HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1997.12.02 - 8241 438 MINUTES OF THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS WITH A QUORUM OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT December 2, 1997 Meeting called to order by Republican Caucus Chairperson Donn Wolf at 7:25 P.M. at White Lake Oaks, 991 S. Williams Lake Road, Union Lake, Michigan. The Chairperson opened the meeting with discussion on the issue of whether Democrats present should vote at a Republican Caucus. Chairperson Wolf asked for the opinion of Corporation Counsel. Corporation Counsel Gerald Poisson addressed the Caucus with legal opinion on the issue of Democratic Commissioners Afully participating@ at a Republican Caucus. Roll called. PRESENT: Amos, Coleman, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf. (22) ABSENT: Holbert, Kaczmar. (2) Quorum present. The Chairperson made the following statement: AThe Caucus is now open for Public Comment. Are there any persons present who wish to address the Caucus? No persons addressed the Board and the Chairperson declared Public Comment closed.@ Moved by Dingeldey supported by Palmer the Agenda and Caucus Rules be adopted. Moved by Millard supported by Devine the rules be suspended for a advisory vote. Discussion followed. Commissioner Devine withdrew his support. Commissioner Millard withdrew his motion. Moved by Moffitt supported by Palmer the vote not be binding. THE TOTAL VOTES CAST REFLECT REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT VOTES. HOWEVER DEMOCRAT VOTES ARE NON-BINDING IN THE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. Total vote on Agenda and Caucus Rules: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 439 AYES: Coleman, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos. (22) NAYS: None. (0) Republican vote on Agenda and Caucus Rules: AYES: Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos. (18) NAYS: None. (0) As a result of the Republican votes cast the Agenda and Caucus Rules were accepted. Moved by Powers supported by Millard the Agenda be amended to elect a temporary Republican Caucus Chairperson. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will elect a temporary Chairperson and a ANo@ vote will not. Total vote on temporary Republican Caucus Chairperson: AYES: Jensen. (1) NAYS: Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jacobs, Johnson, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman. (21) Republican vote on Temporary Republican Caucus Chairperson: AYES: Jensen. (1) NAYS: Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos. (17) As a result of the Republican votes cast the amendment failed. Moved by Douglas supported by Devine that Donn Wolf be nominated for Republican Caucus Chairperson. As a result of the Republican voice vote Donn Wolf was nominated. Moved by Douglas supported by Devine a unanimous ballot be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Donn Wolf was elected Republican Caucus Chairperson. Moved by McCulloch supported by Dingeldey that Dan Devine be nominated for Republican Caucus Vice Chairperson. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dan Devine was nominated. Moved by McCulloch supported by Dingeldey a unanimous ballot be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dan Devine was elected Republican Caucus Vice Chairperson. Moved by Millard supported by Obrecht that a roll call vote be the method of voting for Board Chairperson. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will allow a roll call vote and a ANo@ vote will not. Discussion followed. Moved by Jensen supported by Wolf there be a five minute recess to allow the Democrat Commissioners to discuss whether to participate in voting at the Republican Caucus. The Caucus recessed at 8:35 P.M to allow the Democrats to meet. The Caucus reconvened at 8:50 P.M. Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 440 Commissioner Jacobs addressed the Caucus and stated that the Democrat Commissioners had decided to participate in the voting process of the Republican Caucus. Discussion followed. Total vote on Millard=s motion: AYES: Jacobs, Johnson, Millard. (3) NAYS: Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman, Devine. (19) Republican vote on Millard=s motion: AYES: Johnson, Millard. (2) NAYS: Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Law, McCulloch, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine. (16) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion failed. Moved by Powers supported by Devine that the Democrat Commissioners have separate color ballots. Moved by Kingzett supported by Jacobs to amend Commissioner Powers=s motion by keeping the ballots the same color. Total vote on Kingzett=s amendment: AYES: Jacobs, Kingzett, McPherson, Coleman. (4) NAYS: Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey. (18) Republican vote on Kingzett=s amendment: AYES: None. (0) NAYS: Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey. (18) As