$1,428,044, the same as the application for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program and application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the
County to any further commitment; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1984-85 Substance Abuse Grant Award in the amount of $1,428,044.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhat the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedules I, II and 111 on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
54 Conmdssioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 198$
Misc. 85052
By Finance Conmittec
To the Oakland County Boo rd of Eomilksioner.,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this contract is for reimbursement of County expenditures attributable to the
field activities, inspection, complaint responses and administration of the Solid Waste-Management
Program in Oakland County with Funding node available by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources;
WHEREAS reirihni.,onurt is in the amount of $19,490 for the period October 1, 1984 thru
September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS these funds arc incorporated in the 198$ Budget and General Appropriations Act
as Health Division revenue; and
WHEREAS approval of the contract does not obligate the County to any future commitments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
1984-85 Solid Waste Management Reimbursement contract in the amount of $19,490.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authori/ed to execute said contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by
the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85053
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this agreement is for reimbursement of County expenditures attributable to venereal
disease prevention and control in Oakland County with funding made available by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health; and
WHEREAS reimbursement is in the amount of $48,000 for the period October 1, 1984 thru
September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS these funds are incorporated in the 1985 Budget and General Appropriations Act
as Health Division revenue; and
WHEREAS this reimbursement provides the Funding for two (2) positions (Medical Technologist
02106 and Typist II 01394) in the Venereal Disease Unit of the Health Division; and
WHEREAS the continualiun of thee two (2) positions is contingent upon the continuation of
the Venereal Disease Reimbursement Agreement; and
WHEREAS approval of the agreement does not obligate the county to any future commitments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
1984-85 Venereal Disease Reimbursement Agreement in the amount of $48,000.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1= move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Reword, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Comnis ,,ioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Misc. 85027
By Public Services Conmittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolutien A3204, Procedure for Acceptance of a Gift Donation
from Private Sources, establi,hedwrittenprocedures for the acceptance of Gifts from Private Sources;
WHEREAS procedures require that any nifis or a value greater than $10,000 requiring Board • •
of Connissioners Approval; and
WHEREAS such a gift donation has been effered to the Sheriff's Department by the E.S.C.A.P.E.
Program (Enroll in Sheriff Crime Prevention Accident Prevention Education Program); and
WHEREAS the Sheriff wishes to accept this donation (detailed items listed on Schedule 1); and
WHEREAS it is reconnended that a Crime Prevention Fund be established to deposit the cash for
purposes of crime prevention expenditures and to record future donations from private sources; and
WHEREAS it is recommended by the Public Services Committee that we accept this donation and
quarterly progress reports be submitted to this Committee on the status of the Crime Prevention Activi-
ties involving the Sheriff's Department.
NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED that the gift donation, as identified by the attached Schedule 1,
be accepted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Crime Prevention Fund be established to record future donations L
and expenses following all County procedures.
The Public Services, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the foregoing
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on rile in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE; (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185027)- Sheriff's Department - ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT DONATIONS/ITEMS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule Xl-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185027 and finds:
I) Acceptance of this donation does not commit the County to any financial obligation
now or in the future,
2) Future donations and expenditures will he recorded in accordance with County policies,
3) The Board ofCommissioncrsestablishes the Crime Prevention Fund (1170541) for purposes of
accepting donations and recording expenditures,
4) Further, the Board of Commissioners amends the 1985 hudget by increasing Revenues and
Expenditures in the amount of $4,986 us follows:
3-10541-432-01-00-2340 Misc. Revenue $ (4,986)
4-/0541-432-01-00-3528 Misc. Expenditures 4,986
- 0 -
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson One resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
The Chairperson returned to the Chair.
Misc. 85054
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of C‹pmr,'is.oner5
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen
WHEREAS all data processing development Cost is incorporated as a single appropriation
56 Comnissioners Minutes Coriinued, Febrodry 28, 1985
within the Convuter Service ,, Department Budget and then an anourt equal to the actual expense is
traumferred to the user departmcnt on d quarterly basis with a summa ry report to the Finance Com-
mittee: and
WHEREAS the Odkl.ind County Computer Service ,: Department has determined the 1984 Fourth
Quarter data processing development charge' for the budgeted County departments totals $606,784;
.WHEREAS these development charges are for pronroms which are in conformance with the
guidelines set forth by the Comonler User Advisory Committee and the Computer Center master plan
approved by the Finance Committee: and
WHEREAS funding for d .1 proces ,,ino development contained in the 1984 Computer Services
General Fund Budget; and
WHEREAS an appropriation tran'-.1er to budgeted County departments is needed to fund these
development charges.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes funding in the
amount of $606,784 to be transfeired Iron the 1984 Data Processing Development Budget to the user
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $606,784 from the
1984 Data Processing Development Budget and transfers said funds to the appropriate user departments
consistent with the attached schedule.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G, William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Fcm-tino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Penick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortin°, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85055
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 1/83118 the Board of Commissioners authorized the
hiring of outside counsel to represent the board, the county executive and the probate judges in
a court action seeking a dectaratoly judgment designating the appropriate party to administer
Children's Village and Camp Oakland: and
WHEREAS such ra,-.e was heard by the Circuit Court of the County of Oakland and a declara-
tory judgment was issued by Judge Gage; and
WHEREAS the Probate Cull has appealed this decision and has requested hpmediate consider-
ation for a stay of execution of the Board of Cumnissioners action transferring control of Children's
Village and Camp Oakland to the county executive; and
WHEREAS it will be necessary for the parties to this action to be represented in the appeal
by outside legal counsel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes both
the probate judges and the county Board of Commissioners, through its chairperson, to hire outside
legal counsel to represent thew in this matter.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriate an amount
not lo exceed $10,000, $5,000 for each attorney, from the 1985 contingency account, such funds to be
transferred to the legal services line item in the appropriate departmental budgets.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell ,,,uppol led by Olsen the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Pernick, Rewold. Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page.
NAYS: Moore. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Mm cute'. Continued. Fehroary 28, 1985
Misc. 85056
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Ciiii>iiis ore
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies amid Bent !erten:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Cnouittnity Nimbi Health Diet-ion isiS forced to eliminate funding
for transportation of developmeni.)Ily (11...Ahlcd adults to ii ,, various day programs in 1982 as a result
of reduction,. in State funds; and
WHEREAS this action ha, placed a heavy burden on the pavents of clients in Community Mental
Health day programs, inasmuch a-. the parent-. dre Forced to transport their offspring to and from the
programs five days a week, year-tonnd, and in many cases over considerabie distance; and
WHEREAS the State Department of Mental Health has advised that it is unable to provide
additional funding to Community Mental Health to reintate transportation services for developmentally
disahled clients of day programs; and
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health Division has $198,407 of State Department of Mental
Health funds in its 1985 budget which can he directed to solving this transportation problem.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thdt the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves County
matching funds in the amount of $22,0/6 For the period of April through December, 1985, to enable
the Comlnunily Mental Health Division to use expansion funds allocated by the State in order to pro-
vide transportation services for 144 develupmentally disabled adults attending day programs under the
Community Mental Health Division.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution does not bind the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners to further funding in the event that funding is not available from the State in future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf at the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the Foregoing resolution.
Dennis M. Aaron, Acting Chairperson
Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Comintitee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85057
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS since 1967, the Skillman Foundation has provided grants to the Oakland County
Probate Court to provide primary funding for family camps at Camp Oakland, Inc., Oxford, Michigan,
for mothers and youngsters who would rot otherwise be able to have such an experience; and
WHEREAS the Skillman Foundation, on November 6, 1984, agreed to a new grant to the Oakland
County Probate Court in the amount nit 5144,300 for the 1984-85 grant year, with a stipulation that
the grant be expended solely in ,.upport of the programs, purposes, and budget detailed in the PI-a-
bate Court's proposal submitted November 4, 1984; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court deeur, it essential to accent the',e Funds to continue the above-
named programs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
gratefully acknowledge and accept the grant in the amount of 5744,300 from the Skillman Foundation
of Detroit to the County of Oakland through the Probate Court, Juvenile Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing'resolution.
Dennis M. Aaron, Acting Chairperson
Moved by Aaron supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Duyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution P85003) Probate Court - REPEAT OFFENDER PROJECT
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85003, Repeat Offender
Project - Probate Court, reports with the reconniendation that the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Mr. Chairperson, on bvhalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85003
By Health and Human Resources CommiiIre
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Probate Court Clinic has identified a specific group of delinquent offenders
likely to cournit additional delinquent acts if handled under the traditional approaches for this
age group; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court after considerable study believes that the two factors that
distinguish this group of children from others of similiar age and circumstances are subnormal
parenting and little opportunity For these children to build a sense of self worth; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court has developed a specialized approach known as the "Repeat
Offender Project" to try to reduce the amount of repeat violations in this age group; and
WHEREAS by transferring three existing Child Welfare Worker IF positions from Probate
Court-Field Services-Casework unit to the In-Home Care portion of the Child Care Fund, the Repeat
Offender Project can be Funded with less cost to the County while continuing the three Child Welfare II
positions with Oakland Courtly Merit System status; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this project be established and funded as a Child Care
Fund-In-Home Care component.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the State of Michigan disallow the costs of this project
as eligible For inclusion in the Child Care Fund, or the Probate Court decide to discontinue the
project, the three Child We Worker II positions and funding for the positions shall revert to
regular Probate Court positions status with Full County funding and the 60% of the Child Welfare
Worker Supervisor funding shall he transferred back to the Alternatives to Secure Detention Project
of the In-Home Care portion of the Child Care Fund.
Dennis M. Aaron, Acting Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185003) Probate Court - REPEAT OFFENDER PROJECT
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Coirmi ttee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85003 and finds:
I) The Probate Court is proposing a specialized approach to reduce the number of repeat
violations by delinquent offenders,
2) The effective date of the project is April 1, 1985,
3) The nine month cost is $155,605 or $95,973 from the 1985 Probate Court General Fund
(10100) Budget, $20,915 From the 1985 Probate Court Juvenile Maintenance Fund (29260) Budget, and
$38,717 is requested from Contingency, consistent with the attached schedule,
4) The Repeat Offender Project is eligible for reimbursement under the 1984-85 Child
Care Fund agreement,
5) A new unit will be established and titled Repeat Offender Project within the Field
Services Division of the Pinhole Court,
6) Three Child Welforc Worker 11 positions will be transferred to the new unit from the
Casework unit and their fund number will change from 10100 to 29260,
7) When and if the Repeat Offender Project is either discontinued or excluded from Child
Care Fund reimbursement, the three Child Welfare Worker positions, and respective funding, will be
included in the Probate Court General Fund (10100) Budget,
8) The supervision of this unit will utilize 80'..; of the Child Welfare Worker Supervisor
position in the Alternatives (o Secure Detention unit,
9) Funds for this program shall be transferred as follows:
29260-347-New Unit-100i Salaries 62,858
-2074 Fringe Benefits 22,629
-6310 Bldg. Space Cost 10,486
Sub-Total 95,973
-3128 Professional Services 26,802
-3168 Student Employment 3,000
-3514 Memberships Dues and Publ. 75
-3574 Personal Mileage 5,535
-3747 Transportation-Client 1,238
-4898 Office Supplies 300
-4909 Postage 66
-6641 Convenience Copier 300
-6750 Telephone Communications 1,403
Sub-Total 38,719
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Fringe Benefits
Bldg. Space Cost
- 0 -
10) Additional Child Care Fund reimbursement will not ty: recognized at this time due to
probability of 1984/85 expenses exco(-ding Ilie Slate cap limitation.
G. William Caddell, ChaIrperson
Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino the resolution, with Personnel Committee Report and
Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald. McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold.
NAYS: Olsen. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Personnel Committee Report
and Fiscal Note attached, Was adopted.
Misc. 85058
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Parks and Recreation - NEW CLASSIFICATION
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Personnel Connittee has reviewed the request from the Parks and Recreation
division for the creation of one (1) Public Communications Assistant position to provide assistance
in the overall public communications aelivities of the Oakland County Parks system; and
WHEREAS it is necessary to create the new classification of Public Communications Assistant
for this purpose,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to create the new classification of Public Communications
Assistant with the following salary range:
1-4-763.2 17.-2790T 16,528- 17,767 19,005 Reg.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, F move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald. Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Hassbergen, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Law,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (21)
NAYS: Lanni. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85059
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIRE-
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 29 of ilie Oakland County Employees' Retirement System currently provides
for automatic spousal benefits for employees who die while in County employment only if the employee
has either 15 years of credited service or has attained the age of 60 years with 10 or more years of
credited service; and
WHEREAS the Federal Retirement Equity Act now requires automatic spousal benefits be
guaranteed after the death of an employee without such limitations as are currently set forth in
Section 29; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission has unanimously approved
changes to Section 29, guaranteeing automatic spousal benefits after the death of an employee if
that employee has vested in the County plan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees Retirement
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
System entitled "Non-Duty Death Retirement Allowance - Automotic Provision" be amended to provide as
Non-Duty Death Retiremetnt Allowance - Automatic Revision:
Section 29:
(a) Any member who is in the (moiety of the County for less than ten (10) years, but has
vested in the Courly plan And (1) dies while in County employment and (2) leaves a
SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive a retirement allowance computed in the same manner
in all repect ,, ae if the member had (1) retired the day preceding the date of his
death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained age 60 years, (2) elected
Option B provided in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary, payable
at the time the memher would have been eligible to receive his benefit.
(h) Any member who contintee, ht the employ or the County for more than ten (10) years, but
less than ii teen (15) years and (I) dies while in County employment and (2) leaves a
SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shell immediately receive a retirement allowance computed in the
same manner in all respects as if the member had (1) retired the day preceding the
date of his death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained age 60 years, (2)
elected Option B in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(c) Any member who continues in the employ of the County on or after the date he either
(1) acquires fificiin (15) years of credited service, or (2) attains age 60 years and
has ten (10) or more of credited service, whichever occurs first, and does not have an
Option A election in force, as provided in Section 28 and (1) dies while in County
employment and (2) leaves a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall immediately receive a retirement
allowance computed in the some manner in all respects as if the member had (1) retired
the day preceding the date of his death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained
age 60 years, (2) elected Option A provided in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE
as beneficiAry.
(d) Any member who had less than fifteen (15) years of County employment and has left the
employment of the County, but_ has earned a Deferred Retirement and (1) dies before
reaching the age at which he would have been eligible to receive a retirement and (2)
leaves a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive at the time the member would have been eligible
for the Retirement Benefit, a retirement allowance computed in the same manner ir all
respects as if the deferred member had (1) elected Option B provided in Section 27 and
(2) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(e) Any member who had more than fifteen (15) years of County employment and has left the
employment if the Cednty, hut has earned a Deferred Retirement (1) dies before reaching
the age dt which he would have been eligible to receive a retirement and (2) leaves a
SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive at the time the member would have been eligible for
the Retirement Benefit, a retirement allowance computed in the same manner in all re-
spects as If the deferred member had (I) elected Option A provided in Section 27 and
(2) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(f) No retirement allowence shall be paid under these sections on account of the death of
a member if any beeefite are paid or payable under Section 34 on the account of his death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendment to Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System be effective July 1, 1584.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85060
By Personnel Comittee
IN RE: Oakland County Employee ,,' Retirement Commission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIRE-
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies dnd Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the current provisions of the Oakland County Employees Retirement System provide
for separation from County employment upon the at of age 70; and
WHEREAS the current provisions of the Retirement System prohibit accumulation of credited
service for any County employment beyond the age of 70 years; and
WHEREAS such a policy unfairly impacts County employees age 70 and older who are capable
and desirous of working beyond that age and are prevented from so doing; and
WHEREAS such a policy unfairly impacts County employees who work beyond the age of 70 years
and are prohibited from accumulating further credited service; and
WHEREAS County employees ape 70 and above, capable and desirous of continuing their employ-
ment, are a valuable asset to the County: and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Febtuary 28, 1985
WHEREAS the Oakland County lisp byte'. Retirement Commission has approved and recommended
changes to the Retirement System which wild permit County employees to continue their employment
beyond the one of /0 years under certain circumstances and to continue to accumulate credited
service beyond the age of 70 years.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provisions of the Oakland County Employees' Retire-
ment System are amended to provide ac Si, low'.
Section 2. (s) Delete
Section 17
Membership Terminates:
Section 17.
Except as otherwise provided In this Resolution, shall any member leave the employment
of the County for any reason except for retirement and death, he shall thereupon cease
to be a member and his credited service at that time shall be forfeited by him. In the
event he is reemployed by the County, he shall become a member of the Retirement System.
Should this reemployment occur within a period of three (3) years from and after the
date he last separated from County employment, his credited service last forfeited by
him shall be restored to his credit; provided that he returns to employees savings funds
the amounts he might have withdrawn therefrom, together with a regular interest com-
pounded from the date of withdrawal to the date of repayment. Upon his retirement or
death, or the first day of the calendar month next following the month in which he
attains age 70 years, whichever occurs first, he shall thereup cease to be a member.
Extensions in County Employment:
Section 24.
(a) Any member may be continued in County employment beyond his at of age
70 years; provided, that such continuonce (1) shot; iwt he granted for more than one
year at any one time, (2) is requested in writing by the member, (3) is approved by
his Department Head, and (4) is approved by the Comnission. The Commission shall re-
quire evidence, satisfactory to the Commission, indicating the mental and physical fit-
ness of the member to perform the duties of his position. If he has eight (B) or more
years of credited service upon leaving County employment, he shall be retired with a
retirement allowance provided in Section 25, subject to subsection (b) in this section.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these amendments to the Oakland County Employees' Retirement
System are effective , 19 .
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85061
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee by Miscellaneous Resolution 1185003,
recommends the adoption of a "Repeat Offender Project"; and
WHEREAS the creation of a Repeat Offender Project Unit requires the transfer of certain
Court personnel, and provision for additional paid internships in order to accomplish project ob-
jectives; and
WHEREAS a modest savings is projected by the transfer of certain personnel; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185003 and recom-
mended its adoption and has further determined the following actions necessary to the implementation
of the Repeat Offender Project.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that three (3) existing Child Welfare Worker II positions in
Probate Court, Field Services-Casework, and 607; of one (1) Child Welfare Worker Supervisor position
in Probate Court, Field Services-Alternatives to Secure Detention be transferred to create a new unit
within Probate Court, Field Services entitled Repeat Offender Project,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should on unanticipated reduction in Probate Court positions
become necessary at some future date, incumbents of Repeat Offender Project positions would enjoy the
same rights and protections afforded other County Probate Court employees with Merit System status.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sufficient funding from the Child Care Fund for four (4)
college intern positions be transferred on an annual basis from the Probate Court Child Care Fund to
the Intern Program line item administered by Personnel, to provide the Probate Court with the re-
quested intern staff consistent with ihe utilization of paid interns throughout County Departments.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985 62
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that anticipated Child Care Funding of two (2) Doctoral interns
be approved for Repeat Offender clinical evaluation purposes, said interns to be added by contractual
agreement with the Probate Court at a flat rate of $5.47/hour for a maximum of 1,280 hours per year
per position, dollar amount of contract not to exceed $7,000 per position.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, r move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald sopnorted by Moore the resolution he adopted.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Gosling supported by McDonald the resolution be amended in the first "AND BE IT
FURTHER RESOLVED" paragraph, 3rd line as follows: Delete "Probate Court Child Care" and insert
"Contingency" so that line would read "...basis from the Contingency Fund to the Intern Program line
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb. (23)
NAYS: Olsen.. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85006
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court, the County of Oakland and Local 2437, Council 25,
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C[0, have been negotiating a con-
tract covering 77 Casework employees of the Oakland County Probate Court; and
WHEREAS a two-year agreement has been reached with the Caseworker unit for the period
January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985, and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends
approval of the agreement:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Probate Court,
the County of Oakland, the Casework Employees, said Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the
Chairperson of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution #85006) Probate Court - 1984-85 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C or this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85006 and Finds:
1) The agreement for the two year period - January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985,
covering 77 Governmental Positions has a first year cost of $87,928 and a second year cost of $208,155,
2) The total budgeted cost for this period - January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985 is
$296,083, of which $230,867 is a Salary cost and $65,216 is for associated Fringe Benefit costs,
3) $230,867 is available in the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account and $65,216 is available in
the 1985 Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account,
4) The Board of Corilioners approriates $230,867 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account
and $65,216 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Division Budgets
Comnissioners Minutes Continued. Fehruary 28, 1985
as per the attached schedule,
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule on file in County Clerk's Office_
Moved by McDonald supported by Ha.-..berger, the resolution. with Fiscal Note attached, be
Moved by Calandro supported by (;osling the resolution be .]mended as follows:
I. By inserting in the rc ,0AILiticin title the words "and Board of Commissioners" following
the words "Probate Court";
2. By deleting the words "a the Oakland County Probate Court" from the end of the first
3. By inserting the phrase "i1-. amended by this Board with the concurrence of the Union,
and the Probate Court, following "AEL-f43", on lino four of the "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED"
4. By adding the followinn AGREEMENT dated 2/28/85:
The Oakland County Probate Judges ("Judges"), the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
("Board"), Daniel T. Murphy the Oakland County Executive ("Executive") and the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 25 ("AFSCME") acknowledge and agree as follows:
1. The parties hereto have reached agreement covering the terms and conditions to be in-
cluded in new labor contracts covering cerlain employees represented by AFSCME. The labor contracts
are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B.
2. The Judges, the Executive and the County are currently engaged in litigation (Oakland
County Circuit Court Case No. 83-257283 C7 0.7,chigan Court of Appeals Case No. 8214651.
3, All parties hereto agree that the labor contracts should he implemented so that, inter
alio, the employees can receive the wanes increases due them.
4. The parties agree that the attached copies of the labor contract shall be submitted to
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for approval on Thursday, February 28, 1985.
5. The parties agree that regardless of the outcome of any pending litigation the terms
and conditions of employment as set forth in the attached labor agreements shall be binding on the
employer of such employees.
6. The parties agree that the changes made to the Title Page and Pages 1, 5, 9, 10 and 37
of the Non-Caseworker cnntract (attached as Exhibit A) from the pages as introduced to the Oakland
Board of Commissioners on February 14, 1985 and the changes made to the Title Page and pages 1, 5, 9,
10 and 16 of the Caseworker contract (attached as Exhibit Bt) from the pages as introduced to the
Oakland Board of Commissioners on February 14, 1985 and the execution by the parties of these contracts
embodying such changes shall not be construed to be a waiver of or prejudice the rights of either the
Judges, the County and/or the Executive to claim in any pending or future litigation or otherwise
that they alone are the Employer of any of the employees covered by the Non-Caseworker contract
(Exhibit A) and the Caseworker contract (Exhibit B).
Oakland County Executive County of Oakland
By By
American Federation of State, County Oakland County Probate Court
and Municipal Employees Council 25
By (Billy J. Burling) By
(amendment /5) and by changing, deleting and/or adding certain words and/or phrases in the labor
agreement covering page and pages 1, 5, 9, 10 and 16 as indicated on the attached copy of the referenced
pages with parenthesis and line-ou1s meaning to omit the Fined-out language within the parenthesis and
with underlining meaning to add the lang..F)ge which is underlined. (Copy on file in County Clerk's
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES; Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Misc. 85007
By Personnel Comnittee
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court, the County of Oakland and Local 2437, Council 25,
American Federation of Slate, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10, have been negotiating a con-
tract covering 190 Non-Caseworker employees of the Oakland County Probate Court; and
WHEREAS a two-year anrcement has been reached with the Non-Caseworker unit for the period
January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985 and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS said agreement has been reviewed by your Personnel Committee which recommends
approval of the agreement_
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the Oakland County Probate Court,
the County of Oakland, the Nor -Caseworker employees, and Local 2437, Council 25, American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10, be and the same is hereby approved; and that the
Chairperson of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf. of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule A on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution #85007) Probate Court - 1984-85 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES
To the Oakland County Board of Comv,tissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gear lemon:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85007 and finds;
1) The agreement for the two year period - January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985,
covering 190 Governmental Positions has a first year cost of $150,731 and a second year cost of $356,660,
2) The total budgeted cost for this period - January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985 is
$507,391, or which $402,222 is a Salary cost and $105,169 is for associated Fringe Benefit costs,
3) $402,222 is available in the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account and $105,169 available in
the 1985 Fringe Benefit Adjustment Account,
4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $402,222 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account
and $105,469 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit Account and transfers said amount to the 1585 Division
Budgets as per the attached schedule.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the recolut ion, with Fiscal Noce attached, be adopted.
Moved by Calandro supported by Moore the resolution be amended as follows;
I. by inserting in the resolution title the words "and Board of Commissioners" following
the words "Probate Court";
2. by deleting the words "of [he Oakland County Probate Court" from the end of the first
3. by inserting the phrase "as amended by this Board with the concurrence of the Union and
the Probate Court" following "AFL-CIO" on tine four of the "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED" paragraph;
4. by adding the attached two page agreement dated 2/28/85;
5. and by changing, deleting and/or adding certain words and/or phrases in the labor
agreement cover page and pages 1, 5, 9, 10 and 17 as indicated on the attached copy of the referenced
pages with parenthesis and line -outs meaning to omit the lined -out language within the parenthesis
and with underlining meaning to add the language which is underlined (copy on file in County Clerk's
The Oakland Courtly Probate Judges ("Judges"), the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
("Board"), Daniel T. Murphy the Oakland County Executive ("Executive") and the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 25 ("AFSCHE') acknowledge and agree as follows:
I. The parties hereto have reached agreement covering the terms and conditions to be in-
cluded in new labor contracts covering certain employees represented by AFSCME. The labor contracts
are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B.
2. The Judges, the Executive and the County are currently engaged in litigation (Oakland
Compissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
County Circuit Court Case No. 83-257283 CZ; Michigan Court of 1%ppeals Case No. 82465).
3. All pao .! ies hereto agree that the contracl ..hotild he implemented so that, inter
alia, the ettmloyee ,, can receive the waqes incruaL,e ,, due them.
4• The parties agree that the attached copies of the 16hcr contract shall be submitted to
the Oakland County Board of Connissiorier -,, for approval on Thursday. February 23, 1985.
5. The parties agree that roudrdin ,,s of the outcome of any pending litigation the terms and
conditions of employment as set forth in the attached labor agreements shall be binding on the employer
of such employees.
6. The parties agree that [he changes made to the Title Page and pages I, 5, 9, 10 and 17 of
the Non-Caseworker contract (attached as Exhibit A) From the pages as introduced to the Oakland County
Board of Connissioners on February 14, 1985 and the changes made to the Title Page and pages 1, 5, 9,
10 and 16 of the Caseworker contract (attached as Exhibit B) from the pages as introduced to the Oak-
land Board of Commissioners on February 14, 1985 and the execution by the parties of these contracts
embodying such changes shall not be construed to he a waiver of or prejudice the rights of either the
Judges, the County and/or the Executive to claim in any pending or future litigation or otherwise that
they alone are the Employer of any of the employees covered by the Non-Caseworker contract (Exhibit A)
and the Caseworker contract (Exhibit B).
Oakland County Executive County of Oakland
By By
Oakland County Probate Court
Copy of Contract on file in County Clerk's Office.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberoer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, with Fiscal Note
attached, was adopted.
MISC. 85011
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the Court Reporter 111's of the Oakland County Circuit
Court has been negotiated with the Oakland County Court Reporters' Association; and
WHEREAS a four (4) year agreement has been reached with the Association for the period
January I, 1985 through December 31, 1988, and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Commnittee has reviewed the agreement covering employees represented
by the Association and recommends approval of the agreement,
NOW THEREFORE BE ET RESOLVED t hat the agreement between the Oakland County Circuit Court,
the County of Oakland, and the Oakland County Court Reporters' Association be and the same is hereby
approved, and that the Chairperson of this Board, on behalf of the County of Oakland, be and is hereby
authorized to execute said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution //85011 - Circuit Court - 1985-1988 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85oll and finds:
1) The agreement for the four year period - January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1988,
covering 15 Governmental Positions has a first year cost of $22,115,
2) The total budgeted cost for the period - January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985 is
American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees Council 25
By (Billy J. Burling)
Commissioners Minutes Continued, February 28, 1985
$22,115, of which $17,488 is a Salary cost and $4,627 is for associated Fringe Benefit costs,
3) $17,488 is availahle in the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account and $4,627 is available
in the 1985 Fringe Benefit Adju-,Lment Account,
4) The Board of Commiiorers appropriates $17,488 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account
and $4,627 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Division Budget
as per the attached schedule,
5) Cost for the years 1986-1988 will be on a "Me Too " basis with non-union employees.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule A on File in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85009
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Probate Court has six (6) Child Welfare Worker II-Assistant County Agent and one (4)
Child Welfare Worker 11-County Agent positions which are paid directly in part by the State of Michigan
and part by the County; and
WHEREAS employees in these positions are appointed by Probate Judges and do not have status
within the County Merit System; and
WHEREAS this situation has caused repeated problems regarding the incumbents' lack of
opportunity to compete for-competitive examinations for promotion, management's lack of flexibility
regarding work assignments, the need for special considerations for this group in labor negotiations,
and an increase in administrative detail required involving payroll and attendance; and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan provides an option for these employees to be full County
employees with the County receiving a grant to partially offset costs; and
WHEREAS the net total additional cost to the County for converting all seven positions is
currently estimated to be $23,949; and
WHEREAS the County and Probate Court negotiating team reached agreement with AFSCOIE,
Local 2437, with respect to thc effect on employee benefit dates, application of seniority in layoffs,
and Merit System status, should he Board of Commissioners approve reclassifying the seven (7) posi-
tions to full funded County positions supported by State Grant funding; and
WHEREAS <aid agreement made no commitment to the union which would diminish the Board of
Commissioners authority to establish or reclassify these or any other positions; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the matter and supports the reclassification
of the seven (7) positions; and
WHEREAS in another area of concern the work demands upon the counseling staff at Children's
Village have diversified and expanded to the point where additional full-time Child Welfare Workers
are needed to perform counseling functions; and
WHEREAS the transfer of two (2) Child Welfare Worker II positions from the Foster Care and
Adoptions unit of Probate Court to Children's Village would allow the positions to be supported in
part with State of Michigan Child Care fund monies with reimbursement estimated at $27,270, to more
than offset the remaining costs of the County Agent, Assistant County Agent reclassifications noted
above; and
WHEREAS the transfer of an additional Child Welfare Worker II position from the Alternatives
to Secure Detention unit of Probate Court to Children's Village would provide additional needed coun-
seling in residential units at the Village.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that six (6) Child Welfare Worker II- Assistant County Agent
positions and one (I) Child Welfare Worker II-County Agent position as identified below be reclassified
to Child Welfare Worker II:
03609 Child Welfare Worker 11- ACA Casework
00429 Child Welfare Worker II- ACA Youth Assistance
01130 Child Welfare Worker II- ACA Youth Assistance
03129 Child Welfare Worker II- ACA Youth Assistance
01147 Child Welfare Worker II- CA Youth Assistance
02767 Child Welfare Worker II- ALA Foster Care and Adoptions
00904 Child Welfare Worker II- ACA Intake
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that three (3) Child Welfare Worker II positions be transferred
from Probate Court to Children's Village as follows:
03133 348-03 Fw,ier Care and Adoption 165-10 Child Care
01053 348-03 Foster Care and Adoption 165-10 Child Care
03388 347-10 Alt. to Secure Det. 165-10 Child Care
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following classifications be deleted from the County
Salary Schedule:
Child Welfare Worker I - Assistant County Agent
Child Welfare Worker 11 - Assistant County Agent
Child Welfare Worker II - County Agent
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the seven (7) reclassified positions shall remain in the budget
contingent upon continuation of State funding at the same level. Should the State grant for these
positions be eliminated or reduced, the continuation of the positions is subject to Board of Com-
missioners' review and approval.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Comnittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185009) Probate Court - RECLASSIFICATION OF COUNTY AGENTS AND
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C or this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85009 and finds:
1) The Probate Court is requesting six (6) Child Welfare Worker II-Assistant County Agent
positions and one (1) Child Welfare Worker II-County Agent position be reclassified to Child Welfare
Worker II,
2) Currently, these seven (7) positions receive partial compensation directly from the
State; the proposed reclassification would make them 10n County funded with the State reimbursing
the County directly,
3) The cost of this proposal for 1985 is $19.958 based on the attached Schedule I,
4) The Probate Court is also requesting three (3) Child Welfare Worker II positions be
transferred from Probate Court to Children's Village to serve as counselors,
5) Of these three (3) positions to be transferred to Children's Village, one (1) is
currently eligible For reimbursement under the Child Care Fund agreement and the other two positions
would become eligible for reimbursement once transferred. Additional revenues will not be recog-
nized at this time due to probability of 1985 expenses exceeding the State cap limitation.
6) Funds for this proposal shall be transferred as follows:
Transfer (7) Positions to County
10100-347 -05-00 -1001 Salaries. 11,583
-2074 Fringe Benefits 5.462
-08-00-1001 Salaries 11,583
-2074 Fringe Benefits 3,929
-12-00-1001 Salaries 49,001
-2074 Fringe Benefits 13,767
-3574 Personal Mileage 4 ,750
-348-03-00-1001 Salaries 11,583
-2074 Fringe Benefits 2,883
Sub-Total 114,541
-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (19,958)
Balance 94,583
New Account Revenue 94,583
- -
Transfer (3) Positions to Children's Village
29230-165-10-00-1001 Salaries 70,835
-2074 Fringe Benefits 24,389
Sub-Total 96,22-4
10100-348-03-00-1001 Salaries (-4-6)
-2074 Fringe Benefits (15,346)
29260-347-14-00-1001 Salaries (24,712)
-2074 Fringe Benefits (9,043)
Sub-Total 1-9-572214 )
- o -
7) The seven (7) reclassified positions shall remain in the budget contingent upon
68 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
continuation of State funding at the same level. Should the State grant for these positions be
eliminated or reduced, the continuation of the positions is subject to Board of Commissioner's
review and approval.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick. Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro.
NAYS: Olsen. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85062
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Real Estate Section (Corporation Counsel) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3R0 DIVISION - LEASE- ROCHESTER
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/3 District Court; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court is presently in leased facilities in the City of Rochester;
WHEREAS the current Lease expires in May of 1985; and
WHEREAS the District Court must be located within the city limits of the largest city of the
contiguous municipalities it serves; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court must be located in the City of Rochester Hills; and
WHEREAS the County advertised in local publications for such a facility to lease and has
had responses which conform to the needs set forth in such advertisement; and
WHEREAS R.G. Dryden E. Associates has proposed to build according to County specification
a court to be located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills; and
WHEREAS R.G. Dryden r, Associates has proposed to lease such facility to the County for use
as the 52/3 District Court, with the terms and conditions as set forth in the Lease attached to this
Resolution fur Twelve Dollars and 66/100 ($12.66) per square foot, being one Hundred thirty-eight
thousand, seven hundred two dollars and 96/100 W38,702.961per year; and
WHEREAS the Lease is for a period of ten (10) years to commence on August 1, 1985, or as
S000 thereafter as the Facility is ready for occupancy; and
WHEREAS the Facilities Engineering Division has reviewed the plans and specifications for
said Court and recommends the same; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel has reviewed and approved the Lease.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
plans, specifications and Lease for the facility located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills,
Michigan, for use as the 52/3 District Court for a term of ten (10) years to commence on August 1,
1985, or as soon thereafter as the facility is ready for occupancy.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
is directed to execute said Lease on behalf of the County.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85063
By Planning and Building Connittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS at the request of the Townships of Groveland and Addison, the County Safety Division
has been dispatching fire calls for their respective Township Fire Departments; and
WHEREAS the Townships have requested that the Safety Division continue to provide fire dis-
patch services in 1985; and
WHEREAS the Townships have agreed to continue to reimburse the County for each fire call at
the rate of $7.00 per call; and
WHEREAS the projected number of Fire calls for 1985 is approximately four-hundred fifty (Le50)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
which will produce an income of $3,150.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Safety Division is hereby authorized
to continue providing fire dispatch services for the above named Townships for the 1985 calendar
year at a rate of $7.00 per call.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne K. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Ha-.1,herner the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (20)
NAYS: Fortino, Pernick, Aaron, Doyon. (4)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85064 '
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Drain Commissioner - CADDELL DRAIN
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS proceedings have been taken by the Statutory Drainage Board for the location,
establishment and construction of the Caddell Drain under the provisions of Chapter 20 of Act No. 40
of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Drain
Commissioner; and
WHEREAS the said Drainage Board by resolution adopted on January 24, 1985, authorized and
provided for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $3,457,000 in anticipation
of the collection of an equal amount of special assessments against the City of Farmington Hills,
the City of Farmington, the City of Novi and the County of Oakland; said special assessments having
been duly confirmed by said Drainage Board; and
WHEREAS said bonds are to be designated Drain Bonds, are to be dated May 1, 1985, will bear
interest at a rate not exceeding 15111 and will be subject to redemption prior to maturity in accordance
with the provisions of said resolution; and
. WHEREAS said Drainage Board deems it advisable and neces.,ary to obtain from this Board a
resolution consenting to the pledge of the full faith and credit of the county on the aforesaid bonds;
WHEREAS the said drainage project is immediately necessary to protect and preserve the
public health and, therefore, it is in the best interest of the County of Oakland that said bonds be
I. Pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code
of 1956, as amended, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby irrevocably pledge the
full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest
on the Caddell Drainage District Drain Bonds, and does agree that in the event any public corporation
assessed shall fail or neglect to account to the County Treasurer of the County of Oakland for the
amount of any special assessment installment and interest, when due, then the amount thereof shall
be advanced immediately from county fundc, and the County Treasurer is directed to immediately make
such advancement to the extent necessary.
2. In the event that, pursuant to said pledge of full faith and credit, the County of
Oakland advancesout of county funds, all or any part of said installment and interest, it shali be
the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Oakland, to take all actions
and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such
sums so paid.
3. All resolutions and part; of resolutions insofar as the same may be in conflict with
the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, Fortino. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1585
Misc. 85015
By Planning and Building Committee
TO DECEMBER 31, 1985
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste
management plans; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979,
filed a Notice of Intent to prepare such a plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 82228 on August 5, 1982,
adopted a county solid waste management plan; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of several miscellaneous resolutions, the most recent
being Miscellaneous Resolution No. 84018, has employed the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen
and Freeman For legal services necessary for the implementation of the solid waste management plan for
the period ending December 31, 198 14: and
WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the 'Alice of Corporation Counsel that the law firm of
Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman be retained as legal counsel in order that continuity
be maintained; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recommendation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
he and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement for legal services by and between the
County of Oakland and Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of agreement shall be January 1, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for legal services for the period covered by this
resolution shall not exceed the sum of $50,000.00, as per the attached schedule of fees.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and
directed to act as the County's representative with respect to the work performed under this agrftment.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, f move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE; (Miscellaneous Resolution #85D15) Sewer, Water and Solid Waste - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 6'85015 and finds:
I) The Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division has requested to retain the law firm of
Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman as legal counsel for implementation of the solid waste
management plan, for a fee not to exceed $50,000 in 1985,
2) $50,000 is available in the 1985 Amended Budget, Solid Waste Unit, Professional Services
line-item (4-10100-142-15-00-3128).
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen,
Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85065
By Public Services Comnittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County, Michigan, is a political subdivision within the State of Michigan
with an official Emergency Preparedness Plan in compliance with Section 19 of Lhe Emergency Prepared-
ness Act, Act 390, Public Act:, of 1976.
WHEREAS Oakland County sustained severe losses of major proportions brought on by the ice
storm resulting in the following conditions: estimated damages of $33 million to trees, houses,
commercial and public property.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 78, 1985
WHEREAS Oakland County Board of COMMIOCK215 certifies that the County Emergency Pre-
paredness Plan was implemented ai the onsel of the disaster on January 1, 1985 and all applicable
disaster relief forces identified therein were exhausted.
WHEREAS as a direct result of the disaster, public damage and expenditures were extra-
ordinary and place an unreasonably greal financial burden on Oakland County totaling about $800,000.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests the
Governor to reimburse the BaXiMUM amount allowable ($20,000) to Oakland County from the State Disas-
ter Contingency fund pursuant to Section l9, Act 390, Public Acts of 1976.
FURTHERMORE, Daniel T. Murphy is authorized to execute for and in behalf of Oakland County
the application for financial assistance and to provide to the State any information required for
that purpose.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient maiority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85066
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 7865,
7371 and 8664 accepted federal grants in defray a portion of the costs in purchasing sirens to be
utilized within the Oakland County Tornado Warning System; and
WHEREAS the County share of the costs will remain at twenty-five percent as has been the
policy previously established by the Board of Commissioners by various Miscellaneous Resolutions
whereby local units pay seventy-five lwrcenL and the County twenty-five percent with the County
being responsible for the maintenance and electrical costs for the sirens purchased; and
WHEREAS the City of Southfield, per the attached Purchase Agreement, has requested to
participate in the Siren System; and
WHEREAS the City of Seuthfield has agreed to pay seventy-five percent of the total esti-
mated cost of one siren; and
WHEREAS consistent with the attached standard agreement, the City of Southfield agrees
that Oakland County will retain ownership of any sirens and will be responsible for the maintenance
and the electrical costs for said siren purchased under this agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes
the appropriation of $3,758.00, consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenditure of this appropriation is contingent upon
the execution of the attached written agreement between the County and the City of Southfield.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public
Services Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division
and to the balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behdli of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85067
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Coolds.,ioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and pre-
vent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises
in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
of such enterprises to provide needed ,,ervices and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the EconomiL Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public
Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County', Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the [DC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a pro-
ject (C.W. Schneider Project) and ha'; designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project Area and
Project District Area for its approval,
I. The Project Area, AS described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project heause the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are l ess than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, a
Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: R.Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85068
By Public Services Connittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of The Economic Development Corporation of the County oF Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for A project (C.W. Schneider Project) under the Economic Development Cor-
porations Act, Act Nu. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act.
1. The appointments of Roger Knapp and William Potere, Jr., who are representative of
neighborhood residents and bu ,,;ne;s interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 197 14, as amended.
Roger Knapp and William Potere, Jr. shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are appointed
is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Secretary of he Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick,
Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Commissioners Kinutcs Continued. February 28, 1985
Misc. 85069
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commiiuners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enter-
prises in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy .and to encourage the location
and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and f3riliries to the County and
us residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Developmeni Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public
Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has comenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a pro-
ject (MercyCare Health Services Center Project #2) and has designated to this Board of Commis-
sioners a Project Area and Project District Area for its approval.
I. The Project Area, LIS described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18)_ residents, real
property owners, or representatives ef establishments located within the Project District Area, a
Project Citizens District Council shall not he Formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act_
4. That the County Clerk he, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Commiitee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernirk, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Doyun, Fortino, Gosling, Hassbeeger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared ad opted.
Misc. 85070
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (MercyCare Health Services Center Project #2) under the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act");
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in con-
nection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act.
I. The appointments of Deborah J. Gray and Patrick M. Dohany, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Deborah J. Gray and Patrick M. Dohany shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are
appointed is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985 74
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberoer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85071
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in this County
through ale County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EEC has connenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(the Georgelowne Properties Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project Area
and Project District Area for its approval.
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commerical uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries coterminous
with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, a
Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution he adopted.
YEAS: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Doyon, Furtino, Gosling, Rassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85072
By Public Services Connlittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #83170 (June 23, 1983) approved by the Board of Commissioners
recognized the need to provide funds for services to the senior citizens of the Charter Township of
Royal Oak; and
WHEREAS the funds will be used to continue the operation of the Pearl Wright Senior Citizen
Center located in Royal Oak Township to provide transportation, nutritional service and staff support
for senior citizens, especially the low-income and minorities located in Royal Oak Township; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council unanimously recommends
the approval of the contract; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division will directly administer $13,124.00 of the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28. 1985
Charter Township of Royal Oak 'h community development funds for sorvires provided to the Pearl Wright
Senior Citizen Center.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
Chairperson of the Board of Commli ,.sioners to execute ihe at agreement with the Oakland Living-
ston Human Service Agency for implementation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Contract and Attachment A oo file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Cloyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority havin g voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution 1/6961 of January 23, 1975 declared
its intention to become designated as an Urban County under the Federal Housing and Community Develop-
ment Act of 1974, as amended: and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution A3169 of June 23 and June 30, 1983
allocated a grant amount or $2,137,000 1r Federal funds to 46 participating communities as a result of
the "Emergency Jobs Appropriation Bill of 1983," Public Law 98-8; and
WHEREAS ihese participating Lommunitios were advised that the intent of the legislation was
to meet the objectives of the CD8G prouram, obligate and disburse funds as rapidly as possible,
utilize funds to the exten1 practicable in high unemployment areas and utilize funds to maximize
creation of new employment opportunities: and
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has notified the County of
Oakland that all Emergency Jobs Bill funds must be expended in accordance with the intent of Congress
and by December 31, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Advisory Council recommends approval of
the agreement; and
WHEREAS the Comuunity Development. Division's Jobs Bill Status Report as of December 31, 1984
for Part 11, Special Activities indicates both the slow movement of some of these projects and the
lack of current documentation evidencing the fulfillment or projected jobs associated with the project.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
Recapture Process and Criteria for the Port II Special Activit y Funds in accordance with the attach-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hai.sberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hossbercer, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority baying voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
Resolution 1185024)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85024, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the Following amendment:
To add an additional paragraph to state "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete one (1) vacant
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Animal Shelter Attendant position (100465) in the Kennel unit."
Mr. Chairperson, on he of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85024
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Gormoissiuners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Convissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #8581 autho-
rized the management reorganization for the Animal Control Division; and
WHEREAS the management reorganization includes, in part, engaging a licensed Veterinarian
to carry out County respunsihilities under various Michigan laws; and
WHEREAS Susan J. Alexander, D.V.M. was engaged by the County for the period ending February 28,
1985; and
WHEREAS it is in the interest ol the County to renew the contract with Susan J. Alexander,
D.V.M.; and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division and Department of Management and Budget have researched
the services performed by the Veterinarian and have found that additional services could be performed
with cost savings to the County; and
WHEREAS the Veterinarian and Animal Control Division concur on these services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorized the
renewal and revision of the attached contract with Susan J. Alexander, D.V.M.; and
BE /T FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and Chairperson of the Board are herewith
authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Contract on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution 85024) Animal Control Division - VETERINARIAN CONTRACT RENEWAL AND
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185024 and finds:
I) The proposed Veterinarian Professional Services Contract covers the period March 1, 1985
through February 28, 1986,
2) The Animal Control Division requests to increase the Veterinarian Professional Services
contract by an amount of $5,650 to include performance of euthanasia services,
3) In exchange, the Division requests to delete one (1) Animal Shelter Attendant position
(00465) currently vacant in the kennel unit, and to decrease salary and fringe benefits by an amount
of $18,098,
4) The proposal results in a net annual savings of $8,448,
5) The Animal Control Division's 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
4-22100-178-05-00-1001 Salaries
4-22100-178-05-00-2075 Workers Comp.
-2076 Group Life
-2077 Retirement
-2078 Hospitalization
-2079 FICA
-2080 Dental
-2081 Disability
-2082 Unemployment
4-22roo-i78-ol-DO-3128 Professional Services
-909-01 -00-9900 Contingency
(6 0 171)
- o -
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Aaron the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Februdry 28, 1985
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resoiution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be amended by adding an additional paragraph
to read: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete one (1) vacant Animal Shelter Attendant position (#00465)
in the Kennel Unit."
A sufficient majority having vnled therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended and with Fiscal
Note attached, was adopted.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution #85025) Animal Control - ESTABLISH RATE INCREASES - MUNICIPALITIES
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85025 and finds:
1) A cost analysis has determined that the increased rates would continue to recover 100%
of the cost for contracted disnosal, consistent with County policy relative to municipality disposal
2) Disposal-Live Current Rate Proposed Rate
Salary $3.23 S3.211
Fringe Benefits 1.37 1.24
Operating 1.07 1.24
Total Charge $TU
Salary $3.23 $3.28
Fringe Benefits 1.32 1.24
Operating .62 .77
Total Charge $5.17 $5.29
3) The requested contract price.; have been incorporated in the 1985 Adopted revenue budget,
therefore the request contains no further financial implications to the 1985 Adopted Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc. 85025
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 339
of 1919 as amended (the Dog Low); and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division renders services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of
Service Contracts: and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution g83327,
dated November 17, 1983, established 1 unit price of $5.17 for disposal of small dead animals and
a unit price of $5.62 for live small animals; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Anirml Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through 0 cost analysis that these fees should be increased to a unit price
of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price of $5.76 for live small animals be
charged; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 10lr, of its costs for disposal.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a unit price of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price of $5.76 for
live small animals be charged lo municip,-11ities purchasing Service Contracts with the Oakland County
Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
78 Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
Moved by Lanni ,,,Apported by wehb the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Pdqe, Pernick, Rcwold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lonoi, Low, McDonald, McPbeison, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen. (20)
NAYS: Price, F01 1110, Moorc. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Miscellaneous Resolution /85026) - Animal Control Division - ESTABLISH RATE DECREASE -
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI -C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85026 and finds:
1) A cost analysis has determined that this fee decrease would continue to recover 100%
of the cost fur contracted board nod care, consistent with County policy relative to municipality
board and care contracts.
2) Current Rate Proposed Rate
Salary $3.2 3 $3.28
Fringe Benefits 1.32 1.24
Operoting 3.02 3.02
3) The requested contract price has been incorporated in the 1985 Adopted revenue budget,
therefore the request certain., no further financial implications to the 1985 Adopted Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc, 85026
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent lemon:
WHEREAS the Ookldnd County Animal Control Divisiop odmdnisters the provisions of P.A. 339
or 1919, as amended (the Oaq Low); and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division rendete's services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of
Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #83328, dated
November 17, 1983, established a unit price of $7.57 per day to be charged for board and care; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through a cost analysis that this fee should be decreased to a unit price of
$7.54 per day to be chartJed for board and care; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 400% of its costs for such board
and care.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
estabiish a unit price of $7.54 per day for board and care to be charged to municipalities purchasing
Service Contracts with Oakland County Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on bohdlf of the Public Services Corned tee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Mr. Olsen requested Ralph Nelson present the following resolution on behalf of the General
Government Committee and the Board of Conmissioners:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Fehr-H.11y 20, 1985
Misc. 85074
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board ol Commissiorers
WHEREAS John H. Peterson sri vi is a member of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
from 1577 through 1982, representing thy citizens of the greater Rochester area; and
WHEREAS John Peterson wa., a Commissioner who not only conscientiously served his own
constituency, hut who served all of the citizens of Oakland County through his tireless efforts to
help those who were less h)rturate, and through his pride in the accomplishments of Oakland County,
kept constant vigil to find ways to m.d‹.e Oakland Courtly a better place to work and live; and
WHEREAS John Peterson'e dedication to ihe people of Oakland County did not end with his
retirement from the Board of Commiseietiers as hr continued to serve on several advisory councils and
boards, always giving of himself for the betterment of us all.
NOW THEREFORE I, Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners,
on behalf of the entire Board, do hereby extend condolences to John's wife, Mary, and to the John
Peterson family; and I hereby order th.o the foregoing memorial resolution be spread upon the pro-
ceedings of this meeting and that a cettified copy, affixed with the seal of the County of Oakland
be given to the Peterson !amity.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
The resolution was unanimouely adopted.
Mr. Olsen requested Dorothy Webb present the following resolution on behalf of the General
Government Committee and the-Board of Commissioners:
Misc. 85075
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlernro:
WHEREAS Donald R Geary served on the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners from 1581-1984,
representing the citizens of Ferndale; and
WHEREAS Donald Geary's service on the Board of Connissioners included his membership on
the Health and Human Resources Committee, Public Services Committee, Jail Study Sub-Committee, and
the Comnunity Development Advisory Council; and
WHEREAS during his two terms en the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner
Geary served with distinction and honor and brought to this Board his great insight on law enforce-
ment issues garnered from his many years of service as a police officer and Chief of the Ferndale
Police Department; and
WHEREAS Don Geary's dedication io the people he represented and his fairness to the people
he worked with won him many friends and admirers.
NOW THEREFORE 1, Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners,
on behalf of the entire Board, do hereby extend its condolences to Don's wife, Dorothy, and to Donald
R. Geary's family; and I hereby order that the foregoing Memorial Resolution be spread upon the pro-
ceedings of this meeting and that a certified copy, affixed with the seal of the County of Oakland
be given to the Geary family.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
The resolution was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Olsen requested all members stand for a moment of siTence in memory of John H. Peterson
and Donald R. Geary.
Misc. 85076
By Mr. Moore
To the Oakland County Board or Comnissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland ie beeoming increasingly involved in a growing number of
legal actions; and
WHEREAS the Board of Conmissioners needs to be informed of all lawsuits brought by Oakland
County and all those brought against Oakland County on a timely basis; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel's Office maintains records on all pending litigation by and
against the County of Oakland.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
direct that the Office of Corporation Counsel notify the Board of Commissioners, through written
report to its Finance Committee, of every lawsuit brought by the County of Oakland and of every
legal action filed against the County of Oakland, and that such report be submitted on at least a
Commissioners Minutes Continued. February 28, 1985
monthly basis.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of Corporation Counsel be further directed to inform
the Board of Comnissioners, through written report to its Finance Committee, of the final disposition
of all such legal matters.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Walter Moore, Commissioner, District #7
Dorothy M. Webb, Richard G. Skarritt, John J. McDonald,
Lawrence R. Pernick, Roy Rewold, Ruel E. McPherson,
David L. Moffitt, James A. Doyon, Ann M. Hobart,
Hubert Price, Jr., John E. Olsen, Betty Fortino,
W. A. Flassberger, John P. Calandro, James E. Lanni,
G. William Caddell, D.C., Ralph Nelson,
Richard D.Kuhn, Jr., Richard R. Wilcox, Thomas A. Law,
Marilynn E. Gosling, Dennis M. Aaron
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85077
By Mr. McDonald
To the Oakland County Board of Comm;ssioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS special places arc marked on parking lots which may only be used by handicapped
persons with certificates or license plates issued by the State of Michigan; and
WHEREAS each year many handicapped persons from other states visit Oakland County and park
in special parking spaces without reali2ing that their out-of-state handicap permAts.an-dior tags are
not valid in Michigan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve the policy of honoring in all marked handicapped parking spaces On County property, not only
valid handicapped certificates or license plates of Michigan residents, hut also all valid out-of-
state handicapped certificates or license plates.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be and hereby is directed to send a certified
copy of this resolution to all State Legislators representing Oakland County and the County's Legis-
lative Agent urging such reciprocal arrangements for handicap parking for the entire State of Michigan.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Commissioner District g27
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
Copy of the Board Referrals made py the Chairperson are on File in the County Clerk's Office.
The Chairperson announced the time for the next two Board meetings will be March 14, 1985
at 9:30 a.m. and March 28, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.
The Board adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
March 14, 1985
Meeting called to older di 10:17 a.m. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 North Telegraph
Road. Pontiac, Michiqou.
Invocation given by Nancy McConnell.
Pledge of Allegidin... to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Cdddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Kuhn, Ednoi, LAW, MUFAMIn •ll, McDonald, McPherson. Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Olsen, Price,
Rowold, Skarritt, Webh, Wi cull (24)
ABSENT: Page, Perinoff, rernick. (3)
Moved by McPherson ..apoorted by Moffitt the minutes of the February 14, 1985 meeting
he approved as printed.
Mr. Nelson st0ted the minutes failed to show a vote on his amendment to Resolution 45002
EXECUTIVE), and there hdd been 0 voice vote on the amendwnt. Mr. Nelson requested the minutes be
corrected on page 12 (orior t, Mr. Price's motion to refer the resolution to the Genera) Government
Cowl ttee) LII ',bow the 1.11 low i :
"Vote on Mr. Nelson',, Amendment:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried."
There wore no obiec-tions to the correction.
VoIe on approvd1 of the minutes with the correction:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes, as corrected, were approved.
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the end , as presented, be amended, and the rules
be suspended to add the follokving tunis
A, Sheriff's Depilrtment - Expansion of the Oakland County Jail
h. Community Development Division - Recapture of Special Activity Jobs Bill Funds
C. Community Development Division - Options for Reallocation of Recaptured Jobs Bill
a. Health Division Cost -Sharing Agreement - 1985 Acceptance
b. Health Division - Preventive HeaUh Block Grant, October I, 1934 through
September 30, 1985
c. In.,tilutiondl and Human Services Department - Step One Services Program Revisions
Also. Mr. LA1116 T-euo._.sted the Planning and Building Committee be the first item on the
agenda dnd thot Item "B" under General Government Committee be deleted.
Vote on suspension (if the rules:
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberuer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient mlii oil ly having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Coramisioner ,. Minute-, Contioned. Korn 14,
Vote on lhe agenda III Ii additiow,:
A snflicient majority Ildving voted therefor, the agenda as amended, was aopraved.
Clerk read /et ter of tank., frow Mary Peterson. (PlaLed LP-I file)
Clerk read letter In-om Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox advising the Board that Resolution
#85008, Merit System Rule Soholi ,-,sion ol Changes in Rules 1, 4, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24, dated February 14,
1985, has laid over thl. 30 dtlVr-n i, re. pti red, and no object iceei have been received; therefor, the
reso 1 1011 (P .%c:‹,(1 urn 1
Clerk read letter from Cnd;vppr ,,on Richard B. Wiftox announcing the appointments of
Marilynn E. Gosling, Ma rilyn MI/ell, Molly Dando, Betty Schnelz and Edward J. Wallon, Ph.D. to
serve on the Core Foi.ility Advisory Council lcur term-. ending January 1, 1987.
Moved hy t1ce,an Kuhn .,ana,a•td by fl,e,sherger the appointments he confirmed.
A sufficient majority havini voted therefor, the appointments to the Care Facility Advisory
Council were confirmed.
Clerk re.-14i letter from Rich,rrd R. Wilcox announcing the appointments of Dorothy Webb
(Chairperson). W. A. Hassberner, Anne Hobart, Rued E. McPherson, William Spinelli and Captain
Carl MItheny 10 serve on the Oakland County Regional Prison Site Selection Committee.
Moved by Webb surporied lis qelson the appoinlmen1 he confirmed.
Mr. Moore requested thr Board also consider the appointment of a representative from Pontiac
to serve on the Crilmli t Ice, ..ind he would he willing to SerVC is the Pcmtlac Representative.
Mr. Wilcox stated that Wit ii Moore 's name won Id he added 10 the persons appointed to serve
on the coollittec ii there were rio ohHctions. There were no ohjections.
Vole on appoinrwnt..:
A ,,,ufficient nnuijnuu I ly iLivinq voted therefor, the oppointme rits were confirmed.
Clerk read letter 110AI Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of James E. Lanni as
Delegate and Betty Fortino as Alt_ornao lo the Area Agency on Aging for terms ending December 31. 1986.
Moved by lice.sherger supnort,.d by Sue Kuhn the appointments be confirmed.
A sui(icient majority havino voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk read resoluiion from Calhoun County regarding the State's commitment to Public
Health cost sharing program. (Referred to Genernl Government Committee)
Clorl, read ir-„otolion Imml Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority regarding a quarter of a
Mili 1;-IX to bp levied upon all taxable property within the five counties comprising the Metropolitan
District for the year 1985, 1-.r Ow purposes or the Authority. (Referred to Finance Committee)
Roger Young addres,ed ihe Board regarding the 52nd District Court, 3rd Division site selection.
Misc. 85062
By Planning and Building 0Immiliee
IN RE: Recrl E.,late Section (Corporation Counsel) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3rd DIVISION - LEASE -
To the Oakland County Board ol
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County ol Oakland is [tic" control uni.1 for the 52/3 District Court; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 Dir,Irict Court is presently in leased facilities in the City of Rochester;
WHEREAS the current le.The expires in May of 1985; and
WHEREAS the District Court most be located within the city limits of the largest city of
the contiguous municipalities ii serves; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 Ohm bet Court must he located in the City of Rochester Hills; and
WHEREAS the Cimuly ddvertl .,ed iii local publications for such a facility to lease and has
had responses which conform to the needs set forth in such advertisement; and
WHEREAS R. G. Dryden Associates has proposed in build according to County specification
a court 10 be located at Barcf,,,, CircIe, Rochester Nitk; Arid
WHEREAS R. G. Dryden r. A .,.,ocjiaes has proposed to lease such facility to the County for use
as uhe 52/3 District Court, with the terms and conditions as set forth in the Lease attached to this
Resolution fir Twelve Dollan; and 66/100 (512.66) per square foot, being One hundred thirty-eight
Conks 1.1 o10•1 C.on i 1111,1. I/I , [985
idiven bundled two d,Ilars and 06/100 (S138,702.96) per year; and
oxic 1 ')1 II-11 (10) years to commence on August 1, 1985, or as
id Poll I Ii' Iii i hi y 1•. p tidy for ik C1.44,111Cy dOSI
WHEREAS thr FTviliH,", Engineering Division haLi reviewed the plans and specifications for
said Court and recommeinis •nd
WHEREAS the befttcfment el tot it Counsel has reviewed and approved the Lease.
NOW THEREFORE W IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
plans, snocification ,, and lor the lacility located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills, Michigan,
for mc ON the 52/3 DHiricl Court for a term of ten (10) years to commence on August 1, 1985, or as
soon thereafter as the facility ih ready for occupancy.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Comm;ssoners is
directed to execute said 1_,2.1'.(2 on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairper%on, on hi ha I 1 ,f the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foreuoinn resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Leow on ii hi' in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by /Whorl ,,iiphurhA by Webb the resolution be adopted.
Discuhsion followed.
Moved by Hohati by Webh the lease he amended by deleting paragraphs 27 and 42.
A majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Mr. Remold ‘,1ak.,1 lw would abstain from voting on the resolution because eE his as
wilt! the Rewold and Sim Ecuistruction Company, and although the Corporation Counsel said it's not a
conflict of interest for him to vote, he would abstain from voting on the resolution.
Discussion loll(med.
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the Fiscal Note attached to the resolution be amended by
substituting the following fi ,.cAl uhtc:
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Re.i) E=dale So,:tioo (torpordtion Counsel) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT, 3rd DIVISION LEASE - ROCHESTER
To the Oakland County Boord ol Commissioners
Mr. ChalrpersDn, Ladle ,. and Gentlemen:
Put ,maid ii Holi, XI-C iT Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Mii-icellaneous
Resolution 11850(2 and finds:
1) The hrophwd leco,c is for a period of ten (10) years commencing August 1, 1985 or as
soon thereafter os the facility is ready for occupancy;
2) The Ciurnly agrces to pay fixed annual rent of 5 38,702.96 (based on a rate of $12.66
per square foot for 1n,956 ',quart- feet of space) in equal monthly installments, adjusted one time by
the CIP For ihe Icr,t Five (5) yedn, or the !ease;
3) The additional rental cost For the remainder of 1985 is $25,391, said funds avail-
abln in !he 1985 Contingency Account.
4) The Rodrd of Commissioners appropriates $25,391 from the 1985 Contingency Account
and transfers said amount to the 1985 District Court, DiVibiOn III budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(25,391)
324-0/-D0-3658 Division III - Rent 25,391
- 0
5) The County will be responsible for the payment of utilities costs, janitorial services,
telenhono system roal es1.1Le loxes and a ,iseL;,,ments and furniture and equipment cost and repair;
an additional appropriation will lie requested when such costs are made available.
6) 1986 will 5c provided in the 1986 8u0et..
Betty rortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Discusi,ion billowed.
Vol(' un onwnck.0 Cii.. i I Nol:
AYES: Skartitt, Webh, Wilcox, Dovon, Goslinu. Hashberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConneli, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Cilsen. (16)
NAYS: Aaron, fdldndro, Fortino, Moore, Price. (5)
ABSTAIN: Rewold. (1)
Commissioners Minnie ,. Continued. Mal,.h II', 1985
A sufficient majority having v(ded therefor, the amended Fiscal Note carried.
Moved by Price sunaorted nv lie thc taunt err be referred back to the Planning and
Building Collmittee.
Discussion followed.
Vote on motion to refer:
AYES: Aaron, Doyon, For Law. McPherson, Moore, PT-ICe.. (7)
NAYS: Skarrilt, Wcbh, WI Lox , Calandra Gosling. Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen. (17)
ABSTAIN: Rewold. (1)
A niiflicicnj majority rI livi ng voted lit For, rho lip 0 ion or led.
Moved by Prfte supported hy the !ea.,' he atminded in all 'he WHEREAS paragraphs
where "0. C. brpion hy striking "R. G. Dryden Y. Associates" and inserting
"Rivorcrcist"; also insert the .'imIrt)prioe cot of the lease ($12.00 per square foot in place of
$12.60 and change the wtal 41101111i HI reflect the change.
Discussion lollowed.
Vote on amendment:
AYES: Aaron. Fortino, Moot ,., Price. 01
NAYS: Wehh, Wilcox, Calandra Doyon, Gosiing, kia ,dsherner, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell. McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Skarritt. (17)
ABSTAIN: linwold. (I)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Vote on resolution with amended Fiscal Note:
AYES: Wilcox, Dnyon, Goslitia Hassberger, Hobart. R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Skarritt, WO
NAYS: kiron, Calandra Fortino, Law, McPherson, Moore, Price. (7)
ABSTAIN: Rewold. (1)
A suilicient majority Flavin ,' voted therefor, the resolution, with amended Fiscal Note, was
By General Government Ccmimitter
To the Oakland County Board of
Mr. Chairperson, LadieF, and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 203 of thw Michigan Election Law provides that county treasurers id counties
of 1,000,000 or more population lii I begin their new berm on the July 1 following the November
general election; and
WHEREAS this amondwnt .idopted by the legislature several years ago at the repuest of
Wayne County because that. hea-vy tax collection workload in the early months of the year was
perceived as making il extremely difficult for a new person to take office January I and do the job
property; and
WHEREAS this law was on the books long before Oakland County surpassed the 1,000,000
population mark in the 1980 con sun and
WHEREAS there is no need for a lengthened term in Oakland County to assure a proper and
orderly transition in the office of county treasurer.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports an
amendment 1,o the Michigan Election Law that would change the population standard from 1,000,000 to
2,000.000, thus leaving only Wayne County with the lengthened county treasurer term.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators repre-
senting Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Has ,iberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, calandru, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanol,
McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt. Moore, Nekon, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
35 Maien 14, 1935
Misc. 85079
By General Goveriumoi
To the Oakland County 6-,A la 1! cimmiT,,,ioners
Mr. Ch,il rirersi Lai,. eil Cril bluer
WHEREAS tiimi 19/)-I924, Lillian V. Moffitt, ably represented the citizens of County
Distri(t fl5, ri I rib includes the ViIloge of Franklin, and portions of the City of
Formiin i tnn Hills, and the Toolishins of West Bloomfield and Bloomfield; and
WHEREAS during I2-year tenure on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Lillian
Mill ill has served .1 ,, the Chdirperson of the Cunniittee on Organization, Vice Chairperson of
the Personnel Comiuittee, a ,. woll is serving as a member of the Local and Regional Affairs, Planning
and Zoning, Legislative, Public Services and Finance Committees, and has chaired the Manpower Com-
mittee dnd Out Mass Tian ,.it Symposium, and
WHEREAS Lillian Molfitt's total commitment to the citizens of Oakland County is further
exemplified by her no A ,. A 01(.116121- o1 ninv Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees, her member-
ship on the River Rouge Watendled Council, No As of Counties Transportation Com-
mittee, Southeastern Michiiwn Council of Governments, Vico Chairperson of the County Cultural Council,
and her dedicated servfte to !he Board of Commisioners as the Board's Vice Chairperson from 1977-1984.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
unanimously commend Lillian V. Mcliii iii her dedicdted service to the citizens of Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption al the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
The re ,alliiiinn nnanimously adopted.
By General Government Corduitfoe
To the Oakland County Boald of Coimnissioners
Mr. Chairperson, LAM-, iii rienllomen:
WHEREAS Idam• l'12-1984, William J. Foley ably represented the citizens of County Cnm-
missiouer District !?.. which includes the City of Wixom, V ill oqe of Milford, and Townships of Rose.
Milford and Highiand; and
WHEREAS during his lenbre on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Bi 1 Foley was a
member of the Personnel Comnittee, the Zoning Coordinating Committee, and the Health and Human
Resources Committee, as welt as serving on the Salary Administration Review Subcommittee, the
Oakland County Historical 1OIAWk',I n 111 and the Lakes Boards within Iris district; and
WHEREAS as a !umber or the Board'.; Planning and Building Committee, Bill Foley brought
to the Board of Commissioners his great interest and experience in the real estate business.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
unanimously conmeild William J. Foley for his dedicated service to the citizens of Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, I 'rove the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
The resolution ni anonimously adopted.
Misc. 85081
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Kr. Chairperson, Ladie', and Gccillemen:
WHEREAS from 19BI -1934, Berl Jackson ably represented the citizens of County Commissioner
District 1122, which includes the City of Bingham Farms, Village of Beverly Hills, and a portion of
the Cities of Birmingham and Southfield, and a portion of Bloomfield Township; and
WHEREAS during hi', !enure on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Bert Jackson was
a momhi'i. or the P111)1 ii Services Cowittee and Zoning Coordinating Committee; and
WHEREAS u. .0 mauher (IC the Board',i Planning and Building Comittee, Bert Jackson brought
to the Board of CoumiT,sioners his vast knowledge 01 the building and construction trades serving
as the Vice Chairperson of that Committee; and
WHEREAS Bert JaLkson's commitment to the betterment of the quality of life in our County
continues as he continues 10 'alive on the County Library Board, and as the Vice Chairperson of the
Collimunity Development Advisory Council.
NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
unanirrnisly commend George Be!Jon Jackson for his dedicated service to the citizens of Oakland
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of
the In resolution.
John F. Olsen, Chairperson
The resolution inn , unanimously adopted.
Comissionvis Conlinu,d M..ch 14, 1985
Misc. 85082
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board icl Crsiirii .-. in Cs
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Centlemi•li :
WHEREAS Miscelldneoas Re ,,o/idion /1145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less 111011 sir (1))) nercens from tho original grant application; and
WHEREAS the Finance Cormdtlee ha-, reviewed .-;aid grant, as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Social Service ,.„ and find., :he qr,Int aword id the ariount of 5643,298 for the period January 1,
1585 through December 31, 1585, whit)) is 53,417 less than the original application or ST reduction:
WHEREAS the grant is 83.9. or $540,131 funded through the State and 16.15 or $103,167
funded by the County as detailed on (he it inched schedule: and
WHEREAS the County portioc I the grant consists or $42,555 in soft match contribution to
the program, and $60,612 in operating costs representing the County cash contribution; and
WHEREAS the County cash contribution is available a5 follows:
411-01-00-3230 Blood Te,ting $ 6.550
909-01-00-9900 Contineency 54,062
$60,612; and
WHEREAS all personnel ch.nnit-, will have to he approved by the Personnel Committee: and
WHEREAS acceplancc, or 11,1 rant does not obligate the County to any further commitments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985
Cooperative Reimhurseiwnt Prosecuting Attorney Grani in the amount of $643,258, of which $540,13 1 is
State finnled.
BE If FURTHER RISOIVIO !hot the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
dud 1., her e by duifiori/ed •.aid grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes nnd grdnt extensions, Hat to exceed a Len (10) percent variance, which are consistent
with tbe grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract his been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation 1-,oun=d,[.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tho/ ihr 1985 RimkIet be amended by the acceptance of this 111,111t
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairpersnn, nn ol the Finance Cumitittee, f move the adoption of the foregoing
Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Copy of Schc;dules I and II ,N) file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Fortino supported ny Gosling the resolution he adopted.
AYES: EolAndro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
McConnell. McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (21)
NAYS, None. (0)
A sufficient majority lwvinq voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc.. 85083
Ay F i wurce Commi
To the Oakland Cow-11.y Board 01 Ckwimi 011(2 rs
Mr. Chairperson, ladies and Omit Isnel?
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cormdssioners, by Miscellaneous Resolution i84339
authorized the application for the continuation and expansion of the Cooperative Reimbursement
Program - Friend of the Court; and
WHEREAS the Firwoce Cilidwit[eo has reviewed said program as approved by the State of
Michigan, Department of Social Services, and find; the grant program award for $1,487,829 is
for program continuation and Lovri.,-; the period of January I through December 31, 1985; and
WHEREAS the total FiurrHaq For the grant is $1,487,829, of which $1,348,682 or ninety-
one (91) percent is State funded and S139,147, or nine (9) percent is County funded, consisting
0 1 $51,370 in soft match contrihution to the program, and $47,777 in operating costs representing
the County cash contrihotinn; and
WHEREAS the Cogniy c.Ish contribution is available as follows:
312-01-00-3380 F.O.C. GrmAt Match $22,129
909-01-00-9908 federal/Stato Project Match 25,648
$147,777 and
WHEREAS or the difference n cl $533,120 between the program application and award,
$159,749 represents program expdn.,ion which is currently under review by the State of Michigan
87 C01111111',',11/11(.1. Mi iiu t Ci n111 i i ii.ud Miri Ii I hr, 1985
DeparlminIt of Soclal Servlccs ,n)d say he ,nvarded to Oakland County in the future and $373,371 repre-
senK todnu-d county lurding 101- the continuation program.
WURLAS all pr!..01111, 1 thdwp -. will have tu be Approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVFD that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985
Cootx.J.Jtive Reimburwcynn Proqram Grmit - Friend of the Court as awarded, in the amount of $1,487,829
and that the Chai rpii in td Iln. Board of Colmissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said
grdnt conlroct.
BE IT FORTPER RLSOI_VED the Board of Commissioners appropriates $25,648 from the 1985
Fderd I /S Lai e Project Ma t ainl (ran ,,fers said amount to the 1985 Friend of the Court Budget
009-W -00-990E LUdel-Al/State Project Match $(25.648)
312-01 -00-33811 F.O.C. Grant Match 25.648
- 0 - and
BE IT FURTHfR RESOLVED that Ow 1985 Budget he allwrnded, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed and Schedule 1.
BE IT FURTHER RISOLVED 111,11 Lhc Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grin o oxien%jons, not to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are consistent
with the grant is atfproved.
BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that this Grant has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office of Corporation counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Mot the future level of service shall be contingent upon the level
or st;lie Funding available h.r this program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the Foregoing
Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Copy of SalladuleL, I ,ind It on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Fortino mnnorted by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lwarli, McConnell,
McPherson, Not Nclnn, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro. {19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Finance Crimittec
IN RE: Corporation Counsel - NOTIFICATION OF LITIGATION (hisLellaneous Resolution #85076)
To thc Oakland County Board iii Commissioners
KJ-, Chairperson, Ladic., and Gentlemen:
Pursuant kr Rule XI -C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewEJJ Miscellaneous
Reolution P85076 and
I) Office of Cntn .,...ration Counsol will notify the Board of Commissioners through written
repot A io thc -Findncr 01 every lawsuit brought by the County of Oakland and of every legal
action tiled andinst [he County of Oakland, and that such report be submitted On at least a monthly
2) Offico iif Corpt,ralion Counsyl will inform the Board of Commissioners through written
QT011 to the Finance Committee, of the final dispoItion of all such legal matters,
3) 4o the County will be reported to the Board of Cosmissioners with
the Oldice of Corporation Counsel reports.
Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Misc. 85076
By Wailer Moore
To the Odkldod County B0oLd 01 CommiL,tiloorrs
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies cunl Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the COLIH y if Oakland is becoming increasingly involved in a growing number of
legA ot/rons; and
WHEREAS the Board of Comuisioners needs to he informed of all lawsuits brought by Oakland
County and all those broaght Against Oakland County on a timely basis; and
WHEREAS Corptwation Counsel's Office maintains records on all pending litigation by and
against the County or Oakland.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
direct that the Office of Corporation Counsel notify the Board of Commissioners, through written
report to its Finance Crminitt.,e, i>I every lawsuit brought by the County of Oakland and of every
legal action filed .leain ,.1 the County of Oakland, and that such report be submitted on at least
a nunihly
Commissioners Minutes Conliroed. Morb 14,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Old iC(.. 01 Corporation Ceonsel be further directed to inform
the Board of Crmunissioners, thleagh k,ritlon I011011 to its Finance Committee, of the final disposition
of all such legal matters.
Mr. Chairpelson, 1 1110Vt thr adoption ol the foregoing resoiution.
Waiter Moore, Cotroissioner, District #7
Lawrence R. PFUfliCk, Ruel E. McPherson,
James A. Doyon, Hubert Price, Jr., Betty 1-urtino,
John P. Ealaedro, C. William Caddell, D.C.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Thomas A. Law, Dennis M. Aaron,
Dorothy M. Webb, Richard G. Skarritt, Roy Rewold,
John J. McDonald, D. L. Moffitt, Anne M. Hobart,
John E. Olson, W. A. Hassberger, J. E. Lanni,
Ralph Nelson, Richard R. Wilcox, Marilynn E. Gosling
Moved by Fortino iii pi hy Susan Kuhn the Fiscal Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having votd the the report was accepted.
Moved by Fortino suppotted by No the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, GWElillg, Ha',,,herger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A slit l'irient iea jui ity 11.)v Hig vffi 1.r1 tliorcfuar, the neiIiil ion 1.,,,as adopted.
Misc. 85084
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board ol Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellanoeus Resolution 8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution Y84326 authorized the grant application to the Michigan •
Department of Public Health in Ihr amount of $314,806 for the period January 1, 1985 through
December 31, 1965; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health and finds the award in the amount of $317,150, $2,344 or .7% more than for the
same time period; and
WHEREAS application or Acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any further
commi ',men ; and
WHEREAS acceptance or this granl will require an amendment to the Computer Services 1985
Budget; said amendment will increaw revenues and expenditures by $301,521.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1985 CHAMPS Development Gran! Award in the amount of $317,150.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that he Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant exton ,,ion-;, twl to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED !hot this grant contract 1 -1,1 been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule I.
Mr. Chairperson, on hch..0.r of iho Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I and II on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Furl Oil supported by Susan Kuhn Ihe resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Has ,,hcrqcr, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skorritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra Cloyon, Fortino. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted thorefor, the resolution was adopted.
Comdssioners Minutes Coniiune n I. March 14, 1985 89
Misc. 85085
By Finance Cnmmittee
IN RE: Management and Budget Department - REVISED TRAVEL RATES
To the Oakland Comity Board
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and lierdlumen:
WHEREAS the Board of Comissioners by Misc.ellaneons Resolution #7344 adopted Travel
Regulations incorporating iravc1 reimbursement rates; and
WHEREAS (how rates are continually being reviewed and modified to maintain fair and
equitable reimbursement of cle,ts: and
WHEREAS the current rates were last modified by Miscellaneous Resolution 011373 for 1982
and have since experiented continual inflationaty pressures; and
WHEREAS new rate., have been developed to offset these increasing costs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the current daily rates be increased in accordance with
the schedule below, such 'alt, to be effective April I. 1985.
Normal TUAVC Curren/ Proposed
Lodging $40.00 plus tax $50.00 plus tax
Breakfast 3.50 4.00
Luna 5.00 6.00
Dinner 9.00 10.00
National or State Conventions, Conferences or Seminars
Normal Trivr Current Proposed ---
Lodging $70.00 plus tax $100.00 plus tax
Breokla ,,t 5.00 6.00
Lunch 6.00 7.00
Dinner 12.00 14.00
Mr. Cbdirper..on, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
Betty Fortino, Minority Vice Chairperson
Moved by Fortino ..ebnortod by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wei ,,he rge r Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skariiii, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Ca 1 and ro , Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85056
By Health and Human Rrsmirt ,s Committee
To the Oakland County Board or coorissioners
Mr. chairperson, Ladies an Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Commuoity Mental Health Division was forced to eliminate funding
for transportation of devn1opmeoially disabled adults to its various day programs in 1982 as a result
or reductions in State fund: ; and
WHEREAS this id tdor has placed a heavy burden on the parents of clients in Community Mental
Health day programs, inasrm eh as the parents are forced to transport their offspring to and from the
programs five days a week, year-round, and in many cases over considerable distance: and
WHEREAS the State Department of Mental Health has advised that it is unable to provide
addiLional funding to Community Mental Health to reinstate transportation services for developmentally
disabled clients of day proiroms; and
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health Division has $198,407 of State Department of Mental
Health funds in i Is 1985 budqet which can be directed to solving this transportation problem.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve County
matching funds in the amount of $22,045 for the period of Anril through December, 1985, to enable
the Community Mental Health Division to use 'expansion funds allocated by the State in order to pro-
vide transportation services for 144 developmentally disabled adults attending day programs under
the Community Mental Health Division.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution does not bind the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners to further funding in the event that funding is not available from the State in future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Koch l'185
By Finance Committee
(Miscellaneow. Resolution /035056)
To the Oakland County Board of Colimii....ionels
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant 10 Rule xi-C .0 this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85056 and finds:
1) In 1982 d reduction in State funding eliminated the transportation for developmentally
disabled adults,
2) The Cmununily Menial Health Division has $198.407 of State Funds available for trans-
3) The nine nxulth (April -December 1985) cost of this program is $220,452, consistent with
the attached schedule,
4) The County mafth fir this program would he $2? ,O!15
5) Funds for thi , orogr-am shall he traw,ferred as follows:
4-22200-166-24-00-3747 Adult Activities
75-00-3042 lowish Voc. Services
76-00-304? New Horizon',
Sub Total
3-22200-903-01-00-9340 M.H. State Subsidy
/1-io1o0-91719-ol -o1)-99m Contingency
Sub Total
5 38,625
( 22,045)
$ - 0 -
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McConnell uJmpuirted by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt. Nelson, Olsen,
Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution Was adopted.
Misc. 85086
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS under the cost-sharing agreement between the State of Michigan and the County
of Oakland, the State is to shore ir the cost of providing certain required and allowable public
health services; and
WHEREAS such cost-sharing agreement is specified by the Public Health Code and has been in
effect for six (6) years; and
WHEREAS the agreement for 1985 specifies an amount of $2,097,988 or in of net allowable
cost for required services and I3 of net allowable costs for allowable services; and
WHEREAS estimated revenues Irom the cost-sharing agreement have been included in the 1985
adopted budget.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
Board Chairperson to sign cost-sharing agreements and amendments covering the period of January 1,
1985, through December 31, 1935, on behalf of the local governing entity.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the signing of Ibis agreement does not waive any rights of the
County of Oakland as to its rights and remedies under the Headlee Amendment and Public Health Code.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee. I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution,
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Mcoher ,ion, Moffitt, Nelson. Olsen. Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Zalandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority has in] voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Mi 11.11[1'. E,111 irisH. h1,11-(ill I 6 , 1985
Misc. 2,5087
By Health and WIWI' Ruin iii''. Comitree
To the Oak inn County BoaW ml Comark ,joneis
Mr. Chairperson, Ladio.. and Cnntlumen:
WHEREAS the Michigi,Jn Depinment of Public Health has made available to the Oakland County
Health Division, Preventive FirCith 1um1s in the amount of S32,772 for FY 84/85; and
WHEREAS thy., [and'. are to he used for expanded or enhanced preventive health services and
are not to be lewd ton inq existing resources; and
WHEREAS Ihre tiind,. are nol expected to be available beyond the current FY 84/85 period; and
WHEREAS ihi doalin Division proposes the following expenditures:
I. $5,?!0 in :'1111ipluenl and sopplie'; to develop an enhanced audio/visual and video
capability for Health nivis.inn
2. $16,389 to ,ndiance and expand Employee Assi!,,Lance Program activity through September 30,
3. $11,1/3 Ii 'mrli,mmicn'nnnn'nnl and coordination of Risk Reduction Health Services offered
throuqh the Ho.tith ,:+1VOr onnfnuniy Fe.-4)urce: and
WHEREAS the amount of $32,772 totally state funded and does not obligate Oakland County
HI imy luturo expendilAres.
NOW THEREFORE BE II RESOLVED l_bal the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve Pre-
ventive Health funding in c amount of $32.772 for the expansion and enhancement of the audio/visual
and video capability el health Division, expanded Employee Assistance Program activity and coordi-
nation of Risk Reduction services.
Mr. Chairperson, or hohlf of ihe Health and Human Resources Committee, 1 move the adoption
ni the hiregning
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell .aipported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Yanlmnm, 1-1110i, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient moloriry having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85088
By Health and Human R<—,ourccs Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Huro,m ScrviC(1S Department - STEP ONE SERVICES PROGRAM REVISIONS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Eadicv a.,rd Gewlemen;
WHEREAS Ihr Sli'D Ore Services Unit of the Institutional and Human Services Department was
orininn11y established to wovide alcohol education and screening and assessment functions and was
the only such program in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS over Iho employee assistance programs and Treatment Alternatives to Street
Crime (TASC) grant CoucIiLoi ,; worp added to this unit; and
WHEREAS following onactwont rib new drunk driving legislation in Michigan, P.A. 309,
additinnal private ,;crocning nod assessment and education programs have been developed; and
WHEREAS (hi insii:nrional and Human Services Department now intends to discontinue pro-
viding screening dnd .v,,v ,iicrt And educational programs for cost efficiency reasons and avoidance
of possible duplftalioo; ond
WHEREAS personnel providing the screening and assessment function are proposed for transfer
to the Oakland County District Court Probation Unit with funding to be provided by revenue generated
from screening and activity; and
WHEREAS the oduydtion component is proposed For transfer to a private non-pro fitsubstance
abuse agency with inn It i in locations whicll can provide these services at a lower cost; and
WHEREAS the Employee Assistance Program can be continued at current levels without an
additional county appropriation by transferring this function to the Health Division; and
WHEREAS the TASC point program can be continued as a function of the Institutional and
Human Services Department and will remain unchanged at the present time.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that personnel providing the Step One Services screening and
assessment function, including ono (1) Subs lance Abuse Educator I position, one (1) Substance Abuse
fdircalor II po..irinn and enr (I) Typist 11 position, be transferred to the District Court Probation
Unit and both Ahuse Educator position ,. be reclassificd to Probation Officer II, as shown on
Attachment A with continuance of said positions contingent or sufficient supporting screening and
assessment revenues; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employee Assistance Program be transferred from Step One
Services to the Health Division including the reclassification and increase in funding of one .6
lunded Public Hcalth Educator II position currently in the Health Education and Nutrition Services
unit, to 1.0 ((uli-timo) `;111p,dncc Abuse Educator II position: and
9 1
Commissioners Minutes Coulinned. II.' Ii 14, 1 ,185
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thd t Ilk' HitAMI rdUCatIOH of Step One Services be trans-
ferred to a private non-prolit .atly.tance ahttee agency citrreetly contracting with the Health Division
and further that unc (t) poll Four a.,eo.tiated with this function, titled Supervisor-Substance Abuse
Education, be deleted as shown in Atiechment A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the remaining positions be deleted from Step One Services as
shown below and in Attachment A:
Dee ll) bob', once Abuse Educator 11
One (I) Auxiliary Health Worker
One fl) Clerk III
TYOH 1 11
Mr. Chairpereon, on hehall of Ihe Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnel, Chairperson
Moved by McConneli by Fortin.. iho resolution bc adopted.
The Chaiirper.,on Telvv ,2d Teolulion to the Personnel tommittee. There were no object ions
Misc. 8506D
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees Rol irement Commission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIRE-
To the Oakland County Board it Commi ,,eiencrs
Mr. Chai spurs( , Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the current provi.,ions of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System provide
For separation from County emmluyment upon thn attainment of age 70; and
WHEREAS rhe current a the Retirement System prohibit accumulation of credited
service for any Coun1y employmen1 lieeod the age or 70 years; and
WHEREAS such a policy unfairly impacts County employees age 70 and older who are capable
and desirous of working beyond that uric and are prevented from so doing; and
WHEREAS such a policy utifoirty impacts County employees who work beyond the age of 70 years
and are prohibited from dcctmmldtinn further credited service; and
WHEREAS County emnluyees dge 70 and above, capable and desirous of continuing their employ-
ment, are a valuable asset to the Comity; and
. WHEREAS the Oakland Comity Employees' Retirement Commission has approved and recommended
changes to the Retirement System which would permit County emoioyees to continue their employment
beyond the age of 70 years under nerldin circumstances and to continue to accumulate credited service
beyond the age of JO years.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provisions or the Oakland Cowfly Employees' Retire-
ment System are amended to provide a.. follows:
Definitions: Section 2. (s) Delete
Section 17. Memhershiy Terminates;
Section 17. Except as utherwise provided in this Resolution, shall any member leave
the employment of the County in recisoo except Fur retirement and death, he shall thereupon cease
to he a memher and his credited service ot thdt_ time shall be forfeited by him. In the event he is
reemployed hy the County, he sh.-di kecAlw a member of the Retirement System. Should this reemployment
occur within a period of three (3) years from and after the date he last separated from County employment,
his credited service last forleiled by him shall be restored to his credit; provided that he returns
to employees tiliVillqs funds the amounts he might have withdrawn therefrom, together with a regular
interest compounded from Lhe d,ttn cl withdrawal to the date of repayment. Upon his retirement or
death, or the first day of the caleedar month next following the month in which he attains age 70
years, whichever occurs fite,i, he shall thereupon cease to be a member.
Extensions in County Employnwnl:
Section 24. (a) Any mewhcr may be continued in County employment beyond his attainment
of age 70 years; provided, that such continuance (l) shall not be granted for more than one year at
any one time. (2) is requested in writing by the member, (3) is approved by his Department Head, and
(4) is approved by the Commission. The 'or shall require evidence, satisfactory to the Com-
mission, indicating the mental and physical fitness of the memher to perform the duties of his
pusition. If he has eight (81 or morn years of CI -Cdited 5erVICO upon leaving County empioment, he
shall be retired with 0 relirnment allowance provided in Secrion 25, subject to subsection (b) in
this section.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ihctio amendments to the Oakland County Employees' Retirement
.System are effective , 1 9
Mr. Chairper ,,on, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Cononissioners Minutes Ci ii iii, ii Morch 14, 1985
By F I 11.11110 Commit tett
IN RE: Dtikitind Cootily 1 mpltiye,-. ILl irment Coutrui s iii, - CdiANOES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES'
Resolution #85060)
To the Oakland Cottrly fludi.(1 ci Cumuli,, inner'.
Mr. Chairperson, Lath..., drd Ceotlemerlf
Pursuant lo Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185060 and tin& that the nroposed amendment to Retirement System, Sections 2, 17, and 2 (4,
will have no fiscal ittiodct ,111 the 1985 Budget.
S. Wifliam Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Coldndro ',Limo-led by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
W)ved by ()Him tdippodted by Webb the resolution be taid on the table.
A mtEficTert 1,wijuiily having voted Illereku-, the motion carried.
Moved by Ctildrdro .dipitorded by Gosling the Board reconsider the action taken on Resolution
1185061 al the Februry 28, 1985 Board meeting.
AYES: Ldnol, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Calaudro, p(iyliri, Fortino, Gosling, Hascberger. Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
PASS: °keit. (I)
A borficier0 vidf,rily having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Calandro stotod "al the last Board meeting, the resolution was amended in the first 'AND
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' paragraph to have the funds for four College Intern Positions be transferred
from the Probate Colirl Child Cdre Fund to cone from Contingency. That paragraph from the amended
resolution, if it was deleted, would properly gualily us to apply for the 507, funding. That is my
inotion - to delete fht ,, oti-o-onraph from the amended resolution."
Ainenditsent ,.iii)ottried by Mr ,.. Gosling.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution, as arended:
AYES: Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Dovor, Fortino, Gosling, Ha ,,sberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient nuioriiy having voted therefor, Resolution #85061, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85066
By Public Servicet, Ccuuiiui ii'
To the Oakland County Bodrd ci Conn is i, iCIFICrs
Hr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the OdEldnd County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 7865.
7971 and 8664 accepted federal grants to defray a portion of the costs in purchasing sirens to be
utili/ed within the Oakland County Tornado Warning System; and
WHEREAS the County share of the costs will remain at twenty-five percent as has been the
policy previously established by the Board of Commissioners by various Miscellaneous Resolutions
whereby local units pay seventy-five percent and the County twenty-five percent with the County
being responsible for the mdintertance and electrical costs for the sirens purchased; and
WHEREAS the City of Southfield, per the attached Purchase Agreement, has requested to
participate in the Siren Sy-ttem; and
WHEREAS the City of Southfield has agreed to pay seventy-five percent of the total esti-
noLed cost of one ci run; dnd
WHEREAS consistent with the attached standard agreement, the City of Southfield agrees
[hal Oakland County will retdin ownership of any sirens and will be responsible for the maintenance
and the electrical costs for said siren purchased under this agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
appropriation of $3,758.00, consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenditure of this appropriation is contingent upon the
execution uf the attached written agreement between the County and the City of Southfield.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement.
OMNI-1i 5'11(111CP. Minute', CoHt Moi tic 14, 1985
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVTO Iii written quarterly progress reports be presented to the
Ptd)lic Servi(ei. fulmnittee Icy III,' Manager (A tho.- tawrgenry Medical Scrvices and Disaster Control
Division and to the bolonLe immthers a the Board (d Commissioners.
Mr. Choirperson, on helmll of the Pid)lic Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
hiregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Budget Surmary and Purchase Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution /185066)
To the Oakland County Board id Commi.,.,i(cners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C a this Board, the Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution
/185066 and finds:
1) The City of Sourhfield lld`i requested participation in the siren system through the
purchase of one (I) tornado siren,
2) Estimated cost of the siren is $15,032, of which $11,274 (75) is the City of Southfield
share and $3,758 (25'.?.) is County share.
3) Consistent with post agreements, the County will retain ownership of the sirens and will
be responsible For maintenance and in costs for the sirens,
4) $3,758 is available in he 1985 Contingency Account, said funds to be transferred to
the Disaster Control unit line-item 1 -w- Capital Outlay as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency
177-05-00-5998 Capital Old lay
5) Further, the Finance Committee finds that costs for maintenance contracts and electricity
will he ongoing (annual).
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni suppiaded by R)rtino the resolution, with Fiscal Note at be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McPher ,,on, Moffitt, Nelson, Olson, Pi-ice, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Calandro, Dnyon, Fortino, Gie,ling, Flassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
Misc. 85089
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cortiti...,ionors
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent I orwr n
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is operating under a Consent Judgment
which requires that the general population of the Oakland County Jail shall be no more than 450
inmates; and
WHEREAS when the Oak 1 ,Uld COHrty Jail was built in 1972, it was designed so that additional
prisoner cells could be created in the lower level garage area; and
WHEREAS the basement (want area could be relocated and that space identified to provide
more cells; and
WHEREAS one of the greatest needs is for a women's facility which includes all levels of
security, including housing for females assigned to work release.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
concept of expanding the Oakland CI PIJF1 I y Jni 1 through renovation of the garage parking area and con-
struction of a women's facility and further authorizes a study and architect ual plans to complete
said project.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were
no objections.
$ 3,758
- 0 -
Comnissioners Minute, Continued. Macch 14, 1985
Misc. 85090
By Pub ii: Service.. Comilillee
To the Oakland County Board of Crillimissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Eddie.. and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS IF County iF Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #83I69 allocated a grant amount
ot $2,137,000 in federal kind,. to W., participating Limninunities as a result of the "Emergency Jobs
Appropriation Bill ol 1983," Public Law 98-8; and
WHEREAS eight participation comtmtnit ies were allocated Special Activity funds totaling
$996,100 of lhe grant imouni ol $2,137,000 in addition to their formula allocation; and
WHEREAS I Ill CiflAMMily DYVVIOpMrnl Division's Jobs Bill Status Report as of December 31, 1984
tor Part II, Special Attivitios indicates both the ',low movement of some of these projects and the
lack of current documentation evidencing the foilillment of projected jobs associated with the project;
WHEREAS lhe County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85073 of February 28, 1985
established a Recaplin -0 Process and Criteria for the Port 11 Special Activity funds; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division, in compliance with the Recapture Process and
Criteria, has reviewed and evaluated the project documentation and recommends recapture of the Special
Activity Jobs Bill 1-1111(l . specilied in the at and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Citizens Advisory Council recorrmends
approval ol the rec,n)ture ,O funds as out in the at by unanimous vote.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
Recapture of Special Activity Jobs Bill funds as specified in the attachment.
Mr. Chairper.,on, on behalf or the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
Iii regoing resolution.
James E. Lanni. Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McPherson, moffilt, Nelson, Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Calandin, Doyon, Fortino, Cu ii cj , Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. (21)
NAYS: NUM'. 0)
A snfficient majority having voted therefor, the rosolution was adopted.
Misc. 85091
By Public Services Comitlee
To the Oakland Courtly Board or COMMISSiOnerS
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #83169 allocated $996,100 of
Jobs Hill Special Activity funds to eight participating communities; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division's Jobs Bill Status Report as of December 31, 1984
FM- P.11 11, npoci.)1 indicate,. both the ,,low movement of some of these projects and the
lack id lurrent do<tmvnitati.m ,videecinn the fulrillmeet oh projected jobs associated with the project;
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85073 of February 28, 1985
established a 1983 Emergency Jobs Bill Funds Recapture Process and Criteria; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division, in compliance with the Recapture Process and
Criteria, reviewed and evaluated the project documentation and recommended recapture of Jobs Bill
funds in the amount ot $96,927.50; and
WHEREAS thr Oakland County Conmunity Development Division has prepared three numbered options
reflecting different livlhodologios that may be used for reallocation of the recaptured funds (attach-
ment); and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Coln:amity Development Citizens Advisory Council recommends
approval of Option calmher 11 of the at by a 9 to 5 vote,
NOW THEREFORE RP IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves of
Option numhcr III or the otI,Ichment for the reallocation of recaptured Jobs Bill funds in the amount
of $96,927.50.
Mr. Chairperson, ot, behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Option., I, II and III on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Olson the resolution be adopted.
Conmissioners Minutes Continued. March 14, 1 .0_.;
Moved by Olson supported In/ Rickird Kuhn ihe resolution be amended under Option II#
as follows:
Under first poragroh awnd it to read "Stall will notily all 48 participating connunities
in writing (11 ...."
on page 2 of Option III ,hAnw Wiximum Puss he Points and Evaluation Items to add 20
points - Bonns points for those communities thal did not previously receive special activities Jobs
Bill funds. The total MOXiMlirli Pos ,,iblc Points after the 20 points is added will be changed to 120.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Moved by Fortino supported by Lanni It( support Option II.
AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (5)
NAYS: murritr. Nelson, Ohen, Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McPher,;on. (14)
PASS: Price. (1)
A sufficient major: y not having vi id therefor, the motion failed.
Moved by McPherson suppor!ed hy Doyon ihai 20 points he considered in evaluating, based
on high unemployed areas of commintil ids.
Mr. Kuhn suggested ji would he more appropriate for 10 points 1.0 be put on the high an
areas. Mr. McPherson recnosted his motion be changed to shoo 10 points in place of the
20 points in his original amendment. Thew wore HO object ions
Vole on Mr. MrPherson's Imo ion h ,r 10 point-, to I n considerod in evaluating high unemploy-
ment areas:
AYES: Price, Webb, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McPherson. (9)
NAYS: Nelson, Olsen, Rowrdd, Wilcox, talandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Law, McConnell,
Moffitt. (11)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Olsen, Price. Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhr, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson. (17)
NAYS: Fortino, Lanni, McPherson. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85092
By Lawrence R. Pernick
To the Oakland County Board of Commis ,,ioners,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladie and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the proposed federal budget calls for the total elimination of the $4.6 billion
Revenue Sharing Program as part_ of the federal deficit reduction effort; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Association of Counties and the National Association of Counties are
in agreement that the Revenue Sharing Program is the most cost-efficient federal assistance program
fur local units of government and thar r -etention of the Federal Revenue Sharing Program is the number
one priority or county governments; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees that reduction of the federal
deficit is essential for Lhe econumic health of the nation; and
WHEREAS reduction of the federal deficit can be accomplished in several ways, some of which
are: a spending freeze at present levels for all departments, agencies and other elements in the
federal budget; a shared across-lhe-board reduction of all federal expenditures; a prioritization
system allowing all affected agencies to have input into the selection of program cuts; also, revenue
modifications, such as, the renewal of the tobacco tax, the institution of a minimum tax on individ-
uals and businesses currently earnino substantial amounts but paying no federal income taxes, and
the elimination of certain tax she
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports a
freeze on all federal spending at present levels or an across-the-board reduction of all federal
expenditures subject to prioritization by the affected agencies. This action is favored in lieu
of the total elimination of high priority programs, such as, general revenue sharing.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th.o the Oakland County Board of Commissioners also supports the
following federal deficit reducing revenue modifications; renewal of the tobacco tax, imposition of
a minimum tax on individuals and businesses earning substantial amounts but currently escaping all
federal income taxes, and the elimination of tax shelters and tax loopholes which favor special
interest group,—
Cfflimi .o.ionk'1 ,. (wil i11111.0. March 14, 1985
BE 14 FURTWR Itfl.f1tVE0 that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the President of
thy United States, MiOtigar'e U. S. Senalors arid the Congressmen representing Oakland County.
Mr. Chairpiasen, I hioVe ihe adoption or the foregoing resolution.
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District 20
James A. Doyon, Walter Moore, Ruel E. McPherson,
Dennis M. Aaron, Hubert Price, Jr., W. A. Hassberger
The Chdirpte.,on roftired the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
Misc. 85093
By Belly Fortino
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
MT. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the dniied States Congress, through amendments to the 1983 Local Government
'Assistance Act, directed the U. S. Department of Treasury to undertake a study of revenue sharing
and several related issues, which included the elimination or partial elimination of the deducti-
bility and htcal taxes from income subject to federal income tax; and
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Treasury, in a separate action, including a provision for
elifflindtion of all or ftwr ml the deductibility of state and local taxes in their recommended
Federal Tax Simplification Plan; and
WHEREAS the (,n1,-r.,-fl government, as part or !heir rationale for this action, is now con-
sidering this deductibility provision in the Internal Revenue Code as a $30 billion subsidy of state
and locA governments; ond
WHEREAS the primacy purpose of this provision in the Internal Revenue Code, which allows
the deduction nf slat,. and Local Lax from income subject to federal income tax, is to avoid tax on
taxes or double taxation ef U. S. citizens; and
WHEREAS the impact of deductibility on the decisions of state and local governments to
raise or lower taxes is minimal.
NOW THEREFORE BL IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes the
elimination of all or any part of the state and local tax deductibility provisions in the Federal
Internal Revenue Code.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we convey to the President and the Congress oar position that
this deductibility prevision in the Internal Revenue Code protects the right of U. S. Citizens
against double toxatioe dnd does not constitute a subsidy to state and local governments.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Betty Fortino, Commissioner District #5
Susan Kuhn, Fuel McPherson, Nancy McConnell,
Dennis M. Aaron, David L. Moffitt, Thomas A. Law,
Hubert Price, Jr., Marilynn Gosling, James A. °rayon
The Chairper ,,on rrierred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no ohjections.
Misc. 135094
By Rue] F. McPherson
To the Oakland County Burl ml Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent lesion:
WHEREAS the Governors el Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Wiscoasia, New York
and Pennsylvania and the Premiers of the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario recently signed the
Groat Lakes Charter; jild
WHEREAS the Groat Lakes Charter was designed to make it known that the states and provinces
bordering these bodies of so! or intend to manage and protect this valuable resource; and
WHEREAS ihe Charter specifically states that "diversions of Great Lakes water should not be
allowed if individually or enymlatively they would have any significant adverse impacts on lake levels,
in-hasin uses, and the ilreat Lakes ecosystem;" and
WHEREAS legal precedents make ii clear that the U. S. Supreme Court will not sustain uni-
lateral water ciiihdrgoi-., rhos it is reasonable to assume that at some point in time water diversions
will take place.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the Great
Lakes region to e ,,labli ,d1 cemponsation formula based on Cost per cubic gallon to provide adequate
reveuue for diverted w.lor.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this revenue be used for reconstruction of water mains and
sowers or new construrtiou if waier-retated projects such as harbor development.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t hat copie,„ of this resolution be forwarded to the aforementioned
Commksioners Minutes Continued. Mdr(di IS, 1985
Governors rid Premiers.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption nil ihe foregoing resolution,
Rue E. McPherson, Commissioner District i;9
,LIMOS A. Doyon, Commissioner District #I0
The Chairpen,on referred the ros.dution to the General Government Committee.
Mr. Olson objected inn the relorral,
The Chairperson sta[..:..d IhaL foor!een (I4) AYE votos orc recluired to sustain the objection.
The vote as follows:
AYES: Rewold, Webb, Calandra Hassberuer, Hobart, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen. (9)
NAYS: Wilcox, Orlycm, Fc)1 tiro, Gosling, R. Kuhn, Law, McPherson, Nelson. (8)
A sufficient majorily not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained and the
resolution was referred to iho General Government Committee.
Moved by Gwiling supported my Moffitt ihe evening meeting scheduled for this date (March 14)
be cancelled.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
In dixordainue with Bolt' XXII, the Eel lowing referrals were made by the Chairperson;
---CaTT-7eawi-t&TWater Quality Beard • Membership
M TO7j7;71 1 - Mailbox Damage ---—
(b) Cooperative Extension - Ctmmissioners and Legislators Day (Parks and Recreation)
i)n.tinic-Ojipm. ii nun lo Regional Prison
TV) Michigan Department of corrections Information
HISTORICAL COMMISSION: Michigan Historical Commission - Sesquicentennial Workshop
INSTITUTIONAL 6 HUMAN SERVICES: U.S. Department of Justice-Juvenile Training Programs
MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: Egnalizdtion-Commercial Facilities Exemption, Gayles Chocolates, R.O.
Eguali7ation-Commercial Facilities Exemption, J.H. Investments, R.O.
Equali -,:ation-Industrial Facilities Exemption, Holly Township
COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Cultural Council- Resignation of Dianne L. Bish
PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: Personnel-Health Care Cost Containment Program
PARKS AND RECRIAFION: Cooperative Ixlensioit-CommHHonor F. Legislators Day (Pdrks 1, Rod
PIANNING DUPARIMINI - U. S. Hop.olim ,n1 10 Agriculture-Soil C(mservali(ni M,:n)
TREASURER Michigan Deportment ur Ireasury-County Treasurers' Payment of Claims
There were no objections in !he referrals
The next meeting of the 13.,10 will be March 28, 1q85 at 7:30 p.m.
The Board adjourned at 12,3/ p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
March 2R, 1935
Meer i roLl (.al led to order hy Cho i Richdrd R. !di 1 cox at 7:43 p.m. in the Courthouse
Audi to! ion, 1200 N. Te 1 raft aplc, pr),)t i or MIcIii gan.
Invocation qivei, by Waltyr M1/, i1-1"'.
teano of A! 1m. f 1dg.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron. Ca(A•11, Calamdro, Dnyon, Fortino, Goc ing, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
KUh11, SIP n d11 K11611, LOUni, Icc, Mcfermnril, McDonald, McPheron, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernftk, Price,
Rcwiil 1. Skai rill , WrIth, Wi ox. (24)
APSENT: Pr, I rinuff. (3)
()1(4)('4111( 111 •111 ,
Moved by H.e.'.herncr ..u000rtrd by Aaron ibc iliinute,, a- the February 28, 1985 Board Meet inn
oPprove a ., printed.
A stiflicieut maPuity h.eAnit voted therefor, tic motiop carried.
nni,,,1 by uprql,d by .!",ns.m Xabp the agenda he aporoved as of-esented.
A iii Fin lent maie. ily haying voted therefor. the motion carried.
cl,.4 J,H,- a !Lank ,. frow Mary Prieron. irlaccd on file)
Clerk rcad lettil Irom Piihard R. Wikox armour-icing cc will be serving on the Lake Louise
Laf.e Onaid iii Bfaint,Jn T(34/(1' h cjc .H1,1 I ('(111(-1 I'd cinnn fi mat ifP3 f/f Ili!, membership on the Board.
Moved by Pern;,1, -alpixe-ted by Webb the wemberhip of Mr. Wilcox he confirmed.
A surf irut maj ,0•i y 1,01i rin viii rd therefor, i he ulembe .ship of Mr. Wi !cox was confirmed.
f.leck read lei 1 iii NI; DeBonlidm and St wart 0. Rodgers. (Plac.:2(1 on fife)
Stihirt D. Rodgei., aiWic.,sed the Board regardina the Hi,lorical Commission.
ay Fiwoci.
IN RE: Collimation foure,.1 - [Lula I rut-. BmIrd a Comull-.sioners. County Executive, Probate Judges -
Inc (be Oakland CuHnly
Mr . (111,)i r , and ccio
WHEREAS Mi ..cellaneolc, 11,01ulion M3113 authorized the filing of a Declaratory Judgment action
111 1-1"1111V, the oi antharily un aminitratiou of C9ilciren l -. Yiliaqe: and
WHEREAS Mi .-.cellaoeow. R....olulion 0311 2 anthol -ird thc Board ol Commissioners. the County
ExeLutive and the (riklaud (owity PIA)ale Judge., to de ..iunaLe outside counsel to 1-eprosonl their iadividual
interest ,, hi said art i“0 ccl Ihr[ber autlwriied ail appropriation of 6,0(10 to cover S2.000 fur pa .Hoot
(If each re ,wecJive
WHEREAS HIP Courly Lxek.ntivc designated outside counsel and the Probate Judges and the Board
01 (1c..iunot..1 outside counsi..1, .Dnd
WHEREAS expendA for Ow Cminty Excutiye in said case, and the balance of the
1 0'1)
Corn IP
apnroprialion wa% unexpended h•avinn ii ,nfficient funds for forther
pdymnts; and
WHEREAS hraision ha% I, rip rrtflerrd in said t,rd. ard 1 iral hi Ilings have been rece;ved by
dill pipi'JrIi' connwl totalling 313,/LO: c)11,/10 lor the County E:teentive 1 , outside counsel and 31 1,520
ihe ,11,100 tot 11K Hoard ol Commissioner,' oulsidd counsel; and
WIllRfA5 ;1.i Iii row, :el Fur. reviewed said final hil lings alei finds the dl ,,rney f....es to
Ire toas,oahle 1,1 .d.Fv1I4... d101 ip ,iAM1cnik paymrni.
NOW 11H1111010 M 11 111501 IfIg 'hat the Findr(a• Committed fimr, 533 ,750 •vailahie in the i585
"1 ingv," Y A"'"" " 110 ' P"1 1""• 1° P.IYi"q icq,ti rye, in conne:1 ion with the Children'-,
Village iiriIjrrii.
Ill i VURSUIR NI 01 Vii Fri1 Pip NIddi$ appropliale S33,750 fom (he 1 1185
Ctmlingrntstur n irlirpI dnd laanslets .ald lords as lollows:
90H -01 -00 -Hgth: rtt,dtpgency S(33,750)
I I I -01 -,r1.0-3 10..i, Loh,' y Ixecui iv - I iso., I 1. 10,710
341 -01 -00-545G Couri Legal Expyr%e 23,040
-0 -
Mr. Chairpel.,,H, OH ht .1,11 1 ta the rinanco Catmmitlee. I movr the ddoption of the forepoino
I .-..1.11111 HIT
G. Wi111am Coddr11, Chairperson
hy 1;a6,1c$1 Knhh INC rosolnli ,P he udonted.
Moved by Caddell %Prtpottrd P•11.,01, khO Ve',01UtiCIV1 hC actu%odei: iu the fifth (5th)
Will NI As paragr,v, hy piLinniuo ",..;1,,20 lot the Prohale mid "...$23,040 For the
Probakt Judges" and delete iii, reindiolto Id the paragraph ($11,5?0 f(11. Board of Commissioners'
A IldViHq voted therefor, thr amendment call icd.
Vole on resohtlion ark.wk ,i1,
AYIS: Skarriit, Well', Wih,x, Aaron, Caddr11, Calandrtt, Doyon, Fortino, Go,..line,
Richard Knhu, Klim, Lanni. McConnell, McDonald, MrPhersnn, Moffitt, Moore,
Nr son , rti ck , Price, Bewo 1 11. ( )
NAYS: None, (0 /
A ,Irrri iont majority having voted Iherelor, lhe resoltaior, A, .-Imended, was adopted.
By Finance Committy,.
To the OaElaud County Retard of id.11111.'.'jIA0•1 -.,
MY. Ghttirprrson, Ladies and Gentlesmo:
WHEREAS Miscellaurous ResdlutIrr ,7n252 dolhori/ed the acceHilm_e of CHAMPS development
PI 1111 awatd itt IttA . dmoottt ol 30b,000 4111,5 OW ttikA6<WM 051101-tWWW ,O PuhHi, Knalth for the period
Joly I 1hro Otnambet 31, 19101; arid
WHEREAS !:,68,800 ol said ntaat designated for data process programming development of
wlich $17,334 Iva% ,xpoodnd for .,1,nh poi arse; 0nd
WHEREAS the develonwet ol CHAMPS is 0 loin' venture between ihe Oakland Counlv Health
Division dud Computer Servir:rs hettarlmant, and
WHEREAS Miscellaocotr, Rrsolat tor I/85084 anthorired au,eptance td - the 1985 CHAMPS grant
award in iht omonn1 of 3317,150 of ',Mich 5301,21 i% designated for implementation or pr,gram eJegleut,
I,' areas ol Petsonocl Preventative Ilealth Services, Environmerdal Health Services, Health Education
attd Nutviliou Services, dud Adtttitti%tratHe AV,d
WHEREAS additiopa/ persotaw1 ahd/or contractual servies ore rogu n red to accelerate the
implenwnlalion ur CHAMPS program ai a il a 5301.521 consistent with the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS phis is the sraotpl year ol d FLaIr year program; and
WHEREAS the County is nr1 obligated In continue said program 11 funding ceases; and
WHEREAS all per-sonnet (Madge% will have to he approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THIRIFORI H1 If Ri-:-..oLVID iha/ the Hoard ol Commk.,ioners authorize Computer Services
Budget hr autendrd hy 3301,101 a% Irllot,s:
3-63600 -131-ol-on-2M 5perial Rev(!nues and Propriotary Funds (301,521)
11413f)00-1412-W-0fl-100I h3,410
4-63600 -182-0)-00-20h Fringe% 15,627
4-63600-182-0 1-00-31M Professional Services 242,484
- 0 -
mr. ol ihr Eirdtpat Committee, 1 plove the adoption cif the forewinu
In ii
1 I N/Pthf 111Mil 11 11
WI 11 i Cdtl.LICI 1 1 , CJI I i
r.1 I 1 1 1.1 Mi 1 I 1 1 1 I 'I ! 1 I 1H vi M.srs I. 28, I lii5 101
Lopy ,I1 'irilIll. II i y
M.svs•rl Isv LirlsIr I I ItIsl.,11iI I.y Mrtlfill he adopted.
Ihe (.11,1'1111,r am iii ..•.1 1 1 1.I.• I .1 1 1 1101 1 .1 .1 1. IR Pt..1-..,.!”1i1V 1 Committee. There :Jere no ob'jections.
137 I inruss.st Cummi I I itc
t hit 0,t1,I.mil iii y
Ch.ti rpsti:osts • Ltd i-ui itt I 1 1 1:11.1
,1 I I •so s ispon aod final adiap.illents made for 1984, with the possible
u•ist 'i s m .1 I .-Islitr,s nj :11 I I it :. His ludy hr: icrtHir.‘d by rhr indeonndent certified public accountants:
WHEALA ft•,,i al eci,dd il ii !he Governwid AC.C.)A1 1 I Auditing and Financial Report ing
.111(1,11 il.ti,pti I rhdi cninwbroil( and appropri al (a( ried forriard be treated as a designated
sind al yool owl [11,11 omounl he re;ippm.,priaed in the subsequent year in order to
.15di !dbl., lot expend i I :
WHLREAS I i ''ill. 1 .opra joie, al 1 er Lop , i deroi ion ,,r expenditures, accruals, encumbrances.
oppi (q)ri .11 ow.horh , .10 drul no entries produces an excess of avail -
ah us•::Aloss I rt, wirsi I III I niloci nil in We or [ached .1),.,1.113 I es and
WHIM' halan( a ,, .d Hoc:('116er 31, l98 wa, $6,174,149.44, of which $2.4 mi 1 l ion oas
1 1111111; 11.,(1 Ii, liii 1011', h(NI(Nd ly Mi -.(:1% I laneouh Rethil ion ,..34320 living an uncommitted balance of
I 110.11 11.
NOW 1111 NI I OW BI 11 NI '1)1UFn ti,ii I lin 1 i petal illi is accepled and the i(1',LIIES oF
.11111.0 hy in. i i.111 al Ii liii he.ion id •xpcodilltrer,_ a«:rual:; , encumbrances, appropriations carried
I 1 1 1 4.1 I .1 , 1 I VI , .1 1 j 1r, 1 11,1 1 1 .1 1 1 I i I 1 1 VI 1 11 1 ii .'. 11' ,10I 1-1/1/01 .
IN IF 11110 HI I? I .011111)Ilu,ui 111.1. Vd 1 ikm., i i i n lIre 1985 budget be amended to include
thy (.1icipubl.111(11“. and .11/01 n !1. 1 1 .0 iii . iii 11 1<1 ,g1lard an relI,t,led in the attached schedules.
Bt IT FIW,THER BLA}I !hal the 198h h( anincided to place the 1984 exces.', ef avail -
1 I e 1 11111 r 1 I it,. 1 .185 it hp' .1'. '..11.11411 Ill' hit,/
I' F iii Y••il f3.i! disc r
Cori I •1 I I 1.11.1 .1.111'11111 I 1 PI 1 1 I 1 .1111
Ii I
C..11111111 I I "I I y I'. Iii l'Ill1•11I
I IS, I ,11.71 (...C11(.111 I y
S3,7711. 1119.1111
i 4: IT I 1:11(1-111 RI '1)11110 11.1 I list 1.7 Mi IIhun DI Ian, Ir,msferred to the Capita', IR!nrove-lent
Program In: Irst j.Il I ors :Hui
Ch..r t.tsri, i 11.11 of III(' 1 101 1 1:1' C1 11111-1 1 1 PC., I 11.. we the adopt 155 of the forego .Ing
r(••,..1iii 11111
1 I NANI I r0MI-11 I Td
Wi 1 I i .110 Cade I I , Ch.ii'rpers
Moved 1ad1(.11 alp6olled hy MolfiII Ihe r.--,ohtion l,t adoptud.
';: W. Wi I 1 , ItO, IC.11110r. I I , r.II 1 I I i n .,. it
1:111111 , 1. 1111111, I viii , :Ill., II. M, 1).srks I.1, tit!. tstt ss sIt s:. /.6 c1...II,
!..k.:t ill rf,:')
A 11 1 mo i 1/ hoving vnlcd ihvrehir, re,..)1 Lit ion wal: adopted.
By III...I Its .11 ii 1 1...!1111 1. 1 1`.1.
I. mok1 ,11.1 Csstisil y briMrsI C.1.111111 i
Mr. CI 1.1 1 1 1 /1.• 1 '1.1 1 1 1, L...I Grill I clit:tts :
liiIILREAS lii 0,11. liii Ciliunly Faith i I'/ Pl.srmiurs Prittr,irit res idents that have a need to space
Ii I III dists:,11. i lii .111:s1•
WIN R1 A'. r Istq1;:t i y liirl, it: III. 11111010 issis of infant 'Portal ty and mod.); dity:
WIIEIFIAC i I it hl. hr. I i 1...11"...! or 0,11., r.ind It) assure the financial ,,,tabi 1 t'..;
I Iii 1 1 1'1 1.1/1 1!1.1; .11.1 1 I
11011/t AR in i,. I 1:ttot !,1 MIilujil,ili rsb le 1.(1 n ta in I t und rh.1
II. 111(.1.11 Mr
WHEREXS ii vi I I ltr: ::-.t.,)ry In ins tht: st 1 1 .1 cr)fl I tacept Ives from 93..00 to 54.00;
kW. 1
Comodssioners Minutes Continued. HAI n
will RI , I I I,,. . „ -I, I ii I Fr n1111 V employee-. from S3.011 Pd
S5. 'Al;
WM III A', I I. E..1 I iip,DluiirpiI inn riii!•Inn.11 vi vdi I I reed to be act-
in.. led ara...ord hut to new Eerie! a I gurd.• I 1 iri r ip or iv,i Lit) i Ia Ar)r•I I , 1935
NOW THEREFORE RI- I I RPAIVI!) Iht.i I I lie Ned 1 I I) .ond ihijiri,ii Pa-tsourtrats ConpriiI t tee recommend pp
th, int 1 IS...11-11 01 L•niniikjoill'S I [IA I luCre ii 1.01:", I liii 0 1111 resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chit i cap ism] pip 1..•11.1I I f I Iii' 11....11 I. Et inil lhiiipi,iir Ri.pi.ircc' C,iuni t tee , I movc the adopt ion
of I ht • his (.1111i fig i 1,111.
Nanr.y MaConnell, Chairperson
1-1(Jvo,1 Ity 19n 1,,,nn..•11 ..111.1/, .1 rill I II, .u1n ,1 ,1
AYES: WI Dix, Aaron, Calandro, Eoriino, hip hip, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, lanni, Mt6wIncll, Mc p.m1.11,1, it111,1.om, Madditl, Moore, Neisnn, Pernick, Price, Remold,
Skall itl, Wenh. (22)
NAYS: *Pilo. (n)
A ',unit irn1 Ind jni it y Ibrvi Ihrt"Pf ()I , I 011 adc.)p
Report to Ilcdilh and UMW!) RI".01f1(!".
By F hump p Cu nin i tup
The I iiknit,t• Cnimi I s 11.p, vi n iu-opo,..c'd grant ,n,1 :
) 1 inn n1 thiS program,
?) Flip • I lvii. Ih• in,1 (.1 1'1, !Yell I. 1985 till null) Deceit-11:er 31, 1985,
3) total pingram p ii I . $71,250 I tinticd by t Federa l EPA Waste Management Branch
and 110 Count y.
Is) rhy pistil app i( r VI, 344 for lar in ., SI ,610 far fringe benef its, 521,250
r„, $165 L a ',di, I or-0 •, rent Wi II the attached schedule,
5) All IWA',“11Hcl a j I pp 5 u bc reviewed hy the Personnel Committee,
6) Application or ntepknp ,a th, ulu.nrul does not oLligato the County LO any future
MI-. Chailperson, on hehail ,d ne Finance Committee, t move the acceptance of the forogoinq
rcpuri, and wIrrral if Flip inlormation eiaHaIned therein to 111.(' itrallh and Human Resources Compd thee,
ip With mi sa,lt aueon s Revised Federal and !;Iare Grant Application Pro-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
iii Li lly 0 1 ',11- 11 '1111 1.' I • 11 li• pp [Amyl! y Clerk's Office.
Mist.. 85090
Lly Health and IIIIMAH
Tip the Oakland Cpi&iiii y Boor(' 01 Cifiltini spi l l b
MI. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentleimat;
WHEREAS ihe sale ol ha:ardous waste is of crucial aorvdro.to the nro'oction er our
environment: and
WHLRLAS the riiizeu pt iio, is geuelally unaware 01 sale apploaches lor rookliou and
posal of hazardous nasit-. }tom the!, homos. and
WHERFAra the Oakland County Health Division, in consort with the Fist Michigan Envirunmenial
Action. Council (EMEAC), has applied lo 1hr J. S. Environmental P ,,,tcction Aocncy for a grant to develop
a Household Hazardits Waste RecyclIng and Disposal Demonstration Project; and
WHEREAS piniecl objectives ircludc enhancement of commanity awareness of the health and
environmental dangers assor idled with Ihe improper disposal of household hazardous materiais; increa5e
citizen understandinn iii 1-Ler-ling and disposal options; sponsoring a hose' toxics recycling and dis-
n".,al day; ond
WHLREAS !he grant cxi,od , Croat March I, 198.5 thrcmoh Decemher 31, 1985 and is 90:'
(S?1,7W) lundod by ktdeca F Funds and 10 - i56, 19) funded hy inkind matchang fund5 from Oakland
Dmoly h)r a lul,0 pr,liect cn.,( arid
WHER1AS thin put hum tor the 1r,rprl does not ohlinate Oakland County to any future funding
Iwynnd lho gran( nrrin&
NOW THEREFORE In IT Rp:mrs)L11 ihr1 the Oakland County Board nuf Commissioner,s approve the
Health Division grant appliaahion I dovoiop A Household ila/ardow. S4,1pc Recycling and Disposal
Ms. Ciii ii IPP'rsluuu ,g) hvhall ml up liii111 aod Horan Rourres Committee, I move the adoption
id' (he lorr(iniliq
NonLy McConnell, Chairperson
llilwli..i frl i tiui h.I I l 1. 31,1, h l't8rt
Moved b y Hd by KOMI rh- ir-ddrI:on, with Fiscal Report attached,
int c•l.
Onion, F,rrino, Gosling. Hassherger, Hobart., R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn.
Lanni ., Me file rl, Mi h..1.1rIr, M 1'I ii , tip P. • rrliCk , ;cc, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox.
MAY.: Non,. 1,r0
A sulli r. iorr rid ior ii havip,.p voted tlwiefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Report attached,
mt.. adopt ed.
Itopot !
By I I,.
IN RE: (Nis( el iwitsnr. lb. liiiitut .l8!(088) 111,1 tip ihrol ond Human Services Department - STEP ONE
To lhe Oakland County Hoard rd CotisHt,iont..rs
Mi . Chai tv,cson, Ii nd t;en b.hion:
The Por .onne I Litiffluillht.. having reviewed Miscet I citreous Ro',0 I tit ion //85N-33, report, wi th t he
ru, otwithndot ion t Ito! I Is ho adopt (•h
m i . Iwboll of !hit P or ,0An nel Cosouillee, I move the acceptance of the for e-
i Iii rep, n 1.
John J McDonald, Chairperson
lip lli'pI l b ,„„i !humor , IP.iii: 1,1.1111 Ptre
IN RI : ItrT ilol litho+ ohd fluisor VI Dcportmenl TEA' ONE SERVICES PROGRAM REVISIONS
I o t he Doi., I And Count y BIJA I A .,I i on,r,
MI . Chdi I pu ,oh , hadi os ord GAO
WHEREAS rhe !deli [Juil uf (he Ir,[iruliunill and Human Services Department was
lii n,,t I y est ob i shed to pr,rvide alcohol education and screening and assessmenl functions and was
III,' Holy toh progrow ii Ooklood t.duriy; and
WHERFAr.; over 111,. proctrooh, .)11,1 Treatment Allernativn. ro Street
(hrtr„t 1 w ant I um .111111,1 I II '• iii I: ,In"/
!V; lid Hoi !pi liiiiiI Ii j 1,•n 1 ion in Mil hi , P.A. 30h.
I ti iVOIC 11,.11 /Ind and edu(_at ion orLoitroms hove heen devo toned; and
WHEREAS the InstimiHooal and Holton Services Department now intends to discorrinue nrevitling
IuiIiIp ond dhd oducol I oho! prourouv, lot- t_Ls1 of f icioncy reasons and avoidaoce of possible
dupiicalioer rind
WHFREAt: 1Wr.AqINCI pl”sidiMI srreening and ds•essmeet function are nronosed For transfer
in the Oaklond Connr y Distr Com I Proholion Unit with furdinh to he provided rt ,/ revende generated
..,.rceiring and assersdni.ni t,riviry; arid
WHI RI Al, ! he 'Ii ii r-n i.e,1,onetil is pi opowd 1 or t r.pti',P,r Nt a private non-pror'i t subs tance
alo e, ,inIeiiilt wi Itc h Pits which can piovide these services at a lower cost, and
WHIALAti lho Empl,y,e A, .,istance Program Cdn 1-)..1' continued at current levels without an
additional niiihill y appropriation Ic, Ironsferring this function to the Health Division; and
WHEREAS the hAsr tpitiii program con he continued as o mind ion of the InstilAttionai and
111011.)11 ohd ci I P r,tlioin unchanged di Ili,' tor-rent lime-
Nnw THERFEORI W IT RI -MLVED that porsonhul in-ovidinn the Step One Service-, s,rnellifly Mid
ossessmont 1111 I inn, Hu:hiding Sukstance Altus,. Educator I position, one r1) Substance Abuse
Educolnr II po,iion ohd ly1i.,1 II position, he transferred to the District Court Probation
Unit and both Subsianie [dm alrrr positions be reclassified to Probation Officer I. as shown on
Affochurul A with (onlihnor ,e of -.did chnIhnihni on sal iciont support inn screening and
osses.,111C111 I CVCIIIIn••, /11111
DE II FURCHER RPT,avrp rhAl the Employee Assistance Program be transferred from Step One
ScrVice,. or the Health Divi..ior in, Indiflg the reclossifiLotion and increase in funding of une .6 funded
Nitric Health Editc.unr II Htsitinn curryntiy in the dedlth Education and Nutrition Services unit, to
1.0 ( I t0 I -i i mp) Sults/ on( rr [iho-olor IF pnsitiOn; and
M II IHRI-111R W AILV/P Ihat the alcnhol oducolirro Innclior of Step One Services be trans-
l e ird ptivate ilti)i Ii lu i ll, [,111C0 dints,. agency chrrertly contracting with the Health Division
ond thot on, (I) iii ill r.,sru laird with this tilled Supervisor-Substance Abuse
LilutAlion, he Ii Ii'! as shoon in Alhndwreut ond
M. II FURTHER RI'MLVfn ihar the remaining positions be deleted from Step One Services as
,,hown below ond in A1Idill1W.10
0111. (I) Substance Abuse Educator II
One il) Auxiliary Health Wi c ker
On,- (1) El.urk III
Tet , TYPi',! /1
Mr . Eli., i I Ill "11_. On hello I r tO hv Hea I th intl dltiript, RCSOU r CR.'S Commi [tete , I mo ,..te the adot)t i on
I ()IF
iii 111i• (1/1.1`1111I11•11 ii it/ Ill 1.01.
N ii y tic iliJi I, Ch.! i
Moved hy McConnell i.uppidied Li Wehh the m-aitution, ailh Peryinnel Committee Report
attached, h, ddopted.
Iltr Choi I pri-•nli irdi 1 ,-i I inn, w il d p,. Cretin thu Report ettoihed, t o the •
I 1111.1114.1 C.iljii I 1 I I, , lilt' I i tic I l• " I I
mi %,. 8ifo
By Pet•.i woe I Conn i I I
Ti I In, OA kind Count y Hoard in COWIE
CILI i rp(.1'.LOAtl, LJd ,10,t -II I I iii
WHEREAS KEA 600.551, pr,v i dr", I id Ci rcui Judg e MdV compere,a ted in an dolma) t e q ua I
Ii r (d I In' annul 1 ',a [dry n I d ..111. a I be Supreme Court ; and
WHEREAS el rec. I i vi• J1P10.1 I y I , I 115 1ric !dr y of a J1.1‘,t cc' of t he Supreme Court increased
h , ':///,700, and
WHEREAS tit 1 ivy l.uirii,rii ILlS, tHu 111.-:x i a ry nil iowah 1 e for a Circuit Jud ge increased
Iii $ /I MI': atid
WHEREAS l iii Hi,titiuiriuiiu Ccntu I y in n, I emer 1 a 1 iIir y :II h lc for a Ci r cu t Judge increased from
521,380 I o 508, 749 .1111d
WHEREAS, lie Jud la) amEnhl 1 !at i on Pa yokli 1 fir a Ci rui t Judge increased from $10,950 to
$ I I ii HI
witER1A tt , Ci V, in ilal:Jdod Count v were t on I y emp I oyees or officials within
Oct liii) y who di d not 1 et 'iv' mired-pi in I IA' 1985 hutri t ed ;iuud
WHEREAS t he ret ,,onini I E.; mmi I ii,• rev iewed t Couri 'y Supp leoht al port ion ot tho Ci rLui t
Jtnl qid.' int tat iv, and (A Ifll in-.. I F I i -HI 1 Md I ,1 Lid lwa men( n ordci
NOW THEREFORE HI I I 1(1 51)1 VII) I II IL'' CdomIt y I ruoin, I a I cur t hin of the salary of a C t
Judge be increai,ed 0 $28,616 la,m 51.1.00.
RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED i hal t H. increxie be rot rodct ivy to Januar y I , 1985.
mf Clr,ui rper,m,. oe I wIL, Ii id 11, Pcmonne 1 Comi ItnIt , I move t he adopt ion of the forego irug
r(-,, lot Hu,
John J. McDonn I d, Choi iperson
Moved by MiEFona td iat nuoi by floW I t !he tne:m lul ion he adopt ed.
The Cho rpe r,oe re I piml i OH tic t F i nance Comm' I tee. There were no objectlons.
Hy Pern int i I In
To 1 dr Oakland Eit tun) y HI WI Ei rile I III
Mi Ch..) L.Idic•, and Gent i
WHEREAS Mi.-it:<• I I inweriai, Re• Oa,' ion ;:"RrA78 necei-,-,ariy Count y 'Funding for the
Proi-,ecut Ini 4orneY 1985 C(4,1 4.1.11 i vi- i+ 11)Ln'',YrIlrnt Gran!. Awa I'd: and
WHEREAS the r y arid I liar one (1"1 oddi I iona 1 Clerik 1 n<isi tiori Wes contained
,ippriivi.(1 1985 fundin g ; dnd
WHEREAS Hi.,cc I ',meow. Re .o I ill i1,11 ,'785078 ,neci ies that "al I pet i-ionne I chan ges ill have
tuc lw appruVed by I Ire Pc1",..-Iiino1 C mviii I I re";
WHEREAS your Pe ..onnel 1,,MTII li.V l'N/C11 the re que-i{ CO add i oral Clerk I post t ion
,mitul concur....
NOW THEREFORE BI1 1E RESOLVED that illW ( I) pot-il lion ii C le rk I he created in the Cooperat ve
Rt'rrnihrur-,r'umir'crt Adimi uti.il rat ion unit id tIi, I- in.-. It- Lumpprrrl tlivi'-,iuin, Proc“:•Cul ini Attorney .
. Ch, i iter•,(1.1, rio Ill+. II 1 in I hr PI'l"`iiIII1111.' I Ciuimmcii I tee , I move the adopt on of the fore niiri
John J. McDonald, Chairoer,,on
Moved by MLOondld C:r.lino the rei,olution be adopted.
AYES: Cadde I I , Ca t audro , pnynn ino, Goi, I inq , Ha-ei be rqe r , Hobart R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn.
Lanni , Maonne 1 1 • Mr h000ld , Oahe! , o,(IFII, Moore, 1.44.)i-ion, Pe Fa i ck . Pri cc, Rewold, Skarri tt Webb,
Wilt ox , &Iron. (23)
NAYS Nouy . (0)
A .A11-) iL 061 jori 1y /1,wing v-1.41 Hwy., fur, Elle 1 pi i{..n 1.1d, adopted.
01 11/I 71 I I 1 1(1 1.1 1, M I 1 1 1 1•, 01 /HI ill. 1,11 1 78, r 1185 105
IN RI : 1.1,1111rii rl• rr irrthir id Pith Wori, - REOULST TO ADJUST THE SALARY RANCE OF THE
AY; I SI AN I 1,11 I E1 INS 1 NEI If 1.1 0%01 1 II 01.1 ON
!he (Pit kind CA Mill
Iii i:liii, u nn li ,•. .111 I, 1,i I n •rik•ri:
WI PIERS Is on! LIII Lnqi 1,100I Ii i1irui Lnrrently has a salary range thal is
o 11o1 m11.. 0h0
},AtERrits 1)1-0 1 r,,,,, 1,,por and 01 1..0 to' n In, Unpor tmen t of Pub) ic Works believe !he
I 1,0 1 -,.11,0 I hr A.0,1.1,nm [ETA 1 1 nil f ir/o I. nt i ,E-ent with other r 1,issifdt1urs
11 (-Pi, ilirpi !well rig h tidy(' d ruIIIi,,r Of si I a ry slelu iii I hi' i I si 1.•try rdrIrthr., ; .-111.(1
WHEREAS Iiii' Ir'I.IIruIuuIl IIFiII 1''', Ill (-hone,' 1 ory volute of Ass s tont Chief Endineer
1 1-C1 n1 I Ii I ri in ,1 I 'iii y1•.1 1 .1,1 I.iu y rontte 10.1( Ii a 114IX I101111 1-, I L.1) 1:1 Itii) I (1/ i ts Current lId rale; and
',IFIERLAS (11.+rete p r-OV d for employees Pro -
!Holed Chi,/ inqiiic r 1 i I icol iori .1ith
WHEREAS u.oilhcc 4)+21.101/ ve,.1- ..iffecl current employees in th.,
1.1 I nil ciii.
NOW [III 0111110 4T Phil 'salary rorno in /he Assistant Chief Engineer cia ,.si
/i ti It' 1 I 1,1 1 I 1 ,1 Oil I
1/1/±..( 1 Y 011 2 Yy): 3 Year 4 Year
Fr out: tn .!, 41) pFlot
3Z,153 38,22 40,691
lii , (Aid; hilia! ii he Per ',011rIC I Li/11411i rIce, I Hove the adoption of the foregoing
re'ol I nt ion.
Soh» J. Mcf)onald. Chairperson
Moved Er), MI 1),no 1 A 0111nw 1 ,,1 hy WeEh 111(. T ri in lw.ldopted.
AYLS: td1.11101 lieu, 1 ins, Ha,,hcrner, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S,• Kuhn, Lanni.
Mc:Gonne! I , McAnna I d, m"I ill, Mriniri, Ne , Peri' ick, Price Rewold, Skarri tt We hb , 1 cox,
Ao( on, Gdddc I I . (23)
NAYS: None. IO
A ,urii, I'll vi. vi l .1yirii1 vot('d therefur, Ilic r..2solul on was adopted.
Mi .
By Pialilujrnnl purl !hi iltling
PR RE: flet1,10tmt,11 1 td. Sewn) , W.11 'i liii SuP 11 Nih e - OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL ESTATE - EVERGREEN-
FARM INC ran W 50010,A1 "-,Y'TEM
1 he 1).1E1,1,1111 'Como y liii,1 Id 110 ,11mi.•
Mi EAto 10nlie C. 01,1 1.,01 10men:
Wilt HEW, t hi 11001 d .•• 1,101 I '.11,(1 1 he Lvertli eer - mo ing tun Sewage Disposal Systvi,
int 1 nth", .1 pumping or. 2:-"r/I -3r) W. Eight Mi IC Road, rated And maintained by the Department
ol Pub Iic Work•...;
WHEREW; I hi' pc•r•u vic•ril 1 NH in Mak',win nvii ruIaiew vIntei' sy-,tem ,T,aintenance bui I tIi niq
.111O sIn up 1 1 t1 I 51bil 1011 51 Le ; arid
WHEREAS 1 01' ot .100 wi 1 1 dm, 1,00 11.h/,` 1/1d widening of El pht Mi le arid
I ri•ith - I ori pnIhIilp)iilrj l,-1 ,111i1
WHEREAS lf,w I 0,-; fli0t.r. 1 1.0,ternr, Re-Adult ",/ ZR110.20. aulhur i Zed OW /Input LI I Ion
Pirr I r •fl. ric Ii1 1 1 /1.1 /./' Lnt 22, Lockemon',-, Sohdivision;
WHEREAS Iii 11 hthrn .ii $ ,Thr!
WIII.Rt i1 i 0 1.1.0. y pc, lu-Punicle ',1c)(-11 ir/I1 .lucl re loc.:i1; I cm co5 t 5 lc) (be uwilcr-S ;
- WHLREAS le' .411n -r• ,oi d pa re/. I wi I I accepr 518,000 purchase price and $7,800 moving.
local inn .11111 ro 1,1,11 Is I ; aid
Will REAP; Dnudld W. R cq Md.-4-mer a Ihe Deportment ol Sewer. Water and Solid Waste,
dppi 1111 recomiwods r he pnrch,r,e nf said parcel From ova lab le project funds and
WHEREAS Bepflr 1,1,11 ii Gornor,ii inn Cnunsel has r(:.vieAled and approved the Of fer to
II i Iii
Not./ 1111 1111 PhI III 11 Pi SR ll IIi,ni I Pr, Il,,ucl .1 I •ilw) hl•illi! I
ol 7, I il,I,,IlI,l Iil ,, vi 11111 , 'oot h I ie Id, lor use ill juin. t ion with tIi Evergreen-Farmington SOS
11H11111111t1 '1,11 1.11 11111 ;$9,ono And mo ng , di s loco! inn and re I oca t ion costs of
`..fll I /1.11 I II, ,Acti Id 1. he !too, A 1 ,,
„ „1 ,• ill I ,u I II I, ,,,1 1•I rI 'h I hi- "
PSI .. 111.11 P tht 11 I I I PI dun iIrtI .1111 ricii di ni LIlirplip I I ce, I 11/CW1 1 II` Ill I, i ion
Anne M. Hoh.irt, Chairperson
Corinti.....inneig. 1;oni mai .11 11 1 8 15
MovedI ,y Hohati ...I , 111,- I 1111i. ...lopt.•11,
Ilte ChaiiJ.clhon lelcI og.olation Iii IF!. I Lommiltne. There were no objections.
By Planninq •ttcl Buildinn Etniniilee
IN RI: Pork., and Rca.rualion C111.11111 h 1011 AGREEMENE FOR JOINT JISE OF WATER RETENTION SITL
Ti the Oaktand County Board oI -
Mr. Chairper.,on, Ladic ,, and Gowft.wco:
WHEREAS Sicgal/Itonnaala ArchiteLl., Inc., have made and the Parks
and Recreation Cimui..sion ord On. P.oard ii Commi ,...ioners have accptcd Wscellaneous Resolution
811201 1, an 011,v to Puri:h.n.e a park.. .d Hopei-1y located upon Norrhwe ,leta Highway, in Farmington Hills,
Mi(igan 1ot the h11111 01 .r.1 .i90,000.00 $230,000.00 ha ,, keen r(.ceived as a deposit; and
WMItiAS io order 10 obtain d 1701ihy title osurance and site plan
approval iii.I havo a wale! rurention dire(I ly aajota.ni to ,.,11d parce/ for drainage and retention
ill Iii.,: and ",101111 Jnd
WHEREAS On. Conroy own.. pal-tel. of property upon whicn 5uch a retention site could be
plaactl; and
WHEREAS Ole ohtattinn cl r0iention sil, rrom the C.:gully 'F Oakland by Siegal/Tuomaa la
i.. a condiFion prota.dont hoon purchae of the latm 1 on Northwestern Highway; and
WHEREAS a relenrich d'r1.rn a., a pond upon th.. Mon OaF, Golf Course and would
InlhdDLC hi Lunii envilonninni of (1... goll cour-,e: and
WHEREAS '.iegal/Tnomaala onhld ....nistritc/ and maintain .-aid retention site/pond at its sole
expelp,w,t and
WHEREAS II,' and hy re.,°1111inn al II.- February 20. 1985 meeting
did relowmeod and algo-nve tin , h ,r Joinl He Wdlor ft..I,.111ion 'rite; and
WHERFA5 the Ocimn-hitel or t:orporalion Counwl hah revie,Ind and approved said Agreemert and
exc.,' a i Oil.
NOW THEREFORE Rh H 14`,OLVTD Iho Board ol Commi.,,,ioners approves the Agreements for
Joint Use ol Water Retention and dui 11,nriro ,. its Chairper.,on ,..xecntr. said Agreement on behalf
of the Counly.
Mr. Ch.+1 I [WI ',On, 1 1110 ,./• [
COpy ol Ain neineni oil I lig la Colin( y Clerk's Office.
Moved hy Hobart .,uppni 1.,1 Hy R1:11drd Win (he mg,oluilon hg adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fir! ii. Oa.,..herner, Hobart R. Kuhn, 5. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnel'.
McDonald, McPlict ...on, Mollill, Motna., Pernick, Price, Revold. Skarritt, Webb. Wil,.7.0x, Aaron.
Caddell, Calaniho. i23)
NAY; : NOM'. (0)
A •.tol I i icitt ln,iui i 1 y lvi i.q c I,.l 1 11(..rn (Or , I In' II 1 ion en.. adopted .
Report to PnItlit Sciviat", Comlidtrue
By Finance GonmitIct.
IN RE: Commttnity Novolopnwnn Di vi L,. - Eag'i--86 COMMUNITY DrffLOPMFNI MOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY
rh, Ii lin e Igvie..led hue athiuc( GoimuntIy Dovolonment Block Grant Application
and iii,1)
Thc application i.. lehug..1 lor $4,249,000 in all0Laled 1985-86 Community DeveIoo ,Penr
Block Grant Etunk„
7) Thu twanI applicJrion toy,. the In:60d May 2, 10.8$ throunb May I, 1986.
3) No County hind., Mt- 11.0-1icipatiun,
4) The allachod Inc 1985/86 Mlueolkm lo 48 local units,
APplitalion or .1((.egtalue at this 11.1111 dor s 1101 obligate the County beyond May 1, 1986.
M1 . Ghairpc1-.on, on 111, Findhte Gonunitlue, I %.coninond the acceptance of the fore -
Ooino 14.1,o 1 1, and Ihv 1r1nt 1 a1 01 1hn Oolmkil iii, ceoatoined Merrin 10 the Public Services Committee in
.11.0111.111C(' i lb Mk...11.111~1h licuJmnI 1011 .r1-11 16 Revi ,.ed Federal and Stake 5rants Procedures.
C. Ni II b,llrn Cdddoll, Chairper5on
Copy ot Sa Inolniu A on file Hi founly Clerk', 011ice.
uti of Ihe foregoing ro ,-,olution.
Anne M. Hoha .1 .
• 11/111'1 P111110.1' 11111,11. t1.11. Jr 2N, I t iiit) 107
• 851w,
By Poldi n Seiviiy".
-1-0 !he 0,11,1dod Couilly Rodin o
• . Chi Id/C1-',(711, Lull4••,. dl/d. C.•111
WHEREAS he Lour ! of OA mel hy M ',cr 1 I aneous In! Om #6961 of January 23, 1975 declared
i I .. 111.11 hr hon n Ho n i 111,1 Conn! v dude! 1 he EA(' ra 1 Housing and Cominuni ty Develop -
mew Act die,1,,/ef
WHEREAS I h m om. lu ,iollod !dal e ;Amy ii !Ile calopori ri rnmn I pri!nr-mrs ii 1 ono
B liu
'iii Proul .tm 111.!, i 11 n 1 .1.111,m its' h I m ri of f i( idl Loom!!! i 1 y nced ,, and
pr in! II i in, ;dliii
WHEN At; ih,• County 01 (1 .11, hod ha., been dr, ttri,n County and cont inLes to participate
in 1 Comuuni 1.y Dr.ve ionmeH 1 r0II.uiln Jinni by Mliii I aneou Reso I u! ion #84211 of July 26. 1984 entered into
lAI ,pr I dl vr wi I L,iii (love rumen i r I u1-, purpo-.0 and
WHEREAS ill(' 0,0,1,111(1 hver, ni I ocd1cY1 a ill a i amount of $5 ,2 49,000 i n federal
ul 1r., 5899 ol- prourmu ncoirc which nrpia 1 d or 55,148.271 of funds to be distributed
dimwit the /1;r•i r u Ii ipil ing lie Is of. government and pubi ii learincr, have been he Id by each communi ty
and I lw (min y (AIHI URI I ivl n cl un',e funik,; and
Will PI AS 11H. Coulmin i I y 0,yiclopinen1 Advi'mry C(nAnc i 1 h,v, recommended approval of the proposed
Comiimnily Di.ye lonnioul it Jri L CI .1111 l'n nCIP.0111 Summary ; and
WHEREAS ih,te 11.n odinty roods required For tiii, grant,
NOW TIIEREI OR1 ill 11 RI nr)I VEfl that I he Oak land Coon y EN'ecut l ye is hereby authorized to sign
mid I ;le .H1 Lipid iiii or 1 e n 8f) Coumunii iy Devi' !oilmen! Mork U ran I funds under the Federal Hate, I nq
mu i Comm i I y Dove 1 ,puli.ii! AA I n ii '37 11„h, [upended, iii at,C ,n 10,-InCe th the a t ached P ro ject Summa Ty .
Mi . ;c1 I a i110 Pub' Crmri I tee, 1. move the adopt ion of the fore -
going 11 -.1,111111ln.
11..113It '.1.H.VICL.) COMMITTEE
James E. Lmtni, Chairperson
Moved hy Lmir 1 . iiroo 11 ed I)y he !Arm ihr rt.,. I n ii iun adopt ed.
AYES: fol t i ro, Co%1 iii, 11,r,,111n 1H-uo., Hobart • R. loin, S. Kuhn, Lanni , McConneI I McDonald,
Mt Pf r..on /1” I I i ( I , , N I ...in, rnrn ick, Pr i Rowo 1 Ski ni i 1 , Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Co I Judro. Poyon. 123)
NAYS: N,H,. (rn
A 'mintier! 111,1jm I y nivinu voted II-per-14ov, the resolution was adopted.
• 85m6
By ruhl it I VI 0', Comm i 1,
lo 0.11..1.1ud Louloy rIo.nd n cl Comui .,bioneib
MI. Ckhilprr,ton, drid liii !Hoe!!!
WIILREAS n[11,u vn • .111.1 i ',1.rvict.'"; are ihc_' only "products traffic law enforcement
ho-, dini pi.I i • I intr,t corn--.1.1n1 ly oval nate and develop employee ski I Is in order
Lii foe ive fy (•1 I ort', iii i--ic_limp a primary enforcement rit)al of deterring violations cont r b -
HI lull Lu 1111111,111 •111(1 i`f i.n41111iS Ii,-•I", I fl It.mi 1,01(1 C111.1111 y.
Will REX, ..CMIS •I l'11( II .1 i I i cant Ind jori y of chi f F, of n.-,o) i ce of Oakland County and
She 'ill Dou.11 1 mon! 1 n .n vn • irv,,ulioi hilt there current ly nr.) sys temat i c procedures for Police
f),Co v ices .11 I i vi I y cdodhle of producing urdte iwrformance evaluations ,-.+7 th
, comph ve I> 0.1' n ,1 lye rind iv.tt ion And ,Aperv
WHERIAS hr lurk n cl of orcep1dhle pcli,.,ruixn..12 standards tor police traitic.
Iii', 141/1l"....11i,,,1 a11,11,-1131d plidlit`111 hi fAdliCe. APO. rat() 1"'-, in Oakland County: 1) internally,
wilh reue(T ..1.11u1,11-&-. of nerlorrionce for c'ruiuiiiyeni. which are regarded 1),, labor as
neither drhiirdry, Lauri, ion, 11,..n dud 2) externally in periodic newspaper covergage
Libeled nei 1,1 nkince floi t•nrol cc.ment "quotas" generating strong negative
puh I it ir•on I ion.
WIlI lL[.AC Oak 1,iiid y }lief., of poi ice, through their associations, have requested the
ol the 11.111 ft I ,Ivrment A ion (T IA) iii leveloping a countywide system of police
t I iinI vi t and pei ormance evd I tmt ion which would be suf f it ent I y flexible to imple -
inent inn 1.1. .11 1)1,1 I 1-rmi I k.• `,111,1. I ii -s1 hr MC .
MO RI .1 i ui-il II.iriuiirnri 1;1 (Hip .conipt i.,ed 01 local Ind state enforcement athrinistrat015
11111.1111,,ed hy I IA 1,1,111. 111111•(1 th .111(Ini i cam need for a countywi de system of Pol ice Traffic
Sul VI PCI 101111,11H .1•, .110! , d Ii rI sten in icent ing thi s need, a conference should be
conducted lor : I I Inveiopinci iii undt'i--,1..-iilding of the basic elements of commonly accepted
performance annrdi.,1 tI) inrdi I int! I iii' .idvon Lich—, to bc ined in the adoption ,-)r a countykqide
lonnionco d., ;n iii I milintj 011,. ‘001),-, os-„my in creating such a system, i nc I udi rig the
Cifismiss one MiI ii ii i 11
lice id eccent Hi h., a•1 tie dvd11.11 , le thi , 'null CI MI ', dm! 1IA, g cnwrat ill() act lye support 01
lemer 1.11 it,ri 1,1 .1 ! r b cystem of perf...itman,ce ston
AiLRI.As I I ddy loiloh : it uhf be conducted in the
m,,y; L.,111,1 kule.„e• p•mi•I pc) ice administration authori -
I ie., 11..111 1 iii ip.pI hull, ',1 ,11(' 011ill lil ii lil• /I` IC .111(1 1(.110(1, (1•n 011 ,ill'il`,,(1111r. I'll ill(111Urlil, requir ,? an expendi-
tip e ppi $?,l3,,i'd fin loci 1 i t ol knit:foul nit,ii II il.1 (111.1 11-1,0 expenses Of COW- ill1 t ants .
NOW THERI FORE 81 I f Rt. SOl Viii 11c11 pp O,ikl.piii Coffely Bildril of Commissioners, in the interest
nt lurtherinq d .cy,11.ut which wnold lecnil IH intreoced demarence 0 Irdllic law violations contrib-
U( 11141 1.ilil 111.1111.111 ,1 11 /1 /il di uily mil ( clrlq.11 I l l uu pi 011( 1.n.d D i i 'I( Trol Iii Services Performance Standards
cotHerence with on opprepfidfiam hot 1 ,, exreed
is , Pill; 1 I Supviips Citimai I I 'TIOVO the adopt ion of the
hiregoing recohalion.
1p. L Limn i C hd Irpc rson
Mewed lu Lonni ciwporlea WrHilil I pp ''iiinfion be ddopled.
The Choi rpercon ref ei pd 00 pp pupil ion in the f induct' Cninmitt,:e. There were no ohjet ions.
By Plonttifh, onit Biti di uu. Cild1114161 I
IN RE; (Mictelldiipote, fieci./to p1, fIr,OTH 'lii ii F's Deportment - EXPANSION OF OAKLAND COUNTY JAII.
Iltp Ook CO,11111 y ...11(1,11(f iiIC1.(1111HiCC ilill11 I C
Mi. Ehoirreicon, lodiec dnd Gerciemen;
Al ter !loving reviewed Ni oil_il ill1H,./tP, ROM/1(11'1CM /15080, 641 PI W111 -11117 and Bui !ding Commi tti„;e
report c wilb the recimummildt inn ihri I I n ,, liP! dii bc dopied.
MI . Cii P1,,r.PP,u, pp iu'li.il iii•Pi.iriiiinij and Bui lpii,nuj Enamii t tee , 1 wove the acceotacce of
the iiiiptioinif RIX.? 1 .
Aune M. Hohdri, fhdirperscin
By Pnblid Servird-, Cnimaitter
IN RE; Sherifl'c Deportment - nf OAMANO COONEY JAIL
ihe Odkidnd Connly Rod! 0 nl comwicciimeic
lii . Choi rife P.101, Lil)illi4", CillI111
WIEREAS the Doklond Cntelly ol Ccwmicsioners ic nnel.dinq under d Consent Judgme
which leguiles Ihdi Ihe gunerol rnnuldiior .d HIP Odkldnd County foil shdll be no more than 450
WHEREAS when Hn , Ookldnd C0linly foil wds bui II in 1972, if was designed so that additianal
prisoner irOlc could he crodhA pip }IC L.illd,1 level garoge •u-d; dud
WHEREAS lhe hasemerl *none pp .1 could he reIncousd and thdt space identified to provide
mute ond
WHEREAS ,mo .11 the nredles1 nee+, is !or a women's Edcility which includes all levels of
,.rtmily, honsinit lOr frmalcc ,:citimed to work release.
NOW THERLIORE BE 11 Rcmhvin Ihot the OokIaittl Courtly Board nI Commissioners supports the
concopf ii expondinu the Odklond Counly fdil through renovation cif the gdrage parking aren and cn-
slruciion Io WolHpfl'(, F.ui lily ond fin Hier onlhori7es study and orchitectural plans to complete
saiPI projeff.
Mr. Owl rperson, on hellolf ol Hu. Public Services Commi [tee, 1 wove the odopl ion 01 the
knowing pcoliti
James E. Eoniii, Chdirpersnn
Kived hy howl cuppor led hy Co I dud! o the recolnt inn, with l''' lonu inu ond Su' Id i 19 Commi t et'
RI ,pppi ii I pp_l o p1 , he odor! ed.
The Clidiirerson delerred Pip rc(•co!ul ion lo the Finance Confaii I tee. There were no ordjef7.1 ions.
Micc. 85107
By Public Setvitec
IN M : Community Deveinpmen1 Divicihu rommuNtrY Sb1._rcriori CRITERIA EOR THE COMMERICAL ASSISTANCE
YROCRAM (C11,1 1
To the Odhlond Counly Bodrd p1 Cum: i
Mi. Choi rpercnn, Eddies ond Gorki lermn:
WHEREAS DA lond COUH1 y hoc heel, d recipient df 1 Cuiupinrujpr i 1y Development Block Grant fords From
the U.S. Deport MUM i pit Ihmisinu ond Ilrlidn Di'velnpmend since 1974 ond hds operated a resident ial rehabi I i-
fdl ion prnurdm since 1976; mid
WHEREAS the U.S. Depd 1 rdirn,1 nd Nihon Development lips established procedures
Lollimi Miiiiil r• , Iii.. Itoh 78, i RS
Communit y D1o,t Giant I-CliP6.01 lo (in one lump sum) the funds designated
pi opi•ily in ,ippiotn'd ill order to establish d Rehabilitation
1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 1 1111 ( 1 1,1 111i .! 1)1 1 1 1 j1.11P4 I 111-,I 1111 1,11; till.:
WHERVN., Oakland by Miscellareow. ResoIntion 1182283 of September 21, 1982
adopted 1h, lii uu II I alili/ir,1 Community De1eh,p1 ,1, Bloci,. Grant funds to leveracie private
i,1 Ini,iarnIIP and i_outvorcial property: and
14i11.l(1A' lii linlyii Cl .uniil hy tte,,o110 ;on 1183034 of February 24, 1983
0POroved the cri..Awn 3,31 3.3 .,31131,13 id! tln,s+n-in() pr,n )ram with anmunity Development
Block Giant hinds and alahorr/cd the Community Drvelopmel'I Oivisi,r to solicit lenders for a financial
icveroginn anrecrirni:
WHEREAS lb,- Conn [Lit i• (-4,•,01 uf ni /188239 of t 30 084 approved
Rrhab i I i tat i on Level dui Aor,emeui with Mann Fact Na inna 1 Rank or 0,trit f "ra 131(113.1131 of
I nI I I p rop.,] 1 7 I n '1,I1 i Iii miii; and
WHEREAS ire liii lhlliril in lii Hip,itinn in it Courly'.. Community Development Block Gran(
prsuirain Ihron0 ,i,i8)1211 or July 26, 1984 ...fere invited on January 18, 3985 to
▪ propoi,ak to porl ii ipnirn ,-ii lb the County in the Commercial Assistance Program (CAP); and
WHEREAS Ike C.olivinnily Developmrn1 Divii,ion has received proposals from 17 communities; and
WHEREAS !hr Communit y 1),..veloriment Division to', developed CAP goals and objectives (Attach-
ment A), recommended the targ,tinr, and allocatiou i CAP tumts (A4tachmem B), defined "commercial ,
(AilatImier/ prepared CAP community. evaluation and selection criteria (Attach-
ment D), and dovrIoned i rI vi lii. CAP rehab project review criteria (Attachment F); and
WHEREAS Th.L. C.M11111Pliiy D,volnpment Citizens Advi ,sory Council has recommended approval by
unanimoir, vole ol Al hr A, N. C. D, and E.
NOW TUFAFEORl RI I PLAIVLD that Ihr Oakland County Board or Commissioners adopt., the CAP • ond itied iii Pdtrilliricill A; approve, ihe 1:11.in-1ing ;Ind of CAP fund';
in Alldilum.ni I1 ityr. h, Tam commerical ln.v,iness district outlined in Attach -
ment C; apnriive', a, i ho id recommended in Attachment DI and
o nnl , She itnlividnal, EAP re11.11, ',Heat criteria sneciried ;n Attachment. E.
BE IT FURTHER RE ,,OLVE0 !hal Ihe Enriumnity Devuinpmont Division be directed to utilize the
Lommunity evaluation cli1,1:riA H3 "OH33.3C CAP tartlet i:uilii;ui)Ti i 1. vii Ii hind} approval ti be made by the
Oakland County Board ol
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhal upon final "tek"cki'm if the CAP ta9et commur6 e. the Public
Service-, Collimilt PP Wi i quarterly reports.
Ilk IT FURTHER RIOT VLO !hal the Comlimnily Dew , ioAuent Div i sion he directed to es tab I is.h a
reliplili I . dila 4.rd I hcu:,ui 3H 111,f-4'3.'3 rl r CAP fund-, .
in olr the Public Servis.t-, Commiltee • I move the adoption or the
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Couy ot P,4:kmyst., A. B, C. R .111d E on Ii I' ,onnty Clerks Office.
Movrd by 1 Ciii I uphIll p ,1 by 11,1....1u.c4r.r the ue.,oltil it'll, ht. ticitAlli<td.
AYP;: 1,r, Hobart, R, Kuhr, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
MulEill, Moore, *Loll, Perri,L, P1 i , Rewold, Skarrilt. Webb, Wiicox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Down], Fortino. (73)
NAYS: None. (0)
Irt VOiOd 11101-0E1r. resolution was adopted.
• 85108
Ely Public Services Commit'
To ;he Oakland C,Plifily Board id Coutrii,a,ioneri,
Mr, Chairperwn, and Gent lowen:
WHEREAS 6eiwrdl Mraiir ,, Corporation is seeking a Ic.,cation For production of the new SATURN
aniumobi/c: and
WUKEAS they regilir a iii bels4ren 4110 and 750 acres in one contiguous parcel.
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RE:',OLVED that Ihc Oakland County Board of Commissioners go on record
'mr I nu ,mi n,/ Gene va I Mnior ,, C,I ,Ool at ism to lucato wilhi n Oakland c:ouril•.
Is! II 11110111 It jij Ill) 111, 41.11,Iond y L,Iiiinksiniwr, entourage fjoneral
.11 inn I '-c il-I I nan i lii UK, ti( Oakland Cuunly a', a locat ion for the new Saturn
BE 11 FURTHER Rfl;ollirn rh,i Cl imulini vdiley Ccioter be considered by the Oakland County
Ltonomii DeveIopiwto Corpol .11 ion a- one of Ihe lot the Saturn Plant.
HE IT EUBFIIIR t1101 (d re ,,oloilon he sent to Roger Smith, Chairman of
Lenerol Motor ,. Cornom-aion, (I'.' mono Bianchard, Senator-, Carl Levin and Donald Rieule and
cungre.,sman 111 1 Calr.
Mi fold iMs.0, h ?fl, 1985
mi rho', pi', ,r10 111`!i -1 I I rht• r. I , I move t he adopt (fii of t
Loin i , Glist
Mr wird hy I Willi '.1.11117,11 I'd Ile I .."-.01r11 1),•
AYES: , B. Kdlod, S. uhn, Lion , Mr'...ounef 1 , McDona Id, McPherson,
Mol lilt, Moore, N(4 .AA!, Peinirk, Cr g)id. Skorri I t Webb, Wi box , Cddde I I , Ca 1 ondrt,.
Doynn, Fort i no, Go ,fing. (23)
NAYS: None. (0
A ki,nt i.iHi k- lvjro ViArd Iherefol , thr Ion odopted.
Mr. l,.iiiH rd. cu t A _ ,-,B 5 operation Support
Cur-nil Al let ...file Appt cit lou hr. Ho. bee, T. Mir inonce Commit tee, Hui Ow qt,-it has been tentat I ye I y
f i 1,1, ond the .11 1 (i1 ,11,! or /1111111LC Ciiiuurli ree. Movcd by Lanni ..tipported
Moore <hr. bn ..o..peoded n 1,nre, del LI ion or I he ie....10i
AYES: Hobart , R. Kuhn, Lu i isr. Lunt , MrGonnell, MOLAld Id, 1,1,Yhe r sour, Hof Fitt, Moore.
%Thorn, ick, Pi it e, Retyold, Webb, Wi 1nix. Aroron, C.7.1.1,1 I, C.r landro, Boyon, Fort i no,
I inn, .11,1,..1.9 gel t2
NAYS: Nollr. (01.
usrond the rules to consider A 'iii li i .'111 111.1.H1 Fl y thcil.f cu. lie• 11101' iiilo
M FP) I in
By Pub I it_ fAmittri I If...
IN RE : CiiiI Ili 011 A ELM - I 9115 Offl If,A1 IONA'. ',11FPORT GRANT - ALTERNATE' !CATION
fro he 0.4.1..10 C(n11fil y [tofu 01 Town
Mi Chdirnel.,on, Lnd GVHIICHR.H:
'6410L1RE1iS by .0 ion I+191265, „tdoptocl Or 1 ober 1 F. 198 14, the Boord i<1 Com-
ineel (wed he ..ulrmir,,,He +.1 t rpr.rli oppl ic.uI ion in the Mi.-hick...I Coneci 1 I or thr Arts (ricA)
iii Fir' ,Herur, iii 5ttOfl Ito cr nil,, ril, r.,1" I Ii" ur'IIIrui Lii Oclober 1, 1985 thtu
September 30, 1986; nIniti
WbERLAS MCA Iii,' hrritiii,iI en alternate grant
opt., i n di ion lod fund jug iil,uI iriuj 510,1150 protwain tin - period foi
ill {sr ore.i del di ion; din!
Will Of AS .tppi i)v.,111 tir like the previoh ()dant does not obligate
1 heIii iii I y I Wily I Willi' I 47111411i iii -in I
NOW Fill lit 1 0111 III II IN ',in Vi 1. IS, y CuriOol hi!reln/
I I,- I I f inn of .1 .1! 1.01 WI rh I hi. MI(1611.111 L..,11111 Li I COI1S I ent VII I h
lu ,111.or Irilrbj,r1
IF 17 FURTHER f1.1.';OLVEB I Liii ii poi ',on cr I he Out loin! County Boat .1 of Cor,nii--,5ionc..n..
•11.s.c1 t`IISY ICA{ 105 CO C. •,,1 1 i no.
HE IT ELIRTflfR Rf 591_111-.1) hr- .r II :111.11'1 irt C1' report ler IsV tif pc r ru, „i, v,—
Puhli n vi r .rrr 011,1 I Ile (1,11.1.1111) 1.u rnirrl y JI,r.rr 0 n0 Cl/11,4111',, I on, 1
Mr. Cit.] i I pun 'us i)011.1I F Si' V i 1:n111'1.1.r I cr. , I Ivo !IT,' ,1C11,111, her
for r•cprr iii i •roril iiiit'll.
Jame.; E. Lanni, ChArp e rson
Moved by Linn i r ed h y no Ihe resolution hi' Adopled.
AYES: R. Kuhn. 5, Kuhd . Ldu, , McConnel I , McDonald MePherson Moff i tt, Moore, Ne !son .
Pernink, Rewold, SicLp 'It!, Whir, Wi rA7K , CA Eal)dvn, Our-Jon, Fort ; nu. Ool nil,
Hd....hel 9er, Hobo' I . (23)
NAYS : Non,. (Of
A ,,1.1 I i. lo•ni y Ir•efine ocl In.. e , the Mit toe rho .'ntru,mIn'ml.
By Prilul i r_ .5ervice, rommilte,
IN RE Csi I I. urn I Ctigrm i I - AMILNDMENi S tOt 11111 IS Or PROCEDURE
Ii Ike Ooklonnt CUU111 y Boom..
lii . C11.1 i tpcm.on, ,noll Gent I
'WHEREAS the Crnninul y Bum 1 ].t tilt> Oc klend Cot.ss.,ty Cal turd I
Comic i I by fli•.co I 1,1rurrurr, RI-orful ruin A111 I I 9, 1915, ,:orti ;11)1)i-tr....red its Rules of Procedure
pc! Mi 'n.m I 11.1m.oll', Rn••••01sii Err, //899 ,1, it I ifir rr 1, 19/9;
Mi iii I Con II iii I It•is 28, 1 1)85
WHIR! AS I ii uiili ,11,1 ,01 niion the Ili ii LI Idkoin'...ianig-- did train:W.1.i the lun,Aion ot the
cu l t ,,d i cum, ii Ii I I,. pm,„ .d IlL Lonniy E...olive in the 198r2 Oakland County Budget, and
WHEREAS pla..cani lo he hdkland County Culinraf CuHnri n Rules of Procedure, Article XI,
the Oakland Connly Eulimal Comp il lid.. voted to •wrod I Rule', of Procedure in accordance oith the
attached; and
WHEREAS tin , 0.11,n drd FXrtAlliV(' Iui evi...,,ved and recommends these amendments.
NOW THEREFORE M 11 RI '..:01V4-.1) that the Oakland founly Board of Commi:...ioners does hereby
.Ipprov, 11.• .,1 .11 I
MI. Lhaiiper,“n, oh 1e1d11 il 11K• Public Servi,A,,, Lowrillee, I move the adoption of the
JdflICS E. Lanni , Chairperson
Cony ,d U II ii iii I i Ii iss (minty Clerk'-. Office.
Moved by I .ii iii ii c.1 by rignit k I lii i I [II Hrs Ii uklp it'd-
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPborwg. Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick,
Pt Rewold, Skarrill, WI Lax., (aron, Caddell, Cal6ndro, Ooyon, Fortino, Goslinc, Hassberger,
llohall, R. Kuhn. t23)
NAYS: None. (t))
A ..nhhicieni m,simily hiving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Rh l'Old
lI Genr• a I IIii'i'i'i nitwit I romin I I
PARKING 11111111'.
Hie Odik kind I iii ii y lIt iii LIol Collis!! d!!. liii ici•-•!!
Fir Chd i ! r•dm , Lid! C , Ill
Eh,' General Goveinm,ni Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution de5077, reports
with the recotmeinhtion that I I Li i I iili ii liii bc adopted.
Mt. Chairper,on, ..,11 behalf of the General Government C.mmlittee, I move the acceptance of
Ii' I 1 11-n ' i1IiItii r 14 .1 It I I I
John F. 01,en, Chairperson
1110 - BS0//
Dy Mr. M(D,nald
(kik kild Cntin I y <it Coiorissioncr
Mr. Choi rpei ',on, Lodi I Limm:
WHEREAS -ie<idi plod,.. .1n. marked on parking lot., which may only be used by handicapped
pet aim, with Lei li that, plate•, i'.'.ti n •n 1 by siatc or Michigan; and
WHEREAS yeai wany bdildicapped per-ddie, frpir other -,-101e5 visit Oakland County and park
in peril parking ware', witboul lealizing that their out-of-state handicap permits and/or tags ..re
not vdlid in Michigan.
NOW THEREFORE LII IF RLALVED that the Oakland Cpunty Board of Commissioners does bereb ,....
appvove th,, policy ol honoring in all marked handicapped parking spaces on Counts property, rot only
valid handitapped licele,e Oates of Michigan residents, but also all valid out-of-state
lidudiLdppcd os
Bt. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 11w CoOnLy Clerk he arid hereby is directed to send a cortiied
copy nr re.dilnlion to all Sale Legislators representing Oakland County and the County's Legislative
H'CipF,Cdl 114.isiqcswnis for handicap parkinq for the entire State of Michigan.
Mr. Ehairper-dm. I rtovc lie adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Coonissioner District ;-27
Robert W. Page, Thomas A. Law, D. L. Moffltt.
Ralph H. Ne?,am. W. A. Hassberger, Richard G. Skarritt
Moved by Skat ilt apporled by Calandro the report he accepted.
A iii ii i-il ii.ijiily 1. , the nut pull carried.
Moved by Skarrili .dipoorIed by 11.P.1,ber-ger the resolution he adopted.
AYES: LdIsni, Low, M(Dono!d, MvPherrion, Mollitr, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price,
Skorri I I . Weld), WI I cix, /1,11 iii, Ca‘k le I 1 , Ca I and ro Doyon, Fortino, Gosh Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn. (23)
NAY',: 1,1,nne ill
A ..gllirient ludir n illy having voted lhereFol, lie reollstiOn was adopted.
- 17
- 7
Commi Minn! e!. Gout i Mal .1. h 198'.
By Gelielal Goverimwo/ CommilLe ,.
To Ow Oakland Connly Board of Commi!! .
Mi . Chairperson, Eddie!, and Gen! lemen:
The General Governmen! LemmilIce, having reviewed Ihe vacate is for the below mentioned
boards and conwillee!., hereby recommend!! Ihe filling ol Ihosc vat ancies.
Clan& Ca!,ey - fel 10 I udi I
John - Fe•m Inding De!..!miher 11, 1986
COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH 30ARK - [lirr'-Vu'.ii Tier, Ending December 31, 1987
Cdrh.C, 1 cake John Mado le , Iltd)erl Ii in e , di
ELEETION SCHEDULING commITTLE Term Ending December TI. 1985
C. Elaine Sk,irrII (Town-Thin Clerk), JoAn Reynolds (City Clerk) Stephanie Bass (Pontiac
St bud Board)
SANITARY_ CODE APPEAL BOARD - 11-,-ee-Year Term Ending Dec:gliber 31, 1987
Gerald Carponler
Mr. Chairpelon, ini hehall el !Ile Genelal Government fomilditee. 1 move the !acceptance ol
tIt e lologoing relf.
RIchard G. SkarrItl Vice Chairperson
Movcd by fIkarrili hy Mt Brim, repoli be accepted.
A !Ali, len' maiorily having vo!ed therefor, the moion carried.
Iii- Chailinman lii I !he Ala- !ion would by divided and each appointment would be considered
Mc. Skall itl nomina!ed I. l,irirlt ean/ ror Ierm ending December 31. 1987 and John Nantias for
I trill ending December 31, 1986.
MI INA II ilit iii I it, ii I,' I .11i •. I . I I n •I I , II 14'1 IH it Ii I , I IV., .
MtV71 a.
Moved by Rewold alpoormdl hy Mt II I I he nominal low; bo a used
A Ili! i rid ina jut i r y v.-11 n •n 1 119.1-efot , I lit uSri Ira) c r it..1.
I It V1110
Law Cawy, Ntmtl ii Wilcox
McConnell - Casey, Nonlio•,
- Caddell
TTLANIeP.on - tawy. Milbd Calandro
Molliii - City, NttiI jr. Dnyon
Ficum - Cety, Mille! For 1 ilie
Nelson -
PermiLk - Tiny, Mi I a I H,1,,5ertlor
Price - Casey, Miller Hohorl
Rewold - City, IJtrii in Richard Kuhn
Skorri11 - Ca!!ey, Naa! i,e. Snsan Kuhn
Webb Nani I. Lanni
- Casey, Nantids
- Casey, Mille-
- Casey, Nantias
- Casey, Nantias
- Casey, Miller
- Casey, Mille'
- Cases, Nartios
- Cosc%, Nantias
- Casey, Nantios
- Casey, Nantios
- Cases, Nantias
Elogde Casey
John NanIi.e!
L. Miller
Cl.tutult' City drLlarc.6 cly..1r.,1 fur lam ending December 31, 1987 and John Nantias declared
'Heeled lor term ending DeFewher 31, P186.
commuNirr_ImENIAL HEALTH - 1-Yeal lerms ending Decembec 31, 1981
Mr. Skarritl nominaled Carl!, Olivaret, Lairy Crriko, JOhll MadOle and Hubert Price, Jr.
Mi. PernIck immivalc.0 IHmk Pt II runt' II.
Moved by mnrtiii ',UppOtr.11 by ftCurn.1 iho nominations be closed
A !drill! ienl maioriiy haying !Jo! ed Lherelor, moLien carried.
1111.11,011..•.i.mc i 9,11 ( 1‘..1111:, 1 3
tIII vole Mr.
lit. Pill
Pr itt
It, Kuhn
1 i
n I IVAI. r, CIAC, Mddldf!, PliC,'
_ 0 , c N. 11111 I t , P r i•
- Ill ivoN':, Modulo, Price, O'Donuell
C ake Module, Pr i
Module, Price, O'DorriAl
- voir:. Croke, Nekon, Prier
Moduie, D'Durnell
1)1 V.1 11M.nh I I. , Price, 0 Don:ie 1 1
-1 vi re Croke, Modo 1 Pr i C l
- Crake, /tido!, ,
- 0
Crake, Module, Priuc
- 11 lviii;, Croke, Module, PliLc
Modoly. Price, O'Doimoli
- 0
Croke, Module, Price
- 0 I IV. ." , Module. Pr i
- 01 vale..., Module., Pr i 0 'Donne I 1
- 01 Module, Price, 0 ' Donne 1 1
- 01 , Crot M. I. , Pr i
- 01
Crake , Module, Price
- 01 yai
Crake , PriC0
Al', K4115,1(2, Pr ICI'
• Crake, Module, Price
- Ill vare,.., Li rk(' , Module, Price
- 01 vo Crake, Module, Price
Fuld! Viii i w(r-:
rd, OliVarC7
I .11 y CI Ai.
JulIn '1, II It.
Hilhe i PT-Ice, Jr .
I ' Duhne I I
A 'ail 1 II it•ni 111.1 III I y hay i LIII VIII et1 hei e bar , .11 10-, 01 I y‘troz, Larry Coke, John MtIri it'
onil HubeiI II it I- „1/ lit Lori! el, , 11.11 member., Ill Commie' y Mt rl I d I 11,2,1 I Iii BC,C1 1-C1 fur h CC- yco I c•rm.-,
ending. 1/ei enilit•I 31 1Htil
II FCC Scpr_DuL !FP.; cowl! NTT - ono-year I erm ending December 31, 1985
Mi. 111.11 II! iwrliuoied (. Lloiuo Skorrill, JuAll Rvyuold', and Slephanie Bass.
1.y 11,n ,11. Iloyon 1111 noiri e low(' and a unalnimous hI 1 lot be Cast
I111 C. 1.1.1i rn , Skala t I I, Jelse r{1:7114.. etihonie Bi
11. 1,1.11111 lent o).1 hr.-1 1 y IIvirIq vuled therefor-, I.. Elaine Skarri t JoAr Reynold-- and Sterhanie
Bo 1.1,...11 leciod mewl,/ • 11 C let t LIlt Sehedul in() Cummi tee for one-year terms ern - inq Dece-lber 31 ,
41NI 1ARY cnui pdvi - -year 11.1. 3 I . 10.97
ri, rill ro •n.1 r,i 1 /I Co rperil et
Mill/elI II 1.111111.1"•110 !.. I I I'd by Codcle II Ihr clu!,ed and a anonimcne, 1)61 lot he
lur I;roold Corponlvo.
A ..011 1 11 ien1 y boy inn yuted therefor, Gerald Ctll'Iwnter declared elected a member of
the Sell 1.11y Emli , A1111i,11 131I,11-cl 1,1 .1 three -year leria ending Dece9Her 31, 1981.
111111 .11
to (1.1k 1,11111 Cminly 1)11,11 d ill i:111miliy,iumer.,
Mt. (l i oHp.A.,u1 1 , 1.111i, .111d rwid h.1111.11:
111111 Cummitloo, hovirq 111,11 or or the Oakland County His
CtlIu'iiIi'o 1(111, !wort.. I(..urcierdol if,r1 0.11(k-ind Counl.y lAktorical Commis.,ion he abolished and
Hu- al hich.,1 Ordio.mcc 4-25 odcwied.
Mr. Choirpci-,(ni, I oLcoplow.e uf the forrioing report,
Ri( Nord G. Skarriii. Vicr. Chairperson •
- 24
- 26
- 24
- 7
rh, odic-awned .11 tit 111, p.m
Lynn 0. Al liii
Richard R. Wilcox
I I)!
o 4.1, ItatRi
NO. Pi
An Or iliiionro Tterieo I Ord" Ho, .incl 1 o di. I LIT the 0.3i, [am: County Eli s tel Commission.
the 1-i...on l y id rad Li ra, e liii hi ion , lic•1 ehy nrckuirs hal ran..t ion 1 through and including
I ion !1 ;1 of 17,11... 1,11,1 Fit he! elry (Tea Ic_ict and the OaL: land County Hi Lori cal Coin-
I. oily oho 1 i -.lied.
110,vecl I,y tikor 1111 ..uppoii,n1 liv I ill.' lii Repo I Inoc. col! I ed_
hy Lit oy Moo!, I he Repor kr , t-c.,rer i!nt hac L Ica the General Govern.mert
Ci.n1 111 I I .
A 'WI I I(iii I nijorj y 1 cci 11.111k.1 I I hi' PC1n), 1'121 II C.C1 hack to the Gene :-a I
Governineill I Ii•f•
Mist . I3 1,1 I I
By Mr. I onoi
To liii Calk lond „Como y Boor(' ol Com!, ,•. Ione! s
Mr. Cliii i per!son, Eddies ond Gen! I
WHEREAS h,r, . veil Fnnril Uni id clove' !mien I vii Diii OakIdnd County which, due to
iirionlic pm/hinny. ing reilliesi 111(1 he County of Oak land to assume the district
nil 1 loin Ilou Inv rho; r poi ii 11 i_u DI r S:1 ; driti
WIWI4LA!-; Iii Conn' y nI aoC.lood le ly servos os the pis! net Court uni t for the 5 2nd
pH! [ion icl whurh I. con en! 17 1- ,1 I in,: -It oppooximote 1 y 1.7 Mi loin Dollar deficit and
WlIilflItS I he Conn! y 01 00) Lod L. hi in.!' I hi• appi oximat el y 1 Mi I I ion tors
iii li-is-i .11 ..11.11 iuq 111111. ; rid
WHEREAS I hi- d ml rommi. noi octopi,' iin ri LIM pot icy regarding the
id !he uIiIi let i.iuul lid iii liii liii, liii 1110 various !list r Oro courts.
NOW flIERti-ORF RE. It Rp.--,nLv.D I Iii he Oakland County Roam) of ComAissiohers hereby estab
ILIA", prohihitine any Dcr.ii• ,1 Dviiou i*om engiming in negotiations for the transfer
of a listric_l coin t IS.0111 us> ho.,11 un I I government without the prior anprovat of the Board of Com-
mi ,..L.ioncl in lighi !!l ihe heavy lindrk jul ,nrdon which acr.omponic., the as,umption of any district
cow I opal di ion.
BE IT 111131-11ER RESOLVED !ha! the Board o ss loners vii I I no! approve negot iat ions f
i he ions le! ol any dist rii rob I I on! aro, loto I Olin iii goveinnuen! iuliti I such tine as a certified
lit ion I nun I he local govelltIPoill on i ing sncli 1 rails for has hr-en recei cod by the Chat rners!::n
01 ri le Board (.1 conuili si 011,1 .
flu . p1.111, I Ilk IV4 • III, i on ml I lw nrc i ll hill nu,
dames F. Lonni, Chairperson
The Cho i i 1 ,Cr5O11 11.111 r(.11 f hc 11-.dul ion [0 i hc rienero I C,,,W.rilllent Committee. There were rio
ith jer I i in'i.
litoc col doin wi ill Rule /2 I , !In hif lowing Ie ro made hy the Chairperson!
rINI RAI ci0V/RNM,IITI - Cl/ IIn •di of Nalusa 1 Re..oin - Res I oh I ishment of Rydrindam,.
tru I di, Conn' y)
Mi-in Conn' y - Di-1f riles! into it State Si -plus Funds
fiNANCE.C(IMMITTE1 - (o) 5ulc(1), - Water Quality Managemeot Service Charge
PLANNING AND BIJILDINC-(d) m-mcnc- Writer Quality Managnment Service Charge
(h) Dethictment of Transportation - Excess Property
PUBLIC SIRVITPT • T1) CIIA -I ui I ii Dek•cminaling Audit (105-5 -033 -03-345 (also reterred
to IFInI Om! Im and Corpora! ion Cocir -,e1)
CA - Nil ce of Hearing on Audi I 1 8 3-CTA- 2 2 (also re! erred to
In I - In 1111 ond Coi poi .11 i1111 rOliH•,1`
(I I Ii,III DIC1,11 h l•
01111Ff _LI1LI .I.RRAT:i •
Moriognment owl Itocluei - 1) ! .11111 i /o1 liii - Judie-it nil fo,ti III jos Exempt ion, Troy
tin hi s er
(Ii> Egli.' I i /al Diii - Indust rid 1 flovelcwinent District Format ion, Rochester
Movell I.y I-11)411.1• ',11.11 quit I 1.7 MI' I I•11-I .1 I'D III' 11111711 rvod
A not i 1 ,1 I I u.u.ijmn i yi 1).1.i/inn yin1 I [IVY(' I hi` cnI unnil iirnieul
Till. Chili I I the Boar d woe I 11 be Apri I 18. 1985 at 9:30 A.M.
Board Of Commissioners
AptI 13, 1985
Medlin() called lo order by Ch. rneron Richard R. Wiicox at 948 a.m. in the Courthouse
Audiioriom, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Ponlia(:, Michigan.
Invocation given by John P. Ealondro.
Pledge 01 Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Caddell, Calandw, Royon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
SW,WI Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Motlitt, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt, Weld], Wilcox. (23)
ABSENT: Aaron, Moore, PAV, Price. (41 (Mr. Price absent with notice)
Quorum pre ,„ent.
Moved by Nekon ,,uprv,licd by Mofliii the minutes 01 March 14 and March 28, 1985 be
O0111 'VIII printed.
A (ad-ricient mdiority hdvinq voted therefor, ilio moHon carried, and the minutes are approved
• or
Moved by Molt ill supported hv Skarritt the Journal for the January Session be approved arid
cfce,ed and (fie January stand adjourned sine die.
A ‘allficient 111,11111 ny hdvinq voted therefor, the motion carried.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox - — - - Clerk Chairperson
April 18, 1985
Meeting cdlled 1,, ordci by Cli.(irperrim Richord R. Wilc0A,
Roll called.
PRESENT: Caddell. Cakindr0, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
SUSH Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald. McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pornick, Rowold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: Aaron, Price. (2) (Mr. Price absent with notice)
()no t 11111 p11(•.ct n I
Mogod by Rewold supportod by Perinoff the rules be suspended to consider the following
ilem Oil lhc Supplemental Agenda:
1. Manorteownt dnd Midqei Deprrtment - 1985 Equalization
2. Stale Iii ii II a El 09,11i/.11ifm hic.•0 ring Appointments
3. lioalih Div p eric - 1984/85 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Reimbursement Contract.
4, Hedlik Divi(job - 1985 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program Grant
Commissioner., Minutes Continued. April 18, IV')
I. g8508g, - Expansioe or Oakland County Jail
2. 11 85I06, ii Ill improwment A.sociation of Oakland County - Funding
for A Conlon-11(A, H , D(w ,/,,p rnnlywide Sy-rtem tor P,,lice Traffic Services
Eva lull ion
3. Sheriff's Dopartmeol - ion of Property Held Oy Sherift
4. E.Adhli ,diment ol a Victim-Witness Unit in the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office
5. Commtutity Developm,nt Divi,ion - Cri k•ria for the Recanture and Reallocation of
Commercial Proqr.Llm (CAP) fund', from ihi' CAP Target Communities
6. Communiiy IN,volopmen1 Divi' ion - Reallocation ol Recaptured Jobs Bill Funds in the
Amount of S16.127.50
/. District Court Coontv aimplion of Administrative Responsibility of the 45-B
District Court
FT mif-!-Tc7.---s7//-8-1-8,- in,ti,oiuu,1 ,iod Human Service-, Department - Step One Services
Program Revision.,
1. -11-e-partment O-f --S-ewe'IT:Wair and Solid Waste - Oiler to Purchase Real Estate - Evergreen
Farmington Scwoqr Disposal Sysiom
--1-:-Tlis(T-:-.7n5059, Oakland Coonly Euvloyees' Retirement CommissHon - Changes to
Oakland County EmoIoyee ,,' Rei i reiwnt Allowance - Automatic Provision
AYES: McDonald, McPh4.r.,on, Moltitz, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold,
Skarrill, Webb. Wilcox, Caddell, Caldndro, fey in, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn. Lanni, Eaw.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sulricient no_iurity having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Moved by Mel 50!) supported by ty,d)b Ow amended agenda be approved.
A suMcient ma)orily havirm voted !heroism-, the mot ion carried.
Mr. Pernick presented a Proclavpilien to Dr. Wilfred Webb.
Mr. P ,Frlick presentca ''flit' Sri ob Odklund County Government - A Democratic Perspective".
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Budget Department - 1985 ENALIZATION
To the Oakland County Board of Convii ,,,,ionel-,
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gen( lemon:
WHEREAS 'he 5I,ifI of the Equolidlion Division of the Management and Budget Department has
examined the asw,,smenl. rolls ur the several townships and cities within Oakland County to ascertain
whether the real and personal pe,,(witY ;fl /hIs ro!,pective townships and cities has been equally and
uniforudy Fessessed at true cash value; and
WHEREAS based ou fimlings, the manager of the Equalization Division has presented to the
Finance Committee the recommendc.d 1985 1:_qualiration values which adck to or deducts from the valuation
of the taxable property in thr fowwitio ,. dud cities in 1 t9 judqmont, will prO-
OULP a sum which wprcwilLs Ole uo ,,h V,1 Ii' thereol; and
WHEREAS the Finance Cilionillee in .1000r(Juicv with Rule XA8 ot the Board of Commissioners
adopted January 25, 1985, ha-, reviewed (hy firdincr, and recommendation-, of the employees of the
Equalization Division and conducted heating, to provide for local intervention into the equalization
proces s ; and
WHEREAS the Equalization Factor', listed on the attached report are the result of the fore-
going proces ,, and dro for inForimlion purpue unly.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopts the 1985
EquoJilion and authori..!rs crrtilication by the Chairperson of the Board and further that it be
entered on the County record', and delivered to the appropriate official of the proper township or
c i I Y.
Mr. Chairperson, on behall of the Finilnce Committee, I move the adept ion of the foregoing
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell support ed by Rewold the rewlution ho adopted.
AYES: McPherson, Moilitt, Moor 1. Nelson. Olson. Page, Prrinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt.
Webh, Wiltos,Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Has,berger, Hobert, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted ther(jor, the resolution was adopted.
Commisioners (ontinitud. Apr H 18, /985
Mit.c. 85113
By Finance Committee
_onn,y o. To the Oakland r 2 R Ir
Mr. Chairperson, Lathe iii henlIumen:
WHEREAS pursuant to the oreviians of Act 106 of the Public Acts of 1960, as amended, the
Stole Tax Commii,sion will meet in tilt:. City oF Lansing at the Seven Story Office Building on Tuesday,
May 28, 1985 to hear repre ,.enlatives of the several counties pertaining to the State Equalized Value
for each county in I he St.i:e; and
WHEREAS you, Committee rec:)lowcndL. !hat the Chairperson of the Committee be authorized to
appoint .7, subcommittee ol lour (4) members, with the other menbers of the Committee being alternates.
the Equalization Manager and Corporation Conly-.el to appear, it necessary, before the State Tax Com-
mission on herbal! of the County el Oaklond.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Act 106 of the Public Acts
of 1960, as amended, tho following shall be appointed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to
represent the County of Oakland at the hearing of the State Tax Commission to be held in the City
of Lansing on Tuesday, May 28, 1985, Emir (4) members of the Finance Committee, Equalization Manager,
Herman W. Stephens, and Covporation Counsel, Jack Hays.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf ol the Finance Committee, ! move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported hy H.Issnergor the resoln! ion be adopted.
AYES: Muffin, Moore. Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinuff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Fortino, Go.,ling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient imliori!y having voled therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85114
By Finance Compitive
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemtm:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health has contracted with the Oakland County
Health Division fur the lost two fiscal years to provide counseling, referral and educational
services to Sudden In Death Syndrome families; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health wishes to continue this contract for the
period October I, 1984 through September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS said coniract adds no oddi!ional staff or resources; and
WHEREAS the reimbursement is included in the 1985 Adopted Budget and General Appropriations
Act as Health Division revenue: and
WHEREAS approval of said contract does not obligate the County to any future commitments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
1984-85 Sudden Infant Deal Ii Syndrome Reimbursement Contract in the amount of $8,000.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized lo execute said contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Olwn, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, GeI bug, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, moffit!. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Apt it 18, 198 )
Misc. 85115
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cormri.,sionet-,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentl emelt :
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Reolution 1181/15 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent fmmt the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 785099 authorized the grant application to the Federal
Environmental Protection Agency-Waste Manaeement Branch in the amount of $27,369 for the period
March 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985; orRi
WHEREAS the Finance CnmmilLee hi reviewod said grant as approved by the Federal Environ-
mental Protection Agency-Waste Management Branch and finds the award in the amount of $27,369, the
same as the application fur the same tinw per and
WHEREAS application or 6ccepLance of 0., grant does not obligate the County to any further
cot= i Linen t .
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985
Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Di.,nosal Program Grant Award in the amount of $27,369.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thi., grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Context.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED (hal_ the 1985 Budget be amended, by the acceptance of this grant
award, as detailed in Schedule 1.
Mr. Chairperson, on heh.i I I ni the Einane Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedules 1 and II on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore. (23)
NAYS; None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85059
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees' Retirement Ummission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES'
To the Oakland County Board of Cmmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 29 oF the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System currently provides
for automatic spousal benefits o r eflipi()yee ,-, who die while in County employment only if the employee
has either 15 years of credited service or ha, attained the age of 60 years with 10 or more years of
credited service; and
WHEREAS the Federal Retirement Equity Act now requires automatic spousal benefits be
guaranteed after the death of an employee without such limitations as are currently set forth in
Section 29; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission has unanimously approved
changes to Section 29, guaranteeing automatic spousal benefits after the death of an employee if
that employee has vested in the County plan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thal Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement
System entitled "Non-Duty Death Retirement Allowance - Automatic Provision" be amended to provide
as follows:
Non-Duty Death Retiremi.mt Allowancp - Automatic Provision:
Section 29: (-4- Any member who is in the employ of the County for less than ten (10) years.
but has vested in the County plan and (I) dies while in County- employment and (2)
leaves a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive A retirement allowance computed in the same
manner in all respects as il the metith•r had (1) retired the day preceding the date of
his death, not wilh ,,Idkdinq lhaL he might not have attained age 60 years. (2) elected
Option B provided in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary, payable
119 Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985
at the time the member wnuld have been eligible to receive his benefit.
(h) Any nrmber. wh() continne ,, in tile employ of the County for more than ten (10)
year!,, but fitteen (15) years and (1) dies while in County employment and
(2) leaves a WOLISE: the SPOUSE shall immediatcly receive a retirement allowance
computed in the .:ame minner in all respects as if the member had (1) retired the day
preceding [hi: dale of his death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained age
60 years, (2). elected Option B in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(c) Any nirmhet who cuntinneti in the employ of the County OP Or after the date he
either (1) acquires fikeen (15) years uf credited service, or (2) at age 60 years
and has ton (10) nr more years of credited service, whichever occurs first, and does
tx)t have an Option A cloction in force, as provided in Section 28 and Cl) dies while
in County employment and (2) leave:, a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall immediately receive a
retirement allowance computed in the sane manner in all respects as if the member had
(1) retired the day precodieg the date of his death, notwithstanding that he might
not have attained age 60 years, (2) elected Option A provided in Section 27, and (3)
nominated hi:. SPOOSF n, h(nelicidry.
(a) Any member who lid less than fifteen (15) years of County employment and has
left the employment ol lhe County, but has earned a Deferred Retirement and (1) dies
before reaching the aue at which he would have been eligible to receive a retirement
and (2) leaves a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive at the time the member would have
been eligible for the Retirement Benefit, a retirement allowance computed in the same
manner in all respects as if the deferred member had (1) elected Option B provided in
Section 27 and (2) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(e) Airy rkmiber who hod more than fifteen (15) years of County employment and has
left the employment of the County, but has earned a Deferred Retirement (1) dies before
reaching he age at which he would have been eligible to receive a retirement and (2)
leaves a SPOUSE; the SPOUSE shall receive at the time the member would have been
eligible for the Retirement Benefit; a retirement allowance computed in the same
nunner in all re.,pcc1ti as If the deferred member had (1) elected Option A provided in
Section 27 and (2) nominated his SPOUSE as beneficiary.
(f) No retirement allowance shall be paid under these sections on account of the
death of a member if any benefits are paid or payable under Section 34 on the account
of his death.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendment to Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System be effective July I. 1984.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Connittee, i move the adoption of the to
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Conmittee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission - CHANGES TO OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RE-
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution *85059 and finds the proposed amendment to Retirement System Section 29 will have no fiscal
impact on the 1985 Budget. The estimated cost of this amendment is anticipated to be .23% of total
payroll. The Actuary states that this amendment is fully covered by Retirement System Assets. The
estimated cost would be $183,164 and would effect the 1987 Budget, should these amendments not be
covered by Re1irement System
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
AYES: Olsen, Paw, Perinoff, Pernick, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Comnissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985
Misc. 85103
By Planning and Building Counittee
IN RE: Department of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste - OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL ESTATE - EVERGREEN-
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemn:
WHEREAS this Board established Me' Evergrcen-Farmingtou Sewage Disposal System, which
includes a pumping station at 22430 W. Eight Mile Road, operated and maintained by the Department
of Public Works: and
WHEREAS the Department id . Public Works also maintains a water system maintenance building
and storage area adjacent to the pumping siIe; ond
WHEREAS this area will be reduced due to the proposed widening of Eight Mile Road and
proposed improvements to the Everoroen-Farmington pumping station; and
WHEREAS this Board by Miscellaneous Resolution d84020, authorized the negotiation of a
Purchase Agreement for the purchase of Lot 22, Lockoman's Subdivision,
WHEREAS Lot 22 has been appraised at $18,750; and
WHEREAS it is necessary to provide moving, dislocation and relocation costs to the owners;
WHEREAS the owner of said parcel will accept $19,000 purchase price and $7,800 moving,
dislocation and relocation costs; and
WHEREAS Donald W. Ringlor, Managei or the Department of Sewer. Water and Solid Waste,
approves and recommends the purchase of said parcel from available project funds; and
WHEREAS the Department a Corporation Counsel has reviewed and approved the Offer to
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the acquisition of
Lot 22, Lockeman's Subdivision, Southfield, for use in conjunction with the Evergreen-Farmington SDS
pumping station For the purchase price of $19,000 and moving, dislocation and relocation costs of
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to
execute said Offer to Purchase on beho(f iii the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Plonning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
ihe foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Purchase Agreement on tile in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Comuiitee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Conmittee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85103 and finds:
1) This is a request to approve acquisition of tot 22, Lockerman's Subdivision,
Southfield, for use in conjunction with the Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal System,
2) Purchase price is $19,000 and moving, dislocation and relocation :costs are $7,800,
for a total project cost of $26,000,
3) Funding is availahle in the Department of Public Works - Water and Sewer Operation's
fund (83200) and the Evergreen-Farming[on Sewage Disposal System Enterprise Fund (83275) within the
Sewer, Water, Solid Waste Division 1985 aodget, and therefore no additional appropriation is required.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported hy Sk,Irrill the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Witcpx, Caddell, Calandro, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kohn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: (Misc. Fkr,. #85089) SheriFf's Dep.lriment - EXPANSION OF OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent been
After having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution .1185089, the Planning and Building Committee
121 Commissioners Minutes Conlinned. April t8, 1985
reports with the recolmaendation ihdt the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson. on behalf ol the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report_
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Misc. 85089
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemeil:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is operating under a Consent Judgment
which requires that the general populd[ion of the Oakland County Jail shall be no more than 450
inmates; and
WHEREAS when the. Oakland County Jail was built in 1972, it was designed so that additional
prisoner cells could be created in the lower level garage area; and
WHEREAS the basement garage area could be relocated and that space identified to provide
more cells; and
WHEREAS one of the greatest needs is for a women's facility which includes all levels of
security, including housing for feillale'_; assigned to work release.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
concept of expanding the Oakland County Jail through renovation of the garage parking area and con-
struction of a women's facility and further authorizes a study and architectural plans to complete
said project.
Mr. Chairperson, on hehalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE; Sheriff's Department - EXPANSION OF OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL (Misc. Res. #85089)
To the Oakland County Board ol Curium is
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185089 and finds:
L $75,000 avai lable in the 1985 Capital improvement Program - Miscellaneous Remodeling for
an architectural study and plans for the jail expansion and construction of a women's facility,
2. The Board of Commissioners appropriates $75,000 from the 1985 Capital Improvement Program-
Miscellaneous Remodeling for said project.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Pen miff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
Misc. 85106
By Public Services Coumillee
IN RE: Traffic Improvement Association of Oakland County - FUNDING FOR A CONFERENCE TO DEVELOP A
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS proactive and reactive services are the only "products" traffic law enforcement
has to offer and police administrators must constantly evaluate and develop employee skills in order
to effectively direct efforts in reaching a primary enforcement goal of deterring violations contribu-
ting to human and economic losses in Oakland County.
WHEREAS conferences with a significant majority of chiefs of police of Oakland County and
Sheriff Department staff have revealed that there currently exists no systematic procedures for Police
Traffic Services activity all capable of producing accurate performance evaluations with subsequent,
comprehensive programs of positive motivation and supervison.
WHEREAS the lack of availability of acceptable performance standards for police traffic
services has represented a two-fold problem for police administrators in Oakland County; I) internally,
Coomissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985
with respect to establishing standards of per for employees which are regarded by labor as
neither arbitrary, capricious nor unreasonahie, and 2) externaiiy in periodic newspaper coverage which
has labeled performance standards efforts a., enfors,ement "quota.," generating strong negative public
WHEREAS Oakland County chick oI police. Ihron.h th,ir associations, have renuested the
assistance of the Traffic Improvement Association (TIA) in developing a countywide system of police
traffic activities analysis and performance evaluation which would be sufficiently flexible to implement
in local police agencies from the smallest to the largest.
WHEREAS a Strategic Planning Eroup comprised of local and state enforcement administrators
organized by T1A concluded that there i a need for a countywide system of Police Traffic
Services Performance Standards mid thdt, as a fir.,t step in meeting this need, a conference should he
conducted for Ihe purposes of: 1) developing an nederstandinn of the has IC elements of commonly ac-
cepted perlormance OppV0I01 aetailino the advantages lo he gained in the adoption oi
countywide p(rlomunce standarik system, 3) out Ihe steps necessary to creating such a ',-.ystem,
including ihe me of es.a.nlial Ii Li lvii rh le through CLEM'S and TIA, and 4) generating
active support n cl enlorcement adndnisitalot.. in OW subsequent implementation ria flexible sy!-item of
performance standards.
WHEREAS the proposed conference would he half day in length; would be conducted in the
latter part of April or early May; would includ:,, panelists, leading police administration author-
ities from the national, state and local levels arid would, as an absolute minimum, require an expendi-
ture of $2,875 for facilities, the printiro of handout materials and the expenses of consultants.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, in the interest
of furthering a system which would result in increased deterrence of traffic law violations contributing
to human and economic losses, support fhe proposed Poiice Traffic Services Performance Standards con-
ference with an appropriation not 10 exceed $2,875.
Mr. Chairperson, on behall of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Traffic Improvement Association of Oakland County - FUNDINE FOR A CONFERENCE TO DEVELOP A
To the Oakland County Board of ColluiL ,sioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule N1-C ol this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85106 and finds funds in the amount of $2,875 available in the 1985 Contingency Account
for support of the Police Traffic Services Performance Standards Conference.
Further, the Board of Commissioners appropriates $2,875 from the 1985 Contingency Account
and transfers said funds to the 1985 Traffic Improvement Association Non-Departmental Account as
- -
909-01-00-9900 Contingency
904-01-00-9406 Traffic hrprovement Association
William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by PerinoFf the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Rewold, Skarritf, Webb, Wilcox, Caddeli, Calandra, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff.
NAYS: Fortino, Moore. (2)
A sufficient majority novinq voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85116
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commis ,Joners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sheriff of Oakland County, by letter of April 3, 1985 has requested authority
from this Board to dispose of recovered stolen property which has been unclaimed for six months or
more after recovery, such authority being necessary pursuant to the provisions of Act 54 of the
Public Act of 1959, as amended; said recovered stolen property to be disposed of by manner of public
auction to be held Saturday, May 4, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that authority to dispose of such unclaimed property be and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985 123
the same is hereby granted to the Sheriff of Oakland County, such unclaimed property to be disposed
of in the manner prescribed in Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85117
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime made the following specific recom-
mendations with respect to prosecutors.
1. Prosecutors should assume ultimate responsibility for informing victims of the status
of a case from the time of the initial charging decision to determinations of parole.
2. Prosecutors have an obligation to bring to the attention of the court the views of
victims of violent crime on bail decisions, continuances, plea bargains, dismissals, sentencing, and
restitution. They should establish procedures to ensure that such victims are given the opportunity
to make their views on these matters known.
3. Prosecutors should charge dnd pursue to the fullest extent of the taw defendants who
harass, threaten, injure, or otherwise attempt to intimidate or retaliate against victims or witnesses.
4. Prosecutors should strongly discourage case continuances. When such delays are necessary,
procedures should be established to ensure that cases are continued to dates agreeable to victims and
witnesses, that those dates are secured in advance whenever possible, and that the reasons for the
continuances are adequately explained.
5. Prosecutors' offices should use a victim and witness on-call system.
6. Prosecutors offices should establish procedures to ensure the prompt return of victims'
property, absent a need for the actual evidence in court.
7. Prosecutors' offices should establish and maintain direct liaison with victim/witness
units and other victim service agencies.
8. Prosecutors must recognize the profound impact that crimes of sexual violence have on
both child and adult victims and their frmilies; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has proposed the establishment of a Victim-Witness
Unit in the Prosecutor's Office to implement the recommendations of the President's Task Force and
to administer the program of serving Circuit Court criminal subpoenas by mail; and
WHEREAS the program to .;erve Circuit Court criminal subpoenas by mail which has received
unariimotp-; support from representatives of Oakland County police departments will cause significant
savings to local police departments in time and resources devoted to that function; and
WHEREAS the cooperation of victims and witnesses is the mainstay of prosecutorial effective-
ness; and
WHEREAS the Victim-Witness Unit will address in a meaningful way the heretofore neglect of
the official criminal justice system to witnesses, victims, and their families.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
concept of a Victim-Witness Unit in the Prosecutor's Office consisting of one director, three para-
legals, one typist; the Unit to be housed in Courthouse Tower with sufficient space for the full time
employees, 14 volunteer workers, a waiting room for witnesses and two interview rooms.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E Lanni, Chairperson
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and the Planning and
Building Comittee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985
Misc. 85118
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Conmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has been a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds
from the U. S. Department of Housing cind Urfldn Development since 1974 and has operated a residential
rehabilitation program since 1976; and
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has established procedures
allowing Community Development Block Grant recipients to draw (in one lump sum) the funds designated
for property rehabilitation in their approved CDBG application in order to establish a Rehabilitation
Leveraging Fund with a private financial institution; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #82283 of September 21, 1982
adopted the basic concept of utilizing Community Development Block Grant funds to leverage private
financial resources for the rehabilitation of residential and commercial property; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #83034 of February 24, 1983
approved the creation of a commercial rehabilitation financing program with Community Development
Block Grant funds and authorized the Commanity Development Division to solicit lenders for a financial
leveraging agreement; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #84239 of August 30, 1984 approved
the Rehabilitation Leveraging Agreement with Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit for a program of
financing commerical property rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS 17 of the 48 communities participating in the County's Community Development Block
Grant program through Miscellaneous Resolution #84211 of July 26, 1984 submitted proposals to partici-
pate with the County in the Commercial Assistance Program (CAP); and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85107 of March 28,1985 adopted
CAP goals and objectives; approved the targeting and allocation of CAP funds; adopted definitions for
commercial business district; approved the CAP community evaluation and selection criteria; and adopted
individual rehab project criteria; and
WHEREAS Miscel/aneous Resolution /185107 authorizes the Oakland County Community Development
Division to select, with approval of the Oakhind County Board of Commissioners, up to 8 communities
for designation as CAP target communities:
WHEREAS in response to the directive in Miscellaneous Resolution 785107, the County Community
Development Division has prepared a recapture and reallocation process for the CAP target communities;
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has recommended approval by
unanimous vote of the attached Commercial Assistance Program Recapture and Reallocation.Procedures.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Recapture and Reallocation Procedures for the CAP target
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf el the Public Services Committee. I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox., Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85119
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85090 of March 14, 1985 re -
captured Special Activity Jobs Bill Funds in the amount of $96,927.50; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85091 of March 14, 1985 approved
Option Number III as the methodology to be used for the reallocation of the recaptured Jobs Bill funds
in the amount of $96,927.50; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division invited all 48 participating communities to submit
project proposals by April 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division received 16 eligible project proposals and in
compliance with the Option Ill criteria, evaluated, scored and ranked the proposals by points scored
as reflected on the attachment; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Anvil 18, 1935
WHEREAS the Oakland County Development Citizens Advisory Council recommends that the City
of Oak Park receive $46,000.00 and that the City of Auburn Hills receive the balance of $50,927.50
by a majority vote.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners reallocate by
percentage of points received J PrOnItt!d ,ilkire of $96,927.50 recaptured Jobs Bill funds between the
three highest ranked cotilinunity projects as listed on the attachment. Therefor, the funds are re-
allocated to Orion Township (36) 534,893,90, City of Auburn Hills (33%) $31,986.08 and City of
Madison Heights (3N $30,047.52.
Mr. Chairperson, on belie If the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Low, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Pernick, Rewold, Skarritl. (24)
NAYS: Perinoff. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85120
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Coimnissiorwrs
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 45-B District Court is composed of its component municipalities of Oak Park,
Huntington Woods, Pleasant Ridge and Royal Oak Township, is administered by the City of Oak Park
and is a district court- of the third and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland administers and is the control unit for the 52-1, 52-2, 52-3
and 52-4 district courts pursuant to MCLA 600.8123, MSA 27A.8123; all district courts of the second
class; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #8537 (adopted August 24,
1978) accepted control unit responsibilities for the 52-4 District Court (Cities of Clawson and Troy)
which had previously been scheduled to become the 49th District Court; and
WHEREAS the City of Oak Park has by resolution requested the County of Oakland to become the
control unit for the 45-8 District Court; and
WHEREAS the City of Oak Park has prepared (Attachement 51 and B2) proposed amendments to
MCLA 600.8101, et seq; MSA 27A.8101, et seg, to be introduced at the next session of the Michigan
Legislature, which would eliminate the 45-B District Court, a third-class district court, and add
the same as the 52-5 District Court, a second-class district court, with the County of Oakland to
be the control unit tor the court; and
WHEREAS such a legislative change would result in the County of Oakland assuming fiscal
responsibility for the operating expense of said court 35 well as administrative responsibility for
personnel which would he tr3rOjelred tip the County ol Oakland; and
WHEREAS the uni of government that bears the cost i4 operation of these district courts
should receive all, ol substantially all, of the revenues generated by such courts.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
introduction of the proposed legislation which would change the 45-B District Court from a third-
class district court under the control of the City of Oak Park to the 52-5 District Court, a district
court of the second class, under the control and administration of the County of Oakland (Attachments
BI and 52).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners requests legislative
amendments which would direct that all, or substantially all, of the revenues generated by the dis-
trict courts, for which the county is the controlling unit, be retained by the county (Attachment B3)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Oakland, upon enactment of the proposed amend-
ments to MCLA 600.8101, et seri, and the requested revenue distribution amendments, shall assume
fiscal responsibility for the 52-5 District Court and transfer the personnel from the 45-B District
Court to the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on heli I f of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 198;
By Genera) Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner',
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlumen:
WHEREAS a Stale Needs Study hos rec,litly been produced by the Michigan Department of
Transportation, which study indicates that counties highway needs have increased; and
, WHEREAS, under existing low, the alkicaiion of Act SI funds will sunset on September 30,
1985; and
WHEREAS certain amendatory )egi ,.lotion hos been proposed by the Oakland County Road Com-
mission and the Urban Association ni the County Rood Association of Michigan: and
WHEREAS such proposed amendotory legilotion would accompli ,-,h the following:
I. Amend the external fromnla of Aut 51 of 1951 to provide that from the Michigan trans-
portation fund, the county road commissions will receive 43.n, the cities and villages will receive
22.4, and the state trunkline fund will receive 34,6.
2. Amend the urban furgmlo ml At 51 of 1951 to increase the urban fund from 10% to 15%
of the Michigan transportation funds alloLiled to county road commissions.
3. Add a new section to Act 51 of 1951 to allocate all of the federal discretionary funds
to cities, villages, and county road commissions by adding those funds to the Federal Aid Secondary
(FAS) and Federal Aid Urban System (FADS) monies currently received by these local entities, using
the same distribution formula currently in use by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
4. Amend that portion of Act 51 (Padden Amendment) which requires that 90% of the state
and federal monies returned to the county road commissions be spent for Hmaintenance,' by reducing
the ADT requirement for roads in federal urban areas and allowing for the paving of gravel roads.
5. Elimination of the gas tax credit for gasohol, thus establishing the tax on gasohol
at the full I5c per gallon.
WHEREAS the General Government Committee believes that such proposed amendatory legislation
would be in the best interests of the County of Oakland and of the public.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
support the above described proposed amended legislation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Ha.isberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Rewold, Skarrit1_, Webb. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution ens adopted.
Misc. 85122
By General Government Committee
SEPTEMBER 30, 1984
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in 1977 the State Department of Mental Health began establishing community place-
ment homes for mentally impaired and developmentally disabled reidents with little, or no, not
to county governing bodie ,., iherehy prohihiLing proper consideration and inclusion in the
county budget process; .ind
WHEREAS the State Department of Mental Health subsequently claimed that county governments
have a retroactive liability for the share of the costs of these community placement services based
on the matching funds requirement of the Mental Health code; and
WHEREAS this claim of the state agency is contrary to the provision of the Uniform Budget
Act which prohibits county governments from adopting deficit budgets and requires strict adherence
to the appropriations process; and
WHEREA House Bill 4367, introduced last month, presents a reasonable approach to the
community placement funding issue by forgiving counties of any financial liability• for community
placement services prier to September 30, 1984.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
supporting House Bill 4367.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators
representing Oakland County and IA) Llw County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Comndssioners Minntes Continued. Apr il 18, 1985
Moved by Olson supported by Weld) the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
PASS: Moffitt. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85123
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Bodrd of
Mr. Choirperson, dnd Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the proposed federal budget calls for the total elimination of the $4.6 billion
Revenue Sharing Program as part DI the federal deficit reduction effort; and
WHEREAS the Revenue Sharing Program is the rust Lost-efficient federal assistance program
for local units of government and JI!OWS those units of government the most flexibility to meet the
needs of citizens within that local government without outside interference; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees that reduction of the federal
deficit is essential for rhe economic health of the nation; and
WHEREAS reduction of the federal deficit can be accomplished in several ways, some of
which are: a spending freete at present levels for all departments, agencies and other elements in
the federal budget; a shared across-the-hoord reduction of all federal expenditures; a prioritization
system allowing all affected agencies to have input into the selection of program cuts; also revenue
modifications, such as renewal ot the tobacco tax, the institution of a minimum tax on individuals
and businesses currently earning substantial amounts but paying no federal income taxes, and the
elimination of certain tax shelters.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports a freeze
on all federal spending at present levels or an across-the-board reduction of all federal expenditures
subject to prioritization by the affected agencies. This action is favored in lieu of the total
elmination of high priority programs such as general revenue sharing.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the
United States, Michigan's U.S. Senators and the Congressmen representing Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted. (Mr. Olsen stated this is
a substitute resolution for 1185092, presented previously)
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Caddell. (2 10
NAYS: Nelson. (I)
A sufficient majority hoving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By General Government Coovittee
To the Oakland County Board of Gommissirmlers
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Govermnent Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85093, reports
with the recommendation !hat the resolution be adopted with the following amendments:
I) Add the words "the taxing of amounts paid into the FICA tax, and" to the title to read,
"Opposition to the Taxing of Amounts Paid Into the FICA Tax and the Elimination of Deductibility of
Non-Business State and Local Taxes from Income Subject to Federal Income Tax."
2) Add the words "the taxing of amounts paid into the FICA tax, and" to the NOW THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED paragraph to read, that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes the taxing
of amounts paid into the FICA Lax and the elimination of all or any part of the state and local tax
deductibility provisions in the Federal Internal Revenue Code."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf ot the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. 0!sen, Chairperson
Coimnissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985
Misc. 85093
By Betty J. Fortino
To the Oakland County Board of C(nrinissicmieJ
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the United State .; Congress, through amendments to the 3983 Local Government Assistance
Act, directed the U.S. Department of Tneasary 0 undertake a study of revenue sharing and several re-
lated issues, which included the elimination or partial elimination of the deductibility of non-
business state and local taxes from income subject to federal income tax; and
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Treasury, in a separate action, included a provision For
elimination of all or part of the deductibility ef state and local taxes in their recommended Federal
Tax Simplification Plan; and
WHEREAS the federal government, an part of their rationale for this action, is now con-
sidering this deductibility provision in is Internal Revenue Code as a $30 billion subsidy of state
and local governments; and
WHEREAS the primary purpose of Lhi., provision in the Internal Revenue Code, which allows
the deduction of state and local tax front income subject to federal income tax, is to avoid tax on
taxes or double taxation of U.S. citizt.n..; and
WHEREAS the impact of deductibility on the decisions of state and local governments to
raise or lower taxes is minim!.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners opposes the
elimination of all or any part of the state and local tax deductibility provisions in the Federal
Internal Revenue Code.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we convey to the President and the Congress our position that
this deductibility provision in the Internal Revenue Code protects the right of U.S. Citizens against
double taxation and does not con-:titute a tiid)..idy i0 state and local governments.
Mr. Chairperson, I illove the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Betty Fortino, Cumnissioner District 45
Su.;an Kuhn, Ruel McPherson, Nancy McConnell
Dennis M. Aaron, David C. Moffitt, Hubert Price, Jr.
Thomas A. Law, James A. Doyon, Marilynn Gosiing
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino, the resolution (containing the amendments recommended)
be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Fla ,-;,.herger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, marnt, Moore, Nelsen, °Ken, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: (Misc. Res. #85088) In ,-.titotional and Human Services Department - STEP ONE SERVICES PROGRAM
To the Oakland County Board of Commi-o,i(dn:r.,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Ctmonittee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution P85088, reports with
the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on beholl of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85088
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services Department - STEP ONE SERVICES PROGRAM REVISIONS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Step One Service.-; Unit of the Institutional and Human Services Department was
originally established lo provide alcohol education and screening and assessment functions and was
the only such program in Oakland County; .and
WHEREAS over the years employee assistance programs and Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime
(TASC) grant functions were added to this unit; and
WHEREAS following enactment ol aew drunk driving legislation in Michigan, P.A. 309, additional
Cummissionels Minutes Conthlued. April 18, 1985 129
private screening and assessment and education programs have been developed; and
WHEREAS ihe Irtstitutiona1 and Human Services Department now intends to discontinue providing
screening and assessment and educational programs for cost efficiency reasons and avoidance of possible
duplication; and
WHEREAS per providing the screening and assessment function are proposed for transfer
to lhe Oakland County District Court Probation Unit with funding to be provided by revenue generated
from screening and assessment activity and
WHEREAS the education comporwnt is proposed for transfer to a private non-profit substance
abuse agency with multiple locations which can provide these services at a lower cost; and
WHEREAS the Employee ASSiSt.inCe Program can be continued at current levels without an
additional county appropriation by transferring this function to the Health Division; and
WHEREAS the TASC grail( plogram can be continued as a function of the Institutional and Human
Services Department and will remain unchanged at the present time.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that personnel providing the Step One Services screening and
assessment function, including ono (I) Substance Abuse Educator I position, one (I) Substance Abuse
Educator II position and one (I) Typist_ II position, be transferred to the District Court Probation
Unit and both Substance Ahuse Educator positions be reclassified to Probation Officer II, as shown
on Attachment A with continuance 01 said positions contingent on sufficient suppoPting screening and
assessment revenues; dnd
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED [hal the Employee Assistance Program be transferred from Step One
Services to the Health Division inciuding the reclassification and increase in funding of one .6
funded Public Health Education II position currently in the Health Education and Nutrition Services
unit, to 1.0 (full-time) Substance Abuse Educator II position; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the alcohol education function of Step One Services be trans-
ferred to a private non-piolit substance abuse agency currently contracting with the Health Division
and further that one (I) position associated with this function, titled Supervisor-Substance Abuse
Education, be deleted as shown in All ac_hment A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the remaining positions be deleted from Step One Services as
shown below and in At A:
One (1) Substance Abuse Educator 11
One (1) Auxiliary Health Worker
One (1) Clerk III
Two (2) Typist 11
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Copy of Attachments and Schedules on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: (Misc. Res. #85088) Institutional and Human Services Department - STEP ONE SERVICES PROGRAM
To the Oakland County Board ol Commissioners
Mr. Chairpers(mn, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant (o.Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Cormittee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185088 and finds:
1) Effective April I, 1985 ceriain functions of the Step One Services Program are trans-
ferred Ur other areas,
2) GM' (I) Substance Abase t-.cluralor II position (01658) and one (1) Substance Abuse
Educator 1 positkto (04682) are biting transferred to District Coart Probation and reclassified to
Probation Otlicer II in dchliti(41, sic (I) Typist II position (03252) is being transferted to District
Coull. Probation.
3) Grant funding which support, in part, one (I) Substance Abuse Educator II position (01128)
will be combined with one .6 Funded Public Health Educator II 'position (01888) in the Health Division,
Education unit, and position 01898 will be reclassified to Substance Abuse Educator II,
4) The following six (6) positions will be deleted:
01128 Substance Abuse Educator II
02177 Supervisor - Substance Abuse Education
04683 Auxiliary Health Worker
03621 Clerk III
00193 Typist II
00383 Typist II
5) The Step One Services Budget will be amended as shown in Schedule I; the District
Court Probation budget will he amended as shown in Schedule II; and the Health Division, Education
unit budget will be aurended as shown in Schedule III.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 198S
Copy of Schedules I, II and II on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Goslim,, Hassherger, Hohari, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinuff, Pornick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon. (24)
NAYS: McPherson. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referral were made by the Chairperson:
J. Roscomuon County - Uniform School Year Legislation
b. Governor's Office - Environmental Legislation
a. House of Representatives - Child Pwiection Conference
b. Children's Village-Camp Oakland - Oxford School Contract
c. Camp Oakland - Oxford Schools Contract
d. Saginaw County - Designation of Saginaw as a PSA for Area Agency on Aging
e. Probate Court - Village - Waterford School District Agreement
I. Governor's Office - Environmental Legislation
a. Solid Waste - Temporary Relief from Weight Restrictions for Garbage Transport
b. Sheriff's Department - Correctional Facilities Consultant
c. Governor's Office - Environmental Legislation
CETA - §83-CTA-22, Amended Notice of Hearing
Other referrals:
a. Equalization - City of Auburn Hills - Intent to Create Technology Park
b. Equalization - Industrial Fcilities Exemption - Universal Tube, Inc. Rochester Hills
c. Cost Reduction Consulting Services (Cresap et al Co.) - To Mgt. 6 Budget
d. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption Exceedihg 574 of SEV
e. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate - Libraltor Plastics, Inc.
His Comndssion
a. Amendment to CVC Historic District
b. Local History Conference
Solid Waste
a. Refuse/Energy Conversion System
Sheriff' s Dcufirlment
a.---Grant Programs
Moved by Moore supported by Calandro the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted the the motion carried.
Mr. Wilcox presented the following:
WHEREAS crime continues to undermine the quality of life in every community in our state
and our country; and •
WHEREAS the citizens of Oakland County who become victims of crime often suffer serious
financial, physical, and eux)tional injury; and
WHEREAS the seriousness of such injuries continues to receive insufficient attention from
members of the public and those in public and community service; and
WHEREAS the emotional trauma of victimization is often the least understood and least
visible of victim injuries; and
WHEREAS ail citizens of the United States should feel they have a right to be treated with
dignity and compassion when traunwized by cr i me; and
WHEREAS the President has signed into taw the Victims of Crime Act, a program that transfers
criminal fines and other non-tax revenues to state-administered programs of victim services; and
WHEREAS National Victim Rights Week, April 14-20, 1985, is a fit occasion to acknowledge
the victim needs which we must still address and to thank those in government and their allies in the
private sector who arc giving us the tools and the resolve to meet those needs.
Conaissioners Minutes Continued. April 18, 1985 131
NOW THEREFORE, I, Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners,
do hereby proclaim the win k oF April 1985, as:
and urge all citieens and ite.titutions, public and private, to support the establishment and enforcement
of victim rights in Oakland County through participation in state and local activities commemorating
those rights.
At to on [his 18th day of April, 1985, at Pontiac, Michigan.
Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the Board reconsider Resolution #85110 adopted on
March 28, 1985 (Cultural Council - Amendments to Rules of Procedure).
AYES: Gosling, Hasshereer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient maiorily having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Lanni supported by Hossberger that Resolution #85110 be amended as follows:
Page 2, Article IV, PowerL.,_ delete the words "except those under $50 which may be approved
by the Oakland County Executive, or his designee, provided that such expenditures are reported to the
next meeting of the Council,
Page 2, ArLicleyl, Officers, delete the word "Treasurer," in paragraph 1 and 2.
Page 3, ArLicic VII, Duties of Officers, delete the words and Treasurer's" in paragraph 2.
delete the wor(-k "the Treasurer" in paragraph 3 and insert -- The County Treasurer --;
delete the words "records or cause to be maintained";
same paragraph, third line, delete the word "make" and insert "provide" and delete
the word "at" and insert [he word "--for--."
Page 3, Article VIII, Sub-Committees, delete the word "seven" and insert same
paragraph, delete the words "and Treasurer"
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments carried.
Vote on Resolution H85110 on amended:
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Ooyon, Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution H85110, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85124
By Nancy McConnell
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the cost of dental insurance for Oakland County employees has increased 71.9 percent
from 1981 through 1985, and
WHEREAS many peivate companies and public agencies have reduced dental insurance costs by
adopting direct dental reimbursement proyrnms; and
WHEREAS direct dental reimbursement programs are particularly cost effective where employee
copaymerq provisions are utilieed; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County employees dental insurance program currently includes an employee
copayment requirement; and
WHEREAS a direct reimbursemen[ dental program could be implemented in Oakland County without
a reduction in present benefits.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County institute a direct dental reimbursement
program for county employees in place of the present dental insurance program.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
• Nancy McConnell, Commissioner, District #23
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85125
By Lawrence R. Pernick
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is the interiL of the Board of Commissioners to treat all units of government
Commissioners Minute., Continned. Aoril 18, 1985
equally and fairly; and
WHEREAS ()Aland County provides, through the 52nd District Court, court facilities for
numerous communities within Ookland County without charge to those communities and based on negotiated
terms, conditions and agreements: ond
WHEREAS the Boo rd of Commissioners desires to consider similar agreements For the takeover
of District Court operations from all communities interested in such a takeover by the county.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Executive is requested to advise all communities
that are riot a part of the 52ad District Court tha: they have one year in which to adopt a local
government resolution requesting that Oakland County take over their district court.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive shall be designated to meet with those local
governments adopting such resolutions to determine their present operating finances, personnel structure
and other matters that the Board of Commissioners or County Executive may consider important to an
affirmative response to the takeover reqnest.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED (11.d upon rice iii or reports from the County Executive at the end of
one year from the adoption of this resolution that the Board of Commissioners will consider and de-
cide on an appropriate response to each request made to Oakland County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED (h,1 lire Oakland County Board of Commissioners will join each local
unit of government whose request is approved in seeking appropriate state legislation to accomplish
the incorporation into the 52nd District Court.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution,
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District /1 20
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no
Misc. 85126
By Lawrence R. Pernick
To the Oakland County Board of Cooris ,-.Ioners
Mr. Chairperson. Ladies and Gentlemn:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners desires to minimize the Cost of trans-
porting and boarding prisoners by public employees: and
WHEREAS many locol communities currently spend significant dollars for transportation and
local lockups of prisoners to dinl tr0111 the county jail; and
WHEREAS the establishment or satellite county jail facilitit-, in the South. West and North
portions of the county will !Albstonlially reduce public costs and increase the time available to
fight crime by law enforcement personnel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee of the Oakland County
Board of Commis,ioners shall investigate the feasibility of such satellite jails, seeking the input
of the Sheriff, local low enforcement personnel and the County Executive.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee shall make a report of their
Ii ndings to the Oakland County Board or Commissioners within six months from the adoption of this
• Mr. Chdirperson, I 1110VC lhe ddoption or the foregoing resolution.
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District ;20
The Chairperson referred the rcsulution to the Public Services Committee. There were no
Misc. 85127
By Lawrence R. Pernick
To the Oakland County Nord of Comissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Cummissioners seeks to provide the nest efficient
delivery of service for their constituents; and
WHEREAS the Chamber of Commerce and many concerned citizens have offered their talent arid
expertise to carry out this goal; and
WHEREAS a partnership of private and public interests will be beneficial in helping to
solve problems and improve services of Oakland County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson of
the Board of C4mmissioners with the concurrence of the board. The committee shall be composed of
up to 25 members with the chairperson appointed by the chairperson of the board. The membership
shall include representation from each political caucus of the Board of Commissioners, members of
Chambers of C(mnterce, County Executive and concerned citizens with expertise in the area being
studied by the committee each year. The lerm of appointment shall be for one year with the first
appointments ending December 31st, 1985. The mission of the committee shall be to study areas of
county operations referred to it by the Board of Comsissioners through its Oversight Committee and
report their findings and recormendolions to the full Board of Commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the study committee shall have access to the Board of Com-
missioners' staff as coordinated hy ilie Director of Program Evaluation and Operations Analysis.
Commi ,..,ioners Minute ,. Conlinned. Api il IS, 1985
Mr. Chairper.din, I move the adonliou of the foregoiecr resolution.
Lawrence R. Pcrnick, Commissioner District ,?20
The Chairpcimon refervrd lho re ,„oluiion to the Goner ii Government Committee. There were
nu objections.
Misc. 8512B
By David L. mar;(4
To the Oakland County Board oi
Mr. ChdirPerSIM, Ljdiirs iiid GenlIrmee,
WHEREAS fort y year ,, ago th monlh Allied Forces achieved victory over one of the most
oppre!-,sive, murderow, and inhumanr mendce ,, in recorded history; and
WHEREAS the Irdned y of [he brief, but terrible reign of the Nazis must never be forgotten;
WHEREAS the urint and pain of the survivors and the mute witness of millions of victims
in nos., graves will •lwdr, wed renewed resolve that such brutal inhumanity of Man to Man never
recur; and
WHEREAS April IS, 1585 ii been designated as a National and World Holocaust Memoral Day;
WHEREAS the Oakland County Bodrd of Comissioners desires to join in this observance to
commemordte the !he Holocaa,A and express our desire that such horrors are never repeated.
Now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED [hal the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
declare April IS, 1985 to be Nolocain,t Memorial Day in Oakland Count y .
Mr. Chairper‘din, wi WWI' the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
David L. Moffitt. Commissioner, District #15
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District #20
Dennis M. Aaron, Commissioner, District fl9
Moved by Perni,1 ,,upnorfed by Moore the rules be su s pended for immediate consideration
of the re.-.0Intion.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, ()ken, Pi p , Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, No.,-,berger. (241
NAYS: Nina-. (0)
A sufficient maorify hav1nrj voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vole on resolntion:
A sufficient majorii y having voted therefor, the resolution was unanimously adopted.
The Chairper ,,oe announced the next meeting of the Board will be May 9, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned al If:00 ,u iii.
Lfu n D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
May 9, 198',
Heeling called le older le, Chairpermui Richord R. Wiliox al 945 a.m. in the Courthouse
Anditioinm, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, PI111110I1, MI.
Inyoration given hy W. A. Ila,,.berger.
11 1 edgei i lit fie t tan.
Hoff tailed.
PRESENT: Aaron, dovoil, Fortino, Go,liun, Ha-Morper, Hobart, Richard Kuhn.
Sttn Kohn, Ldnui. Lui , tic niwuch I tic Or ccii Id, Pherson, Moffitt, Nolson. Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pcrnick, lu lii. Rewold, Skarrili, Webb, Wilrox. (25)
AaSENT: Calandro, Moire. (21
0Juaimm aret.eni.
Mnyed by Cdddell ..u1i1ror1u1 by N,,Ison the minutes a the rreviou, meeting be approved as
A still ciii uiiuji hI hiivicu Slid I III'r(rOt-, lhc I II7II
Moved by Rr-r0)111 .aqltruied by Kuhn the rule. be -.1r,,pended to add the folloviing items
to !he agenda:
P1ANN1Nb AND 001LDING cowIrTrf
Kakliand ConniyAH1c ciliulileu 1984 Ammo! Report
h. Oakland/Pontior Aiirnr1 - Wairilord Townt-thip Sonitary Sewer Easement Agreement
0Aldnd/Ponii.n. 1.1.prwt - Wateiford Towindlip Wati:rmain Casement Agreement
Mis.i.i.'llaneow. Ret.nlulioe il8)044 - Drain Cooni s.;ioner - Establishment of a Lake Level
ii by 1 v111 Like and 011er Like
e. Drain Cor116-...innei - Clinton ()Aland Sewage Oi,no,a1 S Ieu - Orion Toiai,hid Ext. No.
1_ Oialu Cormilionet - Lapecr-9errwrr W../rer tli,i EXICl/NIOn
q. f.ciiuuii,mI ciii ClIqW.Y1 (Real Ftbaie DivF.ion) ",211t1 Di,titct Couri, 3rd Division Lice
4. Orpaiimeul - Ayfaud ol Archiiectnral Contract for tie-wage Parkinp Arc:
Reuovalinn add bou,ing lid Ii
AYFS: H. Kuhn, S. Kidgi, Emini, Lae, McConnell, McDon,ild, McPherson, Moffitt. Nelson, 01Sei,
PAIR., Periled!, Peimiik, SkartiLl, Webb, Wilcox, 11.addell, Dovon, Fortino, Gosling,
Has'Jwrgei, Holiaid. (24)
NAYS: None. ())
A maiorily having voted therefor, Pie moti,m1 to susuend the rules to amend the
(,it r tI
Viii .ni ownd,t os amendnO:
A twilit lent nrinitily haying voted Ontrefor, the agena,), as amended, %165 approved.
Clerk inad letier ritIW Daniel T. Murphy annuudcinn thc appointments of the following persor7,
serve ii I lii CIIIH)vd1
Mary Lilly, replaLing Dorothy Zatelf, term ending Etec,m6pr 31, i986
„tow, replaaing Diane I) 'Ii, term ending December 31, 1985
Moved lei Ko,thng ,,ripportud by Wehli the appnintment, he t..onfirmed.
A •aillicinni iii Hi ily boy ing vo I ed there ror t he appo i itment csere cc:nfi rmed.
I 35
Cvini mi,411• Continued. Mdy 9, l'")8t,
Clerk read letter Irom G. Slewol francfe of General Motors Corporation thanking the Board
fur seniiing a copy of re ,,olnlion regdrdinq the Samna, Corporation. (Pfoced on f; le)
Clerk read letter from Deputy Drain Commi .,Huner David J. Snyder renardinga notice of re -
Leipl o1. petition from the City of Pool in requeslimt the location, establi ,rhmeer and construction of
OH intra-county dtain be located in !he limits of the City of Pontiac. (Referred to Planning and
Buildinq frmmiNepl
The lollowing perso)., oddre.....ed the Board:
Linda A, Did,, Irene Anbender. Shirley M_ Houck and Commi ,,sioner Thomas Law.
By Per..onnel Coraniltee
III RE: Computer t:orvicw, - 1985 "CHAMPS -PROhRAM (Mi ..celloneous Resolution 85D96)
To the Oakland County Bo,oi ot
Mr_ Choirpersrmi, Ladle ,. and Gentlemen:
The Por ..onnel Coriguittee, hay lilt reviewed Mkcellaneous Resolution 185096, Computer Services
Dep,-trUmlrl iOBS ipieuiii'iil.i!ion id Comprehew.ive Health Analysis Management Planning S .,stem (CAMPS)
Program, repori ,. with the recommendorion thot the requested two (2) Data Analyst /Programmer ii positions
be created in Ihe User Secvicer,Dlvi ion of Compote! Services.
Mr, Chairperson. no behall of the Peronnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore -
going teport arid recnimend that Misre! 1185096 he adopted_
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By findrice Commillin ,
Ow °A loud Crunity Bodrd iii Conuni .,iorier
Mr. Chdirporson, Lddies dud Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Micellanenu ,, dulhori;ed the acceptance of CHAMPS development
grant dword in he amount nil $85,000 thin the Mithition Department of Puhlic Health for the period
July 1 thrn Decemher 31, I984: dnd
WHEREAS $68,800 id ii H want WO, (11.i.J11.11U(1 lor data prou:ss programaing development of
which 517.384 wos expended l'or puriera .: and
Will REAL the development ol CHAMPS a joint venture between the Oakland County Health
Divi ,ion dint RIT.11111WW:
WHIREN-. Rr -d,11,1 1011 il85034 ddIflovird acceptance of the 1985 CHAMPS grant
dwdrd in 111c .ffm,“0/ <1 317,1 1,0 iii whith ',101,W! hrr Opolcmentation of program elements
io the died% ol Per .,onnel Pieveni.d ive Health CnvironwntoI Services, Health Education
awl Nutrition Service:, iiid dnd
WHEREAS additional peronnel and/or contractual services are required to accelerate rtrr ,
implementation of CRAMPS program dt a cot of $301 ,521 conskL 010 wilh the attached schedule: anj
WHEREAS Ihi. i the ,,eci Ind yeor /it Our year program: and
WHEREAS the County I, Erni obligated to continue sat dprograln IT ferdie9 cease ,: and
WHEREAS all per ..onne I changes will hove to he approved by the 1"ersonnel Comittee.
NOW THEREFORE BE if RESOLVED I hot the Board of Cormoi ,e.ioners authorize Computer Services
Budget he amended hy $301,521
3 -63600-181 -01 -00-23Y5 Special Revenues and Proprietary Funds (301 ,521)
4-6360D-182-02 -00-3001 Sdldries 43,410
4-63600 -182 -02 -00-2074 Fringe., 15,627
4-63600-182 -01 -00-3128 Proh--,sional Services 242.484
Mr. Chdirper .,on, OH hi , i I i,d Finance Coonlittee, I move Ihe adoption of the foregcing
William Caddell, Chairperson
CuPY °I SOICL1111.. 1 On tilP in 0OHn1y Clerk's Office.
Moved hy CodderI ..upporied hy Skorritt Ulu rep0r( be ,Iccroeq.
A sufliLient majority hdvinq vole' lAerri“n. the repl-t vicls accepted.
Moved hy Cdcldell supported by lull null the resolution be adopted_
AYES: Kuhn, Lanni, McConneIl, McPherson, Moffitt. Nelson, Page, Perinoft. Perrick
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wild,, Wi Lox, A,n-ort, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, 0 .1 log, Hassberuer, Hobart.
R. Kuhn. (22 )
NAYS: Nom ,. (0)
Commis ,.kmers Minutes Continued_ May n. 1(, 136
A slit I i i -it I ,B.1 tot i I y livinn hn-, I he reso I I L i
Mn.c. 85In
El,- [loan+, Comilittee
IN RE. Molingenmtd and Budge' Depdrtmen( - REVISED TRAVEL REGULATIONS
To the Oakland County 130,n -d ol f.,,mrioners
Mr. Chai rperson, and IC(11011:
WHERLA!, ihe Board ol CommHsioner,. by Miscellaoccue, Res ,lution '7344 adopted (ravel
regulation -, incorporating Irdvol leimbur..ement rates: and
WHEREAS Ihe Board of ConriiL,Honci-, hi Miscellaneous Resolution 85085 modified the travel
m:imburserwni ram-. elfeclive Apt il I, N85: And
WHLREAS modificdtion ol the Travel Regulation procedoce', is also desirable to simplif -,,
the reimhur..ement process and mAuce pdperwork while maintaining adequate financial control,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RU,OLVFD that (he Board el Commisioners approve the modified Travel
RennIdlion procednre ,, to be eff,.(tive April I, 1985.
hi. Chairperson, on hehalf ol the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foreuoing
G. William Caddell, Chairper-dnn
Pic hi! luNinq Trve/ Ruq4J1.0 irms ,14,vt.,,..q il I Tr;n/c1 Reimbi,r5cmcnt made by the County:
I. Elk. Conn'? ExeLolive 1.. rewoir.ible for approval, interpretation and enforcement of
13,,uilalioils fin emilloyee.,, non-,Jmilty twrseinnel and the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners.
The Chaicn,uson id tin , uodFd ml Comigi s ..i m ie , i s responsible For a l l elected officials, excluding the
Chdi rpi.
2. Coomlionce is tIn. id the individual traveler. The individual traveler's
depdrimind head slot! detenulue 1111., need for travel, ir funds are available and approve such travel.
3. Nu, iiiilivimliiil other llon the Cmulty Executive. Chairperson of the Board of Commissioner
or Ilwir designees, hove thi , dnikirrIly h) is special rule;,, certify any expenses for payment or
approve any waivers whidi do not ecmil on,' with ihosP Regulations. If a department or individual re-
quests a waiver n1 these m.gula(ions he or ',he musl submit an explanation to the County Executive.
Cliailpet ,,o til llii' Mord oh Commis,iiouer--,, or their designee.
In ihe event that a c_onlel -eito! 1,1nd/or c(mvein ion) is held - in dirferent locations, the
traveler will attend the session cltn.e,, to his/her work station, work schedule -,, permitting.
5. frivc1 mcJ(k. by MIL. limst direct or cost 'Elective route. If an employee
travel., by an inditec route, Hy extio cosi shall be borne by the traveler, under most circumstances.
G. Ni, expipn.d-s will he chdi-gpd (o the County by individual travelers.
I. TRAVEL APPROVAL - A l'RegueLJ for Travel Approval" Form (I1B-1) must be completed and
submitted to lie Accounting Division ton (10) working clay before the trip if any of the following
cond ii liii. exist
A. Travel expenses drc expected In exceed $100.02
B. Airline Travel is nvolved.
C. Out -of-sldte liovel i , involved.
The MB-1 form is to show all expected expenses. A copy of thp reference program or meeting is to be
Y. GREW TRAVEL. - 01W MB-1 Form may he used when a norther of employees travel under the
A. Lumtoyekp. travei di Me. .1AOW fime and 0) the same location.
B. Registration am! other fees are at the same rate.
C. Those employee-, pdrticipatinq should he listed
Note: Some applies to 1111-2 Forms.
3. TRAVEL BY A PUBLIC CARRIER - Upon receipt of an MB -i, the Accounting Division will
hirwald A (opy of the dm:towel to the PHI Old.,in6 Division. The Purchasing Division will make all
piddic lii ii m-d,rvdliow.. 11R . Rurch,e,ing Divi ,.ion will explore available travel options and
conomilic.dle those options to the plip,pec ive traveler. Additional lodging or transportation expense
imin-red in order to lake advdolage ,d Availdhle travel promotions shall be permissible to the extent
them. i% .11 n overall reduc( ion in t I dUll (,)(pcww. Once travel arrangements have been finalized, subse -
quent Osaimes gmsl be approved my the County Executive Or designee. .
A. When traveling by a privately owned vehicle, the traveler will he reimbursed at the
County exlablished Mileage Rote.
U. When two or 11157rl' 1mr,1i1c lrdvel by private vehicle tonother, only one expense is
imbo rwali hit I he vehi
Oul-ol-tale use of County ownod vehicles must recc.ive the approval of the County
Executive or do ,,iiinee.
6. LODGING - Exnern,cL, will he allowed at the siogle occupant rate. Should lodging be
Commi..sionpr.. Minute.. Continued. tidy l. MI)
'Oldred by cur Ii, ur Coulfly ir.1VC107. wilf reflect a proportionate amou n t ii the
hi 11, ha .,ed on I ht number oi •.ain.. ooyi ii I III . MI.
A. Whnn a traveler i.. enlirled to a lull day's meal allowance. the amount expended
I in any part iaul 01. meal 1. loll I Ilii lie rei ion ol tho traveler. WhenovLr meals are included in
logi.dration lii hc 'n 11“1,1 liii b iyi w 1”, IIiJ particotar hell The ciDst of alcoholic
beverage.. i.. not toimbursable.
B. The traveler will not be reimhor...,e(i or non-county neronnel except us required
to collator! Couniy hnsine..s. Reimhor.amient wilt bc at esrabli.ibed rate -
8. MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE - II he travel is by other ihao publi,r,tiricl , the uwximum all
.1111_V Will lw liii uiilil liii liii li.illO, pl u . Haq i ng or tho cio lent lovwsi ail lolp ehi,hoee!
is the lesser .1mi Alf I
9. DAYS ALLOWABLE - Day., allowed will by actual trovel time needed and time at destinaticn
ncce,...acy lo C.1rry i>tiI I lii Eounly
10. PERSONNEL EXPENSES - Eliolo i11.a11 0ncr, alcoholic beverages, cleaning and pressing clothing,
aud 'Juni Idr prr'd:noI expense•. arc nO il allowahlo.
1. TRAVEL EXPENSE VOUCHERS (MB-2) - Within live (5) working ,lay s at the end of travel, a
Fiii.il iiccanaling oI liii iitmal expro ,r-, will ho submitted with appropriale documentation on the MB-2
form, Send forith to ihe Atr.ounlinq Div iii.
2. DOCUMENTATION - UXI/C11. no! ...ohstantilied by required receipts will not be reimbursed
ihi, rout' i inacni wo 'veil vibe ,irnlnr(nlriiiIn Fly the count y Exe-cutive or hit desipnees, or the
Chairperson ol i he Board ol Comni Rrcei pi required, hut nur limited to:
A. Ail Travel
R. Loduino
C. Itanwootai ion i.e. taxi, cic., in excess :4 $20
E. Core.,i meals in ...xces.. id
F. Parking
3. INTEKLY TRAVEL - If a Eomiiy ciP1nioyi4. i roquired 10 travel 2-5 days a week and il ne/.:.he
Dicer' the some expense daily (c. g. MB-2 Form may be ,arhmitled for the week.
The County will reimhurse individual For use of per,onol transportation in the conduct of County nusiness-
The Individual Coor Mileage Ropnri (lorm mB-)1 is to bp used to request reimbursement for mileage. The
request for reimhursement mar.i he 41,1(4' within five d.lys of the end of the month expenses were incurred.
All claims mn.-.1 be signed by the individual miii countersigned by their supervisor. It is their responsi-
bility th.t1 tire nrqur.,1 is •ccurolr and ciimplele. For purposes of determining mileage reimburserent,
the following shall apply.
A. IT IS REQUIRED (11,-d Counly Troveler ,, on official business driving personally-ored
cars be properly licensed hy thu Stile of Hii.binyuii ./nd be adequately protected by personal liabi lity
and property dalolue in.a.tr0nce 01 their own xpenso.
B. WORK STATION musI h, ..periried. Generally work station is meant to be normal or reeular
station 40 work,
E. POINT TO POINT - All miIrdn, imp ,1 'rem point to point. Vicinity in
netc"....iry Ito ihr ,111(.11n: ot ..)11.owohlr and must he siJppurted by a listing of the
vicinity itinerary.
D. FROM - TO - If travel is dir,..rt, slate the place :ravel becian and to where you fi .aveled
(1), if you returned lo your ori9ival olaco of beoinning, add "and return" (2) - If your travel i, to
several duriuu your Irip. list nearest City, Village or Town.-.hip and addre ,,.ses stopped
(3) occasionally you may require more than ono line for a trip, but one Lne is recommended. Do. Rot
abbreviate. The 1.colimp. from dud i4) wir,rc you /r,-n/rInd must hp wrilte .1 out. All reports MOS!
1-101)_le.. Do not use word.. .,tich "viciulIy" or "Ar,d."
L. PARKING CHARGES - Ryimbar..cmcni.. Ior parking charges are allow:Ible, receipts must he
F. MILEAGE COMPUTATION - of County will ho based on Otricial Hi Iholy
G. CHARGES NOT REIMBURSABLE - Gasoline, lubrication, repairs. antifreeze, towage and other
similar expenditin.e...
Allowance,. will he ha..pd 011 Ole follo4ing schedule:
Oreakfa-.1 - When travel cormwnces prior to 7:00 a.m. and extends beyond 8:30 a. m.
Lun(h - Who) traveI coomences prior to 11:30 a.m. and extendF beyond 2:00 p.m.
Dinner - When irdvrl contm:nces prior to 6:30 p.m, and extends beyond 7:00 p.m.
REGISTRATION FEES - For convention', and orerings for individuals Jttendirg as official
ri'Inii.'ieirloi irs'', oh lb cuunly. A proor;lm, or receipt-. most he attached showing whether or
nol meals drc
Cuumlii....1 n 0.,c.. Minute, Conlinu,d. I9W,
PARKIN11ii ii r, I.Rioiced whom e•periLs(c• exeeed $3.00
IAXILAII • It 'ii ii pu ui when ext..,RI 510.00
EAR RENTAL - Allowakle nal./ I ii is more advonianeous CLinnty 61_15irei. Explanation
othl receipt ctRittilod.
TEl Lhotan.,, Arc allnwohl when neeest;ory 11,)1- official business when fetter wifl
noi full explonol ion IA,Itticed, dote, plane, person teledrommed and nature of business.
(riumow- - allnwdhic when necete,ary officiaI business arid for one cal)
how in k,r ,A, ol midnight
A. WALLER - thi ii.ii.iiuiiii iii 1ill,. lot meals ollov,ohlo ',1111 he
H. ormg GRAIdlili - tarinmary nr,tduiiir-, actually poid may be allc)ned Only uPon
III I- n1• ica.oniahilily.
Mrol .11111 hod)inq
Lodging S 50.00 pile; TAx
groaklo..) 4.00
LutiLh 6.00
1) 0111 10,00
Endning $100.00 plus Tax
blink 7.011
Dinoei 14.00
.25 per mil,
Ihe lilt' u,l.ihl liii II iii 1nr Irdvel reprctient, the maximum allowable and not the
iii ill 1111
M,ved ..goowied by WrI11 the re ,.oliion he ademied.
AY1:11 Lanni, NrC pp.1 I. mipidhdid, moh,,,,,, Motfiii, Nekun, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
p,rmi(k, Rewold, Skiii ii Wehh, Wiltnx, Aaron, Caddell, Devon. Fortino, Gosling, Hassbereer,
!Whirl, R. Kuhn, '1. Knhn. (A)
NAY ;: Noue, (11)
A %Hifi( inn] majority having voted therefor, (he reso:utinn was adopted,
By Filk111(4. Cuminiiine
Tit In Dol._ 1.1101 Elnud y I3uu,i Ill IF C.11.411i 5., j Sir r,
Ch.1 i t 11iu ii. C0,1 i rid F 01111,1
WHLREX, all doto proce.,,inq d,vt.lopment cutd i. nc9r1arated vs a single appropriation
wi huh thu Compute! Servitp-, Depot-toot,' rtildue[ and then In JIIXAB,L equal to the actual ev,t,ent,c
rain.iris1 lu hi uoi depaidowid ,ni a quarterly basis with d ,,,Immary report Is the Finance Comnittee:
WHIRIM ihe Oakland Comity fompnler Services DepartmE.in hat, determined the 1985 FT i's
0“.ififq diii f)VOlur.',11M1 0,'Veh>pMcOI 11)/' Hie budgeted County denartments: and
WHFREM 111c.A. devnlupwin thaine.. are for programs which are in conformance ,:ith the
ijiiidrl ill, ii litilu hy ii Cnimnder LE,e1 Adyiory Coinmittee and Ilie Contact ter Center master plan
dppr“Vs.d hy ihw Fin,inLe Commillve: cntd
WHEREAS funding datd dr.velopmnnt is contained in the 1985 Computer Services
Genet,' 1 Fund Blidild; Ond
WHEREAS .111 apprurniatinn traile,ler HI hudgeted County departments is needed to fund thee
devoluimieni charge ,—
NOW THEREFORE BF IT RCALVED the Finance Comnittee has reviewed the 1985 First Quarter Data
DCV1i1PMCIti 1(?! ii. 1 b .e,HtwtsHN mrd tiruk $516.760 rwctt ,tsory to fund the development cost.
Said lund, availahle in the 1985 Data Proces.,ing Diviviupv Daia Proce ,t,;inci development appropriation.
BF IT FURTHER Rrsorvu liii he Boo rd Ill Commit.,ioneL, appropriates 55 115,760 from the 1985
polo l'toc n -...inu Development Inidnel oad Ic.npher., said funds to Ihe appropriate user departments con-
vi lint wiih ihe diiachod '.thedule.
Ni. fhoirpec..on, (.11 heIcill (.1 the Finance Committee, I move the adoption 01 the Foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairper,en
Commis,ioner, Minute, Continued. May 9, I98 ,:
Moved hy Caddell ,npootied hy moliiii the re,olution be adopted.
AYES: McCunnull, McDonald. Mollitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinofl. Pernick,
Price , Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, WI ix. A.11-oe, Doyon, Fortino. he-.1ing, Ha,shercier, Hobart.
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A ietH majority klv;i1.1 vutc.d theiolor, the resolution wa, adonted.
Mi,c. 85131
BY Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Boant
Mr. Chairperson, Lillie, awl Co..111
WHEREAS by MHc.e I 'anew], Re..olliti.)a P05016, the Board if Comi,,,loners authorized the
County Exel_utive's Department ol Central `wiviet-, to receive bid, for a Public Work Grounds Chemical
Storage Building ot an e,liumted co ,t ol $23,000; and
WHEREAS in acioidanae oith I.iiI,fini tr,t,yilnii, e,labli ,hed by this Board, kids were received
ond 00-ned Mddch 28, POJ for con,tiln-tion iii k; dnd
WHEREAS (he Conniy 0cpdrImen1 of Central Servicc-, hds reviewed all bids sub-
mit i ed and retimpaentl, that ihe Iln(),'•n 1 I ("n plIll., 111(.• GenCril 1-ElectrHal-Mechanical, Inc. be
awarded cootratr Inc Low,truLlion work in the amount of $20,530; and
WHEREAS additional co-,I, ore estimaid ki he $600 for Consult6t Fee.,, $500 for Admini-
Itative Co,t,, $1,000 11 n1- Hdinlendm, Chdrgo, dnd SI BOO (IT?) for Contirnoncy; rind
WHERLAS the iut;11 proicc1 to be S24,500 DS Octal led in the attached
,chedule; and
WHEREAS lunding of $24.1,00 for [he Public Works Grounds Chemical Storage Building is available
in ihe 1985 Capital Improvenifil Prograne-Miseeltattoous Remodeling.
1) The contract propo,a1 uS Genurdl-flocirical-Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $20.510
In' accepted and the contract awarded in Loncarrenct , with the Planning and Building Committee
2) Funds be provided in the amount of 53,990 to cover the remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed
10 execute a contract with General-Flectrical-Mochanical, Inc. on behalf of the County of Oakland,
4) The-,e award, shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by
the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division,
Thu Board of Commissioners appropriates $24,500 from the 1985 Capital Improvement
Program-Miscellancou, Bnmodeliug for 'aid project.
Mr. Chairper,no, on belielf of [hi' Findnco Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved hy .,upporled by SL,Irriti the resolution be adoptA.
AYES: M(Oondld, HcOher,c,r, Nol,nn, Olsen, 11,1(1(2, Porinolt, F,,,rnick, Price, Ret-old,
Skdrrill, Width, Wi lnnx, Aoron, Cdddell, Gosling, Hassberuer, Hobart, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn,
Lanni, McConnell. WO
A .0.11 fit lent mdiorily hdving vtf,I th,rof,ii -, the re!-011uLion odontcd.
Mi,c. 8132
By f- i nance C4midi
To Ihe Oakland Coonly 114.(IFIF
ChoirpcfNon, Eddie, ond
WHERIAS hy Mi I Ro,o lul Liii M5021, the Board of Conui i oners authorized the
Crniitity Exe ,utive ., fh‘porlmoill uI Crnirdi Servicc,, lc. receive hid., for 01 ,ice Remodeling of the North
14,t/ /h Cemer .0 au 0-,I imatud $37.000; and
WHEREAS in ducniddnce el II. hiddimi by this Rpdc,l, hid, Ne1-0 received
and opened April Ii, 108; itt tniti,I iii. 1 but tnt,. k;
1-1,1.011 111,10 ,7I Cenlro0 hd, rrviomA dll
,ttl tel.ounrend ,, thdt the loue-.I M011S001. COHStrIACLM.,, Builder; be awarded a con-
11,1ci or eJ,Ie,truction work in the ,HAM011 (0 533,/t23; clod
WHEREAS Addilion.11 to be $2,000 loi Consultant Fees. $500 for
51,1100 for Mointenanre Chaige,, $6,501) for Furniture and Ecptipment, and 54,577 (i3 ,-,)
fur Contingency; and
WHEREAS the total project iiihited to he $48,000 0% &tailed in the attached
,,In.dnlo; dud
1 110 C.n111111i .•. eli H iii I ,,•,Ci I ii nok ..1 1 Hi.L ],
WHI RI N".n I 1 ind iiq I Off 1 Ii North Ou III Lee vi Off I co Remodel inc.) it avo i lab!e in
19.1-P, rapi Ji I Imi”v(.1.11 ,1 I 1.111,..W, RCIIIIILIC I i nu .
NOW tilE REFORF IN I iVIOl VI D i. h. I luwK:
Ih• t."111 iii I I oI mdu .."or fcii.I ito 1,r and Bi• I &.1 H the dohwnt td
533,1123 L,iii itlil dnd I hi . cmi iicl do,“ drd in 1:uiivurlciiu ci III 1 he Plonn ng and Bui Idi rip Cull-
I I', 1 t•1 iiiiliikiiIl,i 1 1 1)1
10 I und .. hc uvid,.d ii II rookint of ,!_)// it. cover the rema n i na project
Th,iIiii i.e te the Board of Couwit...,ionel -, he and hereby is authorized and
di led o d coilt 1 I I, M,111',n 101- Viii 1 ders on beha 1 , of the Count y f
Odk 1 dnd ,
h) The..e I I Hui cc riles:Jive until the a...forth., has bc...-n net:Lied in
writing Iv Ihc Jonnly Lx,ttutve '... Beportattad ul Centrot Service ,„ Focilities E ,qineerioq
liii Itch .1 td Commi .e.ioner illprcipr iites 42,noo frow the 1935 Capital Impro ,,,e:lent
Prtml 1-.1111.
. C111.1 0I1 IIi,iI 1 0 11 II, I i11,111(.(1 C01111111 1 IcO, 1 1110ye the adore ion of !he -..or..?noino
I I lii
0. Wi11.1111 Coddell, Choirpett,,on
Moved hy i,iiclF I .otp.t..ritn1 hy Ne I ..,11 Ii ion 'oe adopl ed.
AYIS: McPIiiiuuii, tfi1,111, ()Hen, Potie, Berinoff, Per.ick. Pt i cy, Ret-.4old, Sk.orritt,
4.111111, Ca11011, Ooyon, feliino„ Id I iii, Nohernet. hloort, R. Kuhn, 5_ Kuhn, Lai-lei,
Conhei , Ft Dundid. (2 0
(lAY Fl ii (n)
it -iii 1 1 ipii 111.1 1 1 ,1 I r ilL1V 1111 1101 k•J 1 111 1 1 1.11 1c)r adopted.
Mj ..t . 851
tainindI tite
IN 1111 liii Iii (um! - Hill 0111 AOJI.r.IMIAT FOR DISTRICT JUDGE '7,
T. I In' Itot land County Board fd
lii . Choi idet 'am, ond I. ii
WIII RLA!, MCLA 11,1 1 v Oki tict JutNic icy be CUP1000S,1i ed in dii amount ecdal
Ii r doundl y ci,1 her ci ii I he SupremeCtiijrl; drd
WNTRIA!.. 1.11.c( Iivh Jointrr ,„. I, Ig85, 01• solaty or a Je..tice ot the Supreme Court int ea,ed
/OC1; and
WIILRLA', el I et. ivi - Johtiory 198 1i ,He inax iirom ccii isi iowLi Ic for n LI i s indite
hR refeattl 3/6•, iii
t 1110 1i1011 c,,r,“ ,d,p,h,thmid I low.i.1 e 1010 11,1 sir i et ncth.r,ed
!row io ri) 1116; iii
WHEW/C.;Ii, Jodi Poymeni. Eidr e (]..iriet Judge increased Oil51! .395
ip(l, iii
Will Iii
A't Pto 1 1 1•1 1 iii reV ifjWed iii Ecu -i y Stipp I Oneida Port to 1 .,1 t
ti --F iii I J1111111 id 1 II -. .111111 1•1 1111 111 1 1,n hr .an upward ad _itt ,ddient is n order.
NOW 1111 III I ORI 0.1.1 r ii oi VI II I ii Hie Count 'y tuipp lei], dial port ion 0 1 the sa 1e et" L,
liii II ikohj,, hi • ,e $:,R. /190.
Ri Ii nrin-R fill iii iii.. iiiy ',feat he rtd root; t icc to Jorinatv I , I =1 5'j.-
. Cho I I AM' 111 ,011 cii lulci I I ,11 I hi r1 .1-1,0 11M1 I C,111111i ; 1 II, lye I lie IicpI ic iiii. ••coo old
0.1,01 II 1 1 Ai.
John J MLD,11.1 1d, Cho I roe r vii
Miwed hy Mi DWI. I Id ..uppur i•d hy 1:es,gi I d re0 ut km he ,iclorti.-M.
the 1.1,d pta e I ei 1 ed hd ft .'.olution to the Einan , Comit!Tee. There wee nu c)hiecCion!,
mi ,,. 251;11
t'ett.iinnit I Li thimi t imu
ill or,: hi oho t - Wit ARY AOAR; 1 MINT FOR PROBATE WIDGES
lu I he 0,1:. land Conn y Bool d oI Cc opei
iii Cho lit.tmon , • oed 14,111 lenh•n:
WHITRIN. MCLA (hot a Prohale Judge Ind,. be comeen,,,atej in an amount ..-aual
I , 2ft: td Ih, drividt ur d hic,i ic' cl I fit !"mpreme 6;1,1
Will III A '. cll.., 1 iV, .1.110P.I17 I, d Jui-..lice of the Surreme Court .-2.-.1 .-J26
lu ;4/./00 1 dud
MINNA!. rfltnrivo ,1,11111,HA I, [585, Fho moximni i liFtoHoual, I.")r a Probate Judge
110,1•,101 ond
WHIRLA!,Ilpi m“.,inKliii -C,Irity funded 'pillion 01 the for a Proh.ate Judd,'
int rede.etl trom ,IhNO to S tcc ,d)i(, 51 .1 1 01 ii 111,1X 1 11S11111 vi 101,011 it1 elney ii 568.376: and
ii I
Tontinnrd. Mdy l'385
4HFR1A the ,li,Ii iii',Idnddidi)d1 ion 0,1%divnl tor Prnhdlr Jrtlqe inireased -row $11 .395
WULRLA% Hit( Me,,nitnel Ore Cgmrilv iii 'n of it Probac
Jtidge!,' ..01allc ,. And p11)111 III iIi,ii iii iti ,,puuI .1610,1mort in
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED (he Fouuly lunded portion uhe of a ProhJte
Jut190 he incred,ed It $35,806 Ernm di,i I maximum ..„Alnry $68,266.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihdt thr ,oldry lndred,e he i c liu0L I iv, tu JOrlu:Is.,/ 1. 1985.
