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Resolutions - 2008.04.24 - 9404
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 108075 A BY General Government Commettee, Christine Long, Chairperson IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION 2007/2008 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (MDEQ) AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS for Fiscal Year 2C07/2008, the Mechiean Department of Environmental Quality OADEQ) has awarded a reimbursement agreement to the Oakland County Health Division for services related to Non-community - Type 1 Water Supply, Long-Term Drinking Water Monitoring, Radon, Public Swimming Pool Inspections, Septage, On- Site Sewage, Campground Inspection, and Drinking Water Supply; and WHEREAS the services referenced above are on-going; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year 2306/2007 MDEQ Reimbursement Agreement reflected a total funding amount. of $1,215,76 -e; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year 2337/2008 MDEQ Reimbursement Agreement reflects a total funding amount of $1,2CD,097, which is a $6,664 decrease over the previous agreement; and WHEREAS no personnel changes have been requested for the reimbursement programs at this time; and WHEREAS this Reimbursement Agreement has been submitted through the County Executive's Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT REeOLVED that the Oaklaed County Board of Commissioners accepts the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Reimbursement Agreement in the total amount of $1,209,097, beeinnirg October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approval of the above-referenced contract is specifically conditioned and premised upon the Department's concurrence in the terms and conditions contained in Addendum A of the Agreement, as mutually agreed to by the County and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes its Chairperson to execute this Agreement subject to the following additional condition: That the County's apprcval for entering into this Agreement is specifically conditioned and premised upon the auceptance, approval and execution of the Agreement and Addendum A by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and that the failure of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to execute ene Agreement as specified shall, without any further act of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, automatically negate and void the County's approval and/or acceptance of this agreement as provided for in this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Chairperson is authorized to execute approve changes and extensions not to exceed consistent with the agreement as originally GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE pril 24, 2008 - FISCAL YEAR REIMBURSEMENT the Reimbursement Agreement and fifteen percent (15%), which is approved. Chairperson, on behaLf f the Genera: Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregcing resolution. GENERAL GOvERNMENT COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote wetn Kowall and Suarez absent. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION FY 2007/2008 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE Each year the Oakland County Health Division (OCI ID) enters into a contract with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to carry out the following activities: Noncommunity Water Supply (Type H) The OCHD monitors water supplies that are not community owned but supply water to the general public through the course of doing business, Long-term Drinking Water Monitoring The OCHD collects water samples to monitor drinking water supplies in areas of known or suspected contamination as identified by DEQ. Testing is conducted in DEQ lab. Radon Program Funding for this program remains at zero for Fiscal Year 2007/2008. OCHD continues to sell radon test kits provided by the state and issues press releases to educate the public during October's Radon Action Week and again in January, Swimming Pool Program The OCHD makes inspections, monitors water sampling activities, mails weekly results, and investigates complaints of swimming pools and spas that are open to the public in Oakland County. Septage Program The OCIID will inspect land septage disposal sites annually and septage waste motor vehicles as licenses are renewed. Onsite Sewage The OCHD regulates both residential and commercial septic systems that generate less than 10 4000 gallons of sanitary sewage per day. In addition land divisions, subdivisions, and site condominiums are evaluated for suitability of on-site sewage disposal systems. Campground Inspections The OCHD inspects public campgrounds and facilities yearly for license renewal. Private and Type III Drinking Water Supply The OCHD makes inspections and collects samples from new and replacement wells for both the private homes and some selected small commercial establishments. On-site Sewage Disposal and Drinking Water Supply services were previously funded through the Michigan Department of Community Health as Local Public Health Operations, previously known as Cost-Sharing. GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Human Services/Health Division GRANT NAME: FY 07-08 MDEQ — Local Health Department Agreement FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Tom Fock,Icr/ 2-2151 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: March 10, 2008 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01324, please be advised the eaptioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (12/13/2007) Department of Human Resources: Approved by HR. — Jennifer Mason (12/14/2007) Risk Management and Safety: Approved with following modification to 'Local Health Department Grant Contract between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Oakland County Health Division: Page 5, XVI, INSURANCE, Item (A): The Gtantee must maintain insurance or self-insurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contract. of from the By Risk Management - Andrea Plotkowski (12/17/2007) Corporation Counsel: The attached Addendum A needs to be incorporated into the grant Agreement and referenced in the Resolution approving the grant. As long as Addendum A is incorporated into the Agreement, there are no outstanding legal issues. — Joellen Shortley Ellaszczak (03/10/2008) COMPLIANCE The grant agreement references a number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of these specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant. Utilization of Small, Minority and Women's Business enterpri5cs in procurement MBE 3% WBE 5% according to Section XX1LD.1 page 8 of the Grant Contract ittitee-MOV-Be-fielt1 MBEJWBE in procurement (40 CPR sec. 31.36 (eX2)) httry.11frvvcbgatc2.access.goo.aovicgi- bin/waisnate.cieWAlSdocID=73.5172244281+38-r0+0&WAISaction---retdai Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act —"Act 453 of 1976" h ttp ://v.rww. le Mslature.mi. go vg uo31 x ol tm ri 5 z55z2uiwv451/ro ile asp x71)11 ge—getobj e et&o equine—mei -Act-453-of-1976,taueryid=14718540 Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act — "Act 220 of 1976" lftt://www.legislature .rai. govi(uo 31xgeltmr 5z55z2uiwv45)/mile g. asp x?paze=getobj ect& obj ectoDrn e =ID c -Aet-220-of-1976& query id=14718589 State Contracts with Certain Employers Prohibited — Act 278 of 1980 http://www.leFislature.mi.g.ov/rS(sbldfc551hssq3ankvk55m.551)/mile.z . a.snx?nage=t7..etc/bject.&912j ectName =mc1-423 -322 Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-87, A-102, and A-133 h ttri/www. whitehouse. g °Worn b/c ire ul arsii dex.htm I Michigan's Lobbying statute / / I cRis lature S(fvkv5D55va33vt55vfrk4b45)1/milcg.aspx?page----gctObject&objectNarnmc1- 4-415 Federal Hatch Act - Political Activity of Certain State and Local Employees httpWwww.osc.gov/hatchact.htm Civil Service Reform Act (42 USC 4728) btrp://frwebgate3.aecess.gpo.govicgi- bin/waisgate.cgt7WAISdocID=9083898162-0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve Safe Drinking Water Act, 1976 PA 399 http://www.deq.state.rni.us/docurnentsideq-watcr-groundwater-Act_399pcif Michigan— Minimum Program. Requirements — Public Health Cone (Excerpt) Act 368 of 1978, See .2472 htto://www. le gislature_ mi. govi(S (n me a I Wry+ 311x=045))/m ile .asox?pace—getObject&objectNarrie- tric1-333-24728tqueiyid=15189839 Page 1 of 2 Diane Creguer From: Laurie Van Pelt Ivanceltl@oakgov.com ] ;Sent: Thursday, December 131 2007 322 PM To: 'Diane Greguer% 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Mason, Jennifer'', 'Secontine, 'Shortley, Joellen1 Cc: Tom Fodder; 'Linda P' Subject: RE: Grant Review: Health Division - FY 07-08 MDEQ - Local Health Department Agreement - Grant Acceptance Approved. ----Original Message From: Diane Creguer [mailto:creguerd@oakgov,conn] Sent Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:32 AM To: VanPett, Laurie'; 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Mason, Jennifer'', Secontine, Shortley, Joellen Cc Torn Focklert; 'Linda P" SUbject: Grant Review; Health Division - FY 07-08 MDEQ - Local Health Department Agreement - Grant Acceptance GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt Jennifer Mason — Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Human Services/Health Division FY 07-08 MDEQ — Local Health Department Agreement Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Please be advised the above mentioned grant information went into contract review today. A hard copy of these materials was sent to you for review. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email, Thank you. Time Frame for Returned Comments: December 21, 2007 GRAM' INFORMATION Date: December 13, 2007 Operating Department: Human Services/Health Department Contact: Tom Fodder Contact Phone: 2-2151 Internal ID Number; Other ID Number: REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period: October 1, 2007-September 30, 2008 New Facility Needs: None Funding ContinuationfNew: Renewal Application Total Project Amount: $1,209,097 Prior Year Total Funding: $1,215,761 New Grant Funded Position Requested: None Changes to Current Positions: None Grantor Funds: $1,209,097 Total Budget: $1,209,097 3/10/2008 Page 1 of 2 Diane Creguer From: Jennifer Mason (masonj(goakgov.corn] ; Sent Friday, December 14, 2007 12:52 PM To: 'Diane Creguer; VanPelt, Laurie'; 'Davis, Patricia'; Zeoentine, Julie': 'Shortley, Joellen" Cc: Tom Fockler; 'Linda P'; Johnston, Brenthy; Pardee, Mary Subject: RE: Grant Review; Health Division - FY 07-08 MDEQ - Local Health Department Agreement - Grant Acceptance Approved by HR. Jennifer Mason, SPHR Manager-Human Resources Oakland County, Michigan (248) 858-5213 masonpoakgov . corn ---Original Message--- From: Diane Creguer [mailto:creguerd@oakgov.corn] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:32 AM To: VanPelt, Laurie"; "Davis, P-atricia'; 'Mason, Jennifer"; "Secontine, Julie"; Shortley, Joellen Cc: Tom Fodder; 'Linda P' Subject: Grant Review: Health Division - FY 07-08 MDEQ - Wad Health Department Agreement - Grant Acceptance GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt — Jennifer Mason — Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Human Services/Health Division FY 07-08 MDEQ Local Health Department Agreement Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Please be advised the above mentioned grant information went into contract review today. A hard copy of these materials was sent to you for review. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to ail) of this email. Thank you. Time Frame for Returned Comments: December 21, 2007 GRANT INFORMATION Date; December 13, 2007 Operating Department: Human Services/Health Department Contact: Tom Fockler Contact Phone: 2-2151 Internal ID Number: Other ID Number: REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period; October 1, 2007-September 30, 2008 New Facility Needs: None Funding Continuation/New: Renewal 3/10/2008 Page 1 of 2 _Diane Creguer From: Andrea Pbtkowski [plotkowskia@oakgov.corrC ;Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 3:12 PM To: 'Diane Creguer • Cc: Julie Secontine; Sandy Johnson Subject: RE: Grant Review: Health Division - FY 07-08 MDEQ - Local Health Department Agreement - Grant Acceptance- Res Req, RM#07-0388 Approved with following modification to 'Local Health Department Grant Contract between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Oakland County Health Division: Page 5, XV!. INSURANCE, Item (A): The Grantee must maintain insurance or self-insurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contract. fable: Andrea Plotkowski Risk Management —Original Message---- From: Diane Creguer [mailbo:creguerd@oakgov.corn] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:32 AM To: 'VanFett, Laurie'; 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Mason, Jennifer; 'Secontine, Shortley, Mellen Ca Tom Fockler; 'Linda ID' Subject: Grant Review: Health Division - FY 074:15 MDEQ - Local Health DepartMent Agreement - Grant Acceptance GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS – Laurie Van Pelt – Jennifer Mason – Julie Secontine – Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE – Human Services/Health Division FY 07-08 MDEQ – Local Health Department Agreement Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Please be advised the above mentioned grant information went into contract review today. A hard copy of these materials was sent to you for review. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Thank you. Time Frame for Returned Comments: December 21, 2007 GRANT INFORMATION Date: December 13, 2007 Operating Department: Human Services/Health Department Contact: Tom Fodder Contact Phone: 2-2151 Internal ID Number: Other ID Number: REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance – Resolution Required Funding Period: October 1, 2007-September 30, 2008 New Facility Needs: None Funding Continuation/New: Renewal 3/10/2008 Page 1 of 1 Diane Creguer From: JoeIlen Shortley Ishortleyygoakgov.corni _Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 4:26 PM To: Creguer, Duane; 'Gala Piir'; 'Tom "Fackler' Cc: 'John Ross; Worthington, Pam; Bertram, Kevin; Cunningham, Judy; Doyle, Larry; Fournier, Nancy; Frederick, Candace; Guzzy, Scott; Hanger, Helen; Johnson, Sandy; Johnston, Brenthy; Mason, Jennifer, Mitchell, Sheryl; Pardee, Mary; Plotkowski, Andrea; Ross, Dave; Scarlet, Nancy, Secontine, Julie ; Smith, Laverne; VanPelt, Laude; Wenzel, Nancy Subject: FY 07-08 MDEQ Local Environmental Health Dept.WaterSupplyMonitoring Grant The attached Addendum A needs to be incorporated into the grant Agreement and referenced in the Resolution approving the grant. As long as Addendum A is incorporated into the Agreement, there are no outstanding legal issues. Joelien Shortley Blaszczak Financial Attorney Department of Corporation Counsel 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East Courthouse West Wing Extension, 314 Floor Pontiac, MI 48341 Phone Number (248) 868-2155 Fax Number: (248) 858-1003 E-mail: shortlevjaoakgov.com pniViisclim A rin CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION This e-mail is intended only for those persons to whom if is specrrically addressed. It is confidential and is protected by the attorney-client prWtiege and work product dectnne. This privilege belongs to the County of Oakland, and individual addressees are not authorized to wane or modify this privilege M artyway. individuals are advised Mat any dissemination, reproduction or unauthorized review of this information ny persons other than those listed above may wnstltute a waiver of this privilege and is therefore proribiteci. if you have received this message In error. please notify the sender immediately. 