a result of the Republican votes cast the amendment failed. Total vote on Powers=s motion: AYES: Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas. (18) NAYS: Jacobs, Kingzett, McPherson, Coleman. (4) Republican vote on Power=s motion: AYES: Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas. (18) NAYS: None. (0) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion carried. The Chairperson stated that Dave VanderVeen and Cathy Longo would be appointed the tellers in the balloting process. The nominees for Board Chairperson are Charles Palmer and John McCulloch. Vote on Board Chairperson: A secret paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Charles Palmer -9 John McCulloch -13 The Republican vote reads as follows: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 441 Charles Palmer -8 John McCulloch -10 As a result of the secret ballots cast the Republican Caucus took the position that John P. McCulloch be selected Chairperson. Moved by Moffitt supported by Obrecht that a roll call vote be the method of voting for Board Vice Chairperson. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will constitute a Aroll call@ vote and a ANo@ vote will constitute a Apaper ballot@ method of voting. Total vote on Moffitt=s motion: AYES: Law, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Powers. (5) NAYS: Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Kingzett, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield. (17) Republican vote on Moffitt=s motion: AYES: Law, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Powers. (5) NAYS: Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, McCulloch, Palmer, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield. (13) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion failed. Vote on Board Vice Chairperson: The nominees for Board Vice Chairperson are Donald Jensen, Shelley Taub, Kay Schmid and Fran Amos. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Ballot #1 Amos -Amos Law -Jensen Coleman -Taub McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Taub McPherson -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Millard -Jensen Douglas -Taub Obrecht -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Huntoon -Taub Powers -Jensen Jacobs -Taub Schmid -Schmid Jensen -Jensen Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Taub Kingzett -Taub The Total vote was as follows: Jensen -7 Schmid -4 Taub -9 Amos -1 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #1 Amos -Amos McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Taub Millard -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Douglas -Taub Palmer -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Powers -Jensen Huntoon -Taub Schmid -Schmid Jensen -Jensen Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Taub Law -Jensen The Republican vote was as follows: Jensen -6 Schmid -4 Taub -6 Amos -1 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) Ballot #2 Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 442 The nominees are: Kay Schmid, Shelley Taub and Donald Jensen. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Jensen Law -Jensen Coleman -Taub McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Taub McPherson -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Millard -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Moffitt -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Jacobs -Taub Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Taub Kingzett -Taub The Total vote was as follows: Schmid -5 Jensen -9 Taub -7 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #2 Amos -Jensen McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Taub Millard -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Moffitt -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Taub Law -Jensen The Republican vote was as follows: Schmid -5 Jensen -8 Taub -4 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) Ballot #3 The nominees are: Kay Schmid and Donald Jensen. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Schmid McCulloch -Schmid Coleman -Jensen McPherson -Jensen Devine -Jensen Millard -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Moffitt -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Powers -Jensen Jacobs -Jensen Schmid -Schmid Jensen -Jensen Taub -Schmid Kingzett -Schmid Wolf -Schmid Law -Jensen The Total vote was as follows: Schmid -10 Jensen -11 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #3 Amos -Schmid Millard -Jensen Devine -Jensen Moffitt -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Powers -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Schmid -Schmid Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 443 Jensen -Jensen Taub -Schmid Law -Jensen Wolf -Schmid McCulloch -Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Schmid -9 Jensen -8 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) Ballot #4 The nominees are: Kay Schmid and Donald Jensen. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Schmid Law -Jensen Coleman -Jensen McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Jensen McPherson -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Millard -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Moffitt -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Jacobs -Jensen Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Schmid -Schmid Johnson -Schmid Taub -Schmid Kingzett -Schmid Wolf -Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Schmid -11 Jensen -11 The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #4 Amos -Schmid McCulloch -Schmid Devine -Jensen Millard -Jensen Dingeldey -Schmid Moffitt -Jensen Douglas -Schmid Obrecht -Jensen Garfield -Schmid Palmer -Jensen Huntoon -Schmid Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Schmid -Schmid Johnson -Schmid Taub -Schmid Law -Jensen Wolf -Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Schmid -10 Jensen -8 As a result of the Republican votes cast Kay Schmid was selected Board Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Schmid addressed the Board on the issue of separating the Finance and Personnel Committee into two committees. Moved by McCulloch supported by Schmid to have an advisory vote on separating the Finance and Personnel Committee into two committees. Director of Personnel Judith Eaton addressed the Board on her views of separating the Finance and Personnel Committee. Moved by Moffitt supported by Obrecht to move for an advisory roll call vote on the issue of amending the Board Rules by separating the Finance and Personnel Committee into two committees. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will create a Personnel Committee and a ANo@ vote will not. Total vote on Moffitt=s amendment: AYES: Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Dingeldey, Douglas, Huntoon. (18) NAYS: Kingzett, Coleman, Devine, Garfield. (4) Republican vote on Moffitt=s amendment: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 444 AYES: Jensen, Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Dingeldey, Douglas, Huntoon. (16) NAYS: Devine, Garfield. (2) As a result of the Republican votes cast the amendment carried. Moved by Moffitt supported by Obrecht to amend the board rules to approve the number of Republican members to serve on Standing Committees, as follows: Finance 6 Planning & Building 5 General Government 5 Public Services 5 Personnel 5 Strategic Planning 4 Total vote on Moffitt=s motion: AYES: Jensen, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon. (19) NAYS: Kingzett. (1) Republican vote on Moffitt=s motion: AYES: Jensen, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon. (17) NAYS: None. (0) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion carried. Moved by Powers supported by Moffitt to adopt the Board Rules as amended. Total vote on adopting amended Board Rules: AYES: Johnson, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen. (21) NAYS: Kingzett. (1) Republican vote on adopting amended Board Rules: AYES: Johnson, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Huntoon, Jensen. (18) NAYS: None. (0) As a result of the Republican votes cast the amended Board Rules were adopted. The nominees for Chairperson of the Finance Committee are Sue Ann Douglas and Dennis Powers. Moved by Powers supported by Douglas there be a roll call vote. Total vote on Finance Committee Chairperson: Kingzett -Douglas Wolf -Douglas Law -Powers Amos -Douglas McCulloch -Douglas Coleman -Douglas McPherson -Powers Devine -Douglas Millard -Powers Dingeldey -Douglas Moffitt -Powers Douglas -Douglas Obrecht -Powers Garfield -Douglas Palmer -Powers Huntoon -Douglas Powers -Powers Jacobs -Douglas Schmid -Douglas Jensen -Powers Taub -Douglas Johnson -Douglas The Total vote was as follows: Douglas, 14; Powers, 8 Republican vote on Finance Committee Chairperson: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 445 Law -Powers Wolf -Douglas McCulloch -Douglas Amos -Douglas Millard -Powers Devine -Douglas Moffitt -Powers Dingeldey -Douglas Obrecht -Powers Douglas -Douglas Palmer -Powers Garfield -Douglas Powers -Powers Huntoon -Douglas Schmid -Douglas Jensen -Powers Taub -Douglas Johnson -Douglas The Republican vote was as follows: Douglas, 11; Powers, 7 As a result of the Republican votes cast Sue Ann Douglas was selected Chairperson of the Finance Committee. The nominees for Chairperson of the General Government Committee are Dan Devine, Frank Millard and Nancy Dingeldey. Commissioner Dan Devine withdrew his nomination. Total vote on General Government Committee Chairperson: Law -Millard Amos -Dingeldey McCulloch -Dingeldey Coleman -Dingeldey McPherson -Millard Devine -Millard Millard -Millard Dingeldey -Dingeldey Moffitt -Millard Douglas -Dingeldey Obrecht -Millard Garfield -Dingeldey Palmer -Millard Huntoon -Dingeldey Powers -Millard Jacobs -Dingeldey Schmid -Dingeldey Jensen -Millard Taub -Dingeldey Johnson -Dingeldey Wolf -Dingeldey