Mr. Choi dpel un mliii I i hr Por.,onnul rommilleo, 1 ivy' L iv liii 1., .1 !Ho I
goinq -dmItit ion.
John J. McDon010, 11,0lruor,o.0
Movcd Inv Onn !Id tdrpnoi 0,1 1 hs• I s.'`,011.11 iii,, 1.1.• si..10[11 iph.
The Chditpet,on v.-Levied 1hr re(.olle ion to Ihe Finance Coilmiltee. There were no objections.
c. 85135
By Per,onnel fommiiIce
Ti lhe Odkldnd County Budrd uf
Mr. CIGiirper.,0n, dnd fientlemon:
WHERJ A5 Eh/. ,tdInInry dud ennt rot I no I i ,'.I'riPI'.jl)i Ill io, iii Ph,' Shot-1E1'i Department have
im n0di nv(d 1111111 yod, dint
WIll RI AS I he i I h Drpdt liven{ pi 1 1s1 wet I hr,t) inrredsed respons i hi li ti es in 1 Nms.,
1 I is is.10 dka 1.,1 el I,d 1 iv' mo nnri-: iiiii
WHERliv, in ,nd,' io 111,n1 (bi- 1,01 ,1 111,. Shulill', 1.1.:110r!wmt 0drAinistration ,wveral
r..1,01ram dnd pri(odinol Jhdnitt., die noreo.div dnd
WIEE 8 LA'( 11 "' P"'0"wd Ihdifilul( (du ho d(tompli ..hed with ,]n ,ve,dli -tavin0:-. to the
NOW TH1-RLFORE BE IT RESOLVED thdl thr lollowiug per,onnel d0J proqrdw chan9,'s he ..10 in ;0-
.Slin i 1 lit .1 tit :
I. Delr10 the Ltd,i I I ii I ii iiid po..i(inn .0 Dill', to, ol LuideLtive Sc,victr, the Currocl.ve
Sh(rvt<t-, Pivi%Jou.
p.ot,j, ihe rA ,mmnnity hi,pelliou dnd Gutiolimwnt l.olvice, ord tdon ,Lto 011 to
othet 011Ili11( 10 1110 0ii0c1wd c11011 ,—
1. Ul"Ilddu ono (1) C.rp[din, rcy,ifi(10 .2103/, ii CaplIA:in7Chief. yr st...L.111 a +la( rate salary ...11
010,632, no overtiw, dnd tron,lri un,ition ii, he SherillTs Oft (ce.
Cirdte one (I) Ukro.i11(...1(10H ond po,ition entitled Corrections Staff r:sbistart in the
1)11 iv with the lolluwing .,aldry rouge:
B0,,e 1 Yvar 2 Yror 3 Year 0/1 _ 17,623 33,757 —91,11—V) No
5. Retitle Ihr Jdil IHMAIC rIsi.11.101 Looldind,or clo,,iliration dnd po-,iHon in The Inmate Serv;:e,
Unit (-,1 l.puiii, I Vu Seivi.r, to Slipervi ,or-lumolt)
6. Pc1,1c ,nr, (I) J:oi)..I.Jamly. Wo!kyl, PrPj!ion Pcib-80T, rom the inmale Service, Unit 0f Correc-tive
Servire.., (,,And ul the exi ,,iinq Jail Inmate V3rker clas;ifica lion as follo ,
I Yodi 2 Yu_'. i 3 Ye:r— — 011"
19-,11-00 7).6-213 2 I ,Cl i5 22,097 23,202
/. Upwardly recld,,,ity (7) Dotective Sergeant position.-. from the levr,licrotft(n, Unit of Protecll ,.
pip, 1 1„ Li r uj .1.1,1 1dn.. e( 200in5 .1 unit A
hervi ,e, itnnihri 0100), h, /he Or/onl inn Jot Hi{ ie, 1111;1 rkntivc
'Ii hehdll thr 00r,nnnel (ommittee, 1 move the 00 ,111k)ri ol toroo,H ,h .
John J. McDonald, Chdirperson
Moved hy MtDondld ..uprv,rpod hy OLisll the rt",olution no odunte
1,•),•1 ),•n .1 ion lo I 110 FI 1-1,311c-P CI1n11111i I . T',1ore were no obiect7on-.
851 16
By Per,onneI Concdtleo
Ti' Ihe Oakland CSIHIliy Board i, Coomn ..,jouer',
MI. Chdirper,un, Lddie, ond
WHEREAS Moril !,y.,lem HIM VIII, A.). provides ht.- adiu,lod workereek $chedule
without loquirinn overtime pdymrni, tor tho,0 divi(jon.. uhich hove rec.eivLd doproval Front the 60drd
tH dnd the Cnunly Exit ill and
WHEREAS Ifio Bndrd ol Commi,,ionel, dud the County Executivr apnroved a Children's Vii lathe
iurpIiii,t pp inr,vmpn) A 4/d.)y. 4fl/h,ul (11/4 (1) oorkwt,ck fur certain oi ils employees for a SIX wonth
mid! peric,c1 Iridl period he(linning in September, 198 11; and
142 Liquid •.•.i ont.i Mi mit Clint el . , I 185
WHI RC Ah the 1:1 ii ii Villain. and Pei-sonny I Donor. tlent wi sh tu eva ha te further the impact
ii I ii liIil Ind hudia le oi i iii ui d le.! Clii Iiirrii Vii line prior art mak i ng inure long -
..inqc trtimmk.110.1.iona;
NOW EHERLEORL BL II RLSOILJED ilia. the Childrerd:. Village he anthori.-ed to (.01 flue through
Novemlo: 1, 1085 /he it/day, 40/I (!../.'10) apiirkwEek as permit tyd ri tier iI Rule 2, Section VlII. 11.2.
1hr IF Child 1 ,11 ' `;tip.•rvi ,.n “• Ill Livi0 Ire Child ren ...ill rep -.rt back
I n thy Pt I-stone I ['Trani; I. for wi [II I IT•c, md.-.l I el- r01- the foliar...
Mr. (;haiopy....,n, Lin 110'hAH Pol-,ontiel Committee, I ITUV.?, the a..hiption )1 tfle f.)regoinc
yr'm I
Johni J. MaDolald, Chairpers...n
Movial Dy M(.1)..nia I Wehl. i he ie'.olrrltIll Lid ...dopted
AYIM: Nekon, r,1•111”1-1, Pornia, Prime , Rewnid, Skarritt,
• CdddrII, Doynn, Fill ii, lErd,heroer, Hobart. R. Kohn, S. Kohn, Lanni, McConnell,
MtDonald, MePhri.ain. 03)
NW,: None. (0) -
A -milk uhii,IiIy lii v iii Vol.,' Unirelor, thd rei.ointion was adopted.
Mkt_ 8;13/
Hy Pyrsonryi Commiftyc
Ea 1hr OakIdnd Copnty Doaid
Mr. Chailoeraon, ladle., and twiitlynlyr,
WHFRCAS with thy retelll id the Chiet Judityls Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk, the
',uhmilLP(1 d positior //0(707-)8 fin-hr Judicial Secretory/Court
Syarytary; AM
UuEREM 10 1111 ion at thE Judicial Secretary revel aric!
incorporale Cunt! 1. Icii null yxi ,ding of -.tatf; and
WHERFA`.. lilt' Cum:: Al,o rigioe ,Jed that the ,;aving, resulting from the abcive
ion opitlied lowdrd of an addiliopal Student position to perform backup
10114.11 kir thy Chicl j1111.W and thc Conit A&oirlitrdtor's office dui inn ;lay aornipa
▪ ,11 LTor,flion; aod
WIIIRfAl SIU.11111 I, llfl H..111 ly dv“ildblo in !hc Micillw,o ti i-il',t OW Chief Prob,1:c Judoe
Audit ti rckiry WI Iii ronliny lyping, ha.kop phone and ()Ince ...nyeaace, and to respond to ci-,Hrtroom
in liii, high Iral hi alya.
NOW 1111 MART RI 11 N SOIVED Ihd. position P01098 in he Judicial Administration division or
L“nit hr J.i.li ti Letrelary/Caort I0 Judicial Secretary.
M If lliRTHER 1.11 ( Of jtIdiLI31 SlCretar,r/COUrt Clerk hi- deleted
Ii.' emit ii y i 1 it at -.ow .,
M IT IURTIEFR RILOIVLD ihal 0111.. (1) dddifiOnJ1 PW-1111, Of Student He estabi ,:hed IIi the
Judicial Adminkliol ion ih, Prohaiu Court.
Ii. Ll1.i lilt ii, ori •ha II ol I h.' Per ,,onne 1 PIL I movc the adoption el the
John J. MaDonald. Chjiiroer ,,cr
14,1 hy Wchh ,HIErLacd.
Thic r01 ,1Hod lii F,"...)1HtiOn LO the Fioanag Committee. There were no uhiections
• 85138
My. Pel..00nyl Commillny
Fa. thy Oakiand County Roald ol
Will RCA. Sn(tion TV, SnIca,.. h., A. thy Ml'? it Sy%iet, Re ,„olut on requires that all change',
Ill Illy and requla.iona of .hy Myril -;•,,,..1cA shall suhmii:ed to the Board of CummissionLrs at a
ii'tlLll,il 114 -n') till ol the 11m,iiul dud rileclive thirly (30) day, after such meeting unless ob-
jecliull WI 111111 hy 1-.11dillWr ,din of the Board of Commi-.sioners, in whir,h case the ob -
id1.111 hecirlie .1 indilei .11 rivx1 ihe Board; and iii jolt
WIITALAh II ha.. Maim], In add a new itth,detl.n11 a to Suclion III ot Merit Role 13 -
Lyave ol AM,en«. WI liltiull r.ry - •,,c1 1,d .1111 in ( ,otachmen. :0 thi , rya.olotioo; and
WHFRIA'. yoni rel.a.nnel LommiNee ivviewcd and aninoved 1licLw chaiws at it , -1c,ctlig of
Mill h 20, Po,
NOW THEREFORE IN IF RESOIVCO I ha. Illy rEadin, ol I h i police acid the di $t rihol ;On L'. this
J. None
MinufP,, Ciii med. Mdy 198Y?
notice and tho dtldched lohclod "Pr000s0,1 Chown.... in the tier nn Lem Rules' to aliCe-
f' iii iiid iit'iii 10 i n Leusideicil as Ihe ;Alicia! submission 10 the Board al- Commis,,ioi)er ,,
n A t I e doscrihrd ,lidnges in Moiii Rnly 13.
Mi • Lhoi,p,r',,H, belatIl et !hr. P,1 ,ouw) f movr tho adoption ot the forenoing
John J. McDonald. Chairperson
florin() iii, 198', linaitel leview planes ,. the Heal iii and Pei •eem.' Departmelos ax.al,r,i0 various stallinq
alternatives to pauvide the Health I -Se1ial-Li:1,w ullie•s mtiiii ilic iliXiiliiJ sialfiuu in
orilei iii wct rpq6ved IgnIoni ieducti0us.
Tin r Health Dotatatmeut teii they (wild Hoe' ol thoii iii cit un. hroneh volontdry leave". Ot
without pdy. Howover, Hwy die honsprrod Hyliii iiiions in ihe Merit Roies. Fhe time finits on e_atareat
types 01 leaves ate insufficient mid li a r, i provisions Fur atimitlistratior initiated leaves without
pay. Further, Ihe Hrollh DepaiMmatt lel n ompHyres would he reluctant to volunteer for leave without
pay 0- thoy exh,,nst 011 sill, live onil aonwil ledve acLumnlations, a pre -requisite for most cate-
goric.. ol !pave cJi mini pdy nndoi lhn rein.
Ihr Personnel Depdrinient I. iii (hi proco,,. did!!ing ilkijor revisions lo Merit Rule 13 - Leaves of
Withoul Pdy. Howevet, Ihose ihanites will uol he catmplete, luding administrative reviews
dnd inlormdliond1 loviows wilh uu;on iiiuuuilu.. 6,I liii 10 met the noeds ti /he Health Department. With
the vdc,itioo 100 ‘t few we,ks away, ila , lii Iii Drpartmept c,111 best dchieve it ,; staffing
ohiectives thiough volautaly leaves aiding tha liei and summoi wouths.
This ploposort Lhorigo would, il noved iii jly, wevide I Inc 1.1 cxi ui I Iv iegue,ted_ The administrative
leave without pay lui hudgetaty id eruAul/al ,ordl limposes, ailhoo qh ;ri!ioled hv o dendrtmont hood.
would not teepaidiir an tAmiluyee's sId n us in Ilai n weuld In put ii- Ike dosiurtd eriploveo l s s;gled
drfrecTion/ in Ow lu WASjitf• 1110,1 likely solicit vialuliteurs.
The administrative leave lei nautherired ahsrma , is wrely formaliziug itt practice. Ir. in tttfert.
provides lur duckiiRi an oliployco tor lime nIl wntrk it which the euployee has nuL foIlon.ned Me6t Role
provisions ror ledge uulhocitolion. Mewl Rule., ate clear that paid Iconrs (siLl, leave, annual lnavel
ore anthoiiied icy in , call-in or advdw .,. rellcireMOn!.
]. ON _PAGE pi OF El
Withnnt Pav
Eot Radgelaty in rifirposes
I . I:- iii it ii eal Ii y t dvriat I mrtrt
ce::Ignatwf emplo%ne(s)
Hrtwd ortt ,.m(-11t to on leavi:.
S. Limited t e a lets flint :20 IDIendar
duv:; njlliiiia :2 month prriol.
ilw emphoino !Loll not le. rrguirud
to o:driwil loavo or onnnul
leflv0 a pre:'equisite
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Kly 14/4
Movrd by McDonald ',unpin-led hv McPherson thr resolutien he adopted.
Ili' Ghdilprr•on .1 d1 rd liii •Admi Ili Mei it System Rules, the reolution shall la'. over
I "' 30 days.
Mkt.. 85 1 39
By John J. Mt Ilona Id, Commi s ittii'r ist I I I/
Ti 1 he Oakland Own( y 1.3,11<1
Mr. Croi i In' I .1(1/I.'', 11'111,11:
WHEREAS Public Adt 312 tI bOCI , ,"mpul,,,y lids resulted in many decisien that
bdve herrn delrimentol lo the el hug to provide public .,alrty sciviee ,, throughout the State of michigan:
WHEREAS lime has L,mo I ellatnjo in lrgisIdi ive provisions that substantially in
lactic p ii I 1 il n•I y iqi ist ions ;
WHEREAS communities to initiating those improvements are joining togetner in a
doopeidtive elloil to restore on eller:dive bargaining process at the local level.
NOW THEREFORE HE If RESOLVED !hal Oakland County agrees to join this cooperative eFfort and
support Ihe project hy oldholizing Clic expenditure tel 520,000 to accomplish its goals.
Mt. Chairpei.oin, I the Adoption ol the foregoing resolution.
John J. MrDonaid, Commissioner District .27
Moved hy MILDonold suppolird by Rcwold the ro,oiulion Pc adopted.
the Chdirpetsou moleid-rd [he resoltaion to the Genordl Governwent Committec and tie Personnel
11'1'. NW V.11. nu no rib S•C 14 'Ir..
Mi•.c. 85140
by Planning dnd Duildinn Corwilcco
lo ihr Ookldnd County 13oot-6 ot
Mr. Chdilderson, Ladies and GentIrrwn:
WHEREAS the County of °Aloud is !he control unit fix the 52/2 Dist ,ict Court: and
WHEREAS the crirrrul Erase for the 52/2 Distlict Court premises, expires on Decembor 31, 198':.:
wuRrA,:, (hi, t.01-10%mi ,d . tor thy exi-iinn .bid
WHEREASI I is HUCi"....]ly it sector premises lio• said Cooll
WHEREAS Ihe r.“ Enninrering Division hds pronaled the altached siieiiticotIons tor
suchic ility; „Ind
WHEREAS the Depot -1114(.111 (IV Corporation Counsel has prepared the attached Request for Pro-
Als to Design And ICI,Wn IllE I or Renovate Existing Premises In the 52/2 District Court: and
WHLRI10; and ro(pive proposals for the design and construction
'I exist inn prrmisrs lur ond
NOW IHEREFORE M. IE RESOLVER that the Department ot Corporation Counsel is authorized to
odvnilisr lor dnd receive proposals lor the det;ign and construction or renovation of existing premises
fur- ill,. Y..17 District Conrt utilizing the attached Request for Proposals and Soecificarrons.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy id Regriesi 1..r Propo.,Als cii I i lo in County C hits
Moved by HohArt ,Aippoiled by Richord Kuhn the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Parw, Prrinoll, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Sk.arrit, Webb. Wilcox. Aaron, Caddel'.
1)yon, Fortino, Goslinn, Hassb(nt..o ., Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, MLConnel McDonald, McPlerson,
NrIson. (23)
NAYS: None. (CI)
A 'oil iy having voted therelor. Inn rescdut ion ..-cas adopted.
BY rldulliuq dird liii Iding
IN lit: Cuipor.11i..n (Ry.11 Division) - LEASE RENEWAL WITH THE OAKLAND COUNTY ROAD
To the OakIdnd County Roatal ol Coimoissitntrs
lit . Choi rperson, Lddic“, and Grip t I mlen :
WHEREAS Ihr Comity of Oakland hy Resolution 9/.1,9, doL20. June 5, 1980, rene......ed a lease for
dPProximdlely 350 •guoic tent il >rIrce ',poco At the Oakland County Road Commission Building, 3E001
Lokser Rood, Beverly Hills, Michigan, hw [he Oakland Counry Treasurer, for a term of five (5) \.-ears
Nmmtletuitm MI OW lin,1 cloy ccl Moy. 5i30. nut Leirlindt_ing on the 30th day of April. 1985; and
Commisionet Minton., Continued. May 'I,
WHEREM iii' Oakland Como ,/ d,Hres io provide a ci'I I ic ci 1lc cud the rental
of 5did pflice space minld he in the Iii-. i inlete-.1s (d the puhlic; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVLD [hal the Oakland Couigy Board ol Commissioners renew said
lease lot a t e rm „r live (5) year ,., tor (hi. sum 01 One Dollar (5i.00) pyr year commencing on the
tir .,1 day of PLIV. 1985, and honrinating nn Ihn 31h ii day of Apiil, 1590.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thal I lit Chairperson of' the Oakland C.,lway Board of Commissioners
he authoriied to exec.ule a declalation ,r icase renewat with lhe Oakland County Road Cummission on
behalf id Ihe County of Oakland, a (.opy ,0 Icaso attached herelo and made a part thereof.
Mi. Chairperson, on hehalf ol ihe Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
tI e Ion:going resolution.
AnI-11.! M. FI011.111, ChdirpersOn
Copy ,r Agloomrili ccc ii iii Ciccicis (:Iccku, ante..
Moved Icy Hohaia suppoiTed hy Pelinoli ih, re ,-,olution he adonle.d.
AYES: Page, Perinoll, Pernick, Ii cc, Rcoold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Doyon, Enriino, Gosling, Has..herger, hohari, R. Kohn, S. Kuhn. Lanni. McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
Nelson, Olsen. (73)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sit II it lent cci.iprcui ty having chin the. resolot ion adopted.
Misc. 85142
By Planning awl Building Cccciciriil It -.'
IN RE: Coipoi.ii iint (111'.d AGRLIMENT TO EXTEND ANO MONEY LEASE - 52nd
To thp Oakland Cininly Board DI Cominissionel-.
Mr. Choirper.,on, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Misr el laneoni. Rysoloi ion No. .cclucpici hy ! ii Oat 1 and LOW) I y
Loniiiiiionnis al their meeling lit ld on rime 5, ihe County of nokloini pr,mi,,,
(0 approxiciately /DM ',quart- ICYI ol ,Taei• in a building knew! rca dc,iinidLod ,]s 520 Pine
icc the Cii y cii R.., hes icc. Michigan I cci i.e Icy the 5211(i Di', (ii P Court ?,ird Division ; and
WHEREAS ihe Irase was laor a period ol live years heginnimi on June 1, 1980 and endinn
on the 31.1 day ol May, 1985;
WHEREAS lhe Districl Court must he 1Hcaiod within the city Limits of the largest city of
Ihn Loniiimons mnoic.inalities II serves; and
WHERTAS Ihe Congly adverliwil tor a acilily to he located ir the City of Rochester Hills.
Michigan: and
WHEREAS ifin Board HI Comuilioner.,, hy Miscellaneous Resotution No_ 85062, adopted at
fh,ir meeiing ol annioved tor lho 52nd Districi Court, 3rd Division for a term
ol len (10) year.. (11171111,Minq AllqW.I I, I98;, ccc c. soul' illeveafter as the facility is ready for
mr_onalny: and
WHEREAS the Connly ol Oakland ai this time to enter Hilo an Agreement to Extend
ond Modify the Existing Lnose on a monlh-lo-month hasis beginning June I. 1985 and ending July 31,
1985 at a role ot Thnnsand, Fight Hundred, Forty-Eight and 75/100 ($8843.75) dollars per
mouth, payable iH advance on Ii Si day ol each mouth.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RF5OLVED Mai the Oakland County Board oh Commisioners cioree Icase
i 7, 8, 9, Ii), 11, 12, 611 ond Ecu i i' 3 n ,I Annex in ihe Lnown a.. 530 Fine in Ihd Erry
or RI why For 1 3rd Div' !. inn ,r1 Ph,. Wild Diii ci COM. .11 .1 1.1{0 ci $8848. 1 .5 pci cic,cuithit'
ore,' of drproxiindinly 70/9 square feet OH JA011111-“-Iiiimth basis Limmienr. iPg June I, 198'. and ei.dine
on Iho 31..1 Icy d July, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ihat iiue Chairperson ol the Board of Commissioners be and ;5 hereby
aothori/ed lo exclide said Leaso in accord.nice. wilh the terms of the Louse.
Mr. Choirper..on, on behalf of ihe Plannin and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
he loregoing
Antic.' M. Hobart, Chair ,Orson
By Finom.e Commiticy
IN RE; D)rnoration Confn,r1 (Real Li,iate Division) AGREEMENT TO EXTEND AND MODIFY LEASE - 52nd DISTRICT
To ihv OaHinid Cunnfy Boald 01 Conmaioner..
MI, Chairperson, Ladies and Gotilleme.n:
Parstsani P, XI -C .1 this Board, ihe Finance Cormiertee has revieued Miscellaneous
Re,m1tition P85142 and find., Ihe iu ol 57,87D (rent. $4,956; cdiii tics $2,914) necessary to Fund
ihe co,-,1 for 52nd District Conri, 31 -.d Division 10,7p,.(7 extcnion and modification for a
Gomptit.•ioners Minnte:, Continned, Mdy 1, M85
Iwo immilh period hegillfling di III I , I 1 I I rVI „Icily 31, 1935.
I ul thei , lint Bodid id Ccumni diniropridtes $7,870 from the 1935 Cont inciency Account
and ! ddirkers s did lo the 198, 1111 Pill Court, Division III budnet as lol lows:
901-01 -oo-Tmn Cii F nwm. y $( /,870)
32N-0I 00-1N.,3 Pi vi x i on I I T Reh I 7,970 •
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobdtt ,111,1,11,A hy ib,v;11,11 the rales He snspended for imrediate donsiderdtion
id the lc-dilution.
AYES: Prrinoll, Pernick, h Rowold, Skdrritt. Wehb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Ooyun,
FMii1111, Noslinn, Hdcddiernei, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen,
rd(p .. (?7)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sitlfi(cient mdjority hdyinq voted therefor, the motion carlied.
Moved hy HoOdil sinnwrIed hy Skdrritt thr resolution be adopted.
Rewold, Skdrrill, Wehb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino.
R. Kuhn, S. Kahn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen,
Perinell. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A mriolily having viand therefor. Ow r olut ion wac adopted.
By Pldohinq dnd Building Committee
Tic the 0.11.1,1nd Conn y CI 10 I I ill CI n11111 Is• . 111111•1-`,
Mr. Chdicperdni, Lddies dud (.1111 1111111:
Thu Plonning mid Building Commit ter, having revieywil lhe OaVapd County Airport Copvittee
1984 Annudi Report , repoils wiih the recirmiernidt ion [hot lho atLwhed report be accepted.
Mn. Clidirperson, 1711 tho Planning chid Building Committee, I move fte acceptance
of 1110 1 n .!.eqoinq report.
Anne M. Hoha -1, Chairperson
Copy ol Report on filo in County Clerk's Of
Movod by Hobdri sooported by Goslimj the report be oc..:,:Tted.
A ,.liMuient mdjority hdvinq voted therefor, the repert Was accepted.
Micd 351 10
By Pldnninn dud Bnildinn Corenitiee
To Ilm: Oakland Connty Rodid of Coomii ,,sinnecs
Mi . klidicpeison, t.nlies dnd (hint lemcir
WHEREAS the County oh Oakidnd hds property at 6500 Highland Road, Wa!erford Toonship,
Mithindh, known as Ihe Ookldnd/Pontidc_ Airpott; dnd
wuRm ih, Chdrter Tiiw,i'lri Iii Wdteclord, 5200 Civic Center Dr ivc, nrayton Plaip ,, is
',questing J11 itmnly IS ,d Ookldnd/Pontidc Airpotl fir the purpose of in-
stalling, operdlinn dud winIdininn a sdhildly sewer line; and
WHEREAS the Airport Couluilteu hds reviewed arid approv,-..1 the ,2asement request.
NOW THFREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Comity oI Oakland Board of Commissioners authorizes
the Chili 9115.110 id the Board ol Commit,siunert, to execute an easeliont agreement Waterford To..4nshio
ill cow.id,ratiop 01 One Dollor ($1.00) 1-()i- on easemenl for the purpose of sanitary sewer installation,
Mr. Choicpert.on, on 1111,11 I ol the P l anning and Building Committee, I move the adopCon of
II hifenoinn 11,01111 I41.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hohorl ,.oppoit tl by the resolution be adopted.
I 4/
Connis,ioner'. Minute, Continued. May 9, 1985
AVIS: PI Rewold, hkart ill, Wehh, WilEox, Aaron, Caddell. Guyon, Fortino, Goslinp,
Ila,shecnPr , 111111011, K131111, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPlipison, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinnfl, Pernick. (73)
NAYS: NOM'. (0)
A ,tilliciont hojorily 11 ,0./iiRf votpd thprelia-, the rv,olution as adooted.
By Planning and Ruilding Commiltpv
TH the Oakland Cfluniy Board id Couna .,,ionvr,
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and GCHi Ililitli
WHEREAS the County Ed Oakland 110,. pr“perly 01 6500 Hinhiand Road, Waterforo Towoshia.
Michigan, known as the Oakland/Porliac Ai till and
WHEREAS the Charter Town,hin ul WdlerFord, 5200 Civic Center Drive, Drayton Plains, is
ichniesting an ea,empnl on County properly al the 0.1kland/Ponliac Airport tor the purpose of in -
Ialling, operating and maintaining a walermain: and
WHEREAS the Airpoll Coirlitlee ha , reviewed and approvod !he easement request.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Thal !he Cnnnty id Oakland Board of Commissioners authorizes
the Chairpprson ol Ihe Board 01 Commi ,sioners In execute an casemont aciE teement wi th Waterford Town -
..Ilip in Eonsianral ion ol (inc Did l kilt ($1.00) for all p,P,omen1 fol —lhp purpose of watermain installaton,
MI . Chaipperoin, on !what! 01 ih, Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
Iii • In I Cq. n lig iii lit liii -
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved Icy Hohal t ouglotted by Richdrd Kuhn the resolni ;UR Adopted.
AYES: Rirwold, Skartait, Wphh, Wilcox, Aaron. Caddell, poyun, Fortino. Gosling, Hassberaer.
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
[ii nick. 0i iii'. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
III I i riiujiii iiy hdyi 11,j ,201,•.i Ilmilti i J10 tutu II
By Planning and Building Committee
(Mi,cellanpou , RI lit 1050(16)
lo I lii Oakland County Boald id
Mr. Ehairpor,on, E;enileirm.n:
fhe Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed Misceli ,,peous Resolution A5046,
Ordin - The T ,,lobli.,hrwni ol A Ldk(' Level for Sylvan Lake ord Otter Lake, reports
Mt, recommendathai that ,aid resolution he adopted.
Mi . Chairper,00, on hi'h.i I il ihe Pldnning and Building Cownittee, I move the acceptance
ol the Inregoing report.,
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
By Thoma, A. Low, C01mhissignel Di r iii
Ti tlo. Oakland County Board ol Commi ,djula.1,
Mr. Chairperson, Eddies and GeRtIYHRAI:
WHEREAS Act 146 of thE. PulAic fsct ,, of 1961, the Inland Lake Level Act, establishes a
procedurp for the etahli'dmient id A 1(qprt lake level for inland lakes in lhe SEate of Michigan; end
WHEREAS Sylvan take owl 010.1- take, approximately 539 acres in size, located 411.11in the
Township if Waterford, City of Sylvan Lake, City of KceE rto Harbor, and City of Pontiac are public
inland 1.11,1',;
WHEREAS the e.dahlishmentil d I ike luvel for Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake under the Pro -
vi,ion, id Act 146 a 1961 would provide for Ole protection of the puhlip health, welfare and safety,
won Id Lon .,erve the national rv.,ourcer, 01 the r;late, and would preserve and enhance property
values. aruund Sy I viii Taku lull Otier Lake; and
WHEREAS poi itions have !Hunn rEacrived from Frepholders owning lands abutting on Sylvan
!aka . and Utter Ldi.,0 in noliher u(FL11 loo-Itlird., (2/3) of the freeholders owning lands abutting
Sylvan Lake and Culer Lake, and
WEILREAS lii.pvlitionel nu,uitit,iiri L110( Hi, !.,ea ,,onal variation ,i' inflow and evaporation
hCE tintlb IR'd Wi h d lick nI tuI r All Ic cent inI over ,utflow viest of Telegraph Road, causes
hAv water level, on Sylvan Lakv and Olt,1 Lake to a degrve and extent which is harmful to the interests
ol Ihr
Coflods ,.ionprs Minutes Continued. May 9, 1985 148
NOW THEREIOlif BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Commissioners, for the protection of public
safety and 10 pi-serve the notuidl tr'ontrces 01 the state and to protect the value of properties
around Syivon and Otter Lakes, deems it expedient to determine, establish and maintain the narmai
Idke level ol Sylvan and Otter Lakes within 111c Township of Waterford and the Cities or Keego Harbor,
!Sylvan Liii & <nil Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, pursuant to the provisions of Act 146 of the Public
Acts ul 1961, as dmend(!d; And
RE IA FORTHER RESOLVED Ihdt the (Mice of the Prosecuting Attorney institute in the Circuit
Court lump the County of Oakland, hy proper Complaint, a proceeding to establish a level for Sylvan and
Otter Lakes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. tho properties in he arca of improvement will ben e fit and shall
bear the entire iosl tit the project; that the Drain Cowtissioner prepare a Spetjal AssesEtriew District
for the ,11-Vii of improvement ms prescribed in Act 146; and that the cost of maintainino the level of
• IA, shall hi' borne by [hp benefited properties in the area of improvement.
Mt. Choirper',on, I move !he adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Thomas A. Law, Commissioner District 26
Moved by Hobart supported hy Pei-rick the report be accepted.
A Iffic.ien[ majority tidying voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Hohoit supported b y Perinuff the resolution be adopted.
AYCS: Skorritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Knlin, Kuhn, Lonni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick.
Price, Runt Id. (T.0
NAYS: None. (0) .
A snifftienl majoi it y hdvinq voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
• 85145
By Planning and Building Cummittoo
To the Ook[and Comity Bodrd id CormiHsioners
Mr. Ch.lipper.,on, Eddies and Gent fewn:
WHEREAS the Charter Town ,,hip ml Orion (the "Township"), by resolution adopted by its Townsh p
Board "11 fehrnary 6, 1985, hds heretofore indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the
WHEREM un Febrndry 6, 1984, the Township rcguosted [he transfer of $854,000 from surplus
lands tu linance the acquisition ol Orion Township Extensions No. 3, and approved the preliminary plan ,
estimate,. and period if tr.efulness (hereof aod the acquisition And construction there& In the County
ol Oakland; and
WHERLAt., 'his Board id CoimilLsioners approved and otit'rized the transfer, pursuant to the
provisions ,d tin c Cunlroid - Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal Sy,tem - Orion Township Extensions of up
In $854,000 h th, poynwtil mil the cost of the Orion Township Extensions No. 3 by Misc. Resolution
No. 811013 on February 73, 1984; and
WHEREAS on April 15, 1985, the Township Board of the Charter Township of Orion adoeted a
resolution lI qmiiVioi Exliilmi I "A" (Revised) and "B" (Revised) to be substituted in place and stead of
the Exhibits "A" ond "El" attached to its resolution approved on February 6, 1984; and
WHEREAS on April 15, 1985, the Township Board of the Charter Township of Orion adopted a
k-ollution 1.,,int-,ting this Board of Cormoissioners pursuant to the said Contract dated as of May 1 • 19T
to approve the irdnsler or Hp lo $481,000, additional, from the surplus funds now remaining after pro-
viding lor all costs incnrced in acq uiring said Orion Township Extensions; and
WHEREAS all cost incurred in acnniring said Orion Tim,nship Extensions are provided for and
• ..tivphr. does 11"W CXiSI iii in uiimmummul in excess of S481,000; aid
WIWRFAS it wil I he advantd oeor., to the Marley Towrship of Orion and the Count ,/ ml Oakland
il hiL, approves Lxhi bit "A" (Revi ,,t_d), and the estimates of 51,335,000 as
the total most Iberpol 0. ml loith on Exhibit "O" (Revised) in Accordance with the request of the
Township; dnd
WHEREAS the Oakland C(noly Drdin Commissioner has r?commended adoption of this resolution.
I. That thi', Hodrd 01 Commissii rs does hereby ap)i::ve and authori2e the substitution
ml the Exhibit, "A" (Revised) and "13" (Revised) in the forms attached hereto, in place and stead of
Exhibits "A" and "B" altathed to this Board's resolution adopltd on February 23, 1984 regarding the
01- imuum rowo..bip Extelisions No. 3 "project").
2. That this Board or Commk..ioncrs dues hrehy an )rove and authorize the transfer, pur-
• k, thy provi',iotv, ml he Conirdot - Clinton-Oakland Sewajc Disposal System - Orion Township
Extension'. of to 5481,000. inhlitional I Ihe payment of the cest of Orion Township Extensions No. 3
I lit "pkkci...1"), whith addit ional Ali' hereby translei-red 1-,Nit the Bond and Interest Redemption
31rnmunt =Hume'
5 5
2 z
41 to (f) -J Z
<1 <I F-
0 (r)
0 Li-I
0 CL
Z (r) Z 0
0 4 0
(f) Z
... .. nAEENsti,E-E3
ilt111113111tpuiTim= MSPOSAL SrSrEAt
•,n MOUP1,,
f)(1111-1tI "X'
I 49
9. 'I H,
FUnd I 4) [ he CCM'. I rift I 11,11 11,11111 101 111,• n 5IL't ! .
3. lhot the Ooklond C.,)1111tV 01.1 in 1,,mmliionen it C;lunLy Agency is hereby authorized
pro(r...! deklilod pldw. NoiI tal“, construction bids and enter
inlo cuntratK, mu tAy dny ()tlwr d{H,11 ,, incidertol to acquisition and construction
uf tho Olion Town,,hip No. 3 0 ,, wI forth in the new f:xhibit ., 'A" (Revised) and 11'
(Rcvi ,,cd) aliachpd hprctu.
Mr. Chairper ,dm, un hvhdlt 0L Hie Pldrninq And Building Comittee, I move the adoptionof
the lorecming re..n dtai(m.
Arne M. RobArt, Cndi ,er ,;on
c). 150
lotal• Construction Cost
Consulting Engineer
Soil Bor)nus
Legal Services
Engineering & Adminstration
Construction Inspectlon
SOU Lrosion Permit (.(\ct 347)
mi I I e•. 1!!!r I 101.,i
MoN 10141V.,.H1P EXIEV2ION NC. s
15- rubSanitary ',,ewer
1S-inch Sanitary Sewer Tunnel
10-inch Sanitary '.,ewer
10-inch Sanitary Sewer Tunnel
8-inch Sanitary Sewer
8-inch Sanitary Sower Tunnel
HOWW. Lead & Rker
Standard Manhole
Drop Manhole
9,147 L.F.
5,602 L.F. 0
510 L.F. @
2,340 L.F.
105 L.F. @
772 L.F.
60 Ea.
6 Ea. @
S 100.000.00
S 429.1256.00
162,4 52.00
:3 921,225.00
S )09,000.00
75,9(I •"9
S 75,00C.00
5 55,090.00
S 90.1071.00
I hereby estimate the period of usefulness of this facility
to be forty (40) years and upwards.
. „
Dated: March 5, 1905
EXFIBIT-"r (Revised)
Moved by flohAri by i.r.in Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Wit, R0y(m, rnrtiuo. LIme. log, Hassberneu, Hobart, R Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Linni, M(Loinwil, M 01,11.11d, 01,en, Pdrie, Pel -noff, Pernick, Price. Remold,
svArri)l. (i 3)
HAY : Nom', (0
'iii hr ciii 1II.IjIIIY hm ,ivni v111,.(1 IICI(LfOr, , he r-'rlIilion i.is adOp cd
Commissinnels Minutes Cnntinued. Moy IgIlh
Misc. 85146
By Planning And Building Comoiitce
Ti the Oak land County Bodrd of Cc i
Mr. Choirpersun, Lodies and (eutlemon:
WHEREN, the ChdrIer Township ol Orion (the "Tnwnship ") by resolution adopted by its
Township Budrd MI April th. d copy ,d which is altoched hereto, his indicated that it is in the
need of certain exiensinns to the 06 ,11 Township WoLer System to be known as Lapeer -Broon Road Water
Main Extension, as shown on Exhihii "A", attochted lwreto and has proposed that such extensions be
acquired ond constructed hy the County Agency dinl linanced from funds on hdnd and funds to he derived
by the issuance in] sole /if special Assessment bonds by the Township; ond
WHERCWS the Township Elndrd of the Chdtt.sr Tnwnship of Orion approved by resolution on
April 1 5, 1 985 , o hirm of cnnlmict lor oaquHilitei And construction 01 such Lapeer-Brown Road Water
Main Extension by tin c Odklond Comity Ordio Coltmlissionet os County Agency. such contract being in the
tom ntidched to such resolution; dtui
WHEREAS ii will bc advontogcous to the C11,11WC Township of Orion and the County of Oakland
ir this Board of Commissioners offiliori7es Fit Oakland County Drain C(manHsioner to enter into and per -
form such controct in accm.dance with ilp . rettucst it (he Township; ond
WHEREAS the Ooklond Cunnty Droin Commissioner Nts recommended Adoption of this resolution.
1. That this Boord of Cnumtissinners does hereby approve and authorize the Oakland County
Drain Comndssioner iiS County Agency, to hnderanke, execute and perform such contract to acquire
and construct such project in accordonce srith IN . provisions of and for the .purposes described in said
2. Thdt the County Agency is herehy dutl idt l i ke e construction bids and enter into
contracts, mid mtke any oilier act ions firnessory ..nd incidental to constrnction of the Lapeer -Brown
Rnad Water Mdin Extension.
Mr. Chairperson, on licholf of IN , PloirliNt divf Building Colmililtee, I move the adoption of
(he foregoing resolution.
This Contrdcl between IN . Ooklond County Drain Commissioner of the County of Oakland.
Michigan, twreindfter referred In d'. I it "Connty Agency" and IN. Charier Township of Orion, a body
public corporate, lurreindEter wt.-Fred io os the "Township".
WHERE/6 [he Charter Trmatship ,r Orion, Oakland County. has by resolution adopted on
SePlemner 17, 1984, detc,rmined In issne dnd scll its special assessment IN)nds to finance (part of)
the cost of exlintsinn it1 ils woter distrihniion system, located withir, 0 part of the geographical
aria ot said Township ond designated hy said Township as the Brown .ntd L liter Roads Special Assess -
ment District No. 1 (the "Disirici "1: dnd
WHEREAS the Towtiship lids represented to ihe County Agency 'hot the descriptian of such
extension In its wdier dislribulinn systrsii (the "pmMecl ") to be k)cated in the District is as set
forth on Exhibit A (doled "March Igti;") otidched heretn and by this reference made a part hereof,
and ihat d seriotis need for such prnject iH said District can be addressed by immediate construction
of said improvements shown nu Exhibit A and that the aggregate estimated cost of construction of said
hivrcivements (exclusive of Prnject Mandgewnit costs) is $719,28H as set forth on attached Exhibit B
(dated February 22, 1985) which by This reference is hereby made a part hereof: and
WHEREAS the Crunity Agency is willing to construct and install. at this time. said project
hi ducorchnce with the plops ond diecificol inns thcoT:for prepared by the engineers for the Township
at an estimated Ens! forth dnd shot..,n on Exhibit B. provided the cost of said improvernents i5
advanced by the Township hi the County Agency as provided herein; and
WHEREAS the County Agency is willing In provide Project Management in connect:ion with such
construction of Ito. proicri di MI oxtimaled cost of 5163,711 as scl forth in Exhibit B, provided that
the cos( if said Project Monagemeid is paid to the County Agency by the Township.
I. Plans ond speciticolions Ito . the location, establishment and construction of the pro -
ject shown ill Exhihit A as developed, arrTord dlid approved by registered professional engineers in
the employ of the Township ire hereby odonted and appolved and identified by the initials of the agent_
for the County Ag(ntcy and of the Supervisor - of IN, Township.
2. The focilities cons! Mining [tie cntirc Brnwn and Lapeer Roads Water Main Extension (i.e. ,
Ike project) and iis genet-of locotiou within the Township are shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached
lwrelo and by this CcfrrCHIA . made d pari hereof. Ti' Brown and Lapeer Road Water Mnin Extension is
'Ivreai ter some( Nies re !erred In ,e. he "iti
3. The Cotnity Agency and [Ii.p TomisIMp licreby dporove and odor( the estimate of the total
cost or the prnject in Ilie ankmnt set forth on Exnikil "B " attached hereto.
fi. Alter the executiou of this ...alt roc' by the County Agency and the Township, the County
Agency shall take the following steps, sid,Iect to the receipt from [he Township of the payments as
PN,VidOd iii itdragraph 10 hertad , :
Commiss, ienyo. Minute.. Clout i ;med. Moy 9, 1981..
(A ) 1 olu • ti I itti'..,. 1 y I .11' I )h1 ij 11111 i ii bi (1 ,, 1'111 till' prilirCt ly
with //Mil ''ii 1)11.1 1,1.) ii. ii jj.I 111,1 1101- i.i II
e 1.1r. 14 oi flii, ona I I , nn1 01111.P 1•. nih 11, I n oph-,1 1 ,".1.01r. Vr d1161 1.1.11 11.11'
fiddets fin Ihe pHifecl.
(b) Alter Ow exe.ntinn ol censtruclion contracts, the County Agency shall eause the
porleak H. be constructed ond tdil in Ar/ordanue with the applicable plans and specifications
within d I eosonohle time ond .l ii ci lwr things required to he hereunde r.
5. The County Agenry I .111 cquipillubl, mALur la k, labor, suoervision and ..-
spealion hocc",'"Iry thorelov piovided ,md shall amise o good and workmanlike job h , bu cl,;1 r in.1
p.ulloalfrol, except lhol the Conulv Ageniy shall nol hp ohliuoted hereby to acquire or furnish the
righls-ol-woy, easepynis .o• ony iuteies1 ia londs in which sold project shall he located outsiad of
thy righis-ol-woy of lhe rownshio or cennEy roods, nor to ohtain permits or app ,-oval.: necns,.11.. co
Ha'( ow.; out 1111 aoil ;Hs t‘N l.)t ism s.,11 br ii,
f.s.. Townsh. p -,h01 I ic rd the r pItt s--of -way , easements or any interests
in londs nniside of rood riulits—tf-way neadssorv ler sill ii project obtain permits or arprovals neces-
,.ar y k) the onn.t.ittelion And in-,tallalior or On project, and, in addition, the County Agency shall
.10 n t s ihli• for Ore projwalionce ond lornishing of all arhuinistrative, legal and professional
serviiE-. ond oil prnavediom., mu ii nd meetings req uirnd to establish the District, create. lev y
ond colleii .,p,nria a..,-,n...N4nnt ,, „Ind an4 sri i .,peciai assessment bonds therefor ie
oarairdonay with Au l 133, }Wilk_ at I, Michigan, 1954, as omended.
7. The Township ,Atoll he lespensihly for and Furnish such engineering services as -,111all
II' nearY,soty In desinn the preier 1 and priori- lute con.,truction. and the Count? Agency shall be re-
,a ,oin.ikle lot ond lurnish CH,Iilwy611,1 seivices as shall he necessary to construct, install and
in ,rpett thn projert.
under.,tood And An t,e0 fly !he nartie., hereto that the project is to serve the
rowindlip and not the individuol phIrclry and users theteel . Accordingly , the responsibility
of requiring r,nnunlion to and nsy el the localities or the piniect and of providin g such additional
loailiiies os nay he neytlyd, sholf hp that oi the Township. The County Agency shall rot be
ohli gall.4 to ac guirr or t,W.Itin.1 din,/ other than those desi g nated in paragraph 2 hereof.
9. The Ceunty Agyncy twryhy agrees that it wilt ,,ocure, or cause to be secured, and main-
tainnd Outing Ole 0:rind ol censitmlior adequate propert y damage and public liability insurance
1.ovnring oll litilities b. be conslrurlyd pnrsuont Lo this contract. All policies of insurance shall
provide hlu,ul thy County Auymy Township sholl he iin,ured partic-i thereunder and shall ..Nntain
a plovi.jon rc.q uilin.j that the Township hi notified at least len cloys prior to cancellation thelaof.
One Lrrpy kl poch iu.ul icy ui iw,Hionck rJ1,II1 he liled with the Township.
10. Thy lowilhip lii I I Joy the County Agenc y I n- cntire cost of the project. Thp terir
"rrosl" as usyd bywin sholl hP CkIP,Irilr(1 1c) InClUdn all items of cost ol the type set Forth on Ex-
hibit "U" ailarfind hdrele mid any oilier items rd cost or a similar nature as Pay be set forth in any
tevisiun or Exhibit "B" oureed kr by thy parties hereto, incurred by the county in acquiring and
( oro,trurtin g tho project. Thy ansi ot the project will he paid fly the Township to the Count y in in-
,.1allmnn1.. as lullnws:
(11 ihn ..om ii ;,,n,'JDo paid upon execution of this contract and oriOr to the
time when .iimpletral bid plans mid i 1C.I1 i011', are rece vnd and accepted b y t he Count y Agency,
(21 the 11,11.111 1' rd the icem el the projnct (n ,,iimated now to be $833,000) prior to
ow.o ii ii 11111,1 lilt 1 inn rout lIt t
Wewn am txhihit "C" is ihp safpokily ,M installment pmyments lo he madc by the Township. which schedul
wiII he icvited 4h.I;IiIrd oie 'mid, and when COP., 11 -ltk lion bids dl' I) teceived.
11. The County Agency shol I ni 1 ily lho Township, hy io ii ('Ii communicat iort ai1,fics-00 to It
treosulin, .1 the tiuw 1111 dliKA1111 ol II' nexl poymen1 dne hecyonder. The Township hereby coveHonts
and on1A9 -., nnl 'hot , lor (in) dAy - crc,i0 or ,o,h Lk remit to the County Aoency
sullirient Hinds to poy thy omoma Mien due. The ohligations el the Township to reimburse the County
Auency shot! hi. ouplirohle lo all ohl 11.11 hut', and contracts incurred or entered into by the County
Agynry to 1171`,1 lll 1 .11Id h' 1 t• 111, 1 'u port thereof . .vhether incut red or executed at
011C time ou morn than on, timn. IL a...Lailm.d that thy agg i-eiate amount of all installment pa yments
willrenr.--rnt the c ,.',11 ,1 III, Iuicl I Iii , Ii Ihn Township sha HfAII to make any of such payments when
dot', the COU111y Agenry shot! hove no ubligation lo proteed further with acquisition or construction
id lluu'ihoilect. The Town•Thip 01.111 limticl liti Criunty and the Utterly Agency harmless from any arm! all
1 iH ly lull n count .0- lb prei ra I and 1 ,„tnani lion or cons t Luc t on whether or not the pro iect is
aimiewn«•11 .11 cullipil•H'd.
12. Al it'; romp let ion ur the rotigyct and payment of all costs thereo`', an y surplus r,iNaining
Irom the po y ments ta ,eiverl lrom the Township be returned to it or, in the alternative, said
sniplus moy be used ol the terlawsl .0 the Township for ,Arly purpo,e permitted by Act No, l88 of the
Miahigon Pnhiic Ails of 1956, i ouldndcd. All moneys mild by the Township to Count y ha11 be i,lvested
i,y I hi' Cuutilil y Poit•tiCy thrufliih C011H1 y. Ii Crr•111"E'r only as permit if..0 by Act No. 20 of 1943. as amended
(MCLA 129.91) ond At 1 Nn. 367 .0 1982, As omended (MCLA 129.111). The earnings from such investment
an, h, Iho redit ccl hr• lewrship but sholl he retained ard re1nvested by the County Agency
through the Comity Treosnrei fol thy dur.otion of this Aureement and returned to the Township noon
rumplet inn .1 the 1-1 1-11irt) It this eclion 12.
13. 11 .1hy ieaeived 'cur. ilg' Township ate he- any reason insufficient'to complete
he pi ri it•I I n .111' ond specilicalions theli l'ur, the Count L., Agencr shall, if
Commissioners MinuIc% Continued. May 9, 198:i
netes..ary, ..uhmii to the Township a rernie..t for payownl of the addirionat amounl hitwift an explan-
alion in mil ing ol the tedsons dnd rived ilwrel or ..ind Ihe amount neA•..sory to provide trincb; lo
complete the project in which event the duties am! obligations of [he County Agency and the Trxdihip
is expreswd and set forlh in this contract shall he applicable to ',Lich additional payment as well
as the or payment, it being at all times fully• recognized and agreed that the payments to he
made by the Township, in the manner specified in paragraph 10 of this contract, shall be based upon
the aggregate amount of the actual and final project cost.
14. The Township does hereby agree to promptly and timely pay its obligations expressed in
this contract out a [he proceeds of the Brown and Lapeer Roads Water Main Extension Special Assessment
Bonds and other funds lawfully available for such purpose,
15. The Township consents to the establishment and location of the project within its
corporate limits and consents to the 11-,o of the streels, alleys and public places of the Township for
the location, construction, repair, replacement, maintenanca and use of lie project. After completion,
the project shall he maintained and operated by the Township.
16. The County Agency shall not he required to provide any water system improvements for
said area shown on Exhibit A other than those herein and therein described, nor shall it be required to
provide any water mains, hydrants, tunnels or valves or wells which are connected with or adjacent
Lo the District designated by the Township to be served by the herein described project other than
those shown on Exhibit A and in the plans and specifications heretofore approved by the parties hereto.
17. The Township shall give the Courtly Agency necessary permits or delegation of authority
for construction of the project.
18. The parties hereto hereby covenant not to discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment, lo he employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to his hire, tenure,
terms, conditions or privileges of employmcnl, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employ-
ment, because of his race, color, religion, national or or ancestry, and to require a similar
covenant on the part of any subcontractor employed in the performance of this contract.
19. This contraci shall become effective upon approval by the legislative body of the
Township by the County Agency, and hy the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, and duly executed
by the authorized officers of the Township and by the County Agency. This contract may be executed
in several counterparts, all of which shall constitute a single instrument.
20.. The provisions of this contracl shall bo in full force and effect and binding upon
the successors and assigns of the parties hereto,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purl C' herelo have caused this contract to be executed this
day of _, 1985. The effective date of this contract shall be , 1985.
COUNTY OF OAKLAND By its County Agency
Drain Commissioner of Oakland County
JoAnn Van Tassel, Supervisor
Katherine F. Jacobs, Clerk
C-rmui mi riiil c•Li flIi ti}r,
I 5N
M .'. Huck!. M 19t0.,
22-inch Water Main 3,913 L.F. 0 S 44.00 S172,172.00
16-inch Water Main 1,750 1_.F. la . 35.00 236,250.00
1G-Och Water Main Tunnel 409 L.F. 0 113.0P 41,217.00
12-inch Water Main 6,150 L.F. @ 25.20 150,750.00
1I'-inch Water Main Tunnel 190 LE. 0 1E10.00 19,000.00
Standard dydrants 35 La. K 1,500.00 56,000.00
11,-inch D.V. A. W. 4 [a. 0 4,500.00 18.000.00
12-inch D.V. F., W. 6 Ea. 0 2,000.00 12,000.00
Air Relief Valve g Well I Ea. 8 900.20 900.00
Total Construction Cost $719,289.00
Consulting fngineerH
Contract Admin. Field StaLing Com.,truction S 7 .000.00
Teoal Scrvice 5 ,500.00
Engineering F, Adminst.ration - Construction S 23,200.00
Construction Inspection $ 40,000.00
Contingency S 71,011.00
Herold J. Lueders, LE. i:14924
!rated: I-ebruary 190E, EXHIBIT "B'
Schedule of Installment Payments
1. Execution of contract between
County Agency and Charter
Township of Orion $ 50.020.00
2. Prior to award of construction
contract S233,00,7).00
TOTAL $883,000.00
sill 11 I T
156 Commi..ijonci., Minnie, Mdy 9, 19136
Moved by Hobalt supported by Renvid the reffohrlion he adopted,
AYLS: Aaiun, Caddell, Dovun, Fit Iii, he Lii, dassherger, Hubart, R. Kahn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Eaw, Mannnell, H iii, Ii,M(19o.e,on, Mollitt. 01-wn, Parn!, Pnrioulr,
Price, Rewold, Skdrrill. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sulticionl mdini iiy having votud ilk-re!or, the resolution was adopted.
• 8S1 11/
By Planning and [Wilding CowiliiIreo
IN RE: C(npnearion Counsel (Real E-.raH , Divi,inn) - 52nd DISTRICT COURT - 3rd DIVISION LEASE
id the Oakland County Bnard (d
• . Chtl I I 'Mil. I id I
WHEREAS [he Connly in Oakland advoirised and received proposals for the tet!-e ,2f a!Jji]ity
in the Ciiv (11 Ruchester Hill , fur use 1, 52nd DiStriCt Cour - 3rd Division: and
WHEREAS the Planning and Doilding toiniiiittee reviewed Ihe proposals therefor, and
WHEREAS the Boded of Enmini,sioners by Niscellanr.ow, Rocolution 585062 passed on March 14,
1985, aPPlovrd hi iw.iiliiiq ,did h, R. C. pf y d, r: Associates; and
WHEREAS Comis ,ionee Roy Rewold di the Planning and Building CommittLie meetinu and the Board
of CoMIlii ,,HullCr. uweling disclosed lhat he is a principal in Frank Rewold & Son, Inc., which had made
hid, Hi term ul thy propo,ers, dnd algTained foci voting in the committee and at the Board level: and
WHEREAS frank Rem ,Id S1,11, fot ,. hiss sub5eguern I y een awarded a construction contract
by R. 6. hryden L As,neidies ho iii laiility.
NOW till. REF BE IT RESOLVED II,O Ike Oakland County Baird of Commissioners acknowledges
that Cunovi'..„ionni - Roy Rcwofa i., a piincipal hs Frank Rewold S !inn, Inc.. and further that 5aid con-
'.1 itu.i liar,.ompany h(icn aWOrd,d a Soul run by R. G. Dryden S Associates to build the
Wnd Diii I Cr1 - 3rd Divi..ion wHich R. Dryden S AssoLiates shall lease to the County pursuant
Ii Mr,(eltaneon, 110,olniion /.1BSDO lui o pei iod a ten yodr,.
Mr. Chiiperinn, Planning and Buildirq Committee, I move Olt- adoption of
tI s' Iiirrigeira/ rei,uluf ii iii
Almg H. lImIn,,n!.Chailorn
livid ny Hobart supporied by Caddell the resolution gi, adopted.
AYES: Aaiun, CaddnIf. Doyon, foil_inn, Gosling, lIa ,,sIierger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, 5. 1-1Kn, Lanni,
ILIW, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Mufkilt, Nclson, Olsen, Pagn, Perinoff, Pernick, Prce. SI‘arritt,
Wchh, WI I o. (71 )
NAYS: Nom,. (0)
AKJAIN: Rcwold. (I)
A %II It ii 'non mim.iii i I v nig the ri.!,01Lilitrit Lou'• adopted.
Misc. 81,M
By Planning and Building Cneimifiee
Tii the Odkland Cnunly Bnord ,r Cunollissieners
Mi. Chdiroerson, Ladie, and 6eni Irmen:
WHEREAS nu Api il 18, 1985 Ihr Oakland County Board in Commis:" ioners , by adopting MfsCeilaneuus
Re,ntuilne ;03S089, approved iii- rian.A10 id obtaining OP archiluiI tu deign tho renovation of the yarail!
t iLl iii ii i in ihe jail lor ml 1- plo,oner hnn,ing and the additlun of a facility for le Alle ur15oner
hou..ing; .1116
SMEREAb ihe Planning and Building Committee ..inthorized the [carnation of an Architectural
cliii uric Crurriimrliir'n' in ev.dnain gnalified cnnsultants inlere5lod in de.signing this project; and
WIILREff, in r,uummhirimi,rircr ci Ii Miscellaneous Resolution v7488, adopted on March !8, 1575 . which
piovidc!, Icr the method id ,eleelien rd architects and engineers, the Architectural Selection C
cvAn.m.d (2) (to this project: and
WHEREAS upon 1A.cumiwnd.:H,111 Select full CoromittL, your Planning and Building C..,m-
miucn rocimmiklidi. the rolenlinn id Ihe 1 1 liii Jl Kenneth Netimann/Robert GI-eager and Associates in
inllahotalion with Ileuning,on, Ihirhaw and Richordson; clnd
WHLREAS tingling in Hsi dilleunL cal S75,000 via', apploved for this portion of the projec t . by
Bodrd ot Coilimiiinicr ., oil April 18, 1985.
NOW THERFFORE BE 1T RESOLVED that an architectural sei'vices contract be awarded to tie
'hill 01 Kr1111,'lll Neninann/Rnhert Grrager and Assure lutes in colfarmeation with Henningson. Durham ond
Ill uli,urul',rumu. In itt,,vidc pie-design services for the parking .:.:I rage renovation and addition f.'r femal
housing, iii iii .11111.1110. nil In $80,585. and that the Chairperson of the Board of Comxissionv!rs be
aH ill ii,liii thy aurhoti/i!d io oxt.cWo thc dgreement with this firm an behalf of the County.
Cimmissiuners Minutes Continued. May 9, 1981,
HI IT IHRUHLR RTGOLVED Ihat an additional $5,585 he and is hereby appropriated from the
P)81, (antral hilprivoemetu Plogram - Mhcillmieetr. Remodeling lint—item, le tomotrte this phase id
des itni ol I hi.. 511 ,11.(.1 .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED (Irk ,111 ;',1,646.11 he and is hereby appropriated from the
P")85 Capital 1 mprovement Prugram-Miscellaneons Ht ,stoitoling lino-item to nay km published advertise -
nteras lot consulting services.
Mr. Ch.tirpersoli, on he ll, I I I I I-, Planning and Building Commit toe, 1 move the adoption of
the forew ,ing resolution.
Alirw M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Width the rules be suspended lor iTmediate consideration .0
the resolutipn.
AYES: Caddell, floynn, Fortino, Gosling, ketsfterth_o-. Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni.
McConnell, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Page, PcFinolf, Pernick, Price, Rewilld, Skarrift., Webb, Wiftox,
Aaron. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A soft icient majority having voted thorelor, the motion carrit.d.
Movril Ty Huhart supported by Caddyll the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Boyon, Fortino, Gusting, Hohoi .t, R Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni. McConnell, McPherson,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinolf, Pcriiink, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (201
NAYS: None. (0)
A i,,I majority having voird therelor, the resolution was adopted. .
. Misr. 85149
By Public Services CummitIce
Ti the Oakland County Huard of Cummisioners
Mr • Chairperson, Ladies and Gent tenter':
WHEREAS it is the iii icy id the Oakland County hoard of Commissioners co permit the
Sheriff's Department to enter into contract agreements with townships For the purpose et Law Enforce-
'writ Patrol Services; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board at Comilis'.ionels by Miscellaneous Resolution fl84D49
established the standard annual cost ol $53,613 per deputy for the contract period April 1, 1985
through March 31, 1986; and
WHERLAG the Township 0( Sprinilfield wishes to enter into such an agreement for the
addition of one (1) full I ime deputy for the purpose of Law Enlorcement Patrol Service's for the
len (10) 'moth iii jul JUDI. 1, 198 1.) through March 31, 1986 and renewable annually thereafter at rates
established by this Board.
NOW THLBEFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commisioners authorize the
Chairperson of the Board and Ihe Oakland Cntinty Slit-riff to enter into an agreemont with the Tont,:hio
ol Springfield lor the addition 01 one (1) deputy for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Servicei,
di the annual rust rut $53,613 fur the in (In) month period June 1, 1985 through March 31, 1986, con-
sislrnt with the k.rms nil ti er attached mittei..i.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Publk Services Committer, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James. E. Lanni, Chaireerson
Moved by Lanni supported by Ilassherger thc resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson relc!cvt.d the r,,,(tItiti ,In to the Finance Committee. There were no obje-A.ion,.
Misc. 85150
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Contilission ,r
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a steadily increasing international trade deficit is a persistent national
economic problem; yid
WHEREAS the pret.ont stale of the Michigan economy creates a rt.2ed for businesses in this
state to expand expurt development activities; and
WHEREAS Ihric i., A IWVJ i ossisi small hnsinesses• in Michipar to compete in the export
market; and
158 Commi Minni Cont Hued. May 1'105
WHEREAS %cuMe w!,!,;,) crt .oio , the MiChiudn Ertooi -t Dovolopment Authority: and
Autholily would lo,tpt export trade a ,_:Ivitius and etahlish a source d
gnaranieod Innding lor dn,i dud
WOEREAS inixedsod 'id iii (o .,(ei-i.d by expansion ol tide activitic ,;elI create
in MLhigan; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Expo!: Development Authority would he self -financing and ilould not
caIse a drain on the Slate 's General Fund.
NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED t Hal the Oakland Counly Board of Commissioners goes on recrd
• .->uppnilinq Scudlr Bill 21.
M IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ropie ., of this resolution be sent to all legislators fnina
Oakland 6)11Hiy .11111 iii (ho keli ,Jalive Agent.
Mr. Chaiipern, ON hohall ol (he 1:cfleral Covernmen( Liamilittee, I move the adoption of
I hi. I 111 inn.
Julio f. Olin, Charpe ,,n
Mnvud by Oh 'en by Wehh 1hr resolution he adopted.
AYES: IMiinn, Gosliog, Hassherger. Hobart_ R. Kuhn, S. Kuhr, Lanni, McConnell. McPherson,
Nekon, Olin, Pdq,, PrrinolF, Burnicl-,, Price, Rewold, Skarrill, Wehh, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, r:oyon. (:2)
NAYS: None. (0)
A 111ai01.0y hdving v0t.r.d lhorcror, lbo resolution was adopted.
• 81)15l
By Gent:Id! 1;w/el nmen1 Coinini 1 1 ee
Ti, ihe Oakland Cmiuly Bnjird .d
Mr. Chairpel ..0 n, Ludic .. and (iii I
WHERI-AS 'here I. no lor maintaiiiing the Board of Commissione '
adminilrative and inmmillee fler; dnd
WIff:REK. Bodrd of Corm6 .,siooer ' Administiative Olhice can no longer accommodate the
numhri ol ImimitIl,dud
WHEREAS the Connty '% record null 11,0 or being fully utilized.
NOW THFRETORE BF IT RESOIVED I Ita n iho Oakland County Board of Commissioners does he -eby
determinp ihal all 1...e.mh, dud files e L,lahlishod and maintained for the Committees and the COM-
Botild ,Iall he reiained by Ihi' County for a period of 'six years except far thut
mhinti". I ihe Board 01 rammili ,,,ioner ,,' and special ad hoc committees and subcommittees.
Ilk 11 IIIRIMER RkSOLVED tliai all such retained record , upon attaining the age of six
yedr ,, sholl I v id in dcculAIncr with Section 399.5 MCL, as amended by Act 59 of the Pahlic
Acts id. !Wit,, and hy Acl (8 or the Pohli: td 1959, and all rules and regulations of the M;Thigan
Stale Aribive'..
Ii bhdlipul'iori, on l,i'tm ii .0 [be General Government Coilmittee, move the adoption of
11)1. lort.T.IM1 ri -,111U0iu11.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved hy Ok4.11 ,aipported i Sf.,drrilt the re...olution hm. adopted.
AYES: Go,ling, Hohdrt, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn. Lanni, McConnell, McPer,on. Nelson,
0Hen, Pane. i i i n u ll, Pei nick, Pi lu, Rewold. Skorrilt, Wm -huh, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Do).on. • irtino. 1 72)
NAYS: None. (0)
A maiorily havioq voled therefor, ihe resi ,Intion urns adopted.
• W.,1!;:,
By llc',iI ii nm1 HUMP' ke%0IW1,-.
To OK 0,1klorrid Couniy Bmaia (0 Criumicroe.r,
Mn. Ebdillicrron,
WHEREIN., the Oakland Comity Menial Health Services Board has made requests 1.0 the
(mow of Menial Ifieafth Iii n ram , re m iliclresponsibility for two foster care home :; from
Mdroc6 -00ktond Regiondl dlong with ddy programming and other ancillary costs for develoementall
ol the home ,. -as well as UHP Case Management Coordinator position to oversee services
plovided hy the horlei.; dnd
WMLRLA5 the Cmuimminii my Mmom ii Heolth Service:-. Board has also requested exoans ion fu. ding fror
the Stale in ,,uppori d nIdtoillen1 :t1 one client who needs very specialized reside. t'ial car ,.
nol avai talkie in Oakland Caninly: and
WHEREAS Miahigon laiv nor, require ., :hal the County par ten percent of the cost of ol eration
1?1 (,?re '0O 11Mg u ilwv are admini ,h=rud by the Stare, but the homes beco -c. a
Cumnissioners Minutes Continued. May 9,
100 percent Slate I iiiaiir iii hligation when they are transferred to Count..., Community Mental Health
iv iii', Doaid iesponsikilily; and
WHERIM the Mithigan Depatomnd al Mental Health Emn dpol-cived the foregoing request , in
Intl, and has mode sufficient funds avaitah le lot their implementation in the amount of 5179,472 for
whi(h requites rowdy matching kinds ol ',4,903; and
WHEREAS ihe Iwo losiel (am. holm-, proposed lor transler to !FI,' Community Mental Health
Services Board mewl the satisfaction ot !Ho IMIdl units ol goveraimHii in the areas where the home's
are located.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Haq Ihe Oakland County Hoard to Cummi,,/tAMei`, approve the
proposals or Ihe Coommnily Mental Health Servi(a.s Board In assume fiscal responsibility Mar two
heLet care homes and make oue oui-ol-Conniy placoment ut a dove hvmaital ly disahled el;nnt, as fur[hca•
deserlhed h[ [he appended narrative
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 111,11 Mdi,IIIMM lunds aurhoriztal rar these prourams, in the amount or
$4,903 lur liscal year 1985, and one additional Case Management Coordinator position he approved for
Inc Cnnumnity Menial Health Division tu ovel.e , the edded residential services.
Mi . rhairpel'ant, un kehall of the Health and Human Resournek Committee, I move the adoption
ol the loiegoing (esolniion.
Ndr“..y McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell suouolued hy usan Kuhn the resolution Sc adop[ed.
the Choifper.,ou retro red the tesolniion lo [he Finance Committee. There were no objections_
By Health and flumo Resutirces Cammitlee
To the Oakland Connty Board ol Commissioners
MI. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS 'he Michigan House of Representatives is cuttenlly considerhal House-Bill 4367,
whiLh h)rgive., all cittlill ii-- iii he Sid(v ol their obligation to pay ten 1,q-cent el the cost of resi-
dential services provided m( tuuuuuilsc residents hy ;he Michigan Department ot Mental Health. as required
in the Sid Mental Health Cade: and
WHEREAS such loruiveuess would extend tor all years through Septembeg 30, 1934 and would
comaeI pending invoices Io Oakland Comity in the amount ol $2,286,000; Jed
WHEREAS implementation ur Michigan Houso Bill 4367, ir enacted, would olso require a
supplemental appropriolion in Ihe mental health budget of [he State.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland Couhly Board (4 Commissioners ondorse
Mithigan House Bill 4361 and urge its adnntion by the State, as well a, Poe adoption of a supple-
111(.0.11 montol health appmwrialion hy the State Hi i l i nc implemeetaion of the House Bill.
BE IT TIMTHER RESOLVED that ol this re-pflution he forwarded to the Oakland County
Legislolive delegation lot their considetsil ion.
Mi. thdirpPi',W, UM beholl ol the Health and HUMdM Re',001 Committee, 1 rrove the adebtion
ol the foregoing iesnlul ion.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved hy MeConnell supported ny With the resolution ne adopted.
The Cheirpet -son referred the resort(' ion 10 [he General Ooveterien[ Committee. There oerts
no objections.
la clOt_ui iLtutit oil Ii RHIr XXII, 1ln , lollowiug referrals (Note hank! his [he Chairperson:
d. ArCHOU CUMMty SCpdrdliOn ii Power
Ii. Calhoun County - !wparatioa of ['owe(
c. 0[(sula County - Support. or SB 4 5, Health Programs
d. Or .C.1110 CUMMI y - SO 36, Oppose Amendrwnts I(' Property Tax
e. Calhoun County ' SB 36, Oppose Amendments to Property Tax
I. Michigan Northern - Oppose Mandatoly Full-time Probate Judges
d. • voiu cci cit. ,1 id Intent tu Rein.w lekuotional Agreement
d. UMTA `r)(tbuthan Pub! h !tonsil foul et.etne
O. 501h 1)1.1 'iii 1-aulta lo County
Troy - Opposition lo Stdir i cccr Site in Tro y
Program EVd1M0iii.0
O. NACO County General Fund Undue! Oak: in NAC, Survey 01 Counties
iii,' its I 185 16.0
Momnptmkot and !Wiwi
d, lqudliralion - Copmiktd idl Fa, iii 1. Exemption. Nyco Ltd, Sorithfitfld
Ii. FLpidlitalion - kat of Enuolzalion Ditector .,
(, Fnuolitalion - iIii in Exemption, Roche5tt.•,- Hills (Slogan)
II, F1ii.iIi.iI iii - I,u t iti,s Rochet,tet- Hills (Brzezinski)
r. Lquoli/al ion - I,iIii,ii 1l to liii ii Exemption. RochetAcr Hills (Harris)
1.I 1ir,ilii.ii lint - ttnhtst rid I HIE ilil jo., rxemnlion, Rochet.,t.tr Hills (Lewis;
I-I I I I 1.011111i 1011
1ii •, tiv ro I (ii maw i - liHii.iri /Svc , t LH; , Distrit
hisivrtt liy I'i' hy I niiii I hr it il. Lir dpprovr...1
A stillikient maiority having voled !het -el-or. thn mothin carried.
8',1 1(11
By ML. Lanni
Iii the Oakland Foirtiy Ruald
MI . Chailtini..on, Lad and Genl lemen:
WHEREAS in Kiriii L11. this yciiir IN. Deli-oil and Canada Tunnel Corporation closed the tunnel t.t.
.11 I 'Ail iirt •,
WItERLA', there hos heen 1.'11.10 1114 Holonlation if 'WVP1'.11 tunnel accidents involving drinking
1110101(.yi 11 •.i ..11111 111“1. 1 ii(n I 101i thai 1 1 I'l",1100'..i111..1 operators yhould not have •1.:(..ess
I k t linnet ; ,11111
wHERriv, , iunnel hy motolnycli ,.ts is o serious dis ,,erviLd. h- thcni' ii
mann-ily ol who have d(,mo(n.11.aled a high lyvel ol r es Hnit.iidlity; dnd
WHEREAS even well-re ,,pn( L.n1 motolkycle clubs, ',wit d , the Blue Knights, with merlhel..hip
id nearly i1 ,1)00 law-onion:invent people i H S1d1r.., Canada and Australia, is 1-11,d hdrrel
tn.ing the tunnel.
NOW THIREl-ORr. HI IT RESOLVLD that IN. Oakland County Hoard iF comni,—ioners urge, thy
tunnel one' a ,rt, alt i .1 ptti it_y al !iwinij access hir tun:lei by those bikers who have de - .'r1-
...11dird St".1011..1111i11Y while denying lo [hose who have not estahli5hed their credlhillt .y.
BI IT II/RTUR RFSOLVLO !hal (Hill—, of thit. tecolution He sent to the Michigan Congre-=.ional
MI Lhalipecson, I mov,. 111, adoption of the loreuoinn rrsilut inn.
Jame ,. E. LanH, Commissioner District
Mc Chairperson relcrvad Ihr vesointion lai the General 5overnment Committee and the
P I, nit, liii trid liii j !di IM 1E4 11119i I . lir ' will 110 01) et- I -11111 ,,
Mu _ Neh.nn announted Ruklia Hearing will he held Ma7 23, 1985 at Pt:00 p.m. on the E.,....onomit
[levy Humid "Mdin SI Frei r1-01.`1 I,
Mi i. 85151,
By Corini..',ionpr., Jame., A. Doyon, Fortino, Dennis M. Aaron, .Alexander C. Perinoff, John J. lt_Dorad .
Rdlph NrI,on, Stc„in G. Kuhn Ind Rnel E. ricrhyr,,on
IN RE: Cirinit Court and Probate Court - SEATING FOR COURT AREAS
thy Oakland Cnunty Board ol Commi.,siornrs
Mr_ Chairper.,un, Lidic and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Ihntiv d11. " la(ililies in the Circ_uli and Probate U.iunl area tor nuassuc
sprrldtop., allovney.. and 'heir nliont ,, and
WHEREAS wilnet,',es ore required Iii be sequestered in ir ial prot:peding,; and
WHEREAS the lack or sealing Facilitinc has rani;ed delays in t.ertain trials he,.aue ,:tnesse
could Rol be bound_
NOW lilt RI FORE HI IT Rf',01VLD ihdl the De1i.-trim...10 1 F 1(11 Hilt—, and Operation-, he directed td
plovide wdliou in lie rit,1141' Coull Area',.
MI . Chdirnelt.oh, WC. 'Hove lit . nit 11) i ion of the 1n rugoing resolution.
Commit,sioners Betty Fortino, James A. Ooyon,
Denni., M. Aaron, Alexander C. Rerinoff,
Susan S, Kithn, John J. McDonald. Raloh Nelson
and Ruel E. McPherson
Vhe Feint-tea resolutkHl to the General .Covernwent Committee. theru t:ere
no oil ittIJ
MI . LOW d I o.,•,;.1111 I nLp drId Lt`I 1•I 1-1 n111 Wi''I P1001111 hid ilminri;11i ri 1 ClItird 1.11,1 1 ,C,1111.`
(ultet ii ,q . ditth wit Ii over! lkw. ii hi Walnut Lake towiiivii hu.)Ith hazdid, and d
Cimmii..situter ,tt Minute'. Ctont jutted. My '1,
and the mtdho&. in whic .h thy (Hl iii V4,r, handled by thy 01-,land County Public Works
Department. W. Bloomlield ako ryque Ted iyorrplete inveT,tigation of lwe matter by the Board
of Covoi ,,,.iotntr,and the prmedorot, ol the BPW l rc.vir•od and me:ealret, DrYvided to prevent the
dumping ol ,,ewatte into Walnut Loh., and nttlificAtion procedures he proviTy0 for luture emergencies.
Mr. Mull ii ,1,)Iet1 he ao vidtt conceraed with Illy problem.
Chairper-,on RI mini B.WiLcox rut...m-1.yd the uesiuiutuuii liflhl letter from West Blcaomfield to
the Planning and Building Committee, Hyalth and Human Reource-t t;ommitIoy, Public Works Departme'•(
and the Health Department. There no ohiection,.
The Bliairner ,.on announced thy nom moclinq of the Beim' will bit May 23, 1985 at 7:30
The Mu.itd odionrned at I I:n2 a.m.
Bi chari R. WI Icox ------- L
t-4,1 7k
Board Of Commissioners
May 23, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox ot 7:45 p.n. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 R- Teleqraph, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Domthv Webb.
Pledge of Al eniance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddyll, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Goslinq, Hassberger, Hobart, R'.,,-._nard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Mc:Cnnoll, McDonald, McPherson, MoffHt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernicf, Price, Reword, Skarrili, Idebb. Wilcox. (27)
ABSENI: N1.111'. (0)
Moved by Calandro cupported by Richard Kuhn the minr.tes of the previous meeting be approvel
a% printed.
A -oIl ent ii.riiriiy havinn voted therefor. the mot ion carried.
Moved by Rewold •.uppi ,rted by Hobart the rules be suspended to consider the follooing items
on the supplemental agenda:
a. Safely Division - Parking Lot Rules and Regulations
b. Sheriff's Department - Authorization to Receive Bids for Parking Lot Replacenent and
c. Parks and Recration - Authorization to Receive Bids for Springfield-Oaks Septic Field
d. Airport Fund - Tran.-Jer of Capital Improvement Program Funds
AYES: Ha,,sberger, behart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Web, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Dovon,
Fortino. Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Vole on prinLJ1 agenda, with additions:
A sufficient majority having voted the the agenda was approved.
The following per ,,ous addressed the Board: Ellen Hayes, Herb Diffenbaugh and Richard L.
Clerk read letter from Cfoirper',on Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of Michael M.
Cervenak to serve on the Emergency Medical Service Board to replace Jody Schottenfels who resigned.
Moved by morIF I I uporled by Pernick the appointment be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having therefor, thy annointment of Michael M. Cervenak was
corn Ii .
Clerk read Ictieto; ackn ,..)wledgine receipt of resolutions for the following: Congressman
William S. Broomfield. Stale Representative Wilbur V. Brothertun and Connie Shorter. Locai Government
Liaison from Governor Blanchard's office. (Placed on file)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Clerk read letter from Julie Wect of Pontiac concerning opposition to the location of a
stale prison in the Pontiac Al-rd. WidCed MI file)
The Chairperson made the following statement:
"At this time a public hearing is called on the Economic Development Corporation's Main
Street Shops Project, Rochester, Michigan. Notice of the hearing was published in the Oakland Press
on May 13, 1985. Does anyone present wish to speak on the Project?"
No one requested to speak and the public hearing was declared closed.
Misc. 85156
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health has contracted with the Oakland County
Health Division for the last five fiscal years to provide environmental health inspections of facili-
ties to be licensed by the Michigan Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health wishes to continue this contract for the
period January 1, 1985 through September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS said contract adds no additional staff or resources; and
WHEREAS the reimbursement is included in the 1985 Adopted Budget and General Appropriations
Act as Health Division revenue; and
WHEREAS approval of said contract does not obligate the County to any future commitments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
1985 Group Care/Foster Home Reimbursement Contract in the amount of $29,340.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by
the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf oF the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Lanni and Mrs. Webb stated they will vote "no" on the resolution because they don't
feel the liability question has been answered, and would like the record to show the reason for
their "nay" vote.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberuer. (23)
NAYS: Lanni, Webb. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85157
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Anima? Control Division administers the provisions of Public
Act 339 of 1919 as amended (the Dog Law); and
WHEREAS the Animal Control Division renders services to local municipalities on Purchase
of Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85025 dated
February 14, 1985 established a unit price of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit
price of $5.76 for live small animals be charged; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85026
dated February 14, 1985 established a unit price of $7.54 per day for board and care be charged; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County will recover 1003 of its costs for disposal and
board and care.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached agreements for animal disposal services rendered by the Oakland County Animal Control Division
Commissioners Minutes Cor“innea. May 23, 1985
to the following municipalities: 1) City of Clawson; 2) City of Farmington; and 3) City of Madison
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached agreements for AnIMA board, care and disposal services rendered by the Oakland County
Aninol Control Division to ihe following municipalities: 1) City of Rochester; 2) City of Sylvan
Lake; 3) City of Troy; ,rnd 4) Township or Waterford.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and Chairperson of the Board are herewith
authorized to sign the agreements on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Servici and Disposal Agreement and Disposal Agreement are on file in County
Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhr, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85158
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has horn a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds from
the U.S. Department of Honsino and U41,-In Development since 197 1i and has operated a residential reha-
bilitation program since 1976: and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution tt82283 of September 21, 1982
adopted the basic concept of utilizing Connunity Development Block Grant funds to leverage private
financial resources for the rehabilitation of residential and commercial property; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #84239 of August 30, 1984
approved the Rehabilitation Leveraging Agreement with Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit for
a program of financing commercial property rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS 17 of the 48 communities participating in the County's Community Development Block
Grant program through Miscellaneous Resolution #84211 of July 26, 1984 submitted proposals to par-
ticipate with the County in the Commercial Assistance Program (CAP); and
WHEREAS the County or Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution ii85io7 of March 28, 1985 adopted
CAP goals and objectives; approved the targeting and allocation of CAP funds; adopted definitions
tor conaerical business district; approved the CAP community evaluation and selection criteria; and
adopted individual rehab project criteria; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #85107 out the Oakland County Community Development
Divi!,ion Iii Willie lhe approved comnunity evaluation crileria 10 50lect, with ,vproval or the Oak-
land Canty Board or Commi,sionens, up to 8 communities (or dosionalion as CAP target communities; and
WHEREAS the CAP Review Team (appointed by Oakland County Community Development and comprised
of representatives from the Planning, Economic Development and Community Development Divisions) has
conducted community field visits, scored communities according to the evaluation criteria approved
in Miscellaneous Resolution No. 85107, and ranked the communities by score .attached); and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Division has recommended designation of
the top ranking 8 comounities; City of Ferndale, Village of Milford, Village of Holly, Village of
Oxford, City or Hazel Park, Village of Ortonville, City of South Lyon and City of Walled Lake as CAP
Target Communities; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Advisory Council has unanimously approved the top ranking
8 communities for designation as CAP Target Communities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Review Team's scores and ranking as presented in the attachment
and in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution No. 85107, hereby designates City of Ferndale, Village
of Milford, Village of Holly, Village of Oxford, City of hazel Park, Village of Ortonville, City of
South Lyon and City of Walled Lake as CAP Target Communities.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee,. I move the adoption of the
foregoing reso/otion.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni. 1.,),4, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skurritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (2 10
NAYS: Aaron. (I)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85159
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Conedssioner
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has been a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds
from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development since 1974 and has operated a residential
rehabilitation program since 1976; ond
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has established procedures
allowing Community Development Block Grant recipients to draw (in one lump sum) the funds designated
for property rehabifitation in their approved COBG application in order to establish a Rehabilitation
Leveraging Fund with a private financial institution; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #82283 of September 21, 1982
adopted the basic concept of utilizIrm Community Development Block Grant funds to leverage private
financial resources for the rehabilitation of residential and commercial property; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution 1183034 of February 24, 1983
approved the creation of a commercial rehabilitation financing program with Community Development
Block Grant funds and authorized the Coirtuni ty Development Division to solicit lenders for a financial
leveraging agreement; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #34239 of August 30, 1984 approved
the Rehabilitation Leveraging Agreement with Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit for a program of
Financing commercial property rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS the Rehabilitation Fund Leveraging Agreement specifies in Article III, sections 3.03
and 3,04 that Oakland County, through the Commercial Assistance Program, will reduce the cost of
financing commercial properly rehabilitation by subsidizing the actual amount of principal borrowed
from Manufacturers National Bank to produce an effective interest rate of 10 on CAP projects; and
WHEREAS interest rates have been substantially lowered since the Commercial Assistance
Program and the Rehabilitation Leveraging Fund Agreement were originally developed such that the
prescribed 10, financing will no longer provide the needed incentive for commercial property rehabili-
tation; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Division has prepared amendments to Sections 3.03 and
3.04 of the Rehabilitation Fund Leveraging Agreement to link CAP interest rates to changes in the
prime lending rote.
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has unanimously approved the
attached amendments to the Rehabilitation Fund Leveraging Agreement,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached amendments to the Rehabilitation Fund Leveraging Agreement and authorizes the Oakland
County Executive to modify the County's contract with Manufacturers National Bank in accordance
with the specified amendments.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoine resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt., Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85160
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Coonissioners
Mr_ Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Community Development funds have been set aside and have accumulated in a Contingency
Account over the past ,ieveral veer a. a resnit of changes in planned projects, inability to qualify
Comnissioners Minutes Cuetineed. May 23, 1985 166
projects because of new requia7lons or HOD action prohibiting expenditure of funds; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Housing Council made up of representatives
of the 48 participating communities has heretofore recommended reallocation of COBS Contingency
Account funds in aecordonLe with guidelines established by this council for assisted housing pro-
jects for low and moderate incume persons; and
WHEREAS this County Board or Cunnissioners approved on April 12, 1984, by resolution rt8Eito6,
allocation ol $40,000 le the Vi loge of Lake Orion to remove or bury petroleum storage tanks on
private property adjacent to a proposed 58 unit assisted housing project for the elderly when final
HUD approval to start construction was made contingent upon the removal of these tanks; and
WHEREAS the lowest of three bids received after detailed engineering plans had been com-
pleted is $73,310 and the Village is not able to fund this additional amount and HUD will not include
it in the project cost; rod
WHEREAS the Community Development Advisory Council concurred in this original allocation
and recommends the award of this additional allocation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
reallocation or an additional 533,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant Contingency Account
funds to the Village of Lake Or ion fur relocation of the fuel storage tanks.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoiret resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni ,apported by Rewold the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni. (24)
NAYS: McPherson. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85161
By Public Services Committee
To the Oaktand County Board of Commisttioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC) has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic De-
velupment. Corporation ,. Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act")
For the Main Street Shops Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A
(the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter-
minatiens that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that
Ihe Project Plan prepared in cennection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of
Section 8 Gf the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management
of the project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly,
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's commitment
has been obtained; and
WHEREAS since the action by the EDC with respect to the Project Plan, the sponsor of the
Project has obtained a commitment from a different proposed purchaser of the bonds to be issued by
the EDC in the amount ot $700,000, an amount greater than the $650,000 authorized maximum amount of
bonds proposed to be issued in the Project Plan, and counsel to the EDC has determined that approval
by this Board of Conprissioners of such an increase in maximum amount of bonds and the change in
purchaser of such bonds (by approving and amending the Project Plan by this resolution) is necessary
under the Act in connection with the Board's consideration of the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS an 1985, the governing body of the City of Rochester, Oakland County,
Michigan. also approved the Project Plan with the proposed amendment; and
WHEREAS on May 23, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Comaissioners, Following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto:
I. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plata, as amended to increase the maximum amount of bonds proposed to be
issued by the EDC to 5700,000 and changing the purchaser thereof as indicated therein, be and is hereby
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
3. The CDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the Financing €hereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide Four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Puhlic Services Commiltec, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Looni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson. Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewuld, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Ldnni, Law. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Misc. 85162
By Public Services Comittee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent lemon:
WHEREAS the operator., of Pine Knob Theatre, Inc. have requested the Oakland County Sheriff's
Department to supply patrol officers re oi,sisi in traffic control at the theatre for the upcoming 1985
season; and
WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has agreed to supply such patrol officers on an availability
overtime hourly basis, the number of mdn hours to be determined by the operator of Pine Knob Theatre,
Inc.; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland shall he reimbursed for such services by the operator of Pine
Knob Theatre, Inc. at the hourly rate of $24.27, for the 1585 season, as was established by Miscel-
laneous Resolution 1/86052.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
execution of the attached contract consistent with provisions contained therein.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Ealandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. (26)
NAYS: Wilcox. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85163
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Co,nrnissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Pine Knob Theatre, Inc., the operator of a summer theatre facility by the same
name, has requested the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to supply patrol officers for crowd
control within the theatre grounds for the upcoming 1985 season; and
WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department has agreed to supply such Patrol officers on an avail-
ability overtime hourly basic, the number of man hours to be determined by Pine Knob Music Theatre
Inc.; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland shall be reimbursed for such services by the Pine Knob
Theatre. Inc. at the hourly overtime rate of $24.27 for the 1985 season, as was established by
Miscellaneous Resolution 1184052;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. may 23, 1985 168
execution of the attached contract coni.,tent with provisions contained therein.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement an file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution he adopted.
AYES: McPherson, Meilitt, Moore, Nelson, Oise?, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarrilt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Cdlardre, Doyon, Fortino: Gosling, Kassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald. (20
NAYS: Wilcox. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
Resolution #85117)
To the Oakland County Board of Cemmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Comittee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85I17, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85117
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commit,sioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gertlemen:
WHEREAS the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime made the following specific recom-
mendations with respect to prosecutors:
I. Prosecutors should assume ultimate responsibility for informing victims of the
status of a ease from the time of the initial charging decision to determinations of parole.
2. Prosecutors have an obligation to bring to the attention of the court the views
of victims of violent crime On bail decisions, continuances, plea bargains, dismissals, sentencing,
and restitution. They should establish procedures to ensure that such victims are given the op-
portunity to make theil views on these matters known.
3. Prosecutor-. slk,uld charge and pursue to the fullest extent of the law defendants
who harass, threaten, [njune, or otherwise attempt to intimidate or retaliate against victims or
4. Prosecutors should strongly discourage case continuances. When such delays are
necessary, procedures should be established to ensure that cases are continued to dates agreeable
to victims and witnesses, that those dares are secured in advance whenever possible, and that the
reasons for the continuances are adequately explained.
S. Prosecutors offices should use a victim and witness on-call system.
6. Prosecutors' off i ces should establish procedures to ensure the prompt return of
victims' property, absent a need for the actual evidence in court.
7. Prosecutors' cffices should establish and maintain direct liaison with victim/
witness units and other victim service agencies.
8. Prosecutors must recognize the profound impact that crimes of sexual violence have
on both child and adult victims and their families; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has proposed the establishment of a Victim-Witness
Unit in the Prosecutor's Office to implement the recommendations of the President's Task Force and
to administer the program of arviriq Circuit Court criminal subpoenas by mail; and
WHEREAS the program le serve Circuit Court criminal subpoenas by mail which has received
unanimous support from tlepresentatives of Oakland County police departments will cause significant
savings in local police departments in time and resources devoted to that function; and
WHEREAS the cooperation of victims and witnesses is the mainstay of prosecutorial effec-
tiveness; and
WHEREAS the Victim-Witness Unit will address in a meaningful way the heretofore neglect
of the official criminal iust CV_ System to witnesses. victims, and their families.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
concept of a Victim-W;tness Unit in the Prosecutor's Office consisting of one director, three para-
legals, one typist; the Unit to be housed in Courthouse Tower with sufficient space for the full
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
time employees, 14 volunteer we a waiting room lor witnesses and two interview rooms.
Mr. Chairperson, OH behalf of the Public Services Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority havinu voted therefor, the motion carried,
Moved by Lanni supported by Law the re',olution, with Personnel Committee Report attached,
be adopted.
The Chairperson referred I llf• reo!otion to he Planning and Bui/dinq Committee and the
Finance Comni i t tee . There were no (s1).jec I
Misc. 85149
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cominksioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is the policy ii ire Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the
Sheriff's Department to enter into contract agreements with townships for the purpose of Law
Enforcement Patrol Services; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 1184049
established the standard annnal cost of $53,613 per deputy for the contract period April 1, 1985
through March 31, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Township of Sprinqfield wishes to enter into such an agreement for the ad-
dition of one (1) full time deputy for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Service for the ten
(10) month period June 1, 1985 through march 31, 1986 and renewable annually thereafter at rates
established by this Board,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize
the Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Sheriff to enter into an agreement with the •
Township of Springfield for the addition of one (I) deputy for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol
Services at the annual cost of $53,13 for the ten (t0) month period June I, 1985 through March 31,
1986, consistent with the terms of the attached agreement.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee. I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on Hie in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: N$offitt, MOOVP, NeJSOn, DJSOD, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewo/d, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cdlondro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By General Government Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution U85139)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 85139, reports
with no recommendation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
By Personnel Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution 1/85139)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies ,-Ind Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85199, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution he adopted with the addition of the following paragraph, "BE IT
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee be informed on a quarterly basis on the progress of
the Conmittee and distribuiion of funds."
The Personnel Commit :et: further recommends to the Finance Committee that this resolution
not be adopted until the Finance Committee has received the following information: the bylaws;
Articles of Incorporation; a list of the makeup of the Board; a list of the contributions solicited;
a list of the contributions to date; and a membership list to date.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85139
By John J. McDonald
To the Oakland County Board of Comwissioners
Mr. Chairpurson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Public Act 312 of 1969, compulsory arbitration, has resulted in many decisions
that have been detrimental to the effort to provide public safety services throughout the State
of Michigan; and
WHEREAS time has come to effect change in legislative provisions that substantially
influence public safety operations; and
WHEREAS communities committed to initiating those improvements are joining together in
a cooperative effort to restore an effective collective bargaining process at the local level.
NOW THEREFORE BE 17 RESOLVED that Oakland County agrees to join this cooperative effort
and support the project by authorizing the expenditure of S20,000 to accomplish its goals.
Mr. Chairperson, I wove the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Commissioner District 27
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the General Government Committee report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by McDonald supported by Calandro that Resolution 485139 be referred to the
Finance Committee.
Mr. Aaron ohjected me the referral. Seconded by Mr. Moore.
Discussion followed.
The Chairperson stated an "AYE" vote supports the objection; a "NAY' vote refers the
resolution to the Finance Committee.
Vote on objection to the referral:
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, McPherson. (8)
NAYS: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt. (18)
A sufficient wajority not having voted therefor, the objection was not sustained and the
resolution was referred to the Finance Committee.
By General Government CommiLtee
IN RE: District Court - Policy Regarding Transfer of District Control Unit (Miscellaneous Resolution
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 4'85111, reports
Commissioners Kinu(es Continued. May d3, 1985
with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the following substitute NOW THEREFORE
BE 11 RESOLVED paragraph: "Mot he Oakland Ceunty Board of Commissioners hereby requests that
before any department of division engages in negotiations for the traesfer of a district court from
any local unit of government, that the Public Services Committee of the Oakland County Board of
Eummis.juners he adyked ond be allowed to he part of those negotiations."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance
Hi the fOregollei report.
John F. Olsen, Chairperson
Misc. 85111
By James E. Lanai
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there are several local units of government within Oakland County which, due to
economic problems, are requesting or censidcring requesting the County of Oakland to assume the
district control unit function for their particular district court; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland presently serves as the District Court unit for the 52nd
District Court which is currently operating at on approximately 1.) Million Dollar deficit; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is facing the possible loss of approximately 4 Million
Dollars in General Revenue Sharing funds, and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has not adopted an official policy regarding the
assumption of the district control unit functions for the various district courts.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby es-
tdb)iNhn ,, a policy prohibiting ony Deportment or Division from engaging in negotiations for the
transfer of a district court from any local unit of government without the prior approval of the
Board of Commissioners in light of the heavy financial burden which accompanies the assumption of
any district court operation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Ilie Board of Commissioners will not approve negotiations
for the transfer of any district court from any local unit of government until such time as a
certified resolution from the local governmental unit requesting such transfer has been received
by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Nelson the resolution be amended as recommended in the
General Government Committee report.
Moved by Doyon supported by Webb the amendment be amended after "Oakland County Board of
Commissioners be advised.." by adding as well as the Commissioner(s) from the respective district(s)
involved,". The amended paragraph would read: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners hereby requests that before any department or division engages in
negotiations for the transfer of a district court from any local unit of government, that the Public
Services Committee of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be advised, as well as the Com-
missioner(s) from the respective district(s) involved, and be allowed to be part of those negoti-
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment carried.
Vote on Mr. Olsen's amendment, as amended:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment, as amended, carried.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Nelson the amended resolution be amended in the final
paragraph (3rd fine) after "certified resolution from" by deleting the word "the" and inserting
"each" local governmental unit...; and also on the fourth line of the last paragraph strike the
words "requesting such transfer" and add "in the Court Control District". Also add the word
"affirmative" before "certified" so the paragraph would read:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners will not approve negotiations for
the transfer of any district court from any local unit of government until such time as an affir-
mative certified resolution from each local governmental unit in the Court Control District, has
been received by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners."
Discussion fol/owed.
Commissioners Minutes Conliouud. May 23, 1985 172
Vote on amendment:
AYES: Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Skarritt, Webb, Caldndro, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Lanni,
McConnell, McPherson, Mollit!. (13)
NAYS: Olsen, Pernick, Price, Remold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Fortino, Hassberger, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Law, McDonald, Moore. (14)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Discussion to
Moved by Calainiro supported by Law the resolution be amended by inserting an additional
paragraph before the NOW 1HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph to read: "WHEREAS adoption of this
resolution does not constitute the establishment of a policy favoring the transfer of any new courts,
but does outiine the basic requirements to be met for consideration."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Moved by Page supported by Moore the resolution be laid on the table.
AYES: Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
S. Kuhn, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore. (lit)
NAYS: Olson, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald,
McPherson, Nelson. (12)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the resolution was
laid on the table.
By Personnel Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution ff85152)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85152, reports with the
tecommendation to add an additional paragraph to read, "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners creates one ll) Case Management Coordinator position in the Counseling and
Evaluation unit of Community Mental Health."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf ccl the Personnel Committee, f move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85152
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board 0{ Commissioners
Mr. ChairpcNOn, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has made requests to
the Michigan Department of Mental Health to transfer fiscal responsibility for two foster care homes
from Macomb-Oakland Regional Center, along with day programming and other ancillary costs for develop-
mentally disabled residents of the homes as well as one Case Management Coordinator position to over-
see services provided by the homes; and
WHEREAS the Community Menta/ Health Services Board has also requested expansion funding from
the State to support a placement out-of-county of one client who needs very specialized residential
care not available in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS Michigan law now requires that the County pay ten percent of the cost of operation
of the two foster care home., so long as they are administered by the State, but the homes become a
100 percent State financial obligation when they are transferred to County Community Mental Health
Services Board responsibility; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health has approved the Foregoing requests in full,
and has made sufficient funds available for their implementation in the amount of $179,472 for 1985,
which requires County matchine funds of $4,903; and
WHEREAS the two foster care homes proposed for transfer to the Community Mental Health
Services Board meet the satisfaction of the local units of government in the areas where the homes
are located.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
proposals of the Community Mental Health Services Board to assume fiscal responsibility for two
foster care homes and make one out-of-County placement of a developmentally disabled client, as
further described in the appended narrative.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that matching funds authorized For these programs, in the amount of
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
$4,903 for fiscal year 1985, and rdle additional Case Management Coordinator position be approved
for the Comumnity Menial Health Divisier to oversee the added residential services.
Mr. Chairperson, on bch,,H t)t hr Hisi I h and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85152)
To the Oakland County Board of Commksioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C .r this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 385152 and finds:
I) The Oakland County. Coririrruriity menta; Health Services Board has requested the
Michigan Dept. of Mental Health transfer, to the County, fiscal responsibility for two foster
care homes from the Macomb-Oakland Regional Center along with day programming and other auxiliary
costs for developmentally disabled residents,
2) One Case Management Coordinator position is requested to oversee services provided
by the homes,
3) Presently, under the State's administration, the County is required to pay 1013 of
the cost of operation of she two foster care homes, however, under the County Community Mental Health
Services Board, responsibility for the cost of operation is I0013 State obligation,
4) This program chanoc will increase the 1985 Budget by 5I79,472 (see attached
Schedule I) requiring the following trarsactiowi:
Community Mental Health:
4-22200-166-26-00-100i Salaries )1,0.08
-2074 Fringe Benefits 3,604
-3 4 12 Ire.urance 119
-3574 Personal Mileage 500
-5994 Furniture and Fixtures 550
-6310 Bldg. Space Cost 375
-6640 Equipment Rental 75
-6750 Telephone Comunications 100
Sub-Total 16-,312
4-22200-f66-27-00-3042 Client Services 144,144
74-00-3042 Client Services 13,964
76-00-3042 Client Services 9,955
Total Mental Health 184,375
Non-Departmentai Appropriation (4,903)
1007 State 135,345
State Match 44,127
County Match 4,903
Non-Departmental Approoriat ion (4,903)
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by McConnell supported by Aaron the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the amendment recommended by the Personnel Committee
be adopted. (add 'additional paragraph to read "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners creates one (I) Case Management Coordinator position in the Counseling and Evaluation
unit of Como-unity Mental Health,")
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (21)
NAYS: Webb, Calandro, Lanni. (3)
A sufficient majority hav?ag voted therefor, the resolution, as arended, was adopted.
Comniseioners Minutes Continued. May 73, 1985 174
Misc. 8516 4
By Personnel Comaittee
To the Oakland County Bourd of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies urn) Geo//enion:
WHEREAS the Director of Computer Services has requested that the current contracted User
Liaison Analyst position leeigned to the Finance Team of User Services be converted from the SET
contract to County funding: and
WHEREAS the request follows past Computer Services practice of converting contracted
posit ''re, to County funding once in program concerns have been met; and
WHEREAS the Director of Computer Services proposes an annual reduction in the County's SET
Contract which will cover the requested position's salary and fringe benefit costs; and
WNEREAS the addition of aw requested position and the reduction in the SET contract
will result in a savings to the County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) County funded position of the User Liaison
Analyst be established in the User Services division of Computer Services.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County's contract with the System and Computer Technology
Corporation (SET) be reduced by $60,000 on an annualized basis effective July 1, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1. move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85165
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and GcntlemPo:
WHEREAS the Preeiden;'s Task Force on Victims of Crime made the following specific recom-
mendations with respect to prosecutors:
1. Prosecufors 5h.mId assume ultimate responsibility for informing victims of the status
of a case from the time of the initial charging decision to determinations of parole.
2. Prosecutors have an obligation to bring to the attention of the court the views of
victims of violent crime on bail decisions, continuances, plea bargains, dismissals, sentencing, and
restitution. They should establish procedures to ensure that such victims are given the opportunity
to make their views on these uutters known.
3. Prosecutors should charge and pursue to the fullest extent of the law defendants who
harass, threaten, injure, or otherwise attempt to intimidate or retaliate against victims or witnesses.
4. Prosecutor-, should strongly discourage case continuances, When such delays are neces-
sary, procedures should be eeiabliehed to insure that cases are continued to dates agreeable to victims
and witnesses, that those dates are secured in advance whenever possible, and that the reasons for the
continuances are adequately explained.
5. Prosecutors' effices should use a victim and witness on-call system.
6. Prosecutors' offices should establish procedures to ensure the prompt return of
victime' property, absent a need for the actual evidence in court.
7. Prosecutors' ()I:flees should establish and maintain direct liaison with victim/witness
unit:, and other victim service agencies.
8. Prosecutors must recognize the profound impact that crimes of sexual violence have
on both child and adult victims and their Families; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has proposed the establishment of a Victim-Witness
Unit in the Prosecutor's Office to implement the recommendations of the President's Task Farce and
to administer the program of serving Circuit Court Criminal subpoenas by mail; and
WHEREAS the program to serve Circuit Court criminal subpoenas by mail which has received
unaniuius support from repreeentatives of Oakland County police departments will cause significant
savinge to local police departments in time and resources devoted to that function: and
WHEREAS the cooperation of victims and witnesses is the mainstay of prosecutorial effec-
tiveness; and
WHEREAS the Victim-Witness Unit will address in a meaningful way the heretofore neglect
of the official criminal justice system to witnesses, victims, and their families.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
concept or a Victim-Witness Unit to he created in the Administrative Division of the Prosecutor's
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) position of Office Leader and two (2) positions of
Para-Legal Clerk he o ,,tahlished in the Victim-Witness Unit.
SC IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a twelve month review, or sooner if requested by the Prosecutor's
Office, or the Victim-Witneee program he presented to your Personnel Committee to determine the future
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
of the progranh •
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that wiUlin six months from the inception of the program that the
Prosecutor's Office present a status report to the Personnel Committee.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf 01 thy Personnel Coinnittee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported hi Aaron [he resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85137
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Corniiiioners
Mr. Cha i rperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS with the recent retirement of the Chief Judge's Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk, the
Probate Court has submitted a request to reclassify position 101098 From Judicial Secretary/Court
Clerk to Judicial Secretary: and
WHEREAS the Probate Court pr(Jposes to fill said position at the Judicial Secretary level
and incorporate present Court Clerk duties with existing levels of staff; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court has ako requested that the savings resulting from the above
reclassification be applied toward the fundine .1 - an additional Student position to perform backup
clerical functions for the Chief Probate Judge and the Court Administrator's office during the
morning hours of operation; and
WHEREAS a Student is currently available in the afternoon to assist the Chief Probate
Judge''. Judicial Secretary with routine typing, backup phone and office coverage, and to respond to
courtroom needs in this high traffic area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that position #01098 in the Judicial Administration division
of Probate Court he reclassified from Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk to Judicial Secretary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the classification of Judicial Secretary/CourtClerk be deleted
from the County classifications.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) additional position or Student be established in the
Judicial Administration division of the Probate Court.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, F move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185137 and finds:
Position 01093 ±n itie Judicial Administration Division of the Probate Court will be
reclassified from Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk to Judicial Secretary,
2) The Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk classification will be deleted from County
3) The Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk classification will be deleted from County
4) The savings from the reclassification and subsequent filling of positions more than
offsets the cost to add the requested student position (Schedule I), therefore no transfer of Funds
is required,
5) The Student piston will he effective June 8, 1985.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported hy Calandra the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewnld, SkarriLl, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Massborger, Hobart, R. Kohn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Pernick. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
176 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Moved by Olsen supported by No the rules be susnended to consider the Fiscal Notes
attached to resolution', ;;8513 14, :!85 1 33 and 4'85100.
AYES: Rewold, Skarri ii, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobarl, R. Kohn, S. Kobe, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority hnvinq voted therefor, the motion carried.
Misc. 85134
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies atn1 Gentlemen:
WHEREAS MCLA 600.555 )J-ovidc'n that a Probate Judge may be compensated in an amount equal
to 88 of the annual salary of a Justice of the Supreme Court; and
WHEREAS effective January I, 1985, the salary of a Justice of the Supreme Court increased
to $77.7001 and
WHEREAS effective Jannary 1985, the maximum salary allowable for a Probate Judge
increased to $68,376; dnd
WHEREAS the maxiutum County funded portion of the salary allowable for a Probate Judge
increased from $34,490 to $35,916 for a total maximum allowable salary of $68,376; and
WHEREAS the Judicial Standardization Payment for a Probate Judge increased from $1I,395
to $l1,965: and
WHEREAS the PI•r-,onnel Committee has reviewed the County funded portion of the Probate
Judges salaries and concur FiT 1 an upward adjustment is in order,
NOW THEREFORE BE If RESOLVED that the County funded portion of the salary of a Probate
Judge be increased to $35,8 06 from $34,490 For a total maximum salary of $68,266.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salary increase be retroactive to January I, 1985.
Mr. Chairpersor, ui b(dialf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Comutiilee
11A1 RE: Probate Court - SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR PROBATE JUDGES (Miscellaneous Resolution #85134)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185134 and finds:
I) The CounlY supplemental portion of each Probate Court Judge's salary be increased
From $34,490 to $35,916 retroactive to January 1, 1985,
2) The cost of this increase amounts to $15,337, of which $13,024 is the salaries
cost and $2,313 is the fringe benefit cost, said funds available in the 1985 Salaries Adjustment
account and Fringe Benefit Adjustment account respectively,
3) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $13,024 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment
account and $2,313 from the 105 Fringe Benefit Adjustment account and transfers said funds to the
1985 Probate Court budget is follows:
4-10100-909-09-00-9901 Salary Adjustment $(13,024)
4-10100-909-09-00-9906 Fringe Benefit Adjustment (2,313)
4-10100-3If-05-00-1001 Probate Court Salaries 13,024
4-10100-311-05-00-2070 Probate Court Fringe Benefits 3.313
- 0 -
Thr Salary Standardization Payments received from tile State be increased from
$11.395 to $11,965 for each Probate Court Judge, retroactive to January 1, 1985,
5) That thp 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
3-10100-903-01-00-9302 Intergovernmental Revenue-
Probate Court Judges' Salaries $9,600
4-10100-909-01 -00-9900 Contingency $9,600
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the resolution be amended to concur with the salary
Figures listed in the fiscal Note.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 198f.;
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Skarritl., Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson,
Olson, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85133
By Personnel Committee
, To the Oakland County Board of Comm ;ss.oners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentleimn:
WHEREAS MCLA 600.555 provides that a District Judge may he compensated in an amount equal
to 88.4 at the annual salary of a Justice of the Supreme Court: and
WHEREAS effective January I, 1935, the salary of a Justice of the Supreme Court increased
to $77,700; and
WHEREAS effective January 1, 1985, the maximum salary allowable for a District Judge
increased to $68,376; and
WHEREAS the maximum County supplemental salary allowable for a District Judge increased
from $28,490 to $29,916; and
WHEREAS the Judicial Standardization Payment for a District Judge increased from $11,395
to $11,965; and
WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed the County Supplemental portion of the
District Judges' salaries and concur that on upward adjustment is in order.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County supplemental portion of the salary of a
District Judge be increased to $29,806 from $28,490.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salary increase be retroactive to January 1, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: District Court - SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR DISTRICT JUDGES (Miscellaneous Resolution #85133)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 185133 and finds:
I) The County supplemental portion of each District Court Judge's salary be increased
from $28,490 to $29,916, retroactive to January 1, 1985,
2) The cost of this increase amounts to $14,950, of which $12,834 is the salaries cost
and $2,116 is the fringe benefit cost, said funds available in the 1985 Salaries Adjustment account
and Fringe Benefit Adjustment account respectively,
3) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $12,834 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment
account and $2,116 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit_ Adjustment account and transfers said fonds to the
1985 District Court budgets as follows:
4-10100-909-09-00-9901 Salary Adjustment • $(12,834)
4-10100-909-09-00-9906 Fringe Benefit Adjustment (2,116)
4-10100-322-01-00-1001 Walled Lake Dist. Ct. - Salaries 4,278
-2070 - Fringe Benefits 705
4-10100-323-01-00-1001 Clarkston Dist. CL. - Salaries 1,426
-2070 - Fringe Benefits 235
4-10100-324 -01 -00-1001 Rochester Dist. Ct. - Salaries 2,852
-2070 - Fringe Benefits 471
4-10100-325-01-00-1001 Troy Dist. Ct. - Salaries 4,278
-2070 - Fringe Benefits 705
i) The Salary Standardization Payments received from the State be increased from S11,395
to $11,965 for each District Court Judge, retroactive to January I, 1985, totalling $5,130,
5) That the 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
3-10100-903-01-00-5311 Intergovernmental Revenue- District
Court Judges' Salaries $ 5,130
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ 5,130
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985 178
Moved by McDonald ,,upported by Aaron the resolution he adopted.
Moved by 01 iii ..upported by Lanni the resolution be amended to concur with the salary
Ii gures listod in the Fi.,(.11 Nnto.
A suflicient irdiority havinn voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolulinn as dmended:
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Ai roll, Caddell, Calandro, Cloyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarriti. (23)
NAYS: Hassherger. (1)
A sufficient majority having vnied therefor, the reolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85100
By Personnel Connittee
To the Oakland Cuunty Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS MCLA 600.555 provides that a Circuit Judge may be compensated in an amount equal
In 92';:-. oF the annual ..;Jlary of Justice of the Supreme Court; and
WHEREAS effective January 1, 1985. the salary of a Justice of the Supreme Court increased
to $77,700; and
WHEREAS effeiiive January I, 198c, the maxiomm salary allowable for a Circuit Judge in-
creased Hs $71,484; and
WHEREAS the maximum County Supplemental salary allowable for a Circuit Judge increased
from $27,380 to $28,749; and
WHEREAS the Judicial Standardization Payment for a Circuit Judge increased from $10,950
to $11,500; and
WHEREAS the Ch.cuit Judges in Oakland County were the only employees or officials within
Oakland County who did not receive a salary increase in the 1985 budget; and
. WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has reviewed the County Supplemental portion of the
Circuit Judges' salaries and concurs that an upward adjustment is in order.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County supplemental portion of the salary of a
Circuit Judge be increased to $28,645 from $27,380.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salary increase be retroactive to January I. 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Convilittee
IN RE: Circuit Court - SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR CIRCUIT JUDGES (Miscellaneous Resolution ,85l00)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85100 and finds:
1) The County supplemental portion of each Circuit Court Judge's salary be increased
from $27,380 to $28,749 retroactive to January 1, 1985,
2) The cost of this increase amounts to $22,326, of which $19,166 is the salaries cost
and $3,160 is the fringe benefit cost, said funds available in the 1985 Salaries Adjustment account
and Fringe Benefit Adjustment account respectively,
3) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $19,166 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment account
and $3,160 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit Adjustment account and transfers said funds to the 1985
Circuit Court budget as follows:
4-10100-909-09-00-9901 Salary Adjustment $(19,166)
4-10100-909-09-00-9906 Fringe Benefit Adjustment (3,160)
4-10100-311-05-00-1001 Circuit Court Salaries 19,166
4-10100-311-05-00-2070 Circuit Court Fringe Benefits 3,160
- 0 -
4) The Salary Standardization Payments received from the State be increased from $10,950
to $11,500 for each Circuit Court Judge, retroactive to January 1, 1985, totalling $7,700,
5) That the 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
3-10100-903-01-00-9311 Intergovernmental Revenue- Circuit
. Court Judges Salaries $ 7,700 _—
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ 7,700
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23 1985
Moved by McDonald supported 115 605ling the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Skdrr(!: (he resolution be amended to concur with the recommended
salary figures in the Fiscal Note.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution i. woendell:
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, LAW, McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, (24)
NAYS: Hassherger. (I)
A sufficient majority h.lving void therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85135
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the statutory and contractual responsibilities of the Sheriff's Department have
increased steadily over recent years; and
WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department proposes to meet these increased responsibilities in a
most efficient and cos( of manner; And
WHEREAS in order to meet the goals (.1 the new Sheriff's Department administration several
program and personnel changes are necessary: and
WHEREAS the proposed changes can he accomplished with an overall cost savings to the De-
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following personnel and program changes be made in
the Sheriff's Department:
1. Delete the classification and position of Director of Corrective Services fran the
Corrective Services Division.
2. Delete the Community Inspection and Government Services Division and transfer all
positions to other divisions as outlined on the attached charts.
3. Upgrade one (l) Captain. Position 111491, to Captain-Chief of Staff with a flat rate
salary of $40,632, no overtime, and transfer the position to the Sheriff' Office.
4. Create one (1) new classification and position entitled Corrections Staff Assistant
in the Sheriff's Office with the following saiary range:
Rase 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T
3T74-q6 32,623 33,757 34,M No
5. Retitle the Jail Inmate Program Coordinator classification and position n the Inmate
Services Unit of Corrective Services to Supervisor-Inmate Services,
6. Delete one (1) Jail Inmate Worker, Position #00$06, from the inmate Services Unit of
Corrective Services, and expand the salary range of the existing Jail Inmate Worker classification
as follows:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/1
19,090 20,154-3 21,045 22,097 23,202 Reg.
7. Upwardly reclassify two (2) Detective Sergeant positions from the Investigations Unit
of Protective Services to the rank or Lieutenant and transfer position 100705 to the Patrol Unit of
Protective Services and position, number 01002, to the Detention Facilities Unit of Corrective Services.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution 1/85135)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies clod Gentlemen:
Pursuant 40 Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185135 and finds that:
0 The reorganization, effoctive May 23, 1985, will result in a 1985 Budget savings of
2) The reorganization will necessitate some Budget amendments within the Department (See
Schedule I).
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I and Schedule II on file in County Clerks Office.
180 Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Moved by McDonald supported hy Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Cdddell, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDenald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold;
Skarritl, Webb, Wilcox. (214)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient mdjerity hdving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85166
By Pldnning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cemmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS MCEA 116.11 ded MCLA 115.564 provide for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
and the County Executive In create a County Safety Division with functions reasonably related to
the care, preservation and management of the property and business of the County; and
WHEREAS the officers ot the County Safety Division have been duly deputized by the Oakland
County Sheriff and have police powere to patrol and protect the property of the County of Oakland;
WHEREAS MCLA 46.201 provides the authority for the Board of Commissioners to maintain and
regulate parking lots on land owned by the County and to make regulations for the safe and proper
use of those parking lots, together with the establishment of civil sanctions for the violations of
the regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of MCLA 46.201, the Oakland
County Board of Conuis ,;ioner., enact ,, the following regulations for the safe and proper use of
parkieg lots owned by the County fur n.e by the general public. The County-owned parking lots and
restricted areas therein are set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part of this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thdt for violation of said parking regulations, the Board of Com-
missionersestablish civil sanctions by assessing a fine in the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each
and every violation, except as hereinafter set forth.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for violations of parking in restricted areas, in lieu of the
civil sanction set forth above, the violations may be treated as a nuisance and abated by impoundment
of the vehicle involved, by notice of the violation or removal to a designated pound to be returned
upon the payment or the actual costs oi removal and impoundment.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
The restricted areas in county owned parking lots are as follows:
1. Police. Pe-Kim; pnly (18 spots)
2. No Parking-Building Entrance (Drive Lane)
3. No Parking-Fire Lane-Court Tower Blvd. North (Drive Lane)
4. Handicapped Parking Only (15 spots)
5. Motorcycles Only (21' X 42' pad)
T. None
1. Board of Commissioners Only (25 spots)
2. Chairman - Board of Commissioners (1 spot)
3. Vice Chairperson - Board of Commissioners (1 spot)
4. Reserved Treasurer (2 spots)
5. Handicapped (2 spots)
6. 15 Minute Parking Only (2 spots)
7, Permit Parking Only (18 spots)
8. Visitors Parking Only (40 spots)
1. Sheriff's Civil Division Only (4 spots)
2. Probate Court Vehicles Only (8 spots)
3. Building Entrance-No Parking or Standing
4. No Backing into Parking Space
minuify, Continm,d. My 23, I98j
Permit Parking Only (29 spots)
2. Sheriff Cars Only (2 spots)
3. Sheriff Civil Cars Only (1 spot)
1. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
2. Restricted Farking-Autnorized Personnel Only (4 spots)
3. Parking Permit Only (1 spot)
I. Parking Sheriff and Undersneriff Only (2 spots)
2. Entrance Drive in Front of Jail-Posted Fire Lane Tow Away Zone
3. Visitors Only (18 spots)
4. Employees Only (63 spots)
5. Handicapped Only (2 spots)
6. Police Parking (Front Row) (22 spots)
7. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
l. Visitors (17 spots)
2. Reserved Parking-Administrative (3 spots)
3. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
4. Handicapped (3 spots)
5. Work Release-Restricted Area-Authorized Personnel Only (3 spots)
1. Reserved Parking (1 spot)
2. Handicapped (3 spots)
3. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
4. Visitors Parking (18 soots)
S. No Parking-Loading Zone (2 spots)
1. Reserved-Administration Only (7 spots)
2. Visitors (23 spots)
3. Handicapped (3 spots)
4. No Parking-Fire Lane (Drive Lane)
1. No Stopping, Standing, Parking (Drive Lane)
2. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
3. No Parking-Fire Lane (Drive Lane)
I. Handicapped (2 spots)
5. No Parking-Loading Zone (2 spots)
6. No Parking on Service Drive (Drive Lane)
7. Restricted-Maintenance Vehicles Only (2 spots)
I. No racking Anytime (Drive Lane)
2. 15 Minute Parking (2 spots)
3. Handicapped (1 spot)
4. Chief-52nd District Court Probation (1 spot)
5. Probation Officer-52nd District Court Probation (2 spots)
6. Parking Permit (1 mpol:-)
1. Restricted-Authorized Personnel Only (2 spots)
2. Parking-Maintenance Vehicles Only (I spot)
3. Handicapped (3 spots)
4. No Parking-Tow Away Zone (Drive Lane)
5. No Parking-At Anytime (Drive Lane)
6. No Parking From Here To Corner (3 spots)
7. W.I.C. Clients Only (12 spots)
1. Handicapped 15 spots)
2. Authorized Vehicles Only (Maintenance) (1 spot)
182 C(Nitinued. Mdy 2L 1985
7-.--iiandici-Oniy soofT
2. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
I. Handicapped & Delivery Only (Drive Lane)
I. Handicapped Only (9 spots)
1. No Parking-Service and Delivery Area (4 spots)
2. Reserved Parking (13 spots) Staff Parking
3. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
4. No Parking-Loading Zone (Drive Lane)
5. Handicapped (3 spots)
I. No Parking-Fire Lane (Tow Away Zone) (Drive Lane)
2. No Parking-Loading Zone (Drive Lane)
3. No Stopping, Standing or Parking (Drive Lane)
4. Handicapped Parking (i spot)
5. Baggage Loading (Drive Lane)
I. None
1. Police & Authorized Personnel Only (5 spots)
1. Handicapped Only (2 spots)
2. Authorized Parking Only (2 spots)
• 3. Parking Permit (2 spots)
I. Handicapped (I spot)
2. No Parking Anytime (Drive Lane)
3. No Parking-Loading Zone (5 spots)
1. Reserved Parking (6 spots)
2. FOC Adminsitration (2 spots)
3. FOC Deputy Cars Only (3 spots)
4. No Parking-Loading Zone (2 spots)
S. Equalization Parking Only (2 spots)
6. Reserved Parking-Adminstration (2 spots)
1. Post Commander (1 spot)
2. Reserved Parking (5 spots)
3. Visitors Only (2 spots)
4. Police Vehicles Only (4 spots)
I. No Dumping (Drive Lane)
2. Motorcycles, Mini-bikes Prohibited (Drive Lane)
3. No Parking at Anytime (Drive Lane)
4. Handicapped (3 spots)
I. Permit Parking Only (33 spots)
2. No Parking Anytime (1 spot)
3. Handicapped (2 spots)
0°401:0 S 0 Co p.p.. • s,s/onIeref.5 Alpfiew 4 r
pveogro$ J 4
a eroe ged Perurir T'Crosvere
atved ea
€Z FO c.00 Cr. cria:r octsen, ed c4 C
e 4;0 •4' C AISIIVed F. NWILLS
Cummis ,jtori .,Mi un Lnn I i nRI I1.uy 2 198S
1. Handicapped Parking (I spot)
2. No Parking Between 12 and 6 A.M. (Drive Lane)
T. Fire LarFe-j -Away 2ene (lirv-e Lane)
2. Handicapped Parking 13 spots)
3. Parking Permit-Tow Away Zone (1 spot)
4. Reserved-Administrator (1 spot)
5. Reserved-Hospital Car (1 sprit)
6. Reserved-Medical Director (1 spot)
1. Notice: 2 Hour Lit on Parking-Violators Will Be Ticketed (35 spots)
2. No Parking Between Signs (Drive Lane)
3. Handicapped Parking (Drive Lane)
4. No Parking-Loading Zone (Drive Lane)
1. Physically Handicappeo Parking Only (4 spots)
1. Handicapped Parking 0 spots)
.141,0,1).01 C41.•Af 0 (.2 1
.-E,,rs moos —...e1,49 n 4,. .04.11,t.r.4 6 (;7) ,
All.,g /.4.4.••../1 r) .4 ViStrOOS -4 _
I --1. ,--
# ,s
7 - 1(
"--.--7711-1#77,I44 3 l'.57-414 I
1 AOUROMP Abg CdelIPMVS$104011rArS oo,r
r . I 1. =ow • 1 , t ,
zrArrno•vcc 5;5"1 p.PARAIma.
Or.1 1.
19, SrAt.as
ir-3es,"-r wl.t.
'7 i#
0 •
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 73, 1985
Moved by Hobart supporied by SkJrritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, CJiandro, 00yor, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, B. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, MJN)n.11d, MLPheisor, Moore, No 01,en. Page, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox. (23)
NAYS: Aaron, Peril irk. (2)
A sufticieni majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85167
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Colniitnlers
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gout linen
WHEREAS on May 9, 1985, tiv, Board of Commissioners, by adopting Miscellaneous Resolution 85148,
awarded a contract for ove-design architectural services; and
WHEREAS such architectural services include the designs for both the remodeling of the
Sheriff's parking garage into dormitory-style housing for male prisoners and the construction of a
new faLilily for female prisoners; and
WHEREAS such corl ,drucion will require the replacement of parking spaces lost in the
garage as well as generJte additional parking demand at the new facility; and
WHEREAS such construction could be under way this fall with no loss of parking space if a
new parking lot were to be built thk summer.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the department of Central Services be, and is hereby,
(uullmiri/ed Ii davertiw, i .eceivelii 1 Ii the above hits, parking, and report thereon after receipt
and tabula/ion HI such bids.
Mr. Chairper,,00, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported hy Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
PASS: Moffitt. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85168
By Planning and Building Comittee
To the Oakland Comity Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Youth Activities Center at Springfield-Oaks County Park has always operated
with holding tanks For sewage disposal; and
WHEREAS the co ,,L of pumping onf these tanks is approximately $10,000 per year; and
WHEREAS the installation of a new septic field and connecting sewer has been estimated to
cost $36,500; and
WHEREAS such installation would have a payback period of approximately three and one half
NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be, and is hereby,
autborited to advertise, receive hi& for the above septic field and sewer, and report thereon after
receipt and tabulation of !-tpch bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf or the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra). (26)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Misc. 85169
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Comcissiorers
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlumeo:
WHEREAS !he 1985 Capihtl Improvement Program contains $250,000 for improvements of Oakland
County airports; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has ,aTbmitted a 1985 Capital Improvement Program for Oakland/
Pontiac and Oaktand/Troy Airports in accordance with the Airport Master Plans consisting of:
Oakland/Pontiac. Airport
I- r lJ T-hangar ,. mod Site Work $ 290,000
2. Land Acgui ,;ition 130,000
3. Lighting Sy ,..Len Rprovation 181,000
4. Terminal Building and Entrance Improvements 79,000
Oakland/Troy Airport
(9) T-Hanriars and Site Work 170,000
2. Service Drive and Taxiway Paving, Landscaping 100,000
TOTAL $ 950,000
Proposed Funding
Federal Aviation Administration Grants
Airport Funds
Land Acquisition Credits (FAA)
1985 Capital Appropriations
$ 161,000
S 950,000
WHEREAS the Federal As Adminisration has approved and funded its portion of this
program; and
WHEREAS your Committee has reviywed the 1985 Airport Capital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS these capital improvements ore required for the safety of the airports and generate
revenues to cover the cost of the operation and maintenance of the airport system; and
WHEREAS these capital improvements will be under construction during the summer months of 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a sam of $250,000 be transferred from the 1985 Capital
Improvement Program to the Oaklnd County Airport Fund.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Nelson ihe resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85170
By James A. Doyon and Rue! E. McPherson
To the Oakland County Board il Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there is a certain parcel of land in Madison Heights that is presently not on the
tax roll as it, is part of the Henry Graham Drain; and
WHEREAS the City or Madison Heights has requested the Drain Commission to dispose of this
vacant property so it, could be placed on the tax rolls; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commission proposed that an alternative to an immediate
sale of the vacant property would he for the Drainage District to plot the parcel as an industrial
subdivision and install utilities therehy increasing the value; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison Heights has reviewed the appraisal of this property and the
cost of development along with an analysis of sales projection and has forwarded said analysis to
the Oakland County Drain Coned ',', ion
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners urges the
Oakland County Drain Commission that the sale of the vacant land would be beneficial to both the
Drain Commission and the City or Madison Heights if the property were sold forthwith rather than
the plotting and installation of utilities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Lamphere School
Mr. Chairperson, we MDVC 1.he adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James A. Doyon, Commissioner District ,flO
Rue! E. McPherson, Commissioner District #9
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were
no objections.
186 Conuissioners Minutes Cow intied. May 2
Misc. 85171
By Mr. Olsen
To the Oakland County Hndrd id Cccii .1 or
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Ginii town:
WHEREAS 1-696 is under wnsiruction and passes through the communities of Madison Heights,
Royal Oak, Ferndalo, PIPk-l',111T Ridge, Iltirtington Woods, Oak Park, Lath rup Village, Southfield and
RuydI Odk Township in Oakland Eounly; and
WHEREAS the iott ,,truct ion iL 1-696 causes disruption which results in a financial burden
for the communities; and
WHEREAS 1-696 will cncnurow economic development which will result into a benefit for
alI of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Connissioners, through Miscellaneous Resolution #84046
dated March 22, 1934, has acknowledged the need to assist the communities along the 1-696 corridor.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners make a one (1)
time appropriation of:
Ferndale $ 13,400
Huntington Womk 24,500
Laihrup Village 20,800
Pfea.iant Ridge 32,500
Royal Oak Township 9,100
for the purpose of reimbursing these communities for the disruption resulting from the construction
of 1-696.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the appro-
priation ol:
Mddi',on Hu juliO $ 31,000
P.o-k 69,000
Roy.)I Oak 106,000
Southfield 178,000
for the purpose of reirilmr ,iing thc.,e communities for the disruption resulting from the construction
of 1-696.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners consider these appro-
priations in future budgets.
Mr- Chairperson, 1 wv., the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John F. Olsen, Commissioner District qI7
The Chairperson refer -red the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee. There were
no objections,
Misc. 85172
By Mr. McDonald
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Goriiertien:
WHEREAS the Mayor of Detroit, Coleman Young, has proposed a 2-6, surtax on hotel and motel
accommodations in the Tri-County area of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties to finance the $200
million expansion of Cubo Hall; and
WHEREAS Mayor Yunriq us lurthor proposed an increase in the state excise tax on liquor
sold by the gloss and in package liquor stores which would be imposed at the rate of I5Li as an
additional means of financing the Coho Hall expansion; and
WHEREAS most suburban hoteliers and suburban liquor establishment operators whose businesses
ma'1 decrease due to these additional taxes will receive a negligible benefit from the expansion of
Cob() Hall; and
WHEREAS the imposition of hhwie proposed taxes places an unfair and unjustified burden on
these suburban husinessos.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby goes on
record as opposing any tii-county tax increases for the funding of the Cobo Hall expansion.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Wayne and Macomb
County Boards of Commissioners, tho County's legislators, the County's Legislative Agent, the Metro-
politan Detroit Convention and Vi-,itorc Bureau, and the Southeastern Michigan Tourist Association.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 MIWC the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Commissioner, District 27
James E. Lanni, Thomas A. Law, Susan G. Kuhn,
Roy Rewold, Robert W. Page, Richard 0. Kuhn. Jr.,
John P. Calandra, G. William Caddell, D.C.
Betty Fortin:), Nancy McConnell, Marilynn E. Gosling,
Dorothy M. Webb, Richard C. Skarritt
The Chairperson referrcd the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no
Comis..i(mers Minutes Continued. May 23, 1985
Mr. Rewold presented a resolution .)..1.(Tied by the City of Auburn Hills regarding State
Prkon Site Selo' tion. fhe Choirper.ol, r n • lei lea the r( dui 01 i) the General Government Committee.
More were no ohje, I joie..