11 yDu have any questions, piease contract the Department of Corporation Counsel at (2.48) 858-0550. Thank you for your cooperation, 3/1012008 ADDENDUM A to CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE OF MICHIGAN, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 This Addendum modifies the intergovernmental agreement entitled, "CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE OF MICHIGAN, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND OAKLALND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008" for Non-community Drinking Water Long Term monitoring, and other monitoring services, as follows: a Article XI LIABILITY shall read: (A) The Grantee, not the State, is responsible for all liabilities as a result of claims, judgments, or costs arising out of activities to be carried out by the Grantee under this Contract, if the liability is caused by the Grantee or anyone employed by the Grantee. (B) All liability as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities to be carried out by the State in the performance of this Contract is the responsibility of the State and not the responsibility of the Grantee if the liability is caused by any State employee or agent (C) In the event that liability arises as a result of activities conducted jointly by the Grantee and the State in fulfillment of their responsibilities under this Contract, such liability is held by the Grantee and the State in relation to each party's responsibilities under these joint activities. (D) Nothing in this Contract should be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the Grantee, the State, its agencies, or their employees as provided by statute or court decisions. (E) If the Grantee utilizes any subcontractors for services under this Contract, the Grantee shall require subcontractors to be responsible for any claims, demands, costs or judgments arising out of activities carried out by subcontractors under this Contract and to indemnify the State of Michigan for any claims, demands, costs or judgments arising out of activities carried out by subcontractors under this Contract. Addendum to Contract between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Oakland County Health Division Page 2 of 2, 3/6/08 • Article XVI INSURANCE PARAGRAPH A shall read: (A) The Grantee must maintain insurance or self insurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this contract. Paragraph B shall remain unchanged. • Article )0( CANCELLATION a new paragraph shall be inserted after the first paragraph and it shall read: The Stateshall notify Grantee in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of becoming aware of the need for any modifications in agreement funding commitments made necessary by action of the Federal Government, the Governor or Legislature or the Department of Management and Budget on behalf of the Governor or Legislature. Grantee and the State shall work together to determine if Grantee's obligations under the Contract can be modified to accommodate a decrease in funding. Grantee shall have the right to terminate this Contract if the State provides notice that funding shall cease. The individual or officer signing this Agreement and Addendum certifies by his or her signature that he or she is authorized to sign the Agreement and Addendum on behatf of the responsible board or agency. For the Grantee: BILL BULLARD, JR., CHAIRPERSON OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE For the State: RICHARD A. POWERS DATE WATER BUREAU Pontiac, MI 48341-0432 Lansing. MI 48909-7773 Address Add ress 517.241.1330 Telephone number Fax number Telephone numoer 517.373.2040 Fax number Hettingt@rnignigan.gov DEO- LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION This Grant Contract ("Contract') is made between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Bureau ("State") and Oakland County Health Division ("Grantee"). The purpose of this Contract is to provide funding in exchange for work to be performed for the project named below. The State is authorized to provide grant assistance pursuant to Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, 1976, PA 399, as amended; Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994, PA 451, as amended. Parts 117 and 201; Public HeaAh Act, 1978, PA 368. as amended; and Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq Legislative appropriation of Funas for grant assistance is set forth in Public Act 121 of 2007. This Contract is subject to the terms and condftions specified herein. Project Name: Local Health Department Master Grant Contract_ Amount of grant: $1,209,097 % of grant state $1,138.609 / % of grant federal $70,488 PROJECT TOTAL: $1,209,097 Start Date: October 1, 2007 End Date. September 30, 2008 GRANTEE CONTACT: STATE'S CONTACT: Mr. George Miller M.A. Manager/Health Tom Hettinger. Analyst Officer Name/Title Name/Title Oakland County Health Division Water Bureau Organization Division/BureaJ/Office 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Dept. 432 P.O. Box 30273 Address Address E-mail address E-mail address Federal ID number The individuals signing below certify by tneir signatures that they are authorized to sign this Grant Contract on behalf of their agencies, and that the parties will fulfill the terms of this Contract, including the attached appendices, and used only db beL ri.)1111 Fiu; Signature of authorized official Date Name and title (typed or printed) AUTHORIZED BY: Richard A. Powers, Chief, Water Bureau Date Michigan Department of Environmental Quality I. PROJECT SCOPE This Contract and its appendices constitute the entire Contract between the State and the Grantee and may be modified only by written agreement between the State and the Grantee. (A) The scope of this project is limited to the activities specified in Appendix A, and such activities as are authorized by the State under this Contract. Any change in project scope requires prior written approval in accordance with Section III, Changes, in this Contract (B) By acceptance of this Contract, the Grantee commits to complete the project identified in Appendix A within the time period allowed for in this Contract and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. II. CONTRACT PERIOD Upon signature by the State, the Contract shall be effective from the Start Date until the End Date on page 1. The State shall have no responsibility to provide funding to the Grantee for project work performed except between the Start Date and the End Date specified on page 1. Expenditures made by the Grantee prior to the Start Date or after the End Date of this Contract are not eligible for payment under this Contract. III. CHANGES Any changes to this Contract shall be requested by the Grantee in writing, and approved in writing by the State. The State reserves the right to deny requests for changes to the Contract or to the appendices. No changes can be implemented without approval by the State. V. GRANTEE DELIVERABLES AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The Grantee shall submit deliverables and follow reporting requirements specified in the Program- Specific Elements and in Appendix A of this Contract. (A) The Grantee must complete and submit repo' 1 dC.L.Urdirry ft d Form and format prescribed by the State. These reports shall be due according to the following: Reporting period 1 Due Date January 1 — March 31 1 April 30 April 1 — June 30 ! July 31 , July 1 — September 30 : Before October 31* October 1 — December 31 i January 31 *Due to the State's year-end closing procedures, there will be an accelerated due date for the report covering July 1 — September 30. Advance notification regarding the due date for the quarter ending September 30 will be sent to the Grantee. If the Grantee is unable to submit a report in early October for the quarter ending September 30, an estimate of expenditures through September 30 must be submitted to allow the State to complete its accounting for that fiscal year. The forms provided by the State shall be submitted to the State's contact at the address on page one. (B) The Grantee shall provide a final project report in a format prescribed by the State. (C) The Grantee must provide all products and deliverables in accordance with Appendix A. 2 V. GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES (A) The Grantee agrees to abide by all local, state, and federal laws, rules, ordinances and regulations in the performance of this grant. (B) All local, state, and federal permits. if required, are the responsibility of the Grantee. Award of this grant is not a guarantee of permit approval by the State. (C) The Grantee shall be solely responsible to pay all taxes, if any, that arise from the Grantee's receipt of this grant. (D) The Grantee is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished by the Grantee or its subcontractor under this Contract. The Grantee or its subcontractor shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies in designs, drawings, specifications, reports, or other services. (E) The State's approval of drawings. designs, specifications, reports, and incidental work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve the Grantee of responsibility for the technical adequacy of the work. The State's review, approval, acceptance, or payment for any of the services shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights under this Contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Contract. (F) The Grantee acknowledges that it is a crime to knowingly and willingly file false information with the State for the purpose of obta ining this Contract or any payment under the Contract, and that any such filing may subject the Grantee, its agents, and/or employees to criminal and civil prosecution and/or termination of the grant. VI. USE OF MATERIAL Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, the Grantee may release information or material developed under this Contract, provided it is acknowledged that the State funded all or a portion of its development. The State retains an irrevocable license to reproduce, publish and use in whole or in part, and authorize others to do so, any copyrightable material submitted under this grant whether or not the material is copyrighted by the Grantee or another person, The Grantee will only submit materials that the State can use in accordance with this paragraph. Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, the Grantee may not patent products or processes developed under this Contract. VII. ASSIGNABILITY The Grantee shall not assign this Contract or assign or delegate any of its duties or obligations under this Contract to any other party without the prior written consent of the State. The State does not assume responsibility regarding the contractual relationships between the Grantee and any subcontractor. VIII. SUBCONTRACTS The State reserves the right to deny the use of any consultant, contractor, associate, or other personnel to perform any portion of the project The Grantee is solely responsible for all contractual activities performed under this Contract. Further, the State will consider the Grantee to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting 3 from the anticipated Grant. Ail subcontractors used by the Grantee in performing the project shall be subject to the provisions of this Contract and shall be qualified to perform the duties required. IX. NON-DISCRIMINATION The Grantee shall comply with the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 453, as amended, MCL 37.2101 et seq, the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 220, as amended, MCL 37.1101 et seq, and all other federal, state and local fair employment practices and equal opportunity laws and covenants that it shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this Contract, with respect to his or her hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of his or her race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, or physical or mental disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position, The Grantee agrees to include in every subcontract entered into for the performance of this Contract this covenant not to discriminate in employment. A breach of this covenant is a material breach of this Contract. X. UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The Grantee shall comply with the Employers Engaging in Unfair Labor Practices Act, 1980 PA 278, as amended, MCL 423.321 et seq. XI. LIABILITY (A) The Grantee, not the State, is responsible for all liabiiities as a result of claims, judgments, or costs arising out of activities to be carried out by the Grantee under this Contract, if the liability is caused by the Grantee, any subcontractor, or anyone employed by the Grantee. (B) All liability as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities to be carried out by the State in the performance of this Contract is the responsibility of the State and not the responsibility of the Grantee if the liability is caused by any State employee or agent, provided that nothing herein is construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the State, its agencies or employees as provided by statute or court oecisions. (C) In the event that liability arises as a result of activities conducted jointly by the Grantee and the State in fulfillment of their responsibilities under this Contract, such liability is held by the Grantee and the State in relation to each party's responsibilities under these joint activities, provided that nothing herein is construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the Grantee, the State, its agencies, or their employees, respectively as provided by statute or court decisions. XII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No government employee, or member of the legislative, judicial. or executive branches, or member of the Grantee's Board of Directors, its employees, partner agencies or their families shall benefit financially from any part of this Contract. XIII. ANTI-LOBBYING If all or a portion of this contract is funded with federal funds, then in accordance with OMB Circular A-21, A-87, or A-122, as appropriate, the Grantee shall comply with the Anti Lobbying Act which prohibits the use of all project funds regardless of source, to engage in lobbying the state or federal government or in litigation against the State. Further, the Grantee shall require that the language of this assurance be included in the award documents of all subawards at all tiers. If all or a portion of this contract is funded with state funds, then the Grantee shall not use any of the grant funds awarded in this contract for the purpose of lobbying as defined in the State of 4 Michigan's lobbying statute, MCL 4415(2). "'Lobbying' means communicating directly with an official of the executive branch of state government or an official in the legislative branch of state government for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action." The Grantee shall not use any of the grant funds awarded in this contract for the purpose of litigation against the State. Further, the Grantee shall require that language of this assurance be included in the award documents of all subawards at all tiers. XIV. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION By signing this Contract, the Grantee certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it, its agents, and its subcontractors: (1) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or the state. (2) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction as defined in 45CFR1185: violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property. (3) Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in subsection (2). (4) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Contract had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. (5) Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other state or federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. XV. AUDIT AND ACCESS TO RECORDS The State reserves the right to conduct a programmatic and financial audit of the project, and the State may withhold payment until the audit is satisfactorily completed. The Grantee will be required to maintain all pertinent records and evidence pertaining to the grant contract, including grant and any required matching funds, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and other procedures specified by the State. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives must have access, upon reasonable notice, to such books, records, documents, and other evidence for the purpose of inspection, audit, and copymg. The Grantee will provide proper facilities for such access Fici.1 and inspection. All records mu I st be zf fur a minimum of [five] years after the final payment has been issued to the Grantee by the State. XVI. INSURANCE (A) The Grantee must maintain insurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contract or from the actions of others for whom the Grantee may be held liable. (B) The Grantee must comply with applicable workers' compensation laws while engaging in activities authorized under this Contract. 5 XVII. FEES AND OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING The Grantee shall not seek nor obtain funding through fees or charges to any client receiving services for which the State reimburses the Grantee under this Contract. The Grantee guarantees that any claims made to the State under this Contract must not be financed by any source other than the State under the terms of this Contract. If funding is received through any other source, the Grantee agrees to delete from Grantee's billings, or to immediately refund to the State, the total amount representing such duplication of funding. XVIII. COMPENSATION (A) A breakdown of costs allowed under this Contract is identified in Appendix A. The State will pay the Grantee a total amount not to exceed the amount on page one of this Contract, in accordance with Appendix A, and only for expenses incurred, All other costs necessary to complete the project are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (B) Expenses incurred by the Grantee prior to the Start Date or after the End Date of this Contract are not allowed under the Contract. (C) The State will approve payment requests after approval of reports and related documentation as required pursuant to the Program-Specific Section. (D) The State reserves the right to request additional info7mation before approving a payment. (E) An amount equal to 0 percent of the grant award will be withheld by the State until the project is completed in accordance with Section XIX, Closeout and Appendix A. XIX. CLOSEOUT (A) A determination of project completion. which may include a site inspection and an audit, shall be made by the State after the Grantee has met any match obligations, satisfactorily completed the activities, and provided products and deliverables described in Appendix A. (B) Upon issuance of final payment from the State, the Grantee releases the State of all claims against the State arising under this Contract. Unless otherwise provided in this Contract or by State law, final payment under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver of the State's claims against the Grantee. (C) The Grantee shall immediately refund to the State any payments in excess of the costs allowed by this Contract. XX. CANCELLATION This Contract may be canceled by the State, upon 30 days written notice, 1) due to Executive Order, budgetary reduction, other lack of funding, 2) upon request by the Grantee, or 3) upon mutual agreement by the State and Grantee. The State reserves the right to provide just and equitable compensation to the Grantee for all satisfactory work completed under this Contract. XXI. TERMINATION (A) This Contract may be terminated by the State as follows. (1) Upon 30 days written notice to the Grantee: 0 a. If the Grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract, or with the requirements of the authorizing legislation cited on page 1, or the rules promulgated thereunder, or other applicable law or rules. b. If the Grantee knowingly and willingly presents false information to the State for the purpose of obtaining this Contract or any payment under this Contract. c, If the State finds that the Grantee. or any of the Grantee's agents or representatives, offered or gave gratuities, favors, or gifts of monetary value to any official, employee or agent of the State in an attempt to secure a sub-contract or favorable treatment in awarding, amending, or making any determinations related to the performance of this Contract. d. During the 30-day written notice period, the State shall also withhold payment for any findings under subparagiaol is a through c, above. e. If the Grantee or any subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier of the Grantee appears in the register of persons engaging in unfair labor practices that is compiled by the Department of Labor & Economic Growth or its successor. (2) Immediately and without further liability to the State if the Grantee, or any agent of the Grantee, or any agent of any subcontract is: a. Convicted of a criminal offense incident to the application for or performance of a State, public, or private contract or subcontract; b. Convicted of a criminal offense, including but not limited to any of the following: embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or attempting to influence a public employee to breach the ethical conduct standards for State of Michigan employees: c. Convicted under State or federal antitrust statutes; or d. Convicted of any other criminal offense which, in the soie discretion of the State, reflects on the Grantee's business integrity. e. Added to the federal or state Suspension and Debarment list. (B) If a grant is terminated, the State reserves the right to require the Grantee to repay all or a portion of funds received under this Contract. PROGRAM-SPECIFIC BOILERPLATE XXII. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS A maximum of $70,485 or 6 % of total disbursements is funded with Federal Funding. See Program Funding Section XXIII for funding by individual program. By accepting this Contract, the Grantee shall comply with all applicable Federal statutes and regulations in effect with respect to the period during which it receives grant funding. These regulations include, but are not limited to, the following: (A) Grantees receiving $500,000 or more in federal funds in their fiscal year shall have a single audit performed in compliance with OMB Circular A-133. Revised June 24, 1997, "Audits of State, Local Governments, & Non-Profit Organizations. This audit must be performed and copies provided to the appropriate agencies within nine months from the end of the grantee's fiscal year. The Grantee must submit a copy of the Audit Report to the Michlgan Department of Environmental Quality at the following address: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Finance and Business Services Division Federal Aid Section P.O. Box 30473 Lansing, MI 48909 It is the responsibility of the Grantee to report the expenditures related to this grant on the Grantee's annual Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. (B) The Grantee agrees to fulfill conditions that the Federal Government has imposed on the State as a condition of Federal funding as indicated herein and in all appendices. (C) The Grantee will comply with the Hatch Political Activity Act. as amended, 5 USC §§ 1501- 1508, and the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 as amended by Title (6) of the Civil Service Reform Act, 42 USC § 4728, which states that employees working in programs financed with federal grants may not be a candidate for elective public office in a partisan election, use official authority or influence to affect the result of an election, or influence a state or local officer to provide financial support for a political purpose. (D) In accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Program for Utilization of Small. Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (MBEANBE) in procurement under assistance programs, the Grantee agrees to: (I) Accept the applicable "fair sharer goals negotiated with USEPA by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality as follows: MBE 3% VVBE 5% (2) Ensure to the fullest extent possible that at least the FY 2007 'fair share" objective [see (1) above] of Federal funds for prime contracts or subcontracts for supplies, construction, equipment or services are made available to organizations owned or controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, women and historically black colleges and universities. (3) Include in bid documents the "Fair Share" goals listed above and require its contractors to include in their bid documents for subcontracts the above fair share percentages. (4) Follow the six affirmative steps stated in 40 CFR § 31.36 (e)(2) (5) Submit a USEPA Form 5700-52A, "MBENVBE Utilization Under Federal Grants, Cooperative Contracts, and Interagency Contracts" to the State beginning with the first quarter the Grantee receives the award and continuing until the project is completed. (E) The Grantee agrees to ensure that all conference, meeting. convention or training space used and paid for in whole or in part by this Contract complies with the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990. (F) The Grantee agrees to use recycled paper for all reports and materials which are prepared as a part of this Contract and delivered to DEO (G) The Grantee agrees to comply with Section 129 of Public Law 100-590, the Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Amendment Act of 1988. Therefore, if the Grantee awards a contract under this assistance Contract, it wi;1 utilize the following affirmative steps relative to Small Business in Rural Areas (SBRA). 8 (1) Place SBRAs on solicitation lists; (2) Ensure that SBRAs are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (3) Divide total requirements when economically feasible, into small tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by SBRAs; (4) Establish delivery schedules, where the requirements of work will permit, which would encourage participation by SBRAs; (5) Use the services of the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency of the US Department of Commerce, as appropriate; and (6) Require the Grantee, if it awards subcontracts, to take the affirmative steps in subparagraphs 1 through 5. (H) Despite Paragraph VI, a grantee who is a small business firm or nonprofit organization as defined under the Bayh-Dole Act, as amended, 35 USC § 200, et seq, may patent products or processes developed under this Contract. XXIII. PROGRAM FUNDING Program A - Noncommunity (Type II): Index 37338 1. Water Supply Requirements —PCA 41809; Amount $157,837 Funding Source: State Restricted 2. Operator Certification - PCA 41813; Amount $63,700 is funded with Federal Funding. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title is "Operator Certification Expense Reimbursement Grant", and the CFDA number is 66.471. The Federal Grant Number is CT975861 and the grant is funded with Federal funds from the EPA awarded in 2008. 3. Capacity Development — PCA 41831; Amount $6.788 is funded with Federal Funding. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title is 'Cap Grant for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund", and the CFDA number is 66.468. The Federal Grant Number is FS97548705 and the grant is funded with Federal funds from the EPA awarded in 2008. Program B - Long-Term Monitoring: Index 37307 PCA 30744; Amount $62,130 Funding Source: State Restricted Program C — Beach Monitoring: Great Lakes Beach Monitoring Index 37541, PCA 41230. Allocation amount $0, is funded with Federal Funding. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title is "Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Grant", and the CFDA number is 66.472. The Federal Grant Number is CU96510601 and the grant is funded with Federal funds from the EPA awarded in 2008. 9 Program D - Public Swimming Pool Requirements: Index 37342 PCA 44402: Amount $33,000 Funding Source: State Restricted Program E - Septage Requirements: Index 37344 PCA 44106, Amount $4,100 Funding Source: State Restricted Program F - On-site Sewage Treatment Management Requirements: Index 37341 PCA 44306; Amount $369.975 Funding Source: Interdepartmental Grant from MDCH Program G - Drinking Water Supply Requirements: Index 37338 PCA 42013; Amount $510,917 Funding Source. Interdepartmental Grant from MDCH Program H — Campground Requirements: Index 37343 PCA 44502; Amount $650 Funding Source: State Restricted PROJECT-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS — APPENDIX A Title to equipment or other nonexpenoable personal property supported in whole or in part by the State with categorical funding and having a unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000 shall vest with the Grantee upon acquisition. The State reserves the right to retain or transfer the title to all items of equipment and nonexpendable personal property having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more to the extent that it is determined that the State's proportionate interest in such equipment and personal property supports such retention or transfer of title The Grantee, if a Local Health Department, shall comply with the local public health accreditation standards and follow the accreditation process and schedule established by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MUCH) to achieve full accreditation status. A Grantee designated as 'not accredited" may have their State allocations reduced for costs incurred in the assurance of service delivery. 10 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM A OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 NONCOMMUNITY (TYPE II) WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS A. Statement of Purpose This agreement is intended to establish responsibilities for both the Local Entity and the State in the conduct of complete noncommunity water supply program services required under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 1976 PA 399, as amended, and the Administrative Rules, hereinafter referred to as "Act 399." B. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity shall perform the following services including but not limited to: 1. Conduct sanitary surveys, issue well permits, and have inspections for compliance or enforcement purposes performed by qualified individuals classified as sanitarians or equivalent. 2. Assign one individual to be responsible for operational training and reporting aspects of this agreement and to coordinate communication with the assigned State staff. 3. Maintain a current inventory of all noncommunity public water supplies within its jurisdiction using the WaterTrack Data System. 4. Provide program oversight for required water quality monitoring and reporting at noncommunity public water supplies in accordance with Act 399. The water supply owner shall be advised of the applicable • monitoring requirements at the time of completion of a sanitary survey or final approval of a well permit or the effective date of the requirement. Notices of violation of required monitoring, maximum contaminant level (MCL) violations, or the occurrence of unregulated compounds shall be provided to the owner and the State in a timely manner. Notices of violation shall include the contaminant, public health effects information, specific precautionary measures, and public notice requirements where applicable, as required in Act 399. 5. Insure that repeat samples are collected promptly where initial sample results indicate a potential violation of state drinking water standards or where the sample analyses are unreliable due to overgrowth, excessive transit time, or where the presence of organic chemical contamination is indicated. 6. Complete sanitary surveys on a minimum of 20 percent of the number of noncommunity public water supplies on the contract inventory so that each supply is surveyed every five years. 7. Conduct sanitary survey inspections by performing an on-site evaluation of noncomm unity public water supplies at regular intervals in accordance with procedures established by the State. An accurate and complete sanitary survey form, water well record where available, and transmittal letter to the owner regarding compliance status and monitoring requirements shall be considered a completed sanitary survey as required in Act 399. 8. Provide a notification to the owners of a noncommunity public water supply found to be in noncompliance that includes the deficient items, outlines corrective action, establishes a specific time schedule for making corrections, and establishes an appropriate monitoring schedule, interim precautionary measures, or public notice requirements, where applicable. 9. Conduct a reinspection within ten days of the expiration date of the compliance schedule to ensure that all violations have been corrected and provide documentation of the results of the reinspection to the owner. If compliance has not been achieved, initiate enforcement in accordance with procedures established by the State. 10. Consult with the State in situations where the noncommunity public water supply provides treatment for public health purposes, utilizes a surface water source, or is found to be providing water that exceeds a MCL or contains unregulated organic compounds. 11. Take prompt action to protect the public health and pursue compliance with applicable construction, public notice, and water quality standards when an inspection establishes that sewage, surface water, chemicals, or other serious contamination can gain entrance into the noncommunity public water supply or there is a confirmed MCL violation. 12. Review permit applications and issue permits prior to the construction of any new or altered noncommunity water well as required in Act 399 and in accordance with procedures established by the State. Noncommunity well permits shall be issued on forms provided by the State. 13. Complete a review of the Capacity Development Application to determine if each new nontransient noncommunity water system demonstrates adequate technical, managerial, and financial capacity in accordance with procedures established by the State prior to authorizing construction of the water system. Withhold the construction permit if the owner does not demonstrate adequate capacity in accordance with procedures established by the State, 14. Perform at least one post-construction inspection of all new noncommunity water wells for which a permit has been issued. Final inspection and authorization for use of the noncommunity public water supply by the public shall be accomplished in accordance with Act 399 and procedures established by the State. 2 15. Provide the well owner with notification of the results of the final inspection report and status of compliance and establish the appropriate future monttoring schedule as required in Act 399. 16. Obtain requests for deviations from suppliers of water where necessary and evaluate and approve or deny deviations prior to the construction in accordance with procedures established by the State and as required in Act 399. 17. Provide technical assistance to noncommunity owners and certified operators for noncommunity systems and program oversight for noncommunity owners to maintain compliance with operator certification requirements where applicable, 18. Local entities designated to provide continuing education for certified operators shall: Attend train the trainer workshop for each module to be presented. Provide adequate training, facilities, mailing, copying, etc., as needed at no charge to the operator. Schedule and train level 5 operators as needed, Use the prepared material to sufficiently cover each module's subject matter in approximately 3 to 4 hour sessions. Distribute, and collect evaluation forms at each session. Use the "Program Participant Roster" program provided by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to electronically send the participant list created by this program to the DEQ via email. 19. Maintain appropriate noncommunity program records, including sanitary surveys, well permits, .records of water sampling, and correspondence as required in Act 399. Maintain individual noncommunity public water supply files indexed according to water supply serial number for each inventoried noncomm unity water supply. 20. Maintain records for reporting water quality monitoring violations, sanitary survey inspections and compliance status, issuance of well permits, MCL violations, and issuance of public notice. Requests for payment shall be submitted upon completion of violation determinations and required WaterTrack data entry no later than 15 days following the end of the quarter. 21. Notify noncommunity public water supply owners regarding monitoring requirements that includes language clearly stating that they may use any certified drinking water laboratory including the DEQ laboratory for compliance monitoring. 3 C. State Requirements The State shall perform the following services including but not limited to:• 1. Provide noncommunity public water supply data and WaterTrack Data System information upon request of the Local Entity. 2. Provide designated local entities with slide presentations and master copies of materials to be used for certified operator continuing education. Provide train the trainer workshops and ongoing assistance as needed. Notify operators of the local entities that are continuing education providers. Provide local entities with operator lists upon request. Provide additional training opportunities if needed to insure statewide coverage. 3. Provide training and guidance to the Local Entity in the form of procedural manuals, rules, policies, handouts, training meetings, joint inspections, and consultations. 4. Provide necessary forms or a data marragerront -program for sanitary survey reports, well permits, operator certification, capacity development, water quality monitoring, reporting of violations, and maintaining survey frequencies. 