Kingzett -Dingeldey The Total vote was as follows: Millard, 9; Dingeldey, 13 Republican vote on General Government Committee Chairperson: Law -Millard Wolf -Dingeldey McCulloch -Dingeldey Amos -Dingeldey Millard -Millard Devine -Millard Moffitt -Millard Dingeldey -Dingeldey Obrecht -Millard Douglas -Dingeldey Palmer -Millard Garfield -Dingeldey Powers -Millard Huntoon -Dingeldey Schmid -Dingeldey Jensen -Millard Taub -Dingeldey Johnson -Dingeldey The Republican vote was as follows: Millard, 8; Dingeldey, 10 As a result of the Republican votes cast Nancy Dingeldey was selected Chairperson of the General Government Committee. The nominee for Chairperson of the Personnel Committee is Thomas Law. Moved by Douglas supported by Powers a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Thomas Law was selected Chairperson of the Personnel Committee. The nominees for Chairperson of the Planning and Building Committee are Frank Millard, Charles Palmer and David Moffitt. Commissioners Millard and Moffitt withdrew their nomination. Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 446 Moved by Douglas supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Charles Palmer was selected Chairperson of the Planning and Building Committee. The nominees for Chairperson of the Public Services Committee are Shelley Taub and David Moffitt. Total vote on Chairperson of the Public Services Committee: McCulloch -Taub Coleman -Taub McPherson -Taub Devine -Taub Millard -Moffitt Dingeldey -Taub Moffitt -Moffitt Douglas -Taub Obrecht -Moffitt Garfield -Moffitt Palmer -Moffitt Huntoon -Taub Powers -Moffitt Jacobs -Taub Schmid -Taub Jensen -Moffitt Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Moffitt Kingzett -Taub Amos -Moffitt Law -Moffitt The Total vote was as follows: Taub, 12; Moffitt, 10 Republican vote on Chairperson of the Public Services Committee: McCulloch -Taub Amos -Moffitt Millard -Moffitt Devine -Taub Moffitt -Moffitt Dingeldey -Taub Obrecht -Moffitt Douglas -Taub Palmer -Moffitt Garfield -Moffitt Powers -Moffitt Huntoon -Taub Schmid -Taub Jensen -Moffitt Taub -Taub Johnson -Taub Wolf -Moffitt Law -Moffitt The Republican vote was as follows: Taub, 8; Moffitt, 10 As a result of the Republican votes cast David Moffitt was selected Chairperson of the Public Services Committee. The nominee for Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee is Dennis Powers. Moved by Palmer supported by Devine a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dennis Powers was selected Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee. The Caucus recessed at 10:20 P.M. The Caucus reconvened at 10:30 P.M. The nominees for Vice Chairperson of the Finance Committee are Fran Amos and Donald Jensen. Total vote on Finance Committee Vice Chairperson: Wolf -Jensen Kingzett -Jensen Amos -Amos Law -Jensen Coleman -Jensen McCulloch -Amos Devine -Jensen McPherson -Jensen Dingeldey -Amos Millard -Jensen Douglas -Amos Moffitt -Jensen Garfield -Jensen Obrecht -Jensen Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 447 Huntoon -Amos Palmer -Amos Jacobs -Jensen Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Schmid -Amos Johnson -Amos Taub -Jensen The Total vote was as follows: Amos, 8; Jensen, 14 Republican vote on Finance Committee Vice Chairperson: Wolf -Jensen Law -Jensen Amos -Amos McCulloch -Amos Devine -Jensen Millard -Jensen Dingeldey -Amos Moffitt -Jensen Douglas -Amos Obrecht -Jensen Garfield -Jensen Palmer -Amos Huntoon -Amos Powers -Jensen Jensen -Jensen Schmid -Amos Johnson -Amos Taub -Jensen The Republican vote was as follows: Amos, 8; Jensen, 10 As a result of the Republican votes cast Donald Jensen was selected Vice Chairperson of the Finance Committee. There being no nominees for Vice-Chair of General Government Committee, the Caucus Chairperson stated that they would come back to the selection at a later time. The nominee for Vice Chairperson of the Personnel Committee is Dan Devine. Moved by Douglas supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dan Devine was selected Vice Chairperson of the Personnel Committee. The nominee for Vice Chairperson of the Planning and Building Committee is Donna Huntoon. Moved by Douglas supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Donna Huntoon was selected Vice Chairperson of the Planning and Building Committee. The nominee for Vice Chairperson of the Public Services Committee is Frank Millard. Moved by Garfield supported by Taub a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Frank Millard was selected Vice Chairperson of the Public Services Committee. The nominee for Vice Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee is Ruth Johnson. Moved by Palmer supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Ruth Johnson was selected Vice Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee. The nominees for members of the Finance Committee are: Nancy Dingeldey, Fran Amos, Charles Palmer, Shelley Taub, Frank Millard and John Garfield. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 448 *Vote for four: Amos -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Taub Coleman -Dingeldey, Palmer, Taub, Millard Devine -Palmer, Taub, Millard, Garfield Dingeldey -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Douglas -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Garfield -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Huntoon -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Millard Jacobs -Palmer, Taub, Millard, Garfield Jensen -Palmer, Taub, Millard Johnson -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Kingzett -Dingeldey, Palmer, Taub, Millard Law -Dingeldey, Palmer, Millard, Garfield McCulloch -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield McPherson -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Millard Millard -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Millard Moffitt -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Millard Obrecht -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Millard Powers -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Millard Schmid -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Taub -Dingeldey, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Wolf -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield The Total vote was as follows: Dingeldey -13 Taub -18 Amos -14 Millard -12 Palmer -15 Garfield -11 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) * (1) vote for Dan Devine (not a nominee) * Nancy Dingeldey withdrew her nomination The Republican vote reads as follows: *Vote for four: Amos -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Taub Devine -Palmer, Taub, Millard, Garfield Dingeldey -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Douglas -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Garfield -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Huntoon -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Millard Jensen -Palmer, Taub, Millard Johnson -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Law -Dingeldey, Palmer, Millard, Garfield McCulloch -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Millard -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Millard Moffitt -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Millard Obrecht -Dingeldey, Amos, Palmer, Millard Powers -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Millard Schmid -Dingeldey, Amos, Taub, Garfield Taub -Dingeldey, Palmer, Taub, Garfield Wolf -Amos, Palmer, Taub, Garfield The Republican vote reads as follows: Dingeldey -10 Taub -14 Amos -13 Millard - 8 Palmer -12 Garfield -10 * (1) invalid vote (unsigned) * (1) vote for Dan Devine (not a nominee) * Nancy Dingeldey withdrew her nomination As a result of the Republican votes cast Shelley Taub, Fran Amos, Charles Palmer and John Garfield were selected members of the Finance Committee. The nominees for members of the General Government Committee are Kay Schmid, Donn Wolf and Shelley Taub. Moved by Palmer supported by Powers a unanimous vote be cast. Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 449 As a result of the Republican voice vote Kay Schmid, Donn Wolf and Shelley Taub were selected members of the General Government Committee. The nominees for members of the Personnel Committee are Frank Millard, *David Moffitt and Lawrence Obrecht. Moved by Devine supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Frank Millard, David Moffitt and Lawrence Obrecht were selected members of the Personnel Committee. *Commissioner David Moffitt withdrew as a member of the Personnel Committee. The nominees for members of the Planning and Building Committee are Fran Amos, Ruth Johnson, Donald Jensen, John Garfield and Lawrence Obrecht. Commissioners Jensen and Obrecht withdrew their nomination. Moved by Palmer supported by Huntoon a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Fran Amos, Ruth Johnson and John Garfield were selected members of the Planning and Building Committee. The nominees for members of the Public Services Committee are: Nancy Dingeldey, Donna Huntoon, Thomas Law and Lawrence Obrecht. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: *Vote for three: Amos -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Coleman -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Devine -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Dingeldey -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Douglas -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Garfield -Dingeldey, Law, Obrecht Huntoon -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Law Jacobs -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Jensen -Dingeldey, Law, Obrecht Johnson -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Kingzett -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Law -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht McCulloch -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht McPherson -Law, Obrecht