Misc. 85173
By James E. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Cointnissiwwrs
Mr. Chairperson, Larlie.; and Gentlenx1n:
WHEREAS the Dram Shop Au] Is that in of the Michigan Liquor Law which imposes liability on
I iquor licensees for harm done to third person, resulting from the sile of alcohol; and
WHEREAS the existing Dram Sh,a) Act provides inadequate protection for licensees and evidenced
by the fact that liquor liability insurance is no longer affordable and sometimes not even available,
thus many businesses are faced with the option 01 operating without insurance protection or closing
up; and
WHEREAS House Bill 4550 would aux!ild the existing law to provide better protection for
licensees by the following:
I. Reaffirm that legal action can only be taken when an unlawful sale is made
2. Prohibit any person from ,.tling if they contributed to the person's intoxication.
3. Provide for award rip to $100,000.
4. Require that all lawsuits he instituted within six months.
5. Allow licensees to use False identification as a defense in lawsuits involving minors.
6. Provide for coordination of benefit--
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVCD that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
supporting House Bill 4550.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Lopie of this resolution be sent to all state senators and
representatives fruin Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent_
Mr. Chairperson, I move ihe adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Commissioner District #Il
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were no
The Chairperson made the foliwing referrals:
a. Presque Isle- Solid Waste - Temporary Relief from Weight Restrictions for Garbage
b. Parks and Recreation - Orion Oaks Complaints
a. Mich. Department of Commerce- Small Cities Community Development Workshops
b. Department of Corrections - Prison Site Land Avallabie
a. Clare County - Separation of Powers
h. MAC - Excellence in County Government Award
c. MAC - Legislative Update
Management dnd Budget:
a. Equalization- Industrial Facilities Exemption-Lectron Products, Rochester Hilis
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be June 13, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
June 13, 1985
Meeting coiled to order by Ehoirperson RiCaard R. k:flicox 3t 10:23 a.m. in the Courthoue
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph, Ponii.ic, Michigan.
Invocatioi. given by Dr. C_ William Caddell.
Pledge of All to ihe Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Eoyum, For '.in,. Gosling, Hasher:Jel. Hohart. Rich irJ Kuhr,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDona/d, McPherson, Moffit_t, Nelsoi , Olsen. Page. ''0,ioFf.
Pernick, Price, Ro4old, Skarri I, , WI Icuor (26)
ABSENT; Law. (I)
Quorum present.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Nelson the minutes of the *toy 23, 4985 meeting be approved as
A .,u1 lici;:nt majority having vot ,:d therefor, the motion ,arried.
Moved by '(karritl ,iupportd by McPherson the Journal for tne April SessiJn b approved and
c lied ond the April Session tand adjourned sine die.
AYLS: Fortin), Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart. Richard Str,an Kuhn. Thnni, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. Moork ,, Nelson, Olsen, Page, l'erino ,', Pern7ck. Price, Re.Aold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, boyon. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A ,;ufficient majority hav .ng voted-therefor, the motio ,
Lynn D.. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
June 13, 1'A5
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox_
174,11 colted.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Goland , 0 s/on , Fortino, Cue 1; Hobart, RI char Kuhn,
Su.,an Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, ti(A.fitt, Moore, ,wison, Olsen, Page, Perireff,
reriick, Price, Rewold, Skr.,rritt, UeA, (27)
Oyi,rum pre(eni.
Moved by Rewold ,,unported by Skarrill. Ihn agend be amended, and the rules be suspended, to
corr,ider the following itetw.:
Commi.,sioners Minute ,. Continued. Jnne 13. lqt'd.
DepartimgH ol iiIi1 ir Work.. - WAINUf IAKI VFRIEILATION BY 0111-'3194. AGENCY OR FIRM OF Mt LAKI
Also, Ihe rules bt• 511,ptulided to add Fiscal ole In item "In" urder Plaehing and Building
(Drain Clovni.„,,ionyr - LAU IMPROVMNT REVOLVING FUND); and Prison Site Selection he
imi.led up to //HY (Follow Comnunitat ion , 1.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hona -L. R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, L.)noi, McC•nmell. McDerml, tic.Plwrson.
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Okon, Page, Pericoff. Perrick, Price, Re-fold, Webb, 14:lcox, ,aron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino. (261
NAYS: Li,. (I)
A sufficient majority havinn voted [horefor, the eel 101 io amenc: aa.ncla and•asa,?.r.1 tie
rules carried.
Vito on agenda as amended!
A sufficient majority having voted the the agenda, as amer. cd wa • acced.
Mr. Hassb,. -ger announced a Poblit. Hearing will he held tat June .7 -th, 135 at 1C.:00 on
lIne EDC project "C•aalers Shopping Cooler Project".
John R. Gnat'. Chairman ml hi Board of Oakland County Road Commisiioner- pre-erLed .C`re ":'`ate
of 1.1to Roads - 1985" message.
Cielk read letter From Chairper ,,on Richard P. WI lciix aroounc i -ne apn, n len t of the
lollowing individual., to the Cowtroily Development Advisory Connc.il:
LOCAL OFFICIALS - Michael Dornan, B. J. Goulih, Robert '.:Iuseamer. Mark sallenwe:er, Rc•ert
Schmid, Dr. Will 4.1gonor
CITIZENS: Bevery Derlaim, H.i rk Che.,ler, Bert Jackson, Arila LeGrar•:. Jnyc, Mitter -Hal,
Donald Taylor, Michael Warryr, Gelald McKay, Susan Kraime!
COMMISSIONERS: Susan Koh , , Ruel F. McPherson, Ralph Nelson. Dor.qhy Web.
Moved by McDonald supported by [Thum the appointments b.„,
A sufficient majority hav7en voted therelor. the appointment ,. vo conf
Clerk read letter 1-oni Rit.hard R. Wilcox announcing the appoinim.-it, of the hallowing t-,u
lo serve on ale 0oUarrd County
Linda Baker, Dave Baumhardt, Kathr.yn Briggs. John Cameron, Sall.. CiesIi
Moved by Wobb •alpported tr. N, Hon the appointments he carlirmed
A -mill Li t.111 ninri ii)1 1 E y hov nip vii I thin- Ion . I he app.° i I... ,m r on Ii
Clerk read letter from U. S. Senator Donald W. Riegle. Jr. avknowledeine receipt of a
ru'',iilun mum. (Placid on file)
Clerk read letter from Mental He,;lh Association of Mic.iigan -aposition to Inc placoment
of Prison% on or near silo!: of Stotp Psychiatric Facilities. (Placed on 'ile)
Clerk road letter l'irom State 7kepinolative Wilbur V. flother:n .1et<novl1.-deing • -ceipt ol
Resolution 1185150. (Placed on
Clerk read letter., from Mr. Judy Wolf. and H. Duane Peterson in i -pnsiti,, to a ,iiato
being built in Ow area surrounding Cfinton Valley Center. (Pla(ed ,fr
Clerk road lei ter from Chairporsoo Richard R. Wilcox stating no objections had ,n recei .ed
Fit- Resolution #8r..i138, Chanqes in Merit System R.1.0e 13", rd it has laid- :er fo-
required 30 day ,.: therelor the resolution is adopt d.
Clerk rail letter from U.S. Sun:IL q• E31-1 Levin acknowledging rer2iat of resolur'on regarding
iovenne (Plat-ed
Clerk read letter II-LIM Anne Higgin., (Special A ,.sitaot to Pre ,,it:nt Reaean) acknov,ledcIng
revenue sharing. (Placed on I' 110)
The Following person., addressed he Board regarding a State Pri<er in area aurrounding
Clinton Valley Cenhu-:
Thomas White, Richard Chaliani, Dorothy Eicker, Andrew W. Pettre-s, Dor.-.thy MeClc ,en, Linwood
Flack, Jr., Emmett Elliott, Jr. (Mr. Ellio ,t presented a letter :mom the city of ,'ontiact Dan M ,tchell
Norman Abel and Gini Neuviile,
rcccipt of resolution regarding
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 190
Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox vacoted the Chair to address the Board. Vice Chairperson
Marilynn L. Gosling look the Choi!
Mr. Wilcox announced the Prison Selection Commiia )ad finished checking all the recom -
mended prison sites iii Oakland County and had presented him with the information for hic decision.
Mr. Wilcox made a motion Otai all minutei,, MOnirmotion and carresoondence regarding the possible
prison sit ,. Int forwarded Lo the ,aato tr lit them make d deciionrnthe best site. Seconded 5.
Mr. Price.
Discussion followed.
Vote on Mr. Wilcox 's motion.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Low, McDonald, Moffitt. bore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Price.
Remold, Skorritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, (15 1
NAYS: Hassberger, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McPherson, Perinnff, Pernick, Aaron, Doyon. Fortino.
A sufficient majority having voted thcrefor, the motion carried.
Misc. 85174
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Bruin:A_ Deportment - EQUALIZATION LEGAL FEES
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS !he Xerox C(ffimiraiion hoc caut.ed the County of Oakland to incur r ;2,-?Abie
expenses through litigation 6,Jore the Michigan Tax Tribunal; and
WHEREAS the difference between Xerox Corporation 's contention of State Equalized Value
and Oakland County 's approximately $30 million for 1980, 1981. 1 582, and white a motion is now
pending before the court to include an as yet undetermined additional amount for 1983 and l984; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland, through its attorneys and with the cooperation of the Ci'Jies,
Townships, and School Districts involved, have prevailed, thus preserving for al! units of govern-
ment in tie County of Oakland over S1,652,000 in tax revonues and
WHEREAS legal action is outstanding for the pending case of discrimination aid axe7lption
issues, and the Xerox Corporation hos appealed the case to the Michigan Court o7 Anoeals: and
WOLREAS other manufacturers and leasing companies have ohserved our efforts and determination
in defending ourselves succes5full7 and this mav act as a deod-re,t for f Tture aa)eals: and
WHEREAS $7.464 is rogues td to defray final exhenses for outside appeals to the Tax Tribunal
For the period January 1 through April 30, 1985, consistent with the attached schedule: and
WHEREAS CororatinnCounsel finds illy :istimated legol fee , reasonable and recommends an appro -
priation in the amount of S7./I64.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLWED that the Board of Commissioners finds $7.164 availablp in the
1985 Contingency Account to cover 'aid cost.
BE IT FURT1FR RESOLVED that the 3pard of Commissioner; appropriates $7,.464 fro' the 1987)
Contingency Account and transfer., ,,aid amount to the Equalization Division -Legal Expense Account as
4-10100 -909-1 -00-9900 Contingency s(7,464)
4-10100-125 -01 -00-3456 Legal Expense 7,464
$ -0-
Mr. Chairperson, an behalf of he Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell sunported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hoh,irt, R. Kuhn, S Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherb.on, Moffitt, Moore. Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Recu ld ,Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon. Fortino.
Gosling, Hassberger. (24)
NAYS: None. (9 )
A sufficient molorily having voted Clere for. the resolution was adapted.
Misc. 85175
By Finance Committee
IN RE: 52nd District Court, 1st Division - REQUEST FOR OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Prosecutor has initiated suit to have Judge Martin Sayle. 52nd
District Court-1st Division disqualified from hearing certain cases; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985
WHEREAS Oakland County Corporation Cmunwl Iris handled the initial stages of the proceedings:
WHEREAS since Oakland County Corpol,aion Cowls,' also r epresents the Oat land Couroy Prose-
cutor's Office, there may he a conflict of interest; and
WHEREAS in similar cases outside counsel has been retained.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves
the hiring of private legal counsel to represent Judge Boyle pursuant to the policy and procedures
established in Miscellaneous Resolution //SOK, dated July 21, E77.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners outhoriA-, an amt)unt not to exceed
$2,000 for outside legal counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates 52,000 from the Con-
tingency for such purpose and transfers said amount as follows:
4-10100-909-01-009900 Contingency S2.000)
4-10100-322-01-00-3456 District Court Legal Expense 2,000
$ -0-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Page. P,rinoff, Pernick. Rewold,
Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, Hnbarl. (17)
NAYS: Lanni, McConnell, Moore, Olsen, Webb, Calandra, Gosling. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85176
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in 1977 the State Deportment of Mental Health began establishing community placement
homes for mentally-impaired and developmentally -disabled residents with little or no notification to
county governing bodies, thereby prohibiting proper consideration and inclusion 7 n the county budget
process; and
WHEREAS the State Department of Mental Health subsequently claimed that county governments
have a retroactive liability for the share of the costs of these community placement services based
on the matching funds requirement of the Mental Health Code; and
WHEREAS this claim of the .;tate agency is contrary to the provision of the Uniform Budget
Act which prohibits county governments from adopting deficit budgets and requires strict adherence
to the appropriations process; and
WHEREAS House Bill 4367, as originally introduced, presented a reasonable approach to the
community placement funding issue by forgiving counties of any financial liability for community
placement services prior to September 30, 1984; and
WHEREAS the House of Representatives has amended House Bill 4367, changlng the effective
date of the relief of financial obfigAtion to all services provided prior to June 30, 1963.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commioners continues its
support of the concept of House Bill 4367 as originally established in Miscellancous Resolution 85122.
dated April 19, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners requests the legislature to consider
further amendment of he effective date of liability forgiveness to include all service provided
prior to July 1, 1984, which is the first date Oakland County received a detailed and audi table in-
voice for community placement services.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. Nelson, Olsen.
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Calandro. Doyon. Gosling. Hassbergec,
Hobart, R. Kuhn. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted thcrelor, the resolution was adopted,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 132
By General hovemuneta t'Aximitiee
To the Oakland County Board of Comais,ionerei
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Comilittee herebe recomflends the rerenpointment of Donald W. Ringlet -
to the Arcawide Water Quality Board for n term beginning July 1, 1984 and ending June 30, 1987 and
the appointment of Debbie Schutt as Alternate Member for a term ending June 30, 1987.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Governmenl Comlittee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report. ,
John E Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported Hy Webb the report be accented_
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the nppointmcnts of Donald W. Ringler as member and Debbie
Schutt as Alternate Member of the Areawide Water Quality Board for a term ending June 30, 1987 be
AYES: Lanni, Law. Maonnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. Moore. Nelson, Olsen, Page, Price.
Rcwold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Misc. 85177
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) recerA ,,r announced that it would present
awards annually in statewide competition for outstanding performance by n county commissioner, an
elected county official other than commissioner, a legislature and a county staff person; and
WHEREAS the criteria upon which nominees for awards will be judged is:
a.) currently serving the county
b.) active parLicipahion in or with the MAC prorams, policies, practices or commiLtees
c.) introduction or pursuit of innovative improvements 'r county covernment
di demonstration of substantial and consistent leadership within county gorernment
e.) improved relationships and/or comunication with and between county elected officials,
staff, public or the media
f.) exceptional service to ihe county; and
WHEREAS judging oi candidates by a special committee appeinted by the MAC Board of Directors
will take place later this month with the awards, ORC in each of the four categories, being presented
at the MAC summer conference; and
WHEREAS al its June 3 meeting the General Government Comnittee made the following rominaions
for awards subject to the approval of the full Board:
1.) County Commissioner - Richard R. Wilcox
2.) Elected County Official other (Dan Commissioner - Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive,
and George W. Kuhn, Drain Commissioner,
3.) Staff - James M. Brennan, Director of Program Evaluation and Opere-tions Analysis and
Anna M. Devers, Committee Reporter.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Roa -d of Commissioeers aeovoves the
aforementioned five nominees for the "Excellence in County GovernTent" awards.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution alpng with the required application
credontill for each nominee he suPmitted to MAC.
Mr. Chairperson, on bohalf at the General Governmen; Committee, ; move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John F. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Rcwold the resolutiou be adn.,ted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the rules be suspended to consider 3 resolution
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Ols-n, Page, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino. Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having void therefor, the motion carried
The Chairperson returned to the Chair.
Misc. 85178
By John E. Olsen
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS Conmdssioner and Vice Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Marilynn E. Gosling has been nominated for the position of Vice Chairperson of Inc Southeast Michigan
Council of Governments; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners fully supports Marilynn E. Gosling's
candidacy and wishes to convey that support to all Delegates and Alternates to the SEMCOG General
Assembly which will meet on June 27, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs
the Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to prepare and forward a letter to each
such Delegate and Alternate informing them of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' support
for Commissioner Marilynn E. Gosling.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John C. Olsen, Commissioner CIHtrict #I7
Robert W. Page, Richard G. Skarritt, David L. Moffitt,
Roy Rewold, Dennis M. Aaron, G. William Caddell, D.C.
Nancy McConnell, Ralph Nelson, John P. Calandro,
Anne M. Hobart, Susan G. Cohn, Dorothy M. Webb,
Alexander C. Perinoff, Pichare R. Wilcox, ThomasA. La.',
Jamc-, E. Lanni, Hubert Price, Jr., Betty Fortino
W. A. Hassberger, John J. McDonald, Walter Moore,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., James A. Doyon,
Lawrence R. Pernick, Rual E. MC'herson
Moved by Olsen supported 1 -y McConhell he resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Periroff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Goslinj, Hassberger. Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (26.),
NAYS: None. (0)
A•sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted
Mr. Aaron gave notice of his intent to discharge the General Government Committee of con-
sideration of Resolution #85120 (County Assumption of Administrative Responsibility of the 45-B
District Court) at the next Board meeting.
Misc. 85179
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS providing a gualiy educe: ion for youngsters in care at ChildreYs Village is an
essential service to the children residinc therein; and
WHEREAS the Waterford School District provides for the 'huffing of the Children's Village
School Program; and
WHEREAS representatives of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the County Exochlive
and the Waterford School District have agreed to stall . requirements. contract 1,-wcin,rne and pre-
liminary estimates of revenue and expenditure; and
WHEREAS the funding of this contract is subject to the County Board of Commissi.niers budgc.t
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached agreement with the Waterford School District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to sign the agreement,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this jgreemenl has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office ol Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 194
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell. Chairperson
Copy of 1935/86 School Year Agreement OD file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
By Health and Human Resource ,, Coined tee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS providing d quality education for young=.ters in care at Camp Oakland Youth Programs,
Inc. (Work Education) is air essential service to the children residing therein; and
WHEREAS the Oxford Area Community School District provides for the staffing of the Work
Education School; and
WHEREAS representatives of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the County Executive,
the Oxford Area Community School District and Camp Oakland have agreed to staff requirements, con-
tract language and preliminary estimates of revenue and expenditures; and
WHEREAS the fundinn of this contract is subject to the County Board of Commissioners budget
NOW THEREFORE Br If RESOLVED that the Oakland Courtly Board of Connissioners approves the
attached agreement with the Oxford Area Community School District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thot the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to sign the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell. Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the rosolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
by Health oud Human Resourtes Committee
To the OokLmd County Board ol Comii..sioners
Mu. Chairperson, Ladies dnd Gentletmee
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution ;585045,
Social Services -- Require HMO Contracts to Show Health Service Locations, reports with the recom-
mendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on beholl of the Health and Human Resources Committee. I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Mi sc. 85045
By Mr. Moore and Mr. Price
To the Oakland County Board of CommissiDner!,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladieri and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services is encouraging public assistance recipients
to enroll in Health Maintenance Organi/atinns (HMO's) as a cost containment measure; and
WHEREAS HMO's provide services through designated clinics, hospitals or contractual providers;
WHEREAS an HMO service delivery area is based upon the assumption that patients have regular
access to transportation, their sales promotions are based on this assumption; and
WHEREAS public assistance recipients frequently do not have access to reliable public or
private transportation.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommend to the
Michigan Department of Social Services that future contracts for medical services through HMO's
require the provider to include in their promotional literature a map showing the location of primary
and secondary health care services Available through the HMO; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all public assistance recipients shall be provided with this
1 95
Eoncrissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, NR5
literature at least thirty days prim lo the elluctive date of coverage, old shall have the opportunity
Iii withdraw from enrollment within liii 11117E ('Hr1,110WHi without interruption of Medicaid benefits,
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adopt i,m1 of .he hir•going resolution.
Walter Moore, CormilisL.ioner District ;;7
Hubert Jr_, Comnd.,sioncr District 118
Moved by Mt Connel I suppoi ted by W.•111, t Scot b1 ii copied
A sufficient majority hovino therefor, the report was acceated.
Moved by McConnell supported by Atron the resolution be odopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. Calandra 0.)yon, Fortino, Ciosling, Hassnerger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell. (25)
NAYS: NO110, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Mi ,c. 85181
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioner',
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gent] .e111191,
WHEREAS on May 3, 1985, lhe sewa,1.- lift station locato6 on Ink'. or Road adjacent to Walnut
Lake experienced a temporary mechanicol service interruption affecting ran sewage; and
WHEREAS on May 31, 1985, he elettrical outage caused by storm.- r,2solted in an additional
..ewage interruption: and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Neil II- Division posted a beach in the affected area oF Walnut Lake
OH May 31, 1985, restricting swimming unlit bacteriological testing had been completed; and
WHEREAS the standard for total liody contact in recreational wmor ,, is a maximum of 200 fecal
colilorm per 100 milliliters of water; and
WHEREAS the -26 samples from varion , sections of the lake ,.ollect...0 by Environmental Health
Services after both spills and analyzed by the Oakland County Health Division Laboratory revealed
fecal coliform indices of 100 or less; ond
WHEREAS 12 ol those samples revealed indices of less than 10; and
WHEREAS the members of the Lake ,.Lore Resident ,. of Walnut Lake, loc., would like confirmation
of the Oakland County Health Division Laboratory results by another agency or a consulting firm: and
WHEREAS hinds hove been made available in the operatinp budget cf the Evergreen-Farmington
Sewage Disposal Sy.,tein.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that additional testing be done in Walnut Lake and that such
testing be done by the Surface Wale,. Duality Division of the Department uI Natural Resources: or by
the Water Otrolity Division of the Deportment of Nainrol Resourcc.. in conjunction oith a private con-
sultant firm; or independently by r iffivam , consultant firm,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ihe nioximum fee for the con.,-orltant ..ervices for a series of
testing shall not exceed $600.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Ri'snii ices CO1Miitee, I move the adoption
of the In resolution.
Nancy McConnolt, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Lanni resolution be adopted.
Moved by LAW supported by Doyon llie resolution be amended in the seventh (7th) WHEREA5.
paragraph, the last line following the word "results", by adding: "and also would like ecological
studies to he performed by another oliency or consulting firm to determine whether any damage has
been done to Walnut Lake or its inhobitotOs (its inhabitants being fish or wild life that live on
that lake)."
Discussion followed.
Vole on anwndment:
A sufficient mojorily not havinq voird Ilwrelor, the amendment toiled.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt. Nelson, Olsen, Roue, Pernick. Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. Wilcox.
Aaron, Caddell , Calandro. Chrfor3, II,p-, mer Hohort R Kahn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 196
Misc. 85164
Ily Persittine I COMO t CC
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Director of Computer Services has requested that the current contracted &sot .
Liaison Analyst position assigned to the Finance Team of User Services be converted from the SCT
contract tc County funding; or,d
WHEREAS the request follows past Computer Services practice of converting contracted pcsitions
to County funding once initial program concerns have been mot; dr.!
WHEREAS the Director 01 Computer Services proposes an annual reduction in the County's SCT
contract which cover the requested position's salary and fringe benefit co , .r.: and
WHEREAS theaddition of the requested position and the reduction in the SCI contract will
result in A savings to the County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (I) County funded aosicie .: of the User Liaison Analyst
be established in Lhe User Services division of Computer Service ,.
BE IT FURTHER VSOLVEU 01,11 the County's contract with toe System and Computer Technology
Corporation (SC1) he reduced by $60,000 on an annualized basis, effective July I, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behall of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fores .„aing
John J. McDonald. Chairperson
Fiscal Nnie
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Computer Services, User Services - CREATION OF USER LIAISON ANALYST POS!TION (Misc. Res. ,85164 1
To the Oakland County Board of Coirmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI -C of this Board. the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution I/85164 and finds:
1) One (I) User Liaislin J",nalyst Courtly funded position be established in the LI:',er Services
Division at an annual cost of 852,937 (838,924 salary; 914,013 fringe benefits) effective July I. 1985,
2) Contract with Systems and Computer Technology Corporation (SCT) be reduced by $60.000
on an annualized basis effective July I, 1985,
3) Net annualized savings to County is $7,063 or $3.53 1 for the remainder of i335 as snot.in
on attached schedule,
4) Transfer of funds from Professional Services line item to Salaries and Fringe Benefits
line items is necessary to Fund rits..1 position effective July I, 19c..5 as f..dlows:
4-63600-132-01-00-312 Professional Services S (30.000)
4-63600-182 -02 -00-1001 Salaries 19,462
4-63600-182-02-00-2074 Fringe Benefits 7,007
3-63600-182 -01 -00-2035 Revenue (Decrease)
4-10100-181 -01 -00-6361 Computer Services-Develop.r-nt $ (3.531)
4-10100-909-01 -00-9900 Contingency _3,531
G. William Caddell. Ch.irnerse -,
Moved by McDonald i,upporIcid by Moffitt the resolution. L..;rh Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Mofi-itl., Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick. Pr Se, Rewold, Skarritt. Webb, Wilcox.
Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. Hossherger. hoeart, R. Kuhn, S Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, MLPherson. (7'6)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority haviru voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached.
was adopted.
By General Government Comnitlee
IN RE: (Misc. Res. ii85139) Personnel - CJUNTY SUPPORT FOR OPPOSITICN TO PUBLIC ACT 312, i964
To the Oakland County Boar,: of Comodssioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution A5 1 39, reports
with no recommendation.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1'185
Mr. Chairperson, UR behalf of the Genet.] I Government Committee. I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
By Personnel Commillee
IN RE: (Misc. Res. )185139) Personnel - LOONEY SUPPORT FOR OPPOSITION TO PUBLIC ACT 312, 1965
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and CentIcown:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolutioa a5l39. reports witf the
recommendation that the resolution he adopted with the addition of the foilowing paragrarh,
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Peronnr1 Committee be informed on a quarterly basis on the progres
of the Committee and distribution of Funds."
The Personnel Comtattee further recommends to the Finance Committee tha: thi5 rsolution
not be adopted until the Finance C,Immit.Itee has rereived the following ittformation the bylaws;
Articles of Incorporation; a list of the makeup uF the Board; a list of the cont ,-ibutions solic;ted;
list of the contributions to date; and ii membership list to date.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald. Chairperon
Misc. 85139
By John J. McDonald
To [he Oakland County Board of Commi',,,ionnis
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemea:
WHEREAS Public Act 312 of 1969, compulsory arbitration, has resulted in many decisions that
have been detrimental to the effort to provide public safety services throughout the State of Michigan;
WHEREAS time has come to effect change in legislative provisions that substantially influence
public safety operations; and
WHEREAS communities committed to initiating those improvements ore joining together in a
cooperative effort to restore on effective collective bargaining process at the local level.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County agrees to join this cooperative effort and
support the project by authorizing (he expenditure of $20.000 to accomplish its
Mr. Chairperson, I move ihn adoption of the loregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Commissioner District 1'27
Fiscal Note
By FinAnu, Commiiino
(Misc. Res. 7785139)
To the Oakland County Board of Commis,ionurs
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board. the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution il85139 and finds $20,000 necessary for payment to Coalition tm Improve Public Safety.
Said funds are available in Lhe Contingency Account to be transferred to a non-departmental account
for payment as follows:
4-10100-905-01-00-9900 Contingency $m),oncl
4-10100-903-01-00-9306 Non-Departmental Coalition
to Improve Public Safety 20.000
-0 -
G. William Caddell, CI -(Jrrper,,eri
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the General Government Committee Report be acc epted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report WRS accepted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt the Personnel Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Sharritt the resolution with fical Note attached, be adopted.
Discussion hallowed.
198 Commissioners Minnie-, Continued. JUR,' 13, 1 W5
Moved by Moore supported by Aaror [he resolution he referred hack to Committee For fucther
I nformation.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on rewIntion, with Fiseal No attached:
AYES: Nelson, Pagu, Rewold, Skarria, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Ca landro, Gosling,
Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McCom ,oll, McDonald, Moffitt. (19)
NAYS: Pernick, Price, Aaron, 00yon, Fortino, McPherson. (6)
ABSTAIN: Moore. (1)
A sufficient ma lolity having void therefor, the n ,solntion with Fiscal Note attached,
was adop[ed.
Misc. 85169
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Conilissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 1985 Capital Improvement. Program contains $50,D0D for improvement , of Oakland
County airports; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has submitted a 1985 Capital Impr-wement Program for Oakland/
Pontiac and Oakland/Troy Airports in accordance with the Airport Master ;flans consisting of:
Oakland/Pontiac Airport
1. (15) T-hangap; and Site Work S 290,000
2. Land AcnuisitirAl 130,000
3. Lighting Sytem Renovation 181,000
I. Terminal Building and Entrance Improvements 79.000
Oakland/Troy Airport
1. (9) T-hanciars and Site Work 170.000
2. Service Drive and Taxiway Paving, Landscaping 100,00C -- TOTAL $ 950,000
Proposed Funding
Federal Aviation Admini ,,trati(in Grants
Airport Fund.,
Land Acquisition Credits (FAA)
1985 Capital Appropriation ,
5 161,000
TOTAL S .95670-6
WHEREAS the Federal Aviation Adminktration has approve, and funded its 2ortior of this
progrmA; and
WHEREAS your Committee ha., reviewed the 1985 Al port Caflital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS these capital improvements are required for rhe ,afety of the airports and gererate
revenue,, to cover the cost of the operation and maintenance of a airport system; and
Will (LAS thee capit.11 improvements will he unde• Lonstrwm ion during the summe - mon41-15 uf
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a sum of $250,000 be transferred from the 1985 Capita
Improvement Program to the Oakland County Airport Fund.
Mr. Chairperson, on hehalr of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland Courtly Board of Commissioner-,
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Commitlee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185169 and find, $250,000, Airport Improvemen: Funds, available in the 1985 Capital
hnprovement Program; said funds to be transferred to the Oakland County Airport Fund as follows:
4-40200-955-01-00-3744 Capital Improvement Tronsf ,..1-5 to
other Funds 5(250,000
4-58110-144-01-00-370 11 Airport Division-Special rrojncts 250,000
G. William Gadd .11, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by SkarHtt the resolution he adopted.
Cool 1101.11.d. .Iiiji l 3, #981,
AYES: Nefaul, Olsen, Paw, Peroici,, Price, Rewold, Skarriit W(d,h, Wilcox. Aaron, Caddell,
Calandra Uoyon, Fortino, Gosling. lio ,Awrqui , bobdrt R. Kuhn, ... Kuhn, !,ntni, L.-1w, McConnell,
McDniktld, Moffitt, Moore. (25)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution adurted.
Misc. 85182
By Planning and Building Ctmimit.tee
To the Oakland County Board of Commksioner ,„
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland COUnly Board of Commissioner ,: adopted Mkeel'artenas Resolution 9574 00
September 18, 1980; and
WHEREAS the Inland Lake hlprovemunt Act of 1466, Public Act 345 (4 1966. in Section 6 of
the Act, authorile., a County Board of Commi ,„sioners to provide for a revcAving fund to pay for the
preliminary costs of lake improvement projeut'. within the County; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, pursuant to SeLtion 6 of Act 345 of the
Public Acts of 1966, as amended, provided for the establishment of a Lake Improvement Re ,Jolving
Fund and tran.Jerred the sum of S?r,,000.00 mt pay for the preliminary costs of lake improvement
projects: .inn)
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Comliis ,,ioners requires as a condition for the advance
ol any funds for II., preliminary crest ,. of lake illprovement Projects that the Lake Improvement
Board designate the Oakland County frrdsur(.; a.. the custodian 0t all funttc collvcted and dis-
bur!.ed by Ills! Lake Improvement Board for lak, improw.meat projects wit1HP the County:
WHEREAS any advance,, from the Revolving Fund to pay for the preliminary costs of lake lm-
provvitleot project:, shall hu repaid by asse..sment anainst the property nowurs in the Assess Lent DistrIct
by tit': Lake Improvement Board, and such i essrneli t hal I be made whether or not the project is Einaily
implemented; and
WHEREAS rp , provisions of thi L. resolution shall prevent a Lake Improveme-t Board from rinking
repayment of advances by the Revafvinq Fund From rtiftL: or qranll, Feceisod hy the Lake 111.;.roveme.,t
Board pursuant to Suction 25 of Act 3 115 of 1966; and
WHEREAS the numhe I- of Lak(. I mp /11121111'n in Oak I an(i County bas i ii. i-&'.ls 1 uid
the number and scope of proposed loku impi.(vement pwiert!, i n oak/ona coun t y ha'. (lFCil'Osed
WHEREAS additional funds ore aendod to pay for the preliminary cost-, of lake i
project ,,; and
WHEREAS lake improvement projects provide Cur the protection of the public health, welcdre
and safety and the conservation ot the natural resources of the .-tate., or Iii preserve property value
around a lake; and
WHEREAS ihe Oakland County Board of Camel 'sinners desires to tr.-,:.,fer the additional F.H.im
to $50,000.00 to lie. Lake hnploverhati Revolving Fund to provide A total r4 515,000.00 to pay fcr the
preliminary co',Fs 1)1 lake impravemew OA land County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of C,,mmissioners diicts the
ironsler (d the sum 01 $50,000.00 to ihe' take km,rovement Revolving Fund to provide a total of
5/5,000.00 to pay tor the preliminary cost., or Fake improvement projects Athin Oakland County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any resolutions or parts of resolutions that are in conflict
with this resolution are hereby rescinded.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Buildino Committee I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart. Chairp ,'!-5on
Fiscal Note
By finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commisioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of thi ,, Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85182 and finds:
1) Thu Oakland County Boord of Commissionurs oyr Miscullaneow, .9574, September 18, 1980
directed the transfer of $25,000 to the Lake Improvement Revolving Fund a.H. appropriated ov Miscellaneous
Resolution U9444 and authorized by the Inland Lake Improvement Act of 1966. Public Act 3!1C of 1966,
Serlioo 6,
2) Thy Oakland C(nInty Bo ,,rd of E(immkcioners desires to transfer an additional sum of
$50,000 to the Lake Improvement Revolving romid for a total of $75,000 to pay the preliminary costs of
lake improvement project ,. within Oakland County,
3) The Finance Committee finds 550,000 in the General Fund avoilable For transfer to the
Lake improvement Fun (.! and transfers said ,Imount aL, follows:
_ ,
Commi ncr, Mi Cini{ 'flied Jane I 3, 1'10'4 200
1-10100-001-001 General Fund
1-t0100-088-810 Improverwnt Revolving fund
$(5 0,000)
G. Willidm Caddell, Chairperson
M-vecl y lloharl aininfl 1,1 by Rithdrd Knhn I. ',solution, with Fiscal Nile attached, be
otlop I ed
AYES: Oken, Page, Parr CL , Price, Rewold. Skot-ri It , V.Ich-ih. Wilcox, Anion, Cadde I! • Ca i andro
Cloyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, 1116,111, R. Futhn, S. Kuhn, lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (25)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. t'w reolut;on, with Fiscal Note Attached, was
By Planning and Building C.owrittee
To the Oakland County Board il Coimrissicmnrs
Mr. Chairperon, Ladirs and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneow. Resolution No. 83194 established the 1983 Capital Impro.ement Program
lor improvements ot Oakland fruntty aiiii.ort ,,; and
WHEREAS prri ii Iluic program ill, knled developpmni ci iii rdministration/terminal building at
Oakland/Troy Airport; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Aeronauiic ,; trmimission approved thil project and a grant in Ole Amount
ol 525,000.00; and
WHEREAS Ole Couni of Odkland i ,, in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Crant Arireement,
Project No. M 63-6-0, in lne dmotud of $25,000.00, for development of an administration/term:nal
building; mid
WHEREAS the County fonds are included in the 1q83 Airport Capital Improvement Program and
no additional County fund.. arc reiriired; and
WHEREAS the AICP(1 COMMilICe has reviewed and approved the Grant Agreement and believe it
to he in 1111. CUI1111.*: inleresl to accept the Grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IV RESOIVED that the Oakland County Board of Cnmmis-,ioners accepts the
qrdnt award in the annunt il $25,00.00 from the Michigan Aeronautics C.,7nmmission,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissione -s is hereby autho-
rii.ed to execute the Grant Agreement on behalf of the Ciun-ity of Oakland.
Ni. Chairperson, (n1 hi-hi I of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adopt in f
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart Chairperson
Moved by Hohart supaorted Hy Forlino the resolution he Aopted.
Tlw Chairperson r ,feired the roL.olution lailhe Finance Committee There user',.' roi objeztians.
By Planning and Building L.mimittec
To Ihe Oakland County Board oi Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Department of Trare,norialion, State of Michigan, owns exce:L.s proper-L ,.. (C/S S2I25.
pon.c.! l(W in the City ol Anhurn Hills, descvihed as:
All that port of the followiru described Tract "A" which TiOS Southeasterly at a line
described Conmcncing at the W.-,t quarter corner of Section 26, T3N, R1OE, Pontiac Tc.w.'nshin,
Oakland County, Michigan; Olenre South 01'' 3$' til" East, along the West line of said Section 26. a
distance n cl 683.51 font: thence North 88° 22' 37" East, 27.35 fect to the point of beginning, said
point hi' iii 0 point on ihn E.e.torly right of way line of Opdyke Road; thence North 01 0 37 23" West,
parallel lo ond 80.00 feet Lisierly of the centerline of •,aid Opayke Road, 300.10 feet; thence North
86" 22' 3/" Lo.,1 , 20.00 II licuir Nol-111 01 ° 37' 23" S41, 1/4.51 feet; thence South 68° 38' 03"
1000 feel lo poinl ol ending.
Part ol the Southwe ,.1 Ou.irter of Section 26, Ton: 3 North, Rano.- 10 East, Pontiac Town ,nip,
Oakland County, Michigan: Re.linnin ,j .11 poini in Lila LeA. tile of Opdyke Road, 120 fe, t wide, k-rlich
distont Irom Ui Soulhw,',I corn.i• al Section 26 by lirc rollowina cour,0,7 Souta 85' 3S' 35"
E.11_ on South lin.. 26, 11.17 11'11 Noi I h i 63' 31" West, 1/80.7 1i !opt as mo.eunh•d
Coollissioners Minutes Continued. Juno 13, Ig/15
along the East right of wdy ol Opdyl. Road; lh(q10 from imiro of hegioning, due East 912 70
lit; thenco duo North 5/6.32 lout, to ill. Ii Alid qUar[et line or said Section 76: thence Ncrth
85° 57' 36" Wost, 934.45 loot, along gttirt,i 0) the Last riOL of way line of Opdyke Road;
thrnce South 1 ° 43 31" East., 645.68 Feet, along said East right of way line to the point of boglrning,
EXCEPT the EasLorly 30 feel tliccool whikb ads barn dooded for the use as d public road.
There shall be no right ol dire( J 1 rgres or egrass from HighwaY 11-59 and Opdyke Road. :o
dnd from and between the land'. helein de, yibed. Colmains acres, mo.-- or lass.
WHEREAS the Clopat.tment nt lran..portation, SIdlo of Michigan, ha- deter' lined that the afore-
(lescribed property is oxcoss to highway 11-ds;
WHEREAS Depor oleo nf Ti i'll ui inns property ocodw lo riv i tha. local Ilfilen LSI
units he given a chance to indicate ineii irtoiesi in tho Inn -chase ol tha propo. ry Ai cin rent market
value, prior to offering the prop,rly Ii sale to ti n' goneral
WHEREAS El.lortment ol Iran Portal ion's procedur,• I (Jr i LI. that, he conveyances fur
land sold under th ,se conditions carry a :on (10) year roverter eevenont tying the use of the property
to specific public w.,s; and
WHEREAS ti,' Redl Estate Ilnit or Corporation Counsel and your Planning aod Building Commitre
have reviewed tho .Hscribed propel ly and linds no County flood
NOW THERlLORE BE IT RESOLVED lhd: the Oakland County Board of Commissioners no: respond to
lho Department of Transportalion' corresacindonce whoreby failure to r.-Jpond will be taken as an
indication that tie' County or odkl.od ooL intorysted in /he purchase of this property,
Mr. Chailperson, oo behdll or the Plannieg dnd Building Committee, I move thy adoption or
the 1010(101 nil resolution.
Arno M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supporled uy , ,on. di Kith1 iir re-so lotion b..' adopted.
AYES: Pago, Pernick, Prica, Roweld, Skdrritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon, Fortino, Go.,ling, Hassbergor, Hobal:. R. Kiihn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, McCm-nell, PI:Donald,
McPhorson, Motfitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (26)
NAYS: Nono. (0)
A sufficient nkliority having void therofor, the resolutionwas ..dopted.
Misc. 85185
Planning and Building Commilt,..-
To the Oakland County Board of Commis.joe-rs
M. Chairperson, Ladies dud Gentl.mien:
WHEREAS drywall partitions in patient hedrooms are subjected to continuous wear and tear
Irom v,uriinis piecos of furniture and pguipment; and
WHEREAS repairs to such wear dnd tear are required by te MichHail Duport.ment J., Public
Health resulting in a considorable mdirtenanco effort; and
WHEREAS the installation of four -foot. high fiberglass pancls aJourd th perimeter of all
patient bedrooms would enahlc the drywall R.artiiions to better withstand the war and tear thereby
!educing many costly rrpairs; and
WHEREAS the installation of such fiberglass panels has been estjmoted to cost S38,000 . and
WHEREAS $38,000 i, avoilablo in Jhe Miscr/laneous Romect-linq lioa item of !he 1985 Caritd1
Improvnmont Program;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the the DepartimnIt or s, ,v,,c, u,, o ld 1- horeh%.
authori/ed Lo Ave' tiso, receive hid., ro, installation, and ryport ilwroon atJor iecaip: and
tabulation of such bids.
Ma. Chdirporson, on beh.iI I of the Plarming and Buildinq Commitice, I move thy ddoptio -, of
the forolleing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart_ supported by Gosling thr resolution he adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rowold, Skarritt.
Fortino, Gosling, Hassbergor, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S.
Moffitt, Moore, Nrlson, Olsen, Ng... (26)
NAYS: Nei'. (0)
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, [Adel', Calandro, Doyon.
Kuhn, Lonqi, Low, McConnell, McDonald, McPher ,.0F.,
A suffici. nt majority hdvirq voted therefor, the reSUILCW1 Si'' AdOPte('.
Commiionur, Minute,. Coniirned. :PHIL 13, 108f; 202
By Planning and Buildiog Co.wittce
1N RE: 1-696 FUNDING (Mi,cellaueow. Rer.nhirion 7(85171)
Ti, the Oakland County Boarii of Gomril ,,,,ioner ,,
Mr. Chairper,,on, Ladie.. and G0n11..men:
Th. Planning and Building Coirolitre. , having revicwt.0 Mi%cullar10.m'i Ref.olutior -85171, 1-696
Fonding, report.. with ihu racomuudation that bu .cloptcd ..!ith the deletion of the
BL IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph, which r0aa ,: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland Court ,: Board
ol Commi ,.,.ionyrs Lonsider Ihes,• ,liii 11)1 idi 1 iiui. i II futuro budgel ,."
Mr. Choirprrson, ,n byholf ol the PlannTnq and Bnildihr Conimit ,,!e, I move tlt.' acdeptonct2
of the h)regoing rLport.
Anne M. Hobart, Cha0-person
By John E. Oken
Ti, thy Oakland County Eloard of Enroui.,,:ioilar
Mr. Chairpur,mn, Lad iv,. and Cknith.iner:
WHEREAS 1-696 0, und{..- con ,,truction ond i ft' CO0',11-1iit'S of tkidlsor Heinint
Royal Oak, Fornda10, Plea...110 Ridga, Huniinotun Woods. Ook Park, Lathru Southfield And
Row! Oak Township in Oakland Couuly; arid
WHEREAS 010 ron.,tructiou of 1-696 .0,110.05 diruii! ion which resd:s in a financial burden
for the communities; and
WHEREAS 1-696 will ,111,M11.111,' prom-1116c developmcnt which will rr..lt int., a bonn f:t for all
ol Oakland Fotonty; and
WHEREAS thy Oak laid County Board of Commissioners. through Misceflaneo.; Resolution 4-84046
datpd March 27, 1984, ha!, acknowledged [hi , nced to assist the communities alonc the 1496 corridor.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Bin rd of Connissioners make a one (1)
Link. appropriatioc of
Fertololc $13./1 0
Huniington Wood.. 24.500
Lithrop 20.800
Ph I-i'll Fidcr 32,500
Royal Oak Towrr.hip 9,100
htr the rolfpu.,0 ol th.•a cormionitie., for the disrupi ion re,ulting from the constrocrior
ol 1-696.
lit IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ciat the Oakland County Board of Gommi=,..ioncrs approve the appropriation
Madi.,“n 11,-i ilil
Oak Hark
Royal Oak
$ 31,000
for [he purpose of reimbursing.these communities for the disruption resu!tilg from the construction
of 1-60.
BF IT FURTHER RESOI_VED th,)1 the Oak1dmi County Board of Commi5 ,,inners consider these
appro.pi lation., in future budgL.t.,.
Mr. Ghairper.ion, I mov0 th, adoption of tic harogoing ra5olution.
John F. Oken, Commissioner District
MiNed by 110),I FE '•.ippm-Lod by Wphh ilk. report fn
A I , 01 Nilo ;or I I y having vcst n 'el th.•1,./(11-, tho sill crri
IM0Y1.(1 by iloilart .,onpor ica huy i";11`. I inn [Ili' I mm Iii- odnpt,.(1
Cli CI 11.1 ,1-,Nrli .1 /, t ion ILI Iii, Thur. ttlrl /•( L I (tn.,
Misc. 13518
By Planniug ond
To the Oakland County Board ()I Commity,ioners
Mr. Chairiwrson, Ladies .tuil GentIPmPti:
WHEREAS Miscellon ,ous 85089, adopted oa Apr :I 18, lt,85, supnorted lee concept of
imodelino And oxpanding th, Jail: and
WHEREAS MiNcellaii0ou., Re..oldlon 85148, adopte ,! on May 9. 1985, authori7ed the Architectural
joint viii [Urn a Netmann As ,,ociot,,s/HOR to dive 'tip ,.aid concept: and
ii tIll I.
Commi..,,ionors Minutes Continued. len, Ii 19115
WHEREA'.; dulinq the Lour., id ..11111 velonmepi, ii Recame evidori thoi portion of th.•
Ill iginal namoly till' remodolipq ol h.o.Thu.nf garage into mediJm secul ity dormitory style
how.ing for 611&11 ,', may nol_ bo tho pT-oorrm 1 ,,r the County in that oth,.1 solutions may be
40(1)(11`,;Ve FI 1 t II, 1 '11 , 111 Ht. 110_ 1111 d (, f and
WHEREAS olterrole may hov , •nn import on the dosiqe of ol ht.i new focilit;e,,
?wrack.' tht. construction ul o //ow housing hnit; and
WHEREAS the daterminalicm, evoluation, and recomm..ndatioa of alternate
solutions as well As the development of d roime-ek.11ive mo.dor Han For criminal iustict•foci ii inn
Iii ., boon dotormined lo t..o..t $54,000; ond
WHEREAS -.uch in J1111414J111 is avoiLeIe in ire Mi',celianouf:', Rommh 'iph i. item of the I985
Copit,11 Improvonwnt Progrom,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOTVID thoi th , originol scope al work ..' the pr,.-design archit,ctoral
services. contract ho expandod to inolude olforuoie ,.olutions acid Ii corivehensiv,. master plon.
BE IT FUREHER RESOLVED thot or Ill ion I $54,000 be, and i-, In ..2by, al ,ropriated from the
Mi.,c,11,fnootp. Remodeling lino itew 1085 Copilot improvement Prof:rim to complete this phase
ol rildeci
Mr. Choirvorson, un behall of tle. Mooning and Buildinn Commtl:e, I moYe.the adoption of
the tore(toing
Awn. M. Hobart, Choiv,,..rson
Fical Note
To OwOokland County 00,1 rd of .Colunis'.ioners,
Mr. Cboirpormon, ohd G.91tlemoe:
The Board or orrtk.r riispon• ion ol ih, rule'. wavo:, Rule XI-C and finds the
S5i,000.00 for additional Architecturol ovoilohle in tile Miscellaneous Remodeling Line
it(qa of till' 1985 CJpitAl impvovewn: Pioqrm. ond hr oby appropsiales such funok- for Lb. ye seriicos.
G. William 1(111' II, Chlirperon
Movod Fly doimrL ,tippOri ,d by 1.11 I I I (h, re',olution ddopho:
AYES: Pr:co, Rewold, Skorrill, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. [11.1(nho_ Doyon, Foul Ii..
Gird iiiq, HassheruTI', Hobart, R. Kuhr, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Lou. McConnell, Mt.C.',nald, McPherson, Mof -tt.
Monro, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pornick. (261
NAYS: None. (0)
A suffici,nt mojority roving %rot the resolution adopted.
Plonninq and tluii !ding Comoitt re
IN M : Pork', ond Rocrodtion Gorpiiioh - SAIL OF PROPERTY AT Wdlif IAKY OAKS TO NORTH OAKLAND
To the Ool lond C.fority Board of Camel ,,s ion, ,•
. Choi rperson, Lodi.", and Gent !floor
WHEREAS tnore rcroin-, opp( ly 0-7/ ocre I.f1 land I tky .111(occrit. LO the 1,4I11[c.
Loko Oak', Goll Court', whfth tho Lminly ol Orkl,ind r,ww.; and
WHEREAS tho NIllili Oak hurl 1',i loco' irri 1111.11 out inn aiv ,
cooping activitie-. to a 111(11 Idod (1 1 (...Lit y Aioccnt 111(,r,te dod
WHEREAS 11112 North Odklond Girl $(.1.11t ,, hdve oxprrcsod th ,.11 de .i I, II> o: Lain [hi , vac..fp
parcol of land; and
WHEREAS III' scouting actiyitie', er..howd oro consisten: iii Fin 111 ortiv -tics and enviro.lmen;
ostohli ,,hod by Or Whito Like OA'. Golf Chnrw; ond
WHEREAS on Jarmo ry 16, 1985, lilt Polk-. and Recreation Commissi,b by re ,o 1 ut i on did aphrove
convoyonce of this 0./i acre vocon( pArcet to the North Oakland Girl Scouts for tht .aurpo , of
con..truciing o ..trutinu center; and
WHEREAS the North Oakland Girl Scouts propose io convoy a paece of lad adiacc.nt to tne WI•it,
Lake Oaks Golf Conrw of onnal value in 1.1.1dr for 0.77 acres; and
WHEREAS Ihe Deportim,”d_ Id Corpoi.,Lion Coun ,,e1 hos reviewed and wroved the agreement ard
Quit Claim Did fur (hp C0liVl'.illC III Lhi -, porcol of property and reconw ,ads the transf-r of 11 ,6.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thoi the Rorrd oI Commissioners aporoves the conveyance of
this 0.77 dcrr ol vocooL bind odiacoht of the Whit... Lake Oaks Gill Cour ,-• to the North Oakland Girl
Scouts by (holt Cliii Died tor the sum ol Ono Dollar ($1.00), with the rillft of reverter to the Cout-,'
oh Ookland should the Stoihs di si,ont 10111 esii fri said land for s.couJing ,IffiviLies, and the acce..t.ar ,.....
of d Quit CIntillI ()cod of 1.60 •cre.. 1 .1-0111 North ()Aland Girl Scouts wir II some provisions.
BE IT FURTHER REl-,OLVED thot the Board of Commis.;inner , opprove., the An' oemonL het ,m(or
County of Oakland and tho North °A land 61r1 Scouts which provides For LI,. Scow • to obtmin I -urvey
of said land; 1.0 purchase title insurance; to purchase a liability insuronce pa: Icy nam1H•fi the Count%
ul Oakland and the Park., and Rocreotion Commission as insured; to provid... a zon, of mature ev ,•,'gruer
plan1ings between the cent,.r and the golf course; and to obtain prior approval of Parks and Re.r,fltior
Ciiiiii,siiii ii Mitiute•, Ct ud Anne I i , 1 9 85
per!,omml 1fdr d, and Idyoni or the fdcility.
M I I {HI:141TR M 1TH VIM Oka thaitpetn id ihe 0.4.1d101 County flour'! of Commi ,.,,ioncr,
duilnn i/ed Oull Tlaim B-ed dnd On Attm.-went,
MI. Chaitprr ,ion, IS behdlr or the Pldnning and Building Committee, 1 nave !he adoation of
th, lorectoing re,olntion.
Anne M. Hobart, Chaim:...rson
Copy of flail C1,1 ..,! Ii I r, l ii
by Hobart ..00port , i by Mnaold I he vo,,olut -1(51 1)11 Ok1.11.L.il
AYES: Rewold, STairilt, Uilcox, Aaron, Cdddell. Calandra Mayon. Fortino, c,e.,linc.
Hd.,..brrger, Hobdrt, R. Kuhn: S Lanni, Law, McConnt,11, TITDonald, McPherso , Moffitt, Moom.:.
Nrkon, Oh-on, Nur, PernicT. Price_ 01)1
NAYS: NOM.. (0)
A ',ufficien1 umierity hdving voted therefor. tin' re ,,olutior was adopk2d.
By Public Service ,. Comuitt.H•
To the Oakland County Boor-a of Commi-a.ioner-,
MI. Chdirprr ,.on, dnd
WHEREAS Public Act I 26o1 1983 and Public Act 225 of 1 ,184 pcovlded for County probotion
enhdncemenl programt, ror yedr ,, 1983-84 and 1984-85 rewectively., ood
WHEREAS this funding will he continued in 1985-86; And
WHEREAS the ,:tallitory lJngudge of (he above Acts requir.. s the creation of a Community
Correction.. Advimn-y Board; and
WHEREAS t 111' Function of Community Correctin , Adviary Board is to Formulate anclJor
approve proposal., for mflidncement of probation service-. and reco,cdend to the DenartT,ont of Corr-'CE ions
funding or Hkra1pruqri;ms Wiry op prove; and
WHEREAS the Community Correction., Advisory Boa . d has apc.roved the prop ,-,,ed enhancement pro-
rtr..mi and 1 ,comom•ild', thy (II .-wlicat ion which covers the I 11110 )c21--icaci Octob-- !, 1985 t.r,rouch
Seat ember 30, 1986:
WHEREAS Iii Puhi i v i Comm i I I L.- has reviewed and Hu t hor 1)1,-)ho i on Enhant..‘,1A ,n t
app 1 i cot i on for an dmonnt Hp 5(3, 00,011, which is 109: luerIna by Sta:, -.ourcos.. and
WHEREAS Ow (Irani onpli( it ion 110 ,- r-.view,,cl by t he County Oi rot- :or of Fed,
NOW THEREFORE BI IT RESOLVED that the On County Bo, -d of Commi ,,sioner5 autho,izes
dpplicdtion for tho Rroh.,tion EnridncemrnI Grant in the amount of 563,10 0 .00. which has 17..en approved
by the C:xammity 'rm., I liii', Adv .miry Rod rd
MI. on hrhdll of the Puhlie Commi tee, i wove the ddni.o nf
1..111101mi L..,1/11.11
Jame!. L. Lanni. Choi..pc.rson
Moved by ddnni ,,upported by Go,,ling the rosolution be adopted.
The Chairoec.,on levied re,,olution Lo thr Finance Committ.....p. Thee were to )bjections.
By Public Service.. Colmnittre
To the Oakland County (to. 'I ,d
Mr. Chditper.,on, dnd Gentlaimal:
WHEREAS Olere in the County ol Oaktdnd the nr,d1 er pro:ocis to .)11evi lt,- and r •...vynt
condition.. of unemployment, to al', d-,t and letain local inde ,,,trial and co,Inc.rcial enter...a.kos in
(1) strengthen dnd levitalize the Conntym-, oconomy and to oncoui lqu the location and expansion .• •
rntrrpri..r.. 0) provide ninded And faciliiiw, [0 ihe Courty and its resdent••: drd
WI 1110'; he [iii iii j r),•,_J„1 .1,1,11 cm i n i Ai I , ,Pn( I , 1113 i f h
.p1 l nt/fi, 111) 4". .1 1.1,111-, 1..1 II., I
County tholugh ihr County' , hrnmotir Ilve1opment Corporation (th- "EDC"): and
WHEREAS Cu. FDC comm'nred proceedings undul the Act for the hent.f11. of such a mro;,:t
(BormdnI ,., Inc. Retail Center Prr:lecti dnd de ,:ignated to thi ,, Bodrd of Commissioners a Proj.,.t
A.0.) and Pi oject Dit,ricl Area Era- IL donrovd1:
I. The Project Arra, described in Exhibit A attached hereto, by the EDC
1.0 (Ilk Board be and is hereby til inch a., appr)ved.
Minute.. Continued. Tone 13, 1)85
2. That, ill having been dem imin.,1 that Ihe territory mirroundiau ,aid designated Project
Area wi 11 not_ ho ..ignilicataly all. i_i 1 hy Ilw hecaux.e the -otrroendirci trritrirv is devoted
Iii rammricial/indnAtial a Fiji 01 ..triel Area having the ,,am. de!-,cript Ion a'. aid boundaries
cidetioinnu., with the Project Pil-Pd approved be hereby estah lished.
3. Thai, it having heon dct.iiiii 1 that Lira.- are les, than eiqhteri t18) tud
pion. rty 0t../ners, or e . tahii,hment% located within the Project Di .,trict Arca, a
Project Citizen ., Eli ..trict r.onncil n- formed purci:Int to Sectior 20(b) af tie Act.
tt. That the County Clerk be, Or n i hicrl.hy, directed to provide four -ertified copic , of
re n,olution to the Secretary ol (he Poard of the IOC.
The Public Services Commilln ,. h./ Jame .. E. Lanni, Chairper ,,,on, coves ful adoption of Ole
loregoion re.,01ution.
PUIS1.11. 51_11.VI It'.. U01P.11111
Jame•, E. , 1711,1111 nn •n'`,()Il
YEAS: Skarrtt, W.J11), Wilcox, A..ron, CAdti ,.11, Cal,u,dro, Dnyon, Eortine, Gosliec, Hassber0er,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, 5. Kuhn, Lanni, L os. McConnell, McDonald, McPb, M,' Fitt, Moore, Nc
Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Perinoff. (I)
• 851A
By Puhlic Service ,, Commi t
lo th, Oakland Courty Boatd of
Mr. Chairper .,on, LilIli'S and Gen(l ,n7
WHEREAS thi', Bodrd of Commi ,..ionet ., his recived a rewIntion the Board of Direc..nr,
01 The Ecnnomic Developmen1 Corpor,Ttioo of the County of Oakland dc-,ignating ii rroject Aren
Proiect Di ,atrict Arra for .1 prnjuct Olorm.rn',,, Inc. Ritait Ccn4,r Project) orOct the Et ....,omft Pevcdop -
iiwnt Corporations Act., ALL No. 338 of the Michigan Public Act'. of 19/4, c amunded (the "Aci ''); anA
WHEREAS it is nec,,,sary to camtfiira the appointment by the Count , Execu:.ve of County of
Oakland of two additional director', io thc Board of said Economic Develooment Ct.-poration ie c.D.n -
nection with .aid Phi rd in accordance ulth Suction 71(2) of the Act;
I. The appoininwnt ., of Deborah J. Croy and Patrick M. Dohany, ho are represee,tativc of
neighborhood re ,,ident, and lot', urn''., inter -.It, likely mt be affected by soid Project, to the Board
of Director!, of The Economic Developrwnt Corporation of the County of Oakland ar, herby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) 01 Att No. 338 of the Michigan Public Act, of 1974, as amended.
0,.boraft J. Gray and Patri4 N. Dokroy Jlta'/ cea',. to cerve whet: the Proct For ,,,hich 1 are
aopointed either abandoned or, il undertaken, completed i ,iccordi'c i V the PLoiect P1in
1 1 're I or .
: . All re .,olirtion., or pori ,. Hicr....1- ii, 'nil lid with thi ., 1 ,,.o 1 Litton e hereby re-nea1eJ,
hilt only to the extent of ..nch conl lict .
?. The County Cl-rk Iuimid hilly directed to provide four ,ef,ficd copies 01 this
3,...olution to thn Secret,wy ol the Boord ol the Economic Devolopmcni Corporation.
The Public Serviee ,, Committee, I..,- Jame ., E. Lanni, Chairper',On, ove-, for adoption of the
foregoing re ,mintion.
Jame-, E. Lanni, Chai...
YEAS: Wehh, Wilcox, A.ir..11, Cadd..11, Calandro. Doyoo, Fortino, 1-01,,libg. Hobarr,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lonoi, McPkt'r.,00, Moffitt, Moor,, N,Kon. Olsen, "aye, Pernick.
R~)1d, Skarritl.. (2 5)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Law, Periooff. (2)
• 851'..11
By Public Service', Committee
To (hi' Oakland County Board of co.i,i0H,F.
MI -. ChAirpOrson, 10[110.1 and Gertth -ac
WHEREAS Ow 0.11(1.1bd Cobnly liodrd ol Conimis,joilor., by ill ill', -823It
(Nnwmber 1 8 . 1982) authot i,n.d that t•dical hc ibovided hy Ih. oditicipocHg
C000ty ho.pi oils )ild the Oakland County Council rof- Lmergeocy 14-dic.-11 OAKEMS).
with the Pub tic Health Code; and 1
Coluttissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 206
WHEREAS on March q, 1983, the Michigan Department of Public Health approved the Oakland
County Council for Emergency Medicrl Service as the medical control authority for the Oakland
County Emergency Medical Si vices System responsible to assure mcdical accountability within the
system through the adoption of standards or care, and operating procedures; and
WHEREAS quality assnrancc is a ma jor goal of the Oakland County Council for Emergency
Mrdical Services, (Miscellaneous Resolution /184236, August 30, 1984); and
WHEREAS the nine participating Oakland County hospitals have requested the Oakland County
Council for Emergency Medical Services to assist the hospitals by conducting quality assurance
activities through a partnership between the hospitals end the County of Oakland and recommends to
the Oakland Comity Board of Commissionnys to enter into Lilo attarod Quality Assurance Confidentiality
Agreement; and
WHEREAS on January 17, 1985 the Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services adopted
the attached Quality Assurance Program consistent with the By and Public Herlth Code and recommends
to the Oukland County Board of Commissioners to authorize the attached Quality Assurance Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
Oakland County Council fur Emergency Mcdi cal Services Quality Assurance Program consistent with the
at program summary materials; and
RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners amends the Oakland
County Council for Emergency Medical Service Bylaws to include the Quality Assurance Committee as a
standing comnittee; and
RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be authorized
1.0 execute the attached Quality Assurance Confidentiality Agreement with the nine participating
Oakland County hospitals; dud
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following new classification and corresponding 1985 salary
ranges he is
Coordinator EMS Quality Assurance Base 6 Mo. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 yr. OT
$2T1.7W7 21,309 27775 2-37W, 21719
and to cwate on' hudqolod pus ion s Follow.,:: EMS Quality Assurance Coordinator.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly reports he presented at the Public Services
Committee by the Manager of the Eimariency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and to the
balance of (he members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Puhlic Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Tire Chairperson referred the rccointion to the Personnel Committee and the Finance Committee.
There were no objections.
Misc. 85192
By Public Services Columittee
To the Oakland County Board if ammissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it recommended that the Law Library operaticn and Governmental Library operation
be combined under ihe County Library Board; and
WHEREAS to accomplish (his merger, it will be necessary to reorganize the membership of
the County Library Board, as intuit. appoiHtmeats become open;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Law Library and the Governmental Library be combined
and be placed under the control of the County Library Board with the understanding that the County
Board of Comnissioners will dcsignatir appointees to the Library Board as follows:
One (1) member appointed on the recomendation of Circuit Court and County Bar As
First appointment effective 8/24/R4,
One (1) mother dppointed on the recommendation of the County Executive. First appointment
effective 8/24/85.
Two (2) member.. appointed 10 rrprosent the Board of Conmissioners. Next appointment 8/24/86
and 8/24/88; and
BE IT FORMER RESOLVED that upon the adoption of this resolution, a public hearing be held
in accordance with Public Act 139.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Puhlic ServicesCommittee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni. Chairperson
Comissioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985
By General Goveromcnt Committee
To the Public Services Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee. having reviewed the suggested rceiolut;on, Merger of the La.,.
Library Operation and Governmental Library Operations, reports with the recommendation that the
resolution be adopted with the following .tmendment: add to the listing (,r members in the NOW THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED porag,,,ph, On (1) member sorvinq on the Board by ,,tatate, that being the Super-in-
tondent of the In School DistriLt of the County."
The General Government Cortaittee in recommends that the re-anlution be referred to the
Personnel Committeo to adopt the necessary organization chart reflectim) the chdlge in the reporting
structure of the Director of the Law Lihrtry to the Library Board, and to the Finance Committee to
roview the budget implications.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopt d.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and the Finance
Committee. There wore no objections.
Misc. 85093
By Hubert Price, Jr. and Wafter Moore
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland i under court order tit reduct the inmate populdtion at the
Oakland County Jail; and
WHEREAS the inmate Imputation continues to remain consistently uhove limits authorized in
the U.S. District Court consent agreement; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Gommisioners, pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution
1/82266, dated September 9, 1982, authorized funds to be expended for housing of Oakland County jail
inmates di other facilities in order to roduce the County jail population; and
WHEREAS the Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) Program is an alternative, residential
treatment program located in Pontiac, Michigan that provides counseling, employment assistance and
related rehabilitation pronrams to 1-1"ildcVLS, recommended by the court and/or probation depart-
ment on a referral basis; and
WHEREAS OAR has proposed to contract with the County for A max sue of ten (10) adult male
probationers at a rate of $35.00 per day; and
WHEREAS Ole OAR program provide , an additional alternative to reducing the Count jail inmate
population in compliance with court order; and
WHEREAS the proposed per diem rete is core ,istenp with rates currently paid to house inmtes
in out-County facilities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County - Board oF Commissioners
is hereby authorized to enter into d contract (attached Exhibit A) with the Offender Aid and Restor-
ation Pronrom. 210 North Perry, Pontiac, Michigan 48058, for a maiximum of ten (10) adult molos at
$35.00 per diem, said fund ,: currently available in the Sheriff's Department 1985 Budget- Outside
Prisoner Housing line item.
Mr. Chairperon, we move the adoption ol the foregoing resolution.
Walter Moore, Commissioner Di.,trict 7
Hubert. Price, Jr. Commissioner District 8
James A. Doyon, Richaid D. Kuhn, Jr., Anne M. Hobart,
Ruel E. McPherson, Dennis M. Aaron, Betty Fortino,
G. William Caddell, John E. Olsen, Dorothy M. Webb,
Ser;on G. Kuhn, Nancy McConnell, Roy Rewold,
W. A. Hassberger, Tloma,: A. Law, Marilynn E. G05 Hog,
Richard Wilcox, Lawrence Perrick, David L. Moffitt,
John J. McDonald, J. P. Calandro
Moved by Price supported by Moor.' the resolution he adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no
Commksioners Minutes Continued. June 13, 1985 208
The following referrals were mad, by the Chairperson in accordance with Board Rule XXII:
a. SEMCOG - Design.ited Management Agency Fees
a. Bay County - Separation of Power
b. Marquette County - Opposition to SB 36, Amendments to General Property Tax Act
C. Marquette County - Support SP., 4 and 5
d. Ottawa Eounty - Opposition to SB 36, Amendments to General Property Tax Act
P. Ottawa County - Support HB 4461, Post Labor Day School Opening
I. Ottawa County - Oppo,, Mandatory Full-time Probate Judges
g. Oakland County Circuit Court - (Circuit Court Opposition) NB 4294, Domestic Relations
Ii. Antrim County - to Full-time Prubak. Judges
i. Calhoun County - `,uppori of Redifiniton of loi-i of Budgetary Control (Separation
of Powers)
j. Arenac County - Support NB 4461, Uniform School Year
a. Camp Oakland - State Inspection Report Correction
b. Berrien County - Health Care Providers Liability Limits
c. RAC - 1-1B 4367, Waiver of County Liability for Delinquent Billings (Mental Health)
d. Children's Village - State Inspection Report
4... Probate Court - Foster Parents Manual
F. Governor - Report on Proposed Infrastructure Improvements
g. MAC - NB 4163, Public Health Budget, Cost Sharing Funding
h. RAC - Area Agency on Aging Questionnaire
a. MDOT - Forum on 10-year Construction Program
b. Department of Commerce - Act 400, PA 1984, Energy Conservation Financing
c. SEMCOG - Designated M.Inagemenl. Agency Fees
d. Rouge River Watrrshed - Proposed Dues 111CF-PA',' Survey
e. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co. - Line Location and Ealergency Numbers
f. District Court - 52nd, 2nd Division Lease Renewal
g. Governor - Report on Proposed Infrastructure Improvements
h. Hazardous Waste Management Forum
d. Governor - Report on Proposed Infrastructure Improvements
b. CETA - CdSt: i/83 CTA-22 Continuance to July l, 1985
c. CETA - Request for Hearing Notification - #85-CTA-74
d. Oakland County Circuit Court -(Circuit Court Opposition) Domestic Relations Court
o. Sherift',. Department - Order Eliminating Jail Monitor
F. CETA - Final Determination, Audit. Report 1105-5-033-03-345
District Court - 52nd, 2nd Div., Lease Renewal
Equalized Valuation, 1985
Hazardous Waste Management Forum
Michigan Historic Preservation - Compliance Review
Equalization - Equalization Survey Reports
Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, J&D Realty, Royal Oak
Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, Hamlin Tool, Rochester Hills
Equalization - Industrial Rehabilitation District, Hamlin Tool, Rochester Hills
Equalization - Amend Industrial Facilities Exemption, Michigan Pharacal Corp., Ferndale
Equalization - PA 198, 1974, Tax Relief Request by General Motors, Milford
Equalization - Revenue Bond, Quasar, Rochester Hills
Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, Clymer Mfg., Rochester Hills
Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, Mantex Corp., Oxford
Equalization - Southfield TIFA District II
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be June 27, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 12:37 p.m.
Lynn D. Allen Richard R. Wilcox
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
June 27, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:,53 a.m. in the Courihou.e
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Thomas Law.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyort Fortino, Gosling. Hassberrter, Hohart, Rich.ird KuhH,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald. McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, 01 ',err, Panic. Pyrinaff.
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. Webb. Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Moved by Skarritt supported by Nelson the minutes of the previous meeting by approved is
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the motion carried.
Moved by Rewold the rules be suspended to add the following to the agenda:
PUBLIC SERVICES - Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Pldn (Th,
Shopping Center Project)
PERSONNEL - Sheriff's Department - Request to Establ7h New Classification and OH , N,T4 Pociion
"Business Administrator - Sheriff's Department"
ALSO add the following Fiscal Notes which were acted on out of sequence:
Sheriff's Department - Appropriation for Architectural Fees and Authorization to Rc.Cevt
Bids for Temporary Inmate Housing Facilities
Resolution #85193 - Sheriff's Department - Request Approval to Contract 1-rith Offender AiJ
and Restoration (OAR) Program Alternative to Jail Placement
Vote on suspension of the rules:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules calriod.
Vote on agenda with additions:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
Dr. Caddell requested a Public Hearing for the Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing EDC Project
be held on Thursday, July 25, 1985. Chairperson Wilcox set the time for the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m.
Mr. Hassberger requested a Public Hearing for the Ceorgetowne Properties, EDC Proj ect be
held on Thursday, July 25, 1985. Chairperson Wilcox set the time for the Public hearing at 7:20 p.m.
The Chairperson stated a Public Nearing has been called on the Corners Shopping Curter, EDC
Project. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on June 16, 1985. Mr.
Wilcox asked if any persons wished to speak on the Public Hearing. No persons requested to speak and
the Public Hearing was declared closed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
Misc. 85194
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #82292, 9/21/82; Miscellaneous Resolution 82366, 12/2/82;
Miscellaneous Resolution 1183301, 11/3/83; and Miscellaneous Resolution 1184328, 12/13/84, aurhor17rd
outside legal counsel to defend the County in two employee separation suits and appropriated fund ,,
for outside counsel; and
WHEREAS expenses for said two cases have exceeded the initial appropriations and reoniri
supplemental funding; and
WHEREAS in January, 1985 one suit was concluded by a jury verdict against the ompinyoc of
no cause of action on all counts, and no appeal has been taken; and
WHEREAS an interlocutory appeal is now pending in the Michigan Court of Appedlsmi /
suit; and
WHEREAS additional costs are approximately $42,587 and will require an additional appro-
priation; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the estimated legal fees reasonable and recommends an
appropriation in the amount of $42,587,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Com-
mittee finds $42,587, the additional cost now required, available in tho 1985 Contingency Account.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates 542,587 from th,. MR!,
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Drain Commissioner-Legal Expense linc-it.m
as Follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency ($42,587)
611-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 42,587
$ -O-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if expenses exceed this appropriation, then the Drain C[wiri,.,ior. r
shall come back before the Finance Committee requesting these funds.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee. 1 move the adoption of the forpgoillg
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, r'(,rn(ck,
Rewold, Skarritt. Webb. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority 12aving voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85195
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS according-to Act 368, P. A. 1978, Section 2433, "A local health department -.hall
continually and diligently endeavor to prevent disease, prolong life, and promote the public health
. . . including prevention and control of environmental health hazards"; and
WHEREAS according to Act 368, P. A. 1978, Section 12752, "Public sanitary sewer system,
are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the state"; and
WHEREAS the Department of Public Works has responsibility for the construction. maintenance.
and monitoring of the public sanitary sewer system in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS funds have been made available in the operating budget of the Evergreen-Farmington
Sewage Disposal System; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is desirous of establishing an expeditious notification
procedure in the event of a sewage spill at the Walnut Lake sewage lift station.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that notification of a sewage spill at the Walnut Lake sewage
lift station will be conducted as follows:
1. The Department of Public Works shall notify the Health Division when a sewage spill
occurs at the Walnut Lake sewage lift station within 15 minutes of their discovering it.
2. If a spill is discovered between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday, the department of Public Works shall notify Environmental Health Services of the Oakland Coun:v
Health Division at 858-1312.
3. The Oakland County Health Division will notify the Township Supervisor and the
Presidents of the ten subdivision associations or their representatives.
4. The Presidents of the subdivision associations or their representatives shall notify
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985 211
the residents by raising a signaling device to the top of the associations' flagpoles.
5. If a spill is discovered during nonworking hours, the Department of Public Works
shall notify the Oakland County Safety Division at 858-0931. The Safety Division will immediately
notify the Health Division through established procedures.
6. The Safety Division will also notify the Presidents of the ten subdivision d ,,,oc-
iations or their representatives, and the Health Division will notify the Township Police Department.
7. Signs will be posted immediately on the lake front and roadside of the .,pill area,.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Oakland County recommends the initial purchase of the eignaline
devices, the total cost of which is $300, with replacement being the responsibility ot the aseociatioe ,.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Health Division will maintain a current list of the Walnut
Lake Associations' Presidents or their representatives for itself and the Safety Division as !)rovid,.1
by the Township.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Law supported by Moffitt the resolution be amended as follows.
In the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph under items #3 and #6 insert "West Bloomfield"
before "Township".
Clarify item #7 by adding, "under the direction of the Oakland County Health Department".
In the second (2nd) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph add "West Bloomfield" before the word
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhr,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt . Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perihoff, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended. was adopted.
Misc. 85196
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - PONTIAC AREA DROP-IN CENTER
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHREAS in the Pontiac Area there is a concentration of chronically mentally ill adults
living, many of whom are unemployed and lack meaningful activities during the day and evening hours;
WHEREAS activity programs for this patient population tend to achieve a greater level of
acceptance and success when they are directed by the- patents themselves, under the general oversight
of Community Mental Health staff; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has requested and re-
ceived funding from the State on behalf of the "Pontiac Area Drop-In Center" for an activities pro-
gram which would be located at Baldwin Avenue United Methodist Church and directed by a board elected
by the Patients who will attend the program; and
WHEREAS the Baldwin Avenue United Methodist Church has agreed to act as financial agent in
the Community Mental Health Board's contract for proposed funding of the PontiacArea Drop-In Center;
WHEREAS the Center's schedule of activities for chronically mentally ill adults living in the
Pontiac area would be coordinated with other clinical services of Community Mental Health for this
patient group, and the Center would be a very valuable adjunct to the more traditional mental health
services offered by Community Mental Health.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
proposed Pontiac Area Drop-In Center program as presented by the Community Mental Health Division and
authorize necessary County matching funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a review of the program be presented to the Health and Human
Resources Committee after six (6) months.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
Misc. 85197
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists a"core group of chronically mentally ill adults in Oakland County who
account for a disproportionately high number of admissions and days of care at Clinton Valley Center,
resulting in the so-called "revolving door" problem at the State hospital; and
WHEREAS these same patients, when not in the hospital, are for the most part homeless or
living in marginal situations; unemployed; and lacking any meaningful structure in their lives; ond
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health program at present lacks the resources to provide dn
adequate level of treatment and case management for this group of chronic patients, in light el their
continuing and multiple needs for services; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health has now awarded funding to the Community
Mental Health Board for an "Assertive Community Treatment Program" which is specifically designed
and staffed to provide a high level of care for 75 of these most needy patients, and the Board in-
tends to award a contract to Pontiac General Hospital for operation of the program, which the Hospital
is willing and able to do; and
WHEREAS the Assertive Community Treatment Program is based on model programs in several
other areas which have demonstrated their effectiveness in meeting the special needs of the most
chronic mentally ill adults, helping them achieve and maintain their maximum level of functioning
in the community and reduce their need for hospitalization;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
proposed Assertive Community Treatment Program as presented by the Community Mental Health Division,
and authorize necessary County matching Funds for the Program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resource Commi t tee, I move the ,Ooption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85198
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Geriatric Mental Health Service of the Community Mental Health Division pro-
vides urgently needed treatment and counseling for the many older adults in Oakland County who arc
homebound and suffer from emotional illnesses; and
WHEREAS the size of this segment of the population continues to increase, as does the demand
for mental health services for older adults and their families; and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan has awarded funding to the Community Mental Health Board for
an additional Mental Health Clinician position for the Geriatric Service, plus associated costs;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
expansion of the Geriatric Mental Health Service as proposed by the Community Mental Health Board,
and authorize necessary matching funds as well as one additional Mental Health Clinician position
for the Service.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee and the Finance
Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85179
By Health and Human Resources
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS providing a quality education for youngsters in care at Children's Village is an
essential service to the children residing therein; and
WHEREAS the Waterford School District provides for the staffing of the Children's Villdge
School Program; and
WHEREAS representatives of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the County Executive
$ 400
$ 9,240
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985 213
and the Waterford School District have agreed to staff requirements, contract language and preliminary
estimates of revenue and expenditures; and
WHEREAS the funding of this contract is subject to the County Board of Commissioners
budget process.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached agreement with the Waterford School District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to sign the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement has been rreviewed and approved as to form by
the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Children's Village - 1985/86 WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT (Miscellaneous Resolution 85l79)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: •
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85179 and finds:
0 The agreement is for the period July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986,
2) The 1985/86 agreement has a net cost increase of $79,608 compared to the 1984/85 agreement,
3) The 1985/86 agreement includes one (I) new teaching position, one (1) new Instructional
technician position and funds for a two-tenths (.2) school psychologist position and a two-tenths (.2) •
school social worker position,
4) The operating portion includes funds for twenty (20) new desks (S1,000) and a compute'.
($6,385) to access the Waterford School District computer system,
5) The net increase to the 1985 Children's Village 'Budget is $41,9D5 requiring the following .
4-29230-165-10-00-3278 Communications
-3726 Teachers Services
-5998 Capital Outlay
3-29230-165-01 -00-2056 Child Care-State Aid
Net Cost
4-10100-909-01 -00-9900 Contingency
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the resolution with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kohn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, PerinofF, Pernick, Rewold, Skar'ilt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85180
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS providing a quality education for youngsters in care at Camp Oakland Youth Programs,
Inc. (Work Education) is an essential service to the Children residing therein; and
WHEREAS the Oxford Area Community School District provides for the staffing of the Work
Education School; and
WHEREAS representatives of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the County Executive.
the Oxford Area Community School District and Camp Oakland have agreed to staff requirements, contract
language and preliminary estimates of revenue and expenditures; and
WHEREAS the funding of this contract is subject to the County Board of Commissioners budget
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
attached agreement with the Oxford Area Community School District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to sign the agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form Hy
the Office of Corporation Counsel. •
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committeg
lution #85180)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution (85180 and finds:
I) The agreement is for the period July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986,
2) There is a small decrease of net cost ($1,217) in the 1985/86 agreement compared to
the 1984/85 agreement,
3) There are sufficient funds in the 1985 Camp Oakland Budget for this agreement,
4) No additional appropriation or budget amendment is required.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Webb the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, he adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rowold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached
was adopted.
Misc. 85199
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sheriff Department is responsible for the management of and adherence to a
$21 million annual budget; and
WHEREAS the Sheriff Department has requested a new position to administer the business
affairs of that department; and
WHEREAS the professional, full-time management of financial matters at the Sheriff
Department would ensure closer adherence to authorized spending; and
WHEREAS funds are available in the Sheriff Department budget to support the creation
of a new position to oversee the financial and budgetary responsibilities of the Sheriff Department;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a new classification and one (1) position of Business Admin-
istrator-Sheriff Department be created in a new- unit entitled Business Administration in the Adminis-
trative Services Division of the Sheriff Department at the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/1
31,001 32,766 34,525 36-T252 37,954 No
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two (2) Account Clerk 11, one (1) Account Clerk I and one (1)
Student position be transferred from the Administration unit of Administrative Service; to the Business
Administration unit of Administrative Services.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, !mom the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no oblections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985 215
Misc. 85200
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 85089, adopted on April 18, 1985, supported the coecept
of remodeling and expanding the Jail; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 85148, adopted on May 9, 1985, authorized the architectual
joint venture of Neumann Greager Associates/NOR to develop said concept; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 85186, adopted on June 13, 1985, expanded the scope of
work for pre-design architectural services to include alternate solutions; and
WHEREAS of the several alternates investigated, the remodeling of the former Dry Cleaning
Plant into two dormitories and the remodeling of the former Laundry into four dormitories for a total
additional capacity of 90 beds at a total estimated cost of 5768,750 was recommended; and
WHEREAS such recommendation has been endorsed by the Sheriff; and
WHEREAS the architectural fees to prepare the necessary bidding documents for the above
mentioned remodelings has been estimated not to exceed $100,000; and
WHEREAS funding is available in the 1985 Capital Improvement Program,
NOW THEREFORE aE IT RESOLVED that Neumann Greager Associates/HDR be and is hereby autho-
rized to prepare the necessary bidding documents for the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Plant remodeling
schemes commonly referred to as L-2 and D-2 respectively; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an amount not to exceed $100,000 be and is hereby appropriated
from the 1985 Capital Improvement Program for the preparation of the bidding document- for the re-
modeling of the Dry Cleaning Plant and Laundry by the above-named architectural firm.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby ouihopized
to advertise, receive bids for the remodeling of the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Plant, and that a re-
port thereon be made to this Board upon receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the ,uloniion of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Board of Commissioners, under suspension of the rules, waives Rule XI-C and finds the
$100,000 for architectural services for preparation of bidding documents available in the jail ex-
pansion and improvements line item of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program and hereby appropriates
such funds for the services.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution. with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page. Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skorritt. Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fi.cal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85183
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution No. 83194 established the 1983 Capital hIprovement Program
for improvements of Oakland County airports; and
WHEREAS part of this program included development of an administration/terminal huilding
at Oakland/Troy Airport; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Aeronautics Commission approved this proicct and a cirant In [40 amount
of $25,000.00; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Grant Agreement,
Project No. M 63-6-C8, in the amount of $25,000.00, for development of an administration/terminal
building; and
WHEREAS the County funds are included in the 1983 Airport Capital Improvement Program and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
no additional County funds are required; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the Grant Agreement and believe
it to be in the County's interest to accept the Grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED that the Oakland County Board of Commisrioners accept .. the
grant award in the amount of $25,000.00 from the Michigan Aeronautics Commk,sion.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is heroh,. autho-
rized to execute the Grant Agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE; Oakland/Troy Airport - MICHIGAN AERONAUTICS GRANT PROGRAM (Miscellaneous Resolution 85T63
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85183 and finds;
1) Development of an administration/terminal building at Oakland/Troy Airport was con-
tained in the 1983 Airport Capital Improvement Program as outlined by Miscellaneous Resolution
2) The proposed grant award in the amount of $25,000 from the Michigan Aeronautics Com-
mission was contained as matching funds in the 1983 Airport Capital Improvement Program,
3) County matching funds were included in the 1983 Airport Capital Improvement Program
and requires no additional funds,
4) The Finance Committee recommends acceptance of said grant award
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adoptyd.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, LdW, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Not attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85201
By Public Services Committee
To the Daklapd County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directois
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of-Oakland designating a Project Area ond
Project District Area for a project (Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project) under the Econovic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (thy "Act"):
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in con-
nection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
• follows:
1. The appointments of Patrick M. Dohany and Deborah J. Gray, who are representative oF
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the FWIrd
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby contirmea
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 339 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Patrick M. Dohany and Deborah J. Gray shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are
appointed is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resoiution are hereby repeal.d,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of thi..
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985 217
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Ldnni, Chdirpersoe, moves for adol•Ii(u of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Caddell the resolution he adopted.
YEAS: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonalc,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Sbarritt, It!ebb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortine. (26)
NAYS: Hone. (0)
ABSENT: Price. (1)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85202
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to allevi dte dnd
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial eeter-
prises in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the locatien
and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County dnd its
residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michice.di Publlc
Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of' such projects in
this County through the County's Economic C*FeTopment Corporation (the "EDC"); and ,
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a pro-
ject (Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners
a Project Area and Project District Area for its approval:
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designate( by iho
EDC to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That it having been determined that the territory surrounding said dei91).Fitt Pro-
ject Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrouncine territory is
devoted to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the sync descrietion as ord
boundaries coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby cstotii.h,d.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less thar eighteen (10) resident s .
real property owners, or representatives of estahlishments located within the Frojer.'.. District
Area, a Project Citizens District Council shall not he formed porsuant to Section 20'b) of the Act.
4. That_ethe,...54Unty Clerk be, and is hereby. directed to proviCe Four certiFiee copioc
of this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the FOC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, chnirperson, Noves for odeleloe of
the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Caddell the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDcoald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron. Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (24)
NAYS-: Hone. (0) "
ABSENT: Law, Pernick. Price. (3)
Resolution eeclared adopted.
Misc. 85203
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Cemmissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
Project District Area for a project (the Georgetown(' Properties Project) under the Economic De-
velopment Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, amended (the "Act"),
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
I. The appointments of E. James Houston, Jr. and Loren D. Riley, who are representativi
of neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Boald
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
E. James Houston, Jr. and Loren D. Riley shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are
appointed is either abandoned, or if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon.
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Law, Page, Price. (3)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85193
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is under a court order to reduce the inmate population at tn
Oakland County Jail; and
WHEREAS the inmate population continues to remain consistently above limits authorized in
the U. S. District Court consent agreement; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Bbard of Commissioners, pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution
#82266, dated September 9, 1982, authorized funds to be expended for housing of Oakland County
jail inmates at other facilities in order to reduce the County jail population; and ,
WHEREAS the Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) Program is an alternative, residential
treatment program located in Pontiac, Michigan that „provides counseling, employment assistance
and related rehabilitation programs to residents, as recommended by the court and/or probation
department on a referral basis; and
WHEREAS OAR has proposed to contract with the County for a maximum of ten (10) adult
male probationers at a rate of $35.00 per day; and
WHEREAS the OAR program provides an additional alternative to reducing the County jail
inmate population in compliance with court order; and
WHEREAS the proposed per diem rate is consistent with rates currently paid to house Inmito.N
in out-County facilities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commi ,e,ioners
is hereby authorized to enter into a contract (attached Exhibit A) with the Offender Aid and Restur-
ation Program, 210 North Perry, Pontiac, Michigan 48058, for a maximum of ten (10) adult males at
$35.00 per diem, said funds currently available in the Sheriff's Department 1985 Budget - Outside
Prisoner Housing line item.
Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Hubert Price, Jr., Walter Moore, James A.Doyon,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Anne M. Hobart, Betty Fortino,
Ruel E. McPherson, Dennis M. Aaron, Roy Rewold,
G. William Caddell, John E. Olsen, Dorothy M. Webb,
Susan G. Kuhn, Nancy McConnell, W. A. Hassberger,
Thomas A. Law, Marilynn E. Gosling, Richard R. Wilcox,
Lawrence Pernlck, David L. Moffitt, John J. McDonald
J. P. Calandra
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
PROGRAM ALTERNATIVE TO JAIL PLACEMENT (Miscellaneous Resolution 035193)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule Xt-C of the Board, the Finonce Committee h;1, revieslod Misiollaneou ,
Resolution #85193 and finds that:
1) $63,700 will be necessary LO fund this program for the period July 1, 1985 Ihrouoh
December 31, 1985,
2) Said funds are not available in the Sheriff's Department 1985 Budget-Outside Pri ,,onen
Housing Ltne-item,
3) Further, the Board of Commissioners appropriates s63,700 from Contingency to the Sheriff's
Department Budget as follows;
4-10100-433-10-00-3555 O.A.R. 563,700
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (63,700)
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, he adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni ; McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nekon,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Fortino.
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Not ttoch ,d,
was adopted.
Misc. 85188
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Public Act 126 of 1983 and Public Act 225 of 1984 provided for County oroha:ion
enhancement programs for fiscal years 1983-84 and 1984-85 respectively; and
WHEREAS this funding will be continued in 1985-86; and
WHEREAS the statutory language of the above Acts requires the creation of a Community
Corrections Advisory Board; and
WHEREAS the function of the Community Corrections Advisory Board is to Formulate and/or
approve proposals for enhancement of probation services and recommend to the Departnwnt of Cor-
rections funding of those programs they approve; and
WHEREAS the Community Corrections Advisory Board has approved the propbsed enhdncuA ,ut
program and recommends the grant application which covers the time period of October I, 1985 through
September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed and authorized the .Probotion FIOLInce ,'
ment Grant application for an amount up to $63,100.00, which is 100Z funded be State -.(morc,,,: And -
WHEREAS the grant application has been reviewed by the County Director of Federal and
State Aid.
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioner , ntithori:e.,
application for the Probation Enhancement Grant in the amount of $63,100.00, which 1-1.1', heen ilpprovect
by the Community Corrections Advisory Board.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of [he
foregoing resolution,
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Probation Division - PROBATION ENHANCEMENT GRANT APPLICATION (Miscellaneous Resolution 85188)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85188 and finds that:
1) This is the 3rd year of said grant,
2) This grant is 100% State funded in the amount of $63,100 (see attached Schedule I); no
County match is required,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
3) Further, no Budget Amendment is necessary as this is the application.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be ddoptc.d.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olstn, Pdfp.,
Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Gosling. Ho ,,shorger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attachpd,
was adopted.
Misc. 85204
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the
"Act") For The Corners Shopping Center Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto
as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its determin-
ations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that tho
Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section B
of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the pro-
ject for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's approval
of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly and that
the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's comitment has heel;
obtained. and
WHEREAS On June li, 1985, the governing body of Southfield Township, Oakland County. Michigan,
also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on June 27: 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of thc
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby doterminod
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bands or_notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Calandra the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Fortino, Gosling.
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Doyon, Law, Price. (3)
Resolution declared adapted.
Misc. E15205
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS House Bill 4294 and 20 companion bills would establish a specialized Domestic
Relations Court as separate and distinct from the Circuit and Probate Courts of the State; and
Comissioners Minutes Continued. June 77, 1985 27!
WHEREAS this package of hills fails to provide a mechanism for funding the propw,ed
Domestic Relations Court: and
WHEREAS this proposed legislation would create additional demands on Oakland County such
as providing the books, printed forms, stationery, furniture, equipment and supplies nore.„..arv to
operate and maintain the offices of the Domestic Relations Court Judges; and
WHEREAS passage of this legislation would result in a deterioration of judicial matters
in Oakland County as it lacks administrative provisions: and
, WHEREAS the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Oakland County has carefully reviewed HOW,'
Bill 4294 and other bills in the package and is opposed to this legislation; and
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee of the Board of Commissioners has reviewed this
legislation and has drafted a report to the General Government Committee stating its opposition to
the House Bill 4294 package,
NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commis ,sioner, takes a position
in opposition to the House Bill 4249 package.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislaiors repre-
senting Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution,
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson,Olsen, Page, P. rinoff, P.00lick
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. Hobart, R. Kohn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By General Government Committee
Resolution 05172)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
• Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution '85172. reports
with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Misc. 85172
By John J. McDonald
To the Oakland County Board of Commisioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Mayor of Detroit, Coleman Young, has proposed a 2-6Z surtax on hot,1 and mott.1
accommodations in the Tr-County area of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties to finance the 5200
million expansion of Cobo Hall; and
WHEREAS Mayor Young has further proposed an increase in the state excise tax on litiuor
sold by the glass and in package liquor stores which would be imposed at the rate of 15 as on
additional means of financing the Cobo Hall expansion; and
WHEREAS most suburban hoteliers and suburban liquor establishment operator, wlity ,e businesses
may decrease due to these additional taxes will receive a negligible benefit From the expansion of
Cobo Hall; and
WHEREAS the imposition of these proposed taxes places an unfair and unjustified burden on
these suburban businesses.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby goes op
record as opposing any tri-county tax increases for the funding of the Cobo Hall exponsion.
BE FT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded LO the Wayne and Macomb
County Boards of Commissioners, the County's legislators, the County's Legislative Agent, the Metro-
politan Detroit Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Southeastern Michigan Tourist Association.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald, Cornissioner District :;27
Susan G. Kuhn, Robert U. Pane, John P. Calandro,
Betty Fortino, Marilynn E. Gosling, Richard Skorriti,
James E. Lanni, Thomas A. Law, Roy Rewold,
Richard D. Kuhn: Jr., G. William Caddell, D.C.,
Nancy McConnell, Dorothy M Webb
Comnissioners Minutes Continued. June 27, 1985
Moved by Olsen supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Pernick supported by Perinoff the resolution be referred back to the General
Government Committee for further consideration.
Discussion followed.
Vote on motion to refer:
AYES: McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Doyon. (5)
NAYS: McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell. (20)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion to refer failed.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, FIassberger. Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald.
NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (5)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85206
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Board of Commissioners — POW/MrA RECOGNITION DAY
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Federal Legislation is currently being introduced which wou1d establish July lb,
1985 as National POW/MIA Recognition Day; and
WHEREAS this day of national recognition will serve to remind us all of the total sacrifice
made by the U. S. Prisoners of War and those listed as Missing in Action in tho Vietnam War, and
will give us an opportunity to reflect and rededicate ourselves to our quest for the repatriation
of our POW/MIA's. and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED in honor of all of our Vietnam War Veterans, living, dead
and unknown, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim that July 19, 1985 to
be POW/MIA Recognition Day in Oakland County and urges that the Congress of the United Statec , take
speedy action to pass Senate Joint Resolution 87, establishing July 19, 1985 as a day of national
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption or
the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn,
Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85207
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemenr
WHEREAS the Oakland County Library Board was created in May, 1973 under Act 138 of the
Public Acts of 1917 and implemented by Oakland County Board of Commissioners' Resolution 116233 with
full support of local public libraries throughout the county; and
WHEREAS in addition to overseeing the County Reference Library and Subregional Library for
the Blind and Physically Handicapped, the Oakland County Library Board coordinates many other connty-
wide services; and
WHEREAS the Superintendent of the Intermediate School District has a scat on the board as
required by law and contributes expertise in the coordination of public school and public library
services; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 27, 1985 223
WHEREAS under existing law the County Board of Commissioners appoints the other four
board members to five year terms with one seat being traditionally filled by a member of the
Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS under the proposed reorganization of the Reference and Law Libraries, one silt
on the board would represent the Courts/Bar Association and one seat would represent thk Count ,'
Executive; and
WHEREAS in view of the existing statutory limitation of 5 members and considering th,it
4 of the 5 board positions are designated as outlined above, this leaves only one wat op liii
board for a member who would represent all libraries in the county on an at-large basis.
NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners ,,upoory-
legislation amending Act 138 to permit expansion of library boards in counties with a popt11.11i ,in
over 1 million from 5 to 7 members to allow additional at-large representation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this proposed amendatory legislation specify that any in-
crease in library board membership is subject to approval of the County Board of Com in.; ,,,„opur ,-. and
that members of an expanded board shall be appointed to terms equal to the one left open by the
permanent appointment of the Superintendent of the Intermediate School District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators ve e r,—
senting Oakland County and to the county's legislative agent.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. Linn
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolutioh was adopted.
Mr. Aaron gave notice of intent to discharge the General Government Committee id cor-
sideration of Miscellaneous Resolution #85120 (County Assumption of Administrative Re,,pon ,,ihility
of the 45-8 District Court) at the next Board Meeting to be held on July 25, 1985.
In accordance with Board Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the . e l ip. r .011
a. 1-696 Funding, Resolution A85171 - Lathrup Village Support
a. Nassau County, N.Y. - Opposition to Elimination of State and Local T,tx,,, Deductibility
from Federal Taxes
b. Cass County - Separation of Powers
c. Saailac County - Separation of Powers
a. Michigan Department of Public Health - 1983 State/Local Cost Sharing Ruilort
b. Michigan Association for Local PiTt;ITc Health - Formation
a. CETA - #85-CTA-74, Administrative File
a. Michigan Historic Preservation - Grant Application
b. Michigan Historic Preservation-National Register, Afflock House, Bloomfield Hills
c, Michigan Historic Preservation-National Register, GTWRR Birmingham Depot
a. Equalization - Industrial Development District, Dashille, Rochester Hill,
There were no objections to the referrals.
The Chairperson announced the next Board meeting will be held on July 25, 1985 it 7:00
The Board adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Board Of Commissioners
July 25. 1935
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 7:99 p.m. in the CeuitHouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Ralph Nelson.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. Hobart, RiClard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald. Mc'herson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rand,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (23)
ABSENT: Law, McConnell. 'erinoff. (4) (Mrs. Connell was absent with notice.)
Quorum present.
Moved by Gosling supported by Nelson the minutes of the previous meeting be anproved a-
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Rewold supported by Nelson the rules be suspended to add the following re ,.olutions
to the agenda:
a. Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Area ard Project District Area
(Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project)
b. Economic Development Group - Resolution Confirming Appointment of Additional EDC Directors
(Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project)
c. Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Plan (Georgetowne Properties
d. Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Plan (Pinewood Offices f.
Manufacturing Project)
a. Corporation Counsel - Reclassification of Clerk III Position and Crcation of Addilional
Student Position.
Also, add Personnel Committee reports to the following:
FINANCE COMMtTTEE - Reimbursement Div. Request for Additional Account Clerk I Position
HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES - Modification of Staffing Pattern at Jail Health Program
PLANNING AND BUILDING - Oakland/Pontiac Airport - Grant Allocation with Federal Aviation
GENERAL GOVERNMENT - Corporation Counsel - Reclassification of Clerk lil Position and Creation
of Additional Student Position
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Moved by Moifill :,tipooried by McPlicrson lhc ,tgvhdo, d., I I. ,Ipp;micd.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson made the following statement: "At this time a Public Hearing i5 now called
on the Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing EDC Project. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in
the Oakland Press on July 5, 1985. Does any persons present wish to speak on the project?"
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
No one requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, addressed the Board on the proposed "9-1-1 System".
The Chairperson made the following statement: "At this time a Public Hearing is called on
the Georgetowne Properties, EDC Project. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland
Press on July 5, 1985. Does any person present wish to speak on the project?"
No one requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
Misc. 85208
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division - BLOCK GRANT AWARD FOR 1985-86
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 4'85105 authorized the grant application to the U. S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $4,249,000 for the period of May 2, 1985
through May I, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed grant award in the amount of $4,249,000 con-
sistent with the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS said program is IOU or $4,249,000 funded by sources other than County dollars
and acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1985-86 Community Development Division Block Grant Award in the amount of $4,249,000 and when added
to earned program income of $899,271, results in a total program of $5,148,271.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant award contract has been reviewed and approved as
to form by the office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson; Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85209
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners per Miscellaneous Resolution #84275 authorized Computer
Services Department to enter into cooperative agreements with local communities to plan and implement
a "Municipal Information Technology Program" (M.1.T.) to provide local governments an economic means
for utilizing information technology as a tool for improving taxpayers' services, streamlining oper-
ations, and improving management and planning decision making; and
WHEREAS agreements have been entered into with certain communities and their tax receivable
system have been made available sooner than projected; and
WHEREAS since January 1, 1585, Computer Services has installed or is in the process of in-
stalling 68 pieces of equipment in the local communities M.I.T. and C.L.E.M.I.S. Network, and it is
anticipated that orders for 50 additional pieces of equipment will be received for the remainder of
the year, totaling 118 pieces of equipment at an annual cost of $70,800.
WHEREAS Computer Services Budget is proposed to be amended by $53,100 to increase revenues
(charges to communities) and expenditures (depreciation, interest and repair and maintenance) for the
nine month period April 1 thru December 31, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Computer Services Budget be amended as follows:
3-63600-181-01-00-2373 Outside Revenue $ 53.100
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 226
4-63600-184-01-00-3304 Depreciation
4-63600-184-01-00-3418 Interest
4-63600-184-01-00-3342 Repair and Maintenance
$ 41,100
S 53,100
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, i move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore.
Olsen. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution g85210, repoos uitll the
recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Further, the Personnel Committee recommends that a report on the value of the position be
submitted to the Personnel Committee within six (6) months after the implementation of the pw,ition.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of ihr loregoinu
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. #85210
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Juvenile Court Unit of the Reimbursement Division has experienced sigeifi;_ant
work load increases due to reporting changes set forth in the 1983 State Juvenile Code, additional
requests by the Probate Court for recommendations on the dismissal of child care cases, and an overal
increase in the number of probate-juvenile cases; and
WHEREAS work load increases have taken time away from duties directly related to collection
efforts, particularly the creation of accounts for each court order which are currently experiencing
a 120 day backlog; and
WHEREAS collection efforts cannot begin until an account is created, there is a potential
loss of revenue to the County due to the backlog of court orders and the reduction in time to pursue
collections; and
WHEREAS various methods have been tried to reduce the backlog and manage the work load
increases with limited success; and
WHEREAS an additional Account Clerk 1 position will increase the 1985 Reimbursement Division
budget by $8,530.00 and annual cost is $22,267 for the position and related equipment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) Account Clerk I position be created in the
Management and Budget Department, Reimbursement Division, Juvenile Court Unit, effective immediately.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners finds and appropriates $8,530.00 from -
the Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Reimbursement Division accounts to cover
the cost of an Account Clerk I position and equipment frommfie present through December 31, 1985 as
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency
4-10100-127-10-00-1001 Salaries-Regular
4-10100-127-10-00-2070 Fringe Benefits
4-10100-127-01-00-6640 Equipment Rental
$ - 0 -
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Rewold the report be accepted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron Caddell, Calandra), Doyon, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kohn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (21)
NAYS: Fortino, Pernick. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85211
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed settlement terms for Colfer v. Oakland County and
finds $6,500 is proposed to resolve said lawsuit; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel and the Finance Committee have deemed it in the best inlere,.ts
of the County to resolve Golfer v. Oakland County according to proposed terms.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Corporation
Counsel to execute settlement of Colfer v. Oakland County for a sum not to exceed $6,500.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $6,500 available in the Reserve
for Pending Litigation Account (1-10100-492-024) for said purposes.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of th e Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, 0I'-wn,
Pernick, Price. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85212
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7393 of December 18, 1975, the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners adopted a "County Policy on Assignment of County Vehicles"; and
WHEREAS the policy for additional vehicles requires the affirmative recommendation of
the County Executive and the approval of the Finance Committee; and
WHEREAS the Narcotics Enforcement Team has requested that a 1975 Pontiac Firebird be
forfeited to the County of Oakland; and
WHEREAS said forfeiture has been approved in Circuit Court on March 12, 1985; and
WHEREAS the policy states that the Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board of
Commissioners an appropriation sufficient to cover the monthly charges for the balance of the
year; and
WHEREAS there is no capital cost for this vehicle and no need for replacement, the
Finance Committee recommends that the vehicle be placed in service under the Garage Operations
assigned to the Narcotics Enforcement Team (N.E.T.) at regular vehicle cost less depreciation,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorize an expansion of
the County Vehicle Fleet for one (I) forfeited vehicle requested by the Narcotics Enforcement Team
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $900 from Contingency
to the Narcotics Enforcement Team leased vehicle line item as follows:
4-10100-436-20-00-6610 Leased Vehicles $900
4-loloo-939-ol -m -99oo Contingency (900)
S-0- ====
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this acceptance does not permanently expand the County Fleet.
When vehicle is no longer deemed operational, it will not be replaced.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 228
Moved by Caddell supported oy Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarriti, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Has,berger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDc,nald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pervick, Price,
Rewold. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85212-B
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Comrissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #85017 dated February 14, 1935 authorized the Coun(%
Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for remodeling the Oil, including d new
holding cell and construction of an outdoor exercise yard, at an estimated cost of $200,000; and
WHEREAS bids were received and opened, June 21, 193$ for general building trades; and
WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed bids submitted
and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, Baseline Constructors, Inc. of Red:ord, Michigan
be awarded a contract in the amount of '3174,000; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $24,1)00 for maintenance charges, consuItant
fees, administrative expenses, and contingency; and
WHEREAS the total project cost is estimated to be $193,000; and
WHEREAS funding for Jail Remodeling is provided in the 1985 Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes tha!:
1) The contract proposal of Baseline Constructors, Inc. of Redford, Michigan, in
the amount of $174,000, be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with Planning drd
Building Committee recommendations.
2) Funds be provided in the amount of $24,000 to never remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and
directed to execute a contract with Baseline Constructors, Inc, of Redford, Michigan on behalf of
the County of Oakland,
4) This award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in wriiing
by the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division,
5) Funds of $198,000 be used for Jail Remodeling from the Capital hnprovemert Pro-
gram - Building Section.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Cimmitten, I move he adoption uf fhr 1-..rpnoirg
G. William Caddell, Cgairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassbergei , Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Pernick, Price, Reoold, Skarritt.
NAYS: None. (a)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85213
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHERAS the Finance Committee has reviewed settlement terms for Wilmotb v. Oakland County
and finds $6,000 is proposed to resolve said lawsuit; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel and the Finance Committec have deemed it in the best interests
of the County to resolve Wilmoth v. Oakland County according to proposed terms.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Corporation
Counsel to execute settlement of Wilmoth v. Oakland County for a sum not to exceed $6.000.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $6,000 available in the Law Enforce-
ment Liability Account (4-10100-431-01-00-3451) within the Sheriff's Department 1985 Budget for said
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the Foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cdlaedro, Doyon, ntrtino, Gn I 1 nq Hassberget, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt.
Webb. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85214
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed settlement terms for Gordier v. Oakland Couniy,
WHEREAS per consent judgment dated July I, 1985, the plaintiff submitted a wriiten resig-
nation from the County, effective July 5, 1985; and
WHEREAS it has been stipulated between the parties that an amount of $30,000 he paid to
the plaintiff forthwith.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $30,000 available in the
Auditing Division Budget (4-10100-112-05-0D-1001) to fund settlement terms for Gordier v. Oakland
L)2aLY.. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox.
NAYS; Calandro, R. Kuhn. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
and and
Misc 85199
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sheriff Department is responsible for the management of and adherence to a
$21 million annual budget; and
WHEREAS the Sheriff Department has requested a new position to administer the business
affairs of that department; and
WHEREAS the professional, full-time management of financial matters at the Sheriff
Department would ensure closer adherence to authorized spending; and
WHEREAS funds are available in the Sheriff Department budget to support the creation of
a new position to oversee the financial and budgetary responsibilities of the Sheriff Department;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a new classification and one (1) position of Business
Administrator - Sheriff Department be created in a new unit entitled Business Administration in the
Administrative Services Division of the Sheriff Department at the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/1
31,001 32,7L-6 34,525 36 ,252 37,954 --- No
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two (2) Account Clerk II, one (1) Account Clerk 1 and one (1)
Student position be transferred from the Administration unit of Administrative Services to the
Business Administration unit of Administrative Services.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 230
By Finance Committee
Resolution #85I99)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution V85199 and finds that:
1) Request a new unit titled Business Administration (432-02) he established,
2) Creation of one (I) new position - Business Administrator - Sheriff Department,
3) Two (2) Account Clerk II, one (1) Account Clerk I and one (i) Student Position he
transferred from the Administration Unit to the Business Administration Unit,
4) Further, the Board of Commissioners makes the following Budget Amendments as per
attached Schedule I as no funding is necessary from Contingency.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be amended by adding another paragraph
to read:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the position of Budget Analyst ill be deleted from the Budget
Division of the Budget and Management Department".
Discussion followed.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hasslaerger, Hobart, K. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,_Moore,_Nelson Olsen, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (21)
NAYS: Pernick, Aaron. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution. with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85215
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Connissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is the desire of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to further refine its
intentions to participate in the future of county road improvement programs: and
WHEREAS it is the desire of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to fund county road
improvements in townships, cities, and villages; and
WHEREAS the current, successful Tr-Party Program will be completed in 1985; and
WHEREAS it is desirable to appropriate funds For a five-year commitment for rood improve-
ments beginning in 1986 as a Tr-Party arrangement with the local communities and the Road Commission:
WHEREAS said first annual appropriation for 1986 would be $750,000 and the total connitment
to be funded over a five-year (1986 through 1990) period on an annual basis of $750,000 in eacH of
said years would be $3.75 million: and
WHEREAS yearly distributions would be made to the Road Commission from the County Board of
Commissioners of $375,000 for road improvements on county roads in cities and villages and $375.000
for road improvements on county roads in townships, to be matched equally by the Road Commission and
local communities resulting in total yearly programs of $1,125,000 for cities and village., and
$1,125,000 for townships.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
concept of a Five-year program to make annual appropr i ations of $750,02 to the Oakland County Road
Commission for the years 1986 through 1990.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby direct
the County Executive and the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to prepare and
execute a Memorandum of Understanding as to the County financial obligation with respect to county
road improvement funding for the years 1986 through 1990.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of the executed agreement be delivered to the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners and communicated to the County Clerk for the purpose of making said
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
agreement an official communication to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart. Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Misc. 85216
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 1985 Airport Capital Improvement Program as adopted by the Oakland County
Airport Committee and approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous
Resolution No. 85169 on May 23, 1985 included lighting system renovation at Oakland/Pontiac Airport
and proposed funding of $161,000.00 from the Federal Aviation Administration; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Federal Aviation Administration grant
allocation, Project No. 3 -26-0079-0385, for the development and improvement of the Oakland/Pontiac
Airport on a 90 percent matching basis in a maximum obligation of $161,000.00 of the total project
cost of $181,000.00; and
WHEREAS !he developmenl projeri consisls of rehabilitation of the lighting system h a -
Runway 9H/211, the parallel 1axiway dnd 01 her associated lighting wflrly and
WHEREAS the County's match is in the form of reimbursement for land previously purchased
and no additional County funds are required; and
WHEREAS the Airport committee has reviewed and approved the Grant subject to ratification
by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and believe it to be in the County's interest to accept
the Grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland enter into a Grant Agreement,
Project No. 3-26-0079-0385, with the Federal Aviation Administration for the purpose of obtaining
federal aid for the development of the Oakland/Pontiac Airport.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is hereby
authorized to execute the Grant Agreement or behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
ADMINISTRATION (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185216)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of the Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185216 and finds:
0 The 1985 Oakland/Pontiac Airport - Grant Allocation from Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration Project No. 3-26-0079-0385 is in the amount of $161,000,
2) The grant amount is contained in the 1985 Airport Capital Improvement Program as
approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners per Miscellaneous Resolution #85169,
3) The total project cost is $181,000 with a 90 percent match from the Federal Aviation
Administration for lighting system rennvntinn at the Oakland/Pontiac Airoort
4) The County's match is in the form of reimbursement for land previously purchased and
no additional County funds are required.
5) The Finance Committee recommends acceptance of said grant award.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Fortino the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn,
Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 232
Misc. 86217
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has property in Troy. Michigan known as the Oakland/Troy Air-
port; and
WHEREAS the County is constructing additional T-harigars as port of the airport development;
WHEREAS the City of Troy is requesting an easement or County property at the Daklatut:Troy
Airport for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining a watermain; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the easement request.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners authorizes
the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute an easement agreement with the City of
Troy in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) for an easement For the purpose of watermain installation,
operation and maintenance.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Culandro.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85218
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #82232, dated August 26, 1982, the County of Oakland
entered into a three year lease agreement between the Village of Ortonville, a Municipal Corporation,
and the County of Oakland to lease seven hundred (700) square feet of space to be used as the Oakland ,
County Sheriff Department's Substation and Dispatch area and • WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff desires to provide a substation and the rental of
said space would be in the best interests of the public; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners exercise the
option to renew the lease for seven hundred (700) square feet of office space in premises known as
Village Offices, Village of Ortonville for an additional three (3) year term under identical terms
and conditions of the lease entered into on the 25th day of June, 1982 with the exception of the amount
of rental which will be at a rate of Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4500) Dollars per year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby
authorized to execute said lease in accordance with the terms of the lease, a copy of which is attached
hereto and made a part thereof.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee_ There were no objections.
By Personnel Committee
ASSURANCE PROGRAM JOINT VENTURE (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185191)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185191, reports with the
recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Misc. 85191
By Public Service Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution A234
(November 18, 1982) authorized that medical control be provided by the nine participating Oakland
County hospitals and the Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services (OAKEMS), consistent
with the Public Health Code; and
WHEREAS, on March 9, 1983, the Michigan Department of Public Health approved the Oakland
County Council for Emergency Medical Service as the medical control authority for the Oakland County
Emergency Medical Services System responsible to assure medical accountability within the system
through the adoption of standards of care, and operating procedures; and
WHEREAS quality assurance is a major goal of the Oakland County Council for Emergency
Medical Services, (Miscellaneous Resolution #84236, August 30, 1984); and
WHEREAS the nine participating Oakland County hospitals have requested the Oakland Count),
Council for Emergency Medical Services to assist the hospitals by conducting quality assurance
activities through a partnership between the hospitals and the County of Oakland and recommends to
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to enter into the attached Quality Assurance Confiden-
tiality Agreement; and
WHEREAS on January 17, 1985 the Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services
adopted the attached Quality Assurance Program consistent with the Bylaws and Public Health Code
and recommends to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to authorize the attached Quality As-
surance Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services Quality Assurance Program consistent with the
attached program summary materials; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners amends the Oakland
County Council for Emergency Medical Service Bylaws to include the Quality Assurance Committee as d
standing committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be authorized to
execute the attached Quality Assurance Confidentiality Agreement with the nine participating Oakland
County hospitals; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following new classification and corresponding 1985 salary
ranges be established:
Coordinator EMS Quality Assurance Base 6 Mo. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. OT
20T747 21,309 21,875 23,008 f4-71-3-9 Reg.
and to create one budgeted position as follows: EMS Quality Assurance Coordinator.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly reports be presented at the Public Services
Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and Lc th(
balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Attachments A, B, C and D on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85191)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85191 and finds:
1) The EMS/Disaster Control Division requests authorization to conduct an Oakland County
Council for Emergency Medical Services (OAKEMS) Quality Assurance Program through contractual part-
nership between nine participating County hospitals and the County,
2) The proposed contract states each hospital will provide an emergency department physician
director, and medical report information for evaluation purposes,
3) The County is requested to establish one (I) EMS Quality Assurance Coordinator position
responsible for day-to-day operations of the program, at a cost of $12,538 for the period August 1,
through December 31, 1985, and an estimated annual cost of $29,750 for salary and fringe benefits,
4) $12,538 is available in the 1985 Budget to fund one (1) EMS Quality Assurance Co-
ordinator position for the balance of 1985 (see attached schedule), said funds to be transferred as
177-10-00-1001 Salaries - Regular
177-10-00-2074 Fringe Benefits
909-01-00-9900 Contingency
$ 9,219
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 234
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Passberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra. Doyon.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85219
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate Lnd
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enter-
pri-,es in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location
and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and
residents: and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public
Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of ,uch r project
(Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project) and has designated to this Board
of Commissioners a Project Area and Project District Area for its appr-val;
1. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) resident., reel
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, 3
Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies
of this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Peraick, Price, Resold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon,
Fortino. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85220
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson', Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oaklard designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
under the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts o$ 1974,
as •memkid (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary I> coniima the ,4)[mintiovril Ly thf' County Executive of the Cotuliv
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
1. The appointments of Robert Secant lie and Donald SchHtt, who are reprtai:ntaiive of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Proiect, to the Board
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereoy confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Robert Secontine and Donald Schlitt shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are appointed
is either abandoned or if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed.
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide tour certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, By James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc, 85221
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has recom-
mended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic Development
Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") for the
Georgetowne Properties Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the
"Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter-
minations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that
the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section
8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the
project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly,
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's cOmmitnicnt
has been ohtained; and
WHEREAS on July 22, 1985, the governing body of the Village of Bingham Farms, Oakland
County, Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on July 25, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
I. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby deter-
mined to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan he and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement the
Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 236
YEAS: Hobart, R. Kuhn. S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nekon, Olsen.
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, dassberger.
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85222
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporation's Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1574, as amended (the
"Act") for the Pinewood Offices a Manufacturing Project, a copy of which Project Plan i5 attached
hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter-
minations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that
the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section
8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the
project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly,
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's connitment
has been obtained; and
WHEREAS on July 9, 1985, the governing body of Commerce Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on July 25, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to imaiewent
the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies (')- this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the FOE.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Exhibit A on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
YEAS: R.Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel - Reclassification of Clerk Ill Position and Creation of Additional Student
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the request by Corporation Counsel and resolution
forwarded by General Government, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Misc. 85223
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Comissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS with the recent transfer of the Real Estate Section, Clerk III personnel, the
Department of Corporation Counsel has submitted a request to reclssity Pusition #02978 from Clerk IM
to Law Clerk, transferring said position from the Real Estate Section Unit to the Administration Unit
of Corporation Counsel; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel proposes to utiiize this Law Clerk position
for legal research and related functions necessary due to an increase in the Department's legal
functions; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel requests that the savings resulting from such
a reclassification be applied to the funding of an additional student position to perform Clerical
functions for the Real Estate Section in the afternoon hours of operation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Position #02978 in the Real Estate Section of Corporation
Counsel be reclassified from Clerk III to Law Clerk.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (I) additional position of Student be established in the
Administrative Unit of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the report be accepted and the resolution be adopted_
The Chairperson referred the resolution with Personnel Committee Report attached, to the
Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Mr. Aaron gave notice of intent to discharge the General Government Committee of consider-
ation of Miscellaneous Resolution #85120 (County Assumption of Administrative Responsibility of the
45-B District Court) at the next Board meeting to be held on August 8, 1985.
Misc. 85224
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by Oakland
Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) on behalf of the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child
Care Program (known as 4C); and
WHEREAS your Committee has determined that the work of the Oakland County Community Coor-
dinated Child Care Council begun in 1974 should continue; and
WHEREAS this effort included training, coordination and technical assistance to child care
providers intended to reinforce and strengthen the family; and
WHEREAS the 4C Council, through the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, is requesting
that the amount of-$11,041 be authorized for the 4C Program for the period October 1, 1985 through
September 30, 1586; and
WHEREAS the requested amount of $11,041 reflects $6,503 presently given by the Board of
Commissioners to maintain existing services with the additional monies of $4,538 broken down into
$650 to cover the inflation rate over the past six (6) years and $3,888 needed to increase the part-
time staff to a full-time position in order to meet the ever increasing demands for 4C services by
Oakland County residents; and
WHEREAS the requested amount is a portion of the total needed for local match fur the state
agency purchase of service agreement through the state 4C Council; and
WHEREAS 4C will be securing the balance of monies needed from other community resources.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize re-
lease of up to $11,041 to the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child Care (4C) Program for the
period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the 1985 Budget be increased by $1135 for the period October I, 1985
through December 31, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resource Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee- There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 238
By Finance Committee
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
1) This is the first grant application of this program,
2) The grant covers the period of October I. 1985 through September 30, 1986,
3) Funding is in the amount of $24,505, which is 100/. funded by thu Stat,
4) The grant application requests $15,294 fir salarie;, $1,372 for fringe )0nefk.., 55,820
for operating expenses, and $2,019 for indirect costs consistent with the attached schedule,
5) All personnel changes will have to be reviewed by the Personnel Committee,
6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any furore
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and HUM09 Resources Committee,
in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application Pro-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc. 85225
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health Division is responsible for the orevention and treatment of tuberculosis;
WHEREAS certain individuals are at high risk and/or are resistant to complying ,dith treat-
ment regimens; and
WHEREAS the Health Division believes a public health nursing tuberculosis ou,t :eac h program
would facilitate client compliance with treatment regimens; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health has made grant money in the amoimit of
$24,505 available to develop an outreach capability; and
WHEREAS this grant would be in effect from October i, 1985 through September 30, 1986 and
does not obligate the County to any further commitment; and
WHEREAS personnel changes will be brought before the Personnel Committee for review and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
County Executive to apply for a TB Outreach Grant.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move rho adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Rewold.
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85226
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health Division receives many requests for copies of x-ray films from attorneys,
insurance companies and other sources; and
WHEREAS responding to these requests is costly in terms of personnel and materials: and
WHEREAS it is indicated that a standard fee should be established to cover the cost of
duplicating x-ray films; and
WHEREAS the following standard fee is recommended by the Health Division to be in
X-Ray Film $12.00 per copy
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed the criteria for estabiishing
this fee and has found it to be reasonable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve the above fee schedule effective immediately.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adopiiun
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Pe!-nick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, S. Kuhr. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution ,85227, reports with
the recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85227
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health Division and the Sheriff's Department are attempting to comply with the
provisions of the consent order; and
WHEREAS the Health Division is responsible for staffing the Jail Health Prog ,am; and
WHEREAS the Jail Health Program has insufficient staff to provide health care services to
the inmate population in a timely manner; and
WHEREAS the deletion of two (2) Sheriff Service Agent positions from the Sheriff's Depart-
ment budget along with the creation of four (4) General Staff Nurse positions in the Health Division
would facilitate the provision of health care services; and
WHEREAS this modification to the current staff complement of the Jail Health Program would
result in a net increase of two (2) positions at an estimated cost of $70,800.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to delete two (2) Sheriff's Service Agent Positions (03255 5
02676) from the Corrective Services Division of the Sheriff's Department and to create four (4)
General Staff Nurse positions in the Health Division's Jail Health Program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, f move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed resolution and finds:
1) The Health Division and Sheriff's Department have agreed on a plan to provide needed
health care services to the jail inmates,
2) Two (2) Sheriff Service Agent positions (03255 and 02676) will be deleted to offset the
addition of four (4) General Staff Nurse positions,
3) The related savings/(costs) are shown on the attached schedule,
4) The effective date of this program change is August 17, 1985,
5) Implementation will require transferring $34,544 from the Sheriff's Department and
$13,130 from Contingency to the Health Division as follows:
22100-162-15-00-1001 Salaries $31,465
-2074 Fringe Benefits 11,209
Sub-total $42,674
10100-433-10-00-1001 Salaries (S25,157)
-2074 Fringe Benefits (9,387)
-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (8,130)
Sub-Total ($42,674)
$ -0-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985 240
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Webb the resolution he adopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPhhrson, Moffitt, Nulr,on, ()ken, Pernick, FriLe, Rewold, Sk.irritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cal.xidro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberner, Hobart, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - GERIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES EXPANSION (Miscellaneous Resolution
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185198, reports with the
recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85198
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mi. Chaiiperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Geriatric Mental Health Service of the Community Mental Health Division provides
urgently needed treatment and counseling for the many older adults in Oakland County iqho or homebound
and suffer from emotional illnesses; and
WHEREAS the size of this segment of the population continues to increase. u 6.1t2 the demand
for mental health services for older adults and their families; and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan has awarded funding to the Community Mental Health Board for
an additional Mental Health Clinician position for the Geriatric Service, Plus associated costs;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
expansion of the Geriatric Mental Health Service as proposed by the Community Mental Health Board,
and authorize necessary matching funds as well as one additional Mental Health Clinician position for
the Service.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, 1 move the adoption
of the Foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - GERIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE EXPANSION (Miscellaneolfs Resolution
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule Xl-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellannou ,
Resolution #85198 and finds:
1) The Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has received State funding for
one additional Mental Health Clinician position to provide treatment and counseling to homebound,
emotionally ill older adults,
2) The annual budget for this program is $38,599; the State portion is $34,739 (90.)
and the County portion is $3.860 (10%) (see attached schedule),
3) The effective date of this program is July 1, 1985,
4) The increase to the 1985 Community Mental Health budget is $79,700, requiring the
following transactions:
22200-166-36-00-l001 Salaries $11,247
-2074 Fringe Benefits 3,682
-3041 Clinical Services 1,750
-3574 Personal Mileage 500
-3747 Transportation - Client 1,721
-5998 Capital Outlay Boo
22200-166-36 County match
22200-903-01 -00-9340 State Match
10100-303-01 -00-3900 Contingency
$ 1,970
$1 9,700
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Skarritt the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
McDonald. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution. with Fiscal Note atiached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85196
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - PONTIAC AREA DROP-IN CENTER
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in the Pontiac area there is a concentration of chronically mentally ill adults
living, many of whom are unemployed and lack meaningful activities during the day and evening hours;
WHEREAS activity programs for this patient population tend to achieve a greater level of
acceptance and success when they are directed by the patients themselves, under the general oversight
of Community Mental Health staff; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has requested and re-
ceived funding from the State on behalf of the "Pontiac Area Drop-In Center" for an activities
program which would be located at Baldwin Avenue United Methodist Church and directed by a board
elected by the patients who will attend the program; and
WHEREAS the Baldwin Avenue United Methodist Church has agreed to act as financial anent
in the Community Mental Health Board's contract for proposed funding of the Pontiac Area Drop-In
Center; and
WHEREAS the Center's schedule of activities for chronically mentally ill adults living
the Pontiac area would be coordinated with other clinical services of Community Mental Health for
this patient group, and the Center would be a very valuable adjunct to the more traditional mental
health services offered by Community Mental Health.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
proposed Pontiac Area Drop-In Center Program as presented by the Community Mental Health Division
and authorize necessary County matching funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a review of the program be presented to the Health and Human
Resources Committee after six (6) months.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - PONTIAC AREA DROP-IN CENTER (Miscellaneous Resolution /1;85156)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution l85196 and finds:
1) The Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has received State funding
for activity programs on behalf of the "Pontiac Area Drop-in Center",
2) The Community Mental Health Services Board intends to enter into a contract with the
Baldwin Avenue United Methodist Church who would host the drop-in center and act as the financial
3) The budget includes funds for a part-time program supervisor and six part-time activity
coordinators; all positions will be filled by patients earning minimum wage (see attached schedule),
4) The annual budget for this program is $15,000; the State portion is $13.500 (90/,) and the
County portion is $1,500 (10%),
5) The effective date of this program is July 1, 1985,
6) The increase to the 1585 Community Mental Health budget is $7,500, requiring the
following transactions:
22200-I66-New Unit-00-3042 Client Services $7,500
22200-166-New Unit County Match S 750
22200-903-01-00-9340 State Match 6 ,750
10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ (750)
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Moffitt the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, he
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, roron,
Caddell, Calandro, Oovon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassbergei, Hobart. R. Kuhr, S. Kuhn, Limni, McDonuld,
McPherson. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the rosolutilw, Alt Fiseol Nit' ;Attakhiid,
was adopted.
Misc. 85197
By Health and Human Resources Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists a core group of chronically mentally ill adults in Oakland County
who account for a disproportionately high number of admissions and days of care at Clinton Valley
Center, resulting in the so-called "revolving door" problem at the State hospital; and
WHEREAS these same patients, when not in the hospital, are for the most part homeless or
living in marginal situations, unemployed, and lacking any meaningful structure in their lives; and
WHEREAS the Community Mental Health program at present lacks the resources to provide an
adequate level of treatment and case management for this group of chronic patients, in linki of their
continuing and multiple needs for services; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Mental Health has now awarded funding to the Comounity
Mental Health Board for an "Assertive Community Treatment Program" which is specifically designed
and staffed to provide a high level of care for 75 of these most needy patients, and the Board interd ,,
to award a contract to Pontiac General Hospital for operation of the program, which the HosRital is
willing and able to do; and
WHEREAS the Assertive Community Treatment Program is based on model programs in ra.veral
other areas which have demonstrated their effectiveness in meeting the special needs of the must
chronic mentally 111 adults, helping them achieve and maintain their maximum level of functioning
in the community and reduce their need for hospitalization;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the
proposed Assertive Community Treatment Program as presented by the Community Mental Health Division.
and authorize necessary County matching funds for the Program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health - ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT PROGRAM (Miscellaneous Resolution 15197)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85197 and finds:
1) The Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has received State funding
for an "Assertive Community Treatment Program",
2) The Community Mental Health Services Board intends to enter into a contract with
Pontiac General Hospital to provide treatment and case management for 75 chronically mentally ill
3) The annual budget for this program is $425,876: the State portion is $383,288 (90.?..) and
the County portion is $42,538 (10 ,), (see attached schedule),
4) The effective date of this program is July 1, 1 9 85,
5) The increase to the 1985 Community Mental Health budget is $219,923, requiring the
following transactions:
22200-166-New Unit-00-3042 Client Services $219,923
22200-166-New Unit County Match 5 21,992
22200-903-01-00-9340 State Match 197,931
10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (21,992)
G. Wiliiam Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by McPherson the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, hlassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPhelsor ,
Moffitt. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85228
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division - COUNTY-WIDE 9-1-1 SYSTEM JOINT VENTURE
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution authorized
a study to identify alternatives to provide a more effective link between Oakland County citizens
and visitors and emergency service agencies; and
WHEREAS the Emergency Services Communication Task Force has recommended LO the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners that enhanced 9-1-1 be available to all citizens of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS 9-1-1 is a simple and effective system for the public to access police, fire, and
emergency medical services (EMS) agencies for emergencies; and
WHEREAS by providing a county-wide 9-1-1 number to use for all emergencies, the system will
help to: shorten overall response time to emergencies, reduce confusion and delays, and save more
lives and more property; and
WHEREAS a recent public opinion survey of Oakland County residents showed that an over-
whelming majority (90%) support having a 9-1-1 emergency number in their community.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
enhanced 9-I-I system consistent with the attached program summary materials.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the assign-
ment of County 9-1-1 system management responsibilities to the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster I
Control Division in accordance with county policies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute the attached Request for Enhanced 9-1-1 Service with the Michigan
Bell Telephone Company.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute
the attached 9-1-1 Service Agreement with municipalities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly reports be presented to the Public Services
Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and to the
balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no
Misc. 85229
By James E. Lanni
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS virtually all aspects of the Detroit People Mover, from its initial consideration
to its financing and construction, have been surrounded by controversy and major problems and the
entire issue of this elevated rail line has been plagued with ineptitude; and
WHEREAS, already, the system has experienced tremendous cost overruns, which have pushed
the cost to at least $210 million for a 2.9-mile automated rail line and at a cost of $13,746 per
foot, this project is an astounding misuse of badly needed transportation funds; and
WHEREAS this escalation on a project originally to have cost $89 million has also created
great uncertainty as to what the fare and ridership would be for its use. Original estimates of
the daily ridership for the People Mover have already been scaled down dramatically from 70,000
riders to 50,000, with the latest projections of a federal audit estimating 40,000 riders; and
WHEREAS it also seems clear that the cost of operation for this project would entail
similar escalations in price. Given the history of transportation services in the metropolitan
area, as well as the unforeseen factors presented by the completely new technology of the People
Mover, it would seem likely that the $7.3 million per year operating expense for the People Mover
would prove to be far short of actual operating costs; and
WHEREAS the funding for the People Mover has involved the transfer of money from several
Commissioners Minutes Continued. July 25, 1985
sources, at the direct expense of citizens and local units of government who have experienced
decreased overall transportation services as a result of the commuter rail project. In effect,
a considerable disproportion of tie transportation services for the SEMTA area have been c,rcrn-
trated in the very limited downtown Detroit area of the People Mover ; and
WHEREAS, most recently, it has become apparent that the quality of construction 1 ov
jeopardize the safety of the entire venture. Even though construction is still underway, thirt y -t,...o
beams have been replaced, with another eighty-nine beams having some type of flaw. Cracks in
2rete, combined with sections of the elevated rail which have actuall y fallen, have scrkm,l y
threatened the public's safety and are undoubtedly further eroding potential ridership: and
WHEREAS, while each of these problems could be considered enough to justify serious
questioning of the wisdom of continuing this project, the cumulative impact of the overruir, in
cost of construction, poor quality of work, documented problems in safety, and the projected cost
of operation makes it abundantly clear that the Detroit People Mover is a project which can no longer
be permitted to drain the resources of the people of Michi gan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners shares the
concerns about the Detroit People Mover as described in the foregoing excerpt', from House Concurrent
Resolution 11403 and takes a position supoorting HCR 403.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the state leni-Io1cr
from Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Commissioner, District !-11
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
In accordance with Board Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. Comprehensive Health Planning Council - 1986 - Budget Request
b. MAC --1986 Dues Statement
c. Michigan Appellate Defender Office - Assigned Appellate LAinsel Reform
a. Mackinac County - Health Care Providers Liability Limits
b. NAG° - Senate/House Conference on Budget Resolution Update
c. Calhoun County - HB 4529 (Support) Return Portion of Gas 6 Oil Severance Tax
d. Calhoun County - Oppose Elimination of Limitation of State/Local Tax Dedoctinility
e. Calhoun County - Opposition to Mandatory Full-time Probate Judges
F. Calhoun Count y - Support Uniform School Sear (Post Labor Day)
g. Troy - Opposition to Donating Land for Armory Site
h. Arenac County - Separation of Powers
i. Lake County - Public Service Commission Rate Relief for Consumers Power
j. Lake County - Opposition to Mandatory Full-time Probate Judges
k. Oceana County - Separation of Powers
• Lake County - Opposition to sa 36, Amendments to General Propert y Tax A,'
m. Mackinac County - Separation of Power
n. Mackinac County - Uniform School Year
o. Gladwin Count y - Separation of Power
p. NACo - Oppose Elimination of State/Local Tax Deductibility
q. Jackson County - Opposition to Removal of $1.5 Million in Cost Sharing
r. Jackson County - Request Legislature to Establish Ceiling fimi Medical Malyeaciice and
Professional Liability Suits
s. Missaukee Count y - Separation of Powers
t. Representative Brotherton - Opposition to COBO Hall Expansion 6 Res. 85705 r: 07 Reply
a. Mackinac County - Health Care Providers Liability Limits
b. Comprehensive Health Plannin g Council - 1986 Budget Req uest
c. Department of Social Services - Child Support District Supervisor Changes
d. Camp Oakland - Corrective Action Plan (heating)
e. Camp Oakland - Corrective Action Plan (Discipline)
a. Probate Court - Master Plan
a. Branch County - Support of State Prison at Coldwater Regional Developmental Center
b. CETA - #85-GTA-117, Request for Hearing
c. Wayne County - Prison Needs Study Report
d. District Court Judges Association - Opposition to County Takeover
e. State Police - Emer g ency Management Seminars (Copy given e EMS)
f. MI. Dept. of Commerce - Community Development Block Grant Program, Small Cities
g. Sheriff's Dept. - Training Report
h. CETA - #84-CTA-153, Order of Extension
CETA - Administrative File on #85-CTA-117 (Copy given Corporation Counsel)
Commissioners Minutes Continued.
a. State Sesquicentennial Flaq Raising
a. Entrepreneurship Symposium
a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, People's Market, Pontilc
h. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption Non-Impairment, OxFord
c. Purchasing - Security Document Destruction
There were no objections to the referrals.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board would be AuTJsi 8, 1935 at 9;30 A.T.