5. Provide program consultation and direct staff assistance where necessary in pursuing compliance with applicable construction, monitoring, treatment, public notice, and water quality standards. 6. Provide administrative oversight of the Local Entity's noncommunity program to determine whether the work performed is satisfactory according to the terms and conditions of the agreement. 7. Assess the status of the Local Entity's noncommunity program relative to meeting the agreement requirements and overall program goals and provide a report outlining the assessment with an opportunity for Local Entity input. 8. Provide for the analyses of water samples at the DEQ Laboratory. Payment of laboratory fees for the analyses of water samples required through the provisions of this agreement will be the responsibility of the water supply owner. 9. Provide a listing of all laboratories certified to perform drinking water analyses in Michigan. 4 D. Payment Schedule . 1 P ma r2 m Activity Allocation Basis Payment Request Standard Inventory based on active (a) Email request for payment to i transient and nontransient DEQ-WaterTrack@Michigan.gov . noncommunity water supplies Subject to DEQ verification. (TNCWS & NTNCWS). 1 Operator Certification 1 Inventory based new rule Payment is included with verified implementation $200 per active WaterTrack email request per NTNCWS and active Transient I (A). No additional report required. • systems classified as providing D or F level treatment Operator Certification 2 Service based Continuing (b) Email DEQ the DEQ Education Training provided by participant roster. evaluation local entity, $75 per 5 level forms and request for payment. certified operator completing a DEQ approved course .. Capacity Development Service based, $150 per Submit WaterTrack report for completed assessment for new completed capacity assessment NTNCWS , and email request per (A), a. E-mail request for payment to DEQ-WaterTrack@Michigan.gov within 15 days after the end of each quarter. Operator certification 1 implementation and Arsenic 1 implementation reimbursement are inventory based and will be included with the standard payment allocation. Attach WaterTrack Capacity Development reports to the WaterTrack email to request payment for Capacity Development Assessments completed. b. Designated local entities providing continuing education services for certified operators email the "Education and Training Program Participant Roster" for each training session and send copies of course evaluation forms within 15 days of the end of each quarter to: Noncommunity Drinking Water Unit, Lansing Operations Division, Water Bureau, DEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Ms. Holly Gohlke, who can be reached at 517-241-1362 or by e-mail at gohlkeh©michigan.gov . The final September payment will be made by the State upon receipt of a Financial Status Report, Form EQP 2069 (FSR), from the Local Entity and based upon the Local Entity's fulfillment of its responsibilities under this agreement. The final FSR is due by October 31. A blank copy of the FSR is attached. The FSR should be sent to: Administration Section, Water Bureau, DEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Ms. Kara Benjamin, who can be reached at 517-335-3357 or by e-mail at benjamink@michigan.gov . 5 E. Accountability The.Local Entity shall maintain adequate accounting and employee activity records to reflect that all funds granted under this contract have been expended for the program activities as approved by the State. These records shall be made available upon request for audit by the State. Records will be retained by the Local Entity until an audit has been completed by the State or permission has been granted by the State to dispose of the records. 6 APPENDIX A - NONCOMMUNI PROGRAM ALLOCATION SCHEDULE FY 2008 1011212007 LOCAL HEALTH TN NJ- MN =I STANDARD ir.f7r,r '17: CONTRACT PER QUARTER I PER CERT.,. "'" --7,7..' ITEM1zED .4.7*.1--,-: : , DEPARTMENT w Do, p. tamps .),',Z,,:.3.;2:7.-2C:7! STD AMOUNT STD PAYMENT 5,2 MAX , . ,:_,,..,:', MAX TOTAL ALLEGAN 220! 42 1 3 547,858 $8,600 56,458 $ 14,115 $6,450 $1,575 8,025 . _ BARRY-EATON 241 3 • 1 0 $47,858 $7,400 $ 55,258 $ 12,702 $13,0501 $1,350 $ 14,400 , , BAY 13. 10 0 $2,194 $200 $ 2,394 $ 599 $0 $150 $ 150 BENZIE-LEELANAU 173. 23 1 $33,734 $7,800 $ 41-,534 $ 10,383 $0 $863 $ 863 13EARI6 t39i 25 I 14 $31,266 $5,000 $ 36,265 $ 9,066 $0 $938 $ 938 1---- BRANCH-HILLS-ST40E 16•; 41 • $41,688 $8,200 $ 49,88$ $ 12,472 $8,150 $1,538 $ 7,688 CALHOUN ioe: 37 $30,031 $7,400 37,431 $ 9,358 $5,550 $1,388 $ 6,938 ENTRAL MICH. 528' sal • gmE $99,556 $13,200 $ 112,766 5 28,189 $9,900 $2,475 $ 12,375 H1PPEWA 132' eL ow $20,570 $1,400 $ 21,970 $ 5,402 $0 $225 $ 225 ELTA-MENoMINEE 92 15 111 $18,787 $3,400 22,187 $5,i47 $3,000 $563 $ 3,563 •ETROIT I 1 $ . $ _ , .idii4S0N-IlioN 5-' 51 , MK $9,873 $1,200 $ 11,073 $ 2,768 $900 $225 $ 1,125 , 335 311 558,692 56,200 $ 64,892 $ 16,223 $4,850 $1,163 $ 5,813 1SI:601 #2 _. _ _ ,,.._. , isTkidf 'r,ii - - -- - 291 27 i $51 ,012 $5,400 $ 56,412 $ 14,103 $4,050 $1,013 $ 5,063 . ... . 11S rRiCT #10 922 iO3n 6 $lfl,550J $20,600 $ 192,150 $ 48,037 $15,450 $3,883 $ 19,313 ENESEE 375 721 $81,044 $14,400 5 95,444 $ 23,861 $0 $2,700 $ 2,700 . RAND TRAVERSE 141 25 $30,031 $5,200 $ 35,231 $ 8,808 $ $975 $ 975 OLLAND $ - $ MON 92 % a $16,730 $2,400 $ 19,130 $ 471,782 $0 $375 $ 375 . . SHAM .ii! ____ 517,964 $4,200 $ 22,154 5,541 $0 $788 $ 766 'NIA . 20 1 I $19,884 $4,200 $ 24,064 $ 6,559 50 $750 $ . 750 .ACK6-ON 10 441 $46,2531 $9,000 $ 54,253 $ 13,563 $6,750 $1,6501 $ 8,400 . LANIAZOO l3 25 $29,346' $ 34,546 $ 8,635 $0 $975 $ 975 EN 1- 3051 . 451 i $61,571 59,200 $ 70,771 $ 17,693 $7,650 $1,888 $ 9,338 'PEER 25•1 34: $48,270 $5,800 $ 55,070 $ 13,767 $1,275 $ 1,275 EFIAikff---- - 131 241 • 1 $29,072 $4,500 $ ii,872 $ 8,468 $0 $900 $ 900 viNciStor4 247' 1101 _ _ 1 879,261 522,200 $ 101,461 $ 25,385 $16,650 $4,125 $ 20,775 , _ . AS _ 276' 141 $43,882 12,800 $ 46,662 $ 11,570 50 $525 $ 525 . ki.:6 66 77: 29 I 0 522,-489 55,800 1 25,285 $ 7,672 $4,350 $1,088 $ 5,438 . 6d ATZ-LifiC 46; 7 o 59,188 $1,400 $ 10,588 $ 2,647 $0 $263 $ 263 : i 61.4.8i 343 12 59,599 $2,400 $ 11,999 $ 3,000 $0 $450 $ 450 _ .. Z op-micHIGAhr 250, 57 $59,377 $ P.400 ,400 $ 70,777 $ 17,694 0 $2,138 $ 2,138 Z ONFIOE __ _1031 1;1 $20,844 $3,800 $ 24,444 5 6,111 $0 $800 $ 600 1 USKEGON 114 - 2- 1 $34,283 55,000, $ 39,283 $ 9,821 $3,750 $900 $ 4,650 om-HwEsT 415 681 , $86,021 $13,6001._$_ 98,621 $ 24,655 510,200 $2,550 $ 12,750 • AKLAR6 ' - - ' - -- - - 61:161 1 0 1 - - $157,837 $3640i-5 $ 194,237 $ 48,559 $27,300 $8,788 $ 34,083 , OTTAWA 172'. 401 $41,276 58,000 $ 49,276 $ 12.319 $0 $1,500 $ 1,500 1 - AG1NAW 421, 14 _ 0 $11 5191 52,800 $ 14,319 $ 3,580 $0 $525 $ 525_ SAINT GLAIR BO •1 $14,536 $1,400 $ 15,936 $ 3,984 $0 $225 $ 226 - - SANILAC 75; 8' 0 $13,578 $2,000 $ 15,576 $ 3,894 $0 $300 $ 300 T . ,. - SHIAWASSEE - 135 37 1 0 $33,734 $7,800 $ 41,334 $ 10,333 $5,700 $1,388 $ 7,088 TUSCOLA g I to, 0 $16,593 $2,000 $ 18,593 $ :1,648 ' $12,975 $375 $ 13,350 ........ VAN au REN /CASS 225 29 23 $45,939 $5,800 $ 51,739 . $ 12,935 $0 $1,088 $ toes WASHTENAW 1867 ea 4 $47,996 512,200 $ 60,196 $ 15,049 $9,150 $2,250 $ 11,400 WAYNE 11 . 0 $1,920 $200 $ 2,120 $ 530 $0 $150 $ 150 ESTEF1N U.P. lie - • 0 $19,198 $800 $ 19,998 $ 5,000 --I $0 5150 $ 150 _ ONTRACT TOTALS 5595 1506 36 94 61 ,6111,599 $308,800 $2,120,689 $8528,800 $173,825 $56,775 $ 230,400 , to maximum APPENDIX A - NONDOMMUNITY PROGRAM ALLOCATION SCHEDULE FY 2008 10/1212047 KEY: i [ 1 TN . TRANSIENT NONCOMMUNITY SYSTEM TN D or F = PROVIDING HEALTH RELATED WATER TREATMENT CLASSIFIED AS D o • F LEVEL NT = NONTRANS1ENT NONCOMMUNITY SYSTEM .1_ =- SOURCE OF DATA IS ACTIVE SYSTEMS IN VVATEkTRACK AS OF: 8/30/2007 INVENTORY TOTAL = 8595 TN + 151.58 NT + 94 A) Labor= 10197 TOTAL ACTIVE I i { I _+.. STANDARD REPORTING ALLOCATION: Requires standard request for payment each quarter TOTAL =TN + (3x 016.04AMM WINWIO.N:Sfietet 1' , gigWyjR06 I PRINfritMank hIT) + Ag Labor xSl 37.,,13, . ITEMIZED REPORTING : Payment will be based on documented services ------KEMENNESERS MAXIMUM AMOUNT: Based on previous FY trail-117 numbers OR (NT + TN w/ 0 or Fix 2 (MAY BE INCREASED WITH CONTRACT AMENDMENT) 1 CAPACITy-DEVELOPMENT: $1511 MNIPLETECi Ag.SEStAiraft0:514:01-1 NEW NT. . - MAXIMUM AMOUNT: NT x 25%( MINIMUM OF 1) (MAY BE INCREASED WITH CONTRACT AMENDMENT) orted u 1,.1.1;ir • 4tp.I.ti ifyj, PROGRAM A - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE NONCOMMUNITY (TYPE II) WATER SUPPLY FY 2007-2008 LHD NONCOMMUNITY (TYPE II) WATER SUPPLY Local Health Department No. of Counties Allocation fAliaaar 1 $64,483 IfIWIAF-atonnistrict 2 $69,658 aigv 1 $2,644 Re n7ia-I oPiAriRil District 2 $42,396 iga 1 $37,203 Rrianeth-1-liliqriala-St .InRenh District 3 $57,575 ir.plFri in 1 $44,369 nontral MinhinAn District 6 $125,131 Cl7inniawn 1 $22,195 naita-ttApnnminan District 2 $25,749 Dntrnit City nf 0 $0 Iliritinqnn-Irnn flistrint 2 $12,198 'niAtrict it2 4 $70,704 nintrint #4 4 $61,475 iggilillia 10 $211,462 riPrIARIIR 1 $98,144 SlagialiiiilaP 1 $36,206 iiigifikrfaila 0 $0 iiiiiP 1 $19,505 =ALP 1 $22,952 innia 1 $24,834 .1w-tit-son 1 $62,653 joinma7on 1 $35,521 Kp.nt 1 $80,109 I Amer 1 $56,345 i rAiNCIP 1 $34,772 I ivirston 1 $122,236 I iirA-mahkinae-Aionr-Schoolcraft District 4 $47,207 Macomb 1 $33,727 ytarnucittp 1 $10,850 'el-Mir loan District 3 $72,915 Midland 1 $12,449 Monroe 1 $25,044 Miinkponn 1 $43,933 4nrthwast Michioan Community Health Agency 4 $111,371 Oalc1Rnri 1 $228,324 Ottawa 1 $50,776 RArrinaw 1 $14,844 !Saint Clair 1 $16,161 ail:1W 1 $15,876 shinwARRen 1 $48,421 Timrnia 1 $31,943 ver, RiirprunaRs nistrict =2 $52,826 igliggiaW 1 $71,596 &MOP 1 $2,270 wooam i Innchr PRninsula District 5 $20,148 Total 83 (+ 2 Cities) $2,351,100 . l.---, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM B OCTOBER 1,2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 DRINKINGMATER LONG-TERM MONITORING PROGRAM A. Statement of Purpose This agreement is intended to establish responsibilities for both the Local Entity and the State in the conduct of completing work for drinking water long-term monitoring. Funding is approved under Part 201, Environmental Remediation, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. B. Buctoet and Agreement Requirements The Local Entity will be paid on a quarterly basis at a rate of $40 for each well sampled/sample event and associated work. The State will also reimburse the Local Entity on a quarterly basis for all reasonable costs associated with transmitting the water samples/forms to the laboratory. All requests for payment must be submitted to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) by October 6 to allow time for processing before the State's year-end closing. C. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity shall perform the following services, including but not limited to: 1. Provide qualified staff for completion of all of the required activities. 2. Collect samples from drinking water supplies identified by the State. The samples must be collected according to appropriate sampling protocol within the sample collection period prescribed by the State while maintaining a minimum time period between collections, The minimum time periods between collections are as follows: MONITORING PERIOD MINIMUM TIME BETWEEN COLLECTIONS Quarterly (3 months) 1 month Triannual (4 months) 2 months Semiannual (6 months) 3 months Annual (1 year) 6 months Biennial (2 years) 12 months Complete MDEQ Laboratory's Request for Chemical Analysis forms or the analysis forms for other laboratories designated by the State. 4. Transmit water samples and completed forms to the MDEQ Laboratory or other laboratory designated by the State. (All laboratory costs will be the responsibility of the State). Use appropriate preservation and handling techniques for transmittal of sample. 5. Generate and send health advisory letters after each sampling event to the well owner and to the well users, if the property is being rented. The letters will meet form and content criteria acceptable to the State. Advisory letters are to be sent within six weeks of receipt of all sample results for a specific site monitoring event. A copy of each health advisory letter must be sent to the designated MDEQ, Water Bureau, representative. A copy of each health advisory letter and sample result must be sent to the respective MDEQ, Remediation and Redevelopment Division district office. D. State Requirements The State shall perform the following services, including but not limited to: 1. Provide the Local Entity with the names and addresses of supply owner to be monitored and the sample collection frequency for each address. 2. Provide assistance to the Local Entity in drafting health advisory letters. 3. Provide instruction on sample collection protocol to Local Entity staff when requested. 4. Provide the Local Entity with changes in the site monitoring program. Documented notification of changes, such as additions and deletions of sites or sample locations within a site, and changes to sample collection frequency will be made by mail, fax, or electronic mail. 5. Provide payment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement based upon appropriate reports, records, and documentation maintained by the Local Entity. Required reports and documentation shall - be sent to: Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. Payment will be made on a quarterly basis after the State receives the letter(s) specified in Local Entity Requirement No. 5. The contact person is Mr. James Lahti. who can be reached at 517-241-1392 or by e-mail at Lahtij©michigan.gov. 6. Provide any report forms and repuiti iy . 1 011 nab required by the State at the effective date of this agreement, and with any new report forms and reporting formats proposed for issuance thereafter, at least ninety (90) days prior to required usage, to afford the Local Entity an opportunity for review and comment. 2 7. Assure that all terms of the agreement wilt be appropriately adhered to and that records and detailed documentation for the project or program identified in this agreement will be maintained for a period of not less than ten (10) years from the date of termination, the date of submission of the final expenditure report, or until audit findings have been resolved. 3 FY 2007-2008 LHD LONG-TERM MONITORING Local Health Department I No. of Counties Allocation Alison -Eaton District $12,510 $5,100 p-sic.1 chairman Ilistrirt $1,110 Berrien $7,350 $10,000 Calhoun Central Michigan District Chippewa $11,000 $7,160 $1,280 MI . '• 11•••• ill I • •• • riietrir4 IsEtl $3,310 $2,590 District #10 $7.030 Kalamazoo 1 Kent 1 Lapeer 1 rand Traverse $690 $0 $370 $1,570 $970 $6,850 $4,530 $1,300 $14,100 $860 $1,430 $3,600 $4,070 $10,120 $62,130 $2,730 $126 $580 $3,740 Tuscola Van Buren/Cass District Washtenaw Wayne $13,440 $6,880 Western Upper Peninsula District $215,610 PROGRAM B - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE DRINKING WATER LONG-TERM MONITORING MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM C OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 GREAT LAKES BEACH MONITORING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS A. Statement of Purpose This agreement is intended to establish responsibilities for both the Local Entity and the State in the conduct of the Great Lakes Beach Monitoring Program (Program) services required under the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act (BEACH Act), the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended, and Part 4 Water Quality Standards, promulgated under Part 31, Water Resources Protection, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. B. Budget and Agreement Requirements The Local Entity will be paid up to the allocated amount. The allocated amount is based on a formula that includes an allocation per health department and an allocation per beach. The Local Entity must use funds to monitor beaches listed in the attached table. The allocated amounts will vary from year to year depending on available funding. The State will reimburse the Local Entity for all reasonable costs associated with monitoring beaches according to the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). All payment requests for services for Great Lakes beaches must be submitted in writing. C. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity shall perform the following services for beaches located along the Great Lakes that are used by the public for recreational use: 1. Obtain user id and password from the beach monitoring program manager (Shannon Briggs). Identify and update organization information on the MDEQ beach monitoring web site at http://www.deq.state.mi.usibeach/. 2. Identify beaches or similar points of access located along the Great Lakes that are used by the public for recreation. Report location information on the MDEQ beach monitoring web site; information includes location name, location description, waterbody name, waterbody type, site type, if located in a state park, coordinates for latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for the endpoints and center point of each location, an 8-digit hydrological unit code, reach length in meters, the county and township location, facilities available, and optional description of amenities. 3. Notify the city, village, or township in which the beach or point of access is located prior to conducting monitoring activities. Report the current monitoring plan for each location on the MDEQ beach monitoring web site. Each monitoring plan will include the start and end dates for the swimming season, and the monitoring season and the frequency that the location will be monitored. Locations can be updated individually or in groups by county. 