Millard -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Moffitt -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Obrecht -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Palmer -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Powers -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Schmid -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Taub -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Wolf -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht The Total vote was as follows: Dingeldey -14 Law -11 Huntoon -19 Obrecht -21 * (1) vote for Millard (not a nominee) The Republican vote reads as follows: *Vote for three: Amos -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Devine -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Dingeldey -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Douglas -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 450 Garfield -Dingeldey, Law, Obrecht Huntoon -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Law Jensen -Dingeldey, Law, Obrecht Johnson -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Law -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht McCulloch -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Millard -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Moffitt -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Obrecht -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Palmer -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Powers -Huntoon, Law, Obrecht Schmid -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Taub -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht Wolf -Dingeldey, Huntoon, Obrecht The Republican vote was as follows: Dingeldey -12 Law -9 Huntoon -16 Obrecht -17 * (1) vote for Millard (not a nominee) As a result of the Republican votes cast Donna Huntoon, Nancy Dingeldey and Lawrence Obrecht were selected members of the Public Services Committee. The nominees for members of the Strategic Planning Committee are Donald Jensen and Dan Devine. Moved by Douglas supported by Millard a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Donald Jensen and Dan Devine were selected members of the Strategic Planning Committee. Moved by Devine supported by Moffitt to amend Standing Committee Structure Rule #X to reduce members of the General Government Committee and the Personnel Committee by one (1) member. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will reduce the number of members and a ANo@ vote will not. Total vote on Devine=s amendment: AYES: Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Coleman, Devine, Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson. (18) NAYS: McPherson, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield. (4) Republican vote on Devine=s amendment: AYES: Law, McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson. (15) NAYS: Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield. (3) As a result of the Republican votes cast the amendment carried. The nominees for members of the Airport Committee are Donn Wolf and Dennis Powers. Moved by Palmer supported by Huntoon a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Donn Wolf and Dennis Powers were selected members of the Airport Committee. The nominee for member of the Area Agency on Aging is Dorothy Webb. Moved by Moffitt supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dorothy Webb was selected as a member to the Area Agency on Aging. The nominee for member of the Building Authority is Tom Fockler. Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 451 Moved by Moffitt supported by Garfield a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Tom Fockler was selected as a member of the Building Authority. Republican Caucus Chairperson Donn Wolf stated selections to the Community Mental Health Board would be done at a later date. The nominees for members of the Election Scheduling Committee are William Brain and Kathryn Dornan. Moved by Powers supported by Palmer a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote William Brian and Kathryn Dornan were selected to the Election Scheduling Committee. The nominees for members of the Job Evaluation Review Panel are Jeff Kingzett and Nancy Dingeldey and Fran Amos as an alternate. Moved by Schmid supported by Huntoon a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Jeff Kingzett and Nancy Dingeldey were selected as members of the Job Evaluation Review Panel and Fran Amos was selected as an alternate. Moved by Schmid supported by Moffitt that Dave VanderVeen be selected delegate to SEMCOG and the County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, be selected as the alternate. As a result of the Republican voice vote the motion carried. Discussion followed as to whether SEMCOG would allow a delegate to be a non-elected official. It was felt by the Republican Caucus that Dave VanderVeen could serve as the SEMCOG member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, even