The Board adjourned at 8;16 p.m.
Board Of Commissioners
August 8, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 11:11 a.m, in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI.
Invocation given by Richard Kuhn, Jr.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Poore, Nelson, Olen, Pain,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Moved by Moore supported by Webb the minutes of the July 25th, 1985 meeting be approved
as printed.
Mr. Lanni stated that Miscellaneous Resolution #85228 on page 2 1.c. of the minuoo, of
July 25th, 1985, is printed as a resolution coming from the Public Services Committee. This
resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lanni as an individual commissioner in accordance with
Rule XI-A; therefore, he requested that the minutes show Miscellaneous Resolution 1185228 as beinn
introduced by James E. Lanni, County Commissioner, District Ull and that the reference to the
Public Services Committee be deleted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the minutes of the
July 25th, 1985 meeting were approved, as corrected.
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the rules be suspended to ado the following resoldtions
to the agenda:
a. Sheriff's Department - Yokley v. County of Oakland - Hiring of Outside Courooil
b. Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Area and Project District
Area (Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project)
c. Economic Development Group - Resolution Confirming Appointment of Additional EDC
Directors (Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project)
d. Economic Development Group - Resolution Approving Project Area and Project District
Area (Jamestowne Properties Project)
e. Economic Development Group - Resolution Confirming Appointment of Additional EDC
Directors (Jamestowne Properties Project)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the agenda, an amendeo, be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therelor, tho motion carried
Clerk read letter from Probate Judge Eugene A. Moore regarding an award to Oakland County
Juvenile Court from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges for the Finest Juvenile
Court Volunteer Program in the country. (Placed on File)
Clerk read resolution from Adrian County regarding placing a ceiling on liability of health
care providers and amount recoverable by plaintiffs in medical malpractice and professional liability
suits. (Referred to General Government Committee)
Commissioners Minuted Continued. August 8, 1985
Clerk read resolution from Adrian County regarding placing ceilings on liability awards,
restricting the amount of legal fees and scrutinizing the management practices of insurance companies
that are affecting taxpayers and public. (Referred to General Government Committee)
George Leggett, Mayor of the City of Lathrup Village, addressed the Board.
Ken Vinstra gave a presentation on the Personnel Fringe Benefit Package Proposal.
Misc. 85230
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners through its Economic Development Corporation
seeks to assist certain municipalities in furtherance of their public purposes; and
WHEREAS these public purposes can best be accomplished through the Oakland County Economic
Development Corporation; and
WHEREAS Public Act 338, 1974, as amended, provides that the County of Oakland may transfer
or contribute funds to the Economic Development Corporation in furtherance of its public purposes; and
WHEREAS funds contributed to the cities listed below will promote the economic development
of the whole county.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates
$777,201 to the Economic Development Corporation for the following municipalities for 1984 and 1985:
1984 1985 TOTAL
Oak Park $ 68,644 $ 68,644 $ 137,288
Royal Oak 105,750 105,750 211,500
Southfield 178,125 178,125 356,250
Ferndale 10,763 1) 10,763
Madison Heights 30,700 30,700 61,400
TOTAL $ 393,982 $ 383,219 $ 777,201
1) One year appropriation only.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates $100,300
to the Economic Development Corporation for the following municipalities for 1985:
1985 TOTAL
Ferndale $ 13,400 $ 13,400
Huntington Woods 24,500 24,500
Lathrup Village 20,800 20,800
Pleasant Ridge 32,500 32,500
Royal Oak Township 9,100 9,100
TOTAL $ 100,300 $ 100,300
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Oakland County Board of Commissioners finds $877,501 available
in a Non-Departmental ($705,038) and Contingency ($172,463) accounts (consistent with Schedule 4)
for the purpose of an appropriation to the Economic Development Corporation for certain cities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $172,463 be transferred from Contingency Account to a Non-
Departmental account to make payment to certain cities:
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ (172,463)
4-10100-901-01-00-9110 Non-Departmental 172,463
$ -0-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, D. C., Chairperson
Copy of Schedule I on file in County Clerk's office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. (19)
NAYS: Skarritt, Fortino, Hassberger, Moore. (4)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
STUDENT POSITION (Misc. Res. 85223)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the request by Corporation Counsel and resolution
forwarded by General Government, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985 248
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
John J. McDonald
Misc. 85223
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS with the recent transfer of the Real Es1.6te Sec.tion's Clerk 111 personnel, the
Department of Corporation Counsel has submitted a request to reclassify Position 1102376 from Clerk III
to Law Clerk, transferring said position from the Real Estate Section Unit to the Administration
Unit of Corporation Counsel; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel proposes to utilize this Law Clerk position
for legal research and related functions necessary due to an increase in the Department's legal
functions; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel requests that the savings resulting from
such a reclassification be applied to the funding of an additional student position to perform
clerical functions for the Real Estate Section in the afternoon hours of operation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Position ,!102978 in the Real Estate Section of Corporation
Counsel be reclassified from Clerk III to Law Clerk.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one ;1) additional position of Student be established in the
Administrative Unit of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
STUDENT POSITION - Miscellaneous Resolution #85223
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to ftulo XI-C of this Board, the Finance Commlttee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85223 and finds:
1) Corporation Counsel has requested to downwardly reclassify position 1102978 from Clerk
III to Law Clerk, resulting in an annual savings of $1,019,
2) The Division requests one (i) additional Student position to perform clerical functions
for the Real Estate Section, at an annual cost of $4,315,
3) Net annual County cost is $3,296 for the above proposed personnel changes,
4) $1,389 is necessary to fund one (I) additional Student position for the balance of
1985 (August 3 through December 31, 1985), said funds available in the 1985 Contingency Account,
to be transferred to Corporation Counsel Division Budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency S(1,389)
115-05-00-1001 Salaries - Regular 1,389
G. William Caddell, D. C., Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the Personnel Committee report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Olsen supported by Perinoff the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
Hi" . 85224
By Hcdith and Human Resources Committee
To The Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed a presentation by Oakland
Livingston Human Service Agency (OLFISA) on behalf of the Oakland County Community Coordinated Child
Care Program (known as 4C); and
WHEREAS your Committee has determined that the work of the Oakland County Community Coordi-
nated Child Care Council begun in 1974 should continue; and
WHEREAS this effort included training, coordination and technical assistance to child care
providers intended to reinforce and strengthen the family; and
WHEREAS the 4C Council, through the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, is requesting
that the amount of $11,041 be authorized for the 4C Program for the period October 1, 1985 through
September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the requested amount of $11,041 reflects 56,503 presently given by the Board of
Commissioners to maintain existing services with the additional monies of 54,538 broken down into
$650 to cover the inflation rate over the past six (6) years and $3,888 needed to increase the part-
time staff to a full-time position in order to meet the ever increasing demends for 4C services by
Oakland County residents; and
WHEREAS the requested amount is a portion of the total needed for local match for the
state agency purchase of service agreement through the state 4C Council; and
WHEREAS 4C will be securing the balance of monies needed from other community resources.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize release
of up to $11,041 to the Oakland County Community Ccordinated Child Care (4C) Program for the period
October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the 1585 budget be increased by $1135 for the period October 1, 1985
through December 31, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
By Finance Committee
(4C PROGRAM) - Miscellaneous Resolution #85224
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution N85224 and finds:
I) The Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency has requested the annual budget for Com-
munity Coordinated Child Care (4C Program) be increased from $6,503 to 511,041 for the period
October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986,
2) This program change would increase the part-time 4C Program Specialist position to
3) The total County 1986 4C Program Budget would be $11,041,
4) The increase to the 1985 Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency Budget (October
through December 31, 1985) is $1,135, requiring the following transactions:
4-10100-909-01-00-5900 Contingency $(1.135)
4-10100-167-01-00-3549 OLSHA 1,135
$ -0 -
G. William Caddell, D. C., Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by.Hassberger the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the rnsolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commi sioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985 250
1) This is the nineteenth (19th) application for this program,
2) The grant covers the period of September 1, 1985 through August 31, 1986,
3) Funding is $165,145 and is 10W: Skillman Foundation funded,
4) The grant application requests $92,600 for salaries, $32,512 for fringe benefits
and $40,033 for operating expenses, consistent with the attached schedule,
5) All personnel changes will have to be reviewed by the Personnel Committee,
6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources
Committee, in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution 0145, Revised Federal and State Grant
Application Procedures.
G. William Caddell, D. C., Chairperson
Misc. 85231
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Probate Court - SKILLMAN GRANT 1985-86
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS since 1967, the Skillman Foundation has provided grants to the Oakland County
Probate Court to provide primary funding for family camps at Camp Oakland, Inc., Oxford, Michigan,
for mothers and youngsters who would not otherwise be able to have such an experience and for
specialty staff within Probate Court;
WHEREAS the Oakland County Probate Court wishes to submit an application in the amount
of $165,145 to renew said grant for the 1985-86 grant year, with a stipulation that the grant be
expended solely in support of the programs, purposes, and budget detailed in the Probate Court's
proposal; and
WHEREAS the Probate Court deems it essential to have these funds to continue the above-
named programs,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves
submission of the Oakland County Probate Court's grant request to the Skillman Foundation.
Susan Kuhn, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price. (20
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85232
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies, and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a Study Committee comprised of representatives from the Board of Commission rs'
Office, Treasurer's Office, and County Executive Departments of Personnel, Management and Budvt,
and Central Services have been reviewing the fringe benefit areas of annual leave, life insurance,
and sick leave/income continuation insurance to identify any significant gaps in benefit coverage,
to evaluate employee expressed concerns with specific benefit provisions, and to study increased
cost liability to the County resulting from current sick leave and annual leave banking provisions;
WHEREAS the Study Committee has presented a final package of recommendations which
improve certain benefit provisions, fill the existing gaps in income protection, and will reduce
and eventually eliminate the present escalating liability for banked sick leave days; and
WHEREAS a package of recommendations has been presented at Employee Information and Input
Meetings to interested employees, and notice of the proposed changes was given to the varioui unions
representing a portion of the work force; and
WHEREAS the final report and recommendations of the Study Committee provides au option
to each non -represented employee to maintain current benefit provisions or to elect to be covured by
all the recommended benefit provisions as a package and provides for discussions with the various
unions to consider similar options.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report and recommendations of the Fringe Benefit
Study Committee as attached be accepted and adopted for implementation with the exclusion of he
Section referencing additional employees as soon as practicable including the benefit design changes,
awarding of insurance contracts as recommended, and funding as recommended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee develop Merit Rule changes for Board
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
consideration consistent with these benefit revisions in a timely manner to be effective with the
implementation of these changes.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald
Copy of Final Report and Recommendations of Study Committee on file in County Clerk's office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85233
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the existing 18-inch storm sewer parallel to the railroad tracks on the east side
of the Service Center handles storm water runoff for a considerable portion of the Service Center; and
WHEREAS an inspection of this storm sewer has revealed areas of severe deterioration; and
WHEREAS replacement of this storm sewer with a larger size would improve drainage character-
istics; and
WHEREAS such replacement has been estimated to cost $11 11,000; and
WHEREAS $100,000 is available in the Storm Sewer Replacement line item of the Utilities
Section of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS the additional $14,000 is available in the carryover available for 1986.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby
authorized to advertise, receive bids for the storm sewer replacement, and report thereon after
receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85234
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has adopted, pursuant to Act 641 of Michigan Public Acts of
1978, as amended, the Oakland Counts Solid Waste Management Plan (the "County Plan") providing for
the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste and emphasizing the use of resource recovery facilities
while limiting the use of sanitary landfills; and
WHEREAS in order to begin to implement the County Plan, there has been presented to the
Board of Commissioners a proposed Intergovernmental Agreement for the Disposal of Solid Waste (the
"Agreement") to be entered into by the County and each local unit of government within the County
except for (i) the City of Pontiac and (ii) the local units of government that are members of the
Southeast Oakland County Incinerator Authority ("SOC1A") (all such local units of government other
than the City of Pontiac and SOCIA members are hereinafter referred to as the "Municipalities"); and
WHEREAS the Agreement has been developed and reviewed with the joint cooperation of the
County and representatives of cities, villages and townships within the County; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland deems it necessary and advisable to authorize distribution
of the proposed Agreement to the Municipalities for approval and to pay for certain costs associated
with the planning, design and implementation of the County Plan.
1. The Oakland County Executive is hereby authorized to work with the County Commissioners
and local officials to distribute the form of Agreement presented to this meeting to each of the
Municipalities for approval, along with a request that each of the Municipalities take action with
respect to the Agreement within one hundred twenty (120) days of the effective date of this resolution.
2. The County of Oakland hereby agrees to pay for $687,700 of the costs and expenses incurred
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985 252
in connection with the planning, design and implementation of the County Plan incurred on or before
July 28, 1983. Such costs and expenses in the amount el $183,700 incurred prior to July 28, 1983
and any such costs incurred subsequent to July 28, 1983 shall be considered a System Cost (as defined
in the Agreement) and paid for by the participating municipalities as set forth in the Agreenwnf.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Intergovernmental Agreement for Dispoi,al of Solid Waste in Oakland County on
file in County Clerk's office.
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85234 and finds:
I) County of Oakland Solid Waste Program costs for the period January 1, 1579 through
July 1, 1985, total $1,595,000,
2) Such program costs include $1,067,000 incurred by County of Oakland in connection with
the planning, design and implementation of the Solid Waste Plan on or before July 28, 1983, (date
of Department of Natural Resources approval) and $528,000 implementation costs incurred from July 28,
1983 through July 1, 1990 as shown on the attached summary,
3) Such coste. were borne by rho County with anticipation of being fully recovered through
revenue type bond proeeees.
"1) The net program cost total $1,399,400 of which the County agrees to absorb $687,700
expended in prior year l=ndgets from January 1, 1579 through July 28, 1983, and the remaining
balance $711,700, will be spread among 61 municipalities upon entering into agreements with the
5) The County shall not be obligated to any future monetary commitnent, however, advance-,
may be required. The ultimate goal will be the absorption of costs by the municipalities for imple-
mentation, acquisition, operation, use, and maintenance of facilities,
6) A budget adjustment will be made upon formation of the Municipal Solid Waste Board.
G. Wiiliam Caddell, O. C., Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the resolution be amended by executing the following
changes to Section 2.4 Establishment and Role of Municipal Solid Waste Board, all on Page 8, sub-
paragraph (b):
-Change iii ,—on line 11 of sub-paragraph (b), after the words ''shall consider and aaprove",
Change #2, on line 12 of sub-paragraph (b), after the word 'including", delete "a)proval of".
Change #3, on the seventh line up from the bottom of sub-paragraph after the word
A sufficient najority having voted therefor, the potion carried.
Moved by Moore supported by Price the resolution be amended on Page 8 - Subparagroab 2.4le/
by adding the following at the end of the paragraph: "THE VOTE OF EACH MEM3ER MUNICIPALITY SHALL
Discussion followed.
Moved by Perinoff supported by Lanni to postpone action on the resolution for two wicks.
Discussion followed.
Vote on Mr. Perinoff's motion to postpone:
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Lanni, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (8)
MAYS: Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law,
McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt. (16)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
Vote on Mr. Moore's amendment:
AYES: Doyon, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (6)
NAYS: Wilcox, Calandro, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, ReNold, Skarritt, Webb. (18)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (21)
NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Price. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85218
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 82232, dated August 26, 1982, the County of Oakland
entered into a three year lease agreement between the Village of Ortonville, a Municipal Corporation,
and the County of Oakland to lease seven hundred (700) square feet of space to he used as the Oakland
County Sheriff Department's Substation and Dispatch area; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff desires to provide a substation and the rental of said
space would be in the best interests of the public; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners exercise the
option to renew the lease for seven hundred (700) square feet of office space in premises known as
Village Offices, Village of Ortonville for an additional three (3) year term under identical terms
and conditions of the lease entered into on the 25th day of June, 1382 with the exception of the
*amount of rental which will be at a rate of Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4500) Dollars per year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby
authorized to execute said lease in accordance with the terms of the lease, a copy of which is
attached hereto and made a part thereof.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Lease on file in County Clerk's office.
By Finance Committee
Miscellaneous Resolution #85218
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85218 and finds:
1) Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) requests the Board of Commissioners to renew
a three (3) year lease agreement between the Village of Ortonville and the County to lease 700 squar,
feet of space for the Oakland County Sheriff Department's substation,
2) Terms and conditions of the lease are identical to previous three (3) year lease
agreement entered into June 25, 1982, with the exception that the amount of rental will be at a rate
of $4,500 per year,
3) Previous rental rate was $4,200 per year; requested increase is due to maintenance
and utility cost increases,
4) The proposed lease agreement covers the period June 24, 1985 through June 23, 1988,
5) $4,500 is necessary per the lease agreement to fund 1985 rent cost, said funds available
in the 1985 Contingency Account, to be transferred to the Sheriff's Department Budget as follows:
903-01-00-9900 Contingency $(4,500)
436-15-00-3658 Rent 4,500
$ -0-
G. William Caddell, D. C., Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supportec by Olsen the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985 254
A sufficient aidjority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note atiached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85235
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) - 52/2 DISTRICT COMT - RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/2 District Court; and
WHEREAS the current lease for the 52/2 District Court premises expires on Deccmher 31, 1985:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 85140, adopted on May 9, 1985, voted against renewal of
a lease for the existing premises and authorized the Department of Corporation Counsel to advertise
for and receive proposals for the design and construction or renovation of existing premises
utilizing an approved Request for Proposals and Specifications; and
WHEREAS advertisements were published for such a facility to lease and Corportatior
Counsel - Real Estate Section did receive six (6) responses; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group, 3756 Sashabaw Road, Drayton Plains, Michigan 48020 has
proposed to build according to specifications a court io be located in Independence Township; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group has proposed to lease the faci3ity consisting of 5900 net
(finished and usable) square feet to the County for use as the 52/2 District Court, with the terms
and conditions as set forth in the Lease attached to this Resolution for Ten Dollars and 50/l00
($10.50) per square foot, being Sixty One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($61,950), per year,
for a period of 5 years from commencement date; and from the 6th year thru the 10th year of the
lease, Tenant agrees to pay Landlord as fixed annual rent an amount not to exceed Seventy Fiv,
Thousand Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($75,815.00) per year; and
WHEREAS The Honorable Gerald E. McNally and the Facilities Engineering Department have
reviewed the plans and specifications and recommends the Rademacher Group; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel recommends the lease be awarded to the
Rademacher Group.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approvi s the
plans, specifications and tease for the facility as proposed by the Rademacher Group, For us( as
the 52/2 District Court for a term of ten (10) years commencing January 1, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
is directed to execute said Lease on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Lease on file in County Clerk's office.
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no ohjection,.
Misc. 85236
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Richard J. Amberg, Jr., attorney for the plaintiff class in Yokley v. Counta of
Oakland, submitted to the U. S. District Court on Junt 12th, 1985, a response to Oakland County's
jail depopulation plan; and
WHEREAS Richard J. Amberg, Jr., subsequent to Oakland County's reply of July 8th, 1J85,
submitted to the Court a proposed court order requesting that Oakland County take certain immediate
actions to relieve jail overcrowding; and
WHEREAS such proposed order also requests that the Court fine Oakland County $10,000
per day and also fine each of the Oakland County Commissioners individually $100 per day for every
day of non-compliance; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Commissioners feel that they have acted affirmatively and
expeditiously on every jail depopulation proposal presented to them for decisive action; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Commissioners feel that it is in their best interests to hire
outside legal counsel to represent their specific interests, with the assistance of Corporation
Counsel, in the attainment of an appropriate solution to the jail depopulation issue; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners currently has an approved contrail_ with
the firm of Kohl, Secresl, Wardle, Lynch, Clark and Hampton.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the hiring of
William P. Hampton under the present contract for the puroose of representing the Board of Commis-
sioners interests, with the assistance of Corporation Counsel, in the resolution of Case P78-70625,
Anthony Yokley v. the County of Oakland.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Olsen the resolution he adopted.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Calandra, Doyon. (21)
NAYS: Pernick, Wilcox. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85237
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in this
County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project
Area and Project District Area for its approval.
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, a
Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James Edward Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES; Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson,
Page, Perinolf, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McPherson, Olsen, Price. (8)
ABSTAIN: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85238
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mi. Chairperson, Ladies and &HUI .emen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and Project
District Area for a project (Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project) under the Economic Development
Corporations Act, Act. No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County of
Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in connection
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985 256
with said Project, in accordance with Section 4 (2) of the Act.
as follows:
I. The appointments of Patrick M. Dohany and Deborah J. Gray, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Patrick M. Dohany and D,-borah J. Gray shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are
appointed is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution arc hereby repealed,
hut only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Pipe,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, S. Kuhn. McConnell, McPherson, Olsen. (7)
ABSTAIN: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85239
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects Lo alleviate ar
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises
in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and Lxpansion
of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents: and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public
Acts of 1574, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Jamestowne Properties Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project Area
And Project District Area for its approval.
as follows:
1. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated
Project Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding terrirory is
devoted to commercial/ildustrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description n , and
boundaries coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby trstabli .cd.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less that eighteen (18) resider: r, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Arta,
a Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McPherson, Olsen. (7)
ABSTAIN: None. (0)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85240
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (Jamestowne Properties Project) under the Economic Development
Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act.
1. The appointments of Loren D. Riley and E. James Houston, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Loren D. Riley and E. James Houston shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are appointed
is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
ABSENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Olsen. (8)
ABSTAIN: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. Oakland County PioncPr and Historical Society - 1986 Budget Request
a. Northville - Resolution Opposing HB 4799, "Tourism and Convention Facility Promotion
Development Fund Tax Act
b. MAC - Proposed Legislation Establishing Legislative/Judicial Definitions of Control
c. Cass County - P. A. 116, Preservation of Farmland
d. Gladwin - Support 4-year terms for County Commissioners
e. Oceana - Support 4-year terms for County Commissioners
f. Canvassing Board - Democratic Nominee
g, Canvassing Board - Democratic Nominees
h. Lake County - Support County Commissioners' 4-year terms
i. Kalkaska - Support HB 4461, Uniform School Year (Post Labor Day Opening)
j. Arenac - Support 4-year terms for County Commissioners
k. Arenac - Oppose Elimination or Limitation of State/Local Tax Deductibility
1. Arenac - Health Care Providers Liability Cap (Proposed Legislation)
m. Arenac - Opposition to Mandated Full-time Probate Judges
a. NACo - Exemption of Local Government Employees from Fair Labor Standards Act
a. Sheriff's Department - Secondary Road Patrol Funding
Management and Budget
a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Bright Ideas, Royal Oak
Civil Counsel
a. Resume of Robert C. Kerzka
Health and Human Resources
a. Arenac - Request Governor to Restore $1.5 Million for Public Health Cost Sharing
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 8, 1985
There were no objections to the referrals
Misc. 85241
By Walter Moore and Hubert Price, Jr.
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS General Motors Corporation has major facilities in Pontiac, Orion, and Milford;
WHEREAS after reporting profits of $4.5 billion last year, General Motors is seeking
property tax assment reductions; and
WHEREW: these proposed reductions would drastically reduce each of these communities'
ability to maintain essential services to its citizens and would affect the communities public
education systems; and
WHEREAS the present tax assessments in Pontiac, Orion, and Ailford are fair and equitable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Boar a of Commissioners does hereby
oppose General Motors Corporation's property tax asa.ssment appeal and supports the disclosure of
the economic impact the proposed assessments would have on homeowners and small businesses in the
affected communities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the requiring
of public hearings open to all residents and businesses in the affected areas in the event of any
proposed settlement offer of this appeal.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports requiring
General Motors Corporation to disclose the insured value of each facility for which it has appealed
its property tax assessment.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Walter Moore, Commissioner, District #7
Hubert Price, Jr., Commissioner, District •8
Roy Rewold
Moved by Moore supported by Price the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board would be August 22, 1985 at
9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
August 22, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:39 a.m, in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Hubert Price, Jr.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll LaSted.
PRESENT; Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. Hassberger, Hobdrt,
Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. Nekoo,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Moved by Pernick supported by Gosling the minutes of the previous meeting be opr(,vod
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Rewold supported by McPherson the agenda be amended and the rules susperdrd to
add the following items to the agenda: (Reason for request given in parenthesis)
b. Community Mental Health - Authorization to Receive Bids for Remodeling the Mental
Retardation Center. (Waive Rule XXVII 5-day not Planning and Building Committee mooting
Held August 20, 1985. Expedition requested by Committee Chairperson)
c. Economic Development Group - Authorization to Receive Bids for Remodeling. (Waive
Rule XXVII 5-day notification. Planning and Building Committee meeting held August 20, 1985.
Expedition requested by Committee Chairperson)
d. Sheriff's Department - Jail Renovations and Neu Construction. (Waivq B1.6e XXV1I 5-day
notification. Planning and Building Committee meeting held August 20. 1985. Expedition requested
by Committee Chairperson)
b. Cooperative Extension Service - Extension Agriculture Agent Position (Waive Rule XXVII
5-day notification. Public Services Committee meeting held August 20, 1985. Expedition requested
by Robert Chisholm)
c. Economic Development Group Resolution Approving Project Area and Project District
Area, Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project. (Waive Rule XXV/1 5-day notification. Public Services .
Committee meeting held August 20, 1985. Expedition requested by Jeff Kaczmarek)
d. Economic Development Group Resolution Confirming Appointment of Additional CDC Direcoors,
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project. (Waive Rule XXVII 5-day notification. Public SE:rvi ,-e,,
Committee meeting held August 20, 1985. Expedition requested by Jeff Kaczmarek)
e. Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) 52nd District Court - Receipt of Proposal.
Resolution #85235. (Waive Rule XXVII 5-day notification. Finance Meeting held August 22, 1985.
Expedition requested by Planning and Building Committee)
REGULAR AGENDA - Personnel Committee
a. Drain Commissioner - Request to Add One Construction Inspector III and One Engineering
Technician. (Waive Rule XI-C. Resolution taken to Finance out of sequence.)
Vote on suspension of the rules to consider items added to the agenda:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Vote on agenda as amended:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the -agenda, as amended, was approved.
Clerk read letter from Madison Heights City Clerk regarding a public hearing to be hei 1
regarding approval of application for tax abatement through granting of a Commercial Facilities
Exemption Certificate. (Received and filed)
Misc. 85242
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a poor economy and decreased construction activity led to the deletion of thirty-
three (33) Construction inspector positions in January, 1982 from the office of the Drain Ciyir,H„ionu ;
WHEREAS the economy in Michigan has recovered to such a degree that the construction activity
of drain, sewer and water projects has increased significantly, necessitating an increase in con-
struction inspection services; and
WREREAS the increase in drain, sewer and water projects is directly related to an increased
need for the preparation of easement and right of way documents and for the acquisition of easement:
WHEREAS there is presently insufficient staff to handle workload increases in the afore-
mentioned areas; and
WHEREAS there is sufficient new project work to assign two (2) new positions full time and
therefore recover full cost of the positions through increased revenues.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) governmental Construction Inspector III be
created in the Construction Inspection Unit and that one (1) governmental Engineering Technician be
created in the Engineering Unit of the Drain Commissioner.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
TECHNICIAN (Miscellaneous Resolution q85242)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85242 and finds:
1) Two (2) budgeted positions, one (I) Construction Inspector III and one (1)
Engineering Technician be created in the Construction Inspection Unit and Engineering Unit respec-
tively in the Drain Commissioner Department, effective August 31, 1985,
2) The Cost of said positions for the remainder of 1985 amounts to $21,382. of
Which $15,722 is salary cost and $5,660 fringe benefit cost as outlined on the attached Schedule A,
3) Revenue from drain construction projects will reimburse the County for the total
cost of said positions for the remainder of 1985 and in future years,
4) The 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
Drain Commissioner
Revenue: 3-611-01-00-2529 Reimb. Salaries $21,382
Appropriations: 4-611-05-00-1001 Salaries $ 8,172
4-611-05-00-2070 Fringe Benefits 2,947
4-6H-16-00-1001 Salaries 7,550
4-611-16-00-2070 Fringe Benefits 2,718
5) Funding of said positions is contingent upon continued availability of Drain
project revenue to offset cost-s.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985 261
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution, 4ith Fiscal Note attached, he
AYES: Lanni, Law, l-cCurnell. McConald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, 01 ,on, Paq,,
Perinu't, Pernick, Price, Reoold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, [.yon, Fortino, Gos1i-1 ,1, lL3sshotger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (2!)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Motu atta,_ned,
Misc. 85243
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Central Services/Dist .ict Court Probation - CHANGE MERIT RULE 1 TO INCLUDE ALL 01S1R1CT
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Chief of District Court Probation and Community Service Program', ,,:nd the
Probation Officers of the Central Services District Court Probation Division were excluded from
the Merit System, under Section II (13)(3) of the Merit System Resolution and Section (I)(B)13) of
Merit Rule 1; and
WHEREAS the reason for said exclusion, appointment by the Governor, no longer applies to
Central Services District Court Probation personnel, and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the status of Central Services District
Court Probation personnel and determined that they should not be excluded fumn the Merit Sy,tem.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Merit Rule 1 be changed so that the folbowirg positions
shall no longer be excluded from the Merit System under Section 11(13)(3) of the Mcrit Fwsolution
and Merit Rule 1, Section (1)(B)(3):
03132 Chief of District Court Probation & Community Service Programs
00322 Probation Officer III
00323 Probation Officer III
00324 Probation Officer 111
05115 Probation Officer III
01658 Probation Officer II
04585 Probation Officer II
04682 Probation Officer II
04813 Probation Officer 11
05116 Probation Officer II
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that current incumbents in the designated positioa sh61 be
deemed to have full Merit System status.
Mr. Chairperson, or behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption ol the torts-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
The Chairper ,,-on stated that pursuant to Merit System Rules the resolution shall lay nye-
for 30 days.
Misc. 85244
By Planning and EuileLnt, Committee
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Trusty Camp provides housing for IOD inmates; and
WHEREAS the Trusty Camp needs electrical power to provide heat, ventilation, water, service,
cooking, and security service; and
WHEREAS the electrical service has been frequently interrupted due to severe weather con-
ditions over the last few years; and
WHEREAS this interruption has caused extreme hardships on the Sheriff's staff -, thi frain-
tenance Division, and the inmates; and
WHEREAS the preliminary estimated cost of th 7 s project is S59,400; and
WHEREAS funds for this project are available in the 1985 Capital Improvement Program,
Utilities Section.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be, and i hereby,
authorized to advertise, receive bids for the Trusty Camp generator, and report thereon after
receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985
Moved b4 Hobart supported P::.rinoff the resolution In adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, A. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85245
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Mental Retardation Center was built in 1971 with funds partially provided by
a federal grant; and
WHEREAS one of the stipulations of said federal grant is that the building be used ex-
clusively for mental retardation programs; and
WHEREAS Oakland Schools was operating several mental retardation programs in a portion of
the building until those programs were relocated to the communities they serve; and
WHEREAS approximately 11,000 square feet of usable floor is now sitting vacant; and
WHEREAS the federal government has indicated it would allow this vacant space to be re-
occupied by "human services" type programs if an application for a waiver were to be made; and
WHEREAS the expansion of the current developmentally disabled program, the geriatric out -
patient services, and the Community Mental Health Board administration all qualify as "human serviLus"
programs; and
WHEREAS remodeling to accomodate these new programs is estimated to cost S200,000.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, upon receipt of said waiver from the federal government,
the Department of Central Services be and is hereby authorized to receive bids for the remodeling of
the Mental Retardation Center and report thereon after receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick„
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn.
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority havino voted therefor, the resolution was adopted
Misc. 85246
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Economic Development Group (EDG) personnel are located in three different areas: and
WHEREAS it is being recommended that these personnel be consolidated into one location in
the Executive Office Building thereby improving communications and efficiency; and
WHEREAS an area on the first floor of the Executive Office Building behind the Reference
Library is ideally suited for this purpose; and
WHEREAS in order to accomplish this consolidation, additional moves involving Properly
Management, Personnel and Planning must be made; and
WHEREAS the preliminary estimated cost of this project is S61,000; and
WHEREAS funds for this project are available in the carryover of the 1985 Capital Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby
authorized to receive bids for remodeling for the EDG and report thereon after receipt and tabulation
of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued, August 22, 1985 263
AYES; McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hre.sberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn. Lanni, Law, McConnell. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85247
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is operating under a Consent Judgment which requires
that certain steps be taken to relieve overcrowding conditions; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has previously appropriated $234,585 on Miscellaneous
Resolutions Nos. 85089, 85748. 85186 and 85200, for architectural fees to review various options
for relieving the overcrowding, to prepare bidding documents for the renovations of the laundry and
dry cleaning plants, and to develop a jail master plan; and
WHEREAS the architectural firm of Neumann, Greager & Associates and Henningson, Durham
and Richardson, has presented an initial plan to the Planning and Building Committee which indicate'‘
that construction of a 128-bed female unit, a 128-bed male unit, renovation of the medical, Pookinc:
and laundry areas and air-conditioning would be necessary to meet the near-term critical needs to
comply with the Consent Judgment; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is desirous of expediting the work to comply with the
Consent Judgment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
architectural firm of Neumann, Greager & Associates and Henningson, Durham and Richardson 10 com-
plate all steps through the preparation of bidding documents for the construction of a 128-bed ferole
unit, 128-bed male unit, renovation of the medical, booking and laundry areas and addition of air-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $648,000 be appropriated to cover the estimated architectural
fees through this phase.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supoorted by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85235
• By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) - 52/2 DISTRICT COURT - RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/2 District Court; and
WHEREAS the current lease for the 52/2 District Court premises expires on December 31, 1985;
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 85140, adopted on May 9, 1985, voted against renewal or
a lease for the existing premises and authorized the Department of Corporation Counsel to advertise
for and receive proposals for the design and construction or renovation of existing premises utilizino
an approved Request for Proposals and Specifications; and
WHEREAS advertisements were published for such a facility to lease and Corporation Counsei -
Real Estate Section did receive six (6) responses; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group, 3756 Sashahaw Road, Drayton Plains, Michigan 48020 has pro-
posed to build according to specifications a court to be located in Independence Township; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group has proposed to lease the facility consisting of 5900 net
(finished and usable) square feet to the County for use as the 52/2 District Court. with the terms
and conditions as set forth in the Lease attached to this Resolution for Ten Dollar & 50/100 ($10.50)
per square foot, being Sixty One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($61,950), per year, for a period
of 5 years from commencement date; and from the 6th year thru the 10th year of the lease, Tenant agrees
to pay Landlord as fixed annual rent an amount not to exceed Seventy Five Thousand Eight Hundred
Fifteen Dollars ($75,815.00) per year; and
WHEREAS the Honorable Gerald E. McNally and the Facilities Engineering Department have re-
viewed the plans and specifications and recommends the Rademacher Group; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel recommends the lease be awarded io the
Rademacher Group.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
plans, specifications and lease for the facility as proposed by the Rademacher Group, for use as the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985
52/2 District Court for a term of ten (10) years commencing January 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is
directed to execute said Lease on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) - 52/2 DISTRICT COURT - RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85235)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen!
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Misceilaneous
Resolution #85235 and finds:
I) The proposed lease is for a period of ten (10) years commencing January 1, 1986,
2) The County agrees to pay fixed annual rent of $61,950 (based on a rate of $10.50
per square foot for 5,900 square feet of space) for the first five (5) years of the lease and an
amount not to exceed $75,815 (based on a rate of $12.85 per square foot for 5,900 square feet of
space) for the last five (5) years of the lease,
3) The County will be responsible For the payment of utilities costs, janitorial services,
real estate taxes, and moving costs in 1986,
4) Funding will be provided in the 1986 Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
be adopted.
AYES! McPherson, Moffitt, Moore., Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, licwold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doynn, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lion
Law, McConnell, McDonald. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division - COUNTYWIDE 9-1-1 SYSTEM JOINT VENTURE (Miscellaneous
Resolution 1/85228)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen!
The Public Services Committee, having reviewed Resolution 1'85228, reports with the recom-
mendation that it be adopted.
Mr; Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85228
By James E. Lanni
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division - COUNTY-WIDE 9-1-1 SYSTEM JOINT VENTURE
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution authorized
a study to identify alternatives to provide a more effective link between Oakland County citizens
and visitors and emergency service agencies; and
WHEREAS the Emergency Services Communication Task Force has recommended to the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners that enhanced 9-1-1 be available to all citizens of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS 9-1-1 is a simple and effective system for the public to access police, fire, and
emergency medical services (EMS) agencies for emergencies; and
WHEREAS by providing a county-wide 9-1-1 number to use for all emergencies, the system will
help to: shorten overall response time to emergencies, reduce confusion and delays, and save more lives
and more property; and
WHEREAS a recent public opinion survey of Oakland County residents showed that an over-
whelming majority (902) support having a 9-1-1 emergency number in their community.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
enhanced 9-1-1 system consistent with the attached program summary materials.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985 265
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners uuthori7es the assinn-
ment of County 9-1-1 system management responsibilities to the Emergency Modical Services and Disa. ter
Control Division in accordance with county policies_
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Cumnissloners be
and is hereby authorized to execute the attached Request for Enhanccd 9 -1 -1 Servici• with ax.. Michiqnn
Bell Telephone Company.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute rhe
attached 9-1-1 Service Agreement with municipalities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly reports be presented to the Public Service'
Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and to 1_1-ft-
balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Commissi,..ner District II
Copy of Executive Summary on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resnlution be adopied
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There acre no ,hjections.
Misc. 8248
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has received notification from Michigan State University that the
Extension Agriculture Agent position is being reorganized effective October 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS Michigan State University has expressed a desire to maintain and increase their
commitment to expanding agriculture information service in Oakland County (from 1/3 position to 2/3
position October 1, 1985, through September 30, 1986) should the County be willing to share in the
expansion by providing 1/3 of the full-time Extension Agriculture Agent position; and
WHEREAS agriculture business annually conducts product sales in excess of 200 million
dollars annually and it is in the best interest of Oakland County to continue to supply technical
assistance in support of this industry.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee of the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners agrees with the concept of a full-time Extension Agriculture Agent position; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee recommends the appropriation of
funds for 1/3 ef the salary for the MSU Extension Agriculture Agent in an amount not tp exceed $8,000
for the period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution he adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85249
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services amid facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Rot Ne. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement oF such projects in this County
through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project
Area and Project District Area for its approval;
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
Commissioners Minutes Continued. August 22, 1985
to coliwieviial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coternanous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents,
real property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area,
a Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff. Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85250
By Pub1ic Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commi ,sioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area For a project (Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project) under the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act");
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the Counly
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
I. The appointments of William Offer and Philip Sanzica, who are representative of neighbor-
hood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board of Director ,.
of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed in accordance
with Sn:_tion 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended. William Offer and
Philip Sanzica shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are appointed is either abandoned
or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore; Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff. Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. Law, McConnell.
McDonald, Moffitt. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85251
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS President Reagan's goal of tax reform that would make the federal tax system simpler,
more fair and more efficient is commendable; and
WHEREAS the Administration's proposal to eliminate deductibility for state and local taxes
is contrary to the President's goal of mo re fair" and, indeed, is grossly unfair to homeowners
everywhere; and
Commiyjoners Minute., Continued. August 22, 1985 267
WHEREAS the U.S. Treasury Department insists that the federal income tax deduction for
state and local taxes is a loophole or tax-sheller that mint be eliminated; and
WHEREAS state and local taxes existed long boforc Federal taxes and local goveroments
have lung relied on the Federal policy that income, once taxed by local units of governwnt, not
be taxed again; and
WHEREAS the Administration's proposal to eliminate state/local tax deductibility would
be, in effect, double taxation that would cost the average U.S. homeowner $922.49 a year and the
average Michigan homeowner $1,074.68 annually.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
opposing the Administration's proposal to eliminate deductibility.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to members of the Michigan
Congressional delegation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption .4
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wiltox, Aaron,
Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Mc.Donald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefflr, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85252
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the General Government Committee has reviewed the Torotioli a t'ie 0,11.1011,1 Court.,
Historical Commission and their future plans; and
WHEREAS the Historical Commission has indicated the present restriction in the lurii!-)er of
terms an appointee may serve has adversely affected the ability to retain interested and attive
members; and
WHEREAS the General Government Committee agrees that Section 4, of Ordinance ;'20, that
prohibits a member of the Historical Commission from serving more than two consecutive terms is
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby adopts Ordinance /;25
(copy attached), which amends Ordinance 1120 by deleting Section 4.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
The County of Oakland, State of Michigan, hereby ordains: Section 4 of Oak loon! Enoily
Ordinance No. 20 is hereby deleted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaror,
Caddell, aoyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (20
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
The Chairperson made the following referrals in accordance with Rule XXII :
a. Michigan Township Association - Governmental Liability Limitation
b. Michigan Association of Counties - County Excellence Awards
c. Lake County - Support County Commissioners Staggered 4-Year Terms
a. Resolution by Dr. Caddell - Road Commission Use of 1984 Tr-Party Funds for Commerce
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Aouost- 22, 1985
a. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, West End Welding - Milford Township
a. Governor - Michigan Sesquicentennial
There were no objections to the referrals.
The Chairperson annLonced the next meeting of the Board will be September 12, 1985 at
930 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
September 12, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 5:4% a.m. in the Courthethd
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI.
Invocation given by Alexander C. Rerinoff.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Goslicg, Hassberger, Hobart. Rich.-1d Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Phrnick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
ABSENT: Olsen. (1)
Quorum present.
Moved by Rewold supported by Moffitt the minutes of the August E, 1985 meeting be amended
on page 251 to properly record the adoption of the substitute resolution Ii85233. The minutes should
be amended to read as follows:
"Misc. 85233
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Service Center
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the existing 18-inch storm sewer parallel to the railroad tracks on the east side of
the Service Center handles storm water runoff for a considerable portion of the Service Cenicr; arid
WHEREAS an inspection of this storm sewer has revealed areas of severe deterioration; and
WHEREAS replacement of this storm sewer with a larger size would improve drainage charact,..r-
istics; and
WHEREAS such replacement has been estimated to cost $114,000; and
WHEREAS $100,000 is available in the Storm Sewer Replacement line item of the Utilities Section
of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS the additional $14,000 is available in the carryover available for 1986.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby authorized
to advertise, receive bids for the storm sewer replacement, and report thereon after receipt and tabu-
lation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption oF the
foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by McPherson that the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Hobart supported by Fortino that the resolution be amended by substitution or the
following resolution:
Misc. 85233
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the existing 18-inch storm sewer parallel to the railroad tracks on the east side of the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Service Center handles storm water runoff for a considerable portion of the Service Center; and
WHEREAS an inspection of this storm sewer has revealed areas of severe deterioration; and
WHEREAS replacement of this storm sewer with a larger size would improve drainage character-
istics; and
WHEREAS such replacement has been estimated to cost $114,000; and
WHEREAS petitions for the construction of the Mainland Drain were received from the Charter
Township of Waterford and the County of Oakland on July 24, 1972; and
WHEREAS the existing 18-inch storm water drain pipe which needs replacement would have been
replaced as a part of the Mainland Drain project; and
WHEREAS the construction of the Mainland Drain has been postponed because sufficient funds
are not available to finance its construction; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland, as a public corporation, may advance funds for the payment of
a part of the cost of the Mainland Drain under the provisions of Section 479 of the Michigan Drain
Code, MCL 280.479; and
WHEREAS $100,000 is available in the Storm Sewer Replacement line item of the Utilities
Section of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS the additional $14,000 is available in the carryover available for 1986.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Drainage Board for the Mainland Drain be and is hereby
authorized to advertise and receive bids for the construction of a storm drain as a replacement of
the deteriorating 18-inch pipe, the completed pipe to be placed in service as a part of the Mainland
Drain, and to report thereon after receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Vote on substitute resolution;
AYES; Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes of the August 8, 1985 meeting stand
anoroved as amended.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Skarritt the minutes of the August 22, 1985 meeting be approved
as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Rewold supported by Skarritt the agenda be approved as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
The Chairperson stated there were three (3) Public Hearing times to be set on Economic
Development Projects.
Mr. Law requested a public hearing be set for September 26, 1985 at 9:45 a.m. on the Compre-
hensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project. There were no objections.
Mr. Hassberger requested a public hearing be set for September 26, 1985 at 946 a.m. on the
Jamestowne Properties Project. There were no objections.
Mr. Skarritt requested a public hearing be set for September 26, 1985 at 9:47 a.m. on the West
End Welding Project. There were no objections.
Clerk read letter from Congressman William S. Broomfield acknowledging receipt of resolution.
(Received and filed)
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointments of the
following individuals to a two-year term on the Oakland County Substance Abuse Advisory Council for
terms commencing October 1, 1985:
LaMoine Motz, Ph.D.; Frederic M. Rohrbach; Barbara Ferry, R.N.; John Erich; Peggy Frank;
Norman Garland, Ph.D.; Nancy McConnell and Susan Kuhn. Also, appointing James Neubacher to serve
as the Chairperson of the Council.
Moved by Webb supported by Nelson the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 271
Clerk read letter from Honorable Michael Batchik, Chief Judge of 52nd District Court in
opposition to the transfer of the 52nd District Court Probation Officers to the Merit System of tile
County. (Referred to Personnel Committee)
Misc. 85253
By F;nance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a complaint for superintending control over Judee Alice L. Gilbert hac been f;led
by the Oakland County Prosecutor; and
WHEREAS the case is scheduled for submission to the Court of Appeals on September 3. 1985;
WHEREAS the Oakland County Corporation Counsel has declined representation based on conflict
of interest and recommends initiating proceeding with outside legal counsel as per County procecure
and policy; and
WHEREAS the legal expense for the representation of Jucge Gilbert's interest in the case
is estimated to be $1,000; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution /1E02, adopted July 21, 177 provides that outside legal
counsel shall be employed only through the Office of Corporation Counsel and be approved be. a macricy
vote of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves
the hiring of outside legal counsel as approved by the office of Corporation Counsel to represent
Judge Alice L. Gilbert in Court of Appeals case number 86358 pursuant to the policy established in
Miscellaneous Resolution 0082.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee recommends that an amount not to exceed
$1,000 be appropriated for this purpose from the 1985 Prosecuting Attorney Budget.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates SIM( from the 1585
Prosecuting Attorney Budget and transcers said funds to the 1985 Circuit Court-Legal Expense line
item as follows:
411-01-00-3128 Professional Services S(1,000)
311-05-00-3456 Circuit Court Legal Expense 1,000
$ -0-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the furegoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution he adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be amended in the 1st and 2nd
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraphs by deleting "1985 Prosecuting Attorney Budget" and insert "Contin-
gency Account". Also, the appropriate line item numbers he inserted for this change.
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (18)
NAYS: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (8)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger. Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (18)
NAYS: Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Pernoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron. (8)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division
COUNTYWIDE 9-1-1 SYSTEM JOINT VENTURE (Miscellaneous Resolution 1185228)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Public Services Committee, having reviewed Resolution ff85228, reports with the recom-
mendation that it be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, i move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Misc. 85228
By James E. Lanni, Commissioner District OH
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution authorized
a study to identify alternatives to provide a more effective link between Oakland County citizens and
visitors and emergency service agencies; and
WHEREAS the Emergency Services Communication Task Force has recommended to the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners that enhanced 9-1-1 be available to all citizens of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS 9-1-1 is a simple and effective system for the public to access police, fire, and
emergency medical services (EMS) agencies for emergencies; and
WHEREAS by providing a county-wide 9-1-1 number to use for all emergencies, the system will
help to: shorten overall response time to emergencies, reduce confusion and delays, and save more lives
and more property; and
WHEREAS a recent public opinion survey of Oakland County residents showed that an over-
whelming majority (90%) support having a 9-1-1 emergency number in their community.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
enhanced 9-1-1 system consistent with the attached program summary materials.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the assign-
ment of County 9-1-1 system management responsibilities to the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster
Control Division in accordance with county policies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute the attached Request for Enhanced 9-1-1 Service with the
Michigan Bell Telephone Company.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute the
attached 9-1-1 Service Agreement with municipalities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly reports be presented to the Public Services
Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and to the
balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Commissioner District #11
Copy of 9-1-1 Service Agreement on File in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: EMS/Disaster Control Division
COUNTYWIDE 9-1-1 SYSTEM JOINT VENTURE (Miscellaneous Resolution #85228)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85228 and finds:
1) The EMS/Disaster Control Division has requested authorization to implement and maintain
a county-wide enhanced 9-1-1 system through a county/focal joint venture,
2) The EMS/Disaster Control Division will be responsible for system plannine, coordination
and liaison of 9-1-1 services; local participating communities will be responsible for on-line public
safety dispatch center operations, operational configuration, level of services and equipment needs,
3) The County is requested to fund telephone wire center installation for Selective
Routing and Automatic Number Identification features, and 50% of the system's annual recurring costs,
4) The local participating communities will cost share, by number of main-stations per
community, the remaining 50% of annual recurring costs,
5) Operational enhancements will be at the option and expense of local communities with
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP),
6) The joint venture will cost the County approximately $412,271 for installation and
approximately $292,408 annually for recurring costs,
7) Installation costs will be incurred beginning in the 1986 Budget, and are recommended
to be funded through the 1986 Capital Improvement Program-Utilities section,
8) Operational costs (annual County recurring costs) will be incurred beginning in the
1987 Budget,
9) There are no fiscal implications to the 1985 Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Caddell supported by Moore the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 273
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff. Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85254
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Medical Care Facility
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #85I85 dated June 13, 1985 authorized the County Executive'
Department of Central Services to receive bids for installation of fiberglass panels to protect walls ar
an estimated cost of $38,000; and
WHEREAS bids were received and opened August 15, 1985 for general building trades: and
WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed bids submitted
and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, G.E.M., Inc. of Milford, Michigan be awarded a con-
tract in the amount of $38,858; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $4,142 for administrative expenses and con-
tingency; and
WHEREAS the total project cost is estimated to be $43,000; and
WHEREAS funding for Medical Care Facility Wall Protection System is provided in the 1985
Capital Improvement Program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes that:
1) The contract proposal of G.E.M., Inc. of Milford, Michigan in the amount of $38,863, be
accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with Planning and Building Committee recommendations,
2) Funds be provided in the amount of $4,142 to cover remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and ciiicctrd
to execute a contract with G.E.M., Inc. of Milford, Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland,
4) This award shall not be effective until the awardee has been not in
the County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division,
5) Funds of $43,000 be used for Medical Care Facility Wall Protection from the Capital
Improvement Program-Building Section.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Nelson supported by Skarritt the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE
IT RESOLVED paragraph by deleting item 4).
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, mcflonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandra. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Finance Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the Facilities Engineering report of
bid opening for Jail Satellite Housing Units, finds:
a) In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution P85200, bids for remodeling the County's
former Dry Cleaning Plant and Laundry into satellite housing units for the Sheriff's Department were
received on August 22, 1985.
' b) Only one valid bid was received.
c) That bid was in the amount of $1,279,000 which is approximately 50 over the $820,000
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
estimated for construction.
d) The urgency of providing additional housing for Jail inmates precludes rebiddinq the
Therefore, the Planning and Building Committee recommends the following:
1. That the Department of Central Services be authorized to negotiate with the low bidder,
Fordon Company, and enter into a contract not to exceed $1,279,000.
2. That the Department of Central Services be authorized to negotiare to sec what savings
can be reached without jeopardizing the project.
3. That the results of those negotiations be reported to the earliest possible Planning
and Building Committee meeting.
4. That a letter of intent be authorized so that the process of preparing shop drawings
and ordering long-lead time items can be started.
On behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I submit the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Misc. 85255
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85200 authorized the
County Executive Department of Central Services to receive bids for construction of Jail Satellite
Housing Units at an estimated cost of $820,000; and
WHEREAS only one bid was received and opened August 22, 1985 for said construction; and
WHEREAS said bid was in the amount of S1,279,000 by the Fordon Company; and
WHEREAS the urgency of providing additional housing for jail inmates precluded rebidding
of the project; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $261,000 for administrative expenses and con-
tingency for a total project cost of $1,540,000; and
WHEREAS funding is available in the 1985 Capital Improvement Program.
I. The County Executive, through the Department of Central Services is authorized to
negotiate a contract with the Fordon Company, not to exceed $1,279,000.
2. Funds be provided in the amount of $261,000 to cover remaining project cost.
3. The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed
to execute a contract negotiated through the Department of Central Services with the Fordon Company
not to exceed $1,279,000 on behalf of the County of Oakland.
4. This award shall not be effective until the awardee has been notified in writing by
the County Executive's Department of Central Services Facility Engineering Division.
5. Funds of $1,540,000 to be used for the Jail Satellite Housing Unit's project be made
available from the 1985 Capital Program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Rewold the Planning and Building Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson,
Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon. (39)
NAYS: Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (6)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85256
By Finance Committee
IN RE; Department of Management and Budget
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget is responsible for evaluating and advising
policy makers on the overall utilization of resources; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 275
WHEREAS technology is !flaying an increasing role in thr operation of the County demanding
catrful and detail review; and
WHEREAS Management and Budget is a major consumer of data processing services; and
WHEREAS data processing coordination is in several divisions of Management and Budget and
tacking in other divisions; and
WHEREAS minor reorganization and downward reclassification can provido the nocdett co,t-
dination and technological expertise and can be accomplished with a small cost savings.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the classification of Chief, Information Systems And
Technology be created in the Budget Division at the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/1
35,902 36,963 38,810 40,632 L2,455 No
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position #I717 - Chief-Equalization Data Processing Services -
be deleted from the Equalization Division and resultant salary and fringe benefits savings he trans-
ferred to the Budget Division as follows:
Equalization Division (125-01) Increase/
4-10100-1001 Salaries Regular $ (10,400)
4-10100-2075 Worker's Comp. (20)
4-10100-2076 Group Life (44)
4-10100-2077 Retirement ( 1 .715)
4-10100-2078 Hospitalization (645)
4-10100-2079 Social Security (733)
4-10100-1080 Dental (133)
4-10100-1081 Disability (13)
4-10100-2082 Unemployment Comp. (19)
Sub-Total $ (13,722 )
Budget Division (122-00
1-10100-1001 Salaries, Regular $ 10,400
4-10100-2075 Worker's Comp. 20
4-10100-2076 Group Life 44
4-10100-2077 Retirement 1,715
4 -10100 -2078 Hospitalization 645
4-10100-2079 Social Security 733
4-10100-2080 Dental 133
4-10100-2081 Disability 13
4-10100-2082 Unemployment Comp. 19
Sub-Total S 13,722
TOTAL $ _ -0-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position #4580 - Account Clerk 11 - be downward reclassified to
Typist II.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objcction--
Misc. 85257
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 1985 Second Quarter Forecast, prepared by the Department of Management and
Budget, indicates that forecasted revenue will exceed budget estimates by approximately $992,200 for
Governmental Funds and $355,097 for Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds; and
WHEREAS this forecast further indicates that total expenditures projected on the basis of
current spending levels will be approximately $222,197 under budget appropriations for Governmental
Funds and $143,603 for Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds; and
WHEREAS the financial forecast also indicates specific areas of expenditures where it is
projected that over-expenditure conditions exist as outlined in the second quarter forecast detail.
These areas will require additional appropriations for such expenditures in order to comply with
Public Act 621 of 1978 and the 1985 General Appropriations Act which states that at no time shall the
net expenditure exceed the total appropriation for Salaries and Fringes, Overtime or Operating Expenses
respectively for each division as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioners': and
WHEREAS the forecast also identifies potential additional expenditure needs during the
Commiss oners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
current fiscal year.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended as follows:
From Account # To Account #
Child Care Subsidy
Child-ens Village-Overtime
Sheriff Division-Salaries
Sheriff Division-Overtime
Clerk/Register of Deeds-Salaries
Clerk/Register of Deeds-Overtime
Drain Commissioner-Salaries
Drain Commissioner-Overtime
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move rhe adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. Moore,
Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino.
NAYS: Perinoff. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85258
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Computer Services Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS all data processing development cost i5 incorporated as a ,,ingle appropriotion Aithin
the Computer Services Department Budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred
to the user department on a quarterly basis with a summary report to the Finance Committee; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Computer Services Department has determined the 1985 Second
Quarter data processing development charges for the budgeted County departments; and
WHEREAS these development charges are for programs which are in conformance with the guide-
lines set forth by the Computer User Advisory Committee and the Computer Center master plan approved
by the Finance Committee; and
WHEREAS funding for data processing development is contained in the 1985 Computer Services
General Fund Budget; and
WHEREAS an anpropriation transfer to budgeted County departments is needed to fund these
development charges.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Finance Committee has reviewed the 1985 Second Quarter
Data Processing Development for user departments and finds $515,234 necessary to fund the development
cost. Said funds are available in the 1985 Data Processing Division Data Processing development
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $515,234 from the 1985
Data Processing Development budget and transfers said funds to the appropriate user departments con-
sistent with the attached schedule.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 277
Misc. 85259
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Friend of the Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 84339
authorized the application for both program continuation and expansion of the 1985 Cooperative
Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution ,85083
accepted the 1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court continuation program ITOurd
in the amount of $1,1t87,829; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services has awarded the Expansion Program in
the amount of $31,209, which includes funding for eight (8) Student positions, one (1) Para-Leal
Clerk position, and associated operating costs for the period September 1, 1985 through December 31,
1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said program expansion award and lin& th:.
award of $31,209 covers the period September 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985, while the progiam
expansion application for $159,749 covered the period January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985,
detailed in Schedule A; and
WHEREAS the total funding for the expansion proposal is $31,209, of which $21,846, ,Jr
seventy (70) percent is funded through the State and $9,363, or thirty (30) percent is County lunded
consisting of $6,303 in-kind match and $3,060 in operating costs representing the County cash ,',.rltri-
bution; and
WHEREAS the County cash contribution is available as follows:
909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match $3,060; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept ,le
1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Program - Friend of the Court Expansion Grant as awarded, in the
amount of $31,209 and that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners he and i , hereby authorized
to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $3.060 from the 1985
Federal/State Project Match account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Friend of the Court bddclet
as follows:
909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match
312-0I-00-3380 F.O.C. Grant Match
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended by the accentance of this grant
award as detailed in Schedule B.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorizcd to appr,,,ve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are
with the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant has been reviewed and approved as to f._n-m by the
Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service shall be contingent urJon ti, o level
of State funding available for this program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the for000ing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Schedule A and B on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections.
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services
CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution i'85260)
To the Personnel Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 85260,
reports with the recommendation that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi-
bilities and reporting relationships are desirable. However, the Health and Human Resources Committee
expresses no opinion as to salary levels or personnel classifications.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Misc. 85260
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the administration and operation of Children's Village were legally recognized as
a County Executive function on February 14, 1985; and
WHEREAS this has placed control of Children's Village under the Director of the Department
of Institutional and Human Services; and
WHEREAS the Director and Superintendent of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services ,
have reviewed current practices within Children's Village and have identified needed changes and im-
provements; and
WHEREAS they have proposed a reorganization of Children's Village involving new classes,
changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the division and a new position; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed the Children's Village Re-
organization and recommends that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsibilities
and reporting relationships are desirable; and
WHEREAS these changes are proposed to improve the quality of care and treatment to Children's
Village residents through a new team approach, to recognize increased responsihilities and to nroyidg
needed services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following changes be implemented:
1. Delete the current classification of Superintendent of Children's Village Program 5
Treatment Services and to upwardly reclassify the position (#03303) to a new classification nf' Manoll, r-
Children's Village with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T -
Supt. CV Program & Treatment 33,219 34,872 36,525 38,177 35,829 17113
Manager- Children's Village 36,775 38,628 40,450 42,273 44,095 No
2. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services
and to reclassify the position (#01333) to a new classification of Children's Village Special Services
Coordinator with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
Supv. CV Treatment Services 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No
CV Spec Serv Coord 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No
3. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center and to up-
wardly reclassify the position (#02274) to a new classification of Administrative Assistant - Childr. n's '
Village Operations with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
Supv. Joy. Det. Center 23,T6 24,526 25,712 No
Admin Asst - CV Operations 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No
4. Upwardly reclassify one (1) Child Welfare Worker II position (03198) to a new classi-
fication of Chief-Children's Village Intake Team with the following salary ranqe:
Base 6 Month 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
Child Welfare Worker II 2T75-6-0 22,779 23,999 26,479 287,271 Ex
Chief-CV Intake Team 32,816 33.946 35,079 36,208 No
5. Upwardly reclassify one (i) Child Welfare Worker Superv'sor position (/!00823) to a new
classification of Chief-Children's Village Program Team with the following salary range:
Base I Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
Child Welfare Worker Supy 29,044 30,172 31,304 Ex
Chief-CV Program Team 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208
6. Create one (1) new position in the existing class of Recreation Specialist with the
following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T
Recreation Specialist 11-762 15,290 16,528 17,767 19,005 Reg.
7. Adjust the title of the department director from Director-Human Services to Director-
Institutional & Human Services.
8. Alter the organization structure, reflecting the elimination of functional reporting
relationships with the Probate Court and to reflect the transfer of certain positions within the
division to produce a new team approach to village management as shown in the attached organization
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 279
Misc. 85232
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a Study Committee comprised of representatives from the Board of Commissioners' Office,
Treasurers' Office, and County Executive Departments of Personnel, Management and Budget, and Central
Services have been reviewing the fringe benefit areas of annual leave, life insurance, and sick leave/
income continuation insurance to identify any significant gaps in benefit coverage, to evaluate employee
expressed concerns with specific benefit provisions, and to study increased cost liability Lo the Count ,.
resulting from current sick leave and annual leave banking provisions; and
WHEREAS the Study Committee has presented a final package of recommendations which imnrove
certain benefit provisions, fill the existing gaps in income protection, and will reduce and eventually
eliminate the present escalating liability for banked sick leave days; and
WHEREAS a package of recommendations has been °resented at Employee Information and Input
Meetings to interested employees, and notice of the proposed changes was given to the various unions
representing a portion of the work force; and
WHEREAS the final report and recommendations of the Study Committee provides an option to
each non-represented employee to maintain current benefit provisions or to elect to be covered by all
the recommended benefit provisions as a package and provides for discussions with the various unions
to consider similar options.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report and recommendations of the Fringe Benefit
Study Committee as attached be accepted and adopted for implementation with the exclusion of the
section referencing additional emoloyees as soon as practicable including the benefit design chanoes,
awarding of insurance contracts as recommended, and funding as recommended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee develop Merit Rule Changes for Board
consideration consistent with these benefit revisions in a timely manner to be effective with the
implementation of these changes.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of all attachments regarding current and recommended provisions of benefit areas
recommended for change are on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85232 and finds:
1. Annual Leave, Life Insurance and Sick Leave/Disability Income Insurance areas were
considered as a package with the objective of filling voids in benefit coverage, eventually eliminating
the increasing liability of such leave banks and making other changes which would result in overall
benefit plan improvements without increased cost. The following annual fiscal implication ,. are pre-
dicated on 100% participation.
Current Proposed Increase/ -
Description Budget Amendment (Decrease)
Short-term Disability $ 99,600 $ 347,600 $ 248,000
Long-term Disability --- 502,000 502,000
Group Life Insurance 313,938 194,938 (119,000)
Sick/Annual Leave 1,369,870 120,870 (1,249,000)
Personnel Turnover --- (232,000) (232,000)
Reserve* --- 850,000 850,000
TOTAL $1,783,408 $1,783,408 $ -0-
*First Year savings will be used to establish reserve for potential future premium increases and for
supplementary payments to employees ensuring 100% refund of Life Insurance contributions.
2. Implementation of the Annual Leave, Life Insurance and Sick Leave/Disability Income
Insurance changes effective December 7, 1985 requires the following budget amendment:
Short-term Disability $19,100
Long-term Disability 38,600
Group Life Insurance (9,200)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September I2, 1985
Sick/Annual Leave (96,100)
Personnel Turnover (17,800)
Reserve 65,400
TOTAL $ -0--
3. The recommended fringe benefit changes include the same retirement formula improvement
to other County employees that was awarded to Sheriff Departmentemployees as a result of an Act 312
Police/Fire Arbitration Award, i.e., increasing the multiplier in the benefit formula from 1.8% to
2.02i of final average compensation times years of credited service.
4. Based on an amortization period of twenty (20) years and 100% participation, Gabriel,
Roeder, Smith & Company computes the increase in annual employers contribution to cover the normal
cost as well as the unfunded actuarial accrued liability as follows:
% of
Normal Cost 1.53%
Unfunded Actuarial
Accrued Liability 0.72%
TOTAL 2.25%
Payroll Valuation
(Excl. Sheriff Dept.)
$62:8 Million
$62.8 Million
$62.8 Million
$ 961,485
5. The Oakland County Employee's Retirement Commission has reviewed the Fringe Benefit
Committee Report and Recommendations and concurs with the 2% benefit formula; and further finds that
there will be sufficient funds available in the Special Reserve and Interest to transfer the $452,463
each year necessary to cover the cost of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability.
6. Implementation of the change in the retirement formula effective December 7, 1985
requires the following budget amendment:
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $ (73.960)
4-10100-909-01-00-9906 Fringe Benefits 73,960
$ -0 -
7. All of the foregoing changes in fringe benefits will be an integral pat of the compen-
sation package for new employees, however, current emnlovees will be offered the one time option to
continue the present benefit package (Option A) or select the revised benefit package (Option B).
8. To cover the cost of Sick/Annual Leave accumulation ($10,489,448), the actuary currently
includes .4% payroll ($251,200) and recommends an additional of payroll ($125,600) in calculaling
retirement liability resulting from increased Final Average Compensation. Implementation of the recom-
mended Fringe Benefit Package will eventually eliminate the escalating liability for banked sick/
annual leave days, thereby resulting in an annual cost savings of .4% and a cost avoidance of .2% ol
payroll for employer contribution to the Retirement Fund.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
Discussion followed.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Pape,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. Hobart. (20)
NAYS: Lanni, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Calandro. (5)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached.
was adopted.
Misc. 85261
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the inmate population at the Work Release Facility approaches 100; and
WHEREAS the facility is a satellite food service operation for two meals a day, (i.e., lunch
and dinner), with the food prepared in the kitchen of the main Jail and reheated at the facility; and
WHEREAS there is currently no griddle or other equipment at the facility that can be used
to prepare a hot breakfast for the inmates, and no ice-making equipment for cold beverages; and
WHEREAS the facility currently uses disposable plates, cups and eating utensils for all
inmate meals and has no dishwashing equipment that is acceptable by the County Health Division; and
WHEREAS the space currently available at the facility for storage of canned, frozen and
refrigerated foods is inadequate, and the floor loading is excessive; and
WHEREAS the kitchen and food storage operation at the facility is currently fragmented
into several different rooms; and
WHEREAS it is recommended that the facility be remodeled to expand and consolidate the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 281
kitchen and food storage areas and that new equipment be provided for dishwashing, ice making and
griddling; and
WHEREAS the cost for remodeling and new equipment is estimated to he $40,000; and
WHEREAS Funding for this project is available ip the Work Release Kitchen line item of
the 1985 Capital Improvement Plan; and
WHEREAS the cost of this project will be offset by a yearly savings of 513,000. which i,
the amount spent for disposable plates, cups and eating utensils ai the facility;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be, and is herekv.
authorized to receive bids for the Work Release Facility Kitchen Remodeling and a report thereon he
made to this Board after receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Mot'itt, Moore, Nelson, E.:lee,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85247
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is operating under a Consent Judgment which rt.quirti ,,
that certain steps be taken to relieve overcrowding conditions; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has previously approoriated $234,585 on Miscellaneous
Resolutions Nos. 85089, 85148, 85186 and 85200, for architectural fees to review various ontion , for
relieving the overcrowding, to prepare bidding documents for the renovations of the laundry and dry
cleaning plants, and to develop a jail master plan; and
WHEREAS the architectural firm of Neumann, Greager & Associates and Henningsoh, Durham
and Richardson, has presented an initial plan to the Planning and Building Committee which indicates
that construction of a 128-bed female unit, a 128-bed male unit, renovation of the medical, booking
and laundry areas and air-conditioning would be necessary to meet the near-term critical needs to
comply with the Consent Judgment; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is desirous of expediting the work to comply with the
Consent Judgment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes
the architectural firm of Neumann, Greager & Associates and Henningson, Durham and Richardson to
complete all steps through the preparation of bidding documents for the construction of a 128-bed
female unit, I28-bed male unit, renovation of the medical, booking and laundry areas and addition
of air-conditioning.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $648,000 be appropriated to cover the estimated architectural
fees through this phase.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
JAIL RENOVATIONS AND NEW CONSTRUCTION (Miscellaneous Resolution 1852l7)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule Xl-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85247 and finds:
1) The Board of Commissioners is requested to authorize the architectual firm of Neumann,
Greager & Associates and Henningson, Durham and Richardson to complete all steps through the preparation
of bidding documents For the construction of a 128-bed female unit. a 128-bed male unit, renovation
of the medical, booking and laundry areas and addition of air conditioning to meet near-term critical
needs to comply with the jail Consent Judgment,
2) $648,000 is requested to cover the estimated architectural fees through this phase;
said funds available in the 1985 Contingency Account, to be transferred to the She Department
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Budget as follows:
4-10100-909-01-1)0-9900 Contingency
11-10100-101-01-00-3128 PrnfoL,sional Gory; Is ,
$ -0-
G. William Caddell, Chairpoi.oin
Moved by Reword supported by Webb the resolution, P.p.ith Fiscal Note attached. he
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be amended by add;nii:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this architectural work will be coordinated with the toil
privatization study by the County Executive and that monthly proeres eports ii I hr, given to the
Planning and Building Committee. Also, in order to assure that the construction plans will tke he
delayed, the Planning and Building Committee will be notified immediately ofP,Ply conflicts that mov
arise between the construction program and the privatization effort."
Discussion followed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinhff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Goslinn,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85262
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Road Commission
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. CMairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 1980-84 Tr-Party Program, approved by the Planning and Building t,',ul
December 4, 1979, contained a project for Commerce Township to pave the Bywater Street approach at
Union Lake Road in 1984 with their $21,000 allocation; and
WHEREAS this project has not been done and was recently deemed unneLessary hy the Commc[Le
Township Trustees because of a private development project at this location; and
WHEREAS the Commerce Township Board of Trustees desires to use the runds on an alternate
project to provide passing lanes on Union Lake Road south of Wise Road,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes
the use of the 1984 Tr-Party funds of $21,000 for Commerce Township, originally committed to
project at Union Lake Road and Bywater, to be spent on a substitute project in Commerce Townsnin
consisting of passing lanes on Union Lake Road south of Wise Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hereby requests the Oakland County Road Commission
to reallocate their portion of the 1984 Tr-Party funds to Commerce Township or this substitaih
project to benefit Commerce Township.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption ol
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairoerson
Moved by Rewold supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85263
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the Assessment Rolls, as prepai .6
by the Drain Commissioner for the year 7985; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 283
WHEREAS the Assessment Rolls have been prepared and submitted in accordance with the pro-
visions of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, and Act No. 146 of the Public Acts of
1961, as amended; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the
Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level projects in the County, a copy of which is
attached hereto; and
WHEREAS a summary of the Assessment Roll is as follows:
Assessments to Municipalities at Large - $12,058.08
Assessments to Real Property - $171,428.34
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State
of Michigan, that for the purpose of establishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning out, deepening,
and extending County Drains and establishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various
lakes in Oakland County, there be assessed, levied and collected for the year 1985, by the several
political subdivisions, the aggregate amount of $183,486.42, which sum represents the total amount of
assessments for 1985 and which are contained in the several Drain and Lake Level Assessment Rolls
heretofore determined by the said Oakland County Drain Commissioner.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foreging resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
The Chairperson stated by Statute, the resolution will lay over for thirty (30) days.
Misc. 85264
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Community Development Block Grant funds have been set aside in a Contingency Account
over the past several years; and
WHEREAS this account has been used to facilitate the accounting process for processing
year-end closing transactions, provide a reserve fund for cost overruns and to grant supporting funds
to communities for new construction of assisted housing developments; and
WHEREAS funds from this account have been expended over the past several years for eligible
HUD approved Assisted Housing Projects, with the approval of both Citizens Advisory Council and the
Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS the purpose of this resolution is to establish a Contingency Account For potential
cost overruns pertaining to Oakland County CDBG funded activities and discontinue expending funds from
this account for approved Assisted Housing Projects; and
WHEREAS the setting aside of these funds has resulted in a five year accumulated total of
$448,155.54; and
WHEREAS this present fund balance points to the need for establishing a maximum account
balance and a procedure for allocating the amount that is in excess of the established maximum; and
WHEREAS the Contingency Fund Subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Council recommended to
the Council that a $200,000 maximum Contingency Fund Account balance be established and to distribute
the excess balance of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the
local level for the 1986/87 program year (reference attachment); and
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has approved this resolution by
a unanimous vote.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes a
maximum $200,000 Community Development Contingency Fund Account balance and approves the distributing
of the excess balance of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the
local level for the 1986/87 program year.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85248
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Cooperative Extension Service
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has received notification from Michigan State University that the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Extension Agriculture Agent position is being reorganized effective October 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS Michigan State University has expressed a desire to maintain and increase their
commitment to expanding agriculture information service in Oakland County (from 1/3 position to 2/3
position October 1, 1985, through September 30, 1986) should the County be willing to share in the
expansion by providing 1/3 of the full-time Extension Agriculture Agent position; and
WHEREAS agriculture business annually conducts product sales in excess of 200 million dollars
annually and it is in the best interest of Oakland County to continue to supply technical assistance
in support of this industry.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee of the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners agrees with the concept of a full-time Extension Agriculture Agent position:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee recommends the appropriation of
funds for 1/3 of the salary for the MSU Extension Agriculture Agent in an amount not to exceed $8,000
for the period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Cooperative Extension Service
EXTENSION AGRICULTURE AGENT POSITION (Miscellaneous Resolution 785248)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution 1185248 and finds:
1) Michigan State University has notified the Cooperative Extension Division of intent
to reorganize the Extension Agriculture Agent position and increase agriculture information service
in Oakland County through increased funding of the Extension Agriculture Agent position from 1/3 to
2/3 for the period October 1, 1985 - September 30, 1986,
2) The reorganization is contingent upon County funding of the remaining 1/3 of the full
time position,
3) $2,000 is necessary to fund the County portion of the Extension Agriculture Agent
position for the balance of 1985 (October 1 - December 31, 1985), said funds available in Contingency,
to be transferred to the Cooperative Extension Division Budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency (2000),
175-01-00-3128 Professional Services 2,000
4) Funding is to be appropriated in the 1986 Budget for 1986 cost of the Extension
Agriculture Agent position.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (25)
NAYS; None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85265
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Sheriff of Oakland County, by letter of August 16, 1985 has requested authority
From this Board to dispose of recovered stolen property which has been unclaimed for six months or
more after recovery, such authority being necessary pursuant to the provisions of Act 54 of the Public
Act of 1959, as amended; said recovered stolen property to be disposed of by manner of public auction
to be held Saturday, October 5, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that authority to dispose of such unclaimed property be and
the same is hereby granted to the Sheriff of Oakland County, such unclaimed property to be disposed
of in the manner prescribed in Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kahn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85266
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS State Senators, some county officials and township officials are elected for terms
of four years; and
WHEREAS county commissioners are required by state law to serve two-year terms, and thus
are obligated to campaign twice as frequently for re-election as those with four-year terms; and
WHEREAS a four-year term for county commissioners would provide greater continuity in
county government; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Association of Counties is urging in its 191E15-86 Legislative Platform
that legislation calling for four-year county commissioner terms be introduced and passed.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
four-year terms for county commissioners.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all state legislators from
Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard Skarritt, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Skarritt supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Doyon supported by Moffitt the resolution be amended in the 2nd WHEREAS paragraph
by deleting "and thus are obligated to campaign twice as frequently for re-election as those 4th
four-year terms".
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, (21)
NAYS: McPherson, Doyon, Richard Kuhn. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85267
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the existing law (Public Act 261) specifies that County Parks and Recreation Com-
missions have ten members; and
WHEREAS a ten-member commission in Oakland County with its extensive parks and recreation
program is totally feasible and provides needed input; and
WHEREAS smaller counties with limited parks and recreation facilities and propam should
not be required to shoulder the expense of having a ten-member commission.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports pro-
posed permissive legislation that would allow counties of less than 100,000 population to have a
minimum of three members on their parks and recreation commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators from
Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard Skarritt, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Skarritt supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. Aaron,
Caddell, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson. (21) 1
NAYS: Moore, Price, Fortino. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85268
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS when the State Legislature was debating a bill in 1978 to require deposits on most
bottle and can beverage containers, wine cooler containers were omitted because sales of these
beverages were minimal at the time; and
Thus when this proposed legislation was signed into law later in 1978 there was no provision
that wine cooler containers be returnable; and
WHEREAS the fact that wine cooler beverages have made tremendous gains in sales in recent
years and registered a 575 percent sales increase in the past year is viewed as a threat to the state'.,
successful litter control program; and
WHEREAS the Michigan United Conservation Clubs and Attorney General Frank Kelley have called
on the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to require deposits on wine cooler containers and to effect
this requirement either through the Commission's own authority or through legislation amending the
1978 "bottle law."
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports what-
ever measure is necessary to require that wine cooler containers be made returnable like most other
beverage containers.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all Oakland County State
Legislators and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard Skarritt, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Skarritt supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt.
NAYS: Lanni. (1)
PASS: Fortino. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85269
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS House Bill 4894 would amend the "Inland Lake Improvement Act of 1966" by establishing
five different methods of dissolving an inland lake board; and
WHEREAS the five options are: (I.) Motion of the local governing body which established
the lake board. (2.) Majority vote of the local governing bodies if the lake board was established
by more than one local governing body. (3.) Petition of 2/3 of the persons owning land abutting the
lake. (4.) Motion of the lake board if the board finds that an improvement project is not feasible,
and (5.) Completion of the lake improvement project; and
WHEREAS any one of the five prescribed methods could be used to abolish a lake board; and
WHEREAS House Bill 4894 also provides that excess funds remaining after dissolution of a
lake board shall be divided among local units in the same proportion as the local units were assessed;
WHEREAS the bill prohibits dissolution of a fake board if a financial deficit exists; and
WHEREAS the provisions of House Bill 4894 seem to add an important new dimension and gen-
erally improve the "Inland Lake Improvement Act of 1966."
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners goes on record
as supporting House Bill 4894.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all Legislators from Oak-
land County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Richard Skarritt, Vice Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985 287
Moved by Skarritt supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Parnick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 88270
By Marilynn E. Gosling
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the citizens of Oakland County have an overwhelming concern for the safety of the
children in our communities; and
WHEREAS it is most desirable to create a safe environment for our children while "trick or
treating" on Halloween; and
WHEREAS in recent years there have been many serious attempts to harm children on Halloween
by altering treats with injurious objects and substances; and
WHEREAS the Easter Seal Society has developed "The Safe Halloween" concept entitled "GIVE
THE SAFE TREAT . . THAT GIVES TREATMENT", which is a community service coupon promotion designed to
ensure the safety of children on Halloween and at the same time raise money to support Easter Seal
programs of service to people with physical disabilities in the Metropolitan Detroit area; and
WHEREAS "The Safe Halloween" concept is a vehicle through which the Tr-County Easter Seal
Societies, Burger King Restaurants, WJBK-TV2, and the community at large can join in promoting the
safety and welfare of children on Halloween while at the same time financially benefiting service pro-
grams for the physically disabled in the Metropolitan Detroit area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby joins
with the many other governments, agencies, and citizens to promote a safer environment for our children
through support for "The Safe Halloween" program.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Marilynn E. Gosling, Commissioner District ,'14
Moved by Gosling supported by Moore the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of
the resolution.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Gosling supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85271
By Lawrence Pernick
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS certain chemicals in concentrated proportions or in combination with other concen-
trated chemicals can represent a risk to human health, environmental safety and/or ecological balance;
WHEREAS investigations involving complaints of the use, manufacture, combination and dis-
posal of toxic chemicals is conferred to the Oakland County health Division, Environmental Health Unit,
and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners pursuant to Section 2441 of Act 368, Public Acts of 1978, .
as amended; and
WHEREAS the Director of the Health Division or his/her designated agent is empowered to
initiate investigations and conduct studies of known or suspected existing or potential toxic chemical
exposure and maintain records of such investigations and studies.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes an
ordinance to authorize the Oakland County Health Division to obtain information regarding toxic chemicals '
which may be the cause of illness and provide for disclosure of said information to interested and
injured persons,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that reasonable administrative procedures, regulations and penalties
be established to determine the source of the chemical contamination in cooperation with federal, state
and municipal agencies in developing a coordinated program to manage, control, prevent or reduce risks
to human health, environmental safety and/or ecological balance associated with exposure to toxic
Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District ,'20
Dennis M. Aaron, Hubert Price, Jr., Ruel E. McPherson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 12, 1985
Moved by Aaron supported by Pernick the resolution he adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee and the
Health and Human Resources Committee. There were no objections.
The Chairperson made the following referrals in accordance with Board of Commissioner Rule
a. Birmingham, Support HR 4027, Local Control of Mobile Homes
b. Oceana County - Funding for West Michigan Tourist Association
c. Oceana County - Funding of "Vitality in Michigan" Program (SD #4)
d. Sanilac - P.A. 116, Request Legislative Amendment
e. Birmingham, Support Transfer of 48th District Court to 52nd District
f. Canvassing Board - Republican Recommendations
a. Sheriff's Department - Sheriff's Request for Retirement Service Credit
a. Road Commission - Use of 1984 Tr-Party Funds for Commerce Township
b. DNR - Solid Waste Program Funding
c, Clean Michigan Funds - Grants
d. MAC - Clean Michigan Funds - Grants
a. Birmingham - Support Transfer of 48th District Court to 52nd District
b. Sheriff's Department - District Court's Concern Re: Implementation of Consent Judgment
c. Sheriff's Department - Jail Remodeling Contractors (Skylight leaks)
d. CETA - ff8A-CTA-f53 - Order Denying Motion to Vacate and Dismiss
e. Laws at Work - 5th Conference on the Judiciary
f. Emergency Services Communications Task Force - Disbanded
g. Social Services - Child Support Collection Incentive Payments
Retirement Commission
a. Sheriff's Department - Sheriff's Request for Retirement Service Credit
a. Social Services - Child Support Collection Incentive Payments
Friend of the Court
a. Social Services - Child Support Collection Incentive Payments
Management and Budget
a. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption. Damick, Rochester Hills
b. Equalization - Industrial Development District - GMF Robotics, Rochester Hills
c. Equalization - Auburn Hills Technology Park
d. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Kirco, Auburn Hills
There were no objections to the referrals
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be September 26, 1985 a(
9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Lynn D. Allen, Clerk Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
September 26, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:/-',3 a.m. in the Eolirt .,ees..:
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Susan Kuhn.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Ooyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, "iichard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McConald, McPherson, Moffitt, oore, Nelson, Olsen, Paqr,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the minutes of the September 12, 1985 r,iectinq hu
approved as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Rewold supported by Hassberger the agenda be approved as presented.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
The Chairperson made the following statement: 'At this time a Public Hearing is cal'ed
on Economic Development Project Plan, Comprehensive Retirement Community, Limited. Notice of the
Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on September 16, 1985. Are there any persons
present wishing to speak on the Public Hearing?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
The Chairperson stated: "At this time a Public Hearing is called on Economic Development
Project Plan, Jamestowne Properties. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in thc Oakland
Press on September 16, 1985. Are there any persons present wishing to speak on the Public Hearing?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
The Chairperson stated: "At this time a Public Nearing is celleL OP the ELonomic Cevclopmcnt
Project Plan, West End Welding. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Pres
on September 16, 1985. Are there any persons present wishine to speak on the Public Hearing?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearin3 was drciared closed.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Friend of the Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1185259, reports with
Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the addition of the following:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Para-Legal Clerk position and eight (8) Student
positions be created in the office of the Friend of the Court for the period September 1
through December 31, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the funding ceases, the positions will be
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoihg
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc, 85259
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Friend of the Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution P84339
authorized the application for both program continuation and expansion of the 1985 Cooperative
Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85083
accepted the 1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant - Friend of the Court continuation program award
in the amount of $1,487,829; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Social Services has awarded the Expansion Program in
the amount of $31,209, which includes funding for eight (8) Student positions, one (I) Para-Legal
Clerk position, and associated operating costs for the period September 1, 1985 through December 31,
1985; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said program expansion award and finds the
award of $31,209 covers the period September 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985, while the program
expansion application for $159,749 covered the period January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985,
as detailed in Schedule A; and
WHEREAS the total funding for the expansion proposal is $31,209, of k,hich $21,846, or
seventy (70) percent is funded through the State and $9,363, or thirty (30) percent is County funded
consisting of $6,303 in-kind match and $3,060 in operating costs representing the County cash
contribution; and
WHEREAS the County cash contribution is available as follows:
909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match $3,060; and
WHEREAS all personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the
1985 Cooperative Reimbursement Program - Friend of the Court Expansion Grant as awarded, in the
amount of $31,209 and that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authori/ed
to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $3,060 from the 1985
Federal/State Project Match account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Friend of the Court budget
as follows:
909-01-00-9908 Federal/State Project Match
312-01-00-3380 F. O. C. Grant Match
$(3 ,0 60)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended by the acceptance of this grant
award as detailed in Schedule B.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approvL
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are consistent
with the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant has been reviewed and approved as to form by the
Office of Corporation Counsel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service shall be contingent upon the
level of State funding available for this program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 290
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassherger thc resolution he amended with the foil .owing
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Para-Legal Clerk position and eight (8) Studint
positions be created in the office of the Friend of the Court for the period September 1 through
December 31, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the funding ceases, the positions will be
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Larrij, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (27)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopieU.
By Personnel Conoittee
IN RE: Department of Management and Budget
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 45256, report!, with
the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the following changes:
1) That the classification of Chief-Management and Budget Information Systems and
Technology be created with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year OfT
33,191 39,080 36,9E3 30,810 40,632 No
21 That one (1) position of Chief - Management and Budget 1:!formaLioh Systems and
Technology be established in the Budget Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption or thu
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85256
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Department of Management and Budget
To the Uakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget is responsible for evaluating and advising
policy makers on the overall utilization of resources; and
WHEREAS technology is playing an increasing role in the operation of the County demanding
careful and detail review; and
WHEREAS Management and Budget is a major consumer of data prccessing services ., and
WHEREAS data processing coordination is in several divisions of Management and Hai:girt and
lacking in other .divisions; and
WHEREAS minor reorganization and downward reclassification can provide the needed coordi-
nation and technological expertise and can be accomplished with a small cost savings.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT REOLVED that.the classification of ChieF, Information Syt(2m ,, and
Technology be created in the Budget Division at the following salary range:
Base I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/1
35,902 36,963 38,810 40,632 42,455 No
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position 111717 - Chief - Equalization Data Processing Services -
be deleted from the Equalization Division and resultant salary and fringe benefits savings be trans-
ferred to the Budget Division as follows:
Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
Equalization Division (125-01)
Salaries Regular
Worker's Comp.
Group Life
HoSpi tal zat ion
Social Security
Unemployment Comp.
$ (10,400)
(1,7 1 5)
S (13,722)
Budget Division (122-01)
4-10100--100I Salaries, Regular 5 10,400
4-10100-2075 Worker's Comp. 70
4-10100--2076 Group Life 44
4-10100--2077 Retirement 1,715
4-10100-2078 Hospitalization 645
4-10100-2079 Social Security 733
4-10100--2080 Dental 133
4-10100--2081 Disability 13
4-10100--2082 Unemployment Comp. 19
Sub-Total 5 13,722
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that position #4580 - Account Clerk II - be doonward reclassified to
Typist II.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddel1 supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be amended by making the following
1) That the classification of Chief - Management and Budget Information Systems and
Technology be created with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T
33,191 35,080 36,963 -3-871-61- 40,632 No
2) That one (1) position of Chief - Management and Budget Information Systems and Technology
be established in the Budget Division.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85272
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Facilities and Engineering Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution f85168, the Board of Commissioners authorized the
County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for a sewage disposal system for
Commissioner's Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 292
the Springfield Oaks Youth Activities Center at an estimated cost of $36,500; and
WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedures established by this Board, bids for the
installation of the above mentioned system were received and opened on September 9, 1985; and
WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed all bids
submitted and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, L. C. Betts Genera? ExcaVattng Company
of Holly, Michigan be awarded a contract for construction work in the amount of $66,152; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $8,848; and
WHEREAS the total project cost is estimated to be $75,000 as detailed in the attached
schedule; and
WHEREAS funding of $75,000 for the Youth Activities Center is available in the 1985
Capital Improvement Program - Building Section.
1) The contract proposal of L. C. Betts General Excavating Company of Holly, Michigan,
in the amount of $66,152 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and
Building Committee recommendations,
2) Funds be provided in the amount of $8,848 to cover the remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and hereby is authorized and directed
to execute a contract with L. C. Betts General Excavating Company on behalf of the County of Oakland,
4) The County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division,
shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing, no later than 10 days after adoption of this
resolution. The award shall not be effective until the awardee has been so notified.
5) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $75,000 from the 1985 Capital Improvement
Program - Building Section.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Award of Contract for Springfield-Oaks Youth Activities Center Sewage Disposal
System on file in County Clerk's office.
Moved by Caddell supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85273
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed settlement terms for Marcella v. County of
Oakland, et al and finds $237,500 is proposed to resolve said lawsuit; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel and the Finance Committee have deemed it in the best interests
of the County to resolve Marcella v. County of Oakland, et al according to proposed terms.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Corporation
Counsel to execute settlement of Marcella v. County of Oakland, et al for a sum not to exceed $237,500.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $237,500 available in the Law
Enforcement Liability Account (4-10100-431-0T-00-3451) within the Sheriff's Department 1985 Budget
for said purpose,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, P move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES; Pernick, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff. (23)
NAYS: Price, Law, Moore. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
Misc. 85274
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Drain Commissioner
WHEREAS the Township of West Bloomfield, by resolution adopted by its Township Board on
August 19, 1985 has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the West Bloomfield
Water Supply System as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and has proposed that such extensions
be acquired and constructed by the county and financed from surplus bond proceeds on hand; and
WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Township of West Bloomfield and the County of Oakland
if the use of funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the request of
the Township; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution.
1. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pur-
suant to the provisions of the West Bloomfield Water Supply System Contract, dated as of December 1,
1970, of up to $362,000 as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, from the surplus funds now remaining
after providing for all costs incurred in acquiring Sections 1 through 7 of the system established by
said Contract dated December 1, 1970, to the payment of the cost of West Bloomfield Water Supply
System - Section VIII (the "system").
2. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County
of Oakland through its Oakland County Drain Commissioner as its County Agency for payment of the
cost of the system in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes described in said Con-
tract dated as of December 1, 1970.
3. That the County Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed plans and specifications,
obtain soil borings, take construction bids and enter into contracts, and take any other actions
necessary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the system.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85275
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Drain Commissioner
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Village of Bingham Farms, by resolution adopted by its Village Council on
August 26, 1985, has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the EVERGREEN SEWAGE
DISPOSAL SYSTEM as shown on Exhibit "A', attached hereto, and has proposed that such extensions
be acquired and constructed by the County and financed from surplus funds on hand; and
WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Village of Bingham Farms and the County of Oak-
land if the use of the funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the
request of the Village; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution.
as follows:
I. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer,
pursuant to the provisions of the Contract - Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms
Extension No. 2, dated as of July 1, 1976, and amended by Resolution No. 8453, adopted May 4, 1978
by the Board of Commissioners of Oakland County, of up to $21,500 as shown on Exhibit "B" attached
hereto, from the surplus funds now remaining after provision for all costs incurred in acquiring
the said Bingham Farms Extension No. 2 by said Contract, to the payment of the cost of Bingham
Farms Extension No. 3 (the "project"), as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto.
2. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County
of Oakland through its Oakland County Drain Commissioner as its County Agency for payment of the cost
of the project in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes described in the said Con-
tract dated as of July 1, 1976, and amended as of May 4, 1978,
3. That the County Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed plans and specifications,
obtain soil borings, take construction bids and enter into Contracts, and take any other actions neces-
sary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the project.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 294
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, ! move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, 5karritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (261
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 35276
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladles and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland (Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3507, January 30, 1356) entered
into a 30 year lease agreement with the Oakland County Society for Crippled Children; and
WHEREAS a building was constructed in the area designated as Community Service Area on the
Oakland County Service Center General Development Plan; and
WHEREAS The Easter Seal Society of Oakland County, Inc. continues to provide services to
thousands of disabled children and adults in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee believes that it is in the best interest or
the County to continue this service; and
WHEREAS your Committee has reviewed the Lease between the County of Oakland and The Easter
Seal Society of Oakland County, Inc.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the
Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to execute a lease agreement between the
County of Oakland and The Easter Seal Society of Oakland County, inc. with a commencing date of
July 26, 1986 for a period of five (5) years. A copy of the lease is hereto attached.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Massberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, 0/sen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85277
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 223, P. A. 1909, as last amended by Act 196, P.A. 1970 provides for the conveyance
of State-owned tax-reverted lands to municipal units for public purposes; and
WHEREAS such lands are under the jurisdiction of the State of Michigan, Department of Natural
Resources and are available for acquisition under the provisions of the above mentioned act; and
WHEREAS pursuant to paragraph 14 of the "Detroit-Oakland Agreement for Use of Certain Detroit
Sewers for the Farmington-Evergreen District" dated August 29, 1984, the County agreed to procure for
the Board of Water Commissioners the properties necessary for the Board to construct, operate and
maintain certain proposed sanitary sewer interceptor facilities; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland desires to acquire Lot lb, except the east 40 feet of the
south 80 feet, Northwest Subdivision, Section 35, TN, RIDE, (Tax Parcel No, 2435-483-010-SPS) for
the above described purpose.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section is autho-
rized to make application to the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, Lands Division
for conveyance of said land to the County of Oakland for a nominal fee as set by the Natural Resources
Commission; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Septemoer 26, 1985
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Oakland shall set up necessary procedures and
controls to provide for the proper distribution of funds arising from the subsequent sale of the
acquired property in conformity with the above mentioned acts, in the event the property is not
used for public purposes.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85278
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EOC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1976, as amended (the
"Act") for the Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project, a copy of which
Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its de-
terminations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act.
that the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements
of Section 8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the manage-
ment of the project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Com-
missioner's approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the
Plan properly, and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond pur-
chaser's commitment has been obtained; and
WHEREAS On , 1985, the governing body of the Township of West Bloomfield, Oak-
land County, Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on September 26, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, he and is hereby determined
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James Edward Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85279
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Corporation
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 296
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended the
"Act") for the Jamestowne Properties Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as
Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter-
minations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the ourposes of the Act, that
the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section 8
of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the
Project for at feast one (?) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the Plan properly,
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's commitment
has been obtained; and
WHEREAS on August 26, 1985, the governing body of the Village of Bingham Farms, Oakland
County, Michigan, also anproved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on September 26, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to con-
sider whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
I. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement the
Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairoerson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Clesiing, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85280
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act")
for the West End Welding Project, a copy of which Project Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the
"Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its determi-
nations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act, that the
Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section 8
of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the
project for at least one (I) year after the projected date of the County Board of Comissionor 's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the plan properly.
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's commitment
has been obtained; and
WHEREAS on September 18, 1985, the governing body of the Charter Township of Milford,
Oakland County, Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on September 26, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of the
Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EDC with respect thereto;
1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby determined
to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Reword, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
Resolution declared adopted.
Misc. 85264
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Community Development Block Grant funds have been set aside in a Contingency
Account over the past several years; and
WHEREAS this account has beer used to facilitate the accounting process for processing
year-end closing transactions, provide a reserve fund for cost overruns and to grant supporting
funds to communities for new construction of assisted housing developments; and
WHEREAS funds from this account have been expended over the past several years for eligible
HUD approved Assisted Housing Projects, with the approval of both Citizens Advisory Council and the
Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS the purpose of this resolution is to establish a Contingency Account for potential
cost overruns pertaining to Oakland County CDBG funded activities and discontinue expending funds
from this account for approved Assisted Housing Projects; and
WHEREAS the setting aside of these funds has resulted in a five year accumulated total
of $448,155.54; and
WHEREAS this present fund balance points to the need for establishing a maximum account
balance and a procedure for allocating the amount that is in excess of the established maximum; and
WHEREAS the Contingency Fund Subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Council recommended to
the Council that a $200,000 maximum Contingency Fund Account balance be established and to distribute
the excess balance of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the
local level for the 1986/97 program year (reference attachment); and
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has approved this resolution
by a unanimous vote.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes a
maximum $200,000 Community Development Contingency Fund Account balance and approves the distributing
of the excess balance of funds by the approved allocation formula to the municipalities for use at the
local level for the 1986/87 program year.
Mr. Chairperson,on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of attachments on file in County Clerk's Office.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85264 and finds excess Block Grant Contingency funds totalling $248,155 have been allo-
cated to municipalities as part of the Community Development Division 1986 Budget request.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 298
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was
Misc. 85281
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Probate Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of Act 280 of the Public Acts of 1975, Oakland County is
required to develop and submit a plan and budget for the funding of foster care services to the
Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services, annually; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Probate Court - Juvenile Division and the Oakland County De-
partment of Social Services have developed the attached foster care services budget as required for
the State's Fiscal Year, October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed this budget and recommends
its submission to the State Office.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize
submission of the 1985-86 Oakland County Child Care Fund Budget to the State Office of Children and
Youth Services; Department of Social Services.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, 1 move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Copy of Budget on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Dloyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. Law, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85282
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (E.P.S.D.T.) program commonly
referred to as "Medicaid Screening" was established in Oakland County in April of 1973; and
WHEREAS this program is funded entirely through the Michigan Department of Public Health
under contract with the Michigan Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS subject grant covers a period from October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
County Executive's Office to apply for Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment grant renewal
in the amount of $714,639 to be funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds;
1) This is an on-going grant in the thirteenth (13th) year,
2) The grant covers the period October I, 1985 through September 30. 1986.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
3) Funding is $714,639, and is 10In State funded,
4) The grant application requests $413,455 for salaries, $167,036 for fringe benefits,
$79,572 for operating expenses, and $54,576 for indirect costs consistent with the attached schedule,
5) All personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee,
6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources
Committee, in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution 01145, Revised Federal and State Grant
Application procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the reso l ution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Personnel Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85283
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS under an agreement between the State of Michigan and the Oakland County Health
Division, the Oakland County Health Division is designated as the authorized representative of tne
Departments of Commerce and Public Health to conduct annual mobile home park inspections required
by Section 17 of Act 419, P.A. 1976; and
WHEREAS this agreement provides for funding of environmental health inspections, fol/ou-up
inspections and environmental health complaint processing; and
WHEREAS inspections and evaluations will be conducted in accordance with the Department
of Public Health policy; and
WHEREAS reimbursement is based on the Oakland County Health Division's calculated rate per
hour for environmental health services multiplied.by the number of hours provided for direct environ-
mental health services; and
WHEREAS the maximum amount available to the Oakland County Health Division under this
agreement is $17,292 or approximately 65,7% of the estimated costs to be incurred; and
WHEREAS estimated revenues from this agreement have been included in the 1985 adopted budget.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
Board Chairperson to sign this reimbursement agreement covering the period from January 1. 1985
through December 31, 1985 on behalf of the local governing entity.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell.
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted,
Mr. McDonald stated an objection had been received from Judge Michael Batchik regarding
Resolution #85243 (Central Services/District Court Probation - CHANGE MERIT RULE I TO INCLUDE ALL
be referred back to committee for further study.
Moved by Calandro supported by Perinoff Resolution #85243 be referred back to the Personnel
Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85284
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel
Via (NEW), 26
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section IV, Subsection A of the Merit System Resolution requires that all changes
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 300
in the rules and regulations of the Merit System shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at
a regular meeting of the Board and shall become effective thirty (37.) days after such meeting unless
objection is received in writing by the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, in which case the
objection shall become a matter of business at the next meeting of the Board; and
WHEREAS it has become desirable to make certain changes in the wording of Rule 2, 9, 12, 13,
14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), 26 as spelled out in the attachments to this resolution including
the current and proposed wording; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed and approved these changes at its meeting of
September 18, 1985.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reading of this notice and the distribution of this
notice and the attached copies of current Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), 26
to all commissioners present and absent to be considered as the official submission to the Board of
Commissioners of the described changes in Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a (NEW), and
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
d. Shall be held to the established County
schedule of Annual Leave accumulation but
shalt not be held to the maximum accumulation
schedule. Such employees may not take a con-
tinuous vacation of more than the maximum
accumulation allowable an employee eligible
for overtime with their length of service
under Rule 23. NOTE: This subparagraph
refers to maximum accumulation only, anci
not to the rate of accumulation. Employees
exempted from payment of overtime shall still
be held to the rate of Annual Leave accumu-
lation based on their length of eligible
County service as described in the rate table
contained in Rule 23 - "Annual Leave."
d. Shall be held to the er.tablished schedule of
Annual Leave accumulation but shall be allowed a
higher maximum accumulation than employees who are
eligible for overtime, as shown in Merit Rule 23.
Such employees may not take a continuous vacation
of more than the maximum accumulation allowable an
employee eligible for overtime with the same length
of service under Rule 23. NOTE: This subparagraph
refers to maximum accumulation only, and not to the
rate of accumulation. Employees exempted From pay-
ment of overtire shall still be held to the rate of
Annual Leave accumulation based on their length of
eligible County service as described in the rate
table contained in Rule 23 - "Annual Leave."
A. Such separations can only occur when an A. Such separations can occur under any of the
employee has exhausted Sick Leave accumulations, following conditions:
Annual Leave accumulations, Worker's Compensation
Leave or authorized leaves of absence without
pay; or, in the case where an employee cannot
verify by doctor's statement a physical or mental
disability properly covered by Sick Leave and has
exhausted Annual Leave accumulation and/or
authorized leaves of absence without pay.
SECTION 111 A.2.
I. An employee has exhausted Personal Leave
accumulation, Annual Leave and Annual Leave Reserve
accumulations, Sick Leave Reserve, authorized Leave
Without Pay, or Worl:err5 Corvensatien Leave, and has
exhaused or does not qualify for Short Term disability
2. An employee is collecting Long Term Disability
Benefits. This separation can occur regardless of
whether an employee has leave banks and it shall be
the responsibility of the department head to evaluate
the likelihood that the employee will return in a
reasonable time in light of the needs of the depart-
ment and the contribution the employee will be able i
to make upon his or her return to work. A separation !
for this reason does not affect the employees'
eligibility for long term insurance benefits.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
3. An employee cannot verify by a doctor'si
statement that a physical or mental disability
is properly covered by income disahllity in-
surance or the use of their Sick Leave Reserve
bank, and the employee has exhausted Personal i
Leave, Annual Leave, Annual Leave Reserve and
authorized leaves of absence without pay.
SECTION III Note between D and E.
NOTE: Granting of leaves of absence without pay
are not mandatory on the part of the Department
Head (see Merit System Rule 13, Leaves of Absence
Without Pay).
F. Separation because of insufficient leave
time to cover absence from work will not effect
the employee's entitlement to income continuation
benefits under the County's temporary disability
income protection plan for employees. (See
Aetna Group plan booklet titled "A Temporary
Disability Income Protection Plan for Oakland
County Employees" in your Merit System Rule nook
or contact the Personnel Department for a copy.)
a. Any accumulated unused Annual Leave,
Compensatory Time and Sick Leave should be
noted on the separation papers so that the
deceased's last paycheck will include payment
for this time. (See Rule 2, Section VIII,
"Overtime Pay" and Rule 24, Section V. "Pay-
ment for Unused Accumulated Sick Leave.")
3. Use of earned accumulated unused Sick Leave.
C. Unused accumulation of Annual Leave,
Compensatory Time and Sick Leave existing as
of the official date of separation shall not be
used to prolong the official period of County
1, One-half payment for all unused accumulated
Sick Leave as of the official date of separation.
1. One-half payment for all unused accumulated
Sick Leave in excess of seventy-five days as of
the official date of separation.
F. Separation because of insufficient leave,
time to cover absence from work will not effect
the employee's entitlement to income con-
tinuation benefits under the County's long
term disability benefit.
a. Any accumulated unused Annual Leave,
Annual Leave Reserve, Compensatory Time, and
Sick Leave Reserve should be noted on the
separation papers so that the deceased's last
paycheck will include payment for this time.
(See Rule 2, Section V111, "Overtime Pay" and
Rule 24, Section V. "Payment For Sick Leave
3. Use of Sick Leave Reserve
4. Use of Personal Leave.
C. Annual Leave, Annual Leave Reserve.
Compensatory Time, Personal Leave and Sick
Leave Reserve shall not be granted for thc
purpose of prolonging the official period
of County service.
I. One-half payment for all Sick Leave
Reserve remaining as of the official date
of separation.
I. One-half payment for all Sick Leave
Reserve remaining in excess of seventy-five
days as of the official date of separation.
4. For Sick Leave - See Rule 24, IX,A.
8. With the exception of covering time off from
work of a pregnant employee, for the immediate pre-
natal, birth and immediate post-natal period under the
provisions of Rule 21, Maternity Cases, the fact that
a Leave is possible under these regulations does not
mean that the requested Leave must be greeted. A
For Sick Leave Reserves - See Rule 24a,
Section VII A.I.
With the exception of covering time off
from work of a pregnant employee for the
immediate pre-natal, birth and immediate post-
natal period under the provisions of Rule 21,
Maternity Cases, and 10 day', allowed each
year For illness. The fact that a leave is
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1935 302
Leave of Absence deprivs the employee's
department of the services of an employee,
who it is assumed is needed if the department
is to properly do its job. Leaves of Absence
Without Pay, except in the case of disciplinary
leaves, should be considered as a privilege and
the best interests of the deparnent and the
County service must be the determining factors
In whether such leaves are granted or not.
3. Does not learn Sick Leave.,',
4. Does not get paid for Legal Holidays
occurring during the Leave.
5. Has no time deducted from his or her Annual
Leave, Sick Leave or overtime accumulations to
cover the time off on the Leave of Absence Without
6. Remains a member of the Oakland County
Employees' Retirement olan but
SECT/ON /1 A.6.c.
c. The Employee does not earn credit toward
the Service Increment Plan or credit toward the
rate of Annual Leave accumulation for the period
covered by the leave.
SLC1104 II A.b.d.
d. Must pay any group hospitalization premiums
Falling due during any month in which the employee
has not worked at least one day. fSuch premiums
are normally paid by the County for full-time em-
ployees.) Employees on such Leaves should contact
the Payroll Unit of the Accounting Division.
e. Because the Retirement System grants a full
month of credit if an employee is on the payroll
for ten days in a calendar month and a full year
of credit if an employee is on the payroll for
ten months in a calendar year, the effect of a
Leave of Absence Without Pay on the accumulation
of Retirement Service Credit time dcpcnds on the
timing of each individual Leave.
/. Will retain full coverage under the Em-
ployees' Group Life Insurance Plan. For all
Leaves other than for sickness or compensable
injury, the employee must continue to pay his
or her group life insurance premiums and the
County will continue to pay the premium for
the term portion Of the employee's Group Life
a. If the employee does rot return to active
County employment by the end of his authorized
Leave of Absence Without Pay, his or her Group
Life Insurance Policy is terminated, and in
addition the employee is not eligible to exer-
cise the following termination rights for one
year from the time he or she went on leave:
possible under these regulations does not mean
that the requested leave must be granted. A
Leave of Absence deprives 01.7 employee's depart- ,
ment of the services of an employee, -4ao it is
assumed is needed if the department is to properly,
do its job. Leaves of Absence Without Pay, ex-
cept in the case of disciplinary leaves, should
be considered as a privilege and the best inter-
ests of the department and the County service
must be the determining factors in whether such
leaves are granted or not.
Change to SECTION II 4.3.
Change to SECTION A.4.
4. Has no time deducted from his or her Annual :
Leave, Annual Leave Reserve, Personal Leave, or
Sick Leave Reserve accumulations to cover the
time off on the Leave of Absence Without Pay.
Change to SECTION II A.5,
Annual Leave accumulation For the period covered
by the leave.
Change to SECTION II A,5.d.
Change to SECTION II A.5,e.
Change to SECTION II A.6.
Change to SECTION II A.6.a.
Change to SECTION II A,5.c.
C. With the exception of the first 10 ap-
proved leave without pay days per year, an em-
ployee does not earn credit toward the Service
Increment Plan or credit toward the rate of
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
(I) The right to refund of the employee's
(2) The right to convert the paid-up portion
of the policy to another type of policy.
A. To cover time off because of personal illness
beyond that covered by earned Sick Leave with pay.
1. To be used when the employee has exhausted
(his or her) accumulations of earned Sick Leave
with pay, earned Annual Leave and earned Compen-
satory Time.
4. Full Group Life Insurance coverage will
continue for the life of the Leave whether the
employee continues to pay his or her premiums
for the policy while on Leave or not.
a. The County will continue to pay the premium
of the Term portion of the Group Life Insurance
Policy while the employee is on this Leave.
b. While the employee's over-all Group Life
Insurance coverage will continue without the
payment of his or her premiums on the "Paid-Up"
portion of the policy, the paid-up value of (his
or her) policy will not increase without the pay-
ment of such premiums.
B. To cover time off because of a compensable
injury beyond that covered by pro-rated earned
Sick Leave with pay and Annual Leave with pay.
b. Employees on leave to attend National Guard
or Reserve training encampments (Osally called
"summer training duty") will continue to accumu-
late Sick Leave and Annual Leave time as they
normally would if they had been working during
this period of time.
C. Effect of Court Appearance Leave on Annual
and Sick Leave
Employees on Court Appearance Leave will continue
to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave, as if
Change to SECTION II A,6.a.l.
The right to refund of the employee's con-
tribution, if the employee has made such con-
tribution toward a paid up life insurance policy. l
Change to SECTION II A.6.a.2,
2. The right to convert the paid up policy,
if any, to another type of policy.
A. To cover time off because of Personal
Illness beyond that covered by Personal Leave
and Sick Leave Reserve and for which the em-
ployee is not receiving Short Term or Long Term
Insurance Benefits.
1. To be used when the employee has exhate,ted
his or her accumulation of Personal Leave, and
Sick Leave Reserve. An employee may use au to
a total of 10 Leave Without Pay days per year
for illness as provided under Merit Rule 24.
In order for an employee to use in excess of
10 Leave Without Pay days in a calendar year
it would be necessary to have first exhausted
all accumulated Annual Leave and Compensatory
Time in addition to the Leave bank listed above.
4, Full group term Life Insurance cove-rage
pa i d by the County will continue for the life
of the leave. If the employee is also paying
premiums on a paid up policy, the paid up value
of his or her policy will not increase unless
the employee elects In conlinue the poymenis of
such premiums.
B. To cover time off because of a compen-
sable injury beyond that covered by Personal
Leave, Sick Leave Reserve and Annual Leave.
SECTION it/ C.2.b.
b. Employees on Leave to attend National
Guard or Military Reserve Training will con-
tinue to accumulate Annual Leave and will have
the training time credited toward the earning
of Personal Leave as they normally would if
they were working during this period.
C. Effect of Court Appearance Leave Oh
Personal Leave and Annual Leave
Employees on court appearance leave will con-
tinue to accumulate Annual Leave as if they were
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
SECTION 1 C. continued (MERIT RULE #I4)
they were at work. No time will be deducted
from the employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave
accumulations while on approved Court Appearance
C. Effect of Jury Duty Leave on Annual and
Sick Leave
I. Employees on Jury Duty leave will continue
to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave, as if
they were at work. No time will be deducted from
the employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave accumu-
lations for the time served on approved Jury Duty
2. If the employee should become sick as
described in Rule 24 "Sick Leave") while serving
On a jury and is unable to appear as a juror,
the employee will be paid for that day or days
and the time deducted from their Sick Leave
a. No deductions shall be made from the
employee's Sick Leave or Annual Leave accumu-
lations to cover this payment from the County.
2. An eligible employee still unable to
return to work within the time limit described
in Section 1, above, who continues to receive
Worker's Compensation payments, shall be paid
by the County, the difference between his or
her regular salary at the time injured and the
payment made under the provisions of the Com-
pensation Act, and the prorated amount of time
involved shall be deducted from first, the
employee's Sick Leave accumulation and if it
is exhausted, the Annual Leave accumulation.
a. An eligible employee off work due to an
injury or illness deemed compensabie by the
Worker's compensation Commission shall continue
to accumulate Sick Leave and Annual Leave at
the normal rate for as long as he or she re-
ceives payment from the County under items 1 and
2 above.
C. Because there may he a delay, while the
insurance company is determining if the injury
is compensable, the employee shall receive full
salary payment from the County, until the first
Worker's Compensation check is sent. If the
injury is later determined non-compensable, this
time will be deducted from first the employee's
Sick Leave accumulation, and if it is exhausted,
from their Annual Leave accumulation.
SECTION I C. continued
at work and will have the time credited toward
earning of Personal Leave. No time will be de-
ducted from the employee's Personal Leave or
Annual Leave accumulations while on approved
court appearance leave.
C. Effect of Jury Duty Leave on Personal
Leave and Annual Leave
I. Employees on Jury Duty Leave will continue
to accumulate Annual Leave as if they were at
work and will have the time credited toward
earning of Personal Leave. No time will be de-
ducted from the employee's Personal Leave or
Annual Leave accumulations for the time served
on approved Jury Duty Leave.
SECTION 111 C. 2.
2. IF the employee should become sick as
described in Merit Rule 24, "Personal Leave")
while serving on a Jury and is unable to appear
as a Juror, the employee must cover the time ill
by drawing from Personal Leave, Sick Leave
Reserve, Annual Leave, or Leave Without Pay.
a. No deductions shall be made From the
employee's Personal Leave, Annual Leave or Sick
Leave Reserve to cover this payment from the
2. An eligible employee still unable to re-
turn to work within the time limit described in
Section 1 above, who continues to receive Worker's
Compensation payments, shall be paid by the
County, the difference between his or her regular
salary at the time injured and the payment made
under the provisions of the Compensation Act, and
the prorated amount of time involved shall be de-
ducted first from the employee's Personal Leave
and Sick Leave Reserve Accumulations and if they
are exhausted, from the Annual Leave accumulation.
SECTION !V B. 2.a.
a. An eligible employee off work due to an
injury or illness deemed compensable by the
Worker's Compensation Comnission shali continue to
accumulate Annual Leave at the normal rate and
shall have the time credited toward the earning
of Personal Leave for as long as he or she re-
ceives payment from the County under items 1 and
2 above.
C. Because there may be a delay while the
insurance company is determining if the injury
is compensabie, the employee shall receive full
salary payment from the County until the first
Worker's Compensation check is sent. If the in-
jury is later determined non-compensable this
time will be deducted from the employee's Per-
sonal.Leave and Sick Leave Reserve accumulations
and if they are exhausted, from the Annual Leave
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
When notification is received by the County that
the eligible employee received a payment from the
Insurance company, this amount will be deducted
from their next County paycheck, even though the
time covered by the insurance check is different
from the time covered by the County paycheck.
This is continued until any overpayment is made
up and may result in the employee receiving
only partial pay from the County for a time after
he or she returns to work following a compensable
A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit
System Rules covering Sick Leave, Annual Leave,
Accumulated Compensatory Time and Leaves of
Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used
to cover time off from work by a pregnant
employee for medical examinations and treatment
during pregnancy.
A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit
System Rules covering Sick Leave, Annual Leave,
Accumulated Compensatory Time and Leaves of
Absence Without Pay, such methods may be used
to cover time off from work by a pregnant em-
ployee for the immediate pre-natal birth and
immediate post-natal period, for a length of
combined leave time not to exceed ninety con-
secutive calendar days from the date the em-
ployee first leaves for this purpose.
2. The earning, accumulation and use of
Sick Leave.
a. Earn and accumulate Annual Leave and
Sick Leave on a pro-rated basis each pay period;
based on the ratio of the number of hours they
worked compared to the normal 80 hour pay period.
SECTION 11 8.1.1).
b. Use Annual Leave, Sick Leave and Death
Leave off with pay only to cover their normal
working schedule of working days and hours.
WTION 11 8.1.e.
SECTION 11 8.1.f.
When notification is received by the County that
the eligible employee received a payment From the
insurance company, this amount will be deducted
from their next County paycheck, even though the
time covered by the insurance check is different
from the time covered by the County paycheck.
This is continued until any overpayment is made
up and may result in the employee receiving
only partial pay from the County for a time after
he or she returns to work following a compensabie
A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit
System Rules covering Personal Leave, Sick Leave
Reserve, Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and
Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may
be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant
employee for medical examinations and treatment
during pregnancy.
A. Subject to the requirements of the Merit
System Rules covering Personal Leave, Sick Leave
Reserve, Annual Leave, Compensatory Time and
Leaves of Absence Without Pay, such methods may
be used to cover time off from work by a pregnant
employee for the immediate pre-natal, birth and
immediate post-natal period, for a length of
combined leave time not to exceed ninety con -
secutive calendar days from the date the employee
first leaves for this purpose. Employees
eligible for Short Term Disability will receive
disability income payments subject to the terms
of the disability income coverage and may use
the methods listed earlier to supplement the
disability income payments or for periods not
covered by these payments.
2. The earning, accumulation and use of
Personal Leave.
13, Short-term and Long-term Disability
income programs.
a. Earn and accumulate Annual Leave on a
pro-rated basis each pay period; based an the
ratio of the number of hours they worked com-
pared to the normal BO hour pay period.
SECTION 11 8.1.b.
b. Use Personal Leave, Annual Leave, Sick
Leave Reserve and Death Leave off with pay only
to cover their normal schedule of working days
and hours.
Receive 20 hours (21 days) of personal leave
each year (half the five received by a full -
time employee).
Receive four (4) hours of floating holiday time
each year.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 306
SECTION 11 8.1.g. SECTION 11 B.I.g.
NEW Have full traditional health Insurance
coverage available with the County paying 50%
of the premium and the employee paying 50%.
SECTION 11 B.1.h.
SECTION 11 B.1.i.
C. Unless spelled out differently in the rule
applying to the individual fringe benefit, em-
ployees made eligible under this rule shall be
eligible for fringe benefits from the first day
of eligible County employment.
Have full coverage under the County dental
plan available with the County paying 5n of
the premium and the employee paying 50%. Em-
ployees are not eligible for dental benefits
until one (1) year of service has been completed.
SECTION 11 8.1.i.
Have an amount of life insurance equal to l',
times an amount equivalent to one-half of the
annual full time salary for the classification.
Employee contributions (if any) are also based
on one-half salary.
SECTION 1/ 8.1.j.
Earn retirement credit based on the actual
number of hour worked.
Not be eligible for long term disability
SECTION fl 8.1.1.
Be eligible for short term disability but the
benefit is computed on an amount equal to one-
half of the annual full time salary for the
C. Unless spelled out differently in the rule
applying to the individual fringe benefit and
with the exceptions noted in points 1, 2 and 3
below, employees made eligible under this rule
shall be eligible for fringe benefits from the
first day of County employment.
1. Employees are not eligible for dental
benefits until one (0 year of service has been
1. Employees are not eligible for Short or
Long Term Disability benefits until six months
of service has been successfully completed.
3. Employees receive no Personal Leave days
until six months of service has been successfully
completed. Employees are then credited with the
appropriate Personal Leave Time.
SECTION 11 C.11.
4. Employees receiving Short Term Disability
Income benefits shall continue to have time
spent on disability credited as time worked for
the purpose of maintaining their benefit date,
shall continue to earn annual leave days and
retirement credits and shall continue to receive
those paid benefits they would otherwise be re-
ceiving if they were at work.
SECTION 11 C.,6. SECTION 11 C.5.
NEW 5. Employees receiving Long Term Disability
Per In 12
From Through Pay Months
0 1 Year .383 10 Days
2 Yrs. 4 Years .459 12 pays
5 Yrs. 9 Years .574 15 Days
10 Yrs, 14 Years .689 18 Days
15 Yrs. 19 Years .766 20 Days
20 Yrs. 24 Years .842 22 Days
25 Yrs. Remainder .919 24 Days
of County
15.0 Days
18.0 Days
22.5 Days
27.0 Days
30.0 Days
33.0 Days
36.0 Days
* While the amounts earned per pay period do not
appear to add up exactly to the amounts earned in
a twelve month period, the computer which does the
accumulating automatically corrects for this, once
a year. See also Section II B of this rule.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
MERIT RULE #22 - (Eligibility for Fringe Benefits) Continued.
(SECTION If C.6. Continued.)
SECTION ill B.1.a.(3)
Annual Leave is absence from work for which the
employee is paid just as if he or she were at
work. Annual Leave is earned and accumulated
each pay period at a rate dependent on the length
of the employee's County service. When Annual
Leave is used, and the amount of Annual Leave
that is taken at one time, are at the discretion
of the employee's Department Head within the
limitations of the employee's accumulation, of
necessity, the welfare and convenience of the
County and the continuation of the services the
department renders must be the foremost con-
sideration in allowing Annual Leave. An Annual
vacation is the most common use of Annual Leave,
although it may also be used for personal business,
to cover a period of illness after Sick Leave
has run out and many other uses.
A. Annual Leave shall be earned and accumu-
lated by pay periods, according to the following
(SECTION 11 C.5. continued.)
Income benefits who are not separated from
County service shall no longer have the time
spent on disability credited as if they were
at work for the purpose of maintaining their
benefit date, shall not earn annual leave days
or retirement credits, nor be credited with
additional personal leave days and shall not
receive any other paid benefits from the County.
These employees may elect to maintain their
health care and dental insurance through the
County group plan provided they continue to
submit prompt payment for such benefits.
SECTION 111 B.1.a.(3)
3. An employee may use up to a total of ten
days of Leave Without Pay each calendar year
without affecting his or her benefit date.
Annual Leave is absence from work for which the
employee is paid just as if he or she were at
work. Annual Leave is earned and accumulated
each pay period at a rate dependent on the length
of the employee's County service. When Annual
Leave is used, and the amount of Annual Leave
that is taken at one time, are at the discretion
of the employee's Department Head within the
limitations of the employee's accumulation, of
necessity, the welfare and convenience of the
County and the continuation of the services the
department renders must be the foremost con-
sideration in allowing Annual Leave. An Annual
vacation is the most common use of Annual Leave,
although it also may be used for other purposes
such as personal business and to cover a period
of illness after Sick Leave Reserve or Personal
Leave have run out.
A. Annual Leave shall be earned and accumu-
lated by pay periods, according to the following
(SEE RULE 22) EARNED* 0/1 0/1
Per In 12
From Through Pay Months
0 1 Year .383 10 Days N/A N/A
2 Years 4 Years .459 12 Days 18.0 36.0
5 Yrs. 9 Years .574 15 Days 22.5 45.0
10 Yrs. 14 Years .689 18 Days 27.0 54-0
15 Yrs. 19 Years .766 20 Days 30.0 60.0
20 Yrs. 24 Years ,842 22 Days 33.0 66 -0
25 Yrs. Remainder .919 24 Days 36.0 72.0
of County
* While the amounts earned per pay period do not
appear to add up exactly to the amounts earned
in a twelve month period, the computer which
does the accumulating automatically corrects
for this, once a year. See also Section II B
of this rule.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 308
** The maximum accumulation is based on one
and one-half years worth of Annual Leave earnings.
When the maximum accumulation of Annual Leave
IS reached, additional time spent in County
Service, while an employee's Annual Leave accumu-
lation is at the maximum, will not earn Annual
Leave, either for immediate or future use when
the employee's accumulation is below the maximum.
A. Employees on Sick Leave (with pay) shall
continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if
they were on the job.
B. If an employee has reason to use Sick Leave
during a period of Annual Leave usage, and if such
Sick Leave is used to cover an illness of the em-
ployee and if such Sick Leave need is documented by
a physician's written statement to the Department
Head's satisfaction, such time may be deducted from
the employee's Sick Leave accumulation instead of
from their Annual Leave accumulation.
(Note: existing Section VI and subsequent
sections to be renumbered.)
Effect of Death Leave on Annual Leave.
Effect on paid legal holidays on Annual Leave.
Effect on Leaves of Absence without pay on
Annual Leave.
Payment for unused accumulated Annual Leave
on separation from County service.
The maximum accumulation for employees eligible
for Overtime is based on one and one-half year's
worth of Annual Leave earnings. The maximum
accumulation for employees not eligible for over-
time is based on 3 years worth of Annual Leave
earnings. When the maximum accumulation of
Annual Leave is reached, additional time spent
in County service, while an employee's Annual
Leave accumulation is at the maximum, will not
earn annual leave, either for immediate or future
use when the employee's accumulation is below
the maximum.
E. Employees not eligible or overtime for
whom Annual Leave has been Placed in an Annual
Leave Reserve Bank may draw from their reserve
subject to item "A" above.
(NOTE: At the time the maximum accumulation
was applied to "non-overtime" employees, all
banked annual leave days in excess of two times
the annual earnings rate was placed in the Annual
Leave Reserve. This allowed all "non-overtime"
employees one more year to accumulate annual
leave and schedule vacations before reaching the
accumulation maximum.)
A. Employees utilizing Personal Leave or Sick
Leave from their Sick Leave Reserve Bank shall
continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as if
they were on the job.
B. If an employee has reason to draw from his
or her Sick Leave Reserve Dank during a period of
Annual Leave usage and if such Sick Leave Reserve
is used to cover an illness of the employee and
this usage is documented by a ohvr.ician's written
statement to the Department Head's satisfaction,
such time may be deducted from the employee's
Sick Leave Reserve instead of from his or her
Annual Leave Accumulation.
A. Employees receiving Short Term Disability
Income Insurance payments shall continue to
accumulate Annual Leave just as if they were on
the job.
B. Employees receiving Long Term Disability
Income Insurance payments who remain on the roil
as a County employee shall not accumulate Annual
Change to SECTION VII.
Change to SECTION IX.
Change to SECTION X.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1585
MERIT RULE #23 Continued.
Effect of transfer of an employee from one
department to another within the County service,
on Annual Leave.
Change to SECTION XI.
COMMENTS ON RULE 24 and 2 11a
The new fringe benefit program completely replaces the current Sick Leave program with Personal
Leave (in conjunction with short and long term disability programs). As a result, Merit Rule 24 -
Sick Leave has been extensively revised to describe the accumulation and use of Personal Leave.
Employees with Sick Leave days in their bank when the new plan takes effect will have those days
placed in a Sick Leave Reserve bank. Merit Rule 24a - Sick Leave Reserve describes the circumstances
under which the Reserve may be used and its cash-in value. It should be noted that this is essentially
the same rule that was in effect regarding Sick Leave usage and cash -in prior to the implementation
of the new plan and is only new insofar as it no longer discusses the additional accumulation of Sick
Leave, only its use.
A. Sick Leave is an absence from work for which
the employee is paid just as if at work, because
the reason for the absence is covered by the pro-
visions of this Sick Leave plan and the employee
has accumulated at least as much Sick Leave as
required for the absence in question.
B. All employees eligible for the Sick Leave
plan shall begin their accumulation from the first
day of eligible County employment.
Eligible full time employees shall accumulate
Sick Leave as follows:
Days Sick Leave Earned
Per Pay Period in Twelve Months
Personal Leave is an .absence from work for
which the employee is paid just as if he or she
was at work. Personal Leave is provided pri-
marily to provide income protection for the
employee whose personal illness or incapacity
is such that they are not able to work, but
they have not yet met the required waiting period
to qualify for the Short Term Disability plan.
Personal Leave may also be used for, but is not
limited to, personal business, vacation, care of
ill family members and medical or dental exami-
nations and treatment.
B. All employees eligible for personal leave
will receive this benefit as detailed below.
1. Full time employees will receive five
personal leave days upon completion of six
months of service. Part-time eligible employees
will receive personal leave days as described in
Merit Rule 22, Section II, B. 1.e.