4. Submit a QAPP to the beach monitoring program manager (Shannon Briggs) prior to monitoring beaches. The QAPP must be consistent with requirements in the Public Health Code, the Part 4 Water Quality Standards, and the BEACH Act, and must be approved by the State prior to initiation of monitoring. QAPPs that have been approved and have current approval letters from the MDEQ will satisfy this requirement. 5. Conduct a beach sanitary survey for each location that will be monitored. The USEPA has provided the following beach sanitary survey tools that may be used to conduct an annual or a routine beach sanitary survey: an annual beach sanitary survey form, a routine beach sanitary survey form, a beach sanitary survey database, and a guidance document. Please contact the program manager (Shannon Briggs) for instructions to get this information. ft is recommended that a beach sanitary survey also be conducted at nonmonitored locations when possible. The sanitary survey will indicate whether beach owners have posted signs that indicate whether the site is monitored or not and where the results can be found if the site is monitored. The Local Entity may purchase signs with grant funds that will be posted as described in the Public Health Code for publicly owned beaches. Open stretches of beach or beaches at road ends that are not advertised or posted as public bathing beaches do not need to have signs posted. Notify the beach monitoring program manager (Shannon Briggs), the city, village, or township in which the site is located, and the owner or operator of the beach of the results or findings of the sanitary survey, 6. Monitor beaches according to approved QAPP. 7. Report location of at least three monitoring points per site on the MDEQ beach monitoring web site prior to reporting monitoring data. Report monitoring results for E. coil and status of beach (open/closed/advisory) within 36 hours of the test or evaluation to the MDEQ via the web site, the city, village, or township in which the site is located, and the owner or operator. 8. Beaches will be monitored according to R 323.1062 of the Part 4. Water Quality Standards (WQS) promulgated under Part 31, Water Resources Protection, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. Subrule 62(1) of the WQS states, "All waters of the state protected for total body contact recreation shall not contain more than 130 Escherichia coil (E. coil) per 100 milliliters (ml), as a 30-day geometric mean. Compliance shall be based on the geometric mean of all individual samples taken during 5 or more sampling events representatively spread over a 30-day period. Each sampling event shall consist of three or more samples taken at representative locations within a defined sampling area. At no time shall the waters of the state protected for total body contact recreation contain more than a maximum of 300 E GO per 100 ml. Compliance shall be based on the geometric mean of three or more samples taken during the same sampling event at representative locations within a defined sampling area." This rule is consistent with the requirements of the BEACH Act. 9. Provide training for staff involved in the Program as necessary to maintain knowledge of current regulations and internal policies and procedures to keep staff informed of technological improvement and advancements as approved by the state. Recommended training opportunities include the Recreational Waters Conference in March, 2008 in Bay City hosted by Michigan Environmental Health Association, the Great Lakes Beach Conference (annually in the fall), and the US EPA National Beaches Conference (during even years). 10. Submit a final report to the beach monitoring program manager (Shannon Briggs). The final report shall include a list of monitored beaches, a summary of monitoring results, and a description of the public notification plan, outreach activities, public education effort, and effort to receive public comment about beach monitoring activities. D. Payment Schedule and Reporting Requirements Reimbursement will be based upon the approved requests up to the amount of the allocation schedule. The Program allocation schedule is attached depicting the funding amount for the services required in this agreement. A final programmatic report shall be sent to: Surface Water Assessment Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Shannon Briggs, who can be reached at 517-335-1214 or by email at BRIGGSSL@michigan.gov. 2. The final payment will be made by the State upon receipt of a Financial Status Report (FSR) from the Local Entity and based upon the Local Entity's fulfillment of its responsibilities under this agreement. The final FSR is due by October 10. A blank copy of the FSR is attached. The FSR shall be sent to: Administration Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 34273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Ms. Kara Benjamin, who can be reached at 517-335-3357 or at benjamink@michigan.gov . E. Accountability The Local Entity shall maintain adequate accounting and employee activity records to reflect that all funds granted under this contract have been expended for the Program activities, as approved by the State. These records shall be made available upon request for audit by the State. Records will be retained by the Local Entity until an audit has been completed by the State or permission has been granted by the State to dispose of the records. , Henan Cnuntv Allegan Oval Beach • Ilpny r.nunty Allegan West Side County Park Beach . Ilpnan Criuntv Allegan Douglas Beach _ , ilpnnrniinty Allegan Pier Cove Beach Ray Col inty Bay Wenona Beach Ray Coi tiatv Bay Bay City State Recreation Area Ray clip intv Bay Brissette Beach Township Park - Av CI:linty Bay South Linwood Beach Township Park - irkeniinty Bay Pinconning Park - prrien County Berrien Michiana Village Rarrienpounty Berrien Grand Beach "errien notintv Berrien Harbert Beach Berrien County Berrien Warren Dunes :errierkCountv Berrien Weko Beach - Arden County Berrien Lions Park -Arden County Berrien Tiscornia Park " PrriAn County Berrien Hagar Township Park Berrien County Berrien Rocky Gap . Berrien County Berrien New Buffalo City Berrien Co nty Berrien Cherry Beach Berrien County Berrien Lincoln Township Park . :errien County Berrien Silver Beach Berrien Courity Berrien Jean Klock Park Central Ml Arenac Foster Rd Beach Central MI Arenac Hammel Beach Rd. Access Central MI Arenac Twining Rd. Beach Central MI Arenao Singing Bridge Beach Central MI Arenac Dyer Rd. Beach Central MI Arenac Bessinger Rd. Beach Central MI Arenac iArenac County Park Central MI Arenac Whites Beach Chippewa County Chippewa Four Mile Beach Chippewa County Chippewa Sugar Island Township Park Chippewa County Chippewa Bayyiew Campground hippewa County Chippewa Big Pines Beach Chippewa County Chippewa Sherman Park Chippewa County Chippewa Brimley State Park Chippewa County Chippewa Detour Albany Beach Chippewa County Chippewa Big Shoal Cove Beach Chippewa County Chippewa Drummond Island Township Park ity of Detroit Wayne Belle sle Beach Delta/ Menominee Delta Escanaba Bathing Beach ih:T IMMMMII Delta Gladstone Bathin• BeachNan Cleve Park 17571! ..PrTIV ezilIF nln Menominee Memonal Beach I rIMI! Menominee Hanes Park rnirin Manistee Orchard Beach State Park Grnirrii.n Manistee Ma•oon Creek 1015TZT•1=nn1 Manistee Sundlin• Park IMINZT=11nnn1 Manistee First Street Beach iiarririniin Manistee Fifth Avenue Beach Manistee Bar Lake Outlet inifiZiri=nn1n Manistee Onekarna iinriTMnn=. Manistee Pier-Daft linilliMMII Manistee Arcadia Park inTrirra Mason South Summit Beach 171:1WIT=111 Mason Bass Lake Outlet Beach ' • . a :nrrtinii INnnEMI Mason Summft Townshi. Beach e irriWiii=nin Mason , . Buttersvilie Park Beach inIIMMTMInnn Mason South Pier Beach e .rriri Mason Stems Park Beach it . irrifigli Mason LudinIton State Park MMTZTiiMnnn Oceana Cla banks Townshi• Park inni•rri Oceana Whiske Creek MITirin=nn1 Oceana Ston Lake Channel a - iinIT'ilii Oceana Li. I - - : - . - ' - . - -te P. g a . iirrnrgiMinnn Oceana Silver Creek Channel inTIMIrrEli Oceans Mears State Park s . irrill%=11 Alcona Harrisvi le State Park inirliTT losco Alabaster Townshi• WEN V''''nnnIlosco Au able Townshi. Park • .1-11,71Th=11nnn losco Tawas Point State Park - pa Use area a .1 , 11111117 =1n losco MDOT Roadside Park hinliTIMnn= losco Tawas Point State Park cams !round a PFM111nnn Ion° Tawas i Park MI a . IrITII'T nn losco East Tawas Ci •ark • .rrrirlnnn losco Oscoda Townshi• Beach • . nlIMTIMIll Al ena Ossineke Beach 9 •rrSTE=nnn AI • ena Michekewis Beach rinlaM11111nnn Akena Starlite Beach MISTTIMIll Al na Blair Street Park a . rrrriTTE-1 AI ena Thom !son Park MSTEMM n Chebo an Chebo 'an State Park li i. 111-1=1 Chebo an Chebo Ian Ci Park a . a ,T1TrTr=.11 Chebo an Wawatam Ci Park arTIMITIM Chebo an Mackinaw City Li. hthouse Park 1 .1-TMT Pres ue Isle Lakeside Park R i i ers a ) ii „r717-11T=I Press ue Isle Hoeft State Park nwn #4 Presque Isle Presque Use Harbor Beach I el iron Col int/ Huron Harbor Beach City Park !Aron Col inty ,Huron Casevilie County Park Hilron County Huron Sleeper State Park Hirrnn County Huron Thompson Park limn County Huron Philip County Park Huron County Huron Oak Beach County Park Huron County Huron Port Crescent State Park - Day Use Hi iron nolinty Huron McGraw County Park Hi iron County Huron Port Crescent State Park - Camping Area Huron noiinty Huron Jenks County Park i Huron Col ints,t Huron Lighthouse County Park Huron County Huron Bird Creek County Park I lion-Mackinao-Schooloraft-Alger Schooicraft Rogers Beach , Luce-Mackinac-Schooloraft-Alger Mackinac Lake Michigan - US 2 Roadside East of Brevort I iicp-mackinac-Schoolcraft-Aider Alger Munising Beach Luce-Mackinac-Schoolcraft-Alger Luce Muskallonge Lake State Park Beach Macomb County Macomb SCS Blossom Heath Beach Manomb County Macomb St. Clair Shores Memorial Park Beach Macomb County Macomb HCMA - Metropolitan Beach Metrogark Macomb New Baltimore Park Beach Macarng County . . - Marouette County Marquette North of Picnic Rocks Maroueite County Marquette North Beach Mvouette County Marquette Picnic Rocks Marnilatte County Marquette MoCartys Cove Marinette County Marquette Marquette South Beach Monroe County Monroe Luna Pier City Beach Monroe County Monroe Sterling State Park Monroe County Monroe Estral Beach Neighborhood Association Monroe County Monroe Woodland Beach Neighborhood Association hiluskeaor County Muskegon PJ Hoffmaster State Park - Campground Muskeaon County Muskegon Old Channel Beach Muskeoon County Muskegon PJ Haffmaster State Park - Public Beach Area Muskega Ccuntv Muskegon Lake Harbor Park ,hrluskeaon County , Muskegon Bronson/Kruse Park Muskegon County Muskegon Pere Marquette Park Muskeoon County Muskegon Muskegon State Park Muskegon County Muskegon Duck Lake Channel Beach Muskeir County Muskegon Lighthouse/Sylvan Beach . yuskeaon County Muskegon Medbury Park Beach Muskeoon County Muskegon Meinert County Park Muskegon County Muskegon Pioneer County Park Emszeirlimm .!.4-,.1.: . /1.5104; MORMIEVMP: rL'IFIlr':',I.M.M.. .p. Northwest Antrim Elk Ra * 'cis North Beach Northwest Antrim Barnes Park Northwest Antrim Banks Two. Park Northwest Antrim Antrim County Day Park Northwest Antrim Veterans Memorial Park Northwest Charlevoix Norwood Park Northwest Charlevoix Fisherman's Island State Park Northwest Charlevoix Lake Michigan Beach Northwest Charlevoix Mt. McSauba Beach Northwest Charlevoix Young State Park Northwest Charlevoix Peninsula Beach Northwest Charlevoix Whiting Park Northwest Charlevoix East Jordon Bridge Northwest Charlevoix East Jordon Tourist Park ' Northwest Charlevoix Elm Point Northwest Charlevoix Ferry Beach Northwest Charlevoix Depot Beach Northwest Charlevoix Tannery Beach Northwest Charlevoix Hayes Township Park Northwest Emmet Petoskey State Park Northwest Emmet Magnus Park Northwest Emmet Zorn Park - Harbor Sprinos Beach Northwest Emmet Middle Village Park Northwest Emmet Cross Village Beach Northwest Emmet Wilderness State Park Northwest Emmet Mackinaw City Beach #2 Northwest Emmet Mackinaw City Beach #1 Northwest Emmet Readmond Township Beach Northwest Emmet ail Street Beach Northwest Emmet Thorne Swift Preserve Ottawa County Ottawa Kouw P - Ottawa County Ottawa Windsnest Park Ottawa County Ottawa Rosy Mound Recreation Area Ottawa County Ottawa Holland State Park Ottawa County Ottawa Tunnel Park Ottawa County Ottawa Kirk Park Ottawa County Ottawa Grand Haven City Beach Ottawa County Ottawa Grand Haven State Park Ottawa County Ottawa North Be-ch P Sanilac County Sanilac Lem 'ton Com P.. Sanitac County Sanilac Lexington Beach Sanilac County Sanilac Port Sanilac Park Sanclac County Sanilac Forester County Park St. Clair County St. Clair Marine City Diving Area 1 Zotirit:fli.'7' -, St Clair County St. Clair Marine City Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Chrysler Park Beach . St. Clair County St. Clair Conger-Lighthouse Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Holland Road Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Lakeside Beach , St. Clair County St. Clair Krafft Road Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Keewadhin Road Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Metcalf Road Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Lakeport State Park St. Clair County St. Clair Washington Street Park St Clair County St. Clair Lakeport State Campground . St Clair County St. Clair Burtchville Township Park ., St. Clair County St. Clair Jedda Road Beach St. Clair County St. Clair Fort Gratiot County Park Van Buren- Cass Van Buren South Haven South Beach Van Buren-.Cass Van Buren South Haven North Beach Van Buren- Cass Van Buren Covert Township Park Van Buren- Cass Van Buren Van Buren State Park Wayne County Wayne Pier Park Wayne County Wayne Crescent Sail Yacht Club Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay Benzie Frankfort: Anchor Road Beach Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay Leeianau Empire Municipal Beach Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay Leelanau Suftons Bay Park Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay . Leelanau Northport Bay Marina Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay !Grand Traverse East Bay Beach at Traverse City State Park Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay !Grand Traverse East Bay Park-aka Milliken Beach ,Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay IGrand Traverse Clinch Park Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay IGrand Traverse Bryant Park Beach 'Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay 'Grand Traverse West End Beach f Western UP Baraga LAnse Waterfront Park Western UP Gogebic Little Girls Point Park Western UP Houghton Agate Beach Western UP Houghton ChasseII Beach Western UP Houghton Dollar Bay Beach Western UP Houghton Houghton City Beach Western UP Houghton Hancock City Beach Western UP Houghton Lake Linden Campground Beach . Western UP Houghton McLain State Park Beach Western UP Keweenaw Eagle Harbor Beach Western UP Ontonagon Porcupine Mountains State Park Western UP Ontonagon Ontonagon Township Park and Campground PROGRAM C - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE GREAT LAKES BEACH MONITORING FY 2007-2008 GREAT LAKES BEACH MONITORING Local Health Department No. of Counties Allocation 1 Allegan 1 $5,964 Barry-Eaton District 2 $0 Bay 1 $6,830 Benzie-Leelanau District 2 $0 Berrien 1 $14,624 Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph District 3 $0 Calhoun 1 $0 Central Michigan District 6 $9,429 Chippewa 1 $10,294 Detta-Menorninee District 2 $5,964 Detroit, City of 0 $2,000 Dickinson-Iron District 2 $0 District #2 4 $10,294 District #4 4 $12,891\ District #10 10 $21,615 Genesee 1 $0 Grand Traverse 1 $0 Holland, City of 0 $0 Huron 1 $12,892 Ingham 1 Ionia 1 $0 Jackson 1 $0 Kalamazoo. 1 $0 Kent 1 $0 Lapeer 1 $0 Lenawee 1 $0 Livingston 1 ' $0 Luce-Mackinac-Alger-Schoolcraft District 4 $5,964 Macomb 1 $5,964 Marquette 1 $0 Marquette, City of 1 $6,830 Mid-Michigan District 3 $0' - . Midland 1 $0 Monroe 1 $5.964 Muskegon 1 $12.892 Northwest Michigan Community Health Agency_ 4 $28.544 Oakland 1 $0 Ottawa 1 $10,294 Saginaw 1 $0 • Saint Clair 1 $15,490 Sanilac 1 $5,964 Shiawassee 1 $0 Tuscola 1 $0 , Van Buren/Cass District 2 $5,964 Washtenaw 1 $0 Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay, The 3 $12,794 Wayne 1 $3,366 Western Upper Peninsula District 5 $12,892 83 (+3 Cities and Totals +1 Nonprofit) $245,719 $50 $30 $45 $70 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM D OCTOBER 1,2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL REQUIREMENTS A. Budget and Agreement Requirements This agreement is intended to establish a payment schedule to the Local Entity for an initial license and renewal license when fees are collected from the respective Local Entity's jurisdiction in accordance with Section 12532 of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended. The State will reimburse the Local Entity on a lump sum basis according to the following criteria: Initial license for a public swimming pool/spa* $100 Initial license for each additional public swimming pool/spa of the same design, constructed at the same site, and at the same time License renewal prior to December 31 License renewal after December 31 License renewal after lapse beyond April 30 without a license *Applies only to those local jurisdictions that are certified by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to conduct the initial inspections. Payment for inspections will be made for those public swimming pools/spas that have all fees paid in full. B. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity will conduct an inspection of all public swimming pools/spas under its jurisdiction, investigate complaints, conduct meetings and/or conferences relative to compliance issues, and complete a Public Swimming Pool Inspection Report (Form EQP 1735), as provided by the State, or other report form approved by the State, Only public swimming pools that have a valid license in place should be inspected. All indoor pools should be inspected during the months of January, February, and March 2007, with the exception of public swimming pools located at schools. It is acceptable to inspect pools at school during September and October 2007. All outdoor pools should be inspected during May, June, and July 2007. In no ease should inspections be completed later than December 31, 2007. Completed inspection reports should be forwarded to the MDEQ within two to four weeks following the inspection, but in no case later than January 1, 2008. Reports should be sent to: Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273 Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Mr. Paul Sisson, who can be reached at 517-241-1350 or by e-mail at sissonp@michigan.gov . C. State Requirements By January 31, 2008, the State will provide the Local Entity with a list of public swimming pools from that jurisdiction that have been inspected and paid the license fees. If the list IlWdb IflUdirlUitiUll, the State will provide the Local Entity a 30-day period to request any adjustments. The State will furnish periodic status reports to each Local Entity indicating the number of license applications, fees, and inspection reports received. The State will reimburse the Local Entity according to the license criteria listed in paragraph A for those public swimming pools inspected during the year ending December 31, 2007, by the Local Entity's staff or designated representative. The State will provide technical assistance, when requested, and periodic oversight. 2 PROGRAM D - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS FY 2007-2008 LHD PUBUC SWIMMING POOLS Local Health Department No. of Counties Allocation . Ileaan 1 $3,600 -ton District 2 $2,800 :av 1 $1,800 Benz e-Leelanau District 2 $1,300 Berrien 1 $7,500 Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph District 3 $1,500 Calhoun 1 $2,940 Central Michigan District 6 $4,000 Chippewa 1 $1,400 Delta-Menominee District 2 $740 Detroit. City of 0 $6,800 Dickinson-Iron District 2 $800 District #2 4 $1,100 District #4 4 $3,800 District #10 10 $4,900 Genesee 1 $6,900 Grand Traverse 1 $3,500 Holland City of 0 $1,800 Huron 1 $750 Ingham 1 $6,300 Ionia 1 $550 Jackson 1 $2,000 Kalamazoo 1 $6,600 Kent 1 $14,500 Laoeer 1 $1,000 Lenawee 1 $900 Livingston 1 63,000 Luce-Mackinac-Alcier-Sohooloratt District 4 $3,300 Macomb 1 $11,400 Marguette 1 $1,400 Michigan State University 0 $300 Mid-Michigan District 1 $2,100 Midland 3 $1400 Monroe 1 $2,900 Muskegon 1 $3,900 Northwest Michigan Community Health Agency 4 $8,100 Oakland 1 $33,000 Ottawa 1 $4,900 Saginaw 1 $3,900 Saint Clair 1 $2,700 Sanilac 1 $300 Shiawassee 1 $780 Tuscola 1 $300 University of Michigan 0 $300 Van Buren/Cass District 2 $4,800 Washtenaw 1 $10,500 Wayne 1 $24,900 Western Upper Peninsula District 5 $1,800 Wayne State University 0 $300 83 (+2 Cities and Totals +3 Universities) $216,020 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU • PROGRAM E OCTOBER 1 1 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 SEPTAGE PROGRAM A. Budoet and Agreement Requirements This agreement is intended to establish a payment schedule to the Local Entity for an initial septage land disposal site inspection, annual land disposal site inspection and septage vehicle inspection in accordance with Section 324.11716 of part 117, Septage Waste Servicers, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will reimburse the Local Entity an an annual lump sum basis according to the following criteria: Initial inspection of a septage land disposal site (per $500.00 site). Annual authorized land disposal site inspection (per $430.00 site) including septage waste storage facility inspection Annual inspection of septage vehicles (per vehicle) $50.00 Receiving facility inspection $100.00 The annual payment for land disposal sites will be made for one inspection of each site. Please note that each site may contain more than one disposal location. The disposal site inspection and reimbursement payment includes inspection of the septage waste storage facility (if applicable). Annual payment for septage vehicle inspections will be based on the number of vehicles inspected. B. Local Entity Requirements 1. The Local Entity shall investigate complaints and conduct meetings and/or conferences relative to compliance issues. The Local Entity will provide a timely and appropriate response to all violations in a manner described in a DEQ Septage Program document entitled, "Enforcement Policy". 2. The Local Entity shall conduct inspections of all DEQ licensed septage waste land disposal sites and septage waste vehicles on an annual basis in accordance with part 117 and as established in a DEQ Septage Program document entitled, "Compliance Inspection Policy". The Local Entity shall use checklists and other septage program forms provided by the DEQ. 1 3. The Local Entity shall conduct timely inspections of new septage waste land disposal sites and vehicles upon receipt of the application materials to verify that the sites, the servicing methods, and the septage waste vehicles are in compliance with part 117. The Local Entity shall use checklists and other septage program forms provided by the DEQ. 4. The Local Entity shall conduct annual inspections of all DEQ authorized receiving facilities in their jurisdiction using DEQ checklists developed. 5. The local Entity shall conduct inspections of all DEQ authorized septage waste storage facilities on an annual basis. The Local Entity shall use checklists and other septage program forms provided by the DEQ. Inspection requirement details are outlined in a document entitled, "Septage,Waste Program — Compliance Inspection Policy". Program policies, inspection checklists, reports and forms are posted on the program 'website at www.michigan.govidegseptage. C. DEQ Requirements The DEQ has a current list of permitted land disposal sites by jurisdiction available at www.michigan.qov/cletaseptage and clicking on "Septage Haulers Directory" located under "Online Services". Application materials are also available on the above link and can be found under "downloads". The DEQ will review all septage firm applications to ensure administrative completeness before forwarding them to the local entity for inspection. Inspection checklists are provided by the DEQ and are available online. The checklists include; Land Application Site/Location (EQP 5900), Septage Program Vehicle (EQP 5901), Receiving Station (EQP 5911), and Storage Facility checklists. The DEQ will provide technical assistance, training, and program support. D. Payment Schedule and Reporting Requirements Reimbursement will be based upon the remittance of standardized information in a spreadsheet format providing information summarizing inspections performed and the remittance of the appropriate checklists referenced above (EQP 5900, EQP 5901, and EQP 5911). 1. Quarterly spreadsheet submissions should be sent to: Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section, Water Bureau, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, MI 48909-7773. The contact person is Mr. Matthew Campbell, who can be reached at 517-334-4178 or by e-mail at campbelm@michigan.gov 2 2. The annual payment will be made by the State upon receipt of a reimbursement request from the Local Entity and based upon the Local Entity's fulfillment of its responsibilities under this agreement. The reimbursement requests and copies of the inspection checklists are due by October 10. The reimbursement request shall be sent to: Administration Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, MI 48909-7773. E. Accountability The Local Entity shall maintain adequate accounting and employee activity records to reflect that all funding granted under this contract have been expended for the Program activities, as approved by the State. These records shall be made available upon request for audit by the State. Records will be retained by the Local Entity until an audit has been completed by the State or permission has been granted by the State to dispose of the records. 3 r'''" • ••• -2 Water Bureau Septage Program Land Application Site/Location Inspection Printed by authority of Part 117, 1994 PA 451, as amended Business Name Land Owner • License No. Land Site Address Site I.D. No. Field No. City Township County Section Type of Inspection 0 Regular/Annual D Follow up 1: Complaint 0 Other: Type of Site 0 Existing Site 0 New Site Yes No NA Land Site Characteristics 1 I thia mitoi/Inratinn antivAiv ilSRCI for santane disposal? 9 Ars isolation distances being met? (Sec. 11710.fclfi — ix1) Injection Surface Distance to nearest residence or business: feet 150 ft 800 ft Distance to nearest drinking water well: feet 150 ft 800 ft Distance to nearest surface water (lake, stream, pond, drainage ditch, etc.) feet 150 ft 500 ft Distance to roads or property lines: feet 150 ft 200 ft Please be aware that there are isolation distances for public water supplies. 3 Are the site/location slope requirements being met? (Sec. 11710491) 4 is the septage waste being disposed at the location authorized by the DEQ? , 5 Is the water table 30 inches or deeper below the applied septage waste? (Sec. 11710,M) , - 6 Are the corners or boundaries of the disposal location or field clearly marked? 7 Does the hauler have a current soil sample analysis report for this site/location? (Sec. 117091e]) (11710 fkl) --, 8 Are the soils suitable for septage waste disposal at this site/location? , I Land Site Management Practices ,_9 The Aoronomic Application Rate for this site/location is: gallons/acre/year _ 10 is the annual agronomic application rate limit exceeded? (Sec. 11710 feD . , 11 Is the sentaae volume/application/disposal log book available and complete? . mle? nrum th ntaria firm hRvA pri„unzio-rinte nrnminn plan? (Sec. 11710.111) this • ? a 14 Are farm animals allowed to oraze on the site? (Sec.11710.f Oil) — EQP 5900 (Rey. 512007) Site/Location Inspection Form Page 2 nimI mnt fnr htimn consumption? (Sec. 11710Thi) . Yes No NA i Santana Waste Mammement Practices 16 Is the septage screened or passed through a septage grinder *? (Sec. 11710.[I]) Rorillirael heninninn 1n112/n6 .. • - a S .. I • If - 1 ' 1 • • ' ; I • II r slats 3/8 inch or less? nrdirtnr vahiola nitrated for surface or injection application? a Ara "tin m auirlant et the rlisnosal Site? i Aimiraiiiiimairmaggiggotanallarland (without planted_ venetation/croos)? igmdiiiirmilagrokulipnlien over existinn oianted yeaetation/crops? Surface Application 1)9 ic corita rim vionqtizt surfare annlied? aimmliatlintann iinifnrrnlv anniiari usino sh plate or other device? (Sec. 11710Jal) 24 Is septage waste incorporated within 6 hours of application or lime stabilized and inrnmnraterf within 41:1 hours of application to fallow land? (Sec. 11710.10 9milm6iArikaggataggaivivcumulation/or pondino beyond 6 hours after application? Subsurface Injection AntArip waste subskarialajected? 97 Ic P gArliRCIfl waste uniformly applied usina application iniection knives? Is there septage waste accumulation and/or ponding on the soil surface that is ,XI nrnqnnt 'nert? than one hour after injection? Land Application of Septaae Waste in Winter Months** Q iq centane waste_Ja.nd enrolled durip winter months? written nInn for land application of seotape waste in winter months available? Septaae Waste Lime Stabilization nntnne WARiP nH alkali tested? (Sec. 11711.fa 1111 Arn rainy:Ant nnnessnrieq available to monitor seotaae waste oH? r pi _ • _ _ - Oa •it a -4 Food Establishment Waste iiif,nrwi n:.taiiiiqhmAnt septacie fFES land aooljed on this site/location? BOP 5900 (Rev. 5/2007) Site/Location Inspection Form Panel q with t a 1:3 ratio? (Sec. 11710. ' ' qA lg e qifinaratR inn knot by the seataae firm to track the land application of FES? Yes No NA Septum Waste Store= Facility f-47 nt1PA A sentane waste storaae facility (SWSA exist? : - i _ • a - .- • - n 0 I - -_ 1 S or la•oon . .alions qti le. thgt Anntnnn waste gtorsae_facilitv: 7 above crade 7 below oracle • other 4.1") Are leak monitorina devices installed to detect leaks of the SWSF? di Is there evidence that the SWSF is leakina? 42 Are odors evident? Action Recommended El In Compliance 0 Not In Compliance Other Action (If Applicable) Reinspection (or Follow up) Reinspection Date: D Warning Letter Sent 0 Referral to DEQ D Complaint D Other Inspector (Print): Signature: Date of Health Dept/County: Inspection: In Compliance means that the management of the land site has met the minimum requirements of the law based on the overall assessment of the inspection points stated above. A site in Compliance" may or may not require reinspection. Not In Compliance means that the management of the land site has not met the minimum requirements of the law based on the overall assessment of the inspection points stated above. A site "Not In Compliance" shall require reinspection in not more than 60 days from the date of the initial inspection. • Screening: A requirement to screen septage before land application took effect on October 12, 2006. ** Winter Septage Disposal: Septage waste can still be land applied when the ground is not frozen, if proper incorporation or injection is possible. Submit a written plan describing how winter disposal can be properly managed. Frozen Soil Disposal: A ban on septage waste disposal on frozen ground took effect on October 12, 2006. You may use additional sheet(s) for comments. EQP 5900 (Rev, 5/2007) In Compliance D Not in Compliance Department of Environmental Quality DECi- Water Bureau Septage Waste Program Vehicle inspection Checklist Prmed hy authority of Part 117 of Act 451. PA 1994. as amended Business Name: _ Owner Name:, County: DEO License No.: License Plate No.: Make & Year of Vehicle: Decal Number: Decal Expiration Date: VIN No.: Inspection Type 0 Annual 0 Reinspection 0 Complaint 0 Other Check list Yes No NA Comments 1. The operator carries a septage waste vehicle license in the vehicle (Sec.11704.121). 2. t The operator has documentation that it passed the annual Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations - I Part 396.17, 21) inspection. Weight limit: Over 10,000 lbs. 3. The vehicle and accessory equipment are clean and in good condition. (Sec. 11705). 4. Observed noticeable odors or leaks (Sec. 11705). 5. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) matches the one on the DEQ septage waste vehicle license. 6. The words licensed septage hauler" and the septage license number are on both sides of the vehicle and in 2-inch lettering or larger (Sec.11707). 7. *Daily volume records are available. 8. The tank holds a vacuum. (Check pressure gauge) — 9. Sight gauges or other devices are used to measure in gallons what is pumped from a septic tank. Describe the type. _ 10. . The capacity of the tank in gallons. Action Recommended Other Action (If Applicable) 0 Reinspection Re inspection Date: El Warning Letter Sent E Referral to DEQ D Complaint D Other Inspector (Print): Signature: Health Department: Date of Inspection: EQP 5901 (Rev. 3/2007) In Compliance means that the septage waste vehicle has met the minimum requirements of the law based on the overall assessment of the inspection points stated.above. A vehicle "In Compliance" may or may not require reinspection. Not In Compliance means that the septage waste vehicle has not met the minimum requirements of the law based on the overall assessment of the inspection points stated above. A vehicle "Not in Compliance" shall require reinspection in not more than 60 days from the date of the initial inspection. The driver should be able to produce inspection documentation on request. It may be the original or copy of the original inspection form. Inspection details are attached below. *The volume record shall include the date and volume pumped and where disposed. If disposed on land, vector/pathogen controls and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency certification statement shall be included on the "Land Application of Domestic Septage Report" form, EQP 5921. ±Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations The following information can be found on the annual federal motor carrier inspection report. • Part 396.21 Periodic inspection recordkeeping requirements. (a) The qualified inspector performing the inspection shall prepare a report which: (a)(1) Identifies the individual performing the inspection; (a)(2) Identifies the motor carrier operating the vehicle; (a)(3) Identifies the date of the inspection; (a)(4) Identifies the vehicle inspected; (a)(5) Identifies the vehicle components inspected and describes the results of the inspection, including the identification of those components not meeting the minimum standards set forth in appendix G to this subchapter; and (a)(6) Certifies the accuracy and completeness of the inspection as complying with all the requirements of this section. (b) (1) The original or a copy of the inspection report shall be retained by the motor carrier or other entity who is responsible for the inspection for a period of fourteen months from the date of the inspection report. The original or a copy of the inspection report shall be retained where the vehicle is either housed or maintained. (b)(2) The original or a copy of the inspection report shall be available for inspection upon demand of an authorized Federal, State or local official. (b)(3) Exception. Where the motor carrier operating the commercial motor vehicles did not perform the commercial motor vehicle's last annual inspection, the motor carrier shall be responsible for obtaining the original or a copy of the last annual inspection report upon demand of an authorized federal, state, or local official. [54 FR 50725, Dec. 8, 1989] For additional information, check the following links: Federal Site: http://www.fmcsa.dot.00v/ Michigan State Police Site: htto://www.michiaan.00virnso/0.1607,7-123-1564-17161--,00.htmi t Water Bureau Septage Program Septage Receiving Facility Inspection Completion of this frifM is voluntary RECEIVING STATION CHECKLIST tliEGOVINGAO.ItatreilMOMATiOt_4100 66)141ii*, --""- "''' .. •.z:!4.. :". *.7.7t1.