as SEMCOG alternate. Moved by Palmer supported by Douglas that Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. be selected as a Commissioner of the Parks and Recreation Commission. As a result of the Republican voice vote the motion carried. Vote on members to Parks and Recreation Commission: The nominees for members of the Parks and Recreation Commission are Kay Schmid, Fran Amos, Eric Coleman, Frank Millard, Ruel McPherson, Charles Palmer and John Garfield. A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Ballot #1 *Vote for two: Amos -Amos, Schmid Coleman -Coleman, Schmid Devine -Garfield, McPherson Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Amos, Garfield Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Amos, Schmid Jacobs -Coleman, McPherson Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Kingzett -Coleman, McPherson Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid McPherson -McPherson Millard -Millard, Palmer Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 452 Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Amos, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Amos -4 Millard -6 Coleman -3 Palmer -8 Garfield -9 Schmid -9 McPherson -4 *(1) invalid vote for Kuhn (not a nominee) The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #1 *Vote for two: Amos -Amos, Schmid Devine -Garfield, McPherson Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Amos, Garfield Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Amos, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Amos, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Amos -4 Millard -6 Coleman -0 Palmer -8 Garfield -9 Schmid -8 McPherson -1 *(1) invalid vote for Kuhn (not a nominee) Ballot #2 *Vote for two: The nominees are: John Garfield, Frank Millard, Charles Palmer and Kay Schmid A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Coleman -Millard, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jacobs -chose not to vote Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Kingzett -Millard, Schmid Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid McPherson -Garfield, Millard Millard -Millard, Palmer Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 453 Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Garfield - 9 Palmer - 8 Millard -11 Schmid -10 * (1) invalid vote The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #2 *Vote for two: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Garfield -8 Palmer -8 Millard -8 Schmid -8 * (1) invalid vote Ballot #3 *Vote for two: The nominees are: John Garfield, Frank Millard, Charles Palmer and Kay Schmid A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Coleman -Millard, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jacobs -Garfield, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Kingzett -Millard, Schmid Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid McPherson -Garfield, Millard Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 454 Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Garfield -11 Palmer - 9 Millard -12 Schmid -12 The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #3 *Vote for two: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Garfield, Palmer Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Taub -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Garfield -9 Palmer -9 Millard -9 Schmid -9 Moved by Moffitt supported by McCulloch to select Eric Coleman as a member to Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) fill a vacancy. The nominee to the Retirement Board is Dennis Murphy. Moved by Schmid supported by Dingeldey a unanimous vote be cast. As a result of the Republican voice vote Dennis Murphy was selected as a member of the Retirement Board. The Chairperson stated the first meeting of 1998 will be January 6, 1998 at 6:00 P.M. in the evening. Moved by Palmer supported by Garfield the motion be accepted. As a result of the Republican voice vote the motion carried. The Chairperson lead discussion regarding Suzanne Goldstein and Rod Fracassi as nominees to fill the vacancy in Commissioner District #20. Moved by Law supported by Millard a motion was made to leave the seat vacant. The Chairperson stated a AYes@ vote will not select and a ANo@ vote will. Total vote on Law=s motion: AYES: McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Schmid, Amos, Coleman, Douglas, Huntoon, Jacobs, Johnson, Kingzett. (12) NAYS: Law, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Wolf, Dingeldey, Devine, Garfield, Jensen. (9) Republican vote on Law=s motion: Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 455 AYES: McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Schmid, Amos, Douglas, Huntoon, Johnson. (8) NAYS: Law, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Wolf, Dingeldey, Devine, Garfield, Jensen. (9) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion carried. Discussion followed. Moved by Devine supported by Powers to nominate Rod