2. Full time employees will receive five
additional personal leave days upon completion
of one year of service and following the com-
pletion of each year of service thereafter.
Part-time eligible employees will receive per-
sonal leave days as described in Merit Rule 22,
Section 11.B.1.e.
A. Employees may accumulate up to a total of
fifteen Personal Leave Days. Once the maximum is
reached no further Personal Leave Time will
accumulate either for immediate or future use
when the employee's accumulation is below the
Sick Leave
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
MERIT RULE #24 (SICK LEAVE) Continued.
A. Sick Leave may be used only with the
permission of the employee's Department Head.
This provision shall apply to all other
sections of this plan.
New Language - Existing Section IV B is
being relettered and revised below.
New Language - Existing Section IV C is being
relettered below
B. Each County Department Head shall be
responsible for reviewing employee requests
for Sick Leave and determining their validity.
The Department Head shall refuse to allow use
of Sick Leave when, in their judgement, there
is insufficient evidence to support the em-
ployee's claim, or where it is believed that
the employee has not exercised reasonable
effort to promptly notify the Department of
the absence. The employee may be required
to submit a physician's statement in order
to justify the use of Sick Leave.
C. Employees unable to work their shift
shall notify their Department Authority or
designated representative as follows:
I. In department operating 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, no later than one hour be-
fore their normal work shift begins if directed
to do so in writing by their Department Authority,
or no later than one-half hour before their normal
work shift begins if not directed otherwise
by their Department Authority.
2. In departments where the Department
Authority or designated representative is
normally on duty to receive such calls, no
later than one-half hour before their normal
work shift begins.
3. In departments where the Department
Authority or designated representative is not
normally on duty prior to the beginning of the
normal work shift, as soon as possible after
the beginning of their normally scheduled work
B. Personal Leave days have no cash -in value.
A. Personal Leave may be used only with the
permission of the employee's Department Head.
This provision shall apply to all other sections
of this rule.
B. Uses of Personal Leave with advance per-
mission of the department head include, but are
not limited to, personal business, vacations,
scheduled medical and dental examinations or
treatment and supplementing Worker's Compensation
or Income Disability Insurance payments.
C. Personal Leave may also be used without
advance permission of the department head, for
personal illness or incapacity over which the
employee has no reasonable control, or the ill-
ness or incapacity of a family member and the
employee is the only person available to render
such care.
Change to SECTION IV C.1.
1. Each County Department lead shall be
responsible for reviewing employee requests for
Personal Leave under part "C" and determing their
validity. The Department Head shall refuse to
allow use of Personal Leave when, in their judge-
ment, there is insufficient evidence to support
the employee's claim, or where it is believed
that the employee has not exercised reasonable
effort to promptly notify the Department of the
absence. The employee may be required to submit
a physician's statement in order to justify the
use of Personal Leave under part "C".
Change to SECTION IV C.2.
Change to SECTION IV C.2.a.
Change to SECTION IV C.2.b.
Change to SECTION IV C.2.c.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
MERIT RULE #24 (SICK LEAVE) continued.
shift or, in any case, no later than
one-half hour after the work shift begins.
D. Employee must submit their "Request for
Approval of Sick Leave" forms to their Depart-
ment Head in writing as soon as possible after
Sick Leave usage. These forms shall be for-
warded to the Personnel Office for review and
shall provide the employee with a receipt copy
to show that the Sick Leave was requested.
E. Sick Leave shall not be granted for a
period of more than five successive work days
unless the employee submits a statement from
their physician, to the Department Head, that
the Sick Leave is necessary. The Department
Head shall forward this statement to the
Personnel Department along with the "Request
For Approval of Time Off".
F. Sick Leave may not be used before it
is earned.
G. Sick Leave may be used for the following
I. Acute persona? illness or incapacity over
which the employee has no reasonable control.
a. See Rule 21 for the uses of Sick Leave
in maternity cases.
2. Absence from work because of exposure to
contagious disease which, according to public
health standards would constitute a danger to
the health of others by the employee's
attendance at work.
3. Medical and Dental Examinations or treatment
Change to SECTION IV C.3.
Personal Leave may not be used before it is
credited to the Personal Leave Bank and no more
time may be used than what is available in the
Personal Leave Bank.
4. The care of the employee's ill minor dependent
children, spouse, parents or guardians, if the em-
ployee is the only person available to render such
care. Such usage is not to exceed two days for any
one illness.
5. To supplement Workers' Compensation payments.
a. See Rule 17 - "Work Connected Injury or
6. With the advance permission of the Department
Head, an employee may use two days of accumulated
unused Sick Leave for personal business in each
calendar year. The use of such days as personal
business days is not cumulative and days not used
will continue to be treated as Sick Leave Days.
NOTE: This change shall apply to all non-union em-
ployees andto those union employees whose collective
bargaining agreement provides for this benefit change.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 19a5 312
A. Payment while still a County employee:
I. The number of unused Sick Leave days in
each employee's Sick Leave Accumulation shall be
recorded as of the end of the 22nd payroll period
of each year, and each employee having more than
100 days shall have a choice of:
a. Receiving one-half (1/2) pay, in
cash, for Sick Leave in excess of
100 days, OR
b. The right to keep the days in ex-
cess of 100 in his Sick Leave
2. The annual cash payments will be paid at
the rate the employee is earning at the end of
the 22nd payroll period.
3. Those employees electing to keep the
extra Sick Leave Days will again have the option
of cash or days for all Sick Leave time in excess
of 100 days, at the recording time each succeeding
B. Payment when separating from County Em-
ployment for reasons of death or to become a
retirant member of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System.
1. An employee separating from County
Employment for these reasons shall receive
one-half pay for all unused accumulated Sick
a. Payment shall be made at the rate
the employee is earning at the
time of separation.
b. This payment shall not be included
in the computation of final average
compensation (F.A.C.) for re-
tirement benefit purposes for em-
ployees initially appointed to eligible
County Service (See Rule 22) after
December 31, 1977.
C. Section V,13,1,b, shall apply only to
non-represented employees and to
represented employees whose labor
agreement provides for this change
in benefit.
d. Employees whose labor agreement does
not make specific reference to
elimination of the provision in B.1
shall continue to be governed by the
provisions which were in effect prior
to this rule revision.
C. Payment when separating from the County for
reasons other than Retirement or Death.
1. Any employee separating for these
reasons shall receive one-half pay for unused accumu-
lated Sick Leave in excess of 75 days.
a. Payment shall be made at the rate
the employee is earning at the time
of separation.
D. Payment when separating from County Em-
ployment for the reason that the employee has
reached the age of 65 years and not eligible
for retirement.
1. Any employee separated from County
employment for that reason shall receive 1/2
pay for all unused accumulated sick leave.
a. Payment shall be paid at the same
rate the employee is earning at
the time of separatloa.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1385
A. Employees on Sick Leave with pay shall
continue to accumulate Annual Leave and Sick
Leave just as if they were on the job.
B. If an employee has reason to use Sick
Leave during a period of Annual Leave usage,
and if such Sick Leave is used to cover an
illness of the employee, and if such Sick Leave
is documented by a physician's written state-
ment, to the Department Head's satisfaction,
such time may be deducted from the employee's
Sick Leave Accumulation, instead of frorm their
Annual Leave Accumulation.
C. Legal Holidays which are counted as
days off with pay by the County, shall not
be deducted from an employee's Sick Leave
Accumulation when they fall during a period
of Sick Leave Usage.
A. Employees shall not accumulate or use
Sick Leave while on Leaves of Absence With-
out Pay, except as described in Rule 13.
A. A transferring employee's unused
accumulated Sick Leave shall transfer with
them. No lioney shall be transferred from
one salary budget to another to cover this.
A. Former employees, who return to
County Service, must start their accumulation
of Sick Leave as new employees. However, at
such time that their prior County Service is
recognized by the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System, the unpaid Sick Leave
Accumulation they had at the time of sepa-
ration shall be reinstated, less any Sick
Leave for which they may have been paid at
separation. '
B. Employees who leave the County Service to
enter the Armed Forces of the United States under
the provisions of the Selective Service Act, who
are members of the Armed Forces and are called
to active duty, or who enlist in the Armed
Forces during a declared national emergency shall,
upon re-employment by the County, have available
any unused Sick Leave previously earned, less
any Sick Leave for which they may have been
paid; provided that such re-employment takes
place within 90 days after discharge or re-
lease from active duty in the Armed Forces
whichever is later.
Change to SECTION V A.
A. Employees on Personal Leave shall continue
to continue to accumulate Annual Leave just as
if they were on the job.
Change to SECTION V B.
B. Legal Holidays which are counted as days
off with pay by the County shall not be deducted
from an employee's Personal Leave accumulation
when they fall during a period of Personal Leave
Change to SECTION VI A.
A. Former employees who return to County
Service must start their accumulation of per-
sonal leave as new employees. However, at such
time that their prior County Service is recog-
nized by the Oakland County Employees Retirement
System, all personal leave accumulation they had
at the time of separation shall be reinstated.
Change to SECTION VI B.
8. Employees who leave the County Service
to enter the Armed Forces of the United States
under the provisions of the Selection Service
Act, who are members of the Armed Forces and
are called to active duty, or who enlist in the
Armed Forces during a declared national emergency
shall, upon re-employment by the County, have
available any unused Personal Leave previously
earned; provided that such re-employment takes
place within 90 days after discharge or release
from active duty in the Armed Forces whichever
is later.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
A. Employees who are given permission to use
Death Leave during a period of approved Sick
Leave usage shall not have the time spent on
Death Leave deducted from their Sick Leave
Change to SECTION VII A.
A. Employees who are given permission to use
Death Leave during the period of approved per-
sonal Leave usage shall not have the time spent
on Death Leave deducted from their Personal
Leave accumulation.
Sick Leave Reserve is a Leave Bank established
for those employees who had Sick Leave remaining
in their Sick Leave Bank as of the date the
County implemented Merit Rule 24 - Personal Leave.
An employee may draw from his or her Sick Leave
Reserve if the absence is covered by the pro-
visions of this rule and the employee has the
required amount of Sick Leave in the reserve to
cover the absence in question.
SECTION II A. NEW A. Sick Leave may be used only with the per-
mission of the employee's Department Head. This
provision shall apply to all other sections of
this Rule.
B. Each County Department Head shall be re-
sponsible for reviewing employee requests for
Sick Leave and determining their validity. The
Department Head shall refuse to allow use of Sick
Leave when, in their judgement, there is in-
sufficient evidence to support the employee's
claim, or where it is believed that the employee
has not exercised reasonable effort to promptly
notify the Department of the absence. The
employee may be required to submit a physician's
statement in order to justify the use of Sick
C. Employees unable to work their shift shall
notify their Department Authority or designated
representative as follows in the same manner as
is required in Rule 24, Section IV C.2., for use
of Personal Leave for personal illness or inca-
D. Employees must submit their "Request for
Approval of Sick Leave Reserve forms to their
Department Head in writing as soon as possible
after Sick Leave usage. These forms shall be
forwarded to the Personnel Office for review and
shall provide the employee with a receipt copy
to show that the Sick Leave was requested.
E. Sick Leave shall not be granted for a
period of more than five successive work days
Unless the employee submits a statement from
their physician, to the Department Head, that
the Sick Leave is necessary. The Department
Head shall forward this statement to the Personnel
Department along with the "Request for Approval
of Time Off".
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
F. Sick Leave may be used for the purposes de-
scribed below. An employee is not requlred to
draw from the Sick Leave Reserve but may use
other types of Leave to cover absences for the
reasons enumerated below. An employee noy be
required to utilize Sick Leave Reserve under
certain provisions of Rule 13 - Leave Without
Pay and Rule 17 - Work Connected Injury or illness.
I. Acute personal illness or incapacity over
which the employee has no reasonable control.
a. See Rule 21 for the uses of Sick Leave in
Maternity cases.
2. Absence from work because of exposure to
contagious disease which, according to public
health standars would constitute a danger to the
health of others by the employee's attendance at
3. Medical and dental examination or treatment.
4. The care of the employee's ill minor
dependent children, spouse, parents or guardians,
if the employee is the only person available to
render such care. Such usage is not to exceed
two days for any one illness.
5. To supplement Workers' Compensation
a. See Rule 17 - "Work Connected Injury or
6. To supplement Short Term or Long Term
Disability Income Insurance benefits
A. Payment while still a County employee:
I. The number of unused Sick Leave days in
each employee's Sick Leave Reserve Accumulation
shall be recorded as of the end of the 22nd
payroll period of each year, and each employee
having more than 100 days shall have a choice
a. Receiving one-half (I/2) pay, in cash,
for Sick Leave in excess of 100 days, OR
b. The right to keep the days in excess of
100 in his or her Sick Leave Reserve Accumu-
The annual cash payments will be paid at the
rate the employee is earning at the end of the
22nd payroll period.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 316
MERIT RULE #24a Continued.
SECTION 111 A.3.
3. Those employees electing to keep the extra
Sick Leave days will again have the option of
cash or days for all Sick Leave time in exces‹,
of 100 days, at the end of the 22nd payroll each
succeeding year.
B. Payment when separating from County
Employment for reasons of death or to become a
retirant member of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System.
1. An employee separating from County Em-
ployment for these reasons shall receive one-
half pay for all unused accumulated Sick Leave
in the Sick Leave Reserve.
SECTION ill B.I.a.
a. Payment shall be made at the rate the
employee is earning at the time of separation.
b. This payment shall not be included in
the computation of final aver.,ge compensation
(F.A.C.) for retirement benefit purposes for
employees initially appointed to eligible County
service (See Rule 22) afterDecember 31, 1977.
c. Section III, B,1,b, shall apply only to
non-represented employees and to represented
employees whose labor agreement provided for
this change in benefit.
d. Employees whose labor agreement did not '
make specific reference to elimination of the
provision in B,I.b. shall continue to be governed
by the provisions which were in effect prior to
that particular revision.
C. Payment when separating from the County
for reasons other than Retirement or Death.
1. Any employee separating for these reasons
shall receive one-half pay for unused accumulated .
Sick Leave in excess of 75 days in the Sick
Leave Reserve.
a. Payment shall be made at the rate the
employee is earning at the time of separation.
D. Payment when separating from County
Employment for the reason that the employee has
reached the age of 70 years and not eligible for
SECTION 111 0.1.
1. Any employee separated from County employ-
ment for that reason shall receive 1/2 pay for •
all unused accumulated sick time in the Sick
Leave Reserve.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
a. Payment shall be paid at the same rate
the employee is earning at the time of separation,
A. Employees utilizing Sick Leave Reserve
shall continue to accumulate Annual Leave and
shall have the time credited toward the earning
of Personal Leave just as if they were on the
SECTION 11113.
B. If an employee has reason to use Sick
Leave Reserve during a period of Annual Leave
usage, and if such Sick Leave Reserve is used
to cover an Hitless of the employee, and if
such Sick Leave Reserve usage is documented
by a physician's written statement, tO the
Department Head's satisfaction, such time may
be deducted from the employee's Sick Leave
Reserve Accumu1ation, instead of from their
Annual Leave Accumulation.
C. Legal Holidays which are counted as days
off with pay by the County, shall not be de-
ducted from an employee's Sick Leave Reserve
Accumulation when they fall during a period of
Sick Leave Usage.
A. Employees who are given permission to use
Death Leave during a period of approved Sick
Leave Reserve usage shall not have the time
spent on Death Leave deducted from their Sick
Leave Reserve Accumulation.
A. A transferring employee's accumulated
Sick Leave Reserve shall transfer with them.
No money shall be transferred from one salary
budget to another to CDver this.
A. Former Employees' who return to County
service and have their prior County service
recognized by the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System shall be entitfed to rein-
statement of all Sick Leave Reserve Accumulation
they had at the time of separation, less any
Sick Leave Reserve for which they may have been
paid at separation.
I. Employees who leave the County Service
to enter the Armed Forces of the United States
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
A. Effect of Legal Holidays on Sick Leave
1. Legal Holidays falling within a period
when an employee is on Sick Leave (with pay),
shall be counted as the Legal Holiday off and
shall not be deducted from the employee's Sick
Leave Accumulation.
C. Effect of Legal Holidays on Leave of
1. Employees on Leaves of Absence Without
Pay shall not get Legal Holidays off with pay
and shall not accumulate equivalent time off
with pay for such Legal Holidays.
D. When an employee transfers from one
Department to another within the County Service,
the unused Compensatory Time accumulated as
compensation for Legal Holidays shall be treated
the same as unused accumulated Annual Leave.
(See Rule 23).
SECTION VII A.I. (continued)
under the provisions of the Selective Service
Act, who are members of the Armed Forces and
are called to active duty or who enlist in the
Armed Forces during a declared national emergency
shalt, upon re-employment by the County, have
available any unused Sick Leave Reserve pre-
viously earned, less any Sick Leave Reserve for
which they may have been paid; provided that such
re-employment takes place within 90 days after
discharge or release from active duty in the
Armed Forces, whichever is later.
Effect of Legal Holidays on Sick Leave Reserve
1. Legal Holidays falling within a period
when an employee is utilizing Sick Leave Reserve
shall be counted as the Legal Holiday off and
shall not be deducted from the employee's Sick
Leave Reserve Accumulation.
C. Effect of Legal Holidays on Personal Leave
1. Legal Holidays falling within a period
when an employee is on Personal Leave shall be
counted as the Legal Holiday off and shall not
be deducted from the employee's Personal Leave
D. Effect of Legal Holidays on Leave of
1. Employees on Leave of Absence Without
Pay shall not receive Legal Holidays off with
pay and shall not accumulate eeuivalent time
off with pay for such Legal Holidays.
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson stated that pursuant to Merit System Rules, the resolution will lay over
for 30 days.
Misc. 85285
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Central Services/Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the South Oakland Health Center conducts clinics and classes after regular work
hours; and
WHEREAS there have been incidents that threaten the safety of Health Center employees and
of the public; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985
WHEREAS there have also been incidents of vandalism to the building and grounds; and
WHEREAS the Safety Division is charged with the responsibility of providing security for
all County owned or leased properties and for individuals on such property; and
WHEREAS the Safety Division does not currently have sufficient staff to assign to the
South Oakland Health Center,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) governmental P.T,N.E. (1,000 hour) Building
Safety Attendant be created in the Safety Division of Central Services and be assigned on a permanent
basis to the South Oakland Health Center.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services
CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution #85260)
To the Personnel Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution ,185260,
reports with the recommendation that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi-
bilities and reporting relationships are desirable. However, the Health and Human Resources Committee
expresses no opinion as to salary levels or personnel classifications.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Misc. 85260
By Personnel Cotrmittee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the administration and operation of Children's Village were legally recognized as
a County Executive function on February 14, 1985; and
WHEREAS this has placed control of Children's Village under the Director of the Department
of Institutional and Human Services; and
WHEREAS the Director and Superintendent of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services
have reviewed current practices within Children's Village and have identified needed changes and
improvements; and
WHEREAS, they have proposed a reorganization of Children's Village involving new classes,
changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the division and a new position; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed the Children's Village
Reorganization and recommends that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi-
bilities and reporting relationships are desirable; and
WHEREAS these changes are proposed to improve the quality of care and treatment to Children's
Village residents through a new team approach, to recognize increased responsibilities and to provide
needed services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following changes be implemented:
1. Delete the current classification of Superintendent of Children's Village Program and
Treatment Services and to upwardly reclassify the position (.#03303) to a new classification of
Manager-Children's Village with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T ---
Supt. CV Program and Treatment 33,219 34,572 -5672- TT,--1 77 35,13 29 No
Manager - Children's Village 36,775 38,628 40,450 42,273 44,095 No
2. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services
and to reclassify the position (#01333) to a new classification of Children's Village Special Services
Coordinator with the following salary range:
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T
Supv.-CV Treatment Services 31,118 I17597 33,O6 34,135 No
CV Spec Serv Coord 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No
3. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center and to up-
wardly reclassify the position (#02274) to a new classification of Administrative Assistant - Children's ,
Village Operations with the following salary range:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1985 320
Supv. Juv. Det. Center
Admin Asst-CV Operations
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
23,346 -14-76 25,712 No
31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No
4. Upwardly reclassify one 0) Child Welfare Worker /1 position (#03198) to a now classi-
fication of Chief-Children's Village Intake Team with the following salary range:
Base 6 Month I Year 2 Year 3 Year D/T
Child Welfare Worker II 21,560 22,779 23,999 26,479 28,271 Ex
Chief-CV Intake Team 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208 No
5- Upwardly reclassify one (I) Child Welfare Worker Supervisor Position (00823) to a new
classification of Chief-Children's Village Program Team with the following salary range:
Child Welfare Worker Supv
Chief-CV Program Team
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/1
29,044 30,172 31,304 Ex
32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208
6- Create one (I) new position in the existing class of Recreation Specialist with the
following salary range:
Recreation Specialist
Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T
-1-4752 15,290 16 52-8 17,767 19,005 Reg.
7. Adjust the title of the department director from Director-Human Services to Director-
Institutional and Human Services.
8. Alter the organization structure, reflecting the elimination of functional reporting
relationships with the Probate Court and to reflect the transfer of certain positions within the
division to produce a new team approach to village management as shown in the attached organization
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Institutional and Human Services
CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION (Miscellaneous Resolution 035260)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85260 and finds:
1) The Director of the Department of Institutional and Human Services and the Superintendent
of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services propose a reorganization of the administration and
operation of Children's Village, involving new classes, changed reporting relationships, transfer of
positions within the Division and a new position, accordin g to the attached schedule.
2) It is further proposed to adjust the title of the department director from Director-
Human Services to Director-Institutional and Human Services, and to update organization charts to
reflect current functional reporting relationships as well as a new team approach to village management,
(see attached organization charts),
3) Salaries and Fringe benefit costs for the proposed reclassifications and new position are
estimated to be $40,746 annually, per the attached schedule,
4) $10,533 is necessary to fund the reorganization as proposed for the balance of 1985
(September 28 through December 31, 1985); said funds available in the Children's Village Division 1985
Budget; therefore, no additional Count y funds are reauired.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Organization Charts and Attachment B-I on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt that Attachment B-I to the Fiscal Note he amended by
deleting the dollar figures that apply to the new classification of Director-Institutional and Human
Services (the bottom line showing the increased salary and increased benefits should he deleted).
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. September 26, 1585
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lonni, Law, McConnelf. McDonald,
Mollill, Moore, Nekon, Olii , Page, PPrinoll, Pernick, hti n ,e Rewold, Skala it/, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino. (27)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. RCMA - 1(4 Mill Request for 1585
b. MAC - Federal Legislative Status Reports
c. Valentino vs. Sheriff, Notification of Hearing in October Session
d. Oakland County Executive vs County of Oakland and Probate Court Dismissal
a. MAC - Federal Legislative Status Reports
b. Community Mental Health - Vacancy on CMHS Board
c. MAC - Legislative Status Reports, September, 1985
d. Oceans County - (support) SB 327 & 323, Amend Public General Liability Laws
e. Ingham County - Redefine Separation of Powers
f. Clare County - Fiscal Relief From Act 150, Juvenile Corrective Confinement
g. Arenac County - (Support) SP 327 6 323, Amend Public General Liability Laws
h. Representative Hertel - Acxnowledgement of Resolution
i. Kalkaska County - (Support) hB 4529, Partial Return of Oil and Gas Severance Tax
a. Oakland County Executive vs County of Oakland & Probate Court, Dismissal
b. MAC - Legislative Bill Status (Health Programs 9(85)
c. State Public Health Department - Annual Report 1983-84
b. Department of Commerce - Economic Development Seminars
c. Animal Control - Letter of Complaint
d. Valentino vs. Sheriff, Notification of Hearing in September Sesion
a. Road Commission - Oakland Township Resolution Supporting Increased Tr-Party Funding
--- Historical Commission
a. Holly Township Hall on State Register of Historic Places
Friend of the Court & Prosecutor
a. DSS - 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program
Parks & Recreation
a. DNR - Land & Water Conservation Fund Application
Management & Budget
a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Raleigh House, Southfield
h. Equalization - Hearing on Non-Impairment - industrial Facilities Exemption, Westend Welding
c. Equalization - Hearing of Non-Impairment-Industrial Facilites Exemption, Proto-Vest
d. Equalization - Industriai Facilities Exemption, GMF Robotics, Tray
e. Equalization - Industrial Facilities Exemption, Thomas Bradley Tools, Southfield
f. Equalization - Transfer Commercial Facilities Exemption. Royal Oak
Moved by Gosling supported by Webb the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board would he October 10, 1985 al 7:30 p.m.
The Board adjourned at 10:38 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
October 10, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 7:45 P.M. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by John E. Olsen.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox. (21)
ABSENT: Aaron, Law, McDonald, Moore, Page, Pernick. (6)
Mr. Law and Mr. Moore absent with prior notice.
Quorum present.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Gosling the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Skarritt supported by Page the Journal for the June Session be approved and
closed and the June Session stand adjourned sine die.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
October 10, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: Law, Moore. (2)
Quroum present.
Mr. Moore and Mr. Law were absent with prior notice
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Moffitt the agenda be approved as presented.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Douglas Witalec of Union Lake addressed the Board regarding a problem he is having with
the Health Department.
Dr. Caddell requested this matter be referred to the Health and Human Resources Committee
for investigation. Seconded by Mr. Doyon. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985
Misc. 85286
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Facilities Engineering Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution /85233, the Board of Commissioners authorized the
Drainage Board for the Mainland Drain to receive bids for the construction of a storm drain as a
replacement For the deteriorating I8-inch pipe as a part of the Mainland Drain at an estimated
cost of $114,000; and
WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedures, bids for the installation of the above
mentioned were received and opened on September 24, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Drainage Board for the Mainland Drain has reviewed all bids submitted and
recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, Polsinelli Construction Company of Warren, Michigan
be awarded a contract for construction work in the amount of $138,950; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $18,050; and
WHEREAS the total cost of the above mentioned construction is estimated to be $157,000
as detailed in the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS funding of $157,000 for the above mentioned construction is available in the 1985
Capital Improvement plan for Utilities, Parking Lots and Roads section; and
WHEREAS upon completion of the Mainland Drain, the County's assessment will be credited
for the funding appropriated in this resolution for the Mainland Drain Phase I.
NOW THEREFORE aE IT RESOLVED that funds of $157,000 he made available from the 1385
Capital Improvement Program Utilities, Parking Lots and Roads Section for the Mainland Drain Phase I.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt,
Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandru,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85287
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Public Health (M.D.P.H.) is in the process of imple-
menting a calendar year based Comprehensive Planning and Budgeting Contract with local health de-
partments for selected grant funded programs; and
WHEREAS as part of this process, M.D.P.H. has extended funding for the following Health
Division grants through December 31, 1985: WIC, Services to Crippled Children, Maternal & Child
Health, Hypertension and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; and
WHEREAS these grants were previously funded through September 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS it is recommended the 1985 Budget be amended to reflect $265,815 in additional
grant funding, per the attached schedule.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1985 Budget be amended to reflect $265,815 in
additional grant funding as follows;
Extension Amount
Hypertension 16,964
M.C.H. Block Grant 55,543
Services to Crippled Children 36,805
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 2,000
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985 324
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. £15288
By Finance Conmitteu
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County has a fixed millage tax rate of 5.26 mills; a voted .25 mill for Parks
and Recreation; and
WHEREAS the Huron-Clinton Authority has requested the County to apply a .25 mill property
tax rate; and
WHEREAS the combined rollback required by Art. 9, Sec. 31 of the Michigan Constitution,
the Headlee Tax Limitation amendment, has authorized the County tax rate of 5.26 mills, the Parks
and Recreation tax rate of .25 mill and the Huron -Clinton Authority rate which remains at .25 mills;
WHEREAS Public Act 213 of 1981, "Truth in Assessing" Act requirements, sets the maximum
allowable County tax rate at 5.26 mills and the Parks and Recreation Tax Rate at .25 mill; and
WHEREAS Public Act 5 of 1982, "Truth in Taxation" Act, requires the County Board of
Commissioners to hold a public hearing if the recommended Property Tax rate exceeds the allowable
Base Tax Rate of 4.5148 mills; and
WHEREAS the County Executive recommends that there he no increase in the County General
Fund current property tax rate; and
WHEREAS it i5 recommended that the 1985 County General Fund Property Tax rate be set at
4.6391 mills, .6209 mill below the maximum allowable tax rate and the Parks and Recreation tax
rate at .2500 mill, the maximum allowable tax rate (provided that the County General Fund Property
Tax rate not be changed from 4.6391 mills); and
WHEREAS $71,070,764 is the amount of the 1986 County Budget to be raised by taxation
based on the 1985 Equalized Valuation of $15,319,946,552 at the recommended tax rate of 4.6391 mills,
together with the voted .2500 mill for Parks and Recreation or $3,829,987 and the .2500 mill for
the Huron-Clinton Authority or $3,829,987.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the various townships and Assessing
Officers of the several cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to
spread on their respective township or city tax rolls for the year 1985 the following tax rates to
be applied to their 1985 equalized valuation:
1985 County Voted for Huron-Clinton
General Property Tax Levy Parks and Recreation Authority
4.6391 mills .2500 mill . .2500 mill
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the setting of the Parks and Recreation tax rate of .2500 mill
is with the provision that the County General Fund Property Tax rate not be changed from 4.6391 mills.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
The Chairperson made the following statement:
"At this time a Public hearing is called on the 1985 County General Fund Property Tax and
Parks and Recreation Tax Rate. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on
October 6, 1985. Are there any persons present wishing to speak on the Public Hearing?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson stated the resolution will lay over until the next regular Board Meeting
to be held on October 24, 1985. There were no objections.
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having received the recommendations of the Republican
Committee of Oakland County and the Oakland County Democratic Party, pursuant to Michigan election
statutes, hereby recommends the following appointments to the Canvassing Board:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 1G, 1985
Dallas E. Haw, Republican - Four-Year Term Ending October 31, 1989
Barbara Brinker, Democrat - Four-Year Term Ending October 31, 1989
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance oF
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Aaron the report be accepted and the nominations be confirmed.
Mr. Doyon opposed the motion for confirmation of the nominations presented by the General
Government Committee.
Moved by Doyon supported by Perinoff the report be amended by striking the name of Dallas
Haun and inserting Patricia Sanderson, Republican candidate; and leave Barbara Brinker's name as
the Democratic candidate.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Reword stated because of the lack of a legal opinion on the legality of the nominations
as presented, he would like the report referred back to the General Government Committee. Seconded
by M. Hobart.
Discussion followed.
Vote on referral:
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Reword, Skarritt, Webb,
Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. (12)
NAYS: S. Kuhn, McPherson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandra, Doyon, Hassberger. (13)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
The Chairperson cleared the floor of all nominations and said the motion to accept the
report was before the Board.
Mr. Wilcox stated a 'yes" vote will accept the report. The vote was as follows;
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn. (23)
NAYS: Nelson. (1)
A mufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Mr. Wilcox stated the persons recommended in the report were now placed in nomination and
asked for further nominations from the floor.
Mr. Lanni made a motion to strike Barbara Brinker's name and insert Kay Brady's name as
Democratic candidate.
Mr. Doyon nominated Patricia Sanderson as the Republican candidate.
Discussion followed.
Moved by McPherson supported by Gosling that nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mrs. McConnell stated because she felt all candidates were improperly nominated, she
can not make a choice between the candidates; therefore she would abstain from voting.
The Chairperson ruled this a valid reason to abstain from voting.
The votes were as follows:
Lanni - Abstain Olsen - Haun, Brinker
McConnell - Abstain Page - Abstain
McDonald - Abstain Perinoff - Haun, Brinker
McPherson - Sanderson, Brinker Pernick - Haun, Brinker
Moffitt - Abstain Price - Sanderson, Brinker
Nelson - Abstain Reword - Abstain
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985 326
Skarritt - Abstain Doyon - Sanderson. Brinker
Webb - Abstain Fortino - Abstain
Wilcox - Haun, Brinker Gosling - Abstain
Aaron - Hour, Brinker Hassberger - Abstain
Caddell - Haun, Brinker Hobart - Abstain
Calandra - Haun, Brinker R. Kuhn - Abstain
S. Kuhn - Abstain
The results of the roll call vole was
Dallas E. Haun - 7
Patricia Sanderson - 3
Barbara Brinker - 10
Abstain - 15
The Chairperson stated no one had received the required 14 votes, therefore no one was
Mr. Wilcox referred the appointment to the County Clerk for his determination.
Mr. Doyon requested Civil Counsel make a report of the legal process for the selection of
a candidate. Seconded by Mrs. McConnell.
Misc. 85289
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS any effort aimed at providing preventive health services that hopefully would result
in a subsequent reduction of health care costs merits consideration; and
WHEREAS Senate Bill 4 which has passed the Senate and awaits House action is known as the
"Vitality in Michigan" bill because it calls for the establishment of an organized system Lo provide
preventive health care services; and
WHEREAS one of the main provisions of this proposed legislation is the creation of the
eighteen-member Health Promotion and Risk Reduction Commission within the State Department of Public
Health; and
WHEREAS the commission would be made up of three appointees of the Governor, three Senate
Majority Leader appointees, three Speaker of the House appointees, the director of the State Department
of Public Health and eight state department heads or their designees; and
WHEREAS considering the large number of people specified for the commission, the fact that
there are three appointing authorities involved and the provision that the commission is required to
meet only one time quarterly raise serious questions about the effectiveness of this body in coordi-
nating a statewide program and determining what Oakland County and other communities should do in the
area of health promotion and risk reduction; and
WHEREAS earlier this year the Health and Human Resources Committee of the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners took a position opposing Senate Bill 4 and referred the bill and recommendation
for opposition to the General Government Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners goes on record
as opposing the concept of the creation of a Health Promotion and Risk Reduction Commission as con-
tained in Senate Bill 4.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all State Representatives
from Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino the resolution he adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, SkJrritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (21)
NAYS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85290
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it has been proposed that the Bureau of State Lottery Region I Office be moved From
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985
its present location at Eight Mile and Greenfield Roads in Oak Park to the State of Michigan Executive
Plaza near downtown Detroit; and
WHEREAS the population center for the SEMCOG seven-county region is one mite from the present
office location which should remain convenient for the entire suburban region; and
WHEREAS Region I produces 62 percent of the State's Lottery revenue, and any reduction In
Region I sales, due to travel to an inconvenient location to cash a winning ticket, could result in
a loss of revenue to the State; and
WHEREAS a State office moving out of southern Oakland County sends out a signal to other
building tenants which the area cannot afford as the loss of tax base resulting from the 1-696 right-
of-way may not be replaced until well after completion oF the expressway; and
WHEREAS the present location has more than adequate space for expansion of the regional office
in the present building or in nearby buildings.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners goes on record
as opposing the proposed move of the Bureau of State Lottery Region 1 Office.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor, all Oakland
County Legislators, Commissioner of the Bureau of State Lottery and the Director of the Department
of Management and Budget.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85285
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Central Services/Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the South Oakland Health Center conducts clinics and classes after regular work
hours; and
WHEREAS there have been incidents that threaten the safety of Health Center employees and
of the public; and
WHEREAS there have also been incidents of vandalism to the building and grounds; and
WHEREAS the Safety Division is charged with the responsibility of providing security for
all County owned or leased properties and for individuals on such property; and
WHEREAS the Safety Division does not currently have sufficient staff to assign to the
South Oakland Health Center,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) governmental P.T.N.E. (1,000 hour) Building
Safety Attendant be created in the Safety Division of Central Services and be assigned on a per-
manent basis to the South Oakland Health Center.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Central Services/Safety Division
CREATION OF ONE (I) P.T.N.E. BUILDING SAFETY ATTENDANT (Miscellaneous Resolution 05285)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85285 and finds that:
I) Creation of one (1) Building Safety Attendant be effective October 12, 1985,
2) The cost of this position for the remainder of 1985 is $1,572, consistent with the
attached schedule,
3) Said funds available in the 1985 Salary Contingency Account,
4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $1,572 from the 1985 Salary Contingency
Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 Safety Division Budget as follows:
10100- 132-02-00- 1001
Commissioners Minutes Continued, October 10, 1985 328
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution (with Fiscal Note dttodied) be
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewolil. Skarrilt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger. Hobart. R. Kohn. S. Kuhn, Lanni,
McConnell, McDonald. (24)
NAYS: Fortino. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) was
Misc. 85291
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, on September 12, 1985, adopted
Miscellaneous Resolution 85232 which provides for changes in employee fringe benefits; and
WHEREAS it is necessary to amend Sections 2(r) and 19(a) of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System to implement said fringe benefit changes to service credit accumulation by part-
time employees; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees Retirement Commission has approved changes to Sections
2(r) and I9(a); and
WHEREAS Oakland County Employees' Retirement System, Section 2(r): Definitions, currently
'Employee' means any person, not excluded in Section I6(b), who is in the employ of the
County and who is paid by the County 30 percent or more of all remuneration received by
him for personal services rendered by him to all governmental units."
WHEREAS Oakland County Employees' Retirement System, Section 19(a): Service Credit, currently
"The Service rendered by a member shall be credited him by the Commission in accordance
with such rules and regulations, consistent with the provisions of this resolution, as
the Commission shall from time to time adopt. In no case shall less than 10 days of
service rendered by a member in any calendar month be credited him as a month of service;
nor less than 10 months of service rendered by him in any calendar year be credited as a
year of service; nor shall more than one year of service be credited any member for all
service rendered by him in any calendar year; nor shall he be credited with service
rendered after his determination date."
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 2(r) of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement
System entitled "Definitions" be amended to provide as follows:
Section 2:
(r) "Employee" means any person, not excluded in Section 16(b), who is in the employ
of the County and who is paid by the County 30 percent or more of all remuneration re-
ceived by him for personal services rendered by him to all governmental units. For pur-
poses of crediting service rendered, employees shall be considered as either of two classes:
(I) Full-time employees are those whose appointments are for full time.
(2) Part-time employees are those whose appointments (or work schedules) are for
more than 1,000 hours but less than full time.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Section 19(a) of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System
entitled "Service Credit" be amended to provide as follows:
Service Credit:
Section 19:
(a) The service rendered by a member shall be credited him by the Commission in
accordance with such rules and regulations, consistent with the provisions of this
resolution, as the Commission shall from time to time adopt. For full-time employees,
and and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985
in no case shall less than ten (10) days of service rendered by a member in any calendar
month be credited him as a month of service; nor less than ten (I0) months of service
rendered by him in any calendar year be credited as a year of service. For port-'time
employees, service credit in a calendar year shall he one year multiplied by the
following fraction: The numerator shall be the number of hours worked during the year,
and the denominator shall be full-time hours for the year. Not more than one year of
service !-.1tali be credited any memher for all service rendered hy him in any calond.ff
year; nor shall he be credited with service rendered after his determination date.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85292
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Oakland County Employees' Retiremeni Comnas ,,ion
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System currently provides
for automatic spousal benefits for employees who die while in County employment only if the employee
has either 15 years of credited service or has attained the age of 60 years with 10 or more years of
credited service; and
WHEREAS Section 29 provides:
"Any member who continues in the employ of the County on or after the date he either (I)
acquires 15 years of credited service, or (2) attains age 60 years and has 10 or more
years of credited service, whichever occurs first, and does not have an Option A election
in forte, as provided in Section 28 and (1) dies while in County employment and (2) leaves
a SPOUSE, whom the Commission finds to have been dependent upon the member for at least 50
per cent of his financial support, the SPOUSE shall immediately receive a retirement
allowance computed in the same manner in all respects as if the member had (1) retired the
day preceding the date of his death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained age
60 years, (2) elected Option A provided in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as
beneficiary. No retirement allowance shall be paid under this section on account of the
death of a member if any benefits are paid or payable under Section 34 on account of his
WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission approved changes to Section 29
guaranteeing automatic spousal benefits after the death of an employee if that employee had vested
in the County plan; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved such changes on February 26, 1985
pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 85059; and
WHEREAS said change was in conformity with the Federal Retirement Equity Act; and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan, through the Office of the Attorney General, on June 19, 1985
rejected said changes in Section 29 as not in conformity with Section 12a(5) of the County Pension
Plan Act; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees' Retirement Commission, desirous of accomplishing the
same goals, approved changes to Section 29 which provide spousal benefits to employees which conform
with the County Pension Plan Act.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees Retirement
System entitled "Non -Duty Death Retirement Allowance - Automatic Provision" be amended to provide
as follows:
Non-Duty Death Retirement Allowance - Automatic Provision:
Section 29:
(a) Any member who continues in the employ of the County for more than ten (10) years,
but less than fifteen (15) years and (1) dies while in County employment and (2)
leaves a SPOUSE, the SPOUSE shall immediately receive a retirement allowance computed
in the same manner in all respects as if the member had (1) retired the day preceding
the date of his death, notwithstanding that he might not have attained age 60 years,
Commissioners Minutes' Continued. October ID, 1985 330
(2) elected Option B in Section 27, and (3) nominated his SPOUSE as heneficiary.
(I:) Any member who continues in the employ of the County on or after the date he
either (I) acquires fifteen (IS) years of credited service, or (2) attains age 60
years and has ten (10) or more years of credited service, whichever occurs first,
and does not have an Option A election in force, as provided in Section 28 and (1)
dies while in County employment and (2) leaves a SPOUSE, the SPOUSE shall immediately
receive a retirement allowance computed in the same manner in all respects as if
the member had (1) retired the day preceding the date of his death. notwithstanding
that he might not have attained age 60 years, (2) elected Option A provided in
Section 27, and (3) nominated His SPOUSE as beneficiary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendment to Section 29 of the Oakland County Employees'
Retirement System be effective July 1, 1985.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Page Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell,
McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85293
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 85235, adopted August 22, 1985, this Board
approved the plans, specifications and lease for a facility to serve as the 52/2 District Court a,
proposed by the Rademacher Group ill; and
WHEREAS the second story of said facility can be utilized by the County as a storage area;
WHEREAS barrier-free access for the handicapped requirements mandate that a lift or
elevator device be provided for a second-story area; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group 11, in its proposal, offered 1,000 square feet of storage
area at no charge to the County, provided, the County provides access to said area; and
WHEREAS the cost of a basic lift device is $6,000, and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group fl has agreed to install an elevator to the second story, at
a cost of approximately $30,000, and has agreed to absorb ail costs in excess of $6,000; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group ff1 in its proposal offered to provide additional storage in
the second story of said facility, at a cost of $3,25 per square foot per year for all area over
1,000 square feet; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel recommends the County enter into an Addendum
to the Lease of August 22, 1985 to provide for 1,000 square feet of storage area at no cost to the
County in exchange for the $6,000 mechanical costs and an option for future use of storage at $3.25
per square foot per year.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
Addendum to the Lease with the Rademacher Group #1 which provides 1,000 square feet of storage area
in the second story of the 52/2 District Court facility at no cost to the County and provides for
the payment by the County to the Rademacher Group #1 of the sum of $6,000 for the installation of
an elevator access to the second story, and provides for an option to lease the remaining square
footage in the second story over 1,000 square feet at a cost of $3.25 per square foot per year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
is directed to execute said Addendum to the Lease on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 10, 1985
Misc. 85294
By Mr. Nelson
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in 1982, the State of Michigan Tax Commission increased the equalized value of all
residential property in Oakland County by approximately P.; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners initiated a lawsuit challenging this
action by the State Tax Commission; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Supreme Court has decided that the action of the State Tax Commission
was not inappropriate and the 1982 residential SEV will not be reduced; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 82352
established a $2.8 million reserve fund representing the county taxes generated from this increase
in equalized value of residential properties; and
WHEREAS a refnnd of this money via a millage reduction in 1986 would result in 37% of
the tax reduction benefiting commercial, industrial and personal property owners, which would not
be an equitable return for residential property owners who paid the tax on the increased SEV; and
WHEREAS state law requires that all classes of taxpayers be treated equally and would
prohibit a tax reduction or direct refund to residential taxpayers only; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners desires to utilize these reserve funds in a manner
that would best meet the needs of the residential taxpayers who paid these additional taxes; and
WHEREAS there exists various state statutes which allow county participation in the
funding of projects benefiting local residents.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners allocate the
$2.8 million reserve fund to the local cities and townships in proportion to the 1982 residential
taxe5 paid by their residents (per attached schedule), such funds to be used for support of cities
and townships share of road projects, solid waste, the 9-1-1 system, economic development and/or
other projects in which Oakland County may legally participate. Specific projects utilizing these
funds are to be approved by the local governmental units after consultation with their respective
county commissioners.
Ralph H. Nelson, Commissioner District 0
John P. Calandro, James E. Lanni, Robert W. Page,
John J. McDonald, G. William Caddell,
Nancy McConnell, John E. Olsen, Roy Rewold,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Richard R. Wilcox,
Richard G. Skarritt, Marilynn E. Gosling,
Anne M. Hobart, David C. Moffitt, W.A. Hassberger
The Chairperson referred the resolution the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the following referrals were made by the Chairperson:
a. Rochester Hills (Oppose) IAB 4552, Amends State Election Laws
b. Orchard Lake Village - 48th District Court Resolution
c. Muskegon & Ottawa Counties - Request for Legislative Changes Which Would Reduce
Governmental Insurance Costs
d. West Bloomfield - 48th District Court Resolution
a. Orchard Lake Village - Wath District Court Resolution
b. Sheriff's Department-Additional Employee for Crime Victim Rights Act Administration
c. Valentino v. Oakland County Sheriff-Notice of Postponement
d, West Bloomfield-48th District Court Resolution
a. WDIV-Request for Office Space in Courthouse
b. Calhoun County-Requests Local Control for Contracting Studies with "Clean Michigan Funds"
--- Sheriff's Department - Suicide Prevention Seminar
Management 6 Budget
Equalization-Commercial Facilities Exemption, Rammouth Investment Co.
Equalization-Commercial Development District, Olsson Real Estate, Oxford
Equalization-Commercial Redevelopment District, Highland
County Executive
City of Novi - 9-1-1 Signed Agreement
There were no objections to the Referrals.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board will be October 24, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
October 24, 1985
Meeting called to order at 9:35 a.m. in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1700 North Telegraph,
Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Marilynn Gosling.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, nosling, Hassbercier, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinnff. Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
ABSENT: McDonald. (1)
Quroum present.
Moved by Gosling supnorted by Moffitt the minutes of the previous meetino be approved as
4 sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Rewold supported by Olsen the agenda be amended and the rules be suspended for the
General Government Committee
a. Nomination for Canvassing Board
Health and Human Resources Committee
Health Division - E.P.S.D.T. (Early Periodic
Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Grant
Application-October 1, 1985 through
September 30, 1986 (Resolution #85282)
Regular Agenda Items:
Planning and Building Committee
d. Parks & Recreation - Capital Improvements
for Youth Activities Center
Waive Rule X B requiring consideration by
General Government Committee
Waive Rule XXVII 5-day notiFication. The
Personnel Committee met 10/23/85-expedition
requested by the CL.lmittee.
Waive Grant Procedure MR8145, 911/77
Mr. Pei-nick requested the regular Agenda also be amended under Finance Committee by changing
the order of resolutions listed as "f" and "h", (Item "h" (Resolution #85294, Millage Reduction Fund)
changed to item "f" and item "f" (Resolution #85288, 1985 County General Fund Propert ,.. Tax and Parks S.
Recreation Tax Rate) be considered as item "h"). There were no objections to the changes.
Vote on suspension of the rules:
AYES: Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewald, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Roftt, Nelson. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Vote on amended agenda:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda, as amended, was approved.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
Mr. Law requested a Public Hearing be set for the EDC project "Comprehensive Retirement
Communities Limited Partnership Plan" for November 7, 1985 at 9:45 a.m. There were no objections.
Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, addressed the Board regarding a meeting he attended
concerning a Contract of Services for the Jail. Mr. Murphy also notified the Board that LeRoy A.
Volberding, Director of Health and Human Resources would be leaving the County on December 1, 1985
and moving to California.
Misc. 85295
By Finance Commttee
IN RE: Facilities Engineering Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #85244, the Board of Commissioners authorized the
County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for a 75 KW Emergency Generator
for the Sheriff Department Trusty Camp, at an estimated cost of $59,400; and
WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedure bids for installation of the above mentioned
were received and opened on August 22, 1985; and
WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed all bids sub-
mitted and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, Reed Electric Company be awarded a contract
for installation of a 115 KW generator in the amount of $63,820; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $11,880; and
WHEREAS the total cost of the above mentioned work is estimated to be $75,700, as detailed
in the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS funding of $75,700 for the above mentioned project is available in the 1985 Capital
Improvement Program - Utilities Parking Lots and Roads section.
1) The proposal of Reed Electric Company of Drayton Plains, Michigan in the amount of
$63,820 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee
2) Funds be provided in the amount of $11,880 to cover the remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized and directed
to execute a contract with Reed Electric Company of Drayton Plains, Michigan on behalf of the County
of Oakland,
4) The County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division,
shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing, no later than 10 days after adoption of this
resolution. The award shall not be effective until the awardee has been so notified.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Periroff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Dcyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Olsen. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85296
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Probation Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85I88
authorized application for the Probation Enhancement Grant in the amount of $63,100 for the period
October 1, 1984 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Corrections and finds the grant award in the amount of 563,100, same amount as the original
grant application; and
WHEREAS said program is 1007:. State funded ($63,100); and
WHEREAS acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment.
1) The Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the 1985 -86 Probation Enhancement
Grant in the amount of $63,100.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 334
2) The Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized
to execute said grant contract,
3) The Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changes and grant
extensions, not to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as approved,
4) The grant award contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of
Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore.
Nelson, Olsen, Page. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority havIng voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85297
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) oercent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 1185225 autho-
rized application for the TB Outreach Grant, in the amount of $24,505 for the time period October I,
1985 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department
of Public Health, and finds the grant award in the amount of $24,505, the same as the original grant
application for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 100% funded by the State; and
WHEREAS application or acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future
NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the TEl
Outreach Grant in the amount of $24,505, as Per the attached schedule.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hopart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority nayino voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc_ 85298
ritidnco Commiltoe
IN Rio Clarkston Oistrirt Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chai rperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County oF Omklmnd is the control unit for the 52/2 District Court (Clarkston); and
dHEREAS the Board ol Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution //".:15235 appruved ihe lean
facilities to be located in Independence Township for the 52/2 Di ,,trict Court for a term of ten (10)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
years commencing January 1, 1986; and
WHEREAS terms of the lease require that the tenant will be responsible for the provision of
furniture and equipment; and
WHEREAS the expanded court facility in Independence Township requires additional furniture.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates
funding in the amount of $46,318 for furniture as detailed in the attached schedule, from the 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 52/2 District Court budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(46,318)
323 -01 -00-5998 52/2 District Court- Misc. Capital Outlay 46,318
-0- ====—
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: 52/2 District Court (Clarkston)
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
Having reviewed the 52nd District, 2nd Division, District Court's request for funding of
furniture for the new 52/2 District Court facility, the Planning and Building Committee recommends
approval of funding of $46,318 for furniture as detailed in the attached schedule.
On beh:if of the Planning and Building Committee, I submit the foregoing report.
Planning and Building Committee
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85299
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Rochester Hills District Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/3 District Court (Rochester
Hills); and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85062, adopted on March 14,
1985, approved the lease of facilities located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills for the 52/3
District Court for a term of ten (10) years commencing August 1, 1985 or as soon thereafter as the
facility is ready for occupancy; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court moved to said facilities on August 8, 1985, thereby in-
curring moving costs; and
WHEREAS terms of the lease require that the tenant will be responsible for the payment of
utilities costs, janitorial services, telephone system costs, real estate taxes and assessments,
and equipment cost and repair.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates
funding in the amount of $22,758, for moving costs and operating costs for the remainder of 1985
as detailed in the attached schedule, from the 1985 Contingency Account and transfers said amount
to the 1985 52/3 District Court budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(22,758)
324-01-00-3128 Professional Services 9,873
324-01 -00-3296 Custodial Services 6,885
324-01-00 -3390 Heat, Lights, Gas & Water 6,000
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 336
Report to the Finance Committee
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: 52/3 District Court (Rochester Hills)
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed the 52nd District, 3rd Division, District Court's request for funding of
moving costs and operating costs for the remainder of 1985, the Planning and Building Committee
recommends approval of funding $9,873 for moving costs and $12,885 for operating costs for a total
of $22,758 as detailed on the attached sheet.
Further, the Planning and Building Committee recommends that additional detail be provided
regarding the moving and operating expenses.
On behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, t submit the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff. Pernick, Price. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
MILLAGE REDUCTION FUND (Miscellaneous Resolution #85294)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85294, Board of Commissioners-
Millage Reduction Fund, reports with the recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc. 85294
By Ralph Nelson
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in 1982, the State of Michigan Tax Commission increased the equalized value of all
residential property in Oakland County by approximately 6%-,: and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners initiated a lawsuit challenging this
action by the State Tax Commission; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Supreme Court has decided that the action of the State Tax Commission
was not inappropriate and the 1982 residential SEV will not be reduced; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #82352
established a $2.8 million reserve fund representing the county taxes generated from this increase
in equalized value of residential properties; and
WHEREAS a refund of this money via a millage reduction in 1986 would result in 37% of
the tax reduction benefiting commercial, industrial and personal property owners, which would not
be an equitable return for residential property owners who paid the tax on the increased SEV; and
WHEREAS state law requires that all classes of taxpayers be treated equally and would
prohibit a tax reduction or direct refund to residential taxpayers only; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners desires to utilize these reserve funds in a manner that
would best meet the needs of the residential taxpayers who paid these additional taxes; and
WHEREAS there exists various state statutes which allow county participation in the funding
of projects benefiting local residents.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners allocate the
$2.8 million reserve fund to the local cities and townships in proportion to the 1982 residential
taxes paid by their residents (per attached schedule), such funds to be used for support of cities
and townships share of road projects, solid waste, the 9-I-I system, economic development and/or
other projects in which Oakland County may legally participate. Specific projects utilizing these
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
funds are to be approved by the local governmental units after consultation with their respective
county commissioners.
Ralph H. Nelson, Commissioner District #6
John P. Calandro, James E. Lanni, John J. McDonald,
Robert W. Page, Nancy McConnell, G. William Caddell,
John E. Olsen, Roy Rewold, Richard D. Kuhn, Jr.
Richard R. Wilcox, Richard G. Skarritt, Anne M. Hobart,
Marilynn E. Gosling, David C. Moffitt, Dorothy Webb,
W. A. Hassberger, Lawrence Pernick, Betty Fortino,
Alexander C. Perinaff
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Fortino supported by Perinoff the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE
IT RESOLVED paragraph by adding "plus accumulated interest" after "the $2.8 million reserve fund".
AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (8)
NAYS: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt. (18)
A Jufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Moved by Rewold supported by Moffitt the resolution be amended so the NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED paragraph would read:
"NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners allocate
the $2.8 million reserve fund to the local cities, townships and villages in proportion to the 1982
residential taxes paid by their residents (attached schedule shali be amended to include villages).
Specific projects utilizing these funds are to be approved by the local governmental units after
consultation with their respective county commissioners."
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (26)
NAYS: None.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85288
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County has a fixed millage tax rate of 5.26 mills; a voted .25 mill for Parks
and Recreation; and
WHEREAS the Huron-Clintor Authority has requested the County to apply a .25 milt property
tax rate; and
WHEREAS the combined rollback required by Art. 9, Sec. 31 of the Michigan Constitution,
the Headlee Tax Limitation amendment, has authorized the County tax rate of 5.26 mills, the Parks
and Recreation tax rate of .25 mill and the Huron-Clinton Authority rate which remains at .25 mill;
WHEREAS Public Act 213 of 1981, "Truth in Assessing'' Act requirements, sets the maximum
allowable County tax rate at 5.26 mills and the Parks and Recreation Tax Rate at .25 mill; and
WHEREAS Public Act 5 of 1982, "Truth in Taxation" Act, requires the County Board of
Commissioners to hold a public hearing if the recommended Property Tax rate exceeds the allowable
Base Tax Rate of 4.5148 mills; and
WHEREAS the County Executive recommends that there he no increase in the County General
Fund current property tax rate; and
WHEREAS it is recommended that the 1985 County General Fund Property Tax rate be set at
Colimlissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
4.6391 mills, .6209 mill below the maximum allowable tax rate and the Parks and Recreation tax rate
ot .2500 mill, the maximum allowable tax rate (provided that the County General Fund Property Tax
r on not he changed From 4.6391 mills); and
WHEREAS $71,070,764 is the amount of the 1986 County Budget to be raised by taxation based
on the 1985 Equalized Valuation of $15,319,946,552 at the recommended tax rate of 4.6391 mills,
together with the voted .2500 mill for Parks and Recreation or $3,829,987 and the .2500 mill for the
Huron-Clinton Authority or $3,829,987.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the various townships and Assessing
Officers of the several cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to
spread on their respective township or city tax rolls for the year 1985 the following tax rates to
be applied to their 1985 equalized valuation:
1985 County Voted for Huron-Clinton
General Property Tax Levy Parks and Recreation Authority
4.6391 mills .2500 mill .2500 mill
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the setting of the Parks and Recreation tax rate of .2500 mill
is with the provision that the County General Fund Property Tax rate not be changed from 4.6391 mills.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Doyon supported by Aaron the resolution be amended by striking 4.6391 mills and
insert 4.5148 mills.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino. McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron. (8)
NAYS: Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (18)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberoer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skairitt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85300
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Management and Budget Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS your Finance Committee on Local Taxes has examined certificates, statements, papers
and records submitted to it from the various townships, clties and villages having taxes to be spread
upon the County Tax Roil, and has checked these documents with the pertinent law (Section 37 General
Property Tax Laws), and has caused corrections to be made where necessary; and
WHEREAS your Committee has prepared tax certificates showing the certified rates as adjusted
by Sections 211.24E, 211.34 and 211.340 of the General Property Tax Laws, authorized to be spread
against State Equalized Valuations, which certificates are submitted herewith and which are the basis
for the tabulation above mentioned, and it is recommended that the Board of Commissioners authorize
the Clerk to sign these certificates: and
WHEREAS the certified rates are subject to Public Act 132 of 1985 which will allow additional
millage to be voted up to and including December 13, 1985 for school, certain township purposes and
other reasons as specified in said Act; said additional miliage(s) would require Board approval before
they could be spread.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board adopt the attached certificates from the Finance
Committee with the recommendations herein contained as part of the permanent records of the Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the several tax
certificates on which the attached tabulation was based, thereby authorizing and directing the various
assessing officers to spread the rates against the State Equalized Valuation set forth herein for 1984.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1585
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino. Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConneil,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Mi. Olsen stated at the last Board meeting a report had been presented regarding the
appointments to the Oakland County Board of Canvassers. No one was appointed at that time; therefore
Mr. Olsen nominated Dallas E. Haun (Republican member) and Barbara Brinker (Democratic member) of the
Oakland County Board of Canvassers for 4 year terms, ending October 31, 1989.
Moved by Perinoff supported by Moffitt a unanimous ballot be cast for Dallas E. Haun and
Barbara Brinker as members of the Board of Canvassers.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Health Division
THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 (Miscellaneous Resolution #85282)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85282 reports with the
recommendation that said resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85282
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (E.P.S.D.T.) program commonly
referred to as "Medicaid Screening" was established in Oakland County in April of 1973; and
WHEREAS this program is funded entirely through the Micnigan Department of Public Health
under contract with the Michigan Department of Social Services; and
WHEREAS subject grant covers a period from October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
County Executive's Office to apply for Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment grant renewal
in the amount of $71 11,639 to be funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Report to the Health and Human Resources Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - 1985-86 E.P.S.D.T. Grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
1) This is an on-going grant in the thirteenth (13th) year,
2) The grant covers the period October I, 1985 through September 30, 1986,
3) Funding i5 $714,639, and is 100% State funded,
4) The grant application requests $413,455 for salaries, $167,036 for fringe benefits,
$79,572 for operating expenses, and $54,576 for indirect costs consistent with the attached schedule,
5) All personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee.
6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources Committee,
in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution f8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution (with reports attached) be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 340
AYES: Fortino, Oosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Deyon. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with reports attached) was
Misc, 85301
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recently reviewed a package of recommendations from the
Fringe Benefit Study Committee related to revisions in several fringe benefits including revisions
which will reduce and eventually eliminate the present escalating liability for banked sick leave
daes and which provide for the addition of an improved short term and a new long term disability
income insurance plan; and
WHEREAS the recommendations also provided for the addition of two positions in the Per-
sonnel Department to continue coordination of future fringe benefit reviews, monitor new insurance
coverages on a continuing basis, and serve as the principal source of employee information on fringe
henefits; and
411EREAS your Personnel Committee approved the recommendations for the fringe benefit re-
visions but decided to separate the recommendations and review the addition of the two positions
at d later date; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has recently given its support to the Fringe Benefit
Review Committee to review additional fringe benefit areas including health and dental care, encom-
passing cost containment efforts as well as benefit provisions, and has also reviewed the recom-
mendations regarding staff for fringe benefit administration and supports the addition of staff for
this pureoee as being cost effective.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one Personnel Technician I posiiion be established for
immediate effect in the Administration Unit of the Employee Relations Division, Personnel Department.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro su000rted by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 1.5263
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Genlierien:
WHEREAS the Plannine and Duilding Committee has reviewed the Assassment Rolls, us prepared
by the Drain Connissioner for the year 1985; and
'elHEREAS the Assessment Foils have been prepared and submitted in accordance with the pro-
visions of Act Mo. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, and Act No. 146 of the 1-ieiblic Acts of
1961, as amended; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs in the figures as established by the
Drain Commissioner for the various drains and lake level projects in the County, a copy of which is
attached hereto; and
WHEREAS a summary of the Assessment Roll is as follows:
Assessments to Municipalities at Large - $ 12,053.08
Assessments to Real Property - $171,428.34
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland, State
of Michigan, that for the purpose of establishing, constructing, maintaining, cleaning out, deepening,
and extending County Drains and establishing and maintaining the normal height and level of various
lakes in Oakland County, there be assessed, levied and collected for the year 1985, by the several
political subdivisions, the aggregate amount of $183,436.42, which sum represents the total anount of
assessments for 1985 and which are contained in the several Drain and Lake Level Assessment Rolls
heretofore determined by the sairt Oakland County Drain Commissiorer.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Builc;ing Committp.e, I move the adootion of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
Copy of Drain and Lake Level Report on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Hobart supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra,
Doyon, Fortino. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85302
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Drain Commissioner
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Township of Orion, by resolution adopted by its Township Board on October 7, 1985,
has indicated that it is in need of certain extensions to the CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM to
be known as ORION TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS NO. 4, as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and has proposed
that such extensions be acquired and constructed by the county and financed from surplus funds on hand;
WHEREAS it will be advantageous to the Township of Orion and the County of Oakland if the use
of funds is authorized by this Board of Commissioners in accordance with the request of the Township;
WHEREAS the Oakland County Drain Commissioner has recommended adoption of this resolution.
I. That this Board of Commissioners does hereby approve and authorize the transfer, pursuant
to the provisions of said contracts of up to $1,039,000, as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, to
the payment of the cost of Orion Township Extensions No. 4 (the "project"), said Contracts and amounts
of surplus to be transferred from the bond and interest redemption fund being as follows:
(a) Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township Extensions, dated
May 1, 1970. Amount to be transferred, up to $541,000.
(b) Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Paint Creek Interceptor, dated
January 15, 1969. Amount to be transferred, up to $498,000.
2. That the surplus funds herein authorized to be transferred shall be used by the County
of Oakland through its Oakland County Drain Commissioner as its County Agency for payment of the cost
of the project in accordance with the provisions of and for the purposes described in said Contract.
3. That the County Agency is hereby authorized to procure detailed plans and specifications,
obtain soil borings, take construction bids and enter into contracts, and take any other actions neces-
sary and incidental to acquisition and construction of the Orion Township Extensions No. 4.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
The Chairperson vacated the Chair. Vice Chairperson Marilynn E. Gosling took the Chair.
Misc. 85303
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Facilities Engineering Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is in Oakland County's best interest to stimulate as much competition as
possible when bidding capital improvement projects; and
WHEREAS those interests include dealing fairly, equitably, and in a consistent manner with
all contractors; and
WHEREAS under certain circumstances, current bidding practices could be counterproductive
to those interests.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 342
BIDDING PROCEDURE and dated October 24, 1985, be substituted for the uniform bidding procedure
adopted and amended on Miscellaneous Resolutions #7133 and #9294.
be put into effect for all construction projects advertised for bids after the adoption of this
Re.,olution and said bidding procedure documents be made a part of all general or special conditions
of projects which are being bid.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that bid security in the amount of 5 of the bid amount be made a
standard practice.
Mr. Chairperson, on hehalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skirritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85304
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Parks and Recreation Commission
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Youth Activity Center is in need of capital improvements; and
WHEREAS Springfield Township is making application to the state for a grant in the amount
oF l0O,OO.00 to fund said capital improvements; and
WHEREAS the Youth Activity Center is a county-owned building which is operated by the
Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and
WHEREAS the entire region would benefit from said improvements to the Youth Activity Center.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County concurs with Springfield Township's grant
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners expresses their intent
to appropriate the amount of $25,000.00 contingent upon receipt of said grant.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Buildino Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Report to the Planning and Building Committee
By Finance Committee
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
• This is a one-tire grant application for capital improvements to the Youth Activities
2. Springfield Township is the designated grant recipient,
3. Funding is in the amount of $135,000 which is aroposed to be provided by the State
($100,000), the County ($25,000), and In-Kind Match ($10,000) shared by the County
and the Township,
4. The grant application requests $20,000 for light fixtures, $20,000 for acoustics,
$55,000 for improvements to the front entry access road and parking, $30,000 for site
grading, and $10,000 for administration and engineering, for a total request of $135,000,
5. There will be no personnel changes as a result of the County's participation in this
6. Participation in this grant process does not obligate the County to any future commitment.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee. I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Planning and Building Committee,
in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 - Revised Federal and State Grant Application
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
Misc. 85305
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the South Oakland Heath Building does not currently have any type of security; and
WHEREAS this building contains controlled substances and other valuable property which
should be protected from break-ins and Fire; and
WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed this problem and recommends that
an electronic security system be installed to protect County property.
NOW THEREFORE BE LT RESOLVED that $6,625,00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department
of Central Services to cover the cost of the electronic security equipment needed to protect the
South Oakland Health Building.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution he adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 86306
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Nisce//aneous Resolution 84127) autho-
rized disposal of Lot 613, except south 15 feet, Ferry Farm Addition, described as:
T3N, R1OE, Section 33 Subdiv;sion of Lots 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 247, 248 and
South one-half of Lot 246 and West 150 feet of North one-half of Lot 246 and West 150 feet of Lots
243, 244, 245 of Ferry Farm Addition Lot 613, except South 15 feet, City of Pontiac, Oakland County,
Michigan: and
WHEREAS there were no offers received, following publication in July 1984; and
WHEREAS the current use of the property is vacant and unused; and
WHEREAS the property has been appraised at $5,500 by James M. Fuller, MBA, MAI, ASA, and
William E. Hoover, Assistant Manager-Equalization, appraised the property at $4,000; and
WHEREAS any monies realized from the sale of the property will be deposited in the Indigent
Housing Account; and
WHEREAS Lessel L. Hanspard, whose address is 2266 Chippenham Chase, Rochester, Michigan 48064,
has submitted an offer of $3,500 on land contract terms and included a personal check deposit of $350.
for said property; and
WHEREAS the City of Pontiac has submitted an offer of $5,100., cash payment upon closing; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section recommends acceptance of
the City of Pontiac's offer of $5,100.; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the "Offer to Purchase" form.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby autho-
rizes the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute the necessary document for the sale of
said property to the City of Pontiac for $5,100.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the Foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Gosling. Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85293
By Plailniug and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel - Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution 85235, adopted August 22, 1985, this Board
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
approved the plans, specifications and lease for a facility to serve as the 52/2 District Court as
proposed by the Rademacher Group PI; and
WHEREAS the second story of said facility can be utilized by the County as a storage area;
WHEREAS barrier-free access for the handicapped requirements mandate that a lift or elevator
device be provided for a second-story area; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group el, in its proposal, offered 1,000 square feet of storage
area at no charge to the County, provided, the County provides access to said area; and
WHEREAS the cost of a basic lift device is $6,000; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group #1 has agreed to install an elevator to the second story, at
a cost of approximately $30,000, and has agreed to absorb all costs in excess of $6,000; and
WHEREAS the Rademacher Group #1 in its proposal offered to provide additional storage in
the second story of said facility, at a cost of $3.25 per square foot per year for all area over
1,000 square feet; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corporation Counsel recommends the County enter into an Addendum
to the Lease of August 22, 1985 to provide for 1,000 square feet of storage area at no cost to the
County in exchange for the 56,000 mechanical costs and an option for future use of storage at $3.25
per square foot per year.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
Addendum to the Lease with the Rademacher Group #1 which provides 1,900 square feet of storage area
in the second story of the 52/2 District Court facility at no cost to the County and provides for
the payment by the County to the Rademacher Group 01 of the sum of $6,000 for the installation of an
olevator access to the second story, and provides for an option to lease the remaining square footage
in the second story over 1,000 square feet at a cost of $3.25 per square foot per year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Comnissioners is
directed to execute said Addendum to the Lease on behalf of the County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing masolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel (Real Estate Section) - 52/2 District Court - Second Story Storage Access
(Resolution 085293)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Cummittee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85293 and finds:
1) The proposed Addendum to the Lease of August 22, 1985 provides that the Rademacher
Group #1 will provide 1,000 square feet of second story storage area to the 52/2 District Court
For the duration of the Lease and any extension thereof,
2) There will be no rental cost to the County for the use of said storage area,
3) The County will have the option to lease additional storage space in excess of 1,000
square feet at a cost of $3.25 per square foot per year,
4) The County agrees to provide $6,000 to partially defray the Rademacher Group 'b costs
to install an elevator access to the second story to meet federal and state barrier-free handicapped
requirements; said funds available in the 1985 Contingency Account,
5) The Rademacher Group 01 agrees to pay all costs in excess of $6,000 to install said
6) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $6,000 from the 1985 Contingency Account and
transfers said amount to the 1985 52/2 District Court budget as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(6,000)
323-01-00-3658 52/2 District Court - Rent 6,000
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) was
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #85186, the firm of Neumann Greager/HDR was
hired to prepare a master plan for the Oakland County Jail, and your Committee, having reviewed the
final master plan which was modified to meet with the satisfaction of all the interested parties,
hereby forwards the attached three-volume final report of the Oakland County Jail master plan for
your information and acceptance.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceptance
of the attached Final Master Plan Report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Report on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Misc. 85307
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Di,aster Control Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 7865,
7971 and 8664 accepted federal grants to defray a portion of the costs in purchasing sirens to be
utilized within the Oakland County Tornado Warning System; and
WHEREAS the County share of the costs will remain at twenty-five percent as has been the
policy previously established by the Board of Commissioners by various Miscellaneous Resolutions
whereby local units pay seventy-five percent and the County twenty-five percent with the County
being responsible for the maintenance and electrical costs for the sirens purchased; and
WHEREAS the City of Ferndale, per the attached Purchase Agreements, has requested to par-
ticipate in the Siren System; and
WHEREAS the City of Ferndale has agreed to pay seventy-five percent of the total estimated
cost of one siren, and the modification of five sirens; and
WHEREAS consistent with the attached standard agreements, the City of Ferndale agrees that
Oakland County will retain ownership of the siren and modification equipment and will be responsible
for the maintenance of and electrical costs for the siren and the maintenance for the modification
equipment purchased under this agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
appropriation of $3,088.00 consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenditure of this appropriation is contingent upon the
execution of the attached written agreement between the County and the City of Ferndale.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute
said agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public
Services Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division
and to the balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85308
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has been a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds
from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development since 1974 and has operated a residential
rehabilitation program since 1976; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 346
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has established procedures
allowing Community Development Block Grant recipients to draw (in one lump sum) the funds designated
for property rehabilitation in their approved CDBG application in order to establish a Rehabilitation
Leveraging Fund with a private financial institution; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #82283 of September 21, 1982
adopted the basic concept of utilizing Community Development Block Grant funds to leverage private
financial resources for the rehabilitation of residential and commercial property; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #83034 of February 24, 1983
approved the creation of a commercial rehabilitation financing program with Community Development
Block Grant funds and authorized the Community Development Division to solicit lenders for a financial
leveraging agreement; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution ,Y84239 of August 30, 1984 approved
the Rehabilitation Leveraging Agreement with Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit for a program of
financing commercial property rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85107 of March 28, 1985 approved
the 1985 Commercial Assistance Program goals and objectives, definitions for Commercial business
districts, targeting and community funding allocation strategy and community selection criteria; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #85158 of May 23, 1985 designated
the 1985 CAP Target Communities; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Development Division has developed Guidelines for the
1986 Commercial Assistance Program; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Citizens Advisory Council has recommended approval by
unanimous vote the attached 1986 CAP Guidelines.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
1986 attached Commercial Assistance Program Guidelines.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Community Development Division be directed
to utilize the Community Selection Criteria approved herein to select the 1986 CAP Target Communities
with final approval to be made by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
RewoId, Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85309
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Circuit Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the 1986 Circuit Court Outreach Program
Grant Application; and
WHEREAS total funding for the 1986 grant is $120.000 and is 100% State funded through the
Michigan Justice Training Commission under P.A. 302, Sec. of 1982; and
WHEREAS the purpose of the grant is to develop video presentations to aid divorcing parties
and their children; and
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommends filing of said application.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
filing of the 1986 Circuit Court Outreach Program Grant Application.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Circuit Court - 1986 Circuit Court Outreach Program Grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1986 Circuit Court Outreach Program Grant Application
and finds:
I) This is the initial application for grant funding available through the Michigan
Justice Training Commission under P.A. 302, Sec. 3 of 1982,
2) The purpose of the grant is to develop video presentations to aid divorcing parties and
their children,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985
3) The total program request $120,000 and covers the period January 1, 1986 through
December 31, 1986,
4) The grant is 1002 State funded and requires no County match,
5) Application or acceptance of this grant will not obligate the County in future years.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I recommend acceptance of the foregoing
report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee in accordance
with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised Federal and State Grant Application Procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution (with Finance Committee Report attached)
be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Finance Committee Report
attached) was adopted.
Misc. 85310
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has reviewed the Oakland County Sheriff's
Department application to continue the 'Public Act 416 of 1978" program and finds said program to be
in conformity with the mandates of the law; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the State of Michigan and
the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice to expeditiously process said application and provide the
necessary funding as required by the program presented by the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to
continua the eighth year of the program; and
WHEREAS this grant application calls for total funding in the amount of $668,954; which
includes State funding of $594,582, through legislative appropriation, pending court decision, and
County funding of $74,372 ($40,000 overtime and $34,372 increased program cost) for the period
October I, 1985 through September 30, 1986 to continue said program.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby autho-
rizes the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to request State funding under Public Act 416 and
continue the program as specifically delineated in said Grant Application.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff's Department continue to present quarterly progress
reports to the Public Services Committee.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to the Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department - 1985/1986 Road Patrol Act 416 - Grant Renewal Application
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed State of Michigan, Office of Criminal
Justice grant application for the supplemental Road Patrol Program - Act 416 of 1978 and finds:
I) This is the eighth year of Act 416,
2) This program covers a period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986,
3) The program calls for total funding of $668,954, which includes State funding of
$594,582, through legislative appropriation, pending court decision, and County
funding of $74,372 ($40,000 overtime and $34,372 increased program cost),
4) Application for or acceptance of these funds does not obligate Oakland County to any
future County commitment for continuation of this program.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee, in accor-
dance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised "Federal and State Grant Application Procedures".
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution (with Finance Committee Report attached)
be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. October 24, 1985 348
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Finance Committee Report
attached) was adopted.
The Chairperson returned to the Chair.
Misc. 85311
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to Acts 301 and 302 of the Public Acts 1982, the Michigan Justice Training
Commission allocates Funding to the County Sheriff's Department; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department proposes to apply for said funds for training
reserves; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department is proposing a training program entitled,
"OAKLAND COUNTY RESERVE TRAINING ACADEMY", in the amount of $23,831 which is 100Z funded by the State.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
application of said Grant in the amount of $23,831.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that application of this grant does not obligate the County to any
future commitment.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Rdport to the Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department - Application for 1986 Michigan Justice Training Program Funds
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
I. This is the first grant application of this program,
2. The grant covers the period January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986,
3. Funding is in the amount of $23,831 which is 100% funded by the State,
4. The grant application requests $6,215 for salaries, $1,546 for fringe benefits, $7,500
in consulting fees, and $8,570 for operating expenses consistent with the attached
Schedule I,
5. There will be no personnel changes as a result of the application or acceptance of this
6. Application or acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future com-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee, in
accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 Revised Federal and State Grant Application Procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McPherson. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Clerk read letter from Robert H. Naftaly, Director of the Michigan Department of Management
and Budget regarding the Department's decision to maintain a small claims office for the Bureau of
State Lottery in the City of Oak Park.
The following referrals were made by the Chairperson in accordance with Rule XXII:
a. Kent County - Proposal to Limit Government Insurance Costs
b. WDET, WTVS - State Funds for PBS
c. NACo - 1986 General Revenue Sharing
d. MAC - Attorney General Sharing, The Garcia Case and Attorney General Opinions
Commi5ioner5 Minutes Continued. October 74, 1985
a. Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund
a. Michigan Public Health - Low Income Health Service Survey
a. Department of Transportation - October Meeting
b. DNR - Groundwater Report
c. Safety Division - Croveland Township Dispatch
d. Addion Township - Support Road Commission - Tr-Party Program
Airport Committee
a. MAC-HR 4917, Deletion of Airports from Tax Exempt Status
Management and Budget
a. Equalization - Non-impairment for Industrial Facilities Exemption Exceeding 5% of SEV,
Tru-Mill, Auburn Hills
Moved by Webb supported by Skarritt the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board would be November 7, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 10:43 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
November 7, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 9:57 a.m. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Ruel McPherson.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Moved by Richard Kuhn supported by Page the minutes of the previous meeting be approved
as printed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the minutes were approved.
Moved by Rewold supoorted by Moffitt the rules be suspended to consider the following
which were considered out of sequence, and the agenda be approved.
a. Oakland/Pontiac Airport - Michigan Aeronautics Commission Grant Program
b. Sewer, Water, Solid Waste-Solid Waste Management Act 641 Grant for Solid Waste
Management Planning, Fiscal Year 1985-86 and Consulting Engineering Contract (Fiscal Note attached)
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McPherson, Moffitt. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Vote on agenda as corrected:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved.
Clerk read letter of thanks from Commissioner and Mrs. Lawrence Pernick,
Dorothy Eicker addressed the Board.
Marilynn Gosling and County Clerk Lynn D. Allen presented a contratulatory Procf&ualion
to Sarah (Sally) Dixon for her 25 years as a member of the Oakland County Board of Convasser. Mis.
Dixon thanked the Board for the Proclamation.
Lawrence R. Pernick and Roy Rewold offered congratulations to Commissioner Walter Moore on
his election as Mayor of the City of Pontiac.
The Chairperson made the following statement:
"At this time a public hearing is now called on the E.D.C. Amended Project Plan, "Comprehensive
Retirement Communities Limited Partnership. Notice of the hearing was published in the Oakland Press
on October 28, 1985. Are there any persons present wishing to speak on the Project Plan?"
No on requested to speak and the public hearing was declared closed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Misc. 85312
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Treasurer's Office
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS ad valorem real property taxes are imposed by taxing units within the County on
July I and/or December 1 in each year; and
WHEREAS a certain portion of these taxes remain unpaid and uncollected on March 1 of the
following year at which time they are returned delinquent to the Oakland County Treasurer (the
"Treasurer") who is to collect the delinquent taxes, plus interest and property tax udminktraiion
fees, on behalf of the various taxing units; and
WHEREAS the statutes of the State of Michigan authorize the County to establish a fund. in
part or in total from borrowed proceeds, to pay local taxing units their respective share of delin-
quent real property taxes in anticipation of collection of those taxes by the Treasurer; and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the County has adopted a resolution establishing the
Oakland County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund, pursuant to Section 87b of Act No. 206 of the Public
Acts of 1893, as amended ("Act 206"), which fund has been designated as the 100% Tax Payment Fund by
the Treasurer; and
WHEREAS the purpose of the 100% Tax Payment Fund is to provide a source of moneys from which
the Treasurer may pay any or all delinquent real property taxes which are due the County, any school
district, intermediate school district, community college district, city, township, special assess-
ment or drainage district, or any other political unit for which delinquent tax payments are due on
settlement day with the Treasurer or any city or township treasurer, and the Treasurer has been
directed to make such payments by the Board of Commissioners of this County; and
WHEREAS in order to make such payments with respect to 1985 delinquent taxes, it is de-
termined that it is necessary that the County issue its "General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series
1986" in accordance with Sections 87c, 87d, 87e, 87f, 87g and 89 of Act No. 206 and on the terms and
conditions set forth below; and
WHEREAS the total amount of 1985 real property taxes, together with property tax adminis-
tration fees returnable to the Treasurer pursuant to subsection (6) of Section 44 of Act 206, which
will become delinquent and be returned to the Treasurer for collection on harch I, 1986 (the "Delin-
quent Taxes") has not yet been determined but will be determined at a later date; and
WHEREAS subsection (5) of Section 89 of Act 206 permits the County to pledge a second lien
on delinquent taxes from prior years (the "Prior Delinquent Taxes") in order to secure payment ef
principal of, premium (if any) and interest on the Notes;
101. Issuance of Notes. The County shall issue its General Obligation Limited Tax Notes,
Series 1986 (the "Notes") in accordance with this Resolution and Sections 87c, 87d, 87e, 871, 87g and
89 of Act 206, paya bile from the Delinquent Taxes, Prior Delinquent Taxes and other sources as speci-
fied below.
102. Aggrepte Amount of Notes. The Notes shall be issued in an aggregate amount not to
exceed the sum of the estimated Delinquent Taxes, plus Prior Delinquent Taxes unpaid as of Decerber I,
1985, plus an amount not to exceed Fifteen percent (15%) of the estimated Delinquent Taxes. Thr
exact principal amount of the Notes will be designated by the Treasurer after the amount of the delin-
quent Taxes, or the amount of Delinquent Taxes to be funded Ey, the issuance of the Notes, has been
estimated by the Treasurer on the basis of delinquencies experienced during the past three fiscal years.
103. Proceeds. If the Notes are sold and issued prior to March I, 1986 the proceeds of
the Notes shall be deposited in the Delinquent Tax Project Fund and thereafter used to fund the whole
or a part of the 1986 100% Tax Payment Account, the 1986 Note Reserve Account and the 1986 Note Pay-
ment Fund in accordance with Article VI below. If the Notes are sold and issued on or after March I,
1986, the proceeds of the Notes shall be deposited directly into the 1986 100% Tax Payment Account,
the 1986 Note Reserve Account and the 1986 Note Payment Fund as provided in Article VI.
201. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order of the Treasurer, the Notes may
be issued in accordance with this Article II. All reference to "Notes" in Article 11 refers only to
Notes issued pursuant to Article II, unless otherwise specified.
202. Date The Notes shall be dated December 1, 1985, or such later date (not later than
the date of actual issuance of the Notes) as the Treasurer may specify by order.
203. Maturity. The Notes shall be due and payable at the option of the Treasurer as follows:
not less than 30% nor more than 501k of the amount of estimated Delinquent Taxes on April 15, 1987; not
less than 20'4 and not more than 37% of the amount of estimated Delinquent Taxes on April 15, 1988;
and the balance of the total principal amount of Notes issued on April 15, 1989. The exact amount
of each maturity shall be determined by the Treasurer when the amount of estimated Delinquent Taxes is
determined by the Treasurer, or when a reliable high-low estimate of the Delinquent Taxes is available
to the Treasurer so that the Treasurer may certify that the maturity limits set forth above will be
satisfied. In determining the exact amount of each maturity the Treasurer shall consider, among other
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 352
pertinent factors, the anticipated collection of the Delinquent Taxes, arbitrage restrictions, and
the impact the maturities selected may have on the marketability, rating and/or qualification for
credit support or liquidity support for, or insurance of, the Notes.
204. Interest and Date of Record. The Notes shall bear interest payable April 15, 1986,
and each succeeding October 15 and April 15, until maturity, which interest shall not exceed the
maximum rate of interest permitted by law on the date the Notes are offered for sale. If the Notes
are sold with a variable rate feature as provided in Article IV below, the Notes may bear interest
weekly, monthly, quarterly or on any put date, or any combination of the foregoing, as provided by
order of the Treasurer. Interest shall be mailed by first class mail to the registered owner of each
Note as of the applicable date of record, provided, however, that the Treasurer may agree with the
Registrar (as defined below) on a different method of payment.
The date of record shall be September 15 with respect to payments made on October 15, and
March 31 with respect to payments made on April 15, provided, however, that the Treasurer may desig-
nate different datesof record prior to the sale of the Notes.
205. Fully Registered Notes. The Notes shall be issued in fully registered Iorm bath as
to principal and interest in substantially the form attached as Appendix A. Such fully reg stered
Notes shall be registrable upon the books of a note registrar to be named by the Treasurer (the
"Registrar"). The registrar so named may be any bank or trust company or other entity (iniluding
the County) offering the necessary services pertaining to the registration and transfer of the Notes.
The Notes may be authenticated by the Registrar if so ordered by the Treasurer.
206. Denominations and Numbers. The Notes shall be issued in one or more denomination or
denominations of $1,000 or any multiple of $1,000, as determined by the Treasurer, and shall be
numbered from one upwards in such order as the Treasurer shall determine.
207. Transfer or Exchange of Notes. Any Note shall be transferable on the note register
maintained with respect to the Notes upon the surrender of the Note together with an assignment
executed by the registered owner or his or her duly authorized attorney in form satisfactory to the
Registrar. Upon receipt of a properly assigned Note the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver a
new Note in equal aggregate principal amount and like interest rate and maturity to the designated
transferee or transferees.
Notes may likewise be exchanged for one or more other Notes with the same interest rate
and maturity in authorized denominations aggregating the same principal amount as the Note or Notes
being exchanged. Such exchange shall be effected by surrender of the Note to be exchanged to the
Registrar with written instructions signed by the registered owner of the Note or his or her attorney
in form satisfactory to the Registrar. Upon receipt of a Note with proper written instructions the
Registrar shall authenticate and deliver a new Note or Notes to the registered owner of the Note or
his or her properly designated transferee, transferees or attorney.
Any service charge made by the Registrar for any such registration, transfer or exchange
shall be paid for by the County as an expense of borrowing, unless otherwise agreed by the Treasurer
and Registrar. The Registrar may, however, require payment by 0 noteholder of a sum sufficient to
cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with any such registration, transfer
or exchange.
208, Book Entry Depository Trust. At the option of the Treasurer the Notes may be deposited,
in whole or in part, with a depository trustee designated by the Treasurer who shall transfer owner-
ship of interests in the Notes by book entry and who shall issue depository trust receipts or acknow-
ledgments to owners of interests in the Notes. Such book entry depository trust arrangement, and the
form of depository trust receipts or acknowledgments, shall be as determined by the Treasurer after
consultation with the depository trustee named by the Treasurer. The Treasurer is authorized to
enter into any depository trust agreement on behalf of the County upon such Lerms and conditions as
the Treasurer shall deem appropriate not otherwise prohibited by the terms of this Resolution.
The depository trustee may be the same as the Registrar otherwise named by the Treasurer,
and the Notes may be transferred in part by depository trust and in part by transfer of physical
certificates as the Treasurer may determine.
209. Redemption. Notes maturing in 1987 and 1988 shall not be subject to redemption prior
to maturity. The Notes maturing on April 15, 1989, may be redeemed in whole or in part on any date or
dates on or after April 15, 1988, at the option of the Treasurer. Notes so called for redemption shall
be redeemed at par value, plus accrued interest, plus, at the option of the Treasurer, a premium of up
to 1%, as designated by the Treasurer, on each note, computed as a percentage of par value, if redeemei'
on or after April 15, 1988, but prior to maturity. If the Treasurer elects to offer the redemption
premium on the Notes the Notice of Sale and the Note form shall be changed accordingly.
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a Note outstanding in a denomination
larger than the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as the
amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations. In the event that less than the
entire principal amount of a Note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the Note to the Registrar,
the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the Note a new Note in the
principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Notice of redemption shall be sent to the registered holder of each Note being redeemed by
first class mail at least 30 days prior to the date fixed for redemption, which notice shall fix the
date of record with respect to the redemption if different than otherwise provided in this Resolution.
Any defect in any notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings. Notes so called
for redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided funds are on hand
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
with a paying agent to redeem the same.
210. Discount. At the option of the Treasurer, the Notes may be offered for sale at a
discount of not to exceed 2'/ or such lesser amount as may be authorized by the Treasurer.
211. Public or Private Sale. The Treasurer may, at the Treasurer's option, conduct a
public sale of the Notes (after publication of the Notice of Sale attached to, and as provided in
the separate resolution approved by this Board), after which sale the Treasurer shall either award
the Notes to the lowest bidder or reject all bids. The conditions of sale shall be as specified
in the Notice of Sale, and the Treasurer shall be empowered to make any change in the Notice of
Sale as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be necessary or appropriate.
The Treasurer may alternatively, at the Treasurer's option, negotiate a private sale )f
the Notes as provided in Act 206.
212. Execution and Delivery. The Treasurer is authorized and directed to execute the Notes
for the County or to execute the same by causing a facsimile of the Treasurer's signature to be af-
fixed, provided that if the facsimile signature is used the Notes must be authenticated by the Regis-
trar named by the Treasurer. The Notes shall be sealed with the County seal or a facsimile of such
seal. If permitted by taw, the Notes may be delivered without the actual or facsimile seal of the
County and signature of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer is authorized and directed to then deliver the Notes to the purchaser upon
receipt of the purchase price, which delivery may be made in the discretion of the Treasurer at one
time or in parts at various times. All of the Notes with the earliest maturities shall be delivered
prior to any Notes with later maturities. The Notes will be delivered at the expense of the County
in such city or cities designated by the Treasurer in the Notice of Sale or otherwise.
213. Renewal, Refunding or Advance Refunding Notes. If at any time it appears to be in
the best interests of the County, the Treasurer, by order, may authorize the issuance of renewal,
refunding or advance refunding Notes. Such Notes need not be approved by prior order of the Depart-
ment of Treasury unless so required by such Department as provided by law.
301. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order of the Treasurer, the Notes shall
be issued in accordance with this Article III. All reference to "Notes" in Article III refer only to
Notes issued pursuant to Article Ill, unless otherwise specified.
302. Date and Maturity. The Notes shall be dated as of their date of issuance and shall
mature on such date or dates not exceeding one year from the date of their issuance as may be specified
by order of the Treasurer.
303. Interest. The Notes shall bear interest payable at maturity at such rate or rates as
may be determined by the Treasurer not exceeding the maximum rate of interest permitted by law on the
date the Notes are issued.
304. Bearer Notes; Paying Agent. The Notes shall be payable to bearer at a paying agent
or paying agents designated by the Treasurer, and shall be substantially in the form attached as
Appendix B. At the option of the Treasurer, the Notes may be issued in registered form, in which
event Sections 207 and 208 shall apply to such Notes.
305. Denomination and Numbers. The Notes shall be issued in one or more denomination or
denominations of $1,000 or any multiple of 51,000, as determined by the Treasurer, and shalt be
numbered from one upwards in such order as the Treasurer determines.
306. Redemption. The Notes shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity.
307. Sale of Notes. The Treasurer is authorized to sell the Notes at a private sale, and
is authorized to designate a marketing agent, placement agent or dealer to assist in the placement of
Notes issued pursuant to this Article. If required by the purchaser of the Notes, the Treasurer shall
prepare or cause to be prepared and disseminated a placement inemo random or offering memorandum con-
taining such information as the Treasurer deems relevant in connection with such sale.
308. Execution and Delivery. The Treasurer is authorized and directed to execute the Notes
for the County or to execute the same by causing a facsimile of the Treasurer's signature to be affixed,
provided that if the facsimile signature is used the Notes must be authenticated by an authenticating
agent named by the Treasurer. The Notes shall be sealed with the County seal or a facsimile of sues
seal. If permitted by law, the Notes may be delivered without the actual or facsimile seal of the
County and the signature of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer is authorized and directed to then deliver the Notes to the purchaser upon
receipt of the purchase price, which delivery may be made in the discretion of the Treasurer at one
time or in part at various times. The Notes will be delivered at the expense of the County in such
city or cities designated or agreed to by the Treasurer.
309. Renewal Notes. The Treasurer may by order authorize the issuance of renewal notes.
Renewal Notes shall be sold and the proceeds applied to the payment of the principal of the Notes to
be renewed, and shall not be subject to the approval of the Michigan Department of Treasury.
In the order authorizinn renewal Notes, the Treasurer shall specify whether the Notes shall
be issued in accordance with this Article III, in which event the provisions of Article III shall
govern the issuance of the Notes, or whether the Notes shall be issued in accordance with Article 11,
in which event the provisions of Article II shall govern the issuance of the Notes, provided that,
if Notes are to be issued in accordance with Article II, the order must provide for and shall govern
with respect to:
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
(a) the aggregate amount of the Notes;
(b) the date of the Notes;
(c) the denomination of the Notes;
(d) the maturities of the Notes, provided that the final maturity shall no( be later
than May I, 1989;
(e) interest payment dates, provided that interest must be payable annually, semi-
annually or at maturity; and
(f) whether some or all of the Notes are subject to redemption and, if so, when.
310. Mandatory Repayment of Notes. Notwithstanding Section 309 of this Resolution, on
or before each Mandatory Repayment Date the Treasurer shall repay from the 1986 Note Payment Fund
and 1986 Note Reserve Account (as defined below) principal of and interest on Notes or renewal
Notes in an amount sufficient to assure continued maintenance of the Lax-exempt status of the in-
terest on the Notes. For purposes of this Section 310, "Mandatory Repayment Date" shall initially
mean the date twelve months after the date of the original issuance of the Notes or the date on
which the repayment of Notes described above is first made, if earlier, and after such date shall
mean the date which is twelve months after the last Mandatory Repayment Date or the date the next
repayment of Notes described above is made, if earlier.
401. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order, the Notes, whether issued
pursuant to Article 11 or Article III above, may be issued with interest rates that vary during
the life of the Notes, not, however, exceeding the maximum rate of interest permitted by law.
The order of the Treasurer shall provide how often interest rates shall be subject to recalcu-
lation and the formula or procedure for determining the variable rate. Such formula or procedure
shall be as determined by the Treasurer but shall be based upon any one or more of the following
(a) Publicly reported prices or yields of obligations of the United States of America;
(b) An index of municipal obligations periodically reported by a nationally recognized
(c) The prime lending rate from time to time set by any bank or trust company in the
United States with unimpaired capital and surplus exceeding $40,000,000;
(d) Any other rate or index that may be designated by order of the Treasurer pro-
vided such rate or index is set or reported by a source which is independent of
and not controlled by the Treasurer or the County.
A procedure for determining the variable rate may involve one or more of the above indices as alter-
natives or may involve the setting of the rate by a municipal bond specialist provided such rate must
be within a stated percentage range of one or more of the indices set forth above.
402. If the Treasurer decides to issue the Notes on a variable interest rate basis the
form of Notes attached as Appendix A or Appendix B shall be altered accordingly. If the Notes are
offered for public sale the form of Notice of Sale attached as Exhibit A to Resolution 3 below shall
also be altered to reflect the variable interest rate option.
501. Issuance of Multiple Series. At the option of the Treasurer, exercisable by order
of the Treasurer, the Notes may be issued in two or more series desinnated General Obligation Limited
Tax Notes, Series 1986-1 , General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series 1986-11, and so on with sub-
sequent series being designated with succeeding Roman numerals. The Notes of each such series shall
be issued according to this Resolution in all respects and the word "Notes" shall be deemed to include
each series of Notes throughout this Resolution) providEA that:
(a) The Notes of all series may not exceed in aggregate amount the maximum aggregate
amount permitted under Section 102 above.
(b) Each series may be issued pursuant to Article II or Article ill (with or without
the variable interest rate option provided in Article IV) and different series may be issued pursuant
to different Articles;
(c) A series may be issued under Article 11 for only one or two of the annual
maturities set forth in Article II with the balance of the annual maturities being issued under
Article II or under Article III in one or more other series, provided the minimum annual maturities
set forth in Section 203 above shall be reduced and applied pro rata to all Notes tar i ,.5tted; and
(d) Notes of all series issued pursuant to Article II above may not, in aggregate,
mature in amounts or on dates exceeding the maximum authorized maturities set forth in Section 203
502. Notes Secured Pan i Passu. If the Notes are sold in multiple series pursuant to this
Article V, each series of Notes shall be secured pan i passu with the other by the security described
in and the amounts pledged by Article VI below, subject to the following:
(a) Separate sub-accounts shall be established in the 1986 Note Reserve Account
for each series of Notes, into which shall be deposited the amount borrowed for such Account for each
such series, and each such sub-account shall secure only the particular series for which such sub-
account was created;
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
(6) Separate accounts shall be established in the 1986 Note Payment Fund and all
amounts deposited in such Fund shall be allocated to such accounts as Follows: one account shall
be created for all Notes issued pursuant to Article II of this Resolution (into which shall be
allocated that percentage of all deposits to the 1986 Note Payment Fund equal to the percenLow
that Notes issued pursuant to Article II bears to the total Notes issued under this Resolution)
and one account shall be created for all Notes issued Pursuant to Article III of this Resolution
(into which shall be allocated that percentage of all deposits to the 1986 Note Payment Fund equal
to the percentage that Notes issued pursuant to Article III hears to the total Notes issued pur-
suant to this Resolution), provided that if the various series are issued at different times sums
deposited to the 1986 Note Payment Fund prior to the issuance of any series shall be subject to
re-allocation among the two accounts upon the issuance of such series to achieve the required
balance between the accounts established pursuant to this subsection 502(b), and further provided
that if Notes are issued in any series for one or two annual maturities under Article II, but not
alI three, the Treasurer shall upon issuing such Notes, order the appropriate adjustment to allo-
cation among the two accounts to reflect the particular cash flow requirements of such series; and
(c) The amounts in each account established in subsection 502(6) above shall secure
only the Notes issued under the Article for which such account was established until such Notes and
interest on such Notes are paid in full, after which the amounts in such account shall be added to
the amounts in the other account and used as part of such other account to secure ali Notes and
interest on such Notes for which such other account was created until paid in full.
503. Note Form and Notice of Sale. If the Notes are sold in multiple series pursuant to
this Article V, the Treasurer is authorized and directed to make such changes to the form of the
notes approved by this Resolution and the form of Notice of Sale approved by the separate resolution
of the Board below, as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be necessary to reflect the issuance of
the Notes in more than one series,
601.q L.Pr_ndDelinuentTar . If the Notes are issued and sold prior to March I. 1986
then there shalt be created and established a 1986 Delinquent Tax Project Fund (the "Project Fund"),
as a separate and distinct fund of the County within its general fund. The Project Fund shall re-
ceive all proceeds from the sale of the Notes, including any premium or accrued interest received at
the time of sale of the Notes. The Project Fund shall be held in trust by a commercial bank, as
Escrow agent, which is located in Michigan, has authority to exerise trust powers, and has a net
worth of not less than $25,000,000 until the moneys therein are disbursed in accordance with this
Article VI. The form and content of the agreement between the County and such escrow agent shall
be approved by the Treasurer. Moneys deposited in the Project Fund shall be expended solely for the
purpose of funding the 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund (including the 1986 Note Reserve Account therein)
established under Section 602 hereof. Any surplus proceeds remaining in the Project Fund after the
Treasurer has completed the funding of the 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund, shalt be transferred to the
1986 Note Payment Fund created under Section 603 hereof.
Moneys in the Project Fund may be disbursed by the escrow agent to the 1986 lOn Tax Pay-
ment Fund at any time, and from time to time after March 1, 1986, upon receipt of a written requisi -
tion form signed by the Treasurer which certifies that the amount of moneys requisitioned represent
amounts owing to one or more local units of government within the County, including the County, on
account of Delinquent Taxes which have been returned to the County for collection pursuant to Act 206.
The Treasurer shall file with the escrow agent a completion certificate when all Delinquent Taxes
which have been returned for collection to the County have been paid by the County from the 1986
100% Tax Payment Fund. Such completion certificate shall direct the escrow agent to disburse any
amounts remaining in the Project Fund to the 1986 Note Payment Fund established pursuant to Section
602. 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund. There is hereby established within the County's Delinquent
Tax Revolving Fund the 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund, of which the funds and accounts set forth below are
hereby established as a part thereof:
(a) 1986 Tax Payment Account. The 1986 Tax Payment Account shall be used to pay to
the local units of government within the County, including the County, the amount of Delinquent Taxes
returned to the County, as adjusted and finally agreed upon by the County. If the proceeds of the
Notes are initiafly deposited in the Project Fund pursuant to Section 601, the Treasurer is authorized
and directed to transfer a portion of the Project Fund (not to exceed the amount of Delinquent Taxes)
to Account No. of the County (the "1986 Tax Payment Account") in accordance with the procedures
Set forth in Section 601. If the Notes are initially issued and sold after March I, 1986, there shall
be deposited in the 1986 100% Tax Payment Account an amount of proceeds not in excess of the Delinquent
Taxes. The County shall apply the moneys in the 1986 Tax Payment Account to the payment of the
Delinquent Taxes in accordance with Act 206.
(b) 1986 Note Reserve Account. After depositing all of the moneys to fund the 1986
Tax Payment Account pursuant to paragraph -57) of this Section, the Treasurer shall next either transfer
to the 1986 Note Reserve Account, from the Project Fund, or shall deposit directly from the proceeds of
the Notes received upon their initial issuance and sale occurring after March 1, 1986, an amount of
moneys not in excess of 15% of the amount transferred to the 1986 Tax Payment Account. All moneys in
the 1986 Note Reserve Account, except as provided below, shall be used solely for payment of principal
of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes to the extent that moneys required for such payment are
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 356
not available in the 1986 Note Payment Fund; Money in the 1986 Note Reserve Account shall Ue with-
drawn first for payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes before other
County general funds are used to make the payments. All income or interest earned by, or increment
to, the 1986 Note Reserve Account, due to its investment or reinvestment, shall be deposited in such
fund, provided, however, that any and all amounts in the 1986 Note Reserve Account in excess of 15'
of the face amount of the Notes initially issued under this Resolution shall be transferred on re-
ceipt to the 1986 Note Payment Fund and used to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest
on the Notes next due. When the 1986 Note Reserve Account is sufficient to retire the Notes and
accrued interest thereon, it may be used to purchase the Notes on the market, or, if the Notes are
not available, to retire the Notes when due.
603. 1986 Note Payment Fund. There is hereby established a Collection Account No.
of the County (the "1986 Note Payment Fund"), effective as of March 1, 1986, into which account the
Treasurer is directed to deposit, promptly on receipt, all of the following payments received on
account of the Delinquent Taxes:
(a) All Delinquent Taxes collected on and after March 1, 1986, and all interest on such
(b) All property tax administration fees on the Delinquent Taxes once the expenses of
this borrowing have been paid.
(c) Any amounts which are received by the Treasurer from the taxing units within the
County because of the uncollectability of the Delinquent Taxes; and
(d) All amounts remaining in the Project Fund after the transfers to the 1986 100%. Tax
Payment Account and 1986 Note Reserve Account have been made as required by Section 602. Moneys
in the 1986 Note Payment Fund shall be used by the County only to pay principal of, premium (if any)
and interest on the Notes as the same become due and payable.
604. Pledge. The following moneys are pledged to the repayment of the Notes and shall be
used solely for repayment of the Notes until the principal of, premium (if any) and interest on the
Notes are paid in full;
(a) All amounts held in the Project Fund;
(b) All amounts held in the 1986 Note Payment Fund;
(c) All amounts held in the 1986 Note Reserve Account;
(d) All amounts earned from the investment of moneys held in either the 1986 Note Payment
Fund or the 1986 Note Reserve Fund; and
(e) All delinquent taxes due to the County which were returned to the County on March 1,
1985, March 1, 1984 or March 1, 1983 subject to any prior pledge of such delinquent tax revenues
which has been made by the County to secure payment of principal of and interest on notes of the
County previously issued.
605. IerliationLimitedTaxGer . In addition, the Notes shall be a general obligation
of the County, secured by its full faith and credit (which includes the limited tax obligation of
the County, within applicable constitutional and statutory limits), and its general funds. The
County budget shall provide that if the Delinquent Taxes and any other pledged amounts are not
collected in sufficient amounts to meet the payments of the principal and interest due on the Notes,
the County, before paying any other budgeted amounts, will promptly advance from its general funds
sufficient moneys to pay that principal and interest.
If the amounts pledged under Section 604 are not sufficient to pay the principal and
interest when due, the County shall pay the same from its general funds or other available sources, as
provided in this paragraph, and may later reimburse itself from the Delinquent Taxes collected.
The County shall not have the power to levy any tax for the payment of the Notes in excess
of its constitutional or statutory limits.
606. Security for Renewal, Refunding or Advance Refunding Notes. Renewal, refunding or
advance refunding Notes shall be secured by the same security securing the Notes being renewed,
refunded or advance refunded. The moneys pledged in Section 604 for the repayment of the Notes are
re-pledged for repayment of the principal of and interest on any renewal, refunding or advance
refunding Notes issued pursuant to this Resolution. Furthermore, such renewal, refunding or advance
refunding Notes shall be a general obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit
which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional and
statutory limits, all as more fully provided in Section 605 above.
607. Use of Funds After Full Payment or Provision for Payment. After all principal of,
premium, if any, and interest on the Notes have been paid in full or provision has been made for the
payment of such principal, premium, if any, and interest by investments of pledged amounts in direct
obligations of the United States of America in amounts and with maturities sufficient to pat, all such
principal, premium, if any, and interest when due, any further collection of Delinquent Taxes and all
moneys in any fund or account of the 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund, and any interest or income on any
such amounts, may be used (i) to pay any or all delinquent taxes for a year other than 1985 which are
due and payable to the County, any school district, community college district, city, township,
special assessment or drainage district, or any other political unit For which delinquent tax pay-
ments are due on settlement day with the Treasurer or any city or township treasurer or (ii) for any
other proper purpose within the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund.
701. Supplemental Agreements and Documents. The Treasurer, on behalf of the County, is
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
authorized to enter into so many or all of the following as may, in the Treasurer's discretion, be
necessary, desirable or beneficial in connection with the issuance of Notes under this Resolution,
upon such terms and conditions as the Treasurer may determine appropriate:
(a) A letter of credit, line of credit, repurchase agreement, or similar instrument, pro-
viding backup liquidity and/or credit support for the Notes;
(b) A reimbursement agreement, revolving credit note, or similar instrument, setting forth
repayments of and security for amounts drawn under the letter of credit, line of credit, repurchase
agreement or similar instrument;
fc) A marketing, remarketing, placement or deafer agreement designating a marketing,
remarketing or placement agent or dealer and prescribing the duties of the marketing, remarketing or
placement agent or dealer with respect to the sale of the Notes; and
(r') A put agreement on provision allowing the purchaser of the Notes to require the County
to repurchase the Notes upon demand at such times as may be provided in such put agreementor provision.
The expenses, fees and charges of any kind payable in connection with such instruments shall
be paid as provided in the instruments.
702. Revolving Credit Notes, If the Treasurer enters into a revolving credit agreement
(the "Agreement") pursuant to Section 701 above, such Agreement may call for the issuance of one or
more revolving credit notes (the "Revolving Credit Notes") for the purpose of renewing all or part of
maturing Notes or Notes that have been put pursuant to a put agreement or provision. Such revolving
Credit Notes shall be issued pursuant to Article IF or III, as appropriate, but the Treasurer may, in
the Revolving Credit Agreement, agree that the Revolving Credit Notes shall be subject to the following:
(a) They may be issued in bearer form or registered form so long as the form of the Note
does not disqualify the interest on the Note from exemption from federal income taxation.
(b) They may be dated as of the date of issuance or as of a date certain specified in the
Agreement, provided that no principal of any Revolving Credit Note shall be considered outstanding
unless and until a loan or advance is made under such Revolving Credit Note pursuant to the Agreement.
(c) They may be subject to redemption at such times, upon such terms and upon the giving of
such notice as may be provided in the Agreement.
(d) Interest on the Revolving Credit Notes may be payable on maturity, on prior redemption,
monthly, quarterly, or as otherwise provided in the Agreement.
(e) The Revolving Credit Notes may mature on one or more date or dates on or before April 15,
1989, as provided in the Agreement.
(f) The Treasurer may, at the time of the original issuance of Notes execute and deliver one
Revolving Credit Note in a maximum principal amount not exceeding the lending commitment under the
Agreement from time to time in force (and may substitute one such Note in a lesser principal amount
for another in the event the lending commitment is reduced) provided that attached to such Note is a
schedule on which loans and repayments of principal and interest are evidenced and further provided
that the making of a loan and the evidencing of such loan on the schedule of any such Note shall
constitute the issuance of a renewal Note for purposes of ,his Resolution.
801. Expenses. The expenses of borrowing in connection with the Notes shall be paid From
the Property Tax administration fees collected on the Delinquent Taxes, from any funds in the 1986
100111 Tax Payment Fund not pledged to the repayment of these Notes or from any funds in the 1986 100
Tax Payment Fund not pledged to the repayment of any other notes.
802. Application to Department of Treasury; Exception. The Treasurer is authorized to
make application to the Department of Treasury on behalf of the County for an order permitting this
County to make this borrowing and issue the Notes. If the Treasurer deems it appropiiate, the Trea-
surer is alternatively authorized to apply for an exception to prior approval of the Department of
Treasury from the Department.
803. Bond Counsel. The Notes (and any renewal, refunding or advance refunding Notes)
shall be delivered with the unqualified opinion of bond counsel chosen by the Treasurer, which
selection may, at the option of the Treasurer, be for one or more years. The cost of this legal
opinion and the printing of the Notes will be at the expense of the County, but the expenses will
be paid, as provided in this Resolution, from the County's 10011 Tax Payment Fund.
804. Complete Records. The Treasurer shall keep full and complete records of all de-
posits to and withdrawals from each of the funds and accounts in the Fund and of all other trans-
actions relating to such funds and accounts, including investments of money in, and gain derived
from, such funds and accounts.
805. Chargebacks. Delinquent Taxes not paid or recovered at or prior to the May 1988
tax sale shall be charged back to the local units in such fashion as the Treasurer may determine,
and the proceeds of such chargebacks shall be deposited into the 1986 Note Payment Fund no later
than March 1, 1989.
806. Investments. The Treasurer is authorized to invest all moneys in the Project Fund,
the 1986 10011i Tax Payment Fund or the 1986 Note Payment Fund in any one or more of the investments
authorized as lawful investments for counties under Act No. 20, Public Acts of 1943, as amended_
The Treasurer is further authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the County under the Sur-
plus Funds Investment Pool Act, Act No. 367, Public Acts of 1982, as amended, and invest moneys in
the Project Fund, the 1986 100% Tax Payment Fund or the 1986 Note Payment Fund in any investment
pool created thereby.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 358
807. Bearer Notes. If any series of Notes may be issued in bearer form without interest
on such Notes losing the federal income tax exemption, the Notes may, by order of the Treasurer,
be so issued. In such event the Notes shall be payable at a paying agent designated by the County
Treasurer, which paying agent may he the County itself, and the Forms of Note and Notice of Sale
shall be changed accordingly. The Treasurer is authorized and directed to execute the Notes for
the County or to execute the same by causing a facsimile of the Treasurer's signature to he affixrd,
provided that if the facsimile signature is used the Notes MUSA be authenticated by the Paying Agent
named by the Treasurer. The Notes shall be sealed with the County seal or a facsimile of such seal.
808. Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Notes. In the event any Note is mutilated, lost,
stolen or destroyed, the Treasurer may, on behalf of the County, execute and deliver, or order the
Registrar to authenticate and deliver, a new Note having a number not then outstanding, of like date,
maturity and denomination as that mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed.
In the case of a mutilated Note, a replacement Note shall not be delivered unless and until
such mutilated Note is surrendered to the Treasurer or the Registrar designated by the Treasurer. In
the case of a lost, stolen or destroyed Note, a replacement Note shall not be delivered unless and
until the Treasurer and the Registrar shall have received such proof of ownership and loss and in-
demnity as they determine to be sufficient, which shall consist at least of (i) a lost instrument bond
for principal and interest remaining unpaid on the lost, stolen or destroyed Note; (ii) an affidavit
of the registered owner (or his or her attorney) setting forth ownership of the Note lost, stolen or
destroyed and the circumstances under which it was lost, stolen or destroyed; (iii) the agreement of
the owner of the Note (or his or her attorney) to fully indemnify the County and the Registrar against
loss due to the lost, stolen or destroyed Note and the issuance of any replacement Note in connection
with it; and (iv) the agreement of the owner of the Note (or his or her attorney) to pay all expenses
of the County and the Registrar in connection with the replacement, including the transfer and ex-
change costs which otherwise would be paid by the County.
For purposes of this Section, "Registrar" shall be construed to include the paying agent
appointed with respect to any Notes issued in bearer form.
809. Arbitrage Covenant. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution or other
resolutions previously adopted, the County covenants with the purchaser (within the meaning of
Sections 1.103-13, 1.103-14 and 1.103-15 of the Income Tax Regulations prescribed by the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue) of the Notes, that the County will make no use of the proceeds of the Notes
which, if such use had been reasonably expected on the date of issuance of the Notes, would have
caused the Notes to be "arbitrage bonds," as defined in Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954, as amended, and all rules and regulations relating to such Section.
Rate Maturity Date Date of Original issue
The County of Oakland, Michigan (the "County"), acknowledges itself indebted, and for val ue
received, promises to pay on the date specified above to or its registered
assigns shown as the owner of record of this Note on the books of as note
registrar (the "Note Registrar") on the applicable date of record the principal sum of
Dollars, upon presentation and surrender of this note at , together with interest
thereon at the rate per annum specified above payable on April 15, 1986, and -emiannually thereafter
on the fifteenth day of October and April in each year to the registered owner of record by first class
mail. The date of record shall be September 30 with resnect to payments made on October 15, and
March 31 with respect to payments made on April 15.
This note is one of a series of Notes of like date and tenor, except as to maturity
, numbered from I upwards, aggregating the principal sum of Dollars
($ ), issued under and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes
of the State of Michigan and especially Act No. 206 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1893 as amended,
and a certain 1986 Borrowing Resolution (1985 Delinquent Taxes) adopted by the County. The proceeds
of this series of notes will be used to make payments to all taxing units in the County for the 1985
real property taxes returned to the County Treasurer as delinquent on or before March 1, 1986, and
for the purpose of establishing a 1986 Note Reserve Account.
For the payment of the principal of and interest on these notes, the following amounts are
pledged: (1) all of the collections of the 1985 real property taxes due and payable to taxing units
in the County, including the County, which were returned delinquent on March 1, 1986, together with
all interest on such taxes; (2) all of the property tax administration fees on such delinquent taxes,
once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; and (3) any amounts which are received by the County
from the taxing units within the County because of the uncollectability of such delinquent taxes;
and (4) all amounts of delinquent taxes returned to the County on March 1, 1985, 1984 or 1983, sub-
ject to any prior pledge thereof by the County made to secure notes or obligations previously issued.
In the event the foregoing amounts are insufficient for any reason to meet the prompt payment of the
principal of and interest on these notes when due, the moneys in the 1986 Note Reserve Account shall
be used to make such payment.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
In addition, this note is a general obligation of the County secured by its full faith
and credit which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable con-
stitutional and statutory limits, and its general funds. The County, however, does not have the
power to levy any tax for the payment of these notes in excess of its constitutional or statutory
Notes maturing in 1987 and 1988 shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity.
Notes maturing on April 15, 1989, may be redeemed in whole or in part on any date or dates on or
after April 15, 1988, at the option of the County Treasurer at par, plus accrued interest to the
redemption date.
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a note outstanding in a denomination
larger than the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as
the amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations. In the event that Tess than
the entire principal amount of a note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the Note to the
Note Registrar, the Note Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the
note a new note in the principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Notice of redemption shall be sent to the registered holder of each note being redeeeed
by first class mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Any defect
in any notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings. Notes so called for
redemption shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided funds are on hand
with a paying agent to redeem the sane.
This note is transferable on the note registration books of the Note Registrar upon sur-
render of this note together with an assignment executed by the registered owner or his or her duly
authorized attorney in form satisfactory to the Note Registrar. Upon such transfer, one or more
fully registered notes with denominations of $5,000 or any multiple of $1,000 over $5,000, in the
same aggregate principal amount and the same maturity and interest rate, will be issued to the desig-
nated transferee or transferees.
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things requited
to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in connection with the issuance of the note ,. et-
this series, exist, existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as
required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, has caused this note to be executed
in its name with the facsimile signature of its Treasurer, has caused a facsimile of its corporate
seal to be affixed to it, and has caused this note to be certified by the Note Registrar, as the
County's authenticating agent, all as of the Date of Original Issue set forth above.
The undersigned certifies that this note is one of the notes of the issue designated therein issued
pursuant to the Resolution described therein.
as Note Registrar
Authorized Signature
Date of Issuance Maturity Date Rate
The County of Oakland, Michigan (the "County"), acknowledges itself indebted, and for
value received, promises to pay on the date specified above to BEARER the principal sum of
($ ) Dollars, together with interest on the same from
the Date of Issuance set forth above at the Rate per annum specified above payable on maturity.
Both principal of and interest on this note are payable upon presentation and surrender of this
note at (the "Paying Agent").
This note is one of a series of notes of like tenor, except as to date, amount, maturity
and interest rate, numbered from 1 upwards, initially issued in an aggregate amount of
(S ) Dollars, all or part of which amount may from time to
time be renewed at maturity by issuance of new notes of this series, issued under and pursuant to
and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Michigan and especially
Act No. 206 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1893, as amended, and a certain 1986 Borrowing Reso-
lution (1985 Delinquent Taxes) adopted by the County. The proceeds of this note and other notes
of this series will be used to make payments to all taxing units in the County for the 1985 real
property taxes returned to the County Treasurer as delinquent on or before March 1, 1986, for the
purpose of establishing a 1986 Note Reserve Account, and/or for the purpose of providing funds to
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 360
pay principal of other notes of this series on maturity in order to renew the obligations represented
by such notes.
For the payment of the principal of and interest on this note, the following amounts are
pledged (except to the extent previously used to pay principal of and interest on other notes of
this series): (1) all of the collections of the 1985 real property taxes due and payable to taxing
units in the County, including the County which were outstanding and uncollected on March I, 1986,
together with all interest on such taxes; (2) all of the property tax administration fees on such
delinquent taxes, once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; (3) any amounts which are received
by the County from the taxing units within the County because of the unco;lectability of such delin-
quent taxes; are (4) all amounts of delinquent taxes returned to the County on March 1, 1985. 1984
or 1983, subject to any prior pledge thereof by the County made to secure notes or obligations pre-
viously issued. In the event the foregoing amounts are insufficient for any reason to meet the
prompt payment of the principal of and interest on this note when due, the moneys in the 1986 Note
Reserve Account shall be used to make such payment.
In addition, this note is a general obligation of the County secured by its full faith
and credit which shall include the limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable consti-
tutional and statutory limits, and its general funds. The County, however, does not have the power
to levy any tax for the payment of this note in excess of its constitutional or statutory limits.
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required
to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note exist, existed, have
happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and
Statutes of the State of Michigan.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Oakland, Michigan, has caused this note to be executed in
its name with a facsimile signature of its Treasurer and has caused a facsimile of its corporate
seal to be affixed to it, all as of the Date of Issuance set forth above.
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger that Resolution #85312 be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron,
Caddell, Calaadro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. (24)
NAYS: None (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution 035312 was adopted.
Misc. 85313
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Treasurer's Office
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
The County Treasurer, pursuant to Section 87c, Subsection 2, of Act 206, is designated as
Agent for the County, and the County Treasurer and the Treasurer's office shall receive such sums as
are provided in Section 87c, Subsection 3, for the services as Agent for the County and to cover ad-
ministrative expenses.
Mr. Chairperson, or behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff that Resolution 1185313 be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution 1185313 was adopted.
Misc. 85314
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Treasurer's Office
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
If a public sale is held, sealed proposals for the purchase of the Notes approved in the
1986 Borrowing Resolution (1985 Delinquent Taxes) shall be received up to such time as shall later
be determined by the Treasurer, and notice shall be published in accordance with law, once in at
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
least one ot the Bond Buyer, Michigan Investor, or Detroit Legal News, each of which is a publi-
cation printed in the English language and circulated in this State, which carries as a part of
its regular service, notices of sale of municipal bonds. The notice (the "Notice of Sale") shall
be in substantially the form as that attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the Foregoing
G. William Caddell. Chairperson
SEALED BIDS: Sealed bids for the purchase of General Obligation Limited Tax Notes, Series
1986, of the County of Oakland (the "County"), Michigan, of the par value of $
will be received by the undersigned at the office of the County Treasurer,
until Michigan Time, or 1586, at which time they will be publicly
opened and read.
IN THE ALTERNATIVE: Sealed bids will also be received on the same date and until the same
time by an agent of the undersigned at the office of the Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan,
1158 First National Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226, where they will he publicly opened simul-
taneously. Bids opened at Detroit, Michigan, will be read first, followed by the alternate location.
Bidders may choose either location to present bids and good faith checks, but not both locations.
AWARD: The notes will be awarded to the successful bidder at a proceeding conducted by
the County Treasurer approximately thirty minutes after all bids have been opened on that date.
NOTE DETAILS: The notes will be fully registered notes of the denomination of $5,000
each or any multiple of $1,000 over $5,000, as designated by the ourchaser; will bear interest
from their date payable on April 15, 1986, and semiannually thereafter; will be dated December I.
1985; will be numbered from I upward, and will mature serially on April 15 in years and amounts as
PRIOR REDEMPTION: Notes maturing in 1987 and 198 shall not be subject to redemption prior
to maturity. Notes maturing on April 15, 1989, may be redeemed in whole or in part on any date or
dates on or after April 15, 1988, at the option of the County Treasurer at par, plus accrued interest
to the redemption date.
With respect to partial redemptions, any portion of a note outstanding in a denomination
larger that the minimum authorized denomination may be redeemed provided such portion as well as the
amount not being redeemed constitute authorized denominations. in the event that less than the entire
principal amount of a note is called for redemption, upon surrender of the note to the Note Reeistiar,
the Note Registrar shall authenticate and deliver to the registered owner of the note a new note in
the principal amount of the principal portion not redeemed.
Notice of redemption shall be sent by first class mail to the registered holder of each note
being redeemed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Any defect in any
notice shall not affect the validity of the redemption proceedings. Notes so called for redemption
shall not bear interest after the date fixed for redemption provided funds are on hand with a payinn
agent to redeem the same.
INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS. The notes will hear interest from their d.oe .11 ,
or rates specified by the successful bidder, not exceeding % per annum, expressed in alt tile
of 1/8 or 1/20 of 1%, or any combination thereof. Interest on the notes of any maturity shall be at
one rate only, and the difference between the highest and lowest rate of interest hid shall not ex-
ceed four percent (4%). A discount of not to exceed2', may be bid on the notes.
selected as Note Registrar for the rotes. The Note Registrar will keep records of the registered
holders of the notes, serve as transfer agents for the notes, authenticate the original and any re-
issued notes and will pay principal and interest to the registered holders of the notes as shown on
the records on the applicable date of record. The date of record shall be September 30 with respect
to payments made on October 15, and March 31 with respect to payments made on April 15.
PURPOSE: The notes are issued for the purpose of establishing the 1002 Tax Payment Fund
of the County for the 1985 tax year and for the purpose of establishing a S 1986 Note Reserve
PRIMARY SECURITY: The notes are primarily secured by: (1) all of the collections of the
1985 real property taxes due and payable to taxing units in the County, including the County, which
were returned delinquent on March 1, 1986, together with all interest thereon; (2) all of the property
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 362
tax administration fees on such delinquent taxes, once the expenses of borrowing have been paid; and
(3) any amounts which are received by the County from the taxing units within the County because of
ihe uncollectability ot such delinquent taxes; and (4) all amounts ut delinquent taxies returned to
the County on March 1, 1985, 1984 or 1983, subject to any prior pledge thereof by the County made to
secure notes or obligations previously issued.
NOTE RESERVE ACCOUNT: In the event the primary security is insufficient to meet the prompt
payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on these notes when due, for any reason,
the moneys in the 1986 Note Reserve Account shall be used to make such payment. All moneys in the
1986 Note Reserve Account shall be used solely for payment of principal of and interest on the notes
or for the purchase of notes for which the fund was established. Moneys in the 1986 Note Reserve
Account shall be withdrawn first for payment of principal of and interest on the note, before other
County general funds are used to make the payments. When the 1986 Note Reserve Account is sufficient
to retire the notes and accrued interest thereon, it may be used for purchase of such notes on the
market, or, if notes are not available, to retire notes when due.
general obligation of the County, secured by its full faith and credit, which shall include the
limited tax obligation of the County, within applicable constitutional and statutory limits, and
(The following paragraphs are optional and will be inserted in the Notice of Sale if Ihe
note issue qualifies for insurance or is submitted to a rating agency for a rating.)
NOTE INSURANCE: has issued a commitment for municipal hond
insurance covering the notes. All bids shall be conditioned upon the issuance effective as of the
date on which the notes are issued, of a policy of insurance by guaranteeing the payment of principal
and interest on the notes. Each note will bear a legend referring to the insurance. The purchaser,
holder or owner is not authorized to make any statement regarding the insurance beyond those set out
here and in the note legend.
RATING: The County has applied for a rating of the Notes from
No application was made to any other rating agency for the purpose of obtaining an additional rating
of the Notes. The rating has not yet been assigned, as of the date of this Notice of Sale, although
the County expects that the rating will be available in advance of the sale date.
AWARD OF THE NOTES: For the purpose of awarding the notes, the interest cost of each bid
will be computed by determining, at the rate specified therein, the total dollar amount of all in-
terest on the notes from , 1986, to their maturity and deducting therefrom any
premium or adding thereto any discount. The notes will he awarded to the bidder whose bid on the
above computation produces the lowest interest to the County. No proposal for less than of
par, nor less than all the notes, will be considered. Each bidder, For the convenience of the County,
shall state in his bid the net interest cost to the County, computed in the manner above specified.
GOOD FAITH: A certified check, cashier's check or bank money order in the amount of 27; of
the par value of the notes drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the order
of the County Treasurer must accompany each bid as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the biddei ,
to be forfeited as liquidated damages if such bid is accepted and the bidder fails to take up and pay
for the notes. No interest will be allowed on good faith deposits. The good faith check of the
winning bidder will be promptly cashed, and the amount received therefor will be credited against
the purchase price as of the date of delivery. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be promptly re-
turned to each bidder's representative or returned by registered mail. In the event the notes can-
not be issued or delivered for any reason, the County will pay back to the successful bidder the
principal amount of the good faith check without interest.
LEGAL OPINION: Bids shall be conditioned upon the unqualified approving opinion of Dykema,
Gossett, Spencer, Goodnow & Trigg, attorneys of Detroit, Michigan, approving the legality of the
notes, a copy of which will be printed on each note, and the original of the opinion will be de-
livered without expense to the purchaser of the notes at the delivery of the notes.
DELIVERY OF NOTES: The County will furnish notes ready for execution at its expense at
Detroit, Michigan, or any mutually agreeable place. The usual documents, including a certificate
that no litigation is pending, affecting the issuance of the notes, will be delivered at the time
of delivery of the notes. If the notes are not tendered for delivery by twelve o'clock noon,
Michigan Time, on the 45th day following the date of sale, or the first business day thereafter,
if said 45th day is not a business day, the successful bidder may on that day, or any time thereafter
until delivery of the notes, withdraw his proposal by serving notice of cancellation on the under-
signed, in writing, in which event the County shall promptly return the good faith deposit. Pay-
ment for the notes shall be made in Federal Reserve funds. Accrued interest to the date of delivery
of the notes shall be paid by the purchaser at the time of delivery.
CUSIP NUMBERS: Cusip numbers have been applied for and will be printed on the notes al
the expense of the County. The printing of incorrect Cusip numbers or the failure to print the
Cosi') numbers on the notes shall not constitute cause for the purchaser to refuse delivery of the
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Further information may be obtained from the Oakland County
Treasurer at the address specified above or from John R. Axe or James Van Loozen at Municipal
Financial Consultants Incorporated, 400 Tower, Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan 48243, telephone
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, l985
number (313) 568-5410.
ENVELOPES: Envelopes containing the bids should be plainly marked "Proposal for General
Obligation Limited Tax Notes."
C. Hugh Dohany
Oakland County Treasurer
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn that Resolution 085314 he adopted.
AYES: Page, Perinoft, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution .1185314 was adopted.
Misc. 85315
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on Miscellaneous Resolution 085294 allo-
cated to cities townships and villages the $2.8 million millage reduction fund, prorated on the basis
of the 1982 State of Michigan Tax Commission mandated increase in residential assessed values; and
WHEREAS it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners that these Funds be utilized by
the local units of government for programs or projects of their choice, providing that all such uses
conform to the Michigan Laws governing the use of county funds; and
WHEREAS there exists various Michigan statutes which allow counties to provide service ,. to
local units of government or to participate in projects with local units of government; and
WHEREAS state statutes or regulations or present practice define appropriate financial
mechanisms for the disbursement or utilization of county funds.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners establishes the
following procedures for the review, approval and release of funds allocated to cities, townships and
villages on Miscellaneous Resolution 85294:
1) The local units of government, after consultation with their commissioner(s), will sun-
mit their desired programs or projects to the Oakland Count,: Board of Commissioners.
2) Each project request will be forwarded to the Corporation Counsel for determination of
the legality of county fiscal participation. Projects in conformance with state statutes will he
approved and forwarded to the Department of Management and Budget.
3) The county's fiscal officer, as defined in the General Appropriations Act, Miscel-
laneous Resolution #84230, shall determine the appropriate method of fiscal participation by the
county and shall approve the vouchers for disbursement or recommend to the Board of Commissioners
whatever other appropriate action may be necessary.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85316
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS according to normal grant procedures, the Finance Committee has reviewed said
funding agreement renewal application and referred its report to the Health and Human Resources
Committee; and
364 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed in the amount of $1,609,443
lor Ihe period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS this agreement in the amount of $1,609,443 is funded by the Michigan Department
of Public Health, Office of Substance Abuse Services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
County Executive's Office to apply For Substance Abuse funding agreement renewal application in the
amount of S1,609,443 to be funded by the Michigan Department of Public Health.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Report to the Health and Human Resources Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - 1985-86 Substance Abuse Grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant and finds:
I) This is an on-going grant in the twelfth (12th) year,
2) The grant covers a period of October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986,
3) Funding is in the amount of $1,609,443 consistent with the attached Schedule I,
4) County funding for the same period is in the amount of $577,5 1 2,
5) All personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee,
6) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foreuoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Health and Human Resources Committee,
in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application pro-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Susan Kuhn supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85301
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee recently reviewed a package of recommendations from the
Fringe Benefit Study Committee related to revisions in several fringe benefits including revisions
which will reduce and eventually eliminate the present escalating liability for banked sick leave
days and which provide for the addition of an improver' short term and a new long term disability
income insurance plan; and
WHEREAS the recommendations also provided for the addition of two positions in the
Personnel Department to continue coordination of future fringe benefit reviews, monitor new in-
surance coverages on a continuing basis, and serve as the principal source of employee information
on fringe benefits; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee approved the recommendations for the fringe benefit
revisions but decided to separate the recommendations and review the addition of the two positions
at a later date; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has recently given its support to the Fringe Benefit
Review Committee to review additional fringe benefit areas including health and dental care, em-
compassing cost containment efforts as well as benefit provisions, and has also reviewed the recom-
mendations regarding staff for fringe benefit administration and supports the addition of staff for
this purpose as being cost effective.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one Personnel Technician I position be established for
immediate effect in the Administration Unit of the Employee Relations Division, Personnel Department.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85301 and finds:
I) The Personnel Department requests that one (1) Personnel Technician I position he
established in the Employee Relations Division-Administration unit to continue coordination of
future fringe benefit reviews, monitor new insurance coverages on a continuing basis, and serve
as the principal source of employee information on fringe benefits,
2) The Finance Committee recommends that one (1) contractual part-time, non-eligible
Personnel Technician I Position be established in the Employee Relations Division-Administration
Unit for said purpose,
3) The 1985 cost of said position for the period November 9 through December 31 is $3,225
for salary, consistent with the attached schedule,
4) $3,225 is available in Contingency to fund one (1) part-time, non-eligible Personnel
Technician 1 position for the remainder of 1985 (November 9 through December 31, 1985), said funds
to be transferred to the Personnel Department Budget-Employee Relations Division as follows:
909-01-00-5900 Contingency $(3,225)
155-01-00-1001 Salaries Regular 3,225
5) Funds for the balance of the six (6) months will be included in the 1586 budget.