- 764 , .,,, '''1'3'•.*,'"-1,40. ".-- ..-.4VE144n14.,,, '-',,,k,,/.',';'`zatZli-li7Z" NAME RECEIVING FACILITY OWNER ADDRESS MAINTAINER OF THE RECEIVING FACILITY CITY STATE ZIP : HOURS OF OPERATION 1 LLI•INING1N - olik,,,,,J4ON,'. : ,- -t,s;.',,'1,--..4---rx. 1. Are individual septage firm accounts established and tracked? j:: YES 0 NO 0 N/A 2. Are individual septage firms tracked on a per discharge basis? D YES 0 NO • N/A This would include the volume discharged on a per visit basis. S. Are firms and septage waste volumes tracked separately for all users • YES 0 NO • N/A disposing septage waste at this facility? Please attach a copy of the list of septage haulers using the facility and the number oloallons of seotage disposed at the plant per hauler. 4. Are the volumes totaled for each firm on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly • YES 0 NO 0 N/A basis? 5. How many gallons of septage waste are received annually at this facility? gallons , 6. Does the design of the receiving facility readily accommodate the septage 0 YES NO 0 N/A hauler? If not, please explain. . 1 7. Is the dump station ramp sloped resulting in the complete drainage of the EYES 0 NO 0 N/A septage waste vehicle? 8. Is the dump station maintained on a regular schedule? OYES 0 NO D N/A 9. Is staffing adequate to maintain the receiving facility? i DYES irj NO D N/A 10. is the receiving facility/dump station free of noxious odors? .` DYES I:I NO 0 N/A 11. Are odor control measures in place? OYES 0 NO 0 N/A 12. Describe how the screenings are managed and where they are disposed. , 13. Can the receiving facility be gated and locked to limit access? 0 YES D NO 0 N/A 14. Are there any safety issues? If so, please describe. OYES 0 NO 0 N/A Name of Inspector. Name of Health Dept.: Please send a copy of completed inspection to: Department of Environmental Quality Water Bureau, DWEHS-Septage Program P.D. Box 30273 Lansing, MI 48909-7773 Date of Inspection: No enforcement action is to be taken by the health department. Please use the back or attach sheets as necessary for additional inspection comments. EOP 5911 (Rev. 5/2007) PROGRAM E - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE SEPTAGE WASTE FY 2007-2008 LHD SEPTAGE PROGRAM Local Health Department No. of Counties Allocation Allenan 1 $5,000 Flarrv-EatoriDistrict 2 $3,000 Ray 1 $0 Ren7ie-Leelanau District 2 $7,500 Rpmen 1 $2,500 Rranch-l-finsciale-St. Joseph District 3 $10,500 Calhoun 1 $0 Central Michiaan District 6 $18,000 Chinnewa 1 $3,500 Delta-Menominee District 2 $7,500 Detroit. City of 0 $0 Dickinson-Iron District 2 $1,000 District #2 4 $11,500 District #4 4 $9,500 District #10 10 $15,000 Gresee 1 $0 .9 rand Traverse 1 $2,500 Holland. City of 0 $0 Huron 1 $4,500 Inaham 1 $0 Ionia 1 $4,500 Jackson 1 $950 Kalamazoo 1 $0 j;ent 1 $0 Lapeer 1 $3,000 Lenawee 1 $4,000 Iriyinaston 1 $1,100 Luce-Mackinac-Alaer-Schoolcraft District 4 $3,500 Macomb 1 $1,600 klarliae 1 $1,600. Mid-Michiaan District 3 $9,000 Midland 1 $3,000 Monroe 1 $1,800 Muskeaon I $1,400 Northwest Michiaan Community Health Agency 4 $16.000 Oakland I $4,100 Ottava 1 $650 Saainaw 1 $1,800 Saint Clair 1 $1,200 Sanilac 1 $0 Shiawassee 1 $1,700 Tuscola 1 $4,500 Van Buren/Cass District 2 $3,500 Washtenaw 1 $1,200 Wayne 1 $1,300 Western Ulmer Peninsula District 5 $2,600 Totals 83 (+ 2 Cities) $175,500 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM F OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS A. Statement of Purpose This agreement is intended to establish responsibilities for both the Local Entity and the State in the conduct of the On-Site Sewage Treatment Management Program (Program) services required under the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended, and the Administrative Rules. B. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity shall perform the following services for private single- and two-family homes and other establishments that generate less than 10,000 gallons per day of sanitary sewage: 1. Maintain an up-to-date regulation for on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems (Systems). The regulation shall be supplemented by established internal policies and procedures. Technical guidance for staff that defines site suitability requirements, the basis for permit approval and/or denial, and issues not specifically addressed by the regulation shall be provided. 2. Evaluate all parcels to determine the suitability of the site for the installation of initial and replacement Systems in accordance with applicable regulation(s). These evaluations shall be conducted by a trained sanitarian or equivalent and shall consist of a review of the permit application for the installation of a System and a physical evaluation of the site to determine suitability. 3. Accurately record on the permit to install the initial or replacement System or on an attachment to the permit the site conditions for each parcel evaluated including soil profile data, seasonal high water table, topography, isolation distances, and the available area and location for initial and replacement Systems. 4. Issue a permit, prior to construction, in accord with applicable regulation(s) for those sites that meet the criteria for the installation of a System. The permit shall include a detailed plan and/or specifications that accurately define the location of the initial or replacement System, System size, other pertinent construction details, and any documented variances. Detailed plans and/or specifications of the initial System shall also define the available area and location for a future replacement System. 5. Provide and keep on file formal written denials, stating the reason for denial, for those applications where site conditions are found to be unsuitable. 6. Conduct a construction inspection prior to covering each System to • confirm that the completed System complies with the requirements of the permit that has been issued. In limited circumstances where constraints prohibit staff from completing the required construction inspection in a timely manner, an effective alternate method to confirm the adequacy of the completed System shall be established. The effective alternative method shall be utilized for no more than 10 percent of the total number of final inspections unless specific authorization has been granted by the State for other percentage. The results of all such inspections or an alternate method shall be clearly documented. 7. Maintain an up-to-date functional filing system that includes easily retrievable information regarding all evaluations and permits, issued or denied, and the results of any appeals. 8. Conduct review and approval or rejection of proposed subdivisions, site condominiums and also land divisions under one acre in size for site suitability according to the statutes and Administrative Rules of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). 9. Utilize the State's "Michigan Criteria for Subsurface Sewage Disposal" (Criteria) for Systems other than private single- and two-family homes that generate less than 10,000 gallons per day. Systems treating less than 1,000 gallons per day may be approved in accordance with the Local Entity's regulation. Advise the State prior to issuance of a variance from the Criteria. Variances are only to be issued by the Director of Environmental Health of the Local Entity after consultation with the State. Appeals of any decision of the Local Entity pursuant to the Criteria including systems treating less than 1000 gallons evaluated in accordance with the Local Entity's regulation shall only be made to the State. 10. Maintain quarterly reports that summarize the total number of parcels evaluated, permits issued, alternative or engineered plans reviewed, number of appeals, number of inspections during construction, number of failed systems evaluated, and number of sewage complaints received and investigated. 2 11. Review all engineered or alternative System plans. Conduct adequate inspections during the various phases of construction to ensure proper installation. 12. Collect data at the time of permit issuance when a System has failed to document the System age, design, site conditions, and other pertinent factors that may have contributed to the failure of the original System. The results for all failed Systems evaluated shall be maintained in a retrievable file and assembled in an annual report summarizing the overall results. This report shall be provided on an annual basis to the State no later than 30 days after its completion. 13. Provide training for staff involved in the Prograrrra -s-necessary to maintain knowledge of current regulations and internal policies and procedures and to keep staff informed of technological improvements and advancements in Systems. 14. Establish and maintain an enforcement process that is utilized to resolve violations of the Local Entity and/or State's rules and regulations. 15. Investigate arid respond to all complaints related to Systems in a timely manner. Documentation confirming the nature of the complaint and resolution shall be maintained in a retrievable file. C. State Requirements The State shall perform the following services including but not limited to: 1. Provide training and guidance to the Local Entity in the form of procedural manuals; copies of rules; policies; and handouts; training meetings; joint inspections; and consultations. 2. Provide Program consultation and direct staff assistance where necessary in pursuing compliance with the applicable requirements. 3. Provide administrative oversight of the Local Entity's Program to determine whether the work performed is satisfactory according to the terms and conditions of this contract D. Payment Schedule and Reporting Requirements Reimbursement will be based upon the approved allocation schedule. The Program allocation schedule is attached depicting the funding amount for the services required in this agreement. 3 1. Quarterly programmatic reports shall be sent to: Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Mr. Richard Falardeau, who can be reached at 517-241-1345 or by email at falarder@michigan.gov . 2. Based on the Local Entity's satisfactory progress in fulfilling its responsibilities under this agreement, monthly payments will be made by the State beginning in October. 3. The final September payment will be made by the State upon receipt of a Financial Status Report, Form EQP 2069 (FSR), from the Local Entity and based upon the Local Entity's fulfillment of its responsibilities under this agreement. The final FSR is due by October 31, A blank copy of the FSR is attached. The FSR shall be sent to: Administration Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Ms. Kara Benjamin, who can be reached at 517-335-3357 or at benjamink@michigan.gov . E. Accountability . The Local Entity shall maintain adequate accounting and employee activity records to reflect that all funds granted under this contract have been expended for the Program activities, as approved by the State. These records shall be made available upon request for audit by the State. Records will be retained by the Local Entity until an audit has been completed by the State or permission has been granted by the State to dispose of the records. 4 IN '7 DE Agency: Reporting Period: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Water Bureau Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section Authorized by / 978 PA 368, as amended Local Health Department Quarterly Report On-Site Sewage Program Residential Information The following data shall be reported to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Bureau, by local health departments on a quarterly basis, within 15 days of the end of each quarter within the fiscal year. In order to receive payment, this data must be reported. Person submitting report: -----........... 1st 2nd 3rd , 4th . Number of Parcels Evaluated Number of On-Site Sewage Disposal Permits Issued Number of Alternative or Engineered System Plans Approved Number of Appeals Processed Number of Inspections Conducted during and/or after . Construction Number of Failed System Evaluations Conducted Number of Complaints Received . Number of Complaints Investigated . , ,:-. .... 'I st Quarter = October/November/December 2nd Quarter = January/February/March 3rd Quarter = April/May/June 4th Quarter = July/August/September Please return completed report to: WB — DRINKING WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION MI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 30273 LANSING MI 48909-7773 EQP 2057b (9/2004) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th D EA Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Water Bureau Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section Authorized by 1978 PA 368, as ame;ided Local Health Department Quarterly Report On-Sith Sewage Program Non-Residential Information The following data shall be reported to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Bureau, by local health departments on a quarterly basis, within 15 days of the end of each quarter within the fiscal year. In order to receive payment, this data must be reported. Agency: , Reporting Period: Person submitting report: ___........ .---..- . . ............. ......_ .., • , _- - - Number of Parcels Evaluated , : , Number of On-Site Sewage Disposal Permits issued .. IIII ;., Number of Alternative or Engineered System Plans , " Approved MI Number of Appeals Processed it Number of Inspections Conducted during and/or after Construction Number of Failed System Evaluations Conducted Number of Complaints Received MEI Number of Complaints Investigated 11111111 1 st Quarter = October/November/December 2 nd Quarter = January/February/March 3 rd Quarter = April/May/June 4th Quarter = July/August/September Please return completed report to: WB— DRINKING WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION MI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 30273 LANSING Mi 48909-7773 EQP 2057a (9/2004) PROGRAM F - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT FY 2007-2008 LHD ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT Local Health De •artment No. of Counties Allocation iiiiaiiliP 1 $92,677 allakfaitiiiihlgra 2 $182,903 ailiV 1 $66,184 Ramip-I pplanaii Distriri; 2 $94.176 ArairiP 1 $57287 Rrarinh-Hiliqriain-Rt ,Insenh District 3 $164,870 (Ihniin 1 $93,609 r.pntral MinOinan District 6 $415,739 nrw 1 $61,090 rinItn-tvinnominae District 2 $89,323 ., lagrailmrilaa 0 $0 Dinkinsnn-irr District 2 $62,168 1 Diqtrint 49 4 $107,693 Diqtrict #4 4 $154,998' Dien& #10 10 $231,447 OrPrgIRAR 1 $265,670 ciranri TravP.rse 1 $72,664 Hniland City of 0 $0 Hi iron 1 $48,222 innham 1 $97,791 loom 1 $52,361 .lartVon 1 $96,681 iri:2= 1 $88,621 KAnt 1 $185,715 1 annar 1 $0 1 annwrin 1 $93,938 I ivinniton 1 $161,955 I iirp-Mankinac-Aloar-SChoo craft District 4 $68,523 pint-tome) 1 $275,212 Marmatta 1 $64,893 Mirl-Michinan District 3 $285,356 Wand 1 $105,919 Mnnrca 1 $61,272 . Milsicanon 1 $50,189 Mortgiyant Mirthinan Community Health Acencv 4 $312,193 an kla nel 1 $369,975 Ottawa 1 $197,180 Raninaw 1 $108,763 Raint Cliair 1 $194,274 Spann 1 $29,898 Rhiawassan 1 $80,709 1 $0 Van Ritran/Cass District 2 $10,237 WilaAhtAnaw 1 $344,546 Vtiavon. 1 $69,528 Vtipiztpro i Imre Panirm fla DVrict $52,561 Tot is 83 (+ 2 Cities) $5,719.010 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM G OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 PRIVATE AND TYPE IU DRINKING WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS A. Statement of Purpose This agreement is intended to establish responsibilities for both the Local Entity and the State in the conduct of Private and Type III Drinking Water Supply Program services required under Part 127, 1978 PA 368, as amended, and the Administrative Rules, and in accordance with the attached Minimum Program Requirements (MPR). B. Local Entity Requirements The Local Entity shall perform the following services including but not limited to: 1. Perform water well permitting activities, predrilling site reviews and water supply system inspections for code compliance purposes with qualified individuals classified as sanitarians or equivalent, 2. Assign one individual to be responsible for quarterly reporting of the data and to coordinate communication with the assigned State staff. Reports shall be submitted no later than fifteen (15) days following the end of the quarter on forms provided by the State. 3. Perform the activities described in items 5 through 8 of the MPR dated October 1, 1996, the associated performance indicators, and use the "Guidance Manual for the Private and Type III Drinking Water Supply Program," October 2002, as furnished by the State to implement the MPR provisions. C. State Requirements The State shall perform the following services including but not limited to: 1. Provide training and guidance to the Local Entity in the form of procedural manuals, training meetings, joint inspections, consultations, and copies of rules, policies, and handouts. 2. Provide necessary forms for water well records and abandoned well plugging records and Wellogic access for review of electronic water well record data. 3. Provide program consultation and direct staff 1(..:U where necessary ' in pursuing compliance with applicable construction and water quality standards and in the completion of water quality investigations. D. Payment Schedule Reimbursement will be based upon the approved funding formula applied to the number of predrilling site reviews and final inspections performed, and abandoned wells plugged in the geographical area served by the Local Entity. The FY 2007-2008 allocation schedule is attached depicting the funding amount for the services required in this agreement. 1. Quarterly programmatic reports shall be sent to: Well Construction Unit, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Mr, Michael Gaber who can be reached at 517-241-1374 or by e-mail at gaberm@michigan.gov . 