Fracassi. Moved by Jacobs supported by McPherson to nominate Ann Pernick. Moved by Powers supported by Devine to close the nominations to fill Commissioner District #20 vacancy. Total vote on District #20 vacancy: Amos -Fracassi Law -Fracassi Coleman -Pernick McCulloch -Fracassi Devine -Fracassi McPherson -Pernick Dingeldey -Fracassi Millard -Fracassi Douglas -Fracassi Moffitt -Fracassi Garfield -Fracassi Obrecht -Fracassi Huntoon -Fracassi Palmer -Fracassi Jacobs -Pernick Powers -Fracassi Jensen -Fracassi Schmid -Fracassi Johnson -Fracassi Wolf -Fracassi Kingzett -Pernick The Total vote was as follows: Fracassi -17; Pernick -4 Republican vote on District #20 vacancy: Amos -Fracassi McCulloch -Fracassi Devine -Fracassi Millard -Fracassi Dingeldey -Fracassi Moffitt -Fracassi Douglas -Fracassi Obrecht -Fracassi Garfield -Fracassi Palmer -Fracassi Huntoon -Fracassi Powers -Fracassi Jensen -Fracassi Schmid -Fracassi Johnson -Fracassi Wolf -Fracassi Law -Fracassi The Republican vote was as follows: Fracassi -17; Pernick -0 As a result of the Republican votes cast Rod Fracassi was selected nominee to fill the vacancy in Commissioner District #20. Board Chairperson John McCulloch stated that on December 4, 1997 there will be a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners at 11:30 A.M. in the Courthouse Auditorium for the purpose of an appointment to fill the vacancy in Commissioner District #20. Board Chairperson John McCulloch stated that there would be a special tribute made to Lawrence Pernick at the regular scheduled board meeting on December 11, 1997. A special election to fill the vacancy of District #20 would also be scheduled at this time. Moved by Douglas supported by Obrecht to appeal the Parks and Recreation Commission vote. Discussion followed. The Republican Caucus Chairperson stated there would be a roll call vote. Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 456 A AYes@ vote means Commissioners will stay and a ANo@ vote means we will postpone the voting process for the Parks and Recreation Commission until the next Republican Caucus. Total vote on Douglas=s appeal: AYES: McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Douglas, Jensen, Law. (9) NAYS: Schmid, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Garfield, Huntoon, Johnson. (8) Republican vote on Douglas=s appeal: AYES: McCulloch, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Powers, Douglas, Jensen, Law. (9) NAYS: Schmid, Wolf, Amos, Devine, Dingeldey, Garfield, Huntoon, Johnson. (8) As a result of the Republican votes cast the motion to stay carried. Vote on members to Parks and Recreation Commission: Ballot #4 *Vote for two: The nominees are: John Garfield, Frank Millard, Charles Palmer and Kay Schmid A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Garfield -7 Palmer -8 Millard -9 Schmid -8 * (1) invalid vote (not signed) The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #4 *Vote for two: Amos -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Garfield, Millard Dingeldey -Garfield, Schmid Douglas -Garfield, Schmid Garfield -Garfield, Schmid Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Jensen -Millard, Palmer Law -Millard, Palmer McCulloch -Garfield, Schmid Millard -Millard, Palmer Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Palmer -Millard, Palmer Republican Caucus Minutes Continued. December 2, 1997 457 Powers -Millard, Palmer Schmid -Garfield, Schmid Wolf -Garfield, Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Garfield -7 Palmer -8 Millard -9 Schmid -8 *(1) invalid vote (not signed) Ballot #5 *Vote for two: The nominees are: Frank Millard, Charles Palmer and Kay Schmid A signed paper ballot vote was cast. The Total vote reads as follows: Amos -Palmer, Schmid McCulloch -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Millard, Palmer Millard -Millard, Palmer Dingeldey -Palmer, Schmid Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Douglas -Palmer, Schmid Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Palmer -Millard, Palmer Jensen -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Palmer, Schmid Schmid -Palmer, Schmid Law -Millard, Palmer Wolf -Palmer, Schmid The Total vote was as follows: Millard - 9 Schmid -8 Palmer -15 The Republican vote reads as follows: Ballot #5 *Vote for two: Amos -Palmer, Schmid McCulloch -Palmer, Schmid Devine -Millard, Palmer Millard -Millard, Palmer Dingeldey -Palmer, Schmid Moffitt -Millard, Palmer Douglas -Palmer, Schmid Obrecht -Millard, Palmer Huntoon -Millard, Schmid Palmer -Millard, Palmer Jensen -Millard, Palmer Powers -Millard, Palmer Johnson -Palmer, Schmid Schmid -Palmer, Schmid Law -Millard, Palmer Wolf -Palmer, Schmid The Republican vote was as follows: Millard - 9 Schmid -8 Palmer -15 As a result of the Republican votes cast Frank Millard and Charles Palmer were selected members of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The meeting of the Republican Caucus adjourned at 12:25 A.M. December 3, 1997.