The Finance Committee recommends that Miscellaneous Resolution #85301 be amended by deleting
the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph and substituting the following new paragraphs:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (I) contractual part-time, non-eligible
Personnel Technician 1 position be established in the Employee Relations Division-
Administration Unit.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Department shall report to the Finance
Committee after four (4) months regarding the effectiveness of this position,
giving their recommendation as to how this program should be handled on a
permanent basis.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Gosling the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted.
Moved by Calandro supported by Olsen the resolution be amended, as recommended in the Fiscal
Note (Delete the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph and substitute the following paragraphs:)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one (1) contractual part-time non-eligible Personnel
Technician I position be established in the Employee Relations Division-Administration Unit.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Department shall report to the Finance Committee
after four (4) months regarding the effectiveness of this position, giving their recommendation, as
to how this program should be handled on a permanent basis."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended (with Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
Moved by Calandro supported by McDonald the rules be suspended for consideration of a new
resolution entitled "Sheriff Department - Staffing for "D" Building and "L" Building."
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling. Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lann, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, PerniLk,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Misc. 85317
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Sheriff Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS two new jail satellite facilities under construction to achieve compliance are on
schedule for occupancy with "D" Building to open January 1, 1986 and "L" Building to open February i,
1986; and
WHEREAS approximately half of the additional new personnel required to operate the new
facilities should be appointed on December 2, 1985 in order to provide a minimum of thirty days
training required to adequately orient new employees to jail operations; and
WHEREAS it will be necessary to upgrade two (2) existing Corrections positions to Sergeant
in order to provide adequate supervision in each of the new facilities.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that fifteen (15) Sheriff Service Agent positions be creoted
in the Corrections Division of the Sheriff's Department effective December 2, 1985; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two (2) Deputy I-Corrections positions be upgraded to Serg 'ant-
Corrections; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff and Personnel Department coordinate appointments
to these positions so that no position is filled earlier than 3D days prior to the date of occupancy
for "D" Building.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff Department - Staffing for "D" Building and "L" Building
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the Miscellaneous
Resolution and finds:
1) The Sheriff's Department, in order to reduce overcrowding in the jail, is scheduled
to open two new satellite facilities, "D" Building on January 1, 1986 and "L" Building on February 1,
2) Fifteen (15) Sheriff Service Agent positions, approximateiyone-half of the total nen/
personnel required to open the new facilities, should be appointed no later than December 2, 1985
in order to provide a minimum of thirty days training to adequately orientate the new employees to
jail operations,
3) Positions #3080 and #3081 should be upgraded from Deputy 1 to Sergeant, to provide
supervision for the new facilities,
4) This program change will increase the Sheriff Department's 1985 Budget by $34,330
(see attached schedule I) requiring the following transactions:
4-10100-433-10-00-1001 Salaries $21,076
-2074 Fringe Benefits 7,494
-3774 Uniform Replacement 5,760
Total $17,-I30
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Conti-nency (34,330)
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Calandro supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Calandro suuported by Hassberger the resolution be amended to add funding of
$34,330 for these positions.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kohn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (26)
NAYS: Wilcox. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Misc. 85318
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Oakland/Pontiac Airport
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 84232 the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
approved a Federal Aviation Administration Grant Agreement, Project No. 3-26-0079-0284, for sur-
face treatment for Runway 9R-27L at the Oakland/Pontiac Airport; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is in receipt of a Michigan Aeronautics Commission Grant
Agreement in the amount of $25,200.00 for this same project; and
WHEREAS the County's match is in the form of reimbursement for land previously purchd ,,ed
and no additional County funds are required; and
WHEREAS the Airport Committee has reviewed and approved the Grant subject to ratification
by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and believe it to be in the County's interest to accept
the Grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the
grant award, Project No. 3-26-0079-0284, in the amount of $25,200.00 from the Michigan Aeronautics
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is hereby autho-
rized to execute the Grant Agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
, Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law. McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85319
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 641 of Public Acts of 1978, Solid Waste Management Act, offers for local units
of government the opportunity to develop and implement solid waste management plans; and
WHEREAS a plan was approved by this Oakland County Board of Commissioners and by the requi-
site number of municipalities in the County; and
WHEREAS the Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources approved the County
plan on July 28, 1983; and
WHEREAS Act 641 provides for 80% state matching payments for plan preparation and imple-
mentation to the extent state funding is available; and
WHEREAS approximately $49,011 in state funds is available to Oakland County for fiscal
year 1985-86; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland, in the process of implementing the plan needs certain con-
sulting engineering services as outlined in the attached work program; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland will need to supplement the state grant for activities de-
scribed in the work program with 20111 ($12,253) in local funds; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland must execute the attached Contract with the State Department
of Natural Resources not later than December 2, 1985 to receive fiscal year 1985-86 state planning
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby autho-
rized the Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Executive to execute the necessary contract
between the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the County of Oakland to receive fiscal year
1985-86 grant funds as provided in the Solid Waste Management Act 641 of Public Acts of 1978.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Executive is further authorized to make
reasonable changes to the work program during the course of the study or if required for state approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon State approval of the contract between the Michigan De-
partment of Natural Resources and the County of Oakland and also the work program, the Chairperson
of the Board of Commissioners and the Oakland County Executive are hereby authorized and directed to
execute the attached Agreement for consulting engineering services by and between the County of
Oakland and Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1585 368
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for these consulting engineering services
shall not exceed $61,264.00.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division - Solid Waste Management Act 641 Grant for Solid Waste
Management Planning - Fiscal Year 1985-86 and Consulting Engineering Contract
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 05319 and finds:
1) Oakland County's Solid Waste Management Plan was approved by the Michigan Department
of Natural Resources on July 28, 1983,
2) Act 641 provides for 8(n, State matching payments for plan preparation and implementation
to the extent State funding is available,
3) The proposed cost for consulting engineering activities for the augmentation of Solid
Waste Generation Rates is $61,264 for the fiscal year 1985-1986, $49,011 or 80Z State Grant match,
and $12,253 or 20% County match as shown on the attached schedule.
4) Funds for consulting fees are included in the 1985 and 1986 budget,
5) The following 1986 budget amendment is necessary to increase revenues in the amount
of $49,011 to be reimbursed by the State Department of Natural Resources upon execution of a con-
tract no later than December 2, 1985.
3-10100-142-02-2188 Sewer, Water & Solid Waste Revenue $49,011
4-10100-909-0l-9900 Contingency 49,011
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) was
Misc. 85320
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Drainage Board for the Mainland Drain under Chapter 20 of Act 40 of the Public
Acts of 1956 is charged with the construction of the Meinland Drain; and
WHEREAS the Mainland Drain is to be located upon property owned by the County of Oakland;
WHEREAS it is necessary that the County of Oakland grant a right of way to the Mainland
Drainage District for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commis-
sioners be and the same is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement granting a right
of way for the Mainland Drain.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Hobart supported by Susan Kuhn the agenda be corrected by changing the ti[Ie iron
"Department of Central Services-Facilities Engineering Division-Mainland Drain ROW" to read "Drain
Office - MAINLAND DRAIN RIGHT OF WAY". This change will more correctly identify the department
handling the resolution. There were no objections to the correction.
Vote on resolution;
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lannt, Law,
McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (25)
NAYS: None'. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85305
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the South Oakland Health Building does not currently have any type of security; and
WHEREAS this building contains controlled substances and other valuable property which
should be protected from break-ins and fire; and
WHEREAS your Planning and Building Committee has reviewed this problem and recommends that
an electronic security system be installed to protect County property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $6,625.00 be and is hereby allocated to the Department
of Central Services to cover the cost of the electronic security equipment needed to protect the
South Oakland Health Building.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Safety Division - Funding for Installation of Security Alarm System for South Oakland Health
Building (Miscellaneous Resolution 1'85305)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85305 and finds $6,625 is available in Contingency to fund installation of a security
alarm system for the South Oakland Health Building.
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(6,625)
4-22100-162-01-00-5998 Misc. Capital Outlay 6 ,625
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution (with positive Fiscal Note attached) be
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. McConnell,
McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandra. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with positive Fiscal Note
attached) was adopted.
Misc. 85321
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Friend of the Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement
Program Contract Application - Friend of the Court; and
WHEREAS this is the fifteenth year of a continuing grant; and
WHEREAS the 1986 contract process incorporates several modifications in response to pro-
visions of Title IV-D Federal regulations, including the combination of ADC and Non-ADC 1V-D funding
and the elimination of Non-ADC Title IV-0 quarterly reimbursement; and
WHEREAS the 1986 application incorporates these modifications and ensures that 1986 State
funding will not be reduced from the 1985 level as a result of these modifications; and
WHEREAS total Title 1V-D program funding for the 1986 contract is $3,860,795, of which
$571,950 represents service fees, with the balance ($3,288,845) Funded by the State ($2,611,130-79;)
and by the County ($677,7l5 -2 1 2) consistent with the attached schedules; and
370 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee recommends filing of said application.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves
the filing of the 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Contract Application - Friend of the Court.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Schedules A and a on file in County Clerk's Office.
Report to Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Friend of the Court - 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Contract Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Contract
Application - Friend of the Court and finds:
1) This is the fifteenth year of a continuing grant contract under the Social Security
Act Title IV for the purpose of enforcement of child support payments,
2) This contract covers the period January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986,
3) The 1986 contract incorporates several modifications, including the combination of ADC
and Non-AOC 1V-D Funding and the elimination of Non-ADC Title IV-D reimbursement,
4) The 1386 Application ensures that 1986 State funding will not be reduced from the 1985
level as a result of these modifications, consistent with the "hold Harmless" provision of the newly
issued Department of Social Services' regulations,
5) The total Title IV-D program funding for the 1986 contract is $3,860,795, of which
$571,950 represents service fees, with the balance ($3,288,845) funded by the State ($2,611,130 -79')
and by the County ($677,715-21%), consistent with the attached schedules,
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I recommend acceptance of the foregoing
report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee in accor-
dance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised Federal and State Grant Application Procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Law the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
McDonald, Moffitt, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85322
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Animal Control Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissinners by Miscellaneous Resolution #81334, dated
September 17, 1981, established the dog pick up fee at a graduated rate of $20.00 first offense,
$30.00 second offense, and $50.00 third offense in a twelve-month year effective December 1, 1981; and
WHEREAS the pick up fee has not been revised in four years; and
WHEREAS the cast Co the County for damages to persons and property caused by dogs has in-
creased substantially in the past few years; and
WHEREAS the pick up and transporting costs for impounded dogs by the Oakland County Animal
Control Division has increased substantially in the past few years.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish the Oakland County Animal Control Division doe pick up fee to be at a graduated rate of
$25.00 first offense, $35.00 second offense, and $50.00 third offense in a twelve-month year effective
December 1, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the revised rate schedule be posted conspicuously at all
locations selling dog licenses.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
Moffitt, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra Fortino. (21)
NAYS: Olsen. (1)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85323
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's
Department to enter into contract agreements with townships and/or cities for the purpose of Law En-
forcement Patrol Service; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #84049 estab-
lished the standard annual cost of $53,613 per deputy for the contract period April 1, 1985 through
March 31, 1986; and
WHEREAS the City of Rochester Hills wishes to enter into such an agreement for the addition
of three (3) full time deputies for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Service for the three (3)
month period January 1, 1986 through March 31, 1986 and renewable annually thereafter at rates estab-
lished by this Board.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Sheriff to enter into an agreement with the City of
Rochester Hills for the addition of three (3) deputies for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol
Services at the annual cost of $53,613 for the three month period January 1, 1986 through March 31,
1986, consistent with the terms of the attached agreement.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt,
Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Boyon, Fortino, Gosling. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
The Chairperson stated the roll call had been taken in error and the Resolution should be
referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections to the Referral.
Misc. 85307
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: EMS and Disaster Control Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 7865,
7971 and 8664 accepted federal grants to defray a portion of the costs in purchasing sirens to be
utilized within the Oakland County Tornado Warning System; and
WHEREAS the County share of the costs will remain at twenty-five percent a. has been the
policy previously established by the Board of Commissioners by various Miscellaneous Resolutions
whereby local units pay seventy-five percent and the County twenty-five percent with the County
being responsible for the maintenance and electrical costs for the sirens purchased; and
WHEREAS the City of Ferndale, per the attached Purchase Agreements, has requested to par-
ticipate in the Siren System; and
WHEREAS the City of Ferndale has agreed to pay seventy-five percent of the total estimated
cost of one siren, and the modification of five sirens, and
WHEREAS consistent with the attached standard agreements, the City of Ferndale agrees that
Oakland County will retain ownership of the siren and modification equipment and will be responsible
for the maintenance of and electrical costs for the siren and the maintenance for the modification
equipment purchased under this agreement.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
appropriation of $3,088.00 consistent with the attached budget as Oakland County's match.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the expenditure of this appropriation is contingent upon the
execution of the attached written agreement between the County and the City of Ferndale.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be and is hereby authorized to execute said
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public
Services Committee by the Manager of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control Division and
to the balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 372
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: EMS/Disaster Control Division - Tornado Warning System Expansion - City of Ferndale
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85307)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellar .ous
Resolution #85307 and finds:
I) The City of Ferndale has requested participation in the siren system through purchase
of one (1) tornado siren,
2) Estimated cost of the siren is $12,352, of which $9,264 (75) is the City of Ferndale
share and $3,088 (25Z.) is County share,
3) Consistent with past agreements, the County will retain ownership or ihe mid will
be responsible for maintenance and electrical costs for the sirens,
4) $3,088 is available in Contingency, said funds to transferred to the Disaster Control
unit tine-item for Capital Outlay as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(3,088)
177-05-00-5998 Capital Outlay 3,088
5) Further, the Finance Committee finds that costs for maintenance contracts and electricity
will be ongoing (annual).
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moure, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fort;no, Gosling, Hassberger. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached)
was adopted.
Mr. Wilcox stated that items listed as "e" through "o" under Public Services Committee on
the agenda are for the Economic Development Division Projects and are similar; therefore he requested,
if there were no objections, that Mr. Lanni read all the above numbered resolutions, and then he
would accept a motion and support for the adoption of all the resolutions as a group. There were
no objections to Mr. Wilcox's request.
Misc. 85324
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Ihure exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects io alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployement, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in this County
through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Mark T. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a
Project Area and Project District Area for its approval;
1. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC to
this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2) That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted to
commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3) That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, a
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Project Citizens District coun ciishall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4) That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James Edward Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85325
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and Pro-
ject District Area for a project (Mark T. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. Project) under the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act");
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County of
Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in con-
nection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
I. The appointments of Loren D. Riley and E. James Houston, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended. Loren
D. Riley and E. James Houston shall cease to serve when the project for which they are appointed is
either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85326
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in this
County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion)Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a
Project Area and Project District Area for its approval;
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area, a Pro-
ject Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
374 Connissioners Minutes Contiru•d. November 7, 1985
Misc. 85327
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion) Project) under the Econ-
omic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the
"Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, In accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
I. The appointments of Christopher L. Rose and Beth Dumala, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Christopher L. Rose and Beth Dumala shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are ap-
pointed 15 either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85328
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enter-
prises in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location
and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and
its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigar Public
Acts of 1974, as amended (the ''Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"): and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a pro-
ject (George Papadelis Project) and has designated to Clis Board of Commissioners a Project Area
and Project District Area for its approval;
1. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the
EDC to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Pro-
ject Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is
devoted to commercial/industriai uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and
boundaries coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents,
real property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District
Area, a Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies
of this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
Misc. 85329
By Public Services Conmittee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Director,
of the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (George Papadelis Project) under the Economic Development Cor-
porations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Developwni Colpnrdlion in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of Ow Act;
1. The appointments of William C. Offer and Philip Sanzica, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
William C. Offer and Philip Sanzica shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are ap-
pointed is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committe, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85330
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and
prevent conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enter-
prises in order to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location
and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and
its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public
Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in
this County through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EDC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a pro-
ject (Incoe Corporation Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project Area
and Project District Area for its approval.
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents,
real property owners, or representatives of establishments located within the Project District Area,
a Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E.Lanni, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 376
Misc. 85331
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commi.,,,ioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board of Directors
of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and Pro-
ject District Area for a Project (lncoe Corporation Project) under the Economic Development Cerpo-
rations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation ii
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
1. The appointments of J. Calvin Walters and Harry Kirk, who are representative of
neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
J. Calvin Walters and Harry Kirk shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are appointed
is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan therefor.
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copie ,, of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85332
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS there exists in the County of Oakland the need for projects to alleviate and prevent
conditions of unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises in order
to strengthen and revitalize the County's economy and to encourage the location and expansion of such
enterprises to provide needed services and facilities to the County and its residents; and
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1974, as amended (the 'Act) provides a means for the encouragement of such projects in this County
through the County's Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC"); and
WHEREAS the EOC has commenced proceedings under the Act for the benefit of such a project
(Herbert Chernick Project) and has designated to this Board of Commissioners a Project Area and Pro-
ject District Area for its approval;
I. The Project Area, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, as designated by the EDC
to this Board be and is hereby certified as approved.
2. That, it having been determined that the territory surrounding said designated Project
Area will not be significantly affected by the Project because the surrounding territory is devoted
to commercial/industrial uses, a Project District Area having the same description as and boundaries
coterminous with the Project Area herein certified as approved be hereby established.
3. That, it having been determined that there are less than eighteen (18) residents, real
property owners, or representatives of establishments l ocated within the Project District Area, a
Project Citizens District Council shall not be formed pursuant to Section 20(b) of the Act.
4. That the County Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Jaws E. Chdil
'Misc. 85333
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners has received a resolution from the Board or Directors
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland designating a Project Area and
Project District Area for a project (Herbert Chernick Project) under the Economic Development
Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS it is necessary to confirm the appointment by the County Executive of the County
of Oakland of two additional directors to the Board of said Economic Development Corporation in
connection with said Project, in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Act;
I. The appointments of Timothy J. Palulian and Richard M. Olsen, who are representative
of neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by said Project, to the Board
of Directors of The Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland are hereby confirmed
in accordance with Section 4(2) of Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended.
Timothy J. Palulian and Richard M. Olson shall cease to serve when the Project for which they are
appointed is either abandoned or, if undertaken, is completed in accordance with the Project Plan
2. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed,
but only to the extent of such conflict.
3. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of tnis
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the Economic Development Corporation.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Misc. 85334
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the "EDC") recom-
mended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic Development
Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the "Act") for the
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project (the "Project Plan") and this Board
of Commissioners approved the Project Plan following a public hearing; and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based upon its deter-
minations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate thc purposes of the Act, that
the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the requirements of Section
8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in the management of the
project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County Board of Commissioner's
approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience to manage the plan properly,
and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible and a bond purchaser's comlitment
has been obtained; and
WHEREAS the Project Plan has been amended to increase the amount estimated as necessary to
construct the Project and the amount of bonds to be issued to finance the Project, and a copy of
the Project Plan as so amended is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Amended Project Plan); and
WHEREAS on November 7, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to consider
whether the Amended Project Plan constitutes a public purpose is contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of thr
Amended Project Plan, has determined that the Amended Project Plan does constitute a public purpo-.r;
1. The Amended Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby
determined to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Amended Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to implement
the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of this
resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by 'James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Exhibit A on file in County Clerk's Office.
Moved by Lanni supported by Nelson that all resolutions listed under Economic Development
Group (items "e" through "o" on the agenda) be adopted.
378 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (27)
NAYS: None (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Economic Development Resolutions (Nos.
85324, 85325, 85326, 85327, 85328, 85329, 85330, 85331, 85332, 85333 and 85334) were adopted.
Misc. 85335
By Roy Rewold
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the State of Michigan, pursuant to Public Act 303 and Public Act 485 of 1980,
has developed a comprehensive plan for future regional correctional facilities; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections has indicated a need for the construction
of a regional prison in Oakland County by 1988 which will require specific site selection in 1985; and
WHEREAS the Department of Corrections is recommending that 92.16 acres in Orion Toomship
be designated for the proposed State Prison site; and
WHEREAS this location does not meet with any of the principle tenets of the "Program State-
ment for the Regional Prototype Facility" which the State Department of Corrections instructed be used
as the basis for site selection (attached); and
WHEREAS the Orion site does not meet three of the five "important" criteria and does not
meet any of the five criteria designated as "desirable" by the State Department of Corrections (see
attached); and
WHEREAS the State-funded consultant's study which recommended the Orion B site did not
address that several local churches and the Township's only senior and junior high schools were
within close proximity to the proposed prison site and did not address the cost of Lonstructine
1.5 mites of waterline to this site which is estimated to be in excess of $1.6 million; lnd
WHEREAS the only fire protection available to this facility would be provided by volunteers
whose station is located more than 2 miles from the proposed site; and
WHEREAS the consultants report to the State includes many inconsistencies such as a
description of Lapeer Road on Page 15 as a "moderately traveled, 4-lane highway" and on Page 27
as "heavily traveled, divided highway"; and
WHEREAS the consultant's scoring is inconsistent and uses criteria such as ease of ex-
pansion which is in direct conflict with the State's principle premise of providing smaller prisons
in population centers; and
WHEREAS if the scoring were done in a consistent manner, consideration would have been
given to the development costs of the Orion site, environmental impact on the Oakland County and
Orion B sites, neighborhood character of the Orion B site and the fire protection capabilities of
the Auburn Hills and Orion B sites, and would have resulted in the following total scores: Auburn
Hills, -4; Oakland County, +10, and Orion 8, +3 (see attached).
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
reject the Department of Corrections' recommendation of the Orion B site for the proposed State
Prison location.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Commissioner, District 1116
Moved by Rewold supported by Webb the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of
the resolution.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen,Page, Periroff,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn. (19)
NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Mayon, Fortino, Hassberger, (8)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Moved by Rewold supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (18)
NAYS: McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino. (81
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
By Robert W. Page and Nancy McConnell
IN RE: District Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the net cost of operating the various district courts is becoming in ever-increasing
financial burden for the counties or local units of government designated as the district court con -
trol units; and
WHEREAS, at present, portions of the revenues generated by the district courts are allo-
cated to public libraries, local units of government which are not designated as district court
control units, and the State of Michigan to defray the expense of certain state programs; and
WHEREAS the state court of appeals decision in the case of Saginaw Public Libraries verses
The Judges of the 70th District Court has added considerable confusion to the process of determining
penal fines versus court costs and, as a consequence of this decision, the calculation of penal fines
has been left to the discretion of the judiciary thus, in some cases, diverting additional revenues
to the public libraries; and
WHEREAS these revenue diversions increase the annual net deficit in the various district
court operations which must be born by the designated court control units.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports legis-
lative amendments to existing statutes which would:
1) allocate to the district court control units, which bear the net costs of the (owl
operations, all of the revenues currently distributed to county and/or local units of government;
2) allocate to the district court control units all of the fines and costs currently
being diverted to the State of Michigan to defray the expenses of state operated programs;
3) clearly define by statute the method of calculating penal fines which are due to the
public libraries versus court costs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs its legis-
lative agent and other support staff to work with state senators and representatives from Oakland
County to have appropriate legislation drafted and introduced.
Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Robert W. Page, Commissioner District #I3
Nancy McConnell, Commissioner District q23
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objection--
Misc. 35337
By Robert W. Page
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 170 of the Public Act of 1974 amended the Michigan Drain Code to authorize
the Board of Commissioners to combine various public works powers, duties, and functions into one
county department headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner; and
WHEREAS the Public Works Commissioner shall be elected in the same manner and for the
same term as the Drain Commissioner and shall carry out the powers and duties of the Drain Com-
WHEREAS the combination of the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer. Water
and Solid Waste, excluding the solid waste functions of that Di ,/ision, with the Drain Commiscinner
into one county department headed by a Public Works Commissioner would promote more effective use
of County personnel and funds, and thereby benefit the taxpayers of Oakland County
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners calls a public
hearing to be held on the 21st day of November, 1985 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time [0 consider
the question of the combination of the powers, duties and functions of the Drain Commissioner and the
water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste, excluding the solid ..4aste
functions of that Division, into one county department headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner,
pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of 1974.
I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Robert W. Page, Commissioner District #13
G. William Caddell, James E. Lanni, Roy Rewold,
Susan Kuhn, Richard R. Wilcox, David Moffitt.
Marilynn E. Gosling, W. A. Hassberger, Anne M. Hobart,
James A. Doyon, Dorothy M. Webb, Betty Fortino,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Dennis M. Aaron. Walter Moore,
Ralph H. Nelson, Ruel E. McPherson, Richard G. Skarritt,
Lawrence R. Pernick, Alexander C. Perinoff,
John P. Calandro, Nancy McConnell
Moved by Page supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Planning and Building Committee and the
General Government Committee. There were no objections.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985 380
Misc. 85338
By Susan G. Kuhn
IN RE: Probate Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 117A(4) of PA 87 of 1978 as amended, provides for fifty percent (50 )
reimbursement by the State for County CCF expenditures; and
WHEREAS in 1981 the State Legislature capped the State CCF appropriation, forcing Counties
to accept County CCF expenditure caps based on their individual 1979 through 1980 expenditure levels;
WHEREAS no increases were granted in the State CCF appropriation in 1981 through 1982 and
1982 through 1983 and subsequent increases have been inadequate to reimburse Counties at the fifty
percent (50%) level provided in the statute; and
WHEREAS inflation, increases in foster care rates and institutional per diem rates have
substantially increased CCF expenditures since the cap was established; and
WHEREAS a supplemental appropriation of 1.4 million added to the 1984 through 1985 State
CCF appropriation would enable all Counties to receive approximately fifty percent (502') reimburse-
ment for 1984 through 1985 CCF expenditure (even those over cap); and
WHEREAS Michigan Association of Counties, urges our State Legislature to enact a supple-
mental appropriation to the 1984 through 1985 State CCF of at least 1.4 million; and
WHEREAS Michigan Association of Counties, urges our State Legislature to support and enact
future State CCF appropriation increases sufficient to reimburse Counties at fifty percent (50%) for
all CCF expenditures; and
WHEREAS without a supplemental allocation Oakland County will fall $1,232,029 short of a
fifty percent (50%) match of our Child Care Fund Budget (as of August, 1985);
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland urges the adoption of a supplemental
appropriation of $1,400,000 to allow a distribution of a frill fifty percent (50"4) match of County
expenditures for child care.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Susan G. Kuhn, Commissioner District '12
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee and the
Health and Human Resources Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85339
By Richard G. Skarritt and Robert W. Page
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has not been able to renew its Public Officials Liability
Policy which protected County officials and employees against civil actions for any alleged error
or mis-statement or act or omission or neglect or breach of duty including misfeasance, malfeasance,
or nonfeasance, in the discharge of their duties; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland may not be able to renew its primary coverage under the Broad
Form Comprehensive General Liability Policy which includes all elected and appointed officials and
employees as named insured; and
WHEREAS the County Administration has taken action to protect the County Judges by pur-
chasing a separate Judicial Professional Liability Policy; and
WHEREAS the County Employee Benefits description section of the public Merit System booklet
indicates that the County will provide personal injury coverage for all employees as named insured
on the County policies; and
WHEREAS 1964 PA 170, as amended, authorized indemnification of public officer , and
employees while acting on behalf of the County within the scope of their authority.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that whenever a claim is made or a civil action is commenced
against an officer or employee of the County of Oakland for injuries to persons or proptrty allegedly
caused by the officer or employee while acting within the scope of his or her authority, the County
shall pay for, engage or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the officer or employee as to
the claim and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action. The County may
compromise, settle and pay the claim before or after the commencement of a civil action. Whenever
a judgment for damages is awarded against an officer or employee of the County as a result of a civil
action for personal injuries or property damage caused by the officer or employee while in the course
of employment and while acting within the scope of his or her authority, the County of Oakland shall
indemnify the officer or employee or pay, settle or compromise the judgment.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when a criminal action is commenced against an officer or
employee of the County of Oakland based upon the conduct of the officer or employee in the course of
employment, if the employee or officer had a reasonable basis for believing that he or she was acting
within the scope of his or her authority at the time of the alleged conduct, the County of Oakland
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 7, 1985
shall pay for, engage or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the officer or employee as lo
the action and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall not impose any liability upon the County
of Oakland other than that herein set forth.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolutison.
Richard G. Skarritt, Commissioner District P2
Robert W. Page, Commissioner District #13
Moved by Skarritt supported by Page the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of
the resolution.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Fortino, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (17)
NAYS: Nelson, Olsen, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart. (7)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the motion carried and the rules were suspended.
Moved by Skarritt supported by Page the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Gosling the resolution be referred to the Finance Committne.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandra', Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Law. (14)
NAYS: Moore, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Aaron, Fortino, Lanni. (9)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the resolution was
referred to the Finance Committee.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. Lake County - Urging Changes in Act 312 Arbitration
b. Representative Brothertan - Acknowledge receipt of Res.'s 85290 and 85289
c. Thomas Bulger - US Senate BM 1570, Compensatory Time.
d. WDET - Correction to previous letter.
a. Milford Township - Road Commission - Support Tr-Party Funding
b. Springfield Township - Road Commission - Support Tr-Party Funding
c. Highland Township - Road Commission - Support Tr-Party Funding
d. Michigan Northern Counties Association -Oppose DNR ban on Brine use.
a. Bloomfield Hills - Intent to become part of the Enhanced 911 System
b. Birmingham (support) hB 5021, Local Revocation of Liquor Licenses
c. Department of Corrections - Jail Inspection Report
Economic Development Group
1. Department of Commerce - EEC Seminar
Management & Budget
I. Equalization - Industrial Development District, Wixom
2. Equalization - Commercial Development District, Dxford Township
Historical Commission
I. Michigan Bureau of History - GTWRR Birmingham Depot, National Historic Place
Moved by Moffitt supported by Webb the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The Chairperson announced the next meeting of the Board would be November 21, 1985 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
November 21, 1985
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox at 10:47 a.m. in the Courthouse
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by Richard Skarritt.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: Moore, Price. (2)
Quorum present.
Moved by Rewold supported by Aaron the agenda be approved with the following items deleted:
Under General Government delete Item 'a" (Board of Commissioners Amendments to Board Rules)
Under Planning and Building delete Item "a" (Department of Puhlic Works, Huron Valley
Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Operation and Maintenance Agreement).
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the agenda was approved as corrected.
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy announcing the appointments of Ms. Pat Jacobs, Mr.
Jay B. Shah and Mr. David Williams Potts as Directors of the Economic Development Corporation (EDC).
Ms. Jacobs and Mr. Shah's appointments are to fill unexpired terms ending May 1, 1986, and Mr. Potts'
appointment is for an unexpired term ending May I, 1990. Also Mr. Murphy reappointed Theodore D.
Dzuirman for a term ending May I, 1989 and Mr. Fred Seeley for a term ending May 1, 1991.
Moved by Hassberger supported by Susan Kuhn the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were c,nfirmed.
Clerk read letter from State Representative WI bur V. Brotherton acknowledging receipt of
resolutions. (Received and Filed)
Misc. 85340
By Finance Committee
IN RE; Corporation Counsel
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Ideal Mutual Insurance Company was the County's police professional carrier
until December 15, 1980; and
WHEREAS in December, 1984, Ideal Mutual Insurance Company went into rehabilitation in the
State of New York and was subsequently put into receivership by the Insurance Commissioner of that
state; and
WHEREAS Ideal has ceased to represent its insureds in pending lawsuits, including Marcella
v Oakland County; and
WHEREAS the firm of Allen & Allen was retained to continue its defense of this case; and
WHEREAS Allen & Allen has submitted a final billing for services rendered between January 2,
1985 and September 19, 1985; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney's fees and expenses charged to be reasonable
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
for services rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $8,139.98.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $8,139.98 available in the
1985 Contingency Fund Account to cover said cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $8,139.98 from the 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Corporation Counsel Division - Legal Expense
Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(8,139.98)
115-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 8,139.98
- 0 -
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McDonald,. McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85341
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the ideal Mutual insurance Company was the County's police professional carrier
until December 15, 1980; and
WHEREAS in December, 1984, Ideal Mutual -Insurance Company went into rehabilitation in the
State of New York and was subsequently put into receivership by the Insurance Commissioner of that
State; and
WHEREAS Ideal has ceased to represent its insureds in pending claims and lawsuits, including
the claim of Barbara J. Holtz; and
WHEREAS John H. Dise, Jr., was retained to investigate and make a recommendation in regard
to this claim; and
WHEREAS John H. Oise, Jr., has submitted a billing for services rendered between ,Tuly I. 1485
and August 14, 19135; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorney's fees and expenses charged to be reasonable
for services rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $217.00.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $217.00 available in the 1985
Contingency Fund Account to cover said cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $217.00 from the 1985
Contingency Account and transfers said amount to the Corporation Counsel Division - Legal Expense
Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(217.00)
115-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 217.00
- 0 -
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the'resolution be adopted.
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Fernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85342
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Computer Services Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS all data processing development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation
384 Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
within the Computer Services Department Budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is
transferred to the user department on a quarterly basis with a summary report to the Finance Com-
mittee; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Computer Services Department has determined the 1985 Third
Quarter data processing development charges for the budgeted County departments; and
WHEREAS these development charges are for programs which are in conformance with the guide -
lines set forth by the Computer User Advisory Committee and the Computer Center master plan approved
by the Finance Committee; and
WHEREAS funding for data processing development is contained in the 1985 Computer Services
General Fund Budget; and
WHEREAS an appropriation transfer to budgeted County departments is needed to fund these
development charges.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Finance Committee has reviewed the 1985 Third Quarter Data
Processing Development for user departments and finds $433,598 necessary to fund the development cost.
Said funds are available in the 1985 Data Processing Division Data Processing development appropriation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $433,598 from the 1985
Data Processing Development budget and transfers said funds to the appropriate user departments con-
sistent with the attached schedule.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Olsen, Pernick, Remold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Board of Commis5ioners - Indemnification of County Commissioners, Elected and Appointed
Officials and Employees (Miscellaneous Resolution #85339)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, having reviewed Mftzellaneous Resolution #85339, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution be amended as follows:
IN THE NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, line 4, delete the comma (,) which now
appears'after the word "for" and insert the words "all reasonable costs of litigation
and..."; same paragraph, line 5. following the word "attorney," insert the words --"in
accordance with County policy--11 .
Further, in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraphs, delte
the word "officer" wherever it appears and substitute the words "elected and appointed
officials" to coincide with the title of the resolution.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Misc. 85339
By Commissioners Skarritt and Page
IN RE: Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has not been able to renew its Public Officials Liability
Policy which protected County officials and employees against civil actions for any alleged error
or mis-statement or act or omission or neglect or breach of duty including misfeasance, malfeasance,
or nonfeasance, in the discharge of their duties; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland may not be able to renew its primary coverage under the Broad
Form Comprehensive General Liability Policy which includes all elected and appointed officials and
employees as named insured; and
WHEREAS the County Administration has taken action to protect the County Judges by pur-
chasing a separate Judicial Professional Liability Policy; and
WHEREAS the County Employee Benefits description section of the public Merit System booklet
indicates that the County will provide personal injury coverage for all employees as named insured on
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
the County policies; and
WHEREAS 1964 PA 170, as amended, authorizes indemnification of public officers and employees
while acting on.behaIf of the County within the scope of their authority.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that whenever a claim is made or a civil action Is commenced
against an officer or employee of the County of Oakland for injuries to persons or property allegedly
caused by the officer or employee while acting within the scone of his or her authority, the County
shall pay for, engage or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the officer or employee as to
the claim and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action. The County may com-
promise, settle and pay the claim before or after the commencement of a civil action. Whenever a
judgment for damages is awarded against an officer or employee of the County as a result of a civil
action for personal injuries or property damage caused by the officer or employee while in the course
of employment and while acting within the scope of his or her authority, the County of Oakland shall
indemnify the officer or employee or pay, settle or compromise the judgment.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when a criminal action is commenced against an officer or em-
ployee of the County of Oakland based upon the conduct of the officer or employee in the course of
employment, if the employee or officer had a reasonable basis for believing that he or she was Icting
within the scope of his or her authority at the time of the alleged conduct, the County of Oakland
shall pay for, engage or furnish the services of an attorney to advise the officer or employee os to
the action and to appear for and represent the officer or employee in the action.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall not impose any liability upon the County
of Oakland other than that herein set forth.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Richard R. Skarritt, Commissioner District '12
Robert W. Page, Commissioner District 1/13
Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Page the resolution be amended as recommended in the Finance
Committee report.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewoid, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra,
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 135343
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Prosecutor's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Giant
Application - Prosecutor; and
WHEKEAS this is the fourteenth year of a continuing grant; and
WHEREAS this program covers the period of January 1, 1586 through December 31, 1586; and
WHEREAS total funding for the 1986 grant is $652,095, of which $540,000 (82.8i) would be
State funded and $112,095 (17.2Z) would be County funded.
NOW THEREFORE PE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the
1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Application - Prosecutor in the amount of $652,055.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Prosecutor's Department - 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1986 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Application
and finds:
1) This is the fourteenth year of a continuing grant for the purpose of establishing
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 386
paternity for children receiving ADC, and investigating and prosecuting cases of fraud directly
related to child support;
2) This grant covers a period January I, 1986 through December 31, 1986;
3) The total program request is $652,095, a $8,979 increase over the 1985 program.
4) Of the $652,095 requested, $540,000 or 82.87 would be State funds and $112,095 or
17.2% will be County costs;
5) Application or acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County beyond the Grant
A cost breakdown is provided in the attached schedule.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 recommend acceptance of the fore-
going report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Sm -viccs Committee in
accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised Federal and State Grant application procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro
Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85344
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS the Public Services Committee has reviewed the Sheriff's Department 1986 Marine
Safety Program Reimbursement Application; and
WHEREAS this is the nineteenth year of the program; and
WHEREAS the program covers a period of January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986; and
WHEREAS total program costs are anticipated to be $351,063, of which $235,212 or 2/3 would
be state reimbursement and $115,851 or 1/3 would be County funded.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes 'he
1986 Marine Safety Program Reimbursement Application.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to the Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department - 1986 Marine Safety Program Reimbursement Application Reneoal
The Finance Committee has reviewed the Sheriff's 1986 Marine Safety Program Reimbursement
Renewal Application and finds:
1) This is the nineteenth year of the program which provides for the instruction of potential
users of Marine Equipment as to safe operation, as well as the laws governing the same. In addition,
the Marine Program provides for the enforcement of Marine regulations on the County's lakes and re-
covery of drowning victims,
2) This program covers a period of January I, 1986 through December 31, 1986.
3) Total program costs are anticipated to be $351,063, of which $235,212 or 2/3 would be
State reimbursement and $115,851 or 1/3 would be County funded, consistent with the attached schedule.
4) Application or acceptance does not obligate the County to any specific funding level
though the 2/3 State portion cannot be increased,
5) The Marine Safety program is treated as a General Fund appropriation and is subject to
the Board of Commissioner's budget review.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee. I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee. In accor-
dance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised Federal and State Grants Application Procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt. Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Olsen. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
Misc. 85341,
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS pursuant to the Federal Justice Assistance Act of 1984, the Michigan Office of
Criminal Justice Programs allocates funding to County Sheriff's Department; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department proposes to apply for said funds to expand
the current inmate classifications system to become compatible with the requirements of the Consent
Judgement; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Department is proposing a program entitled, "Oakland
County Classification Program" in the amount of $88,347,of which $44,173 is grant funded and $44,174
will be County funded; and
WHEREAS any proposed personnel changes will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize , the
application of said grant in the amount of $88,347.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the application of this grant does not obligate the County to
any future commitment.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department - Application for 1985/1986 Justice Assistance Act - Classification
Program Fund
The Finance Committee has revIewed the proposed State of Michigan Office of Criminal
Justice-Justice Assistance Act grant application for the Oakland County Classification Program
and finds:
1) This is the first year of the program,
2) The program covers the period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986,
3) Total program funding is $88,347 which includes grant funding of $44,173 and a
County appropriation of $4,174 as per the attached schedule,
4) Personnel changes including the addition of a Deputy II Corrections Officer position,
Clerk I position, and four (4) part-time Classification Agents to the Corrective Services Division-
Detention Facility Unit, will have to be reviewed by the Personnel Committee,
5) Application for and acceptance of these funds does not obligate Oakland County to any
future County commitment for program continuation.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee, in accor-
dance with Miscellaneous Resolution k8145, revised "Federal and State Grant Application Procedures".
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDul.ald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Olsen, Page. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85192, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution be adopted, and further recomrends that the Chairperson of the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners schedule a Public Hearing for December 12, 1985 on this item.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 388
By General Government Coneittee
IN RE: Merger of Law Library Operation and Governmental Library Operation
To toe Fublic Services CoomTttee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Theeneral tiovernment Committee, having reviewea the suggesteo resolution. Merger of he
Law Library Operation and Governmental Library Operations, reports with the recommendation tnat the
resolution be adopted with the following amendment: add to the listing of members in the NOW THERE-
FORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, On (1) member serving on the Board by statute, that being the
Superintendent of the Intermediate School District of the County."
The General Government C t Lee further recommends that the resolution be referred to
the Personnel Committee to adopt the necessary organization chart reflecting the change in the
reporting structure of the Director of the Law Library to the Library Board, and to the rinance
Committee to review the budget implications.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, l move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Misc. 85192
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is recorrirended that the Law Library operation and Governmental Library operation
be combined under the County Library Board; and
WHEREAS to accomplish this merger, it will be necessary to reorganize the membership of
the County Library Board, as future appointments become open;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESDLVED that the Law Library and the Governmental Library be combined
and be placed under the control of the County Library Eioard with the understanding that the County
Board of Commissioners will designate appointees to the Library Board as follows:
One (1) member appointed on the recommendation of Circuit Court and County Bar Association.
First appointment effective 8/24/85.
One (1) member appointed on the recommendation of toe County Executive. Firsi Appointment
effective 8/24/85.
Two (2) members appointed to represent the Board of Commissioners. Next appointment 8/24/86
and 8/24/88; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the adoption of this resolution a public hearihe be held
in accordance with PA 139.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Jon's F. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved oy Lanni supported by Nelson the Personnel Committee rePort be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor. the Personnel Committee report wns accepted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Hassberger the resolution ba adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Comnittee. There were no objections,
The Chairperson stated that a Public Hearing on the merger will oe set for December 12, 1985
at 10:05 a.m.
Misc. 85323
By Public Services Committee
114 RE: Sheriff Department
To the Oakland County 3oard of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentleman:
WHEREAS it is the policy of lhe Oakland Count' Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's
Department to enter into contract agreements with townships and/or cities for the purpose of La-s En-
forcement Patrol Service; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous esolution .!04e49
established the standard annual cost of $53,613 per deputy for the contract period Aeri! 1. '985
through March 31, 1986; and
WHEREAS the City ef Rochester Hills wishes to enzer into :such an agrAement for the addition
of three (3) full time deputies for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol Service for thr: three (3)
month period January 1, 1986 through March 31, 1986 and renewable annually thereafter at rates estab-
lished by the Board.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the
Chairperson of the Board and the Oakland County Sheriff to enter into an agreement with the City of
Rochester Hills for the addition of three (3) deputies for the purpose of Law Enforcement Patrol
Services at the annual cost of $53,613 for the three month period January 1, 1986 through March 31.
1986, consistent with the terms of the attached agreement.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Copy of Law Enforcement Agreement on file in thECounty Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
111 RE: Sheriff's Department - Three (3) Additional Deputy Positions - Law Enforcement Services -
City of Rochester Hills (Miscellaneous Resolution #85323)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI -C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85323 and finds:
1) No fiscal implications for the 1985 Budget,
2) The 1986 Recommended Budget will be amended to include the anticipated revenue and
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Nelson the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino.
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt.
Nelson, Olsen, Page. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached)
was adopted.
Misc. 85346
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Medical Examiner
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 181, P.A. 1953, as amended, provides for the establishment of the Medical
Examiner's Office; and
WHEREAS Act 181, P.A. 1953, as amended, requires that the Medical Examiner be a physician
licensed to practice within the state and a resident of the county for which they are appointed ,)t -
of a neighboring county; and
WHEREAS Dr. Bill G. Brooks is a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of
Michigan and a resident of Troy, within the County of Oakland; and
WHEREAS Dr. Bill G. Brooks is a Board Certified Foren,ic Pathologist; and
WHEREAS Dr. Bill G. Brooks has served with distinction as Medical Examiner since October 1,
1983; and
WHEREAS Act 181 of 1953, as amended, provides that the Board of Commissioners formally
appoint a Medical Examiner for a period of four (4) years.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appoint Dr.
Bill G. Brooks as Medical Examiner of Oakland County for a period of four (4) years, from November 1,
1985, until October 31, 1989, provided his annual contract with the County remains in force.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, 1 move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E.Olsen, (hdirpor..on
Report to the General Government Committee
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Medical Examiner- Appointment of Oakland County Medical Examiner for the Period of November /,
1985 - October 31, 1989.
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed the appointment of Oakland County Medical Examiner for the period of
November 1, 1985, through October 31, 1989, the Health and Human Resources Committee recommends approval
of the attached suggested resolution, which appoints Dr. Bill G. Brooks as Medical Examiner.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 330
Chairperson, or behalf of tee Fealth and Human 1-edsources Committee, I submit the fore-
going report.
Nancy YlcUonnell, Chairperson
elovcJ by Olsen ctIpporrf-d by Fortino the report h:,/ accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefcr, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino the resolution Co adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. Calandro, Doyen, Fortino, Gosling,
Hassberger, Hobart, Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Peruick. (2)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majcrity having voted therefor, the resolution was adeoted.
Misc. 85347
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS House ill 11 .7:52 proposes several awerdm2nt -, to the voter re/istration sections of
the Michigan Election Low, all oincd it looking voter registrotion easier; ond
WHLRLAS [hi.. hill would ollow voter registration hy mil on t.peci.11 Secretory id It-
forms, would allow voter registration on election day by appearing in person at the cleris office,
would allow voter registration up to 20 days prior to election day rather then the current 3m days
and would require clerks to appoint deputy registrars without regard to the appointees place of
residence; and
WHEREAS the registration by mail provision is unacceptable because it not onl,t wodld pro-
vide mere potential for fraud but would also place Cr. unnecessary burden on Secretary of State per-
sonnel; and
WHEREAS election day registration for those who appear in person is not feasible because
clerks are far too busy witn regular election day business to become involved in a new procedure to
serve the procrastinators; and
VAEREAS existing law calling for voter registrations up to 33 days prior to an election
provides ample and sufficient opportunity for potential elEcters to become electors chd there is no
need for this time period to be changed to 20 days and
WHEREAS the requirement for clerks to appoint deputy registrars whether or not the ap-
plicants for appointnent live in the jurisdiction served by the clerk seems to be Q11 uorealistic
mandate; and
WHEREAS Oakland County Clerk Lynn D. Allen is opposed to House Bill 2 aoJ has expressed
the opinion that clerks throughout the stale would share his opposition lo Iho election ru-four.
offered in this bill.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland couroe, Board of Commissioners takes a position
opposing House Bill 4552.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all Legislators repre-
senting Oakland County and to toe County's Legislative Agent,
Mr. Chairperson, or behalf of the General Go..ernmeot Committee, I wove the adoptiod of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewoid. (20)
NAYS: Aaron, oyon, McPherson, Pernick.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85348
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 034116 adopted May 10, 1984 provided the retirees from
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
the Oakland County Employees Retirement System with their last cost-of-living adjustment benefit
effective July 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS to compensate for the cost-of-living increases since July I, 1984, persons who have
retired on or before December 6, 1985 should be granted a post -retirement cost-of-living increa.,e
benefit effective January 1, 1986; and
WHEREAS the necessary funds to cover the cost of this benefit will be provided from the
Reserve for Retired Benefit payments of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System and will
not require an Appropriation from the county,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Employees Retirement System be amended
by adding a new subparagraph (k) to Section 34.1 to read as follows:
"Post Retirement Benefit Increases"
Section 34.1
(k) For a monthly benefit which became effective as of December 6, 1585,
beginning with the monthly benefit payment, if any, for the month of
January 1986, the amount of monthly benefit shall be increased by 2'.%
of the amount of benefit otherwide payable for the period.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
Misc. 85349
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Sheriff Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS overcrowding at the Oakland County Jail has continued to place the County in
non-compliance with the Jail Consent Judgement; and
WHEREAS two new jail satellite facilities under construction to achieve compliance are
on schedule for occupancy with "D" Building to open January 1, 1986 and "L" Building to open
February 1, 1986; and
WHEREAS approximately half of the new personnel needs required to operate the new facilities
were addressed by a previous miscellaneous resolution so that they could be appointed on December 2,
1985, thereby affording adequate training time; and
WHEREAS the remaining new personnel required to operate "D" Building and "L" Building oust
be appointed on January 1, 1986 in order to provide a minimum of thirty days training prior to "L"
Building becoming fully operational;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following positions be created in the Corrective
Services Division of the Sheriff Department, effective January I, 1986:
Eight (8) Deputy II - Corrections
One (1) Sheriff Service Agent
One (1) Jail Inmate Worker
One (1) Second Cook
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that three previously budgeted positions of Deputy 1 - Corrections
be upgraded to Deputy II - Corrections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sheriff and Personnel Department coordinate appointments
to these positions so that no position is filled earlier than 30 days prior to the date of occupancy
for "L" Building.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the fore-
going resolution.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 392
tthc. 85350
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the Prosecutor's Investigators assigned to the Oakland
County Prosecutor has been negotiated with the American Federation of State. County and Municipal
Employees, AFL-C10 Local 3075; and
WHEREAS a two (2) year agreement has been reached with the Union for the period January 1,
1985 through December 31, 1986 and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the agreement covering employees represented
by the Union and recommends approval of the agreement;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the County of Oakland, the Oakland
County Prosecutor, and Local 3075, American Federation of State. County and Municipal ETployees, AFL-
CIO, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Chairperson of this Board on behalf of the
County of Oakland be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement a copy of which is attached
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Central Services/District Court Probation - Change Merit Rule 1 to Include All District Court
Probation Employees in the Merit System (Miscellaneous Resolution 1186243)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution Y85243, reports with the
recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85243
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Central Services/District Court Probation
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Chief of District Court Probation and Community Service Programs and the
Probation Officers of the Central Services District Cou-t Probation Division were excluded from
the Merit System, under Section II (13)(3) of the Merit System Resolution and Section (1)(B)(3)
of Merit Rule 1; and
WHEREAS the reason for said exclusion, appointment by the Governor, no longer applies to
Central Services District Court Probation personnel; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the status of Central Services District
Court Probation personnel and determined that they should not be excluded from the Merit System,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Merit Rule I be changed so that the following positions
shall no longer be excluded from the Merit System under Section II (13)(3) of the Merit Resolution
and Merit Rule I, Section (1 ) (B) (3) :
03132 Chief of District Court Probation & Community Services Programs
00322 Probation Officer III
00323 Probation Officer III
00324 Probation Officer III
05115 Probation Officer III
01658 Probation Officer II
04585 Probation Officer II
04682 Probation Officer 11
04813 Probation Officer II
05116 Probation Officer II
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that current incumbents in the designated positions shall be deemed
to have full Merit System status.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Fortino the Personnel Committee report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Personnel Committee report was accepted,
Moved by McDonald supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson stated that in accordance with Merit System Rules, the resolution shalt
lay over for thirty'(30) days.
Misc. 85351
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Rochester Hills District Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/3 District Court (Rochester
Hills); and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution il85062, adopted on March 14,
1985, approved the lease of facilities located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills, for the 52/3
District Court for a term of ten (10) years commencing August 1, 1985, or as soon thereafter as the
facility is ready for occupancy; and
WHEREAS the 5213 District Court moved to said facilities On August 8, 1985; and
WHEREAS terms of the lease require that the tenant will be responsible For the provision
of Furniture and equipment; and
WHEREAS the expanded court facility in Rochester Hills requires additional furniture.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates
Funding in the amount of $32.901.96 for furniture as detailed in the attached schedule and as re-
quested by the court.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner (Miscellaneous Resolution h85337,
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution .#85337, "Establish the Office of County Public
Works Commissioner," the report of the Planning and Building Committee and the legal opinion from
William P. Hampton to Richard R. Wilcox dated November 15, 1985, the Genera/ Government Committee
1) That the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners set a public hearing as required
by Public Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Public Act 170 of the Public Acts of
1974, and Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, as amended, such hearing to be held on December 12,
2) That the Board of Commissioners adopt the attached substitute resolution for Mis-
cellaneous Resolution #85337.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner (Miscellaneous Resolution #85337)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85337, "Establish the Office of County Public
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 394
th, Pl4pniun wnd Building Cuni I I 1 ii recommend,. ihp adoption or thP Ii i I Lit on
with the Following vecommnd.:Iion Ind mendment:
I. It is recoomended that a vote be taken by the Board of Commissioners on the mer<ter
mentioned in the resolution inmediately after the public hearing.
2. The resolution should be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph so that
it reads (amendment underlined):
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
a-peb-Hc-hemr+mn-to-be -heid-ort-the-2int-derrof -November7 -+985-at-18-,B0-87m77 -Eniterm
Stamelarfq-iime requests the Board Chairperson to call a public hearing to consider the
question of the combination of the powers, duties, and functions of the Drain Com-
missioner and the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid
Waste, excluding the soiid waste functions of that Division, into one county depart-
ment headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner, pursuant to the provisions of
Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of 1974.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Misc. 85337 (Original Resolution)
By Robert W. Page
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 170 of the Public Act of 1974 amended the Michigan Drain Code to authorize the
Board of Commissioners to combine various public works powers, duties, and functions into one county
department headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner; and
WHEREAS the Public Works Commissioner shall be elected in the same manner and fur the same
term as the Drain Commissioner and shall carry out the powers and duties of the Drain Commissioner;
WHEREAS the combination of the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water
and Solid Waste, excluding the solid waste functions of that Division, with the Drain Commissioner
into one county department headed by a Public Works Commissioner would promote more effective use
of County personnel and funds, and thereby benefit the taxpayers of Oakland County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Comdssioners calls 0 public
hearing to be held on the 2Ist day of November, 1985 at 10:00 am. Eastern Standard Time to consider
the question of the combination of the powers, duties and functions of the Drain Commissioner and
the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste, excluding the solid
waste functions of that Division, into one county department headed by an elected Public Works Com-
missioner, pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170
of 1974.
I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Robert Si. Page, Commissioner District 1113
G, William Caddell, James E. Lanni, Roy Rewold,
Susan Kuhn, Richard R. Wilcox, David Moffitt,
Marilynn E. Gosling, W. A. Hassberger, Anne M. Hobart,
James A. Doyon, Dorothy M. Webb, Betty Fort'ino,
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Dennis M. Aaron, Ralph H. Nelson,
Rue! McPherson, Richard G. Skarritt, Walter Moore
Lawrence R. Pernick, Alexander C. Perinoff,
John P. Calandro, Nancy McConnell
Misc. 85337 (Substitute Resolution)
By General Government Committee
FUNCTIONS OF ACT 185 of 1957 AND ACT 342 OF 1939
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen;
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has heretofore established a public improvement agency with
the Oakland County Drain Commissioner designated as the County agent pursuant to Act 342 of the
Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being Sections 46.1/1 to 46.188 of the Michigan Compiled Laws; and
WHEREAS Section 21 of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of the
Public Acts of 1974, authorizes the County Board of Commissioners, by reso/ution of a two-thirds
vote of the members elected and serving, to combine the powers, duties and functions set forth in
Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, Act 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and
Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, into one County department headed by a Public Works
Commissioner; and
WHEREAS Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973 provides for the County Board of Commissioners
to exercise all powers and duties vested in boards of county commissioners not inconsistent with the
terms of Act 139; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
WHEREAS the County Board of Commissioners is authorized by Section 12 of Act 139 of the
Public Acts of 1973 to delegate additional powers and functions to the Drain Commissioner and the
combination of powers, duties and functions set forth in the above-enumerated acts is consistent
with this authorization; and
WHEREAS the intent of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland to achieve
substantial savings in the cost of operation and a more effective, efficient organization of
public works management functions within the County is consistent with the provision ,. of Act 139;
WHEREAS the combination of the sewer and water functions of the division of Sewer, Water
and Solid Waste, excluding the solid waste functions of that division, with the Drain Commissioner
into one County department headed by a Public Works Commissioner will promote more effective use
of County personnel and funds, and thereby benefit the taxpayers of Oakland County.
I. Pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 21 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts
of 1956, as amended, and after holding a public hearing as provided in said Act, and further pur-
suant to the provisions of Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, the Board of Commissioner; of the
County of Oakland does hereby establish the office of Public Works Commissioner and combine Ihi
Powers, duties and functions set forth in Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as wended, Act 340
of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, into
one County department to be headed by the Public Works Commissioner. The Public Works Commissioner
shall be elected in the same manner and for the same term as a Drain Commissioner and shall carry
out the powers and duties of a brain Commissioner. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner shalt
assure the office of the Public Works Commissioner effective January 1, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the construction, maintenance and operation of all County
storm and sanitary sewer, sewage disposal, water, general drainage, and flood control facilities
shall be performed by the Public Works Commissioner and the entire budget and personnel of the division
of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste of the Department of Public Works heretofore engaged or spent in the
pursuit of such functions, except For Solid Waste functions, shall be transferred to the office of
the Public Works Commissioner effective January 1, 1986.
BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and the Directors of the Departments of
Oakland County government are hereby authorized to take all such administrative acts as may be neces-
sary to implement this resolution.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Aaron the Planning and Building Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the P..-port was accepted.
Moved by Hobart supported by Moffitt the General Government Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Report was accepted.
Moved by Hobart supported by Law the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Pernick supported by Aaron the resolution be amended as recommended in the General
Government Committee Report. (Set Public Hearing Date and adopt Substitute Reselutien.)
Moved by Hobart supported by Page the resolution also he amended as recommended in the
Planning and Building Committee Report (Vote on merger and amend the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED
The Chairperson stated the resolution with the two recommended amemdments should be re-
ferred to the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee.
Moved by Page supported by Fortino the rules be suspended to refer the resolution to the
Finance Committee out of sequence so the Finance Committee will be the reporting committee.
Discussion followed.
Vote on Suspension of the Rules:
AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doran, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart,
R, Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (24)
NAYS: None, (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Moved by Page supported by Gosling the resolution, with the two recommended amendments
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 396
be referred to the Finance Con:mit-tee and the Personnei Committee, and the Chairperson set a date
for the Pubtic Heorimi m) be held.
The Chairperson set the date for the Public Hearing to be held on December 12, 1385
at 10:10 a.m.
Vote on motion to refer and hold a Public hearing:
AYES: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosiing, Hassberger, Hobatt, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson. Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skorritt,
Webb, Wilcox. (23)
NAYS: Olsen. (1)
A sufficiem maiorlty having voted therefor, the motion to refer and hold a Public Hearing
on December 12, 19$5 at 10:10 a.m. carried. The Resolution was referred to the Finance Committee
and the Personnel Committee.
Misc. 85352
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Road Commission - BORROWING
To the Oakland County Board cf Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 143 of the Public Acts of 1943, as amended, authorizes the Board of County
Road Commissioners to borrow money for certain purposes and to issue its notes in anticipation
thereof, and to pledge for payment thereof, future revenue derived from state collected taxes re-
turned to the county for county road purposes, the maximum amount which may be borrowed to be
previously authorized by the Board of County Commissioners.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County
of Oakland is hereby authorized to borrow in addition to amounts already approved by this Board
of Commissioners in past years a sum of money not to exceed $6 million to provide funds for the
$5.5 million Bonded Overlay Program (see attached) for the improvement of county roads and to
issue its notes therefor, pursuant to said Act 143, at an interest rate not to exceed the maximun
rate of interest permitted by law at the time of sale, pledging for the payment thereof future
revenues derived from state collected taxes returned to the county for county road purposes which
borrowing or borrowings shall be made during the year 1985. The full faith and credit of the
county shall not be pledged for the payment of such notes.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the attention
Of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandra, Dayon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox, Aaron. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopLed.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson wade the following referrals:
a. South Oakland Police Chiefs - 1986 Budget Request for Prosecutor
a. Michigan Department of Health - Substance Abuse Agency Designation
a. Thomas Bulger - Federal Legislative Report
b. Calhoun County (Oppose) Outcounty 4% Liquor Tax Increased Funds being used for Lobe Hall
aver-runs (HB 4799 and 41300)
c. Troy - Road Improvement Funded by Rising Tax Base
a. South Oakland Police Chiefs - 1986 Budget Request for Prosecutor
a. Solid Waste - Resource Recovery Conference
b. Madison Heights (Support) Tri-party Program with Road Commission
c. Troy - Road Improvements Funded by Rising Tax Base
d. Brandon Township (Support) Tri-Party Program with Road Commission
Historical Commission
a. Michigan Bureau of History - Affleck House, Bloomfield Hills, National REgister of
Historic Places
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985
Management & Budget
a. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Seligman Assoc., Royal Oak
b. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Seligman Assoc., Royal Oak
c. Equalization - Commercial Facilities Exemption, Arbor Press, Royal Oak
Moved by Gosling supported by Skarritt the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Misc. 85353
By Commissioners Caddell, Calandro, McDonald, Law and Skarri'tt
IN RE: Road Commission
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS western Oakland County is plagued with severe north/south traffic congestion,
which is causing ever increasing disruption to present and future development of this area; and
WHEREAS State Senator Richard Fessler has proposed a plan to widen Haggerty Road from
2-lanes to a 4-lane parkway with entrance and exit ramps to i-696, as an immediate action to re-
neve a localized portion of this traffic congestion; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Oakland County Road Commission
both recognize the severity of this traffic problem and concur that the Fessler plan deserves im-
mediate study and rapid implementation; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Transportation Planning Department and the Oakland County Road Com -
mission agree that the improvement of Haggerty Road does not by itself solve the north/south traffic
problem in western Oakland County, nor does it address the need for a thoroughfare from 1-275 in
Farmington Hills/Novi north to M-59 and beyond.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the
study of the Fessler plan for Haggerty Road improvements and the rapid implementation of this plan
by the State Highway Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners further supports
expansion of the Haggerty Parkway study to include a review and recommendation regarding the entire
problem of the north/south traffic Flow in western Oakland County including the need for a thorounh-
fare from 1 -275 in Farmington Hills/Novi north to M-59 and beyond.
Mr, Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Thomas A. Law, John P. Calandro, John J. McDonald,
G. William Caddell and Richard G. Skarritt
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Genaral Government Committee and the Planning
and Building Committee, There were no objections.
Misc. 85354
By David L. Moffitt
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Village of Franklin is desirous of entering into an agreement with the County
of Oakland to contract for the services of a full-time registered Sanitarian for the purpose of
inspecting, identifying, rectifying, supervising and correcting on-site sanitary facilities within
the Village of Franklin and its Waste Water Management District; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Health Division has reviewed such agreement and finds such
agreement to be acceptable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve the Agreement for Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site Sanitary Facilities with the
Village of Franklin.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize
its Chairperson to enter into said agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
David L. Moffitt, Commissioner District #15
Mr. Moffitt requested the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee, Personnel Com-
mittee and the Health and Human Resources Committee, and requested the rules be suspended to refer
the resolution to the Finance Committee out of Sequence. Seconded by Mrs. Webb.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the rules were suspended and the resolution
Commissioners Minutes Continued. November 21, 1985 398
was referred to the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and the Health and Human Resources Committee.
The Chairperson announced a Public Hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Decemher 12, I985
for the 1986 Proposed Budget.
The next meeting of the Board will be December 12, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. The Board adiuurned
at 11:43 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
Board Of Commissioners
December 12, 1935
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox. at 10:14 a. M. i t in i,ourt boo s,.
Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan.
Invocation given by James A. floyon.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hassburger, Uohart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. Nelson, Olson, Pape , Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (26)
ABSENT: Law. (1)
Quorum present.
Moved by Page supported he Costing the minutes of the previous meeting he approved as printed.
!:111 IilI,iii H:i'.iliii viii1d iii ii „pr.,
Moved by Rewold supported by Susan Kuhn the agenda he amended and the rules ho sosnended
to consider the following:
e. Public Works - Huron Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Oper.ition 71ain-
cenance Agreement (Reason: Waive Rule XI-C, Resolution taken to Finance out ol sequence. went
to Personnel Committee out of sequence. Personnel Amendment incorporated in the ori ,41na1 reolution
by Planning and Building).
a. Community Development Division - Rental Rehabilitation Program - Acceptance al
HUD Grant. (Reason: Out of sequence with the Board's grants procedure)
h. Health Division - 1985/86 Substance Abuse Grant Acceptance. (Reason: OHL of sequence
with the Board's grants procedure. Suspend the rules to bypass the Personnel Committee)
a. Economic Development Group - Application to Michigan Department or Commerve (ineniv)rer)
(Reason: Waive grants procedure)
Addi It Ion fo i he Av.ondn:
FINAVv mmmIrtm
q. C,nlral Si ii ic DepartiPont - Award (d cenlim:t hut ;,,rvi„.,1 and th,
Establishment iii a LiahiliLy lnsoranco bind. (Reason: Waiver or tive-day rillt —Rinancc movtirw, held
saw day as Board meeting)
A sufficient majoriLv having voted therefor, the mot ion sospend t!w rule, CAit
Vote on amended agenda: •
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amended agenda was approved.
Marilynn Gosling, Robert W. Page, Susan Kuhn and James A. Doyon presented the members of the
Troy High School "Colts Football team with a Congratulatory Proclamation.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointment of John J.
McDonald and Nancy McConnell as the Board's representatives on the Oakland County Personnel Appeal
Board For 1986.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 11, 1985
Moved by Hassberger supported by Nelson the appointments he confirmed.
A sullicient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were ...moil -med.
Clerk read letter from Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox announcing the appointments of the
following individuals to two-year terms on the Oakland County Solid Waste Planning Committee for
terms ending January. 1, 1988:
Ronald Baker, Michael Barrettn, John Lnmerato, Nick Madias, Marilyn Rawl], John King,
James Meenahan, Donald Van Zile, Robert Seccombe, Nancy Smith, Alexander Perinolf, JoAnn Van cdssel,
Patrick Brunett and the following were appointed as non-voting advisory members: Jerome S. Amber,
Claudia Filler, Coerge Karas, Roger Smith, Walter Tomyn.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Susan Kuhn the appointments be confirmed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
Clerk read letters from the Troy and Baldwin Public Libraries Board of Directors and the
President of the Council on Resource Development in opposition to elimination of the Oakland County
Library Hotline funding. (Placed on file)
Clerk read letters from Bloomfield Hills City Manager, Farmington City Manager and Wixnm
Mayor in opposition to Resolution #85337 (Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner).
(Placed on file)
Daniel T. Murphy addressed the Board regarding a "Transportation Update".
Chief Judge Francis X. O'Brien addressed the Board regarding the need for Researchers and
Family Counselors for the Courts.
The Chairperson made the following announcement:
"Al this time, in m.cc,rd:mce with the requirements of Staie Law, a Public Iluar I Fir, is 1,11,
r;l11(qi on lhr Proposed Budget for the year 190 for the County of Oakland. Legal Notice of ibis
Rearing was puhlished in the Oakland Press OH November 29, 1985. Are there any persons nreseni ihat
wish to speak on the 1986 Budget?"
John King addressed the Board. No other persons wished to speak and the Public Hearing was
declared closed.
The Chairperson stated:
"At this time a Public Hearing is called on the Proposed Merger of the Public. Works
Department and the Drain Office. Notice of the Hearing was published in the Oakland Press on
December 2, 1985. Are there any persons present that wish To speak on the Merger?"
The following persons addressed the Board: John King, George Kuhn and Daniel T. Murphy.
No other persons wished to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
The Chairperson stated: "At this time a Public Rearing is now called on the merger a/
Oakland County Law and Reference Libraries. Notice of the Public Rearing was published in the
Oakland Press on December 2, 1985. Are there any persons present that wish to speak on the Mi -rger?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing Was declared closed.
The Chairperson stated: "At this time a Public Hearing is now called on the Economic
Development Corporation Project - Oxford Warm Forming Project. Are there any persons present thdt
wish to speak on the Project?"
No persons requested to speak and the Public Hearing was declared closed.
The following persons addressed the Board under Public Comments:
Phil Meeker, Rick Beer, Pat Lewis, Gary Easley, Mary ileitjan, Julius Fisher and Fred Ehman.
Misc. 85355
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of CormaL;siooers
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973 (as amended by PA 100
of 1980), the Unified Form of County Government Act, and Public Act 621 of 1978, the Unifnrm BudgetErw,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. Decpmber 12, 1985 4DI
and Accounting Act for Local Covernment, it is the responsibility of the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners to establish and adopt the annual County B11(17,l•t and work program; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee received budget requests from all County Departments, and
has reviewed in detail the County Executive's 1980 Recommended Budget; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee, after due deliberation, has formulated a ..ycomme ,,lcd
general Appropriations Act balancing total appropriations with available resourees at $227,920,945 for
calendar year 1986, a summary of which was included in the Notice of Public Hearing published in
newspapers of general circulation; and
WHEREAS the further intent of this resolution is to establish a budget system for the
County of Oakland: to define the powers and duties of the County's officers in relation to that
system; to designate the Chief Administrative Officer and Fiscal Officer and to provide that the
Fiscal Officer shall be furnished with information by the departments, hoards, commissions and
offices relating to their financial needs, receipts and expenditures, and general at to pre-
scribe a disbursement procedure, to provide for an allotment system; and to provide remedies for
refusal or neglect to comply with the requirements of this resolution.
NOW THEREFOHE RE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners dues hereby adopt
the I986 Cenvral Appropriations Act recommended by the Finance Committee as advertRi ,d and pliwed
in the Clerk's Office for public inspection; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $4.0 million 198E. Federal Revenue Sharing Funds included
therein he equally divided between the Sheriff's Department and the Department of Management and
Budget; and
.8.E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with Public Act 105 of 1977, which established the
Medicaid Reimbursement Program, and in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution 18278, 1192I9, 49633,
#81401, #82365, #83338, and #84320, the 1986 salary and operating costs associated with the following
positions shall be billed to the Circuit Court General Account, to the extent funds aro available:
1 Technical Support Clerk
I. Domestic Relations Investigator I
CIRCUIT COURT • 3 Circuit Court Judges
3 Court Reporter III
3 Judicial Secretary
4 Court Clerk I
PROSECUTOR - 2 Assistant Prosecutor ITT; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds appropriated in the Professional Service line-item
in the Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department not be committed without
prior approval of the Planning and Building Committee; and
1. The County Executive is hereby designated the Chief Administrative Officer of the County of
Oakland and, further, that the Director of Management and Budget shall perform the duties of the
Fiscal Officer as specified in this resolution:
2. Thu Fiscal Officer shall provide an orientation session and written Instructions For preparing,
department budget requests for the ensuing fiscal year. These instructions shall include in
that the Fiscal Officer determines to be useful and necessary to assure that the budgetary
estimates of the agencies are prepared in a consistent manner; and
3. Any offices, departments, commissions and boards of the County of Oakland financed in whole or
in part by the County of Oakland shall transmit to the Fiscal Officer their estimates of the amounts
of money required for each activity in their respective agencies for the ensuing fiscal year, as well
as their estimate of revenues that will be generated from charges for services. They shall also sub-
mit any other information deemed relevant by the Fiscal Officer on such forms and at such times as he
may direct; and
4. The Fiscal Officer shall prescribe . forms to be used by the offices, departments, commissions and
boards of the County of Oakland in submitting their budget estimates and shall prescribe the rules
and regulations he deems necessary for the guidance of officials in preparing such budget estimates.
The Fiscal Officer may require that the estimates for the ensuing fiscal year he calculated on the
basis of various assumptions regard log level of service. The Fiscal Officer may also require a
statement of the purposes of any proposed expenditure and a justification of the services financed hv
any expenditure; and
5. The Fiscal Officer shall prepare estimates of revenue for each budgeted fund for the ensuing
fiscal year, classified in order to show in detail the amount expected to be received from each source.
Estimates of expenditures and revenues shall also be classified by character, object, Function and
activity consistent with the accounting system classification; and
6. The Fiscal Officer shall review the agency estimates with a representative from each agency of
the County of Oakland that has submitted such estimates. The purpose of the review shall be to
clarity the estimates, ensure their accuracy, and to determine their adherence to the policies pre-
viously enumerated by the Fiscal Officer as herein required; and
7. The Fiscal Officer shall consolidate the estimates received from the various agencies together
with the amounts of expected revenues and shall make recommendations relating to those estimate,:
which shall assure that the total of estimated expenditures including an accrued deficit does not
exceed the total of expected revenues including an unappropriated surplus.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
8. The recommended budget shalt include at least the following:
(a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated expenditures
for the current fiscal year,
(b) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, in the ensuing fisca: year,
the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers,
(c) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated rpvenues for the
current fiscal year,
(d) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland County in the
ensuing fiscal year,
(e) The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate
of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year,
(f) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, contingent or emergency purposes,
and the amounts needed LO pay and to discharge the principal and interest of the (Lehr of Oakland
County due in the ensuing fiscal year,
(g) The :amount of proposed eapital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enter-
prise, public improvement or building and site, or special assessment funds, including the estimated
total costs and proposed method of financing of each capita/ consLruction project and the projected
additional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital
construction project for three (1) years beyond the fiscal year covered by the budget,
(h) An informational summary of proieeted revenues and expenditures of nnv special
assessment funds, pnblic improvement or huilding and sit, Fonds, internal tire iii and
enterprise funds.
(i) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Fiscal Officer considers ta be
useful in considering the financial needs of the County.
9. Not less thorn ninety (90) days before the next succeeding fiscal year, the County Executive shall
transmit the recommended budget to the County Board of Commissioners. The recommended budget shall be
accompanied by:
(a) A proposed general appropriations measure, consistent with Chic budget, which shall set
forth the anticipated revenue and requested expenditure authority for the ensuing fiscal year in such
form and in such detail deemed appropriate by the County Executive. No appropriations measure shall
be submitted to the Board of Commissioners in which estimated total expenditures, including an accrued
deficit, exceed estimated total revenues, including an available surplus.
(b) A budget message which shall explain the reasons for increases or decreases in budgeted
items compared with the current fiscal year, the policy of the County Executive as it relates to
important budgetary items, and any other information that the County Executive determines to be
useful Co the Board of Commissioners in Its consideration of proposed appropriations.
10: The County Board of Commissioners may direct the County Executive to submit :my additional
information it deems relevant in its consideration of the budget and proposed appropriations measure.
The Board of Commissioners may conduct budgetary reviews with the Fiscal Officer For the purpose of
clarification or justification of proposed budgetary items.
11. The County Board of Commissioners may revise, alter, or substitute for the proposed general
appropriations measure in any way, except that it may not change it in a way that would cause total
appropriations, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an un-
appropriated surplus. An accrued deficit shall be the first item of expenditure in the general
appropriations measure.
12. The County Board of Commissioners shall fix the time and place of a public hearing to be Mc/
on the budget and proposed appropriations measure. The Clerk/Register shall then have published,
in a newspaper of general circulation within the County of Oakland, notice of the hearing and an
indication of the place at which the budget and proposed appropriations measure may he inspected by
the public. This notice must be published at least seven days before the date of the hearing.
H. No later than December 31, the Board of Commissioners shall pass a general appropriations measure
providing the authority to make expenditures and incur obligations on behalf of the County of ()Aland.
The supporting budgetary data to the general appropriations measure shall include at least the following:
(a) Expenditure data for llp must recently completed fil;cal year,
(h) Tho expenditures buifti.L af; originally adopted by the Board of Coimnissioners fur lip
current fiscal. year,
fc) The amended current year appropriations Budget,
(d) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, in the ein-ulin iscAl
year, the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers,
(e) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues fir
the current fiscal year,
(f) Budgeted Revenue Estimates as originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners for
the current fiscal year,
(g) The amended current year Budgeted revenue estimates,
(h) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland County in the
ensuing fiscal year,
(i) The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate
of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year,
(j) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, congingent on emergcncy purposes. and
Eoiaii !;!i. I 0111.•n; M i attic Coil I :mud . December 12 , 1935 40 -1
the anlults needed to pay and to dischar the prinei .:m1 and interest a CK. debt rh Oakland County
(itie in the ensuing fiscal year,
(k) The amount of proposed capital outlay ex.pendltures, except those financed by enterprisc,
public improvement or building and site, or special assessment funds, includin the estimated total
costs and proposed method of financing of each capital constructioa project and the projected addi-
tional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital con -
struction project for three (A) years beyond the fiscal year covered by the budget,
(!) An in eummary of projected revenuPe and expenditures of any special asess-
meni loads, public improvemeat or ['Aldine and site funds, internal service ftuvls, and enterprise funds,
(m) Any other data relating Co fiscal conditions that the Board of Commissioners considers
Lo bo useful in considering the Financial Reeds of the County.
14. The hoard of Commissioners may authorize transfers between, appropriation items by the County
Executive or Fiscal Officer within limits stated in the appropriations measure, in no case, however,
may such limits exceed those provided for in paragraph #21 of this resolution.
15. A deviation from the original general appropriations measure shall not be made without first
amending the general appropriations measure thru action by the Board of C omm.ss,oners, except within
those limits provided for in paragraph #16 of this resolution.
16. Appropriations accumulated at the following three summary levels of expense within each County
Division will be deemed maximum authorization to incur expenditures: Salaries and Fringes, Overtime,
and Operating. The County Executive or the Fiscal Officer shall exercise supervision and control of
all budgeted expenditures within these limits, holding expenses below individual line-item appro-
priations or allowing overruns in individual line-items providing that at no time shall the net ex-
penditure exceed the total appropriation for Salariesand Fringes, Overtime or Operating expenses,
respectively, for each division as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioners.
Line-item detail, division, unit or cost center detail and allotments, which provide a monthly
calendarization of annual appropriations, as deemed necessary by the Fiscal Officer, shall be main-
tained and utilized as an administrative tool for management information and cost control. liii
Fiscal Officer shall not approve any expenditure beyond that necessary to accomplish stated program
or work objectives authorized in the general appropriation measure as originally approvod or amended.
I?. Me Fiscal OfFiet,r shall maintain, for all budgeted funds, appropriation hedger ai-eounts in
which are tin he recorded such expenditure encumbrances and obligations for the futurp payment of
appropriated funds as he may approve.
18. Each purchase order, voucher or contract of Oakland County shall specify the funds and appro -
priation designated by number assigned in the accounting system classification from which it is
payable and shall be paid from no other fund or appropriation. instead, the neeeseity amount of tlnt .
appropriation from such account shall be transferred pursuant to the provisions of this resolncion to
the appropriate general appropriation account and the expenditure then charged thereto.
lg. No obligation shall he incurred against, and no payment shall be made from, any appropriation
account unless there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation and sufficient funds
are or will be available to meet the obligation. In addition, all capital. projects funded from the
Capital Improvement Fund shall require approval of the Board of Commissioners on recommendation of
the appropriate liaison committee (Planning and Building Committee) prior to initiation of the pro -
ject. Any obligation incurred or payment authorized in violation of this resolution shall be void
and any payment so made illegal.
20. The Fiscal Officer, after the end of each quarter, shall transmit to the Board of Commissioners
a report depicting-the financial condition of budgeted operations, including, but not limited to
(a) A forecast of actual revenues by major source compared with budgeted revenues accom -
panied by an explanation of any significant variances.
(b) A forecast of actual expenditures and encumbrances by department compared with
authorized appropriations accompanied by an explanation of any significant variances, and
(c) A forecast of actual expenditures, encumbrances and transFers from each of the several
non-departmental appropriations and reserve accounts compared with authorized appropriations accom-
panied by an explanation of any significant variances.
21. Transfers of any unencumbered balance, or any portion thereof, in any appropriation or reserve
aecoUnt to any other appropriation or reserve account may not he made without amendment of the general
appropriations measure as provided for in this resolution, except that transfers within and between
budgeted funds and departments may be made by the fiscal Officer in the following instances:
(a) Trans[er:; may be made from the non-departmental overtime reserve account aril fringe .
benefit adjustment account to the appropriate departmental budget as specific overtime requests are
reviewed and approved by the Budget Division. Additionally, overtime appropriations may be trans -
ferred between divisions within a department at the request of the Department Dead, if authorized by
the Fiscal Officer or his designee.
(b) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation reserve accounts for
Maintenance Department Changes and Miscellaneous Capital Outlay to the appropriate departmental
budget as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Officer.
(c) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation reserve account, Summer
Employment, and Emergency Salaries as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by
the Personnel Department.
(d) Fringe benefit rates shall be established annually in the budget process to charge all
llovernmental, Special Revenue and Proprietary funded agencies For actual employ...I:- fringe benefit costs.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Such rates shall he sufficient to meet ill Fringe benefit cApsts in hiding sick leave And anneiai
leave accumulations, as Well as Cetirce' osp]t.aliaation and retir...mk ,nt adminitration. All funds
collected for Retirement, Social Security (F!CA), Hospitalization for de.tive and retired emptoyees,
Disability, Dental, and Life and Accident Insurance shall be transferred to the Employee Fringe Bene-
fit fund as established by Miscellaneous Resolution #81312. Sufficient Funds shall he maintained in
the Employee Fringe Benefit Fund reserve account for sick leave and annual leave to cover the ac-
cumulated liability at an amount equal to 50% of the sick leave accumulation and 100% of the annual
leave accumulation. All funds collected for Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation
shall be transferred to their respective self insurance funds as established by Miscellaneous
Resolution #81012.
(e) Cnnsistunt with the sQlf-insuranco program previousty approved by the hoard uf Com-
missioners, liability insurance rates shall be established annually in the budget process to charge
all Covernmental, Special Revenue and Proprietary funded agencies. Such rates shall he sufficient
to meet current pending claims and claims anticipated from exposure through the end of 1186, as well
as development and maintenance of a self-insurance reserve. All funds collected for liability in-
surance shall be transferred to the Self-Insurance Fund established by prior Board action.
(f) An amount for capital improvements shall be added Co the Building Space Cost Allocation
charges. Funds collected as a result of this charge shall be accumulated in the Facilities Maintenance
and Operations Fund for capital improvements. The transfer of these funds to the Capital Improvement
Fund shall not be made prior to December 31, without approval from the Finance Committee of the Board
of Commissioners.
22. The Board of Commissioners may make supplemental appropriations by amending the original. general
appropriations measure as provided by this resolution, provided that revenues in excess of those
anticipated in the original general appropriations measure become available due to
(a) An unobligated surplus from prior years becoming available;
(b) Current year revenue exceeding original estimate in amounts great enough to finance
increased appropriations.
The Board of Commissioners may make a supplemental appropriation by increasing the dollar amount or
an appropriation Item in the original general appropriations measure or by adding additional items.
At the same time the estimated amount from the source of revenue to which the increase in revenue
may he Attributed shall he increased, or a new source and amount added in a sum sufficient to equal
the supplemental expenditure amount. in no ease may such appropriations cause total estimated ex-
penditures, including an accrued delicit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappro-
priated surplus.
23. Whenever it appears to the County Executive or the Board of Commissioners that actual and probable
revenues in any fund will be less than the estimated revenues upon whiuh nppropriations from skudl fund
wore based, the County Executive shaft present to the Roard of Commissioners recommendations wIt bit , if
aduirted, will prevent expenditaires from exceeding available revenue's for the current Fiscal year. Snell
recommendations shall include proposals for reducing appropriations, increasing revenues, or both.
After receiving the recommendations of the County Executive for bringing appropriations into balance
with estimated revenues, the Board of Commissioners shall amend the general appropriations measure to
reduce appropriations or shall approve such measures necessary to provide revenues sufficient to equal
appropriations, or both.
24. A member of the Board of Commissioners, the County Executive, any elected officer, the Fiscal
Officer, any other administrative officer or employee of Oakland County shall not create a debt, incur
a financial obligation on behalf of the County against an appropriation account in excess of the
amount authorized nor apply or divert money of the County for purposes inconsistent with those spuci-
fied in the general appropriations measure as approved and amended by the Board of Commissioners.
25. Any violation of the general appropriations measure by the County Executive, the Fiscal Officer,
any administrative officer, employee or member of the Board of Commissioners detected through ap-
plication of generally accepted accounting procedures utilized by Oakland County or disclosed in an
audit of the financial records and accounts of the County shall be filed with the State Treasurer and
reported by the State Treasurer to the Attorney General. Pursuant to Public Act 621 or 1978, the
Uniform Budgeting Act, the Attorney General shall review the report and initiate appropriate action
against the person or persons in violation. For use and benefit of the County or Oakland, the
Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney may institute a civil and/or criminal action in a court 01
competent jurisdiction for the recovery of County funds disclosed by an examination to have been
illegally expended or collected as a result of malfeasance, and for the recovery of public property
disclosed to have been converted or misappropriated.
26. The provisions of this act shall be applied to the General Fund and all Special Revenue and
Proprietary Funds of the County, including Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
resolution which embodies the 1986 General Appropriations Act as detailed in the Following document.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the Recommended 1986 Budget and General Appro-
priations Act be adopted.
Moved by Caddol) supported by Fortino the 1986 General Appropriations Act be amended as
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 405
Add_ a 5.t.h RESOLVED parn,rudi: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hinds representing the fnur
pereent penalty on 1981 delinquent nnii property lasl.ti (approximately $2,0011,00Dl he transterred from
the delinquent property ta.,: hied to the neoeral limed and 4H1 hided As pain. iii Hie treasurer's revenne
line item. Also, funds in the amount of $4,000,000, determined to be in excess .1 - the amtruni. necessary
lor adequate reserves and debt retirement, shall be transferred from the delinquent property tax fund
to the general fund and included as part of the investment income revenue line item."
Add a 6th RESOLVED oaragraph: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
position, or the equivalent thereof, shall be utilized by the Prosecutor in the Warrants Division
located in Royal Oak."
Add a 7th RESOLVED paragraph: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Count positions exceeding
$30,000 in annual salary shall be considered "frozen." In the event that such positions becomn vacant
during 1986, they shall not be filled by transfer, promotion, outside hiring or any other method,
until such action has been approved by the Personnel and Finance Committees."
Amend the language in Section 10 as follows:
The County Board of Commissioners may direct The County Board of Commissioners, or any..commirt_oe
the County Executive to submit any additional .thereof, may direct the County Exeentive and/or
information it deems relevant in its considers- other elected off.lcia/s to submit any additional
Lion of the budget and proposed appropriations information it deems relevant in its consideration
measure. The Board of Commissioners may con- of the budget and proposed appropriations measure.
duct budgetary reviews with the Fiscal Officer The Board of Commissioners may conduct budgetary
I or the purpose of clnrfication or justification reviews with the Fiscal Officer, and/or County
of proposed budgetary items. &Torments and divisionn or agencit.:,., etc., for
the purpose of elarifieation or )ostilication ot
proposed budgetary items.
Amend the language in Section 16 as follows:
Appropriations accumulated at the following three Appropriations accumnlated at the ellewinn tlunn ,
summary levels of expense within each County summary levels of expense within each County
Division will be deemed maximum authorization Division will be deemed maximum authorization to
to incur expenditures: Salaries and Fringes, incur expenditures: Salaries and Fringes, Over-
Overtime, and Operating. The County Executive time, and Operating. The County Execaltivo or the
or the Fiscal Officer shall exercise supervision Fiscal Officer shall exercise supervision and con-
and control of all budgeted expenditures within trol of all budgeted expenditures within these
these limits, holding expenses below individual limits, holding expenses below individual line-
line-item appropriations or allowing overruns item appropriations or allowing overruns in in-
in individual line-items providing that at no dividuol line-items providing that at no time
time shall the net expenditures exceed the total shall the net expenditures exceed the total appro-
appropriation For Salaries and Fringes, Overtime priation for Salaries and Fringes, Overtime or
or Operating expenses, respectively, for each Operating expenses, respectively, for each division
division as originally authorized or amended as orininally authorized or arinnnIrd by the Board
by the Board or Commissioners. Line-item detail, of Caimissinners. 'The Fiscal Oilier shall stihmdt
division, unit or nost center detail and allot- CO the Finance Coinnu ii Liii uarterly listinn of all
ments, which provide a monthly calendarization of the new line items created administrativ.,1v lor
of annual appropriations, as deemed necessary acttunl expenditures which were_9eijItioln11 .:y_nii-
by the Fiscal Officer, shall be maintained and liable_ in existing appropriation line items. ne-
utilized as an administrative tool for management item detail, division, unit or cost center detail
information and cost control. The Fiscal Officer and allotments, which provide a monthly calvil-
shall not approve any expenditure beyond that darizatinn of annual appropriations, as deemed
necessary to accomplish stated program or work necessary by the Fiscal Officer shall he maintained
objectives authorized in the general appropria- and utilfzed as an administrative tool for manage-
Lion MPlglIre ns originaliy approved or amended. Sent information and cost eontrol. The Fiscal
Officer shall not approve anv expenditure beyond
that necessary to accomplish stated program or
work objectives authorized in the peneral appro-
priation measure as originally npproved or amended.
Amend the language in the first paragraph of Section 21 as follows:
Transfers or any unennumbered balance, or any direct expenditure and/nr transiers of any 'men-
portion Ihereoi in any dnproprLirioo or reserve comhered hol:mce or any part [hcri.ol in :Iny
act-mini to Ally otherAwrepriation or reserveaccount appropriation reserve for train-der :'count to anv
may M.t lk, made wit ili u m amourh,rcill ml the getwral other appropriation or roserve acroun may not h,•
appropriations measune as provided for in this resolu- made without amendmnnt or Ow v...upr/ appropriation
tion, except that transfers within and between bud- measure as provided For in this resolution, except
geted funds and departments ray be made by the that transfers withLn an.1 hetwin.n budget funds and
fiscal Officer in the following instances: deparcments may be made oLlicer in
the following instances:
Delete the following Section 21(e):
Consistent with the self-insurance program previously approved by the Board Commissioners, liability
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
insurance rates shall be established annually in the budget process to charge all Governmental, Special
Revenue and Proprietary funded agencies. Such rates shall be sufficient to meet current pending claims
and claims anticipated from exposure through the end of 1986, as well as development and maintenance
of a self-insurance reserve. All funds collected for liability insurance shall be transferred to the
Self-Insurance Fund established by prior Board action.
Add the following new Section 24 and renumber all subsequent sections accordingly:
All appropriations are annual and the unexpended portion shall lapse at year end. Encumbrances and
appropriations carried forward will be recorded as a reservation of fund balance and the subsequent
year's budget amended to provide authority to complete these transactions, as defined in NCGA, State-
ment I. The recommended year-end budget amendment shall be supported with a statement of revenues and
expenditures and operating surplus or deficit which shall contain the following data: (1) budget as
adopted; (2) budget amendments; (3) budget as adjusted; (4) revenues and expenditures, operating surplus
or deficit; (5) accrued revenue and expenditures; (6) transfers; (7) total revenues and expenditures and
transfers, operating surplus or deficit, including accruals and transfers; (8) encumbrances; (9) appro-
priations carried forward; (10) total revenues and appropriations utilized, operating surplus or deficit,
including encumbrances and appropriations carried forward; (11) balance of revenues not collected, un-
encumbered appropriation balance, operating surplus or deficit; (12) detail of adjustments to designated
and undesignated fund balance, detail of adjustment to reserves and/or any other utilization of surplus;
(13) final surplus or deficit or undesignated fund balance carried forward to the subsequent year's
Revise Section 25 (formerly Section 24) as follows:
A member of the Board of Commissioners, the A member of the Board of Commissioners, the
County Executive, any elected officer, the Fiscal County Executive, any elected officer, the Fiscal
Officer, any other administrative officer or Em- Officer, any other administrative officer or em-
ployee of Oakland County shall not create a ployee of Oakland County shall not create a debt,
debt, incur a financial obligation on behalf incur a financial obligation on behalf of the
of the County against an appropriation account County against an appropriation account in excess
in excess of the amount authorized nor apply of the amount authorized nor apply or divert money
or divert money of the County for purposes of the County for purposes inconsistent with those
inconsistent with those specified in the general specified in the general appropriations measure
appropriations measure as approved and amended as approved and amended by the Board of Commis-
by the Board of Commissioners. sioners. Funds shall not be expended or trans-
ferred from "off-budget" or balance sheet reserve
accounts, contingent liability accounts, desig-
nated and undesignated fund balances without
specific appropriation or other appropriate
action by the Board of Commissioners.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments were approved.
WEEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #85319, dated November 7, 1985, the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners authorized the Board Chairperson and the County Executive to accept the Solid
Waste Management Act 641 Grant for solid waste management planning; and
WHEREAS this grant will increase the 1986 budget revenue by $49,011.00.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1986 budget be amended as follows:
Increase 3-10100-142-02-2188 Sewer, Water & Solid Waste Revenue $49,011
increase 4-10100-909-01-9900 Contingency
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Fortino the amendment be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment was approved.
In order to implement the changes in Section 21 of the General Appropriations Act, I move to amend
the budget to transfer the following appropriations from the departmental and non-departmental budgets
to the appropriations reserve for transfer section of the budget:
Transfer From: To'
Other County Appropriations A.oro.riations reserves for Transfer
Capital Improvement Program $ 500,000 Capital Improvement Program $ 500,000
Road Improvements 500,000 Road Improvements 500,000
Insurance & Surety Bonds 720,780 Insurance & Surety Bonds 2,417,227
Line 412 Circuit_ Court insurance 11,200
Line 412 District Court insurance 8,160
Line 412 Probate Court Insurance 3,200
Line 412 Sheriff Insurance 613,400
Commissioners Minoteq Continoud. Doeembor 12, 1985 407
ian 41 Sh•rill his htiriiiiient Liability
Line 4l2 Drain Commisioner Insurance
Line 412 Central Service:4 to-;urrince
Line 412 Institutional 6 Human Services Insurance
Line 412 Public Services Insurance
G. 1i1 111am Caddo11, Lhairper!-,on
Moved by Caddell ,opported by Perinoff the amendment be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment was approved.
I move that the amounts shown in the Executive Recommendation Column in tile Board of
Commissioners' Adopted Budget be amended to reflect the corrections and changes recommended by
the Executive after the original submission of his Recommended Budget.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the amendment he approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment was approved.
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, haying reviewed new posit inn requests of the various CmIntv
Dopartmoias and forwarded i Lu rucommendations to the FillarIUU Committee, finds !-;aid rccomiwochitions
incorporated in the 1986 linch.wt with the following exceptions:
One (1) Para-Legal Clerk (Prosecutor-Warrants/Career Criminal)
Salary $16,104
Fringe Benefits 5,797
Total $21,901
One (1) Assistant Prosecutor I (Prosecutor-Warrants Division)
Salary $27,330
Fringe Benefits 9 839
Total $37,169
One (L) Legal Secretary (Prosecutor-Appellate Division)
Salary $18,938
Fringe Benefits 6,818
Total $25,756
Line item: $22,000 (52nd District court/Division I)
to contract for security services.
The Personnel Committee recommends the 1986 Budget he amended to incorporate the lire go ing
and to delete funding for one (1) new Family Counselor position (Salary -$19,818, Fringe Benefits-
$7,134, Total -$26,952) from the Friend of the Court budget not recommended by the Personnel Com-
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, move the adoption of Lie foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Webb the amendments be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendments were approved.
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I move to amend the 1986 Budget effective January 1. 1986 by deleting funding from thy
salaries and fringe benefit line items of the Friend or the Court intended to fund one (1) now
Friend of the Court Family Counselor I position.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing amendment,
John J. McDonald
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Moved by McDonald supported by Webb the amendment be approved.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Hobart, McConnell, McDonald, Perinoff, Resold, Skarritt, Aaron.
NAYS: Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Pernick, Price, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro,
the Chairperson eJeared the floor of the votes for clarification purposes.
The Chairperson stated a "aye" vote will delete the funding for the position and a "no"
vote will not delete the funding.
A new vote was called:
AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Page,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra. (15)
NAYS: Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McPherson, Moore, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Aaron. (11)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson Ladies and Gentlemen:
move to amend the 1986 Budget effective January 1, 1986 by adding one (1) Assistant
Prosecutor I and one (1) Legal Secretary to the Prosecuting Attorney Appellate Division budget
and one (1) Para-Legal Clerk to the Warrants Division (Career Criminal unit) budget.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
John J. McDonald
Moved by McDonald supported by Devon the amendments be approved.
AYES: Hassberger, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Periaoff, Price,
Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Doyon. (13)
NAYS: Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Resold,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra. (13)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendments failed.
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I move to amend the 1986 Budget effective January 1, 1986 by adding $22,000 to a Professional
Services line item in the budget of the 52nd District Court, Division I for the purpose of securing
security services as needed.
Further that the funding required to provide these services be appropriated in the budget
of the 52nd District Court, Division I as follows:
4-10100-322-01-00-3128 Professional Services $22,000
4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency (22 000)
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing amendment.
John J. McDonald
Moved by McDonald supported by Moore the amendment be approved.
AYES: Hobart, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Perinoff, Skarritt, Aaron,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon. (11)
NAYS: Gosling, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick,
Price, Resold, Webb, Wilcox, Fortino. (15)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
By Personnel Committee
Me Personnel Committoo recommends to amend the 1986 Budget document by increasing the
salary ranges for County classifications not represented by bargaining units and included in salary
grades 1 - 15, effective January 4, 1986, in the following manner:
Increase the 1985 salary ranges for salary grades 1 - 15, by 3.5%
Increase the current salary ranges of classes in grades 1 , 15, where current maximum
is below the 1985 salary grade range maximum, by one-half the difference between cilia classifications
11 ,'1,/110
10.1 IV,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 409
current maximum and the approved salary grade maximum, plus an additional 1.5Z_ No increase is to
exceed 107,
Increase by 1.0/ the current salary ranges of (.1:)se,-; whose current 1105 0511111 iS iliove till
1985 salary grade range maximum,
FURTHER that all remaining classes not represented by bargaining units be increased by
3.01 effective January 4, 1986 including designated exceptions to salary grades 1 - 15 salary grade
tables and elected and appointed officials, but excluding:
Appointed Board and Commission members; and
District, Probate and Circuit Judge classifications which shall he treated by
separate amendments; and
Commissioner, Commissioner-Chairperson, Commissioner-Vice Chairperson,
Commissioner Caucus Chairperson, and Commissioner Standing Committee
Chairperson: and
The part-time hourly classes of Student, Summer Emplwyee live ii , Se:e;onal
Program Specialist I and Li, Magistrate, Cate Attendani, Parks de]pers,
Food Service Worker Trainee and Physician Consultant Specialist;
FURTHER that sufficient monies be transferred from the salary adjustment account and the
fringe benefit adjustment account to fund these changes and be distributed to the various departmental
salaries and fringe benefit budgets as required.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Perinoff the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Calandro the illeigil he amended IS recommended in On• Pcporl.
niiaaf!-;;;Ion lollowed.
Moved by Hobart supported by Fortino that action on the amendment he deterred until alter
the New Salary Administration Plan had been acted upon.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
By Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee recommends that in addition to the increase to jud!.,es' so Ii r I es
provided by the State that the 1986 Budget be amended in increasing the County's supplewnfal portion
of the Circuit, Probate and District Court Judges' salaries as follows:
Effective • Effective
Jan. 1, 1986 June 1, 1986
From To To
(:irenii Andre
:11 .1 i Clot 1 11011
Cnnniv :-;upplerwei:11
Probate Judge
State Portion 32,460 J4.295
County Supplemental Salary 35,916 16,486 17 ,n 1i
(includes $6,000 mandatory payment
toward State Statutory Salary)
Total . 68,376 70,781 71,612
District Court Judge
State Portion 38,460 40,295 40,29a
County Supplemental Salary 29,916 30,486 31,137
Total 68,376 70 781 71,632
FURTHER, that the 1986 Oakland County Budget be amended to fund the salaries increase by
transferring sufficient monies from the salary adjustment account and the fringe benefit adkIsiment
account to fund these changes and be distributed to the various departmental salaries and fringe
benefit budgets as required.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Appropriation Contingency
Increase Increase
(Decrease) (Decrease)
(12 560)
12 560
Reduce Appropriations to Private Institutions
by $40,000 and State Institutions by $20,000
Private Institutions
State Institutions
Add $20,000 special project for carpet repair
and replacement
Special Projects
Add $30,000 special project for carpet repair
and replacement
Special Projects
Delete (1) Deputy Court Administrator Position
Salaries Regular
Fringe Benefits
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Moved by McDonald supported by Nelson the Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Report was accepted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Perinoff the budget be amended to conform with the report.
AYES: Hassherger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Fortino,
Gosling. (23)
NAYS: Lanni, Calandro, Doyen. (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Moved by Caddell the Budget be amended as follows:
Item 3
Page 12
Item 11
Page 14
Item 13
Page 15
Item 14
Page 15
Item 35
Page 20
Mr. Lanni supported the amendment.
Delete (2) Research Law Clerk Positions
Salaries Regular
Fringe Benefits
Item 10 Delete (1) Clinical Psychologist I Position
Page 14 and 10,920 Professional Services Acct. 3128
fon purposcs of contracting (2) additional
Psychological interns
Salaries Regular
Fringe Benefits
Professional Services
Moved by Pernick supported by Perinoff the question be divided and vote on each
item separately.
A dufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to divide the question carried.
Vote on Circuit Court -(amendment to delete 2 Research Law Clerk positions)
AYES: Lanni, McConnell, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. (14)
NAYS: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price,
Aaron, Doyon, Fortino. (12)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 411
Vote on Probate Court (Delete 1 Clinical Psychologist I position and 10,920 Professional
Services Account 3128 for purposes of contracting 2 additional Psychological Interns)
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, SeLson, Olsen, Page,
Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart. R. Kuhn. (19)
NAYS: Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. Aaron, Dovon, Fortino, (7)
A sufficient maority having voted therefor, the Jmeudment carried.
Vote on Probate Court (Reduce Appropriations to Private Institutions by $40,000 and State
institutions by $20,000)
Discussion followed.
Barbara Consilio, Probate Court Administrator, addressed the Board.
Vote on amendment:
AYES: Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (18)
NAYS: Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on Social Services (add $20,000 special project for carpet repair and replacement)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (Add S30,000 special project for carpet
repair and replacement)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on Probate Court (Delete 1 Deputy Court Administrator Position)
AYES: Moffitt, Olsen, Wilcox. Caddell, Gosling, Lanni. (6)
NAYS: McConnell, McDonald, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kohn. (19)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
The Ghairpor:qoll vacatvd the Chair. Vice Chairpor.'iun Mnrilynn Con I Jog took the Chair.
Moved by PerinofF supported by Aaron to delete the entire Budget item of the Economic
Development Group and all the employees therein (in the Budget amount of $771,661) and have this
amount transferred to the Contingency fund.
AYES: Perinoff. Aaron. -(2)
NAYS: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price. Skarritt, Webb,
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell. (21)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Moved by Fortino supported by Price the Food Service Budget be amended to deli ,te $150,000
of the Loral operatinn costs out or the $203,000 line item in the budget, thereby allowing a three
CO mouth operation, to be possible until such time that we could go out for bids and turn it over to
a private industry.
AYES: McPherson, Perfnoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron, Dovon, Fortino. (7)
NAYS: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra,
Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald. (18)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
The Chairperson returned to the Chair.
Moved by Doyon supported by Fortino the Budget be amended to delete the number or positions
in Public Safety and create similar positions in the Sheriff's Department; explicitly, I would like
to delete the Manager of Public Safety and transfer that to the Sheriff's Department (should that
po8ition become vacant, thar position be eliminated), One Shift Leader II, 4 Shift Lender 1, and
20 Public Safety Officer I, 5 Building Safety Attendants which do the communications efforts and
convert that to three (3) Sheriff's Communications Agents which in effect is deleting two (2)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
positions, with the appropriate dollar amounts.
AYES: Moore, Perinoff,Pernick, Price, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson. (8)
NAYS: Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Resold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra,
Gosling, Hassbereer, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. McConnell, McDonald. (18)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the Board reconsider the vote taken on the Circuit
Court, Research Law Clerk position.
AYES: Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn, Lanni,
McDonald, McPherson. (12)
NAYS: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Skarritt, Webb. Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. Gosling, Hassberger,
Hobart, McConnell. (12)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Moved by Doyon supported by Fortino the Budget be amended by increasing the Tr-County
Agreement from $500,000 to $750,000.
Moved by Fortino supported by Perinoff the amendment he amended for the $250,000 to come
out of the Economic Development Group operating budget.
AYES: Perinoff, Aaron, Fortino. (3)
NAYS: Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra
Doyon, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment failed.
Vote on Mr. Doyon's amendment:
AYES: Page, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Olsen. (18)
NYAS: Resold, Webb, Wilcox, Hassberger, McConnell, Nelson. (6)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
The Chairperson stated the New Salary Administration Plan would be considered next.
The Chairperson declared a 5 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 1:05 p.m.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard
Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (27)
ABSENT: None. (0)
Quorum present.
Misc. 85356
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee appointed a Study Group to review the present salary
administration system utilized in the County in order to determine whether a new system would he
appropriate to handle salary issues, including the review of equity requests; and
WHEREAS the Study Group, after careful review and considerable discussion of the various
salary administration systems available, reported to the Personnel Committee recommending the
adoption of N point Factor .ol) evaluation plan for non-represented classifications which have been
cvaluatod within grades 1-15, with those classes evaluated above grade 15 to he considered in a
second phase review; and
WHEREAS the County Executive and your Personnel Committee have reviewed the recommendations
of the Study Group and find that such a system will provide a method to handle current and new equity
adjustment requests and further that the recommended system implementation and on-going costs are
manageable within Board allocated resources.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the primary objectives of the County's compensati _on policy
are: (A) to attract (B) to retain a qualified and productive work force to provide cost effective
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 413
service to citizens of Oakland County. The County recognizes that the free and competitive market
provides the basis for determining a fair and equitable compensation For its employee3 and considers
the market factors as the principal criterion for determining the compensation of its employees.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report and recommendations of the Salary Administration
Study Group as attached be accepted and adopted for implementation beginning in 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee prepare specific implementation recom-
mendations for 1986 in line with the approach described in the Study Croup report for adoption with
the 1986 budget.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee develop the desirable Merit Rule changes
for Board consideration consistent with the policy statement and implementation procedures being
adopted with the approval of this resolution.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John 3. McDonald, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Hassberger the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Pernick supported by Moffitt the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Aaron, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Moffitt,
Moore. (I1)
NAYS: Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Hassberger, S. Kuhn, Las,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Nelson, Page. (15)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Price, Resold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. Calandra, Doyon, lassberger,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, uerinoff. (20)
NAYS: Pernick, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, McPherson, Moffitt. (6)
ABSTAIN: Fortino. (1)
A sufficient, maority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the 1986 recommended salary increases be adopted.
AYES: Price, Resold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, noyon, (;osling,
Hassberger, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moore, Nelson, 01seo, Page, Pertnoff,
Pernick. (23)
NAYS: Hobart, McPherson, Moffitt. (3)
ABSTAIN: Fortino. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1086 recommended salary increases (as an
amendment to the Budget) was adopted.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Richard Kuhn the Budget be amended to include three (3)
Research Clerks in the Circuit Court.
Moved by Doyon supported by Moore the amendment be amended to delete one of the positions.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, Mr. Doyon's amendment failed.
Moved by McDonald supported by Law the amendment be amended to delete two (2) of the Law
Research Clerks and make it one position only.
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, Mr. McDonald's amendment Failed.
Mr. Doyon appealed the decision of the Chair regarding the voice vote.
The Chairperson stated a roll call vote would be taken on the deletion of the two positions.
A "es" vote will sustain Mr. McDonald's amendment to the amendment.
AYES: Rewold, Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell. McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (18)
NAYS: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (q)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment carried.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Vote on amendment as amended:
AYES : Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald, McPherson, Mollitt,
Moore, Perinuff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (15)
NAYS: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Nelson, Olsen,
Page. (11)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment, as amended, carried.
Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino to re-establish the "Fortino County Millnee Reduction
Fund" in the amount of $2,000,000. and pledge next year to give back to the taxpayers a millage
AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (8)
NAYS: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt. (17)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed.
Vote on 1986 Recommended Budget and General Appropriations Act, as amended:
AYES: Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb. (21)
NAYS: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore, Pernick. (6)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1986 Recommended Budget and General
Appropriations Act, as amended, was adopted.
By Finance Committee
IN RE: District Court - Equitable Allocation of District Court Revenues (Miscellaneous Resolution 85336)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution g85316, report with the
recammendaiion that said resolution Sc adopted with the amendment recommended by the General
Government Committee.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, T move the acceptance of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
By General Government Committee
IN RE: District Court - Equitable Allocation of District Court Revenues (Miscellaneous Resolution 85336)
To the Finance Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85336, District
Court - Equitable Allocation of District Court Revenues, reports with the recommendation that the
resolution be adopted with the following amendment: in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph,
add at the end of #3, "by using the methodology employed by the Oakland County Department of Manage-
ment and Budget in their analysis of June 4, 1984."
The General Government Committee further recommends that the Oakland County Department of
Management and Budget prepare and attach a written description or their methodology.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the Forego mug report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Misc. 85336
By Commissioners Robert W. Page and Nancy McConnell
IN RE: District Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the net cost of operating the various district courts is becoming an ever-increasing
financial burden for the counties or local units of government designated as the district court con-
trol units; and
WHEREAS, at present, portions of the revenues generated by the district courts are allo-
cated to public libraries, local units of government which are not designated as district court
control units, and the State of Michigan to defray the expense of certain state programs; and
WHEREAS the state court of appeals decision in the case of Saginaw Public Libraries
versus the Judges of the 70th District Court has added considerable confusion to the process of
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 415
determining penal fines versus court costs and, as a consequence of this decision, the calculation
of penal fines has been left to the discretion of the judiciary thus, in some eases, diverting
additional revenues to the public libraries; and
WHEREAS these revenue diversions increase the annual net deficit in the various district
court operations which must be born by the designated court control units.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports
legislative amendments to existing statutes which would:
1) allocate to the district court control units, which bear the net costs of
the court operations, all of the revenues currently distributed to county
and/or local units of government;
2) allocate to the distrUt court control units all of the fines arid costs
currently being diverted to the State of Michigan to defray the expenses
of state operated programs;
3) clearly define by statute the method of calculating penal fines which are
due to the public libraries versus court costs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs its legislative
agent and other support staff to work with state senators and representatives from Oakland County to
have appropriate legislation drafted and introduced.
Mr. Chairperson, we move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Robert W. Page, Commissioner, District #13
Nancy McConnell, Commissioner, District #23
Moved by Caddell supported by McPherson the Finance Committee Report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the General Government Report he accepted.
A sufficient majoritv haying voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be amended by adding:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proposed legislative amendments incorporate a formula
allocation substantiated by a cost analysis similar to the one prepared by the Oakland County Depart-
ment of Management and Budget which determines the personnel costs based on the percentage of time
spent on statutory cases, along with related operating costs, and then divides the total allowable
costs by total Statutory Revenue."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Skarritt,
Webb, Wilcox. (23)
NAYS: Aaron, Price. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Health Division - Agreement for Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site Sanitary Facilities,
Village of Franklin (Misceilaneous Resolution #85354)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85354, reports with the
recommendation that said resolution be adopted with the following change: To add an additional para-
graph to read, "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners creates one (1)
Public Health Sanitarian III position in the Environmental Health unit of the Health Division."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption oF the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Health Division - Agreement for Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site Sanitary Facilities,
Village of Franklin (Miscellaneous Resolution #85354)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85354,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
'Health nivision - Agreement lur 0,10gai ion pi AlahOrity I0 Regulate On-Site Sanitary Facilities,
Village a Franklin", reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the accep-
tance of the foregoing report.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Misc. 85354
By David L. Moffitt
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Village of Franklin is desirous of entering into an agreement with the County
of Oakland to contract for the services of a full-time registered Sanitarian for the purpose of
inspecting, identifying, rectifying, supervising and correcting on-site sanitary facilities within
the Village of Franklin and its Waste Water Management District; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Health Division has reviewed such agreement and finds such
agreement to be acceptable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
approve the Agreement for Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site Sanitary Facilities with the
Village of Franklin.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby autho-
rize its Chairperson to enter into snid agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
David L. Moffitt, Commissioner District #15
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division - Agreement for Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site Sanitary
Facilities, Village of Franklin (Miscellaneous Resolution #85354)
Ti the Oakland Cuunty Board oh Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85354 and finds:
1. The Village of Franklin requests to enter into an agreement with the County to contract
for one (1) full-time registered sanitarian for the purpose of inspecting, identifying, rectifying,
supervising and correcting on-cite sanitary facilities within the Village of Franklin and its Waste
Water Management District,
2. Total cost of the contract is estimated to be $50,808 for 1986; $31,923 for salaries,
$12,401 for fringe benefits, $1,400 for operating expenses, $3,296 for direct support and $1,788 for
indirect costs,
3. Personnel changes will have to be approved by the Personnel Committee; continued
funding of positions is contingent upon continuation of the contract,
4. The 1986 Health Division - Environmental Health Unit Budget he amended as follows:
3-22100-162-20-2074 Contract-Village of Franklin $ 49,020
3-10100-903-01-9310 Indirect Costs 1,788
4-22100-162-20-1001 Salaries- Regular $ 31,923
4-22100-162-20-2074 Fringe Benefits 12,401
4-22100-162-20-3574 Personal Mileage 1,300
4-22100-162-20-4898 Office Supplies 100
4-10100-909-00-9900 Contingency 5 084
$ 50,808
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be amended by adding an additional
paragraph to read: 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners creates
one (1) Public Health Sanitarian III position in the Environmental Health unit of the Health Division.'
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution as amended (with Fiscal Note attached):
AYES: Caddell, CaIandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (20)
NAYS: Doyon, Fortino, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Aaron. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, a8 amended (with Fiscal
Note attached) was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Establish the Office of county Pohlic Works commiHsiouer (Miscellaneow. Resoluliou 185137)
To the Oakland County Board oF Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85337, Establish the
Office of County Public Works Commissioner, Reports from the Planning and Building and General
Government Committees, reports with the recommendation that the substitute resolution presented
by the General Government Committee be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner (Miscellaneous Resolution #85337)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85337, "Establish the Office of County Public
Works Commissioner," the report of the Planning and Building Committee and the legal opinion from
William P. Hampton to Richard R. Wilcox dated November 15, 1985, the General Government Committee
(1) That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners set a public hearing as required
by Public Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1958, as amended by Public Act 170 of the
Public Acts of 1974, and Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, as amended, such
hearing to be held on December 12, 1985.
(2) That the Board of Commissioners adopt the attached substitute resolution for
Miscellaneous Resolution #85337.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner (Miscellaneous Resolution 485337)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85337, "Establish the Office of County Public
Works Commissioner", the Planning and Building Committee recommends the adoption of the resolution
with the following recommendation and amendment:
1. It is recommended that a vote be taken by the Board of Commissioners on the
merger mentioned in the resolution immediately after the public hearing.
2. The resolution should be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph so that
it reads (amendment underlined):
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners e4s
Stehfler4-T4.me requests the Board Chairperson to call a public hearing . to consider the
question of the combination of the powers, duties, and functions of the Drain Commis-
sioner and the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water, and Solid
Wastu, excluding the solid waste functions of that Division, into one county depart-
ment headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner, pursuant to the provisions of
Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of 1974.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the acceptance
of the foregoing report.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Misc. 85337 (Original Resolution)
By Robert W. Page
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 170 of the Public Act of 1974 amended the Michigan Drain Code to authorize
the Board of Commissioners to combine various public works powers, duties, and functions into one
county department headed by an elected Public Works Commissioner; and
WHEREAS the Public Works Commissioner shall be elected in the same manner and for the
ilame term as the Drain Commissioner and shall carry out the powers and ditties of the Drain Com-
missioner; and
WHEREAS the combination of the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water
and Solid Waste, excluding the solid waste functions of that Division, with the Drain Commissioner
into one county department headed by a Public Works Commissioner would promote more efleetive use
of County personnel and funds, and thereby benefit the taxpayers of Oakland County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners culls a
public hearing to be held on the 21st day of November, 1985 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Tint'.
to consider the question of the combination of the powers, duties and functions of the Drain Com-
missioner and the water and sewer functions of the Division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste, ex-
eluding the solid waste functions of that Division, into one county department headed by an elected
Public Works Commissioner, pursuant to the provisions of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as
amended by Act 170 of 1974.
I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Robert W. Page, Commissioner District #13
G. William Caddell, James E. Lanni, Roy Rewold,
Susan Kuhn, Richard R. Wilcox, David L. Moffitt,
Marilynn E. Gosling, W. A. Hassbergur,
Anne M. Hobart, James A. Doyon, Dorothy M. Webb,
Betty Fortino, Richard O. Kuhn, Jr., Oennis M. Aaron,
Ralph H. Nelson, Ruel McPherson, Richard G. Skarritt,
Lawrence R. Pernick, Alexander C. Perinoff,
John P. Calandro, Walter Moore, Nancy McConnell
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Establishment of an Elected Public Works Commissioner With the Combined Powers, Duties and
Functions of Act 185 of 1957 and Act 342 of 1939
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XIC of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85337 and the proposed substitute resolution and finds that in order to establish an
elected Public Works Commissioner with the combined powers, duties and functions of Act 185 of 1957
and Act 342 of 1939, the 1986 Budget shall be amended as follows:
1) Retitle the Department of Drain Commissioner to The Department of Public Works Com-
2) Transfer two (2) Governmental Fund positions and eighty-nine (89) Special Revenue
positions, as detailed on the attached organization chart and position listing, from the County
Executive Public Works Department to the newly created Department of Public Works Commissioner,
3) Transfer Salary, Fringe Benefit and Operating Funds totaling $16,361,517, as detailed
by line item on the attached budget schedules, from the County Executive Department of Public Works
to the newly created Department of Public Works Commissioner (Governmental Funds - $272,617;
Proprietary Funds - $16,088,900)
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell Nopported by Nelson the reports be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the reports were accepted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be amended by using a Substitute
Resolution to read:
FUNCTIONS OF AOT 185 of 1957 and Act 342 of 1939
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has heretofore established a public improvement agency with
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 419
the Oakland County Drain Counissioner designated as the County agent pursuant to Act 342 of the
Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being Sections 46.171 to 46.188 of the Michigan Compiled Laws;
WHEREAS Section 21 of Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended by Act 170 of the
Public. Acts of 1974, authorizes the County Board of Commissioners, by resolution of a two-thirds
vole of the members elected and serving, to combine the powers, duties and functions set forth in
Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, Act 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended,
and Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, into one County Department headed by a Public
Works Commissioner; and
WHEREAS Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973 provides for the County Board of Commissioners
to exercise all powers and duties vested in boards of county commissioners not inconsistent with
the terms of Act 139: and
WHEREAS the County Board of Commissioners is authorized by Section 12 of Act 139 of the
Public Acts of 1973 to delegate additional powers and Functions to the Drain Commissioner and the
combination of powers, doties and functions set forth in the above-enumerated acts is consistent
with this authorization; and
WHEREAS the intent of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Oakland to achieve sub-
stantial savings in the cost of operation and a more effective, efficient organization of public
works management functions within the County is consistent with the provisions of Act 139; and
WHEREAS the combination of the sewer and water functions of the division of Sewer, Water
and Solid Waste, excluding the solid waste functions of that division, with the Drain Commissioner
into one County department headed by a Public Works Commissioner will promote more effective use
of County personnel and funds, and thereby benefit the taxpayers of Oakland County.
1. Pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 21 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts
of 1956, as amended, and after holding a public hearing as provided in said Act, and further pur-
suant to the provisions of Act 149 of the Public Arts of 1973, the Board of Commissioners of the
County of Oakland does hereby establish the office of Pubiie Works Commissioner and combine the
powers, duties and functions set forth in Act 185. of the Public Acts of 1957, as amended, Act 342
of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, and Act 40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, into
one County department to be headed by the Public Works Commissioner. The Public Works Commissioner
shall be elected in the same manner and for the same term as a Drain Commissioner and shall carry
Out the powers and duties of a Drain Commissioner. The Oakland County Drain Commissioner shall assume
the office of the Public Works Commissioner effective January 1, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the construction, maintenance and operation of all County
storm and sanitary sewer, sewage disposal, water, general drainage, and flood control facilities
shall be performed by the Public Works Commissioner and the entire budget and personnel of the
division of Sewer, Water and Solid Waste of the Department of Public Works heretofore engaged or
spent in the pursuit of such functions, except for Solid Waste functions, shall be transferred to
the office of the Public Works Commissioner effective January 1, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive and the directors of the Departments of
Oakland County government are hereby authorized to take all such administrative acts as may be
necessary to implement this resolution.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Discussion foil owed
Vote on the Substitute Resolution (with Fiscal Note attached).
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McPherson,
Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell. (18)
NAYS: Codling, Hobart, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Olsen, Skarritt. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached,
was adopted.
Misc. 85357
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85282
authorized application for the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (E.P.S.D.T.)
Grant in the amount of $714,639 for the time period October 1, 1985 through September 10, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Depart-
ment of Public Health and finds the grant award in the amount of $714,670, or $31 more than the
original grant application for the period October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the attached schedule details differences between the original grant application
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
and Ihe graiit award; and
WHEREAS application or acc,Ttano ul the grant does not obligate the County to 0115 Future
C ommitment.
NOW THEREFORE BE rr RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the
E.P.S.D.T. Grant in the amount of $714,670.
BEIT prnTmEn RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed mid approved Ati to torm
by the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Nelson, Olsen, Ferinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro.
NAYS: None. (0)
A emflicient maloritv havine voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 8' I'll
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Health Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review aceeptance
of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #8511h
authorized application for the Substance Abuse Grant in the amount of $1,609,443 For the period
October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan De-
partment of Public Health and Finds the grant award in the amount of $1,609,443, the same as the
original grant application for the same time period; and
WHEREAS said program is 751 ($1,609,443) funded by the State and 252 ($543,335) funded by
local and other sources, for a total 1986 program of $2,152,778; and
WHEREAS ;applic:Irion or acceptance of the grant does not ohlieate the County le ant future.
eommilt11101I ; and
WHEREA:; thi r,vdnl yonita,J hue; been reviewed and approved ia to form by II,, ,r
Corporation Counsel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the
Substance Abuse Grant award in the amount of $1,609,443.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Substance Abuse Proeram Analyst (1,000 hoHr,,) sot it ion
be created in the Health Division Budget - Substance Abuse unit for the time period October I, 1985
through September 30, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten (10) percent variance, which are consistent
with the grant as approved.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Nelson, Olsen,
Paee, Perinoff, Pornick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandrn, Doyen. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commisioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 421
Misc. 85359
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissoners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 884175
authorized the establishment of a Rental Rehabilitation Program and accepted a grant award from
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in the amount of $154,000 for Fiscal Year
1984; and
WHEREAS HUD has allocated $149,000 for the second fiscal year 1985 (making the total
allocation to date $303,000); and
WHEREAS acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment; and
WHEREAS the revenues and expenditures are included in Community Development 1986 proposed
budget; and
WHEREAS this grant has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1985
Housing and Urban Development Rental Rehabilitation Program Grant Award in the amount of $149,000.
RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be
and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption or the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Report to Finance Committee
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Community Development Division - Rental Rehabilitation Program - Acceptance of 1985 Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) Grant Award
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Public Services Committee, having reviewed the above-identified resolution reports with
the recommendation that it be adopted by the Finance Committee.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf at the Public Services Committee, I submit the foregoing report.
James E. 1,anni, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calaodro, Devon, Fortino.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85360
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Computer Services
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the current professional services contract between Oakland County and Systems
and Computer Technology Corporation (SCT) ends on December 31, 1985; and
WHEREAS there arc a number of application development projects in various phAses of de-
tailed specification through coding; and
WHEREAS SCT provides key staff for the CHAMPS project for the Health Division; and
WHEREAS Computer Services Department is in the process of evaluating a number of alter-
natives for professional services targeted to projects specific requirements; and
WHEREAS Computer Users Advisory Committee (CUAC) is in the process of examining a
number of options for project based professional and technical services.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the contract with Systems and Computer Technology be
extended to no later than June 30, 1986 for an amount not to exceed $399,719 provided in the 1986
Budget; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon recommendation of CUAC, the Computer Services Department
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
be authorized to seek project specific technical and professional services, and implement a phase in
period to assure the continuance of current projects, and enhanced computing services.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Fortino, Gosling. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution WAS adopted.
Misc. 85361
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Probate Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS since 1967, the Skillman Foundation has provided grants to the Oakland Count
Probate Court and to provide primary funding for family camps at Camp Oakland Inc., Oxford, Michigan,
for mothers and youngsters who would not otherwise be able to have such an .experience; and
WHEREAS the Skillman Foundation, on November 20, 1985, agreed to a new grant to the Oakland
County Probate Court in the amount of $165,000 for the 1985-86 grant year, covering the period
September 1, 1985 through August 31, 1986 consistent with attached schedule, with a stipulation that
the grant be expended solely in support of the programs, purposes, and budget detailed in the Probate
Court's proposal submitted August 26, 1985 (Miscellaneous Resolution #85231); and
WHEREAS the probate Court deems it essential to accept these funds to continue the above-
named programs; and
WHEREAS the grant award has been reviewed and approved as to form by the office of the
Corporation Counsel; and
WHEREAS the grant award has been accounted for in Probate Court proposed 1986 Budget.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
gratefully acknowledge and accept the grant in the amount of $165,000 from the Skillman Foundation
of Detroit to the County or Oakland, through the Probate Court, Juvenile Division.
BE Vf FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson or the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
he and Is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve
minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with
the grant as approved.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption or the foregoing
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution he adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Pernick, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85362
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Ideal Mutual Insurance Company was the County's police professional carrier
until December 15, 1980; and
WHEREAS in December 1984, ideal Mutual Insurance Company went into rehabilitation in the
State of New York and was subsequently put into receivership by the Insurance Commissioner of Chat
State; and
WHEREAS Ideal has ceased to represent its insureds in pending lawsuits, includirw Murray
v Oakland County Sheriff's Dept., et al.; and
WHEREAS the firm of Booth, Patterson, Lee, Karlstrom & Steckling continued its defense of
this case by the direction of the Department of Corporation Counsel; and
WHEREAS this matter went to jury trial and a verdict of no cause of action WAS obtAind; And
Commissioners Minutes Continued, December 12, 1985 421
WHEREAS Booth, Patterson, Lee, Karlstrom & Steckling has submitted a final billing for
services rendered between September 25, 1985 and October 30, 1985; and
WHEREAS Corporation Counsel finds the attorneys' fees and expenses charged to be reasonable
for services rendered and recommends payment in the amount of $5,868.55.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $5,868.55 available in the
1985 Contingency Fund AcCOura to cover said cost.
RE rr FURTHER RES0LVFO that the Board of Commissioners appropriates $5,868.55 from the
1985 Cuntingency Account and transfers said amount to the Corporation Counsel Division - Legal
Expense Account as follows:
909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(5,869)
115-01-00-3456 Legal Expense 5 ,869
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pornick, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Cal andro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85363
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County Hoard of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the firm of Craig, Farber, Downs & Oise has been chosen by Central National
Insurance Company to defend the County regarding police Professional Liability; and
WHEREAS the firm has submitted billings for services rendered through August 31, 1985
representing charges for those cases covered by Central National Insurance Company; and
WHEREAS Corporation counsel finds the attorneys' fees and expenses charged to he reasonahle
for services rendered and recommends payment In the amount of $12,684.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $12,684 available in the
1985 Sheriff's Department Budget-Law Enforcement Liability account (4-10100-431-01-00-3452) for
said purpose.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the h)regoing
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Calandro the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Prier, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Dovon. Fortino, Gosling,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution wins Adopted.
Misc. 85364
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
To the Oakland County board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Firm of Craig, Farber, Downs & Dice has been chosen by Central National
Insurance Company to defend the County regarding police Professional Liability; and
WHEREAS the firm has recommended settlement of the above-entitled claim in the amount of
$2,500; and
WIMREAS Corporation Counsel has reviewed evaluation of the cause and concurs in recom-
mendation that the above-entitled claim be settled for the amount indicated.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Committee finds $2,500 available in the
1985 Sheriff's Department Budget-Law Enforcement Liability account (4-10100-411-01-00-(451) for
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
said settlement payment.
Mr. Chairoorson, si 110-Niii OF the Finance Committee, I move the adoption OF the foregoing
rt,so C lit Lou .
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85365
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County Executive has recommended the establishment of a business incubator
center in accordance with P.A. 198 of 1984; and
WHEREAS the City of Ferndale has expressed intent to join with County to establish said
center; and
WHEREAS as it is advisable the County and the City of Ferndale be financially protected in
tho formation of said center.
1) The County Executive be directed to continue to develop a proposal for business
incubator center in cooperation with the City of Ferndale.
2) Should County funds be involved, adequate protections of the investment be incor-
porated and a fair rate of return he built in.
3) The City of Ferndale be protected from loss of tax revenue should they continue to
provide services to the site of the incubator center.
4) The County Executive report to the Public Services Committee on the planning for the
center by the first Public Service meeting in February.
5) Before implementation of an incubation plan, the plan must he Approved by the Board
of Commissioners and an appropriation passed by the Board or Commi,Ysiouers.
6) Any plan must include a majority of the appointments on the Community Board to be
made by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick, Price, RewoLd, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, calandro, Onyon, Fortino, Hobart, R. Kuhn,
S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (24)
NAYS: Gosling. (1)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85366
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Department of Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 198 of 1984, the "Michigan Business Incubator Act", provides for the estAb-
lLshment of business incubator centers; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland's Economic Development group, through the Community Growth
Alliance, has applied for a state grant for the establishment of a business incubator center; and
WHEREAS the Ethyl Corporation is the owner of a parcel of real property in the City of
Ferndale (description in Attachment "A") which consists of approximately 33.75 acres with eighteen
(18) vacant buildings; and
WHEREAS the Ethyl Corporation has proposed to deed said property to the County of Oakland
as a gift, provided: The county accept said property "as is" and, further, that the county accept
said property and receive title prior to December 31, 1985; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Growth Alliance has reviewed and recommends acceptance
of this gift for purposes of establishing a business incubator Facility; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 425
WHEREAS the estimated value or said pareei is estimated at between $600.000 for the raw
[and and $2.5 million incLuding buildings; and
WHEREAS to maintain the value of said buildings, it is necessary to provide utilities,
security and minimal maintenance at an estimated cost of $110,000 for nix (6) months per the
at schedule; and
WHEREAS the eloeine co,a assoeiated with said property is estimated at $15,000; and
WHEREAS the ConoLv Executive reeommends the •acceptanee of this wee! of property as
a gilt from Ethyl Corporation, part of which is to be used as a business incubator center.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept- the
gift of real property from the Ethyl Corporation as a described in Attachment "A", subject to a
favorable environmental review by the Oakland County Health Division, and directs the County
Executive to negotiate with and review all relevant documentation from Ethyl Corporation, including
documents relevant to future Liability resulting from contaminents, and to effect said transfer of
property prior to December 31, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriate $125,000 to
cover necessary operating and acquisition cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Finance Committee be advised monthly as to said expenditures.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement for Donation of Property Ofl file in County Clerk's Office.