2. Based on the Local Entity's satisfactory progress in fulfilling its responsibilities under this agreement, monthly payments will be made by the State beginning in October. 3. The final September payment will be made by the State upon receipt of a financial status report (FSR) (form EQP 2069) from the Local Entity and based upon the Local Entity's fulfillment of its responsibilities under this agreement. The final FSR is due by October 31, A blank copy of the FSR is attached. The FSR should be sent to: Administration Section, Water Bureau, MDEQ, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7773. The contact person is Ms. Kara Benjamin who can be reached at 517-335-3357 or by e-mail at benjamink@michigan.gov . E. Accountability The Local Entity shall maintain adequate accounting and employee activity records to reflect that all funds granted under this contract have been expended for the program activities as approved by the State. These records shall be made available upon request for audit by the MDEQ. Records will be retained by the Local Entity until an audit has been completed by the MDEQ or permission has been granted by the MDEQ to dispose of the records. 2 D Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Water Bureau Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section Authorized by 1978 PA 368 and 1970 PA 399, as amended Local Health Department Quarterly Report Private and Type III Public Ground Water Supply Program The following data shall be reported to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Division, by local health departments on a quarterly basis, within 15 days of the end of each quarter within the fiscal year. In order to receive payment, this data must be reported. Agency: Reporting Period: Person submitting report p•amm..1 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th H. Number of Well Permits Issued 2 Number of Pied ruling Site Reviews Completed 3. Number of Final Inspections of Newly Completed Water Well S stems 4. Number of Final Inspections with -- Construction Code Violations Observed 1 , 5. Number of Approvals Issued for Newly Corn s leted Water Well S sterns , 6. Number of Violation Notices/Correction Orders Issued 7. Number of Corrections Obtained After Violation Notice/Order Letter 8. Number of Abandoned Wells Plugged 9. Number of Escalated Enforcement Actions (Prosecution or Civil Fines) --.1— 1 st Quarter = October/November/December 2nri Quarter = January/February/March 3rd Quarter = April/May/June 4th Quarter = July/August/September Please return completed report to: WB — DRINKING WATER & ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION MI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 30273 LANSING MI 48909-7773 Comp!eted forms may be submitted by FAX to 517-241-1328 EQP 2057(3) (9/2004) PROGRAM G - ALLOCATION SCHEDULE PRIVATE AND TYPE III DRINKING WATER SUPPLY FY 2007-2008 LHD PRIVATE AND TYPE III DRINKING WATER SUPPLY ,Local Health Department No. of Counties Allocation Alleaan 1 $72,817 Rarry-Paton District 2 $190,369, Ray 1 $18,667 Ren7le-Leel1nau District 2 $73,995 Berrien 1 $89,604 Rranch-Hillsriale-St. Joseph pistrict 3 • $146,206 Calhoun 1 $59,848 Central Michiaan Districj 6 $383,759 Chinoewa 1 $35,878 , Delta-Menominee District 2 $36,484 Detroit. City of 0 $0 Dickinson-Iron Districj 2 $24,176 District #2 4 $68,853 District #4 4 $166,427 Di trict #10 10 $271,698 GintISSAR 1 $125,021 Grand Traverse 1 $138,408 Holland_ City of 0 $0 Huron 1 $41,078 Inaham 1 $48,165 Ionia 1 $17,453 .lackson 1 $82,358 KRIAMEZOD 1 $227,882 Kant 1 $151,949 I anger 1 $0 I enawee 1 $114,813 Livinaston 1 $122,177 I ilce-MacSinac-Alaer-Schocicraft District 4 $56,064 Macomb 1 $56,369 Marinette 1 $22,800 Mid-Michioan District 3 $90,112 Midland 1 $37,215 Monroe 1 $71,928 Muskeaon 1 $93,209 Northwest Michiaan Community Health Agency 4 $121,408 Oakland 1 $510,917 Ottawa 1 $115,804 Siiiinaw 1 $36,254 Saint gair 1 $54,795 Sanilic 1 $21,651 Shiawassee 1 , $60,886 Tusigla 1 $10,187 Van BilreryCass District J 2 $5,042 Washtenaw 1 $86,137 Wayne County . 1 $8,593 ,westem [inner Peninsula DisVict 5 $0 Totals 83 1+2 Cities) $4.167,456 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU PROGRAM H OCTOBER 1, 2007 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 CAMPGROUND REQUIREMENTS A. Bad* and Agreement Requirements This agreement is intended to establish an inspection payment schedule to the Grantee for the renewal of an annual license when fees are collected from the respective Grantee's jurisdiction in accordance with Section 12510 of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended. This agreement is also intended to establish a reimbursement schedule to the State for the issuance of a temporary license when fees are collected by the Grantee in accordance with Section 12510 of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended. The State will reimburse the Grantee on a lump sum basis at $25 for each annually license campground inspection. The Grantee will reimburse tne State on a lump sum basis all but $25 of the fee for each temporary license. Annual payments will be made for those campgrounds which have all fees paid in full and an inspection report has been submitted. B. Grantee Requirements The Grantee will collect license fees for temporary campgrounds within its jurisdiction in accordance with Section 12506a of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended, issue or deny the temporary campground licenses, and provide a copy of the approved or denied license to the Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section (DWEHS), Lansing Operations Division (LOD), Water Bureau (WB), MDEQ. The Grantee will conduct an inspection of all campgrounds under its jurisdiction, investigate complaints, conduct meetings and/or conferences relative to compliance issues, and complete a Campground Inspection Report (Form EQP 1715) as provided by the Drinking Water and Environmental Health Section (DWEHS), Lansing Operations Division (LOD), Water Bureau (WB), MDEQ, or other report form approved by the MDEQ. Only campgrounds that have submitted a license application and paid appropriate licensing fees should be inspected. All campgrounds should be inspected during the months of May, June, July, August, and September 2007. Completed inspection reports should be forwarded to the MDEQ within two to four weeks following the inspection, but in no case later than September 30, 2007. Reports should be sent to: MDEQ, WB, LOD, DWEHS, 525 West Allegan, P.O. Box 30273, Lansing, Michigan 48909. The contact person is Ms. Nancy Allen who can be reached at 517-241-1340. C. State Requirements For annual campground licenses, the State will provide the Grantee with a list of campgrounds from that jurisdiction that have submitted the appropriate fee and annual license application. The State will furnish periodic status reports to each Grantee indicating the number of annual license applications, fees, and inspection reports received. The State will reimburse the Grantee $25 for each of those campgrounds inspected during the year ending September 30, 2007, by the Grantee's staff or designated representative. The payment shall be on a lump sum basis. The State will provide technical assistance when requested and periodic oversight. For temporary campground licenses, the State will provide the Grantee with a list of temporary campground license applications received from the Grantee's jurisdiction and an invoice for the appropriate lump sum charge in accordance with Section 12506a.of the Public Health Code, 1978 PA 368, as amended, less the $25 portion of the fee intended for the Grantee in accordance with Section 12510. 2 TOTAL MODERN PRIMITIVE TOTAL NOTE: / Indicates Satisfactory Compliance x Inclicatee Noncompliance - Indicates Item Does Not Apply TYPE OF CAMPGROUND Number of individual Sites Equivalent No. of Group Sites Privies: (Rules 6a and 16) ____ Adequate Number Properly Constructed Located >50 ft. from Campsites Proper Maintenance Sewage Collection & Treatment System: (Rules 11. '12, and 13) Sewer Risers 2 inches Above-Grade Closed on Vacant Sites 5 It. o7 More to Water Riser Sanitary Connection to Recreational Vehicles. Septic Tank Properly Maintained, Last Pumped / / (Date) No Buried Storage Tanks (Rule 19) Seepage Pits (Rule 1B) Lagoon: (Rules 10 and 14) Berms Maintained Weeds Under Control No Evidence of Muskrats No Dike Erosion Gate & elice Warning Signs Certified Operator Prober Access Road No Nuisance Coneitions Disposal; (R0le51(1 arid 141 No Evidence of Failed Tile Field, Irrigation Area. Seepage Cells Properly Maintained and Operated Discharge, Moeitoeng and Flow Reports Suornitted Current Disci-large Permit or Authorization Sanitary Station: {Rule 25) Required Properly Constructed and Maintained Garbage and Refuse Disposal: (Rule 31) Sufficient Number Emptied as Required Properly Maintained Disposal in Accord With Lew Miscellaneous Requirements: Roadways Maintained Vehicle Parking Off Roads (Rule 8) Manager Available Emergency Phone es Posted (Rule 7) Electrical Installation No Buried Extension Cords (Rule 33) Swimming Pool Bathing each (Rule 35) Measuree taken to Reduce Mosquito Population (Rule 31) Service &Aiding, Grounds, Facilities Maintained/Clean (Rule 27) No Changes without LHD/MIDECI Construction Approvals (Rule 3) MICI-i IGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER BUREAU CAMPGROUND INSPECTION REPORT Issued under outoorily or Pad '25 olAri 8. PA 1970. as afnendes Ar inspectice is reouirod for bovrmure. DEZ. Campground Name: InSpection Date: Owner's Name and Address: L - Location: County: Number of Sites w/ Electrical Service Number af Sites WI Seepage Pits Number of Sites wl Water Connections Number of Sites w/ Sewer Connections Number of Unthreaded Water Outlets Sites — General: (Rule 6) License Fee Paid Construction Affidavit. Plumbing & Electrical Approvals for New Facilities or Sites Site Layout Complies with Approved Plan Sites Numbered Boundaries Designated 4 ft Unobstructed Path Around RVs No Permanent Structures on Campground Sites Drainage One RV per Site No Unlicensed Sites/Areas Group Sites: (Rule 6b) Area Boundaries Designated Signs Posted Record Kept 4 ft. Path Around RVs Emergency Vehicle Access Maintained Water Supply: (Rule 9) Municipal Type II Tyne Ill Well: Proper Construction Adequate Capacey Isoiatinn Properly Mamtained & Operated Above-Grade Well House Sample Tap. Pump-to-Waste, Cl2 Distribution: (Rule 9) Disinfected Before Opening. Last Sampied _I _,j (Date) Result (Califon-a/in ml) No Stop & Waste Valves No Buried Hoses One RV per CO Outlet Proper Operation & Maintenance Water Treatment: (Act 399) Type: Certified Operator Monthly Operation Reports Submitted Service Building; (Rule 21) Ventilation Windows Screened • Ccvine Self-Closing Exterior Doors Fixtures in Working Order Lighting Proper Plumbing. No Cross Connections Hot Water 120°F or Less Maintenance Adequate Number of Fixtures I No of Seprim Buildings: I MALE FEMALE UNISEX , Nueberegelneeeteries (Sinks) . : Number of Toilets : Number of Urinals . Number of Showers RECOMMENDATION REGARDING LICENSURE At the time of inspection, the facilities were found to be in substantial compliance with the law are rules; therefore, a license is recommended. This facility is NOT in substantial compliance. a follow-up iespection will be made on II . All violations must be corrected at this time. This facility is NOT in substantial comphance and ficensere ir.annet be recommended. Violations are as indicated above: additional comments below: Additional Comments: LK) or MDEO Rep; Person Interviewed NOTE: Use Campground Inspection Report Supolement Torn EQ 1715-1) for additional rerneres. DISTRIBUTION: WHITE — DE O CANARY — CAMPGROUND OWNER PINK — LOCAL HeALTH DEPARTMENT EGP 1715 r.C1t5/20051 PROGRAM H ALLOCATION SCHEDULE CAMPGROUND INSPECTIONS FY 2007-2008 LHD INSPECTION OF CAMPGROUNDS WITH AN ANNUAL LICENSE rcZI Health Department No. of Counties No of CGs Allocation n.. Allegan 1 40 $1,000 Barry-Eaton District 2 36 $900 , Bay 1 10 $250 Benzie-Leelanau District 2 30 $750 perrien 1 18 - $450 Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph District 3 70 $1,750 ,Calhoun 1 2 $50 ,Central Michigan District 6 116 $2,900 Chippewa 1 38 $950 Delta-Menominee District 2 28 $700 Detroit, City of 0 1 , $25 Dickinson-Iron District 2 26 $650 District #2 4 60 $1,500 District #4 4 62 $1.550 , District #10 10 280 $7,000 Genesee 1 12 $300 Grand Traverse 1 24 $600 Holland, City of 0 1 $25 Huron 1 36 $900 Ingham 1 10 $250 Ionia 1 10 $250 Jackson 1 36 $900 .Kalamazoo 1 10 $250 Kent 1 24 $600 Lapeer 1 24 $600 Lenawee 1 24 $600 Livingston 1 10 $250 Luce-Mackinac-Alger-Schoolcraft District 4 86 $2,150 ' rMacomb 1 2 $50 Marquette 1 20 $500 Mid-Michigan District 3 38 $950 Midland 1 10 , $250 Monroe 1 20 $500 1.11.tke9on 1 — 24 $600 Northwest Michigan Community Health Agenc 4 60 $1,500 , Oakland 1 26 $650 Ottawa 1 24 $600 Saginaw 1 12 $300 Saint Clair 1 16 $400 anilac 1 14 $350 Shiawassee 1 ' 12 $300 Tuscola 1 14 $350 Van Buren/Cass District 2 62 $2,050 Washtenaw 1 10 $250 _ Wayne 1 6 $150 'Western Upper Peninsula District 5 4-4 $1,100 /Totals 83 (- 2 Ctes) 1,558 $38,950 ' DEC. 11111t-er111.1.114111 IJGrAll 1 IIVICPI I ;Jr GI V 111UPIIVIMPII I PA6 toRARLI I 1' WATER DIVISION FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT FOR LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES Authorrzed by 197R PA 9613 and 1976 PA 9139, es arrencied Page of • — Local Agency Report Period thru Date Agreement Period thru EXPENDMJRE CATEGORY I Non-Community Water Supply On-Site Sewage Drinieng Water Steeply Beach Monitoring 1 Salanes & Wages I 2 Fringe Benefits I 3 Cap Exo for Equip & Fac _......, 4 Contractual (Sub-Contracts) I 5 Other Expenses: , 6 Supplies & Materials 7 Travel , B Communications —.....,. 9 County/City Central Services 10 Space Cowls ..- 11 AU Others (ADP & Misc.) 12 Total Direct Expenditures 1.- _.—.._ I 13 __Admin. Oil-i Coal Rate 01 % I 14 , Adrnin, 0/1-1 Cost Rate #2 % ' 15 Total Direct & AdmIn Expenditures : . L , , la Total Expenditures Net Allowable Expenditures For Local Public Health Operations _ — 17 Net Alieweble ExpeiXIItures IS State LPHO 19 Local Funds - Fees 1st & 2nd Party 20 Local Funds - Other , BILLING AND BUDGET STATUS - 21 Total Expenditures: Line 10 , 22 Less Previously Elliled 1 23 Current Amount Due a- ...ma., I 24 Agreement Amount ' 25 Less Billed-to-Date: (Line 22 plus Line 23) 26 __ Agreement Balance i CERTIFICATION: I certify tnat I am authorized to sign on behalf of the local agency arid that this is a true and correct statement of expenditures and collections for the report period. Appropriate documentation is available and will be maintained for the required period. -, Signature Title Date COMPLETION IS A CONDITION OF REIMBURSEMENT Please return completed form to: WATER BUREAU - ADMINISTRATION SECTION MI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 525 W ALLEGAN PO BOX 30273 LANSING MI 48909-7773 EDP 2069(912004) SCHEDULE A FY 08 FY /08 FY /08 Adopted Adjustment Amended Bupst Furl 20221 Health Fund Revenue 9010101 134190 695500 10100 Transfer In $28,559,7€22.00 -$45,536.00 $28,514,226.00 1060220 134190 615571 Water Supply Requirements $151,303.00 6.534.00 $151,837.00 1060220 134190 610313 Operator- Certification $0-00 $63,700.00 $63,700.00 1060220 134190 610313 Arsenic Rule Implementation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1050220 134190 510313 Capacity Developmert $6,100.00 -$1,312.00 $6,788.00 1060220 134220 515571 Long-Term Monitoring $71,736.00 59.606.00 $62,130.00 1060220 134170 510313 Radon Requirements $7,500.00 -$7,500.00 $0.00 1060220 134170 615571 Radon Testing $7.500.30 •7,500.00 $0.00 1060220 134210 515571 Public. Swimming Pool $31.9130.00 $1,020.00 $33,000.00 1060220 134060 515571 Septage Requirements $4,000.00 $100.00 14,100.00 1060220 134080 515571 On-Site Sewage $369,975.00 $0.00 $369,975.00 1060220 134200 615571 Private & Type III Drinking Water Supply $610,917.00 $0,00 $510,917.00 1060220 134230 615571 Campground Requirements $550.00 $100.00 $650.00 SUE TOTAL $1,163,561.00 $45 .538.0Q 31.20,097.00 TOTAL HEALTH FUND REVENUE Fund 10100 General Fund Expense . 9090101 196030 730359 Contingency 146.744.00 45,536.00 192.2130.40 9090101 959999 788001 20221 Transfers Out 26,559,762.00 -45,536.00 28,514,226.00 28.706.506.00 0.00 28,705.506 00 2 FISCAL NOTE (MISC. 108075) April 24, 2008 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, MIKE ROGERS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (BEDEW REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI:-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above-referenced resolution and finds: I. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has awarded a reimbursement agreement to the Oakland County Health Division for services related to Non-Community (Type II) Water Supply, Long-Term Drinking Water Monitoring, Radon, Public Swimming Pool Inspections, Septage, On-Site Sewage, Campground Inspection and Drinking water Supply. 2. The grant award is for $1,209,097, which is a $6,664 decrease over the previous reimbursement agreement of $1,215,761. 3. The FY 2008 Budget reflects $1,163,561 in revenue for these services, and a budget amendment is recommended as detailed in the attached schedule, to reflect the new reimbursement awarded. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roil call vote with Rogers absent. Y APPROVE THE FOREGONG RESOLUTION Resolution #08075 April 24, 2008 Moved by Greimel supported by Long the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted) AYES: Burns, Coleman, Crawford. Douglas, Gershenson. Gosselin, Gregory, Greimel, Hatchett, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long. Middleton, Nash, Potts, Scott, Spector, Zack, Bullard. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on April 24, 2008, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 24th day of Apri:, 2008. Gat Ruth Johnson, County Clerk