RepurF to Finanee Coimniltee
By Plaunine and Anildiin
IN RE: Department of Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section - Acceptance of Real Property in
Ferndale as Gift - Business incubator
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the proposed acceptance of real property
in Ferndale as a gift for purposes of establishinga business incubator facility and recommends
that the Finance Committee approve the acceptance of this property as a gift.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I submit the Following
Report to Finance Committee
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Department of Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section - Acceptance of Real Property in
Ferndale as a Gift - Business Incubator
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Public Services Committee, having reviewed this resolution, reports with the recom-
mendation that it has given conceptual approval of the incubator center in Ferndale. Further, the
Public Services Committee has requested that quarterly reports he submitted by the Community Board
and HR. ECOIRflO(C Development Group.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I submit the foregoing report.
Roved by Caddell supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be amended by stating that the site
testing requirements as proposed by the Oakland County Health Department be conducted and the ab-
sence of any public health hazards insured prior to acceptance of the gift. 1) Resistivity testing
of open area and wood to the North of this site along with a magnetometer test which would be advisable
prior to any sub-soil excavating or sub-soil boring, 2) samples from the monitoring wells be tested
for lead, volatile, hydro-carbons, alcohols, 3) sub-soil samples of the sands under the tank farms
which have been exhumed and removed from the site, need to be tested for how much of the same chemicals
as for water samples. A strict safety plan will need to be developed for the operation, and 4) the
Internal building plumbing needs would be identified and sorted, to separate all lines according to
the fluids or gases contained within them, i.e. the color coding and labeling.
Discussion Followed.
The Chairperson requested that Oscar Boyea of the Health Department address the Board and
answer any questions regarding testing.
Mr. Boyea addressed the Board.
Vote on Mr. Perniek's amendment:
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Commissioners minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
• Moved by Olsen supported by Fortino the resolution be amended in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED paragraph, 5th line following "Ethyl Corporation, including documents...", by striking the
words "relative to" and insert "that will protect the County from...".
suf f icient ms3ority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Moved by Rowold aurlipotied hv Hobart the Board postpone action until later in the meeting
so the commissioners will havc time to peruse the Agreement for Donation of Property.
AYES: Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Dovon, Fortino, Coaling, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell. (13)
NAYS: McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Price, CaLandra
Lanni, Law. (11)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to postpone action until later in
the meeting carried.
Misc. 85367
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Insurance and Safety Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County has been required to retain risk at $100,000 per occurrence and
$500,000 annual aggregate on the sheriff's liability policy since 1984; and
WHEREAS addition“1 risk exponre has occurred with the bankruptcy of the fdeal Im-mrance
Company and the county's loss of its Public Officials' Errors and Omiv.sions Coverage; and
WHEREAS the current insurance market conditions make it hielly unlikely that Oakland County
will be able to replace the primary coverage on the general and other liability policies due to expire
in December of 1985; and
WHEREAS the county administration's current and proposed programs are not adequate to handle
the increased responsibility of the additional risk exposure or self-insurance; and
WHEREAS there are private companies which can provide self-insurance administration pro-
grams; including a contracted risk manager, risk assessment, loss and reserve requirement projections,
toss prevention and control, claims service, legal services and placement of "stop-loss" or reinsurance.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs the county
executive to seek proposals from outside firms for total administration of the countv's self-insurance
needs; including a contracted risk manager, risk assessment services, loss and reserve requirement c,ro-
jections, loss prevention and control programs, claims service, legal services, placement of "stop-loss"
insurance and/or whatever other services are deemed appropriate for provision of an adequate self-
insurance and risk-management program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such proposals shall be tabulated by the county executive for
presentation and recommendation to the Finance Committee, the Finance Committee will consider such
recommendations and all_ proposals received and will award a contract to the firm determined best
able to meet the needs of Oakland ConntY.
Mr. Chairperson, I/we move the adoption of the foregoing resolntion.
C. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McDonald. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85368
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Facilities Engineering Division
To the Oakland comity Board if Come loners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and 1.:entLemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution 015261, the Board of Commissioners authorized thv
County Executive's Department of Central Services to receive bids for expansion of the Work Re-
lease Facility Kitchen at an estimated cost of $40,000; and
WHEREAS in accordance with bidding procedures, bids for the installation of the above
mentioned were received and opened on November 7, 1985; and
Consissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 427
WHEREAS the County Executive's Department of Central Services has reviewed all bids submitted
and recommends that the lowest responsible bidder, H.M.S. Associates of Walled Lake be awarded a con-
tract for General Building Trades in the amount of S42,200; and
WHEREAS additional costs are estimated to be $7,800; and
WHEREAS the total cost of the above mentioned work is estimated to be $50,000 as detailed
In the attached schedule; and
WHEREAS funding of $50,000 for the above mentioned project in available in the 1985 Capital
Improvement Program - Building Section.
1) The contract proposal of H.M.S. Associates of Walled Lake, Michigaa, in the amount of
$42,200 be accepted and the contract awarded in concurrence with the Planning and Building Committee
2) Funds be provided in the amount of $7,800 to cover the remaining project costs,
3) The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to
execute a contract with H.M.S. Associates of Walled Lake, Michigan on behalf of the County of Oakland,
4) The County Executive's Department of Central Services, Facilities Engineering Division
shall notify the awardee of this award, in writing, no later than 10 days after adoption of this
resolution. The award shall net be effective until the awardee has been so notified.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb,
'Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra Doyen, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McDonald,
McPherson. (23)
NAYS; None. (0)
A sufficient ma3arity having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85369
By Finance Committee
IN RE; Central Services Department
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr, Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the liability insurance market has continued to deteriorate for governmental units;
WHEREAS it Is apparent that the County will be required to establish self-retained limits
of primary liability insurance coverage for Comprehensive General Liability, Police Liability, Auto
Liability, Medical Malpractice and Public Officials Liability; and
WHEREAS there will be a need to provide funding recommendations, claim settlement services,
legal services, loss control programs, risk assessment services and reserve requirement projections; and
WHEREAS the Administration has received and evaluated proposals from three (3) private com-
panies who are professional administrators of self-insurance programs; and
WHEREAS the County Executive recommends that the County contract with the firm of Gallagher
Bassett Services, Inc., for a period of one (1) year to provide the above described functions; and
WHEREAS $2,695,130.00 has been provided in the 1986 Budget; and
WHEREAS distribution back to cost centers will be reviewed and may require future budget
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a contract be awarded to the firm of Gallagher Bassett
Services, Inc., to provide the described risk management services for a period of one (1) year
beginning December 15, 1985.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County establish an initial liability insurance fund in the
amount of $2,695,130.00.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all self-insured settlements, expenses, costs and reserves be
charged to the liability insurance fund.
RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that income earned by the liability insurance fund be retained by
that fund to provide for interest costs and incurred but unreported claims.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Caddell supported by Webb the resoltuion be adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
AYES: -Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, -Fortino, cooling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald,
McPherson, Moffitt. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Moved by Rewold supported by Skarritt the rules be suspended for immediate consideration
of a resolution.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Codling,
Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Lay, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt. (18)
NAYS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Moore. (7)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules carried.
Misc. 85370
By Roy Rewold
IN RE: Board of Commissioners'
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEIO:AS the SIN id M1Higi, pursuant to Puhlic Act sni nnd Public At 485 of I 9110,
has dt•V(.11}pCII a V011iprl'1 n4211S1111` ii ui or Nauru regional correctional facilities; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections has indicated a need for the construction
of a regional prison in Oakland County by 1988 which will require specific site selection in 1985;
WHEREAS a special Regional Prison Site Selection Committee of the Oak Land County Board
of Commissioners identified four possible locations for this prison; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has not as yet recommended a specific
site; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Corrections has recommended a site in Orion Township
which fails to meet the principal tenets of its own "Program Statement for the Regional Prototype
Facility"; and
WHEREAS the Orion property was purchased with Land and Water Conservation Grant Funds and
the Land and Water Conservation Funds' Manual states "Any property so acquired or developed shall
not he wholly or partly converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses without the approval
of the National Parks Service Regional Director, pursuant to Section 6(F)(3) of the Land and Water
Conservation Fund Act. The Director has authority to disapprove conversion requests and/or reject
proposed property substitution."; and
WHEREAS Ovoids P. Calvin, iflrei7tor of the United Statos Department of Interior, io
songreosman WIllSam S. liroomi iill, hAs indicated that approval of the ipic ol the Orion
property lor oilier than outdoor recreation would nut he granted unless all other practical alter-
natives have been eonsidored and all other criteria fully evaluated by the department; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Resoltuion U851/15,
dated November 7, 1985, rejected this site recommendation by the Michigan Department of Corrections;
WHEREAS it is our understanding that the State of Michigan has indicated that Oakland
County most make the decision regarding the prison location; and
WHEREAS the public-owned land in Independence Township has been sold to private interests,
leaving two prison sites still under consideration - Auburn Hills and the Clinton Valley properties;
WHEREAS the County of Oakland will not sell any portion of the Auburn Hills site; and
WHEREAS this leaves the 444.1 acre Clinton Valley property which meets all of the following
essential and important criteria established by the State of Michigan for prison site selection:
1) located within one-half hour of population center being served,
2) access to utilities,
3) sufficient acreage,
4) your around access road,
5) located in an area not presently served by a state prison,
6) reasonably buffered from other developments,
7) public transportation available,
8) proximity to hospital and fire protection,
911 land already owned by State of Michigan; and
WHEREAS the Clinton Valley property is in close proximity to these Oakland County Courts
and the Oakland County Jail, thus providing the most efficient and economical movement of inmates
to and from the facilities.
WHEREAS there are several facilities and services that could be utilized by both the
existing Jail and the new prison, such as, medical services, training facilities, food services,
Jail perimeter patrol, alcohol treatment programs, counseling services, etc.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommends
that the Michigan Department of Corrections construct the Region 2 (Oakland County) Correctional
Facility on the Clinton Valley nroperty.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 429
Mr. Chairperson, f move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Roy Rewold, Commissioner, District #16
Moved by Rewold supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Fortino supported by Price the resolution be amended by crossing out the last
two WHEREAS paragraphs (beginning with "WHEREAS the Clinton Valley property...", and the NOW
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED" paragraph, and insert the following paragraphs:
"WHEREAS the Public Services Committee, on May 15, 1985, voted in Favor of the Trustee
Camp Property on Brown Road; and
WHEREAS the property is better suited than anything we have come up with so far.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommends
that the Michigan Department of Corrections construct the Region II Correction Facility on the
Brown Road property."
AYES: Pernick, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson. (4)
BAYS: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Ca1andro,
Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson. (21)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed.
Discussion followed.
Vote on resolution:
AYES: Pavy, Pricy, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Caddell, Calandra Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McDonald, Moffitt, Nelson. (15)
NAYS: PerInoff, Pernick, Wilcox, Doyon, Fortino, Hobart, McConnell, McPherson, Moore,
Olsen. (10)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Price stated that at the next meeting of the Board, he would make a motion to reconsider
the action taken on the resolution on Prison Site Recommendation. Seconded hy Mr. Moore.
The Chairperson declared a 5 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 4:34 p.m.
The Chairperson stated that Resolution 085366 - "Acceptance of Real Property in Ferndale
as a Gift - Business Incubator" would be considered at this time.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Olsen supported by Doyon the resolution be amended by deleting the words "repaired
and operated".
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Dovon, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (19)
NAYS: Porinoff, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. (4)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85348
By Personnel Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #84116 adopted May 10, 1984 provided the retirees from
the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System with their last cost-of-living adjustment benefit
effective July 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS to compensate for the cost-of-living increases since July 1, 1984, persons who
have retired on or before December 6, 1985 should be granted a post-retirement cost-of-living in-
crease benefit effective January 1, 1986; and
WHEREAS the necessary funds to cover the cost of this benefit will be provided from the
Reserve for Retired Benefit payments of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System and will
not require an Appropriation from the county,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Employees Retirement System he amended
by adding a new subparagraph (k) to Section 34.1 to read as follows:
Commisstoners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
"Pnst. Retirement Benef_it_inereases'
Souiion 34.1
(R) For a monthly benefit which became effective as of December 6, 1985,
beginning with the monthly benefit payment, if any, for the month of
January 1986, the amount of monthly benefit shall be increased by 27.
of the amount ol howl it otherwise payable for the period.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
'fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85348 and finds:
I) The Resolution amends the Oakland County Employees Retirement System to compensate persona
who have retired on or before December 6, 1985 for cost-of-living increases since July 1, 1984,
2) The monthly benefit will increase by two (2) percent or the amount of the benefit
beginning with lI January 1986 benefit payment,
1) Fund lug to uovrr lie iich. of thishen..dit will bu providrd from the Reserve For Retired
RenelIt pavmeulu ol ihe Ookiand roeotv IiipIuytr'r R.d j rmieuul ;vslem add no mhlit hula! dppropriat i(111 EH
4) The cost of this benefit ($691,268) will be covered by the $6,100,000 Retired Member
Reserve, based on Gabriel, Rohder, Smith and Company, actuarial consultants 1984 Retirement System
G. William Caddell, Chdrrperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Fortino the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, by adopted.
Mr. Calandro stated that he is offering an alternative resolution which excludes from the
resolution the implications that it is a cost-of-living adjustment benefit that is automatically
included in the pension plan.
There were no objections ro the alternative resolution which reads as follows:
To Lho Oakland Comity Board ol Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and i,entlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #84116, adopted May 10, 1984, provided the retirees from
the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System with an adjustment to their benefit levels and with
the last such adjustment being July 1, 1985: and
WEEREAS the Board of Commissioners periodically has reviewed and elected to grant a dis-
cretionary increase in post retirement benefits; and
WHEREAS the necessary funds to cover the cost of this adjustment will be provided from the
Reserve for Retired Benefit Payments of the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System and will not
require an Appropriation from the county.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Employees' Retirement System he amended
by adding a new subparagraph (k) to Section 34.1 to read as follows:
"Post Retirement Benefit Increases"
Section 34.1
(k) For a monthly benefit which became effective as of December 6, 1985, beginning
with the monthly benefit payment, if any, for the month of January 1986, the
amount of monthly benefit shall be increased by 2% of the amount of benefit
otherwise payable for the period.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Vote on Alternative Resolution (with Vistal Note attacked)
AYES: Pernick, Skarritt, ri,lebb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, poyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hohart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Porinoff. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the alternative resolution, (with Fiscal
Note attached) was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 431
Mhw. 8`1350
Ity rnonne I CI m 1mM',
IN RI.: Personnel Oepartment
To the Oakland County Board of Commissionet's
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a labor agreement covering the Prosecutor's Investigators assigned to the Oakland
County Prosecutor has been negotiated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees, AFL-CIO Local 3075; and
WHEREAS a two (2) year agreement has been reached with the Union for the period January 1,
1985 through December 31, 1.986 and said agreement has been reduced to writing; and
WHEREAS your Personnel Committee has reviewed the agreement covering employees represented
by the Union and recommends approval of the agreement;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement between the County of Oakland, the Oakland
County Prosecutor, and Local 3075, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-C10,
be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Chairperson of this Board on behalf of the County of
Oakland be and is hereby authorized to execute said agreement a copy of which is attached hereto.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Copy of Agreement on file in County Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Personnel Department - 1985-86 Labor Market Agreement for Employees represented by the
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, APL-CIO Local 3075 (Miscellaneous
Resolution 1J85350)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule VI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85350 and finds:
1) The agreement for the ten year period, Jannflrv I, 1985 thrinieh December 11, 1986
covers 3 governmental positions and 2 special revenue positions,
2) The first year cost of $295,835 of which $214,775 is salary cost, $78,960 is fringe
benefit cost, and $2,100 is a clothing allowance, is an increase of $11,584 over the
1985 amended budget as detailed on the attached schedule. Any increase in the second
year will, match the percentage increase, if any, granted for non-represented employees,
3) $6,819 is available in the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account, $1,459 is available In the
1985 Fringe Benefit Account, and the balance, $3,306, will he absorbed by the Prosecutor
Cooperative ReimbursementGrant,
4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $6,819 from the 1985 Salary Adjustment Account,
$1,459 from the 1985 Fringe Benefit Account, and transfers said amount to the 1985
Governmental Fund Budget as per attached schedule.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by McDonald supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (21)
RAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85371
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Parks nod Recreation Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies andGentlemen:
WHEREAS Groveland Oaks County Park is over developed in terms of density of camping, and
land locked for any future development, except in the area to the north which is privately owned; and
WHEREAS this northern land, known as the Simpson Lake/Thread Creek property, consisting of
approximately 191 acres, is available for acquisition; and
WHEREAS the overall Recreation Master Plan indicates a need for future expansion; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Land Trust Fund has matching grant funds available for acquisition
and development projects; and
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
WPFRgAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has approved submission of a matching grant
appfi.00iuu lo, praporiv ii pii.ilian lo the Michioan Land Trust Fund in the AMMIlli (d $411,200;
$144,960 (HOZ) of which is requested State funding and $86,240 (207) of which is match authorized
by the Parks and Recreation Commission, said funds designated from the one-quarter (IJ mill; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission proposes to take title to
said property, provide appropriate development and assume maintenance and operation costs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning and Building Committee approves submission
of a matching grant application by the Parks and Recreation Division to the Michigan Land Trust
Fund in the amount of $431,200, for acquisition of the above identified property.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Report to /Al, Planning and ltuildine Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Parks and Recreation Division - Michigan Land Trust Fund grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject grant application and finds:
1) This is a one time matching grant application to the Michigan Land Trost Fond far
acquisition of approximately 191 acres of land north of, and adjacent to, Groveiand
Oaks County Park,
2) Total acquisition costs are estimated to be $431,200,
3) Of that amount, $344,960 (80%) is requested State funding and $86,240 (207.) is match
authorized by the Parks and Recreation Commission, said funds designated from the
ono-quarter (I4) mill,
4) The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will take title to said property,
provide appropriate development and assume maintenance and operation costs,
5) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Planning and Building Committee, in
accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, K. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 851):.!
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Department of Public Works
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the City of Northville lies partially in the County of Wayne and partially in the
County of Oakland; and
WHEREAS Section 28 of Act 641 of the Public Acts of 1978 allows for a municipality Located
in two counties to be wholly covered by one county's solid waste plan; and
WHEREAS the council of the City of Northville by resolution adopted on November 18, [985
did request the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to be totally included in the Wayne Coontv Art 641
Solid Waste Management Plan; and
WHEREAS the municipality request must be approved by each county board of commissioners Oeforc
the action may take place.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County 3oard of Commissioners hereby approvos
that portion of the City of NorthviLle lying within the County of Oakland to be included in the Wayne
County Act 641 Solid Waste Management Plan.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortine, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn,
Lanni, Law, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Resold. (19)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioner:4 Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 433
Misc. 85373
Ry Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sheriff's Department
1.a ths- Oak4aod CAmoiv bird ,a4- Commissioners
Mr. (iiiIrper,4on, lid 1 liii [ Cent
WHEREAS a major addition is being designed for the Oakland County Jail; and
WHEREAS this addition will be completely air-conditioned including inmate housing areas; and
WHEREAS inmate housing units in the existing Jail are not air-conditioned; ana
WHEREAS this lock of air-conditioning creates a severe hardship 011 both staff and inmates ill
that prisoners must be escorted to outdoor areas on those days when the temperature in the cell blocks
exceeds 80°F; and
WHEREAS in order to be available for the 1986 cooling season, the project should be ad-
vertised for bids in January, 1986; and
WHEREAS the Jail Air-Conditioning is estimated to cost $450,000; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and is hereby
authorized to receive bids for the Jail Air-Conditioning and a report thereon be made to this Board
upon receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution he adopted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be amended by striking the dollar amount.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, MoEfitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Periooff, Pernick, Price, Resold. Skarritt. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85374
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Department of Central Services
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, al is ond Conilemeh:
WI UIIII(AS mie:t Coun[y buildinw4 predate the (airrent harrier-free iicre,-;sibiliiy ,-udc; awl
WHEREAS as such, many huiLdings, therefore, do nut provide certain harrier-free amenities
suuh as toilet facilitins and drinking fountains; and
WHEREAS several of the more critical of these buildings can be improved at an estimated
cost of $60,000; and
WHEREAS funding for this project is available in the Barrier-Free Toilet line item of the
1985 Capital Improvement Program,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Central Services be and Ls hereby
authorized to receive bids for the Barrier-Free Improvements and a report thereon be made to this
Board upon receipt and tabulation of such bids.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Dayon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, McBonold, Morritc, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Porn irk, Price, Rewold, Skarritt,
Weld,. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Re Personnel Committee
IN RE: Planning and Anildiog committee Resolution OH DeRartment ol Ntblic Works - Huron Valley
Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Cperation and Maintenance Agreement (Miscellaneous Resolution 85175)
To the Oakland County Hoard 01 commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the Planning and Building Committee resolution
entitled Department of Public Works - Huron Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility gyration and
Maintenance Agreement reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the
addition of the following BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of these positions shall be contingent
on the contract funding."
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
Misc. 85375
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Department of Public Works
To the Oakland County Board or Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Charter Township or Commerce intends to enter into a "Sewage Treatment Facility
Operation and Maintenance Agreement" with Huron Valley Hospital, Inc. whereby the Charter Township of
Commerce would agree to operate and maintain a sewage treatment facility for said hospital; and
WHEREAS the Township has requested the County, through its Department of Public Works, to
operate and maintain the Facility as Agent for the Township; and
WHEREAS Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973 provides that the County may, upon approval of
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, operate and maintain sewage disposal facilities for other
governmental entities; and
WHEREAS all costs necessary to operate and maintain said facility will be paid by Huron
Valley Hospital andtor Commerce Township; and
WHEREAS the equipment supplier, Zimpro Environment Controls System, estimates that the
facility will require approximately 4,620 hours per year for operation and maintenance; 2,080 hours
per year for laboratory analysis; and additional personnel to dispose of up to 12,500 gallons oi
brine and solids per day; and
WHEREAS the State requires that the facility be operated 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week; and
WHEREAS the above would require five (5) additional positions as follows:
- Sewage Treatment Plant Operator II
2 - Sewage Treatment Plant Operator
I - Chemist
1 - Maintenance Mechanic I
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the "Sewage Disposal System Operating Agreement for
Huron Valley Hospital, Inc. Wastewater Treatment Facility" (copy attached) between the County of
Oakland and Charter Township of Commerce is hereby approved, and the County Executive, and Chair-
person of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to sign said Operating Agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that five (5) special revenue positions; one (1) Sewage Treatment
Plant Operator /I; two (2) Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I; one (J) Chemist; and one (1) Maintenance
Mechanic I; be created in the Sewer and Water Operations Unit of the Sewer, Water and Solid Waste
Division effective immediately.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of these positions shall be contingent on the
continuation of contract funding.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 1 move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Copy of Sewage Disposal System Operating Agreement for Huron Valley Hospital. Inc.
Wastewater Treamcnt Facilily on ii It' in County Clerk's Office.
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Deportment of Public Works - Huron Volley Hospital Sewage Trcatmoot Facility Operation and
Mointenantx Agreement (Miscellaneous Resolution #851175)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mt. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 435
aesolation #85375 and finds:
1) Commerce Township, as per Act 139 of the Puhlie Acts of 1974, has requested the
County, through its Department of Public Works, to operate and maintain the Huron
Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility as Agent for the Township,
2) All costs necessary to operate and maintain said facility will be paid by Huron
Valley Hospital and/or Commerce Township,
3) The State requires that the facility be operated 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per
4) As a result, rive (5) additional special revenue positions are required in the Water
and Sewer Operations unit of the Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division as follows:
One (1) Sewage Treatment Plant Operator II; two (2) Sewage Treatment Plant Operator 1;
one (1) Chemist; one (1) Maintenance Mechanic I,
5) Annual cost for said positions is $130,653 for salaries and fringe benefits, consistent
with the attached schedule,
6) Annual operating and maintenance costs are estimated to be $81.000, consistent with
the attached schedule,
7) The 1985 Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division Budget be amended as follows to Fund
personnel, operating and maintenance costs relative to the facility for the balance
of 1985 (December 12 through December 31, 1985):
Revenues - 3-83200-142-(1-00-2340 $10 ,948
Expenditures - 4-83200-142-01-001001 Salaries 4,969
-2074 Fringe
Benefits 1,789
-3406 Improvement 3,207
-4886 Material
Supplies 983
8) The 1986 Budget will be amended by $211,653 for Revenues and Expenditures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Caddell the resolution with Fiscal Note attached be adopted.
AYES: Caddell, Calandrn, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Witcox. (22)
MASS: None. (0)
A sufficient ma)ority having voted therefor, the resolution with Fiscal Noie attached was
Misc. 85376
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Sewer, Water and Solid Waste
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Act 64 of the Public Acts of 1978 requires the preparation of county solid waste
management plans; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8905 on April 5, 1979,
filed a Notice of Intent to prepare such a plan with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution No. 82228 on August 5, 1982,
adopted a county solid waste management plan; and
WHEREAS this Board, with the adoption of several miscellaneous resolutions, the most recent
being Miscellaneous Resolution No. 85015 has employed the law firm of Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen
and Freeman for legal services necessary for the implementation or the solid waste management plan
for the period ending December 31, 1985; and
WHEREAS It is the recommendation of the office of Corporation Cunn.!;el that the 1.1w firm
ol Dickinson, Wright, MOOR, VaaDusen and Freeman be retained as ftgal connsei in urdt.r tkit con-
tinuity be maintained; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee concurs with Corporation Counsel's recommendation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commis-
sioners be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement for legal services by and
between the County of Oakland and Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen and Freeman.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of agreement shall he January 1, 1986.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maximum fee for legal services for the period covered by
this resolution shall not exceed the sum of $75,000.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Corporation counsel is hereby authorized and
directed to act as the County's representative with respect to the work performed under this agreement.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, 11 move the adoption of
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell,
Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85377
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland obtained permanent Easements over and across a parcel of
property in the Township of Waterford known as parcel No. 13-34-402-001 for the purpose of con-
structing and maintaining a sewage disposal system; and
WHEREAS prior to construction, the route for the sewer was altered and a new Easement
was acquired; and
WHEREAS the County no longer needs the above-cited permanent Easement and, further, the
Easement interferes with the owner's use of his property; and
WHEREAS the Drain Commissioner, through Frank Naglich, Assistant Chief Engineer, recom-
mends that this permanent Easement be quit claimed back to the property owner.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the
quit claiming of a permanent Easement to the fee property owner as it is no longer needed by the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners directs its Chair-
person to execute said Quit Claim Deed.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the Foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, CoLandro.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85378
By Planning and Building Committee
IN RE: Corporation Counsel, Real Estate Section
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the owner of a parcel of property in the City of Novi
described as:
The Southerly 300 feet of the easterly 400 feet of the W 1/2 of the E 1/2
of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, TIN, RBE, City of Novi, Oakland
County, Michigan otherwise known as Tax Sidwell No. 22-35-176-006;
WHEREAS said parcel is utilized by the County as the Oakland County Department pi Public
Works Sanitary Sewer Retention Tank Area for the Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System - Novi Extension
No. 1; and
WHEREAS the City of Novi has requested an Easement across said parcel for the purpose of
constructing and maintaining off-site storm water drainage for the proposed Novi Industrial Sub-
division: and
WHEREAS Donald W. Ringler, Manager of the Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Division of the
Department of Public Works, recommends the granting of the Easement described as:
The southerly 20.00 feet of the westerly 300.00 feet of the above-described parcel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the granting of a
permanent Easement to the City of Novi for the purpose of constructing and maintaining an off-site
storm water drainage system for the proposed Novi Industrial Subdivision.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 437
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners directs its Chairperson to execute
said Rasement.
Mr. Chairperon, OH behalf of the Planning and Milding Gummi nee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Calandro the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Ferinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro,
Doyon. (24)
NAYS; None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85151
By Planning and Building Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the control unit for the 52/3 District Court (Rochester
Hills); and
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #85062, adopted on March 14,
1485. approved the lease of facilities located at Barclay Circle, Rochester Hills, for the 52/3
District Court for a turm of ten (10) years commencing August 1, 1985, or as soon thereafter as the
facility is ready For occupancy; and
WHEREAS the 52/3 District Court moved to said facilities on August 8, 1985; and
WHEREAS terms of the lease require that the tenant will be responsible for the provision
of furniture and equipment; and
WHEREAS the expanded court facility in Rochester Aills requires additional furniture.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners appropriates
funding in the amount of $32,901.96 for furniture as detailed in the attached schedule and as
requested by the court.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Rochester Hills District Court - Request for Furniture (Miscellaneous Resolution #85351)
To the Oaklnad County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Role XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Resolution #85351 and finds:
1) The expanded court facility in Rochester -tills requires additional furniture
as detailed in the schedule attached to the resolution,
2) Terms of the lease require that the tenant will be responsible for the
provision of furniture,
3) The cost of the additional furniture is $32,902. said funds available in
the 1985 Contingency Account,
4) The Board of Commissioners appropriates $32,902 from the 1985 Contingency
Account and transfers said amount to the 1985 District Court, Division Eft
(Rochester 1111s) Budget as follows:
904-01-00-9900 Contingency $(32,902)
324-01-00-5998 Division Tilt-Misc. Capital Outlay 32,902
$ -0-
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Hobart supported by Nelson the resolution be adapted.
Moved by Doyon supported by Aobart the resolution be amended to standardize the Judges
desk and credenza so the Rochester Hills Court will be the same as the Clarkston Court. and adjust
the amount accordingly.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Vote on resolution as amended:
AYES: Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore,
Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, CaddeLl, Cnlandro,
Doyon, Fortino. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By Personnel Committee
IN RE: Merger of Law Library Operation and Governmental Library Operation (Miscellaneous Resolution
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85L92, reports vi Ii
the recommendation that the resolution be adopted, and further recommends that the Chairperson of the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners schedule a Public Hearing for December 12, 1985 on this item.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report.
John J. McDonald, Chairperson
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Merger of Law Library Operation & Governmental Library Operations (Miscellaneous Resolution 85192)
To the Public Services Committee
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed the suggested resolution, Merger of the
Law Library Operation and Governmental Library Operations, reports with the recommendation that
the resolution be adopted with the following amendment: add to the listing of members in the NOW
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, "One (1) member serving on the Board by statute, that being the
Superintendent of the Intermediate School District of the County."
The General Government Committee further recommends that the resolution be referred to
the Personnel Committee to adopt the necessary organization chart reflecting the change in the
reporting structure of the Director of the Law Library to the Library Board, and to the Finance
Committee to review the budget implications.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Misc. 85192
By Public Services Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS it is recommended that the Law Library operation and Governmental Library operation
be combined under the County Library Board; and
WHEREAS to accomplish this merger, it will be necessary to reorganize the membership of
the County Library Board, as future appointments become open;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Law Library and the Governmental Library be comb [nod
and be placed under the control of the County Library Board with the understanding that the County
Board of Commissioners will designate appointees to the Library Board as follows:
One (1) member appointed on the recommendation of Circuit Court and County Bar
Association. First appointment effective 8/24/84.
One (1) member appointed on the recommendation of the County Executive. First
appointment effective 8/24/85.
Two (2) members appointed to represent the Board of Commissioners. Next appointment
8/24/86 and 8/24/88; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the adoption of this resolution, a public hearing be
held in accordance with PA 139.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Fiscal Note
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Merger of Law Library Operation and Governmental Library Operation (Resolution #85192)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule MI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous
Ref. Lib. Dir. (Sr. Lib.)
Library Techniciana
Total Positions
.11111111MMIIIII im.a1111111•1=EINEN 11•111111tiMMINIMI
111111111.1111 7
Law Library Director
(Sr. Librarian)
Library Technician
Total Positions
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 439
Resolution #85192 and reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted, and further
recommends that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners schedule a Public
Hearing for December 12, 1985 on this item; and that the combined budgets he shown under the
Library Board under the Board of Commissioners per the attached organization chart and budget
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, 1 move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
aIncludes one (1) position which provides services to Children's Village residents and Sheriff's
Department inmates.
Moved by Lanni supported by Moffitt the Personnel Committee Report he accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Lanni supported by Webb the resolution be amended by striking and County Bar
Association" from the list of appointees to the Library Board.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Vote on resolution as amended (with Fiscal Note attached):
AYES: Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson,
Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution, as amended (with Fiscal
Note attached), was adopted.
Misc. 85379
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladles and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Miscellancoua Resolution #84048 authorizes the approval of the concept of the
Economic Development Plan of -Implementation for Business Attraction and Expansion; and
WHEREAS the Michigan State Department of Commerce, consistent with the objectives of
the aforementioned plan, has appropriated $250,000 for a pilot grants program for up to five
communities to develop business incubator centers; and
WHEREAS the County Executive has utilized JTPA (Title IIa) funds to retain Business
Incubator Consultants of Saginaw to conduct a feasibility study as a basis for the State grant
application; and
WHEREAS the consultants have recommended the establishment of a business incubator in
Oakland County and the Oakland County Growth Alliance unanimously concurs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
authorize submission of a grant application to the Michigan State Department of Commerce for pur-
poses of funding the development of a business incubator center in Oakland County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that quarterly status reports will be provided to the Public
Services Committee.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Group - Grant Application to Michigan State Department of Commerce
The Finance Committee has reviewed the concept for the proposed grant application and
I) The Michigan State Department of Commerce has appropriated $250,000 for
a pilot grants program for up to five communities to develop business
incubator centerH;.
2) To foster long term economic growth in the area, the Oakland County Community
Growth Alliance recommends the establishment of a incubator center(s) in Oak-
land County.
3) Although small business has been the backbone of the recent economic recovery,
starting a small business is a high risk proposition; approximately 502 of
small business starts fail within the first year and 8071 no longer exist at
the end of five years. Current statistics indicate a success rate of over
for small businesses developing through incubators.
4) The incubator facility will be the focus of a Job Creation Network designed to
foster entrepreneurship and assist, promote and participate in the start-up
and development of small business enterprise. This Network has four essential
a. An Incubator Buildins to provide a supportive, entrepreneurial environment
for new and emerging small businesses, including affordable office, light
manufacturing and laboratory space, and shared facilities such as library,
conference room, etc.,
b. A Support Network to provide a wide range of professional office, telephone,
building management and many other support services paid for by the tenants
on an as needed basis,
c. A Cooperation Office to provide management and technical assistance to new
and emerging small businesses,
d. A Seed Capital Fund to provide high risk, low dollar investment capital, on an
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 441
equity basis, to small businesses which may not be eligible or ready for
1110re traditional types of finaneine.
5) Crant funds may he used by recipients to rover initial costs of entabiishing
an incubator center, i.e., architectuai design expenses, up-front rehabilitation
costs, dtevelopment staff expenses, etc.
6) Grant applications must be submitted by November 29, 1985 and the grant period
begins January 1, 1986.
7) The grant funds will be used to supplement federal, county and local funds, as
well as, private capital to finance the incubator project. Details are being
developed and will be presented at the acceptance stage of the grant process.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the fore-
going report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee,
in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, Revised Federal and State Grant Application
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by McPherson the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted.
AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino,
Gosling, Hobart. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached)
was adopted.
Misc. 85380
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Economic Development Croup
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation of the County of Oakland (the ".EDC") has
recommended that this Board of Commissioners approve the Project Plan required by the Economic
Development Corporations Act, Act No. 338 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended (the
"Act") for the Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project, a copy of which Projcet Plan is attached
hereto as Exhibit A (the "Project Plan"); and
WHEREAS the EDC's recommendation to this Board of Commissioners was based iqm)n its
determinations that the Project is reasonable and necessary to effectuate the purposes of the
Act, that the Project Plan prepared in connection with the Project satisfies all of the require-
ments of Section 8 of the Act regarding project plans, that the persons who will be active in
the management of the project for at least one (1) year after the projected date of the County
Board of Commissioner's approval of the Project Plan will have sufficient ability and experience
to manage the Plan properly, and that the proposed method of financing the Project is feasible
and a bond purchaser's commitment has been obtained; and
WHEREAS on December 11, 1985, the governing body of Oxford Township, Oakland County,
Michigan, also approved the Project Plan; and
WHEREAS on December 12, 1985, this Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to
consider whether the Project Plan constitutes a public purpose as contemplated by the Act; and
WHEREAS this Board of Commissioners, following such public hearing and its review of
the Project Plan, concurs in the determinations of the EPC with respect thereto;
1. The Project Plan, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and is hereby
determined to constitute a public purpose as contemplated by the Act.
2. The Project Plan be and is hereby approved.
3. The EDC be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to
implement the Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds or notes.
4. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to provide four certified copies of
this resolution to the Assistant Secretary of the Board of the EDC.
The Public Services Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves for adoption of
the toregoing resolution..
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Richard Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, (linen, Page,
Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn.
NAYS: None. (0)
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1983
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85381
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Cultural Council Division
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 117003
created the Oakland County Cultural Council; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Cultural Affairs Division proposes to exhibit Hispanic art
during the Detroit Institute of Arts' Diego Rivera Retrospective in March 1986, as an Outreach
Exhibit; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Council for the Arts has encouraged this outreach project for the
support of a minority population, and has mini-grant funding for just such a purpose, i.e., publicity
for the event; and
WHEREAS to professionally publicize this prestigious co-sponsored exhibit, the costs for a
publicity poster exceed the Cultural Affairs' budget allocations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a grunt application to U1K. MichigAn Council for Is Arts,
in the amount of $2,000, be submitted for the purpose of olfscG I lap the costs related to the printing
of a promotional poster for the Latino Outreach/Detroit Institute of Arts Exhibit in March 1986.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Report to the Public Services Committee
By Finance Committee
IN RE: Cultural. Council Division - Michigan Council for the Arts Grant Application
The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed grant application and finds:
1) This is a one time grant application to the Michigan Council For the Arts in the
amount of $2,000,
2) The application is submitted for the purpose of offsetting costs related to
printing of a promotional poster for the Latino Outreach/Detroit Institute of
Arts Exhibit in March, 1986, wherein the Cultural Council Division proposes to
exhibit Hispanic art,
3) No County match_ or personnel changes are required,
4) Application or acceptance of the grant does not obligute tile Count to oa• lit tin
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance ol the foregoing
report, and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee, in ac-
cordoocp with Miscellineous Resolution #8143, Revised Federal nnd Sin to Grant Applieolion procedures.
G. William Caddell, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Lanni, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn. (21)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85382
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Animal Control
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 319
01 1919 as amended (the Dog Law); and
WHEREAS the Animal Contrai Division renders services to local jurisdictions on Purchase of
Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by miscellaneous Resolution 1185025, dated
February 14, 1985, established a unit price of $5.29 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit
price of $5.76 for live small animals; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through a cost analysis that these fees should be increased to a unit price
net to exceed $5.71 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price not to exceed $6.28 for live
small animals be charged, and
Commissioners Minurys Continued. December 12, 1985 443
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 1002 of its costs for disposal.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a unit price not to exceed $5.71 for disposal of small dead animals and a unit price not
to exceed $6.28 for live smallanimals be charged to municipalities purchasing Serviee Contracts
with the Oakland County Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold,'Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni. (22)
NAYS: Fortino. (I)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85383
By Public Services Committee
IN RE: Animal. Control
To the oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division administers the provisions of P.A. 339
of 1919, as amended (the Dog Law); and
WHEREAS thy Animal Control Division renders services to local lurisdictiuns on Purchase
of Service Contracts; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution 085026, dated
February 14, 1985, established a unit price of $7.54 per day to be charged For board and care; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Control Division and the Department of Management and
Budget have determined through a cost analysis that this fee should be increased to a unit price
not to exceed $7.62 per day to be charged for board and care; and
WHEREAS the government of Oakland County would recover 10M of its costs for such hoard and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
establish a unit price not to exceed $7.62 per day for board and care to be charged to municipalities
purchasing Service Contracts with Oakland County Animal Control Division.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted.
AYES: McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law. (21)
NAYS: Moore, Fortino. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Probate Court - Need for Supplemental Appropriation for the Statewide Child Care Fund
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85338)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85338, reports
with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of
the foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
By Health & Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Probate Court - Need for Supplemental Appropriation for the Statewide Child Care Fund
(Miscellaneous Resolution #85338)
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85338,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
"Probate Court - Need for Supplemental Appropriation for the Statewide Child Care Fund", reports
with the recommendation that the resolution he adopted,
Mr. Chairperson, on hehalf of the Health and Human Rosnurces Committee, 1 fflOVe tie'
acceptance of the foregoing report.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson •
Misc. 85338
By Susan C. Kuhn
IN RE: Probate Court
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Section 117A(4) of PA 87 of 1978 as amended, provides for fifty percent (50%)
reimbursement by the State for County CCF expenditures; and
WHEREAS in 1981 the State Legislature capped the State CCF appropriation, forcing Counties
to accept County CCF expenditure caps based on their individual 1979 through 1980 expenditure levels;
WHEREAS no increases were granted in the State CCF appropriation in 1981 through 1982 and
1982 through 1983 and subsequent increases have been inadequate to reimburse Countie:4 at the lifty
percent (50%) Level provided in the statute; and
WHEREAS inflation, increases in foster care rates and institutional per diem rates have
substantially increased CCF expenditures since the cap was established; and
WHEREAS a supplemental appropriation of 1.4 million added to the 1984 through 1985 State.
CCP appropriation would enable all Eounties to receive approximately fifty percent (50%) reimburse-
ment for 1984 through 1985 CCF expenditure (even those over cap); and
WHEREAS Michigan Association of Counties, urges our State Legislature to enact a supple-
mental appropriation to the 1984 through 1985 State CCF of at least 1.4 million; and
WHEREAS Michigan Association of Counties, urges our State Legislature to support and enact
future State CCF appropriation increases sufficient to reimburse Counties at fifty percent (502) for
all CCF expenditures; and
WHEREAS without a supplemental allocation Oakland County will fall $1,232,029 short of a
fifty percent (50%) match of our Child Care Fund Budget (as of August, 1985);
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland urges the adoption of a supplemental
appropriation of $1,400,000 to allow a distribution of a full fifty percent (502) match of County
expenditures for child care.
Susan G. Kuhn, Commissioner District #12
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the General Government Report be accepted.
A snlliclent majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the Health and Human Resources Committee report he accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Webb the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Olsen supported by Nelson the resolution be amended by adding "BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all Oakland County Legislators."
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vole on resolution amend(Ld:
AYES: McPherson, Mott.itt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold,
Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, 1,1w. (22)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
Misc. 85184
By Ceneral Cnvernment Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has, by actual practice over the past few years, developed
specific responsibilities for the Personnel Committee which were not incorporated in the original
Board Rules; and
WHEREAS the present Board Rules are silent as to the introduction of resolutions and other
matters at the committee level, even though the majority of Board activity originates in this matter;
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 445
WHEREAS there is a need to further define the options available to the Finance Committee
in the development and adoption of Fiscal Notes; and
WHEREAS the present rules need to be clarified in regard to movement of resolutions from
the Board to committee(s) and from one committee to another.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners adopts the attached amendments
to Rnic:-: X and Xi oF the Rules for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, adopted by report on
January 24, 1085.
Mr. Chairperson, MI hellali 01 the General Covernment Committee, I move the adoption cii thy
foregoing resolution.
John J. Olsen, Chairperson
Copy of Amendments to Board Rules on File in County C l erk's Office.
Moved by Olsen supported by Hebb the resolution he adopted.
Moved by Doyon supported by Calandra the resolution be amended under Section P, folLowinn
"Personnel Committee for its concurrence and recommendation," delete the word "and" and insert "and/or".
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried.
Vote on resulution as amended:
AYES: Molliit, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Porn Ink, Rewold, Skarritt, Wehb.
Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson.
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.
By General Government Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health Services Board - Appointment of James E. Defcbaugh
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The General Government Committee, having received the resignation of Ralph T. Norveli and
reviewed the recommendation of the Health and Human Resources Committee (see attached), reports with
the recommendation that James E. Defehaugh be appointed to the Community Mental Health Services Board
to fill an unexpired term ending December 31, 1986.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Report to the General Government Committee
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Community Mental Health Services Board Appointment
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Health and Human Resources Committee, having considered the vacancy on the Oakland
County Community Mental Health Services Board due to Ralph Norvell's resignation, reports with
the recommendation that former State legislator James E. Defebaugh be appointed to the Community
Mental Health Services Board to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee. I submit the
foregoing report.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the report be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Nelson the appointment of James E. Defebaugh be confirmed.
Moved by Pernick supported by Moffitt the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot
be cast for James E. Defebaugh.
The nomination of James E. Defebaugh was unanimously confirmed.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Misc. 85385
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS House Bill 502] would amend existing law to require the Liquor Control Commission
10 revoke the license iii a retail package liquor business selling liquor to minors if certain con-
ditions are met.; and
WHEREAS House Bill 5021 specifies that a local unit of government, only after a package
liquor dealer has been cited for violations three times in a year and following a hearing by the
community and Liquor Control Commission, can then request a license revocation which most be granted;
WHEREAS local units of government already have this revocation authority tor licensed
operations involving consumption of liquor on premises": and
WHEREAS the amendment proposed in House Bill 5021 would provide an added dimension to Coll-
trolling teenage' alcohol abuse.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
supporting House Bill 5021.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all State Legislators from
Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
fu rego lug re,“, 1 Ltt ion.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Calandro the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt. (2])
NAYS: Perinoff, Lanni. (2)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85386
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS at the present time the state is obligated by law to reimburse counties up to $20
per day for having state-committed prisoners in county jails; and
WHEREAS state-committed prisoners who might end up in a county jail include escapees from
prisons, walkaways from halfway houses, parole violators, etc; and
WHEREAS the actual cost of having a prisoner for a day in a county jail is approximately
$56; and •
WHEREAS House Bill 5026 would require the State Department of Corrections to reimburse
counties up to $50 per day instead of up to $20; and
WHEREAS Sheriff Nichols has reviewed House BUJ 5026 and has taken a position supporting it
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners goes on record
as supporting House Bill 5026.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators repre-
senting Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by McConnell the resolution he adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox,
Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson,
Moffitt, Moore. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Misc. 85387
by General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Senate Bills 442 through 446 have been designated the Family Equity Package and
their purpose is to put the State of Michigan incompliance with the Federal Child Support Enforce-
ment Amendments of 1984 and the federal regulations issued pursuant to that legislation in May, 1985;
WHEREAS it is necessary for Michigan to come into compliance with these federal regulations
to ensure continued federal participation and funding of the Child Support Enforcement Program; and
WHEREAS compliance by all states with these federal regulations will serve to strengthen
the nations's commitment to child support; and
WHEREAS Oakland County Friend of the Court John Houghton and Oakland County Prosecutor
L. Brooks Patterson support this package of bills.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
supporting Senate Bills 442 through 446 which have passed the Senate and await House action.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all members of the House
of Representatives from Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Skarritt the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt,
Moore, Nelson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85388
By General Government Committee
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS House Bill 4957 provides that if a county constructs, reconstructs or renovates a
jail to Increase the bed capacity then the state will share the cost of the project on a 50/50 basis
with the county; and
WHEREAS this legislation, which must first receive approval of the House Appropriations
Committee, could prompt extensive jail construction activity that otherwi s e would he on "hold" hc-
cause adequate funding was not available; and
WHEREAS Sheriff Nichols has reviewed House Bill 4957 and supports the bill, noting that
it would be particularly helpful to Oakland County because of the proposed new jail construction
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a
position supporting House Bill 4957.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to all legislators From
Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Lanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra
Duynn, tort Ian , Gnslinr, k. KAmi, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moorc, Nelson,
Olson. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Misc. 85389
By General Government Committee
lic Oaklind County Hoard 01 C.HmilIssiunors
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and f;onlIc.:Ilen:
WHEREAS this bill would amend existing law to require Law enforcement agencies, niter
conducting a preliminary investigation, to report information immediately on certain missing persons;
WHEREAS the persons included in the mandate for expeditious reporting would include children
under age 17, physically or mentally handicapped persons, a person who disappeared involuntarily, a
person in the company of another person under circumstances indicating he or she was in danger or a
person missing as the result of a catastrophe or accident which caused the loss of life; and
WHEREAS HB 4496 requires that the immediate reports be filed both with the Law Enforcement
Information Network (LEIN) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC); and
WHEREAS this legislation was prompted because some parents of missing children had complained
of the lack of coordination between law enforcement agencies regarding the sharing of information on
missing children; and
VitF.REAS buoyed by the support of the Michigan State Police, Michigan Sheriffs' Association,
the State Department of Mental Health and others. HB 4496 has passed the House of Representatives and
is now in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners takes a position
supporting 118 4496.
RE rr FURTHER RESMVE0 that copies of this resolution be sent to the four State Senators
from Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the
Foregoing resolution.
John E. Olsen, Chairperson
Moved by Olsen supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon,
Fortino, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kahn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen,
Page. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85390
• By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Medical Care Facility
Tu the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a ninth year Agreement between the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency (OLHSA)
and the Oakland County Medical Care Facility has been proposed for the purpose of catering federal
therapeutic home-delivered meals in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS the Agreement shall be effective subject to the availability of funding and shall
be in Force during the period commencing October 1, 1985, and ending September 30, 1986; and
WHEREAS it shall be the Medical Care Facility's responsibility to prepare the meals at
their location at 2200 North Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan 48053, in accordance with Food Specifi-
cations provided and furnish said meals for the OLHSA Homebound Meals Program for approximately
forty (40) elderly persons living in Oakland County; and
WHEREAS authorized officials shall have the right to conduct on-site reviews of the food
service, transportation, and handling operations; and
WHEREAS such homebound persons shall consist of individuals aged sixty (60) years and
older and who have been declared by a physician to be in need of home-bound delivered meals; and
WHEREAS OLHSA shall present the Medical Care Facility with a list of recipients of home-
delivered meals and shall not same of additions or deletions immediately; and
WHEREA:i OLH5A's Pliploy",, or volunteer shall pick up menk prepared by I lu. Medical Care
Facility and deliver these meals h, hompimund pc rN0a;;; nod
WIWRKAti lie Medina! Care Facility shall provide OLBSA with a monthly invoice chit lug the
number ol meals ordered by OLHSA and prepared by the Medical Care Facility during the previous
month; and
WHEREAS the meal cost breakdown shall reflect a total price per meal or 53.27 of which
Title III-C will pay $1.92 per meal with the Medical Care Facility offering the romNiniug $1.15 per
meal as an in-kind contribution to the program; and
WHEREAS both parties shall comply with all other federal, state, and local laws, regulations,
and standards and any amendments thereto as they may apply to the performance of the Agreement.
C(.1111111i!i!; I On rS 'Ii fill I a cont. i Out:owl-H. r I 2, I OH
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby
authorizes its Chairperson to execute said Agreement between the Oakland Livingston Human Service
Agency and the Oakland County Medical Care Facility for the period October 1, 1985, through
September 30, 1986, for the purpose of providing approximately forty (40) homebound Individuals
with meals at a cost of $3.27 per meal, funded by Title ITI-C in the amount of $1.92 and by the
Oakland County Medical Care Facility in the amount of $1.35.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, i move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Fortino the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritc, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, poyon, Fortino,
Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, OL'AQU, Page,
Perinoff. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Misc. 85391
By Health and Human Resources Committee
IN RE: Camp Oakland
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS by Miscellaneous Resolution #85180, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
approved the 1985/86 Oxford Area Community School District Agreement, which provides For the
staffing of the Camp Oakland, Inc. Work Education School; and
WHEREAS Camp Oakland, Inc. has requested an amendment to the Agreement to incLude Camp
Oakland, Inc. under the indemnification clause (page 4) of the Agreemenr; and
WHEREAS the Health and Human Resources Committee approves the proposed amendment requested
by Camp Oakland, Inc.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1985/86 Oxford Area Community School District Agree-
ment be amended on page four (4), Section "Hold Harmless Agreement", paragraphs one (1) and two (2),
to read as follows:
"The District shall and will indemnify and hold harmless the Executive, the Board, the
County of Oakland, and Camp Oakland, Inc., their agents and employees From and against
any and all claims, liability, suits, actions or judgments arising from any act or
omission of the District, its agents or employees in providing the services agreed to
"It is understood and agreed that the services being provided hereunder by the
District will be provided at Camp Oakland and that the Executive, the Board, the
County of Oakland and Camp Oakland, Inc. shall hold the District, Its agents and
employees harmless from any and all claims, liability, suits, actions or judgments
arising from any act or omission of the Executive, the Board, the County of Oakland,
and Camp Oakland, Inc., its agents or employees in connection with the operation of
Camp Oakland and related responsibilities."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
be and is hereby authorized to sign the amended agreement.
BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this amendment has been reviewed and approved as to form by
the Office of Corporation Counsel.
Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
Nancy McConnell, Chairperson
Moved by McConnell supported by Susan Kuhn the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling,
R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff,
Pernick. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority haying voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. Troy Library - Oppose Elimination of Hotline Funds in '86 Budget
a. Ottawa County (Support) BB 4529, Gas & Oil Severance Tax
b. Calhoun County - Review Tax Increment Finance Laws
c. Calhoun County (Support) SB 597-599, ilefining County/Court Budgets
d. Calhoun County - Urges Legis1ativc Action to Reduce County Insuranco Rates
e. CoLhoun County - Urges Legislature to Increase State ChiLd Care Cap
f. Calhoun County (Support) BB 5005, Raises Fine for Expired Commercial Plates
g. Calhoun County - Urges MAC to Lobby for Changes to 312 Arbitration
h. St. Joseph County - Revision of Ceiling on State Child Care Funds
i. Mecosta County - Ban Use of Brine on County Roads
j. Oceann County - Child Care Fund Supplemental Appropriation
k. Arenac County - Urges MAC to Lobby for Legislative Changes to 112 Arbitration
1. Arenac County - Opposition to DNR Brine Ban
m. Kalamazoo County (Oppose) Cobo Hall Expansion Over-runs Funded by Out-State Liquor Tax
n. Kalamazoo County (Change or Repeal) Act 312, P.A. 1968
o. Kalamazoo County (Oppose) SB 560, Mutualization of Blue Cross/Blue Shield
p. Kalamazoo County (Support) Increase in State Child Care Funding
”. Wayne County Plat Board - BB 5152, Amendments to Subdivision Control Act
r. lurk by prgos Establishment of Clerk's Offico in Southeastern Oakland
a. Rirmlogham (Support) SB 503, Telephone Surcharge for E 911
t. Senator Conroy-nNR Clean Water Funds Supplemental Appropriation
n. Senator Conroy-SB 587 (Support) Raises Cap on Domestic Violence Programs
v. Jewish Community Council (Support) BB 4552, Voter Registration
w. Retirement Commission - Dennis Murphy Reappointment Request
x. Thomas Bulger - Federal Legislative Report
y. Circuit Court - Library Board Position
a. Kalamazoo County - Support for Increase in State Child Care Funding
a. M.J. Hardenberg - Restoration of Fringe Benefit Accreditation
b. Retirement Commission - Juanita Folk Request for Reiustatment
c. District Court - Objection to Res. #85243, Merit System Amendments
a. Arenae County - Opposition to DNR Brine Ban
b. Rose Township (Support) Road Commission Tri-Party Program
c. BerkLey (Support) Road Commission Fri-Party Program
d. Dept. of Transportation - I-96/Milford Road Interchange
4, Farmington Hills - Northwestern Road Widening
f. Croveland Township - Solid Waste Agreement
g. Croveland Township (Support) Road Commission Fri-Party Program
h. Independence (Support) Road Commission Fri-Party Program
i. Sylvan Lake (Support) Road Commission Fri-Party Program
a. OCATS - Support County Complex for Prison Site
b. Birmingham - Intent to Become Part of 911
c. Birmingham (Support SB 503) Telephone Surcharge for E911
Moved by Moffitt supported by Moore the referrals be approved.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Misc. 85392
By Oakland County Board of Commissioners
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Ceorlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County Government has officially recognized the birthday of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., since 1978; and
WHEREAS Monday, January 20, 1986, has been proclaimed the first national holiday com-
memorating the anniversary of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and
WHEREAS the struggle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led for equality of all people con-
tinues today throughout the world; and
WHEREAS the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday symbolizes the desire of people to attain
brotherhood and peace among all nations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Oakland County calls upon the residents of the County
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985 451
to remember the ideals and philosophy for which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stood and the significant
contribution he made to the betterment of mankind.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Monday, January 20, 1986, be proclaimed Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., Day in Oakland County.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Lawrence A. Pernlck, Walter Moore, Hubert Price, Jr.
Betty Fortino, Roy Rewold, Dennis M. Aaron,
Alexander C. Perinoff, James A. Doyun, RuelMcPherson,
Robert W. Page, Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., John E. Olsen,
Anne M. Hobart, Richard C. Skarritt, John P. Calandrn,
Dorothy M. Webb, Susan C. Kuhn, Richard R. Wilcox,
W. A. Hagsberger, Ralph H. Nelson, David L. Moffitt,
John J. McDonald, Nancy McConnell, Marilynn E. Gosling,
Thomas A. Law, G. William Caddell, D.C., James E. Lanni
Moved by Price supported by Moore the resolution be adopted.
' The resolution was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Pernick presented the following Commendation:
WHEREAS County Commissioner Walter L. Moore, has served the citizens of Oakland County as
the Elected County Commissioner from District #7 since January 1, 1979; and
MIEREAS in addition to his responsibilities te his constituents, Commissioner Moore has
faithfully fulfilled his duties as a member of the Personnel, Planning and Building, and Public
Services Committees, and has provided his expertise as a firefighter to the County's Emergency
Medical Services Council, and has devoted much of his time to serving on such advisory bodies as
Community Development, Jail Study and Prison Site Selection; and
WHEREAS Walter Moore has chosen to continue his service as a public official in the capac-
ity of Mayor for the City of Pontiac.
NOW THEREFORE gE VI RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby
commend Commissioner Walter Moore for his past service to the County of Oakland and extends to him
best wishes for his continued success.
Attested to this 12th day of December, 1985, at Pontiac, Michigan.
8. [chard R. wilcox, Chairperson
Marilynn E. Cosiing, Vice Chairperson
Moved by Vernick supported by Fortino the resolution be unanimously adopted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was unanimously adopted.
Misc. 85391
By Mr. Pernick
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a vacancy will exist in the 7th County Commissioner District; and
WHEREAS the vacancy will occur. in the year 1985, a year in which County Commissioners are
not nominated or elected as provided for in the Michigan Election Laws; and
WHEREAS Section 46.412 of Public Act 504 of 1982, as amended, provides that vacancies
occurring in an odd numbered year shall be filled by Special election; and
WHEREAS the said Section 46.412 provides that such a special election shall ho called by
the Board of County Commissioners. •
NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereho call
for such a special election to fill the vacancy that will exist in the 7th County Commissioner
District, and request the County Clerk to immediately establish a schedule for a Special Primary
election on February 11, 1986 and a General Election to be held on March 4, 1986 to fill the said
vacancy as soon as possible.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Lawrence R. Pernick, Commissioner District 1120
Moved by lore irk supported by McPherson the resolution be adopted.
Moved by Pernick supported by McPherson the rules be suspended for Immediate consideration
of the resolution.
The Chairperson stared that Mr. Moore had not resigned his position as County Commissioner
so therefore no vacancy exists in District #7.
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 12, 1985
Mr. Moore road the following Lotter or Resignation:
II Lh, il000rable Richard R. Wilcox, Chairperson
and Members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Please be advised that I am hereby tendering to you my resignation as a County
Commissioner, representing Commissioner District #7, effective December 20, 1985
at 12:01 a.m.
It is with mixed emotions that I give you my resignation. I have thoroughly
enjoyed working with you for the betterment of the citizens of Oakland County,
and I look forward to continuing to work with you as the Mayor of the City of
Walter L. Moore, Commissioner District #7
Moved by Pernick supported by Nelson the Board accept Mr. Moore's resignation.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Vote on suspension of rules:
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price. (6)
NAYS: Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page. (16)
ABSTAIN: Moore. (1)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion co suspend the rules failed.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government Committee. There were
no objections.
The Chairperson stated the next meeting of the Board will be January 23, 1986 at 9:30 a.m.
The Board adjourned at 5:57 p.m.
Clerk Chairperson
December 20, 1985
The special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order by Chairperson
Richard R. Wilcox at 9:47 a.m, in the Courthouse Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MT.
Invocation given by Dorothy Webb.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll called.
PRESENT: Aaron, Caddell, Calandra Doyon, Fortino, Gosling Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Perinoff, Pernick,
Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (25)
ABSENT: Page. (1)
Quorum present.
Moved by Skarritt supported by Caddell the agenda be approved as presented.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, announcing his veto of the
portion of the 1986 Ceneral Appropriations Act (Misc. Resol. 85355) which was approved as an
ameudmeni on pdge 405, pardpraph 3 of the December 12, 1985 mei.tiog which roaik as in
"8E IT FORMER R1',:M1VD thdi dli County i iiu. exceedinv, $10.188,1 io ,;;11;irv
shall be considered 'frozen'. In the event that such positions become vacant during
1986, they shall not he filled by transfer, promotion, outside hiring or any other
method, until such action has been approved by the Personnel and Finance Committees".
(Letter was received and filed)
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, announcing the veto of the
creation of one (1) new position titled "Deputy Court Administrator - Probate Court" in the Probate
Court-Judicial Administration unit (specified in item 1135, page 20 oE the Finance Committee 1986
Budget and General Appropriations Act) and approved by the Board of Commissioners in the 1986 Budget
Resolution #85355. (Letter placed on file)
Clerk read letter from Daniel T. Murphy, County Executive, announcing his veto of
Miscellaneous Resolution 1185337 (Establish the Office of County Public Works Commissioner). (Letter
placed on File)
Clerk read letter from County Executive Daniel T. Murphy appointing the following individuals
to serve as new members on the Oakland County Cultural Council for terms ending December 31, 1987:
BLien Torres, Leonard Charla and Alicia Renfrew. Also, the following have been reappointed for terms
December 31, 1987: Ruth Eel anger. Phyllis Jose, Dr. Scott Westbrooke Annutta Wonnherger
and Rlehard Irwin. Robert 'lures, current vice-chairperson will serve as Chairperson during 1986-87.
Moved by Moffitt supported by Susan Kuhn the appointments be confirmed,
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the appointments were confirmed.
The following persons addressed the Board under Public Comments:
Jean Milton, Thelma Abel, June Warnick, Dan Mitchell, Tony Drabik (Mr. Drabik presented
a letter written to the Board by C. Patrick Babcock of the State Department of Mental Health); Ellen
Hayes, Andrew Pettress, Dorothy Eicker, R. Duane Peterson, Richard Chalfant, Dorothy McQueen,
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 20, 1985
Cini Neuville, Norman Abel, Deborah Mattison, Pete Morris, Mr. R. Crier, Dorothy Hutton, Herb
Diffenhaugh and Annie Welch.
Discussion followed regarding the appointment of District 07 County Commissioner to fill
the seat vacated by Walter Moore. The Chairperson stated the appointment is listed as an agenda
item and therefore is legally before the Board.
Mr. Doyon challenged the ruling of the Chair. Mr, Aaron supported the challenge.
The Chairperson stated an "AYE" vote will sustain the Chair, a "NAY" vote will support
the Challenge.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn,
Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Olsen, Rewold. (17)
NAYS: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Perinoff, Price. (6)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the ruling of the Chair was sustained.
Mrs. McConnell nominated Wallace Holland to fill the vacancy in District #7. Seconded by
Mr. Lanni.
Mr. Doyon questioned if the Chairperson had confirmation of Mr. Holland's acceptance of
the appointment in writing. The Chairperson stated he had received 'oral' confirmation, but nothing
In writing.
Mr. Doyon challenged the appointment because the Board has no written confirmation of Mr.
Holland's acceptance.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Doyon nominated Jean Milton to fill the vacancy. Seconded by Mr. Per muff.
Mrs. McConnell stated she would like to amend her nomination to state the appointment will
become effective January 1, 1986.
Mr. Down withdrew his nomination of Jean Milton.
Moved by Calandro supported by Hobart the nominations be closed.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Aaron stated he would abstain from voting because of a possible conflict of interest.
Also, he stated he has never voted for a Republican and has no intention of doing so at this time.
The vote was as follows:
Webb - Holland Lanai - Holland
Wilcox - Holland Law - Holland
• Aaron - Abstain McConnell - Holland
Caddell - Holland McDonald - Holland
Calandro - Holland McPherson - Abstain
Doyon - Abstain Moffitt - Holland
Fortino - Present Olsen - Holland
Gosling - Holland Perinoff - Present
Hassberger - Holland Price - Present
Hobart - Holland Rewold - Holland
Richard Kuhn- Holland Skarritt - Holland
Susan Kuhn - Holland
Holland - 17
Abstain - 3
Present - 3
Wallace Holland declared elected Commissioner for the 7th District.
Mr. Olsen objected to the "Abstain" vote and requested a reason be given for the persons
voting "abstain".
Mr, Doyon stated he had voted "Abstain" because he felt the appointment to be illegal,
immoral and it is his duty to uphold the constitution.
Moved by Price supported by Doypn the Board reconsider the vote taken on December 12, 19H5
on Miscellaneous Resolution #85370 - Hoard of Commissioner - Prison Site Recommendation".
Commissioners Minutes Continued. December 20, 1985 455
Discussion followed.
Vote on reconsideration:
AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Fortino, Hassberger, Hobart, McConnell, McPherson, Moffitt, Olsen,
Perinoff, Price. (1 1 )
NAYS: Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro, Gosling, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, haw, McDonald,
Rewold„ Skarritt, Webb. (12)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion for reuonsiderAtion failed.
In accordance with Rule XXII, the Chairperson made the following referrals:
a. Senator Cropsey - SH 4 Substitute
b. Thomas Bulger - Federal Legislative Report
c. Saginaw County - Condemning South Africa's Apartheid Policy
d. Circuit Court - Judge Andrews to Represent Court on Library Board
a. Holly Township (Support) Road Commission Tri-Party Road Program
h. Department of Transportation - Excess Property - C/563082, West Bloomfield
a. Bloomfield Township Library - Reinstate "Hotline" Funding
Historical Commission
a. Mi. Historical Commission - Starr House, Royal Oak on State Historic Register
a. State Assessors Board - Non-Certified Assessors (Brandon, Highland, Holly Township,
Waterford, West Bloomfield, Novi)
Moved by Nelson supported by Skarritt the referrals be accepted.
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Kisc, 85394
By Mr. Doyon
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS a vacancy exists in the 7th County Commissioner District; and
WHEREAS the vacancy existed in the year 1985, a year in which County Commissioners are
not nominated or elected as provided for in the Michigan Election laws; And
WHEREAS Section 46.412 of Public Act 504 of 1982, as amended, provides that vacancies
occurring in an odd numbered year shall be filled by Special election; and
WHEREAS the said Section 46.412 provides that such a special election shall he called by
the Board 01 County Commissioners.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby call
for such a special election to fill the vacancy that exists in the 7th County Commissioner District,
and request the County Clerk to immediately establish a schedule for a Special Primary election on
Febrary 18, 1986 and a General Election to be held on March 11, 1986 to fill the sdid vacancy Js
soon as possible.
Mr. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
James A. Doyon, Commissioner District 1110
Moved by Doyon supported by Fortino the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of
the resolution.
AYES: Doyon, Fortino, McPherson, Perinoff, Price. , (5)
NAYS: Caddell, Calandra, Gosling, hassberger, Hobart, Richard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni,
Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Olsen, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox. (16)
A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion to suspend the rules failed.
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Cove rain' Committee.-
Mr- Prlce :11.. LW next board meting he would make ci motioir 1_(, discharge
the General Government Committee of consideration of the resolution to bold a special election to
fill the seat vacated by Mr. Moore in the 7th County Commissioner District_
The next meeting of the Board will be January 23, 1986.
The Board adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Clerk Chairperson
85063 Addison Township Fire Dispatch Service 68-69
85248 Agriculture Agent Position Extended (Cooperative Extension
Service) 265-283-284
85169 Airport Capital Improvement Program Funds-Transfer 185-198-199
Airport Committee Annual Report for 1984 146
Airport Committee Appointments 3-4
85216 Airport-Oakland/Pontiac - Grant Allocation with Federal
Aviation Administration 231
85318 Airport-Oakland/Pontiac - Michigan Aeronautics Commission
Grant Program 367
85143 Airport-Oakland/Pontiac - Waterford Township Sanitary Sewer
Easement 146-147
85144 Airport-Oakland/Pontiac - Waterford Township Watermain Easement
85183 Airport-Oakland/Troy - Michigan Aeronautics Grant Program..
85217 Airport-Oakland/Troy - Watermain Easement Agreement 232
85157 Animal Control - Contract Renewals - Care and Disposal
Services 163-164
85026-85383 Animal Control - Establish Rate Decrease - Municipalities
Board and Care Contracts 28-78-443
85025-85382 Animal Control - Establish Rate Increases - Municipalities
Disposal Contracts 27-28-77-78-442-443
85322 Animal Control - Revised Dog Pick-up Fee 370-371
85024 Animal Control - Veterinarian Contract Renewal and Revision..
Airport Committee 3-4
Area Agency on Aging 82
Areawide Water Quality Board 192
Building Authority 112
Canvassing Board 324-325-326-339
Care Facility Advisory Council 82
Commissioners, Board of - Standing Committees 2-3
Community Mental Health Board 112-113-445
Computer User Advisory Committee 8
Cultural Council 134-453
Election Scheduling Committee 112-113
Emergency Medical Services Council, 1985-86 47
Historical Commission 189
Lake Boards 2-47-99
Management Salaries Review Committee 5a
Medical Examiner . 389-390
Parks and Recreation 3-4
Personnel Appeal Board 399-400
Regional Prison Site Selection Committee 82
Road Commission 3-4-5
Sanitary Code Appeal Board 112-113
Solid Waste Planning Committee 400
Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments 4-5
Substance Abuse Advisory Council 47-270
Veterans' Trust Fund Committee 2
Zoning Coordinating Committee 9-10
85381 Arts Council (Michigan) Grant Application 442
85197 Assertive Community Treatment Program 212-242-243
85041 Atchison Drain Project (Village of Beverly Hills V Oakland County)
Outside Legal Counsel 45-46
85184 Auburn Hills - Excess Property Offered for Sale 200-201
- B
85374 Barrier-Free Improvements - Authorization to Receive Bids 433
85020 Bidding Procedure (Master Vendor) 25
85303 Bidding Procedure (Uniform Construction) 341-342
85275 Bingham Farms Extension No. 3 - Evergreen Sewage Disposal System.
85208 Block Grant Award for 1985/86 225
85105 Block Grant Program Summary Application 106-107
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (see Commissioners, Board of)
85189 Borman's Inc. Retail Center Project - Approve Area 204-205
85190 Borman's Inc. Retail Center Project - Confirm Appointments 205
85175 Boyle, Judge Martin (52nd Dist. 1st Div.) Outside Legal Counsel
Brinker, Barbara - Board of Canvassers - Reappointed. 324-325-326-339
85346 Brooks, Dr. Bill G. - Reappointed Medical Examiner 389-390
85097 1984- Amendments and Year End Report 101
85257 1985 Amendments and Second Quarter Forecasts 275-276
85355 1986, Recommended General .Appropriation Act
AMENDMENTS (that passed)
Circuit Court - Delete Two Research Law Clerk Positions.410-412
Circuit Court - Include one Research Law Clerk Position.413-414
Clarification of Budget Items 405
Debts or Financial Obligation of County Shall not be done
Without Appropriate Action of Board of Commissioners... 406
Delinquent Real Property Taxes Penalty Fee Transfer to
General Fund 405
Departmental and Non-departmental Budget Transfers 406-407
Executive Recommendation Column Amended 407
AMENDMENTS (Lhatpassed)continued:
Friend of Court - Delete Funding for Family Counselor.. 407-408
Judges Salary - Increased 409-410
OLHSA - Add funding for Carpet Repairs 410-411
Probate Court:
Delete Clinical Psychologist I and 10,920 Professional
Services 410-411
Deputy Court Administrator Position 410-411
(Amendment Vetoed by County Executive) 453
Reduce Appropriation to Private Institution 410-411
Positions (vacant) paying 00,000 and Over Frozen 405
(Amendment Vetoed by County Executive) 453
Reserve for Transfer Account - Amend Language 405-406
Salaries, Fringe Benefits and Overtime Supervision 405
85356 Salary Administration Plan (New) 412-413
Salary Increases (Recommended) 408-409-413
Social Services - Add Funding for Carpet Repairs -410-411
Solid Waste Management Act Grant for Solid Waste
Management Planning 406
Tr-County Agreement - Increases 412
Year End Budget amendment Shall Be Supported by Statement
of Revenue and Expenditures 406
AMENDMENTS (that failed)
District Court (52/1) Security Service Added 407
Economic Development Group Deleted 411
Food Service Budget - Delete Partial Funds and Put Out for
Bids 411
Fortino County Millage Fund Re-established 414
Probate Court Deputy Court Administrator Position Deleted
Prosecuting Attorney - Add Positions 405-407-408
Public Safety - Delete and Transfer to Sheriff's Department.
Budget, 1986 Recommended - Public Hearing 398-400
85356 Budget, 1986 Salary Administration Plan (New) 412-413
Building Authority - Appointments 112
85285 Building Safety Attendant for South Health Center.... 318-319-327-328
85199 Business Administrator (Sheriff's Department) Create Classification
and Position 214-229-230
85366 Business Incubator - Acceptance of Real Property in Ferndale..
85365 Business Incubator Program Proposal - Authority to Develop 424
- C -
85064 Caddell Drain 69
85044 Administration Advisory Board - Establish - 48
85180-85391 Oxford Area Community School District Agreement.194-213-214-449
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal
CAMP OAKLAND (continued)
85002 Transfer Operation to County Executive 10-11-12-81
Transfer Operation to County Executive-Public Hearing 10
Youth Assistance - Accept Skillman Foundation Grant 57-422
Canvassing Board - Appointments 324-325-326-339
85107-85118 Community Selection Criteria 108-109-124
85158 Designate Target Communities 164-165
85308 Guidelines, 1986 345-346
85159 Manufacturers National Bank - Amend Rehabilitation Fund
Leveraging Agreement 165
Care Facility Advisory Council Appointments 82
Authorization to Receive Bids-Barrier-Free Improvements 433
Risk Management Services - Award Contract and Establish
Liability Insurance Fund 427-428
Safety Division- Create Building Safety Attendant (PTNE)..
CHAMPS (Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System)
Grant Award 88
CHAMPS (Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System)
Program for 1985 100-101-135-136
Child Care Budget for 1985-86 298
Child Care - Coordinated - OLHSA 237-249
Child Care Fund (Statewide) Supplemental Appropriation.. 380-443-444
Child Support - Put Michigan in Compliance with Federal Regu-
lations - Support SB 442 through 446 447
Adjusted Workweek Schedule 141-142
Administration Advisory Board - Establish 48
Building "B" - Create Supervisor and Child Welfare Worker
Positions 19
Building "B" - Reopen 12-13-19
Declaratory Judgement - Legal Fees for Appeal 56-99-100
Reclassify Positions and Transfer 18-19-66-67-68
Reorganization 277-278-319-320-321
School District Agreement for 1985/86 (Waterford)
Transfer Operation to County Executive 10-11-12-81
Judges - Salary Adjustment 104-178-179
Labor Agreement for Court Reporters (1984-1988) 20-65-66
Outreach Program Grant Application (1986) 346-347
Outside Counsel - Request to Hire. 271
Seating for Court Areas 160
System-Orion Township Ext. #3...
System-Orion Township Ext. #4... 341
System-Quit Claim of Easement... 436
Cob() Hall - Oppose Legislation for Tax Increase for Expansion..
Golfer V Oakland County - Settlement 227
Commerce Township - Tri-Party Funds (1984, Road Commission) 282
Community Selection Criteria 108-109-124
Designate Target Communities 164-165
Guidelines, 1986 345-346
Manufacturers National Bank - Amend Rehabilitation Fund
Leveraging Agreement 165
Chairperson - Richard R. Wilcox Elected 1-2
Chairperson (Temporary) 1
Chairperson, Vice - Marilynn Gosling Elected 2
Cobo Hall Expansion - Oppose Tax Increase 186-221-222
Commendation - George Berton Jackson 85
Commendation - Lillian V. Moffitt 85
Commendation - Walter Moore 451
Commendation - William J. Foley 85
Commissioner District 7- Walter Moore Resignation 452
Commissioner District 7- Special Election to Fill Seat...
Commissioner District 7- Wallace Holland Appointed to fill
Vacancy 454
Committee Appointments 2-3
Declaratory Judgement Legal Fees - Children's Village.56-99-100
Federal Revenue Sharing and Federal Deficits 96-97-127
Four Year Terms - Support Proposed Legislation 285
Holland, Wallace - Appointed to Fill Vacancy in District 7..454
Indemnification of Commissioners, Elected and Appointed
Officials and Employees 380-381-384-385
Metivier vs John R. DiGiovanni Legal Fees and Settlement...
Millage Reduction Fund 331-336-337
Millage Reduction Fund - Procedure for Release of Funds
Allocation 363
Moore, Walter - Commendation 451
Moore, Walter L. - Resignation from District #7 452
Permanent Chairperson Elected 1-2
Permanent Rules 5-6-7-8
Prison Site Recommendation 378-428-429-454-455
Records, Retention Period for 158
Rules, Permanent (Amendments) 444-445
Rules, Permanent 5-6-7-8
Rules, Temporary . 1
Stand Committee Appointments 2-3
Temporary Chairperson 1
Terms of Office - Support Proposed Legislation Calling for
Four Year Terms 285
85224 Community Coordinated Child Care Program (4C) - OLHSA 237-249
85208 Block Grant Award for 1985-86 225
85105 Block Grant Program, 1985-86 106-107
85159 Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Amend Rehabilitation
Fund Leverage Agreement - Manufacturers National Bank.... 165
Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Community Selection
Criteria 108-109-124
85158 Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Designate Target
Communities 164-165
85308 Commercial Assistance Program (CAP) Guidelines 345-346
85264 Contingency Account Fund Guidelines 283-297-298
85160 Contingency Account Reallocation - Village Of Lake Orion.165-166
85359 HUD Rental Rehabilitation Program-Accept 1985 Grant Award. .421
85073 Jobs Bill Funds, Emergency - Recapture Process and Criteria. .75
85091 Jobs Bill Funds - Options for Reallocation of Recaptured
Funds 95-96
Jobs Bill Funds - Special Activity-Recapture Funds.. .95-124-125
Lake Orion Village-Contingency Account Reallocation 165-166
Manager and Chief of Operations-Change Responsibility
and Salary Ranges 20
85159 Manufactures National Bank - Amend Rehabilitation Fund
Leverage Agreement (Commercial Assistance Program) 165
85022 Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency - Energy Conservation
Contract 26
85359 Rental Rehabilitation Program - Accept 1985 HUD Grant 421
85023 Royal Oak Township - Technical Assistance Grant Application-
HUD CDBC Secretary Discretionary Fund 26-27
Appointments 112-113-445
85197 Assertive Community Treatment Program 212-242-243
85152 Developmentally Disabled Adults - Residential Service
Expansion 158-159-172-173
85056 Developmentally Disabled Adults - Transportation 57-89-90
85198 Geriatric Mental Health Service Expansion 212-240-241
85245 Mental Retardation Center-Authorization to Receive Bids 262
85196 Pontiac Drop-In Center 211-241-242
85152 Residential Services Expansion for Developmentally
Disabled Clients 158-159-172-173
Community Placement Obligation (10%) -Forgive Counties (HB 4367)..
Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System (CHAMPS)
Grant 88
Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System (CHAMPS)
Program - 1985 Implementation 100-101-135-136
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project-
Amend Project Plan 377-378
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project-
Approve Area and Plan 234-295
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project-
Confirm Appointments 234-235
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership Project
Public Hearing 270-288-333-350
85139 Compulsory Arbitration (Support Opposition to PA 312),
144-169-170-196-197-198 • • • • • •
Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System
(CHAMPS) Grant Award 88
Comprehensive Health Analysis Management Planning System
(CHAMPS) Program-- 1985 Implementation 100-101-135-136
Computer User Advisory , Committee - Appointments 8
Data Processing Development Appropriation Transfer
Local Communities On-Site Terminal Equipment 225-226
Professional Services Contract - 1986 Extension 421-422
User Liaison Analyst Position - Create 174-196
Construction Bidding Procedure (Uniform) 341-342
Construction Inspector and Engineering Technician 260-261
Contingency Account Fund Guidelines 283-297-298
Contingency Account Reallocation (Village of Lake Orion 165-166
Contribution to Communities for EDC 247
Cooperative Extension Service -Extend Agriculture Agent Position
, 265-283-284
Cooperative Reimbursement Grant (1985) Friend of Court...
Cooperative Reimbursement Grant (1985) Prosecuting Attorney 86
Cooperative Reimbursement Grant (1985) Prosecuting Attorney -
Create Clerk Position 104
Cooperative Reimbursement Grant (1986) Prosecuting Attorney.. .385-386
Corners Shopping Center Project - Approve Plan (EDC) 220
Corners Shopping Center Project - Public Hearing (MX) 209
Clerk Position - Reclassify to Law Clerk - Additional
Student Position 236-237-247-248
Colfer vs Oakland County - Settlement 227
Contribution to Communities (EDC) 247
Declaratory Judgement Legal Fees-Children's Village...56-99-100
Economic Development Corporation - Contribution 247
Gordier vs Oakland County - Settlement 229
Marcella vs Oakland County et al 292-382-383
Murray vs Oakland County Sheriff's Department et al.... 422-423
Notification of Litigation 79-80-87-88
Weber vs County of Oakland et al 30-31
Wilmoth vs Oakland County - Settlement 228-229
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Quit Claim of
. Easement 436
District Court, 52/2 - Receipt of Proposals ....... 254-263-264
District Court, 52/2 - Request Proposals 144
District Court, 52/2 - Second Story Storage Access-330-343-344
District Court, 52/3 - Lease - Agree to Extend and Modify
District Court, 52/3 - Lease - Rochester Hills. .68-82-83-84-156
85018 District Court, 52/4 - Lease 24
85276 Easter Seal Society of Oakland County - Renew Lease 294
85277 Evergreen Farmington Sewage Disposal System - Application
for Land Acquisition 294-295
85184 Excess Property in City of Auburn Hills 200-201
Excess Property - White Lake Township - Accept Purchase
Offer 24-25
85366 Ferndale - Accept Property as Gift - Business Incubator..
Ferry Farm Addition (Pontiac) Accept Offer to Purchase..... 343
Novi City - Easement for Storm Water Drainage 436-437
Sheriff Substation - Lease Renewal 232-253-254
Treasurer's Office Space - Lease Renewal with Road
Commission 144-145
Cost Sharing Agreement, 1985 90
Children's Village/ Camp Oakland - Transfer Operation
from Probate Court 10-11-12-81
Children's Village - Declaratory Judgement Legal Fees.56-99-100
State of County Message 50
Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA) Contract Award.. .46-47
• Veto of Budget Amendments, Establish Office of County Public
Works Commissioner and Deputy Court Administrator , 453
85288 County General Fund (Property Tax and Parks and Recreation Tax
85388 County Jails (Support HB 4957) Provide State Share Construction
Costs to Build 447
County Jails (Support HB 5026) -Increase Holding Costs 446
85127 County Operations - Public/Private Study Committee 132-133
85049 Crippled Children Grant Award, 1984-85 52
85287 Crippled Children Grant Funding Extension 323-324
85109 Cultural Affairs - Operational Support Grant Alternate
Application, 1985 110
85110 Cultural Council - Amend Rules of Procedure 110-111-131
Cultural Council - Appointments 134-453
85381 Cultural Council - Michigan Council for the Arts Grant 442
- D
Data Processing Development Appropriation Transfer
Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project-Approve Area (EDC) 255
Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project -Confirm Appointments.255-256
Declaratory Judgement Legal Pees - Childrens Village 56-99-100
Delinquent Taxes (1984) Approve Notice of Sale 42-43-44
Delinquent Taxes (1984) Authoriztion to Borrow Against
Delinquent Taxes (1984) Authorize Administrative Fund 42
Delinquent Taxes (1985) Approve Notice of Sale....... 360-361-362-363
Delinquent Taxes (1985) Authorization to Borrow Against
Delinquent Taxes (1985) Authorize Administrative Fund 360
Detroit People Mover - Support Legislation to Stop Construction
Detroit to Canada Tunnel-Allow Access to Responsible Motorcyclists
Developmentally Disabled Adults-Day Program Transportation.. .57-89-90
Developmentally Disabled Adults-Residential Services Expansion..
DiGiovanni, John vs Metivier - Legal Fees and Settlement.... 31-32-33
District Court, 45B - County Assumption 125-193-223-237
District Court, 52nd - Expansion 131-132
District Court, 52/1 - Outside Counsel for Judge Boyle 190-191
District Court, 52/2 - Receipt of Proposals 254-263-264
Request for Furniture for New Facility.334-335
Request for Proposals 144
- Second Story Storage Access 330-343-344
Lease Agreement-Extend and Modify 145-146
Lease Rochester Hills 68782-83-84-156
Movina Costs and Onerating Costs 335-336
Rochester Hills - Request for Furniture:.
District Court, 52/4 - Lease 24
District Court - Judges Salary Adjustment 140-177-178
District Court - Policy Regarding Transfer of Control Unit...
(Tabled on 5/23/85) 114-170-171-172
District Court, Probation - Include Employees in Merit System...
District Court, Probation - Include Employees in Merit System -
Opposition to Resolution 271-290-450
District Court Revenues - Equitable Allocation 379-414-415
Dixon, Sarah (Sally) - Congratulatory Proclamation as :Member of
Board of Canvassers for 25 Years 350
Dog Pick-up Fees Revised 370-371
Domestic Relations Court - Establish (HE 4294 - Oppose) 220-221
Drain and Lake Level Assessment Report 282-283-340-341
Assist Chief Engineer Classification - Adjust Salary Range. .105
Atchison Drain Project - Authorization to Retain Outside
Legal Counsel (Village of Beverly Hills vs Oakland County..
Caddell Drain 69
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township
Ext. No 3 148-149-150
Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System- Orion Township
Ext. No 4 341
Construction Inspector II and Engineering Technician -
Create Positions 260-261
District Court, 52/2 -
District Court, 52/2 -
District Court, 52/2
District Court, 52/1 -
District Court, 52/3 -
District Court, 52/3 -
District Court. 52/3 -
85263 Drain and Lake Level Assessment Report 282-283-340-341
85337 Drain Commissioner and Sewer, Water and Solid Waste Combined
as Public Works Commissioner
379-380-393-394- 395-396-41 7-418-419
85102 Engineer, Assistant Chief -Classification - Adjust Salary
Range 105
85275 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System (Bingham Farms Ext. 3..293-294
85182 Lake Improvement Revolving Fund 199-200
85146 Lapeer/Brown Roads Water Main Extension.151-152-153-154-155-156
85194 Legal Expense - Employees' Separation Lawsuit 210
8532,0 Mainland Drain Right of Way 368-369
85233 Mainland Drain Storm Sewer Replacement - Authorization to
Receive Bids 251-269-270
85286 Mainland Drain Storm Sewer Replacement - Phase I Funding ...323
85046 Sylvan Lake and Otter Lake-Establish Lake Level 49-147-148
85146 Water Main Extension-Lapeer/Brown Road. .151-152-153-154-155-156
85013 , Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations 21
85014 Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations (Huron-Rouge
Sewage Disposal System 21
85274 West Bloomfield Water Supply System Section VIII 293
85170 Drain - Henry-Graham - Surplus Property 185
85233 Drain, Mainland - Authorization to Receive Bids 251-269-270
85320 Drain, Mainland - Right of Way 368-369
85286 Drain, Mainland - Storm Sewer Replacement - Phase I Funding 323
85039 Drew, James vs Oakland County - Employment Discrimination Lawsuit-
Legal Fees 44-45
85364 Dudley, Rhonda - Legal Fees for Claim 423-424
- -
85357 Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Grant
Acceptance 419-420
85282 Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Grant
Application 298-299-339-340
85029 Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Grant
Award 29-30
85276 Easter Seal Society of Oakland County - Lease Renewal 294
85270 Easter Seal Society - Safe Halloween 287
Economic Development Corporation - Appointments 382
85189 Borman's Inc. Retail Center Project - Approve Area 204-205
85190 Borman's Inc. Retail Center Project -Confirm Appointments.. .205
85365 Business Incubator Program Proposal - Authority to Develop. .224
85366 Business Incubator - Property in Ferndale - Accept Gift...
85334 Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership
Project - Approve Amended Plan 377-378
85219-85278 Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership
Project - Approve Area and Plan 234-295
85220 Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership
Project - Confirm Appointments 234-235
Comprehensive Retirement Communities Limited Partnership
Project - Public Hearing 270-288-333-350
85230 Contribution to Communities 247
85067 C.W. Schneider Project - Approve Area 71-72
85068 C.W. Schneider Project - Confirm Appointments 72
85237 Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project - Approve Area 255
85238 Dean & Schwartz Office Building Project - Confirm Appointments
85328 George Papadelis Project - Approve Area 374-375
85329 George Papadelis Project - Confirm Appointments 375
85071 Georgetowne Properties Project - Approve Area 74
85221 Georgetowne Properties Project - Approve Plan 235-236
85203 Georgetowne Properties Project - Confirm Appointments 217-218
Georgetowne Properties Project - Public Hearing 209-225
85332 Herbert Chernick Project - Approve Area 376
85333 Herbert Chernick Project - Confirm Appointments . 376-377
85330 Incoe Corporation Project - Approve Area 375-376
85331 Incoe Corporation Project - Confirm Appointments 376
85324 Jacobson, Mark T. & Associates Project - Approve Plan 372-373
85325 Jacobson, Mark T. & Associates Project - Confirm Appointments. .373
85239 Jamestowne Properties Project - Approve Area 256-257
85279 Jamestowne Properties Project - Approve Plan .. 295-296
85240 Jamestowne Properties Project - Confirm Appointments.... ..... . 257
Jamestowne Properties Project - Public Hearing . 270-288
85161 Main Street Shops Project, Rochester- Approve Plan 166-167
Main Street Shops Project, Rochester - Public Hearing 160-163
85324 Mark,T. Jacobson & Associates, Cue. Project - Approve Plan.372-373
85325 Mark T. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. Project - Confirm
Appointments 373
85069 Mercycare Health Services Center Project - Approve Area 73
85070 Mercycare Health Services Center Project - Confirm Appointments
85379 Michigan State Department of Commerce Grant Application....440-441
85326 Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion) Approve Area .373-374
85327 Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion) Confirm Appointments 374
85249 Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Approve Area ....265-266
85380 Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Approve Plan 441-442
85250 Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Confirm Appointments.266
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Public Hearing 400
85072 Pearl Wright Senior Citizen Center - OLHSA Contract 74-75
85202 Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project - Approve Area 217
85222 Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project - Approve Plan 236
85203 Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project - Confirm Appointment
Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project -Public Hearing 209-224
85246 Remodeling - Authorization to Receive Bids (Consolidate Units
in Executive Office Building) 262-263
85204 The Corners Shopping Center Project- Approve Plan 220
The Corners Shopping Center Project - Public Hearing 209
85280 West End Welding Project - Approve Plan 296-297
West End Welding Project - Public Hearing 270-288
85347 Election Laws - Oppose HB 4552 to Amend Voter Registration Law... 390
Election Scheduling Committee Appointments 112-113
85071 Emergency Jobs Bill Funds (1983) Recapture Process and Criteria... 75
Emergency Medical Services Council, 1985-86 47
85124 Employees Fringe Benefit Change - Direct Reimbursement Program
(Dental) 131
85232 Employees Fringe Benefit Program - Recommendations for Change...
85301 Employees Fringe Benefit Program - Staffing 340-364-365
85194 Employees Separation Lawsuit - Legal Expense 210
Council Appointments for 1985-1986 47-162
85065 Disaster Contingency Fund Reimbursement 70-71
85228 9-1-1 System (County-Wide) Joint System.243-246-264-265-271-272-273
Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services (OAKEMS)
Quality Assurance Program Joint Venture... 205-206-232-233-234
85307 Tornado Warning System Expansion - City of Ferndale... 345-371-372
85066 Tornado Warning System Expansion - City of Southfield.... 71-93-94
85022 Energy and Conservation Contract OLBSA 26
85242 Engineering Technician and Construction Inspector III - Drain
Commission - Add Positions 260-261
85256 Equalization Chief - Reclassify Position and Downward Reclassify
Account Clerk 274-275-290-291
85241 Equalization - General Motors Appeal of Property Tax Assessments,
Oppose 258
85113 Equalization Hearing Appointments by State Board 117
85031-85174 Equalization Legal Fees 31-190
85112 Equalization, 1985 165
85366 Ethyl Corporation - Gift of Property to be Used as
Business Incubator 424-425-429
85277 Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal System - Application for
Land Acquisition 294-295
85103-85277 Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal System - Offer to Purchase
Real Estate 105-106-120-294-295
85275 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System - Bingham Farms Ext. 3 293-294
85184 Excess Property in Auburn Hills 200-201
Excess Property - Ferry Farm Addition - Accept Offer to Purchase.. 343
Excess Property - White Lake Township - Accept Purchase Offer.. .24-25
85187 Excess Property - Vacant Land Adjacent to White Lake Oaks 203-204
85246 Executive Office Building Remodeling - Receive Bids 262-263
85150 Export Authority, Michigan - Creation (Support SB 27) 157-158
84016 Grounds Chemical Storage Building-Authorization to Receive
Bids 22
Grounds Chemical Storage Building - Contract Award 139
Mainland Drain - Phase I 323
North Health Center Office Remodeling - Contract 139-140
Springfield Oaks Sewage Disposal System - Award Contract 291-292
Trusty Camp Emergency Generator 261-262-333
Work Release Facility Kitchen - Authorization to Receive
Bids 280-281
Work Release Facility Kitchen - Award Contract 426-427
Family Planning Grant Award, 1985 51
Family Planning Program Fee Increase 101-102
Federal Income Tax - Oppose Elimination of Deductibility of
Non-Business State and Local Taxes from Income 97
Federal Revenue Sharing and Federal Deficits 96-97-127
Ferndale, City of - Tornado Warning System Expansion 345-371-372
Ferndale Property - Accept as Gift for Business Incubator..
Ferry Farm Addition, Lot 613 (Pontiac) Purchase Offer 343
Foley, William J. - Commendation 85
4C (Coordinated Child Care Program) OLHSA 237-249
Franklin Village - Delegation of Authority to Regulate On-Site
Sanitary Facilities 397-398-415-416-417
Friend of the Court - Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Award
Fringe Benefit Change - Direct Reimbursement Program for County
Employees (Dental) 131
Fringe Benefit Program - Recommendations for Change...250-251-279-280
Fringe Benefit Program - Staffing Proposal 340-364-365
Geary, Donald H. - Memorial Resolution 79
General Motors Saturn Plant - Encourage Oakland County Location..
General Motors Tax Assessment Appeal - Oppose 258
George Papadelis Project - Approve Area 374-375
George Papadelis Project - Confirm Appointments 375
Georgetowne Properties Project - Approve Area and Plan 74-235-236
Georgetowne Properties Project - Confirm Appointments 217-218
Georgetowne Properties Project - Public Hearing 209-225
Geriatric Mental Health Expansion 212-240-241
Gift Donation - Accept Items from Private Sources (Sheriff).— 28-55
Girl Scouts - Land Adjacent to White Lake Oaks Golf Course Sold
to 203-204
Gordier vs Oakland County - Settlement 229
85178 Gosling, Marilynn - Support Nomination as V.P. of SEMCOG 192-193
Gosling, Marilynn - Vice Chairperson of Board of Commissioners.... 2
85192 Governmental Library Operation - Merge with Law Library
Operation 206-207-387-388-438-439-440
Governmental Library Operation - Merge with Law Library - Public
Hearing 388-400
85094 Great Lakes Water - Establish Compensation Formula in Event
Water is Diverted 97-98
85016 Grounds Chemical Storage Building - Authorization to Receive Bids..22
85131 Grounds Chemical Storage Building - Award Contract 139
85156 Group Care/Foster Home Reimbursement Contract, 1985 163
85063 Groveland Township - Fire Dispatch Service (Safety Division)... 68-69
H -
85270 Halloween, Safe - Easter Seal Society 287
85077 Handicapped Parking Permits, Reciprocity for Out-of-State Persons
Haun, Dallas E. - Canvass Board - Appointed 339
85099-85115 Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program, 1985 Grant -
(Household) 102-103-118
85084 CHAMPS Development Grant Award, 1985 88
85096 ' CHAMPS Program 100-101-135-136
85086 Cost Sharing Agreement - 1985 Acceptance 90
85049 Crippled Children Grant Award - 1984-85 Services 52
85287 Crippled Children Grant Funding Extension 323-324
85357 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
Grant Acceptance 419-420
85282 Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
Grant Application 298-299-339-340
85029 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
Grant Award 29-30
85047 Family Planning Grant Award, 1985 51
85098 Family Planning Program Fee Increase 101-102
85156 Group Care/Foster Home Reimbursement Contract, 1985 163
85099 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program,
1985 Application 102-103
85115 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program,
Grant Award 118
85287 Hypertension and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Grant -
Funding Extension 323-324
85050 Hypertension Grant Award - 1984-85 52-53
85227 Jail Health Program - Staffing Pattern for-Modification..239-240
85028 Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Award 29
85287 Maternal and Child Health Grant Funding Extension 323-324
85021 North Health Center Office Remodeling - Authorization to
Receive Bids 25-26
85132 North Health Center Office Remodeling - Contract Award...139-140
85087 Preventive Health Block Grant 91
85283 Reimbursement Agreement Between Michigan Departments of
Commerce, Public Health and Oakland County - 1985 299
85305 Security Alarm System - South Oakland Center 343-369
85052 Solid Waste Management Reimbursement Contract-1984-85 54
85285 South Oakland Health Center - Create Building Safety
Attendant (PTNE) 318-319-327-328
85305 South Oakland Health Center - Security Alarm System 343-369
85316 Substance Abuse Funding Agreement Renewal 363-364
85358 Substance Abuse Grant Acceptance -1985-86 420
85051 Substance Abuse Grant Award - 1984-85 53
85287 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Grant Funding Extension 323-324
85114 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Grant Reimbursement Contract.. 117
85225-85297 TB Outreach Grant Application and Acceptance 238-334
85053 Venereal Disease Reimbursement Agreement - 1984-85 54
85287 WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Funding Extension 323-324
85048 WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Grant Award. 1984-85 51-52
85226 X-Ray Films-Fee Schedule for Copying 238-239
85170 Henry-Graham Drain-Surplus Property 185
85332 Herbert Chernick Project - Approve Area 376
85333 Herbert Cbernick Project - Confirm Appointments 376-377
Historical Commission - Appointments 189
85252 Historical Commission - Ordinance #25 Adopted to Amend
Ordinance #20 113-114-267
Holland, Wallace E. - Appointed to Fill Vacancy in County
Commissioner District #7 454
85128 Holocaust Memorial Day - Designation of April 18, 1985 as, 133
85341 Holtz, Barbara J. - Legal Fees Claim 383
85390 Homebound Meals - Agreement with OLHSA 448-449
85205 4294 (Oppose) Establish Domestic Relations Court 220-221
85122-85153-85176 4367 (Support) Residential Services 126-127-159-191
85389 4496 (Suppott) - Require Law Enforcement Agencies to Expedite
Information on Certain Missing Persons 448
85173 4550 (Support) Amend Michigan Liquor Law - Dram Shop Act 187
85347 4552 (Oppose) Amend Michigan Election Law 390
85269 4894 (Support) Provide Optional Methods for Abolition of
Inland Lake Boards 286-287
85388 4957 (Support) Provide State Share Construction Costs of
County Jails 447
85385 5021 (Support) Give Local Units of Government Authority in
Revocation of Package Liquor Licenses 446
85386 5026 (Support) Provide for Increase for Reimbursement for
Holding Costs of Prisoners in County Jails 446
85229 House Resolution #403 (Support) Calling for Immediate Stoppage
of Detroit People Mover 243-244
85009 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program -
Application 102-103
85115 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Program -
Award Contract 118
85045 HMO Contracts - Require they show Health Service Location.48-194-195
85359 HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Grant Award - Rental
Rehabilitation Program - Acceptance, 1985 421
Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority - Tax to be Levied 82
85014 Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System, Wastewater Disposal Standards
and Regulations 21
85375 Huron Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Operation and
Maintenance Agreement 434-435
85050 Hypertension Grant Award, 1984-85 52-53
85287 Hypertension Grant Funding Extension 323-324
- I -
85330 Incoe Cdrporation Project - Approve Area 375-376
85331 Incoe Corporation Project - Confirm Appointments 376
85339 Indemnification of Commissioners, Elected and Appointed Officials
85269 Inland Lake Boards (Support HE 4894) Provide Method to Abolish
85171 1-696 Funding 186-202
85260 Children's Village Reorganization 277-278-319-320-321
Step One Services Program Revisions.. ..91-92-l03-104-128-129-130
85369 Insurance (Liability) - Establish . 427-428
85367 Self Insurance Administration Proposals from Private
Companies . 426
- J -
85081 Jackson, George Berton - Commendation 85
85324 Jacobson, Mark T. & Associates, Inc. - Approve Project Plan. .372-373
85325 Jacobson, Mark T. & Associates, Inc. - Confirm Appointments 373
85373 Jail Air-conditioning - Authorization to Receive Bids 433
85186 Jail - Architectural Services (Pre-Design) Expand Scope of Work
85317-85349 Jail - Building "D" and "L" Staffing 365-366-391
85089 Jail Expansion 94-108-120-121
85148 Jail - Garage Parking Area Renovation and Female Housing
Facility - Award Architectural Services Contract 156-157
85227 Jail - Health Program - Modification of Staffing Pattern.... 239-240
Jail Master Plan Report 345
85017 Jail Remodeling - Authorization to Receive Bids 22-23
85186 Jail Remodeling - Pre-Design Architectural Services ..... 202-203
85247 Jail Renovation and New Construction 263-281-282
85126 Jail (Satellite) Facility 132
85255 Jail (Satellite) Housing Units - Authorization to Negotiate with
Low Bidder and Award Contract for Construction 273-274
85200 Jail - Temporary Inmate Housing Facilities - Architectural Fees
and Authorization to Receive Bids 215
85239-85279 Jamestowne Properties Project - Approve Plan andAma.256-257-295-296
85240 Jamestowne Properties Project - Confirm Appointments 257
Jamestowne Properties Project- Public Hearing 270-288
85073 Jobs Bill Funds, Emergency - Recapture Process and Criteria.... 75
85091 Jobs Bill Funds - Options for Reallocation of Recaptured Funds.95-96
85119 Jobs Bill Funds - Reallocation of Recaptured Money 124-125 •
85090 Jobs Bill Funds - Special Activity - Recapture Funds 95
85137 Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk - Position Reclassified to
Judicial Secretary 142-175
85345 Justice Assistance Act, 1985/86 - Application 387
85311 Justice Training Program Funds (Michigan, 1986) Application 348
L -
85011 Circuit Court Reporters, 1984-1988 20-65-66
85006 Probate Court Caseworkers, 1984/1985 13-14-62-63
85007 Probate Court Non-Caseworkers, 1984-1985 14-64-65
85350 Prosecutor's Investigators 392-431
Labor Boards - Appointments 2-47-99
85182 Lake Improvement Revolving Fund 199-200
85046 Lake Level - Establish for Sylvan and Otter Lakes 49-147-148
85160 Lake Orion Village - Contingency Account Reallocation 165-166
85146 Lapeer/Brown Roads - Water Main Extension... 151-152-153-154-155-156
85192 Law Library - Merger with Governmental Library Operation ....
Law Library Merger with Governmental Library-Public Hearing. .388-400
85062-85147 Lease, 52/3 Rochester Hills 68-82-83-84-156
85141 Lease - Treasurer's Office Space -Renewal with Road Commission..
85211 Coffer vs Oakland County - Settlement 227
85055-85095 Children's Village - Declaratory Judgment 56-99-100
85253 Circuit Court - Outside Legal Service for Judge Gilbert 271
85175 District Court, 52/1 - Outside Legal Service Judge Boyle.190-191
85041 Drain Commissioner - Village of Beverly Hills VS Oakland
County Atchison Drain Project 45-46
85194 Drain Commissioner - Employees Separation Lawsuits -
Additional Appropriation 210
85039 Drew, James vs Oakland County - Employment Discrimination. .44-45
85364 Dudley, Rhonda - Claim 423-424
85194 Employees Separation Lawsuit 210
85031-85174 Equalization Legal Fees 31-190
85214 Gordier vs Oakland County - Settlement 229
85341 Holtz, Barbara J. - Claim 383
85273-85340 Marcella vs Oakland County et al 292-382-383
85035 Merit System - Exclusion of Positions Opinion 33
85033-85034 Metivier vs John R. DiGiovanni- Fees and Settlement.... 31-32-33
85362 Murray vs Oakland County Sheriff's Department, et al 422-423
85363 Police Professional Liability 423
85015-85376 Solid Waste Management Plan 21-22-70-435-436
85031 Weber vs Oakland County, et al - Public Works Department.. 30-31
85213 Wilmoth vs Oakland County - Settlement 228-229
85236 Yokley vs County of Oakland - Outside Counsel 61 254-255
85369 Liability and Risk Insurance Fund - Establish 427-428
85207 Library Boards - Support Legislation Permitting Expansion 222-223
Library Hot Line Funding (Letters Opposing Elimination) 400
85173 Liquor Law, Michigan (Support HE 4550) - Dram Shop Act 187
85385 Liquor Licenses Revocation (Support HE 5021) -Give Local Units
of Government Authority 446
85076 Litigation, Notification by Corporation Counsel 79-80-87-88
85290 Lottery, Bureau of State - Region I Office - Oppose Move 326-327
Lottery, Bureau of State - Regional Office - Replaced by Small
Claims Office in Royal Oak City - Letter. 348
- -
• 85390
MAC "Excellence in County Government" Award - Nominations 192
Main Street Shops Project (Rochester) Approve Plan 166-167
Main Street Shops Pro -ject (Rochester) Public Hearing 160-163
Mainland Drain - Right of Way 368-369
Mainland Drain - Storm Sewer Replacement - Phase I Funding ....... 323
Mainland Drain - Storm Sewer Replacement - Receive Bids. .251-269-270
Equalization - Transfer and ReclassifyPositions..274-275-290-291
Equalization Legal Fees 31-190
Equalization, 1985 116
Postal Rate Increase 45
Travel Rates Revised • 89
Travel Regulations Revised 136-137-138
Year End Report (1984) and Budget Amendments . 101
Management Salaries - Review Committee Appointments 50
Manufacturers National Bank - Commercial Assistance Program (CAP)
Amend Rehabilitation Fund Leverage Agreement 165
Marcella vs Oakland County - Legal Fees 292-382-383
Marine Safety Program, 1985 - Letter 9
Marine Safety Program, 1986 Renewal Application 386
Mark T. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. Project - Approve Plan.... 372-373
Mark T. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. Project - Confirm Appointments.373
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Commemoration . 450-451
Master Vender Bid File for All Divisions 25
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant-Award 29
Maternal and Child Health Grant-Funding Extension 323-324
McConnell, Nancy - Personnel Appeal Board - Appointment 399-400
McDonald, John J. -Personnel Appeal Board - Appointment 399-400
Medical Care Facility - Agreement with OLHSA-Homebound Meals 448-449
Medical Care Facility - Wall Protection System 201-273
Medical Examiner - Dr. Bill G. Brooks - Reappointed 389-390
Mental Health (HE 4367) Residential Services Obligation
Mental Retardation Center - Authorization to Receive Bids 262
Mercy Care Health Services Center Project - Approve Area 73
Mercy Care Health Services Center Project - Confirm Appointments 73-74
Merit System - Legal Fees for Opinion Regarding Exclusion of
Positions 33
Merit System Rule T - District Court Probation Employees Included
Merit System Rule I - District Court Probation Employees -
Opposition to Resolution 271-290
Merit System Rule 1, 4, 7, 14, 20, 22, 24 - Changes.... 14-15-16-17-82
Merit System Rule 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24a(new),
and 26 299-300-301-3U-
Merit System Rule 13 - Changes 142-143-144-189
Metivier vs John R. DiGiovanni "Legal Fees and Settlement 31-32-33
Michigan Aeronautics Grant Program - Oakland/Troy Airport 200
Michigan Association of Counties - Nomination of County Officials
and Staff for Excellence in County Government Award 192
Michigan Department of Corrections Regional Prison Site
Michigan Land Trust Grant Application 431-432
Michigan State Department of Commerce Grant Application 440-441
Millage Reduction Fund 331-336-337
Millage Reduction Fund - Procedure for Release of Funds Allocated. .363
Missing Persons -Support HB4496 Requiring Law Enforcement Agencies
to Expedite Information 448
Mobile Home Park Inspections - Reimbursement Agreement 299
Moffitt, Lillian - Commendation 85
Moore, Walter - Commendation 451
Moore, Walter - Resignation as County Commissioner 452
Municipalities Board and Care Contracts - Animal Control 28-78-443
Municipalities Care and Disposal Services - Contract Renewals-
Animal Control 163-164
Municipalities Disposal Contracts - Establish Rates-Animal Control..
Murray vs Oakland County Sheriff's Department, et al - Legal Fees.
- N-
9-1-1 System - Countywide Joint Venture... 243-246-264-265-271-272-273
Non-Business State and Local Taxes - Oppose Elimination of
North Health Center Remodeling - Authorization to Receive bids.. .25-26
North Health Center Office Remodeling - Contract Award 139-140
Northville City-Request to he Totally in Wayne County Solid Waste
Management Plan 432
Novi City - Easement for Storm Water Drainage .436-437
85224 Oakland County Community Coordinated Child Care (4C) Program.. 237-249
85191 Oakland County Council for Emergency Medical Services (OAKEMS)
Quality Assurance Program Joint Venture 205-206-232-233-234
85348 Oakland County Employees Retirement System-Amend Adjustment Benefit.
Oakland County Employees Retirement System - Changes in Rule 29-
Non-Duty Death Retirement Allowance 59-60-118-119
Oakland County Employees Retirement System - Elimination of Age 70
Ceiling for Accumulation of Credited Service 60-61-92-93
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency - Energy Conservation
Contract 26
Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency - 4C Program 237-249
Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency - Homebound Meals 448-449
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) Program - Alternative to
Jail Placement 207-218-219
Officials (Elected and Appointed), Employees, and Commissioners-
Indemnification 380-381-384-385
Operational Support Grant (Cultural Affairs) Alternate Application. 110
Ordinance #25 (Repeals Sec. 4 of Ordinance #20) Historical
Commission 113-114-267
Orion Township - Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System Ext. #3 and
#4 148-149-150-341
Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion) Project - Approve Area... 373-374
Ortonville Nursing Home (Lake Orion) Project- Confirm Appointment. .374
Otter Lake - Establish Lake Level 49-147-148
Outreach Program - Grant Application (1986 Circuit Court) 346-347
Oxford Area Community School District Agreement with Camp Oakland.
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Approve 441-442
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Approve Area 265-266
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Confirm Appointments.... 266
Oxford Warm Forming Partnership Project - Public Hearing 400
- P -
85167 Parking Lot Replacement and Expansion - Receive Bids 184
85166 Parking Lot Rules and Regulations 180-181-182-183-184
Appointments 3-4
85267 Commission - Allow Counties of Less than 100,000 to Have
3-Member Boards - Support Legislation 285-286
85058 Classification (New) Public Communications Assistant 59
85371 Michigan Land Trust Fund - Grant Application 431-432
85187 Property - Sell vacant land adjacent to White Lake Oaks .203-204
85304 Springfield Oaks Youth Activity Center - Improvements 342
85030 Vehicle -(Additional requested) 30
85104 Water Retention Site - Agreement for Joint Use 106
85187 White Lake Oaks - Sell Vacant Land to Girl Scouts 203-204
85072 Pearl Wright Senior Citizen Center /OLHSA Contract for Services. .74-75
Personnel Appeal Board - Appointments 399-400 •
85139 Compulsory Arbitration - Support Opposition to PA 312
85039 Employment Discrimination Lawsuit - James Drew vs Oakland
County - Legal Fees 44-45
Fringe Benefit Change - Direct Reimbursement Program-Dental. 131
Fringe Benefit Program - Recommendations for Change.
Fringe Benefit Program - Staffing Recommendations....340-364-365
Peterson, John H. Memorial Resolution 79
Pine Knob Music Theatre, Inc. Crowd Control - 1985 Contract. .167-168
Pine Knob Music Theatre, Inc. - Traffic Control-1835 Contract... 167
Pinewood Offices and Manufacturing Project - Approve Area and
Plan 217-236
Pinewood Office and Manufacturing Project - Confirm Appointments.
Pinewood Office and Manufacturing Project- Public Hearing... 209-224
Planning and Building Committee Annual Report 23-24
Police Professional Liability 423
Pontiac Drop-in Center 211-241-242
Postal Rate Increase 45 •
POW/MIA Recognition Day 222
Preventive Health Block Grant . 91
Prison Site (Regional) Recommendation (Michigan Department of
Corrections) 47-48-378-428-429-454-455
Prison Site (Regional) Selection by Board of Commissioners 190
Prisoners in County Jails (Support HB 5026) -Increase for Holding
Cost 446
Camp Oakland/Youth Assistance/Home Detention - Accept 1935/86
Skillman Foundation Grant Funds 57-422
Caseworkers 1984-85 Labor Agreement 13-14-62-63
Child Care Fund Budget for 19 R9-86 298
Child Care Fund (Statewide), - Need for Supplemental
Appropriation . . 380-443-444
Children's Village - Adjusted Workweek Schedule . 141-142
Children's Village - Administration Advisory Board-Establish. .48
. Children's Village Building "B" - Create Positions 19
Children's Village Building "B" - Reopen , 12-13-19
Children's Village Declaratory Judgment-Legal Fees 56-99-100
Children's Village-Reclassify Positions and Transfer
Children's Village Reorganization 277-278,319-320-321
Children's Village -School District Agreement... .193-194-212-213
Children's Village -Transfer Operation to County Executive..
Deputy Court Administrator - Position Established in 1986
Budget 410-411
Deputy Court Administrator - Position Vetoed by County
Executive 453
Judges - Salary Adjustment 140-141-176-177
Judicial Secretary/Court Clerk Reclassify Position 142-175
Non-Caseworkers 1984/85 Labor Agreement 14-64-65
85003-85061 Repeat Offender Project 12-57-58-59-61-62-93
85005 Sanctuary Funding - 1985 Disbursement Agreement 13
85155 Seating for Court Areas 160
85057-85361 Skillman Foundation Grant Acceptance 57-422
85231 Skillman Foundation Grant Application (1985-86) 249-250
85137 Student Position Created to Assist Judicial Secretary 142
85188-85296 Probation Enhancement Grant, 1985-86 204-219-220-333-334
85360 Professional Services Contract, 1986 Extension 421-422
85288 Property Tax and Parks and Recreation Tax Rate, 1985 324-337-338
85241 Property Tax Assessment - Oppose General Motors Appeal 258
85082 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Award, 1985 86
85101 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant Award, 1985-Create Position. .104
85343 Cooperative Reimbursement Grant, 1986 385-386
85350 Investigators Labor Agreement 392-431
85117 Victim-Witness Unit, Establishment of 123-168-169
85165 Victim-Witness Unit - Establish Positions 174-175
85121 #51 - Support Amendments - Road. Commission 126
85139 #312 - Support Opposition (Compulsory Arbitration)
Public Health Cost Sharing Program 82
85127 Public-Private Study Committee for County Operations 132-133
85337 Public Works Commissioner - Establish Office
Public Works Commissioner - Opposition (Letters) 400
Public Works Commissioner - Public Hearing 400
Public Works Commissioner - Veto by County Executive 453
85102 Assistant Chief Engineer Classification-Adjust Salary Range.105
84016 Grounds Chemical Storage Building - Authorization to Receive
Bids 22
84131 Grounds Chemical Storage Building - Award Contract 139
85375 Huron Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Operation
and Maintenance Agreement 434-435
85372 Northville Request to Be Totally in Wayne County Solid
Waste Management Plan 432
85234 Solid Waste, Disposal - Distribution of Proposed Inter-
governmental Agreement 251-252-253
85195 Walnut Lake Notification Plan 210-211
85181 Walnut Lake - Raw Sewage Flowing Into - Confirmation by
Outside Agency 195
Walnut Lake - Raw Sewage Flowing Into - Investigation
Requested 160-161
85031 Weber vs County of Oakland, et all - Legal Fees 30-31
85020 Purchasing - Master Vender Bid File 25
85151 Records (Board of Commissioner) Retention Period 158
85043-85335- Regional Prison Site - Michigan Department of Corrections -Board
85370 of Commissioners Selection 4 7-48-190-378-428-429-454-455
Regional Prison Site Selection Committee - Appointments 82
85159 Rehabilitation Fund Leveraging Agreement with Manufacturers
National Bank for Commercial Assistance Program (CAP)-Amend. .165
85283 Reimbursement Agreement Between Michigan Departments of Commerce,
Public Health and Oakland County Health Division (1985) 299
85210 Reimbursement Division - Additional Account Clerk Position.. 226-227
85359 Rental Rehabilitation Propram (HUD) -1985 Grant Avn ,-,1 -Accent 421
85003-85061 Repeat Offender Project -12-57-58-59-61-62-93
85152 Residential Services Expansion for Developmentally Disabled
Clients 158-159-172-173
85291 Retirement Commission - Changes - Sec. 2(r) and 19(a) 328-329
85292 Retirement Commission - Changes in Section 29 -Non-Duty Death
Retirement Allowance-Automatic Provision 329-330
85348 Retirement System (Oakland County Employees) Amend Adjustment
Benefit 390-391-429-430
85059 Retirement System (Oakland County Employees) Change in Rule 29-
Non-Duty Death Retirement Allowance 59-60-118-119
85060 Retirement System (Oakland County Employees) Elimination of
Age 70 Ceiling -Accumulation of Credited Service.... 60-61-92-93
85369 Risk Management Services - Award Contract 427-428
Road Commission - Appointment 3-4-5
85215 Road Commission Appropriation (Tr-County) 230-231
85262 Road Commission Appropriation (Tr-County) Commerce Township.... 282
85352 Road Commission Borrowing 396
85121 Road Commission - Support Amendments to PA 51 126
85310 Road Patrol Grant Renewal Application (Act 416, 1985/86) ... 347-348
85323 Rochester Hills - Law Enforcement Patrol -Additional Deputies..
85023 Royal Oak Township (HUD CDBG Secretary's Discretionary Fund)
Technical Assistance Grant Application 26-27
Rules - Permanent (Board of Commissioners) 5-6-7-8
85384 Rules - Permanent (Board of Commissioner) Amendments 444-445
85063 Safety Division - Fire Dispatch Service - Addison and
Groveland Township 68-69
85166 Safety Division - Parking Lot Rules and Regulations
85285 Safety Division PTNE Building Safety Attendant - South Oakland
Health Center 218-219-327-328
85077 Safety Division - Reciprocity for Out-of-State Handicapped
Parking 80-111
85305 Safety Division - South Oakland Health Center Security Alarm 343-369
85356 Salary Administration Plan (new) 412-413
85005 Sanctuary Funding, 1985 - Disbursement Agreement 13
Sanitary Code Appeal Board - Appointment 112-113
85354 Sanitary Facilities, Delegation of Authority of On-Site (Village
of Franklin) 397-398-415-416-417
85001-85108 Saturn Plant (General Motors) -Encourage Location in Oakland
County 8-109-110
85067 Schneider, C.W. Project - Approve Area 71-72
85068 Schneider, C.W. Project - Confirm Appointment 72
85305 Security Alarm System for South Oakland Health Building 343-369
85289 Senate Bill 4 (Oppose Concept) Create State Health Promotion and
Risk Reduction Commission 326
85150 Senate Bill 27 -(Support) Create Michigan Export Development
Authority 157-158
Senate Bills 442 through 446 (Support)-Put Michigan in Compliance
With Recently Adopted Federal Regulations on Child Support...447
85233 Service Center - Storm Sewer Replacement (Mainland Drain) -
Authorization to Receive Bids 251-269-270
85145 Sewage Disposal System (Clinton-Oakland) Orion Township Ext. 3..
85302 Sewage Disposal System (Clinton Oakland) Orion Township Ext. 4..
85275 Sewage Disposal System (Evergreen) Bingham Farms Ext. 3 293-294
Sewage (Raw) Overflowing into Walnut Lake (West Bloomfield
Township) -Request County Investigate 160-161
85375 Sewage Treatment Facility Operation and Maintenance Agreement-
Huron Valley Hospital 434-435
85145 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township
Extension #3 148-149-150
85302 Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System - Orion Township
Extension #4 341
85103-85277 Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal System - Offer to
Purchase Real Estate 105-106-120-294-295
85275 Evergreen Sewage Disposal System (Bingham Farms Ext. #3).293-294
85014 Huron-Rouge Sewage Disposal System - Wastewater Disposal
Standards and Regulations 21
85375 Huron Valley Hospital Sewage Treatment Facility Operation
and Maintenance 434-435
Sewage (Raw) Overflowing into Walnut Lake (West Bloomfield)
Request County Investigate 160-161
85015-85376 Solid Waste Management Plan Legal Services 21-22-70-435-436
85233 Storm Sewer Replacement - Authorization to Receive Bids...
85378 Storm Water Drainage Easement to City of Novi 436-437
Walnut Lake - Investigate Raw Sewage Overflowing into 160-161
85013 Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations 21
85317-85349 Building "D" and "L" Staffing 365-366-391
85199 Business Administrator - Create Position 214-229-230
85116-85265 Disposition of property Held by Sheriff 122-123-284-285
85364 Dudley, Rhonda - Legal Fees for Claim 423-424
85027 Gift Donation - Accent Items from Private Sources 28-55
Jail Master Plan Report
Jail Remodeling - Authorization to Receive Bids
Jail Remodeling - Pre-Design Architectural Services
Jail Renovation and New Construction
Jail (Satellite) Facility
Jail - Temporary Inmate Housing Facility - Architectural
Fees and Authorization to Receive Bids 215
Justice Assistance Act, 1985/86 - Application 387
Justice Training Program Funds (Michigan, 1986) Application 348
Law Enforcement Contract - Additional Deputies-Rochester
Hills 371-388-389
Law Enforcement Contract - Additional Deputy-Springfield
Township 157-169
Legal Fees - Murray vs Oakland County Sheriff's Department.
Marine Safety Program - Letter from DNR 9
Marine Safety Program, 1986 - Renewal Application 386
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) Program Alternative
to Jail Placement 207-218-219
Outside Counsel -Yokley vs County of Oakland 254-255
Parking Lot Replacement and Expansion - Receive Bids 184
Pine Knob Music Theatre, Inc. - Crowd Control Contract.. 167-168
Pine Knob Music Theatre, Inc. - Traffic Control Contract 167
Police Professional Liability - Legal Fees 423
Prisoners in County Jails - Increase Reimbursement for
Holding (Support HB 5026) 446
Reorganization 141-179-180
Road Patrol Act 146 - Grant Renewal Application 1985/86..347-348
Rochester Hills - Additional Deputy- Law Enforcement
Contract 371-388-389
Springfield Township - Additional Deputy for Law
Enforcement Contract 157-169
Staffing for Buildings "D" and "L" 365-366-391
Substation Lease Renewal 232-253-254
Trusty Camp Emergency Generator 261-262-333
Work Release Facility Kitchen-Authorization to Receive
Bids 280-281
Yokley vs County of Oakland - Outside Counsel 254-255
Inmate Housing Facilities (Temporary) - Appropriation for
Architectural Fees and Receive Bids 215
Jail Air-Conditioning - Authorization to Receive Bids 433
Jail - Architectural Services (Pre-Design)-Expand Scope of
Work 202-203
Jail - Building "D" and "L" Staffing 365-366-391
Jail Expansion 94-108-120-121
Jail - Garage Parking Area Renovation and Female Housing
Facility-Award Architectural Services Contract 156-157
Jail - Health Program - Modification of Staffing Pattern.239-240
Skillman Foundation Grant Acceptance (Camp Oakland/Youth
Assistance) 57-422
Skillman Foundation Grant Application - 1985/86 249-250
HMO Contracts - Require they Show Health Service Location..
Solid Waste, Disposal - Distribution of Proposed Inter-
governmental Agreement 251-252-253
Solid Waste Management Plan Legal Services 21-22-70-435-436
Solid Waste Management Reimbursement Contract, 1984-85 54
Solid Waste Planning Committee - Appointment . 400
Appointments 4-5
Gosling, Marilynn - Support Nomination as SEMCOG Vice-
President 192-193
South Oakland Health Center Security Alarm System
Southfield City - Tornado Warning System Expansion
Springfield Oaks Sewage Disposal System - Award Contract.... 291-292
Springfield Oaks-Youth Activity Center - Improvements 342
Springfield Township - Additional Deputy for Law Enforcement.157-169
State Disaster Contingency Fund Reimbursement 70-71
State Regional Prison Site
Storm Water Drainage - Easement to City of Novi
Substance Abuse Advisory Council Appointments
Substance Abuse Funding Agreement Renewal
Substance Abuse Grant Acceptance, 1985-86
Substance Abuse Grant Award, 1984-85
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Grant Funding Extension
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Reimbursement Contract (1984/85)....117
Sylvan Lake - Establish Lake Level 49-147-148
South Oakland Health Center - Create Building Safety Attendant
Step One Services Program Revisions 91-92-103-104-128-129-130
Storm Sewer Replacement - Authorization to Receive Bids. .251-269-270
... 420
... 53
85241 Tax Assessment Appeal - General Motors 258
Tax Rate - Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority 82
85300 Tax Rates (Apportionment) 338-339
85038 Taxes (1984) Approve Notice of Sale 42-43-44
85036 Taxes (1984) Delinquent - Authorization to Borrow Against...
85037 Taxes (1984) - Delinquent - Authorize Administrative Fund 42
85314 Taxes (1985) - Delinquent - Approve Notice of Sale.. .360-361-362-363
85312 Taxes (1985) - Delinquent - Authorization to Borrow Against
85313 Taxes (1985) - Delinquent - Authorize Administrative Fund 360
85288 Taxes, Property and Parks and Recreation Tax Rate, 1985..324-337-338
85093-85251 Taxes, State/Local - Oppose Elimination of Deductibility from
Income Tax 97-127-128-266-267
85225-85297 TB Outreach Grant - Application and Acceptance 238-334
85023 Technical Assistance Grant Application (Royal Oak Township)-
HUD 26-27
85204 The Corners Shopping Center Project (Approve Plan) 220
The Corners Shopping Center Project - Public Hearing 209
85307 Tornado Warning System Expansion - City of Ferndale 345-371-372
85066 Tornado Warning System Expansion - City of Southfield 71-93-94
85271 Toxic Chemical Exposure Ordinance 287-288
85353 Traffic Congestion in Western Oakland County 397
85106 Traffic Improvement Association - Funding for Conference
85056 Transportation of Developmentally Disabled Adults 57-89-90
85085 Travel Rates Revised 89
85129 Travel Regulations Revised 136-137-138
85038 Delinquent 1984 Taxes - Approve Notice of Sale 42-43-44
85036 Delinquent 1984 Taxes - Authorization to Borrow Against....
85037 Delinquent 1984 Taxes - Authorize Administrative Fund 42
85314 Delinquent 1985 Taxes - Approve Notice of Sale.. .360-361-362-363
85312 Delinquent 1985 Taxes - Authorization to Borrow Against
85313 Delinquent 1985 Taxes - Authorize Administrative Fund 360
85141 Lease Renewal with Road Commission for Office Space 144-145
85078 Legislation Increasing Population Provision - Support (Term
of Office) 84
85215 Tr-County - Road Commission Appropriation 230-231
85262 Tr-County - Road Commission Appropriation - Commerce Township.. 282
85217 Troy, City of - Watermain Easement from Oakland/Troy Airport.... 232
Troy High School Football Team - Proclamation 399
85295 Trusty Camp Emergency Generator - Award Contract 333
85244 Trusty Camp Emergency Generator - Receive Bids 261-262
85154 Tunnel to Canada - Allow Access to Motorcyclists 160
- U -
85042 Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA) Contract Award 46-47
85164 User Liaison Analyst Position in Computer Services - Create..174-196
- V -
85030 Vehicle (additional) - Parks and Recreation 30
85053 Venereal Disease Reimbursement Agreement, 1934-35 54
Veteran's Trust Fund Committee - Appointment 2
85024 Veterinarian Contract Renewal and Revision (Animal Control) ....
Veto by County Executive, Daniel T. Murphy:
Budget Amendment Freezing all Positions Exceeding $30,000 453
Establish Deputy Court Administrator Position 453
Establish Office of County Public Works Commissioner 453
Victim-Rights Week - Proclamation 130-131
85117 Victim-Witness Unit (Establish in Prosecutor's Office).. .123-168-169
85165 Victim-Witness Unit - Positions Established 174-175
- W -
85195 Walnut Lake Notification Plan 210-211
85181 Walnut Lake - Raw Sewage Flowing into - Investigate 160-161-195
85014 Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations (Huron-Rouge
Sewage Disposal System) 21
85013 Wastewater Disposal Standards and Regulations (Oakland County) 21
85146 Water Main Extension - Lapeer-Brown Roads....151-152-153-154-155-156
85179 Waterford School District Agreement with Children's Village
85143 ,Waterford Township Sanitary Sewer Easement (Oakland/Pontiac
Airport) 146-147
85144 Waterford Township Watermain Easement (Oakland/Pontiac Airport). 147
85031 Weber vs. County of Oakland - Legal Fees 30-31
85274 West Bloomfield Water Supply System - Section VIII 293
85280 West End Welding - Approve Project Plan 296-297
West End Welding Project - Public Hearing 270-288
85187 White Lake Oaks - Sell .77 acres of Vacant Land Adjacent to
Golf Course to Girl Scouts 203-204
85019 White Lake Township - Execss Property - Accept Offer to Purchase.
85048 WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Grant Award 1984/85 51-52
WIC (/lumen, Infants and Children) Grant Funding Extension... 323-324
Wilcox, Richard R.-Elected Board of Commissioner Chairperson... 1-2
85213 Wilmoth vs Oakland County - Settlement 228-229
85268 Wine Cooler Containers -Deposit Requirement (Support) 286-287
85287 Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Funding Extension 323-324
85048 Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Grant Award, 1984/85 51-52
85261 Work Release Facility Kitchen - Authorization to Receive Bids
85368 Work Release Facility Kitchen - Award Contract 426-427
-X -
85226 X-Ray Films - Fee Schedule for Copying 238-239
- Y -
85236 Yokley vs County of Oakland - Outside Counsel 254-255
85057-85361 Youth Assistance - Accept 1984-85 Skillman Foundation Grant.. .57-422
- Z -
Zoning Coordinating Committee Appointments 9-10